Northern Vancouver Island Exploration Geoscience Project
Northern Vancouver Island Exploration Geoscience Project
NorthernVancouver IslandExploration GeoscienceProject FinalReportfortheIslandCoastalEconomicTrust NorthernVancouverIslandExplorationGeoscienceProject TableofContents 1. Rationale ............................................................................................................................................... 2 2. Background ........................................................................................................................................... 2 3. Work Summary ..................................................................................................................................... 2 Airborne Magnetic Survey ........................................................................................................................ 2 Regional stream sediment and water sampling program ......................................................................... 4 Till sample reanalysis ................................................................................................................................ 4 Regional stream sediment sample reanalysis ........................................................................................... 4 First Nations Engagement and Training .................................................................................................... 6 Marketing .................................................................................................................................................. 8 4. Employment .......................................................................................................................................... 9 5. Economic Impact ................................................................................................................................... 9 6. Media .................................................................................................................................................. 11 7. Financial Statement ............................................................................................................................ 12 1 1. Rationale The Northern Vancouver Island Exploration Geoscience Project (NVI project) was a partnership between Geoscience BC (GBC) and the Island Coastal Economic Trust (ICET). Launched in July 2012, the objective was to collect information to add to the geological framework and develop a better understanding of the mineral potential of Northern Vancouver Island and to stimulate new mineral exploration interest in the area and investment to the region. The NVI project was a successful collaborative effort. Funding for NVI project activities was provided by GBC and ICET and was strongly endorsed by Nanwakolas Council. Support for the project was also received from the Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training through the Campbell River Regional Economic Investment pilot and Rivercorp, the Campbell River Economic Development Corporation. In January 2012, the Campbell River Regional Economic Investment pilot was launched, and a Geoscience BC regional airborne geophysical survey was identified as a potential opportunity to meet pilot objectives, which included: attracting investment, identifying economic growth opportunities, diversifying local economies and creating regional jobs. The Economic Forum Summary is attached as Appendix A. 2. Background In October 2011, GBC submitted a “Stage 1” proposal (Letter of Intent) to ICET for the NVI project. The proposal was developed with the support of the GBC Board after consultation with the Vancouver Island Exploration Group, northern Vancouver Island mayors and economic development groups. The Stage 1 proposal was approved and GBC submitted a “Stage 2” proposal (full proposal) in May 2012. 3. WorkSummary Geoscience BC has a webpage dedicated to the NVI project that contains links to all information collected during the life of the project: The project is also highlighted on the Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training website at: Airborne Magnetic Survey On July 12, 2012, GBC issued a request for proposals (RFP) for an airborne magnetic survey (Appendix B). On August 7th, 2012, the contract to fly the survey was awarded to Geo Data Solutions GDS Inc (GDS). From August 15th to September 29th, 2012, nearly 20,000 line kilometres (19,342 line‐km) were flown over Northern Vancouver Island at a height of 80 metres above the ground and a line spacing of 250 m. Two bases of operations on Northern Vancouver Island were used to conduct the airborne survey: Port Hardy, from August 15 – September 20, and Port McNeil from September 20 – 29. A survey crew of four stayed in these communities during the course of the survey. Aviation fuel was purchased locally. Complete survey details are included in the GDS report, “Heliborne High Resolution Aeromagnetic Survey” in Appendix C (GBC Report 2013‐02:‐02.asp). 2 Figure a: NVI Airborne Magnetics 3 Regional stream sediment and water sampling program The northern Vancouver Island stream‐based geochemical survey was carried out from July to October 2012 and covered an area of approximately 10,000 square kilometres. A total of 721 moss‐trapped sediment samples plus water were acquired from 681 stream sites. The survey was situated north of the communities of Campbell River and Zeballos (Figure 2). Complete program details are included in the summary report in Appendix D (GBC Report 2013‐11:‐ 11.asp). This new sampling program was designed to increase sample coverage by targeting drainages that were not previously sampled and by adding more sample sites upstream from existing locations in larger drainages. Combined with historical sample survey work, the resulting average sample site density was significantly increased, thereby adding to the information in the area that could potentially lead to discovery of a new economic mineral showing on northern Vancouver Island. Till sample reanalysis In the 1990s, the British Columbia Geological Survey (BCGS) collected approximately 430 till samples as part of the northern Vancouver Island Drift Prospecting Program. As part of the NVI project in 2012, reanalysis of these till samples was conducted as it offered a cost‐effective means of updating the information collected during older government‐funded regional surveys. The full report can be found in Appendix E (GBC Report 2013‐12:‐12.asp). Regional stream sediment sample reanalysis The final data produced as part of the NVI project was released in January 2014. This report presented reanalysis results from stream sediment samples collected during a 1988 geochemical survey in the Alert Bay and Cape Scott map sheet areas by the British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources (MEMPR). A total of 1,042 moss‐trapped stream sediment samples from northern Vancouver Island and 165 conventional stream samples from the adjacent mainland were retrieved from Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) storage facilities in Ottawa and reanalyzed to current‐day analytical standards for 35 elements. The full report can be found in Appendix F (GBC Report‐03.asp). 4 Figure b: Geochemical Sample Locations: New samples and reanalyzed samples 5 First Nations Engagement and Training A number of events have been held on the north Island to promote geoscience and a better understanding of the mineral exploration life cycle. “Mining – What’s It All About?”: Campbell River, August 28‐29, 2012 & Port Hardy, October 27‐28, 2012 Figure c: NVI Project “Mining – What’s It All About?” workshop poster Two free, interactive short courses were offered as part of the NVI project that each spanned two days; the first was held in Campbell River and the second in Port Hardy. Presented and sponsored in collaboration with ICET and British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT), the workshop gave First Nations community members a look into modern mineral exploration and mining. 6 Both workshops were presented by BCIT instructor, Dr. Jim Morin. Twenty‐three individuals participated in the course in Campbell River and 25 in Port Hardy. Figure d: Dr. Jim Morin presents Day 1 "Mining – What’s It All About?" workshop, August 2012 Figure e: Field trip attendees, Day 2, " Mining – What’s It All About?" workshop, August 2012 7 Nanwakolas First Nations Mining and Mineral Exploration Workshop: March 25, 2013 This workshop was a “Business Opportunities Dialogue” held in Campbell River to engage Nanwakolas First Nations on potential early business opportunities in the mineral exploration sector, engage with other First Nations with experience in mineral exploration and mine development business opportunities, share information on successful First Nation involvement in mineral exploration and mining activities and network with mineral exploration and mining companies to start relationships and lay the groundwork for exploring potential business partnerships. Marketing January 28, 2013: Data Release at Roundup Conference, Vancouver The airborne geophysical survey data was released during AME BC’s (Association for Mineral Exploration BC) Mineral Exploration Roundup conference. Representatives of project supporters, including Nanwakolas Council, Rivercorp, Vancouver Island Exploration Group and the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Natural Gas were in attendance. May 28, 2013: Data Release and Networking Event, Rivercorp Boardroom, Campbell River Two geochemistry reports were released during an event hosted by Rivercorp in Campbell River. Over 30 individuals attended the catered event. Maps and summaries of results were available for viewing and GBC technical experts were in attendance to answer questions. Representatives of project supporters, including Nanwakolas Council, Rivercorp, Vancouver Island Exploration Group and the ministries of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training, and Energy and Mines were in attendance. 8 4. Employment Field Program Duration of work (months) 1.5 3 Number of people employed 6 4 Total man‐months Airborne Geophysics 9 Stream sediment 12 sampling program* TOTAL 4.5 10 17 *Employment at analytical laboratories was not considered. Only field work conducted on northern Vancouver Island as part of the NVI project has been factored into employment numbers. No permanent new jobs are known to have been created as a result of the project, and all jobs created were temporary. The eventual hope is that the information generated as part of this project spurs a new mineral discovery that would one day merit the development of a mine. During the mineral exploration cycle however, several short‐term economic opportunities may be created, such as accommodations, catering, logistics, etc. 5. EconomicImpact It is too early to quantify the full economic impact of the NVI project. Increased staking activity has been the best indicator of potential economic impacts of the project which can be seen in maps A through D on the following page. Staking on the north Island after the release of the geophysical data (i.e. between January 28 and before May 28, 2013) equalled 16,196 ha and staking after the geochemical data release (between May 28 and November 20, 2013), equalled 7,445 ha for a total area staked of 23,641 ha. The positive impacts of the outreach and education programs delivered through the NVI project are also significant, however difficult to measure. Of note, and evidenced by the maps on the following page, is the decrease in mineral tenures shown as of July 2014. This is a reflection of a low point in the commodity cycle, during which companies generally slow or stop their exploration programs to preserve money. 9 A (above): Staking before NVI Project data C (below): Staking after NVI geochemical data release 10 B (above): Staking after NVI airborne survey data release D (below): Total claims staked on NVI as of July 23, 2014 6. Media The NVI Project has attracted significant media attention. Below is a summary of known articles that ran through 2012 and 2013 about the project: 2012 July 11, 2012 – Campbell River Mirror: “North Island mineral data collection project boosted by $930,000 in grants” July 13, 2013 – Courier‐Islander: “200 to 300 jobs in 3 years; Geoscience info could make CR mining hub” August 16, 2012 – Campbell River Mirror: “North Vancouver Island aerial magnetic survey to begin” August 21, 2012 – Comox Valley Echo: “We need the mining jobs” (A letter to Premier Christy Clark) 2013 February 13, 2013 – Courier‐Islander: “’Stake’ holders will be interested in Campbell River release of data” March 29, 2013 – Courier‐Islander: “Two new reports on North Island Natural Resources” March/April 2013 – CIM Magazine: “Information to bring investment; Northern Vancouver Island communities use geoscience project to promote local resources” May 29, 2013 – Courier‐Islander: “Geoscience set to reveal North Island findings” May 29, 2013 – The Northern Miner: “Geoscience BC lures stakers to North Vancouver Island” May 30, 2013 – Campbell River Mirror: “North Island prospecting looks good thanks to new mineral data” News releases about the NVI project: July 11, 2012 – GBC and ICET: “Geoscience BC and Island Coastal Economic Trust Announce the Northern Vancouver Island Exploration Geoscience Project” (‐ BC‐and‐Island‐Coastal‐Economic‐Trust‐Announce‐the‐Northern‐Vanco...) July 11, 2012 – Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Innovation: “Economic pilot supports industry and job creation” (‐2013/2012JTI0084‐001006.htm) August 13, 2012 – Geoscience BC: “Geoscience BC Northern Vancouver Island Exploration Geoscience Project Update” (‐ BC‐Northern‐Vancouver‐Island‐Exploration‐Geoscience‐Project‐Upda...) January 28, 2013 – Geoscience BC: “Geoscience BC releases first results from Northern Vancouver Island Exploration Geoscience Project” (‐ BC‐Releases‐First‐Results‐from‐Northern‐Vancouver‐Island‐Explora...) May 28, 2013 – Geoscience BC: “Geoscience BC releases geochemical results from Northern Vancouver Island Exploration Geoscience Project” (‐ BC‐Releases‐Geochemical‐Results‐from‐Northern‐Vancouver‐Island‐E...) 11 7. FinancialStatement NorthernVancouverIslandExplorationGeoscienceProject Period:July13,2012toMarch31,2014 ProjectExpenditures Geochemicalprojectcomponents $261,318 Geophysicalprojectcomponents $640,419 FirstNationsengagementandtraining $7,966 Marketing $10,990 Otherconsulting,catering&promotion $23,864 TotalExpenditures $944,557 ProjectIncome(SourcesofFunding) ICET $395,558 GeoscienceBC $548,999 TotalIncome(SourcesofFunding) $944,557 Balance $0 Iherebycertifythatthisstatementaccuratelyrepresentsallprojectexpendituresandallsourcesof projectfunding ______________________________________________________ ________________________________________ RhondaSchultz,Accountant,GeoscienceBC Date 12