chromospheric telescope of baikal astrophysical observatory. new light
chromospheric telescope of baikal astrophysical observatory. new light
Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 2016. Vol. 2. Iss. 2, pp. 82–103, DOI: 10.12737/21002. © INFRA-M Academic Publishing House Original Russian version V.I. Skomorovsky, G.I. Kushtal, L.S. Lopteva et al., published in Solnechno-Zemnaya Fizika. 2016, vol. 2, iss. 2, pp. 69–85, DOI 10.12737/17376 CHROMOSPHERIC TELESCOPE OF BAIKAL ASTROPHYSICAL OBSERVATORY. NEW LIGHT V.I. Skomorovsky, G.I. Kushtal, L.S. Lopteva, V.A. Proshin, V.D. Trifonov, S.A. Chuprakov, V.A. Khimich Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics SB RAS, Irkutsk, Russia, __________________________________________________________________________________ A chromospheric telescope is an important instrument for synoptic observations and solar research. After several decades of observations with the chromospheric telescope at the Baikal Astrophysical Observatory, a need arose to improve the characteristics of this telescope and filter. A new reimaging lens to produce full-disk solar images 18 mm in diameter at the CCD camera Hamamatsu C-124 with a 36×24 mm detector (4000×2672 pixels) was designed and manufactured to replace the out-ofoperation 50×50 mm Princeton Instruments camera. A contrast interference blocking filter and new calcite and quartz crystal plates were made and installed instead of damaged ones in the Hα birefringent filter (BF), manufactured by Bernhard Hallе Nachfl. The optical immersion in the filter was changed. All telescope optics was cleaned and adjusted. We describe for the first time the design features and their related BF passband tuning. The wavefront interferograms of optical elements and telescope as a whole show that the wavefront distortion of the optical path is within 0.25 λ. The BF and prefilter spectral parameters provide high-contrast monochromatic images. Besides, we give examples of solar chromospheric images in the Hα line core and wing. Keywords: Solar telescope, birefringent filter, interferometric measurements. _______________________________________________________________________________ INTRODUCTION In 1980, SibIZMIR devised and manufactured the first domestic telescope for Нα filter observation of the chromosphere of the full solar disk with spatial resolution of about 1″ [Banin et al., 1982]. Main parameters of the chromospheric telescope and filter Diameter of the main lens 180 mm Equivalent focal distance 5432 mm Non-vignetted field of view 34 arcmin Solar image diameter 50 mm Birefringent filter, manufacturer Bernhard Halle Nachfl. GmbH Passband wavelength λ 6563 Å Passband half-width 1 or 0.5 Å Passband shifts within ± 1 Å. 82 V.I. Skomorovsky, G.I. Kushtal, L.S. Lopteva, V.A. Proshin, V.D. Trifonov, S.A. Chuprakov, V.A. Khimich Over a period from 1981 to 1999, 50 mm solar images were taken using an 80 mm film. The film archive is kept in the Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics SB RAS. In 2000–2002, the images were captured by a Princeton Instruments CCD camera with a 50×50 mm matrix detector (2048×2048 pixels) []. Since 2004, because of the camera failure, the images were obtained manually with a Konica Minolta DiMAGE A2 8MP Digital Camera (3264×2448 pixels). The small camera view (about 17 mm) allowed us to observe only individual active regions. To take full-disk images by a new automatic Hamamatsu С9300-124 CCD camera with a 36×24 mm detector (4000×2672 pixels), we temporally installed a commercial lens that produced 18 mm solar images. However, it did not provide high-quality images; hence the need for a new reimaging lens. Moreover, in images there emerged areas with different center-to-limb brightness, whose sharp jump pointed to instrumental origin, as well as dark points in the field of view and drop-shaped defects at the field edge. They had been caused by defects arising in the optical stack of the birefringent filter (BF) and in the prefilter. To correct the defects, we had to repair and change BF polarization elements. Despite the relatively clean Baikal atmosphere, the telescope optics over the 35-year period of year-round operation were covered with dust from the nearest buildings under construction and with soot from forest fires. We had to completely dissemble, clean the teleobjective and other optics of the telescope, and readjust the entire telescope. DESCRIPTION OF THE TELESCOPE The telescope and its optical scheme are shown in Figure 1. One of the conditions for successful operation of the telescope – filter complex was the compliance of its optical scheme for image construction with BF installation requirements largely in order to maintain the emission monochromaticity, specified by BF parameters, and to provide the required resolution over the entire solar disk. Particular original design solutions for optical elements and some other essential unites of the chromospheric H telescope are presented in [Klevtsov, Trifonov, 1980]. BF – the most important element of the chromospheric telescope – is a unique instrument that costs as much or even more than the telescope. The clear aperture of the BF optical stack is 28 mm; the length, 190 mm; the filter field of view, ±2.5° with allowable passband shift of 0.05 Å. These parameters suppress appetite for installation of the filter into a large aperture telescope for full-disk observation with the highest, less than 1′′, resolution [Klevtsov, 1984]. It was just this filter for which we calculated the optical scheme and manufactured the telescope to capture full-disk monochromatic solar images at spatial resolution of about 1 with allowance made for resolution characteristics of emission receivers (motion picture films, CCD matrix). 83 Chromoospheric telescoppe of Baikal Astro ophysical Observvatory. New light F Figure 1. Chrom mospheric telescope of the Baiikal Astrophysical Observatory y and its optical al scheme W We did not taake on an inv verse task to work out a filter for the finished teleescope: in 197 70-80s manufactures sougght to design BF B with extreeme characterristics determined by curreently availablee filter matic solutionss, birefringentt crystals, andd by processing and control capabilities. L Large homogeeneous schem calcitee crystals requuired for largee aperture filteers are rare in nature and if available it is unreasonablee to cut them for a medium m-quality filterr. The crystalss may be kept in reserve unttil new schem mes and techno ologies have bbeen developeed. A An interferencce filter (IF), a prefilter com mprised of a metal m – dielectrric – metal (M MDM) heat filtter and a narrrowband interfference filter, transmits lighht only in a naarrow spectral region with a central waveelength and rreflects all the emission back through the telescopee lens. Inside illuminationn of lenses by y light refleccted from the filter f balancess the outside hheat flux and decreases d temp perature gradiients in lenses. B Before the “fi first light” of the chromosppheric telesco ope, we exam mined spectrall characteristiccs and waveffront of BF annd IF. Spectral characteristiccs of BAO BF were similar to those reporrted for the Beernhard Halle filter of the Sayan S Solar Observatory O [S Skomorovsky, 1967]. In the crystal stackk and BAO BF, B we T were dim minished by a special laborratory-processsed transparen nt plate revealled wavefrontt distortions. They that hhad been opticcally polished d and retoucheed to compen nsate these disstortions. Thee plate was in nstalled outsidde of the BF crrystal stack. T Teleobjective and a field lens. The calculattion of the opttical scheme and the choicee of lens design n were limiteed to the use of o a long focall-length lens: the telescope should be no o more than 4 m long to fit within the paavilion dome. The short length of the oobjective unit of the telesco ope is due to the two-comp ponent teleobbjective. A priincipally new idea was to in install the field d lens in front of the primaary image to shorten s the telescope tube [Banin et al., 1983а]. The focal distancee of the field lens is equal to its distance from mage of pupil created by thee negative com mponent of th he lens. The field lens transffers the pupil image the im to inffinity and form ms in the mid ddle of the fillter an interm mediate solar image i 20 mm m in diameter in the teleceentric beam paath. This proviides homogenneous spectral composition of all image ppoints. T The telescope is designed to o produce a hiigh-quality im mage in the foccal plane onlyy in one wavellength; and thhis beneficiall feature enab bles us to usee for the teleeobjective onlly two singlee-lens (uncem mented) 84 V.I. Skomorovsky, G.I. Kushtal, L.S. Lopteva, V.A. Proshin, V.D. Trifonov, S.A. Chuprakov, V.A. Khimich components, positive and negative, making them from one material and with radii of curvature that are equal in size but different in sign. The latter is very favorable for the mutual control of radii of curvature and lens surface shape when manufactured. The lens reconstructs and enlarges a solar image so as not to lose the resolution expected of the telescope on film and then on matrix. If we accept that the actual resolution of film coating with relatively high resolution of 200 line/mm for low-contrast chromospheric structures is 30 line/mm, a solar image should be no less than 50 mm. This roughly corresponds to the resolution of 1.3″. In the telescope scheme, the problems of control and adjustment have been successfully solved: the main lens and zooming lens were corrected for spherical aberration, thus providing independent control of each component in the autocollimation scheme with a plane mirror. We virtually eliminated the entire telescope system from spherical aberration, coma, and astigmatism. The tolerances for radii, thicknesses, inter-lens distances, and refractive indices of lenses are quite low. High tolerances exist for decentration of teleobjective, i.e. for wedge, rotation, and displacement of the lenses perpendicular to the optical axis [Klevtsov, Trifonov, 1980]. Adjustment of lenses in the telescope (tilt, displacement of lenses) was controlled using interference images in the lenses with the aid of a laser. The wavefront of the teleobjective and telescope after the first assembly with the filter optical stack simulator, which was installed instead of BF and transmitted laser light, was tested in the autocollimation scheme. Figure 2 shows wavefront interferograms of the teleobjective and telescope. Observational materials on the solar chromosphere obtained with the telescope, their processing and interpretation are reported in research papers and theses by ISTP SB RAS and other researchers [Banin et al., 1983b; Banin et al., 1986; Borovik, Myachin, 2002, 2010; Golovko et al., 2002; Batmunkh et al., 2011; Borovik et al., 2014; Konyayev et al., 2015]. MODERNIZATION OF THE TELESCOPE IN 2015 Since the CCD camera was changed to another one with a matrix half as large, we had to calculate and make a new reimaging lens because the temporary commercial lens in use did not produce a highquality image. Fading of film coatings of the MDM heat filter, installed before BF, in the solar beam caused image brightness to vary across the field of view. It was immediately obvious that this was due to inhomogeneity of the prefilter passband. In addition, we discovered defects in BF polarization elements – cement defects and cracks. The chromospheric telescope operating for many years, its optics was brought out of center, the filter appeared to be displaced, and edge defects of its optical stack also appeared within the field of view. 85 Chromoospheric telescoppe of Baikal Astro ophysical Observvatory. New light F Figure 2. Waveefront interferogram of the telleobjective and d telescope [Klevtsov, 1987]. The wavefrontt of the telescoope is close to the t theoretical limit BIREFRINGENT FILTER T The company Bernhard Hallle (West Berl rlin) has produ uced about 20 00 Lyot-Ohmaan filters [Bhaatnagar, Livinggston, 2005]. In 1960s, Asttrocouncil of tthe USSR Accademy of Sciiences received ed ten Нα filteers and distribbuted them am mong USSR ob bservatories: IZ ZMIRAN and SibIZMIR obsservatories, Crrimean Astroph hysical Obserrvatory (AO), Mountain M Stattion of the Cenntral Astronom mical Observattory, Ussuriyskk AO, Tashkent AO, and U Ukraine MAO O in Goloseyeevo. Studies oof B. Halle filters fi [Skomorrovsky, 1967]] revealed thaat their transm mittance was not n less than 10 0 % because thhe scheme invo olved split polaarization stagees [Evans, 1949 9] with a smaaller number off polarizers thaan in the classsical scheme. The T filters had a narrow, aroound 0.5 Å, paassband and hhigh contrast (the ( relation between transm mittance in fallse peaks and main peak) ddue to the add ditional repeatted polarizationn stage introdu uced into the sscheme [Öhmaan, 1958]. Sollar telescopes pproduced fairly good imagees with Нα filters. All these filters had alm most identical life l history: po olarizers faded owing to inad dequate protecction of filter optical o stack fro om solar radiattion. O Of particular innterest is the history h of the first B. Halle filter, receiveed by SibIZMIIR in 1961, th hat was emplooyed for year-round observaation performeed at the Sayaan Solar Obseervatory. In heeavy frost, thee diesel powerr station failedd, the filter waas not put awayy into a warm m place in timee, and there em merged defectss in the opticaal stack. Opticcal enterprises could not reppair the filter. And only A..B. Gilvarg, thhe optician fro om the Instituute of Crystalllography, Russsian Academyy of Sciencess, a creator off the first dom mestic BF [Seeverny, Gilvarrg, 1949], helpped to test the filter. It appeaared that the op ptical stack consisting of neaarly 60 elemen nts was cemennted with Cannada balsam. In I thermostat, at high tempeerature, at the risk of overhheating/damagiing the polarizzers, the stack was disassemb bled and defeccts were found: calcite crystaal plates were ccracked. W With a desire to repair the unique instrum ment ourselvees, we began to search for crystals and to t gain familiiarity with opptical technolo ogy. We deveeloped precisio on methods fo or processing and controlliing BF crystaal plates [Kusshtal, Skomoro ovsky, 2002],, reconstructeed the out-of-o operation B. H Halle Нα filteer, and workeed out new BFs B [Aleksand drovich et al., 1975; Kushtal, Skomorov vsky, 2000]. In actual fact, all B. Halle filters of the USSR solar observatories o w were repaired and got “seco ond and third light” at the Optical O I Laborratory of our Institute. 86 V.I. Skomorovsky, G.I. Kushtal, L.S. Lopteva, V.A. Proshin, V.D. Trifonov, S.A. Chuprakov, V.A. Khimich Into the chromospheric telescope of the Baikal Astrophysical Observatory, we put a B. Halle Нα filter of younger, 1968, generation. Until 1980, it worked at the Horizontal Solar Telescope. Such filters are still exploited at many observatories. We utilize the BAO filter to describe the method adopted to tune the filter, present the optical scheme, main blocks, and kinematics of the filter (Figures 3, 5). Features of certain elements and stages of the optical stack of this filter as well as schemes of filters known at that time are described in [Skomorovsky, Ioffe, 1980]. In B. Halle filters of this generation, optical stack elements, except for film polarizers cemented between glasses, were assembled by immersion. This facilitated disassembly of the optical stack. Over the 35-year period of the B. Halle filter operation at the chromospheric telescope, BF has been repaired at BAO several times: we removed the blocking of the line-shifter mechanism, changed the prefilter fading owing to the heating in a beam as well as the external polarizer and polarizers inside the optical stack, which gradually faded owing to solar radiation. We established that immersion by which the crystal elements were assembled could contact with the cement layer of old or newly installed film polarizers. It gradually penetrated along the perimeter between protective glasses, producing cement defects and turbidity in the polarizers. The complete disassembly of the optical stack to replace the polarizers necessitated the production of new quarter-wave phase plates for the line-shifter because they had been made not from quartz but from crystalline mica (3, 11, 41, Figure 3). The very soft mica plates broke down when disassembled and cleaned, and needed replacing. It was found out that the wavefront distortions discovered in the filter and corrected by a retouched plate in "first light" were caused by the deformation of thin glass plates (2, 12, and 42, Figure 3) installed outside of the optical stack to protect the mica quarter-wave plates. We replaced these plates as well as calcite plates damaged by severe overheating of the filter owing to the out-of-order thermoregulator. Manufacturing BF crystal plates is a process in which during optical polishing it is necessary to ensure pinpoint accuracy of thickness of the plate, parallelism and flatness of its surface. For the Iceland spar, the production tolerance is 0.05 µm for each parameter. Figure 4 shows opticians at work. Not every highlyqualified optician can make new calcite plates by hand with the required tolerance. We have manufactured a new crystalline quartz plate 1.6 mm wide with edge digs within the field of view. We knew about the defect (the B. Halle company had an insufficient number of good crystals) but did not change the quartz plate because the digs were out of a solar image. By now, all external cemented polarizers have been changed to immersion-neutral polaroid films without protective glasses. As a result, the optical stack became shorter by 20 mm. The filter optical stack was cleaned of black dots (dust), reassembled, and “pumped” in immersion in vacuum to remove air bells (cement defects) from the field of view. The immersion-reflection index (nd=1.578) is close to mean crystal-reflection indices for ordinary and extraordinary beams. Immersion reduces light losses due to Fresnel reflection by crystals and polarizers and compensates wavefront distortions caused by imperfect surfaces of the stack plates numbering more than 100 in the filter (Figure 3)! 87 Chromoospheric telescoppe of Baikal Astro ophysical Observvatory. New light F Figure 3. The optical o scheme of the B. Hallee Нα-filter crysttal stack. Thick knesses of polar arization split ellements (III–IV V stages) are not n multiples of o 2 because thhey contain haalf-wave and quarter-wave addditions. Stagess I–VII comprrise polarizers and a plates betweeen them F Figure 4. Opticiaans Khimich V.A A. and Ivanov A A.A. in the coursse of making plates for BF. In thhe right bottom corner c is a plate damaged by ovverheating in BF. The wavy line of rupture indiccates the nonunifform heating (theermal shock) T This filter hass eleven classical BF polarrizer – crystal plate – polarrizer blocks coombined into seven polariization stages four of whicch are split too reduce the number of po olarizers. Threee stages, I, II, I VII (Figurre 3), made frrom Iceland spar, s are widee-angle, Lio I type, regular.. Four stages,, III, IV, V, VI V with calcitee and quartz plates are spllit, wide-anglle (except forr VI), Evans type. t The pollarization stag ges are locateed in two busshings (Figuree 5). A short bbushing featu ures only two polarization stages I and II (see Figuree 3). Stage II forms a 1 Å passband; annd stage I, thee so-called co ontrast stage, aacts virtually as the stage with a full width w at half maximum m (FW WHM) of 1 Å. Å The contraast stage becoomes effectivee if we gnations in Fig gure 3) on thee lever in the flange includde in the stackk its external polarizer 1 (ssee also desig “Сonttrast” (Figure 5) of the filterr housing (thee lever is moved from «Auss» to «Ein»). IIn the optical stacks, s 88 V.I. Skoomorovsky, G.I. Kushtal, K L.S. Lopteva, V.A. Proshiin, V.D. Trifonov,, S.A. Chuprakov,, V.A. Khimich b F Figure 5. Barrell of the filter crrystal stack (a); movable elemeents (b) both eends of the shhort bushing have h quarter-w wave plates 3 and 11; therefore we can sshift the passb band of both tthe stages by rotating r the bu ushing aroundd fixed externaal polarizers. A long, fixed bushing consiists of five (IIII–VII) polarizzation stages. On the side oof the short bu ushing, it has polarizer 13 of o stage III. On O the oppositte side is quarrter-wave platee 41 of stage V VII with an FWHM F e and tunable with external polaarizer 43 locaated on the leever of of 0.55 Å. This stagge becomes effective flangee 0.5 Å. The lever l is moveed from «1 Å»» to «0.5 Å» position. p The passband in aall the three tunable filter stages is shifted from the general bushingg (line-shifterr, Figure 5) thrrough convenntional transmiissions by rootating the short bushing around a fixed polarizers 1, 13 and by synchronous s rrotation of ex xternal polariizer 43 aroundd quarter-wav ve plate 41 of the fixed stag ge with the 0.5 Å FWHM iin the long bu ushing. The shhort bushing and a external polarizer p 43 arre conventionaally hooked with w the 1:2 traansmission rattio. STMENT OF F THE BF P PASSBAND D ADJUS T The goal of thhe adjustment is to match ppassbands of tunable t stagess, with the passsband of unttunable stagess, and with the Нα line at operating o tempperature. An inaccurate i maatching of thee passbands caauses a decreaase in transmiission and an increase i in seccondary peakss. D During adjustm ment at the spectrograph, we should reducee the effect of such s a factor ass light polarizaation in the spectrograph andd illumination system lenses upon the accu uracy of stage matching. m Thee filter flange with w the unable stages should be direccted to the lam mp; and the flaange with the 0.5 Å stage with w the contraast and 1 Å tun turnedd-out external polarizer, to th he spectrograpph slit. First, we w match the passband p of thhe 1 Å stage with w the filter ppassband by rootating the sho ort bushing with th its turned-ou ut polarizer. Yeet on the specttrograph slit we w put a depolaarizer to neutraalize the disturrbing light moddulation from the 0.5 Å stag ge. Then, we addjust the contrast and 0.5 Å stages for maaximum transm mission by tunning their own operating polaarizers. It is veery useful to employ e mission of theese stages, ussing not maxiimum but min nimum first tthe additional polarizers to adjust transm transm mission and symmetry s of secondary peaaks. This adju ustment is more m accurate. Then, the working w polarizzers are simplly set to crosssed position w with the additio onal ones. Aftter having mat atched the stag ges, we correcct the operatingg temperature of o the filter to aaccurately adju ust the passban nd to the hydroogen line. 89 Chromoospheric telescoppe of Baikal Astro ophysical Observvatory. New light PROFIILES OF TH HE BF AND D INTERFER RENCE PR REFILTER P PASSBAND DS S Spectral characcteristics of BF B were foundd at the laboraatory autocolliimating spectrrograph (F=6 m, the apertuure ratio 1:30,, the grating 200×300 2 mm,, 600 groove//mm). The spectrograph annd its equipmeent are detaileed in [Skomorrovsky et al., 2015]. 2 The filtter was set in the t parallel beam; spectra w were registered by the CCD linear array MORS. M Figure 6 illustrates sppectra of the paassband at 0, ±0.25, ± ±0.50, aand ±0.75 Å frrom the Нα linne center. Furthher shift of thee passband leadds to a consideerable increasee in a secondary ry peak becausse other filter sstages are untuunable. Within the ±0.5 Å shiift, false peaks are low, and the passband ha has a high contrrast. IIn 1989 (befoore the curren nt repair), foor preliminary y monochrom matization in B BF we installed an interfe ference MDM heat filter and d a narrowbannd dielectric in nterference fillter. Coatings of these filterrs were in vaccuum therefoore they weree well protectted from moisture [Prosh hin, Aleksanddrovich, 1982 2], but silverr layers were damaged by y solar radiattion. In the photograph p (F Figure 7, top right), this can c be seen iin the centrall part of the MDM M filter ((a reflection glare). The MDM-filter M trransmittance in the centerr became tw wo times less than at thhe edge. Botth the filterss have a go od wavefron nt (for transm mission), butt, because they were seealed in vaccuum, their glasses weree deformed under atmosspheric pressuure. The filteers must not be cemented together – th hey should bbe installed in nto the opticaal stack with ann air gap betw ween them to leeave the waveefront unaltered d. Re-reflectioons in the air gap g can cause reflection glarres and false suns s in an imaage owing to obliquity o of BF F. The sensitivvity area of thee CCD camerra extends fartther than 1.1 µm, thereforee we supplemeented the tand dem MDM-filtter+IF with a color glass light filter SZ ZS-25. Figuree 8 shows thee passband off the IF tandeem in the main in peak in 198 89 (1), its abbsorption in a broad spectrral region (2)), and absorption of the SZ ZS-25 filter ((3) that comp pletely eliminnated secondary peaks at a distance off more than 0.9 0 µm, thus increasing i thee optical density of the taandem from 2 to 6. The tottal transmittannce of the asssembly is nott given in the figure. F Figure 6. BF paassbands for 0, ±0.25, ± 0.5, annd ±0.75 Å possitions from thee Нα line centerr. They are norm malized relativve to the passbaand in zero possition. Filter traansmittance at zero position of o the line-shiftter. Profiles forr all the positioons are scaled up u to distinguish h the false peakks. As the passb band shifts, the intensity Ic of th the main peak reduces. The FW WHM decreasees from 0.43 Å at 0.25 Å to 0.339 Å at 0.75 Å 90 V.I. Skoomorovsky, G.I. Kushtal, K L.S. Lopteva, V.A. Proshiin, V.D. Trifonov,, S.A. Chuprakov,, V.A. Khimich F Figure 7. On thee right are prefiltters of 1989 (at the top) and 2015 (at the bottom m). On the left iis the transmitttance of the MD DM filter in thee center (1) and d on edges (2, 3)) T The new prefiilter developeed in 2015 is comprised off three dielectrric filters: a nnarrowband co ontrast one w with an FWHM M of ~30 Å, an nd two filters cutting up to 1.4 µm. Nineteen-layer cutt filters are deesigned as 1/22λHLH…19....HL1/2λH with w H and L being mateerials with high h and low w refractive indices i respecctively. Yet external e coatin ngs are half-w wave, made from ZnSe with w a high reeflective index; and internnal coatings arre quarter-wav ve, applied altternatively by materials with high (ZnSe)) and low (Naa3AlF6) refracctive indices. The multilayer filter coatiings are sealeed by optical cement. All the three filteers are cemennted together and set in the barrel (the boottom photogrraph on the lefft of Figure 7)). Figure 8 illu ustrates the paassband of thhe narrowband d IF (4), the IF optical deensity with on ne cut filter ((5), and the optical o densitty of the IF asssembly with two t cut filterss (6). A At 22 °С, the narrowband filter is centerred on λ 6581 Å, the transsmittance is 669 %; and in the t Нα line, tthe transmittannce is ~30 %. This filter wiith the 30 Å FWHM well su uppresses secoondary peaks of BF. Althoough the prefiilter is not ceentered on thee hydrogen liine, there is enough light,, transmitted by the F system, to capture c imagess by the new ccamera with exposure time of several millliseconds. IF+BF REIMA AGING LEN NS T The primary soolar image 20 mm m in diameteer is produced by the teleobjective and field ld lens approxiimately in the middle of BF. The new fou ur-lens objectivve (Figure 9) trransfers the im mage to the Ham amamatsu С9300-124 x size is 24×366 mm; the imaage diameter, 18 1 mm. The obbjective also corrects c digitall camera (Japaan). The matrix aberraations of prior optics. Since the t laboratory had a limited set of radius operating o test gglasses, the ob bjective was caalculated as a two-componen t nt system. Eachh of the compo onents includeed two lenses (ccrown, flint) with w the use off only two nom minals of radii of o curvature. W When the lensses were being g treated, the interference control c of the shape of theirr surfaces wass made with tthe operating test glasses; and a the controol of centerin ng, by measuring thickness of the lensess along the eddge on a rotatiing table (Figu ure 10) with thhe aid of an in ndicator. 91 Chromoospheric telescoppe of Baikal Astro ophysical Observvatory. New light F Figure 8. Spectraa of prefilter tran nsmissions obtaiined by the Hitaachi U-3400 specctrophotometer. Along the X-ax xis is the waveleength in nanomeeters; along the Y-axis, Y the transm mittance in % (1 1, 4), and the opttical density in aabsorption (2, 3, 5, 6) F Figure 9. Reim maging lens (F= =230 mm, D=700 mm) in the barrel: b 1, 3 are positive p lenses ; 2 is a meniscus; 4 is a magnnetic-base neggative lens b F Figure 10. Tablle for measuring g wedging of leenses (a); pressiing scheme (b) 92 V.I. Skoomorovsky, G.I. Kushtal, K L.S. Lopteva, V.A. Proshiin, V.D. Trifonov,, S.A. Chuprakov,, V.A. Khimich B Before measuuring lens thiickness, we sshould press the lens to th he support off the rotating g table and seet it (with thee same indicaator) in such a way as to prrevent its ecccentricity wheen the table ro otates. A shoortcoming off most well-known table ddesigns is thaat the radial pusher p lever not only shiffts but also ccan slightly raaise a lens, th hus introducinng an error in nto the contro ol of its thickkness along th he lens edge. To improve thhe control accu uracy, we workked out a new pendulous p desiign for the push sher. The push her side bearinng up against the edge of the t lens is bevveled and rou unded; the rev verse side is m made in the fo orm of evolvent along whiich an adjustiing screw durring rotation slides s and moves the pusheer. The pusher itself way on a spinndle, located below the adjjusting screw. When rotatiing, the screw w presses the pusher can sw alwayys at right anggles to the ev volvent, and tthe pusher, displacing d the lens lengthw wise, simultan neously pressees it to the suppport of the ro otating table. E Each componeent of the reim maging lens iss assembled by b immersion with a refracttive index nd=1.578. = The iinterference quality q control of the lenns was run with an uneequal-arm intterferometer in the autocoollimation schheme (Figure 11) in the besst image planee. F Figure 12 shoows a calculated wave diffeerence of the beam path in the four-lenss reimaging leens for an axxial point (a) and a wavefrront interferoggram in the double d beam path through the lens (b). Wave aberraations of the reimaging lenss are close to eestimated ones and range within w 0.1λ. ASSEM MBLY AND ADJUSTM MENT OF TH HE TELEO OBJECTIVE E IN THE E STANDAR RD BARRE EL O Over the 35--year period of operationn, the teleobj bjective becam me dirty andd needed com mplete disasssembly, cleaniing, and readju ustment. T The standard barrel of the teleobjective is a tube abo out 400 mm long l (Figures 13, 14). It feeatures adjusttable tilt of thhe negative len ns on the balll support of th he back tube flange and addjustable leng gthwise displaacement of thiis lens relativee to the positivve lens, fixed motionlessly on the front tu tube flange. There is no meechanism for lens displaceement perpenddicular to thee optical axis because exacct centering of o lens barrells in the tube of the teleobjective and lennses themselves is specified d by their desiign. The instaallation of pulller bolts to thhe back flangee of the teleobbjective tube has h proved useful in practicce. They can help h to removve the blockinng of the negative lens barreel with the len ns tilt being ad djusted on thee ball support. In the tube ssidewall theree is a port thro ough which w we can put a baffler b to elim minate secondaary reflection glares duringg lens adjustm ment. F Figure 11. Conttrol scheme in the t best image pplane 93 Chromoospheric telescoppe of Baikal Astro ophysical Observvatory. New light b F Figure 12. Wavvefront of the leens for an axiall point: a is a computed c wavefront, Px, Py are re radii of the entrance pupil iin meridional annd sagittal plan nes; b is a waveffront interferog gram (double paath), λ 6328 Å T The teleobjecttive lenses aree installed intoo their barrels 1, 4 (Figure 13) 1 on three siide spacers plaaced at an anggle of 120°. To T the same barrels b during the lens adjustment, we fasten diaphraggms 7, 9 (FIgu ure 13) with aapertures 1–2 mm. T These aperturees are used to center a beam m of the laser, installed togeether with screeen 5, on the side of the poositive lens att a distance off ~1 m (Figurres 13, 15). Th he beam tracees the positionn of the geom metrical axis oof the teleobjeective tube. Th he positive lenns is nonadjusstable. It is sett perpendiculaar to the opticcal axis by tiltting and transvversely displaacing the wholle tube by optiical bench meechanisms. F Figure 13. Adjjustment and control c of the tteleobjective in the barrel: 1 is the externaal tube (positiv ve lens barrel)); 2 is the inteernal tube with h a ball supporrt; 3 is the adjjustment of inter-lens distannce; 4 is the neegative lens b arrel; 5 is the laser with the screen; 6 is thhe reference flaat mirror; 7 is a diaphragm; 8 are the adjusstments phragm; 10 is tthe unequal-arm m interferometter of the negative-lens tilt; 9 is a diap 94 V.I. Skoomorovsky, G.I. Kushtal, K L.S. Lopteva, V.A. Proshiin, V.D. Trifonov,, S.A. Chuprakov,, V.A. Khimich F Figure 14. Deviice with the flatt etalon and inteerferometer to control c the wav vefront of the teeleobjective F Figure 15. The laser with the screen s b a c F Figure 16. Appeearance of an in nterference imagge during match hing of reflectio on glares. Refleection glares only from the possitive lens are seeparated (a), coincide (b). Refleection glares fro om four surfaces of the two lensses coincide (c) T The control iss implemented d on the screeen, using refleection glares reflected r from the lens surfface. A reflecction glare froom its front convex c surfacce is blurred; that from itss back concavve surface, fo ocused (Figurre 16, a). As reflection glaares approachh each other, we observe an a interferencee ring image that is centerred at the screeen aperture by y tilting the lenns (tube) (Figurre 16, b). Refleection glares frrom the negative lens can bee temporarily blocked b with a baffler lest thhey impede. Nevertheless, we should contrrol beam propaagation througgh apertures off the diaphragm ms of both the lenses and, if necessity, n correect the laser’s pposition. A After adjustmeent with reflecction glares frrom the positiv ve lens, we firmly fix the te teleobjective tu ube on the opptical bench. Reflection glares from thee negative len ns are also ceentered at thee screen aperture by adjustting the tilt off the barrel on the ball suppoort before the interference im mage appears within this leens and 95 Chromospheric telescope of Baikal Astrophysical Observatory. New light between lenses. When reflection glares from the lenses are situated near the screen aperture, they are precisely centered at the aperture by tilting the lenses; and interference images are displaced and centered by parallel displacement of the lenses. If centers of three images cannot be matched by changing the negativelens tilt, it is necessary to displace the lens in the barrel toward matching of the images by changing spacers. The screen (Figure 16, c) exhibits three systems of Newton interference rings: two from the lenses and one, wider, from surfaces of the air gap. The latter reacts to vibrations in a building and air turbulence in it. With required tolerances for centering of the lens, the admissible spacing between image centers is no more than 0.5 mm at a distance of 2 m from the lens to the screen [Klevtsov, 1987]. STUDYING THE WAVEFRONT OF THE TELEOBJECTIVE In focus of the teleobjective, we set unequal-arm interferometer 10 (see Figures 13, 14) centered at the same apertures of the diaphragms on barrels of the teleobjective lenses; and on the side of the positive lens, we install reference flat mirror 6 to control the wavefront in the autocollimation scheme. Note that the teleobjective was adjusted using special laser 5 instead of interferometer laser 10 (Figure 13) because in the beam splitting cube of the interferometer there occurred additional reflection glares impeding the adjustment. Wavefront interferograms in the double beam path were obtained for a point on the axis of the teleobjective with a distance of 345.5 mm between the lenses. With this distance, the teleobjective – field lens system produces an intermediate solar image in the middle of the BF optical stack. Figure 17 shows interferograms obtained in 2015 before disassembly (b) and after cleaning and assembly (c). For comparison, we give the previously presented wavefront interferogram (Figure 2) of the lens after the first assembly in 1980 (Figure 17, a). Below are calculated wavefront profiles for axial points and at a distance of 16 arcmin (d). Over the 35-year period of the telescope operation, the adjustment and wavefront of the teleobjective have changed little, if at all. The newly adjusted lens shows the wavefront not worse than before disassembly, and even closer to the calculated value. Differences between interferograms can be caused by airflows in the building and by temperature gradients on the lenses that appear despite air blowing of the control zone. ADJUSTMENT OF THE WHOLE OPTICAL SYSTEM OF THE CHROMOSPHERIC TELESCOPE On the optical bench, we set the telescope tube without optics (Figure 18) assembled from the following blocks: teleobjective flange 1, declination box 2, filter 3, and reimaging lens 4 with the camera. On the side of the reimaging lens we fix the unequal-arm interferometer with the screen. The camera is not shown in the figure. In the front flange of the telescope and in the mount of the reimaging lens barrel, we set diaphragms D1, D2 with a central aperture 1–2 mm. These apertures are reference for tracing of the future optical axis of the telescope and for installation of teleobjective optics, field lens, BF, reimaging lens, and CCD camera. 96 V.I. Skoomorovsky, G.I. Kushtal, K L.S. Lopteva, V.A. Proshiin, V.D. Trifonov,, S.A. Chuprakov,, V.A. Khimich c b d F Figure 17. Wavvefront interferograms of the teleobjective: а is 1980, the first f assembly [[Klevtsov, 1987]; b is 2015 bbefore the disasssembly; c is thee assembly on M May 5, 2015; d is the calculateed wavefront F Figure 18. Adjustment and co ontrol scheme for the telesco ope The numbeers at the top aare distances between b opticall elements, mm m 97 Chromospheric telescope of Baikal Astrophysical Observatory. New light The beam splitting cube of the interferometer is changed to a mirror prism for the adjustment period to get rid of secondary reflection glares. By moving the interferometer, we direct a laser beam from the prism through the aperture in the screen to the telescope and match it with the telescope axis through reference apertures of the diaphragms. The optical elements are set and adjusted according to their position in the optical scheme, starting with the teleobjective. The teleobjective. The teleobjective, assembled and adjusted in its barrel, is fixed in the front flange of the telescope. By tilting the whole barrel, we adjust an interference image of reflection glares, which reflected from surfaces of the teleobjective lenses, to the center of the interferometer screen. The field lens is installed into its barrel. In this case it appeared that the optical center of the field lens did not coincide with the center of the barrel. We had to turn the mount of the barrel and shift the field lens along with the barrel by 1 mm to make the reflection glares reflected from its surface be within the screen center. BF. If the filter is set correctly, a laser beam should come to the center of the protective glass of the BF optical stack and be reflected to the interferometer screen center. We gave surfaces of protective glasses in the filter an anti-reflection coating for the red spectral region. To enhance brightness of the reflected laser beam, we screwed a glass in barrel (mirror or cut filter) into a window flange of the filter. The surface of the glass had been made parallel to the BF protective glass. Notice that the surface of the entrance IF should also be set parallel to the entrance (exit) window of the crystal stack. BF is brought to the optical axis and to autocollimation by longitudinal and inclined movements of a matching site. After the adjustment, BF is taken out from the matching site because its passband does not transmit emission in the 6328 Å line. To control the wavefront of the telescope in this line, we replace BF with a simulator made from a transparent glass. The reimaging lens. The mount of the lens barrel with the installed base diaphragm D2 is preliminarily set perpendicular to a laser beam, using autocollimation from an auxiliary mirror. The objective lenses themselves and the lens barrel were well centered and after installation of the barrel to the mount fell in the screen center. The landing flange of the CCD camera (not shown in the figure) was adjusted to the axis of the telescope, using a laser beam. WAVEFRONT OF OPTICS OF THE CHROMOSPHERIC TELESCOPE AND “NEW LIGHT” Wavefront interferograms of the telescope (Figure 19) were obtained in the autocollimation scheme with the reference flat mirror. Before exposure, optics had been «kept» for several hours to equalize temperature gradients. The building where all the optical elements were located was blown by a fan. 98 V.I. Skoomorovsky, G.I. Kushtal, K L.S. Lopteva, V.A. Proshiin, V.D. Trifonov,, S.A. Chuprakov,, V.A. Khimich b c d e f F Figure 19. Wavve aberrations of the Нα telescoope optics: calcculated wave ab berrations (λ=0..6563 µm) for an a axial point ((a); those at thee edge of the fiield of view off 16 arcmin (b);; interferogramss (λ=0.6328 µm m) in the doublle beam path foor an axial poinnt, focal images (c, d); a postfoocal image (e); a prefocal imag ge (f) T The interferoggrams show th hat the qualityy of the telesccope optics en nsures fulfillm ment of the Raayleigh criteriion. Wavefronnt distortions of o the modernnized BF, whicch were meassured using seeparate blocks in the Twym man interferom meter, are also within tolerabble limits. Belo ow is given a full f disk chrom mospheric imaage and scaledd-up fragmentss of the imagees captured in the Нα line ceenter and wing g with an aperrture of 120 mm m and exposuure time of 0.0005 s in summeer 2015 (Figurres 20–24). The FWHM is 0.47 Å. Spatial rresolution is ~1. G Given the nom minal diameter of the lenss of 170 mm m and its high quality, it iss possible to obtain higheer resolution images i underr good atmosppheric condittions; howeveer, the effectiive diameter of the use a full-dissk image is taken t at reso olution of thee telescope already a lens hhas been deccreased becau determ mined by mattrix and pixel sizes. The usse of the entirre aperture can n lead to an inncrease in scaattered light aand to an unjuustified increaase in the heaat load on BF. IIn the telescoppe, by employ ying the full aperture of 180 mm and the t high-resollution cameraa under good astroclimatic conditions, we w can obtainn solar imagees with resolu ution higher tthan 1′′ with image w 0.05 Å across the fieeld of view. monoochromaticity within CONCL LUSION T The chromosppheric telescop pe of the Baikkal Astrophysiccal Observatorry is again reaady for observ vations withinn the solar patr trol program an nd for scientiffic research. We W have made a new reimagging lens to taake full solar ddisk images with w the Hamam matsu С9300-1124 digital cam mera. All the telescope t opticcs have been cleaned c and reeadjusted. BF has been repaaired. Spectrall characteristiccs of the prefiilter and BF pprovide high-ccontrast monocchromatic imaages. Wavefron nt interferograams of optical elements and the t telescope aas a whole sho ow that waveffront distortionns of the entire optical path arre within 0.25λλ. 99 Chromoospheric telescoppe of Baikal Astro ophysical Observvatory. New light O Over a period from 1981 to 1999, 50 mm m solar images were captured d on an 80-mm m film. The av vailable archivve of films haas many imagees with spatiall resolution off about 1. In 2000–2002, 550 mm imagees were taken by the Princeton Instrumeents CCD cam mera with a 50×50 5 mm maatrix detector,, 2048×2048 pixels. Nowaadays, 18 mm solar images are captured bby the Hamam matsu С9300-12 24 CCD cameera with a 36×2 24 mm matrixx detector, 40000×2672 pixelss. There is slighhtly more than n 1 pixel for 1″. IIt is obvious that digital recording succcessfully com mpetes againstt film recordiing, but this cannot implyy an overwhelming advan ntage of onee technology y over anotheer [ methoodics/obzor_reestore-text-arcchival-documeent.shtml]. Resolution R off photomateriial depends on its photoosensitivity. Prroper exposure and developpment time off a film can pro ovide a higherr resolution im mage if the tellescope lens is not stopped down to 120 mm as we aree doing now to o reduce useleess exposure. On the other hand, even iff we set its diaaphragm to 12 0 mm, the exp posure time of the CCD cam mera for featu ures on the soolar disk is onne order of magnitude m shoorter than that of film recorrding; it is 5 ms with a dy ynamic range of around 4000. This is esssential for acqquisition of ten ns and hundreeds of images less prone to seeing effectts, for selection of the best images i or theiir post factum m processing with w regard to tthe flat field. F Figure 20. The chromosphere, the Hα line cennter, August 8, 2015, 09:01:00 0 LT F Figure 21. The chromosphere (a fragment of F T Figure 20), the Hα line center,, August 8, 201 5, 09:01:00 LT 100 V.I. Skoomorovsky, G.I. Kushtal, K L.S. Lopteva, V.A. Proshiin, V.D. Trifonov,, S.A. Chuprakov,, V.A. Khimich F Figure 22. The chromosphere, the +0.5 Å winng, August 8, 20 015, 09:06:01 LT L F Figure 23. The chromosphere, the +0.2 Å winng, August 23, 2015, 2 15:21:18 LT F Figure 24. The chromosphere, the Hα line cennter, August 23, 2015, 17:13:17 LT T This is just thee digital techn nology that faacilitates real-ttime registratiion and exchaange of solar images i in thee worldwide network of solar observattories. Addressses of the arrchive of the solar patrol of the worlddwide networkk of solar staations and reeal-time Нα observations o are a given on the website of the 101 Chromospheric telescope of Baikal Astrophysical Observatory. New light National Solar Observatory (the USA) [ IAU-Com12/resources, Smart/]. You can see that in the image quality the BAO chromospheric telescope is highly competitive with telescopes of the worldwide network. Moreover, opportunity exists to further increase its resolution by means of a higher resolution matrix. We thank C.Sc. (Phys.&Math.) A.A. Golovko, A.A. Zhdanov not only for providing us with solar observations to illustrate operation of the telescope but also for the image quality analysis contributing to the modernization, as well as the head of the Baikal Astrophysical Observatory C.Sc. (Phys.&Math.) A.V. Borovik – the main initiator and organizer of this great work – and the head of the machining department V.S. 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