GMP Yield–Considerations Beyond Percent


GMP Yield–Considerations Beyond Percent
GMP Yield–Considerations
Beyond Percent
Theoretical Yield
Paul L. Pluta and Richard Poska
76 Journal of GXP Compliance
“Global Regulatory Viewpoint” addresses various regulatory and compliance topics including newly published regulations from a global perspective. The content
in this column is intended to be useful to those who deal with pharmaceutical
development, development of CMC dossier sections, and guidances for manufacturing, validation, and CGMPs. The objective of this column: Useful information.
Reader comments, questions, and suggestions are requested to help us fulfill
our objective for this column. Suggestions for future discussion topics are needed. Readers are invited to submit manuscripts for publication in this column.
Please contact column coordinator Richard Poska at
or journal coordinating editor Susan Haigney at
The following key points are discussed:
•US Food and Drug Administration good manufacturing practice
(GMP) requirements regarding yield require that product be formulated to provide 100% of the labeled amount and that actual yields
and percentages of theoretical yield be determined at the conclusion of each appropriate phase of manufacturing. Any unexplained
discrepancy must be investigated
•Percent of theoretical yield means that all materials assigned to the
batch must be quantitatively reconciled
•Meeting GMP requirements—acceptable percent of theoretical
yield—is an extremely important attribute but is not necessarily
indicative of a well-controlled manufacturing process
•Acceptable product yield provides much more useful information
regarding process control than percent of theoretical yield
•High rejects and high waste are indicative of formulation or process
problems that should be investigated
•Significant material losses at intermediate stages may result in correspondingly significant changes to the final product composition
Paul L. Pluta and Richard Poska
•Allowable process changes such as use of alternate equipment may accommodate material
changes but render potential problems invisible—a negative effect
•In-process adjustments by skilled manufacturing operators may also make process problems
invisible and should be controlled
•All yield data, including, especially, yields
of acceptable product, rejected product, and
waste, should be monitored in a timely manner
•Compliance personnel should understand that
just being compliant with GMP percent theoretical yield requirements is not sufficient for
good manufacturing process control.
The US Food and Drug Administration issued two
warning letters in 2010 (1, 2) addressing multiple
problems at the respective firms. Several of the
problems cited were associated with yield. The
good manufacturing practice (GMP) requirements
for yield are fairly minimal (i.e., quantitative reconciliation of all materials assigned to the batch).
How much acceptable product is manufactured,
variation in the amount of acceptable product,
the cause of variation in the amount of acceptable
product, and other more comprehensive considerations are not required. Although companies
may be in compliance with GMP regarding yield
requirements, a more comprehensive approach to
evaluating yield data provides opportunities to better understand the manufacturing process and its
level of control.
This discussion addresses the following:
•FDA GMP yield regulations. Sections of GMP
associated with yield are provided. Specific
sentences addressing yield are highlighted
•Actual yield and percent of theoretical yield.
These are the fundamental GMP requirements
•Acceptable product yield. Evaluation of
the acceptable product yield is not required
by GMP. This evaluation provides a general
assessment of the success of the manufacturing
process. Decreases in acceptable product yield
correspond to increased rejected product and
waste. Evaluation of the level of rejected product or waste is not required by GMP
•Change control, process changes, and in-process adjustments. Change control of process
changes is required. Other allowable changes
or adjustments to the manufacturing process
may enable good product to be manufactured
and effectively obscure problem situations.
Process changes and allowable process modifications should be monitored. Adjustments
during the manufacturing process must be controlled. Processing product at target potency
below 100% potency is prohibited in GMP
•Monitoring yield data. Control charting of
the respective yields of acceptable product,
rejected product, and waste material provides
much more comprehensive evaluation of process performance.
FDA GMP yield regulations are specified in the
following paragraphs of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) (3). Specifically applicable sections are
in bold.
Subpart F­­–Production and Process Controls
§211.101, Charge-in of components. “Written
production and control procedures shall include
the following, which are designed to assure that the
drug products produced have the identity, strength,
quality, and purity they purport or are represented
to possess:
“(a) The batch shall be formulated with the
intent to provide not less than 100 percent of
the labeled or established amount of active
“(b) Components for drug product manufacturing shall be weighted, measured, or subdivided
as appropriate. If a component is removed
from the original container to another, the new
container shall be identified with the following
(1) Component name or item code;
(2) Receiving or control number;
(3) Weight of measure in new container;
Summer 2010 Volume 14 Number 3
(4) Batch for which component was dispensed, including its product name,
strength, and lot number.
“(c) Weighing, measuring, or subdividing operations for components shall be adequately supervised. Each container or component dispensed
to manufacturing shall be examined by a second
person to assure that:
(1) The component was released by the quality control unit;
(2) The weight or measure is correct as stated
in the batch production records;
(3) The containers are properly identified.
“(d) Each component shall be added to the batch
by one person and verified by a second person.”
§211.103, Calculation of yield. “Actual yields
and percentages of theoretical yield shall be
determined at the conclusion of each appropriate
phase of manufacturing, processing, packaging,
or holding of the drug product. Such calculations
shall be performed by one person and independently verified by a second person.”
Subpart J–Records and Reports
§211.186, Master production and control records.
“To assure uniformity from batch to batch, master production and control records for each drug
product, including each batch size thereof, shall be
prepared, dated, and signed (full signature, handwritten) by one person and independently checked,
dated, and signed by a second person. The preparation of master production and control records
shall be described in a written procedure and such
written procedure shall be followed.
“(a) Master production and control records shall
(1) The name and strength of the product and
a description of the dosage form;
(2) The name and weight of measure of each active
ingredient per dosage unit or per unit of weight or
measure of the drug product, and a statement of the
total weight or measure of any dosage unit;
(3) A complete list of components designated
by names or codes sufficiently specific to indi78 Journal of GXP Compliance
cate any special quality characteristic;
(4) An accurate statement of the weight
or measure of each component, using the
same weight system (metric, avoirdupois, or
apothecary) for each component. Reasonable variations may be permitted, however,
in the amount of components necessary for
the preparation in the dosage form, provided
they are justified in the master production and
control records;
(5) A statement concerning any calculated
excess of component;
(6) A statement of theoretical weight or measure at appropriate phases of processing;
(7) A statement of theoretical yield, including the maximum and minimum percentages of theoretical yield beyond which investigation according to §211.192 is required;
(8) A description of the drug product containers, closures, and packaging materials, including a specimen or copy of each label and all
other labeling signed and dated by the person
or persons responsible for approval of such
(9) Complete manufacturing and control
instructions, sampling and testing procedures,
specifications, special notations, and precautions to be followed.”
§211.188, Batch production and control records. “Batch production and control records shall
be prepared for
(a) An accurate reproduction of the appropriate
master product or control records, checked for
accuracy, dated, and signed;
(b) Documentation that each significant step in
the manufacture, processing, packing, or holding
of the batch was accomplished, including
(1) Dates;
(2) Identity of individual major equipment and
lines used;
(3) Specific identification of each batch of component or in-process material used;
(4) Weights and measures of components used
in the course of processing;
Paul L. Pluta and Richard Poska
(5) In-process and laboratory control results;
(6) Inspection of the packaging and labeling
area before and after use;
(7) A statement of the actual yield and a
statement of the percentage of theoretical
yield at appropriate phases of processing;
(8) Complete labeling control records, including specimens or copies of all labeling used;
(9) Description of drug product containers and
(10) Any sampling performed;
(11) Identification of the persons performing and directly supervising or checking each
significant step in the operation;
(12) Any investigation made according to
(13) Results of examinations made in accordance with §211.134.”
§211.192, Production record review. “All drug
product production and control records, including
those for packaging and labeling, shall be reviewed
and approved by the quality control unit to determine compliance with all established, approved
written procedures before a batch is released or
distributed. Any unexplained discrepancy (including a percentage of theoretical yield exceeding the
maximum or minimum percentages established
in master production and control records) or the
failure of a batch or any of its components to
meet any of its specifications shall be thoroughly
investigated, whether or not the batch has already
been distributed. The investigation shall extend to
other batches of the same drug product and other
drug products that may have been associated with
the specific failure or discrepancy. A written record
of the investigation shall be made and shall include
the conclusions and follow up.”
As stated above in §211.188, FDA GMP regulations
regarding yield require a statement of the actual
yield and a statement of the percentage of theoretical yield at appropriate phases of processing. This
means that all materials assigned to the batch must
be quantitatively reconciled. The amount of materials assigned to the batch must be compared to the
amounts of product or intermediate after appropriate process steps, and to product at the end of
the entire manufacturing process. Good product,
rejected product, waste, samples, and other material accountability are quantitatively measured and
compared to the total material weight assigned to
the batch.
Consider the example in Table I for a lot of 1000
kg theoretical batch size of tablet product at the
conclusion of the bulk manufacturing process (before commercial unit packaging).
The lot in Table I illustrates that 1000 kg of
manufacturing materials yielded 1000 kg total
weight of final product and associated materials.
The combined total weights of acceptable product, rejected product, waste, samples, and other
materials equaled 1000.0 kg for the lot. The final
reconciliation of materials indicated that 100.0% of
manufacturing materials were recovered. Requirements for the percent of theoretical yield should
be based on historical data and be generally in the
range of 95.0-105.0%.
Table I demonstrates good material control and
recovery of the various categories of materials during the manufacturing process. However, good
TABLE I: Percent of theoretical yield.
Lot A
Acceptable product
835.0 kg
Rejected product
2.0 kg
10.0 kg
Test samples
1.0 kg
Retain samples
2.0 kg
Material transferred to R&D
50.0 kg
Other material transfers
100.0 kg
1000.0 kg
Theoretical yield
1000.0 kg
Percent of theoretical yield
Summer 2010 Volume 14 Number 3
material recovery is not necessarily indicative of a
well-controlled manufacturing process.
The yield of acceptable product in a batch is important data that should be evaluated in addition to
theoretical yield. The yield of acceptable product is
obviously important for business purposes. Apart
from business purposes, the yield of acceptable product is a general indicator of a well-controlled process.
A GMP-compliant process (i.e., a process meeting
GMP theoretical yield requirements) will not truly
demonstrate good process control when problems
arise and investigations are appropriate. The yield of
acceptable product is a much better indicator of good
processing than GMP percent of theoretical yield.
Consider the examples in Table II. Lot #001
demonstrates an acceptable manufacturing process.
Acceptable product yields above 98% are expected.
Rejected product yields are minimal (less than
0.5%). Waste due to machine set-up is also minimal
(approximately 1.0%). The manufacturing area has
good material control as demonstrated by percent
of theoretical yields at 100.0%. However, looking
only at theoretical yield as required by GMP does not
indicate true process performance.
Acceptable Product And Rejected Product
Lot #001 serves as representative standard for
expected manufacturing performance. Lot #002
demonstrates significantly lower acceptable product
yield. Both lots have 100.0% GMP percent of theoretical yield.
Lot #002 yielded 68.5% acceptable product,
30.2% rejected product, and 1.0% waste. Rejected
product might have been broken or chipped tablets
that were not acceptable for commercial product
distribution. These defects could have been caused
TABLE II: Lot data.
Lot #001
GMP manufacturing theoretical yield
1000.0 kg
1000.0 kg
1000.0 kg
Acceptable product
985.0 kg
685.0 kg
740.0 kg
Rejected product
2.0 kg
302.0 kg
2.0 kg
10.0 kg
10.0 kg
255.0 kg
Actual manufacturing subtotal (2+3+4)
997.0 kg
997.0 kg
Material dispersed post manufacturing
Test samples
1.0 kg
1.0 kg
1.0 kg
Retain samples
2.0 kg
2.0 kg
2.0 kg
Other dispersements
Material dispersed subtotal (6+7+8)
3.0 kg
3.0 kg
3.0 kg
GMP material total (5+9)
1000.0 kg
1000.0 kg
1000.0 kg
GMP percent of theoretical yield (10/1)
Acceptable product % (2/1)
Rejected product % (3/1)
Waste % (4/1)
Acceptable product to packaging (2)
985.0 kg
688.0 kg
740.0 kg
80 Journal of GXP Compliance
Paul L. Pluta and Richard Poska
by a multitude of reasons including variation in incoming materials, manufacturing process variation
in unit operations prior to compaction, insufficient
compaction pressure, and many others. A large
amount of rejected product is obviously of concern
in manufacturing, both for business and process
control reasons.
There is a significant difference between lots #001
and #002. Lot #002 should be investigated. The
GMP percent of theoretical yield for both lots was
100.0%. Monitoring only the GMP percent theoretical yield for these lots would not highlight the significant difference between the lots or alert responsible
individuals to the need for investigation.
Acceptable Product And Waste
Lot #001 yield data again serve as representative standard for product expected manufacturing
performance. Lot #003 demonstrates significantly
lower acceptable product yield. Both lots have
100.0% GMP percent of theoretical yield.
Lot #003 yielded 74.0% acceptable product, 0.2%
rejected product, and 25.5% waste. The high level
of waste might have been caused by difficulty in
machine setup. For example, granulation flow problems may have caused difficulty in setting the target
tablet weight. Or variable moisture content might
have caused sticking to the tablet punches. A high
level of waste is of great concern in manufacturing.
There is obviously a significant difference between lots #001 and #003. The process for lot #003
should be investigated. The percent of theoretical
yield for the two lots was the same. Monitoring
only the percent theoretical yield for these lots
would not indicate the significant difference between the two lots or alert responsible individuals
to this occurrence.
Significant Intermediate Material Losses
When losses at an intermediate stage of processing are significant, manufacturing and compliance
personnel must be mindful of the potential for corresponding significant effects on the total product
formulation and manufacturing process. While
this potential is not significant with typical small
manufacturing losses and usually falls within approved ingredient ranges, it may become significant
when high levels of rejects or waste occur. Process
effects (e.g., under filled blender) are possible. For
example, consider the following example for a tablet
product batch.
A batch of tablet product had a theoretical yield
of 3000 kg. Theoretical yield A at the dried granulation stage containing active drug and other multiple
ingredients was 2000 kg. This weight will be mixed
with additional ingredients B at the blending stage
weighing 1000 kg (i.e., the theoretical ratio of A to
B is 2:1). If 500 kg of A is unacceptable or waste
material and the amount of B is not adjusted, the
actual ratio of A to B in the final blended product
will be 1.5 to 1 (or 3:2). Granulation A will have
100.0% GMP percent of theoretical yield because
all material, both acceptable and unacceptable, will
be completely accountable. Again, observing only
the GMP percent of theoretical yield data will not
alert responsible personnel to any problems that
should be investigated. Significant alteration in the
theoretical material composition or process effects
may occur if compliance personnel are not vigilant
regarding material losses.
Process changes are inevitable. Some are desired,
some allowable, and some uncontrolled. Changes
will likely not be detected in GMP percent of theoretical yield. Changes should have an effect on yield
of acceptable product.
Process Changes And Change Control
Desired process changes are most visible and most
likely to be monitored by compliance personnel.
These changes must be controlled through a change
control program. Process changes should be supported by scientific and technical data if possible.
Regulatory personnel within the company should
be consulted on changes to ensure consistency with
regulatory filings. These changes should be evaluated and approved by the site validation approval
board. Process validation may be required depending
Summer 2010 Volume 14 Number 3
on the impact of the process change. Process changes
should have a positive effect on the acceptable product
yield or on reducing variation in acceptable product.
The percent of theoretical yield will likely be equivalent for processes before and after the desired change.
Allowable Process Changes
There may also be process changes that are allowable
such as previously approved and validated alternate
processes that may be implemented at the discretion
of manufacturing. These approved adjustments of
the manufacturing process may enable acceptable
product to be manufactured and effectively obscure
problem situations. For example, a tablet product may
be routinely manufactured at high speed on a highly
automated, modern compressing machine. A new lot
to be manufactured may not be able to be compressed
at the usual high speed but is able to be compressed
at much lower speed with higher compression force.
Lower speed and higher compression pressure may
have been validated and/or within the product design
space. Or product may be more easily compressed on
an older different (validated) compressing machine
at slower speed. In both of the above, expected high
yields of acceptable product may be manufactured
with low rejected product and low waste. The percent
of theoretical yield will likely also be high in these
examples. However, the material change that necessitated less optimal manufacturing may be unnoticed
and may not be investigated. Monitoring the acceptable product yield without knowledge of the equipment change for this lot would likely not cause concern. However, the fact that the alternate compressing
machine operating at a slower rpm was necessary
to manufacture product was indicative of a process
problem that should be investigated. Also, monitoring
only the percent theoretical yield for these lots would
not indicate the significant difference between the two
lots or alert responsible individuals to this occurrence.
In-Process Adjustments
In-process adjustments by manufacturing operators
must also be controlled. In-process changes (i.e.,
highly skilled manufacturing operators “tweaking” the process) may also accommodate material
82 Journal of GXP Compliance
changes and make potential problems invisible.
Responsible compliance personnel should be notified of such problems.
Processing product at target potency below 100%
potency is prohibited in GMP. Product must be
manufactured at a target potency of 100% as required in §211.101 (a). If product manufacturing is
adjusted to manufacture product at potency slightly
below 100%, relatively higher yields of acceptable
product units would result. If high yields of product
units are noted, sub-potent manufacturing should
be suspected. When this occurs, product potency
and target weight (or volume) should be tested.
Actual potency data should average 100.0% with
reasonable variation above and below theory. If
unusual numbers of lots are produced with potency
below 100%, manufacturing set-up procedures may
need to be revised or analytical methods may need
to be evaluated.
All yield data, including yields of acceptable product, rejected product, and waste, should be monitored in a timely manner. Monitoring these yields
will provide far more useful information than percent of theoretical yield data. Modern monitoring
analysis techniques such as control charting (4, 5)
should be used. Products that are monitored, both
in selection of products and frequency of review,
should be based on risk analysis when resources
limit the available monitoring effort. Monitoring should also be timely—reviewing yield data
on an annual basis is not sufficient. The objective
of monitoring is to identify trends and anticipate
problems. Using control charting techniques will
enable high level process characterization. It will
help to evaluate the effect of process changes. Gross
unstable or special cause variation will be obvious
and will prompt investigation. Predictability of process performance should ensue and lead to process
GMP requirements addressing manufacturing
yield are minimal. While GMP requirements are
Paul L. Pluta and Richard Poska
extremely important and address lot integrity, they
provide very little in terms of process understanding. Compliance personnel should not be satisfied
that their manufacturing processes reliably deliver
~100% of theoretical yield. Monitoring acceptable
product yield, rejected product yield, and product waste are much more useful batch attributes
regarding process understanding. Compliance
personnel should also be vigilant of changes to the
manufacturing process. Major changes that involve
validation are most easily noticed and evaluated. It
is more difficult to monitor allowable changes that
accommodate material changes and render process problems invisible. In-process changes (i.e.,
manufacturing operators “tweaking” the process)
may also accommodate changes and make potential
problems invisible when responsible compliance
personnel should be notified of problems.
Just being compliant with GMP yield requirements is not sufficient.
1. FDA, “Warning Letter to Pierre Fabre Medicament Production,”, March 26, 2010,
2. FDA, “Warning Letter to Coats International Holdings, Inc.,”, March 30, 2010,
3. FDA, Code of Federal Regulations, 21 CFR Part 211, CGMP
in Manufacturing, Processing, Packaging, or Holding of Drugs and
Finished Pharmaceuticals.
4. Nunnally, Brian K. and John S. McConnell, Six Sigma in the
Pharmaceutical Industry, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2007.
5. Wheeler, Donald J. and David S. Chambers, Understanding Statistical Process Control, SPC Press, Knoxville, TN, 1992. GXP
Paul L. Pluta, Ph.D., is a pharmaceutical scientist with extensive
industrial development, manufacturing, and management
experience. Dr. Pluta is also Adjunct Associate Professor at
the University of Illinois-Chicago College of Pharmacy. He is
also editor-in-chief of the Journal of Validation Technology and
the Journal of GXP Compliance. Dr. Pluta has written several
chapters for and edited Cleaning and Cleaning Validation, Volume
1, Basics, Expectations, and Principles, published by PDA and DHI
Publishing. He may be contacted at
Richard Poska is Director, Global Pharmaceutical Regulatory
Affairs, CMC GPRD Small Molecule Support, Abbott, Lake
County, Illinois. He may be reached at richard.poska@abbott.
com. Richard Poska is also column coordinator of “Global
Regulatory Viewpoint.”
Summer 2010 Volume 14 Number 3