Mandaree September 2014 Newsletter


Mandaree September 2014 Newsletter
Country Road Chronicles Of West Segment
Published by Mandaree West Segment
Editor: Lovina Fox
Volume 1 Issue 9
September 2014
Local Post Honored To Lead National Parade
Photo & Story by Glenda Embry
Quotes For The Heart & Mind
“Your children need your
presence more than your
presents.” ~ Jessie
“If you can surrender to
the wind, you can ride it.”
~Toni Morrison~
“ A hero is an ordinary
individual who finds
strength to persevere and
endure in spite of
overwhelming obstacles.” From Left to right: Post Commander Millard Hale Jr., Bruce Crows Heart, Bruce Freeman, Fred Poitra,
~Christopher Reeves~
Lester Crows Heart, Duane Young Bird. Carrying the the American Legion Flag in regalia is Cliff Martin
and Shylo Baker.
Inside This Issue:
Page 2: Representative Update
Page 3: Mandaree Hidatsa Elders
Pages 4 & 5 : Back to School
Members of the Myron Johnson/Nathan Goodiron American Legion Post 271 from Mandaree wowed
parade viewers during the National Legion Convention Parade downtown in Charlotte, North Carolina.
The Post was led by Commander Millard Hale Jr., all of whom were wearing an eagle feather bonnet.
Cliff Martin and Shylo Baker in their traditional regalia carried the banner of Mandaree Post
271.Commander Millard Hale Jr., carried the eagle staff, Bruce Crows Heart carried the American Flag,
Bruce Freeman carried the Post flag, Fred Poitra carried the POW MIA Flag, Lester Crows Heart
carried the North Dakota flag and Duane Young Bird carried the MHA Nation flag.
Post 271 honors Army Sergeant Myron B. Johnson, who was killed in action, March 28, 1971 in Chu
Page 6: TAT Law Enforcement Lai, Quang Tin Province, South Vietnam. He was 23 years old. Last year Corporal Nathan Good Iron’s
name was added to the roll of departed veterans. Corporal Goodiron, Mandaree lost his life November
23, 2006 in Afghanistan. He was 25 years old and in the National Guard.
Pages 18 & 19: Phone Numbers Following the parade Commander Hale was approached by Don Weible, North Dakota Department
Commander of the American Legion and asked to lead the North Dakota parade at the 2015 convention
Pages 20 & 21: Blue Cedar Opens in in Baltimore, Maryland. Weible is a 43 year member of the Wilton Post 163 and was confirmed as
Department Commander at the 2014 Department Convention in Minot on June 29, 2014.
Bismarck see their brochure.
Page 2.
Count ry Ro ad Ch ronicles of West Segment S ept emb er 2014
West Segment Tribal Representative Update
Community members and 22nd we plan on getting a house warming gift for all the tenants moving in.
relatives. I would like to commend the I had some emergency situations and needs from the people here so I am
American Legion Myron B. Johnson trying to get them into their homes right away.
Nathan J. Goodiron Post 271 of Now that we have approval from the BIA the trailer park for the electrical so
Mandaree, who recently led the the Mckenzie Electric can no put power in. The trailer park should be ready
parade in Charlotte, North Carolina. I would say mid October, because the trailers will be moving in now. So a
Their photo is on the front page of little more patience on that and it will be up and running very soon.
this newspaper. The United Tribes
Pow wow is over and fall is coming upon us here and you can tell
with the weather change its beginning to get cold out in the
As far as our Tribal council, there again I hope and pray that we will have
our October meeting because all the elections situations going on. I just
hope we have our October tribal council meeting because we have a lot of
business to take care of and to continue to take care of the needs of our
Also inside this issue you will see pictures taken from our back to people. I really need to have this October meeting for the purpose of not
school bash where we gave out school supplies to the students, having our people wait. I congratulated Cory Spotted Bear and I will be
and we also gave out door prizes and provided a good meal for calling Mervin to congratulate him as well for their landslides in their
everyone to enjoy. We had a great turn out with parents and districts. I would like to see more homes in each of our districts but I am
students who came to enjoy a great meal and to get school only going to concentrate on Mandaree because this is the community that
supplies for their kids. Photos are on page four and five inside this I represent. I have two years left so I have a lot of projects to get down and
get more development done here in Mandaree.
On our first update I will inform you on is our Mandaree Arbor. Yes Halloween is coming up real soon we will be preparing an event there and
as far as the construction we are on schedule to lay down the we need to get our Christmas list in so we can get toys for the children and
footings and the cement work. The only hold up was we had to get we need to start preparing for the upcoming holidays so we need to
BIA approval and that happened already and we have prepare for that.
authorization to go ahead and start the construction. So they
should be starting very soon here. The blueprints are really nice so
this will be a really nice arbor, we changed the wood to metal so it
will be a lot better. I told them we wanted to start now so we aren’t
doing any construction work when the time comes for our pow
wow. I want it complete and looking nice before our pow wow.
On another note, the grand opening for the Black Eagle Estates
we had to change that, but we are looking at this coming Monday
which is September 22nd. I know we said October 1st but we
moved the date up because of certain situations, some of the
tenants that were qualified need to move in sooner than October
On another note, I am glad to see that route 14 which will be soon paved,
right now the dust control is really bad. I had to call them because I got
phone calls from residents that live on route 14 that the dust is really bad,
so I gave them a phone call an they are getting the dust under control
while the paving company is paving parts of route 14. So hopefully this will
be taken care of very soon.
In closing, I want to welcome the students back to school, they are having
a pow wow and I was happy to help them with some prize monies.
Just for your information, Cobell checks are mailed out so everyone should
be getting their Cobell checks in your mail.
because of medical reasons. So we want to move them in right Thank you for being a good reader.
away. So we schedule our grand opening for this Monday, Sept.
Page 3.
Count ry Ro ad Ch ronicles of West Segment S ept emb er 2014
Hidatsa Mandaree Elders
Greetings Elders,
It seems fall is upon us and this is
the time to put all our summer
things away. To get ready for our
Fall season.
Just a reminder the activities list
is put in this newspaper whenever
possible and it is up to each elder to contact the office if you are
interested in participating in an activity. We occasionally will have an
activity take place before the newspaper is out so if you would like to
be on the calling list for all activities, please leave your number at the
If you have any ideas on where you would like to go, please let us
know and we can organize an activity.
Elders Don’t forget to come
in on Mondays for Chair
Exercise's from 10:30 to
Shelby Chapin will be here
at the Mandaree Meal site. The Hidatsa Elders
Organization will also be sponsoring incentives to
those who participate in each of the sessions. For more
information you can call Bernadine at 759-3099.
office and we will call you when an activity is planned. Activities are
held to promote the continued physical, mental and social well-being If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at The
Mandaree Hidatsa Elders Program: 759-3099 our Fax number is:
of every elder.
Our Fall season is here and with it comes the cold nights and days, Bernadine Fredericks:
Cell: 701-421-3249 Email:
please call the office if you need plastic on your windows. We would
Ted White (Home Delivery Services) Cell: 701-421-3248 Email:
like to start soon so that it’s not snowing before the windows are
Keep in mind our weather changes a lot so if you are traveling to town
or going out of town always pack a coat or sweater to keep yourself
Happy Birthday To Our Elders
For The Month of September!
If you are driving, please drive with caution and always wear your seat
Arlene Charging
belts when driving. There is so much traffic on the roads now and we
Lyda Bearstail
want our elders to be safe.
Please call the office and update your phone number, mailing address
Dinah Black Hawk
and physical address so we have updated information on each of our
elders here in our community.
For your information, for this month’s newspaper we were unable to
get a copy of the menu for the month of October. We are sorry for the
inconvenience. We hope to have a calendar soon.
Thank you and remember to call our office to update your information.
We Wish you many many more!
Page 4.
Country Road Chronicles of West Segment September 2014
West Segment Hosts Back To School Bash
It’s a great way to encourage students in school and it also
helps the parents out with the cost of school supplies.
The Mandaree West Segment sponsored the back to school
bash for the students of the Mandaree school.
Teachers, parents and students were all on hand during the
back to school bash.
West Segment employees got together and sorted out all the
school supplies by grades and sorted them out onto tables.
The Water Chief Hall was full of students, parents and
Pictured on the top are some of the students lined up to get their school
supplies. To your left is pictured some crayons, pens, pencils. Each table was
sorted out into grades so the students got their school supplies that they
needed in their grades.
Each table was filled with school supplies, from calculators to tablets to
notebooks needed for each class, high lighters, compasses, pens, and pencils
to fit the needs of our high school students.
In these photos you can see how full the tables were with
school supplies.
Country Road Chronicles of West Segment September 2014
Page 5.
West Segment Hosts Back To School Bash
To make this more interesting and fun door prizes were awarded to ticket winners of
those who came and signed in. Everyone was given a ticket to win a door prize. The door
prizes were really nice, they gave away a tool kit, back packs already full of supplies,
speakers, blue ray dvd players, roaster ovens, reversible pillow top, dvd players, head
phones, a laptop and a computer with everything. There were much more door prizes that
aren’t listed here.
Everyone who came enjoyed a great meal, and when the door prizes were all given out
than Renae Phelan got her purse out and brought out four fifty dollar bills to give away to
the lucky winners whose numbers were called.
It was a great evening to visit with teachers and community members and to share a
great meal with everyone.
Page 6.
Country Road Chronicles of West Segment September 2014
Submitted by Fort Berthold District Court
(a) verbally warn the child that he/she is violating or has violated
VIOLATIONS: A person under the age of eighteen (18) years this section, and return the child immediately to his/her home or other
(“child”) is guilty of a curfew violation, if he/she is away from his/her household wherein the child may lawfully spend the night, unless the child
home and is not accompanied by a parent, guardian or other adult has been apprehended and is subject to being detained for an alleged
violation of a federal law or a Tribal law other than this section and
having custody of or supervision over him/her, and is either:
(b) advise the child’s parent (s) guardian or other adult having
1. in a public place; or
custody that any subsequent violation (s) of this section by the child could
2. in a private place other than the place where he/she
result in charges being filed against that person so advised.
intends to spend the night with permission of the head of household
therein and with a note from a parent, guardian or other adult Should law enforcement not be able to make contact with the parent (s) or
other person responsible for the child for the purpose of effecting the
having custody of or supervision over him/her; or
child’s return, law enforcement may then notify Child Protection Services
3. in a vehicle driving about after the hour of 11:00 pm local
for placement.
time and before the hour of 6:00am local time, or other times as set
by the government of the Three Affiliated Tribes.
the second and subsequent apprehensions of a child under this section,
EXCEPTIONS: This section shall not be applicable to those
when an officer has probable cause to believe that the child is in violation
instances wherein a child:
of or has violated this section, the officer shall apprehend the child and
1. is sixteen (16) years of age or older and has either graduated shall either:
from high school or completed the high school equivalency
(a) return the child immediately to his/her home or other household
requirements, is married, or is legally emancipated; or
wherein the child may lawfully spend the night, and issue a citation and
2. is in attendance at or is traveling directly home from an summons to appear in court for violation of this section, or
organized school , church, tribal, community, or recreational
(b) detain the child as necessitated and justified by the particular
functions; for purposes of this section, “organized recreational
circumstances, and appropriately process the child for violation of this
functions” means only formally organized and adult supervised
activities, such as formal organized sports competitions and
movie theatre showings, and does not include informal DISPOSTION: A child adjudged as having violated this section shall be
subject to the performance of community service, imposition of a fine not
recreational activities or
to exceed $150.00, and/or detention for a period not to exceed thirty (30)
3. is traveling directly home from a place where he/she is
days in a suitable juvenile facility. Probation may be utilized as
For purposes of this section, a child is not “traveling directly home”
from any activity, if the child is not actually in transit between that
place and home or if the child is at a place further from home that VIOLATION: A parent, guardian, or other adult having custody of a child,
the child would be if he/she were making a direct route at who has been previously advised by law enforcement of a violation of this
reasonable progress toward home given the amount of time since curfew law by such child, shall be subject to a charge of Contribution to
Delinquency of a Minor (Tribal Code, Title III, Chapter 2, Section 1000.8),
the child left the activity or the time at which the activity ceased.
should the child be apprehended for subsequent violation of this curfew
PROCEDURES: The following procedures shall apply when law
enforcement personnel apprehend a child for violation of this
PENALTY: This offense is a Class II Misdemeanor, for which a maximum
period of incarceration of ninety (90) days, a maximum fine of Three
1. FIRST APPREHENSION: When a law enforcement office
Hundred Dollars ($300.00), or both, may be imposed.
(officer) apprehends a child whom the officer has probably cause to
believe is in violation of or has violated this section, the officer shall
Page 7.
Country Road Chronicles of West Segment September 2014
TAT New Additions To The Police Department
Submitted by Dan Hudspeth TAT Police
New additions to the TAT Police Department are, Dan Hudspeth, I would like to take this time to introduce himself to the community. My past
Mark New Holy, Chad Roe, Derek Puckett and Jerry Nelson:
(16) years experience as Law Enforcement Officer in Indian Country in
Dan Hudspeth is a member of the Oglala Sioux Tribe and has Nebraska and South Dakota and (4) years of Certified Police Canine
(21) years of Law Enforcement experience, he was the Sgt. Of experience with several past teams as Canine Officer in Indian Country. I
police for the Pine Ridge District in Pine Ridge, SD. He has have attended the South Dakota Basic Police Academy in July 2001 109th
worked on several Reservation throughout his career. He is a Class and The US IPA Basic Police Officer Course 111th Class in May 2008
National Instructor in Defensive Tactic’s, Knife Defensive, Ground with additional training and certifications along the way including Canine
Defense, Retention Tactics, Firearms, FLETC Adjunct Instructor, training and recertification four different times and three
Field Training Officer, Handcuffing and Oleoresin Capsicum (OC) At Vonnie Licke Kennels in Denver and Indiana. I’m currently stationed in
Instructor. Basic and advance Leadership training. He is family the Twin Buttes segment and scheduled to go pick my police canine and
oriented and believes in a partnership with the communities he conduct training . I’m very positive and self motivating person. Thank you
for your time in this matter and I look forward to serving the MHA Nation
Mark New Holy is a member of the Oglala Sioux Tribe and has 6 community members
plus years Law Enforcement experience.
TAT LES K-9 Officer Jeremiah J. Nelson.
Derek Puckett is a member of the Oglala Sioux Tribe and is a
certified k9 handler, His Canine is LUNA, a Dutch Sheppard and The Department is in the process of hiring more certified officers along with
he has (6) years plus experience in Law Enforcement.
eligible persons willing to start a career in Law Enforcement. Our Dispatch
Chad Roe, has (4) years plus in Law Enforcement, is a certified is also seeking qualified applicants as there are also open positions there.
EMT, Fire Fighter, and Instructor in Firearms and an Active The goal is to have enough officers so that each Segment will have Officers
Shooter Instructor. He has (20) plus years experience as a Medic assigned specifically to the Segment as to provide better services to the
and Fire Fighter before beginning his career in Law Enforcement. communities.
All three have been employed with the MHA Nation since May of
this year and have come from the Pine Ridge Reservation where
they were Officers with the Oglala Sioux Tribe Department of
Public Safety.
Photo and bio were submitted by Officer Nelson.
Thank you
Dan Hudspeth, MHA Nation Police Department
Page 8.
Country Road Chronicles of West Segment September 2014
Mandaree School News
Every Day, Every Class, The weather conditions are very changeable these next few
Present, and On Time!
weeks. Be sure your child comes to school dressed for the
Welcome Back To a New weather. The students do go out for recess even on colder days.
As a rule we go outside as long as the temperature is above 0
School Year!
We are excited to get things up
and running for another great Hunting Season:
Hunting season is just around the corner. This is just a reminder
school year.
that it is against federal law to have firearms on school property. It
We welcome the following new teachers to the school:
is easy to forget that you have a rifle or other firearm in a gun rack.
Mrs. Fisketjon: Special Education Director
Please ensure that you do not bring firearms in your vehicle when
you drop off or pick up your children.
Ms. Smith: Special Education Teacher
Mrs. Zink: 1st Grade Teacher
Head Lice:
Mrs. Lampi: 1st Grade Teacher
Mr. Avello: Construction Technology
Guidance from the State Department of Health states that head
lice is a nuisance and not a communicable disease therefore
students are not to be sent home. None of the district’s schools
shall prohibit a student with a lice infestation from attending school.
School Board Policy FCAC: Head lice states that the District shall
make an effort to assist in head lice prevention. Administration
shall issue guidance to parents on an annual basis on head lice
screening techniques and prevention. A fact sheet on symptoms
and treatment and the full Head Lice Policy has been sent home
with students. If parents have other questions please stop by the
school office.
School Routines Back in full Swing:
Dates To Remember:
As students and teachers get back into the swing of school routines and
procedures are important to the overall smooth operation of each
classroom as well as the entire school building. Students and teachers
spent the first days of school establishing safe and common routines
throughout the school.
October 14, 2014: Picture Day– The school will pay $10 on
your child’s picture packet.
ICU Continues: The ICU Process is up and running again this school
year. ICU stands for Intensive Care Unit, just like the hospital. ICU is a
communication tool, a shared, school-wide document that tracks missing
students assignments. The document helps teachers and administrators
communicate with each other as well as with the students and their
parents. Students learn quickly that if they have a missing assignment;
their grade is sick and needs attention. The goal is to implement the
process and avoid students reaching the end of a semester and totally
disengage because they know they are not going to get the credit/grade.
October 21, 2014: Report Cards to be mailed.
Mr. Medicine Hawk: 4th Grade Teacher
Mrs. Grooms: 5th Grade Teacher
Mr. Landes: High School Mathematics Teacher
Mr. Probst: High School Social Studies Teacher
Mr. Fishel: High School English Teacher
Mr. Wright: Intervention Teacher/Technology
October 15, 2014: End of 1st 9 weeks.
October 16-17, 2014: No School– Teacher Convention
October 31, 2014: Classroom Fall Celebrations 2:15pm-3:30pm
(Please send only a healthy snack for your child only.
Classroom snacks are discouraged because there is not
enough time to consume them and they are thrown away.) Fall
Carnival Festival 5pm-7pm.
November 6, 2014: Upper Missouri District Health Unit Flu
Shot Clinic-Watch for permission slips.
This year teachers are only putting failed assignments on the list. If a November 10-14: TAT Diabetes Project will conduct annual
student is not on the ICU list that does not mean that he/she is passing height/weight and screening-watch for permission slips
the class. The ICU list is not the Eligibility list that run each week for November 11, 2014: No School Veteran’s Day
sports participation.
November 18, 2014: Parent/Teacher Conferences 4pm-7pm.
Messenger Communication:
November 26, 27, 28: No School Thanksgiving
The school uses an auto-dialer communication system that is tied to the
December 23, 2014: Last Day of School Before Winter Break.
student information database. When we launch a message on our end the
message goes to contact telephone we have on file. So please keep your December 24-January 2: No School-Winter Break
contact information current so that you get the latest breaking news!
January 5, 2015: School Resumes.
Falling Temperatures:
Mandaree School News Submitted by: Mrs. Bluestone, Mandaree School
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Country Road Chronicles of West Segment September 2014
For Your Information
TAT Game & Fish Department
The Game & Fish Department will be offering Five Hunter’s Safety
Classes to those individuals (11) years and older who need
certification. The classes are free of charge and open to everyone.
Please call 627-4760 to register or reply to email.
September 22-26, 2014: White Shield Complex Bldg. 5:00pm9:00pm
Please remember all tags are sold on a first come first served
The 2014 Deer gun season is open to MHA Nation Enrolled
members only.
If you have any questions, feel free to give our office a call at
September 22-26, 2014: Mandaree Elders Bldg. 5:00pm-9:00pm
September 29-Oct.3, 2014: Twin Buttes Community Center 6:00pm
-1:00pm (Central Time)
*We will be selling Deer gun licenses at following time and
location: Tuesday, September 30, 2014 (Selling Unit 1 Tags only)
8:00am to 12:00pm at Water Chief Hall.
September 29, 2014: Parshall Red Hall (Selling Unit 3 Tags only)
from 1:00pm-4:00pm
September 29, 2014: White Shield Complex (Selling Unit 3 Tags
only) from 1:00pm-4:00pm
September 30, 2014: Mandaree Water Chief Hall (Selling Unit 1
tags only) from 8:00am-12:00pm.
September 30, 2014: Four Bears Community Center (Selling Unit 1
tags only) from 1:00pm-4:00pm.
October 1, 2014: Twin Buttes Community Center (Selling Unit 4
tags only) 8:00am-12:00pm.
October 2, 2014 at the New Town Game & Fish Office from 8:00am
to 12:00pm (Selling Unit 2 tags only)
October 3, 2014 at the New Town Game & Fish Office from 8:00am
to 4:30 pm (Selling All Unit Tags).
Antoine Fettig
TAT Game & Fish Director
404 Frontage Road
New Town, ND 58763
Office: (701) 627-4760
Fax: (701)627-4743
Cell: (701) 421-1635
TAT Circle of Life Program
In the past month I have been approached by community members
asking about after hour and weekend services for mental health and/
or substance use disorder services.
There are four Human Service Centers surrounding the Fort Berthold
Reservation. Each facility has an emergency hot line 24 hour on call
There is also an outreach service in towns of New Town, Stanley,
Watford City and Tioga. The Human Service Centers are committed
to serving the people of North Dakota, so please feel free to call
when you are in need.
We have heard and listened to your comments; the segments
outreach will include the Game & Fish Department going to the
segments to offer residents of those segments preference to
tags within the respective segments in which they live.
Bruce Gillette, LAC-Clinical Supervisor: Director of Circle of Life
If you wish to purchase a deer gun tag for a segment in which
you are not a resident, don’t worry! The G & F Department will
have a separate amount of tags set aside to sell at the New
Town Fish and Game Office on October 3, 2014. All Units (1-4)
will be available on this date.
(701)627-4700 * Office Phone
Continue reading on next column
Three Affiliated Tribes
315 Main Street #907
New Town, ND 58763
(701) 487-5514 * Cell Phone
(701) 927-4105 * Fax
Page 10.
Count ry Ro ad Ch ronicles of West Segment S ept emb er 2014
Mandaree Hidatsa Housing Taking Applications
Count ry Ro ad Ch ronicles of West Segment S ept emb er 2014
Page 11.
Hidatsa Housing Program & White Oak Trailer Park
Required Documents:
3. Tribal Enrollment Copy for all members of household
4. Copy of Birth Certificate for all household members.
1. Photo ID’s of all Adults in Household.
2. Social Security Card copies of all members of
5. Copy of most recent paystubs for all working members
of household (Proof of Employment).
900 SQFT)
6. Copy of IMM Account Statement (If using for income ALSO IF YOU HAVE AN APPLICATION WITH US,
7. Copy of Rental Payment History Ledger from current THANK YOU
landlord or Housing entity that currently rented from if
Shanna Fox
Executive Assistant
Feel free to contact us at: Hidatsa Housing (701) 759-3399.
Hidatsa Housing Program
1 Community Center Road
Mandaree, North Dakota
Panther Development
Alex Moreno/Managing
6401 Congress Ave. Suite 250
Boca Raton, Fl 33487. USA
(701)759-3399 Office:
(701) 759-3307 Fax:
Page 12.
Count ry Ro ad Ch ronicles of West Segment S ept emb er 2014
For Your Information
MHA Department of Transportation
The new building is located at 9207 Hwy 23, New Town or
close to the intersection of BIA Road 2 & Hwy 23.
The following is list of cell numbers for the DOT staff that
have work phones, keep in mind we are operating off our
cellphones solely & there may be a delay in responding to
Richard Hall, Director: 421-1607
Blaine Flynn, Deputy: 421-8342
Stephanie Hall, Registration Specialist: 421-8721
Shani Bordeaux, Reg. Specialist: 421-7325
Jennifer Krueger, Accounting: 421-0248
Clifton Whitman Jr. Chief Trooper: 421-9852
Devin Good Shield, Trooper: 421-2479
Mathew Yellow Wolf, Chief Inspector: 421-8676
Mike Blacksmith, MC Inspector: 421-5651
We would also like to thank Mike Smith & the rest of the TAT
Security Department for posting a security officer on site.
TAT Animal Control
The Three Affiliated Tribes
Animal Control contacts
are as follows:
Animal Control: 627-2654
James Baker: 421-5205
Delia Baker: 421-5214
Travis Jensen: 421-8906
Little Plume Parents Mark Your Calendars!
The Head Start Center
will be having their Fall
Book Fair in conjunction
with our Parent
Orientations at all
Little Plume Head Start
Center in Mandaree on
Tuesday, September 23,
2014 from 2:00pm to
4:00pm at the Mandaree Head Start Center.
The Scholastic Book Fair is a volunteer activity for our
program; the commission earned will buy new books/supplies
for the classroom. Family collaboration/support is greatly
appreciated! See you then!
“Never too young or old to not read a good book!
Deb Hosie, Disabilities/Education Coordinator
Panther Development
Alex Moreno/Managing
6401 Congress Ave. Suite 250
Boca Raton, Fl 33487. USA
Count ry Ro ad Ch ronicles of West Segment S ept emb er 2014
For Your Information
Page 13.
Page 14.
Count ry Ro ad Ch ronicles of West Segment S ept emb er 2014
Let Us Pray……..
As our times and culture has changed it is very hard 6. And now shall my head be lifted up above my enemies round about
to discern and know who is telling the truth. Without me; in His tent I will offer sacrifices and shouting of joy; I will sing, yes, I
the Holy Spirit our spirit is thrown into confusion with will sing praises to the Lord.
all the thoughts and words people release so freely
without any consideration if they are offending
someone or spreading false information. Through prayer we can find
peace and balance and find our way back into truth. It’s never too
late to repent of our actions and forgive those who may have
offended us. David the Bible says was a man after God’s own heart,
David had lived his entire career in the political arena and made
7. Hear, O Lord, when I cry aloud; have mercy and be gracious to me
and answer me!
8. You have said, Seek My face (inquire for and require My presence as
your vital need). My heart says to You, Your face (Your presence), Lord,
will I seek, inquire for, and require (of necessity and on the authority of
Your Word).
some major mistakes, but because of a repented heart God always 9. Hide not Your face from me; turn not Your servant away in anger, You
restored him. What great news that is for us as well. We don’t have Who have been my help! Cast me not off, neither forsake me, O God of
to continuously let the devil beat up on us and remind us of our past, my salvation!
but turn to a loving and merciful God, Creator of the Heavens and 10. Although my father and my mother have forsaken me, yet the Lord
will take me up (adopt me as His child).
Here is a Psalm from David during his time of fear and turmoil.
11. Teach me Your way, O Lord, and lead me in a plain and even path
Psalm 27
because of my enemies (those who lie in wait for me).
1. The Lord is my Light and my Salvation~ whom shall I fear or 12. Give me not up to the will of my adversaries, for false witnesses have
dread? The Lord is the Refuge and Stronghold of my life~ of who risen up against me; they breathe out cruelty and violence.
shall I be afraid?
13.(What, what would have become of me) had I not believed that I
2. When the wicked, even my enemies and my foes, came upon me would see the Lord’s goodness in the land of the living!
to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell.
14. Wait and hope for and expect the Lord; be brave and of good
3. Through a host encamp against me, my heart shall not fear; courage and let your heart be stout and enduring. Yes, wait for hope for
though war arise against me, (even then) in this will I be and expect the Lord.
4. One thing have I asked of the Lord, that will I seek, inquire for, Amen and God Bless
and (insistently) require: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord
(in His presence) all the days of my life, to behold and gaze upon Pastor Elise Packineau
the beauty (the sweet attractive and the delightful loveliness) of Mandaree Hidatsa Church
the Lord and to meditate, consider, and inquire in His temple.
5. For the day of trouble He will hide me in His shelter; in the secret
place of His tent will He hide me; He will set me high upon a rock.
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Page 15.
My Journey In Serving Our Lord Jesus Christ As A Priest
Being a disciple of God is very important to me,
To help me with this discernment I chose jobs that would permit me the
therefore I will tell you my vocation story, my freedom to discern. The first year I worked at a greenhouse in Fargo while
journey towards serving our Lord Jesus Christ working as a janitor at the NDSU Newman Center. The second year I took
as a priest. I was born in 1959, the first of four in a housekeep job at the Church of Nativity in Fargo while being a janitor on
a Williston hospital and lived in the surrounding the weekends. The third year I found a job at the Olive Garden as a host
area. For the next ten years we moved from and pasta maker while entering into a discernment program at the local
house to house several times in the Ray and Williston areas. seminary in Fargo. By this time, I had discerned that I would go into the
Grade school included St. Joseph Catholic School and Webster seminary and let the staff there help with my discernment. In the fall of
Public school in Williston. At the age of ten my family moved to the 1991 I drove to the Pontifical College Josephinum in Columbus, Ohio and
ranch/farm previously owned by Howard Lund twenty-three miles entered into a two year pre theology program which was followed by a
east of Williston. The area currently called Lund’s Landing along four year theology program. On Saturday, April 20th, 1997 Bishop Zipfel
highway 1804. I finished out my grade school and middle school came to the Josephinum in and ordained me to the Diaconate along with
years in a one room country school called Wunderlich and high seven other men from around the country. I shed many tears of joy. On
school in Ray.
May 28th 1998, Bishop Zipfel ordained me to the Priesthood and assigned
Desiring to become a veterinarian I attended NDSU in Fargo to get me as the Associate Pastor at the Church of Saint Anne in Bismarck. In
my pre-vet courses out of the way. Discovering how difficult it September of 1999 Bishop Zipfel assigned me to be the pastor at St.
would be to be accepted into a vet school, I took a detour by Martin in Center and in 2000 Bishop Zipfel joined St. Edwin of Washburn
entering into the two year veterinarian assistant program with the to St. Martin forming a
hopes that a vet school would see a strong interest in becoming a a new cluster. In 2003 Bishop Zipfel decided to rearrange my cluster and
veterinarian and overlook lower grades. With the assistant program two others into just two clusters. This meant two pastors would pick up
completed, I returned to my pre-vet courses. However, in January another parish and one pastor would be moved. Bishop Zipfel decided
of 1982, my father died of a heart attack which forced me to make that I would be assigned to a cluster of three on the Fort Berthold
a decision between continuing my studies for vet school or Reservation~ St. Bridget in Parshall, Sacred Heart in Plaza and St.
purchase the family farm/ranch. With a little help from my uncle I Elizabeth in Makoti. This cluster was unchanged until 2010 when Bishop
chose to farm/ranch. For the next five years my life on the farm/ Zipfel asked that St. Anthony of New Town be added to the cluster and
ranch was busy and depressing because not much rain fell. With become the main parish of the cluster. In July of 2014, with Fr. Paul
this career not working I sold the farm and went back to NDSU to Eberle becoming the spiritual director for the Kenrick Seminary in St.
pursue a life as a veterinarian. However, during the farm/ranch Louis, Missouri, Bishop Kagan, our new bishop, realigned the cluster once
years I was spiritually awakened. My desires began to shift. I again. I remained the pastor of St. Anthony in New Town but St. Anthony
returned to NDSU to complete the final two years of pre vet of Mandaree was joined to form a new cluster. When we listen to this
courses and graduate with a bachelor degree but I also began to presence, we find our vocation. May God bless you always.
look into the life as a priest. Just before I began my final year I Love & Prayers!
decided not to pursue vet school and decided to graduate with a
Fr. Roger A. Synek
Bachelor of Science with an emphasis in Animal Science. After
graduation, I began to focus on the vocation of priesthood.
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Count ry Ro ad Ch ronicles of West Segment S ept emb er 2014
Motorist To Use Caution & Share The Road With Farm Equipment During Harvest
608 East Boulevard Avenue, Bismarck, ND 58505-0700 Toll Free: 1-855-637-6237
Harvest Season is underway throughout the state and the North Dakota Department of Transportation (NDDOT) is urging
motorists to use caution as large farm equipment is out on the roadways this time of year.
“Motorist should be extremely cautions as they drive, especially on rural, two-lane roads, as slow moving farm equipment is
out on the roadways,” says Karin Mongeon, NDDOT Safety Division Director. “Most crashes are due to inattention, speeding
and unsafe passing. When approaching farm equipment, motorists need to pay attention, slow down and pass with extreme
Farm equipment is very large and heavy making it difficult for operators to accelerate, slow down and stop. These vehicles
also have large blind spots, making it difficult for operators to see approaching vehicles.
In 2013, there was one fatal crash and 15 injury crashes in North Dakota involving farm equipment. “By taking extra
precautions on the roadway and safely sharing the road with farm equipment, crashes can be prevented,” stresses Mongeon.
Motorist are reminded to:
Watch for mud and debris on the roadway as trucks go directly from the field onto the highway.
Be aware that you can encounter farm equipment at any time of the day.
Drive with headlights on at all times.
Wear seatbelts. Seatbelts are your best protection against death and injury in the event of a crash.
In addition, farmers are reminded of the opportunity to get 10 percent extra weight permits that can be issued to expedite the
first haul of farm products during harvest. Additionally, farmers should be aware that road construction projects are finishing up
this time of year as well. Some roads may be inaccessible to large farm equipment.
Farm equipment operators should consider the following precautions:
Use lights and flashers to make equipment more visible.
Use slow moving emblems on equipment traveling less than 30 mph.
Consider using a follow vehicle when moving equipment, especially at night.
For more information contact:
NDDOT Communications (701) 328-4412
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Updated Numbers for Mandaree
Boys & Girls Club Branch Manager: Jade Standish: 759-3049 or
Cell: 421-5987 or Donovan Abbey
Catholic Church Father Roger Synnek: 759-3412
Clinic in Mandaree: 759-3422 or Fax: 759-3209
Circle of Life Youth Counselor Cheryle Fox:759-3705 or cell 4217549
Elders Meal Site: 759-3092
Head Cook: Kip Black Hawk
Assistant Cook: Marty Fredericks
Hidatsa Elders Program: Bernadine Fredericks, Elders
Coordinator: 759-3099, Cell: 421-3249 Ted White : Elders Delivery
Assistant: 759-3099, Cell: 421-3248
Hidatsa Elders Fax: 759-3093
FBCC Mentor’s Office Buff White: 759-3545 or Fax: 759-3528
FBHA Compliance Office:759-3177 or Fax: 759-3182
FBHA Maintenance Office Raymond Yellow Wolf: 759-3577 or
cell 421-0672 and Victor Three Irons cell: 421-0675
Fire Management Marle Baker: 759-3124 or cell: 421-1423
Little Plume Teacher 1: Leroy White Singer: 759-3369
Native Printing Jody Brieck: 759-3228 or Fax: 759-3227
Pharmacy in Mandaree: 759-3151 or Fax: 759-3181
Post Office: 759-3370 M-F 12:00 -4:00pm, Sat. 11am-1:15pm
Road Department: 759-3420
School Numbers:
Bus Garage: 759-3395
Business Office: 759-3120
Main Office: 759-3311
Mandaree School Fax: 759-3112
TERO Compliance Office: Lana Turner Office Manager: 7593255 or Cell: 421-6052
Tribal Ranch & Lodge: 759-3176
Tribal Ranch Fax: 759-3133
Mandaree Public Relations: Lovina Fox
Tribal Ranch Director: Ted Siers: 421-8672
TAT Police Dept. 627-3617 Records: 627-3308 or Fax: 627-3113
Mandaree Water Treatment Plant: 759-3160 or Fax: 759-3199
Tribal Court: 627-4803 or Fax: 627-4602
Public Relations Fax: 759-3375
Mandaree Events Coordinator/Language Program: Martha Phelan: 759
Hidatsa Health Coordinator: Vida Craig: 759-3377
Mandaree Water Hauler: Dan Hunts Along
Water Chief Hall Tow Truck Drivers: Dan Hunts Along: 421-2992 or
Delvin Reeves: 421-3281.
Mandaree Hidatsa Housing Program:
Mandaree Hidatsa Housing Director: Will Reeves: 759-3399
Mandaree Hidatsa Housing Specialist: Dee Ann Waupoose: 759-3399
Mandaree Hidatsa Housing Admin. Assist: Shannon Fox: 759-3399
Hidatsa Language Department: Arvella White & Carol Newman: 7593276
Out of Mandaree Area Office Numbers:
Emergency or Ambulance: 911
McKenzie County Sheriff: 444-3654
Poison Control: 1-800-222-1222
TAT CHR Main Office: 627-4240
TAT Commodities Program: 627-4292
TAT Game & Fish: 627-4760
Animal Control Warden Bruce Crows Heart: 627-2654 or cell: 421.1882
Local Game Wardens Cell Phone Numbers: Bradfield Sage: 421.6977
or Office: 627-4760
Local Police Cell Phone Numbers:
TAT Chief Of Police: Chad Johnson: 421-8976
TAT Acting Lieutenant: Dan Hudspeth: 421-9166
TAT Police Officer: Jerry Nelson: Twin Buttes/Mandaree Area: 421-9320
In Case of Emergency call these cell numbers for water TAT Utilities: 627-2580
treatment: Bruce Fox: 421-7512, Chris Fox: 421-5952, Maynard
Gerald T. Fox Justice Center: 627-3500
Demaray Jr.: 421-7859 .
 Please read. This is only for your convenience. Keep in mind
Water Chief Hall Program Manager: Maranda Johnson: 759some numbers were removed and some were added and corrected.
Some of the names changed of the workers in some of the programs.
Water Chief Hall Office Receptionist: Tasha Shane: 759-3377
Please post this so you can find what numbers you are looking for
Water Chief Hall Fax: 759-3232
when you need them.
Thank you for reading.
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Page 19.
Mandaree Volunteer Fire Department List
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Blue Cedar Lodge Opens in Bismarck Area For Tribal Members
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Hosts a Scrubs Camp in Your Community
The Three Affiliated Tribes Sex Offender Registry Program currently
has 33 registered Sex Offenders, (7) Tier III High Risk, (11) Tier IIModerate Risk, (15) Tier I-Low Risk. Our staff of 2 is currently
undergoing the process of registering approximately 114 NONMEMBERS that either lives, goes to school, and or work on the Fort
Berthold Indian Reservation. Pursuant to the Adam Walsh Child
Protection Act, any convicted sex offender who lives, works, or
The Center for Rural Health provides funding and support attends school within the exterior boundaries of the Three Affiliated
Tribes, must register as a Sex Offender with the Three Affiliated
to communities to host a local Scrubs Camp. Grant Tribes, in addition to any other state, territory, or tribal registration.
The Rural Collaborative Opportunities for Occupational
Learning in Health (R-COOL-Health) Scrubs Camp
Program is an opportunity for students in grades 5-12 to
learn about health care professions in fun, interactive
proposals for the 2014-2015 Scrubs Camp are now be
Below you will find the link to the MHA Sex Offender website. On the
site you can search for information about sex offenders that are
registered with the Three Affiliated Tribes Police Department as
required by Tribal resolution. North
Scrubs Camp project webpage or contact Kylie Nissen at Dakota Sex Offender website is:
For more information or to submit your proposal, visit
701-777-5380 or
A Big Thank You!
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to give our
office a call or Kasey Hall, Sex Offender Registration Specialist, 701421-2485.
Thank you and have a good day.
Melissa Mason, (701) 627-3617 or (701) 421-5841
Compliance Officer, TAT Sex Offender Registry
September Birthday Wishes to
Our Elders!
Arlene Charging
Lyda Bearstail
Lovina Fox mother of the bride and Joe and Lisette Figueroa
of Raleigh, North Carolina parents of the groom. Would
like to thank everyone who came to Skye and Jonathan’s
Wedding. A big thank you to those who brought wedding
gifts. Both Jonathan and Skye are very thankful and
grateful to everyone.
Dinah Black Hawk
They would like to say thank you to these relatives who
helped decorate; Amber, Toni, Johnny, Denise, Latisha
Lindsey, Natasha, our parents and to all who helped make
their day a memorable one.
Here is a picture they would like to share with everyone.
Which is one of the many wedding pictures they took on
their special day.
Photographs were taken by Dewitz Photography.
Thank you & God bless. Skye and Jonathan Manikateri
* Please forgive us if we forgot to mention
your name it was not done intentionally.