Dale Curtis Communications


Dale Curtis Communications
Dale Curtis Communications
September 2013
Dear Colleague:
I can’t believe that Dale Curtis Communications will turn four years old next month. This company
has grown beyond anything I could have expected back in October 2009, and in turn, my expectations
for it keep expanding. Like our reviewers on Glassdoor, a career research site, I too am “optimistic
about the outlook for this company”!
Speaking of growth, we’re excited to have two new spectacular interns on board:
Kelsey Curtis – In addition to having an excellent last name, Kelsey is a Colgate University
graduate and former intern for the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE).
Kelsey also served as the Vice President of Public Relations for her sorority, Delta Delta
Margarita ‘Margo’ Koutsouradis – A graduate of the University of Michigan with Hill and
campaign experience, Margo joined the DCC team for a month in August. She has since
moved to a full-time job in marketing at Audax Health, where we wish her the best. See her
reflections on her time with us below.
After four years, I can honestly say that I wake up each day excited about the work that I’m fortunate to
do. Thank you for being a part of it!
Contact and Follow Us:
Office: 202-495-3700
Email: dale@dalecurtiscommunications.com
Web: www.dalecurtiscommunications.com
Dale Curtis Communications
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/dalecurtis
Twitter: @dalecurtisindc
P.S. Looking for beautiful, affordable office space in a convenient, Metrofriendly location? Contact my colleague Penney Lagos of AdvantEdge
Business Centers at 202-644-8861, penney@advantedgebc.com.
Insider Scoop: Former DCC Intern Margo Koutsouradis’s DCC Experience
"It has been an exciting month. In the short time that I’ve been here, I’ve
learned a lot from the team. I explored my savvy side with Hoosuite (a social
media monitoring and engagement tool); became an expert on setting up
Facebook for business; and learned about some interesting DC issues. All in
all, this month has been a blast. Thanks to everyone at Dale Curtis for this
incredible learning opportunity!"
Kudos Corner
SAP National Security Services (SAP NS2)
We’re very excited about all of the happenings at SAP
NS2! The 2nd Annual SAP NS2 Solutions Summit is
just over one month away (Oct. 29), and a roster of
renowned experts in national security and I.T. have
confirmed their participation. We’re proud to be a
part of the team organizing what is sure to be a
highly-discussed event.
We were also pleased to help NS2 publicize two
prestigious additions to their executive team: Joseph Kernan, a retired Vice Admiral of the U.S. Navy
and military assistant to Defense Secretary Robert Gates, who joined as Vice President of Business
Development; and Ron Police, a former VP for Apple and Oracle, who was named Senior Vice
SAP America
“Congratulations!” are in order for SAP America for partnering with the New York City Department of
Education and City University of New York to create a new high school program that will prepare
students for information technology jobs. The program – NYS Pathways in Technology Early College
High School (NYS P-TECH) – will launch in the fall of 2014 and allow students to earn a high school
diploma and an associate’s degree within six years, with the opportunity to land jobs at participating
companies. This is another great example of SAP’s corporate social responsibility, and especially its
commitment to education and training, which we are pleased to support.
Kudos also to Bill McDermott – soon to become the sole CEO of SAP AG – who joined and quickly
mastered Twitter this month!
American Bus Association (ABA)
It was a pleasure to help the American Bus Association, the leader in the motorcoach, tour, and travel
industry, with a special project this summer. We’re impressed by the work they do and the direction
they’re heading.
Dale Curtis Communications
National Emergency Number Association (NENA)
Our friends at NENA have a great program lined up for their Critical Issues Forum next month in
Denver, and we’re excited to help them get the word out about it. The forum will feature discussions
of the biggest “hot-button public safety issues” and how they can be addressed to improve 9-1-1 for
Last But Not Least
Belated kudos to our wonderful former consultant Ann Canela, who is
now making waves as a Senior Director for Global Impact, an alliance
of more than 80 international charities. Ann now leads business
development, client relations, and advisory services for the
organization. Keep up the great work, Ann!
Look for your organization’s success story in our next DaleWire!
Ask Dale
Q: What are some of the most important things that you have learned running a business? While
presumably trying to stay sane?
A: Perhaps surprisingly, it was never my goal to start my own business; I always viewed myself as
more of a good soldier in great organizations. But when the opportunity to strike out on my own
presented itself, I grabbed it and ran, and I haven’t looked back. A few lessons I’ve learned:
Trust yourself. You know what you enjoy doing, and do well, and which of your talents people
seem to value most. Find that intersection and go for it. People will respond to your passion
and abilities.
You can’t do it all yourself; get help. Recruit for
brains, experience, and character; then set clear
expectations and provide plenty of training, guidance,
and feedback. Delegate as much as possible and get
out of the way. Then reward success!
Cherish and cultivate your professional
relationships. You may be the most brilliant expert
around, but without a great network of supportive
colleagues, your potential is limited. Keep in touch via
meetings, calls, emails, and social media; pay
attention to what your clients and colleagues care
Be disciplined about your time. Next to your team and your skills, it’s your most valuable
asset! Enjoy the flexibility of being your own boss, but remember it’s a very competitive
market out there.
And have fun! Don’t forget to enjoy a sunny day, a coffee break, or a baseball game with your
colleagues every now and then.
Photo: Dale with business colleagues Steve Clawson of Validus Public Relations and Deborah Sauri of iSpy
DC's Best of D.C. and Beyond
Dale Curtis Communications
In each DaleWire, we pass along one of Dale’s “Best of D.C. and Beyond” recommendations. In this
issue, we’re highlighting one of Dale’s favorite museums, often overlooked by tourists and even
In my humble opinion, Tudor Place is one of Washington’s hidden gems. It’s a wonderful place to
visit if you are looking to get away from the crowds on the National Mall and downtown.
Located on five and a half acres on a hilltop in Georgetown, this National Historic Landmark was
home to six generations of descendants of Martha Washington. The house was built by Martha
Washington’s granddaughter, Martha Custis Peter, and her husband, Thomas Peter, the son of the
mayor of Georgetown. One can imagine what a rich and glamorous young couple they must have
been. Architecture aficionados will be intrigued to learn that the house was designed by the architect
of the U.S. Capitol, Dr. William Thornton.
What amazes me about Tudor Place? Because it was home to one prominent family for more than
180 years, and then transformed directly into a museum, it is overflowing with art, furniture, and other
artifacts reflecting the sweep of changes in American cultural and social history, from the birth and
growth of the capital city, to the waging of the Civil War, to the waves of modernization in the 20th
century. Among the sights to be seen are some of George Washington’s most treasured
possessions, a 1919 roadster, and a 1968 bomb shelter.
Guests are also encouraged to wander through the landscaped gardens and enjoy a cup of tea and
a scone. Don’t miss the house’s view of the city and the Potomac from the front lawn.
To learn more about the museum or book a tour, visit: www.tudorplace.org. And if you’d like more
suggestions on the best things to visit in Washington when your family and friends come to town, let
me know.
Notable and Quotable
“Experience is a hard teacher because she gives the test first, the lesson afterwards.”
~ Vernon Sanders Law (Major League Baseb all pitcher b etween 1950 and 1967)