March and April - Garden Grove Hospital Medical Center
March and April - Garden Grove Hospital Medical Center
CO U W est M An Ce edic ahe nt al im er Int La er Pa Ho comm lma spi un tal ity e ov r G l en pita d r s Ga Ho A ton g n i nt ach al Hu Be spit Ho N MARCH / APRIL 2012 N TY OR GE Dear Circle of Friends Members In April, Circle of Friends (formerly Senior Friends) is celebrating its 25th year and in recognition of this milestone, each chapter will be holding a Birthday Party at the April General Meetings. Both Executive Boards invite you to join in the celebrations they have planned for the members. During 2012 in celebration of our 25th year, Circle of Friends is holding special drawings at our meetings and events, adding special extras on our trips with fun ways to celebrate. I would like to announce a change that has taken place affecting both West Anaheim and Huntington Beach Circle of Friends Chapters. For the last few years the West Anaheim Chapter offices have been located inside West Anaheim Medical Center (WAMC), in the former long term care unit which was used for patients prior to closing seven years ago. It has been decided to once again open the long term care unit, which means that WA Circle of Friends and 24 staff members who used that space needed to relocate. Unfortunately there was not adequate space within WAMC to house everyone. Many staff members have been relocated to one of our sister hospitals and the WA Circle of Friends Administrative Office has moved to Huntington Beach Hospital. We will continue to hold all WA Circle of Friends meetings, lectures, and activities for members at West Anaheim Medical Center, this will not change. In order for this to be accomplished the HB Circle of Friends offices also had to be relocated. Huntington Beach Hospital’s Administrator, Sofia Abrina, was very generous in allocating a large suite for us to occupy, it is located on the first floor. Orange County Circle of Friends is now housed under one roof, not in separate offices. Each chapter has their own area as does travel, data entry and my office is located there as well. I want to thank the office staff of both chapters for their hard work in getting us ready for the move, which happened very quickly, and for their continued help getting organized in the new offices. It has been a big change for all, but much more for the volunteers who run the West Anaheim Chapter and the Travel Dept. It was with regret that I accepted the resignation of some volunteers who were unable to make the drive to Huntington Beach on a weekly basis and I am so grateful to those who have made the move to the new offices. To accommodate this change the hours of operation for West Anaheim and Travel have changed to 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday to Thursday. Their new phone number is 714-843-5092. HB Chapter number remains 714-8435061. I invite you to join us at the Open House on Tuesday, March 27th from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. The new location for the offices is on the first floor of Huntington Beach Hospital, 17772 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach, CA 92647. Candace Bartsch, Director of Circle of Friends Tour Our New Offices Open House - Tuesday, March 27th, 1-4 pm refreshments * contests * friends Orange County Circle of Friends Member Information Membership Circle of Friends Administrative Offices Membership is so exclusive, it takes 50 years to join. Membership fees are $20.00 per person, per year. Make check payable to Circle of Friends, complete enrollment form inside this publication, and mail or bring check and form to Circle of Friends Chapter you wish to join. Welcome! Closed on Fridays, Holidays and during special events/meetings Mailing 17772 Beach Blvd. Address: Huntington Beach, CA 92647 Location: Huntington Beach Hospital First Floor Hours HB Chapter: Monday through Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Closed for lunch Noon - 1:00 p.m. Telephone Number 714-843-5061 Membership Benefits ● Hours WA Chapter: Monday through Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Closed for lunch Noon - 12:30 p.m. Telephone Number 714-843-5092 ● Travel Team Office Hours Discounted Meals Monday - Thursday 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Closed for lunch Noon - 12:30 p.m. Telephone Number 714-843-5092 or 714-843-5061 The travel team is ready to assist you with any questions, or sign you up for any of the Circle of Friends trips. Look for us at the General Meetings. Reservations can be mailed to the Administrative Offices or taken to the local chapter office. If you have a special request or tour suggestion, please let us know. All suggestions are reviewed. See you soon! Call or mail your Chapter Office to: RSVP for an event, General Information, Inquiry regarding an event, Membership Card, change of name, address or phone, notification of a deceased member. Both Chapters Continue to Collect ● ● ● ● ● Used cell phones Used eye glasses Pop top tabs for Ronald Mc Donald House in support of community organizations. (No cat food tabs, they are metal). Gently used magazines are appreciated for use in the hospital waiting rooms. Stop by the office to browse our book shelves to trade or borrow current paperback books. HB Chapter 2012 Executive Board President - Harvey Waldron Vice President - Dorothy Dupont One free meal daily for spouse or significant other staying with patient at HBH or WAMC. HB Chapter - stop by office M-T, see cafeteria cashier F,S & S. WA Chapter - see PBX Operator Educational seminars ● Social events ● Travel Enjoy dining in the Huntington Beach Hospital cafeteria or the West Anaheim Medical Center cafeteria. Members are entitled to discounted dinner meal. Must wear current badge. Monthly General Meetings Most months the Orange County Circle of Friends Chapters host a General Meeting open to their Chapter Members. Some meetings may be open only to that chapter due to accommodation limits. Several times yearly we offer combined meetings which are open to members from both chapters. These meetings may be held in various locations. Watch the newsletter for announcements and sites. Please RSVP according to the announcement for that event paying particular attention to the Chapter you need to call. Medical Seminars/Health Fairs Watch the newsletter for information on local seminars, health fairs, and/or physician or community guest speakers. Sunshine Needs Notify your chapter office to report members’ illnesses, deaths, and special events such as 50th+ Anniversaries. Leadership Candace Bartsch Director, Circle of Friends WA Chapter 2012 Executive Board President - Nancy Creason Vice President - Jennie Hutchison Treasurer - Laura Ferrian Treasurer - Nan White Secretary - Deborah Westen Newsletter (714) 843-5596 or 2 Secretary - Sheri LaRoche Orange County Circle of Friends Member Information St. Patrick’s Day Dinner ~ Friday, March 16, 2012 Huntington Beach Hospital Cafeteria Lower Level of Hospital Dining Room opens at 4:30 pm ~Dinner served at 5:00 pm ~Menu~ Corned Beef and Cabbage ~ New Potatoes / Vegetable Salad/Roll ~ Special Holiday Dessert Music, Fun and Friends!!! Cost: $6.00 Please RSVP and purchase your Dinner Ticket from HB Chapter Circle of Friend’s Office Or send to HB Circle of Friends, 17772 Beach Blvd, HB CA 92647 Indicate St. Pat’s Dinner on your check made out to Circle of Friends No later than March 13, 2012 Open to Both Chapters 1st Come 1st Served. 50 seats available CIRCLE OF FRIENDS “DAY of FUN” Your “friends” are our “friends” bring them along. “PARTY BINGO” and ROOT BEER FLOATS Monday, May 21, 2012 2:00 PM Ticket Sales: $10.00 per person Entrance by advanced ticket sales only Old World Festival Hall 7561 Center Avenue, HB Ticket Sales no later than May 15, 2012 ~ Tickets will not be sold at the door. All sales are final….sorry, no refunds. Let’s have FUN! A day of playing “Party Bingo”. Everyone can play. All you need to know are the suits of a deck of cards, we will teach you the rest. You will be seated as you enter. If you wish to sit with someone, you must wait until all of your party is present (maximum of 4 in a group). However, you do not need partners you will be seated in a foursome. NO ONE will be allowed to save seats. Sorry, NO EXCEPTIONS. This is the best way to seat everyone and get the games started on time. THANK YOU for your cooperation! The cost is $10.00 per person. Non-members welcome!!! Sponsored by Huntington Beach Chapter Circle of Friends. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE! To Purchase Tickets-mail in request or come by your Chapter Office Number of Tickets Requested for Party Bingo ________ Name_____________________________ Name____________________________ Name_____________________________ Name____________________________ Address to mail tickets:_____________________________________________________ Make checks payable to: Circle of Friends. Amount enclosed: $__________________ Mail to: HB Circle of Friends 17772 Beach Blvd, Huntington Beach, CA 92647 Request Must be i n Offi ce no l ater than Thu rsday, May 15, 2012 Re min de r: No Gen e ral Me e tin g s in Ma y 3 Huntington Beach Chapter Programs Attorney Services Offered March 16th and April 20th, 2012 Dennis Jensen, Attorney At Law, is available to assist you with legal questions. There is NO fee for the initial 15-minute consultation; if further legal services are needed, fees will be determined. To schedule a required appointment, call the HB Chapter at (714) 843-5061. See page 6. AARP Bowling League League bowling is available at Westminster Lanes on Mondays at 10:30 a.m. at a cost of $7.00 per week. To sign up, call the Circle of Friends office. Call now to join. Bridge Players 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Fridays of every month at 9:30 a.m. at Coco’s Restaurant on the corner of Golden West St. & Bolsa Ave. All members of Circle of Friends are welcome, but we need to schedule players each week. So first timers, please call the office and ask staff to give your name and phone number to the chairman, so that she can contact you and arrange a partner for you. If you have a partner, fine, but she still needs to schedule you into a table, please RSVP to office the Wednesday of that week. Bunco Do you love to play games? Join the Bunco group on the 1st, 2nd, and 4th Mondays. Meet at Huntington Beach Hospital in the Cafeteria area from 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. Check Calendar. Crafts and Special Projects “Crafts” meet every Tuesday morning at 9:00 a.m. to learn and create various craft projects. “Special Projects” meet the second Wednesday of the month at 9:00 a.m. to make tray favors for hospital patients. Both classes meet in the hospital on the lower level. Everyone is welcome. Knotty Crafters If you are interested in knitting or crocheting projects such as lap robes for patients or helmet liner beanies for the troops then this is your group. No meetings but instructions and yarn are available. Please call the office and we will forward your name to the chairperson who will contact you. See page 6. Line Dancing Walk the Park Tuesday & Thursday Huntington Central Park at 8:00 a.m. Enter via Central Park Drive and meet at the picnic shelter. 4 Please arrive at the appointed times so that orders may be placed at the same time. Thank you. Brunch Bunch - March - 9:00 a.m. Mar. 2 - Carrow’s, 16931 Magnolia Ave., FV (Warner) Mar. 9 - Denny’s, 18477 Beach Blvd., HB (Main & Ellis) Mar. 16 - Sunny’s Family Restaurant, 7148 Edinger, HB Mar. 23 - Coco’s, 18782 Brookhurst, HB Mar. 30 - Mile Square Clubhouse, 10401 Warner, FV Brunch Bunch - April - 9:00 a.m. Apr. 6 - Carrow’s, 16931 Magnolia Ave., FV (Warner) Apr. 13 - Coco’s - 6886 Bolsa, HB (Goldenwest) Apr. 20 - I HOP - 18782 Beach Blvd., HB Apr. 27 - Mile Square Clubhouse, 10401 Warner, FV Supper Club - March - Tuesday - 3:30 p.m. Mar. 6 - Applebees, 18279 Brookhurst St. FV Mar. 13 - Stonefire, 18727 Brookhurst, FV Mar. 20 - Rodrigo’s, 15101 Goldenwest St. (HB) Bolsa Mar. 27 - Woody’s, 10136 Adams Ave. HB East of Brookhurst Supper Club - April - Tuesday - 3:30 p.m. Apr. 3 - Carrow’s, 16931 Magnolia Ave., HB (Warner) Apr. 10 - Azteca, Beach & Slater, HB Apr. 17 - Mangia-Mangia, 16079 Goldenwest, HB (Edinger) Apr. 24 - Market Broiler, 20111 Brookhurst, HB (Adams) Huntington Beach Movies Please RSVP to Office 714-843-5061 Wednesday, March 14, 2012 @ 1 PM The Help 2011 PG13: for thematic content. Runtime: 2 hr Drama. Director: Tate Taylor. Cast:; Emma Stone, Viola Davis, Bryce Dallas Howard, Octavia Spencer, Jessica Chastain. At the dawn of the civil rights movement, three Mississippi women are about to take one extraordinary step. Twenty-two-year-old Skeeter has just returned home after graduating from Ole Miss, and her mother won’t be happy until she finds a husband. Aibileen, a wise AfricanAmerican maid and caretaker, suffers after the loss of her own child. And Minny, Aibileen’s sassy best friend, struggles to find and hold a job. Seemingly as different from one another as can be, these women will nonetheless come together for a clandestin project that will put them all at risk. Wednesday, April 11, 2012 @ 1:00 pm Dolphin Tale 2011 PG Some mild thematic elements. 1 hr. 52 min Action/ Adventure, Drama. Director: Charles Martin SmithCast: Harry Connick, Jr., Ashley Judd, Nathan Gamble, Kris Kristofferson, Morgan Freeman. Inspired by the incredible true story of Winter, a dolphin who was rescued off the Florida coast after her tail became caught in a crab trap, this uplifting family-oriented adventure from director/ co-screenwriter Charles Martin Smith details the unique bond between an injured dolphin and a young boy. When Winter loses her tail in a tragic accident, her young friend convinces the locals to build her a prosthetic replacement, inspiring hope and courage in handicapped people across the globe. Nathan Gamble, Morgan Freeman, Harry Connick Jr., Ashley Judd, and Kris Kristofferson star. ~ Jason Buchanan, Rovi Huntington Beach Chapter Programs Huntington Beach Chapter Circle of Friends March and April General Meetings Meetings held at Huntington Beach Elks Lodge 7711 Talbert, Huntington Beach (West of Beach Blvd.) Meetings start at 1:30 p.m. and Doors open at 1:00 p.m. Monday, March 19, 2012, 1:30 p.m. “Spring Theme” Entertainment by: The Bon Family Clogger and California All-Star Cloggers. The Bon Family Cloggers perform a high-energy, fast-paced variety show. This group of seven brothers and sisters, along with their other performing teams, are a surefire crowd pleasers that will get you clapping your hands and stomping your feet! The family members are: Cheryl, Brian, Julie, Mindi, Dawn, Billy, Brian K., and Sammy. They have performed on Good Day Live, Five seasons on the nationally syndicated TV Show HEE HAW, State & world's fairs, Vancouver World' s Fair, opening act for country music's EXILE and Johnny Lee, Rodeos (Calgary Stampede, Theme Parks, Disneyland, Knott's Berry Farm, the Grand Ole Opry, Silver Dollar City & more, Literally 1000's of local and national titles, Numerous local television and film appearances. Refreshments, Prize Drawings and Fun * February and March Birthdays recognized Members Reservations are required ~Guest fee $5.00 ~ RSVP (714) 843-5061 No later than March 14, 2012 See you there! Monday, April 16, 2012, 1:30 25 t h Birt hda y Cel ebration of “Friend s” Entertainment by Cali Rose Singer, keyboard player, comedienne and ukulele strummer, Cali will present a fun upbeat show featuring vintage and popular music, humorous storytelling and audience participation. Please join us this wonderful repeat performance from 2010. Refreshments, Prize Drawings and Fun April Birt hdays recognized Member Reservations are required. *Guest fee $5.00 RSVP (714) 843-5061 No later than April 11, 2012 See you there! 5 West Anaheim Chapter Programs AARP Safe Driving Program Two days with four-hour sessions taught by an AARP trained instructor. Fee $12.00 AARP Members, show card. $14.00 Non-AARP Members. March classes free to veterans. March 20 and 21, 2012 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. West Anaheim Medical Center Must enter through the lobby. Space is limited. To register, call (714) 843-5092. You must attend both sessions to qualify for a completion certificate. Arts and Crafts The craft group meets on the first and third Tuesdays of the month at 2:00 p.m. in the West Anaheim Community Room. They prepare wonderful tray favors for patients, table decorations, and special projects. Bring scissors with you. Ideas and samples are always welcome. Attorney Services Offered March 14th and April 11th, 2012 - 10:30 a.m. Dennis Jensen, Attorney At Law, is available to assist you with legal questions. There is NO fee for the initial 15-minute consultation; if further legal services are needed fees will be determined. To schedule a required appointment call WA Chapter at (714) 843-5092. Bowling League League bowling is available at Westminster Lanes on Mondays at 10:30 a.m. at a cost of $7.00 per week. To sign up, call the Circle of Friends office. Call now to join. Bridge Players 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Fridays of every month at 9:30 a.m. at Coco’s Restaurant on the corner of Golden West St. & Bolsa Ave. All members of Circle of Friends are welcome, but we need to schedule players each week. So first timers, please call the office and ask staff to give your name and phone number to the chairman, so that she can contact you and arrange a partner for you. If you have a partner, fine, but she still needs to schedule you into a table, please RSVP to HB office 714-843-5061 the Wednesday of that week. Dominoes - Wednesdays at 2:30 p.m. Members meet and play games in the cafeteria area of West Anaheim Medical Center. Line Dancing Join a fun group of friends and learn line dancing from Sandra, a Circle of Friends Member. Select Mondays at 9am in the WAMC Community Room. (see calendar) RSVP to (714) 843-5092. Open to both chapter memberships. 6 Happy Hookers If you are interested in knitting or crocheting projects such as lap robes for patients or helmet liner beanies for the troops then this is your group. No meetings are held but the wonderful Chairperson will be happy to work with you. Please call the office and we will forward your information to the chairperson who will contact you. The Happy Hookers are always in need of yarn. Please bring your donations to the office. Thank you West Anaheim Lunch Bunch All lunches are scheduled for 1:00 p.m. Reservations have been made. RSVP 714-843-5092 March/April Mar. 2 - Rodrigos, 15101 Goldenwest at Bolsa Huntington Beach, 714-839-4950 Mar. 16 - Red Lobster, 12892 Harbor Blvd. at Garden Grove Blvd., Garden Grove, 714-638-9500 Apr. 6 - Hungry Bear, 2219 Harbor, at Bastanchury, Fullerton, 714-526-2711 Apr. 20 - Brown Rice, 4239 Ball Rd. at Bloomfield, Cypress, 714-821-1818 West Anaheim Movies Please RSVP to 714-843-5092 Tuesday, March 13, 2012 @ Noon. Mr. Popper’s Penguins 2011 PG Mild rude humor and some language. Runtime: 1 hr. 34 min. Genres: Comedy, Family. Cast: Jim Carrey, Carla Gugino, Angela Lansbury, Ophelia Lovibond, Madeline Carroll. Adventure-loving house painter Mr. Popper (Jim Carrey) contends with the problem of having too many penguins in director Mark S. Waters’ adaptation of author Richard Atwater’s beloved children’s book. Shortly after penning a letter to a team of Arctic explorers, Mr. Popper is surprised to receive a penguin in the mail. Later, after making his mischievous new pal a cozy new home in the freezer, the hapless Mr. Popper comes into possession of a playful female penguin as well. Before long Mr. Popper finds himself surrounded by a growing family of the flightless birds, and begins training them to perform in a traveling show dubbed Popper’s Performing Penguins. With each new town the show travels to, pandemonium is quick to follow. ~ Jason Buchanan, Rovi Tuesday, April 10, 2012 @ Noon Midnight in Paris 2011 Rated PG 13: For some sexual references and smoking. Runtime: 1 hr. 34 min. Comedy, Romance Director: Woody Allen. Cast: Owen Wilson, Marion Cotillard, Rachel McAdams, Kathy Bates, Carla Bruni. Owen Wilson, Marion Cotillard, Rachel McAdams, Kathy Bates, and Carla Bruni star in Woody Allen’s romantic comedy about a family on a business trip in the City of Light. As a young couple engaged to be married experiences a profound transformation during their visit to Paris, an idealistic man with a romanticized view of the city finds that there’s plenty of truth to that old adage about the grass being greener on the other side. Michael Sheen, Mimi Kennedy, and Kurt Fuller co-star. ~ Jason Buchanan, Rovi West Chapter Programs WestAnaheim Anaheim Chapter Circle of Friends March and April General Meetings Meetings held at UFCW Union Hall 8530 Stanton Ave. Buena Park South East Corner of Crescent and Stanton Please Park in back on the East side of the building. Meetings start at 2:00 p.m. & Doors open at 1:30 p.m. Thursday, March 8, 2012, 2:00 p.m. Country Theme with White Elephant Sale En tertain men t by: The Lones ome R iver M usic Co The group consists of three banjos and a rhythm keyboard. You will enjoy music of early 20's, 30's, 40’s including Broadway tunes. All their music was popular back in the good old days. The style is different as the rhythm keyboard is able to replicate various rhythms that go along with the songs played (eg, Big Band, Fox Trot, Polka, March, Waltz, Ballroom Fox etc, The group has been performing for the last two years at various locations. They are members of the San Gabriel Valley Ole Tyme Banjo Band and also the San Fernando Valley Banjo Band. Refreshments, Prize Drawings and Fun * February and March Birthdays recognized Bring an item in a SEALED plain bag. Each bag sells for $1.00 Member Reservations are required. ~Guest fee $5.00~ RSVP (714) 843-5092 ~ No later than March 6, 2012 Thursday, April 12, 2012, 2:00 p.m. “25th Birthday Celebration of “Friends” Entertainment by: Ron Johnson Ron Johnson is a sensational vocalist, keyboardist and also plays guitar. He has been performing twenty-five years throughout Southern California. His influences are Big Band standards sung by Frank Sinatra, Tony Bennett, Nat King Cole, Dean Martin, Johnny Mathis, Elvis, Bobby Darin, Michael Buble, and other greats. Join us as he performs his "One-Man-Band" using only the very best, full band arrangements that he plays and sings with. Please join us as we celebrate 25 years of friendships with Circle of Friends. Refreshments, Prize Drawings and Fun * April Birthdays recognized Members Reservations are required ~ Guest fee $5.00 ~ R.S.V.P. (14) 843-5092 ~ No later than April 9, 2012 See you there! 7 Active, Healthy & Informed Bring a Friend to Lunch West Anaheim Chapter You are invited ONLY if you bring one or more of your friends who are eligible to join Circle of Friends. Then, ALL OF YOU receive a FREE LUNCH. Place: West Anaheim Medical Center 3033 West Orange Avenue, Anaheim (Beach and Orange) Date: Wednesday, March 21, 2012 Time: 11:00 am to 1:00 pm Reservations required call WA Circle of Friends at 714-843-5092 by March 15, 2012 Menu: Lasagna and Garlic Bread, green salad and dessert Treat your friends to a wonderful luncheon. The Director and President will inform our “friends” of the many ways we enjoy activities, benefits, laughter and fun with Circle of Friends. We will have prizes for those joining Circle of Friends at the lunch and of course the member who brought them. Remember you must bring a non-member with you to attend. They will be glad you did. Bring a Friend to Breakfast Huntington Beach Chapter You are invited ONLY if you bring one or more of your friends who are eligible to join Circle of Friends. Then, ALL OF YOU receive a FREE BREAKFAST. Place: HUNTINGTON BEACH HOSPITAL 17772 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach (Beach & Newman) Café A/B located by Cafeteria on Lower Level of hospital Date: Thursday, March 22, 2012 Time: 8:15 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Reservations required please call the office at 714-843-5061 by March 19, 2012 Menu: Pancakes, eggs, bacon, fresh fruit, juice and coffee, rolls Treat your friends to a wonderful breakfast. The Director and President will inform our “friends” of the many ways we enjoy activities, benefits, laughter and fun with Circle of Friends. We will have prizes for those joining Circle of Friends at the breakfast and of course the member who brought them. Remember you must bring a non-member with you to attend. They will be glad you did. 8 A Little Bird Told Me ........ A Little Bird Told Me……… Our Thoughts and Prayers, and Get Well Wishes for Improved Health go to our WA Friends: Wayne B., Phyllis B., Ron B., Helen C., Rosemary C., Sigrid C., Lois D., Gloria F., Mary G., Mary Lou F., Dorothy H., Duane H., Leta M., Ann P., Cele P., Sara R., Delores S., Dorothy W., Esther W. and Joseph W. To our HB Friends: Bill K., Mary K., Harvey N., Dorothy P., Harvey W., Sincere condolences to the families of Lucille Brown; Christine Vanderzee; Carolyn Fahnstock and to charter member Mary W., who lost her dear husband of 63 years, Melvin Wessel. nd ~~~Congratulations to Nan & Wilmer W. on their 62 Wedding Anniversary. “Everybody needs a hand. Some need a handout, some need a Recipe of The Month St. Patty’s Beef Stew hand up, and some just need a hand to hold.” Ingredients: Directions: 2 Tbls All-purpose flour Place flour in plastic bag. Add meat cubes, a few at a time, shaking to coat evenly. In 1 Lb Beef stew meat, cubed a large saucepan, brown the meat, half at a time, in hot oil. Add juice cocktail, onion, 2 Tbls Cooking oil bouillon cubes, garlic, basil, and thyme. Bring to boiling then reduce heat. Cover and 3 ½ C Vegetable juice cocktail simmer for 1 to 1 ¼ hours till meat is nearly tender. Add potatoes, cabbage and celery. ½ C Chopped onion Cover and simmer for 30 more minutes. Skim fat and serve. Makes 4 delicious meals. 2 Beef bouillon cubes 2 Garlic cloves, minced Ladies: To cure a headache, take a lime, cut it in half and rub it on your forehead. ½ tsp Dried basil, crushed The throbbing will go away. OR ~ take a lime, mix it with tequila, chill and drink it. You ½ tsp Dried thyme, crushed might still have the headache, but who cares? (kidding) Next Hint: To keep potatoes 2 ¼ C Cubed, peeled potatoes from budding, place an apple in the bag with the potatoes. OR ~ just buy a box of 1 sml Cabbage, sliced mashed potato mix and keep it in the panty for up to year. Next Hint: When a cake 1 tsp Worchester sauce recipe calls for flouring the baking pan, use a bit of the dry cake mix and there won’t 1 C Celery, sliced be any white mess on the outside of the finished cake. OR ~ go to the bakery- they’ll even decorate it for you. Final Hint: If you have a problem opening jars, try using latex dish washing gloves. OR ~ go ask the cute neighbor guy to open it for you. Wisdom….”I never encountered failure; all I ever met were temporary setbacks. So begin now! We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand and melting like a snowflake. And don’t resent growing old, many are denied the privilege.” A Memorable Lesson on Life ! During my second month of college, our professor gave us a pop quiz. I finished all the questions easily until I read that last one. “What is the name of the woman who cleans the school?” I figured this was some kind of a joke. I’ve seen the woman many times; tall, dark-haired, maybe in her 50’s, but how and why should I know her name? I handed in my paper, leaving the last question blank. Just before class ended, one student asked if the last question would count toward the quiz grade. “Absolutely,” said the professor. “In your careers you will meet many people. All are significant. They deserve your attention and care, even if all you do is smile and say ‘Hello.’” I’ve never forgotten that lesson and I soon learned her name is Dorothy. Since college, my life’s theme has been “Work like you don’t need the money, ‘cause the harder you work, the luckier you are; love like you’ve never been hurt; and dance like you would if nobody were watching!” “I don’t know what your destiny will be , but one thing I do know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found out how to serve.” Albert Schweitzer (They’re called Volunteers!) To retain your self-respect, it’s better to displease the people by doing what you know is right than to temporarily please them by doing what you know is wrong. Dates to Remember in 2012 March 11 Daylight Savings Begins March 17 St. Patrick’s Day st March 20 1 Day of Spring April 1 Palm Sunday April 1 April Fool’s Day April 6 Good Friday April 7 Passover April 8 Easter Sunday April 22 Earth Day Be good to yourself, stay happy and healthy, and keep our military in your prayers-Irene 13 CIRCLE OF FRIENDS TRAVEL Mystery Trip ~ April 11, 2012 You won’t want to miss this Mystery Trip! Where are we heading??? What will we see or do??? The trip includes a buffet luncheon with entrée, dessert and beverage. Various stops and attractions, step-on guide and driver’s gratuities included. Be ready to have lots of Goodies (Hint). No asking!!! We won’t tell!!! Cost: $85 ~ Deadline March 16, 2012 ~ Depart approx. 7:30 am ~ Return approx. 6:00 pm Las Vegas ~ Four Queens 4-days/3 nights, Wednesday, April 23-26, 2012 Due to your request, we have added one more day in Las Vegas at the Four Queens casino on downtown Freemont Street. Three night’s accommodations at the Four Queens Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas with 32,000 square feet of casino space, three full-service restaurants. Magnolia’s restaurant is open 24 hours per day where you will receive one free dinner. On day two, we will board the motor-coach for a couple hours with a tour of Nellis Air Force Base located in the Nevada Desert. Thousands of visitors tour Nellis every year. A wonderful opportunity for a behind the scenes look at our Air Force in action. Learn about the various Units stationed at Nellis. Please indicate your military service, rank, awards etc. Nellis would like to know if Veterans are accompanying our tour. NOTE: The Base Tour is subject to change/cancellation due to unforeseen circumstances based on military operations. Day three is free for your choice of fun. Day four is time to head back home after a winning combination of slots of fun. We will help you find a room partner if requested. Call us for information. Cost: $190 (sgl, $50) ~ Deadline: March 14, 2012 ~ Depart 8:00 am ~ Return: 6:00 pm Citrus Singers Springtime Spectacular ~ Saturday, May 19, 2012 The Citrus Singers have toured Hawaii and Europe and throughout the world. This spectacular annual showcase of their talents is filled with their signature energy and musical showmanship. They are backed by the equally talented students in the Citrus Blue Note Swing Orchestra. We will stop first for lunch at the Tam O’ Shanter Inn where you will have a choice of meal – Crown Roast Beef, Chicken Breast, or Filet of Sole with Lemon Butter Caper Sauce. Then off to the Hough Performing Arts Center to sit back and enjoy your favorite show tunes, standards and popular hits. It is a non-stop musical kaleidoscope of entertainment. Cost: $85 ~ Deadline: March 27, 2012 ~ Depart 9:45 am ~ Return: 6:00 pm Santa Ysabel Casino- Dudley’s Bakery- Julian Wine Tasting ~ Wednesday, May 30, 2012 Crisp cool nights and graciously warm sunny days herald the coming of spring as apple and pear harvests have begun in the back country of San Diego County. The leaves grow golden, breezes quicken and the cider presses begin turning just-picked apples into fresh squeezed juice! This fun spring day begins with a stop at famous Dudley’s Bakery where you can purchase some of their wonderful fresh baked breads. From the ordering lines at Dudley’s, you can watch them making 15 kinds of bread, ranging from Danish apple-nut to cheddar cheese bread. Next stop on the itinerary is the Santa Ysabel Resort & Casino. You’ll have time for lunch on your own and trying your luck at this gem of a casino with each passenger’s $10.00 free play or food credit coupon. You’ll find all your favorite table games and plenty of slot machines to play! The final stop of the day is just down the road at the Menghini Winery in Julian where you’ll have a chance to sample their local wines before heading home. Cost: $68.00 Deadline May 3, 2012 ~ Depart approx. 8:00 a.m. ~ Return approx. 8:00 p.m. Father’s Night at Los Alamitos Race Course ~ Friday June 8, 2012 NON-MEMBERS WELCOME!! Due to the overwhelming success and multiple requests, we’re going to repeat this fun night. Celebrate Father’s Day with your family and friends who are invited to help you celebrate the special men in your lives, while cheering on your favorite horses. This evening will feature Quarter Horse, Thoroughbred and Arabian Racing. The room is a beautiful with the finest comfort overlooking the track, with TV monitors, public address system, wagering windows, and a no-host bar. There’s a nonsmoking rule in this lovely room, however, smokers may simply step outside to the balcony. Let’s all get together to celebrate Father’s Day with dinner, the races, and those we love. Buffet menu: Fruit and House Salad, Fresh Vegetables, Mashed Potatoes w/Gravy, Grilled Chicken Brest with Lemon Herb Butter Sauce, Marinated Tri-Tip, Apple or Peach Cobbler with Vanilla Ice Cream, Rolls, Coffee and Iced Tea. *Must be 21 years of age. Transportation is on your own. No bus service. Dress Code: “business casual”, men with collared shirt and slacks. Ladies pantsuits, dresses or slacks, dress jeans are acceptable for ladies and gentlemen if worn with a sport coat or leather jacket. No athletic-type shoes or baseball caps permitted. 4961 Katella Ave., Los Alamitos ( Katella west of Valley View) Price includes admission fee, racing form, buffet dinner with tax and gratuity. Cost: $60 ~ Deadline: May 28, 2012 ~ Drive on your own for this trip Don’t miss the bus get your reservations in early!!! 14 CIRCLE OF~ Sunday, FRIENDS TRAVEL Dining with the Duke July 8, 2012 NON-MEMBERS WELCOME! Join us for an unforgettable day aboard John Wayne’s legendary “Wild Goose.” Three decks of gorgeous woodwo Dining withpaintings, the Duke ~ Sunday, July 2012 amenities NON-MEMBERS WELCOME! priceless intricate carvings and8,unique make a cruise aboard the “Wild Goose” a one-of-a-kin Join us for an unforgettable day aboard John Wayne’s legendary “Wild Goose.” Three decks of gorgeous woodwork, experience. Beginning her life as a minesweeper in 1943, this vessel saw action with the US Navy in World War II. priceless paintings, intricate carvings and unique amenities make a cruise aboard the “Wild Goose” a one-of-a-kind 1965 she was purchased and renamed the “Wild Goose” by actor John Wayne. Converted into a luxuriously-appointe experience. Beginning life as a minesweeper 1943, thisfor vessel saw action the vacations, US Navy in World War II. In sessions wi yacht, theher “Wild Goose” served as in a backdrop celebrity events,with family and infamous poker 1965 she was purchased and renamed the “Wild Goose” by actor John Wayne. Converted into a luxuriously-appointed such luminaries as Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr., and Bob Hope. Known affectionately as "the Duke," John Wayne yacht, the “Wild Goose” served as a backdrop for celebrityInevents, family and Newport infamousBeach poker where sessions entertained us through several generations. his later yearsvacations, he lived near he with had a beach hous such luminariesand as aDean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr., and Bob Hope. Known affectionately as "the Duke," John Wayne yacht, the “Wild Goose.” It is now a tour boat offering brunch and dinner cruises to John Wayne fans, you entertained us through generations. years he lived near Newport where he had a beach house, and old several alike. You’ll set sailInonhisa later Sunday afternoon as you cruise Beach the calm waters of Newport Harbor, just as t and a yacht, theDuke “Wild Goose.” It is now a tour boat offering brunch and dinner cruises to John Wayne fans, young did years ago. You’ll enjoy a sumptuous champagne brunch on board presented with a spectacular view of the and old alike. waterfront You’ll set sail on aand Sunday afternoon assea youair. cruise theyour calmfamily watersand of Newport as the marina drizzled with fresh Invite friends toHarbor, join you just for this unique experie Duke did years ago. You’ll enjoy a sumptuous champagne brunch on board presented with a spectacular view of CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH BUFFET ON BOARD INCLUDES: Cinnamon rolls, croissants, Danishthe and muffins, Mi waterfront marina andwith drizzled withsalmon fresh sea air. cheese. Invite Sliced your family and friends to joinVariety you forof this unique bagels smoked cream and whole fruit display, fresh madeexperience. salads, Poached salm CHAMPAGNEplatter, BRUNCH BUFFET ON BOARD INCLUDES: Cinnamon rolls, croissants, Danish and muffins, Mini eggs with h Breakfast potatoes, Bacon and sausage, Scrambled Eggs, Cinnamon swirl French toast, scrambled bagels with smoked salmon cream cheese. Sliced and whole fruit display, Variety of fresh made salads, Poached salmon and cheese, Baked cheese blintz with strawberry cream, Carved turkey with cranberry sauce, Oven roasted NY strip w platter, Breakfast potatoes, sauce, BaconPetit and sausage, Cinnamon swirlDessert French bars, toast,cookies, scrambled eggs herbs Champag horseradish fours andScrambled chocolate Eggs, covered strawberries, tarts andwith brownies, and cheese, Baked cheese blintz with strawberry cream, Carved turkey with cranberry sauce, Oven roasted NY strip juice, coffee and tea Your trip includes: Roundtrip motor-coach transportation, Champagne Brunch with Cruise in Newp horseradish sauce, Petit fours gratuity and chocolate covereditinerary. strawberries, Dessert bars, cookies, tarts and brownies, Champagne, Beach, drivers and a printed juice, coffee and teatrip Your trip includes: Roundtrip motor-coach Brunch Cruise Newport This is limited to 50 guests, 1st come, 1st served.transportation, We must haveChampagne 50 persons to guarantee theinWild Goose Yacht. Beach, drivers gratuity and a printed Cost: itinerary. $90 ~ Deadline: June 12, 2012 ~ Depart 10:30 am ~ Return: 3:00 pm This trip is limited to 50 guests, 1st come, 1st served. We must have 50 persons to guarantee the Wild Goose Yacht. Cost: $90 ~ Deadline: June 2012 ~ Depart 10:30 –am ~ Return: 3:00 Broadway in 12, Sandstone ~ Monday Wednesday, Julypm 23-25, 2012 Southern Utah’s summer shimmers with excitement. Canyons of ancient, eroded sandstone reveal their secrets during in Sandstone ~ Monday – Wednesday, July 23-25, warm Broadway summer evenings at the spectacular Tuacahn Outdoor Amphitheater & 2012 Center for the Arts! Surrounded by Southern Utah’s summer shimmers with excitement. Canyons of ancient, eroded sandstone reveal their secrets duringprofessional c breathtaking 1500-foot high red sandstone cliffs in Utah’s scenic Snow Canyon, elaborately costumed warm summer members evenings at the spectacular Tuacahn Outdoor Amphitheater & Center for the Arts! Surrounded by fill the Tuacahn Canyon outdoor stage with singing and dancing as they present an evening performance of breathtaking 1500-foot high red sandstone cliffs inaUtah’s scenic Snow Canyon, elaborately costumed cast where you musical “Hairspray”. All this, plus two-night stay at Mesquite’s exciting Casa Blanca professional Resort & Casino, members fill the Tuacahn Canyon outdoor stage with singing and dancing as they present an evening performance of the Blanca Re discover an action-packed casino, restaurants and more! Your Tour Includes: Two night stay at the Casa musical “Hairspray”. All this, plus a two-night stay at Mesquite’s exciting Casa Blanca Resort & Casino, where you’ll Hotel & Casino in Mesquite. An evening at the Tuacahn Outdoor Amphitheatre, located in beautiful Snow Canyon; w discover an action-packed restaurants and Yourdinner. Tour Includes: Two morning. night staySit-down at the Casa Blanca Resort performancecasino, of “Hairspray” and themore! pre-show Breakfast each dinner at the Fez restaurant Hotel & CasinoCasa in Mesquite. An evening at the Tuacahn Outdoor Amphitheatre, located in beautiful Snow Canyon; with a Blanca Resort Hotel & Casino performance of “Hairspray” andCost: the pre-show each morning. Sit-down dinner the~ Fez restaurant $325 (sgldinner. $80.) ~Breakfast Deadline: May 15, 2012 ~ Depart 7:30atam Return: 6:00 in pmthe Casa Blanca Resort Hotel & Casino Cost: $325 (sgl $80.)Luau ~ Deadline: May to 15,Thursday, 2012 ~ Depart 7:30 13-16, am ~ Return: Laughlin ~ Monday August 2012 6:004 pm Days & 3 Nights Aloha, it’s Luau time in Laughlin! We have added an additional night due to multiple requests. Spend four days Laughlin Luauat~Don Monday to Thursday, 4 Days & 3ofNights three nights Laughlin’s RiversideAugust Resort.13-16, Don’t 2012 miss the fun! Circle Friends had two buses attend b Aloha, it’s Luau time in Laughlin! We have added an additional night due to multiple requests. Spend four days summer and winter trips the last three years. Enjoy a three-night stay at the Riverside Resort Hotel &and Casino located three nights atthe Don Laughlin’s Riverside Resort. Don’t miss the fun! Circle of Friends had two buses attend both banks of the Colorado River in Laughlin, NV. Price includes two breakfast buffets and one buffet-of-your-cho summer and winter the lastResort three years. Enjoyadmission a three-night stayLUAU at the Riverside Resort Hotelthe & Casino located on River wit at thetrips Riverside restaurants, to the PARTY overlooking beautiful Colorado the banks of thespecial Colorado River in Laughlin, NV. Price includes two breakfast buffets and one buffet-of-your-choice buffet, live entertainment and prizes. Plenty of free time for the Casino, Outlet shopping and strolls along at the Riverside Resort Cost: restaurants, admission to the LUAU Colorado River with a River. $115 (sgl. 30) ~ Deadline: July PARTY 3, 2012 ~overlooking Depart 8:00the ambeautiful ~ Return: 6:00 pm special buffet, live entertainment and prizes. Plenty of free time for the Casino, Outlet shopping and strolls along the River. Cost: $115 (sgl. 30) ~ Deadline: July 3, 2012 ~ Depart 8:00 am ~ Return: 6:00 pm When you travel with Circle of Friends… When you travel with Circle of Friends… You’re traveling with “FRIENDS”! You’re traveling with “FRIENDS”! Picture here Picture here 15 CIRCLE OF FRIENDS & PREMIER WORLD DISCOVERIES PRESENT ALL “CIRCLE OF FRIENDS” TRIP PRICES INCLUDE: CANCELLATION WAIVER INSURANCE, SHUTTLE SERVICE AND TRAVELING FRIENDS!!! 9 Days Great Lakes Adventure - May 3-11, 2012 Day 1: Arrive in Chicago “the Windy City” to begin your Great Lakes Adventure. Join your Tour Director and traveling companions for a Welcome Dinner. Day 2: Enjoy a panoramic Chicago City Tour featuring famous landmarks such as Sears Tower, Wrigley Building, Water Tower Place and Navy Pier. Later travel to Grand Rapids, Michigan’s. Day 3: Today travel to Holland, Michigan where rows and rows of colorful Tulips decorate the area during this time of year. Visit Holland’s Annual Tulip Festival, a celebration of Dutch life and the colorful Tulip. Visit the Veldheer Tulip Gardens to see 275 varieties of tulips and daffodils in a setting of windmills, drawbridges and canals. Visit the Dutch Village featuring canals, gardens, wooden shoe carving, museums, klompen dancers and Dutch treats. Day 4: Enjoy the passing scenery as you travel north to board a ferry and cross the Straits of Mackinac. Arrive on famous Mackinac Island for a two night stay. The island preserves the charm of a bygone era. No automobiles are permitted and transportation is by horse-drawn carriage, bicycle or saddle horse. Day 5: Experience a Mackinac Island Carriage Tour to step back in time. One of today’s highlights will be lunch at the famous Grand Hotel, which has been catering to the needs of guests since 1887. The remainder of your day is at leisure to explore the shops, enjoy a nature walk or just relax. Day 6: This morning leave secluded Mackinac Island via ferry. Board your motor-coach and travel around Lake Michigan to enter Wisconsin, “America’s Dairy-land” renown for its cheese. Arrive in Green Bay for a two night stay. Day 7: Visit famous Lambeau Field and tour the home stadium of the Green Bay Packers football team. Later venture to Door County, one of the most scenic places in the country located on the western side of Lake Michigan. This evening enjoy an authentic Fish Boil Dinner. Day 8: Travel south to visit one of the most unique sites in the world, the famous House on the Rock designed and built by Alex Jordan Jr. and which stands on top of Deer Shelter Rock 450-feet above the Wyoming Valley. A Farewell Dinner with your traveling companions. Day 9: Return to Chicago and board your flight home filled with wonderful memories of your Great Lakes Adventure. Tour Includes: Roundtrip Airfare – SNA, 14 Meals, 8-Breakfasts, 1-Lunch & 5-Dinners, Deluxe Motor-coach, Professional Tour Director Baggage Handling, Daily Sightseeing, Admissions per Itinerary, Hotel Transfers, cancellation Waiver & Post Departure Plan $2439. pp double = $600 single. Full payment is due now. Call for availability! 9 Days – Spanish Highlights – November 6-13, 2012 Day 1: Board your overnight flight to Europe. Day 2: Welcome to Spain! Arrive in Madrid, meet your Tour Director and transfer to your hotel for a two night stay. Enjoy the remainder of the day at leisure. This evening join your fellow travelers and Tour Director for a Welcome Dinner. Day 3: Embark on a Madrid City Tour. The capital since 1561, Madrid is a perfect blend of modern and old world. Visit the Puerta del sol, Plaza Espana, the Parliament, Cibeles Fountain, elegant Calle Alcala, Paseo de Castellana and the Royal Palace. Day 4: This morning travel south by motor-coach to visit historic Cordoba, the essence of Spain having been the crossroads of many civilizations. Visit one of the world’s great mosques, the Mezquita. Continue south to Seville. Day 5: Experience a Seville City Tour to view the Santa Cruz Quarter, the Parque de Maria Louisa and visit the impressive Cathedral of Seville, considered the world’s largest Gothic cathedral and see the Giralda Bell Tower. Enjoy the afternoon at leisure to explore Seville, renowned for architectural treasures, the Flamenco and a relaxed lifestyle. Day 6: Depart Seville for Granada. Enroute stop in the picturesque village of Ronda. Enjoy a walking tour in this interesting agricultural city, home of modern bullfighting. Later continue to the charming town of Mijas, on the Costa del Sol for some free time before continuing to Granada for a two night stay. Day 7: This morning enjoy a panoramic Granada City Tour. The highlight of this tour will inevitably be the visit to the Alhambra Palace & Generalife, Granada’s main attraction. Visit the Alhambra, a series of palaces and gardens built under the Nazari Dynasty in the 14th Century. Enjoy the remainder of your day at leisure in Granada. Day 8: Today travel north to visit Toledo, one of the most important centers of European medieval history. Later arrive in Madrid for your final overnight. This evening enjoy a traditional Tapas Farewell Dinner at a local restaurant in Madrid to savor memories of a beautiful trip. Day 9: Madrid – Flight Home Today transfer to the airport for your return flight home filled with wonderful memories of your Spanish Highlights Tour. $2979 pp double + $500 single. Deposit of $730 is due with reservation form to secure reservation. Final payment is August 23, 2012 Please call or visit the Circle of Friends office for complete itineraries of all these wonderful trips! Travel Notes The travel team is looking forward to our great exciting destinations in 2012 and we hope you will find a trip of interest and join us. We have moved to our new location in Huntington Beach and are all settled. Please take a trip down Beach Blvd. and come see us. All communication can be done by mail and phone if you so desire although it is not that far for you to come to the office. Remember too, a member of the travel team will be at all of the monthly meetings: West Anaheim at the Union Hall and Huntington Beach at the Elks Lodge. You may bring your questions, applications and pick up travel information at these meetings and enjoy the entertainment and fellowship of fellow members. Make friends with those who will be traveling with you. The buses will continue to pick up and West Anaheim and Huntington Beach as they have always done. Please note: you can reach the travel department by calling either chapter phone number. West Anaheim 714-843-5092 or Huntington Beach 714-843-5061 The Circle of Friends Travel Department 16 Office staff only: received: _________ processed: _________ incomplete: __________ initial: _________ March/ April 2012 TRAVEL RESERVATION FORM CALL (714) 843-5092 Please mail completed Travel Reservation Form with a SEPARATE CHECK for EACH TRIP made out to Circle of Friends. Mail or bring to: Circle of Friends, 17772 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach, CA, 92647. Attn: Travel Team Use Mailer on reverse side. Incomplete forms will be returned. Name badges, emergency cards, and a current Circle of Friends Membership are required for all passengers.** TRIP NAME DATE PRICE PER PERSON # OF PERSONS AMT. ENCLOSED DEADLINE TO SIGN UP Mystery Trip 4/11/12 $85 _____________X__________________$_________________ 3/16/12 Las Vegas (4 Queens) 4/23-26/12 $190 (sgl $50) _________X_________________ $ ________________ 3/14/12 Note Military Service: Name: ______________ Branch_______ Rank___________ Years of Service________ Metals_________ Name: ______________ Branch_______ Rank___________ Years of Service________ Metals_________ Citrus Singers 5/19/12 $85 _____________X__________________$_________________ Meal Choice Member Roast Beef___ Chicken Breast___ Filet of Sole ___ Member Roast Beef___ Chicken Breast___ Filet of Sole ___ Santa Ysabel Casino Member 5/30/12 $68__________________X__________________$_________________ 3/27/12 5/3/12 Casino Card#____________________ Birth Date _______ Member Casino Card# __________________Birth Date ______ Father’s Night @ Races 6/8/12 $60 5/28/12 __________________X__________________$_________________ 6/12/12 Broadway in Sandstone 7/23-25/12 $325 (sgl. 80) _____________X___________________$________________ 5/15/12 Dining with the Duke Laughlin Luau 7/8/12 8/13-16/12 $90 __________________X__________________$_________________ $115 (sgl. 30) __________________X__________________$______________ 7/3/12 NAME_________________________________________________________________________CHAPTER__________________ ADDRESS_________________________________ Space or Apt. #______ CITY_________________________ZIP__________ PHONE_______________________ PICK-UP POINT: WA______ HB______ NAME_________________________________________________________________________CHAPTER___________________ ADDRESS _________________________________Space or Apt.# ______ CITY_________________________ZIP__________PHONE______________________PICK-UP POINT: WA_____HB_____ *Special Requests (based on need) will be considered on an individual basis by the Travel Dept. Please be specific. ________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ **Name badges and emergency cards are required for all trips, a fee may be charged for replacements** SIGNATURE OF EACH TRAVELER IS REQUIRED: Thank You I, (we) __________________________________________________in exchange for transportation being furnished to and from any of the above mentioned events, on the above noted dates in 2012 as part of an Orange County Circle of Friends outing (the “Event (s)”), release and forever discharge Prime Healthcare Services, Garden Grove Hospital, Huntington Beach Hospital, La Palma Intercommunity Hospital and West Anaheim Medical Center and their Circle of Friends Chapters as well as their respective officers, directors, employees, affiliates, agents, representatives, successors and assigns, of all liabilities, claims, actions, damages, costs or expenses which I may have against them arising out of or in any way connected with my participation in the Event (s), including any liabilities, claims, actions, damages, costs or expenses that may arise out of the transportation provided as a part of the Event (s), and including injuries which may be suffered by me before, during or after the Event (s). I understand that this waiver includes any claims based on negligence, action or inaction of any of the above parties. I understand that Orange County Circle of Friends, reserves the right to decline or accept any person as a member of the tour, or to require any participant to withdraw from the tour at any time when such action is determined by the tour manager to be in the best interests of the health, safety, and general welfare of the tour group or of the individual participant. Additionally, I allow permission for, and authorize the use of, my name and photograph to be used for promotions by any of the above parties. Your original signature is required to complete travel arrangements. ______________________________________________ Signature (required) ___________________________________________________ Date ______________________________________ Signature (required) __________________________________________ Date 17 TAPE HERE TAPE HERE BE SURE TO SEAL BOTH EDGES PLEASE FOLD HERE BUSINESS REPLY MAIL FIRST CLASS MAIL PERMIT NO 94 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA POSTAGE WILL BE PAID BY ADDRESSEE HUNTINGTON BEACH HOSPITAL 17772 BEACH BLVD. HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92647-9932 Circle of Friends Travel BE SURE TO SEAL BOTH EDGES PLEASE FOLD HERE FIRST 18 NO POSTAGE NECESSARY IF MAILED IN THE UNITED STATES Orange County Circle of Friends 2012 Membership Enrollment Form To join, mail or Bring to: Circle of Friends Administrative Offices, 17772 Beach Boulevard, Huntington Beach, CA 92647 Huntington Beach Hospital ~ Beach Blvd. at Newman, First Floor of Hospital I am joining: o Huntington Beach Hospital Chapter, 714-843-5061 o West Anaheim Medical Center Chapter, 714-843-5092 Member 1: For Single Membership: o New o Renewal First Name _____________________________________ Middle Initial _______ Last Name _____________________________ Mailing Address _______________________________________ Apt/Space # ___________ City ______________________________________ State ______ Zip Code __________ Telephone (_______)________________ Date of Birth __________/__________/__________ Age__________ Gender: q Male q Female q I will be accessing the newsletter via the hospital website. Please do not mail hard copy. E-mail Address _____________________________________________________________________________________________ First name desired on membership badge ____________________________________________ Emergency Contact: Name __________________________________________________ Relationship _____________________ Telephone (_______)______________________________ Alternate phone number (_______)__________________________ New Members Only: Are you interested in volunteering? q Yes q No How did you hear about us? __________________________________________________________________________ Signature(s) Required Below Member 2: For Dual Membership: (must be at same address as member above) q New q Renewal First Name _____________________________________ Middle Initial _______ Last Name _____________________________ Date of Birth __________/__________/__________ Age__________ E-mail Address __________________________________________________ Gender: q Male q Female Telephone (_______)____________________ First name desired on membership badge ______________________________________________________________________ Emergency Contact: Name __________________________________________________ Relationship _____________________ Telephone (_______)______________________________ Alternate phone number (_______)__________________________ New Members Only: Are you interested in volunteering? q Yes q No How did you hear about us? ___________________________________________________________________________ q Single Membership q One-year $20 q Two-year $35 q Dual Membership (members must be at the same address) q Two 1 -year memberships $35 q Two 2-year memberships $60 Gift Membership q One year $20.00 Given by: _______________________________________________________________ , Enrollment processing and receipt of membership materials may take 4-6 weeks. Membership is non-refundable and non-transferable. Circle of Friends reserves the right to cancel any event, offer, or membership. In exchange for participating in a Circle of Friends Event, I release, Prime Healthcare Service, West Anaheim Medical Center, La Palma Intercommunity Hospital, Huntington Beach Hospital, Garden Grove Hospital and their Circle of Friends Chapters of all liabilities, which I may have against them in any way connected with my participation in the Event. Additionally, I allow permission for, and authorize the use of, my name, photograph, voice, or quotes, to be used for promotions by any of the above parties. ________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Signature of Member 1 (Required) Signature of Member 2 (Required) ---------------------------------------------------------------------please do not write below this line-------------------------------------------------------------------- (Office use only) (Office use only) Date Recv’d _____________ Date Processed _____________ Renewal Date ______________ Date Entered ______________ Initials _________________ Initials ____________________ Initials ___________________ 19 CO Int La er Pa Ho comm lma spi un tal ity e rov n G ital e rd sp Ga Ho A ton ing nt each tal u H B spi Ho N TY OR GE U W est A M n Ce edic ahe nt al im er N Postmaster: Please deliver by March 5, 2012 PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT 213 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA Circle of Friends 17772 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach, CA 92647 Or Current Resident Circle of Friends Enjoying Annual Laughlin Holiday Trip
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