Master`s programme (120 credits) in Information Technology
Master`s programme (120 credits) in Information Technology
Master’s programme (120 credits) in Information Technology A two year programme offered in co-operation between universities in Sweden, Denmark, Germany and Poland. Detailed information on the programme is found at At the programme you can develop your knowledge of signal analysis, communication technique and computer science. You also gain experience in project work for research and development and of acting in an international environment in several European countries. The programme is given completely in English. The European cooperation makes the total cost for tuition fees for this programme comparatively low. The programme is offered jointly by: • Halmstad University in Sweden. • Wroclaw Technical University in Poland. • Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Sciences in Lemgo, Germany. • Ålborg University in Esbjerg, Denmark. All students at the programme spend their first semester in either Halmstad or Wroclaw, where they develop a common ground of mathematics, programming, computer architecture and signal analysis. In the second semester students choose to specialize in some aspect of Information Technology. This second semester is spent in either Halmstad or Lemgo. The third semester is spent either in Esbjerg, Lemgo or Wroclaw. In either place a large part of this semester’s work is a project, performed by a group, where students practice their specialized knowledge from previous semesters. Each student chooses the places of study, but has to spend the first three semesters at either two or three different universities. Students are supported by a well-developed system for the transitions between the universities. In the fourth semester a thesis is done at one of the universities where the student studied in the first three semesters. This university issues the degree after completion of the thesis. Programme content With reservation for changes Semester 1 Halmstad: Algorithms and data structures for problem solving, Applied mathematics for computer science and engineering, Embedded systems programming, Image analysis, Computer vision in 3D Optics, vision and cameras, Signal analysis and representation. Wroclaw: Advanced algorithms and data structures, Advanced computer graphic, Digital image processing, Expert systems, Multimedia information systems, Operations research in computer science, Parallel computer architecture, System modeling and analysis. HALMSTAD UNIVERSITY – SWEDEN +46 (0)35 16 71 00 • Semester 2 Halmstad: Cyber-physical systems, Distributed real-time systems, Embedded parallel computing, Modern communication systems and networks, Real time networking, Wireless communication systems, Autonomous mechatronical systems, Digital control, Intelligent vehicles, Learning systems. Lemgo: Communication for distributed systems, Information fusion, Intelligent Sensors, Network security, Signal processing algorithms, Software engineering for web services, Software modeling, Wireless communication, Innovation and development strategies. Semester 3 Esbjerg: Project work including project unit courses, Computer vision, Control theory, Database systems, Fuzzy logic. Software engineering. Lemgo: Project work, Management skills and business administration, Scientific methods and writing. Please contact us if you have any questions! Wroclaw: Project work, Advanced data bases, Advanced topics in artificial intelligence, Digital image processing, Information system modeling and analysis, Multimedia information systems, Operations research in computer science, Parallel computer architecture, Software system development. Programme Coordinator Jörgen Carlsson phone +46 35 16 71 23 Semester 4 Thesis (30 credits). Departmental secretary Eva Strid Andersson phone +46 35 16 72 29 Degree The degree is awarded by the university where the student completes the thesis in the fourth semester. Degree in Halmstad: Teknologie masterexamen med huvudområdet datateknik” with the English translation Degree of Master of Science (120 credits) with a major in Computer Science and Engineering. Entry requirements Bachelor of Science degree (or equivalent) in an engineering subject or in computer science. Courses in computer science, computer engineering or electrical engineering of at least 90 higher education credits, including thesis. Courses in mathematics of at least 30 higher education credits or including calculus, linear algebra and transform methods. Applicants must also have written and verbal command of the English language. How to apply Instructions on how to apply are found at HALMSTAD UNIVERSITY Halmstad University is a university which crosses boundaries – for the development of organisations, products and quality of life. The University offers some 50 degree courses and 500 single subject courses in numerous subject areas. The University undertakes outstanding research in which many areas attain international levels of quality. The University also participates actively in society and community development. SWEDEN More information Phone +46 (0)35 16 71 00 Gothenburg • Halmstad • 500 km Copenhagen (Denmark) • • Malmoe 080111 Student Counselling • Stockholm