Untitled - Tathata Edizioni


Untitled - Tathata Edizioni
“Om loka samasta sukhino bhavantu”
“May all the beings of all the worlds live in
universal happiness”
MAHĀYĀGAS IN THE VEDIC TRADITION ........................................................................ 3
DHARMASOOYA MAHĀYĀGA ...................................................................................... 6
WHO IS ŚRĪ TATHĀTA .................................................................................................. 11
DAILY TOPICS AND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES .................................................. 16
FIRST DAY – THURSDAY 6th OF FEBRUARY 2014 ..................................................... 17
International World Peace Conference “The emerging of a New Global Consciousness
and Nonviolence” .............................................................................................................17
SECOND DAY – FRIDAY 7th OF FEBRUARY 2014 ...................................................... 17
International Conference “An Integrated Educational System for the future” .............. 18
THIRD DAY – SATURDAY 8th OF FEBRUARY 2014 .................................................... 18
International Conference for “Social Ecology and Sustainable Development” .............. 18
FOURTH DAY – SUNDAY 9th OF FEBRUARY 2014 .................................................... 19
International Conference on “Good Governance” .................................................... 19
FIFTH DAY – MONDAY 10 th OF FEBRUARY 2014 .................................................... 19
International Conference on Religions “Religion for human development" ..... 19
SIXTH DAY - TUESDAY 11th OF FEBRUARY 2014 ...................................................... 20
International Conference on “Science and Spirituality" ............................................. 20
SEVENTH DAY – WEDNESDAY 12th OF FEBRUARY 2014 ......................................... 21
This day is dedicated to the Celebration of Universal Brotherhood ............................ 21
THE SCIENCE PAVILION ............................................................................................... 21
INVITATION AND PRACTICAL INFORMATION ............................................................. 23
Yāga or Yajña is a Sanskrit term which means “sacrifice” or “offering to the sacred
fire” (Agnī) and derives its substantial meaning directly from the Vedic tradition,
being therein a codified ritual.
Śrī Tathāta during rituals of Dharmasooya Mahāyāga 2009
The Vedas are the most ancient sacred scriptures of Humanity, whose influence
in the world is still alive, present and object of renewed deepening by researchers
and academics all over the world who witness its primigenial importance for
Human beings. These sacred scriptures were transmitted by great sages, the Ṛṣis,
cosmic beings who, thanks to their qualities and characteristics, knew the aim of
Creation, the last purpose of existence and had been chosen by the Supreme Will
as deputed instruments to transmit the Divine Thought and Intent to the Mankind.
To sustain the evolutional process of Mankind and to cleanse society from its
imperfections the Ṛṣis had the special task of identify and diffuse the rightest
solutions and, when it was necessary, when it was Time, they took care of
organizing Yāgas or Yajñas. During a Yajña everything was done according to the
precise prescriptions of the Ṛṣis, as later codified in the Vedas: they offered to the
Fire ghee, herbs, water, air and ether, sweet pastes and other elements, but in
particular and of the utmost importance sacred hymns and mantras, that were
chanted by all who were participating in the celebration of the ritual.
Chanting of mantras, Vedic hymns, during Dharmasooya Mahāyāga 2009
The word Mahā means great. Mahāyāga means Great Yāga. Great because of the
vast intent of purification involved: many prayers and rituals are carried out during
this sacred ceremony, in front of multiple sacred fires, being conducted by
numerous officiants, over a period of consecutive days, generating an immense
energy. The Vedic tradition anticipates the presence, in Mahāyāga, of at least two
basic conditions:
The encounter between the spiritual and the temporal dimensions, based
on an understanding between a great sage and the secular authority of
the designated place where the ritual is to be performed;
an absolute and universal spiritual purpose, the far-reaching intention to
re-equilibrate the energy forces of nature and the human mind.
The rare union of these elements enables the Mahāyāga to generate a positive
influence for the wellbeing of humanity as a whole.
The metrics of Vedic hymns chanted during the Mahāyāga correspond to the
subtle rhythms of Nature itself. The sound produced while chanting has the
capacity of aligning the ordinary lower planes of consciousness with the higher
ones. Hence, Vedic prosody or mantras rhythm is the parameter which most easily
allows to reconnect our individual soul, our interior Self, with the cosmic Rhythm
making possible that the divine Energy can directly operate on the individual
Vedic mantras are the primordial mantras, the most ancient ones, existing from
the beginning of Creation. The characteristics of these mantras differ from those
of all other cultures.
Shanti mantra, Vedic hymns for Peace
If we analyze what happens when we chant a Vedic mantra, it becomes easier to
understand the supreme aim and the vast range of a great ritual as Mahāyāga: in
the ethereal plane events happen, because Vedic mantras act not only on human
beings, but their vibrations can be perceived and absorbed also by subtle forces
and entities, and also by living creatures and organisms as plants, animals,
minerals, etc.; every living being is given the possibility to evolve from the stage
in which it finds itself and progress into superior planes of development. When
we chant a Vedic mantra we don’t do anything else but sustain the Divine Forces
in its eternal action, whose aim is facilitating the evolution of all the living
creatures and of the whole Creation. Events like Mahāyāgas have, therefore, the
ontological and structural ability of helping the whole world and the beings of the
Creation who live on different planes of existence. One need only refer
simbolically to a well-known Vedic hymn “Oṃ loka saṃasthā sukhīno bhavantu”,
that is “may all the beings of all the worlds live in universal happiness”, for an
intuitional approach to the intentions and the essence of the Ṛṣis: this hymn
contains the thought and the aim of their action made, at the beginning of the
humanity, for the well-being of all creatures.
The Dharmasooya Mahāyāga of 2014 has as its principal objective to generate,
release and transmit Cosmic Energy to the physical world, to all living beings and
to the whole universe. The generation of this immense Spiritual Energy will help
to enable human minds to achieve stability, even-mindedness, unshakeable peace
at individual, social and worldwide level.
Another intent of Dharmasooya Mahāyāga is to accompany the whole humanity
to make its entry in the new Consciousness. The word Dharmasooya, in fact,
means “led in favor of Dharma”, that is of the cosmic Consciousness.
Dharma is a universal phenomenon, it is the very essence of the universe, the
incommensurable reality which pervades the subtle planes of Creation.
Dharmasooya Mahāyāga principal aim is to draw this Energy and this universal
Light, using them for reconstructing the world and life on Earth, also allowing to
overcome the actual adversities.
Śrī Tathāta during rituals of Dharmasooya Mahāyāga 2009
Today, in fact, we observe a widespread confusion, to which many people seem
not to succeed in finding a solution for the future. Śrī Tathāta assures, on the
contrary, that a new cycle began, a cycle in which the Vedic knowledge and
philosophy lead to the evolution of humanity and are a point of reference and
inspiration on which the whole society can lean.
“In fact, it is only through Dharma that it is possible to let light descend to Earth.
Each human being is destined to become an instrument of Dharma and participate
in this work. Here is the extraordinary right that Nature conferred to mankind and
in it dwells its nobility.” (Śrī Tathāta “Dharmayanam – The vessel of Dharma”
Tathāta editions, 2013, page 117).
In ancient times the great Yagas were celebrated by priests and only the most
elevated classes took part in it, together with those who were holders of Vedic
knowledge. Common people didn’t have the possibility to participate in any way
and were not minimally involved in such a process. Today, however, this modality
is no longer viable and functional for the purpose: what is needed is involving in
the rituals of yagas and yajñas as many people as possible belonging to all the
areas of the society.
Western people taking part to Dharmasooya Mahāyāga 2009
Everyone is able to actively participate in some way in the Dharmasooya
The intentions and prayers of each participant who joins in this ceremony, offer a
precious contribution for the urgently needed transformation of the world and
the evolution of consciousness for the growth of mankind.
“So as when the sun rises darkness disappears, in the same way when Divine Light
illuminates a human being, this can easily find the solution for all his problems e
and all of his sufferings. We already have everything we need, everything is already
within us, but human beings know neither how to find it nor how to use it in their
daily life. Since I can’t bear to see mankind suffering and human beings drowning
in their own unhappiness, the Almighty let me be born on Earth as a human being
and guided me to lead, firstly, an ascetic life, so that later I could teach Dharma
and restore its presence in the world using as an instrument rituals like
Dharmasooya Mahāyāga.” (Śrī Tathāta)
Dharmasooya Mahāyāga 2009
The organization of the Dharmasooya Mahāyāga 2014 foresees the presence of
special representatives from every field of society, political and religious leaders,
eminent scientists, writers, artists, etc., coming from many different countries.
this is an important factor of success for the event, because it expresses in a visible
way the universal character through the co-presence and proximity of apparently
different people.
Prof. Madhavan Nair lightens the sacred Lamp during the ceremony of presentation of the
Dharmasooya Mahāyāga 2014 organizing Committee
All participating personalities during the Dharmasooya Mahāyāga are firstly
invited to join in the chanting of the daily prayers of intention. When
representatives of humanity join their minds during the descent of a great divine
Energy, in the presence of a being of superior consciousness as Srī Tathāta is, their
positive intentions for humanity become a reality. It is for this reason that their
immediate involvement is so absolutely important, necessary and effective.
Secondly, most of the Indian and Western guests wishing so, are offered the
opportunity of participating in the organized conferences which are daily held (see
dedicated paragraph).
Finally, all the guests manifesting their sincere intention of acting for the welfare
of humanity and for a collective purpose joining the Creation receive, through
Dharmasooya Mahāyāga, renewed inspiration, energy and support for their
deserving actions.
Śrī Tathāta was born in Kerala, in the South of India. At his birth, he bore the signs
designating a Divine Being. As a child, he left his home and family to immerse
himself in solitude and practiced the most intense Tapas (ascesis) for many years,
according to the direct instructions of the divine Will. For most of the time, his
consciousness was totally absorbed in the Cosmic Consciousness. During a great
spiritual experience, occurred in the highlight of his ascesis, he was shown
simultaneously all the Wonders of the Universe and the abysm of the world of
When he came out of his retiredness, he had become a perfect instrument of the
Divine Will and was ready for his mission: spreading Dharma into the world.
Śrī Tathāta
Srī Tathāta lives in the world with the cosmic mission of dissipating the darkness
which covers human consciousness and enlighten by the light of Dharma all
aspects of existence. He has come to harmonize the energies of Nature, to help
for the evolution of human consciousness and to encourage the divine Life on
He says about himself that he came on Earth to help each one of us to achieve the
aim of our own life. The name of Tathāta, which was given to him by Mother
Nature, literally means "status of absolute perfection" or “status of quiddity”.
According to Śrī Tathāta, the whole universe is characterized by the evolution of
consciousness, and all human beings can expand their own consciousness through
various specific phases: the animal stage, the fully human stage (in which
discernment is attained), the stage of noble human being (who knows Dharma
and developes the quality of wakefulness) and the final stage of human being who
achieved perfection.
Śri Tathāta in January 1991, in Sārnāth
The necessary steps which permit human souls to achieve the higher and more
elevated goals are described in Dharma Sūtras, a collection of 50 sūtras enounced
by Śrī Tathāta in January 1991, in Sārnāth.
Śrī Tathāta, in his designated mission, provided for the construction of Dharma
Pītha in Kollur (Karnataka, India), a temple consecrated in 2006, with a worldwide
opening ceremony in 2011.
Dharma Pītha in Kollur (Karnataka, India)
The powerful Energy of Dharma descends on the Pītha, from where it rays
uninterruptedly to help all universal beings to elevate their own consciousness.
Anyone who meditates and prays in Dharma Pītha is touched by the sacred almost
tangible Presence, which reigns inside, and can experience a deep transformation
through the all pervasive power of silence.
Śrī Tathāta today travels widely transmitting the message of Divine Dharma both
in the Eastern and Western worlds, and initiates numerous souls into the Divine
In 2012, during his visits through Europe and India, Śrī Tathāta had the opportunity
of meeting important religious leaders and inviting them to the Dharmasooya
Mahāyāga especially Pope Benedict XVI and the Dalai Lama.
Śrī Tathāta was also received in Rome, at the Capitol, where he expressed his
message of peace and elevation of consciousness.
"The roots of Universal Peace", conference at the Capitol sponsored by the City of Rome, the
Lazio Region and the Province of Rome, introduced by Paolo Masini, Director of Roma Capitale,
and Luigi De Salvia, President of Religions for Peace Italy
The principal part of Mahāyāga (those days open to the public) lasts 7 days. It is
preceeded by preparatory and reserved prayers and rituals, which create the
proper environment and conditions and necessary energy for the opening of
Mahāyāga to the public and for its effects in the world.
The public days of the Dharmasooya Mahāyāga follow a rigorous and preestablished logic, each one with a specific intention and, as a whole, they aim to
invoke the omniinterpenetration of the great principles of the Cosmic Order
(Dharma) in all aspects of human life. If human beings follow the path of Dharma,
the right order, then everything achieves peace and harmony and its right
placement in relationship to everything else that is present in the universe, in all
planes and in every circumstance.
Every day, in the morning, through the rituals of rule, the very intention of the day
is declared. In the evening, there are round table discussions, with the
participation of official guests, as well as other cultural events.
Śrī Tathāta, Rome – September 2012
On the first day, the rituals great prayer of intention of the ritual is addressed to
the supreme value of the Cosmic Order, to nonviolence, Ahiṃsā, and to the
pacification of the forces in Nature. Both are naturally connected: the forces in
Nature are not in balance because humanity at this present time has an
insufficient awareness of Dharma, that is of the Cosmic Order. Human beings
don’t hesitate in exploiting Nature because of egoistic reasons and in entertaining
with other human beings relationships deprived of deep respect and real love.
This is the real reason for the occurring of various natural calamities, as tsunami
and many others which happened over time. The prayers anticipated for the first
day have the task of invocating a wider human consciousness, with the mutual
respect for nature and all other beings, the integration of nonviolence in each and
every aspect of our behavior, and creating an educational system based on these
The second part of the day is dedicated to a round table entitled:
International World Peace Conference “The emerging of a New
Global Consciousness and Nonviolence”
The intentions of the second day are focused on the younger generation: right
values and principles for the youth as well as the inclusion of inner development
into children’s upbringing. The Vedic tradition defines 4 stages in life and the
proper way to go through each one of them according to the cosmic Laws. In the
first stage, called Brahmacharya, the righteousness (Dharma) consists in living
attuned with the rhythm of nature in order to receive its necessary Energy; this
energy should then not be wasted, so as to properly integrate the newly-learned
skills. So the prayers, on this second day, call for the restoration of the right values
and principles in the younger generation, as well as for the emerging of a
comprehensive educational system that integrates the knowledge of worldly
matters (this knowledge is transmitted today in schools everywhere in the world)
and the teaching of principles and tools supporting a real inner development. Only
this latter component of education can help young people to sublimate their
lower energies, to achieve an inner balance and thus to become mature as to
finally develop the highest human qualities. The aim is, hence, the elevation and
the renewal of the educational concept.
Prayers and ritual are followed by a round-table entitled:
International Conference “An Integrated Educational System for
the future”
The intentions on the third day concern the 3 stages of life after youth: marriage
and family life (in Sanskrit Gṛhastha); then the time to take a distance from the
world and from family life (Vānaprastha); and finally the last stage of life
(Sannyāsī). Once more the aim is to provide mankind with a renewed vision and
inspiration to live these different phases of life in the highest way: the most
consistent with the cosmic Order. For the head of a family the specific dharma is
to bring up children according to the noblest values, and also to undertake an
economic activity capable of nurturing not only his own family, but the whole of
society, the nation and even animals and nature. Vānaprastha is the stage when
one retires from activities and worldliness to turn inward, so as to become
prepared for the next stage. Sannyāsī, the final stage of life, is the time for
wisdom, characterized by inner detachment; it’s the time to prepare oneself for
the final journey back to the Supreme Source whence we all come.
The round table of this day is entitled:
International Conference for “Social Ecology and Sustainable
The fourth day is dedicated to the emerging of good leaders at the level of every
nation, which means persons having inner clarity, a global vision, the
understanding of universal laws and compassion for all beings: persons who are
concerned about public welfare. Only to leaders having such noble qualities and
having gone beyond the limits of any attachment to their own person or to private
interests should be entrusted the leadership of a country. This role can be played
by persons who have been educated according to the right principles, who see the
entire world as their home, every citizen and even every human being like their
own children. According to Indian tradition, when such a person leads a nation,
sustainable collective prosperity is ensured.
The round table is entitled:
International Conference on “Good Governance”
The fifth day will be focused on the general understanding and adoption of all
main principles of Dharma. People attending will be given the possibility to
express their own intention to live according to these high principles and values,
with deep awareness. Such a commitment will make possible the descent of the
corresponding energies to the persons attending and to all humanity.
Title of the round table:
International Conference on Religions “Religion for human
Inter-religious conference “A new world is possible” – Rome 2009
On this crucial day a great collective prayer is made in order to bring the energy
of Supra-consciousness down to Earth. The process consists in making the Grace
of the Divine Source descend on Earth, so that all intentions expressed during the
preceding days become reality and the human consciousness – which is currently
covered by a veil of darkness – can be enlightened and start to play its great
Cosmic role. Human beings, indeed, have the profound duty to receive the higher
energies and to transmit them to the lower planes; in other words, they should be
a bridge between the higher and lower planes. At this most critical moment, the
whole universe aligns with Śrī Tathāta for the conduct of the Mahāyāga: the great
divine Energy that descends and spreads permanently everywhere on Earth the
seeds of the era of Dharma and of the divine life.
The following round table is entitled:
International Conference on “Science and Spirituality"
The seventh and last day is dedicated to the transmission of the divine Energy to
all beings e to all movements of the universe, as well as to the celebration of the
divine Presence. The divine life, or perfect life, is the real key to divine joy. All
participants offer their own solemn salutation and their gratitude to the Divine
Energy descended during the Yāga.
This day is dedicated to the Celebration of Universal Brotherhood
In the modern world, it is more and more evident how science and spirituality
show in their approach confluences and syntony: in fact they are complementary
in their search for the truth which characterizes the evolution of mankind towards
its originary and final destination. Many researchers, whose number increase
every day more, admit that scientific observations highlight the existence of an
invisible force: measurable phenomena would only be the reflection, in matter, of
a huge subtle world. Some assume that this latter world is the one that can be
explored during deep meditation.
The question can then be asked whether the tremendous energies generated by
Vedic rituals are scientifically measurable and whether it is possible to study the
impact of such rituals on nature, because plants and animals, contrary to humans,
as they are not conditioned by any intellectual or mental approach to life, react
more directly and immediately to any energetic change in their environment. In
the context of the Dharmasooya Mahāyāga a team of Indian researchers is going
to carry out a large-scale study to measure, according to scientific standards and
methodologies, the sensibility, the reactions and the impacts of the ritual on the
surrounding nature. The chair of the organizational committee of this study is
entrusted to Prof. Madhavan Nair, famous scientist and former chairman of the
ISRO (the Indian Space Research Organization), responsible for numerous
successful projects among which the big Chandrayaan project (the first moon
probe without crew launched into the space by India in the month of October
Other scientists are involved in Mahāyāga, whose whole development is analyzed
and monitored scientifically. The involved scientists have already begun, over a
year ago, researches on plants, animals and human beings, with the aim of
measuring, according to established scientific parameters, the effects produced
by the Mahāyāga – during and after the rituals - on all the realms of Nature. The
results of this research will be published on a later date in well-known
international magazines.
Dharmasūya Mahāyāga 2009
It is due to underline that this new global approach characterizing Śrī Tathāta’s
vision doesn’t want neither to “spiritualize” science, nor to “scientisize”
spirituality, as this would be reductive for each discipline; it is rather about
creating a new space where faith and reason, together, could guide mankind in its
Welcome to all people who wish to take part in the Dharmasooya Mahāyāga,
from 6th to 12th of February 2014!
The ritual takes place in Palakkad, a city situated in the South of India, Kerala State.
The days of the Dharmasooya Mahāyāga open to the public can be followed
worldwide in live streaming on internet.
People interested in taking part in Dharmasooya Mahāyāga can ask for detailed
information to the international organizational Committee writing to the
following address: international@mahayaga.org.
The site www.mahayaga.org is the official site of the Dharmasooya Mahāyāga and
contains general information.
The Youtube channel http://www.youtube.com/Mahayaga2014 contains some
videos. Specially, a video message where Śrī Tathāta speaks about the aims and
range of Dharmasooya Mahāyāga can be seen at the following address:
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shantihi
Om Peace, Peace, Peace