10-Year Transmission System Assessment
10-Year Transmission System Assessment
10-Year Transmission System Assessment Helping to keep the lights on, businesses running and communities strong® www.atc10yearplan.com 2011 Summary Report September 2011 Economics, public policy increasingly influence Mandatory reliability standards, renewable portfolio requirements affect plans While reliably meeting the needs of electricity customers is the top priority for any transmission owner, market economics and public policy initiatives are playing a major role in how utilities plan for their system needs. Traditionally, transmission owners performed planning studies and analysis for their individual needs; today, however, while local reliability remains the responsibility of the owner, the trend is toward broaderbased planning driven by regional transmission organizations, government agencies and electricity market economics. Changing the way transmission system costs are allocated also affects the planning as well as permitting for system improvements. Regional planning initiatives increasingly focus on projects that provide additional benefits beyond local-area reliability. These multibenefit, or Multi-Value Projects (as defined by Midwest Independent System Operator, Inc.), also include economic savings and the ability to move renewable energy from where it is generated to where it can be used. As these projects are identified, regulators from multiple states will need to work together to determine cost sharing as well as permitting. We are working diligently with all stakeholders to design an incremental regional build-out of these projects to move forward efficiently and cost-effectively. Three 345-kilovolt projects that MISO is considering for Multi-Value Project cost sharing were presented in the 2010 10-Year Assessment. These projects are the Badger Coulee, Dubuque-Spring Green-Cardinal and Pleasant Prairie (Bain)-Zion Energy Center projects. For an update, go to page 6. Enforceable, mandatory reliability standards, developed by the North American Electric Reliability Corp. and approved by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in 2007, also play a role in how we plan, operate and maintain our system. Earlier this year, NERC Cost trends The total cost trends of the last five assessments and updates are as follows: 2007200820092010 2011 Specific Network Projects $1.4B$1.3B$1.0B$1.0B $1.0B Regional Multi-Value Projects $0.0B$0.0B$0.0B$0.7B $0.7B Asset Maintenance $0.4B$0.5B$0.7B$0.7B $1.0B Other Capital Categories $1.0B$0.9B$0.8B$1.0B $1.1B/$1.7B Total 10-Year Capital Cost $2.8B$2.7B$2.5B$3.4B $3.8B/$4.4B 2 www.atc10yearplan.com transmission planning issued a set of high-priority reliability issues to help the industry focus on standards setting, compliance, training and education. Several of those priorities, including a changing resource mix and the integration of new technologies, will impact the way we plan and operate our system. Our planning process also is affected by pending Environmental Protection Agency regulations for electric generators and the recently issued FERC Order 1000 governing regional planning, public policy requirements and cost allocation. These issues, along with the internal identification of a new credible contingency scenario, have caused us to undertake a study on transmission reinforcements in northern Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula. Later this year, we expect to identify a Northern Plan, some preliminary packages of projects that coordinate with the existing northeast Wisconsin and Upper Peninsula projects to address generation changes, load changes and developing transmission contingency concerns. As the EPA rules become clearer, additional studies may be undertaken to explore these need drivers in other areas of our service territory. The 2011 Assessment covers the years 2011 through 2020 and indicates a need for $3.8 to $4.4 billion in transmission system improvements. The total includes $1.0 billion in specific network projects, $1.0 billion in asset maintenance, $0.7 billion in multi-benefits projects, and this year a range of $1.1 to $1.7 billion in other capital categories. Other capital categories can include developing projects (i.e. Northern Plan), or unspecified network projects, interconnection projects and infrastructure relocation. The planning zone summaries included in this report detail specific projects identified to improve reliability, access to the market and renewable energy resources. A more comprehensive listing of these plans is available at our website www.atc10yearplan.com. Paul Jett Director of Strategic Projects Jeff Gillen Director of System Planning Mark Davis Director of Asset Management 2011 ATC 10-Year Assessment 3 Regional planning involves large-scale projects and MISO MVP Candidates Study – Late last year, FERC conditionally approved a new cost-allocation methodology for proposals within MISO that are deemed “Multi-Value Projects.” The methodology would spread the cost of the MVPs across the entire MISO region, with ATC customers paying about 10 to 15 percent of the project’s cost. A task team is reviewing 17 such projects, including three ATC proposals. (See page 6 for more specific information.) To qualify as an MVP, a project must meet one or more of these criteria: Reliably and economically enable regional public policy needs Provide multiple types of regional economic value Provide a combination of regional reliability and economic value FERC Order 1000 FERC has recently issued an order that will have a significant impact on how transmission is planned and built in the U.S. The order impacts the way transmission is planned by requiring Regional Transmission Organizations to plan for public policy requirements such as Renewable Portfolio Standards and EPA regulations, and to coordinate their planning with their neighboring RTOs and other transmission providers. The order requires every RTO to have a regional cost-allocation method for regional and inter-regional projects. The order also opens the door to more competition in building regional, cost-shared transmission projects although state and local laws regarding transmission construction are not affected. Federal priorities In addition to creating reliability based standards, NERC has established a number of priorities for 2011. Integration of new technologies is one of the major priorities we are working on. We signed an agreement with the U.S. Department of Energy in 2010 for smart grid investment grants. A number of phasor measurement units have been installed on our system with a $1.3 million grant. This smart grid technology helps us perform more detailed analysis of the system during events. An additional $11.4 million grant is being used to extend fiber optic communication infrastructure. Both projects are on schedule. Another NERC priority is to address a changing resource mix. Energy and environmental policies along with energy markets are 4 www.atc10yearplan.com multiple stakeholders driving proposals toward unprecedented changes in the resource mix of the bulk power system. We are currently studying potential system impacts and initial results indicate reliability impacts that must be considered in the future. Cyber security is also a NERC priority and under increasing FERC scrutiny. We are participating in the NERC standards process to help anticipate the future impacts of these changes on our planning processes and systems. Energy and environmental policies along with energy markets are driving unprecedented changes in the resource mix of the bulk power system. Eastern Interconnection Planning Collaborative – A group of 27 Planning Authorities is working with the DOE to develop conceptual interconnection-wide transmission plans. The collaborative has reached consensus on eight “resource expansion futures” that will guide the first, fully coordinated transmission planning exercise across the entire interconnection. An interim report is scheduled by the end of 2011. The second phase of the project will include the development of a transmission build-out to support each of three resource scenarios selected by stakeholders; a final project report is due to DOE by the end of 2012. Western Wisconsin Reliability Study – In cooperation with Xcel Energy; Dairyland Power Cooperative; Great River Energy; International Transmission Co., Midwest; and Southern Minnesota Municipal Power Agency, ATC led a study of reliability needs and transmission options in western Wisconsin. Modeling, coordinated with MISO, showed many reliability needs in the region would be partially solved by 345-kV solutions in western Wisconsin. South Lake Michigan Congestion Study – Market congestion issues impacting southeastern Wisconsin are part of a larger regional market congestion issue that extends south of Lake Michigan into Illinois and Indiana. We have worked with MISO and other stakeholders to identify short-, medium- and long-term solutions. For more information, please refer to the Pleasant Prairie-Zion Energy Center 345-kV project on page 8. 2011 ATC 10-Year Assessment 5 Emerging projects update In last year’s Assessment, we introduced three emerging projects that provided benefits beyond local-area reliability. The projects are in various stages of development. Badger Coulee project launched to enhance regional reliability, deliver renewable energy and provide economic savings We began public outreach for the Badger Coulee Project in 2010, and shared with local stakeholders the potential corridors for the 150-mile, 345-kV line between the La Crosse and northern Dane County areas. Our studies indicate that this is a multi-benefit project that would deliver benefits to Wisconsin and the Midwest region in three important ways: Improve electric system reliability locally and regionally Better enable Wisconsin to import power Offset the need for approximately $180 million ($140 million in the ATC service area) in lower-voltage upgrades in western Wisconsin communities Alleviate regional transmission grid stability issues Deliver economic savings for Wisconsin utilities and electric consumers Provide utilities with greater access to the wholesale electricity market with potential savings that can be passed on to electric consumers Improve efficiency of the grid; more efficient grid reduces the cost to deliver energy Connect to high-quality renewable resources in the nation’s western wind alley, which translates into hundreds of millions of dollars in potential savings Could provide $75 million to $560 million in energy cost savings to ATC customers over the life of the project, depending on the future studied (preliminary analysis) Expand infrastructure to support public policy for greater use of renewables Establish another pathway for renewable energy into Wisconsin with connections to key load centers Match regional studies (Strategic Midwest Area Transmission Study and MISO Regional Generation Outlet Study) evaluating transmission options that best deliver renewable energy while also addressing reliability issues Could provide $50 million to $340 million in potential renewable investment savings to ATC customers over the life of the project depending on the future studied (preliminary analysis) Badger Coulee has been identified as a Candidate Multi-Value Project by MISO, eligible for cost-sharing across the region. If the project is deemed an MVP by MISO, preliminary studies show the project will show a net benefit to our customers in all six futures studied. If the project is not deemed an MVP, the project will show a net benefit in five of six futures studied. ATC anticipates filing an application with the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin in 2013. 6 www.atc10yearplan.com 2011 ATC 10-Year Assessment 7 Dubuque-Spring Green-Cardinal 345-kV Project shows regional benefits We continue to study the benefits of a 345-kV line linking the Dubuque, Iowa area to the Madison, Wis. area. We have examined six different future scenarios, and if deemed a Multi-Value Project, the analysis shows that this line would provide benefits that exceed the cost in all six futures. If deemed a stand-alone ATC project, benefits exceed costs in four of the six futures. If both the Badger Coulee and Dubuque-Spring Green-Cardinal projects are determined to be eligible for regional cost-sharing, the benefits of the combination exceed costs in all six scenarios. Dubuque-Spring Green-Cardinal is being studied as a Candidate MVP by MISO. The MISO board will approve selected projects in December 2011. Pleasant Prairie-Zion Energy Center would facilitate regional access and alleviate congestion in three states Transmission system congestion issues in southeastern Wisconsin are part of a larger, regional market congestion around the southern tip of Lake Michigan. This proposed, six-mile, 345-kV line between Pleasant Prairie, Wis., and Zion, Ill., will help solve some of those issues, providing regional benefits: Provide savings for electric utilities and their customers H elps relieve transmission system congestion throughout the region and enables the most efficient generators to supply power to the energy market Allows utilities to buy and sell power when it’s economic to do so Improve electric system reliability, locally and regionally A dds an additional high-voltage line to strengthen the interstate transmission connection between Wisconsin and Illinois A llows for better regional access to emergency sources of power generation Public outreach for the project was initiated in Spring 2011 and construction applications are anticipated to be filed with regulators in Wisconsin and Illinois by the end of the year. Pleasant Prairie-Zion Energy Center is being studied as a Candidate MVP by MISO. 8 www.atc10yearplan.com Barnhart-Branch River Electric Reliability Project addresses equipment upgrade Also introduced as an emerging project in the 2010 Assessment, the Barnhart-Branch River project is being proposed to address equipment modifications and an associated increase in generating capacity at the Point Beach Nuclear Plant in Manitowoc County, Wis. Public outreach began in 2011 to introduce the project to area residents, local officials and other stakeholders. The project includes two new substations and associated transmission lines. Substations Two new substations are required. The Branch River Switching Station would be constructed in Manitowoc County and the Barnhart Substation would be constructed in Sheboygan County. Transmission lines Options include: Converting a 345-/138-kV double-circuit line that runs about 51 miles in Manitowoc, Calumet and Sheboygan counties to a double-circuit 345-kV line that will connect the new substations, and constructing a new, 18-mile, 138-kV line in Sheboygan County or Constructing a new 345-kV line that links the Branch River and Barnhart facilities (about 40 miles). Potential corridor options for the transmission lines were presented at open houses in summer 2011. Feedback from the public and other data collection activities are underway in anticipation of filing a construction application in fall 2012. If approved, construction would begin in fall 2016, with a 2018 in-service date. Straits Flow Control Project would aid Upper Michigan reliability Despite significant upgrades to transmission infrastructure in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan in recent years, operational challenges remain due to the delicate balance that exists between generation, load, market flows and transmission. A back-to-back, high-voltage, direct-current flow control project is being implemented near the Straits Substation in St. Ignace, Mich. The innovative, $90 million project will enable the flows into and out of the U.P. to be controlled by MISO, maintaining appropriate thermal and voltage levels on the system in the peninsula. Approved by the MISO board of directors in June 2011, the project will be cost-shared as a baseline reliability project. 2011 ATC 10-Year Assessment 9 Our progress When we began operations in 2001, our system had only four high-voltage interconnections with neighboring states. The other states had between 10 and 18 connections. Our lone connection to Minnesota was the second-most congested transmission line in the country. Energizing the Arrowhead-Weston 345-kV line in 2008 – our second connection to Minnesota – greatly eased the constraints on the Arpin-Eau Claire-King transmission line. An additional 345-kV circuit to Illinois has also strengthened the backbone of our system. By 2010, however, system flows on the two lines to Minnesota imported power into Wisconsin 92 percent of the time, and the Arpin-Eau Claire line once again has become a seriously congested line. The ties to Minnesota are but one example of the dynamic nature of operating a transmission system and the need for continuous analysis and planning. Our $2.5 billion in investment since 2001 has created one of the most reliable transmission systems in the country. The investment has saved our customers more than $200 million in reduced energy costs. Transmission costs and economic benefits Our customers – distribution utilities, independent power producers and power marketers – pay us through MISO for transmission delivery service. Our rates are set by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. Retail consumers pay for the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity, plus fuel costs, through a regulated utility rate. In our service area, transmission cost is the smallest component of a retail customer’s electric bill, about 10 or 11 percent. Generation and fuel costs make up the major portion, followed by distribution infrastructure. Transmission construction provides direct and indirect economic benefits to communities in the form of labor, goods and materials, housing, food and other services. A recent study shows that $1 billion invested in transmission supports about 13,000 jobs and $2.4 billion in economic activity. Asset renewal Our asset management personnel work closely with system planning staff to maintain and improve system reliability. Focused on life-cycle management of our transmission system, asset renewal is the “replacement strategy” of the asset life cycle. Asset renewal is driven by public and worker safety, regulatory compliance, reliability performance and environmental stewardship. Despite challenging weather in 2010, we continued to experience top-tier reliability performance. We participate in the SGS Transmission Reliability Benchmarking program with 26 other operators that represent nearly half of the nation’s grid. In 2010, our 345-, 138- and 115-kV lines performed in the top 10 percent. We continue to refine our asset management system, including a comprehensive forced outage reduction program, which is one of several processes that direct targeted investments to meet reliability objectives. In addition, our asset planning and engineering staff provide progressive renewal and maintenance programs for oversight of those assets at or near their end of life. 10 www.atc10yearplan.com Major accomplishments to date Since we were formed in 2001 as a utility solely focused on electric transmission, we have: upgraded more than 1,700 miles of transmission line, improved 140 electric substations and built 40 new transmission lines (540 miles). A more reliable transmission system has enabled us to: meet peak demand during an exceptionally hot summer in 2011 with no customer interruption, reliably deliver electricity to customers in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Illinois at all hours of the year including peak demand hours, maintain top reliability performance, support approximately 1,100 MW of new peak electric usage, connect 5,711 MW of new generation at 21 sites, increase the ability of our system to import power by 750 MW, reduce energy losses over the 40-year lives of our completed projects at a level that equates to: – 15-19 million megawatt hours of electricity saved (enough to power 36,000 – 45,500 homes each year) – 10-14 million tons of CO2 emissions (associated with producing lost energy) eliminated, – avert the need for a 124-154 megawatt generating plant to serve peak demand, resolve problems in 18 specific areas to move power into or through our system. – Arrowhead-Weston (Northwestern Wisconsin) – Blackhawk-Colley Road (Rock County) – Christiana-Kegonsa (Dane County) – Cranberry-Conover-Plains (Northern Wisconsin and Upper Peninsula of Michigan) – Eau Claire-Arpin (Wood County) – Gardner Park-Central Wisconsin (Marathon and Shawano counties) – Kewaunee (Kewaunee County) – Manistique-Hiawatha (Schoolcraft and Mackinac Mich. counties) – Morgan-Werner West (Shawano, Waupaca, Outagamie and Oconto counties) – North Madison-Huiskamp (Dane County) – North Appleton-Lost Dauphin (Outagamie and Brown counties) – North Appleton-White Clay (Outagamie and Shawano counties) – Paddock-Rockdale (Dane and Rock counties) – Paris-St. Martins (Kenosha, Racine and Milwaukee counties) – Plains-Stiles (Oconto, Marinette, Menominee, Wis., and Dickinson, Mich. counties) – Rhinelander area (Lincoln, Oneida and Langlade counties) – Wempletown-Paddock (Rock County and northern Illinois) – Whitewater-Mukwonago (Walworth and Waukesha counties) We have made progress by actively seeking input and making our plans and proposals public. To date, ATC has: produced and issued 16 transmission system assessments to the public, held dozens of major public planning and siting meetings, and participated in thousands of interactive local, state and industry discussions, both giving and receiving information to carry out our duties and responsibilities. Duke-American Transmission Co. (DATC) Building on more than 10 years of success, we are looking for opportunities to grow our company beyond our current service area in the Upper Midwest. Earlier this year, we formed a partnership with Duke Energy in a joint venture to build, own and operate new electric transmission infrastructure in North America. The Duke-American Transmission Co. planning team, comprised of transmission planners from both companies, recently proposed a $4 billion package of seven transmission line projects in five Midwestern states. These projects will provide additional economic, reliability, and public policy benefits to consumers. Thoughtful, well-designed transmission projects will afford customers, regulators and other stakeholders flexibility in determining which energy resources will help meet demand for electricity in the future. As such, they will serve as a springboard for next-generation energy technologies. For more information, please visit www.datcllc.com. 2011 ATC 10-Year Assessment 11 What technical considerations drive the need for Economics – We evaluate the impact of transmission congestion on wholesale power prices and study projects to determine economic savings to offset most or all of the congestion and loss costs. An example is evaluating increased access to markets outside our service area. Solution: Three projects have been completed, two are proposed, and another provisional project is being studied. Renewables/Public Policy – All of the states in which we operate and most other Midwestern states have adopted renewable portfolio standards. A national requirement also is being considered. Solution: We are participating in several regional transmission studies to identify the transmission needed to integrate renewable generation, including wind, much of which could be located in areas remote from large load centers. Load growth – Demand for electricity during peak usage periods is projected to grow at a rate of approximately 1.1 percent across our service territory from 2012 through 2021. Solution: More than 77 projects are planned for assuring reliability at least in part due to load growth. Distribution interconnections – The transmission system is dynamic; changes in the marketplace, as well as changes in generation – new plants coming on line, older units being retired – drive the need for additional transmission-to-distribution interconnections. Solution: 125 are planned in the next 10 years. More than 275 new or improved T-D interconnections have been made since 2001. New generation – When a new generating facility is proposed, we conduct a system impact study and, if requested, a facilities study. If the existing transmission system is inadequate to ensure generator stability or reliable transmission service, we will determine what system expansion will be needed. Solution: 19 generators are active in our generation queue, and many reflect the growing development of wind energy. 21 generators added since 2001 required construction of transmission facilities. 12 www.atc10yearplan.com transmission expansion? Asset renewal – Keeping transmission lines, substations and related equipment in good operating condition extends the life of the facilities, improves system performance and safety, and minimizes the potential for outages. Part of the $4.0 billion investment ATC will make over the next 10 years is dedicated to asset renewal. Major projects at substations include replacing circuit breakers, protective relays, lightning protection and transformers. Major work on transmission lines involves rebuilding or upgrading aging power lines, including the replacement of structures, conductors, insulators and other equipment. Solution: More than 100 projects to address asset renewal needs are planned in the next 10 years. Transmission service requests – Virtually all entities that own power plants or provide electric service to customers, or both, seek to buy and sell electricity with other entities. We evaluate those requests to determine whether the transmission system will operate reliably if the request is granted. If the request can’t immediately be granted, we will identify transmission system reinforcements needed to grant the request. Solution: More than 35 projects to meet transmission service requests have been completed since 2001. Generator retirements – Similar to new generator requests, when a large generator is retired due to age or other reasons, we will determine how system requirements will be affected. Recently issued Environmental Protection Agency rules will impact retirements across the U.S. in the next 5 to 10 years. Solution: Generation uncertainties are growing due to proposed EPA regulations. We are working closely with generation owners and MISO to anticipate reliability impacts to our transmission system. Regulatory environment – Physical and cyber security and reliability standards continue to increase, which affect planning criteria. Solution: We are participating in the NERC standards process to help anticipate the future impacts of these changes on our planning processes and systems. Integration of new technologies – Demand-side management, variable generation, distributed resources and smart grid technologies all require changes in how the grid is planned and operated to maintain reliability. Solution: The type of flow-control device between Upper and Lower Michigan will be one of few utilized in the U.S. 2011 ATC 10-Year Assessment 13 Environmental commitment guides work practices Winter construction, mats and ice roads help minimize impacts. We recognize that our construction and maintenance work may impact the environment. We take our commitment to environmental protection and stewardship seriously. Our goal is to avoid making impacts where we can, minimize those that can’t be avoided, and restore the environment after the work is done. In some instances, we can improve conditions. We adhere to local, state and federal laws regulating the construction or rebuilding of transmission lines. We obtain permits required to work in environmentally sensitive areas and use prescribed construction methods to comply with permit requirements and reduce our impacts. To create stable working areas and protect environmentally sensitive areas, we make use of protective construction mats to support heavy equipment. We often perform construction during winter months when the ground is frozen to minimize disturbance to soils and sensitive plant and animal life. Winter construction also allows for use of ice roads as an alternative to construction mats. Ice roads are constructed by removing the top, or insulating, layer of snow, then running equipment back and forth to effectively drive frost into the soil to create a stable road. Ice roads are an efficient and effective alternative to construction mats in wetland areas where organic material produces its own heat, thus negating cold temperatures that would usually freeze the soil. We also use construction practices that reduce the spread of invasive species and transmittal of agricultural pests and diseases. In certain instances, we have used helicopters to access and work on transmission lines to avoid contacting environmentally sensitive areas on the ground. Inspections are performed during and after construction to ensure compliance and proper restoration. In some cases, we partner with conservation groups, municipalities and others to remove invasive species and improve habitat for wildlife. Our dedication to the environment also is evidenced through our designation as a Green Tier company by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. Green Tier recognizes businesses and organizations that demonstrate superior environmental performance and dedication to continual improvement, and strives to encourage responsible environmental decision making to protect and restore natural resources. 14 www.atc10yearplan.com Plans and proposals for the transmission system For planning purposes, we divide our service area into five zones representing distinct geographic or usage areas. Within each zone, we compile and assess the transmission system needs. Project classifications Within each zone, we have recommended network and asset renewal projects to address system limitations. The network projects are classified into one of three possible categories – Planned, Proposed or Provisional – depending upon the stage a project may be in. These categories are consistent with those used by MISO. Status of ATC planning activities Application for regulatory approval Project status System solution included in generation interconnection power flow models Planned Proposed Provisional Studies complete Studies not complete Studies not complete Application pending or issued None None Project in construction planning phase or under construction Project identified as preferred alternative Placeholder project; not necessarily a preferred project alternative Project included Project not included Project not included 2011 ATC 10-Year Assessment 15 System Limitations North Central Wisconsin – Zone 1 Transmission system characteristics in Zone 1 ATC delivers power in Zone 1 with various transmission facilities including: East-west 345-kV line from Arpin Substation through Stevens Point extending to the Appleton area, 345-kV line extending from Wausau to northeastern Minnesota, 345-kV line extending from Wausau to Stevens Point to eastern Outagamie County (Highway 22), 115-kV network in the northern portion of the zone, and 138-kV and 69-kV network in the southern portion of the zone. There are a number of transmission system performance issues in Zone 1 including overloaded lines and equipment and low system voltages. Transmission system limitations in Zone 1 Key system performance issues in Zone 1 include low voltages and thermal overloads in the southern portion of the zone. These issues will necessitate a combination of reinforcements. Zone 1 includes the counties of: 16 www.atc10yearplan.com Adams Marathon Vilas (southern portion) Forest (southwestern portion) Marquette Waupaca Fond du Lac (northwest portion) Monroe (eastern portion) Waushara Green Lake Oneida Winnebago Juneau Portage Langlade Shawano (western portion) Lincoln Vernon (eastern portion) (western portion) Wood Lakota Rd Conover Sagola Twin Lake ASHLAND IR ON IR ON Butternut Fe Nordic Randville Peavy Falls Hy VIL AS System Limitations Key DICKINSON Florence Aspen Eagle River Park Falls Eagle River Cranberry St Germain Low voltages FLORENCE Overloaded facility Clear Lake (WPS) Twin Falls SW STA Bass Lake Pine Hy Armory Plains Norway Three Lakes Aragon Niagara 2 ONEIDA Phillips PRICE FOREST Rhinelander Goodman Highway Eight Hodag Rhinelander Paper Metonga Crandon Venus Kennan Chal Prentice Catawba Daves Falls Amberg Hawkins Eastom Tomahawk Tomahawk - ATC 115kV ME Silver Cliff Fox Hills SW STA MARINETTE Wausaukee Caldron Falls Hy Summit Lake (WPS) LINCOLN Rib Lake Grandfather Falls High Falls Hy Thunder LANGLADE Sandstone Rapids Hy Crivitz Mountain TAYLOR Pine (WPS) Merrill n Crivitz Polar White Lake Antigo Blackbrook SW STA Aurora St Antigo Bunker Hill SW STA Medford Pound Pound Lublin Coleman Stetsonville Athens OCONTO Maine Brokaw Aniwa Dorchester Deer Trail Mattoon Suring MENOMINEE Wausau p Curtiss Withee Owen Sherman St Marathon City Edgar T Corners Colby Lena Lena Sunnyvale Cassel Wien SW STA Abbotsford Birnamwood Birnamwood Schofield Kelly MARATHON Weston SW YD Fenwood Unity Rothschild Weston Gillett Hatley Eland Gardner Park Wittenberg Stratford Greenwood Bowler Mosinee CWEC Wittenberg Cecil White Clay West Shawano Shawano East Shawano SHAWANO CWEC Tigerton Spencer Tigerton Loyal CLARK Caroline Bonduel Highway 22 Badger McMillan Groenier CWEC Dewey Marion Marion Rosholt CWEC Rosholt Pulaski Embarrass Auburndale Rosholt Milladore Northpoint Arpin PORTAGE WOOD Pittsville Iola Nelsonville Whiting Ave Whiting Okray Plover Plover Arnott Amherst Jct CWEC Scandinavia Scandinavia Amherst Manawa Ogdensburg Shiocton De Pere Red Maple Rockland (WPS) OUTA GAMIE North Appleton Greenleaf Hartman Creek Waupaca Hortonville White Lake (WE) Apple Hills Weyauwega ACEC Grant Casaloma Appleton Northside ACEC Wildrose Plainfield (ALTE) ACEC Plainfield Plainfield ACEC Sherwood Warrens Hancock ACEC Cottonville Warrens Coloma ACEC Coloma ADAMS DPC Oakdale River Run Camp Douglas Hustler Castle Rock Dartford Princeton MARQUETTE Roeder ACEC Winnebago Montello Neenah Creek Oxford Lyndon Station Lyndon Station Kilbourn Finnegan Yuba RICHLAND Viola Ironton Cazenovia Markesan Markesan Oakfield Koch Oil Mackford Prairie SHEBOYGAN Eden Oakfield Alto ACEC Roslin Plymouth Muncipal Plymouth Mulle North Kettle Morraine (ALTE) South Fond Du Lac SW YD Waldo Cascade L Waupun Main Waupun Platt Wisconsin Dells Dell Creek La Valle Willow Lawn Martin Rd Forward Energy Center ON SAUK Ledgeview Macy St Hickory St Fond du Lac Morris St Ohmstead Fairwater Brandon Fairwater Brandon Kingston Endeavor Glenbeulah Sadoff Co FOND DU LAC Green Lake SW STA Elkhart Lake Elkhart Lake Plym Mount Calvary St. Cloud North Fond du Lac Rosendale Rosendale GREEN LAKE Endeavor DPC Lyndon Station Ripon Metomen Marquette Union Center Union Center Wonewoc Hillsboro Hillsboro Wonewoc 3 Ripon Green Lake Montello DPC Elroy Elroy Ontario Northwest Ripon Grand Marsh ACEC Glen La Farge New Holstein SW STA New Holstein Meyer Rd Kiel ACEC Chateau on Fitzgerald Aviation Fox River Cypress SW YD West Mauston Mauston Mauston Hilltop (ALTE) Kendall St. N Tecumseh Rd Ford Drive ACEC Turtle Lake Westfield Westfield ACEC Brooks Dorset Corners Wilton Chilton Mckenna DPC New Lisbon New Lisbon DPC Buckhorn ACEC Quincy na Berlin Berlin Neshkoro Gravesville Lincoln Pump STA JUNEAU Norwalk ACEC Spring Lake Lohrville ACEC Richford Chaffee Creek Friendship Friendship Adams Houghton Rock DPC Whistling Wings Oakdale MONROE Coloma MANITO CALUMET Sunset Point Bowen St Omro Pearl Ave Omro Omro Industrial Park 12th Ave Oshkosh Oshkosh Progress Ellinwood Red Granite Reedsville Stockbridge WINNEBAGO Redgranite Silver Lake (ALTE) ACEC Dellwood Glenview Brillion Potter Mears Corners Winneconne Winneconne Fountain Valley ACEC Wautoma Wautoma Wautoma Petenwell Big Pond Necedah Necedah Ryan St Hilbert ACEC Hancock WAUSHARA DPC Ocean Spray Wyeville Forest Junction Sherwood Woodenshoe ACEC Wild Rose Pump Hancock Meadows Neenah Wild Rose Sand Lake Maes Kaukauna Little Chute Kimberly Combined Locks Tayco Neevin Menasha Wild Rose Badger West Wrightstown Kaukauna North Fremont Almond ACEC Badger West Lost Dauphin Ellington Harrison 69kV Waupaca Golden Sands Port Edwards Vulcan Chem Port Edwards Hollywood Saratoga Nekoosa Mystery Hills BROWN Werner New London Northern Steel Casting Baker St Wisconsin Rapids Preble 7th St South Broadway Highway V O Ashwaubenon Ashland Ave Bluesto Oak St Depere Allouez Hintz Sheridan (ALTE) West Wisconsin Rapids Coyne St Armenia Liberty St 4Black Creek Manawa WAUPACA Amherst Junction Green Bay Mason St Velp Ave Seymour Iola Biron Lakehead Vesper CKSON Lawn Rd Bear Creek Rocky Run Hoover ACEC Badger West Rudolph Vesper Sigel Vesper Maplewood Howard Howard CWEC Iola Stevens Point Rudolph Pittsville Big Falls Nichols Arpin Neillsville Clintonville Junction City Granton North Tomah Tomah Council Creek Suamico Clintonville Auburndale Flare Ave Sobieski Belle Plaine Cloverleaf Rozellville Wildwood (MEWD) Hume Marshfield Mill Creek Stiles SW STA Morgan Whitcomb Elderon Pioneer (WPS) Oconto Falls Falls Gresham Wittenberg Morrison Ave Stratford Brooks Corners Zobel Birchwood Lake Delton ACEC Lewiston ACEC Cambria Trienda Portage Reedsburg Nishan Reedsburg Reedsburg Artesian Waupun Lake Delton Fox Hills Brownsville Butternut Lakehead Portage COLUMBIA Portage Ind Park Portage Sanborn Pardeeville Pardeeville Lomira Friesland Staff Cambria Didion Cambria DODGE Randolph Randolph Ade Campbellsport Ra Fox Lake Fox Lake (ALTE) Auburn 2011 ATC 10-Year Assessment Kekoskee Mayville Mayville Kewaskum Theresa WASHINGTON 5 17 Random L OZAU Transmission projects in Zone 1 North Central Wisconsin – Zone 1 We have implemented one project in Zone 1 since the 2010 Assessment, which was the construction of a new 69-kV line to the new Warrens Substation tapped from the Council Creek-Tunnel City 69-kV line. Our current plans in Zone 1 include 15 system reliability and economic projects between 2011 and 2025. These projects are in various stages of development. The most notable planned, proposed, provisional and asset renewal projects in Zone 1, along with their projected year of completion and the factors driving the need for the projects, are listed below. Project description In-service year Need driver Planned projects 1 Clear Lake-Woodmin 115-kV line 2012 T-D interconnection 2014 Low-voltage, economics, avoids reconfiguration during emergencies 2017 Overloads, low-voltages, and economic Proposed projects 2 Monroe County-Council Creek 161-kV line Provisional projects 3 Fairwater-Mackford Prairie 69-kV line Asset Renewal projects 4 Wautoma-Berlin 69-kV line rebuild 2011 Condition and performance 5 Whitcomb-Deer Trail 69-kV line partial rebuild 2011 Condition and performance 6 Montello-Wautoma 69-kV line rebuild 2017 Condition and performance 7 Plover-Whiting 115-kV line rebuild 2019 Condition and performance 8 Coyne-Saratoga 115-kV line partial rebuild 2020 Condition and performance System Solutions Key SUBSTATION KEY TRANSMISSION LINE KEY New substation 345-kV transmission line Substation modifications 115-, 138- or 161-kV transmission line Supports transmission system expansion Upgrades equipment ratings to avert facility overloads Transformer Supports local growth and improves voltage levels Capacitor bank or reactor Rebuilt 115- or 138-kV transmission line Transmission line voltage conversion Relieves low voltages or high voltages 69-kV transmission line T-D interconnection Rebuilt 69-kV transmission line Supports local growth EXISTING TRANSMISSION LINES KEY SUBSTATION KEY New substation 18 www.atc10yearplan.com Supports transmission system expansion Substation modifications Upgrades equipment ratings to avert facility overloads 69 kV 161 kV 115 kV 230 kV 138 kV 345 kV IR ON Lakota Rd ASHLAND Conover IR ON Sagola Twin Lake Peavy Falls Hy VIL AS T-D Depending on the status of the projects shown, the transmission line additions may be for illustrative purposes only and may not reflect the PRICE actual routes. Randville DICKINSON Aspen Woodmin Florence Cranberry Eagle River St Germain 1 Bass Lake FLORENCE Clear Lake (WPS) Armory Pine Hy Three Lakes 2 ONEIDA FOREST Rhinelander Paper Goodman Hodag Metonga Venus Daves Falls A Eastom Fox Hills SW STA Tomahawk - ATC 115kV Silver Cliff MARINETTE Summit Lake (WPS) LINCOLN Grandfather Falls LANGLADE TAYLOR Mountain Blackbrook SW STA Pine (WPS) C Polar Antigo Aurora St Pound OCONTO MENOMINEE Maine Deer Trail Hilltop (WPS) Sherman St Sunnyvale Wien SW STA T Corners Lena Cassel Birnamwood MARATHON Brooks Corners Kelly Pioneer (WPS) Wittenberg SHAWANO CWEC Wittenberg 5 Stratford Whitcomb Caroline Caroline White Clay Badger Sobieski McMillan T Rozellville Groenier Hume Rosholt CWEC CWEC Dewey Marion Suamico Rosholt Auburndale Maplewood Arpin Northpoint Pittsville Lawn Rd WAUPACA Rocky Run Plover 7th Ashland Ave Amherst Jct Arnott 7 Lakehead Vesper 4 Manawa Golden Sands T Greenleaf White Lake (WE) Apple Hills ACEC Grant Casaloma Butte Des Morts Plainfield (ALTE) ACEC Arrowhead ACEC Wildrose ACEC Plainfield ACEC Sherwood Armenia Badger West Necedah 2 T SM Council Creek SM JUNEAU SM 6 Mckenna ACEC Brooks ACEC Winnebago Mauston Ripon Montello SM Mackford Prairie SW STR Lyndon Station Union Center Wonewoc SM DPC Lyndon Station Platt SAUK Dell Creek Reedsburg Zobel Artesian Lake Delton Fox Hills SM Trienda Portage Koch Oil Sanborn Cambria Auburn SS Staff T Butternut DODGE SM ACEC Cambria Pardeeville Oakfield SM Waupun Lakehead Portage SM SHEBOYGA Mulle FOND DU LAC Alto COLUMBIA ACEC Lewiston Birchwood Reedsburg Nishan 3 Endeavor ACEC Roslin Hillsboro Elkhart Lake Ledgeview South Fond Du Lac SW YD Fairwater Brandon North Fond Du Lac Rosendale T Neenah Creek ACEC Glen DPC Elroy to Madison R I C H L A N D area Cypress SW YD Ripon SM SM Roeder Tecumseh Rd C Dartford GREEN LAKE SM ACEC Chateau West Mauston Gravesville Aviation Berlin MARQUETTE SM T Omro Fox River ACEC Turtle Lake Westfield M CALUMET River Run Ellinwood C Dorset Corners Zone 3 Sunset Point SM 4 Silver Lake (ALTE) Mears Corners SM Friendship C DPC New Lisbon DPC Buckhorn WINNEBAGO Chaffee Creek ACEC Friendship ADAMS Camp Douglas DPC Oakdale Fountain Valley T Red Granite ACEC Coloma ACEC Dellwood DPC Whistling Wings Wautoma Coloma T Castle Rock to La Crosse area Hancock Petenwell SM Woodenshoe Winneconne ACEC Wautoma ACEC Cottonville DPC Ocean Spray Glenview WAUSHARA ACEC Wild Rose Pump SM Maes Meadows Tayco Neevin Wild Rose Sand Lake Warrens Rockland North Appleton Ellington Waupaca 8 Baker St Oak St OUTA GAMIE Harrison Saratoga Glory Rd Hintz Sheridan (ALTE) Coyne St Hollywood Mason St Iola Hoover Okray Sigel JACKSON James St CWEC Iola PORTAGE Rudolph WOOD Cloverleaf Clintonville Mill Creek VERNON Morgan West Shawano CLARK MONROE S Falls Weston SW YD Fox Lake (ALTE) Randolph 5 2011 ATC 10-Year Assessment North Beaver Dam Mayville 19 15 WASHINGTON Ran KEWEENAW HOUGHTON ONTONAGON BARAGA LUCE MARQUETTE GOGEBIC CHIPPEWA ALGER IRON DICKINSON VILAS AS FLORENCE MENOMINEE FOREST MARINETTE DELTA SCHOOLCRAFT MACKINAC System Limitations Michigan’s Upper Peninsula and Northern Wisconsin – Zone 2 Transmission system characteristics of Zone 2 ATC delivers power in Zone 2 with various transmission facilities including: Morgan-Plains and Plains-Dead River 345-kV lines, Plains-Stiles 138-kV double-circuit line Keweenaw Keweenaw Conover-Plains 138-kV line, and Ahmeek Calumet Osceola Laurium 138-kV facilities tying the Upper Peninsula of Michigan Lake Linden Hubbell to the Lower Peninsula. MTU Atlantic Henry St. (UPPCO) Portage (UPPCO) There are a number of transmission system performance issues in Zone 2 including limited ability to import or export power, generator instability, overloaded lines and equipment, low system voltages and chronic limitations to transmission service. Primary drivers of these issues include a mismatch of load to generation in the Upper Peninsula and aging facilities in poor or obsolete condition. Toivola Houghton Twin Lakes (UPP) UPSCO Winona Ontonagon Ontonagon Old Winona M-38 White Pine Mine Mass White Pine Vlg Baraga Vlg L'anse JH Warden L'Anse Rockland (UPP) Lake Mine Victoria Hy Baraga Ontonagon Our recently completed northern umbrella plan projects (Cranberry-Conover-Plains) began to address some of the identified issues, but efforts to upgrade the area are ongoing. To vet our planning Gogebic assumptions for the intermediate- and long-term periods, we’ve engaged stakeholders in a collaborative process (known as the M ICH ATC Energy Collaborative – Michigan) to examine the bounds of IGAN several plausible futures. Please refer to www.atc10yearplan.com, WISC O Iron NSIN ATC Energy Collaborative – Michigan for details. F Greenstone North Lake Barn Ishpeming Ne Bruce Crossing Mineral Processing National Til Wakefield Perch Lake Mich Transmitter Fac Watersmeet Iron Land O Lakes Mansfield Lakehead Iron River Crystal Falls Strawberry Hill Iron Grove Crystal Falls Iron River Lincoln Ave (UPPCO) Gaastra Alpha Lakota Rd Conover Twin Lake Vilas Transmission system limitations in Zone 2 Dickinson In the analysis of Zone 2, we identified low voltages, transmission facility overloads and transmission service limitations. In addition, heavily loaded facilities during off-peak periods continue to keep the system working with very small operating margins. Eagle River St Germain Cranberry Florence Eagle River Clear Lake (WPS) Florence Marathon Cassel Fenwood Norway Plains Highway Eight Forest Me Goodman Hodag Nath Rhinelander Paper Metonga Crandon Venus Chalk Hills Daves Falls Amberg Marinette Eastom Tomahawk - ATC 115kV White Rapids Hy Holmes Rosebush Silver Cliff S Fox Hills SW STA Caldron Falls Hy Wausaukee Summit Lake (WPS) Grandfather Falls High Falls Hy Thunder Langlade Sandstone Rapids Hy Crivitz Mountain Merrill Pine (WPS) Blackbrook SW STA Polar Antigo Aniwa Sunnyvale Mosinee Mattoon Birnamwood Birnamwood Marathon City Sherman St Kelly Weston Weston SW YD Rothschild Gardner Park Pound Pound Coleman Oconto Maine Brokaw Wausau Hatley CWEC Wittenberg Wittenberg Wittenberg Elderon Deer Trail Menominee Suring Brooks Corners Eland Bay Crivitz White Lake Aurora St Bunker Hill SW STA Antigo Morrison Ave Stratford Bass Lake Armory Kingsford Oneida Tomahawk www.atc10yearplan.com Twin Falls SW STA Pine Hy Bluff View The potential for generation at Presque Isle Power Plant becoming unstable after certain disturbances to the transmission system has been a long-standing limitation and the reason for an automated tripping scheme in place at the plant. We are continuing to evaluate alternatives to this complex scheme. As part of the ATC Energy Lincoln Collaborative – Michigan, we are also evaluating potential generation Taylor retirement scenarios. Please refer to www.atc10yearplan.com, ATC Energy Collaborative – Michigan for details. 20 Aspen Three Lakes Price Edgar Sagola Randville Nordic Felch Mountain Peavy Falls Hy Bowler Whitcomb CWEC Tigerton Roosevelt Rd Sherwood Pesh Peshtigo Lena Lena Oconto Gresham Shawano Gillett Oconto Falls Falls Pioneer (WPS) Oconto Stiles SW STA Morgan Cecil White Clay West Shawano Shawano East Shawano Zone 2 includes the counties of: Alger, Mich. Florence, Wis. Baraga, Mich. Forest, Wis. (northern portion) Chippewa, Mich. Gogebic, Mich. Delta, Mich. (eastern portion) Dickinson, Mich. Houghton, Mich. Lake Iron, Mich. Marinette, Wis. Ontonagon, Mich. Marquette, Mich. Schoolcraft, Mich. Menominee, Mich. Vilas, Wis. (northern portion) Keweenaw, Mich. Luce, Mich. Mackinac, Mich. (eastern portion) (northern portion) (northern portion) CANADA Superior Us Hydro 9 & 10 Magazine Sault Ste. Marie Freeman Big Bay num egaunee 3 Mile Luce Marquette Harvey lden Alger Empire Mine Marquette Munising Munising Chatham Chatham Forest Lake ility Sawyer Lumber K I Sawyer K. I. Sawyer AFB Newberry Vlg Alger Shingleton Pines (UPPCO) Seney (UPPCO) Hulbert Lou Pac Newberry Roberts SW STA Eckerman Raco 9 Mile SW STA Chippewa Tone Kincheloe Housing Seney (AD-REA) Kincheloe SW STA Kincheloe Main Rudyard Trout Lake (ESE) Forsyth Gwinn Gwinn Rexton Schoolcraft Hiawatha (ESE) Engadine Blaney Park SW STA Sault Dafter Brimley Curtis Gould City SW STA Lakehead Naubinway Pickford Pine River (ESE) Trout Lake (CEC) Rockview Mackinac Goetzville Limeston Brevort Detour Arnold Watson Manistique Glen Jenks Perkins Lakehead Rapid River Delta Manistique Loading Dock Sub St. Ignace Mackinac Island Cornell-UP Mead Pump Lake McGulpin Chandler Gladstone Bayview Huron Garden Escanaba Powers Powers Harris enominee han Carney gan Hy MICHIGAN chi Daggett Mi Stephenson Ingalls Lak e Grand Rapids Hy Sister Bay Sister Bay Ephraim De Noc Menominee Ogden St Egg Harbor Egg Harbor htigo Wells St System Limitations Key Low voltages Overloaded facility Door Dunn Rd Redwood First Ave Brusbay Canal Sturgeon Bay 2011 ATC 10-Year Assessment 21 Transmission projects in Zone 2 KEWEENAW HOUGHTON ONTONAGON Michigan’s Upper Peninsula and Northern Wisconsin – Zone 2 BARAGA LUCE MARQUETTE GOGEBIC CHIPPEWA ALGER SCHOOLCRAFT MACKINAC IRON DELTA DICKINSON VILAS AS FLORENCE MENOMINEE FOREST MARINETTE Transmission projects in Zone 2 We have implemented two projects in Zone 2 since the 2010 Assessment, including the installation of reactors at the Straits Substation. Depending on the status of the projects shown, the transmission line additions may be for illustrative purposes only and may not reflect the actual routes. TRANSMISSION Our current plans in Zone 2 include 13EXISTING system reliability and LINES KEY 345-kV transmission line economic projects between 2011 and 2025. These projects are 69 kV 161 kV in various oftransmission development. 115-, 138-stages or 161-kV line The most notable planned, proposed, provisional and asset renewal projects in Zone 2, 230 kV 115 kV Rebuilt 115- or 138-kV transmission line along with their projected year of completion and the factors Transmission line voltage conversion driving the need for the projects, are listed at right. 138 kV 345 kV TRANSMISSION LINE KEY oads s Keweenaw Keweenaw Osceola 69-kV transmission line We also are working on a package of projects (a Northern Rebuilt 69-kV transmission line Plan) that coordinate with existing plans to address generation changes, load changes and developing transmission contingency issues. This plan also will affect infrastructure development in Zones 1 and 4. SM MTU Atlantic 1 Toivola Houghton Ontonagon Stone Container Old Winona White Pine Mine System Solutions Key Twin Lakes (UPP) Winona UPSCO Lake Mine M-38 SM JH Warden M-38 Mass White Pine Vlg L'anse Victoria Hy Ontonagon Baraga SUBSTATION KEY New substation Supports transmission system expansion Mineral Processing Bruce Crossing Greenstone Substation modifications National Upgrades equipment ratings to avert facility overloads Transformer MICH Supports local growth and improves voltage levels WISC Capacitor bank or reactor Relieves low voltages or high voltages T-D interconnection 12 Gogebic Iron Perch Lake Mich Transmitter IGAN ONS IN Watersmeet Iron Mansfield Lakehead Iron River Land O Lakes Mansfield Strawberry Hill Supports local growth Lakota Rd Vilas TRANSMISSION LINE KEY Conover Crystal Falls Iron Grove Dickin Sagola Peavy Falls Hy Twin Lake Randville Woodmin 345-kV transmission line St Germain Eagle River Aspen Twin Falls SW STA Cranberry 115-, 138- or 161-kV transmission line Florence Clear Lake (WPS) Bass Lake Plains Pine Hy Armory Rebuilt 115- or 138-kV transmission line Transmission line voltage conversion Three Lakes Price Oneida Goodman Hodag Rebuilt 69-kV transmission line Metonga Venus H Eastom EXISTING TRANSMISSION LINES KEY 69 kV 161 kV 115 kV 230 kV Daves Falls Amberg Fox Hills SW STA Tomahawk - ATC 115kV Silver Cliff Lincoln Caldron Falls Hy Summit Lake (WPS) Thunder Marinet Langlade Grandfather Falls Taylor Mountain Blackbrook SW STA Pine (WPS) 138 kV Aragon Norway Forest Rhinelander Paper 69-kV transmission line Felch Mo Nordic Antigo 345 kV Crivitz Polar Aurora St West Marinette Pound Marathon Oconto Menominee Maine Deer Trail Sunnyvale Lena 22 www.atc10yearplan.com Cassel Kelly Birnamwood Brooks Corners Weston SW YD Oconto Wittenberg Shawano CWEC Wittenberg White Clay West Shawano Whitcomb Falls Morgan Stiles SW S Project description In-service year Need driver Planned projects 1 Atlantic-M38 69-kV line rebuild 2013 Overloads, low voltages, condition and performance Proposed projects 2 Straits-Pine River 69-kV double circuit rebuild 2014 Overloads and low voltages 3 Mackinac 138-kV Substation; Install back-to-back HVDC flow control device 2014 Address/Control flow across eastern U.P., overloads and low voltages 4 Chandler-18th Road 138-kV double circuit lines 2014 Overloads and low voltages 5 Arnold 345-kV Substation and 345/138-kV transformer 2015 Overloads and low voltages 6 Pine River-Nine Mile 69-kV line uprate and asset renewal 2016 Overloads, condition and performance 2014 Overloads, low voltages, condition and performance Provisional projects 7 Munising-Seney-Blaney Park 69-kV line uprate Asset Renewal projects 8 Nine Mile-Roberts 69-kV line partial rebuild 2012 Condition and performance 9 Forsyth-Munising 138-kV line re-insulation 2012 Condition and performance 10 Munising-Gwinn 69-kV line partial rebuild Lake Superior 2012-2013 Condition and performance 11 Rexton-Hiawatha 69-kV line partial rebuild 2015 Condition and performance 12 Conover-Mass 69-kV line partial rebuild 2018 Condition and performance 13 Powers-Chalk Hill 69-kV line partial rebuild 2018 Condition and performance 14 Straits-McGulpin 138-kV submarine cable replacements 2020 Condition and performance CANADA Magazine Presque Isle SW YD Dead River (WE) Us Hydro 9 & 10 Big Bay 3 Mile Luce 8 Barnum Marquette 9 l Facility SM K I Sawyer Alger Gwinn Timber Products Munising Seney (UPPCO) Lou Pac Newberry Vlg SM Forest Lake Hulbert son Engadine Engadine ountain SM T Arnold 5 Lakehead Rapid River SM SM Delta (UPPCO) Powers T 4 Gladstone T 6 SM Tone SM 11 Rudyard SM Pine River (ESE) Rexton Mackinac Rockview 2 Limeston Goetzville Brevort Mich Limestone Loading Dock Detour Mich Western Limestone 3 SS 14 SM 18th Road Bayview SS Curtis Loading Dock Sub Glen Jenks Masonville (UPPCO) Chandler 13 Indian Lake Perkins Delta Indian Lake Dafter Pickford Trout Lake (CEC) Trout Lake (ESE) Blaney Park SW STA Gould City SW STA SS Raco Eckerman Newberry 7 Schoolcraft Pine Grove Brimley Chippewa Seney Sw Sta Pines (UPPCO) Shingleton Star Siding 10 SM SM SM Alger Chatham Forsyth SM Portage St Hy Sault 9 Mile SW STA Evergreen Straits SM McGulpin Lake Huron McGulpin C Harris Nathan an Menominee Grand Rapids Hy e Ingalls Lak tte MICHIGAN Mic hig Holmes Bay De Noc Menominee Sister Bay 30th Ave Bayshore SW YD Ogden St Egg Harbor Peshtigo Door Dunn Rd Dunn Rd STA Redwood Brusbay Canal 2011 ATC 10-Year Assessment 23 System Limitations South Central/Southwest Wisconsin and North CRAWFORD RICHLAND SAUK COLUMBIA IOWA DODGE JEFFERSON DANE GRANT LAFAYETTE GREEN ROCK WALWORTH WINNEBAGO, ILL Transmission system characteristics in Zone 3 ATC delivers power in Zone 3 with various transmission facilities including: Columbia-North Dorset Corners Norwalk La Crosse La Crosse Monroe Wilton Melvina Madison 345-kV lines, Kendall Cashton Ontario Coon Valley Columbia-Rockdale Paddock-Rockdale 345-kV line, Stoddard Chaseburg 345-kV line (in-service spring 2010), Paddock-Wempletown Rockdale-Wempletown Vernon Genoa 345-kV line, H Hillsbo Westby La Farge Viroqua Yuba Viola 345-kV line, and 138-kV facilities from the Nelson Dewey Power Plant, around the Madison area, and in the northwest and southeast portions of Zone 3. Readstown De Soto Soldiers Grove Richland Ferryville There are a number of transmission system performance issues in Zone 3 including voltage instability, limited import capability, overloaded lines and equipment, and low system voltages. The causes of these emerging issues include steady growth in certain areas, import capability from Illinois, new power plants and different generation dispatch scenarios. Transmission system limitations in Zone 3 In our analysis of Zone 3, we identified low voltages and transmission facility overloads. Low voltages are located in the Verona and Waunakee areas. Several overloads on 69-kV facilities in Zone 3 are emerging concerns. Boaz Mount SterlingGays Mills Gays Mills Seneca Richland Center James Ol Pine River (ALTE) R Robert J Brewer Bell Center DPC Bell Center Eagle Lynxville Crawford Blue River Blue River Steuben Avoca A Muscoda Muscoda Muscoda Industri Eastman Boscobel Muni Boscobel Boscobel Boscobel Muni Eastside Brisbois Prairie du Chien La Pointe Hillside Wauzeka King (king) Wauzeka Woodman Gran Grae DPC Prairie Du Chien Highland Fennimore Mount Hope Eden Montfort Cob Patch Grove Bagley Livingston Bloomington Bloomington Grant Lancaster Distribution Lancaster Lancaster Rewey Rewey Glen Haven Nelson Dewey SW YD Cassville Cassville DPC Stoneman Platteville Pioneer(ALTE) Potosi Hillman B Belmo DPC Platteville Potosi Tennyson Zone 3 includes the counties of: Columbia Green Rock Crawford Iowa Sauk Lafayette Walworth Jefferson Winnebago, Ill. (southern portion) Dane Dodge Grant 24 Elmo Richland www.atc10yearplan.com (northern portion) Dickeyville Kieler System Limitations Key Low voltages Overloaded facility Cuba City Cuba City South Cuba City Benton Benton Hazel Green DPC Central Illinois – Zone 3 New Lisbon Princeton Castle Rock DPC Buckhorn Green Lake Ripon Ind Park Ripon ACEC Chateau Roeder West Mauston Mauston Mauston Hilltop (ALTE) Hillsboro oro Endeavor Endeavor Sheboygan Forward Energy Center Waupun Main Waupun Finnegan Platt Kilbourn Wisconsin Dells Muni 2 Wisconsin Dells Dell Creek Birchwood Lake Delton Loch Mirror Waupun Ironton Reedsburg Island Rock Springs Moore St Baraboo Kirkwood Baraboo North Freedom Sauk Loganville ACEC Friesland Staff North Randolph Cambria Didion Cambria Sanborn Pardeeville Pardeeville Beaver Dam 3rd St Beaver Dam Center St ACEC Calamus Merrimac Washington Hampden Lodi Lodi Hustisford Hustisford Lowell Clyman Reeseville Hartford Neosho Rubicon Dane Dane Spring Green Spring Green Wyoming Valley Germantow Germantown SW YD Token Creek Centennial Park Division Street Arena Arena Waunakee SW STA Waunakee Wick Drive Mazomanie Mazomanie Mazomanie Industrial Westport Black Earth Black Earth Cross Plains Bird St Colorado South Lands End Dodgeville Dodgeville Concord SW YD Bark River North East Mount Horeb Muni Cross Country Fitchburg Syene Hooterville Blue Mounds Barneveld Mount Horeb Mount Horeb Oak Ridge Verona Verona Fitchburg Tyranena Johnson Creek Lake Mills Delafield Jefferson London Lakehead Cambridge Jefferson Dousman Sullivan Jefferson Cambridge Cambridge Colloday Point Kegonsa New Berli North Prairie Fort Atkinson Stoughton East Stoughton Stoughton Stoughton South Big Bend Brooklyn Dana Corp Sheepskin Edgerton Saunders Creek Lakehead Delavan East Troy Bluff Creek REC Fulton LaMar Milton Monticello (ALTE) Monticello Belmont ont DPC Argyle Argyle North Monroe DPC Gratiot Wiota Jennings Rd SW STA Browntown Browntown Albany (ALTE) South Monroe Monroe Monroe Central Traxler Bass Creek Footville Footville Badger Pump STA Racine Wilcox Sunrise Venture BOC Gasses REC Newark Paddock Burlington Burlington Air Liquide Elkhorn Elkhorn Delavan Delavan REC Bradford Scot Forge 1 Scot Forge 2 Clinton Cranston Northwest Beloit East Beloit Colley Rd Shirland Ave Beloit Park Ave REC Clinton Southwest Delavan West Darien Darien Turtle Rock River Marine Brodhead SW STA Walworth REC LaPrairie Blacksmith Spring Grove Sugar Creek Lafayette Janesville General SW YD Tripp Rd REC Orfordville Orfordville Orfordville Brodhead North Brodhead Brodhead Brodhead South Brodhead Central Idle Hour Parkview Viking Janesville REC Center Rock Lafayette Rochester Tibbits McCue Albany Green Tichigan Waterford REC Red Hawk REC Harmony Russell DPC LaMont Darlington Darlington South Wayne Whitewater Whitewater New Glarus New Glarus Evansville Muni Evansville Union Townline Gratiot Mukwonago Mukwonago University (WE) Brooklyn Blanchardville Blanchardville Edgewood Muskeg Eagle Palmyra Belleville Belleville Arcadian Fort Atkinson Forward New Hollandale Hollandale Waukesha Waukesha Merrill Hills Rockdale Sun Valley Oregon Oregon Mineral Point Rock Branch Mineral Point Wales Christiana Rockdale North Stoughton Linden Pewaukee Waukesha McFarland McFarland Lanno Sussex Sussex Menomonee Falls Chenequa Mill Rd Cottonwood (WE) Cooney Hartland Oconomowoc Duplainville Oconomowoc Lake Summit Nashotah Merton Lac La Belle East Towne Nine Springs Ridgeway Watertown Marshall Waterloo Sun Prairie Lakehead Waterloo Boxelder Stony Brook Huiskamp American Burke Sun Prairie Reiner Rd Yahara River Gaston Rd Pheasant Branch Mendota Ruskin Maple Bluff Stage Coach SW STA Cross Plains Cardinal Middleton Sprecher Cottage Grove Blount Royster Timberlane Walnut GIS Cottage Grove Madison Monona Pflaum Dane West Towne Tokay Wingra AGA Gas Femrite Deerfield Shullsburg Miner Shullsburg Jackson North Madison Deforest North Madison 345/138 kV De Forest Vienna Easy Street Lone Rock C Shullsburg Slinger Butler Ridge Hartford Maple (WE Sauk City Sauk City Phillips St Troy Iowa Pleasant Valle Ninth Street Spruce Street Prairie du Sac Plain bb Iron Ridge St Lawrence Arthur Road Columbus Muni 1 Columbus (ALTE) Columbus Columbus South Arlington Arlington Lodi Industrial Park Lone Rock Juneau Downtown Juneau Industrial Juneau Fall River Fall River Academy Okee lson Barton Glacier West Bend Juneau Northside ACEC Doylestown Poynette Poynette Kewaskum Theresa Spring Brook Horicon Ind Park Horicon Hubbard Horicon Dodge Doylestown Badger Ordinance Works Merrimac Dam Heights Eagle View Kekoskee Mayville Beaver Dam East Rio Pumping Station Rio Loganville Richland Auburn Fox Lake (ALTE) Mayville Columbia Campbellsport Fox Lake Randolph Randolph North Beaver Dam Columbia SW YD (ALTE) Manley Sand Wyocena Wyocena Caledonia (ALTE) Rock Springs Lime Ridge Hamilton St Portage Portage Ind Park Portage Lake Delton Fox Hills Artesian ACEC Cambria Butternut Lomira Friesland Trienda Reedsburg Nishan Reedsburg Brownsville Lakehead Portage ACEC Lewiston Zobel Cazenovia ial Sub Kettle Morraine (ALTE Cedar Ridge Wind Generation Eden Oakfield Wonewoc Wonewoc La Valle Avoca Oakfield Koch Oil Alto ACEC Roslin Ledgeview Macy St Morris St Ohmstead South Fond Du Lac SW YD Fond du Lac Markesan Markesan Mackford Prairie Kingston DPC Lyndon Station Fond du Lac Willow Lawn Martin Rd Brandon Fairwater Fairwater Brandon Marquette Green Lake Lyndon Station Lyndon Station Mercury Marine Green Lake SW STA Marquette DPC Elroy Elroy Union Center Union Center Sadoff Co Hickory St ACEC Glen Adams North Fond du Lac Rosendale Montello Oxford ACEC Winnebago Mount Calvary St. Cloud Rosendale Metomen Montello Juneau Ripon North Lake Geneva Lake Geneva Williams Bay Lake Geneva South Lake Geneva Williams Bay Brick Church Walworth Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Cobblestone Walworth Sharon Zenda Sharon Twin Lakes (ALTE Katzenberg Twin Lakes Genoa City REC Shaw East Rockton 2011 ATC 10-Year Assessment Kenosha 25 Transmission projects in Zone 3 CRAWFORD RICHLAND SAUK IOWA COLUMBIA DANE DODGE JEFFERSON GRANT LAFAYETTE GREEN ROCK WALWORTH South Central/Southwest Wisconsin and North WINNEBAGO, ILL We have implemented 11 projects in Zone 3 since the 2010 Assessment, most notably the Bass Creek 138/69-kV transformer project and the Blount-Ruskin underground cable project. Our current plans in Zone 3 include 35 system reliability and economic projects between 2011 and 2025. These projects are in various stages of development. The most notable planned, proposed, provisional and asset renewal projects in Zone 3, along with their projected year of completion and the factors driving the need for the projects, are listed below. Project description In-service year Need driver Planned projects 1 2 Brodhead-South Monroe 69-kV line rebuild 2011 Overloads and low voltages Rockdale-West Middleton (Cardinal) 345-kV line 2013Overloads and low voltages, improve transfer capability to Madison area, avert voltage collapse, lower system losses to La Crosse area La Crosse Monroe Depending on the status of the projects shown, Vernon the transmission line additions may be for illustrative purposes only and may not reflect the actual routes. Proposed projects 3 Badger Coulee 345-kV line 2018 Policy benefits 2018 Overloads and low voltages Gays Mills Crawford Seneca DPC Bell Center Provisional projects 4 5 Colley Road-Brick Church 69-kV line rebuild 2018 Overloads and low voltages 6 Spring Valley-Twin Lakes-South Lake Geneva 2019 138-kV line Overloads and low voltages, provide network service Lake Delton-Birchwood 138-kV line 2020 Overloads and low voltages Cardinal-Blount 138-kV line 2020 Overloads and low voltages Sun Valley Tap-Oregon 69-kV line rebuild 2020 Improve line condition and area voltages Dubuque-Spring Green-Cardinal 345-kV line 2020 Policy benefits Hubbard-East Beaver Dam 138-kV line 2022 Overloads and low voltages West Middleton-Pheasant Branch 69-kV line rebuild 2022 Overloads and low voltages 7 8 9 10 11 12 North Lake Geneva-South Lake Geneva 138-kV line 14 15 16 17 18 11 19 11 11 20 11 21 11 22 11 23 24 26 Gran Grae C Ki Wauzeka Brisbois Hillside La Pointe Grant Bloomington Lancaster Distribution Glen Haven Cassville DPC Stoneman Asset Renewal projects 13 Boscobel Boscobel Muni Eastside Potosi to Dubuque area Pardeeville Tap-North Randolph/Rio 69-kV line partial rebuild 2011 Condition and performance Spring Green-Stagecoach 69-kV line partial rebuild 2011 Condition and performance Dane-Dam Heights 69-kV line partial rebuild 2012 Condition and performance Sycamore-East Towne 69-kV underground cable replacements 2012 Condition and performance Kirkwood-Trienda 138-kV line partial rebuild 2012 Condition and performance Doylestown-Rio Pumping Station 69-kV line rebuild 2013 Condition and performance Dam Heights-Portage 69-kV line rebuild 2016 Condition and performance Concord-Rubicon-Butler Ridge-Hartford 138-kV line rebuild 2016 Condition and performance Supports transmission system expansion Darlington-Hillman 138-kV line rebuild 2016 Condition and performance Substation modifications Belmont-Rewey 69-kV line rebuild 2018 Condition and performance Boscobel-Lone Rock 69-kV line rebuild 2018 Condition and performance West Middleton-Stagecoach 69-kV underground cable replacement 2019 Condition and performance www.atc10yearplan.com SUBSTATION New substation Upgrades equipment ratings to avert facility overloads Transformer Supports local growth and improvesvoltage levels Central Illinois – Zone 3 Castle Rock DPC Buckhorn Ripon Northwest Ripon Ripon Metomen Dorset Corners North Fond Du Lac Metomen ACEC Chateau Adams West Mauston Metomen Montello Green Lake SW STA Marquette Mackford Prairie SW STR Green Lake Brandon Fairwater Markesan DPC Lyndon Station Endeavor Wonewoc Alto ACEC Roslin Forward Energy Center Waupun Dell Creek Birchwood ACEC Lewiston Artesian Reedsburg Lake Delton Fox Hills 3 SM 19 SM 13 Wyocena North Randolph SM Cambria Sanborn Pardeeville SM Caledonia (ALTE) Baraboo Staff ACEC Cambria Portage Columbia SW YD (ALTE) Island Loganville Trienda SM Rock Springs Butternut Lakehead Portage 17 Loch Mirror 7 Zobel Reedsburg Nishan Auburn T SS Fox Lake (ALTE) North Beaver Dam Beaver Dam East Rio Pumping Station 18 Columbia 11 Mayville Spring Brook Beaver Dam 3rd St Horicon Ind Park Center St South Beaver Dam Barton Hubbard Juneau Northside Glacier ACEC Calamus Merrimac Dodge ACEC Doylestown Richland Poynette Juneau Downtown Pleasant Valley Fall River Arthur Road Academy James Olson Okee Pine River (ALTE) Dam Heights Robert J Brewer C Richland Spruce Street Eagle Eagle View Hartford Butler Ridge Rubicon Maple (WE) Deforest 20 Business Park Blue River Spring Green Lone Rock 23 14 T C Arena 24 Black Earth Stage Coach SW STA SM ing (king) Dane 10 Iowa SM SM 12 8 West Middleton T 16 Huiskamp Blount Fitchburg Cross Country Hooterville Mount Horeb Verona SM C C Mill Rd Cooney Gaston Rd Tyranena Cottage Grove Cottonwood (WE) Duplainville Summit Waukesha Jefferson McFarland Crawfish River London Rockdale Lakehead Cambridge Arcadian Waukesha Arcadian Jefferson Merrill Hills Cambridge Dodgeville Lands End C Sycamore SW YD Femrite Sussex Bark River Stony Brook Pflaum SM SM Syene Concord SW YD Boxelder SM Ruskin Germantown SW YD Concord SW YD C Burke American Nine Springs Tokay North East Mount Horeb Muni Eden C South Sun Prairie Mazomanie SW STR Avoca Muscoda Washington Columbus South Hampden 15 Ninth Street Hustisford Columbus (ALTE) Arlington Lodi Sauk City Phillips St Troy Muscoda Industrial Sub Sheboygan Oakfield Koch Oil Platt Sauk South Fond Du Lac SW YD Fond du Lac Lyndon Station Union Center Ohmstead Macy St Kettle Morraine (ALTE) ACEC Glen DPC Elroy Hillsboro Rosendale Neenah Creek ACEC Winnebago Juneau Ledgeview Roeder 9 North Stoughton 2 Rockdale Fort Atkinson Stoughton Sun Valley Oregon Stoughton South Mukwonago Forward Mineral Point New Hollandale Rock Branch Brooklyn Belleville Whitewater 22 Hillman Pioneer(ALTE) Hillman Mukwonago University (WE) Dana Corp Rewey Blanchardville Lakehead Delavan New Glarus Evansville Muni LaMar Union Townline Belmont Bluff Creek Tichigan Racine REC Harmony Russell Monticello (ALTE) REC Red Hawk Tibbits Wilcox T 21 DPC Argyle Lafayette North Monroe SM Green C Darlington Elmo Jennings Rd SW STA Cuba City DPC Shullsburg DPC Gratiot Wiota SM Shullsburg REC Center Rock Albany (ALTE) Brodhead North Browntown Blacksmith Miner Burlington Walworth Viking Bass Creek Air Liquide Sunrise Footville Elkhorn REC Orfordville South Monroe Monroe Central Kieler Benton Sugar Creek Lafayette Traxler DPC LaMont Tripp Rd Orfordville North Lake Geneva REC Bradford Venture SM Brodhead 1 Turtle Marine Spring Grove Brodhead SW STA REC Newark 4 West Darien Scot Forge 1 Brick Church Walworth Clinton (ALTE) Scot Forge 2 C REC Clinton Colley Rd SM SM 5 South Lake Geneva Kenosha T SM 6 Zenda C Sharon Twin Lakes (ALTE) Richmond Road Katzenberg Shirland Ave REC Shaw East Rockton System Solutions Key KEY TRANSMISSION LINE KEY Capacitor bank or reactor 345-kV transmission line T-D interconnection 115-, 138- or 161-kV transmission line Relieves low voltages or high voltages Supports local growth Rebuilt 115- or 138-kV transmission line Transmission line voltage conversion EXISTING TRANSMISSION LINES KEY 69 kV 161 kV 69-kV transmission line 115 kV 230 kV Rebuilt 69-kV transmission line 138 kV 345 kV 2011 ATC 10-Year Assessment 27 MENOMINEE OCONTO SHAWANO DOOR KEWAUNEE OUTAGAMIE BROWN MANITOWOC CALUMET WINNEBAGO FOND DU LAC SHEBOYGAN System Limitations Northeast Wisconsin – Zone 4 Transmission system characteristics in Zone 4 ATC delivers power in Zone 4 with various transmission facilities including: Four 345-kV lines extending from the Kewaunee and Point Beach nuclear units, Two 345-kV lines extending from the Edgewater Power Plant, Four 345-kV lines connecting the Gardner Park, Werner West, Morgan, and Plains Substations, Two 345-kV lines from North Appleton to Werner West and Fitzgerald, and Three 345-kV lines connecting South Fond du Lac Substation to the Columbia, Edgewater and Fitzgerald Substations, and A 138-kV network in the Fox River Valley/Green Bay area. Transmission system limitations in Zone 4 In the analysis of Zone 4, we identified few voltage or thermal limitations as part of this Assessment. However, it should be noted that transmission service limitations during off-peak periods provide very small operating margins. Zone 4 includes the counties of: Fond du Lac Menominee, Mich. Shawano Kewaunee Menominee, WIS. Sheboygan (northeast corner) Manitowoc Oconto Winnebago Door Marinette Outagamie Brown Calumet Dodge 28 www.atc10yearplan.com (eastern portion) (southern portion) (southern portion) (eastern portion) (eastern portion) Forest Silver Cliff Fox Hills SW STA Wausaukee Ingalls Caldron Falls Hy WPS) Grand Rapids Hy Thunder High Falls Hy Marinette Langlade Sandstone Rapids Hy Crivitz Sister Bay Mountain Bay De Noc Crivitz Sister Bay Ephraim Polar Menominee White Lake 30th Ave Bayshore Roosevelt Rd Marinette Wells St Ogden St Pound Pound West Marinette SW YD Coleman Egg Harbor Egg Harbor Peshtigo Sherwood Peshtigo Oconto Suring Deer Trail Mattoon Menominee Lena Lena Door Brooks Corners Dunn Rd Oconto Oconto Gillett Pioneer (WPS) Oconto Falls Falls Bowler Stiles SW STA Redwood Morgan Gresham Industrial First Ave Sturgeon Bay Canal berg Cecil Shawano Brusbay White Clay West Shawano East Shawano Shawano gerton Bonduel EC Tigerton Caroline Badger Sobieski Highway 22 Forestville Cloverleaf Belle Plaine Rosiere Marion Marion Pulaski Embarrass Suamico Dyckesville Algoma City Algoma Clintonville Algoma Clintonville Big Falls Maplewood Bayport SW STA Howard Howard Nichols Lawn Rd Bear Creek paca Green Bay Seymour Manawa Ogdensburg Outagamie Shiocton Hintz Kewaunee Henry St (WPS) Barnett Booster Beardsley St Kewaunee East Krok n Rockland (WPS) Werner Lost Dauphin Ellington New London 69kV Luxemburg 24.9 Preble 7th St Liberty St South Broadway Highway V Ontario Ashwaubenon Bluestone Ashland Ave Allouez Oak St Depere Mystery Hills Nicolet Paper Co De Pere Brow Red Maple Black Creek Manawa University (WPS) James St Mason St Casco Luxemburg Velp Ave C Iola Waupaca Hortonville White Lake (WE) Fox River SW YRD Wrightstown Apple Hills Weyauwega Kewaunee SW YD Wesmark Denmark Greenleaf rison North 138kV Kaukauna North Point Beach SW YD Casaloma Appleton Fremont Kaukauna Maes Combined Locks Little Chute KimberlyCombined Locks Maribel Mishicot Butte Des Morts City Limits Lake Park Neevin Meadows Francis Creek Melissa Glenview Ryan St Brillion Brillion Iron Works Sherwood Neenah Hilbert Omro ake Northeast Rapids Manrap Valders Stockbridge Winnebago Mirro Revere Dr Custer Manitowoc Dewey Calumet ranite Two Rivers Columbus St Whitelaw Manitowoc Potter Mears Corners Winneconne Winneconne Fountain Valley Shoto Reedsville Woodenshoe ara Tannery Rd Sw Yd Mishicot Kellnersville Kellnersville Forest Junction Northside Menasha Tayco Sunset Point St Nazianz Gravesville Bowen St Omro Chilton Pearl Ave Omro Industrial Park Oshkosh St. Nazianz Ellinwood 12th Ave Oshkosh Progress River Run Fitzgerald Tecumseh Rd Fox River Berlin Berlin Aviation Ford Drive System Limitations Key New Holstein SW STA New Holstein Meyer Rd Cleveland Kiel Low voltages Overloaded facility Cypress SW YD Dartford Howards Grove Ripon Ind Park Green Lake Northwest Ripon Ripon Ripon Rosendale Metomen reen Lake Elkhart Lake Elkhart Lake Mount Calvary St. Cloud North Fond du Lac Rosendale Sadoff Co Fond du Lac Howards Grove Plymouth Sub 4 Glenbeulah Erdman Ledgeview Macy St 32nd St Hickory St Mercury Marine Fond du Lac Green Lake SW STA Fairwater Fairwater Sheboygan 20th St Morris St Ohmstead Kettle Morraine (ALTE) Willow Lawn Martin Rd Brandon Brandon Plymouth Muncipal Plymouth Mullet River North Mullet River Sheboygan Lodestar Kohler Bemis Kohler Adams St Sauk Trail Huebner Edgewater SW YD South Sheboygan Falls Markesan Markesan Mackford Prairie Koch Oil Oakfield Eden Oakfield Alto Waldo Cascade Lyndon Forward Energy Center Waupun Main Waupun Brownsville Butternut Holland Campbellsport Lomira iesland North Randolph Oostburg Adell Waupun Random Lake Auburn Fox Lake Cedar Grove Random Lake Fox Lake (ALTE) n bia Randolph Randolph Kekoskee Dodge Mayville Theresa Kewaskum Fredonia Mayville North Beaver Dam Beaver Dam East Beaver Dam 3rd St Beaver Dam Center St Spring Brook Horicon Ind Park Horicon Hubbard Horicon Washington Barton West Bend Belgium Fredonia Ozaukee Newburg Port Washington 2011 ATC 10-Year Assessment 29 Transmission projects in Zone 4 MENOMINEE OCONTO SHAWANO DOOR KEWAUNEE OUTAGAMIE BROWN MANITOWOC CALUMET WINNEBAGO Northeast Wisconsin – Zone 4 FOND DU LAC SHEBOYGAN We have implemented one project in Zone 4 since the 2010 Assessment, which was the Kewaunee Substation bus reconfiguration and addition of a second 345/138-kV transformer. Our current plans in Zone 4 include 14 system reliability and economic projects between 2011 and 2025. These projects are in various stages of development. The most notable planned, proposed, provisional and asset renewal projects in Zone 4, along with their projected year of completion and the factors driving the need for the projects, are listed below. Project description In-service year Need driver Planned projects 1 Canal-Dunn Road 138-kV line 2012 Overloads and low voltages Proposed projects 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Barnhart-Branch River project 2018 Accommodate new generation Barnhart-Plymouth-Howards Grove-Erdman 138-kV line* Provisional projects 2018 Accommodate new generation Dunn Road-Egg Harbor 69-kV line 2021 Low voltages and provide network service Shoto-Custer 138-kV line Asset Renewal projects 2022 Overloads Replace Edgewater 138/69-kV transformers 2012 Condition and performance Pulliam-Stiles 138-kV line replace shield wire 2013 Condition and performance North Appleton-Butte des Morts-Neevin 138-kV line rebuild 2015-2017 Condition and performance First Avenue-Redwood 69-kV submarine cable replacement 2015 Condition and performance Custer-New Holstein 69-kV line rebuild 2015 Condition and performance Dyckesville-Sawyer 69-kV line rebuild 2016 Condition and performance Neevin-Woodenshoe-Mears Corners-Sunset Point 138-kV line rebuild 2016 Condition and performance Finger Road-Danz Ave 69-kV line rebuild 2016 Condition and performance Oak Street-Highway V 69-kV line rebuild 2016 Condition and performance Wesmark-Manrap 69-kV line rebuild 2016 Condition and performance University-Danz Avenue 69-kV underground cable replacement 2017 Condition and performance Bayport-Sobieski-Pioneer 69-kV line rebuild 2018 Condition and performance Caldron Falls-Goodman 69-kV line rebuild 2019 Condition and performance Erdman-Lodestar 138-kV underground cable replacement 2019 Condition and performance Finger Road-Canal 69-kV line rebuild 2020 Condition and performance Edgewater-Erdman 69-kV underground cable replacement 2021 Condition and performance *This project is contingent on the route selected for the Barnhart-Branch River project System Solutions Key SUBSTATION KEY 345-kV transmission line Substation modifications 115-, 138- or 161-kV transmission line Supports transmission system expansion Upgrades equipment ratings to avert facility overloads Transformer Supports local growth and improves voltage levels Capacitor bank or reactor Rebuilt 115- or 138-kV transmission line Transmission line voltage conversion Relieves low voltages or high voltages 69-kV transmission line T-D interconnection Rebuilt 69-kV transmission line Supports local growth 30 TRANSMISSION LINE KEY New substation www.atc10yearplan.com EXISTING TRANSMISSION LINES KEY 69 kV 161 kV 115 kV 230 kV 138 kV 345 kV da Forest Fox Hills SW STA 18 Silver Cliff Ingalls Grand Rapids Hy Caldron Falls Hy e (WPS) Langlade Marinette Sandstone Rapids Hy Mountain Sister Bay Bay De Noc Crivitz Menominee Polar 30th Ave Bayshore West Marinette SW YD Ogden St Pound Egg Harbor Peshtigo Sherwood Oconto 4 Menominee Deer Trail Door Lena Dunn Rd Stiles SW STA Brooks Corners T Oconto SM Pioneer (WPS) 9 Falls tenberg Michigan St Redwood Morgan 7 1 First Ave Shawano Canal White Clay East Shawano Brusbay West Shawano Caroline Caroline Highway 22 T 11 Badger Belle Plaine Sobieski 17 Cloverleaf Rosiere Marion Suamico Dyckesville Algoma Clintonville Bayport SW STA Maplewood Pulliam SW YD SM Howard WEC Iola Lawn Rd 13&16 Luxemburg 24.9 Mason St Ontario Brown 20 Kewaunee Preble 7th St Ashland Ave Beardsley St 14 Glory Rd Manawa aupaca Outagamie Oak St Depere East Krok Mystery Hills Werner Barnett Booster Highway V Red Maple Hintz Rockland (WPS) n North Appleton Ellington Waupaca Kewaunee SW YD Wesmark Greenleaf Fox River SW YRD White Lake (WE) Point Beach SW YD Apple Hills 15 Kaukauna North 8 Casaloma Maes Kaukauna Central ushara SM Fountain Valley Winnebago T 5 Columbus St Woodenshoe Manitowoc Custer Calumet Sunset Point SM Mirro Mpu Plant Lakefront SW YD T T Shoto Northeast Mears Corners Omro nite Ryan St Mishicot Kellnersville SS 2 Glenview Tayco Melissa 12 Branch River Meadows Neevin Winneconne Tannery Rd Sw Yd Forest Junction Lake Park Butte Des Morts Point Beach SW YD SM Dewey St Nazianz 10 Gravesville Oshkosh Ellinwood River Run Fitzgerald Tecumseh Rd Fox River New Holstein SW STA Aviation Berlin Meyer Rd Northwest Ripon Dartford mbia ambria Metomen Markesan Plymouth Sub 4 Ledgeview Macy St SM SM 3 Elkhart Lake North Fond Du Lac Rosendale ake SW STA Randolph C T ette Howards Grove Ripon SM Green Lake Cypress SW YD SM 19 21 Ohmstead Plymouth Sub 3 Morris St Fairwater Brandon Kettle Morraine (ALTE) Fond du Lac Mackford Prairie Koch Oil South Fond Du Lac SW YD Mullet River 20th St Riverside (ALTE) Kohler Barnhart SS Sheboygan Lyndon Alto Forward Energy Center Waupun Holland Butternut Dodge Edgewater Huebner T Oakfield North Gate Erdman SM T 6 Depending on the status of the projects shown, the transmission line additions may be for illustrative purposes only and may not reflect the actual routes. Random Lake North Randolph North Randolph Fox Lake (ALTE) Ozaukee Auburn 2011 ATC 10-Year Assessment Randolph North Beaver Dam Mayville Washington Fredonia 31 System Limitations WASHINGTON WAUKESHA OZAUKEE MILWAUKEE RACINE KENOSHA Southeast Wisconsin – Zone 5 Transmission system characteristics in Zone 5 ATC delivers power in Zone 5 with various transmission facilities including: The southern portion of 345-kV lines from Point Beach and Edgewater, The Saukville, Arcadian, Granville, Oak Creek, and Racine 345/138-kV substations, The transmission lines emanating from the Pleasant Prairie and Oak Creek power plants, 230-kV facilities near Milwaukee, and A significant 138-kV network in the Milwaukee area, a portion of which is underground. Apart from the analysis performed in this Assessment, there is one major area event that could impact transmission plans in Zone 5. The proposed road rebuild of the Zoo interchange is moving forward with the following in-service dates: Expand/update Watertown Plank area (2013), Expand/update Highway 100/Highway 45 area (2014), and Expand/update remainder of freeway (2015-2018). The analyses of this road relocation project will likely result in new projects to reconfigure the transmission system around Bluemound and 96th Street substations. Further projects may develop depending on the Department of Transportation’s plans to rebuild the interchange. Studies are ongoing and plans will be finalized in the 2011-2012 timeframe. Transmission system limitations in Zone 5 Key system performance issues in Zone 5 include: Heavy flows on aging facilities, Heavy flows from the west (Zone 3) resulting in heavily loaded 138-kV facilities in the western portion of Zone 5, Heavy market flows from and to the south, resulting in high 345-kV and 138-kV line loadings and the need to monitor potential multiple contingency conditions, and Sagging voltage profile in portions of Washington and Waukesha counties. Transmission system reinforcements needed to interconnect and deliver the new generation at the Oak Creek Power Plant comprised much of the recent expansion to Zone 5. Load growth in Waukesha and Washington counties is projected to exceed the capabilities of the existing 138-kV system in those areas, signaling the need for future transmission system reinforcements. Zone 5 includes the counties of: 32 www.atc10yearplan.com KENOSHA OZAUKEE WASHINGTON MILWAUKEE RACINE WAUKESHA Sheboygan Fond du Lac Random Lake Auburn Kekoskee Cedar Grove Random Lake Kewaskum Theresa Mayville Belgium Mayville Fredonia Spring Brook Fredonia Horicon Ind Park Horicon Horicon Hubbard Barton Newburg Glacier West Bend Juneau Northside Charter Steel Juneau Juneau Downtown Juneau Industrial Iron Ridge Dodge Ozaukee Hustisford Washington Hustisford Port Washington Port Washington Saukville SW YD Saukville Cedarsauk Pleasant Valley Arthur Road St Lawrence Hartford Slinger Clyman Jackson Hartford Butler Ridge Grafton Neosho Cedarburg Rubicon Cedarburg South Maple (WE) Mequon Thiensville Germantown Mequon 68th St Germantown SW YD Swan Watertown Brown Deer Concord SW YD Parkland Bayside River Hills Fox Point Bark River Lac La Belle Merton Sussex Sussex Cooney Oconomowoc Lake Duplainville Delafield Dousman Waukesha Waukesha Shorewood Shorewood Center Pewaukee Milwaukee Haymarket Square Wauwatosa O Connor Bluemound 96th St Walker Waukesha Sullivan Butler Tosa Brookfield Elm Grove Jefferson Whitefish Bay Cornell - Milwaukee Fiebrantz Summit Lake Michigan Glendale Butler Cottonwood (WE) Hartland Nashotah Range Line Dist Range Line SW Glendale Granville Tamarack Mill Rd Chenequa Oconomowoc Menomonee Falls Lannon Moorland Arcadian West Junction West Allis Wales Everett Greves Park Hill Harbor (WE) West Milwaukee Milwaukee Merrill Hills 28th St Lincoln Montana Dewey (WE) Brookdale New Berlin Greenfield Cudahy Hales Corners North Prairie Lakeside Kansas St. Francis Norwich Allerton Greendale Barland Ramsey Branch Nicholson (WE) South Milwaukee Big Bend St Martins Muskego Edgewood Franklin Eagle Palmyra Oak Creek Pennsylvania Mukwonago Mukwonago University (WE) Root River Elm Road 345 Sws Yd Oak Creek SW YD Oak Creek 230kV SW YD hitewater Whitewater System Limitations Key East Troy Bluff Creek St Rita Raymond Wind Point Tichigan Low voltages Overloaded facility North Bay Waterford Rochester Tibbits Racine Racine Sugar Creek Sturtevant Burlington Elmwood Park Union Grove Burlington Elkhorn Walworth Hayes Racine Lafayette Air Liquide Paris Elkhorn Somers Bristol (ALTE) Delavan Delavan Southwest Delavan North Lake Geneva Albers West Darien Darien ron Lake Geneva Williams Bay Lake Geneva Williams Bay South Lake Geneva Kenosha Kenosha Paddock Lake Kenosha Bain Brick Church Walworth Walworth Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Silver Lake Zenda Twin Lakes (ALTE) Spring Valley (WE) Cobblestone Richmond Road Katzenberg Pleasant Prairie Twin Lakes Sharon Lakeview 2011 ATC 10-Year Assessment Genoa City ILLINOIS 33 Transmission projects in Zone 5 Southeast Wisconsin – Zone 5 WASHINGTON WAUKESHA OZAUKEE MILWAUKEE RACINE KENOSHA We have implemented three projects in Zone 5 since the 2010 Assessment, most notably the interconnection of the new 650 MW (615 MW net) generator at the Oak Creek Power Plant. Our current plans in Zone 5 include ten system reliability and economic projects between 2011 and 2025. These projects are in various stages of development. The most notable planned, proposed, provisional and asset renewal projects in Zone 5, along with their projected year of completion and the factors driving the need for the projects, are listed below. Project description In-service year Need driver Proposed projects 1 Pleasant Prairie-Zion Energy Center 345-kV line 2014 Economics 2 Milwaukee County T-D 138-kV lines 2015 T-D interconnection 3 Arcadian-Waukesha 138-kV line rebuilds 2016 Overloads Provisional projects 4 Spring Valley-Twin Lakes-South Lake Geneva 138-kV line 2019 Overloads and low voltages, provide network service 5 Replace Arcadian 345/138-kV transformers with single transformer 2020 Overloads Asset Renewal projects 6 Replace Bluemound 230/138-kV transformers 7 2011-2012 Condition and performance St. Lawrence-Hartford 138-kV line rebuild 2014 Condition and performance 8 Concord-Cooney 138-kV line rebuild 2015 Condition and performance 9 Waukesha-Merrill Hills 138-kV line partial rebuild 2015 Condition and performance 10 Paris-Albers 138-kV line rebuild 2016 Condition and performance 11 Merrill Hills-Summit 138-kV line partial rebuild 2017 Condition and performance 12 Edgewood-St. Martins 138-kV line rebuild 2017 Condition and performance 13 Mukwonago-Edgewood 138-kV line rebuild 2017 Condition and performance 14 Oak Creek-Hayes 138-kV line rebuild 2019 Condition and performance System Solutions Key SUBSTATION KEY 345-kV transmission line Substation modifications 115-, 138- or 161-kV transmission line Supports transmission system expansion Upgrades equipment ratings to avert facility overloads Transformer Supports local growth and improves voltage levels Capacitor bank or reactor Rebuilt 115- or 138-kV transmission line Transmission line voltage conversion Relieves low voltages or high voltages 69-kV transmission line T-D interconnection Rebuilt 69-kV transmission line Supports local growth 34 TRANSMISSION LINE KEY New substation www.atc10yearplan.com EXISTING TRANSMISSION LINES KEY 69 kV 161 kV 115 kV 230 kV 138 kV 345 kV Holland Butternut Sheboygan Fond du Lac Random Lake Depending on the status of the projects shown, the transmission line additions may be for illustrative purposes only and may not reflect the actual routes. Auburn Mayville Fredonia Spring Brook Horicon Barton Hubbard Glacier Juneau Northside Charter Steel Dodge Ozaukee Washington Pleasant Valley Saukville Pleasant Valley Cedarsauk Port Washington SW YD SM Arthur Road 7 Hustisford Hartford Butler Ridge Rubicon Mequon Maple (WE) Germantown SW YD Swan Concord SW YD Parkland Bark River Sussex Range Line SW 8 Mill Rd Lake Michigan Granville Tamarack Glendale Cornell - Milwaukee Butler Cottonwood (WE) Cooney Duplainville Summit 9 11 SM Waukesha Jefferson Arcadian 3 Merrill Hills T-D Waukesha Waukesha 6 SM Fiebrantz Tosa SM T Milwaukee County 2 Bluemound C Haymarket Square 28th St Park Hill Greves Everett Harbor (WE) Walker Milwaukee Moorland T Center O Connor SM Shorewood Lincoln 5 Dewey (WE) Montana Norwich Kansas Lakeside Allerton Barland Ramsey Branch 12 Edgewood Mukwonago Mukwonago Nicholson (WE) St Martins SM 13 Pennsylvania Oak Creek 138kV SW YD Oak Creek 230kV SW YD Oak Creek 230kV SW YD Root River SM SM 14 Raymond Bluff Creek Tichigan St Rita Racine Tibbits Racine Hayes Lafayette Sugar Creek Burlington Walworth Air Liquide Paris Somers Elkhorn Bristol (ALTE) 10 SM Delavan Albers North Lake Geneva Southwest Delavan Lake Geneva SM Williams Bay Brick Church Walworth Walworth SM SM Cobblestone Albers T Kenosha South Lake Geneva Bain Twin Lakes (ALTE) Zenda 4 SM Kenosha SM Pleasant Prairie Spring Valley (WE) Richmond Road 1 Katzenberg ILLINOIS to Zion Energy Center 2011 ATC 10-Year Assessment 35 P.O. Box 47 Waukesha, WI 53187-0047 Helping to keep the lights on, businesses running and communities strong ® ATC at a glance Formed in 2001 as the first multi-state, transmission-only utility n Owner and operator of approximately 9,440 miles of transmission line and 515 substations n Meeting electric needs of more than five million people in 72 counties in four states: Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota and Illinois n $2.9 billion in total assets n Contact Mail P.O. Box 47 n Waukesha, WI 53187-0047 Toll-free 1-866-899-3204 Web info@atcllc.com More detailed information is available at www.atc10yearplan.com www.atcllc.com Would you like a speaker from ATC to address your group? Give us a call, toll-free, at 1.866.899.3204, ext. 6922.