careers - Keystone Community Resources


careers - Keystone Community Resources
& Keystone Independent Living
The Keystone Mission
is“to provide
people with
Disabilities and Autism
diverse opportunities
to lead fulfilling lives”
ne Com
Celebrating 50 Years of Expanding
the Opportunity For People
with Intellectual Disabilities
Community & Employment
Lackawanna, Luzerne, Susquehanna &
Wyoming Counties.
Over the last half century Keystone Community
Resources, Inc. has earned the distinction
of being the premier provider of career
development and job placement for people
with Developmental Disabilities and Autism.
Keystone provides a menu of innovative programs
in a safe, nurturing environment where all clients
are supported to reach their highest potential
in all aspects of life. The Keystone philosophy of
community and employment partnership not
only creates expanded opportunities for our
clients – it also benefits the employers
and their workers.
Keystone Community Resources, Inc. has a
rich history- in fact it helped write history.
Until the spring of 1964 isolated state
institutions were the setting of choice for
people with Developmental Disabilities
and Autism who needed residential care
and support.
When Keystone Training and
Rehabilitation Residence opened in the
former Elks Club building in downtown
Scranton, it pioneered residential services
for people with Developmental Disabilities
and Autism in an urban environment
with ready access to social, cultural,
educational and vocational resources
within the community.
Introducing the people who are your guides
into your Keystone Community of Resources:
NEXT: Entrepreneurial Keystone
Community Businesses
Keystone is readying the launch of several
wholly-owned micro business operations
throughout the community that will be staffed
and managed by our clients and supervisors.
These will be fully integrated employment sites
for individuals that are trained through our
services. Our Keystone workforce will consider
opportunities like these:
Keystone Kookies – a bakery operation that
produces cookies for retail distribution.
Keystone Kars – An auto cleaning and
detailing business.
Keystone Kremery – Farm-to-table dairy
produce and cheese that starts with a cow
and will end up in a home near you.
Keystone Konversion – A business that converts
graphics, photos and legacy film and videos to
contemporary digital formats of archival quality.
Our Corporate Office:
Keystone Community Resources, Inc.
100 Abington Executive Park, Suite B
Clarks Summit, PA 18411
Phone: 570-702-8000
Contact: Gloria J. Lance 570-561-4527
Robert J. Fleese, President and Owner.
Bob has a Master’s Degree in Social Work, and
has been at Keystone as an employee and
then owner for 45 years.
Laura Brown Yadlosky, Chief Operating Officer
Laura has a B.S. in Psychology and Masters
Degree in Education and has been involved
with services for developmentally disabled
people for her three-decade career.
Gloria J. Lance, Senior Director of Community
& Employment Partnerships
Gloria has B.S. in Elementary and Special
Education, and an M.S. in Human Resources
Administration. She has forty years with the
agency developing quality programs in the
realm of recreational, educational, Performing
and Visual Arts, Day Services and Vocational
Sample Backgrounds of Keystone’s Individual
Program Coordinators: Social Welfare B.A. with
21 years of service; Psychology B.A. and 7 years
of service, Human Development/Family Studies
B.S. with 30 years of service; Communications
B.A. and 29 years of service.
Keystone Certificates and License:
• Licensed under PA Department of Welfare
2380 and 2390 regulations.
• Maintains the Federal Wage and Hour
Certificate for Community Rehabilitation
Programs (Chapter29 CFR Part 25)
• Membership in the International MODAPTS
• Represented through our State Association
PAR and attend meetings and trainings.
• Keystone is an approved vendor with the
State Office of Vocational Rehabilitation.
This idea of including Individuals with Developmental
Disabilities and Autism in the community belonged to founder
Ignatz Deutsch, himself an unlikely Holocost survivor who
immigrated to the Scranton area after World War 2.
Ignatz Deutsch had an enlightened vision to create
environments in the community that would allow individuals
to live in comfort, instead of an institution, and to participate
in community life to the fullest of their capabilities.
It was a simple idea but it defined Keystone Community
Resources, Inc. as a pioneer and the concept has developed
deep roots in the present community, statewide and across
the nation.
The Keystone of today is anchored
in Deutsch’s conviction that every
life has meaning and every person
deserves an opportunity for comfort,
lasting relationships and expression
of purpose.
This indefatigable optimism is
evident in the faces of the people
who have run Keystone like an
extended family for 50 years.
Keystone Community Resources
& Keystone Independent Living
With a current leadership team of professionals whose passion is strengthened not
by years, but rather by decades of experience, Keystone has blossomed as an oasis
of opportunity for our community’s extraordinary population.
Today, Keystone is diverse
in its programs and services
and firmly community based
with 50 Community Homes, 26
Supported Living Sites and 12
Family Living Homes in NE PA.
Keystone also supports seven
community based day programs
consisting of four facilities that focus
on Employment and Vocational
involvement and training and
three complexes dedicated to Day
Activity Services featuring community
development and life skill training.
Keystone Community Resources, Inc. provides customized services to individuals with all intensities
of Developmental Disabilities and Autism. In addition, we have specific, population centered
community programs available for individuals who choose to be a part of our day:
Pre-Vocational Services: The goal for our client is to secure
competitive employment through the training of actual paid
work on-site. Each person is assessed prior to admission via
a personal interview, record review and tour of the facilities.
During that time information is also gathered through
questions and dialogue with significant others to bring forward
information helpful for a successful placement. We create an
Interdisciplinary Team comprising of the individual, vocational,
medical, clinical, vocational, and home and Supports
coordination personnel that remains directly involved in the
person’s career plan so movement in the program is monitored
on a monthly, quarterly and yearly basis.
Keystone Community Resources
& Keystone Independent Living
Employment Training Program:
Keystone has a history of a
progressive Employment
Training programs for
individuals in the community.
Over the past five years
Keystone’s vocational
program has successfully
initiated, worked with and
maintain a relationship with
Lowes Warehousing, for
example. We have engineered
numerous successful individual
placements and our clients are
continuing their employment
with Lowes. Recently Keystone
has established a training
program at the Neiman
Marcus Warehouse where
each worker is fully supported
by Keystone staff during the
duration of the work day.
Each person is receiving full
wages during their opportunity.
Transitional Services: We also offer
a work environment for individuals
who lack experience, training and/or
education but who want to transition
into an integrated, competitive work
place. These programs focus on work
and learning useful skills in a supportive
environment. When an individual is
participating in Transitional Work they
are supervised continuously, and are
part of a small group. Staff supervisors
help the individuals learn basic skills and
acquired good workplace behaviors.
Our present placements for training in
the community are: Pizza Hut, St. Luke’s
Church, Temple Hessed, Abington
Executive Park, Hickory Street offices
and other similar worksites.
Each program area is connected and
transition will flow seamlessly as the
person progresses through his or her
Individual Service Plan.
Keystone also develops employment opportunities where
the interests, needs and productivity of our clients match
a corresponding community opportunity, using some of
the following work models:
• Enclaves-as a group of individuals, usually three to eight
who work with a full time supervisor in the community.
• Mobile Work Crews-travel throughout the community
performing specialized contracted services. Usually three
to eight employees with a full time supervisor.
• Dispersed Group/Cluster Employment: A full time
supervisor oversees Keystone clients who are hired and
assigned at different work stations. Wage options are
commensurate with the non-disabled employee.
• Entrepreneurial Model: Small business development by a
group of individuals that is supported by the community.
• Customer Driven Approach- evaluating along with the
individual and his/her supports an appropriate individual
placement based on their collectives desires.
• Work Stations in Industry- We rent space in existing industry
to manage the opportunity for our clients to work in the
environment and learn the expectations set forth by the business. This yields an understanding of
not only the work skills and expectations but the social skills needed to maintain the employment
relationship. Supervision and training are in place for the entire time the person is working.
• We individualize our programs throughout our connected system to accommodate individual
preferences when they may reach a period in their lives and are no longer interested in working
or able to work.
What kind of opportunity is out there for a sustainable career?
Employment programs in the past include:
• 15 years at Liz Claiborne.
• 12 years at Pizza Hut.
• 8 years at The Banshee.
• 4 years at Aramark.
• 1 year at Genetti Manor.
• 4 years at Emmitt Printing.
• 1 year at Neiman Marcus
• 3 year at Lowes Warehouse
• 3 years at St. Luke’s
• 2 years at Temple Hessed
• 1 year at Abington Executive Park
• 2 years at Abington Community Garden
• 3 years at Valley Library of Carbondale
Emmitt Printing
Abington Community Garden
Keystone also secures sustained employment for our clients via Sub-Contracting Jobs at
employers such as Arlington Industries for 15 years, James A. Doherty, Inc. also for 15 years. With
the sub-contracted work from these businesses, Keystone Community Resources, Inc. vocational
programs have been protected from ‘down time’, meaning that we continue to keep over 200
individuals employed, and it substantiates and speaks to quality of the product they generate.
Keystone Community Resources
& Keystone Independent Living
BUT - Matching the Person to the Opportunity
is Essential
Keystone listens to clients, families, and employers. We gather
the collective information, conduct a record review and tour
prospective facilities and create an individual assessment
that includes solicitation of goals and past achievements
as appropriate.
Family members and caregivers are vital to this process
particularly if the individual needs assistance to communicate
his or her interests and requirements.
Based on this holistic collaboration of medical, clinical, vocational,
support personnel and the client, a career placement will occur.
This placement will be directly related to maximize the choices
and goals of the individual.
A review of the career placement and client success is
monitored monthly, quarterly and annually. All employees can
secure movement from one program level to the next through skill
development that is measured against the goals that they
have agreed to attain.
A unique career opportunity for Keystone clients exists
within the ArtWorks Gallery and Studio in downtown Scranton.
ArtWorks is conceived, designed and supported by
Keystone Community Resources to be a creative outlet
and learning center for all artists and students representing
a wide variety of styles and mediums with full inclusion of
persons with disabilities into the larger art community.
Celebrating 5 years of success, ArtWorks is proud to
offer changing professional exhibits in the gallery and a
wonderful variety of classes for the community including
painting, drawing, theater, sculpture and batik for children,
special artists and adults.
ArtWorks has developed the artistic expression of some of
our clients to the point where they have become award
winning and retail validated professionals.