October 2014 The Official Publication of the Aquarium Club of
October 2014 The Official Publication of the Aquarium Club of
TANK TALES TM October 2014 Volume 43, No. 9 The Official Publication of the Aquarium Club of Lancaster County, Inc. Anableps anableps photo by Gary Haas October 2014 Fellow Members, Things just keep getting bigger and better for the ACLC! After a very interesting program about Geophagus last month with Jeremy Basch, this month we have the legend himself, Wayne Leibel talking about Acaras in a joint meeting with our friends from the Cichlid Club of York. A week later we have our Fall Auction that is looking to be a great event. Then Dave Koran will be educating us on Killifish and in December our great group of breeders will be telling us all about how they do it. We are finishing off 2014 on some real high notes and 2015 is promising to be even bigger. Do not wait; the time will never be ‘just right.’ Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along -George Herbert This quote by British Poet George Herbert is around 400 years old and is still apropos. It seems that every time the ACLC Board of Directors decides to do something big, we hear rumors that question our sanity (or at least mine). Well after looking at 2015 that may be confirmed. We have some great programs already scheduled with Alan Rollings from the UK in February, Klaus Steinhaus from Toronto in May and Ted Coletti in June. More importantly, the ACLC has been given the opportunity to really show off what a fantastic group of hobbyists we are by hosting the American Livebearers Convention in 2015! I have already had several club members volunteer to take charge of different aspects of the convention and we are well into the planning mode. We still need more volunteers to make this not only the best ACLC event ever but, our goal is to host the Best ALA Convention ever! All it takes is you! See you on the 25th! Tank Tales is the official publication of the Aquarium Club of Lancaster County (ACLC). Ten issues of Tank Tales are published annually. Anyone using original material from any issue of Tank Tales must return two (2) copies of the publication in which the article is published to our exchange editor listed below. The views expressed in any material appearing in Tank Tales are those of the authors, and do not necessarily express those of the ACLC. The ACLC meets on the third Saturday of each month (except July and August) at That Fish Place, 237 Centerville Road, Lancaster, PA 17603, about 1/2 mile south of US Rt. 30. Meetings begin at 1:00 PM unless otherwise noted. Meetings usually are comprised of a program featuring a guest speaker, door prizes, a mini fish auction, with a period allowed for mingling and refreshments. The philosophy of the club is such that our activities are interesting to both the novice and advanced hobbyist alike. An effort is made to keep business to a minimum at the general meetings, with the board of directors meeting being held quarterly at a pre-established date and time. Click here for membership application. 2014 ACLC Committee Chair Committee Editor Exchange Editor Web Master Social Chair Horticultural Chair BAP Chair CARES Chair Auction Chair Raffle Chair Audit Chair WAAP Chair Membership Chair Corporate Sponsor Chair Speaker Coordinator Annual Auction Chair Chair Karen Haas Kurt Johnston Kurt Johnston Tim Brady Jose Fadhel Gary Haas Gary Haas Danny Corman Chelsea Bressler Kyle Zwerko Joel Antkowiak Jacob Snyder Joel Antkowiak Kurt Johnston Joel Antkowiak Phone 610-573-6388 717-965-7763 717-965-7763 570-385-0573 410-939-5993 410-939-5993 717-272-7480 717-354-2274 717-354-2274 717-965-7763 717-354-2274 E-mail editor@aclcpa.org exchange@aclcpa.org webmaster@aclcpa.org social@aclcpa.org HAP@aclcpa.org BAP@aclcpa.org CARES@aclcpa.org auction@aclcpa.org raffle@aclcpa.org audit@aclcpa.org waap@aclcpa.org membership@aclcpa.org sponsor@aclcpa.org Lifetime Members of the ACLC™ Paul Bricknell Pedro Sanchez F. Wayne Calender David Stephon Tank TalesTM submissions are due on the first Saturday of the month. 2014 ACLC Board of Directors President Kurt Johnston 717-965-7763 president@aclcpa.org Vice-President Steve Arnott 717-564-6888 vicepresident@aclcpa.org Past President Jack Lafayett 717-371-0322 pastpresident@aclcpa.org Secretary Richard Bressler 717-272-7480 secretary@aclcpa.org Treasurer Tim Brady 570-385-0573 treasurer@aclcpa.org Financial Director Karen Haas 610-573-6388 editor@aclcpa.org Public Relations Director Kyle Zwerko Programs Director Joel Antkowiak 717-354-2274 programs@aclcpa.org publicrelations@aclcpa. org The Aquarium Club of Lancaster County is a Pennsylvania Nonprofit Corporation under the provisions of the Nonprofit Corporation Law of 1988. “ACLC”, “Tank Tales”, “Piscatorial Pearls” and the fish-drawn buggy logo are all trademarks of the Aquarium Club of Lancaster County, Inc. Aquarium Club of Lancaster County Cichlid Club of York Present Time & Place Saturday October 25th 2014 1:00 PM Acaras, the Forgotten Cichlids of South America That Fish Place 237 Centerville Road Lancaster PA 17603 A review of the biology and Aquarium Husbandry of South American cichlids historically all classified in the genus Aequidens (which has since been split into several distinct genera) and commonly called ‘Acaras’. These include such well-known aquarium favorites as Blue Acaras, Flag Acaras, Green Terrors and many more (over 50 species and counting). Despite the popularity of these few fish, Acaras in general remain the poor cousins of the cichlid world, all but forgotten by aquarists. This talk will attempt to (re-) acquaint cichlidophiles looking for something different, with this interesting group of cool fish. Wayne wrote the columns ‘Wayne’s New World’ and later ‘Cichlidophiles’ for Tropical Fish Hobbyist for more than 20 years. He was also the author of the series ‘Going South, Cichlids of the Americas’ in Aquarium Fish Magazine, Wayne is a Fellow of the ACA, Recipient of Jordan Lifetime Achievement Award (ACA). For seven years he was editor of “Buntbarsche Bulletin” the Journal of the ACA and is the current editor of Cichlid News. Wayne is also the author of two books on South American Cichlids. A Year in the Life of a Fish Head September By Joel Antkowiak The first thing I need to do in this article is apologize to Alan Rollings. As Kurt mentioned in his September message, I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Rollings and spending a day shop hopping with Kurt and Alan. How could I not mention that in my most recent installment? That was probably one of the best fish days of the summer, so I apologize Alan! And look forward to seeing you at the All Aquarium Catfish Convention! Now for September. Fishy events start returning this month, and we found a different way to put fish back into our lives. The first week of September saw the Antkowiak family on vacation in Florida. And that usually means at least one day on the grounds of Walt Disney World. Of course, the Experimental Prototype Community Of Tomorrow - you know, EPCOT has The Living Seas attraction, and so we had to ride through and find these guys waiting to greet us. The exhibit is filled Best fish picture I have ever taken. with aquaria featuring dozens of species of fish and invertebrates. All of the displays are marine in nature, but interesting nonetheless. After returning home, the next fishy activity was the ACLC board of directors' meeting. Man was that long! A lot of work was done and many ideas were discussed about various topics. By now, you know the results of that meeting. Are we nuts? Hosting a national convention? I can't wait! Up next was the ACLC regular meeting featuring Jeremy Basch speaking on Geophagine Cichlids. I had the pleasure of helping with Jeremy's travel arrangements and got some good one-on-one time with him. I had seen his name many times previously, and it was great getting to put a face to that name and getting to know another hobbyist who has interests similar to my own. Last but not least came the Cichlid Club of York "Clash of the Cichlids". This show was a good size for a local all cichlid show - I think there were 65 entries. The ACLC represented well - Karen Haas took home several awards, including a first place; Mike Mull took a first place (I know, those folks at CCY will claim Mike and Karen are theirs, but we had Mike first, and Karen is on our board so she is ours too ), as did yours truly. And let's not forget Gary Haas winning the photography contest. Lots of great hobbyists from surrounding clubs made it out, including folks from North Jersey, Capital Cichlid, Bucks County, and Potomac Valley. Christine Keys from CCA took home the best of show award. She had a beautiful Apistogramma panduro in the show. Things will start to heat up in October. There is the catfish convention by PVAS and a workshop weekend by NJAS, in addition to our joint meeting with CCY and the regular KKG meeting. WIth that in mind, I shall leave this installment with some photos of some of the fish at the "Clash of the Cichlids." Midas Cichlid 'Geophagus' brasiliensis Paralabidochromis chronogynos Umbi Best of Show - Apistogramma panduro Red Oscar Breeder Award Program Monthly Report September 30, 2014 October Congratulations Special congratulations to Danny Corman, who completed his first class, Class 4 (Characins), with two Group C (more difficult – not that any characins are easy!) species, a tetra and a pencil fish. In doing so, he also earned the Two-Star Breeder award. Most folk start off with an easy class, but not Danny, he jumped right into the tiny-fry arena. Good work, Danny! Paul Bricknell completed Class 11, Other Aquatic Animals, with a Mystery Snail, and showed his versatilty by also claiming points for a cichlid, a CARES anabantid, and a livebearer. In 32 years of participation in BAP, Paul has accumulated more points (1926 at present) than anybody else in the club. He has earned the Advanced Class Breeder specialist award for Class 1 (Livebearers) and the Master Class Breeder award for Class 5 (Killifish), breeding over 100 species from these two classes as well as 39 species from other classes. If you want to know how to breed a fish, ask Paul. The Bressler operation claimed points for Zoogoneticus tequila and Ataeniobius toweri, both Critically Endangered (CE) CARES fish. Beaucoup points for these fish! (The BAP program offers bonus points for highly endangered and CARES species). Rich and family topped it off with another CARES goodeid and a Group C anabantid. Joel Antkowiak also bred A. toweri this month. In addition, he bred another CARES livebearer and a brackish water killi. He won’t be breeding Z. tequila, though – he did that two years ago. Last but not least is our newest BAP participant Elizabeth Bonvillain, who claimed her first points with an uncommon South American cichlid, Krobia guiananensis. Welcome to the BAP, Elizabeth! If I had realized your Krobia used to be an Aequidens, I would have bid on them! I noticed that there were several CARES fish distributed at the September auction but not registered with the CARES program by the buyers, including a bag of Z. tequila and a bag of A. toweri, the Critically Endangered fish mentioned in previous paragraphs. If you want to register them, its not too late! Register online (http://aclcpa.org/programs/ aclc-c-a-r-e-s-program/cares-registration-form) or catch me at the next meeting. Lifetime Achievement Award Report Active Members’ Point Totals F. Wayne Calender Breeder Wayne Calender ........................................1553 pts Grand Master Breeder Paul Bricknell*...........................................1926pts David Stephon...........................................1120 pts Pedro Sanchez ............................................1050 pts Master Breeder (None) Expert Breeder Bob Kulesa*...............................................812 pts R/W/C Bressler*......................................1316 pts Advanced Breeder Joel Antkowiak*.......................................1185 pts 3 Star Breeder (None) 2 Star Breeder Gary Boyer*...............................................376 Danny Corman*..........................................346 Karen Haas.................................................196 J/N Dickel...................................................178 pts pts pts pts 1 Star Breeder Pat Kelly*....................................................165 pts Gary Haas*..................................................170 pts Glenn Davies*..............................................120 pts Dave Frehafer ...............................................90 pts Scott Shenk...................................................70 pts Tony Kline …...............................................60 pts Robin Antkowiak..........................................57 pts Kurt Johnston ................................................56 pts Other Participants Lonny Langione............................................35 pts Ashley Antkowiak.........................................21 pts Sam Jones......................................................20 pts Lindsey Moyer ..............................................20 pts David Tangredi..............................................14 pts Elizabeth Bonvillain.......................................13pts Tara Miller.....................................................10 pts *Breeder has enough points for next higher class award, but needs to complete one or more classes to achieve the award. Breeder Award Program Monthly Report September 30, 2014 Specialist Breeder Awards Report Paul Bricknell Master Killifish (Class 5) Breeder & Advanced Livebearer (Class 1) Breeder Gary Boyer Advanced Livebearer (Class 1) Breeder Bressler Family Advanced Livebearer (Class 1) Breeder Joel Antkowiak Master Livebearer (Class 1) Breeder Class 1 Livebearers Paul Bricknell Wayne Calender Bob Kulesa Pedro Sanchez David Stephon Joel Antkowiak R/W/C Bressler Gary Boyer J/N Dickel Karen Haas Class 2 Catfish Wayne Calender Bob Kulesa Class 3 Barbs & Minnows David Stephon Paul Bricknell R/W/C Bressler Class 4 Characins Wayne Calender David Stephon Danny Corman Class 5 Killifish Bob Kulesa Wayne Calender Pedro Sanchez Paul Bricknell R/W/C Bressler Class 6 Anabantoids R/W/C Bressler Class 7 New World Cichlids Bob Kulesa Pedro Sanchez David Stephon Class 8 Old World Cichlids Bob Kulesa Joel Antkowiak Class 11 Other Aquatic Animals Bob Kulesa Joel Antkowiak R/W/C Bressler Karen Haas Paul Bricknell Class 12 U. S. Native Species Wayne Calender Paul Bricknell 2014 Breeder of the Year Pts. R/W/C Bressler...................................................402 points Joel Antkowiak...................................................224 points Karen Haas.........................................................137 points Paul Bricknell ….................................................133 points Gary Haas...........................................................115 points Danny Corman.....................................................80 points Gary Boyer............................................................59 points Sam Jones.............................................................20 points Lindsey Moyer ....................................................20 points Tony Kline............................................................13 points Elizabeth Bonvillain.............................................13 points 2014 Species Bred R/W/C Bressler..................................................16 species Karen Haas.........................................................14 species Joel Antkowiak....................................................9 species Gary Haas.............................................................8 species Danny Corman.....................................................6 species Paul Bricknell …..................................................6 species Gary Boyer............................................................4 species Tony Kline.............................................................1 species Sam Jones..............................................................1 species Lindsey Moyer .....................................................1 species Elizabeth Bonvillain..............................................1 species September 2014 Species Bred Bressler family.....................................................4 species Trichopsis vittata, Zoogonecticus quitzeoensis, Zoogonecticus tequila, Ataeniobius toweri Paul Bricknell.......................................................4 species Pomacea bridgesi, Hemichromis bimaculatus Betta albimarginata, Zoogonecticus quitzeoensis Joel Antkowiak.....................................................4 species Adinia xenica, Ataeniobius toweri Xiphophorous milleri Danny Corman.....................................................3 species Hasemania nana, Pethia conchonius Nannostomus beckfordi Karen Haas...........................................................3 species Pomacea diffusa Elizabeth Bonvillain.............................................3 species Krobia guianensis ACLC C.A.R.E.S. Registrants Updated on September 31, 2014 October CARES News: Welcome Paul Tancredo to the CARES community. He has made a place in his fish room for both Melanotaenia lacustris, a gorgeous rainbowfish from Papua New Guinea (Vulnerable), and Ataeniobius toweri, a Mexican goodeid (Critically Endangered in the wild). Paul got his CARES fish from breeders right here at ACLC, the Bressler family and Joel Antkowiak, respectively. These folks are not only keeping CARES fish, but breeding them and making them available to others who want to participate in their conservation. By doing so, both the Bresslers and Joel earn a CARES Blue Seal (the blue dot z), awarded for doing just that. The Bresslers, at the same time, welcomed to their fish room Glossolepis incisus, yet another New Guinea rainbowfish, received from Paul Bricknell. Joel Antkowiak Betta simplex Xiphphorus couchianus Tanichthys micagemmae Ameca splendens Pachypanchax sakaramyi Tanichthys albonubes Puntius denisoni Nothobranchius korthausae Betta channoides Chapalichthys pardalis Xenoophorus captivus Ilyodon lennoni Pseudotropheus saulosi Aulonocara kandeense Crenichthys baileyi Betta albimarginata Prognathochromis perrieri Pseudotropheus demasoni Puntius titteya Pachypanchax sparksorum Skiffia multipunctata Coptodon snyderae Pachypanchax sp. Sofia Ataeniobius toweri Fundulopanchax amieti Coptodon bakossiorium Xiphophorous milleri Xenotaenia resolonae Tanichthys thacbaensis Nothobranchius foerschi Pachypanchax patriciae Rivulus uroflammeus Melanotaenia boesemani Steve Arnott Tanichthys micagemmae Elizabeth Bonvillain Xenotoca eiseni Gary Boyer Xenotoca eiseni Tanichthys micagemmae R/W/C Bressler Melanotaenia lacustris Betta albimarginata Tanichthys micagemmae Fundulopanchax amieti Bedotia geayi Zoogenetius tequila z{{{p z{{{p z{{{p zz{{p z{z{p z{{{o z{{{o z{{{o z{{{o z{{{o z{{{o z{{{o z{{{o z{{{o z{{{o z{{{ z{{{ z{{{ z{{{{ z{{{{ z{{{{ z{{{{ z{{{{ z{z{{ z{{{{ z{{{{ z{z{{ z{{{{ z{{{{ z{{{{ z{{{{ z{{{{ z{{{{ z{z{o z{z{p z{z{o z{z{o z{z{o z{z{o z{z{o z{z{ z{{{{ z{{{{ Ataeniobius toweri Xiphophorus malinche Zoogoneticus quitzeoensis Glossolepsis incisus Paul Bricknell Ilyodon whitei (lennoni) Characodon Lateralis Ameca splendens Fundulopanchax amieti Zoogoneticus tequila Todd Dutton Xenotoca eiseni Gary Haas Fundulopanchax sjoestedti Fundulopanchax amieti Puntius titteya Tanichthys albonubes Nothobranchius kilomberoensis Karen Haas Xenotoca eiseni Paralabidochromis sauvagei Synodontis brichardi Hypancistrus sp. L333 Glossolepis incisus Puntius denisonii Chapalichthys encaustus Tony Kline Tanichthys albonubes Clair Klinedinst Fundulopanchax amieti Tanichthys Albonubes Tanichthys micagemmae Tara Miller Tanichthys micagemma Betta albimarginata Debbie Rubin Tanichthys micagemma Paul Tancredo Melanotaenia lacustris Ataeniobius toweri z{{{{ z{{{{ z{{{{ z{{{{ z{{{ z{{{ z{{{ z{{{{ z{{{{ z{z{ zz{{ z{{{{ z{{{{ z{{{{ z{{{{ z{z{o z{{{ z{{{{ z{{{{ z{{{{ z{{{{ z{{{{ z{{{ z{{{{ z{{{{ z{{{{ z{z{p z{{{{ z{{{ z{{{{ z{{{{ Symbol Key: The Gold Seal z, species is Registered in ACLC CARES The Green Seal z, spawning report published in Tank Tales The Blue Seal z, species distributed in the Home Club The Red Seal z, species distributed and registered to a CARES group of another club Longevity Seal op etc., indicating the number of years the species has been maintained WRITER'S AND ARTIST'S AWARDS PROGRAM REPORT OVERALL STANDINGS: September 2014 Participant Total Points Base Bonus Reprints (Articles/Photos) Special Awards Ultimate Writer Award (1000 points plus 2 Specialty Awards plus 5 Articles Reprinted) - None Pen and Quill Award (750 points plus 2 Articles Reprinted) Joel Antkowiak* 2,395 points 1,720 675 4/0 Kurt Johnston* ........................... 1,420 points Bob Kulesa .................................... 595 points Scott McLaughlin.......................... 575 points 1,180 420 480 220 175 95 1/0 375 35 100 65 40 80 55 40 55 70 0 40 40 30 25 10 0 0 0 0 0 Fishy Photographer; The Popular Fish Head Wordsmith Award (500 points) 1/0 Fishy Photographer Author's Award (250 points) Gary Haas......................................410 Points Fishy Photographer Writer's Award (50 points) Lonny Langione ............................ 140 points Robin Antkowiak .......................... 120 points Richard Bressler ............................ 110 points Karen Haas ...................................... 80 points Greg Steeves ................................... 55 points 1/0 0/1 Other Participants Brandon Moyer ............................... 40 points Lindsey Moyer ................................ 40 points Sheila Garl ...................................... 30 points Ashley Antkowiak .......................... 25 points Ellen Haas ....................................... 10 points Bonus Points include points for articles reviewed or reprinted, article and/or photo of the month, and awards from FAAS and NEC. *-Participant has enough points for the next higher award, but needs to complete one or more other requirements to qualify. Those who are no longer ACLC members have been removed from the list. Their records are still maintained. MIGHTY FIN STANDINGS 2014 Through September 30, 2014 Joel Antkowiak .................................. 480 pts Gary Haas........................................... 340 pts Kurt Johnston ..................................... 305 pts Bob Kulesa ........................................... 90 pts Karen Haas ........................................... 80 pts Greg Steeves ........................................ 55 pts Rich Bressler ........................................ 50 pts Brandon Moyer .................................... 40 pts Lindsey Moyer ..................................... 40 pts Sheila Garl ........................................... 30 pts Ellen Haas ............................................ 10 pts Lindsey Moyer and Ellen Haas join the fray! Good to see some new names showing up! I am making some minor changes to the Writer's and Artist's Award Program to be implemented in January. If you have any suggestions for changes, please send them to me at WAAP@ACLCPA.ORG, or catch me at the next meeting! “Reviewing Aquarium Society Newsletters from Around the World” ~October 2014 Edition This month we are going to start of big with 7 articles in the May~June 2014 issue of the Brooklyn Aquarium Society’s Aquatica. The first article, by John Todaro, is titled “This Overlooked Fish May Be The Perfect Aquarium Fish!” and John gives us all the reasons for his choice of X. maculatus and the reasons why. Next is an article titled “Life with Limia Vittata” by Anthony Kroeger that gives us a good description of the success Anthony had with this great little livebearer. Joe Graffagnino wrote our next article titled “Adventures with Pseudotropheus acei” in which Joe tells us all about his experience with this beautiful Malawi cichlid. In this month’s installment of Izzy Zwerin’s The Practical Plant we learn all about “Tonina fluviatalis”, a beautiful and rare plant that Izzy has been fortunate to obtain and work with. Next, John Todaro plays chef for his fish with a recipe for “Frozen Seafood Chowder.” The next article is a great description of “Yellow Shrimp” by Brad Kemp of The Shrimp Farm. The final article in this issue is titled “How to Make a Pleco Christmas Tree” by Anthony Kroeger. Anthony’s “Tree” is a great way to house any pleco type fish you like as well as some other species. Our next stop is over in Ohio for a couple of stories in the May/June 2014 edition of the Greater Akron Aquarium Society’s Tank Topics. The first story is an excellent, detailed report about “Keeping and spawning Steatocranus tinanti” by Wayne Toven that will make it easy for any hobbyist to duplicate Wayne’s success with this unusual Malawian. The other story is Dan McMonigle’s accounting of his experiences with “Cryptocoryne mioya” a nice looking new Crypt. Time for a trip across the border for 2 articles in the June 2014 issue of Fins & Tales, published by the Kitchener-Waterloo Aquarium Society. In this month’s “Living with Livebearers”, Ed Koerner gives us a great deal of information on Phalloptychus januarius, a tiny, rarely seen livebearer from South America. The next article is titled “Oodles of Otocinclus” by Jayne Glazier. Jayne tells us all about her successes with this little algae eater that comes in many different species. Staying in Canada, we have 3 stories in the May & June 2014 edition of the Sarnia Aquarium Society’s Aqua Antics. The first story is by Wayne Cole titled “Breeding the Tanganyikan Shell-Dweller, Lamprologus meleagris” and gives us a descriptive account of how Wayne succeeded in breeding this great little cichlid. The next story is titled “Israeli Researchers Discover How Eyeless Fish Operate” by Daniel Koren and tells us about some discoveries that are being made possible by studying some interesting fish. In the last story Wayne Cole tells us about his experiences “Breeding Ilyodon xantusi” and will peak your interest in this Goodeid. Coming back to the US, we go to Georgia for an article in the July 2014 issue of the Atlanta Area Aquarium Association’s FishTalk. This article is titled “Paramecium – the Small Fry Food” by David Ramsey and it gives us a surefire way to culture this live food that is necessary for the smallest of fry. Our next stop is right here in Pennsylvania for a story in the July 2014 edition of The Buckette, the newsletter of the Bucks County Aquarium Society. This story is a great travelogue by Tony Wootson, detailing his trip to Kentucky and the beautiful Newport Aquarium. Going from Eastern Pennsylvania to the West we stop in at the Greater Pittsburgh Aquarium Society for an article in the July 2014 issue of Finformation. This article is a detailed spawning report by Stan Chechak describing Visit our club website at: http://www.aclcpa.org/ for the latest information on the club happenings! “Reviewing Aquarium Society Newsletters from Around the World” ~October 2014 Edition the challenges and eventual success with the Peacock Gudgeon. Heading further west we find a story in the July 2014 edition of the Michiana Aquarium Society’s Tropical Times. This story, by Ben Slocum, tells us all about his experience with “Xiphophorus continens, the El Quince Swordtail”. This is a rare pygmy sword from Mexico’s Atlantic Slope. article in this issue is also by Shirlee and goes into details about the different aspects of the most common mistake made by most hobbyists, “Overfeeding”. See you on the 25th! Kurt Johnston – Exchange Editor exchange@aclcpa.org Our final stop this month is a visit with our friends in New Jersey for 5 articles in the July 2014 issue of the North Jersey Aquarium Society’s Reporter. The first article is July’s “Fish of the Month – Chizumulu” and gives us some great detail about all aspects of this colorful, relatively mild-mannered Haplochromine. Chuck Davis tells us all about when the “Johnstown Flood Comes to the Iron Angel Ranch” and gave me some disturbing visuals that I may never get out of my head! Chuck also wrote the next article titled “Rams…Always in Demand” which describes all the natural and unnatural Rams you may find in your LFS. “Sponge Filters for Aquariums” by Shirlee Sharpe is an article that describes the different types and functions of this staple of our hobby. The last Visit our club website at: http://www.aclcpa.org/ for the latest information on the club happenings! What is that? By Karen Haas I’ve encountered little white worms in my aquarium occasionally. I’ve read many panicked posts from many others online about little worms in their aquariums. Some times they can be seen crawling along the glass, swimming freely in the water column, congregating at the surface, or grouped in little balls on the bottom. These are often called dero, derio, microfex, or microflex worms. I suspect that these are several different species or even closely related genuses. I most often have seen them in my crayfish tank. I also saw some in my piranha tank when I used to keep them. Both are messy eaters. The posts in various online forums often question wether they are parasites or not. They are not. You will rarely see them in aquariums containing small fish because they are a relished fish food. According to Michael Hellwig’s book, Culturing Live Foods, they can be cultured in the same tank as Daphnia by weighing down pieces of kitchen scrub pads or polyester filter pads. These worms average 1/2 inch in length and are white or light pink due to hemoglobin in their blood. Mike Hellwig also states in his book that the Dero spp. have four gill filaments and don’t swim. The ones that I have seen do swim and/or congregate in balls at the surface. I suspect that these are probably a different genus than Derio. According to the Smithsonian Institute, they are very nutritious. The protein content is 46.1% of dry weight and the fat content of the Dero is 15.1% of dry weight. This is similar to earthworms, brine shrimp amd daphnia. If you want to see some pictures and video you can go here: http://www.plantedtank.net/forums/ showthread.php?t=275986 If you would like to culture them to feed your fish try this site: http://www.caudata.org/cc/articles/microfoods.shtml References: Culturing Live Foods, Michael R. Hellwig, 2008, T.F.H. Publications http://www.bugpantry.com/shop/ http://www.fancyguppies.co.uk/page71.htm AQUARIUM CATFISH CONVENTION! October 16 - 19, 2014 Dulles Hyatt - Herndon, VA www.catfishcon.com THANK YOU TO THESE COMPANIES FOR THEIR SUPPORT! LET'S SUPPORT THEM IN RETURN! Click the logo to go to their website. THANK YOU TO THESE COMPANIES FOR THEIR SUPPORT! LET'S SUPPORT THEM IN RETURN! Click the logo to go to their website. MARYLAND AQUATIC NURSERIES 3427 N. Furnace Jarrettsville, MD 21084 410-557-7615 JAY A. RIZZO, D.M.D. General Dentistry Hempfield Center, Suite 100 930 Red Rose Court Lancaster, PA 17603 717-295-5590 M-T 8AM-6PM, W-TH 8AM-5PM, FRI 8AM-12PM TARA - MODERN ARTIST 610-689-5356, E-mai: ABSTRACTACT@yahoo.com Paintings, sculptures, and fine jewelry available for purchase. 10% of sales goes to the World Wildlife Fund. Please support our local sponsors by visiting their businesses and purchasing their products and services. They support your club! Underlined sponsors have a website, just click on the sponsor's name above and you will be whisked away to their site. Want to sponsor the ACLC™? Contact Dave Frehafer at 717-626-9456 or via e-mail at Docdave144@aol.com. Your support is greatly appreciated! ACLC Member's Sponsor Bonus Program Purpose: To get members involved in recruiting sponsors for the ACLC. Promotion Period: June 21, 2014 through October 31, 2014 Eligibility: Open to all members in good standing of the ACLC. How It Works 1. Members recruit sponsorships/donations from various businesses, securing monetary or product donations. Donations may be from any business and may consist of gift cards, cash donations, or products. Be sure to get a business card from the donor so that ACLC can properly thank them and acknowledge the donation. 2. Items acquired will be used during the ACLC Annual Auction, either as raffle prizes or auction items, to raise funds for the ACLC. 3. When a member obtains a donation/sponsorship, they fill in the attached form and turn the form and donation over to the Sponsor Chair, Joel Antkowiak. Donations from current sponsors will not count towards the bonus program. Only donations obtained during the program period stated above will count towards the bonus program. 4. As a reward, the Sponsor Chair will issue special "Auction Bucks" to be used same as cash at our annual auction. The amount of "Auction Bucks" awarded will be 10% of the retail value of the item donated, rounded to the nearest $0.50; i.e., a $25 gift card will get $2.50 in "Auction Bucks"; products valued at $52.00 will receive $5.00 in "Auction Bucks." 5. "Auction Bucks" may be used to purchase raffle tickets, food or paying for auction items bought. That is, the ACLC will accept them as cash! 6. Any questions should be directed to Joel Antkowiak at sponsor@aclcpa.org. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sponsor Bonus Program Member's Name: _______________________________________________________________ Sponsor's Name: _______________________________________________________________ Item(s) Donated: _______________________________________________________________ Date Received: ___________________ Sponsor Chair Acknowledgement: _________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sponsor Bonus Program Member's Name: _______________________________________________________________ Sponsor's Name: _______________________________________________________________ Item(s) Donated: _______________________________________________________________ Date Received: ___________________ Sponsor Chair Acknowledgement: _________________ Coming up in 2014 October 16-19: All-Aquarium Catfish Convention October 25-26: CoralCon www.reefexpo.org November 1: Boston Aquarium Society NEC Sanctioned Show November 2: Aquarium Club of Lancaster County™ Auction November 2: Jersey Shore Aquarium Society Auction November 7-9: Aquatic Experience--Chicago November 21-23: Ohio Cichlid Association Extravaganza November 22: Deleware Valley Reef Society Frag Swap 2015 Events: January 18: Danbury Area Aquarium Society Auction February 9: Potomac Valley Aquarium Society Auction February 27 - March 1: Aquamania 3 March 7: Delaware County Aquarium Society Auction March 13-15: Central Florida Koi Show March 20-22: North East Council of A.S. Convention April 10-12: American Gardener’s Assoc. Convention April 20-22: North East Council of A.S. Convention May 1-3: American Livebearer Assoc. Convention May 15-17: Betta Breeders Canada (BBC)District 6 show June 25-27: Midwest Betta Club (MBC) Area 1 Convention July 30-August 2: American Cichlid Assoc. Convention GET OUT THERE AND SUPPORT OTHER CLUBS! If you know of any events that you would like included in this list, please email them to editor@aclcpa.org Refreshments & Food Available Get the Best Fish! 22th Annual New Hampshire Aquarium Society AUCTION (FISH & DRY GOODS) Sunday, October 19, 2014 Newington Town Hall Nimble Hill Rd., Newington, NH Directions on back Auction will begin at 12Noon. Arrive early for viewing. If vendors would like to set a minimum bid on any of their items, a non-refundable $1 charge will be applied per item. Bump-ups are $2. Preregistering of lots is appreciated. Mail preregistration sheets to Bill Janetos, PO Box 32, Rollinsford, NH 03869 by Oct 12 or email to w.janetos@janco-electronics.com . Less waiting for labels!!!! Donations accepted or sell your extra fish & equipment, 60/40 split. Page 21 of 31 *** Announcing *** NECA’s Fall Tropical Fish Auction! Join us at the Polish American Club, 9 1st Street in Windsor Locks, CT on Sunday, October 26th for our Fall Tropical Fish Auction. Door Prizes 50/50 Cash Raffle Free Admission Refreshments Good people….Good fish….Good fun! Auction starts at 12:00 noon. Doors open at 9:30 AM for viewing and registering lots. Bring ALL your fish (NOT JUST YOUR CICHLIDS!) and new or “gently used” aquarium equipment for $3 per lot. Donations are great too! From I91 South From I91 North At exit 42, take ramp right toward Windsor Locks At exit 42, take ramp right for CT-159 toward Windsor Locks 0.2 mi Turn left onto Lawnacre Rd 0.5 mi Turn left onto CT-159 / S Main St 0.2 mi Keep straight onto CT-159 North / S Main St 0.2 mi Turn left onto South St 0.5 mi Turn left onto South St 0.2 mi Turn right onto 1ST St 0.2 mi Turn right onto 1ST St 169 ft Arrive at 9 1ST St, Windsor Locks, CT 06096 169 ft Arrive at 9 1ST St, Windsor Locks, CT 06096 Visit www.necichlids.com for more information Members of the Boston Aquarium Society are organizing a "Shop Hop" for Sunday Nov 2nd, the day after their Show and Auction. BAS members and guests will be visiting several Boston Area Tropical Fish Stores. Some stores that are planned for the visit: Rivers and Reefs Lovely Pets It's a Pet's World Uncle Neds Tropic Isle Aquarium Unique Aquaria If you would like to advertise your monthly meetings or special events, please forward the information to Barbara Romeo by the tenth of each month. Be sure to include all pertinent information (location, time, contact person or website for additional information) in your announcement Page 25 of 31 BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! FREE NEW & RARE SPECIES SHIPMENT FOR AUCTION! Bidder Card Please join The Aquarium Club of Lancaster County for a great day of Fishy Fun at our GIANT FALL AUCTION Sunday, November 2, 2014 Witmer Fire Hall 455 Mt. Sidney Road, Witmer PA 17585 Less than 2 miles off US Rt. 30 For some GPS units, you may need to use Lancaster as the city. Registration 9:00 AM to 12:00 NOON Auction Starts at 11:00 AM For all registered auction lots, 70% seller - 30% ACLC. All lots registered after 12:00 NOON will be black tagged and auctioned last. All lots that sell for $2 or less will be considered donations to the ACLC. Directions: From US Rt. 30, go north on Witmer Rd (left from Rt 30 eastbound, right from Rt. 30 westbound). There is a Target and a PetSmart on the corner. Go to light at Rt. 340, turn right. At the next light (about 100 ft.) turn left on Mt. Sidney Rd. Fire Hall is about 3/4 mile on the right. There is plenty parking in the rear. Visit us at www.aclcpa.org for complete auction rules! Page 27 of 31 Page 28 of 31 DANBURY AREA AQUARIUM SOCIETY Serving the Hudson Valley Area, Westchester, Fairfield, and Litchfield Counties 30th Annual AUCTION - Winter 2015! SUNDAY, January 18, 2015 OF FISH (All Species), AQUARIUM EQUIPMENT AND RELATED DRY GOODS, TO BE HELD AT THE: Knights of Columbus Hall #6318 10 Fair St Carmel, NY 10512 1 red dot, 1 add’l dot per 10 bags, 50/50 split, 60/40 for 6 or more *lots, please label your bags (see auction rules) No Pre-registration: *Acceptable lots will be determined by the auction committee Vendors: TBA Food & Refreshments will be available AUCTION HOURS: REGISTRATION.................................8:30 AM TO 11:15 AM VIEWING OF GOODS........................10:00 AM TO 11:15 AM AUCTION..................................................11:30 AM TO 5 PM RAFFLE..........................................................................50 / 50 D.A.A.S. INVITES YOU TO ATTEND! American Livebearer Association Convention May 1-3, 2015 Lancaster Host Resort hosted by the Aquarium Club of Lancaster County Delaware County Aquarium Society Cichlid Club of York Meets the 1st Friday of each month from Sept. through June at the Springfield Township Building, Springfield, PA. www.dcas.us Meets the fourth Saturday of each month in York, PA. Diamond State Aquarium Society Meets the 2nd Monday of each month from Sept. through June, at William Penn High School in New Castle, DE. http://dsas.topcities.com/ Bucks County Aquarium Society Meets the 1st Thursday of each month, from Sept. through July, at the Churchville Nature Center, Churchville, PA. http://www.bcasonline.com/ http://www.cichlidclubofyork.com/ Please visit the website for the host club for more information on any listed event. If you know of an event that is not listed, please send the info or flyer to editor@aclcpa.org ACLC™ SPEAKER SCHEDULE Potomac Valley Aquarium Society Meets the 1st Saturday of each month from Sept. through June at the Green Acres School in Fairfax, VA http://www.pvas.com/ OCTOBER 25TH: DR. WAYNE LEIBEL “ACARAS, THE FORGOTTEN CICHLIDS OF SOUTH AMERICA ” Keystone Killy Group NOVEMBER 15TH: DR. DAVE KORAN Meets the second Saturday of each month from Sept. through June (except Dec.), at members' homes. TBD http://www.keystonekilly.org/ DECEMBER 20 TH: BAP PRESENTATIONS Capital Cichlid Association FEB 2015 21ST: ALAN R OLLING Meets the second Saturday of each month, from Sept. through June in Silver Spring, MD. http://www.capitalcichlids.org/ “URUGUAY” Greater Washington Aquatic Plant Association Generally meets the fourth Saturday of each month http://www.gwapa.org/ MAY 23RD: KLAUS STEINHAUS “TROPHEUS ” JUNE 20TH: TED COLETTI “XIPHOPHORUS ”
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“Tank Tales”, “Piscatorial Pearls” and the fish-drawn buggy logo are all trademarks of the Aquarium Club of Lancaster County, Inc.