Volume 15, Number 6 Dec 14, 2014


Volume 15, Number 6 Dec 14, 2014
DEC 14, 2014
Giving Thanks
THANK YOU for your generosity
to the OC Giving Tree! !
This is our forth year of this
tradition and I’d like to express my
sincere gratitude to everyone who
has participated in the Giving Tree. By members of our
community supporting other members of our community, we
make our whole school a bit better! !
There is a green box in the front office for you to drop
off your ornaments and gift cards. Please drop off your
recipes and ingredients in my office by 12/17/14. I will be
distributing gift cards and recipes to families on 12/18/14.
If you have a need and have not yet contacted me,
please don’t hesitate. This year the OC has had many
opportunities for offering support. !
With compassion and gratitude this Holiday and New Year,
Circle Talk in Mia’s Class
In our circle this morning the kids talked about if they were given $1000,
what they would do with it.
So many of them mentioned the Road Home, Homeless Shelter. So this
afternoon we talked about a
service project. They said they
would love to collect items for
the Road Home.
These are the items that are
most needed: WARM CLOTHING,
If you would like to donate, you
may bring these to room 223
Thanks - Mia's class 3/4
Know any Co-opers who play an instrument or sing?
We interested in finding all the Co-opers who play an instrument or sing.
We would like to have small in class performances/sharing/teaching moments and
add optional all school performance/show and plays/informance if the interest
and participation is high.
Please contact dawnlevingston@yahoo.com if you play an
instrument or sing and are willing to share your talents at
the OC.
Julia Barrientos
OC Student Book Reviews
The Darkest Hour Book 6 of the Warriors Series by Erin Hunter
"You should read this book because it is action packed. Once you start, you can't stop. My
favorite character was Firepaw."-Liam
"This book is, no doubt about it, the best book in the Warriors series. It is very suspenseful,
and it is worded very well. I love how they make Scourge so intimidating, despite his small
size. In fact, Blood Clan in general is very scary, despite the fact that they are not Clan
cats. The only thing I do not like [SPOILER ALERT] is how easy it was to kill Scourge.
Sure, he was caught off guard, but this is the tyrant of the Twolegplace we're talking about!
[SPOILER END] The battle is very well done, the death scene is done well...It's all great!
So, five stars for this book." - Quinn
Fangbone! Third-Grade Barbarian by Michael Rex
"You should read this book because it is funny. It has fighting and big ugly toes. My favorite
art was when Bill throws hot wings into the monster's mouth, and he goes away." - Nick
Uglies by Scott Westerfeld
"You should read this book because... It is really interesting and it is cool. There are Pretties
& Uglies and this girl named Tally. She has to choose if she wants to save her friend or
become pretty and this book takes you on that journey. My favorite part was: At the start
where the girl sneaked into New Pretty Town to see her BFF that got turned 3 months
submitted by Karen Larsen
Gratitude Circle:
A New OC Tradition
I am so grateful to be a part of this community. I
attended a faculty meeting a few Mondays ago and
asked for classes to have circle talk about how to go
about a community celebration I think we have been
missing. I received so much support and cooperation I
was blown away. I don't think this kind of thing
happens at other schools. Lena especially took
responsibility for getting this up and running. She
helped us make a solid plan for getting representatives
from classes together and she even volunteered her
time to facilitate the meeting. How amazing is that? !
That Friday we met with kid representatives (check
out the picture. Aren't they cute?) Lena had the kids
write sentence strips of their classroom's best idea.
What came out of this was the surprisingly simple
plan below. The next week when Lena needed to
attend to a family emergency Amanda stepped up and
a second meeting was held to iron out the details.
At both meetings I was floored at how amazing these
teachers are, the way they talk to children is the
epitome of what I think the OC is all about. !
The kids are of course the largest segment of our
community and the reason for it in the first place. I
felt honored to be part of these meetings to witness
these fine young people at work. The plan below was
completely thought of by our kids. !
At 10am on Friday the 19th, Here Comes the Sun by
the Beatles will be played over the school intercom. That's the cue for our community of adults and kids
to go out to the playground where we'll form a circle
of musicians (which is ANYONE in our community
that wants to bring an instrument and play it)
surrounded by another circle with the rest of us
singing Here Comes the Sun. We'll also be presenting
a special flag that will be made by all the classrooms
next week. !
Also, the near unanimous request from the kids is
that all classroom brunches will include hot chocolate. Please send in a mug with your child (and one for
yourself if you'll be there). You can tape your name to
the bottom if you'd like it back. Otherwise the mugs
will be donated to the cafeteria. If you'd like to
arrange hot chocolate for your class brunch, please
sign up for it or let your teacher know. !
Please invite friends, family and alumni to this
community event. !
Thanks to you all!
Leslie Phillips (Eliza - Shelly/Harmonie & Bridget alum)
Rose’s Counseling Corner
Divorce and the Holidays
Here is some great support for families who are divorced or going through a divorce
during the holidays. Thank you to Allison Librett, attorney and OC parent, for
sharing this helpful resource. She can be reached at alibrett223@gmail.com. I am
also available, if you need to talk, rose.evans@slcschools.org.
For those experiencing a loss, the holidays, especially on the actual holidays
themselves, can be excruciatingly painful months. Death, separation, divorce,
illness, family trauma, job loss, or moving to a new location result in great losses
that make the holidays difficult.
Divorce is different in that almost every other loss comes with support. People reach
out when you go through almost any other life challenge. Divorce, well, not so much.
Here are a few practical tips for navigating the holidays even as you navigate your
Prepare in advance. Overwhelming emotions can strike at any time; your
best defense is a good offense. Prepare before they take you over by assembling
your team. Connecting with a therapist and your attorney will mean you have
positive reinforcements right when you need them.
Accept the difficulty of this time of year. Remind yourself that this is just a
season and it too will pass.
Socialize. Get out and have some fun. Insecure feelings may tempt you to
isolate and hibernate, but force yourself to go out even if it's only for a short
time. Emotion is created by motion -- if you're curled up on the couch, you're
more likely to be depressed, sad and feel lonely. Alternatively, staying active will
help to keep you in a happier state of mine.
Lower your expectations. If you expect that every day is going to be a great
day, you're more likely to have a great day. Know some days will be harder than
others and keep putting one foot in front of the other.
Step away from drugs or alcohol. Numbing emotional distress with
chemicals creates more depression and potentially more stress.
Trim the trimming. If the thought of trimming a tree causes too much pain,
don't put them up this year. Put them aside for another time, or delegate it to a
friend or relative (especially if you've got kids). Alternatively, find other things to
do, make or experience to make a new tradition.
Rose’s Counseling Corner Cont’d
Get moving! Heading to the gym or even out for a walk can be just the thing
your spirits need. Exercise is a now antidote for depression and stress. Eat as
healthy as you can, but be sure to indulge in a treat or two now and then.
• Shop online almost exclusively. Going to the mall can be too stressful.
When you shop online, you can ship direct to the recipient (although in-person
gift giving can be a mood-booster), and most retailers provide wrapping, too!
Make the call. Have the phone numbers of your therapist, attorney, best
friend, pastor, church, other close friends and family in the Favorites of your
phone. Make the commitment to call someone if negative thoughts grab hold
and ask them to talk you into a better place.
Get your Vitamin D. Unfortunately, the sun hides in the winter, right during
the holidays and when you need it the most. Be sure to pop outside for at least
10-15 minutes a day and soak up some sunshine.
Set some healthy boundaries. Clearly, and without apology, explain to
your family and friends what you are capable of doing this year, and what you
aren't. Don't let others guilt you into taking on more than you can
handle. Remember, "no" is a complete sentence.
Give back. Sometimes the best way to feel better is by discovering how you
can make other people who might be alone during the holidays feel better.
We hope this makes a dif/icult situation easier during the season. With compassion and gratitude, Rose OC Counselor (801) 578-­‐8144 rose.evans@slcschools.org