Art Program Summer 2016 - Albany Diocesan Cemeteries


Art Program Summer 2016 - Albany Diocesan Cemeteries
The Living Room Art Gallery
located in Historic St. Agnes Cemetery’s
Visitors Center
48 Cemetery Avenue
Menands, New York 12204
The office is open from
8:30 AM - 4 PM Monday - Friday
and Saturday by Appointment.
Where Time Stands Still:
Living and Learning in a Victorian Era Cemetery
Pen & ink by Joe Mele, Troy, NY
Summer 2016
About Historic St. Agnes Cemetery
Historic St. Agnes Cemetery, Menands, New York was known in
the 19 century as the most beautiful Catholic cemetery in the nation.
Its carefully engineered design makes the most of the natural landscape’s hills, valleys and spectacular vistas. Speaking to its establishment
in a bygone era, narrow winding roads shaded by trees curve in a manner more suitable for passage by horse and carriage then the modern
day automobile. In this sacred ground rests tens of thousands of citizens
from 1867 to the present. Since its opening, St. Agnes Cemetery has
served its community with compassion and love following closely the
doctrine of the Catholic faith and customs surrounding the death and
burial of the faithful. In this present day the Cemetery continues its ministry to pray for the dead and provide comfort for mourners in service to
hundreds of families every year . It is a sacred place founded solidly in
the traditions of the Church.
When St. Agnes Cemetery opened two years after the end of
the American Civil War, there was a scramble among Albany’s elite for
the purchase of the best lots. First choice went to the original cemetery
trustees and they chose well. Their large lots sit high upon what we now
call Founders’ Hill and they are nothing less than splendid. At the time
only young trees and newly planted shrubbery dotted the gently sloping
ground and nothing stood in the way of panoramic views of the mountains to the west and the Hudson River to the east. Subsequent lot sales
secured equally beautiful spaces that certainly must have given citizens
in the area the comfort of knowing that when they die, they will spend
eternal rest in a place where the living can enjoy visiting.
Cemetery lots were extremely important to the people of the
Victorian era. Lot owners of all socio-economic means took great pride
in maintaining their sacred grave spaces. Quaint little marble headstones and ornately carved granite monuments provide our visitors with
a lesson in art and in history. The wealthiest citizens gave us much to
admire with their stately burial lots but the ordinary citizen and the poor
played an important part in the shaping of history and their modest
graves tell their own story. Sometimes it is a sad story of high infant
mortality; tragic workplace accidents; ravaging infectious diseases; and
sometimes it is a story of triumph, inspiration and perseverance. The
end result is a beautiful collection of sculptures large and small, stained
glass and neo-classical architecture memorializing people resting in 114
acres of rolling hills dotted with specimen trees and gardens. Welcome!
Dear Friends:
In this year of our Lord 2016 we enter into the sixth season of art classes held in Historic
St. Agnes Cemetery. Each year we introduce something
new , educational and fun to our line-up of art classes. I
recognize the need to keep things fresh and our programs
interesting in order to appeal to a diverse audience. This
year we are offering both indoor and outdoor art sessions
in a variety of mediums including watercolor, acrylic, oil
and clay. A recent purchase of traditional style wooden
easels will allow our aspiring artists a chance to experience
painting like the Impressionists of the 19th century did in
plein air!
I hear this a lot: art classes in an old cemetery? Why yes,
indeed! Check out what we have to offer. Please note that
some of our workshops are offered through Hudson Valley
Community College and you must call them or register
with them on-line. I have noted which classes are through
Hudson Valley’s program. It is easy to register, just follow
the directions after the class listing. Indoor classes are
held in The Living Room Art Gallery, Historic St. Agnes
Cemetery, Menands. Email me or call 463-0134 ext. 110.
Celebrate life!
Make art while you are on this side of the grass.
Friday Paint Club
Professionally Guided Art Lessons with Noreen Powell
Crows in a Tree by Noreen Powell
The Living Room Art Gallery was established in 2013 for the
purpose of supporting talented local artists. A new exhibit
is featured every 60 days. If you are an artist or just someone who paints, takes pictures, draws or makes fabric art
pieces as a hobby, you may want to consider exhibiting your
work! Our museum quality tracks and hanging system can
support and really show off your art in a space filled with
filtered natural light and track lighting. The artist has the
option of hosting a reception to invite friends and family to
share in the experience. The Living Room Art Gallery is a
peaceful place where the creative spirit is encouraged to
blossom. To discuss a possible exhibit please contact our
curator and historian at 463-0134 ext. 110.
Friday Paint Club will meet from 10 AM - Noon on the dates listed
below. Class size is limited and themes vary. Price per class is $20
for 8 x 10 canvas and $25 for 11 x 14 canvas. Paints, brushes and
two hours of professional instruction are included . Friday Paint Club
is perfect for aspiring artists looking for structured classes with emphasis on color values, perspective, line and composition techniques
using acrylic paints on stretched canvas. It is also perfect for beginners because classes are small, relaxed and fun! Coffee, juices and
bakery goods from the famed Schuyler Bakery, Watervliet are provided. No prior experience is necessary. Painting is very therapeutic!
Each class features a different subject, theme or style of a famous
artist. Paint club participants put their own spin and apply their
own style to whatever it is the instructor presents. Even if you are
not a fan of a particular artist noted in the classes below, don’t rule
out the class altogether! You have full creative control over your
own canvas. Call Kelly at 463-0134 or email to register.
May 13
Painting in the Style of Mary Cassatt
May 27
Seagulls on a Beach at Daybreak
June 3
A Study in Dappled Light
June 24
Clouds on a Summer Day
August 12
Bridal Bouquet
August 26
Open Theme or Tweak Your Piece
September 23 Painting in the Style of Van Gogh
Lessons in Watercolor
With Edith Leu
Please join us for a journey into the world of watercolor. In
this series you will experience the spontaneity of this wonderful medium. Sessions will focus on the various techniques particular to watercolor such as wet-on-wet and luminous shadows as well as such techniques as edges and
line. There will be demonstrations as well as individual critiques and assistance. Beginners and intermediate watercolor painters are encouraged to participate.
Four Part Series:
Wednesday 10:30 AM - 1:30 PM on May 4, 11, 18 and 25
Coffee, tea and delicious snacks provided.
All art materials provided. Price $145
Call Kelly at 463-0134 to register.
All classes are held in The Living Room Art Gallery at
St. Agnes Cemetery, Menands.
A History of American Cemetery Art
With Frank Calidonna
If you have ever walked through a cemetery just for the sheer enjoyment of art and nature; if you think graveyards are something for the
living to enjoy, then this course if for you. Art, often of museum quality, is found in many cemeteries. The wonderful visual pleasures left by
people from the Victorian era to present as they have decorated for
the dead are subjects of this class. We will also cover the cultural, social and practical influences that inform what you see in a cemetery.
The course is meant to educate but not without a really fun and interesting element! Our instructor, Frank Calidonna is also an accomplished photographer of cemetery art. His work will be on exhibit in
The Living Room Art Gallery where the lectures will be held. This five
part series includes a guided tour of St. Agnes Cemetery with focus on
artistic conventions in funerary art over the past 150 years.
10:30 - Noon on Tuesday, Sept. 20, 27, Oct. 4, 11 (tour) & 18
(rain date for tour is Oct. 18)
Price of $55 includes coffee, tea, fresh bakery goods.
Call Kelly at 463-0134 or email to
An Autumn Study
With Noreen Powell
Fine Clay Art
A new generation of ceramics
With Suzanna Van Schoonhoven Hunter
Celebrate the glorious colors of fall! Join Noreen
in The Living Room Art Gallery for a lesson in
light and color using water soluble oils and acrylics on canvas. This is a two part series to complete a 16 by 20 inch canvas.
The history of clay art is as old as civilization itself. This five
part workshop will focus on the creation of a few pieces of
hand painted, kiln fired clay art. No experience is necessary. You will create your own unique and beautiful fine
art pieces without having to make expensive investments
in materials.
Saturday, September 10th and 17th 10 AM - 1 PM
1:00 - 2:30 PM on Wednesday
Price of $75 includes all materials and refreshments.
June 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29
Price for five classes and materials: $125
Call Kelly at 463-0134 to register or email
NOTE: register for this class on-line through You may also call
629-7339 to register.
Painting Panoramic Vistas
With Karen Woodin
Join accomplished artist Karen Woodin in Historic St.
Mary’s Cemetery in Troy for a four part plein air paint
class series using oil paint on canvas. Perched in front of
a French style wooden easel (you can stand or sit or alternate) we will paint on top of an easy accessible hill
with views of the Albany City skyline and mountains all
around. You can see for miles! This workshop is perfect
for beginner and intermediate artists. Class size is limited to allow a lot of one on one instruction. It is expected each participant will complete a 16 by 20 inch
canvas in this four part series. Safe storage of works in
progress will be provided. All materials including easels,
chairs, palettes, canvas, oil paints and brushes are provided. Refreshments included. (Restroom facilities are
on site in our office building.) Safe shelter from inclement weather will be provided.
Thursday, June 9, 16, 23 & 30 10 AM - 1 PM
Price $95 for four part series
NOTE: register for this class on-line through You may also call
629-7339 to register.
The Reverential Landscape:
Principles of Plein Air Painting Revived
With Noreen Powell
There is something romantic and intriguing about setting up a big
wooden easel outside in the natural light for the purpose of
painting a picture. Imagine yourself a French Impressionist capturing the light as it moves and changes. In this three part series,
you will be able to take your time to complete a landscape
painting on a 16 by 20 inch canvas using water soluble oil paints.
Painters will learn how to capture natural light and the curves and
shapes of nature using various brush stroke techniques and color
values. This class is geared towards new and intermediate painters who wish to step outside the studio and bring a new creativity
to their work. All materials are included. We will work in an area
close to comfort facilities in the Cemetery’s Visitors Center. In the
event of rain we will work in The Living Room Art Gallery.
Wednesday, August 3, 10 & 17 10 AM - 1 PM
Price of $65 includes all art materials and refreshments.
NOTE: register for this class on-line through You may also
call 629-7339 to register.
Impression of a Sunset
With Karen Woodin
The rising and setting of the sun has always been
a favorite subject in art. Karen Woodin will teach
you how to use oil paints on canvas to create
your own magnificent impression of a sunset on
canvas. Join her in The Living Room Art Gallery
located in Historic St. Agnes Cemetery on:
Saturday, August 6th 10 - 3 PM
Price of $75 includes all art materials, refreshments and
Call Kelly at 463-0134 to register.
Romancing the Landscape:
Painting in the Style of the Hudson River School
With Karen Hummel
This class offers painters of all skill levels the opportunity
to experience landscape painting with emphasis on the
iconic style of Hudson River School artists. The instructor
for this class regularly participates in plein air painting
workshops held on the grounds of Olana - the 19th century
home of one of America’s best known landscape painters Frederic Church. She will instruct you in the use of water
soluble oil based paint and acrylic on canvas. All materials
are provided. Class will be held outside weather permitting in a comfortable, shaded area. Comfort facilities
are located in our Visitors Center. In the event of rain we
will paint in The Living Room Art Gallery in the Visitors Center. Easels, paint, canvas and brushes included.
Saturday, July 16th 10 AM - 3 PM
Price of $75 includes coffee, juice, fresh baked
goods in the morning and catered lunch served at
Call Kelly at 463-0134 to register.
A Waterfall in Summer
Bountiful Bouquet of Summer Flowers
With Noreen Powell
Capturing translucent light playing on the water’s
surface can be a challenge to even the most accomplished artist. Capturing the light in water as it
moves at lightning speed over smooth rocks is a
little easier because it is “messy” – not orderly or
predictable. This workshop will teach beginners
and intermediate painters the various techniques
artists use to give the illusion of translucent light.
We will use a combination of water soluble oil
based paints and acrylics on canvas to create a waterfall scene of peaceful beauty. Join us in beautiful, historic St. Agnes Cemetery’s Living Room Art
Gallery for a unique and completely stress free
painting experience.
Wednesday, July 20th 10 AM – 3 PM
Price of $75 includes all art materials, refreshments
and lunch.
NOTE: register for this class on-line through You may
also call 629-7339 to register.
With Susan Beadle
Susan Beadle’s flowers painted on canvas are so fresh
and beautiful they invite you to pick them! She is an
accomplished artist offering to share her techniques in
paint so that you too can create a lovely floral arrangement on canvas. This workshop will include a 16 by 20
inch canvas, water soluble oil paints and brushes, four
hours of instruction, morning coffee and fresh baked
goods and a catered lunch served at noon. We will
paint in The Living Room Art Gallery.
Saturday, July 30th
10 AM - 3 PM
Price of $75 includes all art materials, refreshments
and lunch.
Call Kelly at 463-0134 to register.