smcusbc yearbook league ads 2011-2012 - sarasota
smcusbc yearbook league ads 2011-2012 - sarasota
2 - 22 23 - 29 30 31 - 32 33 - 38 39 - 41 42 - 43 44 45 - 49 Sarasota Manatee Co. USBC, INC. Name Abbott, David B Abbott, Joyce E Abrams, Myrtice M Accardi, Christine Accardi, Thomas G Ackerman, Judy E Adkins, Cheri T Aimino, Curtis J Albanese, James R Albanese, Roberta J Albee, Robert D, II Albert, Brett E Albrecht, Debi J Albritton, Amanda L Albritton, Jason W Albritton, Julie L Albritton, Robert A Albritton, Steve R Alderman, Candace M Alderman, Judy L Alderman, Troy L, Jr Alderman, Troy L, Sr Aldrich, Marjorie Aleshire, Mike H Allen, Edward T Allen, Ken D Ambrosia, Jim J Ambrosia, Karen L Amedo, Susan Ames, Mike W Ames, Mona L Amory, Joe W Anderson, Brian D Anderson, Charles R Anderson, Charlotte D Anderson, Cory R Anderson, Darrell C Anderson, Edward J Anderson, Jim E Anderson, John W Anderson, Kathleen M Anderson, Keith A R = Right, L = Left Avg Games League 166 162 134 135 138 135 108 129 171 149 160 190 187 111 158 190 188 121 213 211 202 206 200 101 157 156 102 182 128 125 229 165 164 160 174 143 126 104 184 181 145 155 152 160 135 133 185 163 173 166 157 194 159 176 90 93 60 89 93 93 96 84 62 84 93 62 48 90 78 24 96 21 24 96 68 93 36 40 99 99 90 96 66 86 93 99 93 102 96 74 93 87 96 51 93 96 92 96 93 38 90 100 93 96 75 96 96 102 SL05 SL09 SL05 SL02 AV02 AV02 AB03 SL01 AB03 SL07 SL07 AG02 SL08 EB04 SL07 AG01 SL07 SL07 SL02 SL03 SL08 SL03 SL08 AB05 AB03 AB05 AB05 AB05 SL06 SL01 AV01 AB05 AB11 AB01 AG02 AG04 AG04 AB05 AB11 AB07 AB11 AB02 AB11 SL02 AB11 AB10 SL02 AB01 AG02 AV03 AB01 AB03 SL02 AB07 Name Anderson, R. Linda Anderson, Robert C Anderson, Robert W Anderson, Russell D Anderson, Tara M Anderson, Walter H, Jr Anderson, Wendy A Angers, Rick Anglin, Debbie J Anglin, Kipp E Antonsen, Bill H Antonsen, Jennifer L Anzevino, Anthony S Armbrust, Peter G Arnaout, Alex T Arnold, Brandon M Arnold, Michael J Ashlin, Mary F Askins, Stuart S Atchley, Kenneth R Atkinson, Aaron R Atkinson, Carol L Aulicino, Nicole M Avella, Christina M Axberg, Ron W Ayers, Richard Bachman, Janice Badalamenti, Denise Badalamenti, Joseph A Bagge, Margaret E Bagshaw, Alice W Baier, Lyman (Hitch) O, Jr Baier, Patrice A Bailey, J. C Bailey, Paul D Bain, Kristy L Baird, Ralph H Baird, Shirley A Baker, Charles A Baker, Glenn R Baker, Russell G Ball, David L Ball, William C Bancs, Edwin J Avg Games League 147 143 163 180 179 109 131 184 179 176 163 120 149 197 193 143 180 180 184 160 188 180 180 122 199 209 204 201 144 152 101 217 118 116 138 176 118 134 184 182 180 148 188 157 136 183 156 149 140 134 149 177 174 172 75 99 64 90 93 33 46 99 57 93 96 81 81 27 27 63 54 44 96 84 99 95 96 49 85 86 78 54 84 21 65 39 30 38 78 87 84 75 90 51 81 96 96 83 72 57 84 93 63 93 102 93 93 105 SL06 SL01 AV02 SL03 SL02 SL09 AB03 AB07 AB08 AG04 AV03 SL05 SL05 AV05 AV04 AV05 AB08 EB03 AG02 SL03 AB05 SL02 SL03 AB06 AG02 SL08 SL09 SL08 AB09 EB02 AB01 AB08 SL09 AV02 AB11 AB11 AB06 SL04 SL09 SL03 SL08 SL08 AB11 AB01 AB05 AB08 AB10 AB02 AB01 AB02 AB01 AB07 AB07 AB01 Name Banghart, Elizabeth Banks, Harold E, II Banks, Rochelle E Bansky, Robert Barfield, Billy W, Jr Barfield, Jon D Barich, Glenn R Barich, Mary A Barkhoff, Sascha Barnes, Buster, Jr Barnes, Nissa L Barnes, Tommy T Barnett, Polly Barone, Gabriella Barr, Frank G Barr, Linda B Barsel, Bryan J Barsel, Chris B Barton, Regina A Bassett, Lee L Bassett, Linda N Bassett, Steve L Bassuk, Jonathon P Bates, Marion M Bates, Peter D Bauer, Terri L Bazo, Joanmarie C Bazzy, Ryan Beach, Ward C Beacom, Bruce R Beard, Alan C Beard, Thomas S Beckwith, James R Bedwell, Patricia L Beeman, Chip A Beeman, Katherine L Beesley, Sally A Behrens, Frank S Belvoix, Marilyn C Bender, Steve A Bennett, Gary V Benson, Donald K Benson, Terry L Berish, Pat S Berloni, Paul Bernabi, Joseph R Berry, Robbin S Berry, Steven K Bertsch, Nathan E Bess, Don Best, Christopher O R = Right, L = Left Avg 144 182 181 140 135 141 179 189 163 163 160 176 174 134 135L 112 165 161 155 110 197 202 148 148 102 140 155 132 169 158 129 159 124 155 162 198 203 189 130 136 112 130 147 123 165 159 167 96 116 137 175 154 188 186 196 147 Games League Name 60 96 102 96 78 84 102 36 69 93 30 99 54 51 90 66 90 96 93 63 95 99 96 24 93 99 95 84 102 84 87 63 33 102 54 85 78 24 96 69 66 73 51 75 75 96 69 72 90 36 83 75 99 81 90 60 AB09 AB11 AB07 AB11 AV02 AB05 AB07 SL02 SL02 AV03 SL07 AB07 AB08 AB01 AB07 AG03 AB02 AB11 AV02 AB10 AG02 AG02 AG04 EB04 EB04 EB04 AV03 AB06 EB01 EB02 AB05 ABY2 AG02 AB05 EB03 AB07 AG02 AG04 AV02 SL06 SL06 AB09 SL08 SL05 SL02 SL09 AB05 SL05 AB10 AG02 EB04 AG01 AB07 AB11 AG02 AG03 Biasi, Rosana L Biccum, Alvy J Bickley, William H Bieber, Laurie-Ann Bigelow, Benjamin R Bigos, Nicole M Bill, Cathy Billingsley, Daniel M Billington, Michael C Bird, Jason M Biro, Jacquelin L Biss, Diana R Blades, Alan Blaha, Ruth E Blake, Warren D, Jr Blakeman, Beverly J Blakley, William R Blalock, Katherine A Blankenship, David B Blankenship, Evelyn L Blankenship, John R Blasetti, Brenda L Block, Roland R Boerema, Doris J Bolen, Karen A Bondar, Chris Bonds, Darlene F Boniecki, George M Boniecki, Kathy Booker, Johnnie R Borg, Amy J Borg, Barbara D Borg, Nicholas J Borges, Clifford A Borres, Richard J Borsos, Livia Bose, Anthony J Bouch, Gloria J Boutieller, John J Boutieller, Linda A Bower, Glenn P Bowers, Marianne I Bowersock, Terry J Bowles, A. Irene Boyd, Jimmy A Avg Games League 109 138 194 193 157 125 141 121 136 154 127 138 143 137 134 162 163 155 173 173 128 182 179 178 131 177 134 173 135 193 134 136 134 146 146 173 134 128 156 131 192 208 191 186 146 146 132 148 202 163 161 121 112 149 134 147 63 78 99 99 90 90 55 63 69 57 87 84 72 69 69 90 102 27 21 81 78 93 102 95 84 90 84 90 87 97 90 93 89 57 96 87 93 69 89 90 86 45 21 93 81 93 83 56 74 96 72 90 24 75 96 85 SL02 AV02 AG02 AG04 SL02 AG03 SL07 AV03 AG05 EB05 SL07 SL01 AB09 AB06 AB10 SL07 EB05 EB02 SL09 SL07 SL01 SL03 SL09 SL08 SL01 SL08 AB09 SL08 EB04 AV03 AB10 AV02 AB03 AB10 SL05 SL07 SL07 AB03 EB05 SL01 EB05 AB08 AB07 AG02 AG01 AG02 AG01 AB10 SL07 SL07 SL08 AB11 AB03 AV01 AB01 AB11 Name Boyd, Lynnette S Boyd, Michael D, Jr Boyd, Michael D, Sr Brady, John Brady, Marianne Braithwaite, Alvon G Brandon, Woody F Bratten, Judy M Bratten, William A Braverman, Brian Brenner, Robert J Brickner, Clare M Briggs, Robert J Brinkmann, Justin M Britt, Linda P Broecker, Kent D Brooks, Dave Brown, Albert L Brown, Darlene M Brown, Karen L Brown, Kathy M Brown, Kenneth T Brown, Phyllis D Brown, Ronald G Brown, Vincent E Broxson, Trudy F Brune, George F Brune, Sherry S Bruno, Jamie E Bruno, Joseph A, Jr Bruno, Joseph A, Sr Bruno, Kenneth D Bruns, Jimmy W Bryant, Lawernce J, Sr Bryant, Leighton N, Jr Buchanan, Lawrence E Buchanan, Neil M, Sr Buchanan, Rick C Buchanan, Wendi E Bullock, Harry W Burgan, Scott V Burgett, Brian K Burgett, Kathy J Burgett, Nicodi R Burgett, Scott A Burgett, Toni F Burke, Dee Dee Burnett, Gerald L Burnett, Hazel J Burnett, Sandi E R = Right, L = Left Avg Games League 128 189 207 152 131 159 197 126 118 175 159 145 143 179 202 147 174 207 206 199 163 131 104 140 162 170 190 185 171 149 112 119 114 169 131 200 198 176 174 158 164 172 175 121 198 174 204 137 93 144 117 120 130 140 138 125 96 91 90 90 84 45 102 102 102 21 96 60 93 102 96 90 75 90 90 87 87 96 102 90 99 96 96 99 57 85 21 93 78 28 90 96 87 96 96 105 90 69 96 96 90 48 69 66 63 105 104 97 95 81 78 95 SL02 AV01 AV01 AG05 AG05 AB07 AB07 AB03 AB03 SL08 AB11 SL08 SL07 EB04 AG02 AB09 EB05 EB05 EB04 EB01 EB05 AB01 EB04 AB07 AB07 AG02 AG02 AG04 AB04 SL07 SL05 SL05 EB02 SL07 SL07 EB04 EB01 SL03 SL02 AB01 AV02 AV01 AB11 AB11 AB07 AG02 AB01 AB01 AB01 AB01 AB01 SL01 AB03 AB10 AB06 AB03 Name Burnette, Heather A Burnham, David R Burnham, Kim J Burrow, Carol A Burrow, Christopher D Burton, Nancy S Busce, Vincent J Busch, Eileen A Busciglio, Carmela Butcher, Joan Butcher, Norma J Butler, Cecilia A Butler, Larry L Byerly, Carl A Byrd, Mike J Cagnina, Carol Cain, William S Callaghan, Dianna L Calyer, Peggy A Camp, Betty Ann Camp, George E Campbell, Herman L Campbell, Phillip E Campbell, Shelly K Capeles, Denise R Capozzi, Rocco L Caravello, Vincent M Carberry, Brett M Carbone, Fred E Cardinal, Catherine R Cardinal, David N Carico, Jeffrey R Carlson, Robin O Carpenter, Michael L Carson, Craig C Carson, Kristina Carter, Cory J Carter, Jestin G Carter, Jim C Cartwright, Mark E Cass, Douglas A Castle, William R Castleberry, Lura L Cavinder, Maranda G Ceanga, Patricia A Cervin, Scott A Ceurter, Dottie Chadwell, Diana L Avg 139 180 176 154 152 173 131 186 121 133 132 142 157 150 192 164 207 137 166R 81L 149 162 161 160 189 188 190 175 127 87 131 151 197 175 153 153 177 118 151 197 190 142 187 192 168 175 184 154 121 102 146 142 185 172 172 154 Games League 23 84 75 90 96 78 72 93 81 78 75 81 99 75 75 54 88 90 43 48 93 96 24 87 99 96 93 99 93 48 62 93 98 42 90 96 90 76 84 96 93 84 81 99 57 102 75 93 84 90 87 90 66 93 96 87 AG04 SL08 SL01 AB02 AB11 AB07 SL01 AV01 AB06 AB10 AB09 AB10 SL01 SL06 SL06 SL02 AB07 AB01 AB02 AB02 SL01 SL01 AG02 AG04 AG02 AG04 AG02 AG02 SL01 AG04 SL02 AV02 EB01 AV04 AB02 AB02 AB11 AB01 AV02 SL08 SL03 SL08 AB07 AV03 AB08 AB07 SL08 AG02 AB10 AG05 AB06 AB10 AG02 SL07 SL01 SL07 Name Chadwell, Wayne G Chaffin, Glenn Chalmers, James E Chapman, Kenneth R Chase, Charlene B Chase, Gary W Chase, Renee M Chatt, Ned F Chick, Pete L Child, John W Chiodo, Art F Choby, Jean A Chouinard, Bernard A Chouinard, Beverly A Chrisman, Brian B Christie, Daniel A Christie, Frank M Christie, William E Christmas, Harold Christmas, Peggy A Christopher, Ben J Chruciel, Andrew Cienkus, John J Cinelli, Theresa M Cinelli, Tony J, Jr Cipielewski, Keith J Cipriani, Carolyn Cipriani, Frank Cirrintano, Richard P Cisler, Joanne B Cismesia, Gary Cismesia, John O Cismesia, Michael J Cismesia, Peggy A Citarelli, Nickol N Clark, Dylan W Clark, Edward C Clark, Jana Clark, Jean E Clark, Kevin C Clark, Michael W, Jr Clark, Rhett S Clark, Richard J, Jr Clark, Scott R R = Right, L = Left Avg Games League 188 186 142 192 189 138 144 142 178 189 174 171 195 181 140 128 139 137 199 197 149 188 197 187 177 186 147 167 133 213 209 135 135 157 164 145 152 153 146 143 135 113 217 209 207 120 145 141 193 186 201 199 172 195 161 161 105 95 90 81 84 87 96 96 57 51 96 87 21 48 75 76 96 84 69 66 90 99 78 65 90 84 99 87 80 96 84 85 95 90 84 78 102 96 39 102 102 92 69 96 99 96 93 99 99 30 102 102 99 99 96 96 SL09 SL07 AG02 AG02 AG02 AB02 EB05 EB05 AB08 AB08 AV01 AV05 AG02 SL08 AB05 SL01 AB01 AB01 AG05 AV03 AV03 SL09 SL03 SL08 SL01 SL09 AV02 SL07 AV03 AB07 AG02 AV02 AV02 AG02 SL01 AB03 AB03 AB07 AB05 AB03 AB03 AB05 AB05 AB03 AB07 AG02 AG02 AV03 AV03 AV02 AB03 AB07 AG02 AB07 SL08 SL07 Name Clark, Sharon K Claussen, Donna A Clearwater, Jean M Clevenger, Laurie M Clevenger, Tony M Cline, Susan K Cline, Terry W Cochara, Justin M Coe, Ike W Coffey, Brandon W Combs, Sandy Commer, Niles Commer, Trish Conant, Charles D Connery, Mike A Conover, Susan L Conway, Heather J Cook, Gloria L Cook, Linda K Cook, Randy L Cook, Shirley A Cook, Travis L Cooke, Kyle K Cooke, Lisa L Copeland, Donna L Copeland, Mary A Copeland, William J Coppola, Frank Coppola, Jason R Corcoran, Richard M Cordone, Paul A Cordova, Barbarann M Cordwell, Barbara J Cormican, Thomas J Corn, Elliott Cornett, Eldon Corso, John, Jr Cote, Ashley E Cotter, Debbie A Cotton, Nancy J Cottrill, Dave K Coutermarsh, James M Coveris, Mary Craddock, Carlos Crawford, Gayle A Crawford, Howard R Crawford, Tammy A Craycraft, Kevin M Crebo, Donald J Creel, Jan M Creighton, Larry D Cremaschi, Kathy M Avg Games League 143 134 124 156 207 142 207 206 136 156 153 151 140 140 150 175 174 155 111 154 154 127 107 151 175 121 155 146 144 192 188 151 173 120 136 132 156 151 176 141 121 113 208 207 167 130 164 131 129 140 212 209 162 109 165 109 72 71 87 90 90 96 96 48 81 84 102 96 74 84 99 93 81 74 97 72 78 97 72 90 96 96 93 99 99 87 90 93 96 94 87 99 96 69 96 72 60 93 96 93 24 90 84 81 80 90 21 90 95 84 93 87 AV02 AB10 AG03 EB01 EB01 AV03 AV03 AV01 AV03 AB01 AB07 SL01 AG05 AG05 AV02 SL07 EB03 AG05 AB01 AG01 SL01 AB01 SL04 SL03 AB02 AB02 SL02 AV03 AV03 AG01 AG01 AV02 SL08 AB11 AB06 AB03 AV02 SL06 SL08 SL01 EB02 AB11 AV01 AV04 AB11 SL04 AB07 EB03 EB03 AB01 SL08 SL03 SL08 AB10 SL08 AB11 Name Criola, Donald S Crispin, Steven E Cronin, Alyce M Cross, Jason T Crosslin, Marjorie L Crowder, Joseph M Cruz, Richard D, Sr Cullinane, Jim P Cullinane, Joan J Cunningham, Joseph E Cunningham, Lois T Currie, Eric J Cusmano, John A Cusmano, Merle A Cutrona, Douglas A Cutsinger, Thomas S Cyphers, Kayla M Cyphers, Norman F Cyphers, Richard A Dagnon, Larry D Dahl, Greg Dahle, Kristin A Daily, Virginia L Dale, Robert E Daly, Beatrice A Damore, Roger Darr, Donna S Daugherty, Karen W David, Samuel Davidson, Ingrid E Davies, James W Davis, Jason C Davis, Jerome T Davis, Michele W Davis, Rick J Davis, Ron W Davison, Bill Day, Arthur W Day, Richard M De Dona, Thomas A, Jr De Dona, Thomas, Sr De Langis, Daniel De Lise, Pete A De Marco, Anthony J, Sr De Marco, Tony J, Jr De Melfi, Christine E De Palmo, Charles R De Paola, Jason M De Rosa, Donna M De Serio, Frank De Witt, Daniel L De Witt, James R R = Right, L = Left Avg Games League 180 171 185 148 132 124 160 161 121 131 174 139 133 180 137 170 141 143 170 161 184 191 123 111 167 134 167 166 156 198 185 147 137 158 156 170 153 175 147 174 154 160 155 170 204 199 219 147 180 112 136 192 150 116 183 202 96 87 96 96 75 87 57 96 87 85 96 95 77 96 96 102 69 72 96 96 69 87 95 45 89 72 39 75 96 57 93 93 65 52 30 37 87 90 93 54 84 39 93 93 51 90 93 90 93 99 60 87 57 93 93 96 AV01 AV05 EB03 SL01 AG03 SL04 AG03 AV01 SL03 SL01 AB05 AB05 SL05 AG04 AG04 AB01 EB05 SL07 SL09 SL09 AV01 SL08 AV03 AB06 AB07 AB10 AB08 AB06 AG04 AB08 SL08 AB11 AV03 AB04 AB05 AB07 AB05 AB05 AB07 AB08 AV02 AB07 SL08 SL08 AB07 AB11 SL08 AB11 AB11 AV02 SL08 AB07 AB04 AB11 SL03 SL03 Name Dees, Leslie D Dees, Melita A DeHart, Mary Sue Dehart, Russell Dellavalle, Joseph A DelMoro, Sandra M Demski, Brittany L Dennis, D. Elaine Dermangian, Martin N Des Jardins, William R Deshaies, Terrance R Desimone, Joe Dewey, Nathan V Di Marco, Brad S Di Stefano, Della M Dickens, Russell T Dickerman, Charles J Dickerman, Charles R Dickerman, Daniel R Dickerman, Debra E Dickerman, Sandra C Dickerson, David M Dickson, Joan Didonato, Aaron J Didonato, Jordan D Diegel, William M, Jr Diez, Donna M Diez, Michael J Dingman, Lanny L Dinka, John L Dismukes, Jamie Dlug, Sonya A Dodrill, Tommy R Dolby, John W, II Dominici, Jeri Dominici, Thomas A Donahue, David M Donath, Chris R Donath, Robert R Donato, Louie Donato, Patricia A Donelson, Judy A Donelson, Richard L Donmeyer, Mickie M Donushi, Mark A Doome, Denis R Douglas, Michael L Dowd, Jeremy G Downing, Michael R Downs, Al L Downs, Wayne E Driggers, Dennis W Drury, Suzanne A Avg Games League 142 127 160 116 175 165 109 147 138 188 209 209 194 153 151 159 185 184 172 193 156 158 198 131 154 151 210 171 169 155 152 187 144 114 198 209 138 152 166 190 168 146 125 136 161 173 200 190 170 166 102 148 189 131 169 132 102 102 78 51 81 93 43 97 96 57 69 81 93 30 42 102 102 96 93 75 93 78 93 45 78 69 96 75 102 99 75 24 60 48 96 99 90 83 87 93 87 96 87 93 105 96 102 93 99 63 30 93 102 93 98 98 EB04 EB04 SL05 AG03 EB03 SL01 AG02 AB03 SL09 AB08 SL05 SL08 AB07 AV03 AV01 EB05 AB03 AB02 AB02 ABY2 AB02 ABY2 AG02 AB06 EB01 EB01 AG02 EB02 EB04 EB04 SL06 AV04 SL01 AV05 SL09 AV03 AV03 AV03 AG03 AB07 AB07 AB02 AB02 SL01 SL09 AG04 AB07 EB05 AB03 ABY2 EB05 SL02 SL09 AB03 AG02 AB05 Name Drymon, Clifford D Dubreuil, Ritchie E Ducale, Susan R Dudash, Bob Duff, Howard A, Jr Dugan, Valerie L Dugre, Brian R Dull, Nicholas D Dumser, Mitchell A Dunlavey, Kevin S Dunn, Norma Jean Dupree, Carol M Durden, Dottie L Dwyer, Derek J Dwyer, Kevin M, Jr Dwyer, Kevin M, Sr Eagleston, Hillary A Earl, Lysander J, Jr Eby, Mary L Ecker, David H Ecker, Diane L Eckert, Patti W Ecklyn, Ellen Eldridge, Ian J Elias, Mark A Eller, Mellissa L Eller, Richard A Ellington, Kathi A Elliott, Camille H Elliott, Kyle L Elliott, Mike I Elliott, Ronald W Ellis, Jim A, III Ellis, Trudi Ellis, Vincent Elmore, Annie L Ely, Lee M Emke, Edward Engle, Mickey R Englund, Kevin R Engstrom, Christine F Epifanio, Jerry V Ernest, Shane K Esaw, Albert E, Jr Esaw, Albert E, Sr Esaw, Margaret E Escamilla, Eddie Esposito, Deanna L Essex, Carol J Essex, Ernest, Jr Estep, Robin M R = Right, L = Left Avg Games League 127 171 188 182 147 195 191 175 139 193 185 150 142 144 130 124 174 177 185 127 185 92 165 156 131 141 125 137 117 132 160 156 158 176 225 210 194 116 184 137 126 179 137 175 133 131 195 188 159 164 191 141 140 124 188 167 90 90 94 96 87 57 102 93 81 93 96 39 33 45 56 75 27 102 99 90 105 88 96 73 84 96 93 72 81 27 36 99 84 90 84 84 87 87 99 81 68 93 96 57 93 90 99 24 102 84 48 72 90 28 72 93 AB11 SL03 SL08 SL03 AG01 EB04 AB07 SL05 AB11 SL03 AG02 EB03 AG05 EB05 AB10 SL05 AB07 AB07 AB07 SL08 SL09 AB01 AB03 AB03 AB06 SL02 AG02 EB04 AB01 AB01 AV02 AV03 SL02 AB01 AV01 AG02 AG05 AG05 AG02 AB10 AB06 AB11 SL02 AG02 EB04 AG03 AB07 AB07 AB07 AB07 AB08 SL06 SL02 AB09 AG05 AV03 Name Estep, Rusty J Esterbrook, David S Ettedgai, Jason D Evans, Carolyn S Evans, Jacob A Evans, Richard W Evasick, Thomas C Fallowfield, Daisy S Falvo, Gennano Fargo, Gail A Farkas, Sandor S Farmer, Janice S Farmer, Margaret J Farmer, W. Dan Farmer, William C Farnsworth, Christina K Farnsworth, Lori A Fathauer, Jon C Fathauer, Norma J Fathauer, Russell W Faulkner, Heatherly A Faulmino, Patty A Favara, John J Fazzalaro, Gayle C Feasel, Douglas S Feather, Bobby J Feather, Elaine M Feil, Lori Feil, Matthew Fellowes, Brian E Fellows, Floyd G Fenical, Rick J Fennell, Sheri L Ferraro, Joseph N Ferrell, Dustin L Ferreri, Sal R Fillip, Christopher Fillmore, Harry R Finnigan, Karen C Fisher, Jarrod Fisher, Marlene A Fletcher, Charles A Fletcher, Robert L, Sr Fletcher, Ronald L Flick, Brenda J Flick, Darrell W Flickinger, Matthew R Flonnoy, Carlton J Foor, Shirley J Foreman, Emma R Avg Games League 182 178 97 144 182 201 201 143 138 171 171 210 197 119 131 160 198 106 153 152 152 154 198 177 135 194 137 148 180 157 108 166 189 189 130 183 151 196 129 158 194 148 130 178 165 148 197 193 189 155 169 207 188 177 144 136 93 90 60 75 99 99 99 96 68 84 99 45 93 65 93 75 87 83 36 93 96 96 99 90 85 87 88 47 81 78 77 85 90 96 69 93 90 90 93 90 57 75 75 36 96 96 102 102 90 82 80 86 90 84 74 69 AB07 AG02 EB01 AB10 AB07 AB07 AB07 AB03 AB10 AV01 SL01 AG01 AG02 AB06 AB03 SL07 AB07 SL02 AV03 AB11 AG04 AG04 AV03 AV03 AB03 AG04 AV05 ABY2 SL07 SL07 AG05 AG05 AB11 AB07 SL06 AV05 AB11 AV04 AB11 AB07 AB08 AV03 AG01 AB07 AB11 SL01 AB07 AB07 AB07 SL05 SL05 EB01 AB07 SL02 AB10 AB06 Name Forgeur, Allison R Forgeur, Cyndi L Foss, Chris E Foster, Donald W Foutz, Robert C Fowler, Timothy M Fox, Joyce Fox, Stan Foy, Charles Foy, Mona Fransen, Susan K Franzetti, Paul A Fraser, Ross A Fratamico, Thomas J Frazer, Brian D Frederick, Steve F Frederick, Viola Freitas, Angelica M Frenz, Charles J Frenz, Darcy Freshwater, Ed Friedman, Carole F Friedman, Howard W Fritz, Bryan L Fritz, Marsha D Frost, James W Fruehwald, Alicia B Fuller, George Gabbert, Thelma L Gafford, Timothy E Gale, Raymond E Gallo, Michael G Gander, Jacaueline S Gange, Richard P, Sr Garber, Richard K Garcia, Gilbert O Garcia, Manuel Garcia, Richard L Gardi, John Gardi, Les Garelick, Harvey Garland, Sue Garrett, Hoby V Garrett, Jamie V Gaston, Sandra Gatch, James N Gauzza, Rick S Gaylord, Danielle N Gaylord, Jason D Gelsleichter, Christine A R = Right, L = Left Avg Games League Name 136 153 117 152 176 159 129 134 175 147 122 195 188 186 189 180 178 162 113 112 114 179 158 193 105 144 207 134 172 129 205 194 148 154 180 210 130 186 175 194 188 164 157 155 159 179 176 158 164 181 141 188 175 115 195 172 99 91 90 45 93 99 87 87 96 87 75 75 78 42 54 60 93 96 95 51 81 87 84 99 66 69 85 90 87 78 102 96 81 91 36 90 70 99 81 102 99 82 72 93 60 96 93 86 68 93 87 30 99 96 85 87 SL01 SL01 EB05 AG04 AV01 SL09 AG04 AG04 SL02 SL02 AB11 AG02 AG04 AV04 AB08 AG02 AG02 AB02 AB02 ABY2 AB06 AV02 AV02 AB07 SL06 SL06 AB07 AG03 AG01 SL01 EB04 AV04 EB02 AB07 AV02 AB07 AV03 AV03 AV04 AB07 AB07 AB03 AG01 AG02 AG02 EB04 AV04 SL01 SL08 SL08 AG05 AB05 AV02 AB03 AB03 AG03 Genovese, Denise R George, Charles J Geraci, John P Geraci, Kelly N Gergle, Stephen E Gerolium, Charles A Gertz, James B Getz, Robert L Giampietro, Sally R Giasone, Anna E Giasone, Frank J, Sr Giasone, Mike T Gill, Art Gill, Bob Gill, Taylar B Gilleo, John D Gilleo, Tammy A Gillette, Kevin E Gilmore, Howard L Gilmore, James A Giordano, George N Glahe, William Glanz, Janice M Glanz, Richard Glaser, Douglas M Glazar, Douglas J Gledhill, David C Gledhill, Donna K Glenn, Brenda M Glidden, William C Glumpe, Jeffrey M Glynn, Alan E Godde, Jill Godson, David M Goeller, Steven M Goff, Judith A Golden, Beverly A Golden, James D Golden, Richard D Goldschmitt, Herman K Gomez, Gail M Gomez, Gerardo Goncalo, Kevin C Gooch, Gary R Goodwin, Steven A Gorostiague, Bernie M Gourley, Glenn A Gover, Aaron Gover, Greg Gow, Jerry D Gray, Ian J Avg Games League 117 144 202 116 190 183 175 148 186 116 172 163 125 190 154 172 103 190 177 125 157 156 203 146 190 118 148 146 168 184 151 125 175 196 142 98 142 195 186 136 117 112 172 174 136 176 178 190 189 205 165 118 129 136 202 173 99 96 78 102 66 99 93 87 54 90 92 81 89 79 93 93 93 93 87 96 81 42 96 93 90 91 62 33 72 93 84 99 96 99 96 81 63 72 93 87 63 93 81 99 27 87 81 99 90 68 96 54 60 90 90 99 AV02 AV02 AB03 AB03 AB03 EB04 AV04 AB01 AB08 SL04 AG04 SL08 AG04 SL08 AV05 AB02 AB02 AG02 SL08 AG02 AB11 AG02 AG02 AV02 AG02 AG04 AG04 AV01 ABY2 AB11 AB11 EB03 AG02 AB07 AB01 AG03 SL07 ABY2 AB07 SL04 EB02 AV05 AV05 AG02 SL05 SL03 AG03 AG04 AG02 AG02 AB05 SL08 AG03 AG03 SL08 AB07 Name Gray, Pamala J Green, Donna A Green, Gregory C Green, Gregory T Green, Karen L Green, Robert C Green, William C Greene, Heidi L Gregorich, RoseAnna Grich, Cindy L Grimes, James D, Jr Gronow, Michael J Gross, Gregg J Gross, Ralph J, III Gross, Renae A Gruen, Kathleen L Gruen, Roger R Grycel, Doris M Guerrera, Anthony M Guilfoyle, Dayna K Gustke, Paul H Guzman, Gus Haaf, Nancy H Hackman, Shaun E Hadsell, Lois L Halbert, Gary R Hall, George V Hall, John J Hall, Nancy M Haller, Kevin R Haller, Lisa A Haller, Wayne T Hamel, David L Hamilton, Maynard B Handley, Carol R Hannah, David R Hannon, Charles W Hansen, Farrel A Hanson, John F Hanson, Judith E Hargis, Lisa L Harmon, April A Harmon, Richard C Harney, Debra B Harnish, Jeffrey W Harper, Patricia A Harris, Jay A Harris, John E R = Right, L = Left Avg Games League 170 171 149 193 164 128 135 164 148 134 205 211 210 210 172 189 102 117 133 146 107 186 162 160 108 205 202 199 144 175 137 166 138 162 162 164 195 146 134 188 154 179 179 187 187 124 144 187 184 176 136 166 124 121 139 133 88 81 93 84 47 81 41 30 69 93 81 96 93 48 54 61 90 84 58 90 84 90 57 102 78 87 75 99 72 90 96 87 87 96 96 96 99 93 81 57 84 27 93 93 93 72 58 93 81 72 30 21 90 90 90 96 AB11 AB07 SL07 AB11 AB11 AB11 SL07 AB11 AB05 AV02 AG02 AB07 SL08 AV04 AV05 AV05 AG04 AG04 AB06 AB03 AB05 AG02 AB08 AB05 AB10 AB11 AB05 AB07 SL07 SL08 SL02 SL08 AB06 EB04 EB04 EB04 AG02 SL05 EB05 SL08 AG01 AG04 AG02 AV01 AV03 AV03 SL06 EB03 EB02 EB01 SL02 AB11 AB10 AB06 SL08 SL08 Name Harris, Lorraine M Harris, Melissa M Harris-Johnson, Jo Harrison, Diane J Hart, Susan Hartley, Warren T Hartman, Frank Hartzell, Stanley L Hauck, Susan P Hawver, Donna M Hawver, Jesse R Hayden, Earl H Hayden, Veronica T Hayes, Carl W Hayes, Ronald G Hazen, Fred M Hazen, Nancy M Heath, Jon M Heilmann, Shirley M Heilmann, Terry G Heinz, Keith L Helgager, Aaron D Hendee, Virginia P Henderson, Justin A Hendrickson, Carlton T, II Hendrickson, Elizabeth A Hendrickson, Jessica L Hendrickson, Michael T Hendrickson, Michele A Henning, Kenneth E Henning, Pearl L Henry, Susanne W Herbst, Ralph E, II Herbst, Ralph E, Sr Heredos, Sandi J Herschel, Clint T Herschel, Janice J Herschel, Phillip T Herve, Eva G Hicks, Kelly B Hicks, Melody K Hier, Chris E Hiett, Charlotte A Higgins, Nancy F Hill, Susan B Hilliard, James W Avg Games League 139 135 112 142 144 192 141 173 127 120 219 194 187 122 155 219 174 134 180 136 160 185 178 113 189 185 181 125 173 155 150 178 148 137 182 176 174 174 171 168 132 130 135 169 111 185 145 105 107 127 126 137 148 163 159 178 75 72 71 72 87 57 71 93 72 91 90 51 48 36 99 102 24 24 84 96 96 87 93 84 99 99 96 81 93 90 96 99 99 39 78 30 69 87 90 75 79 21 90 102 102 79 78 42 90 84 87 90 96 81 86 96 AG01 EB02 AB05 AB02 AV02 AB08 AV03 EB05 AB06 AG04 SL08 AB11 AB07 EB01 AB03 AB07 SL05 SL05 AG02 SL05 SL05 AV05 AG02 AB09 AB07 AB05 SL02 SL02 SL02 SL02 SL02 AB03 SL01 SL01 SL03 SL02 SL06 SL05 SL08 SL07 SL05 SL08 AV03 AB03 AB03 AB03 EB02 AG02 AV05 AB06 AB10 SL01 EB03 AB06 AB10 AV02 Name Himler, Andrew K Hinchliffe, Fred F Hines, Gerald A Hinkle, Jayne Hinkle, Robert C Hinson, Levanial J Hinz, Robert L Hjertstedt, Earl D Hochstetler, Merv J Hodgkinson, Karen F Hoeppner, Kevin A Hoffman, Jeffrey W Hoffman, Matthew E Hoffman, Patricia D Hogan, Edward R Hogan, Jane Hogrefe, Susan M Hoke, Scott M Holimon, Mary L Hollowell, Miriam M Holmes, Kenneth W Holmes, Molly L Hoogacker, Jean M Hooie, Richard M Hoostal, Troy L Hoppe, John Horan, Robert A Horn, Justin K Horne, Peggy A Horner, Elsie J Horton-Page, Patti A Howard, Ed Howard, John G Howard, Kris Howell, Buddy J, Jr Hoyt, Wayne C Hubbard, Richard L, Jr Hudda, Nizar Huddleston, Jan L Hudson, Michael T Hudson, Susan A Huelsbeck, Edna M Huff, Billie R Huffman, Michael Hughes, Tammy L Hughes, Wayne G R = Right, L = Left Avg Games League 181 171 170 151 143 186 179 112 166 171 153 147 184 183 172 187 121 159 141 139 178 120 110 186 156 155 127 167 200 224 218 207 174 169 78 90 126 124 107 144 165 141 187 212 175 152 154 171 135 152 148 144 140 200 126 151 87 57 48 84 75 93 102 73 93 105 81 75 96 75 93 99 68 93 90 84 96 77 77 54 48 90 78 87 96 21 96 57 99 99 96 38 78 72 93 81 87 74 80 51 93 45 90 96 75 81 72 96 54 87 99 93 AG02 AB08 AB08 AB11 SL08 SL02 AB07 AB11 SL08 SL09 AB10 AB06 AB11 AG01 AB07 AV03 AB10 AG04 SL01 EB02 AB05 AB06 SL04 AB08 AV05 AV03 AG03 AB02 AG02 AV01 AV04 AV05 EB04 EB05 EB01 AB06 AB09 AB06 AB11 AG05 AG02 AG05 AG05 EB03 SL08 AG01 SL01 AG04 AB06 AB02 AB10 SL01 AB09 AG05 AB03 EB05 Name Hughes, William C Hughes, William E, Sr Humes, Gail F Humphreys, Donald W Humphreys, Thomas R Huset, Dean L Huset, Holly E Huston, Ray E Hutcheson, June C Hutton, Deb A Hyde, Sandra K Hyer, Heidi L Ianetti, Lou Inamurato, Cabrini F Infantino, Albert J Infantino, Bryan R Inkrott, Paul F Innes, Robert J Insignares, Saul A, Jr Irvine, John E Isbell, Tony C Isom, Rick A Jablonsky, Bonnie J Jackson, Tracy L Jacob, Frank R Jacob, Stephen F Jacobs, Todd C Jacobus, Andrew Jacobus, Cherri L Jacques, Julie A Jakanski, Mark C Jakanski, Richard C Janes, Gary C Janik, Debra A Janik, James E Janssens, Mark W Jarema, William B Jarvis, Joel H Jarvis, Nancy D Jarvis, Noah S Jeffries, Chris Jeltema, Nancy J Jenkins, Ann K Jenkins, Kevin M Jenkins, Sarah J Jennings, James R Jennings, Suzy K Jessop, Edward A Jessup, Glenn M Jezewska, Toni L Avg 175 179 133 164 187 170 163 173 173 117 138 115 111 155 84 196 152 169 170 207 202 167 186 215 137 195 159 172 173 169 167L 120 150 190 188 159 185 179 131 190 162 168 171 90 103 141 150 181 128 145 142 162 158 169 187 132 Games League 84 88 81 90 93 97 96 99 99 90 93 87 96 99 96 59 54 87 72 96 93 66 93 99 93 99 27 87 66 102 84 78 72 93 96 32 87 84 84 75 57 96 90 87 66 87 96 80 68 102 54 81 86 48 33 90 AB05 AG02 AB10 AV02 AG02 AV02 AV02 AV03 AV02 AB06 AG01 AB06 EB05 AV02 AB11 AG02 AG02 AG02 AB11 SL08 SL03 AB11 AG02 AB07 AV03 AB07 AV03 AG02 AB11 AB07 AB05 AB05 SL01 AB11 AB07 AB07 AV04 AV02 EB01 EB01 AB04 SL03 AB02 AB02 AB02 SL02 AB11 AB11 AB05 AB05 AV03 AG04 AG02 AB08 AB07 EB01 Name Jimenez, Jose E Johnson, Annette C Johnson, Brian A Johnson, Cathy F Johnson, Dennis R, Sr Johnson, Donald A Johnson, Doris C Johnson, Jean H Johnson, Judy G Johnson, Kathy A Johnson, Lisa A Johnson, Mary L Johnson, Michael D Johnson, Robert D Johnston, Jack L Johnston, Kevin J Jones, Bette Jean Jones, Bucky L Jones, Darlene L Jones, Greg G Jones, Guy S Jones, Jennifer L Jones, Jesse G Jones, Jesse R Jones, Kathy E Jones, Robert L Jones, Verlin L Joniak, Edward Jordan, Dennis R Jordan, Peggy M Joris, Laurie D Kaiser, Mary T Kakouris, Rose Kaminski, Wayne R Kammerdiner, Jeremy A Kansman, Eric Karras, Jill Karras, Nick, Jr Karras, Rick Kasper, Timothy J Kauffman, Brian W R = Right, L = Left Avg Games League 184 179 127 126 122 187 143 197 196 194 216 129 155 150 146 144 144 143 143 121 136 192 117 180 113 160 157 156 201 212 208 206 147 211 209 123 135 181 178 190 143 146 139 123 138 212 198 156 199 153 162 158 186 177 156 137 27 24 60 54 66 87 93 93 78 99 21 90 89 93 96 102 99 50 102 99 87 89 102 93 66 84 87 90 92 102 102 39 72 99 78 84 64 51 54 57 99 87 90 81 33 96 84 90 81 81 87 99 84 87 99 48 AB03 AB07 SL05 SL01 SL07 SL07 SL01 AV01 AV02 AV03 SL08 AB10 AG02 AV02 AV03 AB01 SL01 SL08 AB01 SL01 EB05 SL08 AB03 SL02 AB10 SL02 AB06 AB10 SL03 EB01 EB03 EB04 AB10 EB01 EB03 AG03 SL02 AB08 AB08 AB08 AV03 SL01 EB02 AB10 SL04 AB07 AB03 SL08 EB04 AB11 AB11 AB07 AB07 AB11 AV03 AG02 Name Kaufman, Kenneth J Keaser, Beth Keathley, Richard G Keller, Linda F Kellogg, Corey J Kellogg, Robert E Kelly, Scott E Kemp, David P Kenkel, Ryan R Kennedy, Linda S Kennedy, Michael D Kenney, Terry P Kenville, James E Kerkof, Maurice A Key, Jeffrey C Kievith, John B Kilpatrick, Willis L Kincaid, Dickson E Kincaid, Gloria M Kincaid, James C Kindt, Wayne A King, Daisy L King, Juanita E King, Roger G Kinsch, Karen J Kintz, Bruce A, Sr Kirchman, Donald E Kirchman, Todd A Kirk, Amy L Kirk, Douglas J Kirk, James W Kitchell, Jim Kitterman, Lawrence R Klagues, Linda A Klazon, Ronald L, Jr Kleckauskas, Aleda H Klein, Bill Klein, David A Kliff, Marianne D Klinge, Larry A Klinge, Mary E Knaack, Jan R Knepp, Steve R Knobloch, William D Knopf, Ashley M Avg Games League 179 171 126 154 103 199 188 180 147 105 134 138 151 171 149 131 155 155 158 153 142 189 188 146 132 150 148 207 204 124 177 160 214 141 218 191 172 169 163 193 133 197 189 186 183 120 159 180 143 151 140 149 164 160 189 103 96 93 75 51 65 57 81 96 96 36 90 99 75 79 48 27 42 56 88 96 94 96 96 96 66 80 80 66 63 84 63 46 81 30 96 96 87 82 66 78 60 36 84 21 96 93 92 45 84 93 96 48 102 36 48 21 AV01 AV04 EB04 EB03 EB02 AV01 EB05 AV01 SL02 SL07 EB05 EB05 AV03 EB03 AB08 AG02 SL08 SL09 SL08 SL05 AB05 AB07 AB05 SL07 SL07 AB06 AB09 AG02 AB07 AB02 SL08 SL08 SL08 AB03 EB01 EB01 AB07 SL07 SL06 AB05 EB02 AB01 SL08 SL03 SL02 SL01 SL09 AV04 AB06 SL07 SL07 AB10 SL09 SL05 AB08 SL07 Name Knopf, Earl E Knopf, Lisa A Knopf, Neil R Knopf, Rena J Knutson, Deborah A Koch, Robert E Koellhoffer, Gloria J Koepler, Nancy L Koester, Cathy M Kolba, Ceil M Komyati, Joe B, Jr Komyati, Sydney T Kopec, Joseph J Kopp, Bruce A Kormansek, Delinda J Kormansek, Tony I Kramer, Richard A Krantz, Ethel P Kraus, Suzie H Kreisler, Robert S Krowka, Gary J Kruse, David T Krzesica, Raymond C Kulb, Donna D Kutch, Herb P Kutch, Ron C, Jr Kuzniczci, Lisa La Forge, Charles C La Perriere, Ty R La Plant, Roger R La Plante, Lynda C La Rose, Patricia D Labath, Brad S Labiak, Lisa M Ladelia, Dennis Lafave, Ernie J Lagasse, Norman L Lamar, James R Lamb, James G, II Lamb, Marianne M Lambert, Bernice H Lamp, Douglas E Lancellotti, Ric F Landes, Gary R Landis, Jerry K R = Right, L = Left Avg 193 193 183 115 179 109 165 126 178 176 148 145 142 152 135 110 201 105 189 188 129 197R 117L 197 146 173 166 154 215 140 162 160 156 154 149 148 164 169 153 179 134 143 144 147 171 189 177 174 185 119 105 125 196 195 172 174 Games League 33 96 93 87 93 73 96 81 96 96 87 87 87 99 61 89 93 90 46 90 60 49 56 87 36 84 81 75 96 96 57 95 99 93 21 24 96 57 54 90 81 96 87 88 54 96 21 60 79 93 75 93 64 66 96 42 AG04 AV04 SL07 SL07 AV04 SL07 SL07 SL05 AB11 AB02 AB10 AB09 AB06 AV03 AB11 AB05 AB11 AB11 AB08 SL08 AB04 AB07 AB04 AB07 AV02 AG01 SL02 AB11 AV01 AB02 AB08 SL02 SL01 SL07 AV01 AV01 AB01 AB08 AG02 EB05 EB01 AV02 AG03 AB11 AB08 AV04 EB03 AV02 AB03 EB05 AB06 AB11 SL08 SL03 AV02 AB07 Name Langdon, Lorie A Langley, Brian R Lanier, Jeanette I Lanni, Terry L Lanoue-Foster, Cynthia M Lapp, Ben Y Lappohn, Alfred E Large, Bud F Larrondo, Damaso Larsen, Philip N LaSota, Pamela J Lathrop, Patricia A Lathrop, Robert G Lazar, Mark R Leach, Troy D Leaks, Charles Lebarr, Walter W Ledford, BJ Lee, Gary W, Sr Lee, Jeannette M Lee, Jordan M Lemerand, Eileen A Lemieux, Albert R Leonard, Brandon E Leonidopolis, Kiki Leppig, Josef K Lersch, Robert P Lessig, Robert D Letts, Helen Lewis, Deena A Lewis, Diann E Lewis, Douglas E Lewis, Kevin J Lewis, Ray J Liberatoscioli, Judith M Liedel, Larry J Lightle, Dorothy L Lima, Donald R Lincoln, William P Linderman, Sharon K Linthicum, Lucy A Lippman, William J Liquori, Frances M Liquori, Joseph S Little, Timothy E Littlefield, Tracy A Loeffler, Cathy Avg Games League 171 138 182 134 129 146 181 177 137 167 167 201 141 154 134 167 169 155 150 162 209 203 199 141 160 142 169 164 85 181 200 193 206 201 200 140 147 142 176 164 219 210 161 178 146 177 190 155 129 197 194 140 168 190 126 136 51 96 57 90 81 66 105 79 102 78 90 51 47 84 96 96 93 102 45 24 42 93 60 84 43 78 96 96 54 81 100 86 51 93 96 84 87 96 87 93 99 96 99 99 41 57 99 71 33 104 93 91 99 86 93 75 AB05 AG04 AB08 AV02 AV02 AG04 SL09 AB07 EB04 AG02 AG04 AB08 SL06 EB02 EB04 SL02 EB04 AB01 AB08 SL08 AV01 AV04 SL07 SL07 AV05 AV03 AV04 SL03 AB01 AV02 EB03 EB05 SL09 SL08 AG02 EB03 AB05 AG04 SL07 AG01 AB05 AB07 AV02 AV02 EB02 AB08 AG02 SL07 AV02 SL09 SL08 AV02 AV02 SL07 AB05 SL05 Name Lofthouse, Ray J Lombardo, Michael J Lomboy, Ramona F Long, John M, Jr Long, Joseph C Longridge, Nicole A Longridge, Richard H Lord, Raymond M Lorence, Donald D Losada, Karol R Losada, Roy S Lowery, Willie J Lozada, Carlos M Lucas, Barbara A Lucas, Derek T Lucas, Thomas E Luka, Bill P Lunkes, Richard J Lynch, Sarah E Mabrier, Gary G Mac Donald, Carman A Mac Millen, Nina Mac Millen, Paul Mac Munn, Kevin R Mac Neill, William R Machajewski, Megan L Macias, Javier, Jr Macias, Javier, Sr Mackay, Brian P Mackay, Patricia A Macy, Georgene I Maginness, Denise D Maginness, Shawn P Magruder, Harlene C Magruder, William C Mains, Gary S Malave, Carlos R Malave, Sara Mancuso, Frank S Mandia, Chris J Mangold, Adam S Mangone, Matt Mangone, Tony Manguse, Denise M Manis, Steve Mankowski, Joseph C R = Right, L = Left Avg Games League 183 131 152 160 140 125 139 137 183 197 193 148 186 179 167 151 155 208 186 175 188 100 210 183 176 112 155 142 160 109 179 178 160 135 125 146 138 97 176 171 161 195 195 101 162 127 190 190 199 142 191 210 196 145 139 189 57 30 66 87 66 93 93 102 54 21 90 84 81 93 87 105 99 99 99 57 90 72 45 93 93 78 93 96 30 70 93 57 93 93 57 77 26 81 69 79 89 93 95 81 93 81 30 35 69 93 99 48 42 84 75 99 AB08 SL08 SL06 SL08 AG03 SL01 SL03 SL09 AB08 AV02 AV04 SL07 SL03 SL07 AB07 AB01 AV03 AV03 AV03 AB08 AG02 SL07 AB08 AB11 AB02 EB03 EB03 AB03 AB05 EB03 SL03 SL09 SL03 AG02 AG02 AG04 AG02 AB05 AB07 AB05 AV02 AV04 AV02 SL05 SL07 SL07 AV04 AV02 AG02 SL08 AB07 AB08 AB07 EB03 AB02 AB07 Name Mann, Diane J Mann, Virginia R Manning, Janine M Mansey, George P Marceline, Suzanne I Marichal, Anne D Marino, Edward T Marino, Sue A Marks, Lindsey L Marks, Thomas Markwood, Thomas V Marraccini, Michael P Marrero, Ann Marshall, Elizabeth Marshall, Wesley G Martel, Donald A Martin, Cliff D Martin, Gale M Martinez, Agusto Marzheuser, Joseph R Mason, Anita Massaro, Otila Mather, Ken I Mathis, Eric B Matley, Bill Matos, Jose A Mattox, Dorian Maulbeck, Bernard A Maulbeck, Colleen L Mazzone, Peg J Mc Allister, Sally E Mc Bride, Donald E Mc Calister, Casey Mc Call, Barbara W Mc Cardle, Martha A Mc Carthy, Jill M Mc Carty, Brian K Mc Carty, Keith B Mc Carty, Mike T Mc Cleary, Clyde R Mc Cleland, James J Mc Clellan, Chris M Mc Cord, Shawn R Mc Coy, David L Mc Daniel, Jared A Mc Daniel, Virginia M Mc Donald, Chad L Mc Dougall, Kenneth L Avg Games League 143 104 122 170 169 133 147 161 146 98 177 162 128 134 139 142 155 151 187 174 196 184 111 125 162 185 193 191 184 136 166 129 156 153 150 120 168 160 187 123 125 154 172 165 154 183 173 213 176 197 189 182 155 137 169 212 84 66 27 102 102 51 87 99 99 59 42 87 87 92 93 93 87 72 99 99 36 66 90 76 54 56 96 90 93 80 78 80 93 75 81 90 84 96 84 68 33 99 93 88 93 99 57 96 99 60 96 87 99 99 96 96 SL07 AB06 SL01 AB03 AB07 AB10 SL01 AB01 AB01 AB05 AV04 AV01 AG03 AB05 SL07 SL08 SL05 SL06 AG02 AB01 SL08 SL06 AB06 AB10 AB08 AG01 AV01 AV04 SL09 AV02 AG05 SL04 AB01 AB10 AB06 AG04 AV05 AV02 AB07 AB11 AB06 SL01 SL03 SL03 SL03 AB07 AB08 AV01 SL09 SL03 AG02 AG01 AG04 AV03 AG02 AV01 Name Mc Giffin, Marty P Mc Guyrt, Jeff L Mc Inerney, Lori I Mc Kelly, James R Mc Kinley, Ida M Mc Laughlin, Eileen F Mc Laughlin, Richard L Mc Laughlin, Richard L, Jr Mc Lennon, Roy N Mc Lochlin, James P Mc Mahon, John T Mc Nally, Barbara L Mc Ree, Nathan D Mc Tigue, Thomas J Meals, Cindy P Meatyard, James S Mendez, Amado Mercado, Art L Meredith, Carol E Merkel, Jarred J Merkel, Joshua D Mertz, Devon B Metcalf, Joe N Metcalf, Lynn R Metty, Brandon L Metz, Jackie Meyer, James E Meyer, Laurie Meyer, Mark W Meyer, Rebecca A Meyers, Dierdre M Meyers, Dolores Meyers, William Mezera, Robert Miccichi, Cindy A Miccichi, Curtis L Michael, Theresa M Michalski, Gloria J Mielecki, Thomas E Miller, Eugene S Miller, John F Miller, Linda A Miller, Lucille L Miller, Mattie I Miller, Norman J Miller, Patricia B R = Right, L = Left Avg Games League 203 197 136 140 195 139 93 174 218 215 214 154 194 187 113 200 184 159 163 161 127 173 150 157 208 200 176 115 129 171 134 165 138 159 126 181 197 188 144 193 187 175 145 157 209 112 134 207 151 151 132 130 158 155 153 111 93 93 24 90 96 36 30 86 96 96 24 81 78 96 44 93 96 96 99 96 96 96 78 102 99 54 96 63 93 63 84 84 90 96 66 93 33 96 90 96 90 96 54 87 87 53 69 81 63 99 69 84 96 96 69 27 SL03 SL02 SL05 AB11 AB07 AB10 EB02 SL08 SL08 SL03 SL02 AB07 AV04 AV01 AB06 AB07 AB07 EB05 EB01 EB05 SL03 AB03 AB10 AB07 AB07 AB03 SL08 AG01 AG01 AB11 AV02 AG03 AG03 AB07 AG03 SL07 AV05 AV04 SL07 AV04 AV01 SL07 AB08 SL01 AB07 SL06 AB06 EB05 AV02 AB07 EB02 SL07 SL05 SL01 SL07 SL01 Name Miller, Rose M Miller, Scott S Miller, Shayne J Miner, Paul G Miner, Robert J Minguez, Norman R Mocny, Danielle E Mocny, Mike S Mollo, Anthony B Moore, Alberta Moore, Ed E Moore, Howard C Moore, Robin J Moran, Annette S Moran, Barbara R Moran, Peter J Moree', Judy A Morency, Austin R, Jr Morgan, Bryon C Morgan, James D Morley, Richard A Morris, Bruce A Morrison, Gladys M Morrissette, Virginia A Morrow, Dennis E Motay, Amelia V Mott, John M Mott, Kevin D Mowl, Patricia A Mowl, William D Mowry, Patrick E Moyerman, Barbara A Muench, Gloria G Muff, Dotty K Muff, Robert J Mullaney, Sean P Munnings, Gary J Munnings, Randy A Muri, Janice L Muriano, Mary Murphy, Charles A Murphy, Mary E Murray, Dave D Murray, Joseph P Murse, Jesse E Murse, John R Murse, Lucy L Murse, Matthew J Myers, Robert C Myher, Debra K Avg Games League 116 205 137 177 173 151 130 196 151 143 164 171 147 151 161 158 141 120 167 178 154 159 157 123 149 162 125 176 169 165 198 191 156 168 132 138 170 175 187 183 141 138 121 176 141 178 199 197 205 197 126 191 170 169 160 154 88 96 102 96 99 72 90 93 56 96 96 96 100 84 93 87 99 86 99 72 82 51 42 87 48 90 67 84 93 87 87 96 66 69 84 84 99 83 93 84 43 87 78 99 96 24 93 87 97 87 93 75 97 87 84 93 SL07 AG02 AB07 SL05 AV03 SL05 AV03 AV03 AG05 AV02 AB07 AB02 AB01 EB02 AV03 AV02 AV02 AB11 AG04 EB03 SL08 AB08 EB03 SL04 AB10 AG05 AB10 AB07 SL05 AB05 AB05 AB07 AB07 EB02 AB10 AB03 AB03 AB07 SL03 SL03 AG01 AG04 AB06 AV03 AG04 AV01 AV04 SL08 AV02 SL08 AV02 SL08 AV02 EB04 EB02 EB03 Name Myher, Michael D Myles, Shawn P Nadal, Brandon M Naso, Kathy T Nastasio, Michael T Needler, Kip A Nettekovan, Rinnie A Netz, Christine L Netz, Edward W Neumann, Jim L Newby, Chad D Newman, Robert E Nicholas, Gerald Nicholas, Mary Nicolazzi, Paul W Nielsen, Pat A Nifong, John R Noack, Gary R Norman, Shane D Northrop, Gail Northrop, Gary R Norwood, Doris E Norwood, Terri Y Norwood, Tom Nowak, Renae F Nunes, Charles H Nussbaum, Caryn Nussbaum, Michelle K Nussbaum, Seth R Obendorfer, Kathi A O'Brien, William T, Jr O'Connor, John F O'Connor, Lisa J Oddo, John R O'Dea, Patricia J O'Dea, Thomas W O'Dell, Patrick M, Sr Oden, Brian R Oden, Robert J Ogg, Corey L O'Gorman, James F Okeson, Diana T Oldja, George C Olesh, John E R = Right, L = Left Avg Games League 187 135 163 142 183 187 190 164 159 196 189 177 167 186 188 184 161 124 181 178 114 124 161 161 136 201 113 110 179 173 139 159 157 164 157 173 175 112 133 159 154 152 128 171 143 144 202 164 161 206 201 195 191 150 126 181 102 93 75 93 96 71 84 99 93 99 102 93 96 51 102 96 98 96 90 56 87 93 54 84 90 90 66 69 90 57 30 93 102 105 21 105 60 95 102 87 87 81 81 96 93 81 32 39 39 90 86 90 87 89 87 78 EB03 SL09 SL09 AV02 AV01 AG01 AB07 EB05 AV05 EB03 EB05 AV05 AV01 SL05 AB05 AB11 AV02 AV02 AB07 AB04 SL04 AB02 AB08 AB03 EB01 EB01 AB06 AB10 AB11 AB08 AB06 AB01 AB05 AB01 SL01 AB01 EB01 EB03 AB01 AV01 AV05 AV02 AG03 AV02 SL07 SL07 SL05 SL05 SL08 SL03 SL08 AG02 AV04 SL07 SL09 EB04 Name Olin, Christopher E Olin, Jane M Olmstead, Adrianne L Olsen, Quinn M O'Neill, Kevin J Oraczewski, Stanley J Ord, James D Orr, Michelle L Oswald, Nicholas R Owen, Larry L Owen, Toby Owen-Cipielewski, Beth M Page, Richard R Paolillo, Liz A Pappas, M. Joyce Papurzynski, Joseph M Pardo, David A, Sr Parisi, Frank J Parker, Janet C Parker, Peggy L Parodo, Eric A Parodo, Taya Parpas, Steve Parrish, Mark S Passero, Anthony P Passero, Donna M Passero, Laura A Passero, Victor J, Jr Passero, Victor, Sr Patricca, Thomas P Patterson, Michael K Paturel, Ernest V Pauling, Christopher A Payne, Earl Pazur, Robert E Peacock, Jennifer L Pead, Lorrie F Pearce, Colleen A Pease, Karen A Pease, William E Peck, Alecia A Pedraza, Carmelo P, Jr Peer, M. Lois Peer, Rose M Peltz, William A, Jr Pendleton, Mary E Pendry, Robert F Penge, Deborah L Penge, Joseph J Avg Games League 180 169 135 168 203 207 191 195 193 124 211 174 161 192 191 177 131 133 129 177 155 70 145 141 144 116 140 201 164 138 112 170 181 151 132 176 157 170 193 190 188 196 147 135 136 186 180 144 157 159 126 197 164 193 142 188 102 105 45 63 102 33 84 27 84 24 90 75 48 75 93 39 96 87 81 105 96 33 33 93 33 93 93 60 102 102 83 90 102 90 93 93 33 57 39 42 48 24 90 87 95 96 96 93 99 72 99 90 45 96 63 81 AB01 AB01 AB11 AB11 AB07 EB05 EB01 AG02 AG04 AB03 AB05 AG02 AG04 AG02 SL03 SL07 AV03 AB06 EB01 SL09 SL07 AB05 SL01 SL08 SL02 SL02 AG04 AB07 AB05 AB05 AB05 AB05 AB05 AV03 EB01 AV04 SL09 AB08 AV04 SL07 AG02 AG02 AB01 AG03 SL07 AB02 AB11 SL01 SL09 AB01 SL01 AB07 AB11 AG01 AG05 AG05 Name Perez, Glen Perez, Rafael A Perin, Steve A Perin, Tony M Persico, Charles T Peters, Pat A Peters, Sandra L Petrovey, Ziggy A Petry, Michael Peyton, Kurtis M Pfeil, Rose Phillips, Carol D Phillips, David F Phillips, Ed H Phillips, Gary R Phillips, Kristen L Phillips, Kristin N Phillips, Lenna K Phillips, Robert D Piazza, Millie A Pierce, Joe Pinela, Sacramento Pinto, Lillian A Pion, Adrienne A Piper, Robert H, Jr Pipher, Jesse E Pippin-Smith, Yvonne P Planck, Randy S Plansky, Catherine E Plansky, John F, Sr Pogar, Scott M Pogar, Tammy A Poirer, Joe R Polanski, Stephen L Poll, Christopher L Pollanz, Robert W Pollock, Barry G, Sr Poneleit, Cortney E Poneleit, Shawn A Pontello, Linda Popity, Elisabeth Pover, Brad S Powell, Christine M Powell, Larry Powell, Lindsay D R = Right, L = Left Avg Games League 174 200 207 205 175 167 153 156 123 112 170 200 177 137 135 211 167 191 120 138 150 195 151 174 187 128 107 203 156 151 148 169 200 192 188 134 148 175 173 127 185 160 176 182 181 169 134 208 206 111 104 168 137 176 173 150 87 96 33 102 39 27 90 96 27 48 93 90 45 72 78 99 54 87 66 32 96 66 84 90 87 96 93 69 93 87 30 90 102 102 81 96 99 88 99 99 93 90 96 84 81 57 93 96 96 39 78 24 90 84 84 96 AB11 SL08 EB05 EB03 EB03 EB01 AV03 SL01 SL06 AG03 AG01 AV01 SL07 AB10 AB11 EB03 AB08 SL08 EB02 AV03 AB01 AV03 AG01 AV03 SL03 AV02 EB03 AG02 SL03 SL08 SL09 AV03 EB05 EB03 EB01 AB05 AB05 AB11 AB05 AB05 AV04 SL03 AB05 AG02 AG04 AB08 AV03 AV03 AV01 EB03 AG01 SL02 SL01 AG05 SL07 SL01 Name Powell, Steven Powers, Betsy K Powers, Bruce L, Jr Powers, Nancy L Powers, Robert A, Jr Praessel, Nick J Prats, Jim Preston, Ty E Prezioso, Vito S Price, Henry L, Sr Primrose, Rick T Prisinzano, Jaime E Probst, Maggie P Pruitt, Betty J Pryor, Sandra D Pryor, Sharon L Pulford, Dorwin A Purcell, Bonnie K Purcell, Kenneth R Purcell, Lee E Purvis, Mark E Purvis, Nikol A Pysiewski, Michael P Quevillon, Daniel Q Quiroz, Gina R Rabideau, Donald J Rabideau, Rebecca Rabinovich, Alex Rader, Terry A Ragan, Kailyn Rainone, Nora T Rajkowski, Ed P Ralston, Nellie M Ramon, Rick D, Jr Randall, Larry A Rasmussen, Jim W Rawley, Jayson V Rawson, John J Rayner, Fred N, Sr Reddy, William D Reed, Doug J Reed, Glenn J Reed, Jon C Reese, Rose T Reeves, Kenneth B Reeves, Tim D Reichenbach, Kevin L Reichert, Irma Reichmuth, Mark Avg Games League 190 180 151 158 123 121 194 190 188 157 144 195 188 179 179 135 139 132 118 138 151 164 166 168 137 126 156 177 178 152 160 111 121 115 187 142 128 187 192 182 161 175 184 181 148 178 137 146 144 167 180 206 206 203 100 178 90 87 87 42 85 90 84 48 102 96 34 96 102 87 39 81 78 87 81 84 105 99 102 96 87 99 30 87 99 99 39 98 68 30 57 87 51 87 90 84 93 93 54 42 68 96 66 90 87 105 84 36 57 98 81 84 AG05 SL07 AB06 AG03 AB09 AB06 AV01 AV04 AB07 AB02 AB03 AG02 AB07 SL08 AB11 EB02 SL04 AB01 AB05 SL08 AB01 AB01 AB01 SL08 SL08 AG02 AG02 AG02 AG02 AG02 SL09 AB01 AB05 AV03 AB08 SL05 AB10 AB07 AB07 AV03 SL07 SL09 AB08 AB08 AG04 AG04 AG03 SL04 SL01 SL09 AB07 AG04 AB07 AG02 AB11 EB03 Name Reier, James D Reppi, James V Reppi, Joan M Reuther, Susan D Revels, Angel M Revels, Ronald J Rewis, William J Rhoades, Brian S Rhoades, Marvin M Rhoads, Eva Lou J Ricci, Betty E Rice, Connie L Rice, Richard I Riceman, Judy M Richards, Herbert W Richardson, Amy S Richardson, Brian A Richardson, Charles A, Jr Ridal, Roland R Ridge, Heather L Ridings, Dave L, Jr Rifner, Peter A Ringland, Patrick J Rioux, Glenn S Ripley, Barb L Ripley, Craig L Risley, Mike F Rizzo, Olivia N Rizzo, Pamela M Rizzo, Robert C Robak, Robert T Robarts, Diane M Robb, Connie Robb, John Robb, Thomas D Robbins, Jason J Robbins, Renee T Robbins, Sue A Robeck, Roberta K Roberts, Kendall D Roberts, Patricia M Robertson, Roy T Robichaux, Ronnie, III Robins, Bill Robinson, Kyle F Robson, Denise J Rocha, Steven T Rochek, Joe E R = Right, L = Left Avg Games League 201 160 141 160 166 200 194 203 184 171 141 157 115 184 179 167 147 179 168 157 148 179 171 170 191 183 192 195 190 186 216 170 129 167 162 140 188 180 130 153 122 171 194 85 130 127 139 146 173 168 176 166 153 144 191 118 84 93 93 82 87 24 93 92 87 93 62 105 59 71 96 45 66 93 102 91 78 45 98 93 85 96 99 99 87 54 101 87 59 93 30 75 93 90 45 54 54 78 94 32 87 89 28 96 57 102 78 93 95 51 57 99 AG02 AV05 AV05 SL05 AB11 AB07 AB11 AB07 AG04 AG04 EB02 AB01 AG04 AG02 AG04 AV04 EB02 AG01 SL09 AB11 AG03 AB08 SL09 SL07 AB07 AB01 AB07 AG02 AB05 SL01 AB05 SL07 AV03 AV03 AV02 AV03 AB05 AB07 AV03 AV05 AV05 AV01 AB07 EB02 AB10 SL07 AB03 AB03 AB08 AB07 SL07 AV02 SL08 SL01 AG04 EB05 Name Rodriguez, Luis E, III Rodriguez, Luis E, Sr Rodriguez, Monica L Rodriguez, Robert Roe, Susan L Roehsner, Karla M Rogers, Jeremy M Rohl, Shawn M Rohl, Tim Rohr, June A Roine, Ann M Roland, Brenda J Rollason, Robert K Rolling, Deborah A Romig, Janet L Romig, Michael V Romness, Deanna L Romness, Scott W Roque, Jose L Rosario, Magdiel Rose, Colleen B Rose, Tom Roseman, Charles A Rosenbaum, Steve Ross, Chelsey Ross, Michael L Rossetto, Janet E Royster, Annette J Rudolph, Michael D Ruff, Blanche E Ruml, Jillian N Rundell, James Runyan, Suzanne M Rurade, Martin A Rush, Ellen J Rush, Yolanda Russo, Gail A Russotto, Rick Ruthruff, Terry K Ruttan, David A Ryan, Alanna G Ryan, Gene A Ryan, Shannon P Rycroft, Shaun J Sabesan, Larry K Sabesan, Sherry A Safford, Frank L Avg Games League 179 172 168 154 178 138 142 123 214 231 137 119 122 175 161 108 191 190 189 168 167 137 195 173 146 95 170 157 179 86 159 132 118 206 205 115 74 198 141 164 152 129 136 166 156 190 133 205 191 142 172 169 153 197 192 189 80 68 80 93 78 87 51 93 77 94 90 90 75 49 87 57 93 24 90 87 87 96 102 93 87 56 101 60 78 93 94 90 84 81 77 69 42 48 33 93 81 36 86 87 96 90 54 99 66 90 90 75 69 96 93 102 AB03 ABY2 AB03 AB03 AG02 AB11 AV02 EB04 SL08 AV01 AB06 SL04 SL01 AG01 SL03 SL02 AG02 AV05 AG04 AG02 AG04 EB01 EB01 SL03 SL02 AB03 AB03 AB07 AG04 SL07 SL08 EB02 AB05 SL07 AG02 EB02 AG05 AV04 AG05 AV03 AV02 AB09 AV05 AG05 SL08 EB01 ABY2 AB07 AB07 AG03 AB07 SL06 SL06 AB11 AB07 AB05 Name Sale, Lynn L Saloga, Bobbi L Saloga, James E Salomonsky, Mark Santos, Lee Roy O Sargent, Jacob S Savage, Earl F, II Savage, Ina M Savarino, Carmella Savinsky, Carol A Sawyer, Carl K, III Scala, Karen L Schedeneck, Jim E Scherr, Michael H Scheuring, Gene Schiefer, Ruth A Schlehlein, Alisa L Schmid, Virginia M Schmidt, Ann L Schmidt, Tony A Schneider, Cindy S Schneider, Eddie M Schnell, Michael D Schnittert, Matthew Schramm, David S Schrock, Cory G Schrock, David W Schrock, Shanti K Schroer, Ralph Schruder, Suzanne M Schuler, T. J. Schultz, Douglas M Schultz, Susan M Schwab, Mary L Schweitzer, Craig N Schwoerke, Richard O Scogin, Michelle M Scorziello, Richard J Scott, Emmett C Scott, Matthew D Scott, Rudy A Scotti, Frank T Seaman, Samantha S Segar, Mac T Selby, Laverne H Selby, Thomas N, Sr R = Right, L = Left Avg Games League 142 140 127 118 197 195 195 174 163 119 117 115 129 208 205 124 174 187 162 126 123 126 124 129 183 110 199 196 190 156 158 163 194 193 187 190 183 175 140 197 186 126 140 196 164 163 105 148 173 179 173 157 125 168 111 129 93 90 96 68 97 96 96 87 65 85 82 79 87 96 51 84 36 36 96 84 99 72 75 45 99 76 84 87 93 81 75 87 48 90 95 87 57 57 90 91 54 75 102 93 99 102 49 92 57 84 96 81 35 84 96 78 SL01 AB01 AB01 AG01 AB03 AB07 AB07 AG01 AG01 AB10 AB06 AB09 AV03 SL08 SL09 AB06 AB07 SL08 AV02 EB02 EB04 EB01 SL04 AB06 AG02 AG04 AG04 AG02 AV04 EB04 SL08 AG02 AG01 AG02 SL08 SL08 SL05 AB08 SL05 AG02 AB05 EB02 AB01 SL02 EB04 EB01 SL02 AB01 AB08 EB04 AB05 AG02 AV03 AV01 SL07 SL07 Name Sell, Christopher R Sell, Gregory T Sell, Jessica L Sell, Linda L Septer, Angi A Sepulveda, Barbara B Sessions, Erika L Seth, Jeri A Seth, Teara Seth, Ted B Sewell, Joseph L Sexton, James R Shad, Alan Shaffer, Brian F Shaffer, Fred C, Sr Shaffer, Fred S, Jr Shaffer, Garrett R Shaffer, Karen M Shank, Pat A Shapiro, Barry J Shaw, Anson J Shaw, Dianna M Shaw, Malora K Shedrow, Alison M Shedrow, David R Shedrow, Linda L Shepherd, Raymond H Shepperd, Charles F Sherman, Michael S Shinkle, Maddi L Shinn, Daryl R Shinn, David R Shinn, Ronda A Shuart, Martin A Sigmund, Laurie R Signaigo, Jerry D Silva, Clemente A Silva, Jim R Silvestrini, Denny A Simeone, Lawrence Simpson, James L Simpson, Sue E Sims, Charlie E Sisum, Sandra P Skeen, Kit Skilins, Maureen J Slack, Tammy W Sladcik, Kathy L Slaven, Kelly L Avg Games League 187 211 133 155 122 131 125 135 122 120 187 141 180 188 185 178 174 156 165 149 154 148 111 159 137 138 135 200 223 159 169 168 150 186 142 174 192 167 114 171 171 147 137 162 177 165 138 162 120 151 127 185 127 122 148 140 54 96 72 99 96 98 24 78 74 89 89 96 45 54 96 30 93 87 105 96 87 91 79 78 74 87 75 27 99 69 33 36 84 96 90 90 93 42 21 21 90 93 96 89 90 96 81 88 84 102 83 34 51 39 77 90 AV03 AV03 AV03 AV03 AG02 AB05 AB03 SL02 AB03 AB03 AB03 SL09 AB08 AB08 AB07 SL09 SL08 SL09 SL09 AG02 SL08 SL01 SL01 SL02 SL05 SL05 AB01 AB07 AB07 AB07 SL03 SL08 AG04 AB07 AB02 AG04 AG04 SL07 AG04 AG04 AG02 AB02 AB02 AB11 AB07 AG02 AB07 AB11 AB11 AB07 EB02 AG02 AG03 AB05 AB01 AB11 Name Slight, John B Slight, Sarah R Sliker, Gil R Slone, Devra L Slone, Terry E Slusser, Edward A Smith, Becky S Smith, Dawn M Smith, Jason H Smith, Jean Smith, Joyce A Smith, Nancy L Smith, Nick G Smith, Patricia M Smith, Ron O Smith, Sam W Smith, Sandra L Snode, Daniel K Snode, Michael D Snyder, Ken P Snyder, Sally A Soboleski, Joseph P Solomon, Carrie P Solomon, Stephen J Sommers, Marion L Souzer, Charles J Sowa, Gary J Sowers, Terry L Sparling, Lisa M Sparrow, Jeannette M Spaziani, Julia Stackhouse, Scott A Staehlin, David W Stagg, Frank Stalnaker, Jen Stalzer, Terry A Stambaugh, Philip E Stamper, Frances M Stapleton, Jeff M Stary, Clyde W Stary, Mary R Staszewski, Candi Staszewski, Kayla L Staszewski, Ronald M Stedcke, Jay A Steele, Rich Stefan, Steve Stehle, Marsha A R = Right, L = Left Avg Games League 175 152 216 148 169 206 143 176 174 174 179 174 152 137 152 215 133 199 163 155 136 171 205 165 146 176 167 123 171 201 223 192 179 142 113 144 152 171 177 141 156 164 122 224 175 179 170 119 142 141 173 170 199 186 129 173 24 24 81 102 24 87 81 98 93 102 27 69 85 75 85 90 60 93 48 96 90 48 45 51 93 92 57 48 48 99 96 102 97 87 72 75 90 102 87 90 99 105 78 96 48 81 24 77 69 66 78 80 90 39 72 90 EB04 EB04 AG02 EB05 EB05 AB07 AB02 AB05 AB11 AB07 EB01 EB03 SL07 SL01 SL07 SL02 AB01 AB07 AB08 SL07 SL02 EB03 EB03 AB08 SL01 EB05 EB01 AV05 AV05 AG02 AV04 AB01 EB03 SL01 AB11 AB01 SL08 SL09 AV01 AB10 AV02 SL09 AV05 AV04 AV04 AV02 AV03 EB01 EB03 EB01 EB03 EB01 AG01 EB01 SL09 AB03 Name Steiding, Shane K Steiner, Sam R Stempien, John H Stephens, Tammy D Stephenson, Susan T Stepp, Joan I Stepp, John W Stidham, Vicky L Stiles, Jack E Stivala, Pascale Stivala, Robert Storm, Melvin Stout, Boyd L, Jr Stout, Joseph F, III Strall, Sheryl A Strall, William P Strassner, Brian J Stringer, Doris V Strong, Charles M Strong, Marvin C Stuart, Robert B Stutzman, Neil A Styers, Lisa M Suedhof, Jason B Sullivan, William A, Jr Summerall, Edna G Sunderlin, Cynthia L Sunderlin, Kristy K Susa, Robert J Sutcliffe, Alan (A.J.) L Sutton, Crystal L Sutton, Paul K Swalby, Jeff S Swartz, Jason J Swartz, Mike S Sweet, Anna M Swietek, Edward B Swist, Christine Sworboda, John C Sypher, Gregory A Szekely, Zsolt Tackett, Justin C Takacs, Thomas J Talbot, Gregory J Tallini, Barry J Avg Games League 186 187 184 225 224 220 217 105 155 154 92 153 127 139 135 191 183 192 185 196 192 146 189 185 167 127 158 131 176 205 106 156 169 159 143 120 178 208 204 137 136 202 168 196 156 155 190 129 185 186 178 175 193 178 213 146 90 96 102 48 57 48 99 81 87 47 93 93 77 48 81 90 87 93 57 77 24 89 98 91 48 60 57 21 84 90 51 90 93 102 75 96 87 54 90 84 93 90 48 90 87 88 102 90 90 96 60 30 93 87 93 77 AG03 SL08 SL09 EB03 EB05 EB01 EB04 AG03 AG02 AG04 AB02 AB02 AG04 AG03 EB05 EB05 AV04 SL03 SL08 AG01 AB11 EB03 EB03 EB05 SL08 AB09 AB08 SL08 AV02 SL08 SL06 AB11 AG02 AB05 SL07 SL07 AV04 EB01 SL03 SL07 SL09 AG02 AG01 AB05 SL02 SL01 AB07 SL05 EB01 AB07 AG01 AG02 AB07 AG02 AB07 AB05 Name Tallman, Sandra M Taney, Charles F, Sr Tannehil, Randy S Tannehill, Barbara L Tannehill, Sally J Taranto, Christopher V Tardona, Richard E Tate, Robert J Taylor, Bradley A Taylor, Charlotte L Taylor, Erin E Taylor, Jayson T Taylor, Jeff D Taylor, Rose M Teed, Jessica E Terlitsky, Dorothy A Territo, Cynthia B Teter, Ann D Tetro, Everett L Theakos, Jim Theakos, Josephine F Thirion, Deirdre A Thomas, Donna T Thomas, Terri L Thomas, William E Thomas, William S Thompson, John J Thompson, John W Thompson, Kevin R Thompson, Nicolas A Thompson, Tim W Thorburn, Kathleen E Thorpe, Harold E Thristino, Ana L Tice, Jerry Tidwell, Nicholas R Tietz, Angela M Tilicky, Randy R Tindell, Brad B Tindell, Serina M Tiona, Steve Tokarz, Ruth E Tolbert, Buck D Tolbert, Charles I Tolbert, Darlene J R = Right, L = Left Avg 115 195 185 129 114 118 202 173 209 166 152 219 164 158 132 143 143 142 160 159 147 164 188 186 186 135 140 128 170 177R 176R 147L 141L 165 158 188 211 168 189 177 137 178 177 115 173 140 146 181 180 179 141 168 178 165 157 157 Games League 39 57 96 69 63 90 54 90 70 63 69 90 81 96 43 73 78 75 87 84 72 48 96 96 96 75 88 90 45 42 33 57 57 85 84 99 87 90 78 90 81 96 90 81 87 21 99 81 39 90 36 57 84 93 84 93 AG04 AB08 EB05 EB05 EB05 AG03 AG02 AB05 AB03 EB03 EB03 EB03 AG03 AB03 AV05 AB10 AB06 AB09 SL01 SL02 AG04 AB08 AV01 AV04 AV05 AV05 SL01 SL04 AG01 AB05 AB02 AB02 AB05 AG04 AG02 AB07 AG02 AG02 AB07 SL07 AV02 AB02 AB11 SL07 AB03 AV05 SL01 SL08 AG02 AG01 AG01 AB08 EB02 AG04 AV01 AG04 Name Torres, Robert Torsell, Reed E Travis, Ralph A, III Travis, Sabrina G Trombley, Helen I Troop, Timothy A Troyer, David W Troyer, Rachel N Troyer, Rudy N Trzecki, Gerald A Tucciarone, Jerry N, III Tucciarone, Jerry N, Jr Tucker, Ian S Tucker, JoAnn C Tucker, Johanna L Tucker, Nathan M Tucker, Robert M Turner, David L Turner, William W Tuttle, Janette Tyree, David O Tyree, Viki H Tyson, Beverly S Ulrich, Daniel A Underwood, Harold G Ungarelli, Dorothy T Urbahn, Patricia F Urbanski, Marie C Urian, Cynthia L Ussio, Jeanne Van Diver, John F Van Fleet, Perry L Van Fleet, Ronald L, Jr Van Houten, John A Van Houten, Kenneth J Van Poolen, Bob Van Vlack, Stanley E Vandaele, Joseph J Vandaele, Violet B Vanover, Douglas E Varga, Peter P, Jr Varga, Peter P, Sr Vasile, Tracy A Vaughn, Dave K, Sr Vaught, Michael Vazquez, Jose C Veautour, Michael E Ver Cammen, David W Ver Cammen, Wayne M Ver Vane, Edward E Vestal, Donald M Vincent, Anthony L Avg Games League 175 192 170 127 114 184 167 94 174 192 154 205 160 137 143 178 152 167 191 116 182 172 144 134 177 185 172 149 145 108 154 112 157 188 182 120 154 189 123 175 151 133 208 211 137 169 180 185 190 179 165 190 189 188 168 184 96 90 87 96 84 98 63 96 72 42 27 99 96 90 86 93 93 87 97 60 96 96 96 81 96 78 31 81 99 30 93 66 57 81 90 99 93 30 38 96 90 93 24 93 62 96 51 96 90 95 99 93 90 81 81 96 SL08 AB07 AG04 AG02 AB10 EB03 AG02 SL07 SL06 AG02 AG02 AG02 AB03 AB11 AB03 AG02 AB11 AB07 AG02 SL01 AG02 SL02 SL02 SL07 SL08 AB07 SL02 SL04 EB01 SL01 SL07 EB02 AB03 AG01 AG01 AB05 AB05 AB08 AV02 AB11 AB11 AV03 AB07 AB07 AG03 AB11 AB08 AG02 AG02 AB07 AB07 SL03 SL08 SL07 SL02 AG02 Name Vincent, Ryan A Visgar, Daniel R Vogel, Frank W Voorhees, Peter E Vorac, Brian W Vosburgh, Nate T Wach, Eric Wagler, Leon J Wagler, Leroy Wagner, Brenda G Wagner, Frances C Wagner, Gary A Wagner, Jacqueline Wagner, Nickolas A Wagner, Tim D Wagner, William J Waida, Henry J Wakeland, Ted A Walendzik, Keith A Walker, Brooke M Walker, Kimberly K Walker, Ralph A Wall, Gladys Wallace, Fernando W Walrath, Joseph W Walsh, BobbiAnn Walsh, John H Walters, Jeff K Ward, Sandra I Ward, Tamra A Ware, BJ A, Jr Warner, Chuck R Warner, Kathy D Warnock, David E Warren, Babs Warren, Dennis A Wasil, John W Waterloo, Suzanne K Waters, Caasi E Watkins, Patricia S Watson, Nic A Waugh, Richard A Waymire, William C Wayne, Paula M Weaver, John L Webb, George R Webb, M Cassandra Weber, Thomas A Weese, Bobbie J Weese, Jerry A Wehr, Jeremy R = Right, L = Left Avg Games League 146 138 160 167 150 147 195 181 197 118 139 144 127 208 206 205 202 178 188 162 173 150 157 148 161 158 168 171 136 109 148 118 119 210 185 178 140 136 176 123 132 169 133 151 137 172 175 170 93 157 164 144 160 167 219 170 57 90 90 54 96 75 84 63 90 57 99 98 96 96 24 96 21 93 96 90 84 93 93 100 93 66 93 72 87 94 69 75 77 66 82 96 93 93 78 96 96 93 93 84 78 96 48 45 24 84 21 21 102 90 93 92 AB11 SL05 SL03 AB07 AB01 EB01 AB07 AB07 AB07 AB03 AB05 AB05 AV02 AB07 AG02 AB05 AB11 AB11 AG02 EB05 AB11 SL02 AV05 AB01 AV05 AG05 SL09 AG01 SL07 SL09 SL02 SL05 EB05 AB07 AG01 AG04 AG01 AG04 AV03 AB11 AB11 AG02 AV02 AB03 SL04 AG02 AB08 AB08 AB05 AB11 AV05 SL07 AB01 AV05 AV05 AG01 Name Wehr, Michael R Weidhuner, Shirley J Weiland, Kim A Weiser, Karen S Welch, Carmen Welch, Claudette S Welch, Patrick J Welchman, Angela D Welchman, Patrick M Wendell, Arthur L Wentzel, Johnna M Wenzel, Paula C West, Dick R West, Kevin L West, Nancy J Westberry, Kim H Westervelt, Terry B Wetjen, Ron C Wetter, John E, Sr Wetter, Johnny E, Jr Wetter, Tracy L Wheeler, Constance M Wheeler, Harold W Wheeler, Jacqueline M Wheeler, James P Wheeler, Richard E White, Clarence A White, Nancy C White, Robert D, Jr Whiteley, Thomas Whitfield, Willie L Wholeben, Gary G Wickson, Eric J Wickson, Sean M Widmann, Thomas F Wieczerzak, Margaret M Wight, Richard B Wile, Ellen Wiley, Craig L, Jr Wilhelm, Melissa M Williams, Daniel B Williams, David A Williams, Diana C Williams, Edward A Williams, Elizabeth Williams, Eric T Williams, Lloyd D Williams, Michael B Avg Games League 177 156 105 145 97 155 199 189 123 140 168 113 203 199 129 170 178 171 171 126 186 183 165 198 194 197 193 174 118 183 144 199 184 159 196 123 188 150 154 162 195 150 165 159 183 146 147 119 178 189 130 193 127 209 180 176 96 93 96 87 49 22 57 51 68 102 102 68 93 21 84 94 87 30 93 63 51 66 93 102 102 96 99 96 66 45 81 78 30 96 99 92 89 69 78 90 87 96 98 87 87 98 102 87 87 97 69 75 93 87 69 87 AG01 AV05 SL02 AB11 AB10 AB06 SL08 SL03 AB05 AB05 SL09 EB04 AG02 AB07 AG04 AB07 AB11 AB07 AB03 AB11 AB08 AB07 SL05 AB07 AB05 AB07 AB05 AB05 AB10 AB08 AV02 AG02 SL08 AB03 EB03 AG01 AG01 AG01 SL08 SL09 EB04 EB04 AB05 AG02 SL08 AB01 SL09 AV05 AV05 EB01 AB06 EB05 AV02 AB07 AV02 AV05 Name Williams, Phillip I Williams, Raymond E Williams, Richard E Williams, Robert E Williams, Ron J Williams, Ryan D Williamson, Lorna M Williamson, Michael A Williamson, Patricia H Willingham, Don M Willis, Blaine E Willis, Donnie E Willis, Jack L Willis, Jerry W Willis, Kelly A Willis, Preston B Willis, Rachelle A Wilmink, Edward P Wilson, Brian D Wilson, Doris E Wilson, Fred E Wilson, Patricia A Wilson, Steven D Wind, Kimberly D Winfrey, Russell Wing, Walter Winn, Jerry R Winnan, Denelle M Winnan, Richard A, Jr Wirsing, Yvonne M Wise, Randy M Wise, Rhonda R Witt, Harry S Wohlforth, John G Wolf, Geraldine A Wolf, Marvin E Wolfe, Barbara J Wolff, Frances B Wolkiewicz, Ed Wolkiewicz, Ida Wollschlager, Jeff F Wolstenholme, Ethan V Wolstenholme, George J Wolstenholme, Kathleen M Wolstenholme, Roland V Woo, Lynne Wood, Diann S Wood, Eric C Wood, Erin C Wood, John A Wood, Ona L Wood, Richard P R = Right, L = Left Avg 171 168 171 177 193 163 209 144 141 181 144 145 133 172 166 144 133 119 163R 99 169 127 146 197 124 138 143 132 158 177 171 125 182 128 173 118 198 148 129 150 153 142 132 108 142 165 134 103 126 137 131 169 139 178 180 131 Games League Name 87 27 81 99 99 78 96 84 32 93 90 48 102 57 102 96 93 72 57 30 93 62 63 96 84 45 75 96 96 99 87 87 87 87 87 69 92 87 72 61 84 81 87 63 84 93 89 87 90 39 68 77 24 59 93 33 SL03 SL08 AG02 AG02 AG02 AV05 AV03 EB02 EB01 EB01 AV03 SL07 AB03 AB08 AB03 AB03 AB03 AB03 AB04 AB02 AV03 AB07 AB10 AV03 AB09 AB07 AB11 AB11 AB07 AV02 AV04 AG01 AG01 AB10 EB05 EB05 AV04 SL08 AB01 AB01 AB06 AB10 AG05 AG05 AV05 SL05 SL05 SL05 SL05 AB09 AV03 AV03 ABY2 AB07 AV04 SL06 Wood, Terry L Woodard, Joshua D Woodruff, Larry J Woscieszak, Erica M Wright, Brenda Wright, Cynthia L Wright, Harry N Wright, Kaye K Wright, Nicole M Wright, Richard A Wyatt, Sharon L Wyzgowski, Jamey L Yacca, William T Yacobelli, John A Yeager, Randy Yoder, Robert D Yoder, Urias L Yoder, Violet F York, Branka Young, Sharon J Young, Whitney H Younger, Wanda F Yow, Brenda H Yust, Lise A Zabriskie, Robert G Zagame, Samantha T Zahrndt, Dennis W Zeigler, Tamara J Zimmerman, Eric E Zink, Michael R Avg Games League 190 185 210 107 137 143 207 96 169 177 155 129 195 162 142 192 191 191 185 105 128 121 120 125 143 155 161 134 119 174 148 187 207 93 78 99 74 102 102 84 56 102 43 64 84 102 96 99 57 84 95 90 87 93 77 81 27 75 90 102 74 72 96 97 81 84 AB07 AB05 AB07 AV03 AB05 AB05 SL07 SL07 AB05 AB07 AB05 EB03 AB07 AG01 AV02 SL08 SL08 SL09 AG04 SL04 AB11 AB10 AB06 AB11 SL08 AB09 EB05 AB05 AB03 AG02 AG04 AB07 AV03 Sarasota-Manatee USBC Youth Scholarship Recipients 2012 Chris Ziegler Daniel Glazer Kenny Smith Robbie Sutton Sarah Sutton Tyler Watkins 2011 Nick Bruno 2010 Charlotte Bliss Nicholas Jones 2009 Brian Shaffer 2008 Janyel Smith Casey Waugh 2007 Kevin Craycraft 2006 Allison Peters Ashley Hall Lisa Hillenbrand Sarah Kersting Brian Craycraft Daniel Shaffer 2005 Ashley Kasden Serina Dietrich Tabatha Cyphers 2004 Nick Tomaras Ryan Sigular 2003 Alison Jomisko Deanna Carpenter Heidi Kitterman Holly Kitterman Andrew Butherus Craig Aschleman Greg Jones Todd Doering John Dickerman Josh Walker All youths who receive scholarship awards are eligible to re-apply for up to three years after initial award. The Sarasota Manatee Youth & Scholarship Committee would like to thank all of the area bowlers, both youth and adults who have been so supportive over the past year. Due to your generosity, caring, and involvement in the tournaments we hold, we have raised over $5,000 for our local scholarship fund for graduating seniors involved in the youth bowling leagues and previous graduates continuing their education. Applications for scholarship monies are available throughout the year through any Board or Committee member; they are also available on our local website: Sandy Combs, Youth Director Karen Shaffer, Youth Director Breck Hausler, Youth Director Youth & Scholarship Committee Members: Bruce Combs Charlotte Hiett Cliff Martin Judy Donelson Linda Shedrow Marlene Fisher 5TH ANNUAL YOUTH COUNTY TOURNAMENT JANUARY 21 & 22, 2012 AMF GULFGATE LANES DIVISION TEAM NAME BOWLERS SCORE 1 1ST PLACE SARASOTA LANES #9 TIMOTHY LANSDOWNE JOHN LANSDOWNE KENNY SMITH CODY JONES 2372 2 1ST PLACE SARASOTA LANES #6 NICHOLAS JONES DREW FABER COLTON JONES NICHOLAS BRUNO 2495 3 1ST PLACE WE DON'T CARE PEBBLES RODRIGUEZ GABRIEL NUNEZ BRADLEY DICKERMAN LUKE SMITH 2472 2ND PLACE AWESOME 4'S LINDSEY ANGSTADT VINCENT ANGSTADT MARCUS ANGSTADT BRANDON WOOD 2433 1ST PLACE ALL GIRLZ TEAM EMILY GLAZAR AMANDA SPICER MANDILEE MORANGE ALEXANDRA PARRISH 2588 2ND PLACE DON'T COUNT US OUT BLAINE JENEFSKY DAKOTA FITTS CHRISTIAN RYAN COLTON FEASEL 2510 1ST PLACE OUTLAWS ALLAN ORR DANTE ZAFFINA JOSH PARRISH MARSHALL BARR 2602 2ND PLACE #1 GIRLZ MORGAN LITTLE AMBERLYN BENNETT CATHERINE ALTERISIO KAYANNE BANKS 2422 1ST PLACE AMF VENICE #4 MEAGHAN BROWN EVELYN SLEETH QUINTON SOLOMAN DYLAN BARTON 2564 2ND PLACE 3 STRIKES, YOU'RE OUT TREVOR DICKERMAN JASPER KORMANSEK ESTEVAN PEREZ ANGELIS PEREZ 2505 4 5 6 5TH ANNUAL YOUTH COUNTY TOURNAMENT JANUARY 21 & 22, 2012 AMF GULFGATE LANES DIVISION DOUBLES BOWLERS SCORE 1 1ST PLACE TIMOTHY LANSDOWNE 1231 CODY JONES 2 3 4 5 6 2ND PLACE NICHOLAS JONES NICHOLAS BRUNO 1140 1ST PLACE PEBBLES RODRIGUEZ BRADLEY DICKERMAN 1369 2ND PLACE CAMERON GOELLER ROBERT DELOSH 1279 1ST PLACE MARCUS ANGSTADT BRANDON WOOD 1290 2ND PLACE GABRIEL NUNEZ LUKE SMITH 1266 2ND PLACE NATHAN BOIS ROBERT LOVEDAY 1266 1ST PLACE JUSTIN RUBEN SHAWN REEVES 1358 2ND PLACE HUNTER SMITH TYLER LINN 1319 2ND PLACE KAYLA FERRERI DANIEL GLAZAR 1319 4TH PLACE MARSHALL BARR JOSH PARRISH 1297 1ST PLACE MATTHEW HOSTETLER ISAAC SUAREZ 1271 2ND PLACE HEATHER BROWN JOSHUA LARIMORE 1243 1ST PLACE QUINTON SOLOMAN DYLAN BARTON 1313 2ND PLACE MEAGHAN BROWN EVELYN SLEETH 1311 5TH ANNUAL YOUTH COUNTY TOURNAMENT JANUARY 21 & 22, 2012 AMF GULFGATE LANES DIVISION SINGLES-BOYS BOWLERS SCORE 1 1ST PLACE NICHOLAS JONES 603 2ND PLACE ROBERT DELOSH 583 2 1ST PLACE 2ND PLACE NICHOLAS BRUNO JOHN LANSDOWNE 664 614 3 1ST PLACE 2ND PLACE 3RD PLACE BRANDON WOOD SHAWN REEVES VINCENT ALEXANDER 721 715 689 4 1ST PLACE 2ND PLACE 3RD PLACE DANIEL GLAZAR TYLER LINN JACOB BROOKS 682 676 670 5 1ST PLACE 2ND PLACE 3RD PLACE JOSH PARRISH AUSTIN RHOADES TREVOR DICKERMAN 744 703 681 6 1ST PLACE 2ND PLACE DYLAN BARTON VINCENT NICOLINI 691 679 5TH ANNUAL YOUTH COUNTY TOURNAMENT JANUARY 21 & 22, 2012 AMF GULFGATE LANES DIVISION SINGLES-GIRLS BOWLERS SCORE 2 1ST PLACE PEBBLES RODRIGUEZ 609 3 1ST PLACE 2ST PLACE EMILY GLAZAR LINDSEY ANGSTADT 617 612 4 1ST PLACE 2ND PLACE MANDILEE MORANGE ALEXANDRIA HAUSLER 730 729 5 1ST PLACE 2ND PLACE KAITLYN WHITESIDE KARA LESCARBEAU 664 644 6 1ST PLACE 2ND PLACE MEAGHAN BROWN ANGELIS PEREZ 712 675 5TH ANNUAL YOUTH COUNTY TOURNAMENT JANUARY 21 & 22, 2012 AMF GULFGATE LANES DIVISION SCRATCH ALL EVENTS-GIRLS BOWLERS SCORE 2 1ST PLACE PEBBLES RODRIGUEZ 1560 3 1ST PLACE 2ND PLACE EMILY GLAZAR LINDSEY ANGSTADT 1373 1336 4 1ST PLACE 2ND PLACE ALEXANDRIA HAUSLER MANDILEE MORANGE 1393 1373 5 1ST PLACE 2ND PLACE KAITLYN WHITESIDE KARA LESCARBEAU 1212 1179 6 1ST PLACE 2ND PLACE MEAGHAN BROWN ANGELIS PEREZ 967 864 5TH ANNUAL YOUTH COUNTY TOURNAMENT JANUARY 21 & 22, 2012 AMF GULFGATE LANES DIVISION SCRATCH ALL EVENTS-BOYS BOWLERS SCORE 1 1ST PLACE ROBERT DELOSH 1798 2ND PLACE NICHOLAS JONES 1651 2 1ST PLACE 2ND PLACE NICHOLAS BRUNO CODY JONES 1704 1635 3 1ST PLACE 1ST PLACE 3rd PLACE 4th PLACE SHAWN REEVES BRADLEY DICKERMAN ROBERT SUTTON LUKE SMITH 1719 1719 1510 1505 4 1ST PLACE 2ND PLACE 3RD PLACE MARSHALL BARR DANIEL GLAZAR TYLER LINN 1424 1374 1366 5 1ST PLACE 2ND PLACE 3RD PLACE JOSH PARRISH TREVOR DICKERMAN HUNTER SMITH 1261 1203 1130 6 1ST PLACE 2ND PLACE BRANDON ROSCOE DYLAN BARTON 899 875 The awards listed below are presented every year in honor of two individuals who provided years of service to our local youth bowlers: MARIE EBBERS MEMORIAL AWARDS GIRLS HIGH SCRATCH GAME PEBBLES RODRIGUEZ 213 GIRLS HIGH HANDICAP SERIES MANDILEE MORANGE 730 GENE CROUCH MEMORIAL AWARDS BOYS HIGH SCRATCH GAME NICHOLAS BRUNO 258 BOYS HIGH HANDICAP SERIES SHAWN REEVES 752 The Bobby Combs Century Doubles September 23, 2012 December 16, 2012 March 10, 2013 May 5, 2013 Sarasota Lanes AMF Bradenton TBD TBD (All dates & locations are subject to change) Thank you to all involved for their donation of time, awards and raffle prizes. Through your efforts this event is a major fundraiser for our local SMC Youth Scholarship Fund. BEST 3 OUT OF 4 SCHOLARSHP TOURNAMENT - SARASOTA LANES SUNDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2011 YOUTH TOTAL 175 & OVER AVG YOUTH TOTAL Nick Insignares 600 Nick Bruno 694 Sebastian Insignares 600 Chris Ziegler 668 Robert Sutton 581 Chase Clark 645 Breck Hausler 575 Matt Lansdowne 618 Jacob Warner 551 Nick Jones 614 Sebastian Insignares 567 129 & UNDER AVG 130-174 AVG Collin Chupp 752 Joseph Lugo Jr 710 Cody Chupp 749 Isaac Suarez 703 Tyler Watkins 721 Matthew Hostetler 679 Seth Morton 656 Taylor Parker 672 Zachary Taylor 626 Josh O'Connor 664 Robert Loveday 623 Alexandria Hausler 649 Sarah Sutton 613 SMC USBC Association Officials Current officials only Sorted by Affiliation, Role, Name USBC association officials Role Official Name Number Address Phone Email President Vice President Director Michael R. Zink Sandy Combs Ashley E. Barnes Paul Burrow Cecilia A. Butler Bruce D. Combs Sue Garland Ralph E. Herbst, II Casey Mc Calister Janice L. Muri Janet L. Romig Breck G. Hausler Karen M. Shaffer Linda L. Shedrow Terry L. Wood 382-3380 380-8795 9364-13281 380-2822 380-8436 380-72 3017-10 380-2371 9364-13446 9364-16048 8375-4904 5576-2226 3017-13 3017-2509 380-1273 5185 Kennel St, Port Charlotte, FL 33981-1619 4431 56th Ave Dr East, Bradenton, FL 34203 1118 68th Ave Dr West, Bradenton, FL 34207 5001 44th St W, Bradenton, FL 34210 PO Box 25943, Sarasota, FL 34277-2943 4431 56th Ave Dr East, Bradenton, FL 34203 2588 Ringling Blvd, Sarasota, FL 34237 2338 W Leewynn Dr, Sarasota, FL 34240-9668 1710 Marilyn Ave, Bradenton, FL 34207 5460 Swift Rd, Sarasota, FL 34231 1116 Mallard Marsh Dr, Osprey, FL 34229 3729 Stokes Dr, Sarasota, FL 34232 2009 Crampton Ave, Sarasota, FL 34235-8921 1835 Restful Dr, Bradenton, FL 34207 1503 12th St Dr West, Palmetto, FL 34221 941/716-0949 941/932-7594 941/840-3313 941/727-8133 941/953-9542 941/755-7696 941/951-2997 941/371-3473 941/799-0364 941/544-3979 941/223-1852 941/228-3282 941/951-6212 941/751-5148 941/723-1134 Youth Director Association Manage Association Officials Aug 19, 2012 7:07PM Page 1 of 1 SARASOTA MANATEE HALL OF FAME 13535 5th Avenue Northeast Bradenton, Florida 34212 The Sarasota Manatee County Hall of Fame is an honorary organization established in 1971, to recognize outstanding achievements in and for the sport of bowling by SMC members. st All nominations must be received by October 31 of the current year to be considered for the following year. Nominations may be mailed, or given to any Hall of Fame member who shall forward them to the President. All nominees should have the character that would be a positive reflection on bowling and ultimately on the Hall of Fame. Prior to being voted upon, nominees shall be evaluated with regard to sportsmanship, character, and conduct on and off the lanes. The Hall of Fame shall be divided into three (3) categories as listed below. Bowling Performance: Nominees must be a minimum of 35 yrs of age, (or deceased) and been a member of SMC USBC for at least 10 years, which doesn’t have to be consecutive. Items considered, but not limited to, shall be honor scores, awards, league averages, and local association tournaments participation. Meritorious Service: Nominees must be a minimum of 35 yrs of age, (or deceased) and been a member of SMC USBC for at least 10 years, which doesn’t have to be consecutive. Service consideration must be above and beyond that ordinarily expected of someone in a like position. Veteran’s Category: Nominees must be at least 65 yrs of age, and bowled a minimum of 30 years, of which 10 must have been with the SMC USBC. Traveling Leagues Abbrev League Name Sanct # Time Bowls Saturday Morning Youth Homeschool Juniors Sarasota Lanes Juniors A/V Saturday Morning J Super Kids 2011-2012 848543 715387 593089 848545 848570 Sat, 9:30 AM Mon, 10:10 A Sat, 9:30 AM Sat, 10:00 AM Sat, 10:00 AM AMF Bradenton 4208 Cortez Rd Bradenton, FL 34210 Phone: Fax: Cert: Lanes: 941/758-8838 941/753-7097 3236 64 Abbrev League Name Sanct # Time Bowls AB01 AB02 AB03 AB04 AB05 AB06 AB07 AB08 AB09 AB10 AB11 ABS1 ABS2 ABS3 ABS4 ABS5 ABS6 ABY2 A & S Carpentry Custom Stamp Mon. Mix Eartech Tuesday Nite Mi Fall Strike It Rich Friday Nite Mixed Girls Just Want To Have F Jeffcoat Blueprinting Invi Roaring 20's Senior Men' Tuesday AM Ladies Weds AM Ladies Weds Nite Mixed Friday Nite Mixed Monday Nite Summer M Thursday Nite Men's Tues. Night Summer Mix Weds. Nite Mixed Weds. Summer AM Lad Sunday Youth/Adult Sch 848520 848544 848517 715425 848516 848509 848515 848514 848508 848507 848519 848551 848549 848548 848550 848573 848547 848511 Tue, 6:30 PM Mon, 7:00 PM Tue, 6:30 PM Sun, 6:00 PM Fri, 6:30 PM Thu, 9:30 AM Thu, 6:30 PM Fri, 10:00 AM Tue, 10:00 A Wed, 9:30 A Wed, 6:30 PM Fri, 7:00 PM Mon, 7:00 PM Thu, 6:30 PM Tue, 7:00 PM Wed, 7:00 PM Wed, 9:30 A Sun, 5:30 PM AMF Gulf Gate 7221 S Tamiami Trail Sarasota, FL 34231 Phone: Fax: Cert: Lanes: 941/921-4447 941/921-4126 2604 40 Abbrev League Name Sanct # Time Bowls AG01 AG02 AG03 AG04 AG05 AGS1 Air Comfort Enviromental A/C GLBT League JDB International Mixed Penge Chiropractic GLBT 848504 848503 593024 848502 848566 848572 Thu, 6:30 PM Wed, 6:30 PM Tue, 6:30 PM Mon, 6:30 PM Thu, 7:30 PM Tue, 6:30 PM AMF Venice 1100 S Venice Bypass Venice, FL 34292 Phone: Fax: Cert: Lanes: 941/484-0666 941/484-6346 1077 40 Abbrev League Name Sanct # Time Bowls AV01 AV02 AV03 AV04 Craig Raymond James Honest A/C Of Venice Mark Smith, CPA Thurs. Senior Classic 715455 715454 715451 715452 Wed, 6:15 PM Tue, 6:30 PM Thu, 6:30 PM Thu, 6:45 PM AV05 AVS1 AVS2 TGIF Venice Mixed Patches Thurs. Nite Mixe Tuesday Summer Trios Englewood Bowl 299 S Indiana Englewood, FL 34223 848501 848554 848552 Phone: Fax: Cert: Lanes: Fri, 7:00 PM Thu, 7:00 PM Tue, 7:00 PM 941/474-4464 941/460-0825 1449 12 Abbrev League Name Sanct # Time Bowls EB01 EB02 EB03 EB04 EB05 Friday Nite Mixed Key Agency TNLL Monday Nite Mixed Tuesday Nite Mixed Weds. Nite Mixed 848527 848526 848525 848524 848523 Fri, 6:30 PM Thu, 6:30 PM Mon, 6:30 PM Tue, 6:30 PM Wed, 6:30 PM Sarasota Lanes 2250 Fruitville Rd Sarasota, FL 34237 Phone: 941/955-7629 Fax: Cert: 8528 Lanes: 36 Abbrev League Name Sanct # Time Bowls SL01 SL02 SL03 SL04 SL05 SL06 SL07 SL08 SL09 SLS1 SLS2 SLS3 SLS4 All American H/C C & L Awards Cook Spring Invitational Jen-Cor Mtg Ladies Santa's Friday Fun Mixe Schoolmaster - MARMS M Spectrum Dental Lab Mi Thursday Invitational Yoder's Restaurant Bob Anderson Plumbing Cook Springs Invitatio Friday Nite Out Sarasota County Mixed 848536 848538 848534 848533 848535 848532 848530 848540 848537 848561 848562 593031 848560 Wed, 6:30 PM Mon, 6:30 PM Wed, 6:30 PM Wed, 10:00 A Fri, 6:30 PM Mon, 4:15 PM Tue, 6:30 PM Thu, 6:30 PM Mon, 6:30 PM Thu, 6:30 PM Wed, 6:30 PM Fri, 6:30 PM Mon, 6:30 PM SMCUSBC YEARBOOK LEAGUE ADS 2011-2012 SARASOTA LANES SARASOTA COUNTY MIXED, MONDAY Carson’s Auto Repair Use 2 Bees Alley Oops Friends & Family Luv A Bowl Jokers 3 Buds and A Lite Pin Busters RED Winsulator’s Corp. Got Balls?? C & L Awards Underdogs BLUE Damn Yankees Reality Strikes Pin Heads Split Happens Mike’s Mobile Go One Pin Sand Bar Title Main Bar Sandwich Runaway Lizaeds Friends We Don’t Give A Nonconforming Lot COOK SPRING INVITATIONAL Pin Crashers Bob Anderson Plumbing Eric Reyes Law Office Mexican Mini-Van LaMalinche Restaurant Winsulators CCG RW Consulting Coast Currier Cook Spring L.P. Carpentry Team 12 SPECTRUM DENTAL LABS MIXED Bruno Connection Spared 3 Strikes UR In Bowl Movements Publix #1385 Publix Spectrum Dental 3 Jacks & 2 Queens Full House Lucky Strikes Bowling Thunder Just 4 Fun That’s How We Roll D’s Cleaning Service High Five Family Affair Maxie’s Bombers H & H Nursery SMCUSBC YEARBOOK LEAGUE ADS 2011-2012 SANTA’S FRIDAY FUN MIXED Who Gives A Split Pin Busters Beer Chasers LTF Pin Heads The Addams Family Santa’s Team Split Personality Here Comes Trouble Lewd & Lascivious Rilbeck’s ALL AMERICAN HEATING/COOLING All Bright Windows Palm Plaza Bongo Spare Me Bob’s Auto Repair Lee Chiropreatic Alley Oops Shelly Carpets Sarasota Transmission Alley Cats Babes With Balls All American H/C Myakka H/C Galaxy Pools Superior Girls *SCHOOLMASTERS-MARMS MIXED Come Get It Dynamic Uno’s Spare Us Game On Space Explorers Helen’s Crew Rock n Rollers *PT SPORTS INVITATIONAL Tri County Heat Hookin Ain’t Easy Broadway Bar Cook Spring #1 Cook Spring #2 Mamma’s Mojo Prime Time Pharmaceuticals Bob Anderson Plumb. PT Traitors Laurie’s 4 ½ Men SMCUSBC YEARBOOK LEAGUE ADS 2011-2012 Bradentucky Ball Firkin’s Chr Jeep JP Services Rosebay Real Estate C & L AWARDS MIXED The Trailer Guy Bob Anderson Plumbing Mike’s Mobile Go Manasota Flooring Bowlers Gone Wild Bowllocks Pin Heads Sandbar Tile THURSDAY INVITATIONAL Potter Performance Coast Currier Winsulator Corp. Linkster’s South Wesco Turf Team 21 Barnacle Bills The Showstoppers The Bowling Stones Carson’s Auto Repair Elite Towing Oasis Anethsia Vacant Minds Pin Pricks Rugs As Art Instigators Bob’s Auto Repair CRS – by 5 Yoder’s Restaurant RW Consulting Sarasota Mattress TUESDAY NITE USBC INVITATIONAL Southern Supply Mamma’s Mojo Bad Luck Distinctive Moto SNAFU WMH Enterprises Rugs as Art Computer Annex D & D Lawn Service BOB ANDERSON PLUMBING, INC. Lady and the Bea Myakka Htg. & Cooling Yonker’s Tractor Bon Anderson Plumbing Winsulators Misfits Barnacle Bills Morning Handyman Special We Tooken Rolling Thunder RW Consulting Keene Automotive FTG George’s Harem Get A Grip SMCUSBC YEARBOOK LEAGUE ADS 2011-2012 YODER’S RESTAURANT INVITATIONAL MEN’S Keene Automotive Badda Bing Bar J.L.T. Christie Enterprises The Upholstery Shoppe Suncoast Surface RW Consultants Yoder’s Restaurant Team #5 AMF GULFGATE CB’S SALTWATER OUTFITTERS Team #6 Barrett’s Auto Marine CB’s Outfitters Tucker’s Cabinet Work Piper Hawkins Omega Office Systems Warfield Golf SKOB Kirkplan Kitchens P&D Allstars J&J Plumbing Shank Drywall American European Auto Hine’s Collision 4-Cards Glass Block Ritchie Who ?? A.M.F Pepperidge Farms Cabinetware SMCUSBC YEARBOOK LEAGUE ADS 2011-2012 AMF BRADENTON JEFFCOAT BLUEPRINTING THURS NITE MEN’S INVITATIONAL 5 Old Guys Core Financial, Inc. Kuyper’s Aluminum One Eyed Jacks Spinco The Little Co. Elks #1511 Bowler’s World 2 Don’t Know Yet Accu-Bright Top Shelf Callaghan Tires Bowler’s World 1 Jeffcoat Blueprinting Culbreath Sprinklers Family Muffler Stoneworks & Wall Systems Stately Contractors Keller Williams Real Estate Terry’s Plumbing Phillips Plumbing Firkin’s Auto Fanatics Sports Bar Jackson Dental Center C & I Home Solutions NBOA Red Hoagland Pontiac Three Plus Two Peek A Boo Lounge Team #19 Bonefish Grill Todd’s Aluminum
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