Timber Sale Appraisal Beaky Buzzard Sale 341-13
Timber Sale Appraisal Beaky Buzzard Sale 341-13
Timber Sale Appraisal Beaky Buzzard Sale 341-13-53 District: Astoria Date: April 16, 2013 cost summary Gross Timber Sale Value 4/16/13 Conifer Hardwood $966,478.19 $451,494.28 $1,417,972.47 Project Work: $(256,848.00) Advertised Value: $1,161,124.47 1 Total Timber Sale Appraisal Beaky Buzzard Sale 341-13-53 District: Astoria Date: April 16, 2013 timber description Location: Portions of Sections 23, 24, and 26, T4N, R8W, W.M., Clatsop County, Oregon. Stand Stocking: 80% SpecieName AvgDBH Amortization (%) Recovery (%) Douglas - Fir 20 0 97 Western Hemlock / Fir 26 0 95 Sitka Spruce 19 0 95 Red Cedar 15 0 90 Alder (Red) 17 0 95 Maple 16 0 90 Volume by Grade 2S 3S 4S Camprun Total Douglas - Fir 1,268 561 50 0 1,879 Western Hemlock / Fir 419 167 10 0 596 Sitka Spruce 4 25 0 0 29 Red Cedar 0 0 1 0 1 Alder (Red) 0 0 0 1,316 1,316 Maple 0 0 0 34 34 Total 1,691 753 61 1,350 3,855 4/16/13 2 Timber Sale Appraisal Beaky Buzzard Sale 341-13-53 District: comments: Astoria Pond Values Used: Date: April 16, 2013 1st Quarter Calendar Year 2013. Expected Log Markets: Warrenton, Garibaldi, Forest Grove, Clatskanie, and Mist, OR; Longview, WA. SCALING COST ALLOWANCE = $5.00/MBF FUEL COST ALLOWANCE = $4.00/Gallon HAULING COST ALLOWANCE Hauling costs equivalent to $780 daily truck cost. Other Costs (with Profit & Risk to be added): Additional Logging Costs: Branding and Painting: $1/MBF x 3,855 MBF = $3,855 Log Loader Slash & Landing Piling (includes Move-In and Pile Materials) = $7,080 (see attached appraisal) Close 2 Dirt Spurs: 6hrs @ $101/hr = $606 Truck Assist on Dirt Spur 1I-1J: $1.5/MBF x $650 MBF = $975 Traffic Control (flaggers) along County Road Area 1: $25/hr x 2 flaggers x 50 hours = $2,500 Additional Rigging Time for Area 1: 80 hrs x $25/hr = $2,000 Additional Fire Hose: 1000' X $1/ft = $1,000 TOTAL Other Costs (with Profit & Risk to be added) = $18,016 Other Costs (No Profit & Risk added): 2 Loggers Choice Landings in Area 1 = $778 Machine Washing for Invasive Weed Control = $4,000 1.5 Sta. Loggers choice dirt spur in Area 1 = $183 TOTAL Other Costs (No Profit & Risk added) = $4,961 4/16/13 3 Timber Sale Appraisal Beaky Buzzard Sale 341-13-53 District: Astoria Date: April 16, 2013 logging conditions Douglas - Fir 28.00% Western Hemlock / Fir 28.00% Sitka Spruce 28.00% Red Cedar 28.00% Alder (Red) 28.00% Maple 28.00% No yarding distance: Medium (800 ft) downhill yarding: Process: Manual Falling/Delimbing logging system: Shovel tree size: Mature / Regen Cut (900 Bft/tree), 3-5 logs/MBF 9.0 4,000 loads / day: bd. ft / load: $69.57 cost / mbf: combination#: 1 machines: Shovel Logger Douglas - Fir 72.00% Western Hemlock / Fir 72.00% Sitka Spruce 72.00% Red Cedar 72.00% Alder (Red) 72.00% Maple 72.00% No yarding distance: Long (1,500 ft) downhill yarding: Process: Manual Falling/Delimbing logging system: Cable: Large Tower >=70 tree size: Mature / Regen Cut (900 Bft/tree), 3-5 logs/MBF 7.0 4,000 loads / day: bd. ft / load: $131.91 cost / mbf: combination#: 2 machines: 4/16/13 Log Loader (A) Tower Yarder (Large) 4 Timber Sale Appraisal Beaky Buzzard Sale 341-13-53 District: Astoria Date: April 16, 2013 logging costs 11.00% Operating Seasons: 2.00 Project Costs: $256,848.00 Other Costs (P/R): $18,016.00 Slash Disposal: $0.00 Other Costs: $4,961.00 Profit Risk: Miles of Road Road Maintenance: Dirt Rock (Contractor) Rock (State) Paved 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Hauling Costs Species Douglas - Fir $ / MBF $0.00 Trips/Day 3.0 MBF / Load 4.9 Western Hemlock / Fir $0.00 4.0 4.9 Sitka Spruce $0.00 2.0 5.0 Red Cedar $0.00 1.0 4.5 Alder (Red) $0.00 3.0 4.0 Maple $0.00 3.0 4.0 4/16/13 5 $6.13 Timber Sale Appraisal Beaky Buzzard Sale 341-13-53 Astoria District: Date: April 16, 2013 logging costs breakdown Logging Road Maint Fire Protect Hauling Other P/R appl Profit & Risk $2.27 $49.23 $4.67 $19.46 $0.00 $5.00 $1.29 $202.68 $6.44 $2.27 $37.64 $4.67 $18.20 $0.00 $5.00 $1.29 $189.96 $6.44 $2.27 $73.78 $4.67 $22.18 $0.00 $5.00 $1.29 $230.08 $6.74 $2.27 $171.78 $4.67 $32.99 $0.00 $5.00 $1.29 $339.19 $6.44 $2.27 $61.49 $4.67 $20.83 $0.00 $5.00 $1.29 $216.44 $6.74 $2.27 $64.42 $4.67 $21.18 $0.00 $5.00 $1.29 $220.02 Slash Disposal Scaling Other Total Douglas - Fir $114.45 $6.31 Western Hemlock / Fir $114.45 Sitka Spruce $114.45 Red Cedar $114.45 Alder (Red) $114.45 Maple $114.45 Specie Douglas - Fir Western Hemlock / Fir Sitka Spruce Red Cedar Alder (Red) Maple 4/16/13 Amortization $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Pond Value $619.84 $486.95 $401.38 $1,000.00 $555.00 $395.00 6 Stumpage $417.16 $296.99 $171.30 $660.81 $338.56 $174.98 Amortized $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Timber Sale Appraisal Beaky Buzzard Sale 341-13-53 Astoria District: Date: April 16, 2013 summary Amortized MBF 0 Value $0.00 Total $0.00 Western Hemlock / Fir 0 $0.00 $0.00 Sitka Spruce 0 $0.00 $0.00 Red Cedar 0 $0.00 $0.00 Alder (Red) 0 $0.00 $0.00 Maple 0 $0.00 $0.00 MBF 1,879 Value $417.16 Total $783,843.64 596 $296.99 $177,006.04 29 $171.30 $4,967.70 1 $660.81 $660.81 1,316 $338.56 $445,544.96 34 $174.98 $5,949.32 Specie Douglas - Fir Unamortized Specie Douglas - Fir Western Hemlock / Fir Sitka Spruce Red Cedar Alder (Red) Maple Gross Timber Sale Value Recovery: $1,417,972.47 Prepared by: Will Lawrence 4/16/13 Phone: 503-325-5451 7 LOGGING PLAN MAP LOGGING BREAKDOWN Feet "J 23 13 APPROXIMATE SCALE 1"=1000' Reforestation_Area 68% L Landing to Construct ! R Cable 47% 87% m Ro 14 "J "J 1,000 Tractor 53% 13% 100% 32% hale r Ne e w o LEGEND 0 "J 500 "J 1,000 ³ MC Acres 47 75 6 Buzzard Ridge Road Approximate Net Acreage Area 1 (MC) Area 2 (MC) Area 3 R/W Total Sale Acreage = 128 Area 1 (MC) Area 2 (MC) Area 3 R/W Total = ad OF TIMBER SALE CONTRACT NO. 341-13-053 BEAKY BUZZARD PORTIONS OF SECTIONS 23, 24, AND 26, T4N, R8W, W.M., CLATSOP COUNTY, OREGON "J Survey Monument Right of Way Boundary 9 ! 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