Historic Hillsdale Graduation - Hillsdale Free Will Baptist College


Historic Hillsdale Graduation - Hillsdale Free Will Baptist College
Summer 2005
Historic Hillsdale
Cody Freeman, Shelby Greeson, and Cody Williams (not pictured)
are the first students to receive their Master of Arts degree.
Official Publication of Hillsdale Free Will Baptist College
The President’s Perspective
Pres. Timothy W. Eaton
Julia Ward Howe was a partner
with her husband in humanitarian
and spiritual works. She helped her
husband lead the Perkins Institute
for the Blind in Boston. In her own
right, Julia was a popular religious
speaker and poet. You and I are
familiar with one poem, “Mine Eyes
Have Seen the Glory.” It was written
in 1861 and soon after attached
to the tune of Battle Hymn. Today
we listen to The Battle Hymn of the
Republic at patriotic events and sing
it from our hymnal in July. The most
famous line of Mrs. Howe’s poem,
“As He [Christ] died to make men holy,
let us live [die] to make men free,”
The social justice that is obviously called for in
this line changed America. The full impact of what Christ
did in His atoning death reaches into every corner of
human activity. Our Christian view is that the presence
of Christ and His redemption extends into the physical
and beyond to the intellectual, social, moral, and spiritual
dimensions of our lives. This multi-dimensional Savior is
not only the King of the world to come, but the Master of
the here and now. This reality is sadly lost in the routines
of life for many people for whom Christ is a profession of
a past event, rather than the living presence of the Son
of God. The goal for the Christian is to be transformed
into the image of Christ. I do not know about you, but His
The Committee for the
Presidential Inauguration
requests the honor of your presence at
The Presidential Inauguration of
Timothy W. Eaton
as the Ninth President of
Hillsdale Free Will BaptistCollege
at five o’clock in the evening on
Sunday, August 14
Two Thousand Five
in the Bill J. and Alma Lou
Barber Center Auditorium
Reception FollowingCeremony
RSVP by calling 405-912-9458
image in me is unfinished business.
Nothing is more powerful in the Church than
the presence of the redeeming Christ. We only serve as
witnesses and workers in His service. The business of
seeking and saving the lost remains unfinished.
I am convinced that the work of the College is still
unfinished. Many look back to their days at Hillsdale as her
glorious past and neglect to see the significant present of
the College. When Cody Freeman (MO), Shelby Greeson
(OK), and Cody Williams (AR) earned the first Masters
degrees from the Hillsdale graduate program it was an
historic moment for the institution. But this is not the end
for us, it is a beginning. The College still has unfinished
business. It is unfinished because Hillsdale is a part of
the Great Commission. Remember Matthew 28:20 in
which Jesus said, “Teaching them to observe all things
whatsoever I have commanded you:”
The College is not a church, but the church’s
partner in ministry. Until Jesus comes and concludes
His business, we must continue to share the Gospel and
disciple people of faith. The world needs young people
trained through the Hillsdale Mission, “… to prepare
students to serve the Lord Jesus Christ, both in the church
and in society at large.”
Join me in the unfinished business of reaching
this new generation for Christ and His Truth. Read this
Insight and be better informed, rejoice in the victories of our
students and alumni, refer prospective students through
our website www.hc.edu or complete a faith promise, and
use the envelope provided to make an investment gift to
Hillsdale. It would be tragic to let the business of Christian
education go unfinished in the hearts and minds of our
students. Service to Christ until He returns.
Thank you to all who helped make the 2005 “Bid for the
Future” Auction a success this year. Together we raised
over $85,000.
Hillsdale is looking to fill the following positions:
Business Manager and Science/Nursing Instructor
Please send resumé to
Hillsdale Free Will Baptist College
Attn: President Eaton
PO Box 7208
Moore, OK 73153
Alumni Spotlight
Hillsdale Alumni Planting Churches Across America
Edmond, OK
The Oklahoma FWB
Missions Board called
Brad ‘90-93’ and Sherri
’89-91’ Hanna in 1998
to start a new work in
Edmond, Oklahoma. Oak
Hills held its first service in
August of 1999 in Summit
Middle School. From that
humble beginning, Oak
Hills has grown to over 100 weekly worshippers meeting
in its own 10,000 sq. ft. building on 12 prime acres. The
church was organized and became self-supporting in March
2005. Brad served as an Army National Guard Chaplain in
Afghanistan in 2004. He most recently accepted a full time
military chaplain assignment with the Oklahoma National
Guard. Pray for Brad, Sherri and sons, Landon and Avery,
as they begin this new work, and for the church as it seeks
a new pastor.
Queen Creek, AZ
Rick ’90-93’ and
Hillsdale alumni and National
Home Missionaries to the
Mountain View FWB Church
in Queen Creek, AZ, have
reached their goal of becoming
self-supporting. Since they
began in 2001, the church has
grown steadily. They are now
averaging an attendance of 250 in services. Their plans for
the future are to finish the new church building, add a third
Sunday morning service and begin a school in August 2005.
Also, a Spanish speaking pastor will begin Sunday morning
Hispanic services.
They have served as youth and associate pastors
in three Oklahoma churches before moving to Arizona. Pray
for Rick, Stephanie and their children, Christian, Lacey, and
Aubrey Ann, as they continue in their ministry.
From Fort Wayne to Salt Lake City
Hillsdale Free Will Baptist College has had a rich history
in the training of church planters. The Oklahoma State
Mission Board records show that several alumni have begun
new churches through the years. In the 70’s Bob Duncan
’63-65’ planted Western Hills Church in North Oklahoma
City; Buddy Drake ’68-70’ began the Enid Church and later
the Cheyenne, Wyoming church. David Sutton ‘64-66’
established the FWB Church in Jenks and David Bigger ‘6466’ started the Ponca City Church. In the 80’s, Gary Thomas
‘72-76’ began a church in Bartlesville while Jimmy Smith
‘73-77’ revived a church in Weatherford. David Archer
‘68-70’ ‘73-75’ founded the Faith Church in Glenpool and
Larry Haggard started a church in Elk City. In the 90’s,
Homer Young ‘63-66’ planted the El Reno church and Mike
Fields ‘75-79’ began the church in Hugo. Dennis Cariker
‘72-76’ is currently establishing the Heartland Church in
Norman, and is close to becoming self-supporting. With
a few exceptions, these churches are still in operation
and proclaiming the Gospel. Most have become strong,
growing churches supporting the cause of Christ around
the world.
Hillsdale Alumni have also left their mark on
National Home Missions. Jeff Sloan ‘84-88’ successfully
planted a church in Ft. Wayne, Indiana while Chris Clay
‘82-86’ established a church in Indianapolis, Indiana. Bill
Phillips ‘71-75’ moved to Salt Lake City, Utah and began
a new church there. Mark Braisher ‘82-86’ is currently
planting a church in Overland Park, Kansas; Randy Puckett
‘91-93’ has begun a work in Sugar Land, Texas.
The First Oklahoma District Mission Board has
also benefited from Hillsdale alumni. In 1984, Don Guthrie
‘81-84’ planted a church in Harrah, Oklahoma. In fact,
before his untimely death, Don made a career of church
planting as he established national home mission churches
in Plano, Texas as well as Hot Springs, Arkansas. Kevin
Daniels ‘82-86’ took over as pastor of Kingsview Church
in South Oklahoma City as did Jim Harris ‘88-92’ with the
Clear Springs Church in Mustang, Oklahoma. Both of
these churches are strong and growing today.
There are many alumni not mentioned above,
such as Matt Blair ‘96-00’, who have gone out on their own
and begun new churches. Hillsdale College has had, and
continues to have, a deep commitment to train young men
to plant churches across America.
The alumni association fundraising effort to remodel the
John West Administration Building is progressing. Our
goal is to raise $150,000 to remodel this historic campus
building which has stood for almost 40 years.Therefore,
we are asking all former students to make a financial
gift toward this first Alumni Project.
Please send your gift to Hillsdale
FWB College, PO Box 7208,
Moore, OK 73153; note on the
check that the gift is for the John
West Alumni Project.
Focus on the Ministry
Graduating Ministers and Missionaries Over Four Decades
Graduation 2005 marked forty-five years since the first
students started at Oklahoma Bible College. Though the
name has changed and liberal arts programs of study have
been added, Christian Ministry remains the very heartbeat
of Hillsdale.
This is apparent in the full-time Christian Ministry faculty
with academic credentials that include six doctorates
and ten master degrees with a combined total of over
200 years pastoral experience; credentials that include
two denominational executives, two college presidents,
a foreign missionary, two home mission church planters,
a full time evangelist, and a Christian Counselor. Also, an
adjunct and graduate faculty that includes three Ed.D., two
Th.D., three Ph.D. and three D.Min. Degrees.
It is evident in the graduates that are filling ministry positions
in churches throughout the denomination as well as vital
roles in denominational leadership in the district, state and
national association. Here are some quotes from a few of
this year’s graduating class:
It is distinctive in its programs of study. Hillsdale offers the
following Christian Ministry degree programs:
•Bachelor of Arts in Theology or
•Bachelor of Arts in Pastoral Ministry
Contact: darcher@hc.edu (405) 912-9009
•Bachelor of Arts in Christian Education or
•Bachelor of Arts in Youth Ministry
Contact: craigshaw@hc.edu (405) 912-9004
•Bachelor of Arts in Missions
Contact: janicebanks@hc.edu (405)912-9021
•Masters of Arts in Ministry
Contact: sashby@hc.edu (405) 912-9475
It is clear in the array of co-curricular opportunities that
enhance the student’s college experience. Focus on the
Church seminars, featuring guest pastors teaching on
worship, discipleship and evangelism in the local church,
are held on campus each semester. Christian Ministry
opportunities are available in local churches, nursing homes
and rescue missions, along with preaching opportunities in
churches, camps and youth services. Pastoral Internships
with local pastors, who serve as mentors in practical church
ministry and Missionary Internships, lead by veteran
missionaries who act as mentors in practical missionary
activities and arrang trips to various fields.
It is obvious in the support groups that meet for
encouragement and prayer. This includes the Iron Man
Fellowship (I.M.F.) and the Student Missions Fellowship
(S.M.F.). I.M.F. is a campus organization comprised of
Christian Ministry students and faculty. This group sponsors
annual retreats, campus revivals, seminars, and field trips.
S.M.F. is comprised primarily of Mission students and
faculty. This group sponsors annual retreats, seminars,
and mission trips.
Emily Hoover, Hillarie Williams, Scott Battice, Dustin Stokes,
Michael Longobardi, and Paul Collins
“The years I have spent at Hillsdale have been incredibly
influential in molding me into the person I am today. I will
forever be indebted to those who have dedicated themselves
to teaching, challenging, and inspiring me in every aspect of
life.” Hillarie Williams, Missions
“I have had a great college experience at Hillsdale. The
Christian ministry education I have received has not only
made me a better minister but a better person as well.”
Scott Battice, Pastoral Ministry
“The ABLE adult degree program gave me the opportunity
to continue college when circumstances made it impossible
to attend a traditional program.” Michael Longobardi,
Pastoral Ministry
“God has used Hillsdale to help me grow spiritually, emotionally, and academically - this institution means the world
to me.” Emily Hoover, Missions
“Where would I be without Hillsdale? Hillsdale invests in
the students in such a way as to make known that these
investments will have eternal dividends. For such an
investment I am greatly indebted to Hillsdale!” Paul Collins,
“My time at Hillsdale has been valuable. The lessons I
have learned and the experience that I have gained while a
student at Hillsdale will continue to be a firm foundation on
which I will stand as I continue to serve Christ throughout my
life.” Dustin Stokes, Youth Ministry
Hilldale desires to
be a blessing to
all congregations,
regardless of size
or location. As a
part of the school’s
ongoing mission of
service to Christ,
the Church and
David Archer trains the vital Stewardship
Steering Committee of the Bethlehem
we are launching
FWB Church in Van Buren, AR.
a new ministry for
our churches called,
Focus on the Church. Our goal is to offer help, and seek
to bring fresh visions and ideas to local congregations in the
areas of worship, discipleship and evangelism. To do this,
we want to offer consulting services to our churches, and
organize a speaker’s bureau. David Archer, Chairman of the
Christian Ministry division of the College will coordinate the
The Consulting Service falls into three areas:
1). Christian Stewardship: this is designed to help in
creative church financing, stewardship campaigns to raise
annual church budgets, and three year capital stewardship
campaigns to raise money for new church construction.
2). Marketing: this includes church publications such as
newsletters, bulletins and visitor videos. 3). Management:
this section will help improve organizational processes,
administrative policies and procedures for your church.
The Speaker’s Bureau will be made up of President
Timothy Eaton, Dr. Craig Shaw, Dr. Stephen Ashby, Mrs.
Janice Banks, Bob Thompson and David Archer, as well
as other faculty as a need arises. They would come to your
church to preach, lead seminars in the areas of church
ministry, (including church growth and outreach training, lay
ministry and leadership training) missions, teacher training,
Bible conferences, theological symposiums and revivals.
Plans also include developing an internet forum on
our website for dialog on church related subjects. For more
information, contact David Archer at darcher@hc.edu or
(405) 912-9009
“Three years ago our church,
under the direction of
David Archer, planned and
completed a stewardship
over 70% of our pledges of
$350,000 have come in and
we fully anticipate reaching
our goal. We have seen
many decisions and great
spiritual growth during and
after the campaign ” Frank
Wiley, Pastor Sunnylane
FWB Church
(Back) Dr. J.D. O’Donnell, Dr. Stephen Ashby,
Pres.Timothy W. Eaton, Dr. Craig Shaw, Dr. Edwin Wade
(Front) Shelby Greeson, Cody Freeman
If you are interested in pursuing your Master of Arts in
Ministry Degree, please contact Dr. Stephen Ashby at
(405) 912-9475 or graduate@hc.edu.
Waldo Young, Jack Richey, Homer Young and Delbert Akin
Ministers Quartet Concert
Saturday, September 24, 2005
2:00 P.M.
Cost $15.00
(To fund a recording project that will provide student scholarships.)
Bill J. and Alma Lou Barber Center Auditorium
Thank You to those who helped sponsor
the 2005 Golf Tournament.
Breeden Painting
Calvary FWB Church
Cavanaugh FWB Church
Community FWB Church
Faith FWB Church
First OK Mission Board
J.David Pyle, P.C.
New Home FWB Church
Oklahoma Literature Center
Oklahoma State Association
Pres. Timothy W. Eaton
Quail Springs Bank
Riverview Fellowship
Sunnylane FWB Church
What Will Be Left?
When students move out of the
dorms it is interesting to see
what they leave behind:
textbooks, clothes and
once, $124 in loose
change. It is even more
interesting to hear what
the students don’t leave
behind; the most valuable
of those things are their
memories. Here’s just a
A ll
i s o n B o o k o u t glimpse.
One morning a few students woke
up to an amazing prank instigated by the second floor
girls. I’ll just say that it involved a very nervous turkey
on the third floor of the girl’s dorm. It required some
cleanup, but it was definitely a classic prank.
Then there was the dating show that showed us
interesting aspects to some of our
student’s wardrobes. It didn’t
end with any lasting love
connections, but for those
who were there it ended with a lot
of laughter.
I don’t think anyone will forget the basketball
game against Mid-America this year. Our boys played
with class and kept their emotions in check during the
intense competition. Good job guys
especially to you Jimmy. There
was also the movement of God on
campus. Friends from home have
turned their lives around. Students
have been given supernatural
peace while losing people close
to them. Money has shown up in
answer to prayers about school bills,
mission trips and other personal needs. Student’s minds
have become clearer concerning the will of God in their
lives. These things won’t be left behind, but instead will
be forever tied to the student’s memories at Hillsdale.
Campus Life
Sound Bites and Megabytes
It has been an interesting
Dynamite took over the
culture like ….well….like
Napoleon himself.
new vocabulary erupted
Words like
Daniel Buttram
were used quite often.
Napoleonese was the buzz on campus, but toward the
end of the semester a new buzz began to take over.
Hillsdale has an internet site and an intranet site. The
internet site is at www.hc.edu and anyone can access
it. The intranet site is only accessible by students and
employees of Hillsdale Free Will Baptist College. It has
a forum section for students and employees. This allows
people to post questions and topics for others to respond
to with answers and ideas. There had been little activity
on the forum until the day Daniel Buttram from Tulsa, OK
(the voice of East Central High’s football games) posted
his thoughts about the food at Hillsdale. This erupted into
an ongoing debate between students. Some wanted more
fruit, some loved the food and some were only going to be
happy with the food if it came in a box with a toy. Well,
that is all it took for our students to realize the potential
of the forum. They began communicating about anything
and everything. Some have used it to announce their
involvement in campus “gangs” that seem to only require
mustaches. There has also been an ongoing philosophical
discussion regarding whether or not correct spelling is
required on forum posts. The webmaster has sought to
keep his identity a secret. This has been a “thorn in the
flesh” to many a student; not at all what I think Paul was
talking about, but none the less very frustrating.
The forum has been a positive addition to the campus.
Thanks to the MIS department. The good news is that
these discussions are not in vain because Hillsdale staff,
faculty, and administration have been listening.Thanks
2005 Commencement
2005 Graduates and Faculty
Dr. J.D. O’Donnell, Hillsdale’s third president was the
evening’s speaker.
Mother and daughter, Tami Caldwell (BS) and Lindse
Croslin (AA). The proud parents and grandparents are
Alumni, Frank & Linda Wiley.
New Degree Program Available
A new four year degree program in Psychology has been approved for the fall semester. This program will
be under the direction of Mrs. Carla Krueger and Dr. Mendell Simmons with a number of alumni providing variety
in instruction for the program.
The decision to add this program was made because of the growing intrest in this area of study. The
College has had a number of students transfer to other institutions to obtain bachelor degrees in psychology. In
addition, many alumni are working in social work and human services for various government agencies. Through
this program, the college hopes to retain more students and better prepare them with a Biblical perspective of
psychology and human behavior.
For more information, contact Mrs. Carla Krueger at (405) 912-9472.
2005 Choir with Director Gina Myers
Cody Freeman receives his Master’s Hood from
Dr. Craig Shaw.
Hillsdale Free Will Baptist College
PO Box 7208
Moore, OK 73153
www.hc.edu • (405)912-9000
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