Shed Three Real Kilos Fast
Shed Three Real Kilos Fast
Slimming made easy! Marion Grillparzer Shed Three Real Kilos Fast This is how I do it: with know-how, effortlessly – and totally upbeat! 1 Shed Three Real Kilos Fast This is how I do it: with know-how, effortlessly – and totally upbeat! 2 Losing weight isn’t about magic. It’s about knowledge: knowing how different foods stimulate thermogenesis – the way your body sheds calories in the form of heat through your skin – and knowing about fat burners: the foods that contain vital substances that stimulate the burning of fat. And while you’re at it, remember to enjoy your “diet.” Going hungry is not an option. Nor are you allowed to starve yourself, otherwise you’ll lose muscle, reduce your metabolism, and quickly regain any lost weight. Staying upbeat is just as important because frustration only hampers lipolysis: fat reduction. If you want to lose three kilos of pure fat in ten days, you’ll need a few simple tricks to start you off and to make sure you remain in good spirits – which you will, because once you’ve shed those real fat kilos, the water kilos will soon go, too. Enjoy Yourself! 3 Contents Slimming Know-How My Experience: Preface: Put Your Sneakers On 43 Getting Rid of Three Kilos Quickly 5 Your Endurance Program 44 Your “Lose-three-kilos-fast” Day 6 Three Clever Muscle Exercises 45 Slimming Know-How Your Stretching Program 46 8 The Way to Real Success 11 A Real Kilo ... 12 Say Hi to a Good Mood! Eat Yourself Slim! 14 Increase Your Inner Balance 49 Boost Your Energy Levels! 50 51 My Experience: I Lose Weight ... 20 My Experience: Look Here, I’m Awake! Enjoy Your Meal! Lots of Fat-burner Breakfasts 24 Simple Answers All-you-can-eat Recipes 26 … to Frequently Asked Questions52 Lots of Slimming Soups 26 Nature’s Own Slimming Pills Shopping List 33 Healthy Snacks for In-between 35 My Experience: Three Kilos à la Marion 36 Imprint 62 67 If you’d like to know more about how your body works, lose more than three kilos, or find out more about healthy, Muscle Power enjoyable eating and drinking, read Fat Gets Burned in Muscle 39 Die neue GLYX-Diät, published by GU- Start Your Lightweight Life! 40 Verlag. 4 This is me. Nutrition expert and author. I enjoy eating – and I’ve just lost three kilos. The hat? A chef’s hat. GETTING RID OF THREE KILOS QUICKLY Is it really possible to lose weight without making any real effort? Without feeling that you’re on a diet? Of course it is! With Martina Kittler’s recipes, which are fantastically fast, don’t necessarily involve cooking, and are simply delicious. With exercise tips by Holle Bartosch. And with the knowledge I’ve acquired in almost 30 years of studying the subject of healthy eating and drinking. I also benefit from my little tricks … like frothy milk with cocoa, or berry ice cream. The “slimming pills” I take are provided by Mother Nature, such as grapefruit and small radishes – or if necessary, homeopathic globules. And, of course, I always wear sneakers and think happy thoughts. Try it out and enjoy yourself! Recipes by Martina Kittler, Holle Bartosch, sports nutritional expert scientist 5 Your “Lose-three-kilos-fast” Day Here’s a short summary – before we go into the details! 1. Begin the day with a glass of water that should be on your bedside table. 2. Now spend 30 minutes burning fat, by power walking or jogging outside – or on the trampoline – followed by a few stretching exercises. If you can’t manage all this on an empty stomach, then drink your coffee or tea with a little milk first, or have a bit of pure protein: a few spoonsful of plain yoghurt or a protein shake (without carbohydrates). 3. Your choice of breakfast – carb or no-carb – will depend on whether or not you had your carbohydrate meal (pasta, bread & Co.) the previous evening. Drink coffee or tea – but without sugar. A dash of milk is OK of course, but you should always add a pinch of cinnamon! 4. Before you start your day, recharge your batteries with the energy exercise page 50. 5. If three meals just aren’t enough for you, pick one of the snacks on page 35 – or have some crudités, an egg, half a mozzarella ball, a slice of turkey breast, or a bowl of vegetable soup. It’s also OK to have an unsweetened latte macchiato. 6. Drink two to three liters of water a day. With lemon and mint (what I call a “Marionade”), ginger, or a tea bag. Coffee’s also allowed. 6 7. Before your main meal, have a mixed salad with the GLYX salad dressing from refrigerator, or a bowl of fat-burner soup (page 26). 8. At lunchtime, pick one of the all-you-can-eat recipes starting on page 26 and combine it with one of the side dishes. Many of the recipes are suitable for the office. You won’t have to cook. On page 36, you’ll find a list of the provisions I keep in store. 9. If you start feeling stressed, please don’t eat anything sweet! You’ll need to get rid of the stress quickly, because it will raise your blood-sugar level and hamper fat reduction, and that’s the last thing you want. If you get stressed, do the little breathing exercise on page 53. Or get onto the trampoline or run up and down the stairs in your office. If these distractions are no help, you’ll find two instant recipes on page 29 to curb your sweet cravings. 10. The best time for growing muscles is late afternoon. Simply integrate ten muscle-minutes into your day. You’ll find three clever exercises on page 45. 11. In the evenings, pick one of the instant recipes starting on page 27 and do without carbohydrates three to four times a week. On the other days, you’re allowed to eat pasta, rice & Co. as a side dish – but then don’t have any bread and sugar the next morning. You’re welcome to have a glass of wine – red or white, as long as it’s dry – but drink plenty of water with it. 12. If you need anything to eat before going to bed, make sure it’s protein. Eat a slice of turkey breast, half a mozzarella ball, a piece of smoked fish, an egg, a piece of feta cheese, or have a glass of buttermilk. 7 Slimming Know-How When I finally noticed the kilos that had crept up on me over the past year, I wasn’t too unhappy about it at first. After all, the first three had smoothed out a few wrinkles … and didn’t actually feel all that uncomfortable. But then suddenly, a nasty little monster decided to tighten my jeans overnight – well, let’s say during my vacation – and there they were: another three kilos, chubby and sluggish right on my hips. And I couldn’t fasten the zipper any more. My jeans were brand new Replays. Not cheap, either. Now, my patience with the little rolls of fat that had slowly and quietly settled on my hips suddenly melted away like ice cream on the tongue. I began to feel slightly panicky, for just the day before, I’d read in the paper: “Latest studies reveal that vacation pounds stick around for two years.” 8 Who’s Talking? For those of you who don’t know me: I studied ecotrophology (nutritional and domestic science) at the Technical University in Weihenstephan, in Bavaria, Germany. For almost 30 years now, I’ve been studying the subject of healthy eating and drinking. I also write about it. My GLYX (low-glycemic) diet, fat burners, or magic cabbage soup are well known in Germany. There was a time in my life when I was fat, but that was a long time ago. Thirty years ago. As an adult I was able to eat whatever I wanted and suddenly my hormones and metabolism came up with something new. I even know why . But I’ll tell you about that in my next book. This one is all about shedding pounds. Right now. Because right now we’re going to deal with that study about vacation pounds that won't go away. That’s why I came up with this clever instant diet – which will also make short work of any Christmas pounds! The annoying thing is that as an expert, I know the fat won’t disappear just by snapping my fingers. The good thing is that by following my own diet, I don’t have to wonder about whether or not it’s good for me, which means I avoid the kind of worry that hinders the fat-burning process. I know how things work. And I want to get rid of those three kilos – without starving myself or getting stressed. I’m talking about real kilos, by the way. I’m talking about fat. I don’t want to lose precious muscle or mistake water for fat. Three kilos of pure fat will have to go – and go for good. The only thing is: I really don’t have time for dieting right now. It has to work without too much effort. And work it does … Let’s See What Happened After one week, I’d lost 2.5 kilos. Including two real fat kilos. After all, it’s quite easy to make your body burn fat. Fat, not sugar – which is what generally happens with most of us. The third kilo took another three days to disappear. That means you have to allow ten days to burn three kilos of fat! Of course you’re welcome to continue this diet for longer, in which case you’ll lose only fat, not muscle. By the way, all the photos of me were taken by Olivia Biemmi-Lazzeroni, who lives in Italy. Vacation Pounds Stick! You happily work your way through the buffet for a couple of weeks, and don’t take more than 5,000 steps a day, and before you know it, the fat has begun to move in – and it’s planning to stay. A recent study by Swedish researchers shows that the consequences of a four-week gourmand holiday will still be visible on your hips two years later: as fat. That’s where all those delicious sandwiches, roasts, and desserts settle. And even if the surveyed vacationers did lose weight again, after two and a half years they still weighed 3.1 kilos more than at the start of the study. Most of it was body fat. This wouldn’t have happened if the ladies and gentlemen had taken more exercise. 9 Hmmmmmm! 10 The Way to Real Success Three kilos of fat have 21,000 kcal. It will take you ten days to get rid of them if you burn 2,100 kcal a day. So, how do you do that? With a zero calorie diet your body will burn roughly 2,100 kcal – unfortunately, only for the first few days. Then it starts eating up muscle and reducing your metabolism. The three kilos will be back before you’re able to enjoy having lost them in the first place. You can also eat moderately and spend three hours a day jogging. That will also burn up 2,100 kcal. Alternatively, you do what I do – and profit from a healthy mixture. This involves: > exercise > happy thoughts > fat burners > thermogenesis And all of my knowledge … which I’m about to pass on to you, right here and now. Have fun losing weight! Best wishes, Marion Grillparzer 11 A Real Kilo … A real kilo is not the kind of kilo you can get rid of by turning a little cog on an oldfashioned mechanical scale, just to put yourself in a good mood. I still have one of those and will never give it away, because I know exactly how to adjust the cog so that I weigh either 54 or 56 kilos. You can’t do that with bioelectrical impedance analysis scales. They measure digitally. They measure exactly. They have an unerring eye for fat, and their margin of error is only about one percent. A real kilo is also not the kind of kilo you lose by starting your period. For hormonal reasons, your body contains less water at that time of the month. You wouldn’t believe the number of letters I receive, saying “Help, I’ve lost only one kilo in two weeks.” And then I find out that the girl started her diet right in the middle of her monthly cycle and measured her weight two days before starting her period. Your average household scale tells you all sorts of things, but not what’s really going on in your body. By affecting the water levels in your body, hormones can easily make your body weight fluctuate by two kilos. The same is true for a very salty day. A real kilo is also not the kind of kilo you lose by fasting. When you starve yourself, you reduce muscle. You’re in a catabolic state – which means you reduce certain substances. 12 Some of it, a little bit, will be fat. But you’ll also reduce muscle, which weighs a lot more than fat. So the kilo you lose is not only a fake kilo, but also a pretty important kilo: one that you need in order to burn fat. Unfortunately, it takes months to replace muscle kilos. With every muscle kilo that’s lost, you slow down your metabolism – so much so that it burns far fewer calories. It takes a long time to get your metabolism up and running again – and you’ll need to exercise in order to do it! A real kilo is not the kind of kilo you lose by not eating any carbohydrates. If you do that, you’ll mainly lose water at the beginning. That’s not bad. After all, excess water in your tissues makes you look puffy. But it’s still only water – which will be back the moment you eat a croissant. That’s what makes ketogenic dieters, people who believe in zero carbohydrates, always so sad. The instant they treat themselves to a piece of bread or a bowl of pasta, they gain weight again. By the way, if you start to eat healthily and detoxify your body, you’ll also lose water. That’s good, but again you’re not losing any real kilos. A real kilo is also not the kind of kilo that shows up in the sewer when you empty your bowels or swallow dehydration pills rather than on the scale. No, those are not real kilos. It’s cheating and it really doesn’t do your body any good at all. You want to lose three real kilos? Pure fat? 21,000 kcal less energy stored in your body? Well, you’ll have to burn them – in your muscles. That only works if you eat enough protein, if you supply your body with all the fatty acids it needs to be in a good mood, to feel happy, and to produce slim hormones, and if you provide enough carbohydrates to protect your muscles. You’ll also need micronutrients to give you energy, make you content, and point your fat metabolism in the right direction – toward slimming! You will, of course, also need to exercise. If you exercise a lot, like I do, you’ll manage three real kilos in ten days. If not, you’ll probably lose two. How Do You Measure Your Body Fat? You use bioelectrical impedance analysis, which measures your muscle mass and fat percentage by sending light electrical currents through your body. There’s less water in fat. But if your body contains too little water (due to alcohol or coffee after sports), bioelectrical impedance analysis measures more fat. After showering, it measures more muscle. By nature, women have a body fat percentage (19 to 30 percent) that is ten percent higher than that of men (11 to 25 percent). The percentage increases with age. 13 Eat Yourself Slim! We can’t burn fat and carbohydrates at the same time. Your body will always get its energy from the carbohydrates first: from sugar, bread, potatoes, pasta, juice, readymade products. Which is why you should always remember the following: Carbohydrates slow down lipolysis A biochemical law says that as long as your body gets carbohydrates, it won’t burn fat. Every Coca-Cola, every cookie, every jelly sandwich, every glass of apple juice prevents your body from burning fat (lipolysis). Fat will burn only if there’s no sugar or starch to attract the blood sugar hormone insulin. Unfortunately, our average diet provides sugar and starch all day long – from cornflakes to Coca-Cola to bedtime candy. The blood sugar hormone insulin stops fat-reducing enzymes (lipases) – and therefore makes sure the butter stays in the fat cell. What exactly are carbohydrates? They’re sugar or starch molecules found in vegetables, fruit, honey, bread, pasta, potatoes, dumplings, cereal bars, cake, soft drinks, beer. Milk and meat also contain some carbohydrates. Potatoes are sugar as well. All carbohydrates are split into glucose by enzymes in your mouth, intestines, and liver and make their way into your blood. It’s all about insulin. If your blood sugar level rises gradually, the pancreas produces little insulin – the hormone responsible for fat storage and cravings. If your blood sugar level rises quickly, it attracts a lot of insulin into your blood. The more insulin an item of food attracts, the higher its glycemic index (GI). The higher the GI, the more weight you put on. While you’re on this diet, only eat low-glycemic food, such as vegetables, wholemeal products, sour fruit, and legumes – basically, foods that appear on your plate as close to their natural state as possible. Here’s another sentence you should remember: Without carbohydrates, you’ll get cranky and fat Without carbohydrates, your brain gets less tryptophan (protein). However, your brain needs tryptophan to produce serotonin, the messenger substance that transmits contentment and happiness. In short: if you don’t eat any carbohydrates, you’ll end up in a bad mood. Without carbohydrates, your body switches to an emergency program called ketosis in order to provide your brain with energy. The pounds will fall off – unfortunately, only for a short time. If you deprive your body of carbohydrates long-term, your metabolism slows down altogether. You lose muscle. And the moment you eat a slice of bread, it will inevitably settle on your hips. 14 Anabolic and Catabolic The Balance between Construction and Destruction It makes sense to keep the fat burning for as long as possible over the course of the day – as long as you still provide your body with everything it needs. You’ll have to find the right balance between anabolic (constructive) times and catabolic (destructive) times. Your body only knows either or. It either constructs or destructs. It either constructs fat – but also builds up muscles, your immune system, your skin, rejuvenates, regenerates – or it destructs fat, muscle, your immune system … To put it simply: it’s all linked to insulin. Insulin constructs and your body destructs – if there isn’t any. Which is why diabetes is fatal, if you don’t inject insulin. Therefore, there are phases in which your body is busy rejuvenating and constructing: muscle, the immune system, blood, bones. And there are other phases when your body is busy reducing fat. That’s actually quite easy to achieve: you’ll have to increase the insulin-free phases, your body’s natural fasting times. Practically, it means eating only three times a day. One of the meals should be carbohydrate-free, either in the morning or in the evening. You will, of course, have to eat everything your body needs in its anabolic, constructive phase – mainly protein and vital substances. Here’s a bit of science. One differentiates between two kinds of metabolic processes: the constructive, anabolic processes (glycogen or fat synthesis) and the destructive, catabolic processes (glycogenolysis, lipolysis). Catabolic and anabolic reactions don’t occur in your cells at the same time. Catabolic metabolism breaks down nutrients, providing continuous energy, detoxifying the body, and ensuring a supply of simple organic molecules needed to build up the body and provide it with energy. Catabolism is the body’s normal reaction to strain. Since your body is its own source of energy, every strain is necessarily linked to the destruction of body substance. Muscle training destroys muscles to start with, but they grow when they regenerate (anabolic). Anabolism and catabolism are closely linked: anabolism uses the energy created through catabolism to construct complex molecules, that is to say, build up muscles, the immune system, blood, as well as to make cells grow and preserve them, in other words, to help you stay young and healthy. So what reduces anabolism and therefore increases catabolism? Malnutrition, lack of growth hormones, lack of exercise (muscle wasting), too much alcohol, acute illnesses. 15 Avoid Carbohydrates in the Morning and in the Evening! A high-fat breakfast, for example scrambled eggs with bacon, keeps you slim – according to the latest study by scientists at the University of Alabama, in Birmingham. Actually, it doesn’t have to be high in fat, but it should be high in protein. If you eat chocolate-spread sandwiches and jelly on toast for breakfast, your body starts burning carbohydrates – and keeps doing that for the rest of the day – which means it won’t burn fat. If you do without the carbohydrates in the evening and only eat fish, cheese, legumes, and egg with vegetables, you create a fasting period that lasts from lunchtime to the next morning. That’s 16 hours. In those 16 hours your body can reduce a lot of fat. And during the night, it releases more growth hormones, which reduce fat and use it to build up muscle. Important: don’t leave out carbohydrates every evening, because your body gets used to it and that weakens the effect. Three or four times a week are enough – and much kinder! Simply do it in turn with breakfast. ! If you get strong cravings, experience hypoglycemia, or get nervous or irritated, have a teaspoon of acacia honey, suck on a piece of dark chocolate, or eat a wholemeal cookie. Don’t worry, it won’t stop the reduction of fat, but it will put you in a better mood! 16 Hunger Makes You Gain Weight! If your body lacks only one substance, it reduces its metabolism. That means it burns less and therefore produces less energy. We live in first gear, so to speak. Over the course of lots of diets, some women reduce their basic calorie consumption by half. They eat 1,000 kcal and put on weight rather than losing it. In this case, you have to prove to your body that it will get what it needs – and tackle your fat with a clever life style. Eat Protein with Every Meal! Your body uses protein to construct body cells, muscles, blood, skin, messenger substances, hormones, the immune system … Protein is found in fish, meat, poultry, egg, legumes, milk, dairy products, mushrooms, nuts, seeds. Vegetables and grains also contain a little protein. Recent studies show that you have to eat enough protein in order to lose weight. Protein makes you full. Protein creates muscles. If your body doesn’t get enough protein, it starts to destroy its own muscles. However, you need muscles in order to burn fat. Plus: protein attracts slimming hormones – such as the growth hormone, which removes fat from cells overnight – as well as the positive stress hormone noradrenaline, which mobilizes energy reserves from fat cells. And that brings us to another important maxim: Don’t Skimp on the “I’m-full” Fats! Fat is everything that tastes nice. Fat is a provider of energy – but also an important building substance in your body cells. Your brain consists for the most part of fat. Fat comes as vegetable fat or animal fat, in the shape of olive oil, walnut oil, cream, butter, cold cuts, and bacon. That’s good news, don’t you think? Especially considering that without fat, we wouldn’t like the taste of anything. Which fats make you fat? Vegetable fats don’t – unless they come out of the deep fryer or from a ready-made product. If the label says “hydrogenated fats,” don’t buy the product. It contains trans fatty acids, which are bad for your heart and tip your hormone balance toward gaining weight. Animal fats only make you fat if you eat too much of them – or if they’ve been industrially modified. The same goes for meat: meat from factory farming will make you put on weight. Remember: so-called “light” products make you fat. This is why milk and yoghurt with a natural fat content are better for you, as long as they’re organic, because then they contain omega-3 fatty acids. 17 Eat “I’m-full” fats! Fats from plants, nuts, and fish control what and how much we eat and influence other players involved in building up and reducing fat on your belly and bottom. How do they do that? By lowering the insulin level. They attract good eicosanoids (tissue hormones, which make you feel healthy), regulate the appetite hormone leptin, and stimulate hormones and enzymes that stimulate the fat metabolism. They also increase thermogenesis and make sure that calories are released as warmth through the skin. If you skimp on these fats, you’ll put on weight. The “I’m-full” fat called omega-3 (alpha-linolenic acid) is contained in leafy green vegetables and some vegetable oils (e.g. linseed, rapeseed, and walnut oil). You’ll find eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid mainly in fish and fish oil. Fat fish like mackerel, herring, or salmon are particularly rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Whether there are omega-3s in meat, poultry, and milk depends on what the animals eat and the way they’re kept. Only organic farming provides omega-3. That’s right. Omega-3 fatty acids from fat fish, venison, organic cheese, and linseed oil make you agile and happy, keep all your cells young, and prevent inflammations, which are also held responsible for obesity. Avoid fats that make you hungry! Omega-6 fatty acids are broken down in the body to hunger substances. And because supermarket food that is rich in omega-6 is considerably cheaper than omega-3-rich food, the vicious circle continues. We all have enough omega-6. Omega-6s (linoleic acid, gamma-linolenic acid, dihomogamma-linolenic acid, arachidonic acid) are found in cereals and their respective oils – such as wheat-germ oil or soybean oil – in red meats and margarine. Drink Yourself Slim! Every glass of water has 20 negative calories. So two liters a day add up to ten kilos less fat a year. Pure fat! And that’s without any effort at all, just by drinking water. Ideally, spice it up as Marionade – with lemon and a mint leaf. And then cut out the soft drinks. The average American drinks 300 liters of soft drinks a year. Do you know how much sugar that is? 30 kilos of sugar = 123,000 kcal = theoretically 17.6 kilos of fat. Just one soft drink a day dramatically increases the risk of diabetes. 18 Marionade ... 19 I Lose Weight … 20 … by putting two spoonsful of linseed oil into my fat-burner drink in the mornings. I also eat 30 grams of nuts and seeds every day (walnuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds – natural, not roasted or salted). I don’t skimp on olive oil, which added to your salad suppresses your appetite before a meal. Three times a week I eat fat sea fish, such as salmon, herring, or mackerel. If for some reason I can’t do that, I take omega-3 pills, ideally combined with CLA (conjugated linoleic acid). Of course, I always make sure to have enough of the CLA fatty acid, which helps to build up muscle and reduce fat. My milk, yoghurt, and ham come from an organic farm, so I get the natural fat content – that tastes better and the Omega-3 and CLA fats keep you slim. I also love chili oil! You’ll find more slim foods on page 63. 21 Enjoy Your Meal! 22 Hungry? No time? No problem! Peel an egg or simply open up a pack of smoked salmon. Maybe have some cottage cheese with herbs or some mozzarella with tomatoes. Or prepare one of the snacks on page 35. They have lots of protein and will keep you going until you find time to do some proper cooking. Anything nature provides won’t settle on your hips … If you have a bit more time, just a few minutes, prepare some tuna with avocado salsa, spicy burgers with a yoghurt sauce, some Thai curry, or an omelet with mushroom ragout … You’ll find a shopping list on page 33. 23 Lots of Fat-burner Breakfasts If you did without the side dishes in the evening, you’re allowed to eat carbohydrates in the morning. Depending on how hungry you are, combine the no-carb-recipes with fish or egg with one or two slices of wholemeal rye bread very thinly spread with butter. Or enjoy a fat-burner drink or some fruit salad. Fat-burner Drink For an ideal start to the day, take a few magic ingredients provided by nature and your blender will provide basic life insurance for every body cell: vital substances galore. This drink is almost no-carb: it contains few carbohydrates and its ingredients stimulate the fat metabolism. If you like, you can add two tablespoons of protein powder. Put 100 grams of deep-frozen berries into the blender and let them thaw slightly. Squeeze half a pink grapefruit and pour the juice over the berries. Put the lid on and chop. Add 100 ml of buttermilk, kefir, or soy milk. Add two teaspoons of linseed oil, one teaspoon of acacia honey, and a pinch of cinnamon and blend again. Pour into a large glass and garnish with a mint leaf. Fruit Salad with Yoghurt Peel a small grapefruit, separate the segments, and cut into small pieces. Put into a bowl and carefully mix in 100 grams of mixed, deep-frozen berries. Stir together 150 grams of natural yoghurt and one teaspoon of acacia honey and pour over the fruit. Sprinkle with one tablespoon of almond splinters. For variation: delicious, colorful, and healthy – you really can’t eat enough fruit salad. For the sake of variety, choose other fruits with a low glycemic index, such as apples, peaches, or blackcurrants. Or try peaches, plums, and raspberries. Instead of yoghurt, you can also have soured milk, cottage cheese, buttermilk, or kefir as a topping. Scrambled Eggs with Ham and Tomato Finely dice one shallot and braise in two teaspoons of oil until glassy. Wash and dice a tomato and add to the shallot. Slice and add 50 grams of raw organic ham. Whisk two eggs and add salt and pepper. Pour over the ham and stir until it thickens. Garnish with basil. Smoked Trout with Chervil Yoghurt Peel 150 grams of cucumber, slice thinly, and salt. Arrange with two smoked trout filets (50 grams each). Stir one tablespoon of lemon juice and some salt and pepper into 100 grams of natural yoghurt. Wash a bunch of chervil or dill, shake dry, chop finely, and mix into the yoghurt. Pour over the cucumber and grind some pepper over it. 24 Your fat-burner cocktail should be made with goodquality linseed oil. If it’s good quality it won’t taste bitter! You can prepare it very quickly with mixed berries from the deep freeze. A big pinch of cinnamon lowers your insulin level. Yoghurt, buttermilk, or soy milk provide precious protein. If one teaspoon of acacia honey is not enough for you, just add another – acacia honey has a low glycemic index. Eggs in a Glass with Seaweed Caviar from the South of France Soft-boil two organic eggs for four to five minutes. In the meantime, prepare the seaweed caviar. Put 50 grams of dried nori flakes (from an Asian or organic food store), three halved shallots, the juice of an organic lemon, three tablespoons of cider vinegar, and 0.2 liters of rapeseed oil in your blender. Blend for about two minutes until creamy. Put into a screwtop jar and keep in the fridge. Quench the eggs with cold water, peel and put into a glass. Enjoy with a tablespoon of seaweed caviar. Good to know: I got the recipe from my friend Jutta, who got it from an organic restaurant in the south of France. Seaweed is rich in protein, dietary fibers, vitamins, and minerals that stimulate your metabolism (B, Iodine) – and they’re no-carb to boot! 25 All-you-can-eat Recipes for Midday and Evenings – All of Them No-carb … These are recipes you can prepare at lunchtimes or in the evenings. You may eat as much as you want of them! If the quantities don’t suffice, simply prepare more. With one exception: do not increase the fruit portion! To turn these recipes into a meal containing carbohydrates, you’re allowed to combine them with the following – but please stick to the quantities given: three tablespoons of brown rice (40 grams, uncooked) or one or two slices of wholemeal rye bread (60 grams) or 50 grams of pasta al dente, two small boiled potatoes (80 grams) or three tablespoons of couscous (30 grams, uncooked). Lots of Slimming Soups Always have a supply of soup in your deep freeze! Just precook, freeze, then thaw out when there’s no time to do any cooking. Or take it to the office in a thermos flask. You’re always allowed to eat it: as a starter, on the road when you get the munchies, or as a main course if you haven’t stuck to the diet. Soups delight your palate, warm your soul, and satisfy your belly without making you fat. Soups are like medicine. Depending on their ingredients, they can make you alert, healthy, strong, intelligent, and potent. Just take a big cooking pot, put in some simple, goodquality ingredients, prepare some soup – and enjoy. My tip: make it spicy! Chili stimulates your metabolism just as much as exercising does. Fat-burner Soup Makes four portions Wash 300 grams of white cabbage, separate into segments, remove stalk, and cut into strips. Peel 150 grams of carrots, clean three sticks of celery, and slice into thin strips. Clean two spring onions and cut into fine rings. Wash, halve, and dice a small green bell pepper. Use a big pot to boil 0.75 liters of water with 2 to 3 teaspoons of glutamate-free vegetable stock (instant powder). Add the vegetables and a small tin of tomatoes (240 grams drained) including the juice. Season with 3 small chili peppers, pepper, and 2 bay leaves. Simmer with the lid closed at a low heat for 20 minutes. Stir in one tablespoon of cold-pressed olive oil. Don’t let the soup come to the boil again. Use nutmeg and pepper to season. Finally, wash and chop a bunch of mixed herbs (such as basil, chives, dill, and parsley) and stir into the soup. 26 Super-fast Minestrone Chop an onion and sauté in one tablespoon of olive oil until glassy. Add 400 grams of deep-frozen vegetable mix, pour 600 ml vegetable stock over it, and bring to the boil. Season with salt, pepper, and 50 grams of mixed herbs. Add 100 grams of prawns and leave to simmer with the lid closed for 10 minutes at medium heat. Lemon Calamari Soup Boil 200 ml of fish stock with the juice of half a lemon. Add 150 grams of deep-frozen vegetable mix and 150 grams of calamari or mixed seafood and simmer for 5 minutes. Season with salt and pepper and add three slices of lemon. Chop 4 sprigs of dill and sprinkle over the soup. Quick and Easy Main Courses GLYX Salad with GLYX Dressing Eat a bowl of salad before each main meal. That fills up your stomach and provides vital substances, while the olive oil in the dressing attracts hormones that curb your appetite. For one portion: slice a tomato, a red bell pepper, and a small carrot. Chop a spring onion. Mix with 100 grams of seasonal lettuce (e.g. rocket, romaine lettuce, curled lettuce, or lamb’s lettuce). For the salad dressing, whisk together two teaspoons of white wine vinegar with salt, pepper, and half a teaspoon of mustard. Then stir in four teaspoons of olive oil and one teaspoon of linseed oil. 27 My tip: prepare five times the above amount and keep it in the fridge. You can turn your GLYX salad into a main course by adding a tin of tuna, or two eggs, or a mozzarella ball, or 200 grams of chicken breast, or 150 grams of tofu. Carb side dish: one or two slices of wholemeal rye bread (60 grams). Vegetable Stir-fry Wash an eggplant and cut into thin slices. Remove the seeds from a small yellow bell pepper and cut into strips. Wash and slice a big tomato and a zucchini. Heat up 1 tablespoon of olive oil in a pan and add a finely cut onion and a chopped clove of garlic. Add the vegetables and stew for about 3 minutes. Season with salt, pepper, and thyme. Add 4 to 5 tablespoons of vegetable stock (instant powder) and simmer with the lid closed for 5 minutes at low heat. Slice a mozzarella ball (125 grams), put on top of the vegetables, and let it melt for 5 minutes. Carb side dish: 40 grams of brown rice, 50 grams of pasta al dente, or 2 small boiled potatoes (80 grams) Lemon Soup with Chicken Boil 200 grams of unsweetened coconut milk (tinned) with 500 ml glutamate-free vegetable stock (instant powder). Add a stick of lemon grass (chopped), a piece of ginger (peeled and sliced), a small red chili pepper, and 1 to 2 teaspoons of red curry paste (from the Asia section of your supermarket) and boil for 5 minutes at medium heat. Dice an eggplant. Add to the coconut stock and simmer for 15 minutes at low heat. Add 3 cleaned and finely sliced spring onions along with 300 grams of chicken breast filet cut into strips. Simmer for 10 minutes until done. Season the soup to your taste with 1 to 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and garnish with chopped cilantro. Carb side dish: 40 grams of brown rice or 30 grams of couscous Salmon on Tomato-and-Mushroom Stir-fry Season 150 grams of salmon filet with pepper, salt and lemon juice on both sides. Dice 3 tomatoes, finely slice an onion and chop a clove of garlic. Heat up 1 teaspoon of olive oil, add the onion, garlic and pepper and steam for 2 to 3 minutes. Pour in 75 ml of vegetable stock and season with salt, pepper and thyme. Put the salmon filets on the vegetables and simmer for 8 to 10 minutes. Clean and finely slice 100 grams of champignons, fry in 1 teaspoon of olive oil, salt and pepper. Garnish the fish and vegetables with basil leaves. Carb side dish: 40 grams of brown rice or 50 grams of pasta. Omelet with Mushroom Ragout Clean and slice 75 grams of oyster mushrooms and 75 grams of button mushrooms. Clean and dice a tomato. Heat up 2 teaspoons of olive oil in a coated pan and steam a 28 finely diced shallot in the oil. Add mushrooms and tomato and steam for 3 minutes until the liquid has evaporated. Stir in 1 tablespoon of yoghurt and 1 teaspoon of chopped parsley. Add salt and pepper. Whisk up 2 eggs with 2 tablespoons of milk and some salt. Heat up 1 teaspoon of olive oil in a pan, pour in the egg-milk mixture, and let it set for 3 minutes at medium heat. Enjoy your omelet with its mushroom filling. Carb side dish: 1 or 2 slices of wholemeal rye bread (60 grams) Spicy Burgers with Yoghurt Sauce Peel and finely dice 2 shallots. Clean 2 small red chili peppers, remove seeds, and dice very finely. Mix shallots and peppers with 200 grams of lean ground beef, 2 egg yolks, salt, and pepper. Form small balls and press flat. Heat up 1 tablespoon of oil in a pan and fry the burgers for 7 to 8 minutes until they’re brown on all sides. In the meantime, stir 2 teaspoons of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of olive oil into 150 grams of natural yoghurt. Peel 1 small clove of garlic and crush over the yoghurt. Season with cumin, salt, and pepper. Clean, shake dry, pick off, and chop 1 sprig of mint and 3 sprigs of parsley and stir into the yoghurt sauce. Serve with the beef burgers. Side dish: tomato and cucumber slices. Carb side dish: 40 grams of brown rice or 30 grams of couscous My tip: the yoghurt sauce also tastes nice when warm – but only heat up gently, don’t let it boil, otherwise the white beauty will curdle. Tuna with Avocado Salsa Grate the peel of a small organic lemon and mix with 1 crushed clove of garlic, 1 tablespoon of olive oil, some ground cumin, salt, and pepper. Spread the marinade on a tuna steak. Dice the flesh of half an avocado and sprinkle with 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. Clean a tomato, dice, and mix with half a finely chopped red onion and the avocado flesh. Season with salt and pepper. Chop 2 sprigs of parsley and spread over the salsa. Fry the fish in a coated pan until done, sprinkle with lemon juice, and arrange with the avocado salsa. Carb side dish: 40 grams of brown rice or 2 small boiled potatoes (80 grams) If You Have a Craving for Something Sweet … it will often be stronger than your willpower. If you can’t take your mind off it, you’ll just have to give in to it – with a tub of yoghurt, 2 teaspoons of acacia honey, and 150 grams of slightly defrosted berries. Use your blender to turn it into the world’s healthiest ice cream. Or make some frothy milk by whisking up 0.2 liters of milk with 1 teaspoon of cocoa powder and a pinch of cinnamon. 29 30 Thai Curry with Chicken Slightly defrost 200 grams of deep-frozen mixed vegetables. Mix 75 ml of unsweetened coconut milk (tinned), 2 to 3 teaspoons of water, and 1 to 2 teaspoons of green curry paste (from the Asia section of your supermarket) in a pan and bring to the boil. Add the vegetables and simmer for 5 minutes at medium heat. Add 150 grams of diced chicken breast filet, 2 finely sliced spring onions, and 1 chopped red chili pepper. Simmer for another 5 minutes at a gentle heat. Add soy sauce, salt, and pepper to taste. Season with basil leaves. Vegetarian variety: use fish or tofu instead of chicken breast. Carb side dish: 40 grams of brown rice, 50 grams of pasta, or 30 grams of couscous Romaine Salad with Mozzarella Take apart 1 small romaine lettuce. Slice 1 ball (125 grams) of mozzarella and arrange with the lettuce. Mix 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, half a teaspoon of honey, salt, pepper, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, and 1 teaspoon of thyme and sprinkle over the salad. Serve with 1 tablespoon of seaweed caviar (recipe on page 25). Carb side dish: 1 or 2 slices of wholemeal rye bread (60 grams) Turkey Breast with Green Beans Boil 150 grams of deep-frozen green beans in salted water until they’re al dente. Pour off the water and leave to drain. Finely slice 100 grams of turkey breast. Heat up 1 tablespoon of olive oil in a pan, fry the meat in it for 2 minutes, season with salt and pepper. Add the beans and simmer for 3 minutes with the meat. Mix up 100 grams of natural yoghurt, 4 tablespoons of vegetable stock, 1 teaspoon of Hungarian sweet paprika powder, salt and pepper, and stir into the vegetables. Wash and halve 100 grams of cherry tomatoes and mix in. Carb side dish: 40 grams of brown rice or 50 grams of pasta Colorful Egg Salad Hard-boil several eggs. Divide 2 eggs into eighths for the salad and keep the remaining eggs in the fridge. Cut 4 small radishes into slices, dice 1 small cucumber, and slice 1 spring onion. Mix and dress with a vinaigrette dressing made of 1 tablespoon of vinegar, salt, pepper, half a teaspoon of salt, and 1 tablespoon of rapeseed oil. Garnish with cress and 1 tablespoon of seaweed caviar (see page 25). Carb side dish: 1 or 2 slices of wholemeal rye bread (60 grams) or 2 small boiled potatoes (80 grams) All-you-can-eat Sausage Salad Cut a shallot into thin half-rings. Wash and quarter 1 mini cucumber and cut the quarters into small slices. Wash and quarter 4 plum tomatoes. Slice 150 grams of turkey ham. Mix all ingredients in a bowl. Stir together 2 tablespoons of rapeseed oil, 1 tablespoon of vinegar, and half a teaspoon of Hungarian sweet paprika powder, add salt and pepper. Use mixture to marinate the salad. Carb side dish: 1 or 2 slices of wholemeal rye bread (60 grams) 31 Roast Beef with Avocado Cream Cut 1 ripe avocado in two, remove the stone, mash one half with 2 teaspoons of lemon juice. Mix in 2 tablespoons of sour cream, 2 teaspoons of grated horseradish, 2 tablespoons of vinegar, and add salt and pepper. Dice the second half of avocado and 2 tomatoes and fold in. Arrange avocado cream with 100 grams of cold-cut roast beef and grind some pepper over it. Carb side dish: 1 or 2 slices of wholemeal rye bread (60 grams) or 2 small boiled potatoes (80 grams) Marinated Turkey Breast Arrange 120 grams of cold-cut turkey breast and 2 handfuls of rocket. Mix 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, 2 tablespoons of stock, salt, pepper, and 2 tablespoons of olive oil and sprinkle over the meat and lettuce. Quarter and dice 2 tomatoes and add on top. Garnish with 30 grams of pine nuts. Carb side dish: 1 or 2 slices of wholemeal rye bread (60 grams) Feta Cheese in Foil Slice 1 tomato, 1 zucchini, and 1 pepper, cut half a small red onion into rings and arrange everything on aluminum foil. Put 150 grams of feta cheese on top. Mix 2 teaspoons of olive oil, a crushed clove of garlic, salt, pepper, and half a teaspoon of oregano and sprinkle over the cheese. Close foil. Bake in the oven at 220 °C (middle tray, convection oven 200 °C) for 15 minutes. Carb side dish: 40 grams of brown rice or 50 grams of pasta Fish and Spinach Curry Boil 100 grams of unsweetened coconut milk (tinned) with 1 teaspoon of red curry paste. Season with 2 teaspoons of fish sauce. Add 50 grams of peeled raw shrimps, 100 grams of halibut filet (chopped), and 100 grams of defrosted deep-frozen leaf spinach. Simmer for 5 minutes. Sprinkle generously with coriander. Vegetarian variety: use tofu instead of shrimps and fish. Carb side dish: 40 grams of brown rice or 30 grams of couscous Grilled Tofu Skewers Cut 125 grams of tofu into 8 cubes (2 x 2 cm), marinate for 10 minutes in 1 tablespoon of olive oil, 1 crushed clove of garlic, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, salt, pepper, and half a teaspoon of chopped thyme. Arrange on the skewers together with 4 cherry tomatoes and 4 small button mushrooms, and baste with the remaining marinade. Grill for 3 minutes on each side. Carb side dish: 1 or 2 slices of wholemeal rye bread (60 grams) or 2 small boiled potatoes (80 grams) Herring Salad Mix six tablespoons of yoghurt, one teaspoon of mustard, salt, pepper and three teaspoons of vinegar. Dice 150 grams of herring filets and one small apple. Finely dice two cocktail gherkins and a small red onion. Mix into the dressing. Carb side dish: one or two slices of wholemeal rye bread (60 grams) or two small boiled potatoes (80 grams) 32 Shopping List: PRINT OUT, CHECK, AND TAKE WITH YOU From the Greengrocery From the Organic Bakery Vegetables and wholemeal rye bread Mushrooms avocado From the Supermarket cucumbers Milk and Dairy Produce bell peppers, red and yellow milk pointed peppers natural yoghurt buttermilk kohlrabi eggplant kefir tomatoes curd zucchini sour cream carrots cream cheese cottage cheese celery small radishes mozzarella leek feta cheese white cabbage eggs potatoes chili peppers, red ginger Meat, Poultry, Cold Cuts garlic ground beef spring onions Parma ham shallots turkey breast cold-cut roast beef red onions champignons button mushrooms Lettuce and Herbs leaf lettuce, such as rocket, romaine lettuce, curled chicken breast filet Fish from the Cooling Shelf trout filets smoked salmon herring filet lettuce, or lamb’s lettuce Cans, Cereals herbs, such as chives, soy drink, unsweetened parsley, cress, basil, dill, cocktail gherkins mint, chervil, thyme, oregano olives, black or green peeled tomatoes Fruit tuna in brine grapefruit fish fond apples vegetable stock, glutamate-free couscous pears fresh berries organic lemons pasta, from durum wheat brown Basmati rice From the Deepfreeze leaf spinach green beans mixed vegetables fruit mix fish, such as tuna steaks, halibut shrimps, peeled Oils and Vinegar olive oil rapeseed oil linseed oil white wine vinegar cider vinegar Nuts and Spices pine nuts almond splinters mustard, medium-strength horseradish bay leaves Hungarian sweet paprika nutmeg and curry cumin sea salt and pepper cinnamon Sweeteners dark chocolate brown cane sugar acacia honey From the Asia Shop tofu nori seaweed flakes unsweetened coconut milk soy sauce and fish sauce currypaste, red lemon grass cilantro 33 34 Healthy Snacks for In-between If you get hit by hunger attacks in the afternoons, it’s OK to cater to your body’s needs. The following snacks stimulate your fat metabolism: ☀ Take 2 sliced tomatoes and 100 grams of cottage cheese and sprinkle with 1 teaspoon of linseed oil. ☀ 1 Cut a mini cucumber into sticks and dip into 100 grams of yoghurt with half a teaspoon of curry and salt. ☀ Cut a small red bell pepper into strips and dip into 2 tablespoons of cream cheese mixed with a tablespoon of deep-frozen herbs. ☀ Skewer 80 grams of feta cubes, 4 olives, and 4 cherry tomatoes onto wooden sticks. ☀ Have 6 small radishes and 100 grams of curd mixed with 1 tablespoon of milk, salt, pepper, and cress. ☀ Grate a kohlrabi, add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, and mix with 2 tablespoons of yoghurt, salt, and pepper. ☀ Mix 2 chopped tomatoes with 200 ml of buttermilk, season with salt and pepper. ☀ Purée 100 grams of cucumber with 200 ml of kefir, 1 tablespoon of chopped dill, salt, and pepper. ☀ Have 60 grams of tinned tuna with 1 tablespoon of chopped parsley, salt, and pepper. ☀ Slice 80 grams of tofu and a tomato, season with 2 teaspoons of soy sauce and 2 teaspoons of oil. ☀ Prepare 250 ml of hot vegetable stock and stir in a whisked egg. ☀ Cut a hard-boiled egg into two halves, add 2 teaspoons of seaweed caviar (see page 25) and some cress. 35 Three Kilos à la Marion What Did I Have for Breakfast During the Last Ten Days? I’ve mixed my fat-burner drink five times, had eggs in a glass twice, scrambled eggs with bacon once, and fish twice. I know: not everybody likes fish for breakfast, but I do. What Did I Have in Stock? I made a big pot of fat-burner soup in advance and put individual portions into the deep freeze. One portion was always waiting in the fridge, in case I got hungry but didn’t have time to cook. My fridge also always has ready portions of quark, cottage cheese, mozzarella, boiled eggs, fried organic chicken breast, and cold-cut turkey. I simply roll the cold meat around some vegetables – whatever organic produce I’ve purchased from an organic farm. This week: tomatoes, celery, kohlrabi, and peppers. My deep freeze is always well stocked with fish, chicken thighs, vegetable mix (unseasoned), and of course berries. What Did I Eat at Lunchtime? A ball of mozzarella with tomatoes is super quick. So is smoked trout. With salad of course, so that I get my vegetables. At lunchtime I also have a slice of wholemeal rye bread. I had feta in aluminum foil once. Fantastic! I took roast beef with avocado cream with me to the photo shoot. Great! And for Sunday, I prepared the herring salad because my husband, Wolf, really loves that. I had the vegetable-tofu stir-fry, once. Another time, I had the fatburner soup, with shrimps as added protein. Once, I treated myself to a huge helping of ice cream instead of lunch: I mixed slightly defrosted deep-frozen berries with yoghurt and acacia honey in the blender. Apart from all of that, I ate soup. I love soup. 36 What Did I Eat in the Evening? I enjoy eating in the evenings the most. That’s when my body tells me whether I need carbohydrates or not. Four evenings were carbohydrate-free, so I just had one of the recipes starting on page 27 – without a side dish. One evening, I prepared the ground beef and zucchini dish. Yummy! I also had turkey breast with green beans once, the wonderful vegetable curry once, and the fish stir-fry once. On one occasion, I had a mountain of pasta with olive oil, garlic, chili, and strips of smoked salmon. I always had salad as an appetizer. Twice, I went for dinner and ordered a big salad with fish or grilled meat. When Did I Eat Fruit? I ate only citrus fruits, sour apples, and berries – and no more than two portions a day. In the mornings, I had fruit in my fat-burner drink: half a grapefruit before a meal, or an apple or berry dessert. Don’t eat any fruit during your carbohydrate-free evenings. In the mornings, your glycemic index is so low that the fat-burner drink doesn’t stop the burning of fat. What Did I Eat In-between? Most times nothing at all. I’m happy with three meals. But every now and then, whenever I have a little craving, for example, I’ll have two eggs, half a ball of mozzarella, three slices of air-dried meat, and a glass of frothy milk with cocoa and cinnamon. Did I Take Any Food Supplements? Yes. I always do that anyway. I take protein powder, omega-3/CLA capsules, berry extract juice, and liquid bitters, as well as an individual combination of vitamins and minerals. And Were There Any Lapses? Sure. On Friday night, when I went to the cinema. The film was so exciting, I finished Wolf’s huge tub of salty popcorn almost by myself. The next morning, I simply cut out the carbohydrates and had only two eggs in a glass – with freshly picked herbs, of course. 37 Muscle Power 38 Fat Gets Burned in Muscle The secret of real success is exercise. Without exercise, nothing will happen. You have to burn your fat. In your muscles. If you go on a diet and don’t use them, you’ll lose them. Your muscles will burn fat as long as you don’t overstrain yourself. In other words, jog slowly or train on the trampoline. That way, you burn 600 kcal. Exercising your muscles burns another 70 kcal in ten minutes (at 60 kg body weight). With every gram of new muscle, you gain another little fat-burning oven. And what’s even better: every minute of exercise stimulates the fat-burning process for the rest of the day. Talking about carbohydrates: by jogging slowly, you burn about 60 grams of carbohydrates an hour. So if you eat a croissant and don’t want it to stop your body from burning fat, you can burn off that croissant with an hour’s jogging. Ideally, of course, you’ll combine endurance and strength training. A trampoline is a good way to do both at once! Treat your muscles to: > 30 minutes of endurance training a day > three clever, whole-body exercises for more muscular strength > a little stretching program 39 Start Your Lightweight Life! People keep asking me whether it’s possible to lose weight without exercising. Of course it is. But it’s no fun. And your muscles waste away. There’s really nothing nicer than exercising – and every minute of it makes your life lighter. Jogging on an Empty Stomach According to researchers at the University of Birmingham, your body burns more fat if its carbohydrate store is empty – which it is in the morning after a night without food. In the morning, your glycogen stores, your body’s energy tanks, are pretty empty, especially if you had a low-GI or no-carb meal the night before. This is when I go jogging or get on the trampoline – with nothing in my stomach apart from a cup of coffee and a glass of water. I exercise for 30 minutes – and because there are no carbohydrates available, my muscles burn fat. As for those annoying three kilos on my hips, I can feel myself getting lighter, step by step. You can’t do it on an empty stomach? If you urgently need something to eat before activating your muscles, then you’re allowed to eat an egg or a few spoonsful of quark – 40 without sugar. That’s protein for your muscles. You can also drink a protein shake (without carbohydrates). And take some dried fruit with you for emergencies. Takeoff toward Fitness People who know me will tell you that my favorite sports equipment is my trampoline. Twenty minutes of trampolining has the same effect as 30 minutes of jogging. It trains your endurance and your muscles at the same time – every muscle, from head to toe. And everybody can do it, whether they’re two or 99 years old. If you have one at home, there’s no excuse for excuses – and it’s soooo much fun! Fat melts away, lymphatic fluid flows, and muscles grow. Your connective tissues tighten and your whole body gets detoxified. You train your balance and coordination, and become more self-confident and less susceptible to stress. It makes you creative, fit, and happy. You can get the right trampoline for every weight – yes, gentlemen, there’s one out there for you too. A trampoline is no more expensive than a pair of really good jogging shoes and it will remain a loyal training partner for years. On a trampoline, you can power walk, jog, or jump without straining your joints – even if you are quite weighty. If you don’t like showing yourself in public, if there are no green areas in your vicinity, or if it’s difficult for you to leave the house to go jogging because of your children – the solution is always the same: get a mini trampoline. You can use it even in a small apartment, it’s light, and it doesn’t take up much room (mat diameter: 87 to 120 cm). If you take off or fold in its legs, it can disappear behind a wardrobe or underneath the sofa (see page 64 for supplier). My tip: exercising on the trampoline trains not only your endurance but also your muscles – bouncing up and down and overcoming gravitation exercises your muscles. That’s quite enough for beginners. If you’re more advanced, you can intensify your workout with an exercise band. How Fast Should I … go for a stroll, power walk, or jog? That depends on your stamina. If you never do any sports, a 30-minute walk on an empty stomach will be enough to burn your fat. 41 Why Do You Also Need Strength Training to Lose Weight? The basal metabolic rate – the calories you burn at rest – increases with every gram of muscle you build up. That’s because muscles need energy, they need fat, even when you’re sitting on the sofa. What makes muscles grow long-term? Short, intensive strength training. Three times a week for half an hour is enough if your training uses all your muscles. Alternatively, you can do some timesaving vibration exercises on a Galileo training device. Or you can exercise for a few minutes every day with the three clever exercises recommended by sports scientist Holle Bartosch, page 45. They’re a very good way to start, easy to integrate into your daily schedule, and will provide a boost of testosterone to wake you up and stimulate the burning of fat. Just try it. Does Sport Make You Hungry? No, it doesn’t. On the contrary: a small portion of protein before exercising will increase the messenger substances that curb your appetite. Have some quark, tofu, yoghurt, cottage cheese, turkey steak – or a protein shake. That way, you’ll also provide your muscles with the substance they need to grow. The Afterburn Effect When you do strength training, your body burns mainly sugar. So how do you get at those little rolls of fat? First of all, calorie consumption in your anaerobic metabolism is very high. Strength training empties your sugar store and uses up your sugar supplies, which are replenished with energy – with calories. Moreover, every time you repeat an exercise, you create a negative energy balance – which is the basis for losing weight. Most importantly, strength training increases the basal metabolic rate, the amount of energy you need when you’re at rest, for breathing, for your heartbeat, and to keep your body temperature constant. All of this is called the afterburn effect. Strength training destroys muscle tissue, which needs to be repaired, and that takes energy. Exercising increases your adrenaline levels. Adrenaline stimulates the fat metabolism. The empty sugar stores in your liver and muscles need to be replenished. Regenerative processes run at full speed. Furthermore, regeneration occurs in the fat metabolism. Strength training in itself doesn’t burn up much fat, if any at all, but the intensive, regenerative processes set in motion by strength training require a lot of fat and protein. Therefore, you really should eat protein, either after training or just before. You’ll find > a short endurance program on page 44. > three clever muscle exercises on page 45. > the most important head-to-toe stretching exercises on page 46. 42 Put Your Sneakers On – and Burn Off 14 Kilos of Fat per Year! Well, I’ve just spent the past ten days wearing sneakers – from morning to night. I’ve moved a great deal more. Every so often, I also broke into a trot. Why? Because I managed to get myself going again. Somehow, over the last year, it wasn’t just fat that crept up on me, but also inertia. Ten days of wearing sneakers put me in the right frame of mind for more movement in-between. Slim people do have a simple secret: plenty of movement in their day-to-day life. James Levine and his colleagues at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester proved in a study that slim people move about 150 minutes more a day than stouter people. No, no, no, they don’t spend those 150 minutes jogging through the forest or pushing weights in the gym. They spend that time walking instead of getting into the car, or climbing stairs instead of taking the elevator. You should do that as well. You can even burn calories by tapping your toes to the beat of “We Will Rock You” by Guns ’n’ Roses. At the end of the day, it’s really the small movements that add up to an additional 350 kilocalories. That equals 39 grams of fat a day – totaling 14 kilograms of fat a year. Use every opportunity that presents itself. If you can’t think of anything better, do the dishes by hand. Personally, I prefer walking round the block with my dogs, Fido and Sammy. 43 Your Endurance Program You need half an hour – and an endurance sport you enjoy. Jogging is ideal for slightly overweight people who are fit, Nordic walking is ideal for overweight beginners, and trampolining is ideal for everybody. You’ll need proper equipment, most importantly a heart rate monitor. Also jogging or Nordic walking shoes, Nordic walking poles (ideally made from carbon), or a good mini trampoline. The latter is ideal for burning fat effectively at home – just bob up and down, run, hop, or jump on it. They’re available upward of 189 euros ( No matter what form of training you go for – power walking, jogging, cycling, Nordic walking, or trampolining – don’t forget your heart rate monitor. Yes, 30 minutes! You’re allowed to do more if you want. The Feel-good Heart Rate Formula Only constant and uniform movement at the right heart rate, using as many muscles as possible, really gets your fat burning and strengthens your cardiovascular and immune system. To find out how to exercise at the right heart rate just calculate your heart rate for the day. Calculate your maximum heart rate: HRmax = 220 – age for men HRmax = 226 – age for women Heart rate for the day: • Low: HRmax x (0.55 to 0.65) =___-___ • Medium: HRmax x (0.65 to 0.75) =____-____ • High: HRmax x (0.75 to 0.85) =____-____ Beginners work toward the lower limits of the heart rate and only aim to reach third gear, the high heart rate, from day five. Fit people can aim to reach the upper heart rate. Please note: these figures are meant only as a rough point of reference. Pay attention to how you feel. If you run out of breath, switch back into a lower gear. Muscle Training If you’d like to achieve 100 percent – 100 percent fat burning, 100 percent vitality, 100 percent health, 100 percent good mood – you should train your muscles in addition to your endurance. Cleverly. Some exercises make big groups of muscles work at the same time – which means big success in a short time. The three magic exercises on the next page (taken from a fitness book by Dr. Ulrich Strunz and published by Heyne-Verlag) can easily be integrated into your day-to-day life – without any sports equipment. Do two or three sets, each for two to three minutes at a time. The last repetition should be quite tough on you. 44 Clever Knee Bends This exercise strengthens all your muscles: Stand with your feet slightly apart. Slowly lower your bottom, bend your upper body slightly forward, and pull in your belly button. Keep your knees behind the tips of your toes. Lift your arms above your head so that they follow the line of your back, with your palms facing each other. Pull your shoulders down and hold for one minute. Variation: press your palms together to also strengthen your chest, shoulders, and back. Pressing against the Wall This exercise strengthens your thighs, legs, and calves: Lean your back against the wall and slide your bottom down until your thighs form a parallel line to the ground. Your lower legs form a 90 degree angle at the knees, your arms and palms are pressed flat against the wall. Hold for one minute. Variation 1: breathe in, lift one heel off the floor, hold, and put down again. Variation 2: breathe in, lift one leg up, breath out as you put your leg down again. Change legs. Pressing against the Table This exercise strengthens your back, shoulders, arms, stomach, and hips: Sit down on the edge of a chair, bend your upper body slightly forward from the hips, pull your shoulders back and pull in your belly button. Press your palms against the underside of the table. Hold for one minute. Variation 1: lift your heels and one foot off the floor. Hold, then change feet. Variation 2: lift your left foot and stretch your right arm above your head so that it follows the line of your back. 45 Your Stretching Program A muscle gets shorter as it grows. Stretching against it is good. In fact, stretching is extreme relaxation for muscle and soul. But be sure to adopt the stretching position gradually, so the muscle can relax slowly – don’t bounce into the stretch. Hold the stretching position for 15 to 20 seconds and breathe toward the area of your body that’s being stretched. Here are five quick stretches from your calves to your neck. Your Calves Find yourself a step and stand on it with both feet. Push one foot backward until your heel is in the air. Slowly stretch out your back leg and lower your heel. 46 Inside and Back of Your Thighs Stand with your legs wide apart and your knees straight. Bend forward, keeping your back straight. You can also do this exercise with your legs closed. Front of Your Thighs Stand up straight with your knees relaxed. Pull one foot toward your bottom and push your hips forward. Hold, then do the same with the other foot. Your Neck and Back Drop your shoulders and head forward, with your chin Outside of Your Leg, Side of Your Torso pointing to your chest. Push your hips forward, put Cross your right leg over your hands behind the left one, lift your left your head, and arm, and pull it over your gently pull head to the right. Push downward. your right hip forward. 47 48 Say Hi to a Good Mood! Don’t do anything that puts you in a bad mood. Frustration stops the reduction of fat. Negative thoughts have the same effect on your body as a bar of chocolate: your insulin level rises and your body stops the reduction of fat. Brain research shows that every negative feeling causes the body stress. Stress hormones slow down lipolysis, the reduction of fat. Boredom, loneliness, envy, anger, grief are all negative feelings that put your brain under stress. They all crave sugar – and we tend to bury them all under food. So please don’t step on the scale every morning. Instead, spend a lot of time outside, because light puts you in a good mood. And instead of talking to your mother-in-law on the phone, escape into the bathtub every now and then and enjoy a sea-salt bath – and do one of my favorite relaxation exercises every day. Inner Balance with the Tree Pose For my part, I adopt the yoga tree pose while I’m waiting for something, while I’m on the phone, while the coffee is brewing – or when I’m getting stressed or frustrated by something. Some people reach for a bar of chocolate in such situations. Unfortunately, eating out of frustration causes even more frustration – because you feel even worse afterward. Any other way of fighting stress is better. For some it’s a coffee break, for others it’s jogging or listening to music on their MP3-players. There are so many ways to relax. Find out which one suits you. Here’s my tree pose: Stand up straight and move your weight onto your left foot. Put the sole of your right food against your left shin and press your palms together in front of your chest. If you can keep your balance that way, put the sole of your foot against the inside of your thigh and stretch your arms above your head. Breathe in and out deeply. Hold the position for a few seconds. By the way: good balance is the best starting point for effective muscle training. Sea-salt Bath Get to the sea without leaving your bathroom. A sea-salt bath relaxes body and spirit, nurtures your skin, tightens your connective tissues, and stimulates the burning of fat. Dissolve 1 kilo of sea salt in hot water. Add cooler water until the bath temperature is 38 °C. Submerge yourself for 20 minutes. Have a lukewarm shower and put on body lotion. 49 Boost Your Energy Levels! For thousands of years, people have used simple movements and stretching to help the flow of energy and soak up strength and joy. Donna Eden wrote a wonderful book called Energy Medicine for Women. Here’s an exercise she calls “Connecting Heaven and Earth,” which she found on Egyptian hieroglyphics in the Museum of London. You’ll see how this simple exercise makes the energy flow and how much lighter you’ll feel. And feeling light reprograms your hormonal balance to burn fat! 1. Adopt a standing position with your right leg to the front. 2. Rub your hands together and shake them off. 3. Place your hands on the fronts of your thighs with your fingers spread. 4. Inhale deeply and circle your arms out to your sides. 5. While exhaling, bring your hands together in front of your chest in a prayer position. 6. While inhaling deeply, separate your hands, stretch your right arm toward heaven, follow it with your gaze, and push your palm upward. Stretch your left arm down behind your bottom and push your palm downward. 7. Hold this position for as long as is comfortable. 8. Breathe out through your mouth, fold your hands in front of your chest. Repeat the exercise three times. Change arms. Instant Carefreeness These little exercises work immediately, always, and everywhere. Qigong – Getting Rid of Pressure: If you seem to be carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders and you can feel the tension rising, then take a minute for this exercise: Stand upright, relax, bend your knees slightly, and straighten your spine. Put your palms together in front of your chest and relax your shoulders. Now press the heels of your hands together firmly. Count to ten, then slowly relax the pressure. Repeat six times. A Mudra for More Composure and Courage: If you’re short on energy and need a confidence booster to see you through the next few hours, then try the Apan Mudra, a finger position used in Asian healing. It activates the reflex areas of your hands and stimulates reactions in your body. Sit on a chair with your back straight and open your chest. Place your lower arms on your thighs and breathe normally. With your palms facing upward, put your thumb, middle finger, and ring finger together, pressing slightly, and extend your other two fingers. Concentrate on your breathing for five minutes. With practice this can be kept up for 45 minutes. A Vent for Your Anger: If you feel anger rising, tense your muscles very firmly: bottom, thighs, and fists. Tense, relax, tense, relax – until your anger has subsided. 50 Look Here, I’m Awake! There was a time when I really suffered from tiredness. I tried everything, from amino acids (tyrosine) to having cold showers. Brrr. And then, finally, I woke up. Fantastic! It just went “click”! Wham! All of a sudden, my thoughts went from their usual sluggish mode to lightning speed flashing again. What a wonderful feeling! My legs felt ready to jump around again, rather than just heading for the sofa of their own accord. It wasn’t cold showers that woke me up! I assume what did it was a combination of vitamin B12 with the amino acids glutamine and phosphonoserine, which you need for your nerves and cellular metabolism. As well as homeopathic globules for the brain: I took Caladium seguinum D12, five globules twice a day. And here’s my short detoxification program, which I recommend to anyone who’d like to lose weight before they get tired ... 1. Drink a glass of water every hour to help your kidneys with their work. I love it hot with ginger! 2. Bounce on the trampoline for three minutes to stimulate the flow of lymphatic fluid – our special-waste disposal facility. 3. Get half an hour’s exercise every day to strengthen your body’s detoxification systems and to extract toxins from your connective tissues – so they can be removed. 4. Eat protein with every meal to stimulate the production of glutathione, our body’s strongest detoxification agent. 5. Get help from plants. Cabbages, watercress, artichokes, garlic, pomegranates, zest, dandelion, and cilantro leaves are great detoxification agents. And nibbling basil is a simple way to get rid of stress. 6. Drink green tea to help your body eliminate its enemies. 7. Make the most of alternative medicine. Every morning, rinse your mouth out with a teaspoon of sesame oil. 8. Eat natural yoghurt to provide your body’s poison barrier, the intestines, with useful bacteria. 9. Minimize your consumption of ready-made foods. We aren’t equipped to deal with products that have been chemically treated to make them last longer and be appetizing. Our detoxification system can’t cope with them. 51 Simple Answers to Frequently Asked Questions Do You Need Carbohydrates to Feel Full? Your stomach doesn’t. Just push the side dish to the edge of your plate and eat it last. It’s only your head that needs a piece of bread, and your head will be content with just a small piece. What really fills you up is protein. If your normal diet doesn’t contain enough protein, your body will keep on telling you it’s hungry until its protein stores have been replenished, and so you eat more. This is called the protein-leverage effect. Why Do Ready-made Products Make You Fat? Many ready-made products contain substances – such as sweeteners, glutamate, and flavorings – that deceive your body or even affect the brain metabolism, which controls your appetite. What this means is that you eat “light” products and promptly get a craving for fat. You eat sweeteners and get a craving for sugar. You eat artificial strawberry flavoring and get a craving for real fruit. You eat the flavor enhancer glutamate and 52 Foods That Put You in a Good Mood Cutting out carbohydrates will put you in a bad mood – simply because your brain produces less serotonin, which is the substance of contentment. To produce serotonin, your brain needs protein – to be precise: the amino acid tryptophan. And for tryptophan to get into the brain, your body needs sugar. Therefore, protein plus carbohydrates – shrimps with pasta, quark with fruits, milk with honey, fish with brown rice – makes you happy. And people who are happy generally don’t have any weight problems. need another helping. The problem is that hunger is always stronger than our will, otherwise we wouldn’t survive. Prepackaged cheese, plastic milk bottles, plastic bags, baby bottles, fish cans, cheese foil, all sorts of things contain plasticizers like bisphenol A. Bisphenol A causes infertility – and gives you an appetite. Laboratory mice that were fed bisphenol A gained weight. Women who have a lot of this hormone in their bodies suffer from obesity, and so do their children. Why Does Insulin Make You Crave Food? A lot of insulin means that your blood sugar level drops within two hours – often below the necessary 70 milligrams. And neither your brain nor your nerves like that. You get tired, jittery, distracted, nervous – and you start craving food. One or two hours after a meal, you start suffering from slight to more pronounced hypoglycemia. You have to eat again. Frequently, this up and down in your blood sugar levels keeps you eating all day long. The (blood) sugar is stronger than your will. A Spoonful of Sugar Doesn’t Hurt, Does It? No, it doesn’t! Like everything else in life, it’s a matter of moderation. The burning of fat stops only when a lot of carbohydrates enter your blood quickly. Your brain burns five grams of carbohydrates per hour. You can therefore enjoy a spoonful of sugar or honey, a small piece of chocolate or an apple without stopping the fat-burning process – and you’ll get yourself into a better mood! Why Does Stress Equal Sugar? The stress hormone cortisol constantly mobilizes sugar. Your blood sugar and insulin levels rise. And as long as there’s insulin in your blood, you can’t reduce fat. Your body really doesn’t like having sugar in the blood, so it puts it away into fat cells. The blood sugar levels drop and, as a result, you start craving food and get into an awful mood. What helps is a little breathing exercise. Whenever you start feeling stressed, breathe in deeply, count to four, hold your breath, count to four, breathe out, count to four, breathe in …. until you’re feeling veeeeeery calm. 53 Slim Down – and Enjoy It! 54 What You Really Should Avoid Saturated and hydrogenated fats in ready-made products, clarified butter and lard, beef tallow and palm oil damage the blood vessels and settle on your hips in an ugly way. Hydrogenated fats, which are damaging to your heart, are contained in cheap margarine, in ready-made products and deep-frying oil. Arachidonic acid facilitates inflammation and body processes that make you fat. You’ll find them mainly in pork, offal, and poultry skin. Why Shouldn’t You Combine Fat with Sugar, Starch, and White Flour? If you have your roast with dumplings, the dumplings attract insulin and the fat from the roast moves straight onto your hips. That won’t happen if you eat your roast with vegetables. If you want to lose weight, you should avoid the fatal combination of fat and sugar – and in this context, sugar also means starch. Now you know why chips make you gain so much weight. Other things that make you fat are roast pork with dumplings, pasta with cream sauce, cream cakes (sweet dough with a fatty filling), bread and butter with jam, fruit ice cream with cream, pizza, French fries, croissant with chocolate, white bread with cheese, beer, or bread with cold meat. And Why Should You Combine Protein with Carbohydrates? Combining fruit with yoghurt, fish with potatoes, or shrimps or tofu with pasta attracts less insulin. And enjoyed together, protein and carbohydrates influence your hormonal balance to make you feel awake and put you in a good mood. How Do You Make Your Muscles Burn Fat? Simply by preventing them from wasting away. Aging means that every year, you lose half a pound of muscles. In their place, layer upon layer of fat settles. Therefore: use them or lose them! Do 30 minutes of power walking or jogging every day and treat your muscles to a quick, strenuous workout seven times a day. That makes them produce interleukin, which melts fat away. Lazy people or people with little time will be able to do this very efficiently using the vibration technique on a Galileo training device. For more information, go to Can You Slim Down in Your Sleep? Lack of sleep raises your cortisol level. People who sleep less than five hours have 15 percent more of the hunger-stimulating hormone ghrelin in their blood. Ghrelin makes your body produce more cortisol. Plus: the levels of the fullness hormone leptin are 15.5 percent lower in people who sleep little. As a consequence, they feel hungrier. 55 Can You Think Yourself Slim? Thoughts influence not only the mind, but also bodily functions. The power of your thoughts can block out pain, lower your blood pressure, make muscles grow, and defeat illness. People who think, “I’m big and ugly” will be sad and sluggish. Their weight sticks. People who think, “Under these layers of fat there’s someone slim trying to get out” will be more upbeat and exercise more actively. You can reprogram negative thoughts and set yourself positive aims. Motivate yourself – and your weight will melt away. When Do You Need Protein Supplement? How much protein does a person need? At least one gram per kilogram of body weight, ideally 1.5 or even 2 grams. For someone weighing 80 kilos, that’s relatively easy to obtain. For people who weigh 150 kilos, however, it’s a lot more difficult, as they’d get fed up with fish pretty quickly and feel as if cottage cheese were coming out of their ears. They’d have to eat one kilogram of halibut or salmon or 1.5 kilograms of cottage cheese to obtain 200 grams of protein. So if you weigh more than 100 kilos, get yourself some good-quality protein powder (see page 65 for suppliers) and take it until your weight is so far down that an egg, a yoghurt, or a piece of smoked fish will be enough to cover your requirements. What’s the Best Time for Athletes to Eat? When I’ve finished exercising in the morning, I provide my muscles with protein straight away. After all, I want to keep them so that they keep burning fat. I therefore prepare myself a fat-burner cocktail, which I have 15 to 30 minutes after exercising. During that time, just after exercising, your body’s regeneration processes are at their maximum. This phase is called “window of growth.” When it comes to absorbing nutrients, your muscles are like sponges in that phase. You’ll find the recipe for the fat-burner cocktail on page 24. Can Vegetarian Foods Cover Your Protein Requirements? Yes, they can. Elephants don’t eat steak either. Just incorporate tofu, legumes, soy, nuts, cereals, green vegetables, and raspberries into your diet. The word protein makes us think of meat or dairy products, but vegetable protein, tofu and legumes, can make an important contribution to slimming because it provides virtually no fat. You can also nibble nuts and seeds every day and eat more wholemeal products. Can Fat Suppress Your Appetite? Yes, it can. Some foods, for example olive oil, suppress your appetite or stimulate your fat metabolism. Recent studies have shown that olive oil uses a hormone in the intestines to suppress your appetite in your brain’s appetite control center. This explains why, if you go 56 to Weight Watchers and all else fails, you’ll have to drink a little glass of olive oil. Don’t go for the slim version of milk and dairy products because they don’t contain CLA – a fatty acid that builds up muscles and reduces fat. How Many Calories Are You Allowed to Cut Down On? If you reduce your calorie intake drastically, your body gets frightened – its primeval program thinks: “Danger, winter coming, times are getting harsh.” So it slows down its metabolism. Instead of burning 1,800 kcal at rest it now only burns 600 kcal – and it remains at this level, which quickly makes you gain weight again. Therefore, you have to go about it very carefully. Don’t go below your basal metabolic rate. This is roughly body weight in kilograms times 24. Women multiply this by 0.9. Now you know. And you’re allowed to forget it again straight away, because counting calories makes you fat. Losing weight works without counting calories. You’ll develop a feel for it as you work your way through this diet. Plus it’s best to burn the calories anyway – with your muscles. How Do You Get Hold of Enough Bitter Substances? Studies show that bitter substances help you slim. Stimulating the receptors for bitter substances in your mouth stimulates your energy metabolism. Bitter-tasting vegetables include artichokes, chicory, watercress, endives, and dandelion leaves. Cabbage also provides bitter substances. Unfortunately, vegetables have been deliberately cultivated to lose their bitter substances. Choose old-fashioned varieties! And use curcuma seeds and cardamom for seasoning. As a food supplement, liquid bitters come best combined with deacidifying minerals (available in the GLYX shop). What Does “Eating Healthily” Mean in Practical Terms? 1. Eat only three times a day. That way, your body has enough insulin-free time inbetween meals in which to burn fat. 2. For ten days, don’t have any sugar (or soft drinks, beer, ready-made products), processed cereal (such as white or brown bread, white rice, pastries), or potatoes. In your mouth, a potato mutates into lots of tiny sugar molecules. You’re allowed to have two small potatoes every now and then. Why Does a Scale Make You Fat? It’s often your bathroom scale that’s to blame if your diet doesn’t work. Because it stresses you out – and stress hormones hamper the reduction of fat. Use your scale only once a week and use only a scale that weighs body fat and muscle mass. In fact, it’s best to use a tape measure. 57 Watch Out! Skipping a meal will stretch your stomach to the size of bagpipes, leaving plenty of room for a lot more food at your next meal. And your hunger hormones will make sure that you do stuff in a helluva lot more. 58 3. Focus on vegetables and make vegetables the most important thing for ten days. You can also eat them in-between your three meals. 4. Use healthy sweeteners. Agave syrup or acacia honey attract little of the fat-storage hormone insulin. And if you have a craving for something sweet, enjoy some dark chocolate or frothy milk with cocoa (see page 29 for recipe). 5. At lunchtime, eat lots and lots of vegetable, either fried in olive oil or as a salad. You can add egg, tofu, fish, or poultry and a small portion of brown rice, pasta al dente, or wholemeal rye bread. You’ll find quick recipes starting on page 26. 6. Do without carbohydrates in the evening or in the morning (side dishes, sweet drinks, fruit). If you don’t have any carbohydrates in the evening, your body’s insulin levels will drop to a low point during the night. That attracts the growth hormone – and you’ll sleep yourself slim. This works perfectly with vegetable soup, for example. If you leave out the carbohydrates in the morning instead, you’ll stay in fat-burning mode for longer. Best Foods to Help You Slim 1. Fish 2. Chicken or turkey breast 3. Dairy products 4. Cottage cheese 5. Tofu 6. Nuts and seeds 7. Oils like olive oil, linseed oil, nut oil, and rapeseed oil 8. Herbs Which Fruits Should You Enjoy in Moderation? Sweet fruits also stop the reduction of fat. For fresh fruit, remember that grapes, ripe bananas, water and honey melon won’t help you slim. Pineapple, kiwi fruit, mango, and papaya have a medium glycemic index and therefore shouldn’t be eaten in-between either. However, combined with other fruits, you can happily put them in your fruit salad – according to our “Lose-three-kilos-fast” diet. You’re welcome to enjoy as many apples, pears, cherries, berries, etc. as you like – especially the sour and old-fashioned varieties. Do Negative Calories Exist? There are foods that make you slim while you eat them. They have negative calories. That means your body uses up more calories to process them than they actually contain. Yes, that’s right. A glass of water (0.2 liters) has minus 20 kcal. Drinking two liters of water a day stimulates your metabolism. You burn 10 kilos more fat a year – with no effort at all. 59 Even more effective is a bowl of cabbage soup (recipe on page 26). It’s perfect for you, gentlemen. The more you eat of it, the slimmer you get. What Is Thermogenesis? If you eat protein, a lot more energy gets converted into warmth than if you eat carbohydrates. Which means that a poultry calorie won’t settle on your hips the same way that a potato, bread, or pasta calorie does. If you eat protein, cottage cheese, fish, mozzarella, or egg, part of those calories will leave your body as warmth through your skin. This is called thermogenesis. The same goes for certain fatty acids, like omega-3 fats from linseed oil and fish. What About after the Diet? The word “diet” comes from the Greek diaita, which roughly translates as “way of life.” If you want to lose weight permanently, you might have to get rid of some of your bad habits – and turn them into enjoyable exceptions. And remember that if you want to lose weight, you have to eat – everything that nature provides you with, such as fish, poultry, high-quality meat, eggs, milk and dairy products, legumes, nuts, seeds, fruit, and vegetables. You should eat lots of protein, healthy fats and carbohydrates in moderation, and very few ready-made foods. Everything containing sugar, white flour, and modified starch affects your hormone balance and makes you fat. Moreover, ready-made products contain glutamate, plasticizers, and flavorings that are widely held responsible for the epidemic spread of obesity. Top Negative-calorie Foods 1. Cabbage: 20 kcal, 5 g of dietary fibers, 90 percent water (cabbage soup is, of course, even better because it contains even more water.) 2. Small radish: 14 kcal, 94.1 percent water, 2 g of dietary fibers 3. Cucumber: 12 kcal, 97 percent water, 1 g of dietary fibers 4. Asparagus: 17 kcal, 94 percent water, 1.5 g of dietary fibers 5. Strawberry: 20 kcal, 90 percent water, 2.5 g of dietary fibers 6. Artichoke: 20 kcal, 80 percent water, 11 g of dietary fibers 7. Sauerkraut: 18 kcal, 84 percent water, 2 g of dietary fibers My tip: put cucumber and small radishes in your premeal salad. 60 61 Fat Burner: Simply Use Nature’s Own Slimming Pills … 62 Chili: capsaicin stimulates your metabolism and increases your body temperature, energy production, and basal metabolic rate (up to 25 percent!). Grapefruit: if you eat half a grapefruit before a meal or drink its juice, you lose weight – on average three pounds, occasionally up to 4.5 kilos a year. Grapefruit regulates your blood sugar level. Pink fruits are the most effective. Please note: grapefruit slows down the breakdown of certain medication (anti-allergenics, antibiotics, heart medication, contraceptive pill). Green tea: active substances contained in green tea, such as polyphenol, stimulate the burning of fat and the consumption of calories, reduce the intake of fat through your intestines, and slow down the building up of new padding. Ginger: stimulates the fat metabolism and helps your digestion. Drink hot water with ginger and chew two slices of ginger with a bit of salt before a meal. Herbs: add a handful of herbs to your food every day! Chives, parsley, basil, sage, and mint keep your metabolism active. Olive oil: researchers have found that olive oil makes rats slim. One reason is that it suppresses your appetite. Small radishes: contain essential oils that help digestion and stimulate the fat metabolism. Lemon: the juice and pulp of a lemon in a glass of water stimulate the burning of fat. The lemon’s vitamin C helps to tighten your connective tissues. Omega-3 fatty acids: they put you into a good mood, stimulate the production of slim hormones, and make you feel less hungry. You can get them combined with CLA. CLA: this essential fatty acid is contained in milk, the way it’s provided by the cow, with its natural fat content – only from organically farmed cows though. CLA helps reduce fat and build up muscle. It’s available as capsules. Inulin: topinambur, artichokes, chicory, asparagus, onions, and leeks provide the dietary fibers inulin and oligofructose – the main food of useful intestinal bacteria. It’s recommendable for anyone who has mistreated their intestines with junk food over a long period of time. It’s contained in good-quality protein powders. Globules: if you crave food all the time, Calotropis gigantea D4 might help you. It’s available as tincture or globules, has a regulating effect on the appetite center in your brain, and dampens your craving to eat. Liquid bitters: help you detoxify because bitter-tasting herbs strengthen your liver. They’re also available as alkaline-mineral mix to support a healthy acid-base balance. When you’re losing weight, your body contains a lot of fatty acids – and an acidy body is always hungry. B12: comes in combination with amino acids, such as glutamine. It makes you fit when you’re feeling tired. 63 Advertisement Fat melts away, lymphatic fluid flows, muscles grow. Connective tissues tighten. Your whole body is detoxified. Self-confidence and stress resistance increase. It makes you creative, fit, and happy. For 4 weight categories, safety tested by the German Association for Technical Inspection (TÜV), and GS-certified The real FAT-BURNER TRAMPOLINE and other things to make your life lighter – Fidolino sends them directly to your home. 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Über e verkauft Bücher GLYX-Diät, Abnehmen mit Glücks-Gefühl, GU-Verlag, € 19.99 GU P L U S Das große GLYXKochbuch, 250 Rezepte, GUVerlag, 192 pages, € 19.99 mit GU-Folder und 10 GU-Erfolgstipps G U R ATG E B E R G E S U N D H E I T GU P L U S G U R ATG E B E R G E S U N D H E I T Carb100-formel, Heyne-Verlag, 224 pages, € 8.95 GLYX So macht Stress nicht länger dick RÜCKEN RICHTIG?? MARION GRILLPARZER Sind Leber und Galle krank, wirkt sich das negativ auf den ganzen Körper aus. Sie sind schlapp und ohne Energie. Mit natürlichen Methoden können Sie beide Organe stärken. ❯ Wissenswert: Ob Pflanzenheilkunde, Homöopathie, Schüßler-Salze oder die richtige Ernährung – mit naturheilkundlichen Maßnahmen können Sie Ihr wichtigstes Stoffwechselorgan harmonisieren. Leber und Galle Leberschutz ist Lebensschutz Glyx ❯ Extra: Mit einer für dieses Buch entwickelten Leberschutz- Million Kur lässt sich Ihr Körper effektiv Über 1.entgiften. verkaufte lgsdiät Die Erfo . Über 1 Mio Bücher Exe wichtigsten Heilpflanzen von A bis Z, mit denen Sie Leberprobleme sanft lindern können. WG xxx allgemeine Kochbücher ISBN xxx-x-xxxx-xxxx-x SCHAENZLER KOPPENWALLNER ❯ Auf einen Blick: Im beiliegendenmp Folder lare finden Sie die verkaufte PEFC/XX-XX-XXXX € xx,xx [D] € xx,xx [A] 33 magische Suppen, GU-Verlag, 144 pages, € 16.99 New: Hey Heißhunger, ab jetzt bin ich der Boss, GU-Verlag, 224 pages, € 19.99 GLYX, So macht Stress nicht länger dick. GU-Verlag, 128 pages, € 12.90 GLYX-Kompass, mit über 800 Lebensmitteln, GU-Verlag, € 6.99 Fatburner - So einfach schmilzt das Fett weg, GU-Verlag, 128 pages, € 12.99 3 Echte Kilo weg, Südwest-Verlag, € 14.99 66 Imprint © 2010 Marion Grillparzer, Munich. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reprinted, distributed by film, radio, television or Internet, by photo-mechanical reproduction, recording media, or data processing systems of any kind without the written permission of Marion Grillparzer. Please Note! Readers remain responsible for their own actions at all times. Neither the authors nor the publisher will assume liability for possible adverse effects or damage resulting from practical advice contained in this book. Editorial Team Jutta Christoph Marion Grillparzer Recipes Martina Kittler, nutritional expert, Munich Cora Wetzstein, nutritional expert, Munich Exercises Sports scientist Holle Bartosch, developed for the book by Dr. Ulrich Strunz, Die neue Diät, das Fitnessbuch, published by Heyne-Verlag. For more information go to Layout & Photographs Marion Grillparzer, Olivia Biemmi-Lazzeroni Translation Petra Daniell, Munich Check out Marion Grillparzer’s websites at 67 Now I’ve Lost Three Real Kilos! 9.70 euros (Germany) ISBN 978-3-00-032389-8 68