Property Appraisal Summary - Portland Development Commission
Property Appraisal Summary - Portland Development Commission
SUMMARY APPRAISAL REPORT SUBJECT PROPERTY Commercial Redevelopment Site 10506-10512 & 10520 NE Halsey St Portland, OR 97220 PREPARED FOR Justin Douglas Portland Development Commission 222 NW Fifth Ave Portland, OR 97209-3859 PREPARED BY W. Grant Norling Todd S. Liebow MAI December 9, 2008 Justin Douglas Portland Development Commission 222 NW Fifth Ave Portland, OR 97209-3859 RE: Commercial Redevelopment Site 10506-10512 & 10520 NE Halsey St Portland, OR 97220 Mr. Douglas: In accordance with your request, we have appraised the above captioned property using generally accepted appraisal principles and theory. This appraisal report is intended to conform with the current Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) and the appraisal scope provided by the Portland Development Commission. At the request of the client, this appraisal is presented in a summary report format as defined by USPAP Standards Rule 2-2(b). This format provides a summarized description of the appraisal process, subject and market data and valuation analyses. The purpose of this appraisal is to estimate the As-Is Market Value of the subject property. The subject site is described in the report. The following table summarizes the estimated value conclusions, based upon our investigation and analysis of available information: VALUE SCENARIO(S) INTEREST APPRAISED DATE VALUE As-Is Market Value Fee Simple December 2, 2008 $4,930,000 The subject is a partially improved commercial site located at the corner of NE Halsey St and NE 106th Ave within Gateway District of northeast Portland. The current improvements consist of a fair/average condition commercial building formerly occupied by a restaurant and banquet user. The improvements are at or near the end of their economic life and serve only as an interim value contributor as their short-term income likely would offset any prospective demolition costs. Therefore, no deduction is made to the site value to arrive at the As-Is Market Value of the subject property. Please refer to the Assumptions and Limiting Conditions section within this report for the specific hypothetical conditions and extraordinary assumptions applied in the following analysis. 110 SW Yamhill Street, Suite 200 Portland, OR 97204 National-International Real Estate Appraisal, Consulting & Advisory Services LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL (CONTINUED) This valuation was prepared by the undersigned. Brandon S. Henderson (OR State Registered Appraiser Assistant No. AA02351) provided significant assistance in the research and preparation of this report. If questions arise concerning this report, please contact W. Grant Norling. Sincerely, PGP Valuation Inc W. Grant Norling Certified General Real Estate Appraiser State of Oregon License #C000792 503.542.5416 Todd S. Liebow MAI Certified General Real Estate Appraiser State of Oregon License # C000152 503.226.0983 COPYRIGHT © 2008 PGP VALUATION INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. TABLE OF CONTENTS Letter of Transmittal INTRODUCTION Executive Summary _________________________________________________________ 1 Appraisal Summary _________________________________________________________ 1 Valuation Summary _________________________________________________________ 1 Scope of Work _____________________________________________________________ 2 Preliminary Appraisal Information_______________________________________________ 4 Assumptions and Limiting Conditions____________________________________________ 6 DESCRIPTION Market Area Description ______________________________________________________ 8 Market Area Map __________________________________________________________ 10 Site Description ___________________________________________________________ 11 Aerial Photograph__________________________________________________________ 14 Plat Map _________________________________________________________________ 15 Zoning Map ______________________________________________________________ 16 Flood Map _______________________________________________________________ 17 Gateway Plan District Map ___________________________________________________ 18 Maximum Height Map ______________________________________________________ 19 Floor to Area Ratios Map ____________________________________________________ 20 Subject Property Photographs ________________________________________________ 21 Market Analysis ___________________________________________________________ 24 Highest and Best Use_______________________________________________________ 26 VALUATION Valuation Methodology ______________________________________________________ 27 Site Valuation _____________________________________________________________ 27 Land Sales Summation Table ________________________________________________ 29 Land Sales Comparable Location Map _________________________________________ 30 Analysis of Value Conclusions ________________________________________________ 33 CERTIFICATION Certificate of Appraisal ______________________________________________________ 34 ADDENDA Qualifications of PGP Valuation Inc Qualifications of Appraisers C081313 COPYRIGHT © 2008 PGP VALUATION INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. I EXECUTIVE SUMMARY APPRAISAL SUMMARY Property Type: Commercial Redevelopment Site Address: 10506-10512 & 10520 NE Halsey St Portland, OR Assessor’s Parcel Nos.: R320039, R320001 & R320014 Site Description: SizeGross: Net: Shape: Topography: Zoning: Plan District: Seismic Zone: Flood Zone: 4.18 acres (182,081 SF) 3.59 acres (156,197 SF); excludes right-of-way dedication Irregular (functional) Level CXd (Central Commercial w/design overlay) Gateway Plan District 3 X Highest & Best Use: As Vacant: As Improved: A commercial or residential mixed-use Demolition of the existing improvements and redevelopment as a commercial mixed-use site. The existing improvements are suitable as an interim use. Property Rights Appraised: Fee Simple interest PGP File Number: C081313 VALUATION SUMMARY VALUE CONCLUSION(S) Cost Approach Not Presented Income Approach Not Presented Sales Comparison Approach As-Is Market Value C081313 $4,930,000 Interest Appraised Date of Value Value Conclusion(s) Fee Simple December 2, 2008 $4,930,000 COPYRIGHT © 2008 PGP VALUATION INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (CONTINUED) SCOPE OF WORK Report Organization This report is designed to inform the reader of all factors influencing the property's value in a clear and concise manner. The Executive Summary section provides an overview of the property and general information related to this report. The Description sections briefly describe general area information and present detailed explanations of the site. The Highest and Best Use section establishes the premise on which the value estimate of the property is based. The Valuation section describes the appraisal methods used to estimate the various values of the property and includes comparable information, application of market information to the subject and valuation analysis. This appraisal utilizes the Sales Comparison Approach to estimate the As Is market value of the subject site. Purpose, Use, and Users of the Appraisal The purpose of this appraisal is to estimate the As-Is market value of the subject property’s Fee Simple interest. This appraisal is to be used by the client (Portland Development Commission and/or Assigns) for internal decision making and acquisition purposes. Market Value The most probable price which a property should bring in a competitive and open market under all conditions requisite to a fair sale, the buyer and seller each acting prudently, knowledgeably, and assuming that the price is not affected by undue stimulus. Implicit in this definition is the consummation of a sale as of a specified date and the passing of title from seller to buyer under conditions whereby: 1. Buyer and seller are typically motivated; 2. Both parties are well informed or well advised, and acting in what they consider their own best interests; 3. A reasonable time is allowed for exposure in the open market; 4. Payment is made in terms of cash in United States dollars or in terms of financial arrangements comparable thereto; and 5. The price represents the normal consideration for the property sold unaffected by special or creative financing or sales concessions granted by anyone associated with the sale.1 1 Office of Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), Title 12 of the Code of Federal Regulation, Part 34, Subpart C - Appraisals, 34.42 (g); Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS), 12 CFR 564.2 (g); This is also compatible with the RTC, FDIC, FRS and NCUA definitions of market value. C081313 COPYRIGHT © 2008 PGP VALUATION INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (CONTINUED) Property Rights Appraised The property rights appraised constitute the Fee Simple Interest as defined below. Fee Simple Estate is defined in The Dictionary of Real Estate Appraisal, Third Edition (1993), as: “Absolute ownership unencumbered by any other interest or estate, subject only to the limitations imposed by the governmental powers of taxation, eminent domain, police power, and escheat.” Subject Property Inspection An inspection of the subject property was conducted on December 4, 2008 by W. Grant Norling and Brandon S. Henderson of PGP Valuation, Inc. Appraisal Development and Reporting Process Preparation of this appraisal included the following: an inspection of the subject property; reviewing assessor’s maps; reviewing county records for information on taxes and assessments; inspecting the subject market area; gathering and confirming land sales from immediate and competing markets; inspecting all comparables utilized; analyzing supply and demand conditions in the area; and applying applicable approaches to value to arrive at the indications of value for the subject property. Sources of Information The relevant market data was obtained from developers, real estate agents/brokers, appraisers, lenders, and various sources of secondary market data. In addition representatives from various municipal offices were also contacted to obtain relevant market and/or property information. Disclosure of Competency We are aware of the competency provision of USPAP and the authors of this report meet the standards. Availability of Information A preliminary title report was not provided. We did not observe any adverse easements or encumbrances; it is assumed none exist. If adverse easements or encumbrances exist, they could have a negative impact on the market value estimates and revision to the analysis would be warranted. All other information was available to the appraisers. Personal Property No personal property or intangible items are included in this valuation. Deductions and Discounts Costs associated with demolishing the existing improvements to create a buildable site were estimated for the subject; however, the improvements are currently leased for $8,100/mo. to North’s Restaurant, Inc. on a short-term basis through June 30, 2009. It is assumed that the income generated from an interim use of the existing improvements will likely offset the C081313 COPYRIGHT © 2008 PGP VALUATION INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (CONTINUED) necessary demolition costs. Therefore, no deduction was made for demolition or holding costs in the following analysis. PRELIMINARY APPRAISAL INFORMATION Property Identification/Legal Description The subject site is located at 10506-10512 & 10520 NE Halsey St Portland, OR 97220, and is more specifically described as Section 34, Township 1 North, Range 2 East of the Willamette Meridian, Tax Lots R320039, R320001 and R320014, in Multnomah County, OR. A more detailed legal description was not available to the appraisers. Sales History and Ownership Current Owners – As reported by Multnomah County, the current owners of the subject property are Brad Fishel et al (Tax Lot 700) and The Ukrainian Bible Church – Pathway to God (Tax Lots 800 & 3100). Three-Year Sales History – All parcels were purchased in excess of three years ago. Tax Lot 700 recently changed ownership from H & M Investments to Brad Fishel et al, a related party to the previous ownership. This transaction was not a sale transaction and only represented a change of ownership to a related party. No arms length sale transactions have occurred in the past three years. According to the listing broker, the subject site is currently marketed as a mixed-use redevelopment parcel for $5,089,000 ($28/SF based on the gross site size). According to the listing broker, the site is marketed as a redevelopment site with no significant value attributed to the improvements. The property has been on the market for approximately 18 months and started at $45/SF; the listing price was subsequently reduced to the current asking price of $28/SF. Due to the recent slow down in the commercial real estate market there has not been significant demand for large re-development parcels. Assessment and Tax Information The subject’s assessed values and property taxes for the current year are summarized in the following table: TAX INFORMATION (2008/2009 Tax Year) APN RMV Land RMV Imp./Other RMV Total Assessed Total 2008/2009 Taxes R320014 $1,307,070 $776,700 $2,083,770 $1,055,010 $22,755 $21.568 R320039 $226,510 $0 $226,510 $58,480 $1,261 $21.568 R320001 $2,321,750 $0 $2,321,750 $1,071,520 $23,111 $21.568 Total $3,855,330 $776,700 $4,632,030 $2,185,010 $47,127 - Millage Rate In Oregon, Measure 50 was passed in the May 20, 1997 special election. This measure establishes the maximum assessed value of property in Oregon for the 1997/1998 tax year as 90 percent of the property’s real market value in the 1995/96 tax year. Any increases in assessed value for tax years following 1997/1998 are limited to 3 percent per year. Assessed value will be adjusted for new property or property improvements and certain other events. Certain local option taxes are permitted, if approved by voters. Measure 50 retains the existing total property tax rate for all property taxes, including local option taxes but excluding taxes for C081313 COPYRIGHT © 2008 PGP VALUATION INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 4 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (CONTINUED) bonds at $5 per $1,000 of value for schools and $10 per $1,000 of value for non-school government. Exposure Time/Marketing Period Exposure time is defined as "the estimated length of time the property interest being appraised would have been offered on the market prior to the hypothetical consummation of a sale at market value on the effective date of the appraisal; a retrospective opinion based on an analysis of past events assuming a competitive and open market." Reasonable exposure time is impacted by the aggressiveness and effectiveness of a property’s exposure to market participants, availability and cost of financing, and demand for similar investments. Exposure time is best established upon the experience of recent comparable sales and discussions with market participants. Comparable sales over the last year indicate exposure times ranging from three to twelve months in the subject’s regional marketplace for similar mixed-use properties. Based upon this information and considering the physical characteristics and location of the subject property and current economic conditions, a reasonable estimate of exposure time for the subject is one year or less. Marketing period is very similar to exposure time, but reflects a projected time period to sell the property, rather than a retrospective estimate. As such, a similar time period of one year or less is supported for the subject’s marketing period. As for the subject’s actual marketing period, the subject has been marketed for sale for approximately 18 months. The original listing price was at the high-end of the comparable range and generated little interest. Over the subsequent year, the price was reduced substantially to the current listing price. Additionally, during the listing period the commercial real estate market slowed dramatically, reducing the demand for redevelopment parcels. C081313 COPYRIGHT © 2008 PGP VALUATION INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 5 ASSUMPTIONS AND LIMITING CONDITIONS This appraisal is subject to the following assumptions and limiting conditions: Extraordinary Assumptions The exact square footage of the right-of-way dedication was unavailable to the appraisers. If the actual square footage of the right-of-way dedication is materially different from our estimate, it could have an adverse impact on the market value estimate, and modifications to the valuation analysis would be warranted. Hypothetical Conditions The Gateway Plan District currently requires that all sites larger than 80,000 SF must set aside 15% (or pay $30/SF for the applicable site area) of the total site area for non-developed open spaces. As of present, this requirement is under review by the City of Portland and is projected to be changed to apply to sites greater than five acres (217,800 SF) in size. This valuation is based on the hypothetical condition that the open space requirement will not apply to the subject site. If the open space requirement continues to apply to the subject site, it could have an adverse impact on the market value estimate, and modifications to the valuation analysis would be warranted. General Assumptions and Conditions The legal description provided has not been compared with the assessor's records. The analysis assumes that this description accurately represents the subject property. A survey has not been provided to the appraisers. If further verification is required, a survey by a registered surveyor is advised. We assume no responsibility for matters legal in character, nor do we render any opinion as to title, which is assumed to be marketable. All existing liens, encumbrances, and assessments have been disregarded, unless otherwise noted, and the property is appraised as though free and clear, under responsible ownership, and competent management. The exhibits in this report are included to assist the reader in visualizing the property. We have made no survey of the property and assume no responsibility in connection with such matters. Unless otherwise noted herein, it is assumed that there are no encroachments, zoning, or restrictive violations existing in the subject property. The appraisers assume no responsibility for determining if the property requires environmental approval by the appropriate governing agencies, nor if it is in violation thereof, unless otherwise noted herein. Information presented in this report has been obtained from reliable sources, and it is assumed that the information is accurate. This report shall be used for its intended purpose only, and by the party to whom it is addressed. Possession of this report does not include the right of publication. The appraisers may not be required to give testimony or to appear in court by reason of this appraisal, with reference to the property in question, unless prior arrangements have been made therefore. C081313 COPYRIGHT © 2008 PGP VALUATION INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 6 ASSUMPTIONS AND LIMITING CONDITIONS (CONTINUED) The statements of value and all conclusions shall apply as of the dates shown herein. The appraisers have no present or contemplated future interest in the property which is not specifically disclosed in this report. Neither all, nor any part of, the contents of this report shall be conveyed to the public through advertising, public relations, news, sales, or other media without the written consent or approval of the authors. This applies particularly to value conclusions and to the identity of the appraisers and the firm with which he or she is connected. This report must be used in its entirety. Reliance on any portion of the report independent of others, may lead the reader to erroneous conclusions regarding the property values. No portion of the report stands alone without approval from the authors. The liability of PGP Valuation Inc, its principals, agents, and employees is limited to the client. Further, there is no accountability, obligation, or liability to any third party. If this report is placed in the hands of anyone other than the client, the client shall make such party aware of all limiting conditions and assumptions of the assignment and related discussions. The appraisers are in no way responsible for any costs incurred to discover or correct any deficiency in the property. The appraisers are not qualified to detect the presence of toxic or hazardous substances or materials which may influence or be associated with the property or any adjacent properties, has made no investigation or analysis as to the presence of such materials, and expressly disclaims any duty to note the degree of fault. PGP Valuation Inc and its principals, agents, employees, shall not be liable for any costs, expenses, assessments, or penalties, or diminution in value, property damage, or personal injury (including death) resulting from or otherwise attributable to toxic or hazardous substances or materials, including without limitation hazardous waste, asbestos material, formaldehyde, or any smoke, vapors, soot, fumes, acids, alkalis, toxic chemicals, liquids, solids or gasses, waste materials or other irritants, contaminants or pollutants. The appraisers assume no responsibility for determining if the subject property complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). PGP Valuation Inc, its principals, agents, and employees, shall not be liable for any costs, expenses, assessments, penalties or diminution in value resulting from non-compliance. This appraisal assumes that the subject meets an acceptable level of compliance with ADA standards; if the subject is not in compliance, the eventual renovation costs and/or penalties would negatively impact the present value of the subject. If the magnitude and time of the cost were known today, they would be reduced from the reported value conclusion. An on-site inspection of the subject property was conducted. No evidence of asbestos materials on-site was noted. A Phase 1 Environmental Assessment was not provided for this analysis. This analysis assumes that no asbestos or other hazardous materials are stored or found in or on the subject property. If evidence of hazardous materials of any kind occurs, the reader should seek qualified professional assistance. If hazardous materials are discovered and if future market conditions indicate an impact on value and increased perceived risk, a revision of the concluded values may be necessary. A detailed soils study was not provided for this analysis. The subject's soils and sub-soil conditions are assumed to be suitable based upon a visual inspection, which did not indicate evidence of excessive settling or unstable soils. No certification is made regarding the stability or suitability of the soil or sub-soil conditions. C081313 COPYRIGHT © 2008 PGP VALUATION INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 7 MARKET AREA DESCRIPTION General: The subject property is located in the Gateway submarket within northeast Portland. The subject’s market area is located east of I-205 near the I-84 interchange and is classified as an area of high-density commercial development surrounded by residential and secondary commercial uses. The following paragraphs summarize factors pertinent to the social, economic, and physical development of the market area. Demographics: The following information reflects the demographics for the subject’s area. MARKET AREA DEMOGRAPHICS Description 1.0 Mile Radius 3.0 Mile Radius 5.0 Mile Radius Population 2013 Population 19,377 160,115 384,005 2008 Population 18,649 154,262 370,251 2000 Census Population 17,308 145,586 351,369 Change 2008-2013 3.90% 3.79% 3.71% Change 2000-2008 7.75% 5.96% 5.37% 2013 Households 7,591 62,483 153,812 2008 Households 7,307 60,285 148,528 2000 Census Population 6,791 56,955 140,978 Change 2008-2013 3.89% 3.65% 3.56% Change 2000-2008 7.60% 5.85% 5.36% 158,291 Households Housing Units (current year) Total Housing Units 7,811 64,257 Owner Occupied 52.10% 58.40% 56.70% Renter Occupied 41.40% 35.50% 37.20% 6.50% 6.20% 6.20% Vacant Housing Units Income (current year) Average Household Income $57,361 $62,933 $65,857 Median Household Income $49,251 $53,231 $54,686 Per Capita Income $22,708 $25,090 $26,751 Source: STDB Online As noted in the table above, moderate growth is anticipated to occur in the subject’s market area (1-mile radius) over the next five years. Residential Development: C081313 There is a substantial amount of residential development within the subject’s market area including a mix of single and multi-family uses. The single-family and low-density multifamily residential development surrounds the commercial core. The residences in the area are commonly in average condition and were typically built in the 1960s and earlier. There has been limited single-family residential construction over the last few years due to the limited availability of land suitable for single-family development. Multi-family developments within proximity to the subject were generally built in the 1970s and earlier and consist of walk-up COPYRIGHT © 2008 PGP VALUATION INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 8 MARKET AREA DESCRIPTION (CONTINUED) style apartments. There are several mixed-use and highdensity residential developments under construction and newly developed within the market area due to the favorable zoning of the market area. Commercial Development: Commercial development in the area is concentrated along major thoroughfares including NE 122nd Ave, the NE Halsey St and NE Weidler St couplet, NE Glisan St, E. Burnside St and the Stark/Washington St couplet. Commercial buildings generally range from new to 30 years old and are in average condition. Gateway Shopping Center, anchored by Fred Meyer, Kohl’s and Ross, is located approximately ½ mile west of the subject along NE 102nd Ave. Mall 205, a sub-regional mall, with a mix of regional and national tenants including Target, Home Depot and several other regional anchors, is located approximately one mile south of the subject at I-205 and SE Stark St. Gateway Plan District: The subject is located within the Gateway Plan District that has been designated by the City of Portland to receive a majority of the city’s growth. According to the City of Portland, future development will transform Gateway from a suburban low-density area to a dense, mixed-use regional center that maximizes the public’s significant investment in the transportation infrastructure. The development standards within the Gateway Plan District are intended to foster an intense mixed-use urban character with a high quality pedestrian environment and an interconnected, dense street grid. Gateway Urban Renewal Area: The subject is located within the Gateway Urban Renewal Area. The objective of this area is to transform the Gateway District into a regional center with enhanced housing, employment, recreational and cultural opportunities for the residents of east Portland. Additional objectives for this area include creating public spaces, transportation and pedestrian improvements, and projects to enhance Gateway's viability as a livable center of activity. Community Services: Community services and facilities are readily available in the surrounding area, which include fire stations, hospitals, police stations, and schools (all ages). There are a number of parks and other recreational facilities in the area. Summary: The subject is located in the northern portion of the Gateway District, an established area of Portland currently exhibiting signs of gentrification. The subject property has an average location with respect to commercial services, thoroughfares, public transportation, and community services. Condition and appeal of the area are generally average. The area is anticipated to sustain moderate growth in the foreseeable future. Property values are anticipated to remain stable over the next several years. C081313 COPYRIGHT © 2008 PGP VALUATION INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 9 MARKET AREA MAP C081313 COPYRIGHT © 2008 PGP VALUATION INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 10 SITE DESCRIPTION Size Gross Size: 182,081 Gross SF (4.18 acres) consisting of three tax lots as summarized in the following table (excluding easement dedication): Parcel 700 800 3100 Total Net Size: Gross Site Size ( 3 parcels) Acres Gross SF 1.93 84,071 0.20 8,712 2.05 89,298 4.18 AC 182,081 SF Upon redevelopment of the subject site, the City of Portland is requiring a 60 ft wide street dedication running approximately through the middle of the subject site. The following table summarizes the two sections (A – north & B – south) of the subject size and the net site size is presented. Net Site Size Site A B Total Parcels TL 700 & 800 TL 3100 Gross SF 92,783 SF 89,298 SF 182,081 SF Dedication Description SF Net SF 45' x 431.4' (19,413) SF 73,370 SF 15' x 431.4' (6,471) SF 82,827 SF 60' x 431.4' (25,884) SF 156,197 SF Shape: Irregular (functional); please view the plat map at the end of this section for visual reference. The site has roughly 362 ft of frontage along NE Halsey St; and a depth of 470 ft along NE 106th Ave. Topography: Level Adjacent PropertiesNorth: South: East: West: NE Halsey St, then commercial uses NE Wasco St., then commercial uses NE 106th Ave, then commercial and residential uses NE 104th Ave then vacant land / commercial uses Utilities: All utilities are available to the site. Street Improvements: NE Halsey St is a two-lane, one way, arterial with asphalt paving, curbs, sidewalks, streetlights and a bike lane at the subject. NE 106th Ave, NE Clackamas St and NE Wasco St are two-lane, two-way asphalt paved neighborhood streets with limited improvements. Traffic Counts: The following table summarizes the most recent available traffic count for the site’s fronting street: Street NE Halsey St C081313 Traffic Counts Location Source E/NE 102nd Ave City of Portland COPYRIGHT © 2008 PGP VALUATION INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Date Mar-00 Count 16,937 11 SITE DESCRIPTION (CONTINUED) Accessibility/Exposure-Site A: This portion of the subject site is located along NE Halsey St and has good immediate access provided by two curb cuts along the fronting arterial. Secondary access to the site will be provided from NE Clackamas St upon dedication of the roadway. This portion of the site has good general access to community services and commercial development within the area from the NE Halsey St corridor. Site B: Access to this portion of the overall site is limited to neighborhood streets including: NE 106th Ave, NE Wasco St and NE Clackamas St. This is a secondary commercial parcel located behind Site A with no exposure from NE Halsey St. Exposure of this site is limited due to the neighborhood nature of the fronting streets. Overall Site: The overall site has good accessibility and exposure due to significant frontage along a primary commercial arterial with two curb cuts. Additionally the site as a whole has access to three neighborhood streets and frontage along a major arterial. Overall, the subject site (Site A and Site B) is a good mixed-use site. Easements: A preliminary title report was not provided to the appraisers; no adverse easements or encumbrances were noted during the site inspection. If questions arise regarding easements, encroachments, or other encumbrances, further research is advised. Zoning: The subject site is zoned Central Commercial with an “d” design overlay (CXd). CX - The Central Commercial (CX) zone promotes highdensity and coverage commercial development which is intended to provide for commercial development within intense urban areas. A broad range of uses are allowed and are intended to be very intense with high building coverage with large buildings placed close together. Development is intended to be pedestrian-oriented with a strong emphasis on a safe and attractive streetscape. The subject site is located within the Gateway Plan District as previously discussed. The base floor-to-area-ratio (FAR) and maximum heights as they apply to the subject are shown in the following table. Tax Parcel 700 800 3100 C081313 FAR & Maximum Height Base FAR Maximium Height 3:1 100 ft 3:1 100 ft 4:1 100 ft COPYRIGHT © 2008 PGP VALUATION INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 12 SITE DESCRIPTION (CONTINUED) “d” Overlay - The Design overlay zone (“d”) promotes the conservation, enhancement and continued vitality of areas of the city with special scenic, architectural or cultural value. The design overlay requires design review or compliance with the Community Design Standards to ensure that certain types of infill development will be compatible with the neighborhood and enhance the area. Earthquake Zone: According to the Oregon Seismic Safety Policy Advisory Commission, Multnomah County is located in Seismic Zone 3, which is a medium risk area, which applies to the majority of western Oregon. Flood Plain: The subject property is in Flood Zone X, which is described as "areas outside the 500-year flood plain." This is referenced by Federal Emergency Management Agency Flood Map, Community Number #0183, Panel #4101830120E, dated October 19, 2004. Site Rating: The subject is a mixed-use commercial site within an area that is experiencing a substantial amount of redevelopment and is showing signs of gentrification. The subject’s corner location, relatively large size and generally rectangular shape, as assembled, enhance the development potential of the site. These attributes are taken into consideration when estimating the subject’s appropriate unit value. Site A has good exposure along a primary commercial arterial, has a functional shape and good utility for a variety of commercial users, and is a good mixed-use site. Site B is an average/good mixed-use site with limited exposure and average access from neighborhood streets. Overall, the subject represents a good mixed-use site, with average to good marketability. Improvements Description: The existing improvements consist of one building totaling 13,950 SF. The building’s site coverage ratio is effectively 19% based on the net site size of site A. The improvements were constructed in 1957 and are of average quality construction consisting of masonry and concrete block. The parking area is improved with asphalt paving with polemounted lights and includes 93 delineated spaces including five designated handicap spaces. Additionally, there is a concrete wall separating the parking area along the southern property line from the abutting site (right-of-way dedication for NE Clackamas St.). C081313 COPYRIGHT © 2008 PGP VALUATION INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 13 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH C081313 COPYRIGHT © 2008 PGP VALUATION INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 14 PLAT MAP C081313 COPYRIGHT © 2008 PGP VALUATION INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 15 ZONING MAP C081313 COPYRIGHT © 2008 PGP VALUATION INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 16 FLOOD MAP C081313 COPYRIGHT © 2008 PGP VALUATION INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 17 GATEWAY PLAN DISTRICT MAP C081313 COPYRIGHT © 2008 PGP VALUATION INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 18 GATEWAY PLAN MAXIMUM HEIGHT MAP C081313 COPYRIGHT © 2008 PGP VALUATION INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 19 FLOOR TO AREA RATIOS MAP C081313 COPYRIGHT © 2008 PGP VALUATION INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 20 SUBJECT PROPERTY PHOTOGRAPHS View of site A looking east (C081313-14) View of site B looking northwest (C081313-4) C081313 COPYRIGHT © 2007 PGP VALUATION INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 21 SUBJECT PROPERTY PHOTOGRAPHS (CONTINUED) Street Scene: Halsey St looking west (C081313-020) Street Scene: NE 106th Ave looking south (C081313-017) C081313 COPYRIGHT © 2008 PGP VALUATION INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 22 SUBJECT PROPERTY PHOTOGRAPHS (CONTINUED) Street Scene: NE Wasco St looking west (C081313-001) Proposed right-of-way dedication (Clackamas St) looking west (C081313-22) C081313 COPYRIGHT © 2008 PGP VALUATION INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 23 MARKET ANALYSIS & HIGHEST AND BEST USE MARKET ANALYSIS High density developable land in the Portland metropolitan area is in relatively high demand due to the scarcity created by the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) combined with increasing demand in most market sectors. Mixed-use land that allows dense development has generally experienced increased demand and value appreciation over the past several years. However, the recent economic slowdown, the demand for developable land has subsided over the past 12 months. In this section, market conditions which influence the subject property are analyzed. The major factors requiring analysis are the supply and demand conditions in the subject market and submarket for retail, office and residential development. To analyze supply and demand in the subject’s market, we have relied on published studies by CoStar Property®. The subject is located in the Gateway Submarket within the Portland Market. Retail Market Statistics Portland Market & Gatew ay Subm arket (Retail) VACANCY SUPPLY Period Market Submarket Market Submarket 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 143,427,181 145,823,898 148,153,755 149,731,753 152,528,082 3,239,519 3,244,719 3,227,810 3,220,799 3,244,980 3.4% 3.8% 4.6% 4.4% 4.2% 4.8% 5.0% 5.1% 6.4% 5.1% Q1 2008 Q2 2008 Q3 2008 152,744,663 153,050,534 153,711,918 3,244,980 3,244,980 3,244,980 4.5% 4.3% 4.7% 4.3% 3.7% 4.7% 2008 YTD 153,711,918 3,244,980 4.5% 4.3% AVERAGE ASKING RENT PSF/YR. (NNN) NET ABSORPTION Period Market Submarket Market Submarket 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 $13.35 $14.22 $14.65 $15.25 $16.54 $13.35 $13.45 $10.11 $12.66 $13.40 323,621 1,620,550 1,163,523 2,144,437 2,728,753 -12,194 -26,705 -13,318 2,005 50,852 Q1 2008 Q2 2008 Q3 2008 $16.93 $17.19 $17.34 $13.62 $12.59 $12.87 -336,370 660,781 47,912 10,412 20,991 -33,042 2008 YTD $17.15 $13.03 372,323 -1,639 Source: CoStar Property® NNN = Triple Net Y-T-D = Year-to-Date Retail Market Summary Statistics generally indicate good retail demand in the market and submarket. Vacancy is low and rents are generally increasing in the overall market and submarket. C081313 COPYRIGHT © 2008 PGP VALUATION INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 24 MARKET ANALYSIS & HIGHEST AND BEST USE (CONTINUED) Office Market Statistics Portland Market & Gatew ay Subm arket (Office) VACANCY SUPPLY Period Market Submarket Market Submarket 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 102,160,699 103,007,403 103,920,142 105,510,069 106,687,736 1,635,844 1,635,844 1,635,844 1,714,493 1,816,093 12.0% 11.4% 9.8% 9.2% 9.0% 8.5% 7.6% 7.8% 9.9% 8.6% Q1 2008 Q2 2008 Q3 2008 107,167,731 107,300,631 107,689,921 1,816,093 1,816,093 1,816,093 8.6% 8.6% 9.1% 5.9% 6.5% 7.7% 2008 YTD 107,689,921 1,816,093 8.8% 6.7% AVERAGE ASKING RENT PSF/YR. (FS) NET ABSORPTION Period Market Submarket Market Submarket 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 $17.38 $16.91 $16.85 $17.55 $18.87 $14.58 $14.72 $15.34 $15.90 $16.41 -355,345 2,091,202 2,253,588 1,304,493 2,244,697 58,957 -52,840 31,057 19,349 166,594 Q1 2008 Q2 2008 Q3 2008 $19.43 $19.57 $19.30 $16.99 $17.25 $17.84 249,596 56,375 -106,697 16,108 -12,183 -21,767 2008 YTD $19.43 $17.36 199,274 -17,842 Source: CoStar Property® FS = Full Service Y-T-D = Year-to-Date Office Market Summary Statistics generally indicate moderate demand for office space within the market and submarket. Vacancy is decreasing and rents are increasing. New construction of office space has been met with higher levels of annual net absorption over the past several years while YTD absorption appears to have softened. C081313 COPYRIGHT © 2008 PGP VALUATION INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 25 MARKET ANALYSIS & HIGHEST AND BEST USE (CONTINUED) Residential Market Statistics Due to soft market conditions for condominium development, if a residential component is considered for the subject, it is likely to include an apartment component. The following statistics indicate current market conditions for apartment units within the Portland market and N/NE Portland submarket. According to the Multi-Family Report - Third Quarter 2008 published by NAI Norris Beggs and Simpson, the Portland Market vacancy has increased slightly over the past quarter to 3.8% which is still substantially below the 5% vacancy rate signaled by healthy markets. Vacancy rates within the N/NE submarket are slightly stronger than the overall market at 3.0% Average overall rents in all submarkets have increased between $2/mo. and $6/mo. over the past quarter with 2BR/2BA apartments showing the largest increase of $35/mo. Rent and vacancy statistics for the Portland Market and N/NE submarket are presented in the following chart. AVERAGE RENT PER UNIT Submarket 1BR/1BA 2BR/1BA 2BR/2BA 3BR/3BA % Vacant $669 $715 $859 $965 3.0% Portland Market $649 $713 $888 $842 3.8% N/NE Submarket Source: Multi-Family Report Third Quarter 2008 NAI NBS In summary, the subject’s submarket demonstrates strong vacancy statistics and healthy rental growth. The subject’s market area is anticipated to remain stable in upcoming months. Overall vacancy rates are expected to remain stable with little to no new direct competition in the immediate subject submarket, and moderate, but steady population and job growth. General Market Summary The subject’s immediate market area is experiencing moderate demand for mixed-use land due to its favorable high-density zoning and proximity to I-205, I-84, the MAX light-rail and downtown Portland, as well as and the relative success of recently constructed mixed-use developments. The subject represents an average to good mixed-use site noting its corner location and relatively large size, which generally increase the development potential of the parcel. The most likely buyer of the subject is a regional or local developer for the construction of a mixed-use development with a mix of commercial and residential uses. HIGHEST AND BEST USE As Vacant – Financial feasibility, maximal productivity, marketability, legal, and physical factors have been considered for the subject site. Based on these considerations, the highest and best use of the subject site “as vacant” is a commercial mixed-use development. As Improved - The existing improvements do not contribute significant value to the property as indicated by the market value estimates. The property is within an established commercial area, and is supported by zoning regulations. Additionally, the subject has a site coverage ratio far below the allowed development density and typical urban development. Based on these considerations, the highest and best use of the property “as improved” is demolition of the existing improvements and redevelopment of the subject site. However, it is noted that the existing improvements provide utility as an interim use until such time that redevelopment occurs. C081313 COPYRIGHT © 2008 PGP VALUATION INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 26 VALUATION METHODOLOGY/SITE VALUATION The appraisal process is designed to evaluate all factors that influence value. Market area information has been presented to inform the reader of general outside influences that may affect value. In addition, the subject property has been described and the highest and best use concluded. The next portion of the appraisal process deals directly with the valuation of the subject property. The following paragraphs describe the standard approaches to value that were considered for this analysis. SITE VALUATION The Sales Comparison Approach is used to estimate the market value of the subject site. The subject is being valued as a vacant site, and the Sales Comparison Approach is the most applicable approach for estimating market value of mixed-use land. The Cost and Income Capitalization Approaches are not applicable when valuing unimproved commercial land and are therefore excluded. The As Is Site Value, excluding subject improvements, will be estimated using the Sales Comparison Approach. Introduction In this section, the value of the subject site is estimated by comparing it with sales of similar redevelopment land located in the subject’s market area or in similar and nearby market areas. Land value is influenced by a number of factors; most prominent of which is development and use potential. This factor, as well as others, is considered in the following analysis. Unit of Comparison The most relevant unit of comparison is the price per square foot per FAR (floor to area ratio). This indicator best reflects the analysis used by buyers and sellers in this market. Comparable Selection A thorough search was made for similar land sales in the area. The parameters of the survey were proximity to the subject, size, location, development potential, and date of sale. In selecting comparables, emphasis was placed on confirming recent sales of mixed-use sites that are similar to the subject property in terms of location and physical characteristics. Overall, the sales used represent the best comparables available for this analysis. C081313 COPYRIGHT © 2008 PGP VALUATION INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 27 VALUATION METHODOLOGY/SITE VALUATION (CONTINUED) Adjustments The lack of uniformity in the market prevents the direct market extraction of most dollar adjustments. However, dollar adjustments to the comparable sales were considered for property rights transferred, financing terms, conditions of sale, and expenditures immediately after purchase, such as demolition costs and etc, and market conditions. General or qualitative analysis reflecting market behavior is also used to determine which comparable sales are superior or inferior to the subject. This analysis establishes value parameters for the subject, allowing for a final value conclusion. The following adjustments or general market trends were considered for the basis of valuation. • Property Rights Transferred - The fee simple rights for each of the comparable sales were transferred. Therefore, none of the comparables required any adjustments for property rights. • Financing - All of the comparables were either cash sales or involved typical market financing. Therefore, no adjustments are necessary. • Conditions of Sale - All of the sales were sold at arm’s length or are market transactions without any undue duress. Therefore, none of the comparables required any adjustments for conditions of sale. • Buyer’s Expenditures Immediately After Purchase - Some of the comparables were adjusted upward for demolition costs incurred by the buyer. • Market Conditions - An adjustment for market conditions, also known as a date of sale adjustment, was considered. Historically, land values within in the subject's market have been increasing with recent softening over the past 6-12 months. However, due to the lack of significant data to apply an appropriate or accurate quantitative adjustment, qualitative adjustments are made to the comparables. The comparables are adjusted qualitatively for market conditions based on the dates of sale. • Physical Characteristics - The lack of uniformity in the market prevents direct extraction of adjustments from the marketplace. General analysis reflecting market behavior is used to determine which comparables are superior or inferior to the subject. It is generally proven in the market place that smaller parcels with similar locations, access, and exposure, will sell at a higher price per square foot. The sales do not indicate a quantifiable adjustment; however, a qualitative adjustment is used in the analysis. Presentation The following Land Sales Summation Table and Location Map summarize the sales data. Following these items, the sales are adjusted for applicable elements of comparison and the site value is concluded. C081313 COPYRIGHT © 2008 PGP VALUATION INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 28 LAND SALES SUMMATION TABLE Transaction (Status/Date) Recorded 8/11/2008 SE 82nd Site 333 SE 82nd Ave Portland, OR Comments: Land Sale 10115 SE Stark St Portland, OR Site Size (Acres/SF) 0.65 28,314 Base FAR Intended Use Zoning CG Commercial NNN Max Height 3:1 45 ft Price per SF/FAR $12.66 Confirmation Name Price per SF $37.97 Source Appraisal Documents Appraiser This is the sale of a used car dealership site. The improvements were in below average condition at the time of sale, and the purchaser was planning on leasing the site to a free standing fast food retaurant. Recorded 7/16/2008 Comments: Analysis Price $1,075,000 $540,000 0.23 10,000 Mixed Use Office/Retail CG 4:1 100 ft $13.50 $54.00 DJ Guild Seller This is the sale of a 10,000 SF corner lot on SE Stark and 102nd. The site was 12,000 SF but will be reduced by 2,000 SF for street and sidewalk expansion by the city. The buyer plans on developing a 12,000 SF office building with first floor retail. CS Mixed Use Kenton Mixed-Use 0.98 3:1 $30.59 Mark DeLapp $10.20 Recorded $1,300,000 Apt/Retail SEC of N Argyle & N Brandon 9/5/2007 42,500 45 ft Buyer Portland, OR This is the sale of CS-zoned land with a 3:1 FAR (45 feet height) with secondary exposure from a main thoroughfare (North Denver) within the North Comments: Portland area. The property is located about 2 blocks from a MAX stop. A mixed-use development is planned. The sale went under contract in late 2006. RX Multi1.40 6:1 $35.66 Dorene Warner $5.94 Recorded $2,174,650 residential 4/16/2007 60,985 120 ft Buyer dit Street in the Gateway District. The property is comprised of two contiguous parcels THis is the sale of a development site with frontage onTNE CGlisan with level topography. There are some older existing improvements on the site ($40,000 estimated for demolition costs). The zoning allows for the Comments: highest density of dwelling units of the city's residential zones. The Gateway Plan District permits an FAR of 6:1 and a maximum building height of 120 feet for the subject site. Glisan Street Site 9929 & 9999 NE Glisan St Portland, OR Esperanza Court SE 28th and SE Kelton St. Portland, OR Recorded 11/29/2006 $2,331,308 2.50 108,719 Commercial Improved CG 3:1 75 ft $7.15 $21.44 Susan Lind Buyer's Representative This property has good access and average exposure considering its proximity to major transportation routes, commercial services, and employment Comments: centers. The environmental issues on-site are required to be remedied prior to construction, at which time the site will be suitable for development. Overall, this is a good site for high density residential development. C081313 COPYRIGHT © 2008 PGP VALUATION INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 29 LAND SALES COMPARABLE LOCATION MAP C081313 COPYRIGHT © 2008 PGP VALUATION INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 30 VALUATION METHODOLOGY/SITE VALUATION (CONTINUED) Analysis The following grid summarizes the qualitative adjustment process of the comparables in relation to the site. LAND SALES ADJUSTMENT GRID Comparable Analysis Price - $1,075,000 $540,000 $1,300,000 $2,174,650 $2,331,308 Price Per SF - $37.97 $54.00 $30.59 $35.66 $21.44 Price Per SF/FAR - $12.66 $13.50 $10.20 $5.94 $7.15 Date of Sale Analysis - 8/11/08 Similar 7/16/08 Similar 9/5/07 Sl. Older 4/16/07 Sl. Older 11/29/06 Older Location Analysis Average/Good Good Sl. Superior Good Sl. Superior Average Sl. Inferior Average Sl. Inferior Average/Good Similar Size (acres) Analysis 3.59 0.65 Smaller 0.23 Smaller 0.98 Smaller 1.40 Sl. Smaller 2.50 Sl. Smaller Access Analysis Average Average Similar Good Superior Average Similar Good Superior Average Similar Exposure Analysis Good Good Similar Good Similar Average Inferior Good Similar Average Inferior Corner Analysis Yes Yes Similar Yes Similar Yes Similar Yes Similar Yes Similar Zoning Analysis CXd CG Sl. Inferior CG Sl. Inferior CS Sl. Inferior RX Sl. Inferior CG Sl. Inferior Shape Analysis Irregular Square Superior Square Superior Irregular Similar Rectangular Sl. Superior Irregular Similar Topography Analysis Level Level Similar Level Similar Level Similar Level Similar Level Similar - High High Sl. High Low Sl. Low Overall Indicator: As Is Site Value Conclusion The comparable sales presented above indicate a wide sale price per square foot range from $21.44/SF to $54/SF; however, on a price per square foot per FAR basis the sales demonstrate a relatively narrow range from $7.15/SF/FAR to $13.50/SF/FAR. Due to the site configuration with approximately 470’ of depth and the proposed street dedication dividing the site into two similarly sized parcels, the subject is best analyzed as two separate sites (site A – northern site and site B – southern site). In the following discussion, the two sites are described relative to the comparables and a price/SF/FAR and site value conclusion for each section is presented. Then, an overall site value conclusion is concluded. SUMMARY OF COMPARABLE ANALYSIS Comp. No. 2 1 3 Subject 5 4 Low High C081313 Price/SF Price/SF/FAR $54 $13.50 $38 $12.66 $31 $10.20 $21 $7.15 $36 $5.94 Statistical Analysis (Price/FAR) $5.94 Median $13.50 Average Indicator High High Sl. High Sl. Low Low $10.20 $9.89 COPYRIGHT © 2008 PGP VALUATION INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 31 VALUATION METHODOLOGY/SITE VALUATION (CONTINUED) Site A (Northern Site) - The subject’s applicable unit value is bracketed qualitatively between Comparable 3 ($10.20/SF/FAR) and Comparable 1 ($12.66/SF/FAR). This portion of the entire site occupies a corner location at the intersection of NE Halsey and NE 106th Ave. The section has approximately 470 ft of frontage along NE Halsey and two curb cuts. The site’s good frontage, relatively large size and favorable CX zoning place upward pressure on the applicable price per square foot per FAR conclusion for the site. The preceding table illustrates how the subject property is bracketed by the comparables on a price per square foot per FAR basis. The following table displays price per square foot per FAR unit value conclusion and site value conclusion for subject site A. VALUE CONCLUSION - SITE A - NORTHERN SITE Concluded Price/FAR FAR Price/SF $11.50 x 3:1 = $35 Concluded Price/SF Site Size (SF) Value $35 x 73,370 = $2,530,000 Site B (Southern Site) - This portion of the entire subject site is located south of site A across the proposed “right-of-way” dedication for NE Clackamas St. While neighborhood streets surround this site, it has a development potential slightly higher than site A due to an allowed FAR of 4:1. However, the increased development potential of this site is offset by the reduced exposure and access compared to the fronting parcel (site A). Comparable 5, a commercial site with similar characteristics to the subject including secondary exposure to the main arterial and access via neighborhood streets is considered the best indicator for the subject on a price/SF/FAR basis. Overall, a price/SF/FAR based on Comparable 5, with a slight premium on site B due to the increased development potential and the favorable CX zoning, is supported by the above analysis of the comparables, and is concluded below. The price per square foot per FAR unit value conclusion and the value conclusion for site B of the subject site are presented below. VALUE CONCLUSION - SITE B - SOUTHERN SITE Concluded Price/FAR FAR Price/SF $7.25 x Concluded Price/SF $29 4:1 = $29 = $2,400,000 Site Size (SF) x 82,827 Value Total Site Value (Sections A & B) – An overall value conclusion for the entire site is based on the above analysis of the components. This site value conclusion does not include the right-ofway dedication and is based on the net square footage of the overall site. Site A and Site B are effectively separate sites due to the roadway dedication of NE Clackamas St that will separate the two sites. Each site will have independent access via several bordering streets; therefore there are no observed premiums or discounts associated with purchasing the individual sections or both sites as an assemblage. Site A B VALUE CONCLUSION - TOTAL SITE FAR $/SF Site Size (SF) 3:1 $35 73,370* 4:1 $29 82,827* Total Site Value Conclusion 156,197* Value $2,530,000 $2,400,000 $4,930,000 *Excludes right-of-way dedication The total site has a weighted FAR of approximately 3.53:1. Based on the site value conclusion presented above the concluded site value is approximately $8.90/SF/FAR blended, which is well supported by the comparable data presented above. C081313 COPYRIGHT © 2008 PGP VALUATION INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 32 ANALYSIS OF VALUE CONCLUSIONS The Analysis of Value Conclusions is the final step in the appraisal process and involves the weighing of the individual valuation techniques in relationship to their substantiation by market data, and the reliability and applicability of each valuation technique to the subject property. The price per square foot per FAR method was presented in the Sales Comparison Approach. There have been relatively recent land sales of properties generally similar to the subject in the market area, which increases the validity of this approach. Developers/users typically consider the Sales Comparison Approach when determining land value. Based on the quantity and quality of available market data, the Sales Comparison Approach is perceived to provide a credible estimate of value and was used exclusively. After considering all factors relevant to the valuation of the subject property the final concluded value estimate is: C081313 VALUE SCENARIO(S) INTEREST APPRAISED DATE VALUE As-Is Market Value Fee Simple December 2, 2008 $4,930,000 COPYRIGHT © 2008 PGP VALUATION INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 33 CERTIFICATE OF APPRAISAL We certify that, to the best of our knowledge and belief: • The statements of fact contained in this report are true and correct. • The reported analyses, opinions, and conclusions are limited only by the reported assumptions and limiting conditions, and are the signers’ personal, impartial, and unbiased professional analyses, opinions, and conclusions. • The signers of this report have no present or prospective interest in the property that is the subject of this report, and no personal interest with respect to the parties involved. • The signers have no bias with respect to the property that is the subject of this report or to the parties involved with this assignment. • The engagement in this assignment was not contingent upon developing or reporting predetermined results. • The compensation for completing this assignment is not contingent upon the development or reporting of a predetermined value or direction in value that favors the cause of the client, the amount of the value opinion, the attainment of a stipulated result, or the occurrence of a subsequent event directly related to the intended use of this appraisal. • The analyses, opinions, and conclusions were developed, and this report has been prepared, in conformity with the requirements of the Code of Professional Ethics and Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice of the Appraisal Institute, and the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice, as set forth by the Appraisal Standards Board of the Appraisal Foundation. • W. Grant Norling, made a personal inspection of the property that is the subject of this report. He also made an exterior inspection of all of the comparables used in this report. • Todd S. Liebow, MAI, made a personal inspection of the property that is the subject of this report; he also inspected the comparables. • Brandon S. Henderson (OR State Registered Appraiser Assistant No. AA02351) provided significant assistance in all aspects of the appraisal process as outlined in OAR 161-025-0030 (9) (a) (A) through (H), indicated below: (A) Define the appraisal problem; (B) Conduct preliminary analysis, select and collect applicable data; (C) Conduct an analysis of the subject property; (D) Conduct highest and best use analysis; (E) Estimate land value, including on-site improvements; (F) Estimate value of the property using the applicable approaches of value—sales comparison and income capitalization; (G) Reconcile each value indication and reconcile the final value estimate; and (H) Report estimate(s) of value(s) as defined. C081313 COPYRIGHT © 2008 PGP VALUATION INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 34 CERTIFICATE OF APPRAISAL (CONTINUED) The use of this report is subject to the requirements of the Appraisal Institute relating to review by its duly authorized representatives. As of the date of this appraisal, Todd S. Liebow, MAI is currently certified under the continuing education program of the Appraisal Institute. W. Grant Norling OR State Certified General Appraiser No. C000792 Todd S. Liebow, MAI OR State Certified General Appraiser No. C000152 C081313 12/9/08 Date 12/9/08 Date COPYRIGHT © 2008 PGP VALUATION INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 35 ADDENDA Qualifications of PGP Valuation Inc Qualifications of Appraisers C081313 COPYRIGHT © 2008 PGP VALUATION INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. TODD S. LIEBOW, MAI Principal Todd S. Liebow was born in Chicago, Illinois in 1957. He attended Denison University in Ohio and graduated with honors from Lewis and Clark College in Portland with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Philosophy. Todd has formerly managed PGP’s Portland and Vancouver offices and has managed the Retail, Office, and General Commercial Property Team in the Portland office. His appraisal assignments include other traditional and special use properties, as well as ad valorem property tax appeals. PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION Lewis and Clark College ♦ Portland, Oregon ♦ 1978 Bachelor of Arts Degree ♦ Philosophy Graduated with Honors Denison University ♦ Granville, Ohio Major in Studio Art ♦ Photography REAL ESTATE EXPERIENCE Principal ♦ PGP VALUATION INC Commercial and Industrial Appraiser ♦Assessor's Office ♦ Clackamas County, Oregon ♦ 1979-83 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATION Certified General Real Estate Appraiser ♦ State of Oregon Certificate No. C000152 Certified Appraiser ♦ State of Washington Certificate No. LIEBOT54330B Registered Appraiser ♦ Oregon Executive Department ♦ Urban/Rural Properties RECENT SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS Oregon Mortgage Bankers Association Addressing Detrimental Conditions in the Appraisal of Real Estate Northwest Property Tax Conference Preparing the Expert Witness Oregon Alliance of Senior and Health Services Valuation of Non-Profit Homes for the Elderly Appraisal Institute Valuation of Environmentally Impaired Properties American Bar Association/Institute for Professionals in Taxation How to Create an Effective Appeal Team Selection and Evaluation of Attorneys © PGP VALUATION INC Qualifications of Todd S. Liebow, MAI (Continued) Oregon & Washington Departments of Revenue Common Errors in the Appraisal Process Reviewing Appraisals Institute for Professionals in Taxation Valuation of Commercial and Industrial Property–Beyond the Cost Approach PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS MAI ♦ Appraisal Institute ♦ Certificate No. 7663 Appraiser ♦ Clackamas County Board of Property Tax Appeals ♦ 1999 to Present Co-Chair ♦ Information and Services Committee ♦ Institute for Professionals in Taxation ♦ 1998/1999 Subcommittee on Property Taxation ♦ Associated Oregon Industries ♦ 1990 - Present Co-Chairman ♦ Taxation/Legislative Committee ♦ Building Owner's and Manager's Association of Portland (BOMA) ♦ 1990-1993 Director ♦ Lewis and Clark Bank Member ♦ Historic Preservation League of Oregon President ♦ 1983: International Association of Assessing Officers, Portland Metropolitan Chapter Admissions Committee ♦ Appraisal Institute, Greater Oregon Chapter ♦ 1989-93 Chair ♦ Finance Committee ♦ Appraisal Institute, Greater Oregon Chapter ♦ 1998-99 Chair ♦ Portland Subchapter ♦ Appraisal Institute ♦ 1993 Member ♦ Ethics and Counseling Panel ♦ Appraisal Institute ♦ 1993 - Present Secretary ♦ Greater Oregon Chapter ♦ Appraisal Institute ♦ 1997 Treasurer ♦ Greater Oregon Chapter ♦ Appraisal Institute ♦ 1998 Vice-President ♦ Greater Oregon Chapter ♦ Appraisal Institute ♦ 1999 President ♦ Greater Oregon Chapter ♦ Appraisal Institute ♦ 2000 © PGP VALUATION INC W. GRANT NORLING Managing Director/Team Leader – Retail & Office W. Grant Norling was born in Butte Falls, Oregon, in 1976. He graduated from Willamette University in 2000 with a Bachelor of Sciences degree in Economics. His accomplishments/activities at Willamette included honors in Economics, team captain in Crew (4 years) and participation in numerous community service events. Over the past six years, Grant has developed a specialty team for appraising retail properties including single-tenant triple net, strip, neighborhood, community and sub-regional centers. EDUCATION Willamette University ♦ Salem, Oregon ♦ 2000 Bachelor of Sciences ♦ Economics PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION Basic Appraisal USPAP Income Properties Residential Case Studies Advanced Income and Application Highest & Best Use and Market Analysis – Appraisal Institute (520) Narrative Report Writing – Appraisal Institute (540) Advanced Income Capitalization – Appraisal Institute (510) SEMINARS Real Estate Fraud Appraisal of Non-Conforming Uses Commercial Construction REAL ESTATE EXPERIENCE Real Estate Appraiser ♦ PGP VALUATION INC LICENSE AND CERTIFICATION Certified General Real Estate Appraiser ♦ State of Oregon Certificate No. C000792 PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS Appraisal Institute – Newsletter Editor 2003 Commercial Real Estate Women (CREW) – Member and Scholarship Committee Chair © PGP VALUATION INC QUALIFICATIONS OF PGP VALUATION INC PGP VALUATION INC is a leading provider of real estate valuation and consulting services. Founded in 1978, PGP has offices in Boise, Calgary, Carlsbad, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Edmonton, Halifax, Honolulu, Irvine, Portland, Sacramento, San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle, Toronto, Vancouver (BC), and Vancouver (WA), Worthington. PGP’s partnership with Colliers Macaulay Nicholls, Inc (Colliers CMN), one of the largest commercial real estate services providers in the world, has expanded PGP’s ability to serve clients globally. PGP has extensive experience in a diverse range of commercial property appraisals, with an expertise in large portfolio valuations. With over 200 experienced appraiser professionals and an efficient commercial appraisal system, PGP has built a reputation for excellence, customer service and responsiveness. PGP’s comprehensive valuation reports are created using the most advanced analytical tools and recognized appraisal methods. PGP’s appraiser professionals adhere to the Code of Ethics established by the Appraisal Institute, and strive to maintain the highest level of professional integrity. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PGP Valuation Inc offers a wide range of services related to the valuation of real estate: Appraisals: Single asset and portfolio valuations on all property types, including residential, commercial, industrial, Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC), infrastructure and easements Partial interest and business valuations Highest and Best Use & Market Studies: Consultation regarding the most profitable utilization of real property assets Feasibility and absorption studies of housing and commercial developments Preparation of FNMA condominium market studies and valuation Consultation: Analysis of real estate regarding values, site development potential, market standards versus competitive edge amenities, market conditions, etc. Litigation Support: Professional opinions as expert witnesses regarding the valuation of real estate Property Tax Analysis/Appeal: Representation before government agencies regarding ad valorem taxes, including preliminary value consultation appraisals and Board of Equalization presentations COPYRIGHT © 2008 PGP VALUATION INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PGP VALUATION INC OFFICE LOCATIONS - USA CARLSBAD – Corporate HQ 5796 Armada Drive. Suite 210 Carlsbad, CA 92008 877.720.2525 Phone 760.730.3372 Fax HONOLULU 1038 Queen Street, Suite 2D Honolulu, HI 96814 808.591.2846 Phone 808.591.2848 Fax SAN FRANCISCO 50 California, Floor 19 San Francisco, California 94111 415.788.3100 Phone 415.373.4500 fax Kenneth Harrison, MAI President & CEO Bobby Hastings, MAI Senior Managing Director Jeffrey Shouse Senior Managing Director Philip Steffen, MAI Executive Vice President IRVINE One Park Plaza, Suite 950 Irvine, CA 92614 949.253.9510 Phone 949.253.9075 Fax SEATTLE 1325 4th Avenue, Suite 500 Seattle, WA 98101 206.343.7477 Phone 206.682.7207 Fax Philip Steffen, MAI Executive Vice President Senior Managing Director John Campbell Managing Director Travis Brown Chief Operations Officer Gary Fessenden Financial Officer BOISE 910 Main Street, Suite 354 Boise, ID 83702 208.342.0163 Phone 208.424.7767 Fax James Gibson Managing Director CHICAGO 190 South La Salle Street Suite 2160 Chicago, IL 60603 312.256.0575 Phone 312.256.0675 Fax Chris Jarvis Senior Managing Director DALLAS 4311 Oak Lawn Avenue Suite 400 Dallas, TX 75219 214.599.9808 Phone 214.853.5900 Fax Stan Wolf, MAI Senior Managing Director PORTLAND 110 SW Yamhill Street Suite 200 Portland, OR 97204 503.226.0983 Phone 503.273.4273 Fax Jeremy Snow, MAI Senior Managing Director Jeff Grose Managing Director Grant Norling Managing Director SACRAMENTO 3000 Lava Ridge Court Suite 220 Roseville, CA 95661 916.724.5500 Phone 916.724.5600 Fax Joe Creech Managing Director Reid Erickson Managing Director Cheryl Lotz Managing Director VANCOUVER 112 West 11th Street, Suite 250 Vancouver, WA 98660 360.699.4844 Phone 360.699.1904 Fax Dean Meyer, MAI Senior Managing Director Steve Waugh Managing Director Marty J. Shearer Senior Managing Director WORTHINGTON 870 N High Street Worthington, OH 43085 614.540.2950 Phone 614.540.2960 Fax Jeffrey Shouse Senior Managing Director Bruce Nell Senior Managing Director DENVER 7900 E Union Avenue Suite 1100 Denver, CO 80237 214.599.9808 Phone 214.853.5900 Fax SAN DIEGO 750 B Street, Suite 3250 San Diego, CA 92101 877.720.2525 Phone 760.730.3372 Fax Jonathan Fletcher Senior Appraiser Lance Dore, MAI Senior Managing Director Ed Carlson, MAI Senior Managing Director Sean S. Yousofy Managing Director COPYRIGHT © 2008 PGP VALUATION INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PGP VALUATION INC OFFICE LOCATIONS - CANADA CALGARY 1000 Royal Bank Building 335 - 8 Avenue SW Calgary, AB T2P 1C9 403.265.9180 Phone 403.265.6495 Fax HALIFAX 1791 Barrington Street Suite 900 Halifax, NS B3J 3K9 902.422.1422 Phone 902.429.9866 Fax Chris Marlyn, AACI Managing Director Mitch Wile Senior Manager EDMONTON 3555 Manulife Place 10180-101 Street Edmonton, AB T5J sS4 780.420.1585 Phone 780.424.7830 Fax TORONTO 1 Queen Street East Suite 2200 Toronto, ON M5C 2Z2 416.777.2277 Phone 416.643.3470 Fax Kenneth Duffin, AACI Managing Director Shawn Oakley, AACI Managing Director VANCOUVER Granville Square 200 Granville Street Suite 1910 Vancouver, BC V6C 2R6 604.681.4111 Phone 604.661.0849 Fax Howie Charters, CLP, FRI Managing Director COPYRIGHT © 2008 PGP VALUATION INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.