April 2012 - Fallbrook Vintage Car Club
April 2012 - Fallbrook Vintage Car Club
The Talepipe Fallbrook Vintage Car Club Region of the AACA April 2012 Fallbrook Vintage Car Club Dedicates Memorial Bench The Talepipe Materials for the Talepipe can be sent to: RoyMoosa@ATT.Net or call 760-723-1181. The TALEPIPE is the newsletter of the FALLBROOK VINTAGE CAR CLUB REGION of the AACA Incorporated as a California Nonprofit Mutual Benefit Corporation P.O. Box 714 Fallbrook, CA 92088 www.fallbrookvintagecarclub.org The Fallbrook Vintage Car Club dedicated a Memorial bench downtown in front of 120 South Main Avenue to honor long time member, Marvin Van Voorst. Marvin was a dedicated and long time car club member who helped shape the club for well over a dozen years through the generosity of his time and ideas. Marv and his wife, Joyce, had a yellow 1948 Jeepster, which could be seen at every car club event from the Christmas Parade to the Fallbrook Vintage Car Show. Over the years his vehicle became a club icon. The brass bench plaque honoring Marvin, who passed away in August 2011, serves as a tribute to his memory and his service to the community. The plaque reads, “Fallbrook Vintage Car Club, Marvin “Marv” Van Voorst Memorial Bench. Dedicated to Those Who Gave Their Time and Dedication to Help Others and Make Fallbrook a Better Community, Marvin „Marv‟ Van Voorst 1935-2011” The bench is part of a program coordinated by the Save Our Forest Group, a “branch” of the Fallbrook Land Conservancy. The Bench adoptions were developed as a means to enhance the downtown area and provide funds to support the entire Treescape Project in the Fallbrook community. These benches are “Gifts to Fallbrook” and have served the community well. The Fallbrook Vintage Car Club today has over 90 active members. The dedication of this bench is part of the club’s ongoing mission to support the community. The Car Club raises its funds by sponsoring one of Fallbrook’s largest events, the annual Fallbrook Vintage Car Show, now on its 47th consecutive year and held at Potter Junior High. The club is also well known in Fallbrook for its annual participation in various events including the Christmas Parade, Veterans Day Parade, and The Avocado Festival. Marvin has over the years been an organizer and contributor to most of these events. His commitment to the club and to the community was deeply appreciated and was an inspiration to all. Page 2 Library Flagpole Ceremony Jeanne and Joe Cusimano attended the Fallbrook Library flag pole dedication ceremony. The Master of Ceremonies was Jose Aponte, Library Director. He welcomed everyone and thanked all the people involved. The Fallbrook Vintage Car Club was at the top of the list of contributors and it was well noted that the flagpole would not exist without us and others. It was announced that a plaque will be put at the base of the flag pole and the Car Club will be on the plaque as a way to say “Thank You” for our support. The only other group listed will be the VFW. Another speaker Jason Springston, again complemented our club for all that we do for the community. The whole ceremony was a real credit to our club. —-Joe Cusimano—- Fallbrook Vintage Car Club Receives Award from Senator Joel Anderson The Fallbrook Vintage Car Club, at its February general monthly meeting received a visit from District Director, Tom Rogers representing the office of California State Senator Joel Anderson of the Thirty Sixth Senatorial District. Mr. Tom Rogers presented a certificate of Recognition to the club on behalf of the Senator for the work the club does in support to the community via its charitable work. In an attached letter to the certificate of Recognition the Senator wrote " I would like to thank you for your outstanding commitment to the community by recognizing all of your exceptional charitable work . Your dedication of time and effort that goes into helping groups such as the Fallbrook Hospital Auxiliary and Fallbrook Youth Baseball help change lives in the community in a dramatic way" The Fallbrook Vintage car Club was proud to receive this award. The award was graciously accepted on behalf of the club by Roy Moosa, President. —-Ed Vivanco—- Page 3 Car Club Donates to Live Oak Park Coalition Michael McGuire from the Fallbrook Vintage Car Club presented a donation check to Joyce Wood of the Live Oak Park Coalition. Standing next to Joyce and Michael are Joe Comella, Al Gebhart, Al Olivares and Park Ranger Tom Contreras. Seated are: Jane Carpenter, Martha Choi, and Ken Westlake, all are board members of the Live Oak Park Coalition The Coalition is a volunteer organization dedicated to the support and enhancement of the many features of Live Oak Park. We are very appreciative of their efforts in maintaining the park as one of the best in North County Car Club Donates to Fallbrook Girls Rugby Frank and Joan Hainey from the Fallbrook Vintage Car Club present a donation check to Coach Craig Pinnell from the Fallbrook Girls Rugby Club (standing on the left). Last year the under 19 team of the Fallbrook Girls Rugby Club won the U19 National Invitational USA Rugby's Tournament. The club was created only four years ago and it has already attained national recognition as one of the best rugby teams in the US. The club has about 60 players with ages ranging from 11 to 19 years old. Coaches Craig and Marin Pinnell (who hardly looks any older than the players) are very proud of the club and the team that has put our city in the national Rugby stage. Congratulations are in order. The presentation was made on February 23rd in Fallbrook. Auto Mart New low priced Custom made bumpers made to fit your vehicle. Call Bubba at Joe’s Firewood Emporium. Page 4 No collision insurance? No worries. Call Pedro’s Body Shop for fast work and reasonable rates. Grand Opening Soon ! Come join us at our the grand opening of our new McDonald’s. 1432 Marhabba Street Downtown Kabul (Please note: all back packs will be checked at the door for explosives) You know you’re old if you can remember these prices... Stars and Their Cars Page 5 ELDORADO’S The Brougham was custom crafted to be the finest limited production luxury car possible for the world’s most discriminating motorists. It was totally different than the rest of the models in every respect. Only about 100 per year were produced in each of the four years it was sold. Shown here is the 1958, which were the same as the 1957’s. They were priced at around $10,000. OF THE 50’S & 60’S For FVCC’s 47th Annual Car Show, the chosen Featured Car “show within a show” will be a special display of Cadillac Eldorado’s of the 50’ & 60’s. We are in the process now of soliciting a few examples for a separate but adjacent area. Cadillac Eldorado's – were those extra special ( and expensive ) models that Cadillac marketed throughout the Golden years of style, color, and chrome from Detroit – the 50’s & 60’s. All of GM and especially the Cadillac Division was at the top of it’s game during this period, and Eldorado’s were at the tip of it all. While most of the mechanics were shared with other models, the design, fabrics and interiors, exterior colors, and trim were all unique to the “Eldos”. The first production Eldorado, shown here, was in 1953, convertible only, and available in only four colors, with just 532 produced. The 1954-1956 Eldorado’s continued on the same theme, with a coupe, Suicide doors, air suspension, lower profile, stainless steel roof, memory seat, auto closing trunk lid and mouton carpet overlays are but some of the luxury and special features. I can’t show all the Eldorado’s of the period here, but here are a few more special Eldorado’s. First a 1960 Brougham, then a 1962 convertible, and finally a 1967 Coupe, which was the first Cadillac with front wheel drive. Also hidden headlights, and knife edge design, largely the work of Bill Mitchell. the Eldorado Seville, added in 1956. 1957 Eldorado’s were expanded to 3 models, the Biarritz ( convertible ), Seville ( coupe ) and the magnificent Brougham ( sedan ). Page 6 Hope all can make it to the Memorial Day show. ——Don McCormick— 2011-2012 Board of Directors President... Roy Moosa 760-723-1181 Vice President... Mike McGuire 760-728-6430 Secretary…Bob Newkirk 760-728-2780 Treasurer…Lee Johnson 760-723-8286 Past President…David Bergeson 760-731-3300 Committee Chairs Membership… Louise Patterson 760-723-2818 Assistant Chair: Diane Vivanco 760-451-0850 Programming... Roy Moosa 760-723-1181 Public Relations… Ed Vivanco 760-451-0850, Assistant Chair: Ray Sanchez 760-630-1121 Outside Activities… Lee Johnson 760-723-8286 Glen Patterson 760-723-2818 John Waugh 760-723-0705 Donations… Jeanne Cusimano 760-723-4085 Assistant Chair: Wayne King 760-451-2006 Special Events Set Up... Fred Ragland 760-723-5324, Assistant Chairs: Dick Ziemer 760-723-5358, Doug Allen 760-742-2305 Merchandise Sales… Lee Johnson 760-723-8286 Communications… Connie Waugh 760-723-0705, Lynn Burch 760-728-1496 Website… Bill Muno 760-723-7200 Newsletter Editor… Roy Moosa 760-723-1181 Car Show Committees Car Show Chair… David Bergeson 760-731-3300 Car Show Feature Car Committee: Don McCormick 760-723-3235 Assistant Chair: Glen Patterson 760-723-2818 Car Show Poster and Major Sponsors… Mike Johnson...760-723-8286 Assistant Chair: John Cooke 909-518-6781 Car Show Program… Whit Whittinghill...760-7286433 Assistant Chair: Dave Dressen 760-723-0848 Car Show Registration… Bob Newkirk 760-728-2780 Assistant Chair: Alan Cutsinger 760-745-9345 Car Show Field Parking… Mike McGuire 760-728-6430 Assistant Chair: Chuck Oster 951-461-2713 Car Show Swap Meet… Frank Hainey 760-451-3041, Assistant Chair: Doug Allen 760-723-742-2305 Car Show Public Parking… Donald Kratzer 760-723-9548, Assistant Chair: Lawrence Cooke 760-728-5596 Car Show Judging… Tom Long 760-723-9833, Tom Conley 760-723-8596 Car Show Sale Items… Lee Johnson 760-723-8286 Car Show Sign Committee… Ron Mintle...760-728-2947 Car Show Raffle Annette McGuire 760 728-6430 Assistant Chair: Christine Moosa 760-728-9422 Car Show Sound Committee… Monty Voigt 760-731-2820, Assistant Chair: John Cooke 909-518-6781 Car Show Gift Bag Committee… Chair: Christine Moosa 760-728-9422 Assistant Chair: Lee Johnson 760-723-8286 Calendar of Car Club Events March 27, 2012: General Meeting Women’s Club: 238 W. Mission Rd. Fallbrook, CA. 92028 , #760-728-9971 Hospitality: Mike and Annette McGuire Pre-Meeting: Z Café, River Village, 5256 South Mission Road, Bonsall, Ca. 760-631-1944 April 10, 2012: Board of Directors Meeting: 7pm Hosts: Don and Carol Kratzer 1963 East Alvarado Street, Fallbrook, Ca. 92028, 760-723-9548 April 15, 2012 Avocado Festival April 24, 2012 General Meeting Women’s Club: 238 W. Mission Rd. Fallbrook, CA. 92028 , #760-728-9971 Hospitality: Frank and Joan Hainey Pre-Meeting: La Caseta, 111 North Vine Street, Fallbrook, Ca. 760-728-9737 General Meetings Monthly membership meetings are held at the Fallbrook Woman's Club, 238 West Mission Road in Fallbrook on the 4th Tuesday of each month unless otherwise scheduled in advance. Meetings begin at 7:00 PM. Pre-meeting Informal Dinner An informal gathering of members is usually held at a selected Fallbrook area restaurant prior to the general meeting. Plan on arriving for dinner by 5:00 PM to insure that you have time to eat and socialize. Board Meetings Board Meetings are normally held at a member's home the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM, unless otherwise scheduled. All FVCC Board Meetings are open to all members. There is more to the Fallbrook Vintage Car Club than just a Car Show. Come and join us at the Board Meetings to get more involved with your club or just to socialize. If you need more information please contact one of the club officers or committee chairs. Membership Information Membership information may be obtained by mail or from any FVCC officer or chairperson. Membership Applications are also available on our website at Fallbrookvintagecarclub.org. Our email address is: President@fallbrookvintagecarclub.org Page 7 Fallbrook Vintage Car Club Region of AACA P.O. Box 714 Fallbrook, Ca. 92088
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