International Container Terminal Services, Inc.


International Container Terminal Services, Inc.
Container Terminal
Services, Inc.
I n t e r n at I o n a l e d I t I o n
Container Terminal
Services, Inc.
december 2012
ICTSI Global Operations
ICTSI launches Mindanao’s
largest container terminal
A Message
from the Chairman
SCIPSI’s IMS recommended
for re-certification
Staff Box
International PortFolio is published by International Container
Terminal Services, Inc. for its employees, clients, and friends.
NarleNe a. SorIaNo
JupITer l. KalambaKal
JohN paulo C. CoSTINIaNo
ZINNo b. GudeZ
marIe aNNalIe T. marfIl
maverICK a. JavIer
paolo mIGuel S. raCelIS
JuSTINo ramoN l. TayaG III
Photographers roNNel p. JavIer
dexTer f. laNdICho
edward r. mIlaG
Managing Editor
Associate Editor
ICTSI Ltd. names VP
for Global Infrastructure
Do Good
Manila alberT JoSeph r. CaNCeraN
ma. CoNCepCIoN m. dIZoN
byroN GeorGe m. GoNda
Joy e. lapuZ
roSe a. lobrIN
rICardo d. paredeS
JeSToNIe v. vINSoN
Davao City ChIara may C. aTIS
Gen. Santos City reJamNa S. paNdaNGaN
Misamis Oriental KIrK KhurNylla S. rayoSo
mIGuel Chalar
fabIaNa SouZa
apollo Zhou
Iva romaN
KaTTy oSSa bIaNChI
beNJamIN d. roSarIo
rINI herawaTy
TaKeToShI Toyama
mIChael raTrImo
pamela de la veGa
mIChal KuZaJCZyK
davId TrZyZewSKI
Level Up
Tagum: Palm Tree City
of the Philippines
SCIPSI receives IiP
Bronze accreditation
CMSA introduces SCT-II
to Mexican brokers
Gearing Up
If you wish to receive a copy of the International PortFolio, please write, call or e-mail us at:
Public Relations Office, ICTSI Administration Bldg.
Manila International Container Terminal, MICT South Access Road
Port of Manila, 1012 Manila, Philippines
Telephone: +632 / 245 4101 • E-mail: • URL:
T h e O f f i c i a l P u b l i c a t i o n o f I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n t a i n e r Te r m i n a l S e r v i c e s , I n c .
T h e O f f i c i a l P u b l i c a t i o n o f I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n t a i n e r Te r m i n a l S e r v i c e s , I n c .
I n t e r n at I o n a l e d I t I o n
Container Terminal
Services, Inc.
december 2012
ICTSI Newsbreak
An artist’s perspective of a re-developed
Hijo International Port
International Container Terminal Services, Inc. (ICTSI)
recently launched the re-development of Hijo International
Port (HIP) in the Davao Gulf into the largest container
terminal in Mindanao in southern Philippines.
ICTSI and partner, Hijo Resources Corp. (HRC), launched HIP’s
development plans during the Davao City Chamber of Commerce
and Industry’s Second Davao Investment Conference and Exhibit last
November at the SMX Convention Center in Lanang, Davao City.
“I proudly announce that you will see more of the color orange in
the heart of Davao Gulf, as ICTSI and Hijo Resources come together
to offer Hijo International Port, a massive commitment to the
continued development of a peaceful and progressive Mindanao,” said
Rosanna Tuason-Fores, President and Chief Executive Officer of Hijo
Estate Resorts.
“With ICTSI, we are confident that the Mindanao businessman
can now more efficiently tap a global market. We are confident
that the small farmer will be able to get higher margins for his fresh
produce. We will bring costs lower for corporate buyers as we
bring the benefits of modern logistics to the local farmers and global
consumers,” she added.
In mid-November, ICTSI acquired the 65 percent controlling stake
in Hijo International Port Services, Inc. (HIPS), owner and developer
of the HIP, a private commercial port located within the Hijo Estates,
a special economic zone owned by HRC in Tagum City, Davao del
Norte. HIPS is a joint venture company of ICTSI and HRC.
“ICTSI is raising the bar in port operations in the Davao Gulf with
HIPS. We are ready to transform the HIP into southern Philippines’
premier international trade gateway,” said Jose Manuel de Jesus, ICTSI
Vice President for Business Development–Asia.
“This comes at an opportune time when Mindanao’s international
trade is growing at an unprecedented pace, and the need to transport
the region’s imports and exports quickly and safely is of prime
necessity,” he added.
At full development, the port will have an area of over 50 hectares
and an annual capacity of about two million TEUs. Its 12-meter draft
berth will be among the longest in the Philippines at 1,200 meters,
T h e O f f i c i a l P u b l i c a t i o n o f I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n t a i n e r Te r m i n a l S e r v i c e s , I n c .
capable of servicing five to seven
vessels at one time.
Development plans include
terminal automation and the
rollout of leading edge port
technology used in major
global trade gateways. On full
development, the HIP will be
equipped with 12 Panamax
quay cranes and 36 rubber tired
gantries–the largest container
handling equipment fleet in
Ms. Tuason-Fores speaks
Currently, the HIP is
before the conference
a reclaimed, brownfield
development of over 10 hectares. delegates in Davao City.
It has two berths, 127 meters long
and 150 meters long; two cargo sheds located in the wharf area; and
various terminal support facilities. It handles approximately 300,000
metric tons of mostly banana volumes annually.
Mindanao is the Philippines’ “fruit basket” where the country’s
major fruit exports are produced. The export of bananas makes the
country the world’s third largest banana exporter, and the largest in
Asia. The HIP will address the growing fruit trade in the Davao region
and the high demand to transport delicate fruit produce through
refrigerated containers.
The HIP will also serve the estate’s agro-industrial locators, such
as enterprises involving food manufacturing and processing, and its
support industries like warehousing and packaging.
The port’s strengths lies in its proximity to major Asian markets;
proximity to large fruit plantations; land accessibility via arterial routes
such as the Davao–Butuan Highway, Tagum–Mati Highway, Tagum–
Maco Highway and Bukidnon–Talaingod Road.
As with all of ICTSI’s ports, the HIP will be operated at
internationally accepted standards
for port operation. With backing
from ICTSI, HIPS has easy access
to professional port management
and expertise, development
resources and funding, and
training and advancement for the
Including the HIP, ICTSI is
now involved in 28 ports in 19
countries. The HIP is ICTSI’s
seventh terminal in the Philippines.
ICTSI’s partner, HRC, is a
diversified group involved in
leisure and tourism, agribusiness,
At the Second Davao
property development and port
Investment Conference and
operations. Established in 1959,
Exhibit (from left): Rosanna
the company is a pioneer in the
Tuason-Fores, Hijo Estate
cultivation and exportation of
Resorts President and Chief
Cavendish bananas to Japan.
Executive Officer; and Jose
HRC’s flagship project, the
Manuel de Jesus, International
Estates, is a 770-hectare
Container Terminal Services,
township composed of a
Inc. Vice President for Business
modern port and
Development-Asia and Hijo
estate, which
International Port Services, Inc.
and leisure areas.
Tagum City is a first class city of
the first congressional district of
the province of Davao del Norte,
Philippines. It is also the province’s
capital. Cited as one of the 20
most viable and most competitive
business sites in the Philippines
in 2005 by the Philippine Cities
Competitiveness Ranking Project,
Tagum City is one of the fastestgrowing cities in Mindanao and in the Philippines. In 2006, it
became known as the Palm Tree City of the Philippines. It holds
an unofficial record for having the tallest Christmas tree in the
Philippines. At 153 feet tall, the stunning structure, which was
erected at the Freedom Park behind the City Hall, rivaled Puerto
Princesa City’s 100 feet tall Christmas tree. Tagum City is also
home to the world’s biggest wooden rosary, which can be found
at the Christ the King Cathedral. Since 2000, the city has annually
hosted the Musikahan Festival aimed at showcasing the musical
talents of Tagumeños, Mindanaoans and Filipinos in general.
Palm Tree
City of the
T h e O f f i c i a l P u b l i c a t i o n o f I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n t a i n e r Te r m i n a l S e r v i c e s , I n c .
I n t e r n at I o n a l e d I t I o n
ICTSI Newsbreak
december 2012
SCIPSI receives
liP Bronze
A Message
from the
I congratulate all of you, the hardworking men and
women of the ICTSI Group, for a job well done all year
long. Thank you for keeping our Company on top and
on course.
We achieved much this year. We signed a subconcession agreement with Lekki Port LFTZ for the
development and operation of the container terminal at
Tolaram Port@Lekki in Nigeria. In the last quarter, we
acquired 65 percent of the outstanding capital stock of
Hijo International Port Services, Inc., owner of the Hijo
International Port, a private commercial port in Tagum
City, Davao del Norte in the Gulf of Davao, Philippines.
We also completed the acquisition of 41.627 percent of the total issued capital of Pakistan International Container Terminal
Ltd. Last but not the least, our volumes and earnings group-wide continued to rise.
We continued to be cited for our good work. We were hailed as Best Investor Relations Company in the Philippines by
CorporateGovernanceAsia. The latter also cited our Company’s continuing commitment to the development of corporate
governance in the region. Earlier on, our US$350 million perpetual corporate hybrid bond transaction won as the
Philippine Capital Markets Deal of the Year from IFR Asia in 2011 and Best Deal of the Year from The Asset.
I expect another good year ahead, especially as we look forward to celebrating our 25th year. It has been a challenging
yet rewarding 25 years. I expect the same for the next year, and further down the road. I shall continue to challenge
myself and you to step up to the plate, further raise the ramp for an even more exceptional year ahead.
I also extend my profound gratitude to clients and stockholders who travel the road with us. I am confident that we
shall continue to gain benefits from our business partnerships.
May you and your loved ones receive abundance, grace and glee this holiday season and the year to come.
Enrique K. Razon Jr.
ICTSI Chairman and President
Container Terminal
Services, Inc.
T h e O f f i c i a l P u b l i c a t i o n o f I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n t a i n e r Te r m i n a l S e r v i c e s , I n c .
South Cotabato Integrated Port Services, Inc. (SCIPSI) recently
received the Bronze Award for Investors in People (IiP), becoming
the first and only Philippine company to obtain the accreditation. The
awarding ceremony was held during the general membership meeting
of the People Management Association of the Philippines (PMAP) at
the Hotel Intercontinental in Makati City last 24 October. IiP helps
various organizations develop performance through their people.
Photo shows Gabriel Muñasque (fifth from left), SCIPSI General
Manager, receiving a plaque of recognition from Gerry Plana (sixth
from left), IiP Philippines Chief Executive; and Teresita Villanueva
(far right), IiP Assessor. Also in photo are (from left): Arthur
Luis Florentin, PMAP President; Reynaldo Escosura, Union
President; Nestor Tirol, SCIPSI Assistant Operations Manager;
and Rejamna Pandangan, SCIPSI Human Resources Senior
Supervisor. (Rejamna Pandangan)
recommended for
South Cotabato Integrated Port Services, Inc.’s (SCIPSI)
OHSEQS Integrated Management System comprising ISO
9001: 2008 (QMS), ISO 14001: 2004 (EMS) and OHSAS
18001: 2007 (OHSMS) was recently recommended for recertification. The re-certification audit was held last 28 to 29
June. AJA Registrars Inc. conducted the audit, which included
interviews, audit sampling and actual verification of documents
and records as well as on-site inspection of operational controls
and engineering maintenance practices. SCIPSI’S QMS was
originally certified in 2005, while its EMS and OHSMS were both
certified in 2004. (Angelo Niño Grafilo)
CMSA introduces SCT-II to Mexican brokers
Contecon Manzanillo, S.A. (CMSA) recently introduced the upcoming
Specialized Container Terminal-II (SCT-II) to more than 100 customs
brokers and members of AAPUMAC, the professional association of
customs brokers in Manzanillo, Colima, Mexico. CMSA highlighted
the imminent advantages that SCT-II’s infrastructure, working
environment, equipment and technology will offer. The presentations
took place at the Hotel Camino Real in Manzanillo last 18 and 25
October. Once fully operational, SCT-II will help achieve the Port of
Manzanillo’s goal of moving four million twenty-foot equivalent units
every year. Photo shows the ongoing construction of the SCT-II.
(Pamela de la Vega)
T h e O f f i c i a l P u b l i c a t i o n o f I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n t a i n e r Te r m i n a l S e r v i c e s , I n c .
I n t e r n at I o n a l e d I t I o n
On Board
december 2012
Do Good
ICTSI Ltd. names VP for Global Infrastructure
International Container Terminal Services, Inc. Ltd. (ICTSI Ltd) recently appointed Guillaume Lucci as Vice President and Global
Infrastructure Director as part of the ICTSI Group’s organizational restructuring of its corporate engineering functions.
Guillaume Lucci, ICTSI Ltd. Vice President
and Global Infrastructure Director
Container Terminal
Services, Inc.
The appointment is seen to primarily address the need for stronger project management of
various expansion projects as well as of greenfield construction.
Mr. Lucci will be responsible for the entire life cycle of the construction of new ports and
construction-related expansions of existing ports from design through bidding, negotiating
and awarding contracts, and construction project management. Aside from leading asset
management for infrastructure, he will also support ICTSI Ltd.’s international Business
Development Offices during due diligence processes.
“I am delighted to join ICTSI’s senior management team. I look forward to contributing to
the continued success and growth of the organization through the development of strategically
located ports throughout the world,” says Mr. Lucci.
Before joining the ICTSI Group, Mr. Lucci was Vice President and Latin America
Infrastructure Commercial Director at CH2M HILL based in Brazil. He was also a Director and
Board Member of various legal entities in the Americas. Before that, he was Halcrow’s Regional
Director for the Maritime Business Group in Latin America. He also led the maritime business
group of a subsidiary of Kinder Morgan’s Energy Partners.
Mr. Lucci, holder of a master’s degree in Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Materials
from the University of California Berkeley, obtained his bachelor’s degrees in Civil Engineering
and in Mathematics from Florida Institute of Technology and the University of Toulon et du Var,
France, respectively. He is a registered Structural Engineer in Florida. He is fluent in French,
Spanish, English and Brazilian Portuguese.
ICTSI-FI rolls out education and health
projects in Davao City
By Jes Vinson
ICTSI Foundation, Inc. (ICTSI-FI), in partnership with Davao Integrated Port and Stevedoring Services Corp. (DIPSSCOR), recently
launched three projects in Davao City.
Last 5 July, ICTSI-FI turned over a newly constructed daycare
center to Panacan Diversion Road Homeless Association Inc. in
Baranggay (Village) Sasa, Davao City. Aside from the new facility,
ICTSI-FI also donated books, educational toys, tables and chairs.
Meanwhile, ICTSI-FI and the Department of Education (DepEd)
Division of Davao City Schools conducted a free medical and
dental mission at Nam-Nam Primary School in Marilog District,
Davao City last 5 October. This mission benefited 217 Nam-Nam
residents, including 115 students of Nam-Nam Primary School.
They all received hygiene kits containing hand towels, toothbrushes,
toothpaste, soap, anti-lice shampoo, combs, and nail cutters.
10 ◢
Gearing Up
side lifters
At the turnover of the daycare center (from left): Sonny
Sebellino, Davao Integrated Port and Stevedoring Services
Corp. (DIPSSCOR) Operations Manager; Eloida Arcena, ICTSI
Foundation, Inc. (ICTSI-FI) Administrative Head; Filip Laurena,
ICTSI-FI Deputy Executive Director; Juanito Flores Jr., Baranggay
(Village) Sasa Chairman; Rodrigo Duterte, Davao City Vice Mayor,
and Roel Betita, DIPSSCOR Engineering and Maintenance Head
Equipment: Side lifter. Number
of units: Five. Manufacturer:
Kalmar. Capacity: 8 to 9 tons.
Lift: Seven-high empty container
stacking. Delivery date: 16
November. (Mike Agustin)
Narlene Soriano (third from left), International Container
Terminal Services, Inc. Public Relations Head and ICTSI-FI
Executive Director, receives a plaque of appreciation from
Nestor Mauhay (second from left), Davao City Councilor,
as Teresita Del Valle (far left), DepEd Davao City Adopt-ASchool Coordinator; and Ms. Laurena look on.
T h e O f f i c i a l P u b l i c a t i o n o f I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n t a i n e r Te r m i n a l S e r v i c e s , I n c .
T h e O f f i c i a l P u b l i c a t i o n o f I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n t a i n e r Te r m i n a l S e r v i c e s , I n c .
I n t e r n at I o n a l e d I t I o n
Do Good
At the medical and dental mission (from left): Jes Vinson
(fifth from left) and Nap Balajadia (seventh from left),
ICTSI-FI Project Assistants; and Ian Carlo Meimban, ICTSIFI Project Officer, with the volunteers
december 2012
ICTSI Subic: The Philippines’ next key
gateway port
◤ 9 ICTSI-FI...
To help improve the quality education in Mindanao, the 100 lowest
performing elementary schools in the DepEd Division of Davao City
each received a set of science and technology instructional materials
from ICTSI-FI. Among the instructional materials given were
illustrations of the human heart, parts of the brain and the human
skeleton. The visual aids were printed on tarpaulins. The project
turnover was held at DepEd Davao City Division Training Center last
6 October.
During the turnover of educational materials, ICTSI-FI received a
plaque of appreciation from DepEd Division of Davao City.
Container Terminal
Services, Inc.
DepEd Division of Davao City elementary school teachers are all
smiles after receiving their new visual aids.
Nam-Nam Primary School students received hygiene kits after
undergoing medical and dental check-ups.
Bauan scholars win big in Christmas card
design contest
International Container Terminal Services, Inc. (ICTSI) scholars
from Bauan Technical High School won two of the three top
prizes in the recent ICTSI Christmas card design contest.
Declared first and second prize winners were Jessa Ilagan and
Mary Joy Caringal, respectively. Both are second year high school
students in Bauan Technical High School. Ms. Ilagan received
PhP6,000 for her winning entry. She also received an additional
PhP4,000 when her entry was adopted as the design of the
official 2012 ICTSI Christmas card. Meanwhile, Ms. Caringal won
PhP5,000. The third prize winner was Nina Cyrelina Poraque
of Olongapo City. With the theme Generosity: a 24/7 Christmas
spirit, this year’s contest gathered a total of 55 card entries from
ICTSI scholars in the Philippines. Photo shows (from left) Filip
Laurena, ICTSI Foundation, Inc. Deputy Executive Director;
and Ferdinand Magtalas, Bauan International Port, Inc. Terminal
Manager, awarding the first prize to Ms. Ilagan. (Joy Lapuz)
Christian R. Gonzalez, International Container Terminal Services,
Inc. (ICTSI) Vice President, Manila International Container Terminal
General Manager, and Asia Region Head, was among the key speakers
in the recently concluded Subic Bay Maritime Conference and
Exhibition held at the Subic Bay Exhibition and Convention Center.
He shared his insights on the emergence of the Subic Bay Freeport
as one of Asia’s up and coming logistics hubs with New Container
Terminals (NCT) 1 and 2, operated by ICTSI subsidiaries Subic Bay
International Terminal Corp. and ICTSI Subic, Inc. respectively, as the
Freeport’s international gateways. “We are aiming to duplicate our
success in the Port of Manila in both NCT 1 and 2, and with the right
strategy in place, Subic could be the Philippines’ next great gateway
port,” Mr. Gonzalez said. The conference
gathered more than 500 participants from
various government agencies, maritime
transport organizations, freeport locators
and companies in the northern and central
Luzon. The conference aimed to promote
the Subic Bay Freeport zone as a premier
player in the maritime logistics sector in the
region. Photo shows (from left) Norberto
Sosa, Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (SBMA)
Director; Mark Millar, M Power Associates
Hong Kong Managing Partner; Susumu Naruse,
International Association of Ports and Harbors
Secretary General; Mr. Gonzalez; Roberto
Garcia, SBMA Chairman; Hector Miole,
Philippine Ports Authority Southern Luzon
Port District Manager; Joven Reyes, SBMA
Board Member; and Reimond Silvestre, SBITC
General Manager. (Paolo Racelis)
and Exhibit
Jose Manuel de Jesus (far left), International Container Terminal Services, Inc. (ICTSI) Vice President for Business Development-Asia and Hijo
International Port Services, Inc. President; and Julien Domingo (third from left), Davao Integrated Port and Stevedoring Services Corp. General
Manager, introduced ICTSI’s recent terminal acquisition, Hijo International Port, at the second Davao Investment Conference and Exhibit. Also in
photo are Virgie Lou (second from left), China Shipping Davao Output Office Officer-In-Charge; and Eunice Garte, OOCL Davao Branch Manager.
(Paolo Racelis)
T h e O f f i c i a l P u b l i c a t i o n o f I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n t a i n e r Te r m i n a l S e r v i c e s , I n c .
T h e O f f i c i a l P u b l i c a t i o n o f I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n t a i n e r Te r m i n a l S e r v i c e s , I n c .
I n t e r n at I o n a l e d I t I o n
Level Up
fire drill
A fire drill was successfully held last 8 November at the premises of the Yantai Rising
Dragon International Container Terminals Ltd. (YRDICTL) Main Office Building.
Jimmy Xu, YRDICTL Safety Supervisor, taught his fellow employees how to survive a
building fire. He also demonstrated the proper use of fire-fighting equipment. Photo
shows a participant extinguishing “fire” during the drill. (Jane Wong)
A trainer from YRDICTL
Safety and Security
Department demonstrates
the proper use of firefighting equipment.
T h e O f f i c i a l P u b l i c a t i o n o f I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n t a i n e r Te r m i n a l S e r v i c e s , I n c .