Annual 2012 - Greenville Baptist Association
Annual 2012 - Greenville Baptist Association
Annual 2012 220 Howe Street, Greenville, SC 29601 864-242-4330 Table of Contents Greenville Baptist Association Directory………………... Purpose Statement of the Greenville Baptist Association. Agenda…………………………………………………... Program Participants………………………………….…. Date and Place of 2013 Meeting…………………….…... Appreciation to Host Church……………………….…… Minutes of October 2012 Meeting……………….…..….. Reports of the Association: Director of Missions…………………………..….. Missions Strategy……………………………...….. Hispanic Ministries……………………………….. Disaster Relief………………………….……...….. Baptist Collegiate Ministry……………………...... Woman's Missionary Union…………………......... Camp Marietta Report………………………….……...… Crisis Center Listing/Schedule………………….…..…… Committee Reports: Church Relations Committee…………………..…. Constitution and Bylaws Committee Report …..… Constitution and Bylaws…………………….……. Property Committee……………………………..... Finance Committee 2013 Budget………………………….….… Auditor’s Report…………………………… Tenant Income & Expense Report…………. Building and Loan Update………………… Committee on Nominations…………………...............…. Deceased members during the year……………………… Events of interest during the year………………………… Historical Table…………………………………………… Statistical Tables………………………………………… Directory of Churches…………………………..….….… 1 2 3 4 4 4 5 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 26 27 30 31 32 33 36 40 43 46 84 220 Howe Street Greenville South Carolina 29601 864-242-4330, phone 864-421-9022, fax Ron Davis, Director of Missions Joel Thrasher, Missions Strategy Leader Daniel Messer, Hispanic Ministries Leader 1 Wanda Bridwell, Missions Strategy Assistant Karen Lee, Office Manager Melissa Sample, Financial Assistant 1 The Greenville Baptist Association shall be a self-determining partnership of autonomous Southern Baptist Churches voluntarily bound together for the purpose of mutual care and support in an effort to individually and cooperatively implement the Great Commission of our sovereign Lord. The Association shall endeavor to: assist churches in bringing people to faith in Christ and developing believers; provide training opportunities which will enable the churches to be effective in their ministry; build fellowship among the churches designed to develop teamwork and unity; help churches discover immediate needs within their community and determine how those needs can be met; engage in specific, cooperative mission efforts which exceed the capabilities of any one church alone; serve churches as an information and resource center; promote the work of the Kingdom throughout the world in cooperation with other Baptist agencies. 2 Agenda 152 Annual Meeting October 25, 2012 City View First Baptist Church nd 6:30 p.m. Registration 6:45 p.m. Pre-session Music………………………………………………………………….…..Kay Bayne 7:00 p.m. Call to Order……………………………………………………………………..…..Mike Runion *Music………………………………………………………………………..…..…Chris Murrell Scripture and Prayer………………………………….…………………………..…Mike Sanders Welcome…………………………………………………………....…………..…...Mike Runion Motion of Organization…………………………………………………….………. Anne Beaver Agenda Presentation…………………………………………………..………….…...Ted Adams Recognition of Visitors……………………….……………………….…………….Mike Runion Recognition of New Pastors and Staff………………………………….……….…..Mike Runion *Music……………………………………………………………..………...…Danny Culbertson Annual Meeting and Worship Committee Report…………..….………….................Ted Adams Constitution and Bylaws Committee Report………................…...…….…................ Jim Barnes Committee on Nominations Report……….….……………….…………..…….….Martin Atkins Finance Committee Report…………….…………………….…….……..……….Wade Leonard Church Relations Committee Report…………………………………..…….…..……Daniel Lee Property Committee Report……….……………………….…………..………… Ronald Geyer Marietta Baptist Camp……………………………………………………………....Matt Thomas Miscellaneous Business *Music.…………………………………………………………..……………….Steven Gillespie Association Emphasis……………………………………………….…..………Association Staff Special Music………………………………………………………………..Suresh Jonnalagadda *Hymn……………………..……………………………………………………….....Ted Adams Introduction of New Officers…………………………………………….………….Mike Runion Benediction and Adjournment …………………………………………………...David Williams *Congregation Standing 3 Program Participants Kay Bayne Member, City View First Baptist Church Mike Runion Pastor, City View First Baptist Church Chris Murrell Minister of Music, Berea First Baptist Church Mike Sanders Pastor, Kentland Park Baptist Church Anne Beaver Member, Brushy Creek Baptist Church Ted Adams Minister of Worship, Lee Road Baptist Church Danny Culbertson Minister of Music, Monaghan Baptist Church Jim Barnes Member, Dunean Baptist Church Martin Atkins Pastor, Piedmont Park Baptist Church Wade Leonard Pastor, Mauldin First Baptist Church Daniel Lee Pastor, Bethel Baptist Church Ronald Geyer Member, Edwards Road Baptist Church Matthew Thomas Director, Camp Marietta Suresh Jonnalagadda Pastor, Asian Indian Congregation Steven Gillespie Minister of Music, City View First Baptist Church Ron Davis Director of Missions, Greenville Baptist Association David Williams Missions and Pastoral Care Pastor, Rocky Creek Baptist Church 2013 Annual Meeting Thursday, October 24, 2013 Simpsonville First Baptist Church Appreciation We express our deep appreciation to City View First Baptist Church for hosting this 152nd Annual Meeting of the Greenville Baptist Association and to those whose contributions made this a pleasant and comfortable venue. 2012 Annual Meeting and Worship Committee: Ted Adams, Chair Johnny Andrews Tal Sexton Richard Corbin Danny Culbertson Jonnie Terry Ron Davis, ex-officio 4 Greenville Baptist Association Annual Meeting Thursday, October 25, 2012 City View First Baptist Church Pre-session music was presented by Kay Crow Bayne. Moderator Mike Runion, Pastor of City View, called the 152nd Annual Meeting to order. Chris Murrell, Minister of Music at Berea First, led the congregation in singing several old hymns. Mike Sanders read the scripture and prayer. Anne Beaver, Clerk of GBA and member of Brushy Creek Baptist, read the following motion of organization, “I move that the messengers presently registered and those who are still to register constitute a quorum for conducting the business of the 152nd Annual Session of the GBA.” The motion was seconded by Barry Jimmerson and approved. Ted Adams, Annual Meeting and Worship Committee, made the motion that we accept the agenda as printed. There was no discussion. The motion was seconded and approved. Visitors and new members to the association were recognized and welcomed. These were Larry Gunter from Grove Station and Steve Cowden from New Covenant Christian Fellowship. Music and praises to God were led by Danny Culbertson from Monaghan. Ted Adams gave the Annual Meeting and Worship Committee report. The next meeting is October 24, 2013, at Simpsonville First. No second was needed since the motion came from the committee. There was no discussion. Motion was approved. He also expressed thanks to City View for helping us worship at the 2012 Annual Meeting. The Constitution and Bylaws report was given by Jim Barnes. He presented a report from the committee stating that in order to give more flexibility to the association, messengers will vote next year to eliminate the GBA Constitution and incorporate it into a new set of Bylaws. This was presented as information only. He also stated that each church needs to become non-profit, if they have not already done so. Martin Atkins gave a report from the Committee on Nominations. He thanked committee members from last year and the present year, and then read the names of those who will serve next year. Rev. Atkins made the motion to adopt the report of the committee as printed. No second was needed. The motion passed by show of hands. Wade Leonard, Finance Committee Chairman, gave a report from this committee, including highlights of the 2013 budget which is shown in the Book of Reports and made the motion that the 2013 budget be approved as printed. No second was needed and there was no discussion or questions. Vote was by uplifted hand. Motion carried. 5 Church Relations Committee Chairman, Daniel Lee, shared the following information: No churches in the association became “dead, dissolved, or disassociated” with the association last year; there are only 10½ churches without pastors, down from 19 the previous year, with the ½ being Fountain Inn Baptist as Rev. Michael Bearden retires; there are three new churches to welcome into the fellowship of the association, these being Real Life, New Covenant Christian Fellowship, and Beechwood. Staff and members present from each church were recognized and motions were made separately to accept these new churches. No second was needed. Motions carried. A prayer for these new churches and those without pastors was offered to God. Ron Geyer of the Property Committee spoke in the absence of Chairman Jack Dill. All of the work that was begun last year on the GBA offices has been completed and the staff moved into their new facilities on Howe Street in May. $900,000 was authorized to be spent, with $889,893.91 being used. The difference of $3,766.94 was spent from the general budget. No vote was needed. Matt Thomas, Director of Marietta Baptist Camp and Conference Center, gave a report on the camp. Seventeen churches from Greenville participated with almost 800 campers for the summer of 2012. There were 88 campers saved. Praise was given to God for this. The floor was opened for miscellaneous business. There was none. Steven Gillespie, Minister of Music at City View First Baptist, led the congregation in song. Ron Davis, Associational Director of Missions, led the Associational Emphasis by giving an encouraging word to the new churches. Dr. Davis then recognized Wanda Bridwell for her thirty years of work for the Lord at GBA. She was presented with a gift of $1,000 and two extra weeks of vacation for her service. Bryan Cox, representing the Personnel Committee with Barry Jimmerson as chairman, recognized and thanked Ron Davis for his fifteen years of service to the association. He was presented with $400 and a plaque. Ron Davis introduced the associational staff to the congregation. The new associational officers for 2013 as printed in the Book of Reports were presented. We were informed by Ron Davis of partnerships that have been formed by GBA with the McCreary (Kentucky) and New River (Tennessee) Associations. These associations are only a few hours from Greenville; therefore, churches were encouraged to go there for weekend trips or week trips to assist them. Ted Adams and Pam Horton from Lee Road Baptist told of their trip there where they held VBS, renovated the association office area in an old elementary school, did construction work, held free clinics, provided counseling, set up a computer lab, landscaped and repaired a playground area, gave away free boxed food and free lunches. God was with them the entire week and provided for them. Ron Davis gave information about the mission trips to Honduras in 2012 and of an upcoming trip in 2013 to do construction work, Backyard Bible Clubs, neighborhood canvassing, etc. Michael and Sherrill Rigdon told of their trip to Honduras as they served the people and worshipped with them. Churches were encouraged to participate in this trip. 6 Dan Messer told of how our ministry to Hispanics is growing. Hispanics are the largest minority group in Greenville County. There are two GBA churches presently ministering to the Hispanics (Brushy Creek and City View). There were a total of 56 baptisms last year among this group. Workers, space, prayer, ESL classes, VBS, financial support, tutoring, and more are needed for our ministry with Hispanics. Joel Thrasher gave a report on our work with internationals. There are 87 people groups in the Greenville area. We can begin to “make disciples” right here at home through prayer and developing relationships with these people. Churches were encouraged to adopt a people group. Special music was presented by Suresh Jonnalagadda who works with the Asian Indians in Greenville. Ted Adams led the congregation in a song. The gavel was presented to Mike Runion, Moderator. He stated that our task is missions and that our association is about missions and ministry. To all people of the world we are obligated to carry the gospel. May we be found faithful! The benediction was offered and the 152nd Annual Meeting was adjourned. Respectfully Submitted, Anne Beaver Association Clerk 7 Missions Viewpoint 2012 YEAR OF HAPPENINGS If 2011 was a year of waiting, 2012 has been a year of happenings, some planned and some unplanned. We started and finished construction on our building. We signed the lease with American Renal Associates and it went into effect in May 2012. In June we had a week of World Changers and Power Plant. In July, we led two mission trips to Honduras. We started the construction of a new church and worked with children in an orphanage. We will return to Honduras in November and continue this work. We also have two weeks planned to go to Honduras in July 2013. After years of cutting budget and staff, we have seen our finances stabilize this year. As I write this, we are in the best financial condition we have been in since the late 90’s. I want to thank all of our churches for being so faithful in supporting missions through the Greenville Baptist Association. We had our first team, Lee Road, to go to New River/McCreary Associations to work in construction at the Ministry Center and help with Bible Clubs. First Baptist Mauldin is scheduled to go in November and we are looking for other teams for the winter months. These can be weekend trips, which will work well during the school year. Thank you for your partnership in missions, here and beyond. It is a pleasure and joy to serve you. Blessings, Ron Davis Director of Missions 8 Missions Strategy 2012 I made a commitment to read the Bible through this year. At the same time, in GBA, we talk about immigrants – legal and illegal. We seek to identify the people groups in Greenville County. We work with various ethnic congregations. The Ethnic Ministries Summit was in our area this Spring. There is an IMB research workshop on people groups, and more. And a funny thing happened. In my Bible reading, I was hit, time and time again, with God reminding His people to care for the widows, orphans and foreigners. Those aren’t just Old Testament words for a different time. He still expects us to do this! A coincidence? I don’t think so!! We already know of at least 90 nationalities, speaking 39 languages, living in Greenville County. Through conversations, observations, et cetera, we know of 4,000 – 6,000 Arabs here. There is a significant Kurdish population. Over 100 Asian Indians living in just two apartment complexes. At least 400 Kenyans are here. Then there is our Hispanic population that continues to see rapid growth. 4,500 deaf people also live here with about ½ of 1% of them actively involved in any evangelical church. And the list goes on and on. Did you know about the Hindu center in Mauldin? Did you know the Islamic Masjid on Wade Hampton Boulevard has outgrown their space and they now have a second campus? There is a lot of talk these days, in Baptist life, about the Great Commission: “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations…” We don’t have to go very far to do that. God is bringing the nations to us. Do we see them? Are we willing to care for the foreigners? Make disciples of ALL nations? Here? Local Church Planting must continue to be an important part of what we do to transform the changing populations in Greenville County. There are currently 26 church plants in the GBA! Twelve are language congregations. Hispanic Ministries are needed more and more with our rapidly growing Hispanic communities. Five of the church plants are Hispanic. Dan Messer provides tireless leadership to this ministry. There is also some exciting work taking place in two businesses in the area. PowerPlant returned to Greenville this year. Rocky Creek church hosted the more than 75 mission volunteers who served alongside four church planters. With at least 90 different, identifiable, nationalities here (not including all the sub groups), with our local church involvement lower than it was 25 years ago, with the increasingly irreligious neighbors around us, we must be planting new churches! Multihousing ministries are nothing new to Greenville. For years, there have been churches and teams doing a wide variety of ministries primarily in low-income communities. That will continue as churches have a passion for impacting those communities. We continue to be supportive of Apartment Life. They provide churches with the opportunity to place CARES Teams into selected middle/upper income apartment communities. More and more congregations are also seeing multihousing communities as serious mission fields in our own backyards. With over a third our population living in some kind of multihousing, we must! WorldChangers has impacted Greenville since 1999. There were over 125 participants. Edwards Road church did a wonderful job housing the group. Eric Wooten, from Edwards Road, is our project coordinator. Twelve homes were made better. Most projects were from the City of Greenville. One was church sponsored. While it takes the participants to work on the houses, WorldChangers does not happen without over 300+ volunteers from our churches who prepare meals, serve as first aid coordinators, and more. Best of all, there were two people who became followers of Jesus! A special thanks to Southeast Baptist Association in Georgetown, South Carolina and Wallace Memorial Church in Knoxville, Tennessee for allowing us to use their shower trailers. This also was the last summer for World Changers in Greenville! Due to policy changes at LifeWay, we will no longer be partnering with them in this ministry. The partnership with the City remains strong, and we are looking at how God wants us to move forward in this type of local ministry. Pray with us about this, and look for news in the near future. 9 Day Camp for Deaf Children did not take place this year. We hope to see it return June 17 – 21, 2013. Thanks to Blake Kersey and the mission team from First Baptist Church, Trussville, Alabama. They returned for a second summer and worked with Westview church to lead a VBS and Mision Bautista Hispana la Gracia to lead a kids club. There were seven decisions for Christ that came as a result of their ministry. They hope to make this an ongoing partnership. Crisis Centers: Eastside, Westside, and Golden Strip Emergency Relief. The centers are staffed by more than 2,000 volunteers from 30+ churches. Spencer LeGrand continues to provide effective leadership for the Eastside Center. The same can be said of Jim Barnette at the Westside Center. The Golden Strip Center is a partnership with the Golden Strip Emergency Relief and Resource Agency coordinated by Julia Baynes. Food is provided by churches, groups, and individuals as well as purchased from various locations. The centers spent $42,481 on food. We received $8,968 from the World Hunger Offering to assist the centers. With the up and down economy, and with the current funding from the state convention, the centers still assisted a record number of 7,673 families (20,615 individuals) with basic needs including food, clothing and financial aid this past year (September 2011 – August 2012). Thanks to all who make these ministries possible. Woman's Missionary Union continues to provide valuable training, encouragement and ministry opportunities for our churches. I don’t know what we would do without the faithful WMU missionaries in the Association and churches. Marcie Malone, from Mauldin First Church, serves as the Director. Forty-one churches provided 1,470 prisoner packets for Christmas. Thanks to Pat Bradshaw from West Gantt First and other volunteers for all your help. Others helped Chaplain Andy Cooper at Perry distribute the packets to all the inmates there. Prison ministry is not just about Christmas packets. There are other volunteers in our churches who are actively involved in ministry with inmates, families of inmates as well as those who work within the correctional system. Multiple churches provided useful items such as paper goods, personal care items, health care items, school supplies and clothing for numerous agencies and organizations within the Greenville area. Eighteen churches provided 380 ministry kits. Thanks to all who prayed, gave and worked on these projects. Baptist Collegiate Ministries is an important outreach and discipleship arm of our churches to college students. Matt Rogers concluded his service as a part-time Campus Minister at Furman. Tabby Hallman is a contract worker who serves at the main Greenville Tech campus. Their reports are listed elsewhere. With changes at the Furman BCM, we are moving into a stronger partnership with BCM at Greenville Tech. This includes handling funds for the BCM as well as other assistance to Tabby. Regional/National Disaster Relief volunteers were on the road again. Our Disaster Relief coordinator is Jim Whitworth, from Augusta Road Church. As I write this report, our unit is deployed in Louisiana to assist with efforts following Hurricane Isaac. We have a DR training event scheduled at Pendleton Street church on Saturday, January 12. Be watching for more information. We are committed to maintaining a partnership through Appalachian Regional Ministries. Work is completed at Plain View Baptist Church in Virginia. A new partnership has been established with New River/McCreary Association in Winfield, Tennessee. Lee Road Church has already been involved in the partnership and Mauldin FBC is going up there in early November. We look forward to the growth of our work with the folks there. We are working with Ken Kwast for a project in Hawaii March 28 – April 5, 2013. This will include minor construction on a church in Kona. For more information, contact us. 10 Global We continue to seek opportunities to make a global impact. Our new partnership in Honduras kicked off this year with two trips in the summer. Mission team members came from Brushy Creek, Mauldin First, Simpsonville First, Origins and Eastlan. We were able to begin construction on a new church building. We also worked with children in an orphanage as well as a local church community. In the process, 18 persons became followers of Jesus! We will be returning in November to continue work on the church. Two projects are also on the calendar for July 2013. Bryan Pittman, from Lee Road, has been involved in several Olympics related ministries. He led a team to the 2012 Summer Olympics in London. We are already praying and talking about volunteer opportunities at the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia. Equip…Engage…Transform So, we move forward as we believe God is leading. We move forward knowing that the top 25 most unreached areas of the Upstate are all in Greenville County; the most unreached zip code in the state is 29601; at least 70% of our entire population is unreached and 40% of our population is not only unreached, but uninterested! Missions Strategy relates to Multihousing Ministry, New Work, Hispanic Outreach, Mission Partnerships, Community Ministries, Summer Ministries, Demographics, WMU, Men’s Ministries, Baptist Collegiate Ministries and a few other things. I am so appreciative of Wanda Bridwell who tries to keep us straight as Missions Strategy Assistant. Equip…Engage…Transform is something you will continue to hear from us. We must be transformed first in order to impact/transform the lives of others in our mission field, and to the ends of the earth. Joel E. Thrasher Missions Strategy Leader Hispanic Annual Report – 2012 Praise the Lord for a good year in the Hispanic ministry. There has been steady growth in the missions we have. We lost the mission we had at Fountain Inn, but the other six works saw increase in baptisms and attendance. 1) Mission Bautista Hispana (Cherrydale) baptized three converts, and had an average attendance of 25-30 in worship. 2) The mission at SonPoint had four baptisms with an average attendance of 25. 3) Mision Bautista de City View baptized 22, and averaged 65 in worship. 4) Filadelfia (Brushy Creek) mission had three baptisms with a weekly average attendance of 35 in worship. 5) Christ the Open Door (Chuj) had 2 baptisms and a weekly average of 80 for worship attendance. 6) Iglesia Hispana de Greenville baptized 22, and had an average attendance in worship of 65. We are looking at several places to plant new works in the near future. We also are searching for those who can lead these groups. We have two companies in the area that allow their employees to attend weekly Bible studies during the workday. Iglesia de Greenville has started several ministries this past year; ESL, music lessons, and a seminary class. I am presently talking with churches about partnering with the Chuj congregation. I am constantly amazed at God’s faithfulness in providing for the needs of His people. Continue to pray that God will raise up workers for the ever increasing Hispanic community in Greenville County. Respectfully submitted, Dan Messer Hispanic Ministries Leader 11 Disaster Relief Report 2012 2011 October 7th & 8th Greenville Baptist Association (GBA) Disaster Relief Coordinator, Jim Whitworth, provided Unit Leader Training at the South Carolina Baptist Convention (SCBC) semi-annual Disaster Relief Training Conference at White Oak Conference Center in Winnsboro, South Carolina. December 8th Jim Whitworth attended and represented GBA, SCBC and Southern Baptist Disaster Relief as Chairman of the Greenville County VOAD (Volunteer Organizations Assisting in Disaster). 2012 January 23rd-25th GBA Disaster Relief Coordinator, Jim Whitworth, represented South Carolina Disaster Relief at the Southern Baptist Convention’s National Disaster Relief Roundtable meeting in Oahu, Hawaii. February 10th Jim attended the SCBC State-wide Disaster Relief Task Force meeting at White Oak Conference Center in Winnsboro, South Carolina. February 27th-March 1st Jim Whitworth participated in NAMB Disaster Relief Incident Commander Training at the Shocco Springs Baptist Conference Center in Shocco Springs, Alabama. March 2nd & 3rd Jim provided Unit Leader Training at the SCBC semi-annual Disaster Relief Training Conference at White Oak Conference Center in Winnsboro, South Carolina. March 22nd Jim Whitworth attended and represented GBA, SCBC and Southern Baptist Disaster Relief as Chairman of the Greenville County VOAD (Volunteer Organizations Assisting in Disaster). April 12th GBA Disaster Relief Coordinator, Jim Whitworth, met with the leadership of the Reedy River Brotherhood of the Reedy River Baptist Association to discuss their interest in SC Baptist Disaster Relief at the Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church on White Horse Road in Greenville, South Carolina. April 28th GBA Disaster Relief Coordinator, Jim Whitworth, presented SC Baptist Disaster Relief at a meeting of the Reedy River Baptist Association at the Reedy River Baptist Church on Mauldin Road in Greenville, South Carolina. April 28th Jim Whitworth attended and represented GBA, SCBC and Southern Baptist Disaster Relief as Chairman of the Greenville County VOAD (Volunteer Organizations Assisting in Disaster). July 30th Jim attended the SCBC State-wide Disaster Relief Task Force meeting at SCBC in Columbia, South Carolina. July 31st GBA Disaster Relief Coordinator, Jim Whitworth, along with Ed King of the GBA Disaster Relief Ministry Team attended the annual state-wide “Unit Leader Update” training. 12 September 24th-28th GBA Disaster Relief Team member and Unit Leader, Wayne Pressley, led a Disaster Relief volunteer team to Louisiana. GBA Disaster Relief Team Members Roger Reid and Jeff Heath were on the unit as well as Dan Messer of the Greenville Baptist Association office. The ten-person team utilized the GBA Flood Relief Unit # SC MT 004 in providing assistance to hurricane Isaac victims in the Port Sulphur, Louisiana area. September 27th GBA Disaster Relief Coordinator, Jim Whitworth, attended and represented GBA, South Carolina Baptist Convention and Southern Baptist Disaster Relief as Chairman of the Greenville County VOAD (Volunteer Organizations Assisting in Disaster) at the Greenville Baptist Association Office. Respectfully submitted, Jim Whitworth Disaster Relief Coordinator Baptist Collegiate Ministries Furman University The 2011-2012 school year saw development in maturation and Christ-likeness from the students that call BCM there home away from home. While the nature of the evangelical landscape continues to recede, Furman continues to develop seasoned leaders that God is using to accomplish His purposes. In fact, it is largely due to the climate of persecution at Furman, that God grows mature leaders capable of withstanding the host of challenges that Furman presents. Below are a few ways that we saw God grow our students over the last year. Gospel Centrality – The gospel provides the only fixed anchor and sure support for students during their time at Furman. While many come to Furman with a thorough background of church attendance, few come with a robust knowledge and application of the holistic gospel. Through active teaching and passive modeling, BCM seeks to provide a means of gospel growth in the lives of our students. Missionary Living – Old models of evangelism often lack fruitfulness in the hostile climate of Furman. Inviting students to attend religious programs is not nearly as productive as it once was. Rather, we are seeing our students grow in living out their missionary identity in the unique circles of influence that God has placed them. Meaningful Church Partnership – The most basic step for a college student is into meaningful partnership with the local church. Sadly, this has often not been the case. During my time at Furman, we saw a marked increase in the number of students meaningfully connected to a church home and passionately serving in multigenerational ministry. Biblical Community – Deep, intimate friendships are the key to walking with Christ at Furman. Students need one another to love and support them during this time when their faith is often challenged. BCM provides an environment for students to know one another and be known by each other. These relationships provide a rich tool for their sanctification. The end of 2012 also marked the end of my tenure as BCM director at Furman. The increasing demands of pastoral ministry at Renewal Church, where I serve as pastor, caused me to relinquish this role at the end of this school year. The Baptist Convention has hired Ryan Brooks, from Taylors First Baptist Church, to serve in this role beginning in the fall of 2012. Ryan is a Furman graduate with a passion to continue the good work that God is doing through Furman’s BCM. Matt Rogers Pastor, Renewal Church Former Leader of BCM at Furman University 13 Woman’s Missionary Union 2011-2012 Report of Director “Unhindered” The WMU Auxiliary of the Greenville Baptist Association has come to the conclusion of the two-year emphasis of the theme “Unhindered.” This past year we have incorporated our Critical Issue: Human Exploitation with “Unhindered” and learned about how we can become unhindered in dealing with the issues of: Exploitation of natural resources for personal gain; Bullying, cyber bullying, queen bee bullying; Human trafficking – labor; Human trafficking-sex; Media’s exploitation of children and families; and Pornography and sexting. “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God” (Hebrews 12:1-2 NIV). The fall leadership-training meeting was held August 25 at Lee Road Church. Training was offered in each age-level organization. Reservations for 73 were received. Food was gathered for the crisis centers. Two churches in the association began WMU organizations at the beginning of the new church year: Greater New Hope and Sandy Springs Churches. Four churches served as hostesses for the Baptist Women World Day of Prayer on November 7: Overbrook, West Gantt First, Five Forks, and Woodside Churches. A total of 131 attended from 22 churches. An offering was received at each meeting and forwarded to the Women’s Department of the Baptist World Alliance. The total offering was $535. Forty-one churches in the association provided 1,475 Christmas prisoner packets to be sent to the state. Our goal was 1400. Twenty volunteers helped process the packets before they were sent to Columbia. Mauldin First hosted a salad supper “Don’t be a Basket Case” for Focus on WMU Week. Catherine Rich Guess spoke and just happened to bring Miz Eudora with her. Catherine is the author of 23 books, all of inspirational genre, including fiction, non-fiction, and children titles. She is a composer and a frequent speaker/musician for a wide range of conferences and events. Food was gathered for the crisis centers. Reservations for 158 were received. The WMU Auxiliary Team prepared food for the event. A brunch was held for WMU Directors and Pastor’s Wives on March 17 at Northgate Church. This event was planned with the idea that it would be a support and networking opportunity for our pastors’ wives. The theme was “You Make a Difference.” We hope that attendance will increase in future years. Mrs. Jane Foster, a pastor’s wife, spoke about circumstances she overcame growing up. Several team members as well as area WMU church members attended the South Carolina WMU Missions Encounter and Annual Meeting March 23-24 at Millbrook Church, Aiken. The theme was “Go…Persevere…” Monaghan Church hosted the Greenville Auxiliary Annual WMU meeting on April 17. Live Sent was the theme for the evening. Sandra Tapp, Assistant Executive Director of the South Carolina WMU, was our state representative; and Don and Evelyn Copeland, retired missionaries to Nigeria and later to Central Asia shared some of their experiences with us. Reservations for 106 were received. We gathered baby items for our crisis centers. 14 WMU Auxiliary team members participated in state-sponsored workshops and training sessions during the year. A special thanks goes to retiring team members Linda Scarbrough, Secretary/Treasurer; Ella Jones, Girls in Action/Children in Action Consultant; Debbie Hall, Baptist Nursing Fellowship; Marian Wofford, Area 2 Director; Gail Marshbanks, Area 7 Director; Peggy Thompson, Area 10 Director; and Mary Ridgeway serving as interim Area 4 Director. We give a big welcome to Marcie Malone, our new WMU Director for 2012-2013. Also special thanks goes to Edwards Road Baptist Church for allowing the Auxiliary to use their facilities for quarterly team meetings while the Greenville Baptist Association office was being renovated. “Change a life, Change the World” Janet N. Castles WMU Director 2012 Marcie Malone Administrative Assistant Janet Castles 201 Sims Alley, Mauldin 29662 288.5205 Mauldin First 112 Royal Oak Rd., Greenville 29607 233.3213 Simpsonville First Summer 2012 was a great success! By God’s grace and the work of the Holy Spirit, 88 campers repented of their sins and confessed Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior for the first time. Many others repented of their sin and left camp with a renewed focus on Christ and His kingdom work. In addition, several campers felt the call to pursue full-time Christian service as their future vocation. Nearly 800 campers attended Camp Marietta this past summer. I give all the glory to God for what He has done and continues to do at camp. Now that the summer camping season has ended, the off-season programs are in full swing. We have hosted a band camp, several family reunions, the North Greenville Soccer team, and many church group functions during our offseason so far. The off-season is filling up and I would love to schedule you in for a weekend retreat, reunion, or picnic. I would love the opportunity to come and share with you and your church what God is doing at Camp Marietta. Thank you for all your prayerful and financial support in making the Summer of 2012 a great success. Total Number of Campers in Summer 2012: 795 Total Number of Decisions for Jesus Christ : 353 New Believers: 88 Recommitted: 205 Full-Time Ministry: 60 (44.4% of 2012 campers made a decision for Christ) 208 campers from 17 churches of the Greenville Baptist Association helped to make up the total of 795 campers. “I raise my eyes toward the mountains. Where will my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.” –Psalm 121:1-2 HCSB In Christ, Matthew Thomas Camp Director 15 Crisis Centers of the Greenville Baptist Association Center Eastside Location/Telephone/Coordinator: Days Open Hours Located at: 12 Ebaugh Avenue Greenville East Park Church Telephone: 242-9083 Coordinator: Spencer LeGrand Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 9:00 A.M. until 12:00 NOON 1102 Howard Drive Simpsonville Golden Strip Human Resource Center Telephone: 688-2233/688-2222 Coordinator: Julia Baynes Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 9:00 A.M. until 11:30 A.M. Wednesday 1:00 P.M.until 3:30 P.M. Golden Strip Westside 10:00 A.M. until Monday, Tuesday, and Woodside Church 12:00 NOON Thursday Telephone: 271-2781 Coordinator: Jim Barnette Crisis Centers are operated by local volunteers. Funding is provided by the World Hunger Offering, as well as contributions from individuals, groups, and churches. The division of churches is as follows: 301 Woodside Avenue Greenville Eastside Arabic Brushy Creek Chin Congregation of Greenville Community Mission Crestview Daybreak Community Deaf First Disciples Fellowship Earle Street East Park Eastlan Edwards Road Hampton Heights Laurel Lee Road LifePoint Lord’s Delight Mision Hispana Filadelfia Northgate Origins Overbrook Pelham Road Pendleton Street Providence Revolution Riverview Rockvale Roper Mountain Rutherford Road Sanctuary Tapestry Vietnamese Blessings Vietnamese of Rutherford Road White Oak Golden Strip Capstone Cedar Shoals Chinese Clear Spring Connection Fellowship Daventon Element Envision Fairview Street Five Forks Fork Shoals Fountain Inn First Freedom Fellowship Greater New Hope Grove Station Happy Trails Cowboy Hillside Hispana de SonPoint Holly Ridge Kingdom Life Igreja Batista Esperanca Mauldin First New Hope New Life Community Oak Pointe Piedmont First Real Life Reedy Fork Renewal Rocky Creek Sandy Springs Simpsonville First SonPoint Community South Greenville Standing Springs Temple The Well Unity Way Point Westside 16 Westside Augusta Heights Augusta Road Beechwood Berea First Berea Heights Bethel Brandon Calvary First Cedar Lane Christ the Open Door City View First Covenant Grace David Street Dunean Emmanuel Grace Grove Road Hilltop Avenue Iglesia Hispana Japanese Kentland Park Mision Bautista de City View Mision Bautista de La Gracia Mision Bautista Greenville Monaghan New Covenant Northpointe Oak Crest Open Heart Parisview Parkwood Piedmont Park Poe Radiant Sans Souci Second of Greenville Shady Grove Skypointe Tanglewood Vietnamese of Greenville Washington Avenue Welcome West Gantt First West Greenville Westview Westville Westwood Woodside Church Relations Committee Report 2012 The Church Relations Committee is pleased to report that we have three churches desiring membership in the Greenville Baptist Association. We have worked with these churches and feel that they meet our membership guidelines and will be an asset to our fellowship of churches. The Church Relations Committee recommends the following churches be accepted into membership with GBA. 1) RealLife Church, Stan Bray is the pastor and they meet in Pelzer. They began as a church plant in January 2009. 2) New Covenant Christian Fellowship, Steve Cowden is the pastor. They meet at 111 Courtney Circle in Greenville. 3) Beechwood Church, M. Shayne Powell, Jr. is the Pastor for Preaching and Vision and Douglas R. Truax, Jr. is the Pastor for Teaching and Ministry. This congregation meets at 2415 New Easley Highway in Greenville. Please continue to pray for each of our churches without pastors: Augusta Road, Berea First, Cedar Shoals, East Park, Fountain Inn First (Pastor is retiring at the end of December), Freedom Fellowship, Open Heart, Parisview, Standing Springs, West Gantt First, and White Oak Our new works since last year are: Emerge Church, Asian Indian Congregation, Igreja Batista Esperanca (Brazilian Congregation) Respectfully submitted, Church Relations Committee: Daniel Lee, Chair Bryan Burnley Scott Fitzsimmons Harold Moon Alex Sands Ron Davis, ex-officio 17 Constitution and Bylaws Committee Report 2012 The Constitution and Bylaws Committee has held several meetings this year, the latest being on August 30. We have discussed the need for some changes and updating of both documents. In the process we realized two significant things about the constitution. 1. The state of South Carolina no longer requires that organizations have a constitution. This was changed with the new non-profit act in the early 1990’s. 2. The only significant matter still in the constitution concerned membership. We found that many associations address this subject in their bylaws. Given this information and the need for swifter action on certain matters of change, the Constitution and Bylaws Committee makes the following motion: That the Constitution of the Greenville Baptist Association be eliminated and all matters of the Association be addressed in a new comprehensive set of Bylaws. Since this is a Constitution change it requires a one year waiting period and will be discussed and voted on next year at our 2013 Annual Meeting. If this motion carries, the committee will have a new comprehensive set of bylaws to be voted on by the Association. If you have any questions about this please contact Ron Davis, Director of Missions, or Jim Barnes, Chair of the Committee. Respectfully submitted, Constitution and Bylaws Committee: Jim Barnes, Chair Marion Hare Gene Seay Todd Stewart Stephen Clyborne Ron Davis, ex-officio 18 Greenville Baptist Association Constitution and Bylaws (Approved by Messengers at October 25, 2001, 141st Biannual Meeting) (Amended by Messengers at October 27, 2005, 145th Annual Meeting) (Amended by Messengers October 20, 2011, 151st Annual Meeting) Article I - Name This body, a South Carolina non-profit corporation, shall be known as the Greenville Baptist Association, Inc., and is hereinafter referred to as “the Association.” Article II – Vision and Mission Section A – The vision of the Association is to establish, equip, empower, engage, and encourage member churches to reach people, grow disciples, and minister in the name of Jesus Christ. Section B – The mission of the Association is to assist churches in: 1. Establishing new churches for reaching the lost in our area and helping re-establish existing churches that are seeking to minister in changing circumstances. 2. Equipping believers to be effective in Kingdom work by offering training in multiple areas of church ministry. 3. Empowering believers to serve the Lord through spiritual gifts discovery and development and the development and presentation of ministry opportunities. 4. Engaging believers in active, life-changing ministries both locally and globally. 5. Encouraging believers through prayer, relationships, and partnerships to fulfill God’s vision for their churches. Article III - Membership Section A – The Association is a self-determining fellowship of autonomous Baptist churches, which are voluntarily bound together for the advancement of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Section B – Membership in the Association is held by churches. Member churches participate in the governance of the Association in two ways: 1. By sending their pastors and duly elected lay representatives to Executive Committee meetings as voting members thereof. 2. By duly electing and sending church members to regular and special Association business meetings as voting messengers. Section C – An individual must be a member of a member church in order to be eligible to serve the Association in the capacity of officer, committee member, team member, or trustee upon his/her nomination and election in an Association business session, unless otherwise specified in the Bylaws. Section D – Member churches shall be entitled to send voting messengers to regular and special Association business meetings as follows: 1. Three messengers for the first one hundred church members or fraction thereof. 2. One additional messenger for each additional one hundred church members or fraction thereof. 3. No church shall be entitled to more than fifteen messengers notwithstanding the above. Section E – Membership in the Association shall be comprised of: 1. The churches which are members of the Association on the date of the adoption of this Constitution. 2. Those churches subsequently admitted according to controlling provisions of the Association’s governing documents and policies. 19 Section F – Churches which are not members of the Association may apply for and be accepted into membership of the Association according to the following: 1. The Church Relations Committee, a full description of which appears in the Association’s Bylaws, shall serve as the Association membership committee. 2. Application for membership shall be made in writing and referred to the Church Relations Committee. 3. The Church Relations Committee will evaluate the applying church’s eligibility for membership and make a recommendation to the Association according to any policies and procedures which the Association may, in its discretion, officially adopt in its Bylaws or otherwise, and also according to the following criteria: a. The applying church must conduct its primary worship and educational functions within the confines of the geographic region generally accepted to be the area served by the Association. b. The applying church must be Baptist in polity and practice. c. The applying church must be found, upon examination by the Church Relations Committee, to be supportive of the Association’s vision and mission. d. The applying church must be found, upon examination by the Church Relations Committee, to be in general agreement with the Baptist Faith and Message and the purposes and intentions for which it was adopted. Section G – Any member church may withdraw from the Association at its pleasure. Official notice of withdrawal should be communicated in writing to the Church Relations Committee. Section H – Should a motion be made in a regular business session of the Association to dismiss a church from membership, it shall be referred to the Church Relations Committee. When the matter comes back before the Association for a vote after a one-year period expires, the Church Relations Committee shall make a report and recommendation to the Association regarding the motion. The Association may accept or reject the recommendation of the Church Relations Committee. Article IV – Meetings The Association shall hold at least one business session annually, the details of such meeting to be determined according to the procedures provided for in the Bylaws of the Association. Article V – Officers The officers of the Association shall be moderator, vice moderator, treasurer, and clerk; and they shall be elected and serve according to the provisions of the Bylaws. Article VI – Executive Committee The Executive Committee shall be elected and serve according to the provisions of the Bylaws. Article VII– Bylaws, Policies, and Procedures The Association shall have the authority to adopt bylaws, policies, and/or procedures governing all aspects of the work of the Association. Said bylaws, policies, and procedures shall not contradict any provision of this Constitution. Article VIII – Amendments to Constitution Amendments to this Constitution may be made by a vote of two-thirds of the messengers present at any regular Association business session provided notice thereof shall have been given to the Association in business session at least one year prior to the vote and provided the proposed amendment was published in the minutes of the preceding meeting. 20 Bylaws Article I – The Association Section A: The principal office(s) of the Greenville Baptist Association shall be in Greenville County, South Carolina. Section B: The Association shall convene annually in October or at such time and place as may be recommended by the Annual Meeting and Worship Committee. Messengers present shall constitute a quorum. Section C: A messenger shall speak no more than twice on any subject and shall confine himself to the subject under discussion. Section D: The parliamentary authority of the Association shall be Roberts Rules of Order (latest revised edition). The moderator shall appoint a parliamentarian to serve during his term of office. Section E: Special meetings of the Association may be called by the director of missions and moderator or by majority vote of the Executive Committee with at least a two-week written notice to each church giving purpose of meeting. Messengers present shall constitute a quorum. Article II - Executive Committee Section A: The Association Executive Committee shall consist of the moderator, vice moderator, clerk, treasurer/director of missions, the pastor of each church (or his designee), one lay person from each church, and a representative of each mission in the Association. Each church shall duly elect a lay person from its membership to serve on the Executive Committee and report its election to the Association on the Annual Church Profile. Members of the Administrative Team shall be ex officio members of the Executive Committee. Section B: The property and business of the Association shall be managed by the Executive Committee of the Association. Between meetings of the Association the Executive Committee shall have the full power and authority to act on behalf of the Association except for buying and selling real estate, borrowing money, and doing all such lawful acts and things as are not by statute or by the Constitution or by these Bylaws directed or required to be exercised and done by the Association in session. The Executive Committee shall render full report of all meetings and of all business transacted to each meeting of the Association, and a summary shall be printed in the Messenger. Section C: The Executive Committee of the Association shall convene as needed to consider the ministries of the Association and to assist the Association staff with these ministries. The moderator or a majority of the Executive Committee members may call a special meeting with a two-week written notice giving purpose of meeting. Section D: After due notice of the meeting has been given to the members of the Executive Committee, those present shall constitute a quorum. Article III – Officers Section A: The officers of the Association are the moderator, vice moderator, treasurer, clerk, and such other officers as designated by the Association. Section B: The officers shall be nominated by the Committee on Nominations and elected by the Association in annual session. The moderator is not eligible to succeed himself unless he is filling an unexpired term. The terms of service for elected officers shall begin at the conclusion of the October Annual Meeting. Section C: Any officer may be removed at any time by affirmative vote of the Association in session and a two-week notice of such proposed action has been given. Section D: The moderator shall serve as moderator of the Association, the Executive Committee, the Administrative Team, and shall preside over all Association meetings and ensure that order and decorum are observed. The moderator shall be ex officio member of the Committee on Nominations. The term of office of moderator shall be one year. 21 Section E: The vice moderator shall serve as vice moderator of the Association and Executive Committee and shall preside during the absence or at the pleasure of the moderator and be ready to help wherever he is needed. He shall fill the vacancy arising from the resignation or removal of the moderator during the year. The term of office of vice moderator shall be one year. Section F: The office of treasurer shall be filled by the director of missions. The duties of the treasurer are listed in Article IV; Section A, Number 4 of the Bylaws. Section G: The clerk of the Association shall serve the Association in session and the Executive Committee. Responsibilities are: 1. Keep accurate records of all meetings. 2. Prepare summary of Executive Committee meetings for publication in the Messenger. 3. Publish annual minutes. 4. Mail Annual Church Profile to church clerks. 5. The clerk also may serve as historian. Article IV - Director of Missions Section A - The director of missions shall be employed for an indefinite tenure of service. The director of missions shall give guidance to the ministries, activities, and programs of the Association and shall serve as treasurer for the Association. The director of missions shall be elected by the Association at a regular or special meeting upon the recommendation of a search committee that shall be elected by the Executive Committee. The director of missions is directly responsible to the Association. Areas of responsibility are: 1. Chief administrator, planner, and resource person for the Association. 2. Ex officio member of all teams and committees. 3. Counselor and advisor to the Association staff, ministers, and leaders of the churches. 4. Responsible for receiving the funds for the Association, administering the budget, keeping accurate records, and reporting to the Association in annual session and in Executive Committee meetings. Article V – Administrative Team Section A: Membership shall be composed of the moderator; vice moderator; and chair of the Annual Meeting and Worship Committee, Church Relations Committee, Committee on Nominations, Constitution and Bylaws Committee, Finance Committee, Personnel Committee, and Property Committee; and Woman’s Missionary Union director. Section B: Responsibilities: 1. Serve the Association staff in an advisory capacity and as a forum for evaluation and feedback; and assist with communication and coordination among administrative committees. 2. Prepare and present any resolutions (other than resolutions of appreciation which are the responsibility of the Annual Meeting and Worship Committee) that would be in the best interest of the Association. All resolutions shall be delivered in writing to the Administrative Team at least two weeks prior to the session in which the resolutions are to be considered. 3. Study any Christian life concerns and help educate member churches about such issues. Article VI – Administrative Committees Section A: Administrative committees are committees that have continuing functions in the total administration of the Association. Section B: A person shall serve on no more than one committee of the Association unless he is a member of a special committee. A committee member shall be eligible to succeed himself. A committee member who finds he cannot serve is asked to inform the Committee on Nominations in order that he may be replaced. Section C: Terms of service for elected committee members shall begin at the conclusion of the October Annual Session. Section D: Special committees, teams, or task groups may be developed at any time by the director of missions with Administrative Team approval. These groups shall have a one-year term of service unless otherwise stated. 22 Section E: All administrative committees shall have six (6) members, unless otherwise stated, with two (2) elected each year for a term of three (3) years except the Committee on Nominations whose members are appointed as outlined in Item 3a below. Committees and their responsibilities are: 1. Annual Meeting and Worship Committee a. Working with the Association staff, this committee shall plan the program for the annual meeting for inspiration and for promotion of Association ministries. b. Recommend the time and place for the annual meeting. c. Recommend the preacher and the alternate for the annual meeting. d. Responsible for all arrangements for the annual meeting. e. Prepare and present resolutions of appreciation as appropriate. 2. Church Relations Committee a. Develop the process and guidelines for the admission of new churches to the Association. The process and guidelines shall be consistent with the Constitution and shall be approved by the Executive Committee. b. Recommend new churches at annual meeting or at meetings of the Executive Committee as defined by committee guidelines. c. Serve as a Credentials Committee if a question concerning messengers should arise. d. Relate to any church named in a motion of dismissal. Any motion for dismissal must be referred to the Church Relations Committee. The Church Relations Committee will report at the next annual meeting. e. Develop a process of negotiation to be followed with churches named in motions of dismissal. f. Work with churches that are in conflict and request assistance. 3. Committee on Nominations a. The Committee on Nominations shall be composed of six members with two appointed each year for a three-year term. The outgoing moderator shall appoint the two new members, and he shall name the chair of this committee. b. The Committee on Nominations shall recommend to the Association the personnel of all special and administrative committees, and the Marietta Baptist Camp and Conference Center trustees. c. As needed, work with the Association Staff and Team Leaders for Associational ministries. d. Nominate moderator, vice moderator, clerk, and historian to the Association in Annual Session. e. Ministry Teams may be added or deleted as needed and approved by the Committee on Nominations. 4. Constitution and Bylaws Committee a. Annually read through the Constitution and Bylaws in order to keep the document current with the activities and ministries of the Association. b. Study any proposed change or revision and bring a report to the Annual Meeting. c. Read and study all constitutions and cooperative agreements in existence between Greenville Baptist Association, MartinWebb Baptist Learning Center, Marietta Baptist Camp and Conference Center, and any others and report any revisions or recommended revisions in order to promote harmonious relationships. 5. Finance Committee a. Study the financial needs of the Association. b. Present a proposed budget to the Association in the October Annual Meeting. c. Give oversight to administration of the Association budget. d. Care for any financial emergency by bringing recommendations to the Executive Committee of the Association. e. Promote the Association budget in such a way as to solicit support from all the churches. f. Review annual audit. g. Meet with the director of missions as needed. 6. Personnel Committee a. Develop, maintain, and implement Personnel Guidelines and Procedure Manual. b. Work with director of missions to develop and recommend salaries and benefits for Association staff to Finance Committee. c. Work with director of missions to prepare position descriptions and update them as needed. 23 7. Property Committee a. Inspect and inventory Association properties. b. Develop and implement programs of preventive maintenance. c. Work with staff to develop policies for the use of Association facilities and equipment. d. Represent the Association in matters related to property. Article VII – Partnership Ministries Section A: Marietta Baptist Camp and Conference Center 1. Marietta Baptist Camp and Conference Center is a partnership among the Greenville Baptist Association, Greer Baptist Association, and North Greenville Baptist Association. 2. Each association shall have four trustees, one elected each year; and each trustee shall serve a four-year term. 3. Trustees shall: a. Supervise the work of the camp. b. Hold title to camp property as outlined in camp constitution. c. Attend meetings of the trustees as scheduled by their board. d. Perform other duties as necessary for the stability, effectiveness, and future well-being of the camp and its ministries. Section B: Collegiate Ministries Advisory Team 1. Collegiate Ministries Advisory Team is a cooperative effort of the Greenville Baptist Association, Greer Baptist Association, North Greenville Baptist Association, and Piedmont Baptist Association. 2. Shall relate to the local collegiate minister as assigned by the South Carolina Baptist Convention Collegiate Ministry Department. 3. The team shall be made up of representatives from each association. 4. Members shall serve a one-year term but may serve as many one-year terms as nominated and elected by the respective association. 5. The team shall assist the collegiate minister in planning, implementing, and evaluating student ministries on local campuses. 6. The team shall serve as a liaison between the collegiate minister and the local churches which are aligned with the South Carolina Baptist Convention. 7. The Association shall not be obligated to financially support the Collegiate Ministry Program. Section C: Martin-Webb Baptist Learning Center 1. Martin-Webb Baptist Learning Center is a partnership among the Greenville Baptist Association and three National Baptist associations—Enoree River, North Enoree, and Reedy River. 2. The director is employed by the Cooperative Ministries Committee (executive and governing body). 3. Greenville Association director of missions is ex officio member of the Cooperative Ministries Committee. 4. Mission Statement: To encourage, promote, and train Christian workers in Christian education, evangelism, missions, stewardship, and church extension while endeavoring to combine the efforts of the churches and organizations in other ministries as determined by the Cooperative Ministries Committee. Article VIII – Financial and Fiscal Policy Section A: The Association and its ministries and organizations shall operate on a unified budget. Each church shall be expected to contribute its proportionate share of the annual budget to defray the expenses of the promotional, educational, and missionary activities of the Association. Contributions on a monthly basis are requested of the churches. Section B: The Finance Committee will promote the Association budget. Section C: Association organizations may not solicit offerings except on prior approval of the Executive Committee. Section D: The business year of the Association shall be January 1 through December 31. Section E: Each year the finances shall be audited by a certified public accountant and a report made to the Executive Committee. 24 Article IX – New Work Properties and Assistance Fund Section A: The New Work Properties and Assistance Fund is established to allow the Property Committee and the Finance Committee of the Greenville Baptist Association to borrow money against donated church property and administer these funds for the upkeep of these properties and for other New Work needs. Article X – Annual Reports Section A: The churches affiliated with this body shall be expected to furnish annually the information requested by the Annual Church Profile and shall endeavor to get this to the clerk no later than fifteen (15) days prior to the October meeting. Section B: Each ministerial staff person employed by the Association or authorized to act as an agent for the Association shall submit an annual report giving clearly the facts of his/her ministry. Article XI – Legal Representative Section A: The moderator and clerk shall sign all legal documents as directed by the Association or its Executive Committee. Section B: The moderator and clerk shall perform such other functions and duties as directed by the Association or the Executive Committee. XII – Historian Section A: Gather and preserve Association records, documents, and articles of historical importance. Section B: Periodically publish articles that will make the membership more aware of our heritage. XIII– Amendments to Bylaws These Bylaws may be altered or amended by the affirmative vote of a majority of the messengers present at: 1. Any regular meeting of the Association provided a notice is given that proposed changes are to be considered. 2. Any special meeting of the Association provided the notice of such special meeting includes a copy of the proposed changes to the Bylaws that are to be considered. 25 Property Committee Report 2012 Last year our report included information about lease negotiations, construction plans, and financing needs. I am happy to report that all has been completed and we are very pleased at the results. The construction was completed in April of this year. The staff began the move from Eastlan back to Howe Street in April and completed the move in May. American Renal Associates received their certificate of occupancy in early May and lease payments commenced at that time. Next May and every May thereafter, the lease payment will increase 2%. Open house was held on May 22, 2012 and we had a good attendance of persons interested in the new building. On June 11, 2012, the Property and Finance Committee met to hear details of the completed project. This financial report that was shared in that meeting is included on page 31. As of now everything is running smoothly and we anticipate that it will continue this way. By the end of 2012 and the beginning of 2013, the property will be under a property manager. Hopefully the Property Committee will not be as busy in the future as we have been the last 2.5 years. Thank you for allowing each of us to serve the Association in this way. Thank you for your patience and understanding throughout the building process. Respectfully Submitted, Property Committee: Jack Dill, Chair Ronald Geyer Kyle Turner Bruce Holcombe Shane Donald Ron Davis, ex-officio 26 2013 ANNUAL BUDGET BUSINESS AFFAIRS TEAM 2013 Staff Support Salaries Benefits Expenses Total Staff Support $ $ $ Administrative Expenses Auditor Mileage-Support Staff Staff Christmas/Anniversary Ministers Fellowship Support Staff Conferences Volunteer Appreciation Banquet Total Administrative Expenses $ $ $ $ $ $ Operational Expenses Office Supplies Printing New Equipment/Copier Payments Postage Telephone Fax Internet Janitorial Service/Supplies Grounds Maintenance Building Maintenance Storage Expense Insurance Utilities Office Equipment Maintenance Van-Gas, Maintenance, Insurance Memorial Fund Annual Session Total Operational Expenses TOTAL BUSINESS AFFAIRS 121,268.95 24,608.92 12,930.28 $ 158,808.15 $ 8,600.00 $ $ 72,170.00 239,578.15 1,500.00 300.00 6,000.00 500.00 300.00 - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 4,000.00 6,000.00 13,000.00 3,000.00 10,120.00 3,600.00 3,500.00 2,000.00 2,500.00 5,000.00 12,000.00 3,000.00 3,500.00 250.00 700.00 27 MISSIONS STRATEGY TEAM Staff Support Salaries Benefits Expenses Total Staff Support 2013 $ $ $ 101,610.06 46,940.96 10,496.86 $ 159,047.88 $ 15,800.00 $ 12,400.00 $ 10,250.00 $ 197,497.88 Missions Ministries Human Needs Ministry (Crisis Centers, Disaster Relief, World Changers,Literacy,Hunger Relief and Prison Ministry) Local Ministry (Day Camps, Multihousing, BCM, Mission Teams, Special Events) Partnership Ministry (Honduras, ARM and Others.Does not include local partnerships) Church Planter Conferences $ 4,800.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 800.00 Total Missions Ministries Local Partnership Ministries Martin-Webb Marietta Camp & Conf Center Adopt an Annuitant Total Partnership Ministries $ $ $ Hispanic Work Mission Support and Church plants Chuj New Plant Literature Pastor's Meetings Hispanic Bible Institute Festivals & Events Total Hispanic Work $ $ $ $ $ $ $ TOTAL MISSIONS STRATEGY 28 200.00 11,000.00 1,200.00 3,000.00 2,400.00 3,000.00 650.00 200.00 500.00 500.00 Church Health Initiative - Transform - Engage – Equip Encounter Ministries Books, Seminars, Education Ministries 2013 $ $ 12,000.00 3,000.00 TOTAL CHURCH HEALTH INITIATIVE TOTAL BUDGET EXPENSES $ 15,000.00 $ 452,076.03 $ 464,626.01 $ $ $ 452,076.03 464,626.01 12,549.98 BUDGET FUNDING Church Contributions SCBC/NAMB SCBC/New Work SCBC/Multihousing 2013 $ $ $ $ 425,000.00 39,626.01 - TOTAL BUDGET FUNDING Expenses Funding 29 Tenant Income & Expense Report Tenant income and expenses May 2012 thru Oct 2012 Rent received $ 51,275.16 CAM (shared expense fees) received $ 13,503.23 Total Rent & CAM (shared expense fees) $ 64,778.39 Grounds Maintenance $ 1,250.00 Grounds Maintenance Supplies $ Southern Mutual (Insurance) $ 2,609.00 Interest Exp (Greenville First) $ 25,366.50 Total Expenses $ 29,888.34 Total Revenue $ 64,778.39 Minus Total Expenses $ 29,888.34 $ 34,890.05 Revenue Expenses 31 662.84 Building and Loan Update Loan Draws Beginning Balance 12/15/2011 12,126.97 12/15/2011 200,000.00 2/2/2012 210,000.00 2/22/2012 200,000.00 3/15/2012 172,000.00 6/1/2012 60,000.00 6/27/2012 32,000.00 Total Draw To cover closing costs 3,000.00 Loan Origination Fee 2,800.00 Appraisal Fee 185.00 Title Search 200.00 Title Insurance 2,750.00 Attorney's Fees 1,890.00 Title insurance 50.00 Copy & Courier 13.00 Recording fees 11.00 Record assignment of lease 1,227.97 2011 County Taxes To cover costs associated with bldg. 69,683.94 Lee & Associates 16,047.00 Pangel Abatement 5,650.00 Brown & Massey 14,480.00 Moss & Associates 22,859.77 Moss & Associates To cover pay app #3 204,900.12 Moss & Associates 595.00 Moss & Associates To cover pay app #4 201,163.35 Moss & Associates To cover pay app #5 172,197.42 Moss & Associates To cover pay app #6 75,147.61 Moss & Associates To cover pay app #7 63,463.16 Moss & Associates To cover pay app #8 (includes retainage) 31,579.57 Moss & Associates 886,126.97 889,893.91 Total Used Difference Loan balance available $900,000.00 (3,766.94) (spent out of general budget) 13,873.03 32 2012-2013 Committee on Nominations All the positions and names carried under this heading are offered as a means of listing the information for every committee in one place. New committee members begin service at the conclusion of this annual meeting. All others were previously elected and are serving the remainder of their terms. Director of Missions is ex officio member of all committees. Year Name Address COMMITTEE ON NOMINATIONS 2013 Fred Finch 102 Kay Dr, Simpsonville 29681 2013 Warren Neely 106 Nicholas Dr, Greenville 29617 2014 Dan Vincent 3018 Augusta St, Greenville 29605 2014 **Benny Littlejohn 625 S Pleasantburg Dr, Greenville 29607 2015 **Ralph Carter 4999 Old Spartanburg Rd, Taylors 29687 2015 **Danny Burnley 2331 Laurens Rd, Greenville 29607 Phone Church Email______ 313.0809 421.5293 299.1180 288.5420 244.5075 288.1711 Hilltop Ave David Street Augusta Heights Eastlan Brushy Creek Laurel blittlejohn@eastlan. **Appointed by Outgoing Moderator Officers The following persons are being nominated to serve as officers of the Association. Service will begin following this session. Moderator Vice Moderator Clerk Historian Name Address Phone Church David Williams Bryan Cox Anne Beaver Wanda Bridwell 1801 Woodruff Rd, Greenville 29607 509 S Main St, Mauldin 29662 633 Summit Dr, Greenville 29609 220 Howe St, Greenville 29601 288.1323 963.3547 242.3805 242.4330 Rocky Creek New Hope Brushy Creek Greenville Association Administrative Committees ANNUAL MEETING AND WORSHIP 2013 Richard Corbin 2300 W Blue Ridge Dr, Greenville 29611 2013 Jonnie Terry 1011 W Butler Rd #915, Greenville 29607 2014 Tal Sexton 2 Two Gait Lane, Simpsonville 29680 2014 Danny Culbertson 1500 W Parker Rd, Greenville 29617 2015 Stephen Miller 1100 S Main St, Greenville 29601 2015 Martin Atkins 801 Piedmont Park Rd, Greenville 29609 246.9220 297.0615 884.0039 246.8411 232.7312 244.4128 33 City View First Community Mission Reedy Fork Monaghan Pendleton Street Piedmont Park Year Name CHURCH RELATIONS 2013 Scott Fitzsimmons 2013 Harold Moon 2014 Alex Sands 2014 Daniel Lee 2015 Furman Gatewood 2015 Calvin Holland Address Phone Church 1500 W Parker Rd, Greenville 29617 213 Libby Ln, Mauldin 29662 200 E Butler Rd, Mauldin 29662 403 Sulphur Springs Rd, Greenville 29617 611 S Fairfield Rd, Greenville 29605 21 Allen St, Greenville 29605 246.8411 288.1755 627.8199 246.3347 244.7174 233.7457 Monaghan 246.9580 235.1035 244.4678 233.5332 862.5597 246.8411 Monaghan Dunean Lee Road Earle Street Hillside Monaghan 244.5376 244.4955 2323 Roper Mountain Rd, Simpsonville 29681 228.6075 112 Batesville Rd, Simpsonville 29681 288-9455 457 Edinburgh Lane, Easley 29640 246.4329 Northgate White Oak Simpsonville First Five Forks Monaghan 509 S Main St, Mauldin 29662 1705 E North Street, Greenville 29607 301 Bethany Rd, Simpsonville 29681 520 Reedy Fork Rd, Piedmont 29673 1100 S Main St, Greenville 29601 New Hope Overbrook Clear Spring Reedy Fork Pendleton Street Roper Mountain CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS 2013 Gene Seay 600 Hunts Bridge Rd Lot #111, Greenville 29617 2013 Jim Barnes 125 Knollwood Dr, Greenville 29607 2014 Todd Stewart 1503 E Lee Rd, Taylors 29687 2014 Stephen Clyborne 225 W Earle St, Greenville 29609 2015 Eddie Howard 501 Hillside Church Rd, Fountain Inn 29644 2015 Barry Dilworth 1500 W Parker Rd, Greenville 29617 FINANCE 2013 Will Kirby 2013 Jimmy Robinson 2014 Roger Hall 2014 Howard Foster 2015 *Robert McKinney 2015 PERSONNEL 2013 Bryan Cox 2013 Freida Cole 2014 Cameron Byrd 2014 Mo Howard Jr. 2015 Marty Price 2015 Ron Lewis 19 View Point, Greenville 29609 1805 Wade Hampton Blvd, Greenville 29609 963.3547 235.6359 963.4804 299.1574 232.7312 300 Roper Mountain Rd Ext, Greenville 29615 288.1911 34 Email Kingdom Life Bethel Community Mission Dunean Disciples Fellowship Year Name Address Phone Church PROPERTY 2013 Kyle Turner 2013 Bruce Holcombe 2014 Jack Dill 2014 Shane Donald 2015 Tim Keagy 2015 1 Alabama Ave, Greenville 29611 400 Blakely Ave, Piedmont 29673 PO Box 6066, Greenville 29606 2801 Old Easley Bridge Rd, Greenville 29611 #6 Halstead Ct, Simpsonville 29681 269.0371 277.8096 235.2518 269.3455 905.3304 Oak Crest Reedy Fork Northgate Tanglewood Rocky Creek Email TRUSTEES, MARIETTA BAPTIST CAMP & CONFERENCE CENTER 2013 Kirk Atkins 83 Topsail Court, Greenville 29611 220.5998 2014 Larry Dyer 118 Millbrook Circle, Taylors 29687 244.8598 2014 Joe Capitan 118 Beechwood Dr, Piedmont 29673 277.0277 2015 Charles Pickelsimer 306 Caroldean Drive, Travelers Rest 29690 834.2098 Rocky Creek Piedmont Park Reedy Fork Covenant Grace Ron Davis, ex-officio Greenville Association 220 Howe Street, Greenville 29601 242.4330 * Serving unexpired term Committee on Nominations: Martin Atkins, Chair Dan Vincent Bob Whaley Fred Finch Warren Neely Moderator, Mike Runion, ex-officio Director of Missions, Ron Davis, ex-officio 35 Deceased Members During The Year Augusta Heights Mr. George Davidson, Mrs. Mary Vaughn, Mrs. Ruth Blalock Mrs. Lucille Self, Mrs. Jane Carson, Mrs. Mary Ferguson, Mrs. Mattie Hamrick, Mr. Charles Gray, Mrs. Barbara Taylor Berea First Mr. Clyde Hayes, Mr. Ralph Hawkins, Mrs. Doris Blakeney, Mrs. Delores Pearson, Mr. Leon Johnson, Mrs. Mary Kirksey Mr. Richard Babb, Mrs. Doris Rogers, Mrs. Ann Wyatt Mrs. Ruth Holliday, Mrs. Gus Yates, Mr. Doug Emory Mrs. Jessica Taylor, Mrs. Maree League, Mrs. Ruth Presnell Mr. Lee Cook, Mrs. Carol Morgan Bethel Mrs. Ida Nash, Mr. J. Frank Williams, Mr. Perry Vaughn, Mrs. Rubylee Martin, Mrs. Frances Suddeth, Mrs. Ruth T. Trammell Mrs. Donna Keil, Mrs. Mary Lou Worley, Mr. Harlan O’Malley Mr. Byron Dill, Mr. Floyd Wagner Jr. Brandon Mrs. Evelyn Carnes, Mrs. Doris Browning, Mrs. Alene Cooper Mrs. Gladys Holcombe, Mr. Troy Dickert, Mrs. Georgia Chambers Mrs. Iris Ivey, Mrs. Betty O’Kelley, Mrs. Grace Ouzts, Mr. Jim Poole, Mrs. Carrie Durham, Horace McAlister (Deacon) Brushy Creek Frank Calvage, Joyce Roberts, Gail Crusco, Hazel Keller, Gene Dill, Juanita Hall, James Keasler Calvary First Mrs. Brenda Richardson, Mrs. Catherine Key, Mrs. Dora Eppes Mrs. Margie Bryant, Mr. Melvin Darby Cedar Lane Mr. Richard Patterson, Mrs. Sharon Laverne Anthony Cedar Shoals Mrs. Carolyn Chapman, Mrs. Nola Cagle, Ned Tumblin (Deacon) City View First Berry Medlin, Mickey Nalley, Sarah Owen, Bill Browning Mamie Garrison, Bill Payne, Curtie Mae Yeargin Geraldine Greenway, Wilma Lesley, Lloyd Allen, Flora Watson Clear Spring Mrs. Frances Mayfield, Mrs. Elmina Cooper Mills, Mr. Angus Lancaster Mrs. Elizabeth Redding, Mrs. Clemis Mayfield Covenant Grace Mr. Alton Wooten, Mrs. Madge Mattison, Mrs. Evelyn Bishop Mrs. Dot Peddycord, Mrs. Frances Roberts Crestview Mrs. Louise Coley, Mrs. Margaret Grogan, Mr. Kenneth Knox Dunean Mrs. Nellie Pridmore, Mrs. Dorothy Bryant, Mr. Claude Long Mrs. Maggie Hill, Mrs. Maxine Cartee, Mr. FM Campbell Mrs. Frances Eubanks, Mrs. Irene Williams, Mr. Parker Fennell 36 East Park Mr. Raymond Brown, Mrs. Edna Therrell, Mrs. Bea Pollard Miss Mary Ellen McDonald, Rev. Clarence McCarson Eastlan Sharon Contreras, Chip Henderson, Ruby Barbour Shirley Herrell, Frances Buckley Edwards Road Mrs. Gladys Tanner, Mr. Robert Fiedler, Mrs. Wilda Creehan Mrs. Lorraine Cornwell Emmanuel Mrs. Carrie Jewel Fairview Street Mrs. Clara Boggs Five Forks Mrs. Kindness Babb, Mrs. Linda Ball, Mrs. Judy Pressley Mrs. Ruth Jones Fork Shoals Mrs. Imogene Lollis Fountain Inn First Mrs. Jane Chandler, Mr. Richard Massey, Mr. Ben McWhite Mr. Rodney Coon, Mrs. Myrtle Holland, Mr. Bill Kernell Mr. Richard Englert, Mrs. Virginia Edwards, Mrs. Sara Farrow Mr. Royall Meroney, Mrs. Ruby Lowery Grace Mr. Ray Roach, Mr. Floyd Smith Grove Road Mrs. Dorothy McKenzie Mayben, Mr. Danny Ray Lee Sr. Mr. William Pottenger Grove Station Mrs. Thelma Campbell, Mrs. Ella Mae Lindsey Hampton Heights Mrs. Bea Charping, Mr. Harry Blair (Deacon), Mrs. Etta Woodall Mr. Archie Mallory, Mrs. Jennifer Clark, Mrs. Gertrude Brookshire Hillside Miss Trisha Feete, Mr. Deward “Buddy” Darnell, Mrs. Mary Edna Anderson, Mrs. Carolyne Alexander Darnell Mr. Zachary “Zac” DeVos Hilltop Avenue Don Paige, Mary Hawkins Kingdom Life Levi Perrin (Minister) Laurel Mrs. Frankie Reid, Mr. Sam Jefford, Mr. Marion Thompson Mrs. Doris Ballenger Lee Road Mr. Larry Gray, Doris Hill, Mr. A.D. Hardin, Mrs. Mildred Julian Mrs. Lucy Messinger, Mrs. Juanita McGaffic, Mrs. LaRue Ridley Mr. Carl Letterman 37 Mauldin First Mr. Bill Adams, Mr. Paul Adams, Mrs. Argel Ballenger Mrs. Mahala Bledsoe, Mrs. Janis Brown, Mrs. Bessie Broyhill Mr. Travis Casey, Mr. Richard Cato, Mr. Eddie Childress Mrs. Jean Conyers, Mr. Lawrence Davis, Mrs. Mary Eby Mr. Dallas Griffin, Mrs. Gloria Littlejohn, Ms. Ann Locke Ms. Beth Page, Mrs. Virginia Roberts, Mr. Dean Shook Mrs. Leona Smith, Mrs. Mary Townsend, Mrs. Hattie Mae Varner Mr. L.O. Vaughn, Mrs. Monnie Yeargin Monaghan Mr. James Cantrell, Mr. Kenneth Chandler, Mr. Harry Degear Sr. Mrs. Alice Eades, Mr. Mark Garrett, Mr. Jack Gilliland Mrs. Wanda Green, Mr. Albert Haag, Mrs. Ethel Petrea Mrs. Betty Turner Northgate Mr. Pete Bailey, Mrs. Irene Black, Mrs. Rachel Graves Mrs. Elaine Harp, Mrs. Ann Henderson, Mrs. Kate Jenkins Mrs. Louise Kerr, Mrs. Ruth O’Donnell, Mrs. Dorothy Sabean Mrs. June Scott, Mr. David Stroud, Mr. Robert White (Deacon) Oak Crest Mrs. Gertrude Lane, Mrs. Linda Moore, Mrs. Jearldine Turner Mrs. Mary Stephens, Mrs. Barbara Griffin, Mrs. Summer Roach Miss Penelope Lyon Overbrook Jean Ballard, Vernon Wade, James Carter, Cecil Gravley Janice Montjoy, Marie Henderson, Willie Mae Andrews John S. Elmore Jr., Nell Andrews, Paul Rossi, Juliaette Bagwell Parisview Leroy Tucker, Wanda Thrift, Carlton Duncan, Dot Peddycord Bill Anders Pendleton Street Mr. Lucius S. Fowler, Mrs. Mary Jean Mahon Adkins Mrs. Vivian B. Putnam, Mr. William M. Putnam Mrs. Ida Lee G. Watson, Mr. James Edward Elrod Mr. Edward Eugene Porter, Mr. Kenneth W. Linder Mrs. Caroline L. Lawton, Ms. Dena Driskell Piedmont First Mr. Carroll Wynn, Mrs. Ruby Hulsey, Mr. John Davenport Piedmont Park Mrs. Dot Brothers, Mrs. Frances Vest, Mrs. Edna Carlton Reedy Fork Mrs. Earline Mowen, Mrs. Azalee Collins, Mrs. Lula Cothran Revolution Mr. Scott Burdsal Roper Mountain Mrs. Sybil Byars, Mr. Tom Jenkins, Mrs. Shirley Biggers Sandy Springs Mrs. Almond Campbell, Mrs. Josephine Gossett Mrs. George Ansel McCuen Jr., Mr. John Gordon Pearson Mr. Paul Richey, Mrs. Mary McCollum, Mr. James McCollum 38 Sans Souci Mr. Tom Lineberger, Mrs. Ruth Ashmore, Ms. Helen Harrison Mrs. Sally Crumley, Mrs. Evelyn Clark, Mr. Hugh Watkins Rev. Jack Rich (Ordained Minister), Mrs. Hazel Vaughn Ms. Roy Haden Simpsonville First Mr. Bruce Gentry, Mrs. Pat Abee, Mrs. Joan Glenn, Mr. Darryl McLendon Ms. Tricia Ede, Mr. Earl Carpenter, Mrs. Roberta McDougle Ms. Peggy Jo Soley, Mr. Raydee Wyatt, Mrs. Mary Ruth Taylor Mr. B.F. Banther, Mr. Frank “Bud” Dix, Ms. Ellen Burnham Mr. Ron Nalley, Mrs. Wendy Bailey, Mrs. Elna Sims Mr. Douglas Jones, Mrs. Thelma Williams, Mr. Harmon Farley Mr. Wesley Barnes, Mrs. Tammie Atwood SonPoint Community Joanna Stallings Standing Springs Mr. Billy Wooten, Mrs. Norma Robinson, Mr. Dennis Garrett Mr. Gary Hardy, Mrs. Janelle Boyce, Mr. James Boyce Mrs. Estelle Sullivan, Mrs. Nancy Bailey, Mr. Billy Smith Mrs. Shirley Payne, Mrs. Sandra Gooch Tanglewood Mrs. Joan Martin, Miss Teresa James, Mr. Jack James Unity Mr. Tim Brashier, Miss Stephanie Fowler, Mrs. June Leake Mrs. Ruth Anderson, Mr. Kermit Pursell, Mrs. Mae Watson Welcome Mrs. Pat Green, Mrs. Lucille Boothe, Mr. Art Manning Mrs. Myra Landreth, Mr. Ed White, Mrs. Margaret Junkin Mrs. Reba Childers West Gann First Mr. Ray Ramirez, Mrs. Eloise Campbell, Mrs. Jewel Tidwell Mr. Earl Watson, Imogene Burrell, Mr. Frank Rhoney Mrs. Sara Thomas, Mr. James Kohn West Greenville Mrs. Agnes Hooper, Mr. Bruce Murphree Westview Mrs. Novella Massey, Mrs. Margaret Strickland Westwood Mr. Lewis Yates White Oak Mrs. Linda Bowers, Mrs. Smitty Gregory Mr. Bobby Bennefield (Deacon), Mrs. Dot Dillard Mr. Michael Palumbo, Mrs. Mitzi Tzouvelekas, Ms. Pauline Brown Mr. Bill Phillips (Deacon), Mr. Bill Poteat, Mrs. Eleanor Forrest Woodside Mrs. Margaret Townsend 39 Events of Interest during the year in Churches and New Works Augusta Heights New Pastor, new Minister of Music and new Office Manager Bethel Continuing ministries in our mission center in the apartment complex across from the church; mission trip to New Orleans; remodel began on restrooms in Family Life Center Brushy Creek Ordained Suresh Jonnalagadda Calvary First Ordained Rev. Buddy Miller and hired as part time Associate Pastor Capstone We had lead pastor, Walt Tanner, and executive pastor, Chris Barrineau ordained at the end of 2011. We have been working with Hope Vision Ministry in Haiti. We built a building for a new church plant Christ the Open Door Celebrated second anniversary of the church with 498 in attendance City View First New ministry, Judgment House Clear Spring Fed homeless one Sunday morning each month, helped with Good News Club at Bell’s Crossing during the last school term, and heading up the Good News Club at Monarch Elementary this year Connection Fellowship Moved to a new location in January 2012, Velocity Sports Performance Bldg, 110 Powers Blvd. in Piedmont; Had 6th Annual Missions Conference in May 2012; Outreach events in April and May; Hosted Disciple Now week-end in April; Mission trips to New Jersey, San Diego, CA, and Greensboro, NC Covenant Grace The merge of two churches- Leawood and Buncombe Road and became Covenant Grace; All is well and the church is growing Crestview New Roof on both church buildings; new air conditioner installed for the church Daventon Mike Conklin ordained in ministry Eastlan Bryan Stokes ordained in ministry; Pastor Seok Bong Yang ordained in ministry Encounter 3 people were baptized; Moved to pastor’s house from the movie theater; new groups started Filadelfia Festival of the Family Five Forks Majority of vision achieved; Renovation and fund raising for buildings; Creation of part-time Minister of Children, Jessica Preisig; 4 mission trips Fountain Inn First Ordination to the ministry- Clint Carter 40 Grove Station Transitioned from interim pastor Rev. Jimmy Johnson to permanent pastor, Rev. Larry Gunter who started in April of 2012; Church began minor building renovations; 2012 also brought new families with young children which breathed a fresh spirit in this over one hundred year old established Christian body Holly Ridge New pastor came in December 2012; new purpose & priorities; New church logo Iglesia Hispana Completed two phases of a three –phase building program Infinity Closed on new building April 27, 2012 Kingdom Life Started Navigators 2:7 Discipleship Training; started Elder Training and Completed in December 2012; opened food pantry September 2012 Lee Road Celebrated 50th Anniversary in October 2011 Mission Hispana la Gracia Had baptism at Table Rock; held a Revival; held 3 soccer tournaments for community; picnic at Table Rock New Hope Awana program was started; Rev. Tim Shaw ordained Northgate Blue Bryan, Minister of Students and Education, received his doctorate degree Oak Crest In March of 2012 we began renting our sanctuary to a Spanish speaking church; The children of the Spanish speaking church meet with our children on Wednesdays; For the third year now, we have moved our evening worship services to a park a few blocks from our church during the month of May and we call it “Concerts in the Park”, the community is invited and we have singing, music from our band, preaching and food. Testimonies were shared and the drama team performed; One year our youth minister, Sam Cann, who is fluent in Spanish interpreted; this has been a successful event Origins Ordained two men as Elders/Pastors- Matthew Elrod and Jon Poole Overbrook Ordination of youth minister, Austin Trammell; Building renovations to Include Welcome Center and Worship Center Parisview Celebrated Centennial Reedy Fork Celebrated the 140th Anniversary (1872-2012) Renewal Have ministries in the following areas: students, children, men, women 41 Revolution 39 professions of faith in 2012 Rocky Creek Ordained Josh Williams to ministry, January 2012 Sandy Springs Rebuilt front steps and ramp; added more lighting outside; completed playground area; gave support to youth minister and his wife as they applied and were accepted as Journeyman missionaries; started Wednesday nigh suppers; celebrated church’s 180th Anniversary in July Simpsonville First Began new satellite location in Laurens- meets at Capitol Theater; Hosted Chik-fil-a Leadership simulcast and also Greg Laurie’s Harvest America Crusade simulcast; Annual Prayer Summit- four nights of guest speakers and corporate prayer SonPoint Community Women’s ministry; youth ministry; men’s ministry; new roof on building Standing Springs Ordination of Deacon Jeff Altman; Dedication of new Rev. Pat Perry Prayer Room Temple New Family Life Center The Well New location as of October 2012 West Gantt First One baby dedication Westview Good News Clubs Ministry started at Hollis Elementary School Westwood New Pastor, Dr. Sam Byrum, started in February 2012 White Oak Dr. Jimmy Robinson retired June 30, 2012 Woodside Installation of new pastor in May of 2012, Rev. James A. Tarrant 42 Historical Table of Association in Session Session 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 Date 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 October 5 October 4-7 October 3-5 October 2-3 September 30-Oct 3 September 29-30 October 5-7 October 4-7 October 2-3 October 1-3 September 30-Oct 2 September 29-Oct 1 October 4-6 October 3-5 October 2-4 October 1-3 September 29-Oct 2 September 20-23 September 19-22 August 21-24 September 29-30 August 23-25 August 22-24 August 21-23 August 19-21 August 18-20 August 17-19 August 23-25 August 21-23 August 20-22 August 19-21 August 11-13 August 16-18 August 15-17 August 14-16 August 13-15 August 10-12 August 19-21 August 16-18 August 5-7 August 14-16 August 13-15 August 12-14 August 4-6 August 10-12 August 10-12 August 9-10 August 8-9 August 7-8 August 5-6 August 11-12 August 10-11 August 7-8 August 6-8 August 5-7 August 4-6 August 9-11 August 8-10 August 7-8 August 6-7 August 4-5 August 10-11 August 9-10 August 8-9 August 6-7 August 5-6 August 4-5 Place Union-Marietta Bethuel New Liberty Sandy Springs Lima Double Springs Fork Shoals Marietta Pleasant Hill Rayburn Creek Enoree Glassy Mountain Grove Station Marietta Enoree Fork Shoals Ebenezer Pleasant Grove Bethuel Gowansville Reedy River Rocky Creek Berea Clear Spring Mountain Creek Sandy Springs Columbia Standing Springs Pleasant Grove Fork Shoals Welcome Greenville First Brushy Creek Berea Fountain Inn Greer Forestville Simpsonville Grove Station Pleasant Grove Rocky Creek Bethuel Brushy Creek Clear Spring Berea Columbia Standing Springs Reedy Fork Pleasant Grove Laurel Creek Greenville First Sandy Springs Fork Shoals Greer Washington Simpsonville Pleasant Grove Daventon Piedmont Fountain Inn First Morgan Memorial Greenville First Unity Standing Springs Berea Pendleton Street Rocky Creek Moderator W.B. Johnson W.L. Ballard W.L.Ballard W.L. Ballard W.L.Ballard W.L. Ballard H.L. Henderson W.L. Ballard S.T. Dill W.L.Ballard W.L. Ballard W.L. Ballard W.L. Ballard W.L. Ballard W.L. Ballard W.L. Ballard W.L.Ballard J.C. Hiden J.C. Hiden T.J. Earle T.J. Earle T.J. Earle T.J. Earle Charles Manly Charles Manly Charles Manly Charles Manly Charles Manly Charles Manly James A. Hoyt James A. Hoyt James A. Hoyt James A. Hoyt Charles Manly D.T. Smith D.T. Smith D.T. Smith D.T. Smith D.T. Smith D.T. Smith D.T. Smith D.T. Smith D.T. Smith M.L. Donaldson M.L. Donaldson W.P. Taylor William Goldsmith,Jr. William Goldsmith Jr. William Goldsmith Jr. William Goldsmith Jr. William Goldsmith Jr. William Goldsmith Jr. William Goldsmith Jr. William Goldsmith Jr. William Goldsmith Jr. William Goldsmith Jr. William Goldsmith Jr. C.G. Burton C.G. Burton C.G. Burton C.G. Burton C.G. Burton C.G. Burton D.L. Bramlett D.L.Bramlett D.L. Bramlett D.L. Bramlett 43 Clerk James Harrison James Harrison James Harrison James Harrison James Harrison James Harrison J.L. Westmoreland J.L. Westmoreland J.L. Westmoreland J.L. Westmoreland J.W. Harrison J.L. Westmoreland C.N. Donaldson J. W. Harrison W.T. Shockley W.T. Shockley J.B. Patrick J.B. Patrick M.L. Donaldson D.T. Smith D.T. Smith D.T. Smith D.T. Smith D.T. Smith D.T. Smith D.T. Smith D.T. Smith D.T. Smith D.T. Smith D.T. Smith D.T. Smith D.T. Smith D.T. Smith J.J. Watson J.J. Watson W.P. League W.P. League W.P. League S.R. Melichamp J.E. Freeman O.B. Martin O.B. Martin T.R. League T.R. League D.T. Smith D.T. Smith D.T. Smith D.T. Smith D.T. Smith D.T. Smith D.T. Smith D.T. Smith D.T. Smith D.T. Smith D.T. Smith D.T. Smith D.T. Smith D.T. Smith D.T. Smith D.T. Smith D.T. Smith D.T. Smith D.T. Smith D.T. Smith D.T. Smith D.T. Smith D.T. Smith Preacher of Annual/Doctrinal Sermon S. Powell S.T. Dill J. Dean W.L. Ballard B. Holden H.L. Henderson W.L. Ballard T.J. Earle H.L. Henderson A.D. Bowers S.C. Powell A.D. Bowers W.L. Ballard A.D. Bowers T.F. Nelson S.T.Dill T.P. Bell T.W. Reid T.J. Earle W.H. Strickland W.H. Strickland F.R. Underwood T.W. Reid E.J. Mullinax T.J. Earle T.W. Reid J.A. Mundy T.M. Bailey J.C. Furman R.H. Griffin T.M. Galphin B.S. Funderburk J.L. Vass Charles Manly C.S. Gardner W.L. Richards D.W. Kay D.W. Kay R.G. Kendrick W.R. McMillan D.W. Kay W.W. Jones Z.T. Cody R.H. Burriss J.E. Edwards H.L. Riley G.W. Bussey Z.T. Cody Henry Miller W.W. Williams S.T. Matthews J.H. Washington D.M. Ramsay G.W. Quick J.D. Chapman J.P. Coleman H.W. Provence H.M. Fallow B.D. Hahn J.H. Machen W.L. McGlothlin G.W. Quick W.J. Bolt J.N. Wrenn J.L. Willis George P. White Text II Corinthians 5:20 Matthew 11:29 Philippians 3:10 Psalm 29:1 Mark 16:20 Matthew 16:18 Job 7:17a II Corinthians 4:5 Genesis 1:3 Matthew 6:10a II Corinthians 5:20 I Corinthians 16:13 Psalm 17:4 Matthew 11:29 John 3:1 Psalm 111:1 I John 4:19 John 8:12 Proverbs 11:30 Romans 15:4 Revelation 22:21-22 I Corinthians 3:21-23 John 14:16 Daniel 9:3 I Corinthians 1:21 John 12:27 Matthew 25:14-30 II Peter 3:16 Matthew 16:15 Revelation 3:22 Jeremiah 9:23-24 Genesis 31:29 II Corinthians 6:1 Revelation 3:20 James 3:15-17 Acts 6:1 II Thessalonians 2:16 John 20:21 I Corinthians 13:13 I Corinthians 9:22 Mark 5:24 John 8:36 Isaiah 41:21 Matthew 25:21 Mark 16:3 John 12:32 Matthew 28:19 Matthew 16:18 I Corinthians 1:16 Luke 12:15 Matthew 6:19 John 4:38 John 15:9-17 Ephesians 2:19 John 14:12-13 Galatians 3:20 II Peter 3:15-16 I Samuel 30:24 Matthew 5:13 Mark 1:14-15 I Chronicles 29:5 Jude 3 John 13:14 Matthew 6:9 Luke 16:9 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 August 10-11 August 8-9 August 7-8 August 6-8 August 5-6 August 10-11 August 9-10 August 8-9 August 7-8 August 5-6 August 4-5 August 10-11 August 2-3 July 21- August 1 July 30-31 July 29-30 July 28-29 August 2-3 August 1-2 July 24-25 July 23-24 July 21-23 July 21-22 July 19-20 October 18-19 October 14-15 October 14-15 October 13-14 October 12-13 October 12-13 October 16-17 October 15-16 October 14-15 October 12-13 Earle Street Augusta Road Columbia Reedy Fork Simpsonville First Brandon Welcome Greenville First Fork Shoals Sans Souci Pleasant Grove Central Clear Spring Berea Pendleton Street Fountain Inn First/ Brandon Piedmont/ Monaghan Poe/ Second of Greenville Dunean/ Simpsonville First Rocky Creek/ Morgan Memorial Brandon/ Brushy Creek Augusta Road/ Sans Souci Temple/ Judson East Park/ Earle Street Greenville First/ Pleasant Grove Welcome/ Piedmont Leawood/ Reedy Fork City View/ Fountain Inn First Sans Souci/ Brandon 101 1961 October 11-12 C.O. Milford C.O. Milford C.O. Milford C.O. Milford H.T. Cox H.T. Cox H.T. Cox L.K. Simpson L.K. Simpson L.K. Simpson L.K. Simpson L.K. Simpson L.K. Simpson L.K. Simpson B.C. Wright D.L. Bramlett D.L. Bramlett D.L. Bramlett D.L. Bramlett D.L. Bramlett C.F. Pittman C.F. Pittman J. Dean Crain J. Dean Crain Nathan C. Brooks Leon M. Latimer Leon M. Latimer B.F. Rogers D.D. McGraw Simpsonville First/ Pleasant Grove D.D. McGraw Laurel/ Rock Hill Jesse M. Hill Washington Avenue/Piedmont Park Cullen B. Crook Earle Street/ West Gantt Clyde M. Johnson Greenville First/ J.N. Evans Pendleton Street Northgate/ Augusta Road A. Howard Wilson 102 1962 October 24-25 Welcome/ Eastlan T.J. Kelley 103 1963 October 23-24 Fountain Inn First/ White Oak Ollin J. Owens 104 1964 October 21-22 Augusta Heights/ Central O.B. Lancaster 105 1965 October 21-22 Berea/Reedy Fork/City View A. Boyd Turner 106 1966 October 20-21 Mauldin First/ Furman University/ 107 1967 October 19-20 108 1968 October 24-25 A. Boyd Turner Piedmont First Dunean/Pendleton Street/ C.B. Rollins, Jr. Monaghan Lee Road/ Washington Avenue Marion Hare 109 1969 October 23-24 Northgate/ Welcome W. Daniel Greer 110 1970 October 22-23 Clear Spring/Overbrook Cooper Patrick 111 1971 October 21-22 Standing Springs/ Rocky Creek M.A. Martin 112 1972 October 19-20 Calvary/ Leawood E.W. Lawrence 113 1973 October 25-26 W. F. Rochester 114 1974 October 24-25 Greenville First/ Fountain Inn First Brandon/ Forest Hills 115 1975 October 23-24 Berea Heights/ Edwards Road Haywood Cosby Charles Thompson 44 D.T. Smith D.T. Smith D.L. Bramlett D.L. Bramlett D.L.Bramlett D.L. Bramlett D.L. Bramlett D.L. Bramlett D.L. Bramlett D.L. Bramlett D.L. Bramlett D.L. Bramlett D.L. Bramlett D.L. Bramlett D.L. Bramlett J.A. Orr J.A. Orr, Jr. J.A. Orr, Jr. J.A. Orr, Jr. J.A. Orr, Jr. J.A. Orr, Jr. J.A. Orr, Jr. Lewis C. McKinney Lewis C. McKinney Lewis C. McKinney Lewis C. McKinney Cullen B. Crook Cullen B. Crook Cullen B. Crook Cullen B. Crook Cullen B. Crook Ollin J. Owens Ollin J. Owens Ollin J. Owens J.C. Owen W.L. McGlothlin L.K. Simpson I.L. Yearby F.G. Lavender G.W. Quick S.W. Jolly W.L. Ball C. Frank Pittman Leon H. Latimer L.H. Miller J.E. Willis D.A. Martin B.W. Bailes J. Dean Crain Grange S. Cothran J.A. Wilcox S.J. Gardner J.R. Bruce J.A. Howard D.D. McCraw Nathan C. Brooks D.W. Satterfield B.F. Rogers A. Boyd Turner Robert Cochran Walter E. Boone S.H. Jones Thomas L. Painter Cullen B. Crook L.H. Miller J.J. Sparks J.H. Walker A. Howard Wilson * O.F. Owens Ollin J. Owens O.B. Lancaster * T.J. Kelley Ollin J. Owens Roy Q. Gregg * Andrew Coltharp J.H. Simpson O.O. McGinnis Mrs. Ollin J. Owens, *Henry L. Anderson Pro Tempore Carlton M.Robinson C. Leon Chandler * Marion Hare Carlton M. Robinson C.B. Rollins * C. Frank Pittman Carlton M. Robinson E.W. Lawrence * Lloyd Self Carlton M. Robinson J.J. Bandy, Jr. * R. C. Eustace Carlton M. Robinson Paul M. Sullivan * M. A. Martin Carlton M. Robinson William M. Page, Jr. * Hugh Cooper Woodrow W. Harris Cooper Patrick * Dwight Hughey Woodrow W. Harris T.J. Kelley * Marion Hare Woodrow W. Harris W. Daniel Greer * Charles Thompson Woodrow W. Harris Haywood Cosby * A. Boyd Turner Woodrow W. Harris D.B. Webber * William J. Bennett Jerry Stubblefield Troy Godwin Ezra 7:10 Acts 9:6 Luke 13:34-35 Galatians 4:4, John 20:2 I Timothy 3:15 John 14:12 Galatians 6:14 Ephesians 2:10 II Chronicles 7:14 Isaiah 40:9 John 15:1-14 Matthew 14:16 Acts 2:1-15 I Corinthians 2:2 Colossians 1:18 Revelation 3:8 Galatians 6:14 Acts 20:31 Matthew 16:18 II Timothy 2:15 Exodus 14:15 II Timothy 2:5 Exodus 14:15 Hosea 14:1-11 Matthew 16:13-20 Romans 1:7-17 Romans 10:1-17 Luke 10:23 Psalm 133:1 Acts 5:12-15 John 16:7 I Corinthians 12:31 Hebrews 10:35-39 Luke 2:40, 52 I Thessalonians 4:13-18 John 14:27 Luke 16:23 John 10:7; Mark 16:15 II Timothy 3:16 Matthew 16:13-20 Matthew 18:21-22 Ezekiel 22:30 I Peter 1:1; 2:3 II Corinthians 4:1-7 Revelation 2:1-7 Psalm 11:1-7 Matt 9:35-38, John 4:35 Matthew 18:21-35 Acts 4: 1-22, 31 I John 5:11 Joshua 11:15 Exodus 15:14 Ephesians 2:1-8 Hebrews 12:12 Romans 8:14 II Corinthians 7:1-16 I Corinthians 3:1-9 John 14:1-11 Matthew 28:16-20 John 9:1-4 Matthew 16:13-20 * William F. Rochester Acts 4:23-30 Ephesians 5:25-27 Exodus 20:1-17 116 1976 October 21-22 Poe/ Grove Station S. Martin Atkins Jerry Stubblefield 117 1977 October 20-21 Judson/ Fork Shoals S. Martin Atkins Clyde E. Wright 118 1978 October 19-20 Clear Spring/ Tanglewood Joseph Weber Lester C. Rich 119 1979 November 1-2 East North Street/ Augusta Road Robert Whaley Lester C. Rich 120 1980 November 6-7 Berea First/ Overbrook Spencer LeGrand Lester C. Rich 121 1981 November 5-6 Piedmont First/ Central Grady Bridwell Ollin Owens 122 1982 November 4-5 Judson/ West Gantt First 123 1983 November 3-4 Clyde Wright Ollin Owens 124 1984 November 1-2 Washington Aveune/ Simpsonville First Brushy Creek/ Grove Road Harold Killian Tommy L. Lowe 125 1985 126 1986 127 1987 128 1988 129 1989 July 18 November 7 July 17 November 6 July 16 November 5 July 21 November 3 July 20 November 2 East Park Parisview Cedar Shoals Earle Street Reedy Fork Pendleton Street Woodside Rocky Creek Laurel Lee Road William Page, Jr. William Page, Jr. Roger Couch Roger Couch Ansel McGill Ansel McGill W. Greg Thornhill W. Greg Thornhill Walter B. Fortune Walter B. Fortune Tommy L. Lowe Tommy L. Lowe Tommy L. Lowe Tommy L. Lowe Tommy L. Lowe Tommy L. Lowe Tommy L. Lowe Tommy L. Lowe Lester C. Rich Lester C. Rich 130 1990 131 1991 132 1992 133 1993 April 5 October 25 April 11 October 24 April 30 October 22 April 29 October 28 Mauldin First Leawood White Oak Monaghan Eastlan Sans Souci Central Augusta Road Robert R. Craig Marshall E. Sargent Marshall E. Sargent Marshall E. Sargent Harry C. Smith Harry C. Smith Earl Lewers Earl Lewers Lester C. Rich Lester C. Rich Lester C. Rich Lester C. Rich Lester C. Rich Lester C. Rich Lester C. Rich Lester C. Rich 134 1994 135 1995 136 1996 April 28 October 27 April 20 October 26 May 2 October 24 Five Forks Bethel Welcome Edwards Road Temple Brushy Creek Clarence L. Freeman Clarence L. Freeman James Thomason D. Eugene Lloyd D. Eugene Lloyd D. Eugene Lloyd Lester C. Rich Lester C. Rich Lester C. Rich Lester C. Rich Tommy L. Lowe Tommy L. Lowe 137 1997 138 1998 139 1999 140 2000 141 2001 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 151 152 2011 2012 April 24 October 30 April 30 October 29 April 29 October 28 April 27 October 26 April 26 October 22 October 22 October 21 October 26 October 27 October 26 October 25 October 23 October 22 October 7 October 17 October 20 October 25 Berea First Overbrook Standing Springs Northgate Brushy Creek West Gantt First Palmetto Expo Center Fountain Inn First Monaghan Simpsonville First Laurel Five Forks Eastlan Rocky Creek Augusta Heights Edwards Road Pendleton Street Hamptom Heights Welcome Brushy Creek Kingdom Life City View First Danny I. Burnley Tommy L. Lowe Danny I. Burnley Tommy L. Lowe Ralph F. Carter, Jr. Tommy L. Lowe Ralph F. Carter, Jr. Tommy L. Lowe Glenn T. Bryant Wanda K. Bridwell Nathan K. Gilstrap Wanda K. Bridwell Nathan K. Gilstrap Wanda K. Bridwell Nathan K. Gilstrap Wanda K. Bridwell Albert S. Allen, Jr. Wanda K. Bridwell Albert S. Allen, Jr. Wanda K. Bridwell Gary E. Strickland Wanda K. Bridwell J. T. Cromer Froline G. Thomas W. Randy Harling Froline G. Thomas Furman Gatewood Froline G. Thomas Calvin Holland Froline G. Thomas Calvin Holland Froline G. Thomas Aaron Rayburn Froline G. Thomas Ken Forrester Pat Billings Benny Littlejohn Pat Billings 150th Anniversary Celebration Alex Sands Pat Billings Mike Runion Anne Beaver Gerald Roper Ollin Owens 45 Billy Huff * Tom DeVenny J.R. Baker * Robert H. Freeland S. Martin Atkins * Marion Hare James Fuller * Howard Wimmer Charles W. Brown * James Whetstone Engrum Johnson * Gerald Roper Ephesians 3:14-21 II Corinthians 4:1-15 Luke 7:19-23 John 3 Matthew 16:13-16 Hebrews 2:3 I Corinthians 2:2-14 Mark 5:1-20 Jeremiah 13:23 John 6:8-11 Psalm 23 II Timothy 3:16 Earl Crumpler * Ed Norris E.W. Lawrence *Robert Whaley William M. Page, Jr. * Roy Q. Gregg * Richard Dyar Wayne Turner * Douglas Baker Clyde E. Wright * Clarence Freeman Walter Fortune * William H. Hightower Earl Lewers * Curtis Waters Carl A. Fiske Matthew 25 II Timothy 3:16-17 Matthew 13:3-24 John 17:11-20 Acts 1:1-4 Mark 9:4 Matthew 24:1-4 Jude 1:1-3 Ephesians 2:12 II Timothy 3:15 Jeremiah 37:17 Matthew 9:36-38; Psalm 126:1-6 Larry L. Lewis Matthew 28:18-20 T. Spencer LeGrand Mark 10:35-45 Lloyd Elder Titus 1:1-5 Ansel R. McGill I Kings 19:11-23 Dellanna O’Brien John 20:21 James W. Davenport Exodus 3:7-14 Carlisle Driggers Luke 19:1-10 James R. Culbreath I Corinthians 2:1-5; I Samuel 17:29 David Lee James G. Wooten Joshua 6:1-20 Jerry Rankin Matthew 24:14 Michael Bearden Luke 14:23 James D. Williams Darrell A. Thompson Matthew 5:14-16; John 16:13-18 Albert Mohler J. David Osborne Richard D. Land Jeremiah 1:4 & 6:13-18 W. Greg Thornhill Luke 15:11-24 Joseph Martin, Pianist Ralph F. Carter, Jr. Mark 2:1-5 Jim Cymbala J.T. Cromer I Corinthians 1:17-18 Wendell R. Estep Genesis 6 Ronald E. Davis Exodus 33 Mark S. Roberts II Timothy 3 Remigio Aguirre, Jr. Acts 24:14-16 Dan T. Robinson Matthew 5 T. Martin Price Matthew 18 Kenneth R. Forrester Matthew 21:12-16 Steve Stroup Revelation 5:9-10 Earl Lewers Warren Neely 2012 SUMMARY INFORMATION Greenville Congregation Total Mem. Total Bap. Other Add. Weekly SS Avg. Total Worship Attend. VBS Attend. Enroll. Total WMU Enroll. Undesignated Gifts Total Receipts Arabic, Taylors 15 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Augusta Heights, Greenville 160 0 0 85 0 0 8 0 0 Augusta Road, Greenville 325 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,703 16 8 488 424 175 147 0 0 Berea Heights, Greenville 243 0 0 30 45 0 0 60,887 66,199 Bethel, Greenville 589 3 6 95 90 55 20 268,870 430,249 Brandon, Greenville 256 0 2 56 50 0 26 108,318 110,556 3,103 54 95 987 913 475 0 2,624,000 2,831,028 Calvary First, Greenville 579 15 31 190 121 179 82 365,712 412,213 Capstone, Fountain Inn 82 16 8 178 55 0 0 120,186 232,445 Cedar Lane, Greenville 62 2 3 55 34 0 108 53,471 60,733 Cedar Shoals, Belton 414 1 1 60 82 102 40 116,201 126,791 Chin, Taylors 85 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 City View First, Greenville 689 14 14 210 162 298 37 417,175 562,201 Clear Spring, Simpsonville 438 4 6 130 114 100 12 266,616 296,361 Community Mission, Taylors 209 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Connection Fellowship, Greenville 40 3 4 50 48 0 75 124,444 218,018 Covenant Grace Baptist Church, Greenville 242 9 4 500 185 145 0 124,268 503,147 Crestview, Fountain Inn 119 6 5 33 16 26 0 38,117 43,031 Berea First, Greenville Brushy Creek, Taylors Chinese Mission, Greer No ACP Received 46 2012 SUMMARY INFORMATION Greenville Congregation Cross Point, Piedmont Total Mem. Other Add. Weekly SS Avg. Total Worship Attend. VBS Attend. Enroll. Total WMU Enroll. Undesignated Gifts Total Receipts 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Daventon, Pelzer 244 5 0 130 75 103 5 94,516 99,464 David Street, Greenville 120 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Disciples Fellowship, Greenville 70 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Dunean, Greenville 609 3 6 100 68 69 43 32,053 237,700 1,138 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 East Park, Greenville 190 0 1 39 26 0 17 94,997 110,560 Eastlan, Greenville 750 6 28 200 100 64 40 455,541 680,059 1,732 35 21 625 530 160 43 1,878,862 2,219,578 Emmanuel, Greenville 83 4 1 31 18 0 16 56,000 58,600 Encounter, Greenville 7 3 0 30 18 0 30 0 0 Envision, Greenville 205 32 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fairview Street, Fountain Inn 279 0 0 46 33 27 0 54,542 65,003 First Church of the Deaf, Greenville 29 0 2 18 9 0 0 14,515 14,515 Five Forks, Simpsonville 787 7 23 293 380 205 39 602,870 893,098 Fork Shoals, Pelzer 455 17 14 150 90 120 77 206,033 234,173 Fountain Inn First, Fountain Inn 1,233 14 37 341 295 125 225 698,309 810,391 Freedom Fellowship, Piedmont 44 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DaySpring Community, Belton No ACP Received Total Bap. No ACP Received Earle Street, Greenville East North Street, Greenville Edwards Road, Greenville No ACP Received 47 2012 SUMMARY INFORMATION Greenville Grace, Greenville 102 4 4 48 18 45 1 30,568 33,865 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Greenville Vietnamese, Greenville 95 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Grove Road, Greenville 178 0 0 34 24 0 0 45,035 47,863 Grove Station, Piedmont 92 5 13 67 33 65 0 81,287 102,787 Hampton Heights, Greenville 900 6 12 152 149 110 52 386,101 542,738 Happy Trails Cowboy, Pelzer 33 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hillside, Fountain Inn 557 8 15 179 135 220 56 159,491 214,938 Hilltop Avenue, Greenville 502 1 0 4 53 60 50 86,114 90,432 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Holly Ridge, Simpsonville 132 3 6 118 91 108 15 289,806 375,403 Iglesia Bautista Filadelfia, Taylors 49 19 4 39 29 33 12 8,000 8,000 Iglesia Hispania, Greenville 65 22 7 70 61 0 6 16,000 23,000 Infinity, Fountain Inn 65 12 0 75 42 87 0 180,883 188,634 Kentland Park, Greenville 90 0 0 12 8 63 0 15,117 15,117 Kingdom Life Christian Center, Mauldin 256 12 0 248 95 310 0 387,940 387,940 Laurel, Greenville 420 13 0 100 99 0 1 168,272 285,064 Lee Road, Taylors 814 7 0 295 185 141 21 458,294 682,288 LifePoint, Greenville 105 5 0 140 0 0 0 0 0 6 3 0 5 0 0 0 0 2,763 Hispanic Mision Tzuriel, Greenville Lord's Delight Korean, Greenville No ACP Received No ACP Received 48 Other Add. Total WMU Enroll. Total Mem. Greater New Hope, Simpsonville Total Bap. Weekly SS Avg. Total Worship Attend. VBS Attend. Enroll. Congregation Undesignated Gifts Total Receipts 2012 SUMMARY INFORMATION Greenville Congregation Total Mem. Mauldin First, Mauldin Total Bap. Other Add. Weekly SS Avg. Total Worship Attend. VBS Attend. Enroll. Total WMU Enroll. Undesignated Gifts Total Receipts 1,626,357 2,060,486 2,133 13 26 606 670 282 600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 55 3 0 40 80 70 0 1,950 3,140 1,119 9 20 589 350 210 147 728,650 965,707 New Hope, Mauldin 264 9 7 126 77 51 18 209,368 305,830 NewLife Community, Simpsonville 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Northgate, Greenville 661 8 9 180 140 139 42 524,682 663,049 Northpointe, Greenville 22 1 0 27 0 0 0 0 0 Oak Crest, Greenville 567 11 3 110 85 105 28 202,941 244,258 Oak Pointe, Pelzer 110 12 15 155 90 0 40 155,000 175,000 Open Heart, Greenville 80 4 1 50 27 56 0 92,000 95,000 Origins, Greenville 16 7 0 50 40 0 30 69,131 69,131 Overbrook, Greenville 674 7 13 220 190 15 126 553,979 962,158 Parisview, Greenville 308 5 45 110 68 31 80 214,335 246,684 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pelham Road, Greenville 501 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pendleton Street, Greenville 399 2 3 153 154 70 55 569,611 679,032 Piedmont First, Piedmont 350 2 2 92 54 35 85 202,000 270,000 Piedmont Park, Greenville 280 5 3 125 40 50 10 125,722 138,322 Poe, Greenville 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ministerio Biblico Bautista de Restauracion, Simpsonville Mision Bautista de la Gracia, Greenville No ACP Received Monaghan, Greenville Parkwood, Greenville No ACP Received 49 2012 SUMMARY INFORMATION Greenville Congregation Primera Iglesia Bautista, Fountain Inn Total Mem. No ACP Received Total Bap. Other Add. Weekly SS Avg. Total Worship Attend. VBS Attend. Enroll. Total WMU Enroll. Undesignated Gifts Total Receipts 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Providence, Greenville 200 3 0 60 112 47 0 73,485 80,478 Real Life, Williamston 122 46 0 110 70 61 75 66,140 68,764 Reedy Fork, Greenville 453 10 36 192 116 75 136 348,770 382,875 Renewal, Greenville 134 10 43 143 0 0 0 210,979 449,656 Revolution, Taylors 60 10 0 75 40 0 0 0 86,264 Riverview, Greenville 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Rockvale, Piedmont 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Rocky Creek, Greenville 860 10 15 600 432 125 0 1,498,532 1,576,817 Roper Mountain, Greenville 380 1 8 110 92 80 0 233,416 259,475 Rutherford Road, Greenville 80 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sanctuary, Greenville 88 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sandy Springs, Pelzer 105 4 2 65 42 167 42 112,129 147,682 Sans Souci, Greenville 187 2 2 92 68 63 21 252,881 287,882 Second, Greenville No ACP Received 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Shady Grove, Greenville No ACP Received 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,265 139 139 2,043 1,290 986 1,005 4,243,629 6,231,937 SkyPointe, Travelers Rest 123 28 0 156 26 0 0 1,800 1,800 SonPoint Community, Greenville 95 10 4 110 114 345 0 0 0 South Greenville, Pelzer 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Simpsonville First, Simpsonville 50 2012 SUMMARY INFORMATION Greenville Standing Springs, Simpsonville 975 8 30 315 261 278 31 468,992 1,018,715 Tanglewood, Greenville 637 9 1 200 125 98 107 340,299 413,884 Tapestry, Greenville 65 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Temple, Simpsonville 1,221 14 36 484 349 368 210 650,636 782,948 0 0 0 100 77 0 0 105,000 125,000 Unity, Simpsonville 322 1 0 50 30 22 11 111,000 112,192 Vietnamese Blessings, Greenville 65 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Washington Avenue, Greenville 87 2 2 54 31 0 18 131,970 149,716 Welcome, Greenville 775 10 16 210 176 189 35 488,342 512,103 West Gantt First, Greenville 389 11 15 135 125 95 45 299,913 423,933 West Greenville, Greenville 86 0 2 28 18 0 0 47,521 51,484 Westside, Simpsonville 297 4 0 190 195 169 0 177,650 227,980 Westview, Greenville 25 0 0 35 19 48 1 0 75,421 Westville, Greenville 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Westwood, Greenville 509 8 6 150 90 0 0 161,000 172,000 White Oak, Greenville 570 10 2 90 79 68 38 144,278 158,601 Woodside, Greenville 515 4 4 113 66 0 0 143,013 148,526 Association Totals: 44,255 863 891 15,279 11,111 $26,776,512 $35,140,875 51 Other Add. Total WMU Enroll. Total Mem. The Well Community, Simpsonville Total Bap. Weekly SS Avg. Total Worship Attend. VBS Attend. Enroll. Congregation 8,068 4,340 Undesignated Gifts Total Receipts 2012 BAPTISM INFORMATION Greenville Under Congregation Age 12 to 17 Age 18 to 29 Age 30 and Over Total Baptisms Age 12 Arabic, Taylors 0 0 0 2 2 Augusta Heights, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 Augusta Road, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 Berea First, Greenville 12 0 3 1 16 Berea Heights, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 Bethel, Greenville 0 1 1 1 3 Brandon, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 Brushy Creek, Taylors 22 7 10 15 54 Calvary First, Greenville 9 4 0 2 15 Capstone, Fountain Inn 4 4 5 3 16 Cedar Lane, Greenville 1 0 0 1 2 Cedar Shoals, Belton 0 0 0 1 1 Chin, Taylors 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 City View First, Greenville 2 3 2 7 14 Clear Spring, Simpsonville 1 2 1 0 4 Community Mission, Taylors 0 0 0 0 0 Connection Fellowship, Greenville 0 0 1 2 3 Covenant Grace Baptist Church, Greenville 2 0 1 6 9 Crestview, Fountain Inn 1 1 1 3 6 Chinese Mission, Greer No ACP Received 52 2012 BAPTISM INFORMATION Greenville Under Age 12 to 17 Age 18 to 29 Age 30 and Over Total Baptisms 0 0 0 0 0 Daventon, Pelzer 1 0 2 2 5 David Street, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Disciples Fellowship, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 Dunean, Greenville 0 1 0 2 3 Earle Street, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 East Park, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 Eastlan, Greenville 2 0 0 4 6 Edwards Road, Greenville 32 1 0 2 35 Emmanuel, Greenville 1 0 0 3 4 Encounter, Greenville 0 0 1 2 3 Envision, Greenville 0 0 0 0 32 Fairview Street, Fountain Inn 0 0 0 0 0 First Church of the Deaf, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 Five Forks, Simpsonville 4 0 0 3 7 Fork Shoals, Pelzer 7 0 5 5 17 Fountain Inn First, Fountain Inn 3 6 2 3 14 Freedom Fellowship, Piedmont 0 0 0 0 0 Congregation Age 12 Cross Point, Piedmont DaySpring Community, Belton East North Street, Greenville No ACP Received No ACP Received No ACP Received 53 2012 BAPTISM INFORMATION Greenville Under Age 12 to 17 Age 18 to 29 Age 30 and Over Total Baptisms 2 0 2 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 Greenville Vietnamese, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 Grove Road, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 Grove Station, Piedmont 1 0 1 3 5 Hampton Heights, Greenville 4 0 0 2 6 Happy Trails Cowboy, Pelzer 0 0 0 0 0 Hillside, Fountain Inn 1 3 2 2 8 Hilltop Avenue, Greenville 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Holly Ridge, Simpsonville 0 1 0 2 3 Iglesia Bautista Filadelfia, Taylors 0 0 13 6 19 Iglesia Hispania, Greenville 0 3 9 10 22 Infinity, Fountain Inn 3 1 3 5 12 Kentland Park, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 Kingdom Life Christian Center, Mauldin 10 0 2 0 12 Laurel, Greenville 5 2 3 3 13 Lee Road, Taylors 4 2 0 1 7 LifePoint, Greenville 0 0 0 0 5 Lord's Delight Korean, Greenville 0 0 0 3 3 Congregation Age 12 Grace, Greenville Greater New Hope, Simpsonville Hispanic Mision Tzuriel, Greenville No ACP Received No ACP Received 54 2012 BAPTISM INFORMATION Greenville Under Age 12 to 17 Age 18 to 29 Age 30 and Over Total Baptisms 6 5 0 2 13 0 0 0 0 0 Mision Bautista de la Gracia, Greenville 0 0 2 1 3 Monaghan, Greenville 4 1 1 3 9 New Hope, Mauldin 3 1 0 5 9 NewLife Community, Simpsonville 0 0 0 0 0 Northgate, Greenville 5 2 1 0 8 Northpointe, Greenville 0 0 0 1 1 Oak Crest, Greenville 7 3 1 0 11 Oak Pointe, Pelzer 3 2 3 4 12 Open Heart, Greenville 1 1 0 2 4 Origins, Greenville 0 0 7 0 7 Overbrook, Greenville 2 2 0 3 7 Parisview, Greenville 2 3 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 Pelham Road, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 Pendleton Street, Greenville 0 0 0 2 2 Piedmont First, Piedmont 1 0 0 1 2 Piedmont Park, Greenville 2 1 0 2 5 Poe, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 Congregation Age 12 Mauldin First, Mauldin Ministerio Biblico Bautista de Restauracion, Parkwood, Greenville No ACP Received No ACP Received 55 2012 BAPTISM INFORMATION Greenville Under Age 12 to 17 Age 18 to 29 Age 30 and Over Total Baptisms 0 0 0 0 0 Providence, Greenville 1 2 0 0 3 Real Life, Williamston 7 21 8 10 46 Reedy Fork, Greenville 4 2 0 4 10 Renewal, Greenville 1 1 7 1 10 Revolution, Taylors 1 2 4 3 10 Riverview, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 Rockvale, Piedmont 0 0 0 0 0 Rocky Creek, Greenville 0 0 0 0 10 Roper Mountain, Greenville 1 0 0 0 1 Rutherford Road, Greenville 1 0 0 2 3 Sanctuary, Greenville 0 0 0 0 5 Sandy Springs, Pelzer 0 0 1 3 4 Sans Souci, Greenville 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Simpsonville First, Simpsonville 72 18 17 32 139 SkyPointe, Travelers Rest 4 4 4 16 28 SonPoint Community, Greenville 0 0 9 1 10 South Greenville, Pelzer 0 0 0 0 0 Congregation Age 12 Primera Iglesia Bautista, Fountain Inn Second, Greenville Shady Grove, Greenville No ACP Received No ACP Received No ACP Received 56 2012 BAPTISM INFORMATION Greenville Under Congregation Age 12 to 17 Age 18 to 29 Age 30 and Over Total Baptisms Age 12 Standing Springs, Simpsonville 4 1 0 3 8 Tanglewood, Greenville 6 2 0 1 9 Tapestry, Greenville 0 0 0 0 12 Temple, Simpsonville 9 3 1 1 14 The Well Community, Simpsonville 0 0 0 0 0 Unity, Simpsonville 0 0 1 0 1 Vietnamese Blessings, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 Washington Avenue, Greenville 0 2 0 0 2 Welcome, Greenville 2 1 1 6 10 West Gantt First, Greenville 7 3 0 1 11 West Greenville, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 Westside, Simpsonville 3 0 0 1 4 Westview, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 Westville, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 Westwood, Greenville 3 1 4 0 8 White Oak, Greenville 2 0 5 3 10 Woodside, Greenville 0 0 1 3 4 Association Totals: 300 126 149 224 863 57 2012 MISSIONS INVOLVEMENT INFORMATION Greenville Local Community South Carolina Other North American International Total Missions Participation Arabic, Taylors 0 0 0 0 0 Augusta Heights, Greenville 20 12 1 0 33 Augusta Road, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 Berea First, Greenville 75 20 70 0 165 Berea Heights, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 Bethel, Greenville 9 0 7 0 16 Brandon, Greenville 2 0 0 0 2 Brushy Creek, Taylors 32 65 34 63 194 Calvary First, Greenville 35 18 0 0 53 Capstone, Fountain Inn 60 0 0 33 93 Cedar Lane, Greenville 30 4 0 0 34 Cedar Shoals, Belton 0 0 0 0 0 Chin, Taylors 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 City View First, Greenville 222 0 0 13 235 Clear Spring, Simpsonville 32 0 0 0 32 Community Mission, Taylors 0 0 0 0 0 Connection Fellowship, Greenville 50 2 14 10 76 Covenant Grace Baptist Church, Greenville 15 10 0 0 25 Crestview, Fountain Inn 0 0 0 0 0 Congregation Chinese Mission, Greer No ACP Received 58 2012 MISSIONS INVOLVEMENT INFORMATION Greenville Local Community South Carolina Other North American International Total Missions Participation 0 0 0 0 0 Daventon, Pelzer 0 0 0 0 0 David Street, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Disciples Fellowship, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 Dunean, Greenville 0 0 0 0 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Congregation Cross Point, Piedmont DaySpring Community, Belton No ACP Received No ACP Received Earle Street, Greenville East North Street, Greenville East Park, Greenville No ACP Received Eastlan, Greenville 61 8 6 3 78 Edwards Road, Greenville 373 73 14 17 477 Emmanuel, Greenville 2 0 0 2 4 Encounter, Greenville 7600 0 0 0 7,600 Envision, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 Fairview Street, Fountain Inn 0 0 0 0 0 First Church of the Deaf, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 Five Forks, Simpsonville 175 0 59 2 236 Fork Shoals, Pelzer 32 20 36 4 92 Fountain Inn First, Fountain Inn 35 62 20 2 119 Freedom Fellowship, Piedmont 0 0 0 0 0 59 2012 MISSIONS INVOLVEMENT INFORMATION Greenville Local Community South Carolina Other North American International Total Missions Participation 10 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 Greenville Vietnamese, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 Grove Road, Greenville 3 0 0 0 3 Grove Station, Piedmont 20 0 0 0 20 Hampton Heights, Greenville 95 0 1 0 96 Happy Trails Cowboy, Pelzer 0 0 0 0 0 114 20 15 101 250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Holly Ridge, Simpsonville 4 3 2 2 11 Iglesia Bautista Filadelfia, Taylors 16 6 5 0 27 Iglesia Hispania, Greenville 2 0 0 4 6 Congregation Grace, Greenville Greater New Hope, Simpsonville No ACP Received Hillside, Fountain Inn Hilltop Avenue, Greenville Hispanic Mision Tzuriel, Greenville Infinity, Fountain Inn No ACP Received 120 0 0 6 126 Kentland Park, Greenville 0 0 2 0 2 Kingdom Life Christian Center, Mauldin 82 0 0 0 82 Laurel, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 Lee Road, Taylors 80 0 35 1 116 LifePoint, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 Lord's Delight Korean, Greenville 1 1 0 1 3 60 2012 MISSIONS INVOLVEMENT INFORMATION Greenville Local Community South Carolina Other North American International Total Missions Participation 662 262 136 12 1,072 0 0 0 0 0 Mision Bautista de la Gracia, Greenville 90 0 0 0 90 Monaghan, Greenville 140 12 3 2 157 New Hope, Mauldin 8 0 10 3 21 NewLife Community, Simpsonville 0 0 0 0 0 401 0 54 0 455 Northpointe, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 Oak Crest, Greenville 1 0 0 0 1 Oak Pointe, Pelzer 75 15 5 0 95 Open Heart, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 Origins, Greenville 60 0 6 2 68 Overbrook, Greenville 9 92 6 172 279 Parisview, Greenville 9 0 0 22 31 0 0 0 0 0 Pelham Road, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 Pendleton Street, Greenville 28 0 11 4 43 Piedmont First, Piedmont 20 0 0 0 20 Piedmont Park, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 Poe, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 Congregation Mauldin First, Mauldin Ministerio Biblico Bautista de Restauracion, No ACP Received Northgate, Greenville Parkwood, Greenville No ACP Received 61 2012 MISSIONS INVOLVEMENT INFORMATION Greenville Local Community South Carolina Other North American International Total Missions Participation 0 0 0 0 0 Providence, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 Real Life, Williamston 60 0 16 1 77 Reedy Fork, Greenville 16 12 0 0 28 Renewal, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 Revolution, Taylors 0 0 0 0 0 Riverview, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 Rockvale, Piedmont 0 0 0 0 0 291 0 32 38 361 Roper Mountain, Greenville 0 3 0 0 3 Rutherford Road, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 Sanctuary, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 Sandy Springs, Pelzer 26 0 0 0 26 Sans Souci, Greenville 42 1 0 0 43 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 213 107 175 107 602 SkyPointe, Travelers Rest 1 0 0 2 3 SonPoint Community, Greenville 15 4 1 1 21 South Greenville, Pelzer 0 0 0 0 0 Congregation Primera Iglesia Bautista, Fountain Inn No ACP Received Rocky Creek, Greenville Second, Greenville Shady Grove, Greenville Simpsonville First, Simpsonville No ACP Received No ACP Received 62 2012 MISSIONS INVOLVEMENT INFORMATION Greenville Local Community South Carolina Other North American International Total Missions Participation Standing Springs, Simpsonville 457 0 0 9 466 Tanglewood, Greenville 30 10 17 0 57 Congregation Tapestry, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 Temple, Simpsonville 60 32 27 6 125 The Well Community, Simpsonville 65 0 0 27 92 Unity, Simpsonville 10 0 0 0 10 Vietnamese Blessings, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 Washington Avenue, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 Welcome, Greenville 100 0 33 2 135 West Gantt First, Greenville 123 0 0 0 123 West Greenville, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 Westside, Simpsonville 60 0 0 3 63 Westview, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 Westville, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 Westwood, Greenville 80 0 0 0 80 White Oak, Greenville 0 0 0 1 1 Woodside, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 12,559 874 853 678 14,999 Association Totals: 63 2012 WOMAN’S MISSIONARY UNION INFORMATION Greenville Girls in Action Child. in Action Acteens Youth on Missn Women on Missn Adults on Missn Church Wide Involv. Women Men Job Job Corps Corps Project Help Dept. Juv. Justice Total WMU Congregation Mission Friends Arabic, Taylors 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Augusta Heights, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 8 Augusta Road, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Berea First, Greenville 42 30 0 0 0 75 0 0 0 0 0 0 147 Berea Heights, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bethel, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 6 0 0 0 0 20 Brandon, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 26 Brushy Creek, Taylors 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Calvary First, Greenville 12 0 0 0 25 10 0 35 0 0 0 0 82 Capstone, Fountain Inn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cedar Lane, Greenville 0 0 0 0 10 30 34 34 0 0 0 0 108 Cedar Shoals, Belton 0 8 0 0 12 10 7 3 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 City View First, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 7 0 0 0 0 37 Clear Spring, Simpsonville 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 1 0 0 0 0 12 Community Mission, Taylors 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Connection Fellowship, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 75 0 0 0 0 75 Covenant Grace Baptist Church, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Crestview, Fountain Inn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Chin, Taylors Chinese Mission, Greer No ACP Received 64 2012 WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION INFORMATION Greenville Mission Friends Congregation Cross Point, Piedmont Child. in Action Acteens Youth on Missn Women on Missn Adults on Missn Church Wide Involv. Women Men Job Job Corps Corps Project Help Dept. Juv. Justice Total WMU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Daventon, Pelzer 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 David Street, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Disciples Fellowship, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Dunean, Greenville 13 0 0 0 0 0 15 15 0 0 0 0 43 Earle Street, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 East Park, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 Eastlan, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 Edwards Road, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 25 0 18 0 0 0 0 43 Emmanuel, Greenville 4 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 Encounter, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 30 Envision, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fairview Street, Fountain Inn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 First Church of the Deaf, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Five Forks, Simpsonville 4 10 0 0 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 39 Fork Shoals, Pelzer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 77 0 0 0 0 77 Fountain Inn First, Fountain Inn 0 0 0 0 0 75 0 150 0 0 0 0 225 Freedom Fellowship, Piedmont 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DaySpring Community, Belton East North Street, Greenville No ACP Received Girls in Action No ACP Received No ACP Received 65 2012 WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION INFORMATION Greenville Mission Friends Congregation Grace, Greenville Girls in Action Child. in Action Acteens Youth on Missn Women on Missn Adults on Missn Church Wide Involv. Women Men Job Job Corps Corps Project Help Dept. Juv. Justice Total WMU 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Greenville Vietnamese, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Grove Road, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Grove Station, Piedmont 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hampton Heights, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 52 0 0 0 0 0 0 52 Happy Trails Cowboy, Pelzer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hillside, Fountain Inn 16 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 56 Hilltop Avenue, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 12 13 25 0 0 0 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Holly Ridge, Simpsonville 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 15 Iglesia Bautista Filadelfia, Taylors 1 0 0 7 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 Iglesia Hispania, Greenville 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 6 Infinity, Fountain Inn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Kentland Park, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Kingdom Life Christian Center, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Laurel, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 Lee Road, Taylors 6 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 LifePoint, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lord's Delight Korean, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Greater New Hope, Simpsonville Hispanic Mision Tzuriel, Greenville No ACP Received No ACP Received 66 2012 WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION INFORMATION Greenville Mission Friends Congregation Mauldin First, Mauldin Ministerio Biblico Bautista de No ACP Received Girls in Action Child. in Action Acteens Youth on Missn Women on Missn Adults on Missn Church Wide Involv. Women Men Job Job Corps Corps Project Help Dept. Juv. Justice Total WMU 18 0 0 22 0 71 0 487 0 0 2 0 600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mision Bautista de la Gracia, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Monaghan, Greenville 22 30 0 3 0 92 0 0 0 0 0 0 147 New Hope, Mauldin 0 0 0 0 0 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 NewLife Community, Simpsonville 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Northgate, Greenville 6 0 15 1 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 42 Northpointe, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Oak Crest, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 28 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 Oak Pointe, Pelzer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 40 Open Heart, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Origins, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 30 Overbrook, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 20 6 100 0 0 0 0 126 Parisview, Greenville 12 10 0 0 26 29 0 3 0 0 0 0 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pelham Road, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pendleton Street, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 55 0 0 0 0 55 Piedmont First, Piedmont 3 0 25 0 8 36 10 3 0 0 0 0 85 Piedmont Park, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 Poe, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Parkwood, Greenville No ACP Received 67 2012 WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION INFORMATION Greenville Mission Friends Congregation Primera Iglesia Bautista, Fountain Child. in Action Acteens Youth on Missn Women on Missn Adults on Missn Church Wide Involv. Women Men Job Job Corps Corps Project Help Dept. Juv. Justice Total WMU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Providence, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Real Life, Williamston 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 75 0 0 0 0 75 Reedy Fork, Greenville 9 7 0 3 6 47 62 2 0 0 0 0 136 Renewal, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Revolution, Taylors 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Riverview, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Rockvale, Piedmont 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Rocky Creek, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Roper Mountain, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Rutherford Road, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sanctuary, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sandy Springs, Pelzer 4 0 0 0 0 12 0 26 0 0 0 0 42 Sans Souci, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 0 0 0 0 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Simpsonville First, Simpsonville 64 13 128 0 0 150 0 650 0 0 0 0 1,005 SkyPointe, Travelers Rest 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SonPoint Community, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 South Greenville, Pelzer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Second, Greenville Shady Grove, Greenville No ACP Received Girls in Action No ACP Received No ACP Received 68 2012 WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION INFORMATION Greenville Congregation Mission Friends Girls in Action Child. in Action Acteens Youth on Missn Women on Missn Adults on Missn Church Wide Involv. Women Men Job Job Corps Corps Project Help Dept. Juv. Justice Total WMU Standing Springs, Simpsonville 0 0 0 0 0 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 Tanglewood, Greenville 42 20 0 0 10 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 107 Tapestry, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Temple, Simpsonville 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 0 0 0 0 0 210 The Well Community, Simpsonville 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Unity, Simpsonville 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 Vietnamese Blessings, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Washington Avenue, Greenville 4 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 Welcome, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 35 West Gantt First, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 44 0 1 0 0 0 0 45 West Greenville, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Westside, Simpsonville 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Westview, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 Westville, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Westwood, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 White Oak, Greenville 8 8 0 0 0 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 38 Woodside, Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Association Totals: 295 151 168 38 176 1,156 357 1,997 0 0 2 0 4,340 69 2012 GENERAL FINANCIAL INFORMATION Greenville Financial figures marked with an asterisk (*) reflect Convention records and are from January 1 to December 31, 2012 *General Designation *Prayer Week Undesignated Gifts Total Receipts Congregation *Budget Gift Arabic, Taylors 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 Augusta Heights, Greenville 1,980.00 250.00 1,398.00 3,628.00 0 0 Augusta Road, Greenville 4,001.39 650.00 3,830.00 8,481.39 0 0 22,000.00 155.00 31,181.62 53,336.62 0 0 4,967.00 0.00 2,012.00 6,979.00 60,887 66,199 19,730.87 0.00 9,239.38 28,970.25 268,870 430,249 6,000.00 0.00 3,464.75 9,464.75 108,318 110,556 227,000.00 45,096.04 290,242.50 562,338.54 2,624,000 2,831,028 Calvary First, Greenville 24,000.00 0.00 12,301.67 36,301.67 365,712 412,213 Capstone, Fountain Inn 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 120,186 232,445 Cedar Lane, Greenville 1,045.00 0.00 1,200.00 2,245.00 53,471 60,733 Cedar Shoals, Belton 9,789.85 0.00 3,067.03 12,856.88 116,201 126,791 Chin, Taylors 3,256.26 0.00 0.00 3,256.26 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 City View First, Greenville 22,200.00 638.00 18,456.32 41,294.32 417,175 562,201 Clear Spring, Simpsonville 26,694.00 1,380.00 11,453.00 39,527.00 266,616 296,361 2,100.00 0.00 243.00 2,343.00 0 0 Berea First, Greenville Berea Heights, Greenville Bethel, Greenville Brandon, Greenville Brushy Creek, Taylors Chinese Mission, Greer Community Mission, Taylors Connection Fellowship, Greenville Covenant Grace Baptist Church, Greenville Crestview, Fountain Inn No ACP Received *Total Gifts 1,200.00 0.00 1,596.00 2,796.00 124,444 218,018 12,728.67 602.00 3,798.65 17,129.32 124,268 503,147 748.36 0.00 307.00 1,055.36 38,117 43,031 70 2012 GENERAL FINANCIAL INFORMATION Greenville Financial figures marked with an asterisk (*) reflect Convention records and are from January 1 to December 31, 2012 Congregation Cross Point, Piedmont *General Designation *Budget Gift *Total Gifts Undesignated Gifts Total Receipts 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 Daventon, Pelzer 7,425.63 528.55 2,157.00 10,111.18 94,516 99,464 David Street, Greenville 2,095.20 0.00 200.00 2,295.20 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 300.00 0.00 0.00 300.00 0 0 4,500.00 0.00 7,305.55 11,805.55 32,053 237,700 56,936.07 2,020.02 25,975.25 84,931.34 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 760.17 0.00 2,215.00 2,975.17 94,997 110,560 40,919.93 0.00 12,435.00 53,354.93 455,541 680,059 166,263.20 3,918.50 106,182.48 276,364.18 1,878,862 2,219,578 DaySpring Community, Belton No ACP Received *Prayer Week No ACP Received Disciples Fellowship, Greenville Dunean, Greenville Earle Street, Greenville East North Street, Greenville East Park, Greenville Eastlan, Greenville Edwards Road, Greenville No ACP Received Emmanuel, Greenville 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 56,000 58,600 Encounter, Greenville 1,526.28 204.96 0.00 1,731.24 0 0 50.00 0.00 0.00 50.00 0 0 Fairview Street, Fountain Inn 0.00 0.00 920.00 920.00 54,542 65,003 First Church of the Deaf, Greenville 0.00 0.00 51.99 51.99 14,515 14,515 Five Forks, Simpsonville 65,623.27 2,644.00 35,868.00 104,135.27 602,870 893,098 Fork Shoals, Pelzer 18,233.82 0.00 7,932.00 26,165.82 206,033 234,173 Fountain Inn First, Fountain Inn 70,674.30 0.00 33,751.05 104,425.35 698,309 810,391 Freedom Fellowship, Piedmont 1,538.93 0.00 176.81 1,715.74 0 0 Envision, Greenville 71 2012 GENERAL FINANCIAL INFORMATION Greenville Financial figures marked with an asterisk (*) reflect Convention records and are from January 1 to December 31, 2012 Congregation *General Designation *Budget Gift Grace, Greenville *Prayer Week *Total Gifts Undesignated Gifts Total Receipts 2,400.00 0.00 1,758.45 4,158.45 30,568 33,865 50.00 0.00 0.00 50.00 0 0 Greenville Vietnamese, Greenville 500.00 0.00 500.00 1,000.00 0 0 Grove Road, Greenville 861.41 0.00 1,633.60 2,495.01 45,035 47,863 6,906.70 0.00 1,400.00 8,306.70 81,287 102,787 Hampton Heights, Greenville 17,634.45 0.00 8,903.84 26,538.29 386,101 542,738 Happy Trails Cowboy, Pelzer 845.98 0.00 305.00 1,150.98 0 0 5,400.97 585.90 6,556.07 12,542.94 159,491 214,938 800.00 0.00 2,053.20 2,853.20 86,114 90,432 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 33,278.89 0.00 47,336.00 80,614.89 289,806 375,403 Iglesia Bautista Filadelfia, Taylors 104.00 0.00 55.00 159.00 8,000 8,000 Iglesia Hispania, Greenville 100.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 16,000 23,000 8,387.00 0.00 0.00 8,387.00 180,883 188,634 357.00 0.00 0.00 357.00 15,117 15,117 12,200.00 0.00 130.00 12,330.00 387,940 387,940 Laurel, Greenville 3,759.95 0.00 0.00 3,759.95 168,272 285,064 Lee Road, Taylors 8,344.49 0.00 11,533.70 19,878.19 458,294 682,288 LifePoint, Greenville 250.00 0.00 0.00 250.00 0 0 Lord's Delight Korean, Greenville 252.00 0.00 0.00 252.00 0 2,763 Greater New Hope, Simpsonville No ACP Received Grove Station, Piedmont Hillside, Fountain Inn Hilltop Avenue, Greenville Hispanic Mision Tzuriel, Greenville Holly Ridge, Simpsonville Infinity, Fountain Inn Kentland Park, Greenville Kingdom Life Christian Center, Mauldin No ACP Received 72 2012 GENERAL FINANCIAL INFORMATION Greenville Financial figures marked with an asterisk (*) reflect Convention records and are from January 1 to December 31, 2012 Congregation *General Designation *Budget Gift Mauldin First, Mauldin *Prayer Week *Total Gifts Undesignated Gifts Total Receipts 38,778.70 5,141.89 43,665.03 87,585.62 1,626,357 2,060,486 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,950 3,140 Monaghan, Greenville 72,631.50 0.00 37,033.48 109,664.98 728,650 965,707 New Hope, Mauldin 14,276.72 0.00 7,632.32 21,909.04 209,368 305,830 75.00 0.00 0.00 75.00 0 0 40,761.00 760.93 16,119.47 57,641.40 524,682 663,049 Ministerio Biblico Bautista de Restauracion, No ACP Received Mision Bautista de la Gracia, Greenville NewLife Community, Simpsonville Northgate, Greenville Northpointe, Greenville 1,200.00 0.00 0.00 1,200.00 0 0 19,344.97 461.00 1,081.20 20,887.17 202,941 244,258 1,735.00 0.00 0.00 1,735.00 155,000 175,000 0.00 0.00 200.00 200.00 92,000 95,000 4,950.00 0.00 0.00 4,950.00 69,131 69,131 Overbrook, Greenville 21,765.52 0.00 32,263.62 54,029.14 553,979 962,158 Parisview, Greenville 1,400.00 0.00 2,865.00 4,265.00 214,335 246,684 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 3,437.50 0.00 0.00 3,437.50 0 0 Oak Crest, Greenville Oak Pointe, Pelzer Open Heart, Greenville Origins, Greenville Parkwood, Greenville Pelham Road, Greenville Pendleton Street, Greenville No ACP Received 37,833.41 300.00 10,843.00 48,976.41 569,611 679,032 Piedmont First, Piedmont 3,288.40 900.04 3,280.00 7,468.44 202,000 270,000 Piedmont Park, Greenville 1,500.00 0.00 3,278.00 4,778.00 125,722 138,322 Poe, Greenville 2,925.45 0.00 1,351.00 4,276.45 0 0 73 2012 GENERAL FINANCIAL INFORMATION Greenville Financial figures marked with an asterisk (*) reflect Convention records and are from January 1 to December 31, 2012 Congregation Primera Iglesia Bautista, Fountain Inn *General Designation *Budget Gift No ACP Received Providence, Greenville Real Life, Williamston Reedy Fork, Greenville Renewal, Greenville Revolution, Taylors Riverview, Greenville Rockvale, Piedmont *Prayer Week *Total Gifts Undesignated Gifts Total Receipts 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 600.00 0.00 2,215.00 2,815.00 73,485 80,478 2,513.19 0.00 0.00 2,513.19 66,140 68,764 28,276.20 2,878.51 11,377.70 42,532.41 348,770 382,875 9,880.20 0.00 200.00 10,080.20 210,979 449,656 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 86,264 1,430.06 0.00 495.00 1,925.06 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 123,523.96 0.00 12,505.00 136,028.96 1,498,532 1,576,817 Roper Mountain, Greenville 31,422.85 0.00 7,555.00 38,977.85 233,416 259,475 Rutherford Road, Greenville 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 600.00 214.00 0.00 814.00 0 0 Sandy Springs, Pelzer 3,000.00 0.00 2,634.28 5,634.28 112,129 147,682 Sans Souci, Greenville 2,477.19 0.00 2,732.50 5,209.69 252,881 287,882 678.75 600.00 900.55 2,179.30 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 464,395.06 8,220.73 103,563.47 576,179.26 4,243,629 6,231,937 2,700.00 0.00 0.00 2,700.00 1,800 1,800 SonPoint Community, Greenville 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 South Greenville, Pelzer 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 Rocky Creek, Greenville Sanctuary, Greenville Second, Greenville Shady Grove, Greenville Simpsonville First, Simpsonville SkyPointe, Travelers Rest No ACP Received No ACP Received 74 2012 GENERAL FINANCIAL INFORMATION Greenville Financial figures marked with an asterisk (*) reflect Convention records and are from January 1 to December 31, 2012 Congregation Standing Springs, Simpsonville Tanglewood, Greenville Tapestry, Greenville Temple, Simpsonville The Well Community, Simpsonville Unity, Simpsonville *General Designation *Budget Gift *Prayer Week *Total Gifts Undesignated Gifts Total Receipts 85,093.68 0.00 40,622.56 125,716.24 468,992 1,018,715 4,844.41 0.00 5,074.93 9,919.34 340,299 413,884 100.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 0 0 13,820.00 0.00 26,640.92 40,460.92 650,636 782,948 801.21 0.00 0.00 801.21 105,000 125,000 0.00 0.00 2,222.00 2,222.00 111,000 112,192 600.00 0.00 0.00 600.00 0 0 Washington Avenue, Greenville 10,500.00 0.00 2,088.00 12,588.00 131,970 149,716 Welcome, Greenville 33,841.72 37.00 22,902.93 56,781.65 488,342 512,103 West Gantt First, Greenville 14,276.80 0.00 10,577.85 24,854.65 299,913 423,933 West Greenville, Greenville 2,631.00 0.00 2,735.00 5,366.00 47,521 51,484 Westside, Simpsonville Vietnamese Blessings, Greenville 2,200.00 0.00 224.00 2,424.00 177,650 227,980 Westview, Greenville 720.00 0.00 1,200.00 1,920.00 0 75,421 Westville, Greenville 0.00 410.00 960.00 1,370.00 0 0 Westwood, Greenville 1,344.25 0.00 1,208.50 2,552.75 161,000 172,000 White Oak, Greenville 1,250.00 183.13 8,964.00 10,397.13 144,278 158,601 Woodside, Greenville 9,900.00 101.63 4,607.00 14,608.63 143,013 148,526 Association Totals: $2,049,044.74 $78,881.83 $1,144,944.22 $3,272,870.79 $26,776,512 $35,140,875 75 2011 - 2012 COMPARISON BAPTISMS, TOTAL MEMBERSHIP, and WORSHIP ATTENDANCE Greenville Total Members 2011 Baptisms Baptisms 2011 2012 Change 1 8 9 0 8 1 24 10 12 1 8 10 5 3 3 0 12 4 16 4 7 29 4 0 0 16 0 3 0 54 15 16 2 1 14 4 3 6 5 0 3 0 0 6 35 4 -1 -8 7 0 -5 -1 30 5 4 1 -7 4 -1 0 3 5 -12 -1 -16 -4 -1 6 0 Congregation Augusta Heights, Greenville Augusta Road, Greenville Berea First, Greenville Berea Heights, Greenville Bethel, Greenville Brandon, Greenville Brushy Creek, Taylors Calvary First, Greenville Capstone, Fountain Inn Cedar Lane, Greenville Cedar Shoals, Belton City View First, Greenville Clear Spring, Simpsonville Connection Fellowship, Greenville Crestview, Fountain Inn Daventon, Pelzer Disciples Fellowship, Greenville Dunean, Greenville Earle Street, Greenville East Park, Greenville Eastlan, Greenville Edwards Road, Greenville Emmanuel, Greenville 76 Total Members 2012 Percent Change Worship Attend. 2011 Worship Attend. 2012 Percent Change 160 325 2,748 243 606 356 3,031 542 78 64 424 681 433 54 109 0 70 613 1,073 194 519 1,701 85 160 325 2,703 243 589 256 3,103 579 82 62 414 689 438 40 119 244 70 609 1,138 190 750 1,732 83 0.0 0.0 -1.6 0.0 -2.8 -28.1 2.4 6.8 5.1 -3.1 -2.4 1.2 1.2 -25.9 9.2 0.0 -0.7 6.1 -2.1 44.5 1.8 -2.4 72 120 570 30 110 63 1,195 178 190 50 80 220 135 75 30 0 54 100 365 42 160 636 32 85 0 488 30 95 56 987 190 178 55 60 210 130 50 33 130 0 100 0 39 200 625 31 18.1 -100.0 -14.4 0.0 -13.6 -11.1 -17.4 6.7 -6.3 10.0 -25.0 -4.5 -3.7 -33.3 10.0 -100.0 0.0 -100.0 -7.1 25.0 -1.7 -3.1 2011 - 2012 COMPARISON BAPTISMS, TOTAL MEMBERSHIP, and WORSHIP ATTENDANCE Greenville Total Members 2011 Baptisms Baptisms 2011 2012 Change 1 0 14 5 11 6 6 0 2 11 7 9 1 8 6 11 11 3 14 0 7 14 13 0 0 7 17 14 0 4 0 5 6 0 8 1 3 19 22 12 0 12 13 7 13 9 -1 0 -7 12 3 -6 -2 0 3 -5 -7 -1 0 -5 13 11 1 -3 -2 13 0 -1 -4 Congregation Fairview Street, Fountain Inn First Church of the Deaf, Greenville Five Forks, Simpsonville Fork Shoals, Pelzer Fountain Inn First, Fountain Inn Freedom Fellowship, Piedmont Grace, Greenville Grove Road, Greenville Grove Station, Piedmont Hampton Heights, Greenville Happy Trails Cowboy, Pelzer Hillside, Fountain Inn Hilltop Avenue, Greenville Holly Ridge, Simpsonville Iglesia Bautista Filadelfia, Taylors Iglesia Hispania, Greenville Infinity, Fountain Inn Kentland Park, Greenville Kingdom Life Christian Center, Mauldin Laurel, Greenville Lee Road, Taylors Mauldin First, Mauldin Monaghan, Greenville 77 Total Members 2012 Percent Change Worship Attend. 2011 Worship Attend. 2012 Percent Change 282 29 776 431 1,207 44 96 181 78 905 46 542 500 179 0 0 47 92 234 400 829 2,164 1,114 279 29 787 455 1,233 44 102 178 92 900 33 557 502 132 49 65 65 90 256 420 814 2,133 1,119 -1.1 0.0 1.4 5.6 2.2 0.0 6.3 -1.7 17.9 -0.6 -28.3 2.8 0.4 -26.3 38.3 -2.2 9.4 5.0 -1.8 -1.4 0.4 50 20 302 165 468 20 45 27 41 147 53 178 60 100 43 60 55 20 177 55 300 650 0 46 18 293 150 341 0 48 34 67 152 0 179 4 118 39 70 75 12 248 100 295 606 589 -8.0 -10.0 -3.0 -9.1 -27.1 -100.0 6.7 25.9 63.4 3.4 -100.0 0.6 -93.3 18.0 -9.3 16.7 36.4 -40.0 40.1 81.8 -1.7 -6.8 2011 - 2012 COMPARISON BAPTISMS, TOTAL MEMBERSHIP, and WORSHIP ATTENDANCE Greenville Total Members 2011 Baptisms Baptisms 2011 2012 Change 0 2 19 15 3 2 8 3 4 3 12 2 9 11 0 1 1 6 1 0 133 28 0 9 8 11 12 4 7 7 5 2 2 5 3 10 10 10 1 3 5 4 2 139 8 9 9 6 -8 -3 1 5 -1 2 -2 -1 -7 1 1 -1 10 0 2 -1 3 2 6 -20 9 Congregation New Hope, Mauldin Northgate, Greenville Oak Crest, Greenville Oak Pointe, Pelzer Open Heart, Greenville Origins, Greenville Overbrook, Greenville Parisview, Greenville Pendleton Street, Greenville Piedmont First, Piedmont Piedmont Park, Greenville Providence, Greenville Reedy Fork, Greenville Renewal, Greenville Rocky Creek, Greenville Roper Mountain, Greenville Rutherford Road, Greenville Sanctuary, Greenville Sandy Springs, Pelzer Sans Souci, Greenville Simpsonville First, Simpsonville Standing Springs, Simpsonville Tanglewood, Greenville 78 Total Members 2012 Percent Change Worship Attend. 2011 Worship Attend. 2012 Percent Change 275 649 556 135 80 18 670 263 449 339 279 188 523 100 0 378 80 98 105 186 4,512 1,412 640 264 661 567 110 80 16 674 308 399 350 280 200 453 134 860 380 80 88 105 187 4,265 975 637 -4.0 1.8 2.0 -18.5 0.0 -11.1 0.6 17.1 -11.1 3.2 0.4 6.4 -13.4 34.0 0.5 0.0 -10.2 0.0 0.5 -5.5 -30.9 -0.5 114 179 155 170 50 30 225 90 200 96 130 50 148 200 570 130 60 65 60 100 2,068 366 240 126 180 110 155 50 50 220 110 153 92 125 60 192 143 600 110 0 0 65 92 2,043 315 200 10.5 0.6 -29.0 -8.8 0.0 66.7 -2.2 22.2 -23.5 -4.2 -3.8 20.0 29.7 -28.5 5.3 -15.4 -100.0 -100.0 8.3 -8.0 -1.2 -13.9 -16.7 2011 - 2012 COMPARISON BAPTISMS, TOTAL MEMBERSHIP, and WORSHIP ATTENDANCE Greenville Total Members 2011 Baptisms Baptisms 2011 2012 Change 56 8 7 0 3 13 0 11 0 8 4 14 0 1 2 10 11 0 4 8 10 4 -42 -8 -6 2 7 -2 0 -7 8 2 0 Congregation Temple, Simpsonville The Well Community, Simpsonville Unity, Simpsonville Washington Avenue, Greenville Welcome, Greenville West Gantt First, Greenville West Greenville, Greenville Westside, Simpsonville Westwood, Greenville White Oak, Greenville Woodside, Greenville 79 Total Members 2012 Percent Change Worship Attend. 2011 Worship Attend. 2012 Percent Change 1,219 0 352 83 923 438 86 224 505 570 508 1,221 0 322 87 775 389 86 297 509 570 515 0.2 -8.5 4.8 -16.0 -11.2 0.0 32.6 0.8 0.0 1.4 480 140 70 55 200 183 29 179 105 120 117 484 100 50 54 210 135 28 190 150 90 113 0.8 -28.6 -28.6 -1.8 5.0 -26.2 -3.4 6.1 42.9 -25.0 -3.4 2011 - 2012 COMPARISONS AVERAGE SS ATTENDANCE, UNDESIGNATED GIFTS, TOTAL RECEIPTS Greenville Congregation Augusta Heights, Greenville Augusta Road, Greenville Berea First, Greenville Berea Heights, Greenville Bethel, Greenville Brandon, Greenville Brushy Creek, Taylors Calvary First, Greenville Capstone, Fountain Inn Cedar Lane, Greenville Cedar Shoals, Belton City View First, Greenville Clear Spring, Simpsonville Connection Fellowship, Greenville Crestview, Fountain Inn Daventon, Pelzer Disciples Fellowship, Greenville Dunean, Greenville Earle Street, Greenville East Park, Greenville Eastlan, Greenville Edwards Road, Greenville Emmanuel, Greenville Avg. SS Attend. 2011 67 88 498 5 108 65 917 107 75 35 50 169 111 62 20 0 15 81 290 31 105 529 20 Avg. SS Attend. 2012 0 0 424 45 90 50 913 121 55 34 82 162 114 48 16 75 0 68 0 26 100 530 18 Undesig. Percent Change -100.0 -100.0 -14.9 800.0 -16.7 -23.1 -0.4 13.1 -26.7 -2.9 64.0 -4.1 2.7 -22.6 -20.0 -100.0 -16.0 -100.0 -16.1 -4.8 0.2 -10.0 80 Undesig. Percent Gifts 2011 Gifts 2012 116,410 0 0 60,887 280,786 138,550 2,691,672 327,283 103,850 2,862 133,512 408,442 259,613 124,349 28,900 103,407 3,590 217,111 879,168 110,268 457,529 1,858,349 61,000 0 0 0 60,887 268,870 108,318 2,624,000 365,712 120,186 53,471 116,201 417,175 266,616 124,444 38,117 94,516 0 32,053 0 94,997 455,541 1,878,862 56,000 Total Receipts 2011 Total Receipts 2012 131,216 0 0 66,199 335,720 150,367 2,998,657 385,104 110,800 6,662 151,224 553,342 291,990 202,710 31,731 127,553 3,590 239,638 1,088,032 123,188 503,808 2,136,706 65,000 0 0 0 66,199 430,249 110,556 2,831,028 412,213 232,445 60,733 126,791 562,201 296,361 218,018 43,031 99,464 0 237,700 0 110,560 680,059 2,219,578 58,600 Percent Change Change -100.0 0.0 -4.2 -21.8 -2.5 11.7 15.7 1,768.3 -13.0 2.1 2.7 0.1 31.9 -8.6 -100.0 -85.2 -100.0 -13.8 -0.4 1.1 -8.2 -100.0 0.0 28.2 -26.5 -5.6 7.0 109.8 811.6 -16.2 1.6 1.5 7.6 35.6 -22.0 -100.0 -0.8 -100.0 -10.3 35.0 3.9 -9.8 2011 - 2012 COMPARISONS AVERAGE SS ATTENDANCE, UNDESIGNATED GIFTS, TOTAL RECEIPTS Greenville Congregation Fairview Street, Fountain Inn First Church of the Deaf, Greenville Five Forks, Simpsonville Fork Shoals, Pelzer Fountain Inn First, Fountain Inn Freedom Fellowship, Piedmont Grace, Greenville Grove Road, Greenville Grove Station, Piedmont Hampton Heights, Greenville Happy Trails Cowboy, Pelzer Hillside, Fountain Inn Hilltop Avenue, Greenville Holly Ridge, Simpsonville Iglesia Bautista Filadelfia, Taylors Iglesia Hispania, Greenville Infinity, Fountain Inn Kentland Park, Greenville Kingdom Life Christian Center, Mauldin Laurel, Greenville Lee Road, Taylors Mauldin First, Mauldin Monaghan, Greenville Avg. SS Attend. 2011 32 10 192 92 370 18 12 26 33 178 12 125 60 87 8 45 24 9 105 36 195 620 355 Avg. SS Attend. 2012 33 9 380 90 295 0 18 24 33 149 0 135 53 91 29 61 42 8 95 99 185 670 350 Undesig. Percent Change 3.1 -10.0 97.9 -2.2 -20.3 -100.0 50.0 -7.7 0.0 -16.3 -100.0 8.0 -11.7 4.6 262.5 35.6 75.0 -11.1 -9.5 175.0 -5.1 8.1 -1.4 81 Undesig. Percent Gifts 2011 Gifts 2012 51,826 365 617,974 215,083 785,379 42,741 35,714 43,541 67,511 372,703 17,093 153,551 82,947 249,867 0 0 123,477 17,198 324,741 111,966 462,016 1,725,191 770,798 54,542 14,515 602,870 206,033 698,309 0 30,568 45,035 81,287 386,101 0 159,491 86,114 289,806 8,000 16,000 180,883 15,117 387,940 168,272 458,294 1,626,357 728,650 Total Receipts 2011 Total Receipts 2012 61,327 0 776,527 231,197 985,696 47,260 42,294 46,892 67,511 788,469 19,613 215,816 87,275 324,138 0 0 187,588 17,198 324,741 122,930 612,723 1,792,510 952,256 65,003 14,515 893,098 234,173 810,391 0 33,865 47,863 102,787 542,738 0 214,938 90,432 375,403 8,000 23,000 188,634 15,117 387,940 285,064 682,288 2,060,486 965,707 Percent Change Change 5.2 3,876.7 -2.4 -4.2 -11.1 -100.0 -14.4 3.4 20.4 3.6 -100.0 3.9 3.8 16.0 46.5 -12.1 19.5 50.3 -0.8 -5.7 -5.5 6.0 15.0 1.3 -17.8 -100.0 -19.9 2.1 52.3 -31.2 -100.0 -0.4 3.6 15.8 0.6 -12.1 19.5 131.9 11.4 14.9 1.4 2011 - 2012 COMPARISONS AVERAGE SS ATTENDANCE, UNDESIGNATED GIFTS, TOTAL RECEIPTS Greenville Congregation New Hope, Mauldin Northgate, Greenville Oak Crest, Greenville Oak Pointe, Pelzer Open Heart, Greenville Origins, Greenville Overbrook, Greenville Parisview, Greenville Pendleton Street, Greenville Piedmont First, Piedmont Piedmont Park, Greenville Providence, Greenville Reedy Fork, Greenville Renewal, Greenville Rocky Creek, Greenville Roper Mountain, Greenville Rutherford Road, Greenville Sanctuary, Greenville Sandy Springs, Pelzer Sans Souci, Greenville Simpsonville First, Simpsonville Standing Springs, Simpsonville Tanglewood, Greenville Avg. SS Attend. 2011 81 149 110 80 58 25 230 60 180 57 55 34 101 80 640 110 20 30 35 75 1,580 324 135 Avg. SS Attend. 2012 77 140 85 90 27 40 190 68 154 54 40 112 116 0 432 92 0 0 42 68 1,290 261 125 Undesig. Percent Change -4.9 -6.0 -22.7 12.5 -53.4 60.0 -17.4 13.3 -14.4 -5.3 -27.3 229.4 14.9 -100.0 -32.5 -16.4 -100.0 -100.0 20.0 -9.3 -18.4 -19.4 -7.4 82 Undesig. Percent Gifts 2011 Gifts 2012 188,361 516,485 251,685 0 94,000 29,837 380,651 171,406 662,548 183,584 102,734 83,690 298,262 148,063 0 230,110 0 0 101,308 0 4,100,196 451,260 353,366 209,368 524,682 202,941 155,000 92,000 69,131 553,979 214,335 569,611 202,000 125,722 73,485 348,770 210,979 1,498,532 233,416 0 0 112,129 252,881 4,243,629 468,992 340,299 Total Receipts 2011 Total Receipts 2012 298,239 644,412 309,197 0 99,000 32,234 722,966 194,573 767,325 228,875 129,743 89,387 348,276 325,683 0 275,567 0 0 111,476 0 6,369,099 1,046,880 488,208 305,830 663,049 244,258 175,000 95,000 69,131 962,158 246,684 679,032 270,000 138,322 80,478 382,875 449,656 1,576,817 259,475 0 0 147,682 287,882 6,231,937 1,018,715 413,884 Percent Change Change 11.2 1.6 -19.4 -2.1 131.7 45.5 25.0 -14.0 10.0 22.4 -12.2 16.9 42.5 1.4 10.7 3.5 3.9 -3.7 2.5 2.9 -21.0 -4.0 114.5 33.1 26.8 -11.5 18.0 6.6 -10.0 9.9 38.1 -5.8 32.5 -2.2 -2.7 -15.2 2011 - 2012 COMPARISONS AVERAGE SS ATTENDANCE, UNDESIGNATED GIFTS, TOTAL RECEIPTS Greenville Congregation Temple, Simpsonville The Well Community, Simpsonville Unity, Simpsonville Washington Avenue, Greenville Welcome, Greenville West Gantt First, Greenville West Greenville, Greenville Westside, Simpsonville Westwood, Greenville White Oak, Greenville Woodside, Greenville Avg. SS Attend. 2011 358 80 61 30 193 154 19 115 85 93 77 Avg. SS Attend. 2012 349 77 30 31 176 125 18 195 90 79 66 Undesig. Percent Change -2.5 -3.8 -50.8 3.3 -8.8 -18.8 -5.3 69.6 5.9 -15.1 -14.3 83 Undesig. Percent Gifts 2011 Gifts 2012 639,724 0 123,958 157,703 508,505 322,926 109,746 269,580 170,000 172,456 159,449 650,636 105,000 111,000 131,970 488,342 299,913 47,521 177,650 161,000 144,278 143,013 Total Receipts 2011 Total Receipts 2012 745,435 0 143,958 164,659 600,344 483,565 110,859 317,014 220,000 192,465 164,336 782,948 125,000 112,192 149,716 512,103 423,933 51,484 227,980 172,000 158,601 148,526 Percent Change Change 1.7 -10.5 -16.3 -4.0 -7.1 -56.7 -34.1 -5.3 -16.3 -10.3 5.0 -22.1 -9.1 -14.7 -12.3 -53.6 -28.1 -21.8 -17.6 -9.6 Greenville Baptist Association Directory of Churches (as of April 2013) Phone Church Fax Address 299-1180 Augusta Heights 3018 Augusta Street, Greenville 29605 277-1108 232-2712 Augusta Road 1823 Augusta Road, Greenville 29605 232-6554 269-5111 Beechwood 2415 New Easley, Greenville 29611 246-1921 Berea First 529 Farrs Bridge Road, Greenville 29611 246-4238 Berea Heights 6914 White Horse Road, Greenville 29611 246-3347 Bethel 403 Sulphur Springs Road, Greenville 29617 269-9710 Brandon 16 Calder Street, Greenville 29611 244-5075 Brushy Creek 4999 Old Spartanburg Road, Taylors 29687 271-4080 Calvary First 11 Tampa Street, Greenville 29609 908-2396 Cedar Lane PO Box 3808, Greenville, 29602 E-Mail *Tim Willis 246-8402 Pastor Tom LeGrand Shayne Powell Doug Humphries Daniel A. Lee Bobby Caldwell 244-3767 Ralph F. Carter, Jr. 271-6793 Roger K. Plemmons 271-9962 Larry C. Bell 246-3370 Location: 203 Marion Street, Greenville 29611 338-9241 Cedar Shoals 1045 Cooley Bridge Road, Belton 29627 Shane Donald 245-7080 Christ the Open Door- Chuj 1200 Easley Bridge Rd, Greenville 29611 Diego Felipe Hernandez 246-9220 City View First 2300 W. Blue Ridge Drive, Greenville 29611 246-3810 Mike Runion 963-4804 Clear Spring 301 Bethany Road, Simpsonville 29681 228-2344 Cameron Byrd 244-7174 Community Mission 611 S Fairfield Rd, Greenville 29605 Furman P. Gatewood David Lyles Location: 1950 Boling Road Ext., Taylors 29687 295-1147 Connection Fellowship 2615 SC Highway 153- Suite 5B, Piedmont 29673 235-7481 Covenant Grace(Leawood) 401 State Park Road, Greenville 29609 Crestview PO Box 358, Fountain Inn 29644 235-7482 Mark R. McCall Location: 100 Meadowbrook Drive, Fountain Inn 29644 553-9488 370-2255 Daventon 312 Daventon Road, Pelzer 29669 Eric Blackaby David Street 38 David Street, Greenville 29609 Warren R. Neely Daybreak Community 1731 North Main St, Greenville 29609 Jeffrey W. Brown Location: 37 E. Hillcrest Drive, Greenville 29609 232-7312 Deaf First Location: 1100 S. Main Street, Greenville 29601 Disciples Fellowship 213 Libby Lane, Mauldin 29662 271-0822 Tom Rushing Harold Moon Calvin E. Holland Stephen Clyborne Location: 105 Crestfield Road, Greenville 29605 233-7457 Dunean 21 Allen Street, Greenville 29605 233-5332 Earle Street 225 W. Earle Street, Greenville 29609 235-3576 East Park 12 Ebaugh Avenue, Greenville 29607 233-0082 Greg Fortune 84 Phone 288-5420 244-2975 325-7111 862-6678 288-9455 243-3510 862-3350 Church Address Fax 234-3083 244-0252 E-Mail Eastlan 625 S. Pleasantburg Drive, Greenville 29607 Edwards Road 1050 Edwards Road, Greenville 29615 Emmanuel 14 Deering Street, Greenville 29605 Fairview Street 601 Fairview Street, Fountain Inn 29644 Five Forks 112 Batesville Road, Simpsonville 29681 Benjamin W. Littlejohn, Jr. J. Aaron Rayburn Marshall D. Williams Timothy T. Pigg Howard Foster Marion Lancaster, Jr. Fork Shoals 110 Fork Shoals Church Road, Pelzer 29669 Fountain Inn First 206 N. Weston Street, Fountain Inn 29644 Freedom Fellowship 41 Ray Road, Piedmont 29673 423-3160 963-2720 233-5501 845-7524 Grace 11 Virginia Avenue, Greenville 29611 Greater New Hope Location: 403 Pollard Road, Simpsonville 29681 Grove Road 1223 Grove Road, Greenville 29605 Grove Station 640 Highway 20, Piedmont 29673 244-1385 Hampton Heights 2511 Wade Hampton Boulevard, Greenville 29615 884-2420 Happy Trails Cowboy Church PO Box 264, Simpsonville 29681 288-9314 243-3510 862-2532 244-1385 Pastor Robert Pittman Dennis J. Smith Danny Bridges Larry Gunter Larry Carter Doug Jones Location: 8966 Augusta Road, Pelzer 29669 862-5597 313-0809 967-8887 991-7287 627-8199 288-1711 244-4678 288-7835 246-8411 303-1033 963-3547 420-0467 242-3805 269-0371 232-6727 235-6359 232-1838 268-8624 288-3283 Hillside 501 Hillside Church Road, Fountain Inn 29644 Hilltop Avenue 111 Hilltop Avenue, Greenville 29609 Holly Ridge 260 Adams Mill Road, Simpsonville 29681 Iglesia Hispana 200 Pickens Drive, Greenville 29611 Kentland Park 1 Ray Street, Greenville 29611 Kingdom Life Christian Ctr 200 E. Butler Road, Mauldin 29662 Laurel 2331 Laurens Road, Greenville 29607 Lee Road 1503 E. Lee Road, Taylors 29687 LifePoint PO Box 27036, Greenville 29616 Mauldin First 150 S. Main Street, Mauldin 29662 Monaghan 1500 W. Parker Road, Greenville 29617 New Covenant Christian Fellowship 111 Courtney Cir New Hope 509 S. Main Street, Mauldin 29662 New Life Community 655 Fairview Road, Ste HPMB 266, Simpsonville 29680 Northgate 633 Summit Drive, Greenville 29609 Oak Crest 1 Alabama Avenue, Greenville 29611 Open Heart 205 Stafford Avenue, Greenville 29605 Overbrook 1705 E. North Street, Greenville 29607 Parisview 100 Bud Street, Greenville 29617 Parkwood 2140 State Park Road, Greenville 29609 Pelham Road PO Box 25818, Greenville 29616 862-6775 967-8469 288-3368 244-9942 297-1289 246-1115 963-3548 242-9625 269-7818 235-3474 268-0702 288-9684 W. Eddie Howard, Jr. Fred Finch Joshua Culbertson Jerry Zapata Mike Sanders Alex Sands Danny Burnley Todd Stewart Phil Pike Wade Leonard Barry S. Dilworth Steve Cowden Bryan Cox Brandon Gilreath Barry Jimmerson Kyle Turner Richard Donald R. Dale Sutton Ronnie Williams Stanley W. Wardlaw John C. Roy Location: 1108 Pelham Road, Greenville 29615 232-7312 845-7801 244-4128 Pendleton Street 1100 S. Main Street, Greenville 29601 Piedmont First 8 First Baptist Church Road, Piedmont 29673 Piedmont Park 801 Piedmont Park Road, Greenville 29609 232-7313 845-7830 T. Martin Price Stephen Z. Hearne S. Martin Atkins Phone 292-6516 Church Poe Address Fax Location: Second Avenue, Poe 29609 E-Mail Pastor Tony Awtry 4 Shelly Lane Taylors 29687 246-7413 Providence Paul K. Wilson PO Box 14699, Greenville 29610 Location: 8515 White Horse Road, Greenville 29617 934-9120 277-4617 269-6619 299-0866 288-1323 288-1911 244-7639 235-7024 243-3878 233-4558 967-8591 303-3746 Stan Bray Bob Whaley Ray Russell Engrum L. Johnson Kenneth R. Forrester Ronald W. Lewis Gary Sparks Joseph R. Rollins Dan Green Todd Hallman Clint Blackwell W. Randy Harling Matthew Bishop Scott Crutchfield Louis Hart *Jimmy Robinson Real Life PO Box 609 , Williamston 29697 Reedy Fork 459 Reedy Fork Road, Greenville 29605 Riverview 118 Old Pendleton Road, Greenville 29611 Rockvale 652 Old Grove Road, Piedmont 29673 Rocky Creek 1801 Woodruff Road, Greenville 29607 Roper Mountain 300 Roper Mountain Road Ext., Greenville 29615 Rutherford Road 9 Scenic Drive, Greenville 29609 Sanctuary 302 Parkins Mill Road, Greenville 29607 Sandy Springs 371 Sandy Springs Road, Pelzer 29669 Sans Souci 3100 Buncombe Road, Greenville 29609 Shady Grove 519 S. Old Piedmont Highway, Greenville 29611 Simpsonville First 3 Hedge Street, Simpsonville, 29681 West Campus 679 Harrison Bridge Road, Simpsonville 29680 Skypointe PO Box 818, Travelers Rest 29690 288-8156 235-7024 233-4559 967-8592 Location: 315 South Main Street, Travelers Rest 29690 299-3550 South Greenville 8966 Augusta Road, Pelzer 29669 Location: Ruitan Building, Augusta Road 29605 963-3453 269-3455 963-5834 862-5138 Standing Springs 1111 W. Georgia Road, Simpsonville 29680 Tanglewood 2801 Old Easley Bridge Road, Greenville 29611 Temple 213 W. Curtis Street, Simpsonville 29681 Unity PO Box 80683, Simpsonville 29680 714-383-4351 Vietnamese Blessings 4A Woodland Lane, Greenville 29615 295-1610 269-5783 277-8335 232-3677 Washington Avenue 200 N. Washington Avenue, Greenville 29611 Welcome 2730 Anderson Road, Greenville 29611 West Gantt First 1452 White Horse Road, Greenville 29605 West Greenville P.O. Box 14548, Greenville 29610 963-7262 Westside 963-2984 269-0001 963-5834 862-5689 Brett Aiken Larry Ledford Location: 1000 Fairview Road, Simpsonville 29680 Phuc Ngygen *Robert Fleming Dusty Raines Marshall Fagg James E. Tollison, Jr. Larry Scott Paul Link 295-1679 295-3287 277-9190 Location: 551 Perry Avenue, Greenville 29611 PO Box 754, Simpsonville 29681 962-5272 Location: 611 Richardson Street, Simpsonville 29680 979-9089 Westview 28 Jamison Street, Greenville 29611 Westville 222 Clemson Avenue, Greenville 29611 C. Lee Blume Location: 27 Arch Street, Greenville 29611 295-2360 Westwood 244-4955 White Oak 271-3740 Woodside 295-1150 Samuel L. Byrum 1805 Wade Hampton Boulevard, Greenville 29609 244-9348 Chris Barnes 301 Woodside Avenue, Greenville 29611 271-3740 Jimmy Tarrant P.O. Box 14294, Greenville 29610 Location: 3821 Saluda Dam Road, Easley 29640 New Works Phone 848-4689 Church Address Arabic 101 Belfrey Dr, Greer 29650 Mauldin First/Brushy Crk Locations: 150 S. Main Street, Mauldin 29662/4999 Old Spartanburg Rd, Taylors Fax 297-1289 Pastor/Planter E-Mail Steve Hanna 561-1016 Asian Indian Suresh Jonnalagadda 862-3393 Capstone PO Box 1506, Fountain Inn 29644 Partner Church: Rocky Creek Location: 604 Northwoods Dr, Fountain Inn 29644 Chin Congregation of Greenville 7 Roberts Hill Dr, Taylors, SC 29687 Chinese 3 Landstone Ct 417-4274 Emerge 1911 Old Pelzer Rd, Piedmont, SC 29673 Terrence T. Wilson 238-5928 Encounter PO Box 31056 Greenville 29608 Jonathan Day Robbie Hall Walt Tanner Sa Tin Lal Greer 29650 Yu-Guang Lin Location: 106 Summergrass Dr, Greenville 29617 283-0203 Envision 1200 Woodruff Rd, Suite C-5, Greenville 29607 Location: Hollywood 20 Movie Theater, Woodruff Rd. 285-1981 Filadelfia (Brushy Creek) Carlos Ruiz 4999 Old Spartanburg Road, Taylors 29687 Carlos Ruiz Galilea Greenville Vietnamese 120 Hartsville Drive, Taylors 29687 Tuan Doan 862-8889 Inifinity 412 Fairview St Ext, Fountain Inn 29644 Johnny Dyer 901-1145 Japanese PO Box 1526, Anderson 29622 Akihiko Shigemi Carlos Galarza Seok Bong Yang Location: Augusta Road Church Laurel Hispanic Mission 2331 Laurens Rd, Greenville 29607 Lord's Delight Korean Baptist Church 7 Providence Drive Flat Rock, NC 28731 Location: Eastlan Baptist Church 915-9985 2300 W Blue Ridge Drive, Greenville 29611 Ernesto Chaparro Mission Bautista Hispana la Gracia 2300 Old Buncombe Rd, Greenville 29609 Elmer Rivera Northpointe PO Box 14519, Greenville 29610 Mision Bautista Hispana de City View Partner Church: City View 294-8609 Tommy Vandiver Location: University Sq., Ste. 44, Poinsett Hwy, G'ville 29617 430-3004 Oak Pointe 600 Shaded Acre Court, Pelzer 29669 Mike Morris 735-6601 Origins 209 North Main Street #376 Greenville 29601 John David Mangrum Renewal 201 B West Butler St, Mauldin 29662 Matt Rogers Location: Greenville Tech Main Campus 607-3186 498-9656 Samuel Kioko SonPoint Community 17 Longland Drive, Greenville 29609 Partner Church: West Gantt Location: Bethuel Road, Greenville 29605 Tapestry PO Box 2112, Greenville 29602 Location: 25 Woods Lake Rd #100, Greenville 29607 David Case The Well Community 278 Oak Branch Drive Simpsonville, 29681 Jay Mitchell 95 Churches, 24 New Works As of April 2013 *Denotes Interim