O Magnum Mysterium - Gloucester Choral Society
O Magnum Mysterium - Gloucester Choral Society
O Magnum Mysterium Gloucester Cathedral Crossing, Boxing Day 2014 - Photo: James Birtwistle O Magnum Mysterium: Settings through the Ages Gloucester Cathedral 31st October 2015 Gloucester Choral Society & Friends Musical Director: Adrian Partington O Magnum Mysterium Workshop We are running a full day workshop of seven settings of “O Magnum Mysterium” which will be rehearsed and performed in the nave of Gloucester Cathedral on Saturday 31st October 2015. Not only is the workshop an opportunity to sing the various settings of the text relating to the nativity, but also gives choirs a potential opportunity to rehearse music that they might include in their Christmas concert programmes. There is a brief introduction to the piece on the following link - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/O_Magnum_Mysterium The settings we will be rehearsing and performing are a plainsong setting followed by: William Byrd 1540-1623 2’46” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQCIcrlq9zo Thomás Luis de Victoria 1548-1611 4’02” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zeKvNxYMDxE Giovanni Gabrieli 1554-1612 3’42” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AsZqKJgoY98 Francis Poulenc 1899-1963 3’30” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=We2WFonJMEI 7’21” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7ch7uottHU Morten Lauridsen b1943 The other two settings have been commissioned specially for the day; one by our very own John Merrick and the other by Freya Ireland, a student in year 12 at Pates Grammar School, Cheltenham. Freya won the under 18’s category of the 2014 NCEM (National Centre of Early Music) Young Composers Award. Her winning entry was recently performed by The Tallis Scholars on The Early Music Show on BBC Radio 3. Freya’s setting is for double choir and provides an interesting 21st century musical challenge to complement the 16th century double choir setting by Giovanni Gabrieli. Booklet We have prepared a comprehensive booklet which contains all the music and is accompanied by ‘Programme Notes’ and images of Nativity scenes from the extraordinary heritage of stained glass windows in Gloucester Cathedral and churches around Gloucestershire, with associated commentary. A bound colour version of the booklet will be provided as a memento to all participants on the day of the workshop together with published versions of the Poulenc and Lauridsen settings. A draft version of the booklet can be found on the following link to GCS Website - http://gloucesterchoral.com/about-gcs/members-information/omagnum-mysterium-day/ Rehearsal files for the John Merrick and Freya Ireland settings together with all the music can also be found on the same link to the GCS website – http://gloucesterchoral.com/about-gcs/members-information/o-magnummysterium-day/ The afternoon performance will be recorded and CDs will be made available at a cost of £10. O Magnum Mysterium Workshop Rehearsal timetable Morning: Sectional rehearsals Sopranos, Altos – Chapter House with Adrian Partington and Jonathan Hope (Cathedral Organist) Tenors, Basses – Parliament rooms with Russell Burton and William Rowlands (Organ Scholar) Afternoon: Full rehearsal followed by performance in the nave with Adrian and Jonathan 9.00 Registration 9.30 Session 1 (sectionals) 11.00 Coffee 11.20 Session 2 (sectionals) 1.00 Lunch 1.45 Session 3 in the cathedral nave 3.00 Break 3.15 Concert in the cathedral nave 4.00 Finish 4.30 Evensong (Visiting choir) The visiting choir for Evensong is The Howells Singers, Director Sebastian Thomson. The visiting choir organist will be rehearsing in the Cathedral from 12 noon to 1 pm. He will then play for the choir rehearsal 1 pm - 1.45 pm. The choir is made up of members who travel from around the country. O Magnum Mysterium Workshop Latin text O magnum mysterium, et admirabile sacramentum, ut animalia viderent Dominum natum, jacentem in praesepio! Beata Virgo, cujus viscera meruerunt portare Dominum Christum. Alleluia. English translation O great mystery, and wonderful sacrament, that animals should see the new-born Lord, lying in a manger! Blessed is the Virgin whose womb was worthy to bear Christ the Lord. Alleluia! Price £22.50 to include booklet and published music of Lauridsen and Poulenc settings. Soup and a Roll will be available in the Chapter House for a further £5. For your application to be confirmed please make payment of £22.50 (£27.50 to include lunch) per singer by internet banking to Sort Code 40-52-40 Account number 00007718 and referenced with your name and “OMM” with a copy of the completed form by email to peter@gcs.me or send a cheque made payable to “Gloucester Choral Society” in an envelope marked “OMM” with a copy of the completed form by post to: Peter Holmes, Treasurer, Gloucester Choral Society c/o Knowle Cottage, Cranham, Glos. GL4 8JA Please allow for £5 discount on your payment for O Magnum Mysterium for every applicant who buys a ticket for any one of: 1. GCS Orff/Bernstein/Brahms concert in Gloucester Cathedral at 7.00pm on Saturday 21st November. 2. Friends of 3 Choirs Festival John Rutter Workshop in Worcester on 24th October 3. Oxford Bach Choir Spem in Alium Workshop on 7th November Feel Free to copy the table overleaf should there be more than 6 applicants (that the space below allows). O Magnum Mysterium Workshop O Magnum Mysterium in Gloucester Cathedral on 31st October 2015 Application Form Name Email Address Telephone number (evenings/weekends) Soup & Roll @ £5 Name Voice Part * Telephone number (evenings/weekends) Soup & Roll @ £5 Name Telephone number (evenings/weekends) Soup & Roll @ £5 Name Telephone number (evenings/weekends) Soup & Roll @ £5 Name Telephone number (evenings/weekends) Soup & Roll @ £5 Name Yes/No Email Address Voice Part * Yes/No Email Address Voice Part * Yes/No Email Address Voice Part * Yes/No Email Address Voice Part * Yes/No Telephone number (evenings/weekends) Soup & Roll @ £5 Yes/No *nominate yourself to one each of the following voice parts: i. Soprano 1 ii. Soprano 2 iii. Alto 1 iv. Alto 2 Email Address Voice Part * v. vi. vii. viii. Tenor 1 Tenor 2 Bass 1 Bass 2 I confirm I have paid the total fees of £………….. into the Gloucester Choral Society bank (Sort Code 40-52-40 Account number 00007718 and referenced “OMM and applicants name”) via internet banking or by cheque enclosed with this form (payable to Gloucester Choral Society). (Please delete as appropriate) Signed: Choir: Date: