Release Notes for PSpice Student Version Release 9.1
Release Notes for PSpice Student Version Release 9.1
PSZ 19:16 (Pind. 1/07) UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA DECLARATION OF THESIS / UNDERGRADUATE PROJECT REPORT AND COPYRIGHT Author’s full name : MOHAMAD AMIRUDIN BIN NGAH Date of Birth : 12 JUNE 1991 : CARBON MONOXIDE (CO) SMART DETECTOR : 2013/2014 Title Academic Session I declare that this thesis is classified as: CONFIDENTIAL (Contains confidential information under the Official Secret Act 1972)* RESTRICTED (Contains restricted information as specified by the organization where research was done)* OPEN ACCESS I agree that my thesis to be published as online open access (full text) I acknowledged that Universiti Teknologi Malaysia reserves the right as follows: 1. The thesis is the property of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 2. The Library of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia has the right to make copies for the purpose of research only. 3. The Library has the right to make copies of the thesis for academic exchange. Certified by: NOTES: SIGNATURE SIGNATURE OF SUPERVISOR 910612-11-5777 (NEW IC NO/PASSPORT) DR. ANITA BINTI AHMAD NAME OF SUPERVISOR Date: Date: * 19th JUNE 2014 19th JUNE 2014 If the thesis is CONFIDENTAL or RESTRICTED, please attach with the letter from the organization with period and reasons for confidentiality or restriction. “I hereby declare that I have read this thesis and in my opinion this thesis is sufficient in terms of scope and quality for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical-Instrumentation and Control)-SEI” Signature : ………………………………….. Name of Supervisor : DR. ANITA BINTI AHMAD Date ………………………………….. : CARBON MONOXIDE (CO) SMART DETECTOR MOHAMAD AMIRUDIN BIN NGAH A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical-Instrumentation and Control)-SEI Faculty of Electrical Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia JUNE 2014 ii “I declare that this report entitled “Carbon Monoxide (CO) Smart Detector” is the results of my own effort with the exception of excerpts cited in the references. This thesis has not been accepted for any degree and is not currently submitted in candidature of any other degree.” Signature : ………………………………………… Name : MOHAMAD AMIRUDIN BIN NGAH Date : 19th JUNE 2014 iii Dedicated to my beloved dad and mom, Ngah Bin Embong and Limah Binti Omar and my siblings. A special thanks for all your support, encouragement and understandings. Thank you for everything. iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT “In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious and Most Merciful” In preparing this thesis, I dealt with many people who have a major contributed significantly to the understanding of these project. Firstly, I would like to acknowledge and thank my supervisor, Dr. Anita Binti Ahmad for her encouragement, guidance and inspiration throughout my project. My appreciation also goes to my family who has sacrificed so much and supported me over the years. Furthermore, I also wish to extend my appreciation and thanks to my friends. Especially my classmates who are willing to spend their precious time to give me ideas and suggestions in completing this project. Last but not least, my great appreciation dedicated to those who engage directly or indirectly in completing this project. Indeed all views, support and assistance in completing this project are very beneficial. v ABSTRACT This paper presents the design and development of a Carbon Monoxide (CO) gas alarm based on gas detector in vehicles. If any CO gas leakage in the vehicles it will be detected by MQ7 that are used as gas sensor for this project. To make CO Smart Detector operate systematically, Arduino Uno are used as microcontroller to control the whole system for this project. It will automatically alerts user inside vehicles by triggering warning to the user using LED, buzzer and LCD display as an indicators. Furthermore, exhaust fan is used to extract the air inside a vehicle. Green, yellow and red LED will be turn on automatically at certain level of CO concentration. Green LED will be turn on at safe condition. Meanwhile, yellow LED and buzzer with beep sound will be turn on automatically at alert condition. If dangerous level of CO concentration is sensed by the MQ7 sensor, red LED will be turn on and alert the user by using buzzer with continuous sound and the fan can be turn on manually by switch or automatically if the need arises to extract the air inside the vehicle. vi ABSTRAK Kertas ini membentangkan reka bentuk dan pembangunan pengera gas Karbon Monoksida (CO) untuk mengesan gas di dalam kenderaan. Jika terdapat kebocoran gas Karbon Monoksida di dalam kenderaan ia akan dikesan oleh MQ7 yang digunakan sebagai sensor gas untuk projek ini. Untuk membuat CO Pengesan Pintar beroperasi secara sistematik, Arduino Uno digunakan sebagai pengawal mikro untuk mengawal keseluruhan sistem dalam projek ini. Ianya secara automatik akan mengingatkan pengguna di dalam kenderaan dengan memberi amaran kepada pengguna dengan menggunakan LED, buzzer dan paparan LCD sebagai penunjuk. Tambahan pula, kipas ekzos digunakan untuk mengeluarkan udara di dalam kenderaan. LED hijau, kuning dan merah akan dihidupkan secara automatik pada tahap kepekatan CO yang tertentu seperti yang diprogramkan. LED hijau akan dihidupkan pada keadaan selamat. Sementara itu, LED kuning dan buzzer dengan bunyi bip akan dihidupkan secara automatik pada keadaan berjaga-jaga. Jika tahap merbahaya kepekatan Karbon Monoksida dikesan oleh sensor MQ7, LED merah akan dihidupkan dan memberi amaran kepada pengguna dengan menggunakan buzzer secara bunyi yang berterusan dan kipas boleh dihidupkan secara manual meggunakan suis dan secara automatik jika diperlukan untuk mengeluarkan udara di dalam kenderaan. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER TITLE DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 2 PAGE vii-ix LIST OF TABLES x LIST OF FIGURES xi LIST OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS xii LIST OF APPENDICES xiii INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background 1-2 1.2 Problem Statement 2 1.3 Objectives of Project 2 1.4 Scope of the Project 3 1.5 Thesis Outlines 3-4 LITERATURE REVIEW 5 2.1 Introduction 5 2.2 Carbon Monoxide (CO) 5 2.2.1 Definition 5-7 viii 2.2.2 Symptoms of Poisoning from CO 2.2.3 The Initial Steps of CO Poisoning CO Sensor (sensing system) 9 2.4 Microcontroller (Arduino Uno) 10 2.5 Output System 11 2.5.1 LED 12 2.5.2 12 2.6 2.7 Exhaust Fan 13 Previous Related Projects 14 2.6.1 Project 1 14 2.6.2 Project 2 14-15 2.6.3 Project 3 15 Summary of Previous Related Projects 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Hardware Development 17 17-20 21 Gas Sensor Circuit 21-22 3.2.2 Output Circuit 22-23 3.2.3 PCB development Software development 3.3.1 Arduino Uno Programming 3.3.2 Calculation of Gas Concentration RESULT AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Project Description 4.3 Result CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 5.1 16 3.2.1 Process 5 12-13 2.5.4 LCD METHODOLOGY 3.3 4 8-9 2.3 2.5.3 Buzzer 3 8 Conclusion 23 24 24-25 26-28 29 29-30 30 31-34 35 35-36 ix 5.2 6 Recommendation 36 PROJECT MANAGEMENT 37 6.1 Introduction 37-38 6.2 Project Schedule 38-40 6.3 Cost Estimation 40-41 REFERENCES 42-44 APPENDICES 45-50 x LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. 1 TITLE The symptoms faced by patients with PAGE 6 percentages of Carboxyhemoglobin (COHB) 2 The symptoms faced by patients with levels of 7 gas carbon monoxide (CO) 3 Concentration level on three colour of LED 23 4 Input and output voltage range for MQ7 26 5 Testing results 31 6 Project Gantt Chart (Semester One) 39 7 Project Gantt Chart (Semester Two) 40 8 Project price list 41 xi LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. TITLE PAGE 1 Basic structure and configuration of MQ7 9 2 Arduino Uno board 10 3 LED images 11 4 Fan image 12 5 Buzzer image 13 6 LCD image 13 7 Flowchart for methodology of project 19 8 Block diagram for the system 20 9 Circuit diagram for CO Smart Detector 20 10 Images of MQ7 21 11 Connection of MQ7 with Arduino Uno board 22 12 Flow chart programming for Arduino Uno 25 13 Graph output voltage versus concentration of CO 26 14 Graph sensor resistance ratio (Rs/Ro) versus CO 27 Concentration (ppm) 15 CO Smart Detector 30 16 CO Smart detector test in a room with normal air 33 condition 17 CO Smart detector test in a room with cigarette 33 smoke 18 CO Smart detector test with car fumes 34 xii LIST OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ADC - Analog to Digital Converter C - Carbon CO - Carbon Monoxide 𝐶𝑂2 - Carbon Dioxide COHb - Carboxyhemoglobin DC - Direct Current LCD - Liquid Crystal Display LED - Light Emitting Diode GUI - Graphic Using Interface GSM - Global System for Mobile Communication MQ3 - Alcohol Gas Sensor MQ7 - Carbon Monoxide Sensor Gas MQ9 - Liquefied Petroleum Gas Sensor NO - Nitrogen Oxide PIC - Peripherals Interface Controller PPM - Part Per Million O - Oxygen SMS - Short Message Service SnO2 - Tin Oxide V - Volt xiii LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX TITLE PAGE A MQ7 Manual sheet 45-46 B Coding for Arduino programming 47-50 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background Nowadays, safety become a most important aspect in our life. For vehicles, a security system is necessary to protect the user vehicle from buying stolen. While the alarm protect the vehicle, this project is designed to protect the people. The project is designed to implement a gas detector alarm that serve the needs as a safety equipment that can detect the leakage of carbon monoxide gas. Besides it also can control the air inside a vehicle by extracting the polluted air from vehicle using exhaust fan. With that, it can assist to overcome the problem of gas leaks involving carbon monoxide inside a vehicles. As an example, a case involving the effects of carbon monoxide gas leaks have occurred and resulted in the loss of many lives when exposed to prolonged periods of time [14]. For example, the cases that have been published in New Straits Times about the couple death due inhaling carbon monoxide (CO) gas. Carbon monoxide (CO) is caused by a leak in the exhaust system and get into the car through the air conditioning system [1]. Another cases are reported is an involving a family with three children inside a car. These cases occur because the leakage of carbon monoxide get into car ventilation system during parking with engine still running condition for 3 hours [2]. Prevention is better than cure. Thus, this smart alarm gas detector in vehicles is to detect carbon monoxide (CO) gas. Besides, it also can extract 2 out the air inside a vehicle using an exhaust fan while give alerting the people if the pollution in a vehicle is dangerous to user. 1.2 Problem Statement Over time, there are chances of damage to vehicle. One of the risk is leakage at the exhaust system. If damage involve exhaust system, hazardous gas may leak into a vehicle. There are many types of hazardous gas handle by the exhaust system such as carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbon (HC) and nitrogen oxide (NO). Carbon monoxide (CO) is a very harmful gas that can cause death if continuously inhaled with concentration of 400 ppm. As a solution, a system of gas detector needs to be developed. This system should monitor and alert user if carbon monoxide (CO) reach at dangerous level. 1.3 Objective of Project The objectives of this project are: i. To indicate the concentration level of CO. ii. To alert people inside a car when level of CO reaches dangerous level iii. To reduce a concentration level of CO inside a vehicle by extracting the air. 3 1.4 Scope of Project This project are divided into two parts, hardware and software programming. For the hardware part, it can be separated into three systems: i. PCB development ii. Sensing system iii. Output system Besides, the software design are categorized into two parts that are: 1.5 i. Circuitry design ii. Microcontroller programming by using Arduino Uno Thesis Outlines This part will describe the overall summary for each chapter that is, from chapter one to chapter six. For chapter one will explain about the introduction of the project, the background and the studies that have been conducted. Followed by a definition of the purpose of the objective study. Chapter two focused more on the descriptions of carbon monoxide which include negative effects on humans. It also reviews the characteristics of carbon monoxide and precautions that can be done to control the use of this detector. For the part on this chapter are discusses about previous related projects that have been done by another person or group and summary all related project with compare to this CO Smart Detector. 4 Chapter three describes the methodology that have been used to complete this project. Explanations include diagrams and specific models to explain the expected results of this research. Besides, in chapter four explain about result and discussion from the project. Result are collected during experiment. Experiments are conduct in three different condition of air such as normal air without any leakage of CO, cigarette smoke and car exhaust fumes. Furthermore, in chapter five only focus for conclusion and recommendation from this project for the future work. In chapter six describes about the project management for this project. CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction This chapter will discuss in detail about components that are used in hardware and software development and its functions. Besides, this chapter also discuss the sensing system and the output system of the project. Furthermore, a related paper work and project also will be explain towards the end of this chapter. 2.2 Carbon Monoxide (CO) 2.2.1 Definition Carbon monoxide (CO) is a gas that has no taste, odor and colour. As a result, if gas is too difficult to detect by the human senses. This gas is combination of the carbon (C) elements and oxygen (O) element. This combination form an unstable 6 chemical bond. Where in this bond, it requires oxygen ions to form a more stable element such as carbon dioxide (𝐶𝑂2). The effects of carbon monoxide can be seen in the human circulatory system. We know that human blood is capable of absorbing oxygen. When a person inhales carbon monoxide (CO), it will combine with hemoglobin blood. It is known that between carbon monoxide and oxygen gas, carbon monoxide gas has more charm than with oxygen to combine with hemoglobin blood [3]. Carbon monoxide (CO) combines with the hemoglobin of blood is better than oxygen. Thus, hemoglobin is no longer capable of carrying oxygen to the body and cause the body tissues, including organs like the heart and brain of oxygen deficiency. To compensate for the lack of oxygen in the body, heart rate accelerating dramatically, breathing will be more difficult and in a more serious traumatic cardiac arrest may occur and the brain can be damaged. Coma and death may occur if someone is exposure with too serious of carbon monoxide gas. When carbon monoxide replaces oxygen in the blood, the condition is known as carboxyhemoglobin (C0Hb). How fast COHb formed depends on how much carbon monoxide was inhaled by a person measured in per part millions, PPM (see Table 1 and Table 2). The tables showed the harmful effects of CO gas. Benchmark COHb does not take into account the duration of exposure. More and more carbon monoxide accumulated in the blood stream, the percentage of COHb was higher and patients are increasingly indicates serious symptoms [4]. Table 1: The symptoms faced by patients with percentages of Carboxyhemoglobin (COHB) %COHB 10% 20% 25% 30% 45% >50% Symptoms No effect Dizziness at moderate level Dizziness at dangerous level Long-term effects Fainting Death 7 Table 2: The symptoms faced by patients with levels of gas carbon monoxide (CO) PPM of CO Time Symptoms 35 8 hours Maximum exposure allowed by OSHA in the workplace 200 2-3 hours Mild headache, fatigue, nausea and dizziness 400 1-2 hours Serious headache and life threating after 3 hours 800 45 minutes Dizziness, nausea and convulsions. Unconscious within 2 hours. Death within 2-3 hours 1600 20 minutes Headache, dizziness and nausea. Death within 1 hour 3200 5-10 minutes Headache, dizziness and nausea. Death within 1 hour 6400 1-2 minutes Headache, dizziness and nausea. Death within 25-30 minutes 12800 2.2.2 1-3 minutes Death Symptoms of Poisoning from Carbon Monoxide (CO) Poisoning of carbon monoxide (CO) is very hard to diagnosed. Typically, patient that are affected by carbon monoxide poisoning showed the same symptoms as patients suffering from a cold, fever or food poisoning. Only preliminary indication of patient characteristics showed that inhaling carbon monoxide gas, namely: i. Headache ii. Nausea iii. Giddiness iv. Fatigue 8 Continuous exposure to CO may cause symptoms including severe headaches, mental disorders, vomiting, vision is blurred, hearing problem and anxiety. At this point patient may suffer memory loss, permanent brain damage, potential death and coma. 2.2.3 The Initial Steps of Carbon Monoxide (CO) Poisoning Early treatment is important to prevent from more serious symptoms such as death from happening. Therefore, it is very important to be aware of the early symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning. Especially if more than one person suffering from the same symptoms in a region or locality. Fast action is important to prevent further problems. Among the measures that can be taken are as follows: i. Take fresh air immediately, open all the doors and windows of car. Turn off the car engine if applicable and leave the car as soon as possible. ii. Getting treatment at a clinic or hospital. Be sure to tell the nurse that you have carbon monoxide poisoning. iii. Obtain gas cylinder oxygen after getting instructions or advice from physicians. 2.3 Carbon Monoxide Sensor (The Sensing System) There are many carbon monoxide (CO) sensors to choose from the market and for this project, MQ7 Semiconductor Sensor is used. MQ7 gas sensor are made of sensitive material that is tin dioxide (SnO2), with lower conductivity in clean air. 9 Besides, it can detect CO at high cycle and low temperature. At low temperature, output voltage was detected at low voltage. It will give are output signal of gas concentration at low level and vice versa. MQ7 gas sensor are sensitive to carbon monoxide (CO). It is capable to detect other gases that contains carbon monoxide (CO). MQ7 is a low cost sensor and suitable for application such as domestic gas detector, industrial CO detector and portable gas detector. Figure 1 shows the basic structure and configuration for MQ7 gas sensor [5]. Figure 1: Basic structure and configuration of MQ7 2.4 Microcontroller (Arduino Uno) The Arduino Uno are used as microcontroller to control the whole system for this project. Arduino Uno is a single-board microcontroller that can be used for multidisciplinary electronics project. Software used for Arduino Uno is standard programming language compiler and a boot leader that executes on the microcontroller. An Arduino Uno board consists of an Atmel 8-bit AVR microcontroller with complete set to ease user for programming and incorporation with other circuits. This Arduino Uno has 14 digital input and output. From 14 digital input or output pins, 6 pins can use as PWM outputs. Besides, it also has 6 analog inputs with 16 MHz crystal oscillator. This Arduino Uno can be powered by USB connection or an external power supply [6]. The official board for Arduino Uno are shows in Figure 2. 10 Figure 2: Arduino uno board 2.5 Output System The output system for this project are important to ensure the objective of this project are successfully met. The system should be capable to alert the user when concentration of carbon monoxide (CO) achieve a dangerous level. Before that, output system also importance to monitor the air inside a vehicle. For this project output system consist of four main parts: i. Light Emitting Diode (LED) ii. Exhaust fan iii. Buzzer iv. Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) 11 2.5.1 Light Emitting Diode (LED) L.E.D stands for Light Emitting Diode. Light emitting diode (LED) is a diode that lights up when electricity flows through it. Its function to emit light and converts electric current to light. LED have two legs, the anode (+) and cathode (-). LED widely used as indicator lamps in many devices. A light emitting diode (LED) as shows in Figure 3 is a semiconductor light source. Figure 3: LED images 2.5.2 Exhaust Fan Exhaust fan as shows in Figure 4 is a fan to throw out the polluted air inside a vehicle through a vehicle window. This system are important to control the concentration of carbon monoxide (CO) inside a vehicle from growing rapidly and enter the dangerous level of concentration quickly. The extraction of air will create air flow. This is expected to allow fresh air coming into the vehicle. 12 Figure 4: Exhaust fan 2.5.3 Buzzer Buzzer is used to alert people. There are two types of buzzer, which is piezoelectric buzzer and electromagnetic buzzer. For this project piezo buzzer are selected as it produce high pitch ringing sound and have positive and negative polarity. Buzzer will converts electrical waves into sound wave that give a warning signal to user. The Figure 5 shows the piezoelectric buzzer. 13 Figure 5: Piezoelectric buzzer 2.5.4 Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) LCD is used to display concentration value of carbon monoxide (CO). Figure 6 shows the LCD (8x2) display that used for this project. Figure 6: LDC (8x2) display 14 2.6 Previous Related Projects In order to achieve the objectives pf this project, the previous projects has been used as a reference. The previous projects are reviewed as to learn and improve all encountered problems. With those information, this project is expected to be better and serve its purpose. 2.6.1 Toxic Gas Release Alarm System Using PIC Microcontroller by ZARITH SOFIA SURAYA BT HJ BAKERI [7] The project is initiated to resolve the problem by detecting carbon monoxide gas, using gas sensor TGS 2442 thus generate a danger signal if the gas is detected above the danger level. Based on embedded controllers from Microchip PIC18F2550, this project will alert users when the gas is detected above the danger level. The user will be informed of gas concentration level as displayed on the LCD system. Built based on latest carbon monoxide sensor TGS 2442, the system can detect the level of carbon monoxide until 1000 ppm. Alarm signal system are using LEDs, LCD and buzzer that works on the level of gas detected by the sensor. 2.6.2 Wireless Gas Monitoring System of Gas Detector by ZULAIKA BINTI HAMDON [6] The purpose of this project is to develop a data monitoring system for gas detector alarm system. Gas sensors used in this project is MQ3 and MQ9 that will detect the presence of alcohol gas and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). The sensor will 15 detect the concentration of gas in the output voltage of the sensor is shown. To make the sensor operate in the alarm system and data monitoring system, Arduino Uno as a microcontroller are used on whole system and connected together with gas sensor and alarm system. The circuit also includes an LED, buzzer, exhaust fan and Zigbee. Zigbee will send the data from the gas sensor monitoring system displays data in LabVIEW by wireless. Graphical user interface (GUI) was created using LabVIEW for purposes of monitoring by user. 2.6.3 Industrial Illegal Toxic Waste Disposal via Smart Detection System by MUHAMMAD IZUAN BIN ABDULLAH [8] This project was created to detect any attempt by the industry to dispose of toxic or hazardous waste generated from the septic tank into the river. Built using electrochemical gas sensors for detecting toxic waste off, it will detect toxic gases and sends the location address industry who committed the offense to the authorities for further action. The system uses GSM technology that is integrated with a microcontroller to send and receive data wirelessly. GSM modem is used to send location address industry through Short Message Service (SMS) when Toxic waste is detected while GSM phones used to receive SMS. Programming Visual Basic is used to develop a GUI for the system aims to display the received data on the monitoring location. From this project, a system that is reliable and efficient can be achieved for prevent illegal dumping of toxic waste by the industry. 16 2.7 Summary of Previous Related Projects Every previous projects are related to the projects to be developed are reviewed and taken into consideration. These previous related projects has their own advantages and disadvantages that can be highlighted to make this project more successful and effective. From, previous related projects have different objectives and goal to achieve, but still have a similarity with all related projects used are gas sensor to detect harmful gas. A similar input is used to detect harmful gas for the projects to be developed, but with different applications of technology. For example, Arduino Uno and pic microcontroller are used with different project to control the whole system of that projects. GSM technology used by the previous project also learned and considered carefully so that it can be applied more effectively in ensuring that illegal dumping of toxic waste can be reported to the relevant authorities. But all related project just have an alarm system but don’t have an extraction system to replace the air inside vehicle. Thus, this Carbon Monoxide (CO) Smart Detector will be created with extra function to replace the air inside vehicle from continuously polluted and harm the user. CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction The project consists of two main parts, hardware and software parts. Almost 80% of the project consists of the hardware part and the remaining 20% is software part. Basically, the function of this project is to detect and analyze the carbon monoxide gas inside a vehicle. LED will turn ON at certain level of concentration and give a warning to alert user inside vehicle upon reaching at the dangerous level of concentration. Finally, the system will extract out the air form the vehicle to prevent further pollution. To activate this device, the power supply at least 5V and greater than 12V is required. For a vehicle, it must be connected to the power supply from the vehicle or battery. The potential difference generated by the sensors are sent to the analog to digital converter (ADC) internal by Arduino Uno microcontroller. Analogue to digital converter will convert the analog signals from the sensors and converts carbon monoxide reading into digital form that can be processed and manipulated by the microcontroller. Output system will be determined by the microcontroller according to the program set by the program through the LED, LCD, fan and buzzer [9]. 18 For the hardware implementation, it includes the designing of circuit, PCB development and designing the casing for the project. Besides, for software it involves the designing flow chart and writing the programming for the Arduino Uno microcontroller. After both software and hardware parts are completed, next process are testing and debugging of the system [6]. Figure 7 shows the flow chart for methodology. Each part will be discuss in details in this chapter. 19 Figure 7 shows the block diagram for the connection of the project. DC power supply and gas detector as the input of Arduino Uno board. DC power supply can be start Writting programming and compiling the program to arduino Circuit design and basic connection PCB development Testing and debugging and circuitry yes error no end Figure 7: Flowchart for methodology of project supplied from battery of vehicle and also can supplied from external battery from that system. Analog output from the gas sensor become the input for the Arduino Uno board. The output will trigger LED, LCD, fan and buzzer as programmed. 20 Furthermore, Figure 8 shows the circuit diagram for the whole system of CO Smart Detector. This circuit diagram created by using eagle software. Figure 8: Block diagram for the system Furthermore, Figure 9 shows the circuit diagram for the whole system of CO Smart Detector. This circuit diagram created by using eagle software. Figure 9: Circuit diagram for CO Smart Detector 21 3.2 Hardware Development This section will discuss in detail on the design, circuitry and function of each component that are connected to the circuit with Arduino Uno microcontroller in order to create this project. 3.2.1 Gas Sensor Circuit In this project, MQ7 is used as gas sensor to detect the carbon monoxide (CO) gas. Figure 10 shows the image for MQ7 and Figure 11 shows the connection of MQ7 with Arduino Uno board. Figure 10: Images of MQ7 22 Figure 11: Connection of MQ7 with Arduino Uno board 3.2.2 Output Circuit The output circuit for this project include of 3 type of components. This three components have their own function for the project in order to alert user at certain level of carbon monoxide (CO) concentration. That three components such as: i. Light-Emitting Diode (LED) ii. Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) iii. Fan iv. Buzzer There are three colours of LED are used namely as yellow LED, red LED and green LED. These three colours will indicate the three different level of carbon monoxide (CO) concentration as shows in table 3. LED will turn ON according to the level set in the programme. 23 Table 3: Concentration level on three colour of LED Colour of LED Concentration level of Carbon Monoxide (CO) in Part Per Million (PPM) Green <35 PPM Yellow 35<X<100 PMM Red >100 PMM Green LED will turn ON if concentration level of carbon monoxide (CO) is lower than 35 ppm. It mean condition inside the vehicle is safe. Besides, yellow LED and buzzer with beep sound will turn ON if concentration level of carbon monoxide reach between 35 ppm to 100 ppm. Yellow LED is turn ON to alert user inside a vehicle to beware of carbon monoxide gas. It mean that something must be done to control the air surrounding inside a vehicle. But if concentration level of CO increase further to greater than 100 ppm, red LED, buzzer with continuous sound and fan will be turn ON to alert user because air inside the vehicle is very dangerous. Exhaust fan will turn ON to extract out air inside the vehicle. 3.2.3 PCB development Donut board is used for the PCB development. At the beginning, bread board are used for circuit testing to make sure all components is functioning for this project. Then all components are connected on the donut board and soldered. Besides, female connectors are uses to connect the jumper wires from Arduino Uno to the donut board circuit. 24 3.3 Software Development 3.3.1 Arduino Uno Programming Arduino Uno board is one the key component in this project. The whole system is controlled by program in Arduino Uno board. Arduino Uno programming the heart of this project. Arduino Uno will receive output of gas sensor (MQ7) and interpret the data to trigger system output that are LEDs, fan and buzzer. Figure 12 shows the flow chart for whole programming of Arduino Uno microcontroller for the project. 25 Yes No No Yes Figure 12: Flow chart programming for Arduino Uno 26 3.3.2 Calculation of Gas Concentration Process Concentration of carbon monoxide is directly proportional to output voltage of MQ7. Figure 13 shows the graph concentration versus output voltage of MQ7. By referring datasheet of MQ7 the input and output of voltage range shows in table 4. Table 4: Input and output voltage range for MQ7 Specification Gas sensor (MQ7) Input voltage range (volt) DC Supply 5.0±0.1 V output voltage range (volt) DC Supply 0-5.0 V Figure 13: Graph output voltage versus concentration of carbon monoxide (CO) After V1 sampling process, the system will proceed with CO concentration calculation process. The value of CO concentration can be obtained by calculating the value of the sensor resistance (Rs) and from the Rs value we can compute the CO concentration value. The value of Rs can be obtained from the following equation; 27 𝑅𝑠 = 5 − 𝑉1 𝑉1 -------------- (3.6) Equation 3.6 is obtained from the MQ7 data sheet. The value 5 is the positive reference voltage (Ref+) value of the system in volt. Figure 14 shows the graph of sensor resistance ratio (Rs/Ro) versus CO concentration in ppm. Figure 14: Sensor resistance ratio (Rs/Ro) versus CO Concentration (ppm) Graph Ro is the sensor resistance (Rs) value at 100 ppm. Based on the graph Ro is equal to 1. From the log-log graph we can get the relationship between Rs and CO concentration in ppm. Equation 3.7 shows the relationship between Rs and the CO concentration value. Alpha (α) is the graph slope value. 100 is the intersection value between the graph linear line and the y-axis when x-axis equal to zero. 1 𝐶 = 100 × 𝑅𝑠 𝛼 -------------- (3.7) 28 The slope value can be obtained using the following equation, 𝛼= 𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑋1 − 𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑋2 𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑌1 − 𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑌2 ------------------- (3.8) By taking two points (1st point at 100 ppm and 2nd point at 1000 ppm) from the linear line graph we can calculate the slope, 𝛼= 𝑙𝑜𝑔1 − 𝑙𝑜𝑔0.1 𝑙𝑜𝑔100 − 𝑙𝑜𝑔1000 -------------- (3.9) With the slope value equal to -1, equation 3.7 can be simplified into, 𝐶= 100 𝑅𝑠 --------------- (3.10) CHAPTER 4 RESULT AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Introduction This chapter will describes the results of the project and discussing some of the problem solving during the process of completing this project. Several tests on the Smart Alarm Detector had been conducted to determine whether project is successful or there is any problem in hardware or software implementation part in order to achieve the objectives. Data collection was performed at three different environment conditions. Then the data will be analyzed and compared with information gain from reference sources. Figure 15 shown the project hardware after fully assembled. 30 Figure 15: CO Smart Detector 4.2 Project Description CO Smart Detector is built based on the objectives of the project. These sensor nodes will detect the concentration of gas exposure and convert it into an analog voltage. This signal is directly transmitted to the Arduino Uno as a microcontroller that serves as the controller for the whole system. After the data is transferred, the Arduino Uno will convert the data into digital format. Within 10 bit, Arduino Uno will processes analog to digital signal from 0-1024. The output voltage of the sensor gas (0-5) V will be read as (0-1024) decimal output in the Arduino Uno. After the change, all values will be displayed on the LCD concentration level will be processed by the Arduino Uno to give further instructions to the output. 31 4.3 Result After all software and hardware part was completed, CO Smart Detector tested in three different situations in which each impending contain different amounts of CO concentration: i. Normal air. ii. Cigarette smoke. iii. Car fumes. The results of the test compared with the information from several reference source. The results of the test are shows in Table 5. Table 5: Testing results Test condition Result Fresh air CO value: <35 ppm. Green LED lights up. Reference In USA, average concentration level of CO between 0.5-5.0 PPM [10]. Cigarette CO value: 35-100 ppm. smoke A room polluted with CO Yellow LED lights up. generated by cigarette is 25 Buzzer automatically turn on PPM [11]. with beep sound. CO generated by cigarette smoke normally is 20 PPM and above [12]. Car fumes CO value: >100 ppm. CO value generated form car Red LED lights up. fumes in Mexico city area Buzzer automatically turn on between 100-200 PPM [13] with continuous sound. Fan automatically turn on. The results compared with information from several reference because no proper equipment or CO meter available to check the correct value during the test was 32 carried out. The fresh air conditions tested in the normal room condition without the presence of smoke or any source of incomplete combustion that can generate the CO. The output results for this condition are shown on the LCD between 0.0 to 0.5 ppm and the green LED lights up to indicate safe condition. The Figure 16 shows the CO Smart Detector during test in a normal air. Besides, the cigarette smoke condition had tested in a room where there are some number of people smoking cigarettes. The results shown on the LCD between 35 ppm and 65 ppm. The yellow LED is lights up and buzzer automatically turn on with beep sound. This sound is meant to tell that the air condition in the test room was in a state of alert and precaution. The Figure 17 shows the CO Smart Detector during test in room with cigarette smoke. Figure 18 shows the CO Smart Detector was testing on the car exhaust. The car smoke tested in the open place and the sensor was placed directly in the exhaust of the car. The results shown on the LCD is between 100 ppm and 200 ppm. The red LED is lights up and buzzer automatically turn on with continuous sound. Besides, fan also automatically turn on. However that fan can be manually turn on if necessary condition by turning on the fan switch. 33 Figure 16: CO Smart Detector during test in normal air condition Figure 17: CO Smart Detector during test in room with cigarette smoke condition 34 Figure 18: CO Smart Detector during test using car fumes CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 5.1 Conclusion With the growing awareness of Carbon Monoxide as the 'Silent Killer' and along with the rapid development of science and technology, many of the toxic gas alarm system were developed [15]. This demonstrates the importance of an effective alarm system to detect the presence of CO. This project that using Arduino Uno as a microcontroller to control the whole system meets the all objectives of the proposed system based CO gas emissions alarm system. That can detect carbon monoxide in a vehicle environment. This device is capable to warn the user for emergency evacuation at CO level exceeding 400 ppm [16]. There are many advantages in building technology system based on Arduino Uno microcontroller. Some of the advantages are: i. Various size and peripheral selection ii. A wide selection of languages and tools iii. Robust hardware iv. Set of simple instructions 36 These all advantages that make CO Smart Detector easy to program. The output system can be programmed to meet all project objectives. Besides, the signal of the alarm system is simple and easy to understand with the alarm signal easily understand by all level of people. In conclusion, carbon monoxide (CO) is a very harmful gas to humans, but is very difficult to detect without the help of a machine [17]. So, this CO Smart Detector system is capable to detect, measure, alert and assist to reduce the CO concentration. The developed system also can be used for various applications such as inside vehicle, warehouse, public area (i.e bus station) etc. Finally, Smart CO Detector have been successful designed to meet all the desired objectives. 5.2 Recommendation Security features for CO Smart Detector can also be improved by adding another function to check the condition of the sensor in case the sensor does not work properly or if the calibration of the sensor has been removed. This sensor can check by monitoring the voltage across the sensor's heater. A power-saving features and back-up power supply will also be an important addition to the system in case the main power supply is cut off or have some problem. The alarm system can also be connected to a timer and dial the phone directly to the owner and the police station if dangerous levels of CO concentrations detected continuously for more than one or two hours [18]. For the future works, it is advisable to use smaller size fan and use Arduino Mini for a more compact and presentable model. CHAPTER 6 PROJECT MANAGEMENT 6.1 Introduction Definition of the project is a plan that is managed or administered involving human, material and financial resources to assume or be responsible for implementing the specifications and scope of work within the meaning of the constraints of time and cost in order to achieve a beneficial change and quality assessed through. The project is a mix between management and materials management, and associated with each other [19]. Planning of this project is to make a selection that will be used in the project. The method used and the ability to choose the most profitable option is key to determine the success of a project. In addition, the success of this plan depends on the decisions made, information gathering, resources management, travel itinerary of projects and equipment. 38 Each project have specific objectives to achieve within specified duration. A project usually divided into several stages to allow better control. Each stage of this project called Project Life Cycle. Normally projects that do need adjustment in term of time, cost and performance. The time period for the completion of this project was set in accordance to course programmed. This is because, the time to complete a project will affect the total course. Thus, these three aspects are closely related to each other. A project management require knowledge, skills, tools and techniques practiced in order to complete the project within the time specified. Project managers need to make a plan for the project to serve as a control guideline to ensure that the projects meet the goals set. To ensure the success of a project depends on the knowledge of existing processes and the ability to choose the best option available. 6.2 Project Schedule This project is carried out along two continuous semester period. Table 6 shows the details of the work implemented in the first semester. During the first semester, most of the work involves studying the microcontroller used for the project and learning a programming language for Arduino Uno. Next is to identify the components to be used for the project. 39 Table 6: Project Gantt Chart (Semester One) Design Cover In addition, Table 7 shows 5 work is done during the second semester. The second semester is spent to complete the entire project, including all parts of software programming and hardware completion. Last but not least, testing and analysis of the complete system is also carried out before the thesis is done. 40 Table 7: Project Gantt Chart (Semester Two) 6.3 Cost Estimation Table 8 shows the cost of the entire project. Based on the price list table, the total cost of this project is RM 90.70. The cost can be reduced by buying the Arduino Uno board and CO gas sensor using online. 41 Table 8: Project price list No. Item Quantity Price(RM) 1 Arduino Uno Board 1 40.00 2 CO gas sensor (MQ7) 1 30.00 3 Battery 10V 1 15.00 4 Transistor 2N2222 1 0.45 5 Resistor (330 ohm) 3 0.21 6 Resistor (1k ohm) 1 0.07 7 Resistor (220 ohm) 1 0.07 8 LED (Green, Yellow and Red) 3 0.45 9 Straight pin header(male) 1x40 ways 1 0.70 10 Right angle pin header(male) 1x40 1 0.70 ways 11 2561 PCB connector housing 2 ways 10 1.00 12 2561 PCB connector housing 3 ways 3 0.45 13 2561 PCB connector housing 8 ways 4 1.60 Total cost = RM 90.70 REFERENCES 1. New Straits Times. 2008. “Couple Died Due to Carbon Monoxide Gas”. 2/1/2000 .Retrieved August 1, 2008 from 2. Arkib. 2000 (Sept 9). “Perodua diminta periksa Kancil-Ekoran kematian tiga beradik dipercayai terhidu karbon monoksida”. Utusan Malaysia (Malay Language). 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