World Cup 2014: Challenges and Solutions for the
World Cup 2014: Challenges and Solutions for the
World Cup 2014: Challenges and Solutions for the Advanced Monetization of Premium Contents with Video Advertising and Payment. Nicolás Amado, Director of Media, Southern Europe & Latin America – Media Group, - @UniverseInside @BrightcoveES +34 670 081 056 Basic Brightcove Facts • NASDAQlisted as BCOV in 2012 • 345+ employees across 13 regional offices SAO PAULO Brightcove Overview 2014 6,300 in 70+ countries 3 963M Video Cloud streams $109.9M in 2013 Portfolio de plataformas y soluciones de vídeo online con escala mundial Brightcove Media Group The Leading Online Video Platform Cloud Ad Insertion and Stream Stitching The Performance Leader in Cloud Encoding Su socio de generación de negocio, innovación y retorno de inversión Contact: Nicolás Amado - Director of Media, Southern Europe & Latin America: +34 93 16000 44 / +34 670 081 056, Brightcove Customers Worldwide (+6.500) NineMSN / Sports • Disney Germany Confidential 9 | Confidential NEXT TV - El futuro de la televisión pasa por “digital first”, por disponibilidad y acceso constante al contenido, y por una relación directa con la audiencia, y a la medida de cada individuo de la misma (TV Personalizada). • • • • Cualquier Modelo de Negocio Contenidos En Cualquier Pantalla Bajo Cualquier Flujo de Trabajo con Video Medición Profunda de las Experiencias de Video (Analytics/QoS) 10 | ©2014 Brightcove Inc La Audiencia habita hoy en día dentro de ese brutalmente fragmentado “planeta”, compuesto por todos los sitios, destinos, dispositivos, apps, juegos, gadgets, y experiencias digitales que la seducen y convocan (a participar = Social TV). 11 | ©2014 Brightcove Inc EL PLANETA DE LA AUDIENCIA: FRAGMENTACIÓN BRUTAL MOBILE 12 | ©2014 Brightcove Inc LIVING ROOM La Audiencia MANDA, y DEMANDA acceso inmediato y en cualquier sitio a sus contenidos preferidos con una experiencia televisiva de alta calidad … y nos pide que mantengamos las formas cuando monetizamos esos contenidos con anuncios, tratándoles como seres inteligentes y adultos. 13 | ©2014 Brightcove Inc Dado el ingente apetito de la audiencia latina por consumir contenidos premium, estos representan una ENORME oportunidad de generar importantes ingresos Pero sin embargo el riesgo de dejar de ingresar ese dinero es también enorme y desgraciadamente muy habitual. 14 | ©2014 Brightcove Inc Vamos a analizar brevemente LOS RETOS Y SOLUCIONES que tenemos a nuestro alcance para ofrecer esa EXPERIENCIA TELEVISIVA DIGITAL a nuestra audiencia 15 | ©2014 Brightcove Inc MODELOS DE NEGOCIO DIGITALES HABITUALES TVOD: transaccional o PPV SVOD: suscripción FVOD: fremium, como Trial o con Publicidad Calls to Action [video e-commerce] LIVE: emisión en directo - Publicidad o Pago (TVE) Simulcast (24/7 Live OTT de la señal broadcast) Simulcast Simulado (Live simulado basado en VOD) Internet Video Publishers Capture Only a Fraction of the Best Possible Ad Monetization Revenue Example Challenges • Not able to deliver ads on mobile web or XBOX app • No ad delivery solution for LIVE streams • No single ad network has enough inventory • Ad network has no SDK for Windows 8 app • 10-15 % ads are lost due to download performance issues • 10-30 % ads are blocked by ad blockers Ad performance loss is caused by hard technical challenges of delivering video ads to multiple devices and apps in a complex Internet ecosystem 17 | ©2014 Brightcove Inc Video Soportado por Anuncios — 2 Datos Críticos 66% of mobile device users prefer to get their media entertainment content from the “mobile web” instead of “in app”. 22.7% of ad supported video and Source: Media and Entertainment Goes Mobile, Infographic, from Aug 6, 2013 Source: The Rise of Ad Blocking, Report, from PageFair, Aug, 2013 18 | ©2014 Brightcove Inc web traffic is stopped by ad blockers. Los retos de la monetización publicitaria de vídeo online La pérdida de ingresos ocurre en cada etapa del embudo y se debe principalmente a los difíciles retos técnicos que presenta la entrega de anuncios de vídeo en múltiples dispositivos y apps con una experiencia perfecta con calidad televisiva. “Embudo de Monetización con Publicidad Vídeo” Razones de Pérdida de Monetización Inventario Total Posible Accesible Sólo una fracción del inventario total es accesible debido a los dispositivos y apps que no se monetizan Usable Incluso cuando los ad breaks están disponibles, frecuentemente no se utilizan de forma óptima Vendido El inventario utilizable se suele dejar invendido debido a complejidades de integración y gestión Entregado No todos los anuncios vendidos se entregan debido a problemas de rendimiento del player y del ad network/ad server Visto Tanto una calidad de los anuncios como una personalización inferior afectan a los visionados y a los índices de finalización 19 | ©2014 Brightcove Inc Online video originally evolved with the player at the center of advertising and consumer experience THE PLAYER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR: Ad Telemetry Ad Interactivity Ad Insertion Content Telemetry Content Playback • • • • • • • • • • • • Requesting and processing content playlists Requesting and enforcing ad display policies Requesting and enforcing geo restriction Decrypting and displaying protected content Requesting and displaying video ads Firing events for companion ads etc. Pausing/resuming content during ads Blocking ad-skipping behaviors Capturing and sending ad tracking events Capturing and sending audience measurement data Capturing and sending analytics events And much more… Anuncios Entregados – Impacto de la Latencia Cualquier tecnología no sirve para entregar anuncios, una pequeña latencia de 2 segundos en la entrega del anuncio hace que perdamos importantes ingresos publicitarios 21 | ©2014 Brightcove Inc NUEVOS CONCEPTOS Cloud-based Ad Insertion and Cloud-based Stream Stitching 22 Brightcove Once is An Innovative and Foundational ‘Cloud-Based Ad Insertion’ Technology • Deploy once and done • Saas platform with very simple deployment • Works across all devices • No integration or maintenance of client SDKs • Integrated with all ad networks • Pre-integrated with all major ad networks and ad decision systems • Single stitched stream • No performance issues due to client-side ad calls or downloads • Patented technology • Built with over 14 patented and 28 patent pending cloud technologies 23 | ©2014 Brightcove Inc Cloud Ad Insertion & Stream Stitching 24 | ©2014 Brightcove Inc Unique Position in Video Ecosystem ANY PUBLISHER ANY AD SERVER ANY AD NETWORK ANY CDN ANY OVP / CMS ANY ANALYTICS PLATFORM Integrates With Any OVP, CMS, CDN, Ad Server, Ad Network Or Analytics Platform 25 | ©2014 Brightcove Inc Nuevo Inventario … llegamos a la audiencia fragmentada • Twitter Cards • Syndication • Closed Captions • ChromeCast • AppleTV • Xbox One 26 | ©2014 Brightcove Inc Brightcove Helps Maximize Video Revenue By Improving Performance at Every Stage of Ad Monetization Funnel 2-5X! Customers see a 30% increase in monetization the first month with Brightcove Once ü Maximize inventory by delivering ads across all devices and apps ü Maximize ad starts with high performance ad delivery and avoidance of ad blockers ü Maximize ad completes with broadcast quality, HD resolution video ads 27 | ©2014 Brightcove Inc Brightcove Once Powers Many of the Top Publishers in Internet Video Advertising We currently deliver video ads to over 7800 unique device types (and counting!) 28 | ©2014 Brightcove Inc Premium Content Video Monetization Solution by VOD & LIVE • Maximize inventory by delivering ads across all devices and apps BUYERS Brightcove Once is An Innovative and Foundational ‘Cloud-Based Ad Insertion’ Technology * • Maximize ad starts with high performance ad delivery and avoidance of ad blockers * Or ANY VAST tag • Maximize ad completes with broadcast quality, HD resolution video ads $€ 2x-5x! Twitter Cards • Syndication • Closed Captions • ChromeCast • AppleTV • Xbox One ANY ANALYTICS ANY CDN ANY OVP ANY CMS PREMIUM PUBLISHER/BROADCASTER Delivering video ads to over 7800 unique device types (and counting!) Solution design by Nicolás Amado Deploy once and done Works across all devices • Integrated with all ad networks • Single stitched stream • Patented technology Cloud Ad Insertion & Stream Stitching a TV-Like Experience Customers see a 30% increase in monetization the first month with Brightcove Once • • • Our recommended Sell-Side core solution partner LiveRail is the leading publisher monetization platform for video (Sell-Side Platform/ SSP, programmatic advertising). With over 5bn impressions delivered via our platform each month, LiveRail sets the standard for innovative video advertising technology solutions. REAL-TIME BIDDING + PRIVATE MARKETPLACE + FLOOR-CPM + MOBILE REVENUE + FORMATS * The solution works with ANY VAST AD SERVING PLATFORM Experience Once: go to from a connected device Contacto: Nicolás Amado - Director of Media, Southern Europe & Latin America: +34 670 081 056, ©2014 Brightcove Inc Brightcove Once VOD: short form case study – sports • Customer viewed the mobile web as a “cost center” because it was not monetized • After deploying Brightcove Once on their platform, they started pushing pre-rolls and kept a steady 1:1 ad to content ratio with 90% ad completion rates while growing volume 4x 80.0 70.0 60.0 50.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 - $15.4M Total Cost $ 1.4M Profit $14.0M ROI 1100% 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% Content Plays 30 | ©2014 Brightcove Inc Cum Rev @ $25 Ads as a % of Total Plays FUTURE TV VISION What’s next with Television Confidential 31 | The Challenges of the Paid Content Business Model • Un modelo de negocio complejo y a veces insostenible … 32 | Confidential © 2013 Brightcove Inc. Bringing Broadcast and Professional Workflows to the Cloud • Support for advanced codecs such as MPEG-2, MPEG-TS, JPEG 2000 and AVC-Intra in MXF container in support of DPP guidelines for European broadcasters; MPEG-DASH with Common ENCryption/CENC. 33 | ©2014 Brightcove Inc Future Vision • In a video utopia, a single format would cover every device with enough flexibility for manufacturers to create their own unique implementations while providing enough features to satisfy the demands of a modern viewer. • MPEG-DASH, an adaptive bitrate streaming technique that enables high quality streaming of video over the Internet delivered from conventional HTTP Web servers, is a bold attempt to meet all of those requirements. 34 | ©2014 Brightcove Inc Future Vision: MPEG-DASH MAJOR COST-SAVING FLOW/PROCESS SIMPLIFICATION YOUR END-PRODUCT QUALITY BENEFITS 35 | ©2014 Brightcove Inc Muchas gracias Nicolás Amado Director of Media, Southern Europe & Latin America – Media Group - @UniverseInside @BrightcoveES +34 670 081 056