Project “ReciTec: Tecnology Recycling”
Project “ReciTec: Tecnology Recycling”
RECITEC PROJECT 2015 Project “ReciTec: Tecnology Recycling” COOPERATION ALIANCE BETWEEN THE ROTARY CLUB OF SAN LORENZO (PARAGUAY) AND THE POLYTECHNIC FACULTY OF THE NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF ASUNCIÓN COMMITTEE OF SERVICE PROJECTS AND COMMITTEE OF THE ROTARIAN FOUNDATION ROTARY CLUB OF SAN LORENZO | Paraguay RECITEC PROJECT Prepared by: Eng. María Elena García {} Contributors: Eng. Christian Parra Trepowsky, Ph.D {} , Eng. José Riveros Insfrán, Ph.D. {} Eng. Andrés Ramírez {} 1/11 RECITEC PROJECT Content Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 1 Background ................................................................................................................................... 1 Justification ................................................................................................................................... 1 General Purpose ............................................................................................................................ 2 Specific objectives ......................................................................................................................... 2 Goals .............................................................................................................................................. 3 Material Assets and Methodology Working ................................................................................. 3 Stages of the Project ..................................................................................................................... 4 Schedule ........................................................................................................................................ 5 ICT Budget ..................................................................................................................................... 6 Estimated Budget per individual project....................................................................................... 6 Budget – Global Summary............................................................................................................. 6 Budget for Construction Works .................................................................................................... 6 Funding .......................................................................................................................................... 7 Human resources .......................................................................................................................... 7 Beneficiaries .................................................................................................................................. 7 Desired Outcomes and Evaluation Mechanisms........................................................................... 7 Project Sustainability..................................................................................................................... 8 Communication and Dissemination of Results ............................................................................. 8 Registry of Rotary activities in beneficiary schools ....................................................................... 9 RECITEC PROJECT Introduction The Rotary Club of San Lorenzo, through its Committee of Service Projects, has analyzed the proposal of developing this project from the viewpoint of San Lorenzo communities’ most pressing needs. In this context, it has a established a strategic partnership with the National University of Asunción, with the purpose of conducting the project known as "ReciTec", to recycle technological components and put them to use in communities that need them, to help in alleviating the digital divide and improving their quality of life. In particular, this project will be focused in the area of "Literacy and basic education", which both Rotary International and The Rotary Foundation have adopted as an area of interest. This partnership will stimulate the synergy among San Lorenzo’s residents, creating also a sense of belonging that can lead to substantial and tangible changes. Background In searching to create an effective and efficient project for serving their community, the Rotary Club of San Lorenzo analyzed the merits of the proposal based in the experience of its members within similar projects and in the experience of the National University of Asunción, which has been engaging since 2007 in community through programs like "PC Backpack" and "Tenonderã", by which the university has recycled computers, donated them to educational institutions of low-income communities and provided training, both to teachers and students of these institutions, on how to use and maintain these computers. To achieve this alliance, The Rotary Club of San Lorenzo has signed a framework agreement with the Polytechnic Faculty of the National University of Asunción, and is currently in the process of signing the Specific Agreement No. 1 "Technology Recycling Project: ReciTEC." These programs have a massive participation of students from schools that year after year are trained in the efficient use of technology, numbering from 100 to 150 people annually. And students and faculty staff of the University, competent in the efficient management of ICT, participate of the project by volunteering, learning how to be supportive and sharing their knowledge and experiences. Both the Rotary Club of San Lorenzo and the University have a common goal: to serve their community with social responsibility, and this is the main motivation to lead this project in collaboration. Justification The many factors underlying the implementation and financing of this project are analyzed following the guidelines of Rotary, which emphasizes that projects must address real problems and should improve the living conditions of the community. Real Problem of the Community: Students from high schools around San Lorenzo graduate from high schools lacking the practice and basic knowledge about how to make use of ICTs, essential in modern workplaces, such as the office oriented tools (e.g., text processors and spreadsheets) and other more general computer management tools (e.g., the basics of operating systems like Windows). This lead students to become functional illiterate when it comes to ICT. 1/11 RECITEC PROJECT Improve the living conditions of members of the community: Consequently, this project will provide an opportunity for many young people to improve their incomes and thus, improving also their quality of life, both of themselves and possibly also of their families and environment. It will enhance the skills of people and the capabilities of the benefited communities. Improve job opportunities of beneficiaries: With these training courses, young people in the most deprived communities will have an opportunity to develop their skills in ICT, learning the needed competences for the effective management of a computer and its resources, leading them to more easily obtain job opportunities that are in line with the basic requirements of this century. As a result, there will be a reduction of the digital divide for the benefited communities. Involved community: The project will be open to the participation and contribution of other members of the community, Rotarians, students and professors of the University, students and teachers of high schools in San Lorenzo, companies and professionals in the area. Available Resources: With contributions made by the Foundation, and others generated through other activities, the project will have resources available to support the project. While technology renovates, it generates technological waste this project will recycled and re-use, based on the premise that discarded computers will exists still for a long time. Goals and objectives with measurable results: The RECITEC project has clear objectives and establishes short- and medium-term goals, with expected results that can be measured, analyzed and corrected as more specific planned activities are developed in the project. In the section on schedule and deadlines can view these expected results and how they are expected to be sustainable over time. Community Empowerment: Given the collaborative and supportive volunteering nature of project, a synergy will be stimulated between the stakeholders, creating some networking opportunities between academics, Rotarians and the entire community. General Purpose Recycle and donate computers to schools of San Lorenzo, aiming to those that have limited resources, with the primary purpose of contributing to the reduction of the digital divide of the most the underprivileged sectors of the community, facilitating access to the first employment of youth in the community. Specific objectives The following have been proposed as specific objectives to accomplish in this project: 1. To promote the recycling of parts, contributing to environmental care. 2. Meet the requirements of the University’s outreach program, through endeavors that serve the community. 3. Contribute to the learning of collaborative and supportive work. 4. Train teachers and high school students about maintenance and proper use of ICT. 5. Collaborate in reducing the digital divide among the citizenry of the country 6. Comply with the guiding principles of Rotary around the ideal of service. 2/11 RECITEC PROJECT Goals Depending on the objectives and needs, as well as according to the funds to be counted, the project aims to achieve the following goals: 1. Initially, to provide at least 10 computers to the library of one or more institutions, or contribute with a living laboratory for 2 schools. 2. Train at least 5 teachers from the schools involved in the use and management of the "Linux" operating systems, or a similar type of Open Source systems. 3. Training in the basic tools for preventive maintenance of these equipments. 4. Within the possibilities of Rotary and the Polytechnic School of the UNA, adapt the infrastructures of buildings, electrical systems, security and furniture of these schools, for them to be used as a laboratories. Material Assets and Methodology Working For efficient realization of the planned activities, a methodology of work has been developed, which will be performed based on collaborative work with community volunteers, based on the respect for the environment, which implies recycling technological components as much possible. The Rotary Club will manage the gathering of funds from various sources, and the Polytechnic School project will provide its technology laboratories, together with the highly qualified human talent of its teachers and students. The team will be composed of: 2 or 3 teachers of the Polytechnic School, who will be coordinators of outreach areas, program directors, and heads of departments or teachers. Students of technology programs of the Polytechnic School, working in groups of 5 to 10 students, one working as a team leader. Each of these teams will develop their plan of activities. 1 or 2 coordinators from the Rotary San Lorenzo, who will be in charge of the liaison and project leadership. Other members of Rotary San Lorenzo, who will collaborate on the project. 2 or 3 teachers from beneficiary schools, who will be leading the project a posteriori, to provide continuity. 3/11 RECITEC PROJECT Stages of the Project Stage 1: Obtention of the equipments for the recycling and purchase of parts Stage 2: Design and testing of the prototype Stage 3: Presentation of the work in the ETyC 2015 Stage 5- Delivery of the donations to the secondary schools Stage 4: Training of the teachers Stage 6: Diffusion of the results 4/11 RECITEC PROJECT Schedule The proposed 12 months schedule for the project is detailed in the following table. Tabla 1. Activities Schedule Activities/Months 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Release / Signing of Agreement No. 2 Parts procurement Recycling process begins Classroom reconditioning Civil works Delivery and Training Presentation of Results Project Closure 5/11 RECITEC PROJECT ICT Budget According to current market prices, to tune the computers that will be donated to schools, they must be equipped with some new components, since otherwise they cannot be used in schools. This requires to acquire some new motherboards, memory, hard drives, processors, connector kits, keyboards, mouse, among other components. Estimated Budget per individual project Aprox. Amount U$ Object of Expenditure 1- Equipment reconditioning 2- Equipment installation 3- Beneficiary Training 5.000,00 4- Parts procurement 5- Classroom reconditioning – Civil works 6- Classroom reconditioning – Electrical installation 7- Classroom furnishing TOTAL AMOUNT U$: 2.600,00 5.000,00 5.000,00 Institution % Facultad Politécnica de la UNA 25 13 ROTARY Global Subvention (U$ 15.000,00) 2.400,00 20.000,00 25 25 12 100 Budget – Global Summary Project 1 Col. Barcequillo 2 Col. San Miguel Arcángel 3 Col. San Rafael Aprox. Amount U$ School Total 5.000,00 5.000,00 15.000,00 5.000,00 1 Col. Barcequillo 15.000,00 2 Col. San Miguel Arcángel 15.000,00 45.000,00 15.000,00 TOTAL AMOUNT U$: 60.000,00 3 Col. San Rafael Institution % Facultad Politécnica de la UNA 25 ROTARY Global Subvention (U$ 45.000,00) 75 100 Budget for Construction Works The need to adapt the classroom buildings to install laboratories requires some construction related works to be performed: electrical installations, facilities for weak signals, security installations, air conditioners, closed circuit cameras (due to the high risk of robbery, linked to youth crime rates in the area), among others. 6/11 RECITEC PROJECT Funding This project will be financed with funds from the Regional Rotary Foundation, necessary for the acquisition of components. In addition, the RC-SL intends to seek other financing companies and institutions from the community of San Lorenzo, and with funds of the club. Human resources The Rotarian Community is characterized by its vocation of service to the community, responsibly and with solidarity. With this project, this dimension of the RC-SL will be fulfilled, and it will only be possible with the commitment of all the members of RC-SL and all the members of the university community of FP-UNA. Consequently, the following stakeholders will be part of this project: Teachers of FP-UNA. 2 or more officials from the Department of Informatics of FP-UNA 20 or more FP-UNA students from the programs of Computer Science, Bachelor in Electricity, Electrical Engineering, and Informatics Engineering and others. Members of the Rotary Club of San Lorenzo and other clubs who want to join. Volunteers from Community High schools beneficiaries Beneficiaries The programs of FP-UNA that precede RECITEC are actively working since 2007 with schools around San Lorenzo, in low-income neighborhoods, where students of these schools lack basic resources to obtain a good education in high schools. It is expected that the project will benefit around 2.500 people in San Lorenzo. The following schools will benefit from this project: Low-Income Public Schools of San Lorenzo: 1. 2. 3. 4. Colegio Choferes del Chaco - San Lorenzo Colegio Barcequillo - San Lorenzo Colegio San Miguel Arcangel - San Colegio San Rafael - San Lorenzo Desired Outcomes and Evaluation Mechanisms As the project has an educational component from the point of view of the university, and another from the point of view of schools, both components are evaluated based on the results: 1. Increase in the number of teachers and students trained on the tools of the operating systems and office automation. 2. It is hoped that through the development of prototypes, students of FP-UNA will improve their skills and abilities in recycling computers. This result will be evaluated 7/11 RECITEC PROJECT according to the grades obtained during the design process and assemble computers using a Checklist. 3. Facilitating access to better employment to the youth of the communities involved. These results will be evaluated based on the records of training and evaluation of teachers and trained students. 4. Bridging the digital gap between citizens of the community in low-income communities and marginalized sectors of society. This will be judged based on the performance of the beneficiaries as well as the number of beneficiaries. 5. Introduce the Rotary work efficiently, it will be evaluated with a survey of beneficiaries, as well as publications in the media, in the journal Aranduká and Poligaceta of FP-UNA Project Sustainability The effectiveness of the proposal will be visible over time if sustainability and empowerment of beneficiaries is achieved, which is based on the following points: 1. Highly dynamic technology, which generates obsolete computers in a short time, allowing computers to continue to recycle. 2. The National University of Asunción has over 120 years of tradition and prestigious experience, student volunteers will continue emerge to collaborate with their work in fulfilling their university outreach, which is required to complete their programs. 3. Ability to solve a long-term community need, keeping the computer labs operative. 4. Empowering the community as an active part of the project, working to improve the laboratories. 5. Sponsorship of companies to obtain financial resources for the maintenance and operation of the laboratories. 6. Monitoring and project follow up by the Rotary Club of San Lorenzo. 7. The RC-SL will continue to have partners to contribute in a long-term project. Communication and Dissemination of Results Since the communication throughout the project is critical to motivate club members and all those people and institutions involved, regular newsletters will be made to inform about the progress of the project and its activities, and the difficulties that emerge in order to correct them quickly. Here are the resources that will be used to keep the community informed: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Presentation of project progress at regular meetings of the club Rotary Events for presenting results. Granting recognition to club members and other people as the project develops. Visits by representatives of partner organizations. Events of the club in the project site. Broadcasting in official Rotary web sites (Rotary Showcase) Alluding posters Media reports Social Networks and other media Preparation of an academic or scientific article with the results that have been achieved by the University. 8/11 RECITEC PROJECT Registry of Rotary activities in beneficiary schools 1. High school Choferes del Chaco 2. Teacher of High School in a classroom 3. Rotary Member in a classroom of a beneficiary High School 4. Installation of protection in windows 9/11
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