mmHg - AMUB
mmHg - AMUB
BELGIUM 27th !!! 1) HTA DE GRADE 3 = TOUJOURS RISQUE > ELEVE 4 3 2) PREVENTION SECONDAIRE ou DIABETE + ATTEINTE ‘ORGANE CIBLE’/FACTEUR DE RISQUE = RISQUE ELEVE PEU IMPORTE LA PA 3) Si PAS >140 et/ou 90 mmHg et >3 facteurs de risque CV ou atteinte ‘organe cible’ ou diabète = RISQUE ELEVE LIFE EXPECTANCY AT 60 YRS IN 2012 Ph van de Borne, L Missault, A Persu, W Van Mieghem for the COME STAI INVESTIGATORS RESULTS (2): Nr of medications reported in n:7961 patients (0 vs. 1 vs. 2 or more drugs) medications 1 medication 0 medication Systolic BP (mmHg) 139±19 139±18 143±21* Diastolic BP (mmHg) 80±11 81±11 83±13* Age (years) 68±12 62±13 55±15* Heart rate (bpm) 72±10 73±9 75±10* Body mass index (kg/m²) 29.0±5.8 27.2±5.0 26.7±5.2* Parameters >2 S: systolic; D: diastolic; BP: Blood pressure; bpm: beat per minute; * p<0.0001 Less intense treatment in the elderly : Among 495 patients aged ≥80 years, and SBP> 140 mmHg, therapy was intensified: in 57% when SBP > 160 mmHg (n=130) in 17% when 140 <SBP<159 mmHg* (n=365) *p Chi² <0.0001 Blood pressure in mm Hg ESH/ESC 2013[3] ASH/ISH 2014 [4] Go A. et al. AHA/ACC/CDC 2013 [5] Definition of Hypertension ≥140/90 ≥140/90 ≥140/90 2014 Hypertension guidelines, US “JNC 8” [6] Not addressed Drug therapy in low risk patients after nonpharmacologic treatment ≥140/90 ≥140/90 ≥140/90 < 60 y. ≥140/90 Beta-blockers as first line drug Yes No (Step 4) No (Step 3) No (Step 4) Diuretic thiazides chlorthalidone, indapamide If markedly elevated BP <140/90 Elderly < 80 y. SBP 140-150 SBP <140 in fit patients Elderly ≥ 80 y. SBP 140-150 < 140/85 thiazides chlorthalidone indapamide ≥160/100 thiazides thiazides chlorthalidone, indapamide ≥160/100 Initiate drug therapy with two drugs Blood pressure targets Blood Pressure target in patients with diabetes mellitus ≥ 60 y. ≥150/90 <140/90 ≥ 80 y. < 150/90 <140/90 ≥160/100 <140/90 Lower targets may be appropriate in some patients, including the elderly <140/90 Lower targets may be considered < 60 y. <140/90 ≥ 60 y. <150/90 <140 /90