North Lanarkshire Council - Committee Administration System


North Lanarkshire Council - Committee Administration System
Planning Applications for consideration
of Planning and Transportation Committee
Committee Date : 21'' April 2010
Ordnance Survey maps reproduced from Ordnance Survey
with permission of HMSO Crown Copyright reserved
21st April 2010
Page No.
Application No
Barratt West Scotland
Construction of 262
Castle Cement (Clyde)
Hollandhurst Road
Realm Homes Ltd
Residential Development
(0.9 Hectares) Renewal
of permission
1A Carradale Crescent
Derek Blues
Alterations to Bring
About the Change of Use
of the Former YMCA
Building to Class 4
Offices 301 Brandon
Street, Motherwell
Ravenscraig Ltd
Renewal of Planning
S/06/01962/OUT - The
Dualling of
Holytown/Carfin Link
Road and Junction to A8
Holytown - Carfin Link
A723 And Bo'ness Road
Ravenscraig Ltd
Renewal of Planning
S/06/01964/OUT Alterations to Junction at
Airbles Road/Hamilton
Road, Dualling of Airbles
Road Between Hamilton
Road and Airbles Farm
Road and Alterations to
Junction at Airbles
Road/Leven Street
Hamilton Road To
Airbles Farm Road
And Leven Street
Airbles Road, Motherwell
Robert James Homes
Erection of Two Storey
Dwellinghouse with
Attached Garage
Land North Of 2
Catherine Way
New Stevenston
Mrs Rowan Norrie
Partial Demolition and
Extension to Outbuilding
and the Erection of a
Double Garage
251 Bonkle Road
Mr Hall
Conversion of Integral
Garage to Habitable
Room, 36 Atlin Drive,
New Stevenston
Application No:
Proposed Development:
Construction of 262 Dwellinghouses
Site Address:
Castle Cement (Clyde) Ltd
Hollandhurst Road
North Lanarkshire
Date Registered:
31st May 2007
Barratt West Scotland
Mayfield House
7 Maggie Woods Loan
The Kerr Practice
Park Lane House
47 Broad Street
G40 2QW
Application Level:
Contrary to Development Plan:
006 Coatbridge North And Glenboig
Anthony Clarke, Martin McWilliams, William
Shields, John Wilson, Peter Sullivan,
2 letters of representation received.
Approve Subject to Conditions
Reasoned Justification:
The proposed housing development accords with the Monklands District Local Plan 1991
residential policies, and was previously established in principle through outline planning
permission 04/01244/OUT. The development is acceptable in terms of access, design, and
layout and generally accords with the requirements of the design guidance on such
developments. The proposed housing design and site layout configuration incorporates
acceptable noise mitigation measures to minimise noise impacts from the adjacent industrial
uses in the interests of protecting residential amenity.
Proposed Conditions:1.
That the development hereby permitted shall be started no later than 4th November
201 1.
Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland)
Act 1997 (as amended) and outline planning permission 04/01244/OUT to which this
That, except as may otherwise be agreed in writing by the Planning Authority, the
development shall be implemented in accordance with drawing numbers:Site Layout P.01 Rev. V
Boundary Plan P.03
Block 1 - 32 Flats
Floor Plans AL. 10
Elevations AL.13 Rev. B
Block 2 - 40 Flats
Floor Plans AL. 14
Elevations AL.15
Cross Sections AL.l
Banchory Plans & Elevations SC08/BAN/01C
Alnwick Plans & Elevations SC08/ALN/IC
Mull Plans & Elevations SC08/MULUOIC
Lismore Plans & Elevations SC08/LIS/OlB
Kensington Plus Floor Plans AL.01
Elevations AL.04 Rev. B
House Type - 400
Floor Plans Planning Layout No. 1
Elevations Planning Layout No. 2
House Type - 406
Elevations Planning Layout No. 1
Floor Plans Planning Layout No. 2
House Type - 408
Elevations Planning Layout No. 1
Floor Plans Planning Layout No. 2
House Type - 41 1
Elevations Planning Layout No. 1
Floor Plans Planning Layout No. 2
House Type - 421
Elevations Planning Layout No. 1
Floor Plans Planning Layout No. 2
House Type - 454
Elevations Planning Layout No. 1
Floor Plans Planning Layout No. 2
Reason: To clarify the details on which this approval of permission is founded.
That the development hereby permitted shall not start until a Notice of Initiation has
been submitted to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority.
Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Planning etc (Scotland) Act 2006.
That within 4 weeks of the last dwelling hereby permitted being constructed a Notice of
Completion shall be submitted to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority.
Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Planning etc (Scotland) Act 2006, to
monitor the development, to enable the Planning Authority to retain effective control.
That BEFORE the development hereby permitted starts the following shall be provided:
(a) written confirmation from Scottish Water that the site can be provided with an
acceptable water supply and a foul sewerage system which would not contribute to the
premature operation of consented downstream overflows;
(b) details of the proposed surface water surface drainage scheme and certification
from a Chartered Civil Engineer, experienced in drainage works that it complies with
the principles of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) in terms of the relevant
ClRlA Manual and other advice published by the Scottish Environment Protection
Agency (SEPA).
Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to consider these aspects in the interests of
ensuring that the drainage scheme complies with best SUDS practice, to protect
adjacent watercourses and groundwater, and in the interests of the amenity and
wellbeing of future residents.
That the SUDS compliant surface water drainage scheme approved in terms of
Condition 5 above shall be implemented contemporaneously with the development.
Following the construction of the SUDS, a certificate signed by a Chartered Civil
Engineer shall be submitted to the Planning Authority confirming that the SUDS
provision has been constructed in accordance with the relevant ClRlA Manual and the
approved plans.
Reason: To safeguard adjacent watercourses and groundwater from pollution and in
the interests of the amenity and wellbeing of future residents.
That BEFORE any works of any description start on the application site, unless
otherwise agreed in writing with the Planning Authority, a comprehensive site
investigation report shall be submitted to and for the approval of the said Authority. The
investigation must be carried out in accordance with current best practice advice, such
as BS 10175 : 'The Investigation of Potentially Contaminated Sites' or CLR 11. The
report must include a site specific risk assessment of all relevant pollution linkages and
a conceptual site model. Depending on the results of the investigation, a detailed
Remediation Strategy may be required.
Reason: To establish whether or not site decontamination is required in the interests of
the amenity and wellbeing of future residents.
That any remediation works identified by the site investigation required in terms of
Condition 7, shall be carried out to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority. A
certificate (signed by a chartered Environmental Engineer) shall be submitted to the
Planning Authority confirming that any remediation works have been carried out in
accordance with the terms of the Remediation Strategy.
Reason: To ensure that the site is free of contamination in the interests of the amenity
and wellbeing of future residents.
That BEFORE the development hereby permitted starts, full details of the design and
location of all fences and walls to be erected on the site shall be submitted to, and
approved in writing by the Planning Authority.
Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to consider these aspects in detail.
That notwithstanding condition 9 above, BEFORE the development hereby approved
starts, details regarding the feature wall/fence to be erected along the Coltswood Road
frontage shall be submitted to, and approved writing by the Planning Authority.
Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to consider these aspects in detail.
That the feature wall/fence approved under the terms of condition 10 above shall be
completed prior to the occupation of any of the residential units hereby approved.
Reason: In the interests of the visual amenity of the area.
That BEFORE the development hereby permitted starts, a scheme of landscaping shall
be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, and it shall include:(a) details of any earth moulding and hard landscaping, boundary treatment, grass
seeding and turfing;
(b) a scheme of tree and shrub planting, incorporating details of the location, number,
variety and size of trees and shrubs to be pianted. For the avoidance of doubt this shall
include structured planting proposals for the north embankment of the development;
(c) an indication of all existing trees and hedgerows, plus details of those to be
retained, and measures for their protection in the course of development
(d) a detailed timetable for all landscaping works which shall provide for these works
being carried out contemporaneously with the development of the site.
Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to consider these aspects in detail.
That all works included in the scheme of landscaping and planting, approved under the
terms of condition 12 above, shall be completed in accordance with the approved
timetable, and any trees, shrubs, or areas of grass which die, are removed, damaged,
or become diseased, within two years of the full occupation of the development hereby
permitted, shall be replaced within the following year with others of a similar size and
Reason: To define the permission.
That before the development hereby permitted starts, a scheme, for the provision of
equipped play areas within the application site shall be submitted to, and approved in
writing by the Planning Authority, and this shall include:(a) details of the type and location of play equipment, seating and litter bins to be
situated within the play areas;
(b) details of the surface treatment of the play areas, including the location and type of
safety surface to be installed;
(c) details of the fences to be erected around the play areas,
(d) details of the phasing of these works.
Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to consider these aspects in detail.
That BEFORE the development hereby permitted starts, a management and
maintenance scheme shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning
Authority, and it shall include proposals for the continuing care, maintenance and
protection of:-
(a) the landscaped bund located parallel to Hollandhurst Road;
(b) the proposed parking areas in relation to the flatted properties;
(c) the proposed shared accesses to dwellinghouses;
(d) the proposed play areas;
(e) the proposed grassed, planted and landscaped areas;
(f) the proposed fences/walls to be erected along the boundaries (including the acoustic
(e) the proposed feature walVfence at the Coltswood Road frontage;
(9) the proposed footpath link to Hollandhurst Road at the south west of site.
(h) the former railway embankment and woodland/scrub area located to the north west
of the development area
Reason: To safeguard the residential amenity of the area.
That BEFORE completion of the development hereby permitted, the management and
maintenance scheme approved under the terms of condition 18 shall be in operation.
Reason: To safeguard the residential amenity of the area.
That BEFORE the development hereby permitted starts, full details of the facing
materials to be used on all external walls and roofs shall be submitted to, and approved
in writing by the Planning Authority and the development shall be implemented in
accordance with the details approved under the terms of this condition.
Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to consider these aspects in detail.
That for the duration of the construction works one or more Site Notices, printed on
durable material, shall be displayed in a prominent place at or in the vicinity of the
development such that it is readily visible to the public; the Notice must accord with
Schedule 7 of the Planning etc (Scotland) Act 2006 and must give details of the
approved development, its address, details of the planning permission and information
on where further information about the development can be obtained.
Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Planning etc (Scotland) Act 2006, to
monitor the development, to enable the Planning Authority to retain effective control.
Backaround PaDers:
Representation Letters
Letter received from Essbee Coaches, 7 Hollandhurst Road, Coatbridge received on 6'h
March 2009.
Email received from Patersons of Greenoakhill Ltd received on lothSeptember 2010
Consultation Responses:
Protective Services/Pollution Control received 2gthJune 2007, 12'h May 2008, 26'h February
2009, 13'h August 2009, 1gthFebruary 2010
Network Rail received 26'h September 2008
Transportation received 22ndMarch 2010.
Geotechnical received 13'h June 2007, 23rdFebruary 2009
Land Services received 2ndAugust 2007
Scottish Environment Protection Agency received 6'h August 2007
SP Energy Networks received 18'h June 2007, 30thSeptember 2008
Contact Information:
Any person wishing to inspect these documents should contact Mr Colin Marshall at 01236
Report Date:
8th April 2010
Site DescriPtion
Planning permission is being sought for a residential development with associated
access roads, parking, landscaping and play areas at the former Castle Cement site
located between Hollandhurst Road and Coltswood Road, Coatbridge.
The site extends to some 14.7 ha (36.3 acres). It is bounded to the north by
Blacklands Farm, to the east by Coltswood Road and Cemetery, to the south by
Sunnyside playing fields and housing estate and to the west by Hollandhurst Road.
Further to the west lies Gartsherrie lndustial area, which accommodates a variety of
long established industrial uses including a concrete works and container storage
depot. (refer to location plan)
The disused cement works buildings were demolished in 2006 and the site was then
subject to land regrading and remediation works and is now characterised by its
vacant open aspect and gradual upwards slope between Hollandhurst Road to
Coltswood Road.
ProPosed DeveloDment
The residential development would comprise of a total of 262 dwellings including 72
flatted properties. The site would be served by a single access taken from Coltswood
Road, where a new roundabout would be constructed and all of the dwellinghouses
and flats would be accessed from a network of new roads, CUIde sacs, and shared
The proposed residential units would comprise a mix of 2 and 3 storey detached and
semi detached dwelling houses providing 3 and 4 bedroom accommodation. The
flatted properties would consist of two large blocks that would be 4 storeys in height.
These flatted blocks would be located close to the south west corner of the site and
are specifically designed and positioned to serve an acoustic barrier between the site
and the outlying industrial estate. The 4 storey flatted blocks and 3 storey town
houses that back onto the adjacent industrial area are designed and internally
configured to ensure that no habitable rooms overlook the industrial area in the
interests of ensuring that adequate levels of residential amenity are maintained and
that residents would not be unduly subject to noise nuisance from the Gartsherrie
industrial area. The flatted blocks would also serve as an effective acoustic baffle to
minimise noise impacts on the other parts of the development site. Vehicular access
to the flats would be via a private access road which also accommodates parking
facilities to the 2 blocks of flats.
Armlicant’s Sumortinu Information
The developer provided an Noise Impact Assessment on the potential noise impacts
on the development site from Precon (Concrete Manufacturing Plant) and Essbee
Coaches depot both of which are located respectively to the immediate west and
north west of the proposed development site. This supporting information was
required to be considered as a reserved matter under the terms of condition 14 of
outline planning permission 04/01244/OUT.
Site Historv
As noted above the development site was previously occupied by a concrete
manufacturing plant that fell into disuse and was subsequently demolished following
the grant of planning permission 04/01244/OUT on 4th November 2006. This
permission established that in principle the redevelopment of the site for residential
purposes was acceptable subject to reserved matters.
This outline permission and any further approval of the reserved matters is also
subject to a Section 75 Agreement that requires the developer to undertake off site
road improvement works including the upgrading of the road junction at Sunnyside
Road/Dunbeth Road and Coltswood Road and provision of a public footpath along
the east side of Hollandhurst Road. In addition a commuted sum of f50,000is also
required in respect of improvements to education facilities. The legal agreement
requires these provisions to be implemented in accordance with agreed “trigger
dates” (residential unit completions) relating to these works and financial contribution.
The site was also subject to regarding and remediation works under the terms of
planning permission 06/00666/FUL. This effectively removed most of the previously
identified ground contaminants and regraded the site using cut and fill techniques to
produce a gradual grading with a maximum down slope of 6% from its eastern to
western boundary. Specific elements of the revised landform included a screening
bund parallel to Hollandhurst Road, cut slopes/ embankments as appropriate around
the site, grass seeding in some areas and the formation of low-lying areas to enable
the provision of a SUDS pond required to service the development site. Topsoil was
stockpiled at the north and eastern boundaries of the site and is retained for future
use. Appropriate treatments to previous mine workings were also completed.
DeveloPment Plan
The proposals raise no strategic issues as the principle of residential development
has already been established as part of the outline planning permission. The
proposals can be assessed under the relevant residential policies and design
guidance of the Monklands District Local Plan 1991.
Protective Services/Pollution Control had no objection subject to conditions relating to
the implementation of the mitigation measures on potential noise impacts noted in the
Noise Impact Assessment; and further details on potential ground contamination
Transportation Section had no objection subject to conditions relating to the
implementation of off site road works and provision of a road layout to adoptable
Geotechnical had no objection subject to conditions in respect of provision of SUDS
and ensuring adequate surface water drainage measures are considered.
Scottish Power had no objection.
Network Rail had no objection.
SEPA had no objections subject to conditions relating to the provision of SUDS.
Land Services (Landscape and Ecology) had no objection subject to conditions
relating to the need to provide detailed landscaping scheme which includes
biodiversity measures and details of the proposed play equipment.
Following the standard neighbour notification process, 2 representations were
received. The points raised can be summarised as follows:
Potential flooding impact at the adjacent bus depot
Request for a copy of the Noise Impact Assessment
Plannina Assessment
Section 25 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997, requires that the
determination of planning applications must be made in accordance with the
development plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. With regard the
development under consideration the principle of the development has already been
agreed through previous planning approvals as noted above. However the proposals
residential development is required to meet the terms of the Council’s Design
Guidance on New Housing Areas.
Access and Parking: The proposed access, road/footpath layout and parking
provisions are considered acceptable. Whilst the Transportation Section would have
preferred the parking arrangements for the flats to be grouped within more formally
arranged parking courts and overlooked by each respective flatted blocks, such a
configuration would not be possible due to the primary function and design of the flats
in providing an effective acoustic barrier between the Precon concrete manufacturing
plant (located to the south west of the site) and the main residential development site.
A noted above the developer has a legal obligation under the terms of a Section 75
Agreement to undertake off-site road improvement works at Red Bridge road junction
and provision of a footpath link along Hollandhurst Road and these would be
completed in due course of the development.
Housing DensityIMix: The proposed housing density and mix of house types are
considered acceptable. The layout incorporates satisfactory public open space and
private garden areas.Detailed Design: The proposed incorporate a mix of house
types and flatted blocks of varying heights. Most are two storey detached or semidetached units, however along the Hollandhurst Road boundary the 4 storey flats and
3 storey semi detached town houses are required to mitigate potential noise impacts
from the adjacent and outlying industrial land uses in Gartsherrie. The proposed
finishing materials for the dwellinghouses and flats would consist of a mix of facing
brick and render with concrete tiled roofs and are considered acceptable although
actual colour schemes would require to be further agreed by condition of any
planning permission. The layout includes landscape buffer zones along the periphery
of the site and it is considered that further details on plant species and density can be
covered by condition. It is anticipated that some biodiversity measures can be
accommodated within a detailed scheme. The size and shape of each respective plot
are considered acceptable and each dwellinghouse is provided with a satisfactory
outlook and adequate private garden areas. The exception to this is the lack of
dedicated private garden ground to the flatted blocks. However the flats are located
close to an area of public open space and are next to the proposed SUDS pond area,
which would prove some open aspect to their respective outlooks. Privacy standards
would be maintained throughout the layout and all rear garden areas would be
adequately screened by walls or fances. Security levels are acceptable as public
areas would be overlooked and public roads and footpaths subject to adoptable
lighting standards.
Public Open Space: The proposed layout includes adequate provision of public open
space areas and a mix of equipped play areas are proposed, details of which would
be agreed as a condition of any planning permission.
SUDS: As noted above previous site regrading works have incorporated a low lying
area that would be capable of accommodating the SUDS provision within the
proposed site layout.
As noted above there were no outstanding objections from the above noted
consultees that could not be covered by a condition of any planning permission.
Concerns over potential flooding issues were addressed by letter to Essbee
Coaches which pointed out that with the development proposals would
incorporate an appropriate surface water drainage system that would also
incorporate a SUDS pond that would be located to the south west boundary
of the site.
Precon Ltd requested a copy of the Noise Impact Assessment submitted in
support of the planning application and this was forwarded for their attention.
There was no further representation received in regards to this aspect of the
The proposed housing development accords with the Monklands District Local Plan
1991 residential policies, and was previously established in principle through outline
planning permission 04/01244/OUT. The development is acceptable in terms of
access, design, and layout and with the implementation of the proposed noise
mitigation measures including construction of the flatted blocks and sound barriers,
the operation of existing industrial businesses located adjacent to the site is unlikely
to result in significant noise impacts on residential amenity. There were no objections
from consultees that could not be covered by conditions and issues raised in the
letters of representation have been adequately addressed. It is therefore
recommended that planning permission be granted subject to conditions.
Application No:
Proposed Development:
Residential Development (0.9 Hectares) Renewal of permission
Site Address:
1A Carradale Crescent
North Lanarkshire
G68 9LE
Date Registered:
19th March 2010
Realm Homes Ltd
(Mr John Taylor)
7 Bo'Ness Road
Application Level:
Local Application
002 Cumbernauld North
Balwant Singh Chadha, Barry McCulloch, Gordon
Murray, Alan O'Brien,
0 letter(s) of representation received.
Contrary to Development Plan:
Approve Subject to Conditions
Reasoned Justification:
Circumstances have not changed since the granting of outline planning permission for
residential development in 2008 (07/00445/OUT). Therefore, the proposal for the renewal of
the permission is considered to be acceptable.
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North LanarkshireCouncil
loo023398 2008
Residential Development (0.9Hectares)
Renewal of permission 07/00445/OUT
1A Carradale Crescent, Broadwood,
Site a w = 0.83 ha.
Produced by
North Lanarkshire Council
Phnning and Environment Department,
telO1698 27427
fax 01698 403053
Proposed Conditions:1.
That the development hereby permitted shall be started, either within three years of the
date of this permission, or within two years of the date on which the last of the matters
specified by condition are approved, whichever is the later.
Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland)
Act 1997.
That before any part of the development starts, a further planning application shall be
submitted to the Planning Authority in respect of the following matters:(a) the siting, design and external appearance of all buildings and other structures;
(b) the layout of the site, including all roads, footways, and parking areas;
(c) the details of, and timetable for, the hard and soft landscaping of the site;
(d) details for management and maintenance of the areas identified in (c) above;
(f) the design and location of all boundary walls and fences;
(9) the phasing of the development
(h) the provision of drainage works
(i) the disposal of sewage;
(j) details of existing and proposed site levels.
Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to consider these aspects in detail.
That within three years of the date of this permission, an application for approval of the
matters, specified in Condition 1 above, shall be made to the Planning Authority.
Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Planning etc (Scotland) Act 2006.
That BEFORE any works of any description start on the application site, unless
otherwise agreed in writing with the Planning Authority, a comprehensive site
investigation report shall be submitted to and for the approval of the said Authority.
The investigation must be carried out in accordance with current best practice advice,
such as BS 10175 : 'The Investigation of Potentially Contaminated Sites' or CLR 11.
The report must include a site specific risk assessment of all relevant pollution linkages
and a conceptual site model. Depending on the results of the investigation, a detailed
Remediation Strategy may be required.
Reason: To establish whether or not site decontamination is required in the interests of
the amenity and wellbeing of future residents.
That any remediation works identified by the site investigation required in terms of
Condition 4, shall be carried out to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority. A
certificate (signed by a chartered Environmental Engineer) shall be submitted to the
Planning Authority confirming that any remediation works have been carried out in
accordance with the terms of the Remediation Strategy.
Reason: To ensure that the site is free of contamination in the interests of the amenity
and wellbeing of future residents.
That BEFORE the development hereby permitted starts, unless otherwise agreed in
writing with the Planning Authority, full details of the proposed surface water drainage
scheme shall be submitted to and for the approval of the said Authority. For the
avoidance of doubt the drainage scheme must comply with the requirements of the
publication titled 'Drainage Assessment : A Guide for Scotland and any other advice
subsequently published by the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) or the
Sustainable Urban Drainage Scottish Working Party (SUDSWP).
The post-development surface water discharges shall ensure that the rate and quantity
return period unless it can be demonstrated that a higher discharge is necessary to
protect or improve the aquatic habitat. SUDS shall still be provided even where
discharges are proposed to public sewers notwithstanding any conditions imposed by
Scottish Water.
Reason: To ensure that the drainage scheme complies with best SUDS practice to
protect adjacent watercourses and groundwater and in the interests of the amenity and
wellbeing of existing and future residents adjacent to and within the development site.
That the SUDS compliant surface water drainage scheme approved in terms of
Condition 6; shall be implemented contemporaneously with the development in so far
as is reasonably practical. Within three months of the construction of the SUDS, a
certificate (signed by a Chartered Civil Engineer experienced in drainage works) shall
be submitted to the Planning Authority confirming that the SUDS has been constructed
in accordance with the relevant ClRlA Manual and the approved plans.
Reason: To safeguard adjacent watercourses and groundwater from pollution and in
the interests of the amenity and wellbeing of existing and future residents adjacent to
and within the development site.
Notwithstanding the terms of Conditions 6 and 7, a Flood Risk Assessment shall be
submitted to the Planning Authority BEFORE any works of any description start on the
application site, unless otherwise agreed in writing with the said Authority. For the
avoidance of doubt, the Flood Risk Assessment must take account of Scottish Planning
Policy and Planning Advice Note 69 (PAN 69) : Planning & Building Standards Advice
on Flooding.
Reason: In order that the Planning Authority might be satisfied that the proposed
development will not give rise to flooding within the application site and will not increase
the flood risk elsewhere.
Backaround Papers:
Representation Letters
No letters of representation received to date.
Consultation Responses:
Contact Information:
Any person wishing to inspect these documents should contact Mr Kevin Divin at 01236
Report Date:
12th April 2010
Site Description
The application site is a 0.9ha. plot of undeveloped land within the Broadwood
Business Park at Carradale Crescent, Cumbernauld. The application is bounded to
the west by a housing estate currently nearing completion by the Walker Group. To
the south and east is the remainder of Broadwood Business Park comprising of
various office blocks. Located to the north is vacate land beyond which is Broadwood
Football Stadium.
Proposed Development
Planning permission is sought for the renewal of planning permission 07/00445/OUT
for residential development. No further details are proposed at this stage.
Site History
On the 13'h March 2008, outline planning permission was granted (Ref
07/00445/OUT) for residential development (0.9 Hectares).
DeveloDment Plan
The application raises no strategic issues, it can be assessed in terms of the local
plan policy.
In terms of the Cumbernauld Local Plan 1993 the site is covered by policy IB 7 (New
Industrial Areas).
Plannina Assessment
In accordance with Section 25 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act
1997, planning decisions must be made in accordance with the development plan
unless material considerations indicate otherwise. This application is not of strategic
significance and therefore requires to be assessed against the adopted Cumbernauld
Local Plan 1993.
Adopted Local Plan: Although the application has been zoned for industrial
development (IB 7- New Industrial Areas) in the Cumbernauld Local Plan, residential
development has been accepted in principle by the granting of outline planning
permission (07/00445/OUT). Circumstances have not changed since the granting of
outline planning permission for residential development in 2008. The application is
bounded to the west by housing development nearing completion and to the northeast by proposed housing. The business park to the south and east is class 4
business use which by its definition is a use that can be carried out in any residential
location without detriment to the amenity of that area. It is considered therefore that
the application site is still suitable for residential development.
Material Considerations: Finalised Draft North Lanarkshire Local Plan. A material
consideration is the Finalised Draft North Lanarkshire Local Plan, where most of the
application the site is zoned with within Policy HCF 2 A1 (Sites for (Short-term)
Housing Development). However, as discussed in detail in paragraph 5.2 above, the
principle of residential development has been established by granting permission of
the original outline application. Given that there are no changes to circumstances, the
proposed renewal of outline residential consent is considered acceptable.
In conclusion, outline planning permission was granted for residential development in
2008 when it was determined that the application site was no longer required for a
Class 4 Business use, and that it was physically and locationally suitable for housing
purposes. Circumstances have not changed since the original consent, it is,
therefore, recommended that planning permission in principle be granted subject to
Application No:
Proposed Development:
Alterations to Bring About the Change of Use of the Former
YMCA Building to Class 4 Offices
Site Address:
301 Brandon Street
Date Registered:
21st September 2009
Derek Blues
Suite 2.7 Dalziel Building
7 Scott Street
Application Level:
Local Application
018 Motherwell South East And Ravenscraig
Kaye Harmon, Thomas Lunny, Linsey McKay and
Alan Valentine.
I letter of representation received.
Contrary to Development Plan:
Approve Subject to Conditions
Reasoned Justif ication:
The proposed development is considered acceptable in terms of the criteria set out in
the relevant policies of the Southern Area Local Plan and the Finalised Draft North
Lanarkshire Local Plan.
Proposed ConditionsThat the development hereby permitted shall be started within three years of
the date of this permission.
Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning
(Scotland) Act 1997 (as amended by the Planning etc (Scotland) Act 2006).
That except as may otherwise be agreed in writing by the Planning Authority,
the development shall be implemented in accordance with the approved
Reason: To clarify the drawings on which this approval of permission is
That the permission hereby granted relates to a change of use only and,
notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General
Permitted Development) (Scotland) Order 1992, no alterations shall be made to
the external appearance of the building.
Reason: To define the permission.
That the development hereby permitted shall not start until a Notice of Initiation
has been submitted to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority.
Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning
(Scotland) Act 1997 (as amended by the Planning etc (Scotland) Act 2006).
That within 4 weeks of the development hereby permitted being occupied or
brought into use a Notice of Completion shall be submitted to the satisfaction of
the Planning Authority
Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning
(Scotland) Act 1997 (as amended by the Planning etc (Scotland) Act 2006, to
monitor the development, to enable the Planning Authority to retain effective
That, notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning
(General Permitted Development) (Scotland) Order 1992, the permission
hereby granted shall relate to the use of the building solely for a use included
with Class 4; of the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) (Scotland) Order
1997and notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning
(Use Classes) (Scotland) Order 1997 the permitted change to Class 6 is
removed as part of this permission.
Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to retain effective control on the
grounds of a lack of parking and servicing associated with the building.
Backaround Papers:
Representation Letters
Email of representation received from NLC Property Services, 9'h October 2009.
Consultation Responses:
Memo from Transportation received 13'h October 2009.
Contact Information:
Any person wishing to inspect these documents should contact Mr Fraser Miller at
01698 2741 19
Report Date:
Site Description
The application site is the former YMCA building, 301 Brandon Street,
Motherwell, a Category B Listed Building. The vacant sandstone building is
two stories in height and has previously been extended a number of years
ago. The site is bound to the south east by the former Council offices at 303
Brandon Street, Railtrack Offices to the north east and a mixture of
commercial properties to the north and west.
Proposed Development
The application seeks planning permission for the change of use of the former
YMCA building (Class 11 - Assembly and Leisure) to form managed office
suites (Class 4 - Business). No external alterations are proposed by the
development, however, a number of minor internal alterations are proposed,
which are the subject of the associated Listed Building Consent application.
Applicant’s Supportina Information
No supporting information has been submitted in connection with the
application. However, for clarification there is an associated Listed Building
Consent application related to the proposed works, ref: 09/01032/LBC.
Site History
01/00128/FUL - Formation of Mezzanine Floor approved gthApril 2001.
Development Plan
The site is identified as a Secondary, Village and Neighbourhood Commercial
Area in the Southern Area Local Plan 2008, to which Policy RTL6 applies.
Transportation recommended that the application be refused as a
development of this nature would require parking provision at the rate of 1
space per 2 members of staff. From the floor plans provided 47 spaces would
be required to serve the site as opposed to the 8 bays detailed.
One letter of representation has been received from NLC Property Services
following the neighbour notification and press advertisement procedures. The
objection is on the grounds that the access to the car park at the rear of the
site, crosses over land owned by the Council in association with 303 Brandon
Street. At this stage, confirmation cannot be given that the applicant has a
right of access across the Council owned land. In addition, as a result of the
parking area associated with the application site being small, there are
concerns that occupiers of the business centre may park unauthorised on
Council owned land.
Plannina Assessment
In accordance with Section 25 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland)
Act 1997, planning decisions must be made in accordance with the
development plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise.
It should be noted that the application raises no strategic issues. This
application must therefore be assessed against the relevant development
plan policies, which are Southern Area Local Plan 2008. Policies RTLG
(Secondary Village and Neighbourhood Commercial Area), ENV18 (Listed
Buildings), IND5 (Business Development (Class4)) and TR13 (Assessing the
Transportation Implications of Development) are relevant, together with other
material considerations.
Adopted Local Plan:
Policy RTLG supports the provision of other uses such as offices, food and
drink and assembly and leisure, which compliment the role and function of the
area. Policy IND5 states that Class 4 developments will also be supported
within or adjacent to Town Centre Areas, Secondary, Village and
Neighbourhood Commercial Areas, subject to their compatibility with other
Policies contained in the Local Plan. Taking into account the location of the
site on the edge of the Town Centre in the commercial area coupled with the
desire to revitalise and strengthen the town centre and the support of the local
plan for redeveloping listed buildings, it is considered that the change of use
of the building to a managed office space is acceptable. Transportation issues
are addressed in paragraph 8.5 below.
Policy ENV18 indicates that the Council will resist proposals which would
harm the historic or architectural interest of a listed building but will encourage
proposals, which enhance the character of a listed building. The proposed
development seeks the re-use of an existing B listed building, which has been
vacant for a number of years and it is evident that without maintenance and
renovation the building is likely to continue to deteriorate. As detailed above,
the alterations proposed, are primarily internal in nature and they relate to the
treatment of internal doors, in line with building regulations and the formation
of new internal doorways, all of which are acceptable in planning terms. It is
considered that the proposal seeks to preserve much of the original character
of the building whilst bringing the building into an active use. In this regard the
change of use is considered acceptable when assessed against Policy
ENV18. It should be noted that the proposals for the alterations to the building
are subject to a separate listed building application 09/01032/LBC which is
currently under consideration.
Policy TR13 states that the Council will take account of criteria including: the
impact of the development on road traffic circulationhoad safety and the
provision made for access, parking and vehicle manoeuvring. Transportation
recommended that the application be refused as the parking requirements for
a development of this nature cannot be accommodated within the site. A
small car park is located to the rear of the site that is accessed from the
Council’s car park associated with the former Council offices on Brandon
Street. It is acknowledged that this car park is unlikely to serve the whole
development, however, there are a number of public car parks in the local
area that would aid in supporting the development. Furthermore, the building
is located close to the town centre and integrates well within the public
transportation network. Historically the YMCA functioned satisfactorily with
only the small number of spaces located to the rear of the building and
visitors to the building had to use other parking locations. It is considered that
this pattern of parking can be accommodated in relation to the current
application. On balance, it is considered that the car parking requirements for
the site, in this instance, are not significant enough to result in the refusal of
the application, as the application proposes to secure a future use for a
Category B Listed Building, within a mixed use commercial area on the edge
of the Town Centre. It is therefore considered that the proposals are
acceptable in terms of the policy TR13.
Finalised Draft North Lanarkshire Local Plan
A material consideration is the Finalised Draft North Lanarkshire Local Plan,
however, the zoning and policy position remains unaltered from the Adopted
In response to the objection received I would advise that the transportation
implications of the development have been discussed above in paragraph
8.5. Furthermore, any issues with regards to rights of access are a legal
matter and are not a material planning consideration.
It conclusion, having due regard to the provisions of the Development Plan,
the application proposals are considered to be acceptable and to comply with
Policies RTLG, IND5, ENV18. Although not strictly in accordance with Policy
TR13, it is considered that on balance the proposals meet the aims of Policy
TR13. It is considered that the proposals will acceptably relate to surrounding
land uses. I therefore recommend that planning permission be granted
subject to conditions.
Application No:
Proposed Development:
Renewal of Planning Permission S/06/01962/OUT - The
Dualling of Holytown/Carfin Link Road and Junction to A8
Site Address:
Holytown - Carfin Link Road
A723 And Bo'ness Road
North Lanarkshire
Date Registered:
29th January 2010
Ravenscraig Ltd
Ravenscraig Site
Wilson Bowden Development
Forest Business Park
Bardon Hill
Application Level:
Local Application
Contrary to Development Plan:
17 Motherwell North
Councillors Nolan, McCauley, McKenna and
0 letter(s) of representation received.
Approve Subject to Conditions
Reasoned Justification:
The proposal is considered to comply with the terms of the Southern Area Local Plan
2008. The principle of road infrastructure improvements on the site has already been
established by the granting and renewal of consent for the works. The additional land
required for the road improvements is unlikely to have a detrimental impact on
existing or proposed uses around the A723 road or lead to a significant loss of land
from the area surrounding the road. The redevelopment of Ravenscraig is well
underway with the opening of Motherwell College (2009); the Regional Sports Facility
opening October 2010 and the recent start of the first phase of housing within
Ravenscraig. It is therefore important that the road infrastructure improvements are
undertaken to ensure the continued success of the regeneration of Ravenscraig and
the wider area.
This map is reproduced from
Ordnance Survey material
with the permksion of
Ordnance Survey on behaK
of the Conboller of Her Majesty's
Stationery Office. 0 Crown
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North Lanarkshire Council
loo023396 2008
Renewal of Planning Permission S/06/01962/OUT
-The Dualling of HolytownlCarfin Link Road and
Junction to A8 Motherwell
Holytown - Carfin Link Road, A723 And Bo'ness Road,
\ ;\i . G,. --->-k L & W e
Produced by
North Lanarkshire Council
Planning and Environment Department,
telO1698 27427
fax 01698 403053
Proposed Conditions:-
That the development hereby permitted shall be started, either within 5 years of the
date of this permission, or within 2 years of the date of which the last of the matters
specified in conditions are approved, whichever is the later.
Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Planning etc (Scotland) Act 2006.
That before the development starts, a further planning application shall be submitted to
the Planning Authority in respect of the following matters specified in conditions :the siting, design and appearance of structures,
the means of access for the proposal;
the layout of the proposal, including all roads, footways, and cycleways;
the provision of public open space;
the details of, and timetable for, the hard and soft landscaping of the site;
details for management and maintenance of the areas identified in (c), (d) and (e)
the design and location of all boundary walls and fences;
the phasing of the development;
the provision of drainage works;
details of existing trees, shrubs and hedgerows to be retained;
details of existing and proposed site levels.
Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to consider these aspects in detail.
That within three years of the date of this permission, an application for approval of the
matters, specified in Condition 2 above, shall be made to the Planning Authority.
Reason: To accord with the planning permission in principle.
That this permission is in principle only and no approval is given to any indicative
details shown on the approved plans.
Reason: The application is in principle only.
That the road improvements in areas coloured YELLOW on plans numbered
33692/0629C and 33692/0644E are excluded from the planning consent.
Reason: The proposals in this area are premature pending the determination of the
layout of the A8 (T) motorway upgrade (as advised by the Scottish Executive).
Notwithstanding the terms of condition 5 above, details of the proposed road and
junction improvements between the A723 improvements which are the subject of this
consent, and the A8, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Planning
Authority in consultationwith Transport Scotland and no work on any part of the site
shall commence until the said details have been submitted and approved.
Reason: An improved link to the upgrade A8 (T) will be required to facilitate access to
the Ravenscraig development (as advised by the Scottish Executive).
That, notwithstanding the generalities of this consent, all mitigation measures identified
in the Environmental Statement, submitted with and approved as part of this consent,
shall be incorporated into the detailed design for the road improvements, and shall be
implemented as part thereof, in particular the measures arising from the further noise
assessment studies to be carried out prior to the commencement of work on site.
Reason: In accordance with the terms of the Environmental Statement, and to ensure
that no adverse environmental effects arise as a result of the development.
That all development works throughout the site shall be carried out in accordance with
the 'Code of Construction Practice' contained within the Environmental Statement,
submitted with and approved as part of this consent.
Reason: In accordance with the terms of the Environmental Statement and to ensure
that the development works do not cause adverse environmental impacts.
That, notwithstanding the generalities of this consent, detailed proposals for the
upgrading of the A723 shall include the provision of a footway and cycle lane along the
length of the road. For the avoidance of doubt, the footway shall be 2 metres wide with
a 2 metre wide verge between it and the carriageway.
Reason: In the interests of pedestrian safety and to ensure the provision of appropriate
cycle facilities.
That, notwithstanding the generalities of this consent, the existing footbridge which
crosses the road west of Law Drive shall be replaced prior to the works hereby
permitted being completed, and that detailed proposals of the replacement footbridge
shall be submitted to and approved by the Planning Authority prior to work commencing
on site. The design of the footbridge and the materials to be used shall be of a standard
appropriate to its prominent location.
Reason: To ensure that an appropriate replacement footbridge is provided, in the
interests of pedestrian safety and visual amenity.
That a survey by a qualified bat surveyor shall be carried out and submitted to the
Planning Authority, prior to work commencing on site, to determine the presence or
absence of bats roosting in any trees on the site.
Reason: To ensure the protection of a legally protected species.
That a survey by a suitably qualified ecologist shall be carried out and submitted to the
Planning Authority, prior to work commencing on site, to determine the presence or
absence of badgers within or adjacent to the site, with details of mitigation measures
proposed should their presence be confirmed.
Reason: To ensure the protection of a legally protected species.
That, notwithstandingthe generalities of this consent, tree protection measures in
accordance with British Standard BS 5837 shall be erected along the drip line of the all
trees to be retained within and immediately adjacent to the site.
Reason: To ensure adequate protection of trees to be retained, in the interests of
nature conservation.
That no trees shall be felled between the months of March to June (inclusive).
Reason: In the interests of nature conservation, specifically to protect breeding birds,
their nests and eggs.
That, notwithstanding the exclusion of an area under condition 5 above, detailed
proposals shall take account of the Site of Importance for Nature Conservation located
at O'Wood, Holytown.
Reason: To ensure that important habitats are protected in the interests of nature
That, notwithstanding the generalities of this consent, the detailed proposals for the
works involving the railway embankment shall include details of measures for the
protectionof the railway line and its associated infrastructure, together with a detailed
method statement of the construction works proposed.
Reason: In order to protect the existing railway line and to ensure that the work is
carried out in an appropriate manner.
That the developer shall secure the implementationof an archaeological watching brief,
to be carried out by an archaeological organisation acceptable to the Planning
Authority. The archaeological organisation shall afford access at all reasonable times
to an Archaeological Contractor approved by the Planning Authority and shall allow
them to observe work in progress and record any items of interest and finds uncovered
by the proposed works and that notification of the commencement date shall be given
to the Archaeological Contractor in writing not less than 14 days before work
commences on site.
Reason: To ensure that provision is made for archaeological observation and recording
of the site
That as part of the matters specified in conditions application required under the terms
of Condition 2 above, unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Planning Authority,
full details of the proposed surface water drainage scheme shall be submitted to and
approved in writing by the Planning Authority. For the avoidance of doubt the scheme
must comply with the requirements of the publication titled ‘Drainage Assessment: A
Guide for Scotland’ and any other advice subsequently published by the Scottish
Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) or the Sustainable Urban Drainage Scottish
Working Party (SUDSWP).
The post-development surface water discharges shall ensure that the rate and quantity
of run-off to any watercourse are no greater than the pre-development run-off for any
storm return period unless it can be demonstrated that a higher discharge is necessary
to protect or improve the aquatic habitat. SUDS shall be provided even when
discharges are proposed to public sewers notwithstanding any conditions imposed by
Scottish Water.
Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to consider these aspects in detail and to
ensure that the drainage scheme complies with best SUDS practice to protect adjacent
watercourses and groundwater and in the interests of the amenity and wellbeing of
existing and future residents adjacent to and within the development site respectively.
That the SUDS compliant surface water drainage scheme approved in terms of
Condition 18 above shall be implemented contemporaneously with the development in
so far as is reasonably practical. Following the construction of the SUDS, a certificate
(signed by a chartered Civil Engineer experienced in drainage work) shall be submitted
to the Planning Authority confirming that the SUDS has been constructed in
accordance with the relevant ClRlA Manual and the approved plans.
Reason: To safeguard adjacent watercourses and groundwater from pollution and in
the interests of the amenity and wellbeing of existing and future residents.
20. That as part of the matters specified in conditions application required under the terms
of Condition 2 above, unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Planning Authority,
the applicant shall provide written confirmation to the Planning Authority that all the
requirements of Scottish Water have been fully met to demonstrate that the
development will not have an impact on their assets and that suitable infrastructure can
be put in place to support the development.
Reason: To ensure the provision of satisfactory drainage arrangements.
That as part of the matters specified in conditions application required under the terms
of Condition 2 above, unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Planning Authority, a
comprehensive site investigation report shall be submitted to and for the approval of
the said Authority. The investigation must be carried out in accordance with current
best practice advice, such as BS 10175: “The Investigation of Potentially Contaminated
Sites” or CR 11. The report must include a site specific risk assessment of all relevant
pollution linkages and conceptual site model. Depending on the results of the
investigation, a detailed Remediation Strategy may be required.
Reason: To establish whether or not site decontamination is required in the interests of
the amenity and wellbeing of future residents.
22. That any remediation works identified by the site investigation required in terms of
Condition 21 above shall be carried out to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority. A
certificate (signed by a responsible Environmental Engineer) shall be submitted to the
Planning Authority confirming that any remediation works have been carried out in
accordance with the terms of the Remediation Strategy.
Reason: To ensure that the site is free from contamination in the interests of amenity
and wellbeing of future residents.
23. That, notwithstanding the fact that the permission is in principle only, all new roads
shall be designed to the ‘Design Manual for Roads and Bridges’ and North Lanarkshire
Council’s Roads Guidelines. Such Roads and junctions will have an adequate capacity
at the design year of 2022, within acceptable limits recognised by the Transport
Research Laboratory’s standard traffic computer programmes, to the satisfaction of the
Roads Authority.
Reason: To ensure that the junction and link capacities on the proposed roads are
Backaround Papers:
Representation Letters
No letters of representation have been received.
Consultation Responses:
Geotechnical and Flooding electronic mail dated 15 February 2010.
Roads and Transportation letter dated 24 March 2010
Transport Scotland electronic mail dated 23 March 2010.
Contact Information:
Any person wishing to inspect these documents should contact Mrs Mary Hogg at 01698
Report Date:
21 April 2010
Site Description
This planning application seeks permission to renew the existing outline planning
consent reference S/06/01962/OUT1which is for road and junction improvements on
the A723, between Carfin and the A8, associated with the proposed redevelopment of
the Ravenscraig site. This consent was a renewal of outline planning consent
reference S/02/00064/OUT. The proposals in this current planning application are
identical to that given in the two previous planning consents. The road improvements
are considered necessary given the predicted additional traffic expected to be
generated by the proposed redevelopment at Ravenscraig.
Proposed Development
The proposals include the up-grading of the A723 to dual-carriageway between Carfin
and the A8 junction at the Chapelhall Interchange. Along most of the route, the
existing road would form one of the carriageways with the road being widened to
create a second two-lane carriageway, although in some locations there would be
more substantial alterations to the existing A723. In addition, it is also proposed to
improve the existing roundabouts located along the road.
The proposal involves the following work:Ravenscraia - Aultmore Drive
The length of road between the existing roundabout at Ravenscraig, just off Merry
Street and the roundabout that provides access to the residential estate at Aultmore
Drive and St Mungos Crescent would be widened on the east side. The proposals
would include taking over sections of open space and landscaped areas to the side of
the existing A723 road. The existing roundabout at Aultmore Drive would substantially
increase in size.
Aultmore Drive - New Stevenston Road
The section of road between the two roundabouts would be realigned and widened
on the east side. The New Stevenston roundabout would also require to be enlarged
and repositioned.
New Stevenston Road - Loanhead Road
The additional carriageway proposed on this length of the route would be on the west
side of the existing road. A second tunnel under the railway would be required in this
section of the proposals. The Loanhead Road roundabout would also require to be
enlarged and repositioned.
Loanhead Road - Holvtown roundabout
The formation of the additional carriageway would lie to the west of the existing A723
road on land, which is currently rough open ground. There are no significant
alterations proposed for the Holytown roundabout.
Holvtown roundabout - A8
Land is required from both the east and west sides of the existing road, it involves a
partial realignment of the A723.
A8 Junction
This part of the proposals includes a major alteration to the junction with the A8.
In the previous planning application, it was identified by the Scottish Executive Trunk
Roads Network Management Division (now Transport Scotland) that the proposals
from the Holytown Roundabout to the A8 junction were unacceptable and premature.
Further discussion regarding this section of the proposals has been undertaken.
However, it was agreed that as with the previous planning application, the area from
the Holytown Roundabout to the A8 junction would be excluded from the consent,
with the requirement for the matter to be reconsidered at a later date, prior to the
submission of a detailed planning application.
Applicant’s Supportina Information
The original planning application for the road proposals included an Environmental
Statement, which identified the environmental impacts, both permanent and
temporary, of the proposed development and provided details of mitigation measures
to modify the impacts. This Environmental Statement is still relevant to this current
planning application and will be considered as part of the planning application.
Site Historv
Relevant planning applications are as follows;
98/00108/REM - The construction of a new site access, including a roundabout on
the A723, and internal spine road and roundabout. Approval granted 9 March 1998.
98/01564/FUL - The construction of a road link between Bruce Road and “Carfin
Village” residential development. Approval granted 11 May 1999.
02/00064/OUT -The dualling of the Holytown and Carfin Link Road and junction to
A8, Motherwell. Approval granted 15 December 2003
05/00559/AMD Amendment to Approved Dualling of A723 Carfin/Holytown Link Road
is pending consideration.
06/01962/OUT - The renewal of planning permission S/02/00064/0UT - The dualling
of Holytown and Carfin Link Road and junction to A8 Motherwell. Approval granted
31 January 2007.
Development Plan
The proposal raises no strategic issues in terms of the Glasgow and the Clyde Valley
Joint Structure Plan 2000 (incorporating the fourth alteration 2008) and can therefore
be assessed in terms of the relevant local plan policies.
The route of the road improvements lies within the area covered by the adopted
Southern Area Local Plan 2008. The application site is identified as part of the
proposed route required for improvement to aid the redevelopment of
Ravenscraig and is covered by Policy TR 6 - Ravenscraig Access
Given that this planning application is a renewal of a previous planning consent and
the proposals have not changed, the comments put forward from the consultees to
the previous planning applications will be taken into account in the determination of
this planning application.
Traffic and Transportation were requested for comments for the current
planning application and no objections to the proposals have been offered
subject to appropriate conditions regarding design details of the
access/junction improvements to be submitted and considered as part of any
matters specified in condition application.
The Geotechnical Team offered no comments to this proposal however,
comments on the previous applications advised that an appropriately
experienced Chartered Geotechnical and Structural Engineers should carry
out a suitable ground investigation and that these details should be covered
within the ‘reserved matters’ application. Full drainage details also require to
be submitted as part of the reserved matters application, including details of
any drainage improvements, alterations to existing drainage, temporary
drainage and any SUDS schemes.
Transport Scotland has no objections provided the section of the route
classified as the B799 is not include at present. This section of the proposed
route may be considered to be premature until the route of the M8 Baillieston
to Newhouse has been finalised.
Given that this planning application is a renewal of a previously consented
application, under the Town and Country Planning (General Procedures) (Scotland)
Order 1992, normal neighbour notification procedures do not require to be
undertaken by the applicant. However, details of the application were advertised in
the local newspapers for notice to owners of land included within the site and no
letters of representation were received.
Plannina Assessment
Section 25 of the Town and Country (Scotland) Act 1997, requires that the
determination of planning applications must be made in accordance with the
development unless material considerations indicate otherwise.
Develoment Plan Southern Area Local Plan 2008: This plan identifies the site as
part of the proposed route required for improvement to aid the redevelopment of
Ravenscraig and is covered by Policy TR 6 - Ravenscraig Access Improvements.
This being the case the proposed development accords with the local plan.
Other Material Considerations Finalised Draft North Lanarkshire Local Plan
(FDNLLP): The site is covered by Policy EDI 2 B Transport Development where the
Council supports transport infrastructure improvements (listed in Schedule EDI 28 of
the Area Action Plan) required to promote economic development of the area and
Ravenscraig. The road and junction improvements are contained within the schedule
and therefore accord with the emerging local plan.
Plannina History: The principle of road and junction improvements on the site has
been established by the granting of previous outline permissions (S/02/00064/OUT
and S/06/00064/FUL). This is the renewal of planning consent for road and junction
improvements on this land previously granted planning consent in December 2003
and January 2007 by the Council. The precedent for the road and junction
improvements has been established by the previous consents which affirmed the
necessity for the improvements for the redevelopment and regeneration of
Ravenscraig which would benefit both the traffic movement in and around the area
and to the local economy in general.
Consultations: Consultee comments can be either covered by the use of appropriate
conditions or be addressed at the ‘Matters Specified in Conditions’ (MSC) stage.
The proposal complies with the terms of the Southern Area Local Plan and the
Finalised Draft North Lanarkshire Local Plan in that the plans identify the site for road
infrastructure improvements.
This site has had two previous planning consents for these improvements. The most
recent in 2006 being a renewal of the previous consent. The Council and the Scottish
Ministers have already approved the principle of the development; therefore road
infrastructure improvements on the site are well established.
The additional land required for ths road improvements is unlikely to have a
detrimental impact on existing or proposed uses around the A723 road or lead to a
significant loss of land from the area surrounding the road. The redevelopment and
of Ravenscraig is well underway with the opening of Motherwell College (2009); the
Regional Sports Facility opening October 2010 and the recent start of the first phase
of housing within Ravenscraig it is therefore important that the road infrastructure
improvements are undertaken to ensure the continued success of the regeneration of
Ravenscraig and the wider area. Accordingly it is recommended that planning
permission be granted.
Application No:
Proposed Development:
Renewal of Planning Permission S/06/01964/OUT - Alterations
to Junction at Airbles Road/Hamilton Road, Dualling of Airbles
Road Between Hamilton Road and Airbles Farm Road and
Alterations to Junction at Airbles Road/Leven Street
Site Address:
Hamilton Road To Airbles Farm Road
And Leven Street Junctions
Airbles Road
Date Registered:
29th January 2010
Ravenscraig Ltd
Ravenscraig Site
Wilson Bowden Development
Forest Business Park
Bardon Hill
Application Level:
Local Application
Contrary to Development Plan:
Ward: 16 Motherwell West
Councillors Kelly, Ross and Valentine
0 letter(s) of representation received.
Approved with Conditions
Reasoned Justification:The proposal is considered to comply with the terms of the
Southern Area Local Plan 2008. The principle of road infrastructure improvements on
the site has already been established by the granting and renewal of consent for the
works. The additional land required for the road improvements is unlikely to have a
detrimental impact on existing adjacent uses to Airbles Road, Tinkers Lane and
Leven Street. The redevelopment of Ravenscraig is well underway with the opening
of Motherwell College (2009); the Regional Sports Facility opening October 2010 and
the recent start of the first phase of housing within Ravenscraig it is therefore
important that the road infrastructure improvements are undertaken to ensure the
continued success of the regeneration of Ravenscraig and the wider area.
Proposed Conditions:-
That the development hereby permitted shall be started, either within 5 years of the
date of this permission, or within 2 years of the date of which the last of the matters
specified in conditions are approved, whichever is the later.
Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland)
Act 1997.
That before development starts, a further planning application shall be submitted to the
Planning Authority in respect of the following matters specified in conditions:the siting, design and appearance of structures,
the means of access for the proposal;
the layout of the proposal, including all roads, footways, and cycleways;
the provision of public open space;
the details of, and timetable for, the hard and soft landscaping of the site;
details for management and maintenance of the areas identified in (c), (d) and (e)
the design and location of all boundary walls and fences;
the phasing of the development;
the provision of drainage works;
details of existing trees, shrubs and hedgerows to be retained;
details of existing and proposed site levels.
Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to consider these aspects in detail.
That within three years of the date of this permission, an application for approval of the
matters specified in condition 2 above, shall be made to the Planning Authority.
Reason: To accord with the planning permission in principle.
That this permission is in principle only and no approval is given to any indicative
details shown on the approved plans.
Reason: The application is in principle only.
That, notwithstanding the generation of this consent, the proposed junction
arrangements at Hamilton Road/Airbles Road shall be designed to have sufficient
capacity to accommodate the projected levels at the design year of 2022, to the
satisfaction of the Planning and Roads Authorities.
Reason: To ensure that the capacity of the proposed junction is satisfactory
Notwithstanding the generalities of this consent, provision shall be made within the
vicinity of the signalised gyratory system at the junction of Hamilton Road and Airbles
Road for features of public art, incorporating sculpture and landscaping and the
approved features shall be completed within 12 months of the bringing into operation of
the signalised gyratory system.
Reason: To ensure the provision of major art features, in order to enhance the
environment of the area.
That a report on the potential noise and air quality impacts of the proposed
development shall be submitted to and approved by the Planning Authority, unless
otherwise agreed in writing with the Planning Authority, such report to include details of
mitigation measures, and that no development shall be commenced until such approval
has been granted and agreement has been reached on a timescale for the
implementation of the agreed mitigation measures.
Reason: To ensure that the proposed road and junction improvements do not result in
adverse environmental impacts.
That, notwithstanding the generalities of this consent, the revised perimeter of the open
space/play area at Malcolm Street shall be enclosed by a metal fence a minimum of 1.6
metres in height.
Reason: To ensure appropriate enclosure of open space/play facilities adjacent to the
That, notwithstanding the generalities of this consent, the detailed design of the
improved junction and road shall include provision for pedestrian crossing facilities at
appropriate points.
Reason: In the interests of pedestrian safety.
That, notwithstanding the generalities of this consent, tree protection measures in
accordance with British Standard BS 5837 shall be erected along the drip line of the all
trees to be retained within and immediately adjacent to the site.
Reason: To ensure adequate protection of trees to be retained, in the interests of
nature conservation.
That a method statement detailing the proposed arrangements for traffic diversions and
alternative pedestrian provision during the construction period, shall be submitted to
and approved by the Planning Authority prior to work commencing on site.
Reason: To ensure that the appropriate arrangements are made for vehicle and
pedestrian movements during the construction period, in the interest of public safety
and amenity.
That as part of the matters specified in conditions application required under the terms
of Condition 2 above, unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Planning Authority,
full details of the proposed surface water drainage scheme to be installed within the
application site shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Planning Authority.
For the avoidance of doubt the scheme must comply with the requirements of the
publication titled ‘Drainage Assessment: A Guide for Scotland’ and any other advice
subsequently published by the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) or
the Sustainable Urban Drainage Scottish Working Party (SUDSWP).
The post-development surface water discharges shall ensure that the rate and quantity
of run-off to any watercourse are no greater than the pre-development run-off for any
storm return period unless it can be demonstrated that a higher discharge is necessary
to protect or improve the aquatic habitat. SUDS shall be provided even when discharge
are proposed to public sewers notwithstanding any conditions imposed by Scottish
Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to consider these aspects in detail and to
ensure that the drainage scheme complies with best SUDS practice to protect adjacent
watercourses and groundwater and in the interests of the amenity and well being of
existing and future residents adjacent to and within the development site respectively.
That the SUDS compliant surface water drainage scheme approved in terms of
Condition 12 above shall be implementedcontemporaneously with the development in
so far as is reasonably practical. Followingthe construction of the SUDS, a certificate
(signed by a chartered Civil Engineer experienced in drainage work) shall be submitted
to the Planning Authority confirming that the SUDS has been constructed in
accordance with the relevant ClRlA Manual and the approved plans.
Reason: To safeguard adjacent watercourses and groundwater from pollution and in
the interests of the amenity and wellbeing of existing and future residents.
That as part of the matters specified in conditions application required under the terms
of Condition 2 above, unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Planning Authority,
the applicant shall provide written confirmation to the Planning Authority that all the
requirements of Scottish Water have been fully met to demonstrate that the
development will not have an impact on their assets and that suitable infrastructure can
be put in place to support the development.
Reason: To ensure the provision of satisfactory drainage arrangements.
That as part of the matters specified in conditions application required under the terms
of Condition 2 above, unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Planning Authority, a
comprehensive site investigation report shall be submitted to and for the approval of
the said Authority. The investigation must be carried out in accordance with current
best practice advice, such as BS 10175: ‘The Investigation of Potentially Contaminated
Sites’ or CR 11. The report must include a site specific risk assessment of all relevant
pollution linkages and conceptual site model. Depending on the results of the
investigation, a detailed Remediation Strategy may be required.
Reason: To establish whether or not site decontamination is required in the interests of
the amenity and wellbeing of future residents.
That any remediation works identified by the site investigation required in terms of
Condition 15 above shall be carried out to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority. A
certificate (signed by a responsible Environmental Engineer) shall be submitted to the
Planning Authority confirming that any remediation works have been carried out in
accordance with the terms of the Remediation Strategy.
Reason: To ensure that the site is free from contamination in the interests of amenity
and wellbeing of future residents.
Backaround Pauers:
Representation Letters
No letters of representation have been received.
Consultation Responses:
Geotechnical and Flooding electronic mail 15 February 2010.
Roads and Transportation letter dated 24 March 2010.
Contact Information:
Any person wishing to inspect these documents should contact Mrs Mary Hogg 01698
Report Date:
21 April 2010
Site Description
This planning application seeks permission to renew the existing outline
planning consent, S/06/01964/OUT granted in January 2007, which is for
road and junction improvements at Airbles Road, associated with the
proposed redevelopment of the Ravenscraig site. This consent was a
renewal of outline planning consent S/02/00066/OUT granted December
2003. The proposals in this current planning application are identical to that
given planning consent previously. The road improvements are considered
necessary given the predicted additional traffic expected to be generated by
the proposed redevelopment at Ravenscraig.
Proposed Development
The proposals include the up-grading of part of Airbles Road to dualcarriageway at the section between Hamilton Road and Airbles Farm Road.
The formation of a major new signalised gyratory system at the junction
where Airbles Road meets Hamilton Road and the improvement of the
existing roundabout at Leven Street.
The proposed dual carriageway on part of Airbles Road is to be formed by
widening the road on the north side, extending into the existing bus depot,
with the existing road forming the westbound lane. The existing junction at
Greenacres is to remain as a priority junction, with an opening in the central
reservation to allow right turns into and out of the residential area. It is
proposed to incorporate a ‘stacking lane’ on the eastbound carriageway to
assist right turns into Greenacres. The proposals would involve restricting
traffic turning at Tinkers Lane, as a central reservation is to continue across
that junction thereby allowing left turn only manoeuvres into and out of that
road. The alterations to the road system would require the inclusion of some
additional land including a small section of open space adjacent to a play
area to the rear of the Malcolm Street residential development and a section
of land to the southern side of the bus depot yard.
The major signalised gyratory system at the junction of Hamilton Road/Airbles
Road involves the formation of a central island, which is to be 60 metres in
length and 22 metres in width. Access around this system would be controlled
by traffic signals. Additional land take is required for this new junction,
primarily at the north east corner of the junction, where the Council-owned
advertisement hoarding is situated and land to the edge of the bus depot. In
addition, there would be loss of some open space at the south east corner of
this junction, with some minor alterations to the access into Strathclyde Park.
The improvements to the existing roundabout at Leven Street comprise the
enlargement of the roundabout from its current 25 metres diameter to
approximately 45 metres diameter to approximately 45 metres diameter.
Some land take is required to accommodate the new roundabout, which
includes a small section of open space adjacent to Elvan Tower.
Site Historv
Relevant planning applications are as follows;
02/00066/OUT Alterations to Junction at Airbles Road/Hamilton Road,
Dualling of Airbles Road Between Hamilton Road and Airbles Farm Road and
Alterations to Junction at Airbles Road/Leven Street. Approval granted 15
December 2003.
06/01964/OUT Renewal of Planning Permission S/02/00066/OUT. Alterations
to Junction at Airbles Road/Hamilton Road, Dualling of Airbles Road Between
Hamilton Road and Airbles Farm Road and Alterations to Junction at Airbles
Road/Leven Street. Approval granted 31 January 2007.
Development Plan
The proposal raises no strategic issues in terms of the Glasgow and Clyde
Valley Joint Structure Plan 2000 (incorporating the fourth alteration 2008) and
can therefore be assessed in terms of local plan policies.
Within the Southern Area Local Plan Finalised Draft (Modified 2001, 2004 &
2005), the length of road between Airbles Road, Hamilton Road and Tinkers
Lane is identified as ‘ Ravenscraig Access Improvements’ under Policy TR6.
The land take at the existing bus depot is identified as Policy RTL9 ’Other
Commercial Uses’. The area of land at the Tinkers Lane junction is covered
by Policy HSG8 ’ Established Housing Areas’. The alterations including the
land take around the Leven Street junction is covered by Pokes HSG 8 and
L3 ’ Protected Open Space’.
Given that the application is for the renewal of a previous planning application
and the proposals have not changed, the comments put forward by the
consultees to the previous planning application will be taken into account in
the determination of this planning application.
A summary of comments from consultees are as follows:
Traffic and Transportation were requested for comments for the
current planning application and no objections to the proposals have
been offered subject to appropriate conditions regarding design details
of the access/junction improvements to be submitted and considered
as part of any ’reserved matters’ application.
The Geotechnical Team offered no comments to this proposal
however, comments on the previous applications advised that full
drainage details are required to be submitted as part of the reserved
matters application, including details of any drainage improvements,
alterations to existing drainage, temporary drainage and any SUDS
Given that this planning application is a renewal of a previously consented
application, under the Town and Country Planning (General Procedures)
(Scotland) Order 1992, normal neighbour notification procedures do not
require to be undertaken by the applicant. However, details of the application
were advertised in the local newspapers for notice to owners of land included
within the site and no letters of representation were received.
Plannina Assessment
Section 25 of the Town and Country (Scotland) Act 1997, requires that the
determination of planning applications must be made in accordance with the
development unless material considerations indicate otherwise.
Develoment Plan Southern Area Local Plan 2008: This plan identifies the
majority of the site as part of the proposed route required for improvement to
aid the redevelopment of Ravenscraig and is covered by Policy TR 6 ‘
Ravenscraig Access Improvements. This being the case the proposed
residential development accords with the local plan. It is also recognised that
there are small sections of the proposal that include land not zoned for road
improvements. It is considered that the land take in most of these instances
is not significant and conditions can be attached to the consent to ensure that
any reduction in open space or landscaping can be compensated.
Other Material Considerations Finalised Draft North Lanarkshire Local Plan
(FDNLLP): The site is covered by Policy EDI 2 B - Transport Development
where the Council supports transport infrastructure improvements (listed in
Schedule EDI 2B of the Area Action Plan) required to promote economic
development of the area and Ravenscraig. The road and junction
improvements are contained within the schedule and therefore accord with
the emerging local plan.
Plannina Histow: The principle of road and junction improvements on the site
has been established by the granting of previous outline permissions
(02/00066/OUT and 06/01964/0UT). This is the renewal of planning consent
for road and junction improvements on this land previously granted planning
consent in December 2003 and January 2007 by the Council. The precedent
for the road and junction improvements has been established by the previous
consents which affirmed the necessity for the improvements for the
redevelopment and regeneration of Ravenscraig which would benefit both the
traffic movement in and around the area and to the local economy in general.
Consultations:comments can be either covered by the use of appropriate
conditions or be addressed at the ‘Matters Specified in Conditions’ (MSC).
Representations: Given that this planning application is a renewal of a
previously consented application, under the Town and Country Planning
(General Procedures) (Scotland) Order 1992, normal neighbour notification
procedures do not require to be undertaken by the applicant. No letters of
representation have been received in relation to this application.
The proposal generally complies with the terms of the Southern Area Local
Plan and the Finalised Draft North Lanarkshire Local Plan in that the plans
identify the majority of the site for road infrastructure improvements.
This site has had two previous planning consents for these improvements.
The most recent in 2006 being a renewal of the previous consent. The
Council and the Scottish Ministers have already approved the principle of the
development; therefore road infrastructure improvements on the site are well
The additional land take for road improvements is unlikely to have a
detrimental impact on existing uses adjacent to Airbles Road, Tinkers Lane
and Leven Street. The redevelopment of Ravenscraig is well underway with
the opening of Motherwell College (2009); the Regional Sports Facility
opening October 2010 and the recent start of the first phase of housing it is
therefore important that the road infrastructure improvements are undertaken
to ensure the continued success of the regeneration of Ravenscraig and the
wider area. Accordingly it is recommended that planning permission be
Application No:
Proposed Development:
S/l 0/00139/FUL
Erection of Two Storey Dwellinghouse with Attached Garage
Site Address:
Land North Of 2 Catherine Way
New Stevenston
Date Registered:
24th February 2010
Robert James Homes Ltd
C/o Agent
W D Harley Partnership
William Harley
109 Moray Street
Application Level:
Local Application
Contrary to Development Plan:
017 Motherwell North
Cllrs Annita McAuley, Helen McKenna, Peter
Nolan & Gordon Stewart
No letters of representation received.
Approve Subject to Conditions
Reasoned Justification:
The proposed development meets the criteria set out in the relevant policies of the Southern
Area Local Plan 2008 and the Finalised Draft North Lanarkshire Local Plan. The proposal can
be accommodated without detriment to the surrounding residential area.
; /
'hk map is reproduced from
hdnance Survey material
Rh the permission of
kdnance Survey on behalf
I the Controller of Her Majestfs
itationery Office. Q Crawn
opyright. Unauthorised
$productioninfringes Crow
opyright and may kad to
rosecution or civil proceedings.
lath Lanarkshire Coundl
m 3 Q 6 2008
Erection of Two Storey Dwellinghouse with
Attached Garage
Land North Of 2 Catherine Way, New Stevenston,
Site area = 0.06ha.
Produced by
North Lanarkshire Council
Planning and Environment Department,
telOl698 27427
far 01698 403053
Proposed Conditions:-
That the development hereby permitted shall be started within three years of the date
of this permission.
Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland)
Act 1997), as amended by the Planning etc (Scotland) Act 2006.
That the development hereby permitted shall not start until a Notice of Initiation has
been submitted to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority.
Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland)
Act 1997), as amended by the Planning etc (Scotland) Act 2006.
That within 4 weeks of completion of all building works on site, of the development
hereby permitted, a Notice of Completion shall be submitted to the Planning Authority.
Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Planning etc (Scotland) Act 2006, to
monitor the development, to enable the Planning Authority to retain effective control.
That notwithstanding the requirements of Conditions 5, 6, 10, 11, 12 and 13 , the
development shall be implemented in accordance with drawing number 10-BF-NS-001,
10-BF-NS-002Rev A, 10-BF-NS-005Rev A, 10-BF-NS-006Rev A and 10-BF-NS-007
Rev 6, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Planning Authority.
Reason: To clarify the drawings on which this approval of permission is founded,
That BEFORE the development hereby permitted starts, full details of the facing
materials to be used on all external walls and roofs shall be submitted to, and approved
in writing by the Planning Authority and the development shall be implemented in
accordance with the details approved under the terms of this condition. Notwithstanding
these requirements the roof of the house shall be finished in dark grey slate or concrete
flat profile rooftiles and the external walls of the house shall be finished in light coloured
buff brick, stone or render.
Reason: In the interests of the amenity of the site and the general area.
That BEFORE the development hereby permitted starts, full details of the design and
location of all fences and walls to be erected on the site shall be submitted to, and
approved in writing by the Planning Authority and thereafter erected in accordance with
the details approved under the terms of this condition. Notwithstanding this requirement
the 1.8 metre high wall/fence combination as shown on drawing number 10/BF-NS-002
Rev A shall be erected before the house is occupied.
Reason: In the interests of the amenity of the site and the general area.
The before the development hereby permitted is brought into use the new vehicular
access shall be constructed with a 5 metre wide dropped kerb footway crossing and the
access shall be surfaced for the first 2 metres from the heel of the footway.
Reason: In the interests of pedestrian and vehicular safety and to prevent deleterious
material being carried out onto the highway.
That a visibility splay of 4.5 x 60 metres shall be maintained at the junction of Catherine
Way and Kings Drive at all times and nothing shall be placed, built or allowed to grow
1.05 metres above the carriageway level within this splay.
Reason: In the interests of traffic and pedestrian safety.
That before the dwellinghouse hereby permitted is occupied, all the parking and
manoeuvring areas shown on the approved plans, shall be levelled, properly drained,
surfaced in material which the Planning Authority has approved in writing before the
start of surfacing work and clearly marked out, and shall, thereafter, be maintained as
parking and manoeuvring areas.
Reason: To ensure the provision of adequate parking facilities within the site.
That BEFORE any works of any description start on the application site, unless
otherwise agreed in writing with the Planning Authority, a Phase 1 Desktop Study shall
be submitted to and approved in writing by the said Authority. Depending on the
findings of this study a comprehensive site investigation may be required. The study
must be carried out in accordance with current best practice advice, such as BS 10175:
'The Investigation of Potentially Contaminated Sites' or CLR 11. The report must
include a site specific risk assessment of all relevant pollution linkages and a
conceptual site model. Depending on the results of the investigation, a detailed
Remediation Strategy may be required.
Reason: To establish whether or not site decontamination is required in the interests of
the amenity and wellbeing of future residents.
That any remediation works identified by the Phase 1 desktop study report (or further
comprehensive study if applicable) required in terms of Condition 10 above shall be
carried out to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority prior to the first occupation of
the dwellinghouse hereby approved. A certificate (signed by a Chartered Environmental
Engineer) shall be submitted to the Planning Authority confirming that any remediation
works have been carried out in accordance with the terms of the Remediation Strategy.
Reason: To ensure that the site is free of contamination in the interests of the amenity
and wellbeing of future residents.
That BEFORE any works start on site, the applicant must confirm in writing to the
Planning Authority that the foul drainage can be connected to the public sewer in
accordance with the requirements of Scottish Water. The surface water must be
treated in accordance with the principles of the Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems
Design Manual for Scotland and Northern Ireland published by ClRlA in March 2000.
Reason: To prevent groundwater or surface water contamination in the interests of
environmental and amenity protection.
That PRIOR to the commencement of development, the applicant shall provide written
confirmation to the Planning Authority that all the requirements of Scottish Water can
be fully met to demonstrate that the development will not have an impact on their
assets, and that suitable infrastructure can be put in place to support the development.
Reason: To ensure the provision of satisfactory drainage arrangements.
That the use of the garage hereby permitted shall be restricted to private use incidental
to the enjoyment of the dwellinghouse on the site and no commercial activity shall be
carried out, in, or from, the garage
Reason: To safeguard the residential amenity of the area.
That notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General
Permitted Development) (Scotland) Order 1992, no development shall take place within
the curtilage of the dwellinghouse hereby permitted, other than that expressly
authorised by this permission.
Reason: To define this permission, to protect the amenity of adjacent residents and in
the interests of the visual amenity of the surrounding area.
Backaround PaDers:
Consultation Responses:
Memo from Transportation received 1Oth March 2010.
Memo from Protective Services received lgthMarch 2010.
Email from Property Services received gthMarch 2010
Contact information:
Any person wishing to inspect these documents should contact Miss Heather Gebbie at
01698 2741 12
Report Date:
29th March 2010
Site Description
The application site comprises of open grassland to the north of 2 Catherine Way,
New Stevenston. The site measures approximately 569 square metres. A majority of
the site is relatively flat however the land slopes gently north west to south east, with
the south east corner of the site sitting at a lower level than the adjacent public
footway. The site is located within a residential area and is bounded by Kings Drive to
the north, Catherine Way to the east, open grassland to the west and a two storey
dwelling, mature trees and cemetery outbuildings to the south.
Proposed Development
The applicant proposes to construct a two storey dwellinghouse with attached double
garage. The proposed dwelling would front onto Kings Drive and as the site
comprises of a narrow and long corner plot, the associated garden area would be
located to the side of the house. The dwelling and attached double garage would
have a tiled, hipped and pitched roof with the external walls finished in render, facing
brick and stone quoins. Access to the site would be taken via a dropped kerb
arrangement from Kings Drive.
The Committee should note that the land subject of this application is still under the
ownership of the Council.
Amlicant’s Supportincl Information
The applicant has submitted no information in support of this application.
Site History
A previous planning application Ref. S/08/0041OlFUL forththe construction of one and
a half storey dwellinghouse at this site was granted on 16 May 2008.
Development Plan
The site is zoned under Policy HSG7 (Established Housing Areas) in the Southern
Area Local Plan 2008.
The site is covered by Policy HCFlA (Protecting Residential Areas and Community
Facilities) in the Finalised Draft North Lanarkshire Local Plan.
Transportation has no objections to the proposed development subject to maintaining
the visibility splay at the junction of Catherine Way and Kings Drive.
Protective Services have requested the submission of a Phase 1 desktop study site
investigation report.
Property Services confirmed that the site is still under Council ownership.
No letters of representation have been received in relation to this application.
Plannina Assessment
In accordance with Section 25 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act
1997, planning decisions must be made in accordance with the development plan
unless material considerations indicate otherwise. The application raises no strategic
issues; it can be assessed in terms of the local plan policy. The site is zoned under
Policy HSG7 (Established Housing Areas) in the Southern Area Local Plan 2008.
Policies HSG 10 (Infill Housing Developments) and TR13 (Assessing the Transport
Implications of Development) are also relevant to this application.
AdoDted Local Plan:
Policy HSG 7 states that the Council will seek to protect the established character
and amenity of existing housing areas. Taking account of the site history and the
aims of this policy, the principle of a dwellinghouse at this site is acceptable subject to
meeting the criteria contained in Policy HSG 10. Policy HSG 10 states that the
Council will take account of the following criteria: overall impact on character and
amenity of the surrounding area and adjacent properties, open space provision,
detailed design elements, and accesdparking facilities. In assessing the impact of the
proposal on the character and amenity of the surrounding area, it is considered that
the proposed development, in terms of the overall design, scale, materials and style,
is acceptable at this residential setting. The surrounding residential area is
predominantly characterised by residential dwellings with tiled, hipped roofs and
finished in light coloured brick and render. It is considered that the proposed roof style
is acceptable and a planning condition is recommended ensuring that full details of all
proposed materials are submitted for approval prior to commencing construction of
the house. While the size and scale of the house is slightly larger than the
neighbouring dwellings, the house will be situated within a large corner plot and can
be accommodated without detriment to the character and amenity of this residential
locale. Due to the northern orientation of the plot and location of windows to any
habitable rooms, there will be no overlooking, privacy and sunlight/daylight issues at
the adjacent dwelling at No.2 Catherine Way. While the associated garden area is
located to the side of the dwelling, it is considered acceptable in terms of its location
and it will meet the required minimum dimensions in the Council’s Open Space
Guidelines. Access and parking are considered in paragraph 8.3 below. It is therefore
considered that the proposal is in accordance with Policies HSG7 and HSG10.
Policy TR 13 requires assessment against various criteria relating to access, parking
and the impact of the proposal on the road network. Transportation have raised no
objections subject to maintaining the required visibility splay at the junction of
Catherine Way and Kings Drive. A planning condition is recommended to ensure that
the visibility splay is maintained at all times and as such, the proposal complies with
Policy TR13.
Finalised Draft North Lanarkshire Local Plan:
A material consideration is the Finalised Draft North Lanarkshire Local Plan, however,
the zoning and policy position remains unaltered from the Adopted Plan.
With regard to the consultation response received from Protective Services, a
planning condition is recommended to ensure that a Phase 1 desktop study is
submitted prior to works commencing on site. .
With regard to all material considerations, it is considered that the proposed
dwellinghouse is acceptable in terms of the relevant policies in the Southern Area
Local Plan 2008 and Finalised Draft North Lanarkshire Local Plan. It is considered
that the proposal will not result in any detrimental amenity issues for the surrounding
residential area. This application is therefore recommended for approval subject to
the imposition of the appropriate conditions.
Application No:
Proposed Development:
Partial Demolition and Extension to Outbuilding and the
Erection of a Double Garage
Site Address:
251 Bonkle Road
North Lanarkshire
Date Registered:
23rd February 2010
Mrs Rowan Norrie
C/o Agent
AD W ikon
4 Hareshaw Road
Hareshaw Village
North Lanarkshire
Application Level:
Contrary to Development Plan:
012 Fortissat
Charles Cefferty, Malcolm McMillan, James
No letters of representation received.
Approve Subject to Conditions
Reasoned Justification:
The proposed development meets the criteria set out in the residential policies contained
within the Southern Area Local Plan 2008 and the Finalised Draft North Lanarkshire Local
Plan. The proposed development is acceptable in terms of its impact upon the property and
the surrounding residential area.
Proposed Conditions:-
That the development hereby permitted shall be started within three years of the date
of this permission.
Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland)
Act 1997), as amended by the Planning etc (Scotland) Act 2006.
That except for the terms of condition (6) below or as may otherwise be agreed in
writing by the Planning Authority, the development shall be implemented in accordance
with the approved drawings.
Reason: To clarify the drawings on which this approval of permission is founded.
That the development hereby permitted shall not start until a Notice of Initiation has
been submitted to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority.
Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland)
Act 1997 (as amended by the Planning etc (Scotland) Act 2006).
That the facing materials to be used for the external walls, roof and windows shall
match in colour and texture those of the existing dwellinghouse, full details of which
shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Planning Authority before the
development hereby permitted starts.
Reason: To ensure that the extension to the outbuilding is sympathetic to the external
appearance of the existing dwellinghouse.
That the use of the garage hereby permitted shall be restricted to private use incidental
to the enjoyment of the dwellinghouse on the site and no commercial activity shall be
carried out, in, or from, the garage.
Reason: To safeguard the residential amenity of the area.
That notwithstanding the details shown on the approved plans, the garage doors shall
be finished in timber or mock timber and BEFORE the development hereby permitted
starts, full details of the proposed garage doors shall be submitted to, and approved in
writing by the Planning Authority and the development shall be implemented in
accordance with the details approved under the terms of this condition.
Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to consider these aspects in detail.
That within 4 weeks of the development hereby permitted being occupied or brought
into use a Notice of Completion shall be submitted to the satisfaction of the Planning
Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland)
Act 1997 (as amended by the Planning etc (Scotland) Act 2006, to monitor the
development, to enable the Planning Authority to retain effective control.
Backaround Papers:
Consultation Responses:
Contact Information:
Any person wishing to inspect these documents should contact Mr Fraser Miller at 01698
2741 19.
Report Date:
25th March 2010
Site Description
The application site, 251 Bonkle Road (Auchter House) is a two storey sandstone
Category C(S) Listed Building, set in generous grounds, bound by dwellings to the
south and east and by open land across the South Calder Water to the north and
Proposed Development
The application seeks planning permission for the erection of a detached double
garage and the erection of a replacement extension to the existing outbuilding,
located in the north eastern corner of the site. No alterations are proposed to the
dwelling itself. The detached double garage is to be erected to the front of the
outbuilding and north east of the dwellinghouse. The garage roof is to be hipped and
pitched and will be finished in slate, whilst the walls of the garage are to be finished in
a wet dash render. The proposed sunroom extension is to be attached to the
southern elevation of the outbuilding, 5 metres from the proposed garage. It is to be
built in the same location as the previous extension and will be comparable in size. In
lieu of the existing double garage to the north of the outbuilding an attached potting
shed/tool store is to be erected.
Applicant’s Supportina Information
No supporting information has been submitted in connection with the application.
However, for clarification there is an associated Listed Building Consent application
related to the proposed works, ref: 10/00157/LBC.
Site Historv
Development Plan
The site is identified as an Established Housing Area in the Southern Area Local Plan
2008, to which Policy HSG7 applies.
No Consultations were required in connection with the application.
No letter of representation have been received following the neighbour notification
Plannina Assessment
In accordance with Section 25 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act
1997, planning decisions must be made in accordance with the development plan
unless material considerations indicate otherwise.
It should be noted that the application raises no strategic issues. This application
must therefore be assessed against the relevant development plan policies, which
are Southern Area Local Plan 2008, Policies HSG7 (Established Housing Areas),
HSG12 (House Extensions) and ENV18 (Listed Buildings), together with other
material considerations.
Adopted Local Plan:
Policy HSG7 seeks to protect the established character of housing areas by opposing
development which is incompatible with a residential setting or adversely affects the
amenity of Established Housing Areas. It is considered that the proposed extension
and detached double garage will not adversely affect the amenity of the established
housing area, subject to the detailed assessment of the proposals against Policies
HSGI2 and ENVI 8.
Policy HSG 12 sets out various criteria for assessing such applications, including the
design, size, proportion and position of extensions, the effect on the amount of
garden ground retained and the impact on the streetscene, the impact of the proposal
on neighbouring properties in relation to privacy, daylightlsunlight, parking provision
and access. The extensions and double garage are to be finished in materials to
match the outbuilding and are considered appropriate in the proposed location. Given
the location of the outbuilding in the north eastern section of the extensive garden
area, the size, proportions and positioning are found to be acceptable. A generous
amount of garden ground would remain and there would be no issues with regards to
privacy, daylightlsunlight, parking and access. It is therefore considered that the
proposed development is held to comply with Policy HSG12.
Policy ENV18 indicates that the Council will resist proposals which would harm the
historic or architectural interest of a listed building, but will encourage proposals
which enhance the character of a listed building. It is considered that the proposed
development will not adversely affect the setting of the listed building, the garage is of
an appropriate design and the proposal seeks to preserve and reinstate much of the
original character of the out building. In this regard the proposed development is
considered acceptable when assessed against Policy ENV18. It should be noted that
the proposals for the alterations to the building are subject to a separate listed
building application 10/00157LBC which is currently under consideration.
Finalised Draft North Lanarkshire Local Plan
A material consideration is the Finalised Draft North Lanarkshire Local Plan, however,
the zoning and policy position remains unaltered from the Adopted Plan.
It conclusion, having due regard to the provisions of the Development Plan, the
application proposals are considered to be acceptable and to comply with Policies
HSG7, HSGI 2 and ENVI 8. It is considered that the proposals will acceptably relate
to the listed building and the surrounding land uses. I therefore recommend that
planning permission be granted subject to conditions.
Application No:
Proposed Development:
Conversion of Integral Garage to Habitable Room
Site Address:
36 Atlin Drive
New Stevenston
Date Registered:
2nd March 2010
Mr Hall
36 Atlin Drive
New Stevenston
Application Level:
Local Application
017 Motherwell North
Annita McAuley, Helen McKenna, Peter Nolan,
Gordon Stewart,
4 letters of representation received.
Contrary to Development Plan:
Approve Subject to Conditions
Reasoned Justification:
The proposed development meets the criteria set out in the relevant policies
contained within the Southern Area Local Plan 2008 and the Finalised Draft North
Lanarkshire Local Plan. The proposed development is acceptable in terms of its
impact upon the property and the surrounding residential area.
Proposed Conditions:1.
That the development hereby permitted shall be started within three years of the date
of this permission.
Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland)
Act 1997 (as amended by the Planning etc (Scotland) Act 2006
That the development hereby permitted shall not start until a Notice of Initiation has
been submitted to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority.
Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland)
Act 1997 (as amended by the Planning etc (Scotland) Act 2006
That within 4 weeks of the development hereby permitted being occupied or brought
into use a Notice of Completion shall be submitted to the satisfaction of the Planning
Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland)
Act 1997 (as amended by the Planning etc (Scotland) Act 2006, to monitor the
development, to enable the Planning Authority to retain effective control
That, except as may otherwise be agreed in writing by the Planning Authority, the
facing materials to be used for the French doors shall match in colour those of the
existing adjoining dwelling.
Reason: To safeguard the residential amenity of the area.
That, except as may otherwise be agreed in writing by the Planning Authority, the
development shall be implemented in accordance with drawing numbers: atl/Ol and
Reason: To clarify the drawings on which this approval of permission is founded.
That the two parking spaces as shown on the approved plans shall be retained within
the site at all times to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority.
Reason: To ensure the provision of adequate parking facilities within the site.
Backaround PaDers:
Representation Letters
Letter from
Letter from
Letter from
Letter from
Mr Jim Forrester, 39 Atlin Drive, New Stevenston, Motherwell received
Mr 0 Clarke, 37 Atlin Drive, Motherwell, MLI 4FB received
Mrs Karen Adams, 41 Atlin Drive, New Stevenston, Motherwell received
Mrs Janet O'Kane, 43 Atlin Drive, New Stevenston, Motherwell received
Consultation Responses:
Contact Information:
Any person wishing to inspect these documents should contact Mr Gary McEwan at 01698
2741 17
Report Date:
24th March 2010
Site Description
The site comprises a modern two storey detached dwellinghouse within an
established housing area surrounded by other two storey detached dwellinghouses.
The site is relatively flat and is approximately 286m2 in area.
Proposed Development
The application seeks permission for the conversion of an integral garage to form a
habitable room. The garage door would be replaced with French doors matching the
existing dwellinghouse.
Applicant’s Suwortina Information
The applicant has provided photographs showing examples of other properties which
have similarly designed French doors as those currently proposed.
Site Historv
None relevant.
Development Plan
The application site is located within an area designated as Policy HSG7 (Established
Housing Areas) of the Southern Area Local Plan 2008.
The North Lanarkshire Local Plan Finalised Draft (2009) identifies the site as HCFI
(Protecting Residential Areas).
None required
Following the neighbour notification process four letters of representation were
received. The main points of which are as follows:
I. The current off street parking within the property site is not adequate for the
applicants purposes because the applicant has two cars, two vans and three
motorcycles which are not only parked on the applicant’s property site but in
the visitor parking bays and on the street itself. The current parking
arrangement leads to congestion within the cul-de-sac and is hazardous for
children. The current proposal to convert the integral garage would
exacerbate the problem by reducing the number of off street parking spaces
within the site.
II. The applicant runs his telecommunications business from the home. Two
employees come to the home address to work within the brick built
outbuilding to the rear of the property between the hours of 10.00-14.00 and
16.00-20.00 on weekdays. These employees park their cars on Atlin drive
also. There is a third employee who has a van which is at the property on a
regular basis during the daytime. There are regularly eight vehicles at this
property. The garage currently acts as storage for the business, and
concerns arise as to where materials would now be stored by the removal of
this facility. The congestion of vehicles leads to the perception of living in an
industrial estate rather than a cul-de-sac.
Ill. The applicant failed to inform all of the properties within 20m of his property.
The properties at Nos. 41 and 43 Atlin Drive were not informed of the
Plannina Assessment
In accordance with Section 25 of the Town & Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997,
planning decisions must be made in accordance with the development plan unless
material considerations indicate otherwise. The proposal raises no strategic issues
and, as such requires to be assessed against Local Plan Policies. In this instance the
Southern Area Local Plan 2008 is relevant, with the site being zoned as HSG7
(Established Housing Areas). Policy HSG12 (House Extensions) is also relevant to
this proposal.
Adopted Local Plan:
Policy HSG7 (Established Housing Areas) seeks to protect the established character
of existing housing areas by opposing development which adversely affects the
amenity of Established Housing Areas. Applications for extensions in such areas are
acceptable subject to meeting the requirements of Policy HSGl2 (Housing
Policy HSG12 (Housing Extensions) sets out various criteria for assessing such
applications, including the design, size, proportion and position of extensions, the
effect on the amount of garden ground retained and the impact on the street scene,
the impact of the proposal on neighbouring properties in relation to privacy,
sunlightldaylight and parking provision and access. In relation to the proposed garage
conversion it is considered that while the design of the proposal which includes the
use of French doors is not common, a similar design was granted planning
permission (S/06/00626/FUL - Granted 27/06/06) for full length windows at the
adjacent property of No. 43 Atlin Drive. Also due to the orientation and location of the
property at the end of a cul-de-sac the proposal would be unlikely to have a
significant negative impact on the street scene. The design of the proposal is
therefore considered to be acceptable. With regards to parking provision and access
within the application site, the existing integral garage has substandard internal
measurements and can not be considered as off street parking in accordance with
current regulations. The applicant has indicated two off street parking spaces on the
Block Plan within the front garden area, which would be considered sufficient for the
purpose of the current proposal. It is noted that the whole front garden area is
monoblocked and the dimensions of the driveway are such that four vehicles could be
parked within the front garden area. A condition is recommended so that the two off
street parking spaces as shown on the Block Plan would be retained within the site.
The off street parking within the site is therefore considered to be acceptable. The
integral garage conversion would not result in any issues with regards to sunlight and
daylight. There would be an adequate distance between the proposed French doors
and the neighbouring properties of Nos. 37, 39, 41 and 43 Atlin Drive not to have a
significant negative impact on privacy. Garden ground would be unaffected by the
proposal. Subject to the conditions proposed it is considered that the development
would not have an adverse impact on the character and amenity of the surrounding
established housing area and accords with policies HSG7 and HSGl2.
North Lanarkshire Local Plan:
A material consideration is the Finalised North Lanarkshire Local Plan, however the
zoning and policy position remains unaltered from the adopted plan.
In response to the points of representation I would comment as follows:
I. In assessing an application of this nature it is not the applicant who is being
assessed but the proposed development. As has been discussed in paragraph
8.3 the off street parking within the site is acceptable for a proposal of this
nature. The proposed development would not have a significant negative
impact on road safety.
II. This has been logged as an enforcement case and is being dealt with
separately by this Service.
Ill. Under the terms of the Planning etc (Scotland) Act 2006 the Council is now
required to notify all neighbours within a 20m buffer area surrounding the
applicant’s property. The properties at Nos. 41 and 43 Atlin Drive do not fall
within 20m of the property and therefore did not require to be neighbour
In conclusion I am satisfied that the design and impact of the integral garage
conversion is acceptable from a planning viewpoint and that the proposal is in
compliance with Policies HSG7 (Established Housing Areas) and HSG12 (Housing
Extensions) of the Southern Area Local Plan. Notwithstanding the objections raised
by the neighbours and for the reasons stated above, it is recommended that planning
permission be granted subject to conditions.