Now - Whale Medical Inc.
Now - Whale Medical Inc.
REAL TIME MEDICAL DIAGNOSTICS AND MANAGEMENT USING WHALE MEDICAL INC.’S LUX IV AND INFRARED BIOSCANNER Quantitative Dynamic Radiometric Thermal Diagnostics And Dielectric Resonance Management Procedures ELECTRONIC GEM THERAPY b WHALE MEDICAL INC. Email: . Websites: htpp:// REAL TIME MEDICAL DIAGNOSTICS AND MANAGEMENT USING WHALE MEDICAL INC.’S LUX IV AND INFRARED BIOSCANNER OPERATING AND TRAINING HANDBOOK by J. Whale. PhD With more medical professionals prescribing Lux IV Medical Lamps for all types of medical problems, new successful treatments and procedures are constantly being developed. Single copies of the latest version are printed direct from a computer as required. Always check with Whale Medical Inc. for conditions not listed. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS The contents of this Operating Handbook, all drawings, text, therapeutic treatment procedures, all related electronic hardware: Lux II, III, IV, Infrared Bioscanner and Infrared Medical Scanners, software, circuit diagrams, circuit designs, mechanical designs, engineering layout, the Assemblage Point therapeutic procedures are and remain, the intellectual property of Whale Medical Inc. and/or Dr. Jon Whale and/or their assignments and trusted appointments. Electronic Gem Therapyb is a registerred trade mark of Whale Medical Inc.Copyright © 2002 by Jon Whale Ph.D. All rights reserved. No Part of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from Whale Medical Inc. This Operating Handbook is issued to:________________________ Lux IV Serial No:_________________________________________ Infrared Bioscanner Serial No:_______________________________ Signed:______________________________On:________________ WHALE MEDICAL INC. Email: . Websites: htpp:// REAL TIME MEDICAL DIAGNOSTICS AND MANAGEMENT USING WHALE MEDICAL INC.’S LUX IV AND INFRARED BIOSCANNER OPERATING AND TRAINING HANDBOOK CONTENTS OTHER BOOKS BY JON WHALE 4 EXPLANATORY NOTE 13 BACK COVER IMAGES ........................................................................................................................ 13 DISCLAIMER 13 INTRODUCTION 14 THE INVISIBLE RADIATION OF INJURIES & THEIR REPAIR 17 FRACTURED PELVIS ............................................................................................................................ 19 FRACTURED COLLARBONE .................................................................................................................. 21 DYNAMIC RADIOMETRIC THERMAL DIAGNOSTICS AND DIELECTRIC RESONANCE MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES 23 THE DOMINEERING ENERGY OF DISEASE AND INJURY ........................................................................... 24 FROM STELLAR EXPLORATION TO SUB-MOLECULAR ENERGY MEDICINE 24 THE SINISTER INTELLIGENCE AND POWER OF DISEASE .......................................................................... 25 ‘PUSH-PULL’ ENERGY MANAGEMENT FOR DISEASE AND INJURY 6 26 WHALE MEDICAL INC. LUX IV And Infrared Bioscanner Operating And Training Handbook THE LUX IV INSTRUMENT OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 31 THE LUX IV MAIN FRONT PANEL CONTROLS ..................................................................................... 31 MAINS POWER ON/OFF SWITCH ......................................................................................................... 32 TIMER OPERATION & CONTROLS ........................................................................................................ 32 TREATMENT INTENSITY CONTROL GUIDELINES ..................................................................................... 33 MANUALLY SETTING OTHER TREATMENT FREQUENCIES ........................................................................ 34 BASIC INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTOMATIC PUSH BUTTON TREATMENT SELECTION AND TRANSDUCER TYPES FOR SYMPTOMS 35 USING GREEN TRANSDUCER LAMPS FOR MANAGEMENT ....................................................................... 35 USING VIOLET TRANSDUCER LAMPS FOR MANAGEMENT ....................................................................... 36 USING VIOLET TRANSDUCER LAMPS FOR MANAGEMENT ....................................................................... 37 USING VIOLET TRANSDUCER LAMPS FOR MANAGEMENT ....................................................................... 38 HOW TO ADMINISTER TREATMENT USING THE LUX IV ....................................................................... 39 TREATMENT EXAMPLE FOR BURNS ...................................................................................................... 39 TREATMENT EXAMPLE FOR INFECTED INJURIES ................................................................................... 40 TREATMENT EXAMPLE FOR CHRONIC CONTACT ECZEMA ..................................................................... 41 CHANGING THE TRANSDUCER LAMP’S GEM STONES AND COLOUR FILTER 42 TRANSDUCERS FILTER COLOURS AND CALIBRATION .............................................................................. 43 A ILLUSTRATIVE LIST OF GEM STONES (1) ......................................................................................... 44 A ILLUSTRATIVE LIST OF GEM STONES (2) ......................................................................................... 45 THE LUX IV APPARATUS SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................................................ 46 CLEANINGAND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS.............................................47 CONTACTS FOR REPAIR, MAINTENANCE AND RE-CALIBRATION SERVICE 47 DETAILS OF THE LUX IV’S APPARATUS LABELS ................................................................................... 48 INSTRUCTIONS FOR REPLACING THE FUSES ........................................................................................... 48 TRANSDUCER LAMP BOOM ARM THREAD-LOCK INSTRUCTIONS 49 HAZARD ANALYSIS FOR LUX IV APPARATUS 50 THE INFRARED BIOSCANNER 51 ADVANTAGES IN USE .......................................................................................................................... 51 APPARATUS DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................... 51 HIGH DIFFERENTIAL READING ............................................................................................................ 52 LOW DIFFERENTIAL READING ............................................................................................................. 53 HIGH & LOW DIFFERENTIAL READING ................................................................................................ 53 ONE EXAMPLE OF USE FOR BACK PROBLEMS .................................................................................... 53 NOTES ON SKELETAL ALIGNMENT AND BALANCE ................................................................................ 54 REGIONAL TEMPERATURE DISTRIBUTION IN THE HUMAN BODY 55 DIFFERENTIAL COMPARISON RULE NO. 1 & NO. 2 .............................................................................. 55 OPERATIONAL NOTES ......................................................................................................................... 56 Page 7 WHALE MEDICAL INC. LUX IV And Infrared Bioscanner Operating And Training Handbook USING THE INFRARED BIOSCANNER TO DETERMINE THE LUX IV TREATMENT 56 HIGH DIFFERENTIAL RECORDINGS ....................................................................................................... 56 LOW DIFFERENTIAL RECORDINGS 57 VERY LOW DIFFERENTIAL READINGS .................................................................................................. 57 SPECIFICATIONS 58 BATTERIES ........................................................................................................................................ 58 BATTERY LIFE .................................................................................................................................. 58 ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM RESPONSE ........................................................................................... 58 RANGE & CALIBRATION ACCURACY .................................................................................................... 58 IR BIOSCANNER MAIN PANELS & THEIR CONTROLS 59 INFRARED BIOSCANNER TARGET AREA ............................................................................................... 60 ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING TEMPERATURE ........................................................................................ 60 DIMENSIONS & WEIGHT ..................................................................................................................... 60 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS ...................................................................................................... 60 INSTRUMENT STORAGE ....................................................................................................................... 61 POSTING & SHIPPING ......................................................................................................................... 61 TEMPERATURE CONVERSION TABLES 62 FOR CELSIUS TO FAHRENHEIT ........................................................................................................... 62 ADVANTAGES OF LUX IV 63 ACUTE AND CHRONIC PAIN ................................................................................................................. 64 EMOTIONAL SHOCK AND EXHAUSTION ................................................................................................. 64 NERVOUS DISORDERS ......................................................................................................................... 65 SKIN DISEASES .................................................................................................................................. 65 VIRAL AND BACTERIAL INFECTIONS ..................................................................................................... 66 ASTHMA AND ALLERGIES .................................................................................................................... 66 ACCIDENTS AND INJURIES ................................................................................................................... 66 MUSCULAR AND SKELETAL PROBLEMS ................................................................................................. 67 TREATMENT DIRECTORY FOR SYMPTOMS, COMPLAINTS AND DISEASES 68 TREATMENT INTENSITY, DURATION AND FREQUENCY ............................................................................ 70 DIELECTRIC RESONANCE PRESCRIPTIONS ............................................................................................. 70 SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES AND A - Z DISEASE AND SYMPTOMS INDEX IMPORTANT NOTES CONCERNING UNCOMMON DISEASE AND SYMPTOMS 71 71 IMPORTANT NOTES CONCERNING THE LIVER AND SPLEEN .................................................................... 71 IMPORTANT NOTES CONCERNING CORRECTING THE ASSEMBLAGE POINT USING THE LUX IV A - Z MAIN DISEASE AND SYMPTOMS INDEX DIRECTORY 71 72 Abscess ............................................................................................................................................ 72 Page 8 WHALE MEDICAL INC. LUX IV And Infrared Bioscanner Operating And Training Handbook Acne ................................................................................................................................................ 72 Addiction ......................................................................................................................................... 72 Allergies ........................................................................................................................................... 73 Alopecia ........................................................................................................................................... 73 Alzheimer’s Disease ......................................................................................................................... 74 Anorexia .......................................................................................................................................... 74 Anxiety ............................................................................................................................................ 75 Arthritis ........................................................................................................................................... 76 Asthma ............................................................................................................................................ 76 Atrophy............................................................................................................................................ 77 Autism ............................................................................................................................................. 77 Bacterium Infections. ....................................................................................................................... 77 Back Pain......................................................................................................................................... 78 Bedsores .......................................................................................................................................... 79 Biliousness ....................................................................................................................................... 79 Bipolar Disorders ............................................................................................................................. 79 Blood Disorders ............................................................................................................................... 80 Boils ................................................................................................................................................ 81 Bronchitis ........................................................................................................................................ 81 Burns ............................................................................................................................................... 81 Cancer ............................................................................................................................................. 81 Candida ........................................................................................................................................... 82 Capsulitis ......................................................................................................................................... 82 Cardiovascular Disorders ................................................................................................................. 82 Carpal tunnel Syndrome ................................................................................................................... 82 Cartilage Problems ........................................................................................................................... 82 Catarrh ............................................................................................................................................ 82 Chilblains. ........................................................................................................................................ 82 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome ............................................................................................................... 82 Cirrhosis of the Liver ....................................................................................................................... 83 Colds ............................................................................................................................................... 83 Colitis .............................................................................................................................................. 83 Coma ............................................................................................................................................... 83 Conjunctivitis ................................................................................................................................... 83 Contusion ......................................................................................................................................... 83 Cystitis ............................................................................................................................................ 84 Depression ....................................................................................................................................... 84 Dermatitis ........................................................................................................................................ 84 Diabetes ........................................................................................................................................... 84 Diarrhoea ......................................................................................................................................... 84 Disc Problems. ................................................................................................................................. 85 Earache ............................................................................................................................................ 85 Eczema ............................................................................................................................................ 85 Emotional Problems ......................................................................................................................... 85 Epilepsy ........................................................................................................................................... 85 Eye Injuries/Infections ...................................................................................................................... 86 Gastro-intestinal Problems ................................................................................................................ 86 Gastric and Duodenum Ulcers .......................................................................................................... 86 Hay Fever ........................................................................................................................................ 86 Haemorrhage.................................................................................................................................... 86 Hepatitis .......................................................................................................................................... 86 Herpes ............................................................................................................................................. 87 Hyperactivity ................................................................................................................................... 87 Hypertension and Hypotension ......................................................................................................... 87 Page 9 WHALE MEDICAL INC. LUX IV And Infrared Bioscanner Operating And Training Handbook Ischemia ........................................................................................................................................... 87 Inflammation .................................................................................................................................... 87 Influenza .......................................................................................................................................... 87 Itching .............................................................................................................................................. 87 Injuries ............................................................................................................................................. 87 Insomnia .......................................................................................................................................... 87 Irritable Bowel Syndrome (I.B.S.) .................................................................................................... 88 Jaundice ........................................................................................................................................... 88 Leg Ulcers ........................................................................................................................................ 88 Leukemias ........................................................................................................................................ 88 Ligament Injuries ............................................................................................................................. 88 Manic Depression ............................................................................................................................ 88 Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (M.E.) .................................................................................................... 89 Multiple Sclerosis (M.S.) ................................................................................................................. 89 Migraine .......................................................................................................................................... 89 Neuralgia ......................................................................................................................................... 89 Neuritis ............................................................................................................................................ 90 Oedema ............................................................................................................................................ 90 Osteomyelitis ................................................................................................................................... 90 Pain ................................................................................................................................................. 90 Paralysis .......................................................................................................................................... 91 Parkinson’s Disease .......................................................................................................................... 91 Phlebitis ........................................................................................................................................... 91 Pleurisy ............................................................................................................................................ 91 Pre-Menstrual Tension (P.M.T.) ........................................................................................................ 91 Polymyalgia Rheumatica .................................................................................................................. 91 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder ........................................................................................................ 91 Psoriasis .......................................................................................................................................... 92 Pressure Ulcers ................................................................................................................................ 93 Prolapse Disc ................................................................................................................................... 93 Repetitive Strain Injury .................................................................................................................... 93 Rheumatism ..................................................................................................................................... 93 Senile Dementia ............................................................................................................................... 94 Scleroderma ..................................................................................................................................... 94 Sciatica ............................................................................................................................................ 94 Shingles (Herpes Zoster) ................................................................................................................. 94 Sinusitis ........................................................................................................................................... 94 Stroke .............................................................................................................................................. 94 Sun Burns ........................................................................................................................................ 95 Surgery Trauma ............................................................................................................................... 95 Tooth Ache ....................................................................................................................................... 95 Thrombosis ...................................................................................................................................... 96 Urticaria .......................................................................................................................................... 96 Varicose Ulcers ................................................................................................................................ 96 Vision (Eye Sight) ............................................................................................................................ 97 Viral Infections ................................................................................................................................. 97 Warts ............................................................................................................................................... 97 INDIAN, TIBETAN AND EUROPEAN TREATMENT LISTINGS 98 PATIENT’S RECORD AND NOTES FORM 107 THE ASSEMBLAGE POINT AND OUR HEALTH 111 Page 10 WHALE MEDICAL INC. LUX IV And Infrared Bioscanner Operating And Training Handbook SOME EXAMPLES OF APPROXIMATE ASSEMBLAGE POINT LOCATIONS FOR CHRONIC DISEASES 117 THE SEVEN RULES OF THE HUMAN ASSEMBLAGE POINT ................................................................... 119 DRUGS MEDICATIONS AND SUBSTANCE DEPENDENCE .......................................................................... 119 FINDING THE ASSEMBLAGE POINT 121 WHERE TO LOOK FOR THE ASSEMBLAGE POINT .............................................................................. 122 FEELING THE LOCATION OF THE ASSEMBLAGE POINT ....................................................................... 123 SEEING THE LOCATION .................................................................................................................... 124 CONFIRMING THE LOCATION ............................................................................................................. 125 ADVANCED PROCEDURES FOR CORRECTING THE ASSEMBLAGE POINT LOCATION 126 CASE STUDIES OF CORRECTING THE ASSEMBLAGE POINT USING THE LUX IV 129 CANADIAN E-MAIL CASE REPORTS ................................................................................................... 129 UNITED KINGDOM E-MAIL CASE REPORTS (1) .................................................................................... 129 E-MAIL CASE REPORTS FROM HOLLAND (EU). ................................................................................. 130 NEW ZEALAND E-MAIL CASE REPORTS ............................................................................................. 131 BULGARIAN CASE REPORT ............................................................................................................... 132 UK E-MAIL CASE REPORTS (2) ........................................................................................................ 132 ASSEMBLAGE POINT PROFILE (1994-1999) 133 1. CLINICAL DEPRESSION FOLLOWING CONCUSSION ............................................................................ 133 2. CHRONIC PANIC ATTACKS ............................................................................................................ 134 3. HYPERTENSION (STRESS) .............................................................................................................. 134 4. FEELING OF DETACHMENT, ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION .................................................................... 135 5. AGORAPHOBIA AND CLINICAL DEPRESSION ..................................................................................... 135 6. CHRONIC MENTAL ILLNESS WITH DEPRESSION ............................................................................... 135 7. CONCUSSION RELATED SOCIAL AND ALCOHOL PROBLEMS ............................................................... 136 8. CLINICAL DEPRESSION .................................................................................................................. 137 9. NON SPECIFIC CENTRAL SHIFT ..................................................................................................... 137 10. PERIODIC DISLOCATION OF THE HIP ............................................................................................ 137 11. CONTINUAL COLD, TRAUMA, MIGRAINES AND LACK OF ENERGY 137 13. ANXIETY ................................................................................................................................... 138 14. DROPPED ASSEMBLAGE POINT DUE TO DRUG OVERDOSE ............................................................... 138 15. SUBSTANCE ABUSE ..................................................................................................................... 138 16. NON SPECIFIC CENTRAL SHIFT ................................................................................................... 138 17. CIRCULATION PROBLEMS WITH HEART PALPITATIONS ................................................................... 139 18. DEPRESSION AND DRUG AND ALCOHOL DEPENDENCE .................................................................... 139 Page 11 WHALE MEDICAL INC. LUX IV And Infrared Bioscanner Operating And Training Handbook EARLY LUX II & III TREATMENT EXAMPLES AND CASE STUDIES 141 DRUGS AND THE ASSEMBLAGE POINT 149 PRESCRIBED DRUGS ......................................................................................................................... 149 TOBACCO ........................................................................................................................................ 149 ALCOHOL ........................................................................................................................................ 150 CANNABIS ....................................................................................................................................... 150 RECREATIONAL DRUGS ..................................................................................................................... 151 HALLUCINOGENIC DRUGS ................................................................................................................. 151 TOXINS, POISONS AND POLLUTION ..................................................................................................... 152 BIBLIOGRAPHY, REFERENCES AND FOLLOW-UP READING ..................................................................... 152 ABOUT WHALE MEDICAL INC.’S LUX IV The Lux IV has been officially tested: safety tested in compliance with the European Union legal directive for medical apparatus. The certificates are pasted on This is a government legal requirement, medical apparatus has to be built from components and parts that have individual certification for medical and dental use. Therefore, the Lux IV specifications, build standard, quality assurance, construction, reliability, mechanical strength, stability, healthy and safety and so on, are the highest possible standards achievable. The Test Report documentation and certificates are available for inspection at our offices and we provide copies of the certificates in the Operating and Training Handbook. The Lux IV is manufactured in the United Kingdom to BS EN ISO9001. Tested and assessed for EMC and electrical safety to standards BS EN 50082-1 and 50081. EC marked labels are fitted. LUX IV . . . Consistently Good Results * Versatile and easy to use. Automatic treatment selection by illuminated ‘Push Button’ switches, leaving the practitioner free to attend to another client whilst treatment is being given. Treatment may be safely delegated to juniors or trainees. * Effective by itself, significantly shortening recovery times and improving results of other medical and psychological therapies. It provides an alternative where drug treatment is precluded. * The energy can be felt on the skin and at deep tissue and bone levels. It improves the patient's complexion, energy levels and mood which becomes apparent after 20 minutes of treatment. Patients find the treatment pleasurable and relaxing as well as effective and enduring. * The practitioner can observe results as the therapy proceeds. Ninety per cent of patients can feel the energy almost instantaneously and give feedback to the practitioner as their symptoms subside. Page 12 WHALE MEDICAL INC. LUX IV And Infrared Bioscanner Operating And Training Handbook EXPLANATORY NOTE Both on the front and rear covers and throughout this book are illustrations created by a Radiometric Infrared Camera. Each illustration is provided with a Temperature Conversion Table on the left-hand side of the picture calibrated in degrees Celsius. These infrared pictures clearly illustrate the microwave emissions from humans, as well as the world at large. Diseased tissue emits greater or lesser energy compared to healthy tissue. The frequencies measured by the infrared camera and Whale Medical’s Infrared Bioscanner are between 8.0 and 14.0 micrometers. Simply by comparing the image colours against the Rainbow Colour Calibration Gradient on the pictures left side, the temperature of different entities within it can be determined. The highest temperatures are red and the lowest are violet. The black sky is at a much lower temperature outside of the image calibration. Back Cover Images 26.0 OC 26.0 OC 18.0 OC 20.0 OC 14.0 OC Infrared image of the higher radiometric transmissions of people enjoying the cool sea shore 10.0 OC A solitary person walking towards Castle Hill on a cold night DISCLAIMER Laboratory analysis providing the haematology and biochemistry data along with many other diagnostic procedures available are paramount for the correct medical management of disease. Modern drugs and surgery are life saving . This book is a reference work, not intended to diagnose, prescribe or treat. The information contained herein is in no way to be considered as a substitute for consultation with a professional physician. Those who use the techniques described in this book do so by their own choice and, whilst if carried out according to the instructions in this book they may prove efficacious, neither the author nor the publisher promise, guarantee or accept responsibility for any specific results. Email: . Websites: htpp:// Page 13 WHALE MEDICAL INC. Lux IV And Infrared Bioscanner Operating And Training Handbook LUX IV INTRODUCTION LUX IV Automatic Lux IV instrument with ‘push button treatment selection and an automatic treatment timer. The Lux IV is the result of some twenty five years of research and development. For practitioners using the Lux IV, the patient’s experience is always very pleasant, regardless of their symptoms or disease being treated. As they receive treatment, over 90% of patients report relief from their pain, irritations, uncomfortable or distressing feelings, emotions and symptoms. The Lux IV inst rument does not use any consumables. It incorporates all of the latest European Union regulations for medical apparatus and is compliance certified. The Lux IV design includes a treatment timer which automatically switches off the patient’s treatment after a preset time, adjustable by the practitioner. With ‘Push Button’ treatment selection, the Lux IV has been designed for easy, confident application for the thousands of different symptoms and conditions patients can present. For example, infections, burns, contusions, sprains, pain, all new injuries, inflammation etc. all measure excessive levels of biological energy that require cooling, calming, analgesic treatment. Correspondingly, situations such as old injuries, old healed bone fractures, leg ulcers, oedema, asthma, allergies, circulation problems, paralysis, numbness, atrophy etc., all measure low levels of biological energy, and these problems require a stimulating, invigorating energy treatment. Illustrating treatment for a back injury (Chronic symptoms following a fall from a horse). Targeting parts of the body with the Lux IV lamps can easily adjust conflicts in the energy levels of injuries and disease. This is the reason for the remarkable success of the Lux IV. The Lux IV Transducers Lamps are designed and operate on the sound scientific principles that are encompassed in orthodox medical equipment, such as Ultra Sound therapy apparatus, surgical ruby crystal lasers, ultrasonic scanners, Transcutaneous Nerve Pulse Stimulators (TENS apparatus, used to manage pain). Page 14 Rapid relief for a prolapsed disc and severe mobility painful difficulties. WHALE MEDICAL INC. Lux IV And Infrared Bioscanner Operating And Training Handbook For example, the frequencies employed in the TENS units are incorporated in the Lux IV operating systems. Another point is that ruby crystal and quartz crystal are used as the transducers in surgical lasers, ultrasound equipment and ultrasonic scanners. The Lux IV apparatus is excellent, robust and durable hardware, assembled and constructed to meet the tough demands of a busy clinic. Our apparatus should not be confused with coloured light therapy, colour therapy, crystal therapy or electromagnetic therapy. Lux IV uses the dielectric resonance properties of crystalline substrates to induce energy into diseased or injured tissue, organs and glands at the sub atomic level (valence electron frequency) by sympathetic resonance. The practitioner can increase, decrease or modulate the energy of living cells of tissue, bone, organs and glands. Correctly applied the Lux IV Transducer Lamps will dramatically improve health. By targeting the relevant glands and organs with the Lux IV Transducer Lamps, haematology and biochemistry can be adjusted back into the normal range. The frequency of the energy induced is dictated by the colour of the gem stone used. For example, ruby has a resonant frequency wave length of around 625 nanometres (the frequency of the colour red) and the energy emitted is hot, whereas emerald has a green frequency of 565 nm and its energy is cold. The gem stones (crystalline substrates) that are prescribed for the treatment of the many types of disease and injury are listed in the A -Z Disease and Symptoms Index section in this handbook. Treatment for acute/chronic abdominal conditions. This illustrates the treatment for IBS etc. Rapid, simple & effective treatment for a knee joint cartilage injury. The gem stone prescription when selected is easily inserted into a special chamber within the low voltage Transducer Lamps. The gem stones are electronically excited to resonate with low voltage electronic pulses. Slow brain frequencies of deep sleep are employed for pain and injuries. Whereas, the faster stimulating brain frequencies of Beta are used for atrophy, oedema, geriatric ailments and all conditions involving low sluggish biological activity. The Lux IV has applications for the management of: Acne, Addiction (drug/alcohol), Allergies, Alopecia, Anaemia , Anorexia, Anxiety & Panic, Alzheimer’s Disease, Arthritis, Asthma, Bacterium Infections, Backache, Bedsores, Blindness, Blood Pressure, Blood Disorders, Bronchitis, Burns, Page 15 Illustrated for hypertension (stress and anxiety). WHALE MEDICAL INC. Lux IV And Infrared Bioscanner Operating And Training Handbook Candida, Catarrh, Cartilage Problems, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Cirrhosis of the Liver, Coma, Conjunctivitis, Cystitis, Depression, Dermatitis, Diabetes, Eczema, Epilepsy, Eye Injuries/ Infections, Hay Fever, Heart Disease, Herpes, Hepatitis, Hypertension, Hypotension, Iatrogenic Disease, Influenza, Injuries, Insomnia, I.B.S, Jaundice, Laryngitis, Leg Ulcers, Ligament Injuries, M.E., M.S., Migraine, Neuralgia, Neuritis, Oedema, Pain, Paralysis, Parkinson’s Disease, Phlebitis, Pleurisy, P.M.T., Psoriasis, Pressure Ulcers, Prolapse Disc, Repetitive Strain Injury, Rheumatism, Senile Dementia, Scleroderma, Sclerosis, Sciatica, Shingles, Stress, Stroke, Thrombosis, Viral Infections, etc. Lux IV Transducer Lamps. Fitted with special ultra-long-life low power 12 volt, 20 watt bulbs. The Transducer Lamps light output has Zero ultraviolet rays and very low infrared rays. The Light beam is quite cool, completely safe, no side effects and non-invasive. Page 16 WHALE MEDICAL INC. Lux IV And Infrared Bioscanner Operating And Training Handbook THE LUX IV INSTRUMENT OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS The Lux IV Main Front Panel Controls TIMER OVERRIDE AND SET SWITCH LAMP ON/OFF SWITCHES TREATMENT TIMER POWER CONTROL ON/OFF SWITCH SAMPLE 1S/10S SWITCH TREATMENT SELECTION SWITCHES TREATMENT INTENSITY CONTROL AUTOMATIC/MANUAL SWITCH MAIN POWER CONTROL ON/OFF SWITCH. This switch turns the Mains Power ON and OFF. TREATMENT TIMER AND TIMER OVERRIDE AND SET SWITCH. This switch allows the timer to be overridden and gives the practitioner control as to when to terminate the treatment. It also allows the practitioner to set the treatment duration so it is terminated automatically (unattended). TREATMENT SELECTION SWITCHES. These four switches automatically preselect the type of treatment for the patient’s symptoms. SAMPLE 1S/10S SWITCH. This switch changes the green Digital Frequency Display from a 1 second to a 10 seconds sample rate. The 10 seconds sample setting is useful when working with slow treatment frequencies below 25 Hz. On the 10 seconds setting the frequency is displayed to an accuracy of one tenth of a cycle per second and the decimal point is displayed. AUTOMATIC/MANUAL SWITCH. This switch allows the experienced user to manually set any frequency from 1.5 Hz to 30,000 Hz. Switching on the MANUAL setting turns off the automatic TREATMENT SELECTION switches. TREATMENT INTENSITY CONTROL. This control knob adjusts the treatment intensity., controlling the energy output from the lamps to the patient. The red Digital Voltage Display directly above the knob shows the intensity. The adjustment range is from zero to 12.5 volts. Children are usually treated at a low voltage of 3 - 6 volts, juveniles at around 6 -9 volts and large adults at 9 - 12 volts . TRANSDUCERS ON/OFF SWITCHES. These three switches allow the Transducers to be turned on and off without turning the main instrument power off. The Transducers are only switched on when the treatment settings have first been setup for the patient’s symptoms and should be switched off when not in use. Page 31 WHALE MEDICAL INC. Lux IV And Infrared Bioscanner Operating And Training Handbook Mains Power On/Off Switch POWER CONTROL ON/OFF SWITCH Important Note: All types of Cold Lamp Bulbs draw high current when initially powered up. Although The Lux IV power supplies are fully protected against overload, but it is ‘Good Practice’ to observe the following instructions (Please note that no damage will occur should you forget). 1) ALWAYS CHECK AND SWITCH THE TRANSDUCER LAMPS ‘OFF’ BEFORE YOU SWITCH ‘ON’ THE MAIN POWER. 2) ALWAYS SWITCH THE TRANSDUCER LAMPS ‘OFF’ WHEN NOT IN USE AND BEFORE YOU SWITCH ‘OFF’ THE MAIN POWER. Timer Operation & Controls Adjust this Knob to set the desired time, e.g.: 20 Minutes. Factory set to a range of 0-30 Minutes. For Longer Timer times Than 30 Minutes: Use a Small Screwdriver to Adjust the timer Dial Value, e.g.: 0-30 Minutes, 0-30 Hours, etc. For Longer Timer times Than 30 Minutes: Use a Small Screwdriver to adjust the timer Range, e.g.: 0-3, 030, or 0-300, etc. TIMER OVERRIDE AND SET SWITCH POWER CONTROL ON/OFF SWITCH MAIN POWER CONTROL ON/OFF SWITCH. This switch turns the Mains Power ON and OFF. TIMER OVERRIDE AND SET SWITCH. This switch allows the timer to be set to a preselected time setting which will automatically switch the lamps off after this time has expired. It also allows the timer to be overridden when not depressed. Page 32 WHALE MEDICAL INC. Lux IV And Infrared Bioscanner Operating And Training Handbook LUX IV Treatment Intensity Control Guidelines TREATMENT INTENSITY METER TREATMENT INTENSITY CONTROL THE TREATMENT INTENSITY CONTROL knob is used to adjust the Transducer energy intensity for the patient’s size and sensitivity. Small sensitive patients require less treatment intensity. Adjust the control so that the red Digital Volt Meter reads in the correct range. Children up to the age of 5, between 6.00 and 9.00 volts. Children from 5 to 9 years, between 8.00 and 11.00 volts. Children from 9 years old, to adults, between 9.00 and 12.50 volts. NB. The Digital Voltmeter’s experience difficulty in measuring very low frequencies. The most insignificant digit reading will vary or flicker on the 1.5 HZ and less so on the 3.3 HZ Automatic Ranges. This is normal and should be ignored.. Page 33 WHALE MEDICAL INC. Lux IV And Infrared Bioscanner Operating And Training Handbook LUX IV Manually Setting Other Treatment Frequencies FREQUENCY RANGE AND ADJUSTMENT KNOBS SAMPLE 1S/10S SWITCH AUTOMATIC/MANUAL SWITCH DIGITAL FREQUENCY METER 1) AUTOMATIC/MANUAL SWITCH, Press this switch to put the instrument into the manual mode. The switch will be ‘illuminated’. This function is for experienced or advanced users. 2) FREQUENCY RANGE AND ADJUSTMENT KNOBS, Use these knobs to set a specific treatment frequency. For example to set 440 Hz, set the range switch to X100 and adjust the frequency control knob until the green Digital Frequency Meter reads 440. Note: this meter is marked VIBRATIONAL RATE (HERTZ). Be sure that the SAMPLE 1S/10S is in the ‘Off’ Mode. 3) SAMPLE 1S/10S When setting frequencies below 35 Hz, initially set the frequency with this switch in the ‘Off’ mode. Then press the SAMPLE 1S/10S switch so the decimal point ‘illuminates’ on the green Digital Frequency Meter. This will allow greater setting accuracy but it take 10 seconds to take the measurement.. Example For Music Note ‘G’ = 392 HZ Example For Music Note Middle ‘A’ = 440 HZ Page 34 WHALE MEDICAL INC. Lux IV And Infrared Bioscanner Operating And Training Handbook LUX IV BASIC INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTOMATIC PUSH BUTTON TREATMENT SELECTION AND TRANSDUCER TYPES FOR SYMPTOMS Using Green Transducer Lamps for Management GREEN TRANSDUCER LAMPS filled with:- Emeralds and Blue Sapphires, Green Filter, Treatment Selection:- 1.5 HZ (Push Green Switch). Used to cool and pacify nerves, tissue, muscles, organs or endocrine glands. Useful for burns, new injuries, inflammation and soreness, dermatitis, eczema, digestion and gastric condition, bacteria infection, or all conditions where cellular activity is too hot and over active. Sapphire -cool, tranquillizing, soothing, analgesic, sedative, antispasmodic, anti-traumatic. Emerald - cold, unifying, contracting, antibiotic, analgesic, relaxant, antispasmodic. Reduces: vasodilation, hyperthermia, hyperperfusion, hypermetabolism and or hypervascularisation: all high energy conditions with higher microwave emission often accompanied with discomfort and pain or bacteria infection. Illustrated for skin burn. Illustrated for psoriasis. Page 35 WHALE MEDICAL INC. Lux IV And Infrared Bioscanner Operating And Training Handbook LUX IV Using Violet Transducer Lamps for Management VIOLET TRANSDUCER LAMPS filled with:- Blue Sapphires, Dark Violet Filter, Treatment Selection:- 3.3 HZ (Push Blue Switch) Used to calm, relax and pacify nerves, tissue, muscles, organs or endocrine glands. Employed for pain associated with nerve damage and irritation, sciatica, arthritis, psoriasis, post injury and surgical trauma, anxiety, shock, stress, phobias, migraine, drug and alcohol addiction, emotional trauma and emotional and physical exhaustion. Suitable for the treatment of all conditions where there is too much nervous activity, tension, anxiety, distress or irritation. Blue Sapphire reduces heart rate and blood pressure and therefore is nearly always used for anxious and nervous patients. Sapphire -cool, tranquillizing, soothing, analgesic, sedative, antispasmodic, anti-traumatic. . Illustrated for hypertension (stress and anxiety). Page 36 Illustrated for sciatica (back and leg pain). WHALE MEDICAL INC. Lux IV And Infrared Bioscanner Operating And Training Handbook LUX IV Using Violet Transducer Lamps for Management ORANGE TRANSDUCER LAMPS filled with:- Carnelians and Diamonds, Orange Filter, Treatment Selection:- 8.5 HZ (Push Yellow Switch). Used to induce stimulating warm biological energy, activity and circulation in tissue, muscles, organs or endocrine glands. Used for the treatment of depression, asthma, eczema, oedema, varicose ulcers, circulation and various blood conditions, numbness and muscular atrophy, cartilage and disc problems. Useful for stimulating under active organs and glands. Often used for elderly patients, as it increases biological energy. Carnelian - cooling, moist, harmonizing, anti-allergenic. Diamond - stimulating, invigorating, clarifying, antidepressant, anticoagulant. This mixture safely reduces hypothermia, vasoconstriction and hypometabolism, thereby increasing local temperature, circulation and biological energy. The left knee measured low energy levels compared against the right knee when scanned by WMI’s Infrared Bioscanner. Illustrating treatment for a cartilage problem. Page 37 Following treatment with a Transducer Lamps containing diamonds and carnelians, the left knee measured normal energy levels compared with the right knee when scanned. WHALE MEDICAL INC. Lux IV And Infrared Bioscanner Operating And Training Handbook LUX IV Using Violet Transducer Lamps for Management RED TRANSDUCER LAMPS filled with:- Rubies and Diamonds, Red Filter, Treatment Selection:- 16.5 HZ (Push Red Switch) Used to induce stimulating hot biological energy, activity and increase circulation in tissue, muscles, organs or endocrine glands. Ruby - heating, drying, energizing, expanding, increasing circulation. Its rays rapidly reduce hypothermia, vasoconstriction and hypometabolism, thereby increasing local temperature, circulation and biological energy. Diamond - stimulating, invigorating, clarifying, antidepressant, anticoagulant. Important Note. Its use should be restricted to medical doctors. Very rarely employed, Orange Transducer Lamps are preferred as they are more gentle and safer. Use with caution only when Orange Lamps produce only a marginal effect. Ruby is very hot, be safe, only use a small quantity (6 Maximum). Always back off the effects of rubies by adding emeralds and dark blue sapphires to the mixture. Monitor pulse and blood pressure. Used for anaemia, amenorrhea, constipation, chilblains, low blood pressure, rheumatism, heart afflictions, varicose ulcers and varicose veins. Infra red image of the patient’s back before any treatment. The treatment with red and green lamps. Page 38 The Infrared scan results two weeks later. WHALE MEDICAL INC. Lux IV And Infrared Bioscanner Operating And Training Handbook LUX IV How To Administer Treatment Using The Lux IV 1) Select the correct type of Transducer for the patient’s symptoms. Refer to the TREATMENT INDEX for the symptoms, disease or complaint. Be sure the Transducers used contain the correct gem stones and colour filter. 2) Make the patient as comfortable as possible, either sitting in a chair, lying on the treatment couch or a bed. 3) Set the Instrument’s TREATMENT SELECTION and TREATMENT INTENSITY controls for the patient’s symptoms, age, build and sensitivity. 4) Target the area of the patient which requires treatment. Adjust the Transducer Stands, so the Transducers are approximately 2 to 30 centimetres away from the patient. The distance is dependent on the condition being treated. This is covered in detail in the Treatment Index. Treatment time is usually 15 - 30 minutes. Treatment Example for Burns The fo llowing phot ographs (1995) illustrate t he effectiveness of the Lux IV lamps in reducing pain and inflammation. This same treatment is effective for treating any type of condition or disease where pain and inflammation are involved. Conditions (some of which cannot be photographed) such as sciatica, prolapsed disc, whiplash, repetitive strain injuries, eczema, psoriasis, acne, cystitis, I.B.S., gastric inflammation and so on, all respond rapidly to this therapy. This set of four photographs shows the treatment for burns (and other types of injuries) with Lux IV. The patient was given a single treatment of 30 minutes using a mixture of cooling emerald rays and analgesic blue sapphire rays. The accelerated healing results can be seen in the bottom photograph taken 5 days later. The same treatment will work for any kind of injury, sprain, inflammation or irritation whether it be acute or chronic. Page 39 WHALE MEDICAL INC. Lux IV And Infrared Bioscanner Operating And Training Handbook LUX IV Treatment Example for Infected Injuries The following set of photographs (1995) illustrate the effectiveness of the Lux IV low voltage lamp treatment for the control of injury infection where antibiotics are ruled out due to chemical dermatitis. Pilot studies have indicated this treatment is also effective in treating infected internal organs such as the liver or kidneys; it may also be effective in the treatment of acute meningitis and other life threatening infections. The patient returned from holiday with an infected leg injury which had occurred 10 days previously. The central part of the injury was becoming ulcerated with the infection gaining ground each day. The patient also had skin burns and contact dermatitis covering 80% of his body, therefore the patient’s doctor could not prescribe antibiotics for the leg injury because of the risk of exacerbating his dermatitis. However, he expressed his concern, claiming, without antibiotics, the infection would spread. This view was confirmed by a second doctor. His infected leg was treated with yellow sapphire and a blue Transducer for 15 minutes which triggered the wound to discharge pus. Subsequently, the redness, swelling and pain subsided and the dermatitis was treated using a mixture of emerald and blue sapphire in a violet-filtered Transducer. On the patient’s next visit, the dermatitis had almost cleared, although the skin was burnt and patchy. His leg injury infection had improved and the top part of the wound had closed over. However, there was concern for the lower, ulcerated part. The wound was treated in a similar way to that of the first visit, described above. A second Transducer containing stimulating diamonds with an indigo filter was first directed at the skin surrounding the injury and then through the bone from the back of the leg. This was to encourage the wound to heal from deep inside, rather than have the skin heal over a remaining infection. Page 40 WHALE MEDICAL INC. Lux IV And Infrared Bioscanner Operating And Training Handbook LUX IV Treatment Example for Chronic Contact Eczema This set of photographs (1993) illustrates how safe and effective the use of the Lux IV is for chronic contact eczema. Modified versions of this treatment are as effective in the treatment of other skin diseases including infected skin conditions. Diseases such as the various types of psoriasis and eczema, rosaceae, shingles, herpes, dermatitis, acne, warts, verruca, varicose ulcers, scar tissue, insect bites and many others, all respond rapidly to treatment from the lamps. In this case the baby’s mother reported the eczema had spread all over her daughter’s body having originated near her right eye after she received antibiotic eye drops. She had a “sticky eye” condition. The baby and mother had stayed in hospital for 3 months whilst the baby underwent various unsuccessful therapies during which, her mother reported, she became increasingly distressed. Her hands and arms were bound and restrained to stop her from scratching away her remaining skin. Other physical symptoms were swollen thyroid and glands, as well as elimination abnormalities which included green coloured faeces. Her general behaviour was extremely distressing and volatile. She received a short, mild treatment to establish her response. At the second visit, t here was a 15% general improvement in her condition. She received a full 20 minute treatment to her skin and liver area, during which, the baby became increasingly exuberant. At the third visit, when she received her second treatment, there was a 50% improvement in her condition, with new healthy skin growth establishing more ground. The eczema was contracting back towards the original point of contact, her right eye. Her mother reported she had more energy than usual after her previous treatment. At the fourth visit, there was a 90% improvement in the baby’s condition, including her affected eye. Page 41 WHALE MEDICAL INC. Lux IV And Infrared Bioscanner Operating And Training Handbook LUX IV Changing the Transducer Lamp’s Gem Stones and Colour Filter 1) Switch the Transducer Lamps off by depressing the appropriate Transducer 1, 2 or 3 ON/OFF SWITCH. Allow the Transducer to cool down. 2) Make sure the Transducer Lamps is directed downwards, towards the table. 3) Unscrew the Transducer Lamp’s front lens assembly from the Transducer body. 4) Remove the colour filter and gem stones used previously from the lens assembly. 5) Use the metal gem scoop to fill the lens assembly’s central chamber with the replacement mixture chosen for the patient’s symptoms. 6) Make sure no gems are allowed to fall into the outer chamber, as they will prevent the lens and Transducer from screwing back together. Do not overfill the Transducer with gems. 7) Place the selected colour filter in the lens assembly only after the gems are in place. (Do not force the filter in first then add the gems last). 8) Re-screw the lens assembly back onto the Transducer body. (Do not use force and be careful not to cross the threads). 9) The Transducer Lamp is now ready for use. Be sure to set the correct frequency and treatment intensity for the patient and their symptoms. Important Note: ALWAYS SWITCH THE TRANSDUCER LAMPS ‘OFF’ WHEN NOT IN USE AND BEFORE YOU SWITCH ‘OFF’ THE MAIN POWER. Page 42 WHALE MEDICAL INC. Lux IV And Infrared Bioscanner Operating And Training Handbook LUX IV Transducers Filter Colours and Calibration Rows Count From Top to Bottom, Columns from left to right: The Standard Colour Filters from above that are used for Electronic Gem Therapy are: 2) Red Ray. 3) Orange Ray. 4) Yellow Ray. 5) Green Ray. 7) Medium Blue Ray. 9) Indigo Ray. 10) Violet Ray The research Filter Colours (these are sometimes used by colour therapist) are: 1) Dark Red Ray. 6) Silver Ray. 8) Deep Blue Ray. 11) Magenta Ray. 12) Gold Ray. 13) Rose Pink. 14) Lavender Ray. 15) Primrose Yellow Ray. 16) Fern Green Ray. 17) Cornflower Blue Ray. 18) Peacock Blue Ray. Important Note: For the violet colour, use the darkest of the blue filters provided with the Lux IV as its true colour when placed inside the Lamp Transducer shines as deep violet. Do not mistake or use the magenta filter for violet. Page 43 WHALE MEDICAL INC. Lux IV And Infrared Bioscanner Operating And Training Handbook LUX IV A Illustrative List Of Gem Stones (1) The Standard Gem Stones from the above that are used for Electronic Gem Therapyb are: A) Ruby [Red Ray]. B) Carnelian [Orange Ray]. C) Citrine [Yellow Ray]. D) Emerald [Green Ray]. D) Yellow/Light Blue Sapphire [Blue Ray]. E) Diamond. F) Dark Blue Sapphire [Violet Ray] Many of the different types of gem stones have useful therapeutic properties. The seven Gem stones list above have a remarkable beneficial track record extending back several thousand years. Page 44 WHALE MEDICAL INC. Lux IV And Infrared Bioscanner Operating And Training Handbook LUX IV A Illustrative List Of Gem Stones (2) Page 45 WHALE MEDICAL INC. Lux IV And Infrared Bioscanner Operating And Training Handbook LUX IV The Lux IV Apparatus Specifications * The Lux IV is housed in two robust heavy duty metal cases: an inner 19 inch rack equipment case and an outer rack mount case with tilt feet. The size of the outer case is Width = 530 mm, Height = 170 mm, Depth = 330 mm. Instrument weight = 10 Kilograms. Operates from any three pin earthed mains outlet wall socket. * The mains input voltage is between 90 to 260 Volts AC at 50 to 60 HZ and the mains Input Power consumption is 90 Watts. Supplied with UK, European or USA mains input cable. * The Lux IV Lamps are 12 volt DC, 20 watt with a light output equivalent to 60 Watts per Lamp and are fitted with ultra violet and infra red filters. The Lux IV will control up to three Lamps at the same time which can be set at various heights and angles using the adjustable stainless steel tripod stands. The light beam is cold. * The Lux IV is fitted with two bright LED digital displays which monitor the Lamp’s modulation frequency and frequency modulation output voltage. When crystalline mineral substrates are fitted into the Lamps, the polarised light can be modulated with any set frequency between the range of 1.5 to 35,000 cycles per second. The Lamp voltage can be adjusted to control the value of frequency modulation of the polarised light from zero to 12.5 volts. * The Lux IV is fitted with a digital On/Off timer which automatically switches off the Lamps after an adjustable preset time (any value between zero and 300 hours in six switchable ranges). * The Lux IV Lamps are precision engineered from anodised solid aluminium and other materials and are fitted with 20 watt long-life bulbs which last for many years, emitting a full spectrum of light. The light beam is cool, being filtered and focused through three lenses. The Lamp end lens’ caps can be unscrewed enabling the coloured filters and gem stones or crystalline mineral substrates to be changed quickly as desired. The tripod stands are made of stainless steel and other metal parts. The complete Lamp and stand weight is 8.5 kilograms. * The Lux IV is supplied with the following: a) Lux IV Instrument. b) 2 Stainless Tripod Lamp Stands with 3 extending boom arms. c) 2 or 3 Lamps and gimble rings. d) Display Case containing 10 Transparent Boxes of assorted Gem Stone & crystalline mineral substrates. (Ruby, carnelian, citrine, emerald, yellow sapphire, diamond, blue sapphire, etc.). 6 Sets of 18 assorted 32 mm colour gel filters. (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet etc.). 1 Metal Mineral Scoop. e) UK, European or USA mains input cable and plug. f) Spare 12 Volt, 20 Watt Bulb and Spare Lens The shipping weight and dimensions in 3 Boxes are: Box 1 of 3 = 5.5 Kilo, size 0.35 x 0.28 x 0.26 Metres. Box 2 of 3 = 12 Kilo, size 0.61 x 0.31 x 0.52 Metres. Box 3 of 3 = 17.5 Kilo, size 0.94 x 0.46 x 0.21 Metres Made in the U.K. to British Standard MQ1A ISO 9001. Approved to BSEN60601-1-2 CLASS 11A. EMC Emissions & Immunity compliance tested to EN60601-1-2:1993. Safety Tested to EC Low Voltage Directives to EN60601- 1:1990/A13:1996 and EN 60601-1-1:1993/A1:1996. EC Licenced. Electrically approved for hospital and clinical use to 9001 standards and only available from Whale Medical Inc. Page 46 WHALE MEDICAL INC. Lux IV And Infrared Bioscanner Operating And Training Handbook CASE STUDIES OF CORRECTING THE ASSEMBLAGE POINT USING THE LUX IV The following case notes are typical of the success of treatment with The Lux IV Transducer Lamps for correcting the Assemblage Point location and related medical problems. Canadian E-Mail Case Reports 1) One case is of a lady who has environmental sensitivities which would lead to severe asthma. She was on prednisone frequently and missed work often if she had an attack. Episodes of work loss could be up to three weeks. After determining that she had low biological energy and a low Assemblage Point she was given three therapeutic doses of diamond and carnelian, based upon your research, to her chest. After these treatments she was able to come off her medication and so far (over one year ago) has never required the medication. This was a profound change, one I had difficulty in believing myself. 2) The other case deals with a chronic pain patient. This patient is on high doses of blood thinners and has had two strokes of minimal severity about three years ago. This lady, a teacher previously, fell down concrete steps in her school hitting her head twice and damaging her lower back. No operation nor manipulative therapies can be given due to her medical treatment requirements and other medical problems, one of which is diabetes. The patient was in excruciating pain and had great difficulty in manoeuvring, she could not walk without support and could do nothing through the day except find ways to minimise her pain. Her pain ruled her life. Today she can manoeuvre and walk and shop, she has independence enough to drive now. Though still hounded by some pain she has the ability to live a life she would never otherwise have been able. Her greatest gift was being able to stand erect and walk with minimal pain. She now spends her days doing many exquisite crafts. United kingdom E-mail Case Reports (1) 1)Case Notes for JM a 28 year old gentleman who had an accident whilst serving in the army during the Bosnian conflict. This gentleman presented at the clinic with chronic back pain directly related to the accident which had occurred some 10 years earlier. He had undergone four operations at the site of the damage to his spine (L3,4,&5) he had steel rods in place and a ‘coral cage’. Walking for this gentleman when he was able was with the help of elbow crutches and he was in constant pain which was exacerbated during inclement weather. His Assemblage Point was 9 cm low due to the longevity and seriousness of his condition. Over a period of six weeks he was given a combination of deep relaxation therapy, treatment to the spleen with diamonds and carnelians and an assemblage point move. After this six week period his pain had lowered by 60% and he was able to walk without the aid of crutches and had started to walk around town for periods of up to an hour his first exercise for many years. Maintenance treatment Page 129 WHALE MEDICAL INC. Lux IV And Infrared Bioscanner Operating And Training Handbook continues. 2) Case Notes for LS a 32 year old lady who suffered from ME (myalgic encephalomyelitis) This Lady presented at the clinic with chronic fatigue symptoms which she had suffered for a period of six years. On checking Her Assemblage Point it was found to be in the liver area. Deep relaxation therapy was given to help her state of depression, along with an assemblage point correction which was continued over a three week period in order to stabilise it’s position. After the first treatment this lady reported a feeling of being energised and after the third treatment she reported feeling well enough to start thinking about her future work activities. Her energy levels had increased dramatically and she had started to menstruate again (her periods had been absent for 4 years prior to treatment). 3) Case study of BH a 61 year old gentleman who suffered from Stress and fatigue following the death of his mother. This gentleman presented at the clinic suffering from stress and fatigue which had become progressively worse over a period of two years. His assemblage point was found to be 4 cm low. A combination of bliss therapy, carnelians to the spleen and Assemblage Point move over a period of three weeks corrected his assemblage point, after which his stress and fatigue levels were much improved. He continues to visit the clinic occasionally for maintenance treatment when he feels the need. E-mail Case Reports From Holland (EU). 1) I had a lady with dust contaminated lungs coming over from Denmark. She had worked for years in a dust polluted environment. I have treated her with the lamps containing Diamond and Carnelian at 8,3 Hz and an Orange filter and instantly after half an hour she could breath like never before! 2) Her husband had heart rhythm problems for years. I have treated him with pale blue sapphire and blue sapphire and a violet filter on 1.3 Hz and his problems cleared up. His blood pressure also permanently dropped to a normal rate. 3) A man with a very difficult type of rheumatic arthritis could not be helped with the standard Fig. A2:4 - 5. Mycoplasma Pneumonia. Left photograph illustrates mycoplasmas attached to red blood cells. The right photograph was taken 1 hour later following treatment direct to the spleen using electronic gem therapy orange lamps containing diamonds and carnelians. Page 130 WHALE MEDICAL INC. Lux IV And Infrared Bioscanner Operating And Training Handbook medical treatment so I started to put in: Citrine, gold, ruby, diamond and carnelian with a yellow filter on 16.5 Hz and his pains left. This man had pain in every joint and now he has no pain at all. 4) We also have quite some experiences with Mycoplasma bacterium. When we watch the blood under a microscope and we can see the Mycoplasma being attached to the erythrocytes. After a treatment with the gem lamp therapy the erythrocytes are clear of Mycoplasma. 5) Some cases of Mycoplasma Pneumonia we have treated only the spleen and liver and people felt an instant improvement in their lungs and the pneumonia was gone the next day. I have attached two magnified blood pictures of ‘before and after’ treatment. New Zealand E-mail Case Reports 1) Gordon Hudson is a 71 year old gentleman who suffered anxiety and depression made worse by the death of his wife and son. He presented with psoriasis to his forearms and difficulty sleeping. His GP was concerned about his liver with certain enzymes reading well above the normal at 167. His Assemblage Point was 10cm to the right in the anxious location and a shadow was observed in the depressed location on top of the liver. A radiometric scan of Gordon’s liver revealed it to be 2 degrees hotter than his spleen. Gordon received Bliss treatment and emerald and sapphire to his liver on five separate occasions before having his liver enzymes rechecked at 84. His psoriasis had cleared up and he was feeling relaxed and calm. Renewed energy levels had him returning to his gardening and he wrote to us thrilled with the results. 2) Chris Wheeler is a 68 year old medical researcher who came to us with a troublesome left ankle that had been damaged in a motorcycle accident when he was 24. Chris received sapphire at 1.6hz for one hour on two separate occasions. He wrote that his ankle had improved substantially and that considering the completely non-invasive and painless nature of the therapy he was sure it was a genuine step forward into a new dimension for medicine of the 21st Century. 3} Robin Tubman is a 46 year old tradesman who was suffering from rheumatoid arthritis in his knees. X-rays revealed that most of the cartilage between the bone had disappeared. He was unable to stand up easily after crouching down which made his work painful and difficult. Robin received emerald, diamond and yellow sapphire at 3.6Hz with a blue filter to both his knees for 30 minutes every week over a 14 week period. He always noticed less discomfort after every treatment with the effects lasting longer and longer each time. Now one year later we spoke to Robin and he reports that his knees are still virtually pain free and that he is organising another X-ray to find out just what has changed. 4) CD is a 46 year old lady with AIDS. She presented herself with a chronic chest infection that increased medication was no longer able to control and had worsened over the last two years. She was coughing up large amounts of green phlegm and was feeling miserable. We administered diamond and carnelian to energise her blood and chest front and back. After three weekly treatments she started improving substantially and stayed well for six weeks after we stopped. She now continues with fortnightly treatments which keep her lungs functionally normally. She says this is the only thing that works. 5) AG is a 48 year old businessman who presented himself as a TM teacher who was interested in energy balancing and personal enhancement. We provide him with a weekly energisation of specific biological areas designed to increase consciousness and keep him present with his personal energy field. His partner reports that he has become more loving, productive and organised. She sends him back every week. Page 131 WHALE MEDICAL INC. Lux IV And Infrared Bioscanner Operating And Training Handbook Bulgarian Case Report ‘Two months ago I had my assemblage point centered by a maqnual shift. Also I had my shadow anxietylocations cleaned up by targeting them with gem lamp therapy. During a period of few days I had the opportunity to experience the blissful therapy (two lamps with blue filter and diamonds, sapphires with a Theta brain frequency - 3.5 Hz applied towards my temples for 30 minutes) that is very pleasant and calming. What I can say about this therapy is that it is supreme for people like me living all my life with an almost constant inconvenience of anxiety. Now I feel very well, I sleep more and better, the chatter in my mind has stopped and my skin got a fresh complexion as if I became younger! The most important thing is that after the centering of my AP I am able to be more comfortable with myself and others. The stressful reactions disappeared from my life as if a magical wand has touched it.’ UK E-mail Case Reports (2) 1) Case study for a lady with carpel tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow and depression: This 48 year old lady was suffering from carpel tunnel syndrome in both wrists, tennis elbow in the right elbow and also depression following a recent bereavement. Her assemblage point was low in the liver area and was adjusted using diamond and carnelian. Her wrists and right elbow were also treated and at the end of the session she was free of pain. After about one week the pain started to return and she came back for a further treatment. This time her assemblage point was still centred so only the areas of pain were treated. Several weeks later she reported that the pain had not returned and she was now coping with life considerably better. She returned after about one year for a short treatment to the elbow as it was beginning to hurt again. Two years later she remains completely pain-free. 2) Case study for a gentleman with sciatica and arthritis: An 81 year-old gentleman who had been unable to leave his home for several weeks due to acute sciatica was treated at the base of the spine and along his left leg. He was also suffering from arthritis in his right wrist and hand, so this was treated in the same session. During the treatment the pain from the sciatica eased a bit and the arthritic pain disappeared completely. By the following morning the pain from the sciatica had reduced to an occasional twinge and by the next day it had gone completely. Neither pain has returned after 18 months. 3) Case study for a lady with inflammation in the knee and frozen shoulder: A 62 year-old had a very inflamed and painful knee as a result of a fall 3 months previously and had great difficulty walking. She also had had a frozen shoulder for 2 years which restricted movement of her right arm so much that she could raise it in front of her only and then only by about 45 degrees. She was depressed and confused and her assemblage point was low. Initially her assemblage point was centred and then the knee and shoulder were treated directly. The knee responded to treatment immediately, resulting in significantly reduced inflammation and pain, and after two further short treatments is back to normal. The shoulder gradually improved so that after 4 treatments she can swing it backwards and up at the side and can raise it almost completely, albeit with some difficulty. She is now feeling positive and optimistic about the future. Treatment continues on the shoulder. Page 132