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II Title Index. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .XIV Proceedings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210 Orderform. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215 Apress Business for Professionals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 Apress Professional Computing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 Biomedicine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Chemistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Computer Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Earth Sciences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 Economics / Management Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176 Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Engineering. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Environmental Sciences. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 Geography. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 Humanities / Arts / Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 Law. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 Life Sciences. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 Linguistics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195 Materials Science. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 Mathematics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Medicine & Public Health. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Philosophy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 Physics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Popular Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 Psychology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Social Sciences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182 Statistics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 All titles are included in Springer’s eBook Collections on SpringerLink.com. Exceptions are marked “Only available in print.” Textbook Recommended stock title Book with online files/update Book with CD-ROM CD-ROM We recommend stocking multiple copies of this title Book with DVD DVD Set Author Index A 84Abbass, Computational Red Teaming 63Abdi/Beaton, Principal Component and Correspondence Analyses Using R (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) 171Abeyratne, Aviation and Climate Change (SpringerBriefs in Law) 84Adamatzky (Ed), Automata, Universality, Computation (Emergence, Complexity and Computation 12) 210Adnan (Eds), Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Sports Science, Exercise, Engineering and Technology 2014 (ICoSSEET 2014) 29Advances and Technical Standards in Neurosurgery 42 77Advances in Polymer Science 264 springer.com/NEWSonline 36Andreeff (Ed), Targeted Therapy of Acute Myeloid Leukemia (Current Cancer Research) 113Antoniadis (Eds), Supersymmetry after the Higgs Discovery 157Antonijevic (Ed), Optimization of Pharmaceutical R&D Programs and Portfolios 211Appice (Eds), New Frontiers in Mining Complex Patterns, NFMCP 2013 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNAI 8399) 171Araszkiewicz (Eds), Problems of Normativity, Rules and Rule Following (Law and Philosophy Library 111) 36Aravalli/Steer, Hepatocellular Carcinoma (SpringerBriefs in Cancer Research) 176Arimoto (Eds), The Changing Academic Profession in Japan (The Changing Academy – The Changing Academic Profession in International Comparative Perspective 11) 1Agarwal (Eds), Non-Invasive Sperm Selection for In Vitro Fertilization 140Armstrong (Ed), Advanced Protocols in Oxidative Stress III (Methods in Molecular Biology 1208) 140Agnoletti (Eds), The Basic World of Environmental History (Environmental History 4) 3Arnoldner/Chen, Lin (Ed), Manual of Otologic Surgery 36Aguilar-Roblero (Eds), Mechanisms of Circadian Systems in Animals and Their Clinical Relevance 1Aikawa (Ed), Cardiovascular Imaging 113Ake (Eds), Giants of Eclipse: The zeta Aurigae Stars and Other Binary Systems (Astrophysics and Space Science Library 408) 199Akramullah, Digital Video Concepts, Methods and Metrics, Compression 1Alboni (Eds), Vasovagal Syncope 66Aliev/Guirimov, Type-2 Fuzzy Neural Networks and Their Applications 2Alió (Eds), Multifocal Intraocular Lenses (Essentials in Ophthalmology) 2Allen, The Etiology of Atopic Dermatitis 63Alvo/Yu, Statistical Methods for Ranking Data (Frontiers in Probability and the Statistical Sciences) 175Amaldi, Particle Accelerators: From Big Bang Physics to Hadron Therapy 2Amin (Eds), Patent Foramen Ovale 75Amiri et al., Silicon Containing Copolymers (SpringerBriefs in Molecular Science) 211Andreasen (Eds), Foundations of Intelligent Systems, ISMIS 2014 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNAI 8502) II 75Asaka (Eds), Soft Actuators, Modeling 211Atluri (Eds), Data and Applications Security and Privacy XXVIII, DBSec 2014 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNISA 8566) 85Atomic Energy Society of Japan (Ed), The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident 211Auvray (Eds), Haptics: Neuroscience, Devices, Modeling, and Applications, EuroHaptics 2014 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNISA 8618) 211Auvray (Eds), Haptics: Neuroscience, Devices, Modeling, and Applications, EuroHaptics 2014 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNISA 8619) 113Avella (Eds), Strongly Correlated Systems (Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences 180) 190Bagattini (Eds), The Nature of Children’s WellBeing (Children’s Well-Being: Indicators and Research 9) 85Bagdoev et al., Wave Dynamics of Generalized Continua (Advanced Structured Materials 24) 124Baglioni et al., Compendium of Nanoapplications for Conservators 200Balan, Lua Programmer’s Reference 85Bandyopadhyay/Kamal, Stabilization and Control of Fractional Order Systems: A Sliding Mode Approach (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 317) 76Banoub (Ed), Detection of Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Agents for the Prevention of Terrorism (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series A: Chemistry and Biology) 210Barafort (Eds), Systems, Software and Services Process Improvement, EuroSPI 2014 (Communications in Computer and Information Science 425) 171Barten, Minorities, Minority Rights and Internal Self-Determination 140Barton (Eds), Nanomicrobiology 182Battistella (Ed), Global and Asian Perspectives on International Migration (Global Migration Issues 4) 141Beaujean (Eds), Nuclear Reprogramming (Methods in Molecular Biology 1222) 2nd ed. 114Beech, Alpha Centauri (Astronomers’ Universe) 205Beginning Apache Cassandra Development 200Beginning MongoDB in C# 211Bencomo (Eds), Models@run.time, Applications (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNPSE 8378) 86Benedetto (Eds), Civil Engineering Applications of Ground Penetrating Radar 3Bennett et al., Laboratory Hemostasis. 2nd ed. 59Axelrod/Kimmel, Branching Processes in Biology (Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics 19) 2nd ed. 127Bennett/Morse, Human Footprints: Fossilised Locomotion? 54Aïd, Electricity Derivatives (SpringerBriefs in Quantitative Finance) 214Bernstein (Eds), Hypercomplex Analysis: New Perspectives and Applications (Trends in Mathematics) B 3Bacqué (Eds), Psychothérapies analytiques en oncologie (Psycho-Oncologie) 75Baev, Specific Intermolecular Interactions of Element-Organic Compounds 182Berthold, Human Rights-Based Approaches to Clinical Social Work Practice (SpringerBriefs in Human Rights and Social Work Practice) 4Bhattacharya (Eds), Regenerative Medicine 183Biagetti, Ethnoarchaeology of the Kel Tadrart Tuareg (SpringerBriefs in Archaeology 6) News 8/2014 Author Index 211Biere (Eds), Computer Aided Verification, CAV 2014 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNTCS 8559) 86Briat, Linear Parameter-Varying and Time-Delay Systems, Observation (Advances in Delays and Dynamics 3) 176Billett, Mimetic Learning at Work (SpringerBriefs in Education) 76Brunazzi et al., The Importance of Packaging Design for the Chemistry of Food Products (SpringerBriefs in Molecular Science) 134Billi (Ed), Landscapes and Landforms of Ethiopia (World Geomorphological Landscapes) 213Bissyandé (Eds), e-Infrastructure and e-Services for Developing Countries, AFRICOMM 2013 (Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering 135) 86Bjontegaard et al., RILEM Technical Committee 195-DTD Recommendation for Test Methods for AD and TD of Early Age Concrete (RILEM State-of-the-Art Reports 16) 141Björn (Ed), Photobiology. 3rd ed. 210Bock (Eds), Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Processes - HPSC 2012, March 5-9 210Bolikowski (Eds), Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries -- TPDL 2013 Selected Workshops, SUEDL 2013 (Communications in Computer and Information Science 416) 211Bonsangue (Ed), Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science, CMCS 2014 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNTCS 8446) 183Bonvalet et al., Renewing the Family: A History of the Baby-Boomers (INED Population Studies 4) 190Borelli, Borelli’s On the Movement of Animals - On the Force of Percussion (Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 37) 190Borelli, Borelli’s On the Movement of Animals On the Natural Motions Resulting from Gravity (Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 38) 124Borzenkov/Hevus, Surface Active Monomers, Properties (SpringerBriefs in Materials) 37Bourguignon (Eds), Brain Crosstalk in Puberty and Adolescence (Research and Perspectives in Endocrine Interactions 13) 127Brassard (Eds), Natural Disaster Management in the Asia Pacific (Disaster Risk Reduction) 54Bressloff, Stochastic Processes in Cell Biology (Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics 41) 4Brethauer (Eds), Minimally Invasive Bariatric Surgery. 2nd ed. 47Breyer (Ed), Epistemological Dimensions of Evolutionary Psychology 54Brešar, Introduction to Noncommutative Algebra (Universitext) 87Bruner (Ed), Human Paleoneurology (Springer Series in Bio-/Neuroinformatics 3) 196Bruyn et al., A Corpus of Rembrandt Paintings (Rembrandt Research Project Foundation ) 55Bunimovich/Webb, Isospectral Transformations: A New Approach to Analyzing Multidimensional Systems and Networks (Springer Monographs in Mathematics) C 211Cabot (Eds), Modelling Foundations and Applications, ECMFA 2014 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNPSE 8569) 211Cai (Eds), Computing and Combinatorics, COCOON 2014 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNTCS 8591) 66Calero (Eds), Green in Software Engineering 47Callus (Eds), Clinical Psychology and Congenital Heart Disease 87Cancellieri, Polynomial Theory of ErrorCorrecting Codes (Signals and Communication Technology) 87Candaele (Eds), Trusted Computing for Embedded Systems 66Cao, Metasynthetic Computing and Engineering of Complex Systems (Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing) 88Capecchi/Ruta, Strength of Materials and Theory of Elasticity in 19th Century Italy (Advanced Structured Materials 52) 211Cariani (Eds), Deontic Logic and Normative Systems, DEON 2014 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNAI 8554) 214Cartier (Eds), Mathematics in the 21st Century, Lahore (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 98) 88Castillo-León (Eds), Lab-on-a-Chip Devices and Micro-Total Analysis Systems 89Celi (Ed), Advanced Design Cultures 89Chaki (Eds), Applied Computation and Security Systems (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 305) 89Chaki (Eds), Applied Computation and Security Systems (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 304) 170Chakrabarti/Sen, Green Investing (SpringerBriefs in Finance) 5Chan (Ed), Dry Eye (Essentials in Ophthalmology) 5Chan (Eds), Pelvic Floor Ultrasound 5Chan (Eds), Teaching Anatomy 114Chapman, Mary Somerville and the World of Science (SpringerBriefs in History of Science and Technology) 214Chatterjee (Eds), Managing in Recovering Markets (Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics) 63Chattopadhyay/Chattopadhyay, Statistical Methods for Astronomical Data Analysis (Springer Series in Astrostatistics 3) 90Cheah/Li, Task-Space Sensory Feedback Control of Robot Manipulator (Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering 73) 213Chen (Eds), Emerging Issues in Smart Learning (Lecture Notes in Educational Technology) 127Chen et al., European Atlas of Extreme Temperatures and Precipitation Records 90Chen, Out-of-order Parallel Discrete Event Simulation for Electronic System-level Design 90Chen/Huang, Stabilization and Regulation of Nonlinear Systems (Advanced Textbooks in Control and Signal Processing) 91Cheng, Pose-varied Multi-axis Optical Finishing Systems 211Cheung (Eds), Hybrid Learning Theory and Practice, ICHL 2014 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNTCS 8595) 128Chinarro, System Engineering Applied to Fuenmayor Karst Aquifer (San Julián de Banzo, Huesca) and Collins Glacier (King George Island, Antarctica) (Springer Theses) 4Cavallini (Eds), Clinical Management of Male Infertility 191Chorafas, Science and Technology 37Cavanna/Nani, Consciousness 141Christ (Eds), Animal Models for Stem Cell Therapy (Methods in Molecular Biology 1213) 67Cecilio/Furtado, Wireless Sensors in Heterogeneous Networked Systems (Computer Communications and Networks) 6Chu (Eds), Surgical Oncology 88Celebi (Ed), Partitional Clustering Algorithms III Author Index springer.com/NEWSonline 6Chughtai (Eds), Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: Modern Alternative to Transurethral Resection of the Prostate 211Davis (Eds), Service Research and Innovation, ASSRI 2013 (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing 177) 114Cicogna, Metodi matematici della Fisica (UNITEXT for Physics) 2nd ed. 157Dawoody (Ed), Public Administration and Policy in the Middle East (Public Administration, Governance and Globalization 9) 213Citti (Eds), Geometric Methods in PDE’s (Springer INdAM Series 10) 6Cokkinos (Ed), Introduction to Translational Cardiovascular Research 211Colinet (Eds), Pristine Perspectives on Logic, Language and Computation (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNTCS 8607) 211Comin (Eds), Pattern Recognition in Bioinformatics, PRIB 2014 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNBI 8626) 128Cordani (Eds), São Francisco Craton, Eastern Brazil (Regional Geology Reviews) 211Cornelis (Eds), Rough Sets and Current Trends in Soft Computing, RSCTC 2014 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNAI 8536) 115Cottam/Orchiston, Eclipses, Transits, and Comets of the Nineteenth Century (Astrophysics and Space Science Library 406) 91Couso et al., Random Sets and Random Fuzzy Sets as Ill-Perceived Random Variables (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology) 201Croitoru/Carson, Agile SharePoint 2013 7Crosby (Eds), Proximal Humerus Fractures 84Crowder/Friess, Agile Project Management: Managing for Success 142Cruz (Eds), Industrial Crops (Handbook of Plant Breeding 9) 47Culp (Ed), Child and Family Advocacy, Practice (Issues in Clinical Child Psychology) 210Czachórski (Eds), Information Sciences and Systems 2014 D 7D’Aprile, MRI of Degenerative Disease of the Spine 176Dailey-Hebert (Eds), Transformative Perspectives and Processes in Higher Education (Advances in Business Education and Training 6) 157Das (Ed), Globalization and Standards (India Studies in Business and Economics) 91Davim (Ed), Machining of Titanium Alloys (Materials Forming, Machining and Tribology) IV 211De Cristofaro (Eds), Privacy Enhancing Technologies, PETS 2014 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNSC 8555) 55de M. Rios/Straume, Symbol Correspondences for Spin Systems 92De Smedt et al., Temperature- and Supply Voltage-Independent Time References for Wireless Sensor Networks (Analog Circuits and Signal Processing 128) 158De Tombe, Handling Societal Complexity 142Dean (Eds), Genomics of Plant-Associated Fungi and Oomycetes: Dicot Pathogens 142Dean (Eds), Genomics of Plant-Associated Fungi: Monocot Pathogens 172Del Mar (Eds), Legal Fictions in Theory and Practice (Law and Philosophy Library 110) 211del Pobil (Eds), From Animals to Animats 13, SAB 2014 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNAI 8575) 92Demarchi (Eds), Carbon for Sensing Devices 183Demas et al., Strategies for Sustainable Tourism at the Mogao Grottoes of Dunhuang, China (SpringerBriefs in Archaeology) 184Demetriou (Ed), The European Union in Crisis 211Demri (Eds), Automated Reasoning, IJCAR 2014 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNAI 8562) 143Dennery (Eds), Perinatal and Prenatal Disorders (Oxidative Stress in Applied Basic Research and Clinical Practice) 7Di Carlo (Ed), Noncolorectal, Nonneuroendocrine Liver Metastases 67Di Luca (Ed), Multisensory Softness (Springer Series on Touch and Haptic Systems) 212Di Ruscio (Eds), Theory and Practice of Model Transformations, ICMT 2014 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNPSE 8568) 212Dietrich (Ed), Detection of Intrusions and Malware, and Vulnerability Assessment, DIMVA 2014 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNSC 8550) 212Dimitrova (Eds), User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization, UMAP 2014 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNISA 8538) 143Docker (Ed), Lampreys: Biology, Conservation and Control (Fish & Fisheries Series 37) 55Dokken (Eds), SAGA – Advances in ShApes, Geometry, and Algebra (Geometry and Computing 10) 56Dolićanin/Antonevich, Dynamical Systems Generated by Linear Maps. 2nd ed. 212Dowek (Ed), Rewriting and Typed Lambda Calculi, RTA and TLCA 2014 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNTCS 8560) 92Dowell, A Modern Course in Aeroelasticity (Solid Mechanics and Its Applications 217) 5th ed. 191Dubucs (Eds), Constructivity and Computability in Historical and Philosophical Perspective (Logic, Epistemology, and the Unity of Science 34) 212Duff (Eds), Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems, Living Machines 2014 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNAI 8608) 212Dwyer (Eds), Diagrammatic Representation and Inference, Diagrams 2014 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNAI 8578) 208Dye et al., SQL Server T-SQL Recipes. 4th ed. 37Dygai/Zhdanov, Theory of Hematopoiesis Control (SpringerBriefs in Cell Biology 5) E 8Eaglstein, The FDA for Doctors 56Eigen et al., Weakly Wandering Sequences in Ergodic Theory (Springer Monographs in Mathematics) 158Einav (Ed), The New World of Transitioned Media (The Economics of Information, Communication, and Entertainment) 8Emery (Eds), Office-Based Gynecologic Surgical Procedures 8Enzenauer et al., Functional Ophthalmic Disorders 38Errington (Eds), Extrasynaptic GABAA Receptors (The Receptors 27) 9Escorpizo (Eds), Handbook of Vocational Rehabilitation and Disability Evaluation (Handbooks in Health, Work, and Disability) 212Esparza (Eds), Automata, Languages, and Programming, ICALP 2014 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNTCS 8572) 212Esparza (Eds), Automata, Languages, and Programming, ICALP 2014 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNTCS 8573) News 8/2014 115Esposito, Formality Theory (SpringerBriefs in Mathematical Physics 2) 115Esseling, Photorefractive Optoelectronic Tweezers and Their Applications (Springer Theses) 38Evgen’ev et al., Heat Shock Proteins and Whole Body Adaptation to Extreme Environments F 116Falkenburg (Eds), Why More Is Different (The Frontiers Collection) 196Faltermeier, An Easy Guide to Care for Sculpture and Antique Art Collections 124Fan/Chu, Silicon Carbide Nanostructures, Structure (Engineering Materials and Processes) 9Farage (Eds), Skin, Mucosa and Menopause 78Farber (Eds), Retail Food Safety (Food Microbiology and Food Safety) 137Farmer, Modern Climate Change Science (SpringerBriefs in Environmental Science) 9Fattouch (Eds), Secondary Mitral Valve Regurgitation 198Feinleib, Big Data Bootcamp 39Felsted/Wright, Toward Post Ageing (Healthy Ageing and Longevity 1) 172Ferretti, EU Competition Law, the Consumer Interest and Data Protection (SpringerBriefs in Law) 177Filipenko (Eds), Problem Based Learning in Teacher Education 10Firoozi (Ed), Female Pelvic Surgery 116Fischetti/Aboud, Advanced Physics of Semiconductors (Graduate Texts in Physics) 213Flores (Eds), New Trends in Mechanism and Machine Science (Mechanisms and Machine Science 24) 39Foged (Eds), Subunit Vaccine Delivery (Advances in Delivery Science and Technology) 40Fong, The Role of Microbes in Common Non-Infectious Diseases (Emerging Infectious Diseases of the 21st Century 1) 212Formenti (Eds), Computational Intelligence Methods for Bioinformatics and Biostatistics, CIBB 2013 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNBI 8452) 212Fouilhoux (Eds), Combinatorial Optimization, ISCO 2014 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNTCS 8596) Author Index 201Frampton, Big Data Made Easy 201Freeman, Expert ASP.NET Web API 2 for MVC Developers 110Freni et al., Characterization of Zeolitebased Coatings for Adsorption Heat Pumps (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology) 56Fridman, Introduction to Time-Delay Systems (Systems & Control: Foundations & Applications) 57Friz/Hairer, A Course on Rough Paths (Universitext) 158Fu (Ed), Handbook of Simulation Optimization (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 216) 143Fukada (Eds), Zinc Signals in Cellular Functions and Disorders 184Funari (Eds), Archaeology of Culture Contact and Colonialism in Spanish and Portuguese America G 195Gabryś-Barker (Eds), Studying Second Language Acquisition from a Qualitative Perspective (Second Language Learning and Teaching 27) 10Gahtan (Eds), Essentials of Vascular Surgery for the General Surgeon 159Gaillard, When Sovereigns Go Bankrupt (SpringerBriefs in Economics) 202Gajda, Pro Vagrant 212Galhardas (Eds), Data Integration in the Life Sciences, DILS 2014 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNBI 8574) 93Gans, Mechanical Systems 214Gao (Eds), Advances in Global Optimization (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 95) 116Gasperini, Relatività Generale e Teoria della Gravitazione (UNITEXT for Physics) 2nd ed. 212Giese (Eds), Graph Transformation, ICGT 2014 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNTCS 8571) 67Gigengack et al., Motion Correction in Thoracic Positron Emission Tomography (SpringerBriefs in Electrical and Computer Engineering) 10Ginat (Eds), Post-treatment Imaging of the Orbit 68Gipp, Citation-based Plagiarism Detection 110Girard, Physical and Statistical Models for Steam Generator Clogging Diagnosis (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology) 184Glatzer (Ed), Global Handbook of Quality of Life (International Handbooks of Quality-of-Life) 185Gnecco (Eds), Ethics and Archaeological Praxis (Ethical Archaeologies: The Politics of Social Justice 1) 57Godinho/Natário, An Introduction to Riemannian Geometry (Universitext) 212Goertzel (Eds), Artificial General Intelligence, AGI 2014 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNAI 8598) 11Goldsmith (Eds), Cardio-Renal Clinical Challenges 48Goldstein (Eds), Handbook of Intelligence, Historical Perspective 160Golinelli (Ed), Cultural Heritage and Value Creation 78Goncharov, Non-Linear Optical Response in Atoms, Molecules and Clusters (SpringerBriefs in Molecular Science) 191Gonzalez, Philosophico-Methodological Analysis of Prediction and its Role in Economics (Theory and Decision Library A: 50) 187González-Ruibal (Eds), Ethics and the Archaeology of Violence (Ethical Archaeologies: The Politics of Social Justice 2) 11Goodlin (Eds), End-of-Life Care in Cardiovascular Disease 159Gavalec et al., Decision Making and Optimization (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems 677) 78Gorb (Eds), Application of Computational Techniques in Pharmacy and Medicine (Challenges and Advances in Computational Chemistry and Physics 17) 144Gerald (Eds), Biodiversity and Conservation of the Yucatan Peninsula 57Gorenflo et al., Mittag-Leffler Functions (Springer Monographs in Mathematics) 210Gero (Ed), Studying Visual and Spatial Reasoning for Design Creativity 160Gosavi, Simulation-Based Optimization (Operations Research/Computer Science Interfaces Series 55) 2nd ed. 159Ghosh (Eds), Diversification of Agriculture in Eastern India (India Studies in Business and Economics) 134Goudie/Viles, Landscapes and Landforms of Namibia (World Geomorphological Landscapes 5) V Author Index springer.com/NEWSonline 160Grad, Vector Optimization and Monotone Operators via Convex Duality (Vector Optimization) 212Han (Eds), Database Systems for Advanced Applications, DASFAA 2014 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNISA 8505) 212Holz (Eds), Trust and Trustworthy Computing, TRUST 2014 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNSC 8564) 202Grant, Beginning AngularJS 212Hanus (Eds), Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management, KDPD 2013 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNAI 8439) 212Holzer (Eds), Implementation and Application of Automata, CIAA 2014 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNTCS 8587) 128Harada, Interactions of Earth’s Magnetotail Plasma with the Surface, Plasma, and Magnetic Anomalies of the Moon (Springer Theses) 212Holzinger (Eds), Interactive Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining in Biomedical Informatics (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNISA 8401) 93Grasser (Ed), Hot Carrier Degradation in Semiconductor Devices 210Gröchenig (Eds), Operator-Related Function Theory and Time-Frequency Analysis (Abel Symposia 9) 177Green (Eds), The Body in Professional Practice, Learning and Education (Professional and Practice-based Learning 14) 11Greenberg (Ed), Craniomaxillofacial Reconstructive and Corrective Bone Surgery. 2nd ed. 12Greenberg (Ed), Digital Technologies for Craniomaxillofacial Surgery 161Greiner/Fincke, Public Debt, Sustainability and Economic Growth 137Greschke (Eds), Grounding Global Climate Change 138Grunewald (Eds), Ecosystem Services – Concept, Methods and Case Studies 93Harik (Ed), Trends in Nanoscale Mechanics, Graphene 64Haughton et al., Movie Analytics (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) 58Hausmann, Mod Two Homology and Cohomology (Universitext) 48Hommel et al., Human Action Control: 212Hong (Eds), Mathematical Software -- ICMS 2014, Seoul (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNTCS 8592) 49Hornby, Inclusive Special Education 144Hayat (Ed), Tumor Dormancy, Quiescence, and Senescence, Vol. 3, Cancer (Tumor Dormancy and Cellular Quiescence and Senescence 3) 40Horsnell (Ed), How Helminths Alter Immunity to Infection (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 828) 199Head, Pro WordPress Marketing and Search Engine Optimization 202Horton, Beginning Modern C++. 4th ed. 182Heard (Eds), Family Formation in 21st Century Australia 58Howe (Eds), Symmetry: Representation Theory and Its Applications (Progress in Mathematics 257) 13Hraška/Murín, Surgical Management of Congenital Heart Disease II 12Gulotta (Eds), Massive Rotator Cuff Tears 117Hehn/Manoli, CMOS Circuits for Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters (Springer Series in Advanced Microelectronics 38) 161Guo (Eds), Multicultural China (Current Chinese Economic Report Series) 162Heinemann/Gaiser, Social, Local, Mobile (Management for Professionals) 168Hüschelrath (Eds), Public and Private Enforcement of Competition Law in Europe (ZEW Economic Studies 48) 214Gupta (Eds), Laser Physics and Technology, Indore (Springer Proceedings in Physics 160) 145Heinlein (Ed), Plasmodesmata (Methods in Molecular Biology 1217) 95Hu et al., Nonlinear Stochastic Systems with Network-Induced Phenomena 144Guénet et al., Genetics of the Mouse 68Heinrich, Aligning Business Processes and Information Systems 178Huang (Eds), ICT in Education in Global Context (Lecture Notes in Educational Technology) 94Helwani, Adaptive Identification of Acoustic Multichannel Systems Using Sparse Representations (T-Labs Series in Telecommunication Services) 212Huang (Eds), Intelligent Computing in Bioinformatics, ICIC 2014 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNBI 8590) 212Gørtz (Eds), Algorithm Theory -- SWAT 2014, SWAT 2014 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNTCS 8503) H 161Ha (Ed), Land and Disaster Management Strategies in Asia 212Hernandez (Eds), Graph-Based Representation and Reasoning, ICCS 2014 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNAI 8577) 117Hagen (Ed), The Physical Basis of Bacterial Quorum Communication (Biological and Medical Physics, Biomedical Engineering) 178Hewson, Embracing Indigenous Knowledge in Science and Medical Teaching (Cultural Studies of Science Education 10) 134Hakim, Mediterranean Urbanism 68Hillmann, Holoscopy (Aktuelle Forschung Medizintechnik – Latest Research in Medical Engineering) 48Halford et al., Couples Therapy with New Parents (Springer Series on Couples and Health) 177Hall, Meaning-Oriented Pedagogy (SpringerBriefs in Education) 162Hallegatte, Natural Disasters and Climate Change 12Halverson (Eds), Advanced Surgical Techniques for Rural Surgeons VI 94Hintz, Orbital Mechanics and Astrodynamics 94Hippe (Eds), Human-Computer Systems Interaction: Backgrounds and Applications 3 (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 300) 138Holtmeier, Animals’ Influence on the Landscape and Ecological Importance, Newcomers 212Huang (Eds), Intelligent Computing Methodologies, ICIC 2014 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNAI 8589) 212Huang (Eds), Intelligent Computing Theory, ICIC 2014 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNISA 8588) 129Huang et al., Geo-disaster Modeling and Analysis: An SPH-based Approach (Springer Natural Hazards) 117Huang, Experimental Econophysics (New Economic Windows) 145Hughes (Eds), Mast Cells (Methods in Molecular Biology 1220) 2nd ed. 129Hutter et al., Physics of Lakes (Advances in Geophysical and Environmental Mechanics and Mathematics) News 8/2014 I 214Ibadula (Eds), Bridging Algebra, Geometry, and Topology (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 96) 118Igochine (Ed), Active Control of Magnetohydrodynamic Instabilities in Hot Plasmas (Springer Series on Atomic, Optical, and Plasma Physics 83) 162Ihori (Eds), The Political Economy of Fiscal Consolidation in Japan (Advances in Japanese Business and Economics 8) 13Ilankovan et al., Local Flaps in Facial Reconstruction 95Ippoliti (Ed), Heuristic Reasoning (Studies in Applied Philosophy, Epistemology and Rational Ethics 16) 185Ireland (Eds), The Ethics of Cultural Heritage (Ethical Archaeologies: The Politics of Social Justice 4) 178Isaias/Issa, High Level Models and Methodologies for Information Systems 13Istre (Ed), Minimally Invasive Gynecological Surgery 14Itakura (Ed), Deep Brain Stimulation for Neurological Disorders 95Ivancevic et al., Enhancing Performance and Reducing Stress in Sports: Technological Advances (Cognitive Systems Monographs 24) 40Izquierdo, The Art of Forgetting J Author Index 58Jean, Control of Nonholonomic Systems: from Sub-Riemannian Geometry to Motion Planning (SpringerBriefs in Mathematics) 110Kearly (Eds), Neutron Applications in Materials for Energy (Neutron Scattering Applications and Techniques) 145Jendek/Polakova, Host plants of world Agrilus (Coleoptera, Buprestidae) 16Keuchel (Eds), Video Capsule Endoscopy 172Joao Guia (Ed), The Illegal Business of Human Trafficking 203Jackson, Android Apps for Absolute Beginners. 3rd ed. 17Khanna (Eds), Surgical Techniques for Prostate Cancer 203Jordan, Practical Neo4j 147Köhler (Ed), Protein Design (Methods in Molecular Biology 1216) 2nd ed. 15Juffermans (Eds), Transfusion in the Intensive Care Unit 118Kido, Digital Fourier Analysis K 96Kacprzyk (Eds), Springer Handbook of Computational Intelligence 15Kaeding (Eds), Hamstring and Quadriceps Injuries in Athletes 146Kalia (Ed), Quorum Sensing vs Quorum Quenching: A Battle with No End in Sight 210Kalz (Eds), Computer Assisted Assessment -- Research into E-Assessment, CAA 2014 (Communications in Computer and Information Science 439) 69Kisačanin (Eds), Advances in Embedded Computer Vision (Advances in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition) 119Klein/Fletcher, Galactic and Intergalactic Magnetic Fields (Springer Praxis Books) 15Karakousis, Atlas of Operative Procedures in Surgical Oncology 96Klingelnberg (Ed), Bevel Gear 118Karschau, Mathematical Modelling of Chromosome Replication and Replicative Stress (Springer Theses) 129Kate et al., Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) in the Permo-Carboniferous (SpringerBriefs in Earth System Sciences) 163Jain, Economic Analysis of Liability Rules 64Kateri, Contingency Table Analysis (Statistics for Industry and Technology) 49Jansen (Eds), Conceptualising and Measuring Work Identity 146Kioussi (Ed), Stem Cells and Tissue Repair (Methods in Molecular Biology 1210) 163Kar/Datta, Industrial and Labor Economics (India Studies in Business and Economics 25) 210Jain (Eds), Intelligent Computing, Communication and Devices (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 309) 14Jans (Eds), Rhinoviruses (Methods in Molecular Biology 1221) 211Kimppa (Eds), ICT and Society, HCC11 2014 (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology 431) 204Kanjilal, ASP.NET MVC5 for the Enterprise 96Kashyap/Bujamma, Bioinformatics of Non Small Cell Lung Cancer and the Ras ProtoOncogene (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology) 69Janes/Succi, Lean Software Development in Action 173Kiestra, The Impact of the European Convention on Human Rights on Private International Law 212Klein (Eds), Interactive Theorem Proving, ITP 2014 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNTCS 8558) 210Jain (Eds), Intelligent Computing, Communication and Devices (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 308) 203James, Pro XAML with C# 17Khan (Ed), Airway Management 212Jones (Ed), ECOOP 2014 -- Object-Oriented Programming, Uppsala (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNPSE 8586) 16Karcioglu (Ed), Orbital Tumors. 2nd ed. 14Jackson (Eds), The Perioperative Medicine Consult Handbook. 2nd ed. 16Khalbuss (Eds), Diagnostic Cytopathology Board Review and Self-Assessment 210Kawtrakul (Eds), Information Search, Integration, and Personalization, ISIP 2013 (Communications in Computer and Information Science 421) 146Keane, Wildland Fuel Fundamentals and Application 17Knotkova (Eds), Textbook of Neuromodulation 41Kochhar (Eds), Metabonomics and Gut Microbiota in Nutrition and Disease (Molecular and Integrative Toxicology) 212Kohlenbach (Eds), Logic, Language, Information, and Computation, WoLLIC 2014 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNTCS 8652) 111Kovacs, Probabilistic Safety Assessment of WWER440 Reactors 79Kovács et al., 100 Chemical Myths, Misunderstandings 214Koziel (Eds), Solving Computationally Expensive Engineering Problems (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 97) 147Kroneck (Eds), The Metal-Driven Biogeochemistry of Gaseous Compounds in the Environment (Metal Ions in Life Sciences 14) VII Author Index springer.com/NEWSonline 212Kryszkiewicz (Eds), Rough Sets and Intelligent Systems Paradigms, RSEISP 2014 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNAI 8537) 137Leal Filho (Ed), Transformative Approaches to Sustainable Development at Universities (World Sustainability Series) 97Ku Shaari (Eds), Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Dynamics (Advanced Structured Materials 44) 64Lecoutre/Poitevineau, The Significance Test Controversy Revisited (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) 130Kueppers (Eds), Volcanoes of the Azores (Active Volcanoes of the World) 179Ledger et al., Global to Local Curriculum Policy Processes (Policy Implications of Research in Education 4) 147Kukol (Ed), Molecular Modeling of Proteins (Methods in Molecular Biology 1215) 2nd ed. 125Kulkarni, Nanotechnology: Principles and Practices. 3rd ed. 18Kumar (Ed), Teledentistry (Health Informatics) 204Kurtz/Wortman, ASP.NET Web API 2: Building a REST Service from Start to Finish . 2nd ed. 111Kuzman/Kutnar, Contemporary Slovenian Timber Architecture for Sustainability (Green Energy and Technology) L 18Lacy (Eds), Functional and Motility Disorders of the Gastrointestinal Tract 138Lal (Eds), Sustainable Intensification to Advance Food Security and Enhance Climate Resilience in Africa 69Langmann, Wide Area 2D/3D Imaging 210Laouiti (Eds), Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks for Smart Cities (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 306) 163Lasko/Lasko, International Sales Steering by Result Framing 211Lassenius (Eds), Software Business. Towards Continuous Value Delivery, ICSOB 2014 (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing 182) 214Lau (Eds), Geometry and Analysis of Fractals (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 88) 18Laub Jr. (Ed), Congenital Anomalies of the Upper Extremity 211Laurent (Eds), Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty, IPMU 2014 (Communications in Computer and Information Science 444) 211Laurent (Eds), Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty, IPMU 2014 (Communications in Computer and Information Science 442) 211Laurent (Eds), Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty, IPMU 2014 (Communications in Computer and Information Science 443) VIII 111Lehner et al., Power-to-Gas: Technology and Business Models (SpringerBriefs in Energy) 19Lenzi (Eds), Multidisciplinary Approach to Obesity 97Levinzon, Piezoelectric Accelerometers with Integral Electronics 59Lewis, Tautological Control Systems (SpringerBriefs in Electrical and Computer Engineering) 19Li (Eds), Handbook of Capsule Endoscopy 210Li (Eds), Proceedings of 2014 1st International Conference on Industrial Economics and Industrial Security 210Lollino (Eds), Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 2 210Lollino (Eds), Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 7 210Lollino (Eds), Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 6 210Lollino (Eds), Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 3 97Long (Eds), Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Man-MachineEnvironment System Engineering (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 318) 164Lowe (Eds), Managing Media Firms and Industries (Media Business and Innovation) 80Lüttschwager, Raman Spectroscopy of Conformational Rearrangements at Low Temperatures (Springer Theses) 192, 192, 192Lu (Ed), A History of Chinese Science and Technology 193Lucey, Pesky Essays on the Logic of Philosophy (Logic, Argumentation & Reasoning 6) 79Li et al., Essential Oils as Reagents in Green Chemistry (SpringerBriefs in Molecular Science) 173Ludewig, On the Effect of Offshore Wind Farms on the Atmosphere and Ocean Dynamics (Hamburg Studies on Maritime Affairs 31) 186Li, Beyond Market and Government (China Academic Library) 41Lukashevich (Eds), Novel Technologies for Vaccine Development 20Liang (Eds), Microwave Ablation Treatment of Solid Tumors 80Lund (Eds), Applications of EPR in Radiation Research 20Liao (Eds), Advances in Image-Guided Urologic Surgery 112Luo (Eds), Wind Turbine Control and Monitoring (Advances in Industrial Control) 148Lichtfouse (Ed), Sustainable Agriculture Reviews (Sustainable Agriculture Reviews 15) 98Luo et al., Hardware/Software Co-Design and Optimization for Cyberphysical Integration in Digital Microfluidic Biochips 164Lienhard/Preuss, Legacy, Sustainability and CSR at Mega Sport Events (Event- und Impaktforschung) 20Lima (Eds), Pediatric Urology 19Lévêque (Ed), Chirurgie de la douleur M 135Loczy (Ed), Landscapes and Landforms of Hungary (World Geomorphological Landscapes) 130Maanan (Eds), Sediment Fluxes on Coastal Areas (Coastal Research Library 10) 79Loh (Ed), In-Situ Gelling Polymers (Series in BioEngineering) 98Madry, Space Systems for Disaster Warning, Response, and Recovery (SpringerBriefs in Space Development) 210Lollino (Eds), Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 8 179Maguire, Margaret Mead (SpringerBriefs in Education) 210Lollino (Eds), Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 5 148Mahalingam (Ed), Combined Stresses in Plants 210Lollino (Eds), Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 4 98Mahmoud, Developing Security Tools of WSN and WBAN Networks Applications (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 316) 210Lollino (Eds), Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 1 204Mak et al., Hibernate Recipes. 2nd ed. News 8/2014 80Malik (Eds), Food Processing: Strategies for Quality Assessment (Food Engineering Series) 49Mandal (Eds), Understanding Facial Expressions in Communication 130Mandal/Maiti, Semi-quantitative Approaches for Landslide Assessment and Prediction (Springer Natural Hazards) 50Manor-Binyamini, Language and Discourse in Special Education 70Marcel (Eds), Handbook of Biometric AntiSpoofing (Advances in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition) 205Mardan, Pro Express.js 164Maritan, Practical Manual of Quality Function Deployment 135Marmaras, Planning London for the Post-War Era 1945 - 1960 (Springer Geography) 186Marreiros (Eds), Use-Wear and Residue Analysis in Archaeology (Manuals in Archaeological Method, Theory and Technique 10) Author Index 210Menegatti (Eds), Intelligent Autonomous Systems 13 (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 302) 41Miczek (Eds), Neuroscience of Aggression (Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences 17) 213Moriai (Ed), Fast Software Encryption, FSE 2013 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNSC 8424) 21Miele (Eds), Imaging Trauma and Polytrauma in Pediatric Patients 186Morizot (Eds), The Development of Criminal and Antisocial Behavior 212Miesenberger (Eds), Computers Helping People with Special Needs, ICCHP 2014 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNISA 8548) 213Morrill (Eds), Formal Grammar, Formal Grammar 2014 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNTCS 8612) 212Miesenberger (Eds), Computers Helping People with Special Needs, ICCHP 2014 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNISA 8547) 180Mthethwa-Sommers, Narratives of Social Justice Educators (SpringerBriefs in Education) 139Milačič (Eds), The Sava River (The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry 31) 22Miller (Eds), Stress Fractures in Athletes 50Miller, PTSD and Forensic Psychology (SpringerBriefs in Psychology) 50Mills (Ed), Gender and the Work-Family Experience 165Martinho (Ed), The Agricultural Economics of the 21st Century 70Miorandi (Eds), Social Collective Intelligence (Computational Social Sciences) 193Martini (Eds), Experts and Consensus in Social Science (Ethical Economy 50) 119Miroshnichenko, Solar Cosmic Rays (Astrophysics and Space Science Library 405) 2nd ed. 21Maschmeyer (Eds), Infections in Hematology 21Mason (Ed), Pediatric Sedation Outside of the Operating Room. 2nd ed. 205Mastering the Internet of Things, Protocols 139Masys (Ed), Disaster Management: Enabling Resilience (Lecture Notes in Social Networks) 99Matía (Eds), Fuzzy Modeling and Control: Theory and Applications (Atlantis Computational Intelligence Systems 9) 119Maurath/Manoli, CMOS Circuits for Electromagnetic Vibration Transducers (Springer Series in Advanced Microelectronics 49) 99Mauro, Traffic and Random Processes 149McCleery (Eds), Urban Wildlife 59McFarland (Eds), Alfred Tarski 173Megliani, Sovereign Debt 70Melikov/Ponomarenko, Multidimensional Queueing Models in Telecommunication Networks 210Menegatti (Eds), Intelligent Autonomous Systems 13 (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 301) 22Moreira (Eds), Diagnosing Non-small Cell Carcinoma in Small Biopsy and Cytology 99Mishra (Eds), White Space Communication (Signals and Communication Technology) 210Mu (Eds), The Proceedings of The Third International Conference on Communications, Signal Processing, and Systems (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 322) 51Muhlbauer (Eds), Women and Aging 166Muresan, Social Market Economy 213Murgante (Eds), Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2014, Guimarães (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNTCS 8584) 213Murgante (Eds), Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2014, Guimarães (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNTCS 8581) 213Murgante (Eds), Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2014, Guimarães (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNTCS 8582) 208Mitchell et al., SQL Server Integration Services Design Patterns. 2nd ed. 213Murgante (Eds), Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2014, Guimarães (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNTCS 8583) 211Mladenov (Eds), Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems, NDES 2014 (Communications in Computer and Information Science 438) 213Murgante (Eds), Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2014, Guimarães (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNTCS 8580) 165Mochón/Sáez, Understanding Auctions (Springer Texts in Business and Economics) 213Murgante (Eds), Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2014, Guimarães (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNTCS 8579) 71Moeslund (Eds), Computer Vision in Sports (Advances in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition) 120Murphy, Investigating the A-Type Stars Using Kepler Data (Springer Theses) 165Mohapatra/Lokhande, Cloud Computing and ROI (Management for Professionals) 213Mola (Eds), From Information to Smart Society (Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation 5) 179Mongkhonvanit, Coopetition for Regional Competitiveness (SpringerBriefs in Education) 42Mor (Eds), Apoptosis and Cancer (Methods in Molecular Biology 1219) 2nd ed. 112Morales Pedraza, Electrical Energy Generation in Europe N 149Narayanan (Ed), Bacterial Artificial Chromosomes (Methods in Molecular Biology 1227) 2nd ed. 22Nasir (Ed), Clinical Dermatology Trials 101 112Nasr/Connor, Natural Gas Engineering and Safety Challenges, Analysis 100Natarajan et al., Metal Matrix Composites, Wear Characteristics (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology) 100NATARAJAN, Reliable Design of Electronic Equipment IX Author Index 214Nathanson (Ed), Combinatorial and Additive Number Theory (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 101) 125Nazarov (Eds), Functional Nanomaterials and Devices for Electronics, Sensors and Energy Harvesting (Engineering Materials) 42Nielsen (Ed), In Situ Hybridization Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology 1211) 4th ed. 81Nirschl (Eds), Upscaling of Bio-Nano-Processes (Lecture Notes in Bioengineering) springer.com/NEWSonline 51Palmary (Eds), Healing and Change in the City of Gold (Peace Psychology Book Series 24) 151Pieroni (Eds), Ethnobotany and Biocultural Diversities in the Balkans 150Pandey et al., Global Comparative Analysis of CBL-CIPK Gene Families in Plants (SpringerBriefs in Plant Science) 180Pio (Eds), Philosophy of Music Education Challenged: Heideggerian Inspirations (Landscapes: the Arts, Aesthetics, and Education 15) 42Pannese, Neurocytology, Nerve Processes. 2nd ed. 150Panyutina et al., Flight of Mammals: From Terrestrial Limbs to Wings 43Poluektova (Eds), Humanized Mice for HIV Research 23Papaliodis (Ed), Uveitis 60Poznyak et al., Attractive Ellipsoids in Robust Control (Systems & Control: Foundations & Applications) 60Nisio, Lectures on Stochastic Control 166Pardalos (Eds), Social Networks and the Economics of Sports 25Pradhan, Yoga and Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy 131November/Leanza, Risk, Disaster and Crisis Reduction 24Park (Ed), Sports Injuries to the Shoulder and Elbow 43Prato (Ed), Human and Mosquito Lysozymes 120Numai, Fundamentals of Semiconductor Lasers (Springer Series in Optical Sciences 93) 2nd ed. 43Parpura (Eds), Glutamate and ATP at the Interface of Metabolism and Signaling in the Brain (Advances in Neurobiology 11) 100Nishida et al., Conversational Informatics 101Nurmi (Eds), GALILEO Positioning Technology (Signals and Communication Technology 182) O 101Öchsner, Elasto-Plasticity of Frame Structure Elements 187Ogawa (Eds), Low Fertility and Reproductive Health in East Asia (International Studies in Population 11) 101Ogunfunmi (Eds), Speech and Audio Processing for Coding, Enhancement and Recognition 206Olsson, JavaScript Quick Syntax Reference 51Orth-Gomer (Eds), Psychosocial Stress and Cardiovascular Disease in Women, Findings 149Otegui (Ed), Plant Endosomes (Methods in Molecular Biology 1209) 23Ottaviani, Crib Death - Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). 2nd ed. 213Ourselin (Eds), Biomedical Image Registration, WBIR 2014 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNIP 8545) P 120P. Ghatak/Bhattacharya, Heavily-Doped 2D-Quantized Structures and the Einstein Relation (Springer Tracts in Modern Physics 260) 102P. Wierzbicki, Technen: Elements of Recent History of Information Technologies with Epistemological Conclusions (Intelligent Systems Reference Library 71) 102Pacheco Torgal (Eds), Biotechnologies and Biomimetics for Civil Engineering X 82Pasch/Malik, Advanced Separation Techniques for Polyolefins (Springer Laboratory) 24Pasquali (Ed), Cryosurgery 24Patel (Eds), Ureteral Stone Management 150Peacock (Ed), Parasite Genomics Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology 1201) 2nd ed. 166Pearson, Jr. (Eds), Advancing Women in Science 25Peh (Ed), Pitfalls in Diagnostic Radiology 25Pekarsky, The New Drug Reimbursement Game: a Regulator’s Guide to Playing and Winning 213Perales (Eds), Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects, AMDO 2014 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNIP 8563) 167Peris-Ortiz (Eds), New Challenges in Entrepreneurship and Finance, Performance 213Perner (Ed), Advances in Data Mining: Applications and Theoretical Aspects, ICDM 2014 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNAI 8557) 213Perner (Ed), Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition, MLDM 2014 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNAI 8556) 102Petzek (Eds), Economical Bridge Solutions based on innovative composite dowels and integrated abutments 167Pflug/Pichler, Multistage Stochastic Optimization (Springer Series in Operations Research and Financial Engineering) 60Pham, Resilient Controls for Ordering Uncertain Prospects (Springer Optimization and Its Applications 98) 26Pritchard-Jones (Eds), Renal Tumors of Childhood (Pediatric Oncology) 207Pro OpenGL for C# Developers, Web 199Pro SVG 2 206Pro T-SQL Programmer’s Guide. 4th ed. 207Pro Unity Animation 200Pro Unity Performance 180Proctor (Eds), Controversies in Education (Policy Implications of Research in Education 3) 148Progress in Botany 76 167Puu, Arts, Sciences, and Economics. 2nd ed. Q 103Qu/Liu, Wafer-Level Chip-Scale Packaging R 206R Recipes 71Ramisch, Multiword Expressions Acquisition (Theory and Applications of Natural Language Processing) 168Ramos (Eds), The Interrelationship Between Financial and Energy Markets (Lecture Notes in Energy 54) 209Raspberry Pi and iOS Projects 174Reardon/Snauwaert, Betty A. Reardon: A Pioneer in Education for Peace and Human Rights (SpringerBriefs on Pioneers in Science and Practice 26) 151Reboredo (Ed), Forest Context and Policies in Portugal (World Forests 19) 151Reddy, Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria for Horticultural Crop Protection News 8/2014 Author Index 131Ren, Storm-triggered Landslides in Warmer Climates 210Schabacker (Eds), Modelling and Management of Engineering Processes 122Shiraishi, Investigation of Staged Laser-Plasma Acceleration (Springer Theses) 26Rezaei (Ed), Cancer Immunology 28Schatten (Eds), Salmonella (Methods in Molecular Biology 1225) 2nd ed. 152Shivanna/Tandon, Reproductive Ecology of Flowering Plants: A Manual 188Schatz, Impact of Organized Crime on Murder of Law Enforcement Personnel at the U.S.Mexican Border (SpringerBriefs in Sociology) 30Sieper/Braun, Clinician’s Manual on Axial Spondyloarthritis 152Ribatti (Ed), Vascular Morphogenesis (Methods in Molecular Biology 1214) 71Richter/Flückiger, User-Centred Engineering 121Rieutord, Fluid Dynamics (Graduate Texts in Physics) 103Rigatos, Advanced Models of Neural Networks 26Rigopoulos (Eds), Nail Psoriasis 152Rodgers (Ed), ADAMTS-13 121Romano/Marasco, Continuum Mechanics using Mathematica®, Methods (Modeling and Simulation in Science, Engineering and Technology) 2nd ed. 187Rosenberger (Ed), Relational Social Work Practice with Diverse Populations (Essential Clinical Social Work Series) 27Ross (Eds), Minimally Invasive Approaches to Colon and Rectal Disease 27Ross (Eds), Robotic Approaches to Colorectal Surgery 28Scheinemann (Eds), Pediatric Neuro-oncology 131Schettino, Quantitative Plate Tectonics 61Schiffler, Quiver Representations (CMS Books in Mathematics) 139Schmidt et al., Plant Phenology as a Biomonitor for Climate Change in Germany (SpringerBriefs in Environmental Science) 189Schubert (Eds), Challenges to European Welfare Systems 30Söderback (Ed), International Handbook of Occupational Therapy Interventions. 2nd ed. 105Seedhouse, Virgin Galactic (Springer Praxis Books) 213Seidl (Eds), Tests and Proofs, TAP 2014 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNPSE 8570) 27Roth (Eds), The Role of Anesthesiology in Global Health 210Selvaraj (Eds), Progress in Systems Engineering (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 1089) 103Roy/Zeng, Social Multimedia Signals 105Senani et al., Current Conveyors 181Ryan (Ed), Teaching Reflective Learning in Higher Education 52Shackelford (Eds), The Evolution of Sexuality (Evolutionary Psychology) S 28Saclarides (Eds), Common Surgical Diseases. 3rd ed. 104Sadegh Amiri et al., Soliton Coding for Secured Optical Communication Link (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology) 104Sadowski (Eds), Multiscale Modeling of Complex Materials (CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences 556) 104Salandro et al., Electrically-Assisted Forming (Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing) 125Salit, Tropical Natural Fibre Composites (Engineering Materials) 188Sarkowsky (Eds), Migration, Regionalization, Citizenship (Politikwissenschaftliche Paperbacks) 188Sauer, The Archaeology and Ethnohistory of Araucanian Resilience (Contributions To Global Historical Archaeology) 121Shadrivov (Eds), Nonlinear, Tunable and Active Metamaterials (Springer Series in Materials Science 200) 44Shah (Eds), Amorphous Solid Dispersions (Advances in Delivery Science and Technology) 207Sileika, Pro Python System Administration. 2nd ed. 122Simpson, Surprises in Theoretical Casimir Physics (Springer Theses) 153Singh (Ed), Advances in Plant Biopesticides 135Singh (Ed), Urban Development Challenges, Risks and Resilience in Asian Mega Cities (Advances in Geographical and Environmental Sciences) 153Singh (Eds), Broadening the Genetic Base of Grain Legumes 126Singh/Sundaram, Kishor (Ed), CO2 Sequestration Using Photosynthetic Microorganisms (SpringerBriefs in Materials) 52Sinnott (Ed), Positive Psychology 213Sinz (Eds), Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing - SAT 2014, Held as Part of the Vienna Summer of Logic (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNTCS 8561) 44Sioud (Ed), RNA Interference (Methods in Molecular Biology 1218) 181Smeyers (Eds), International Handbook of Interpretation in Educational Research (Springer International Handbooks of Education) 72Smiraglia, The Elements of Knowledge Organization 31Sonoda (Ed), Advanced Colonoscopy 29Shah (Eds), Cleveland Clinic Manual of Vascular Surgery 72Stalla-Bourdillon et al., Privacy vs. Security (SpringerBriefs in Cybersecurity) 132Shanov/Kostov, Dynamic Tectonics and Karst (Cave and Karst Systems of the World) 153Stowell (Ed), Galectins (Methods in Molecular Biology 1207) 72Shao (Eds), Computer Vision and Machine Learning with RGB-D Sensors (Advances in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition) 82Subramanian (Eds), Materials and Processes for Solar Fuel Production (Nanostructure Science and Technology 174) 29Shariat (Eds), Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma 73Sucaet/Waelput, Digital Pathology (SpringerBriefs in Computer Science) 132Shaw (Ed), Recovery from the Indian Ocean Tsunami (Disaster Risk Reduction) 132Shaw (Ed), Tohoku Recovery (Disaster Risk Reduction) 30Shea (Eds), Pathology of Challenging Melanocytic Neoplasms 189Shek (Eds), Chinese Adolescents in Hong Kong (Quality of Life in Asia 5) 213Susilo (Eds), Information Security and Privacy, ACISP 2014 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNSC 8544) 105Suzuki (Eds), Recent Advances in Natural Computing (Mathematics for Industry 9) 208Syed, Beginning Node.js XI Author Index 52Szablewska (Eds), Current Issues in Transitional Justice (Springer Series in Transitional Justice 4) T 154Tabata (Eds), The Lotus japonicus Genome (Compendium of Plant Genomes) 31Tabbara (Eds), Ocular Infections (Essentials in Ophthalmology) 122Tachikawa, N=2 Supersymmetric Dynamics for Pedestrians (Lecture Notes in Physics 890) 31Tan (Ed), Transdisciplinary Perioperative Care in Colorectal Surgery 73Tao et al., Configurable Intelligent Optimization Algorithm (Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing) 44Templeton (Eds), Discovering and Developing Molecules with Optimal Drug-Like Properties (AAPS Advances in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Series 15) 193ten Have (Ed), Bioethics Education in a Global Perspective (Advancing Global Bioethics 4) 32Tilles (Eds), Bibliothèques médicales à l’hôpital 45Timmins (Eds), Hydrophilic Matrix Tablets for Oral Controlled Release (AAPS Advances in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Series 16) 133Tiwari, The Capacity Crisis in Disaster Risk Management (Environmental Hazards) 106Tollazzi, Alternative Types of Roundabouts (Springer Tracts on Transportation and Traffic 6) 53Tompkins, Clinician’s Guide to Severe Hoarding 106Toniolo (Eds), Built Heritage: Monitoring Conservation Management (Research for Development) 76Topics in Current Chemistry 354 81Topics in Current Chemistry 353 81Topics in Heterocyclic Chemistry 41 77Topics in Medicinal Chemistry 9 82Topics in Medicinal Chemistry 16 77Topics in Organometallic Chemistry 48 83Topics in Organometallic Chemistry 47 61Treiman, Calculus with Vectors (Springer Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics and Technology) 45Tremblay (Eds), Microglia in Health and Disease 32Trombetta (Eds), Management of Gender Dysphoria XII springer.com/NEWSonline 53Tuerk (Eds), Clinical Videoconferencing in Telehealth (Behavioral Telehealth) U 211Uden (Eds), Knowledge Management in Organizations, KMO 2014 (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing 185) 196Udías, Jesuit Contribution to Science 154Uversky, Intrinsically Disordered Proteins (SpringerBriefs in Molecular Science) V 194Walach, Secular Spirituality (Studies in Neuroscience, Consciousness and Spirituality 5) 155Wallander, Soil 155Wang (Ed), Agrobacterium Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology 1224) 3rd ed. 213Wang (Eds), Databases Theory and Applications, ADC 2014 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNISA 8506) 106Wang et al., An Introduction to Harmony Search Optimization Method (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology) 107Wang et al., Analysis and Design of Singular Markovian Jump Systems 32Vaidyanathan et al., Chronic Venous Disorders of the Lower Limbs 74Wang, Cognitive Radio Networks (SpringerBriefs in Computer Science) 73van Breugel (Eds), Horizons of the Mind. A Tribute to Prakash Panangaden (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNTCS 8464) 33Wang, Key Diagnostic Features in Uroradiology 197van de Wetering, A Corpus of Rembrandt Paintings VI (Rembrandt Research Project Foundation 6) 213van den Herik (Eds), Computers and Games, CG 2013 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNTCS 8427) 33Venkatesh (Eds), Magnetic Resonance Elastography 213Vetulani (Eds), Human Language Technology Challenges for Computer Science and Linguistics, LTC 2011 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNAI 8387) 154Vidhyasekaran, Plant Hormone Signaling Systems in Plant Innate Immunity (Signaling and Communication in Plants 2) 136Vieira (Eds), Landscapes and Landforms of Brazil (World Geomorphological Landscapes) 61Vivaldi, Mathematical Writing (Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series) 210Vlamos, PhD (Eds), GeNeDis 2014 (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 820) 33Vogl (Eds), Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology 168Vrat, Materials Management (Springer Texts in Business and Economics) W 169Wastian (Eds), Applied Psychology for Project Managers (Management for Professionals) 213Watt (Eds), Intelligent Computer Mathematics, DML (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNAI 8543) 194Webb, A Comparative Doxastic-Practice Epistemology of Religious Experience (SpringerBriefs in Religious Studies 2) 155Wei (Eds), Advance in Structural Bioinformatics (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 827) 123Westfall/Sheehan, Celestial Shadows, Transits (Astrophysics and Space Science Library 410) 107Wien, High Efficiency Video Coding (Signals and Communication Technology) 34Wigley (Eds), Raynaud’s Phenomenon 65Willekens, Multistate Analysis of Life Histories with R (Use R!) 156Wittinghofer (Ed), Ras Superfamily Small G Proteins: Biology and Mechanisms 1+2 189Wolf (Eds), Politics in South Asia 195Wood, Icelandic Morphosyntax and Argument Structure (Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 90) 34Wright/Strube, Color Atlas Of Strabismus Surgery. 4th ed. 34Wu (Eds), Dialysis Access Management 45Wagner (Eds), Chromatographic Fingerprint Analysis of Herbal Medicines 107Wu, Elements of Vorticity Aerodynamics (Springer Tracts in Mechanical Engineering) 123Waitukaitis, Impact-Activated Solidification of Cornstarch and Water Suspensions (Springer Theses) 108Wu, Knee Joint Vibroarthrographic Signal Processing and Analysis (SpringerBriefs in Bioengineering) News 8/2014 108Wu, The Helmholtz Equation Least Squares Theory for Reconstructing and Predicting Acoustic Radiation (Modern Acoustics and Signal Processing) X 108Xhafa (Eds), Modeling and Processing for NextGeneration Big-Data Technologies (Modeling and Optimization in Science and Technologies 4) 156Xiaoquan (Eds), Plant Metabolomics 74Xu et al., Cancer Bioinformatics Y 109Yager (Eds), Intelligent Methods for Cyber Warfare (Studies in Computational Intelligence 563) 46Yamada (Eds), Confronting Emerging Zoonoses Author Index 213Zheng (Eds), Smart Health, ICSH 2014 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNISA 8549) 169Zhou, China’s Monetary Policy Regulation and Financial Risk Prevention 169Zhou, Foreign Aid in China 53Zihl/Dutton, Cerebral Visual Impairment in Children 23Özkaya/Yazganoglu, Adverse Cutaneous Drug Reactions to Cardiovascular Drugs 109Zohdi, A Finite Element Primer for Beginners (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology) 213Zu (Eds), Pervasive Computing and the NetworkedWorld,ICPCA/SWS2013(LectureNotesin Computer Science, LNCCN 8351) 214Zweig (Eds), Social Informatics - The Social Impact of Interactions between Humans and IT (Springer Proceedings in Complexity) 136Yamamoto, The Agglomeration of the Animation Industry in East Asia (International Perspectives in Geography 4) 213Yamashita (Eds), Reversible Computation, RC 2014 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNPSE 8507) 156Yaniv (Eds), Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of the Middle-East (Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of the World 2) 35Yazici (Eds), Understanding Evidence-Based Rheumatology, Drugs 74Yu, A Developer’s Guide to the Semantic Web. 2nd ed. 211Yuan (Eds), Trustworthy Computing and Services, ISCTCS 2013 (Communications in Computer and Information Science 426) Z 210Zamojski (Eds), Dependability Problems of Complex Information Systems (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 307) 62Zaslavski, Turnpike Phenomenon and Infinite Horizon Optimal Control (Springer Optimization and Its Applications 99) 62Zayed (Eds), New Perspectives on Approximation and Sampling Theory (Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis) 109Zhang/Ohsaki, Tensegrity Structures, Stability (Mathematics for Industry 6) 133Zhao, Physical and Chemical Dissolution Front Instability in Porous Media (Lecture Notes in Earth System Sciences) XIII Title Index A springer.com/NEWSonline 17Airway Management B 59Alfred Tarski 194A Comparative Doxastic-Practice Epistemology of Religious Experience 212Algorithm Theory -- SWAT 2014 196A Corpus of Rembrandt Paintings 68Aligning Business Processes and Information Systems 197A Corpus of Rembrandt Paintings VI 57A Course on Rough Paths 74A Developer’s Guide to the Semantic Web 109A Finite Element Primer for Beginners 192A History of Chinese Science and Technology 92A Modern Course in Aeroelasticity 118Active Control of Magneto-hydrodynamic Instabilities in Hot Plasmas 152ADAMTS-13 94Adaptive Identification of Acoustic Multichannel Systems Using Sparse Representations 155Advance in Structural Bioinformatics 106Alternative Types of Roundabouts 200Beginning MongoDB in C# 44Amorphous Solid Dispersions 208Beginning Node.js 196An Easy Guide to Care for Sculpture and Antique Art Collections 174Betty A. Reardon: A Pioneer in Education for Peace and Human Rights 106An Introduction to Harmony Search Optimization Method 96Bevel Gear 57An Introduction to Riemannian Geometry 107Analysis and Design of Singular Markovian Jump Systems 144Biodiversity and Conservation of the Yucatan Peninsula 78Application of Computational Techniques in Pharmacy and Medicine 213Advances in Data Mining: Applications and Theoretical Aspects 69Advances in Embedded Computer Vision 214Advances in Global Optimization 20Advances in Image-Guided Urologic Surgery 153Advances in Plant Biopesticides 166Advancing Women in Science 23Adverse Cutaneous Drug Reactions to Cardiovascular Drugs 84Agile Project Management: Managing for Success 201Agile SharePoint 2013 155Agrobacterium Protocols XIV 198Big Data Bootcamp 141Animal Models for Stem Cell Therapy 103Advanced Models of Neural Networks 29Advances and Technical Standards in Neurosurgery 32Bibliothèques médicales à l’hôpital 201Big Data Made Easy 42Apoptosis and Cancer 12Advanced Surgical Techniques for Rural Surgeons 186Beyond Market and Government 203Android Apps for Absolute Beginners 89Advanced Design Cultures 82Advanced Separation Techniques for Polyolefins 205Beginning Apache Cassandra Development 202Beginning Modern C++ 138Animals’ Influence on the Landscape and Ecological Importance 140Advanced Protocols in Oxidative Stress III 202Beginning AngularJS 114Alpha Centauri 31Advanced Colonoscopy 116Advanced Physics of Semiconductors 149Bacterial Artificial Chromosomes 193Bioethics Education in a Global Perspective 96Bioinformatics of Non Small Cell Lung Cancer and the Ras Proto-Oncogene 213Biomedical Image Registration 80Applications of EPR in Radiation Research 212Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems 81Applications of Porphyrinoids 102Biotechnologies and Biomimetics for Civil Engineering 89Applied Computation and Security Systems 169Applied Psychology for Project Managers 190Borelli’s On the Movement of Animals - On the Force of Percussion 184Archaeology of Culture Contact and Colonialism in Spanish and Portuguese America 190Borelli’s On the Movement of Animals - On the Natural Motions Resulting from Gravity 213Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects 212Artificial General Intelligence 167Arts, Sciences, and Economics 204ASP.NET MVC5 for the Enterprise 204ASP.NET Web API 2: Building a REST Service from Start to Finish 15Atlas of Operative Procedures in Surgical Oncology 60Attractive Ellipsoids in Robust Control 212, 212Automata, Languages, and Programming 84Automata, Universality, Computation 211Automated Reasoning 171Aviation and Climate Change 37Brain Crosstalk in Puberty and Adolescence 59Branching Processes in Biology 214Bridging Algebra, Geometry, and Topology 153Broadening the Genetic Base of Grain Legumes 106Built Heritage: Monitoring Conservation Management C 61Calculus with Vectors 74Cancer Bioinformatics 26Cancer Immunology 82Carbohydrates as Drugs 92Carbon for Sensing Devices News 8/2014 11Cardio-Renal Clinical Challenges 1Cardiovascular Imaging 123Celestial Shadows Title Index 212Computational Intelligence Methods for Bioinformatics and Biostatistics 84Computational Red Teaming D 211Data and Applications Security and Privacy XXVIII 53Cerebral Visual Impairment in Children 213Computational Science and Its Applications ICCSA 2014 189Challenges to European Welfare Systems 211Computer Aided Verification 212Database Systems for Advanced Applications 110Characterization of Zeolite-based Coatings for Adsorption Heat Pumps 210Computer Assisted Assessment -- Research into E-Assessment 213Databases Theory and Applications 79100 Chemical Myths 72Computer Vision and Machine Learning with RGB-D Sensors 47Child and Family Advocacy 169China’s Monetary Policy Regulation and Financial Risk Prevention 189Chinese Adolescents in Hong Kong 19Chirurgie de la douleur 45Chromatographic Fingerprint Analysis of Herbal Medicines 32Chronic Venous Disorders of the Lower Limbs 68Citation-based Plagiarism Detection 86Civil Engineering Applications of Ground Penetrating Radar 71Computer Vision in Sports 212, 212Computers Helping People with Special Needs 211Deontic Logic and Normative Systems 211Computing and Combinatorics 49Conceptualising and Measuring Work Identity 73Configurable Intelligent Optimization Algorithm 46Confronting Emerging Zoonoses 18Congenital Anomalies of the Upper Extremity 22Clinical Dermatology Trials 101 191Constructivity and Computability in Historical and Philosophical Perspective 53Clinical Videoconferencing in Telehealth 53Clinician’s Guide to Severe Hoarding 30Clinician’s Manual on Axial Spondyloarthritis 165Cloud Computing and ROI 119CMOS Circuits for Electromagnetic Vibration Transducers 117CMOS Circuits for Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters 211Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science 74Cognitive Radio Networks 34Color Atlas Of Strabismus Surgery 214Combinatorial and Additive Number Theory 212Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management 14Deep Brain Stimulation for Neurological Disorders 37Consciousness 47Clinical Psychology and Congenital Heart Disease 159Decision Making and Optimization 213Computers and Games 29Cleveland Clinic Manual of Vascular Surgery 4Clinical Management of Male Infertility 212Data Integration in the Life Sciences 111Contemporary Slovenian Timber Architecture for Sustainability 64Contingency Table Analysis 121Continuum Mechanics using Mathematica® 58Control of Nonholonomic Systems: from SubRiemannian Geometry to Motion Planning 210Dependability Problems of Complex Information Systems 76Detection of Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Agents for the Prevention of Terrorism 212Detection of Intrusions and Malware, and Vulnerability Assessment 98Developing Security Tools of WSN and WBAN Networks Applications 22Diagnosing Non-small Cell Carcinoma in Small Biopsy and Cytology 33Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology 16Diagnostic Cytopathology Board Review and Self-Assessment 212Diagrammatic Representation and Inference 34Dialysis Access Management 118Digital Fourier Analysis 180Controversies in Education 73Digital Pathology 100Conversational Informatics 12Digital Technologies for Craniomaxillofacial Surgery 179Coopetition for Regional Competitiveness 126CO2 Sequestration Using Photosynthetic Microorganisms 48Couples Therapy with New Parents 11Craniomaxillofacial Reconstructive and Corrective Bone Surgery 212Combinatorial Optimization 23Crib Death - Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) 148Combined Stresses in Plants 24Cryosurgery 28Common Surgical Diseases 160Cultural Heritage and Value Creation 124Compendium of Nanoapplications for Conservators 105Current Conveyors 199Digital Video Concepts, Methods and Metrics 139Disaster Management: Enabling Resilience 44Discovering and Developing Molecules with Optimal Drug-Like Properties 159Diversification of Agriculture in Eastern India 5Dry Eye 132Dynamic Tectonics and Karst 56Dynamical Systems Generated by Linear Maps 52Current Issues in Transitional Justice XV Title Index E 213e-Infrastructure and e-Services for Developing Countries springer.com/NEWSonline 10Essentials of Vascular Surgery for the General Surgeon G 185Ethics and Archaeological Praxis 119Galactic and Intergalactic Magnetic Fields 187Ethics and the Archaeology of Violence 153Galectins 115Eclipses, Transits, and Comets of the Nineteenth Century 183Ethnoarchaeology of the Kel Tadrart Tuareg 101GALILEO Positioning Technology 163Economic Analysis of Liability Rules 151Ethnobotany and Biocultural Diversities in the Balkans 50Gender and the Work-Family Experience 102Economical Bridge Solutions based on innovative composite dowels and integrated abutments 172EU Competition Law, the Consumer Interest and Data Protection 144Genetics of the Mouse 212ECOOP 2014 -- Object-Oriented Programming 127European Atlas of Extreme Temperatures and Precipitation Records 142Genomics of Plant-Associated Fungi and Oomycetes: Dicot Pathogens 138Ecosystem Services – Concept, Methods and Case Studies 117Experimental Econophysics 101Elasto-Plasticity of Frame Structure Elements 201Expert ASP.NET Web API 2 for MVC Developers 142Genomics of Plant-Associated Fungi: Monocot Pathogens 112Electrical Energy Generation in Europe 193Experts and Consensus in Social Science 129Geo-disaster Modeling and Analysis: An SPHbased Approach 104Electrically-Assisted Forming 38Extrasynaptic GABAA Receptors 213Geometric Methods in PDE’s 54Electricity Derivatives F 107Elements of Vorticity Aerodynamics 178Embracing Indigenous Knowledge in Science and Medical Teaching 213Emerging Issues in Smart Learning 11End-of-Life Care in Cardiovascular Disease 97Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Dynamics 129Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) in the PermoCarboniferous 182Family Formation in 21st Century Australia 213Fast Software Encryption 10Female Pelvic Surgery 210GeNeDis 2014 214Geometry and Analysis of Fractals 113Giants of Eclipse: The zeta Aurigae Stars and Other Binary Systems 182Global and Asian Perspectives on International Migration 150Global Comparative Analysis of CBL-CIPK Gene Families in Plants 184Global Handbook of Quality of Life 150Flight of Mammals: From Terrestrial Limbs to Wings 179Global to Local Curriculum Policy Processes 121Fluid Dynamics 157Globalization and Standards 210Engineering Geology for Society and Territory Volume 5 80Food Processing: Strategies for Quality Assessment 43Glutamate and ATP at the Interface of Metabolism and Signaling in the Brain 210Engineering Geology for Society and Territory Volume 4 169Foreign Aid in China 212Graph Transformation 151Forest Context and Policies in Portugal 212Graph-Based Representation and Reasoning 213Formal Grammar 66Green in Software Engineering 115Formality Theory 170Green Investing 211Foundations of Intelligent Systems 137Grounding Global Climate Change 210Engineering Geology for Society and Territory Volume 8 210Engineering Geology for Society and Territory Volume 1 210Engineering Geology for Society and Territory Volume 2 210Engineering Geology for Society and Territory Volume 7 210Engineering Geology for Society and Territory Volume 6 210Engineering Geology for Society and Territory Volume 3 95Enhancing Performance and Reducing Stress in Sports: Technological Advances 211From Animals to Animats 13 213From Information to Smart Society 18Functional and Motility Disorders of the Gastrointestinal Tract 125Functional Nanomaterials and Devices for Electronics, Sensors and Energy Harvesting 8Functional Ophthalmic Disorders 47Epistemological Dimensions of Evolutionary Psychology 120Fundamentals of Semiconductor Lasers 79Essential Oils as Reagents in Green Chemistry 99Fuzzy Modeling and Control: Theory and Applications XVI H 15Hamstring and Quadriceps Injuries in Athletes 70Handbook of Biometric Anti-Spoofing 19Handbook of Capsule Endoscopy 48Handbook of Intelligence 158Handbook of Simulation Optimization 9Handbook of Vocational Rehabilitation and Disability Evaluation 158Handling Societal Complexity News 8/2014 211Haptics: Neuroscience, Devices, Modeling, and Applications 98Hardware/Software Co-Design and Optimization for Cyberphysical Integration in Digital Microfluidic Biochips 51Healing and Change in the City of Gold 38Heat Shock Proteins and Whole Body Adaptation to Extreme Environments 120Heavily-Doped 2D-Quantized Structures and the Einstein Relation 36Hepatocellular Carcinoma 95Heuristic Reasoning 204Hibernate Recipes 107High Efficiency Video Coding Title Index 211ICT and Society 56Introduction to Time-Delay Systems 178ICT in Education in Global Context 6Introduction to Translational Cardiovascular Research 21Imaging Trauma and Polytrauma in Pediatric Patients 188Impact of Organized Crime on Murder of Law Enforcement Personnel at the U.S.-Mexican Border 123Impact-Activated Solidification of Cornstarch and Water Suspensions 212Implementation and Application of Automata 42In Situ Hybridization Protocols 79In-Situ Gelling Polymers 49Inclusive Special Education 163Industrial and Labor Economics 120Investigating the A-Type Stars Using Kepler Data 122Investigation of Staged Laser-Plasma Acceleration 55Isospectral Transformations: A New Approach to Analyzing Multidimensional Systems and Networks J 206JavaScript Quick Syntax Reference 196Jesuit Contribution to Science K 178High Level Models and Methodologies for Information Systems 142Industrial Crops 68Holoscopy 21Infections in Hematology 33Key Diagnostic Features in Uroradiology 73Horizons of the Mind. A Tribute to Prakash Panangaden 211Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty 108Knee Joint Vibroarthrographic Signal Processing and Analysis 145Host plants of world Agrilus (Coleoptera, Buprestidae) 210Information Sciences and Systems 2014 211Knowledge Management in Organizations 93Hot Carrier Degradation in Semiconductor Devices 40How Helminths Alter Immunity to Infection 48Human Action Control: 43Human and Mosquito Lysozymes 127Human Footprints: Fossilised Locomotion? 210Information Search, Integration, and Personalization 213Information Security and Privacy L 210, 210Intelligent Autonomous Systems 13 88Lab-on-a-Chip Devices and Micro-Total Analysis Systems 213Intelligent Computer Mathematics 3Laboratory Hemostasis 212Intelligent Computing in Bioinformatics 143Lampreys: Biology, Conservation and Control 212Intelligent Computing Methodologies 161Land and Disaster Management Strategies in Asia 213Human Language Technology Challenges for Computer Science and Linguistics 212Intelligent Computing Theory 87Human Paleoneurology 210Intelligent Computing, Communication and Devices 134Landscapes and Landforms of Ethiopia 182Human Rights-Based Approaches to Clinical Social Work Practice 109Intelligent Methods for Cyber Warfare 135Landscapes and Landforms of Hungary 94Human-Computer Systems Interaction: Backgrounds and Applications 3 128Interactions of Earth’s Magnetotail Plasma with the Surface, Plasma, and Magnetic Anomalies of the Moon 134Landscapes and Landforms of Namibia 43Humanized Mice for HIV Research 211Hybrid Learning Theory and Practice 45Hydrophilic Matrix Tablets for Oral Controlled Release 214Hypercomplex Analysis: New Perspectives and Applications I 195Icelandic Morphosyntax and Argument Structure 212Interactive Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining in Biomedical Informatics 136Landscapes and Landforms of Brazil 50Language and Discourse in Special Education 214Laser Physics and Technology 69Lean Software Development in Action 212Interactive Theorem Proving 60Lectures on Stochastic Control 181International Handbook of Interpretation in Educational Research 164Legacy, Sustainability and CSR at Mega Sport Events 30International Handbook of Occupational Therapy Interventions 172Legal Fictions in Theory and Practice 163International Sales Steering by Result Framing 86Linear Parameter-Varying and Time-Delay Systems 154Intrinsically Disordered Proteins 13Local Flaps in Facial Reconstruction 54Introduction to Noncommutative Algebra XVII Title Index 212Logic, Language, Information, and Computation springer.com/NEWSonline 20Microwave Ablation Treatment of Solid Tumors 125Nanotechnology: Principles and Practices 188Migration, Regionalization, Citizenship 180Narratives of Social Justice Educators 187Low Fertility and Reproductive Health in East Asia 176Mimetic Learning at Work 200Lua Programmer’s Reference 27Minimally Invasive Approaches to Colon and Rectal Disease 127Natural Disaster Management in the Asia Pacific M 213Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition 91Machining of Titanium Alloys 33Magnetic Resonance Elastography 32Management of Gender Dysphoria 214Managing in Recovering Markets 164Managing Media Firms and Industries 3Manual of Otologic Surgery 179Margaret Mead 114Mary Somerville and the World of Science 12Massive Rotator Cuff Tears 145Mast Cells 205Mastering the Internet of Things 4Minimally Invasive Bariatric Surgery 112Natural Gas Engineering and Safety Challenges 13Minimally Invasive Gynecological Surgery 42Neurocytology 171Minorities, Minority Rights and Internal SelfDetermination 41Neuroscience of Aggression 57Mittag-Leffler Functions 58Mod Two Homology and Cohomology 108Modeling and Processing for Next-Generation Big-Data Technologies 210Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Processes - HPSC 2012 210Modelling and Management of Engineering Processes 211Modelling Foundations and Applications 211Models@run.time 137Modern Climate Change Science 76Molecular Machines and Motors 82Materials and Processes for Solar Fuel Production 147Molecular Modeling of Proteins 168Materials Management 67Motion Correction in Thoracic Positron Emission Tomography 118Mathematical Modelling of Chromosome Replication and Replicative Stress 64Movie Analytics 212Mathematical Software -- ICMS 2014 7MRI of Degenerative Disease of the Spine 61Mathematical Writing 161Multicultural China 214Mathematics in the 21st Century 70Multidimensional Queueing Models in Telecommunication Networks 177Meaning-Oriented Pedagogy 93Mechanical Systems 36Mechanisms of Circadian Systems in Animals and Their Clinical Relevance 156Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of the MiddleEast 134Mediterranean Urbanism 41Metabonomics and Gut Microbiota in Nutrition and Disease 100Metal Matrix Composites 162Natural Disasters and Climate Change 19Multidisciplinary Approach to Obesity 2Multifocal Intraocular Lenses 110Neutron Applications in Materials for Energy 167New Challenges in Entrepreneurship and Finance 211New Frontiers in Mining Complex Patterns 62New Perspectives on Approximation and Sampling Theory 213New Trends in Mechanism and Machine Science 1Non-Invasive Sperm Selection for In Vitro Fertilization 78Non-Linear Optical Response in Atoms, Molecules and Clusters 77Non-Linear Viscoelasticity of Rubber Composites and Nanocomposites 7Noncolorectal, Nonneuroendocrine Liver Metastases 211Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems 95Nonlinear Stochastic Systems with NetworkInduced Phenomena 121Nonlinear, Tunable and Active Metamaterials 41Novel Technologies for Vaccine Development 141Nuclear Reprogramming O 104Multiscale Modeling of Complex Materials 31Ocular Infections 67Multisensory Softness 8Office-Based Gynecologic Surgical Procedures 167Multistage Stochastic Optimization 173On the Effect of Offshore Wind Farms on the Atmosphere and Ocean Dynamics 65Multistate Analysis of Life Histories with R 71Multiword Expressions Acquisition N 210Operator-Related Function Theory and TimeFrequency Analysis 157Optimization of Pharmaceutical R&D Programs and Portfolios 66Metasynthetic Computing and Engineering of Complex Systems 122N=2 Supersymmetric Dynamics for Pedestrians 94Orbital Mechanics and Astrodynamics 114Metodi matematici della Fisica 26Nail Psoriasis 16Orbital Tumors 45Microglia in Health and Disease 140Nanomicrobiology 83Organo-di-Metallic Compounds (or Reagents) XVIII News 8/2014 90Out-of-order Parallel Discrete Event Simulation for Electronic System-level Design P Title Index 139Plant Phenology as a Biomonitor for Climate Change in Germany 145Plasmodesmata 189Politics in South Asia 150Parasite Genomics Protocols 175Particle Accelerators: From Big Bang Physics to Hadron Therapy 88Partitional Clustering Algorithms 2Patent Foramen Ovale 30Pathology of Challenging Melanocytic Neoplasms 211Pattern Recognition in Bioinformatics 28Pediatric Neuro-oncology 21Pediatric Sedation Outside of the Operating Room 20Pediatric Urology 5Pelvic Floor Ultrasound 143Perinatal and Prenatal Disorders 87Polynomial Theory of Error-Correcting Codes 91Pose-varied Multi-axis Optical Finishing Systems 52Positive Psychology 10Post-treatment Imaging of the Orbit 111Power-to-Gas: Technology and Business Models 63Principal Component and Correspondence Analyses Using R 211Pristine Perspectives on Logic, Language and Computation 207Pro OpenGL for C# Developers 129Physics of Lakes 97Piezoelectric Accelerometers with Integral Electronics 25Pitfalls in Diagnostic Radiology 135Planning London for the Post-War Era 1945 1960 149Plant Endosomes 151Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria for Horticultural Crop Protection 154Plant Hormone Signaling Systems in Plant Innate Immunity 156Plant Metabolomics 51Psychosocial Stress and Cardiovascular Disease in Women 3Psychothérapies analytiques en oncologie 50PTSD and Forensic Psychology 161Public Debt, Sustainability and Economic Growth Q 211Privacy Enhancing Technologies 191Philosophico-Methodological Analysis of Prediction and its Role in Economics 110Physical and Statistical Models for Steam Generator Clogging Diagnosis 7Proximal Humerus Fractures 168Public and Private Enforcement of Competition Law in Europe 205Pro Express.js 133Physical and Chemical Dissolution Front Instability in Porous Media 147Protein Design 203Practical Neo4j 193Pesky Essays on the Logic of Philosophy 115Photorefractive Optoelectronic Tweezers and Their Applications 210Progress in Systems Engineering 157Public Administration and Policy in the Middle East 72Privacy vs. Security 141Photobiology 148Progress in Botany 164Practical Manual of Quality Function Deployment 213Pervasive Computing and the Networked World 180Philosophy of Music Education Challenged: Heideggerian Inspirations 210Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Sports Science, Exercise, Engineering and Technology 2014 (ICoSSEET 2014) 207Pro Python System Administration 199Pro SVG 2 131Quantitative Plate Tectonics 61Quiver Representations 146Quorum Sensing vs Quorum Quenching: A Battle with No End in Sight R 206Pro T-SQL Programmer’s Guide 206R Recipes 207Pro Unity Animation 80Raman Spectroscopy of Conformational Rearrangements at Low Temperatures 200Pro Unity Performance 202Pro Vagrant 91Random Sets and Random Fuzzy Sets as IllPerceived Random Variables 199Pro WordPress Marketing and Search Engine Optimization 156Ras Superfamily Small G Proteins: Biology and Mechanisms 1+2 203Pro XAML with C# 209Raspberry Pi and iOS Projects 111Probabilistic Safety Assessment of WWER440 Reactors 34Raynaud’s Phenomenon 177Problem Based Learning in Teacher Education 171Problems of Normativity, Rules and Rule Following 210Proceedings of 2014 1st International Conference on Industrial Economics and Industrial Security 97Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Man-Machine-Environment System Engineering 105Recent Advances in Natural Computing 132Recovery from the Indian Ocean Tsunami 77Reducing Drug Attrition 4Regenerative Medicine 187Relational Social Work Practice with Diverse Populations 116Relatività Generale e Teoria della Gravitazione 100Reliable Design of Electronic Equipment 26Renal Tumors of Childhood XIX Title Index 183Renewing the Family: A History of the BabyBoomers 152Reproductive Ecology of Flowering Plants: A Manual 60Resilient Controls for Ordering Uncertain Prospects 78Retail Food Safety springer.com/NEWSonline 166Social Market Economy 103Social Multimedia Signals 166Social Networks and the Economics of Sports 162Social, Local, Mobile 75Soft Actuators 213Reversible Computation 211Software Business. Towards Continuous Value Delivery 212Rewriting and Typed Lambda Calculi 155Soil 14Rhinoviruses 119Solar Cosmic Rays 86RILEM Technical Committee 195-DTD Recommendation for Test Methods for AD and TD of Early Age Concrete 104Soliton Coding for Secured Optical Communication Link 131Risk, Disaster and Crisis Reduction 214Solving Computationally Expensive Engineering Problems 44RNA Interference 173Sovereign Debt 27Robotic Approaches to Colorectal Surgery 98Space Systems for Disaster Warning, Response, and Recovery 211Rough Sets and Current Trends in Soft Computing 212Rough Sets and Intelligent Systems Paradigms 77Ruthenium in Catalysis S 55SAGA – Advances in ShApes, Geometry, and Algebra 28Salmonella 191Science and Technology 9Secondary Mitral Valve Regurgitation 194Secular Spirituality 130Sediment Fluxes on Coastal Areas 81Selective Catalysis for Renewable Feedstocks and Chemicals 75Specific Intermolecular Interactions of Element-Organic Compounds 101Speech and Audio Processing for Coding, Enhancement and Recognition 210Studying Visual and Spatial Reasoning for Design Creativity 39Subunit Vaccine Delivery 113Supersymmetry after the Higgs Discovery 124Surface Active Monomers 13Surgical Management of Congenital Heart Disease II 6Surgical Oncology 17Surgical Techniques for Prostate Cancer 122Surprises in Theoretical Casimir Physics 148Sustainable Agriculture Reviews 138Sustainable Intensification to Advance Food Security and Enhance Climate Resilience in Africa 55Symbol Correspondences for Spin Systems 58Symmetry: Representation Theory and Its Applications 128System Engineering Applied to Fuenmayor Karst Aquifer (San Julián de Banzo, Huesca) and Collins Glacier (King George Island, Antarctica) 24Sports Injuries to the Shoulder and Elbow 210Systems, Software and Services Process Improvement 96Springer Handbook of Computational Intelligence 128São Francisco Craton, Eastern Brazil 208SQL Server Integration Services Design Patterns 208SQL Server T-SQL Recipes 85Stabilization and Control of Fractional Order Systems: A Sliding Mode Approach 90Stabilization and Regulation of Nonlinear Systems 63Statistical Methods for Astronomical Data Analysis 63Statistical Methods for Ranking Data T 36Targeted Therapy of Acute Myeloid Leukemia 90Task-Space Sensory Feedback Control of Robot Manipulator 59Tautological Control Systems 5Teaching Anatomy 181Teaching Reflective Learning in Higher Education 130Semi-quantitative Approaches for Landslide Assessment and Prediction 146Stem Cells and Tissue Repair 211Service Research and Innovation 54Stochastic Processes in Cell Biology 102Technen: Elements of Recent History of Information Technologies with Epistemological Conclusions 124Silicon Carbide Nanostructures 131Storm-triggered Landslides in Warmer Climates 18Teledentistry 75Silicon Containing Copolymers 183Strategies for Sustainable Tourism at the Mogao Grottoes of Dunhuang, China 92Temperature- and Supply Voltage-Independent Time References for Wireless Sensor Networks 88Strength of Materials and Theory of Elasticity in 19th Century Italy 109Tensegrity Structures 9Skin, Mucosa and Menopause 213Smart Health 22Stress Fractures in Athletes 70Social Collective Intelligence 113Strongly Correlated Systems 214Social Informatics - The Social Impact of Interactions between Humans and IT 195Studying Second Language Acquisition from a Qualitative Perspective 160Simulation-Based Optimization XX 213Tests and Proofs 17Textbook of Neuromodulation 136The Agglomeration of the Animation Industry in East Asia 165The Agricultural Economics of the 21st Century News 8/2014 Title Index 188The Archaeology and Ethnohistory of Araucanian Resilience 40The Role of Microbes in Common NonInfectious Diseases 40The Art of Forgetting 139The Sava River 140The Basic World of Environmental History 64The Significance Test Controversy Revisited 177The Body in Professional Practice, Learning and Education 213Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing - SAT 2014 133The Capacity Crisis in Disaster Risk Management 210Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries -- TPDL 2013 Selected Workshops 176The Changing Academic Profession in Japan 212Theory and Practice of Model Transformations 186The Development of Criminal and Antisocial Behavior 37Theory of Hematopoiesis Control 152Vascular Morphogenesis 132Tohoku Recovery 1Vasovagal Syncope 39Toward Post Ageing 160Vector Optimization and Monotone Operators via Convex Duality 72The Elements of Knowledge Organization 185The Ethics of Cultural Heritage 2The Etiology of Atopic Dermatitis 184The European Union in Crisis 52The Evolution of Sexuality 8The FDA for Doctors 85The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident 108The Helmholtz Equation Least Squares Theory for Reconstructing and Predicting Acoustic Radiation 172The Illegal Business of Human Trafficking 173The Impact of the European Convention on Human Rights on Private International Law 76The Importance of Packaging Design for the Chemistry of Food Products 168The Interrelationship Between Financial and Energy Markets 154The Lotus japonicus Genome 147The Metal-Driven Biogeochemistry of Gaseous Compounds in the Environment 99Traffic and Random Processes 31Transdisciplinary Perioperative Care in Colorectal Surgery 137Transformative Approaches to Sustainable Development at Universities 176Transformative Perspectives and Processes in Higher Education 24Ureteral Stone Management 186Use-Wear and Residue Analysis in Archaeology 212User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization 71User-Centred Engineering 23Uveitis V 210Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks for Smart Cities 16Video Capsule Endoscopy 105Virgin Galactic 130Volcanoes of the Azores W 15Transfusion in the Intensive Care Unit 6Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: Modern Alternative to Transurethral Resection of the Prostate 103Wafer-Level Chip-Scale Packaging 85Wave Dynamics of Generalized Continua 93Trends in Nanoscale Mechanics 56Weakly Wandering Sequences in Ergodic Theory 125Tropical Natural Fibre Composites 159When Sovereigns Go Bankrupt 212Trust and Trustworthy Computing 99White Space Communication 87Trusted Computing for Embedded Systems 116Why More Is Different 211Trustworthy Computing and Services 69Wide Area 2D/3D Imaging 144Tumor Dormancy, Quiescence, and Senescence, Vol. 3 146Wildland Fuel Fundamentals and Application 190The Nature of Children’s Well-Being 62Turnpike Phenomenon and Infinite Horizon Optimal Control 25The New Drug Reimbursement Game: a Regulator’s Guide to Playing and Winning 66Type-2 Fuzzy Neural Networks and Their Applications 158The New World of Transitioned Media 149Urban Wildlife 112Wind Turbine Control and Monitoring 67Wireless Sensors in Heterogeneous Networked Systems 51Women and Aging U 14The Perioperative Medicine Consult Handbook 117The Physical Basis of Bacterial Quorum Communication 165Understanding Auctions 35Understanding Evidence-Based Rheumatology 162The Political Economy of Fiscal Consolidation in Japan 49Understanding Facial Expressions in Communication 210The Proceedings of The Third International Conference on Communications, Signal Processing, and Systems 29Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma 27The Role of Anesthesiology in Global Health 135Urban Development Challenges, Risks and Resilience in Asian Mega Cities 81Upscaling of Bio-Nano-Processes XXI Title Index Y 25Yoga and Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy Z 143Zinc Signals in Cellular Functions and Disorders XXII springer.com/NEWSonline News 8/2014 Medicine & Public Health A. Agarwal, Cleveland Clinic Center for Reproductive Medicine, Cleveland, OH, USA; E. Borges, Jr., Fertility Centro de Fertilização Assistida, São Paulo, Brazil; A. S. Setti, Instituto Sapientiae - Centro de Estudos, São Paulo, Brazil (Eds) E. Aikawa, Brigham and Women’s Hospital Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA (Ed) Cardiovascular Imaging Arterial and Aortic Valve Inflammation and Calcification Non-Invasive Sperm Selection for In Vitro Fertilization P. Alboni, Ospedale Privato Quisisana, Ferrara, Italy; R. Furlan, Humanitas Research Hospital, Rozzano, Milan, Italy (Eds) Vasovagal Syncope Fields of interest Reproductive Medicine; Urology/Andrology Fields of interest Cardiology; Nuclear Medicine; Imaging / Radiology Target groups Professional/practitioner Target groups Professional/practitioner Contents PART I – INTRODUCTORY ASPECTS 1 Origin and evolution of the vasovagal reflex.- 2 Vasovagal syncope in the Divine Comedy and the Holy Bible.- 3 Definition and classification of transient loss of consciousness.- 4 Epidemiology of vasovagal syncope.- PART II – PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF VASOVAGAL SYNCOPE 5 Role of autonomic nervous system.- 6 Role of baroreceptor mechanisms.- 7 Role of adenosine.- 8 Cardiac rhythms in neurally mediated syncope.- 9 Pathophysiology – Conclusive remarks.- PART III – DIAGNOSTIC AND CLINICAL ASPECTS.- 10 Initial evaluation of the patient with transient loss of consciousness.- 11 Clinical presentation and diagnosis of vasovagal syncope.- 12 Examinations in suspected vasovagal syncope PART IV – DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS.- 13 Differential diagnosis of vasovagal syncope.- 14 Differential diagnosis of peculiar sindromes: Postural tachycardia.- 15 Differential diagnosis of peculiar sindromes: Sick sinus syndrome.- 16 Differential diagnosis of peculiar sindromes: Chronic fatigue syndrome.- 17 Differential diagnosis of peculiar sindromes: Fibromyalgia.- PART V – PROGNOSIS AND TREATMENT 18 Prognosis of vasovagal syncope and risk stratification in the emergency department.- 19 Treatment of vasovagal syncope: Counseling, drugs and counter-pressure manoeuvres.- 20 Role of loop-recorder and pacemaker implantation.- 21 Therapy – Conclusive remarks.- PART VI – SPECIAL ISSUES.- 22 Vasovagal syncope in children.23 Vasovagal syncope in the elderly.- 24 Vasovagal syncope during driving, working and physical activity.- 25 Vasovagal syncope and orthostatic intolerance after space flight. Product category Contributed volume Product category Contributed volume Fields of interest Cardiology; Emergency Medicine; Neurology Novel Concepts and Methods Contents Male Infertility Laboratory Investigation: A Critical Analysis of the 2010 World Health Organization Semen Analysis Guidelines.- Intracytoplasmic Injection with Suboptimal Spermatozoa.- Novel Sperm Tests and Their Importance.- Sperm Selection Based on Surface Electrical Charge.- Microfluidics for Sperm Selection.- Sperm Binding to Zona Pellucida, Hyaluronic Acid Binding Assay and PICSI.- Non-Apoptopic Sperm Selection.Motile Sperm Organelle Morphology Examination (MSOME).- Setup of Micromanipulator for Sperm Selection and Injection for IMSI.- Configuring the Microscope for Intracytoplasmic MorphologySelected Sperm Injection (IMSI).- The Technical Background of Advanced IMSI Systems.- Sperm Vacuoles: Origin and Implications.- MSOME: Conventional Semen Analysis, Sperm Manipulation, and Cryopreservation.- MSOME and Sperm Chromatin Status.- MSOME and Sperm DNA Integrity: Biological and Clinical Considerations.MSOME and Sperm Chromosomal Constitution.- Intracytoplasmic Morphologically Selected Sperm Injection (IMSI): Indications and Clinical Results.- Genomic and Proteomic Approaches in the Diagnosis of Male Infertility. Contents Part 1: Preclinical imaging of mechanisms of atherosclerosis and its complications.- Pathobiology and basic mechanisms of atherosclerosis.- Ultrasound imaging of endothelial cell activation and damage in atherosclerosis.- Molecular imaging of macrophages.- Optical molecular imaging of inflammation and calcification in atherosclerosis.- Imaging of antigen-presenting cells.- Imaging of oxidation-specific epitopes.- Intravascular molecular imaging.- Imaging of complications of atherosclerosis (platelets aggregation and thrombosis).- Part 2: Imaging insights into mechanisms of calcific aortic valve disease (CAVD) and calcification.- Pathobiology and basic mechanisms of CAVD.- Molecular imaging of aortic valve inflammation and calcification: Preclinical studies.- PET CT imaging of inflammation and calcification in CAVD: Clinical studies.- Ultrasound imaging of CAVD.- Micro-OCT imaging of microcalcification.- Part 3: Clinical imaging of inflammation and calcification.- MR imaging in cardiovascular disease.- Molecular mechanisms of atherosclerosis imaged by MR.- Cardiovascular nuclear imaging.- Preclinical and clinical PET CT imaging of inflammation and calcification.- Clinical feasibility and monitoring of the effects of anti-inflammatory therapy in atherosclerosis. Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Monograph Due August 2014 Due September 2014 Due November 2014 2014. XVIII, 364 p. 42 illus., 33 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 128,39 | € (A) 131,99 | sFr 160,00 7€ 119,99 | £108.00 ISBN 978-1-4939-1410-4 2015. XII, 424 p. 133 illus., 121 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 160,49 | € (A) 164,99 | sFr 200,00 7€ 149,99 | £135.00 ISBN 978-3-319-09267-6 2015. Approx. 280 p. 25 illus., 5 in color. Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 85,59 | € (A) 87,99 | sFr 106,50 7 approx.€ 79,99 | £72.00 ISBN 978-3-319-09101-3 9<HTMEUD=jbebae> 9<HTODMJ=ajcghg> 9<HTODMJ=ajbabd> 1 Medicine & Public Health springer.com/NEWSonline J. L. Alió, Alicante, Spain; J. Pikkel, Vissum Corp. Instituto Oftalmológico, Alicante, Spain (Eds) H. B. Allen, Drexel University Department of Dermatology, Philadelphia, PA, USA Multifocal Intraocular Lenses The Etiology of Atopic Dermatitis The Art and the Practice This book provides the practising ophthalmologist and surgeon with up-to-date information on the use of multifocal intraocular lenses to eliminate pseudophakic presbyopia. Guidance is provided on types and models of intraocular lens, indications, selection of patients, implantation, neuroadaptation and complications and their avoidance. A key goal is to enable the practitioner to select the best lens for the individual patient, taking into account special circumstances. In addition, the results achieved to date with different lenses are analyzed and advice is given on the management of expectations. The authors are acknowledged international experts who draw upon their own experience and the peer-reviewed literature to provide the practitioner with cutting-edge information and evidence-based guidance. Features 7 Reviews all aspects of multifocal intraocular lenses 7 Provides cutting-edge information for cataract and refractive surgeons 7 Offers guidance on indications for modern intraocular lenses and the decision making process Contents The challenges.- Historical perspective.- Types and models.- Neuro adaptation.- Preoperative considerations.- Cataract surgery and lens exchange.Surgical complications.- Multifocal intraocular lenses after refractive surgery.- Refractive surgery after multifocal intraocular lens implantation.Special circumstances.- Results (Meta-analysis).Managing the expectations. Field of interest Ophthalmology Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Contributed volume This book will present completely new, unique findings in eczema: sweat ducts that become occluded with staphylococcal biofilms trigger the innate immune system with TLR2 receptor activity and this leads to production of the “itching” and inflammation in this disease. Dermatologists and pediatricians treat eczema exceedingly well and this is ordinarily accomplished with corticosteroid containing topicals. However, after treatment, it is intriguing that aggressive moisturization and cautious bathing will in most instances prevent future flares of the disease, even though it is precipitated by bacteria and their biofilms. Diseases where eczema has been found with a completely unrelated disorder have shown occluded sweat ducts on histopathologic examination. Features 7 Highly illustrated diagnostic review of atopic dermatitis 7 Concise approach with the emphasis on immediate application of knowledge 7 Presents key concepts in an easy understandable format Contents Clinical presentations.- Microbiology.- Pathology.Immunology.- Genetics.- Physiology.- Treatment.Diseases in which eczema is a secondary component (Meyerson’s nevus and Doucas Kapetanakis pigmented purpuric dermatosis).- Diseases with occluded sweat ducts other than eczema (tinea pedis, axillary granular parakeratosis, seborrheic dermatitis).- The Story of Eczema in Pictures.Epilogue: A comparison of psoriasis and eczema: both caused by bacteria, but neither an infection. Fields of interest Dermatology; Allergology Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Monograph Due September 2014 2014. XV, 303 p. 300 illus., 200 in color. (Essentials in Ophthalmology) Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7 approx.€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-09218-8 9<HTODMJ=ajcbi > 2 Z. Amin, RUSH University Medical Center, Chicago, IL, USA; J. Tobis, UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA, USA; H. Sievert, CardioVascular Center Frankfurt Sankt Katharinen, Frankfurt, Germany; J. Carroll, University of Colorado Denver Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO, USA (Eds) Patent Foramen Ovale Contents Historical importance of PFO.- Embrylogical importance.- Anatomical variations.- PFO affiliations.- Atrial fibrillation.- Pulmonary embolism.- Migraine.- Stroke.- Deep sea diving and PFO.- Orthodeoxia/Platypnea.- Sleep Apnea and PFO.- Persistent desaturations and PFO in the elderly.- High altitude pulmonary edema.- Sclerotherapy.- DVT (deep venous thrombosis).- When not to close PFO.- Dementia.- White matter lesions.- Diagnostic tools.- 2D echo.- ICE.- 3D echo.- Angiography.- TCD.- AVM and PFO.- Eustachian valve and PFO.- Other types of PFO.- Evaluation of PFO based upon anatomy.- Closure methods.- Surgical closure.Device closure.- Amplatzer PFO occluder.- Helex septal occluder.- Occlutech device.- Sideris Patch device.- Cardia.- Solysafe.- Coherex.- Premere device.- Bioabsorbabale device “Biostar and Biotrek”.- PFM PFO device.- Non-device closure.- Coaptus device.- Trials.- Trial design.cost.- effectiveness.-Perspective from CE Mark officials.- Perspective from FDA officials.- Stroke trials.- Closure I.- what went wrong?.- RESPECT.What went right?.- What went wrong?.- Perspective of a trial specialist!.- REDUCE: what ia right and what is wrong about this trial.- Other trials.Migraine trials.- PREMIUM.- MIST.- Need for further trials e.g. sleep apnea trial.- Thromboembolic states and PFO.- Arrhythmias and PFOs. Fields of interest Cardiology; Cardiac Surgery; Minimally Invasive Surgery Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Contributed volume Due January 2015 Due September 2014 2015. X, 165 p. 111 illus., 108 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-1-4471-6544-6 9<HTMEPH=bgfe g> 2015. Approx. 500 p. 1000 illus., 300 in color. With online files/update. Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 160,49 | € (A) 164,99 | sFr 200,00 7 approx.€ 149,99 | £135.00 ISBN 978-1-4471-4986-6 9<HTMEPH=bejig > News 8/2014 Medicine & Public Health C. Arnoldner, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria; J. M. Chen, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Center, Toronto, ON, Canada V. Lin, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Center, Toronto, ON, Canada (Ed) Manual of Otologic Surgery emporal bone dissection training is paramount T to the surgical education of any otolaryngologist and a special rite of passage for those who wish to focus their practice in otology. The complexity of temporal bone anatomy, which is exposed in a step-wise fashion during dissection, holds a special fascination for surgeons at all levels, while mastery of the microsurgical anatomy remains the most basic attribute defining surgical competence and skills. In spite of the recent progress in surgical simulation either through virtual realty or with artifical physical constructs, which will play an important role in education, the cadaver bone remains the gold standard and provides an indispensable platform for otological training. The Manual of Otologic Surgery takes the reader stepby-step through routine temporal bone surgeries while maximizing the use of the cadaver tissue. In an effort to improve visual realism, the book provides high-resolution photographs and anatomically accurate illustrations to allow the reader to better appreciate the three-dimensional relationship of the internal constructs of the temporal bone. Special emphasis is placed on describing the most current techniques for cochlear implantations and active middle ear implants, the two areas that have had the most significant impact on the field of otology in recent years. Features 7 Presents high-resolution images and illustrations 7 Focuses on implantable hearing devices 7 Detailed description of surgical procedures and techniques in otology M.‑F. Bacqué, Université Strasbourg I Dépt. Psychologie, Strasbourg, France; S. Pucheu, Hôpital européeen Georges Pompidou, Paris, France (Eds) S. T. Bennett, Intermountain Healthcare, Murray, UT, USA; C. M. Lehman, University of Utah Department of Pathology, Salt Lake City, UT, USA; G. M. Rodgers, University of Utah Health Sciences Ctr. Department of Hematology, Salt Lake City, UT, USA Psychothérapies analytiques en oncologie Laboratory Hemostasis La psychanalyse est souvent traitée sur un mode passionnel binaire : on est pour ou radicalement contre ! Features 7 Chaque chapitre est rédigé sous un angle théorico-clinique clair et précis 7 Tous les concepts sont explicités 7 Chaque chapitre est précédé d'un résumé en français présentant son objectif 7 Premier ouvrage sur le sujet Contents Pour une clinique de l’angoisse, place et fonction en oncologie.- Impact transgénérationnel et résonances traumatiques d’un deuil sans sépulture chez une adolescente ayant perdu sa mère d’un cancer.- Évaluer une psychothérapie analytique : dispositif et expérience subjective du thérapeute en groupe de pairs.- Place de la psychothérapie dans l’imaginaire des patients et des soignants.Dynamiques psychiques et refoulement en période de latence chez l’enfant atteint de cancer.- Que sont devenues les théories psychosomatiques du cancer.- Problématique de l’annonce du cancer cérébral de l’enfant.- Clinique différentielle des logiques subjectives à l’hôpital général. Une pratique en service d’oncologie.- Travailler avec la non-demande des ado atteints de cancer.- Pour une éthique du sujet en fin de vie à domicile.- Un rêve qui réveille.- L’intimité sexuelle à l’épreuve du cancer : remaniements psychiques et relationnels.Fondements et variations des psychothérapies analytiques. A Practical Guide for Pathologists Coagulation testing is the basis for the diagnosis of bleeding and thrombotic disorders, as well as the mainstay of anticoagulant monitoring and management. This handbook provides practical information and guidance on topics relevant to directing a coagulation laboratory, filling a void in the literature. Since the first edition, all chapters have been updated and an entirely new chapter is included on pharmacogenomics and pharmacogenetics. Features 7 Provides practical information and guidance on how to run a coagulation laboratory 7 Covers the basics of coagulation testing for residents and fellows 7 Addresses targeted questions relevant to day-to-day practice Contents Role and Responsibilities of the Laboratory Director.- Collection of Coagulation Specimens.Instrumentation for the Coagulation Laboratory.Validation of Coagulation Assays, Instruments and Reagents.- Hemostasis Screening Assays.Testing for Inherited Bleeding Disorders.- Testing for Acquired Platelet Disorders.- Acquired Coagulation Disorders and TTP.- Testing for Inherited and Acquired Thrombotic Disorders.- Monitoring of Anticoagulant Therapy.- Pharmacogenomics and Pharmacogenetics.- Coagulation Testing and Transfusion Medicine. Fields of interest Psychotherapy; Oncology; Psychiatry Fields of interest Pathology; Hematology Target groups Professional/practitioner Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Contributed volume Product category Professional book Due February 2015 A paraître December 2014 Due September 2014 2014. Approx. 100 p. 55 illus. in color. Softcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 53,45 | € (A) 54,95 | sFr 66,50 7 approx.€ 49,95 | £44.99 ISBN 978-3-7091-1489-6 2014. Ca. 220 p. 10 ill. (Psycho-Oncologie) Broché 7 approx. *€ (D) 45,64 | € (A) 46,92 | sFr 57,00 7 approx.€ 42,65 | £38.99 ISBN 978-2-8178-0536-8 2nd ed. 2015. XX, 205 p. 27 illus., 1 in color. Softcover 7 *€ (D) 85,59 | € (A) 87,99 | sFr 106,50 7€ 79,99 | £72.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08923-2 Fields of interest Otorhinolaryngology; Head and Neck Surgery Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Professional book 9<HTOHLJ=b eijg> 9<HTNIMH=iafdgi> 9<HTODMJ=aijcdc> 3 Medicine & Public Health N. Bhattacharya, Calcutta School of Tropical Medicine, Kolkata, India; P. G. Stubblefield, Boston University School of Medicine, Jamaica Plain, MA, USA (Eds) Regenerative Medicine Using Non-Fetal Sources of Stem Cells Contents Multipotent Mesenchymal Stromal Cell-Based Therapies: Regeneration Versus Repair.- The Role Of Microenvironment Stromal Cells In Regenerative Medicine.- Identity Of Human Endometrial Tissue: Potent Source Of Stem Cells.- Endometrial Regenerative Cells and Exosomes Thereof for Treatment of Radiation Exposure.- Endometrial stem cells as potential cures for human diseases.Menstrual Blood Transplantation Therapy for Stroke and other Neurological Disorders.- Characteristics and therapeutic potential of menstrual blood-derived stem cells.- Use of Animal Fats in Traditional Chinese Medicine.- Adipose-derived stem cells for therapeutic applications.- Subcutaneous adipose tissue derived stem cells: advancement and applications in regenerative medicine.Expanded adipose tissue-derived stem cells for articular cartilage injury treatment: a safety and efficacy evaluation.- Redundant human omentum fat: a leap towards regenerative medicine.- Human Adipose-derived Stem Cells (ASC):Their Efficacy in Clinical Applications.- Potentialities of adiposederived mesenchymal stem cells collected from liposuction for use in cellular therapy.- Stem cells from dental tissue for regenerative dentistry and medicine.- Dental Stem Cells Risk and Responsibilities.- Stem Cells & Deciduous Teeth Responsibilities.- Breastmilk Stem Cells: Recent Advances and Future Prospects.- Existence of mesenchymallike somatic stem cells in the porcine uterus. Fields of interest Hematology; Regenerative Medicine/Tissue Engineering; Stem Cells Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Professional book springer.com/NEWSonline S. Brethauer, Bariatric and Metabolic Institute, Cleveland, OH, USA; P. R. Schauer, Lerner College of Medicine, Cleveland, OH, USA; B. D. Schirmer, University of Virginia Health System, Charlottesville, VA, USA (Eds) Minimally Invasive Bariatric Surgery Contents The Global Burden of Obesity and Diabetes.Pathophysiology of Obesity Comorbidity: The Effects of Chronically Increased Intraabdominal Pressure.- Medical Management of Obesity.- History of Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery.- Developing a Successful Bariatric Surgery Program.- Essential Bariatric Equipment: Making your Facility More Accommodating to Bariatric Surgical Patients.- Patient Selection: Pathways to Surgery.- The Role of Behavioral Health in Bariatric Surgery.- Operating Room Positioning, Equipment and Instrumentation for Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery.- Anesthesia for Minimally Invasive Bariatric Surgery.- Postoperative Pathways in Minimally Invasive Bariatric Surgery.- Bariatric Surgery: Patient Safety and Quality Improvement .- Data Management for the Bariatric Surgery Program.- Sleeve Gastrectomy: Technique, Pearls, & Pitfalls.- Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy: Outcomes.- Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy: Management of Complications.- Sleeve Gastrectomy as a Revisional Procedure.- Laparoscopic Gastric Plication.- Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding: Technique.- Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding: Outcomes.- Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding: Long-Term Management.- Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding: Management of Complications.- Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding: Controversies.- Bypass: Transoral Circular Stapler Gastrojejunostomy Technique.- Gastric Bypass: Transgastric Circular Stapler Technique. Fields of interest Surgery; Abdominal Surgery; General Surgery Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Monograph G. Cavallini, Gynepro Medical Team, Bologna, Italy; G. Beretta, Centro Demetra, Firenze, Italy (Eds) Clinical Management of Male Infertility This book provides andrologists and other practitioners with reliable, up-to-date information on all aspects of male infertility and is designed to assist in the clinical management of patients. Clear guidance is offered on classification of infertility, sperm analysis interpretation and diagnosis. The full range of types and causes of male infertility are then discussed in depth. Particular attention is devoted to poorly understood conditions such as unexplained couple infertility and idiopathic male infertility, but the roles of diverse disorders, health and lifestyle factors and environmental pollution are also fully explored. Features 7 Covers all aspects of male infertility 7 Meets the needs of practitioners involved in clinical management 7 Highlights stimulating areas of research and presents international guidelines Contents Prevalence Definition and Classification of Infertility.- Sperm analysis interpretation.- Diagnosis of Infertility.- General therapeutic approach to male infertility.- Azoospermia.- Varicocele and Infertility.- Chromosomic causes of infertility.- Male idiopathic (oligo)±(astheno)±(terato)-spermia.Obesity and male infertility.- Unexplained couple infertility (male role).- Inflammatory Infertility.- Testicular Pathology.- Endocrine infertility.- Iatrogenic infertility.- Dietary Complements and phytotherapy.- Environmental pollution and infertility.- The role of the andrologist in assisted reproduction.- Sexual problems and infertility. Fields of interest Reproductive Medicine; Urology/Andrology; Endocrinology Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Professional book Due November 2014 Due September 2014 2015. XV, 304 p. 60 illus., 56 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 85,59 | € (A) 87,99 | sFr 106,50 7€ 79,99 | £72.00 ISBN 978-1-4471-6541-5 9<HTMEPH=bgfebf> 4 2nd ed. 2014. Approx. 475 p. 210 illus., 128 in color. Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 181,89 | € (A) 186,99 | sFr 226,00 7 approx.€ 169,99 | £153.00 ISBN 978-1-4939-1636-8 9<HTMEUD=jbgdgi> Due September 2014 2015. XI, 173 p. 11 illus., 6 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 85,59 | € (A) 87,99 | sFr 106,50 7€ 79,99 | £72.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08502-9 9<HTODMJ=aifacj> News 8/2014 C. Chan, University of Sydney Vision Eye Institute, Sydney, NSW, Australia (Ed) Dry Eye A Practical Approach This handbook is a concise, easy-to-read, practical guide on dry eye disease for the general ophthalmologist and optometrist. Its aim is to convey the knowledge necessary to diagnose, classify, grade and manage dry eye effectively and efficiently. To this end, the current guidelines, studies and the personal experience of internationally recognized dry eye experts are distilled into practical tips for everyday use in the clinic. The handbook consists of a series of short chapters covering definition and classification, epidemiology, diagnosis, medical management, surgical management and future directions. A further chapter presents case examples documenting the optimal approach to the multiple scenarios that may be encountered in the clinic. Each of the main chapters includes highlighted boxes emphasizing the important points or clinical pearls as well as tables and flow charts that will allow the eye care practitioner to use the book as a quick reference or reminder. Features 7 Highly readable and easy-to-use manual written by international dry eye experts 7 Tables, highlighted key points and handy tips in each chapter 7 Case studies section documenting the optimal approach to multiple scenarios Medicine & Public Health L. Chan, Concord Repatriation General Hospital, Sydney, Australia; V. Tse, Concord Repatriation General Hospital, Concord, NSW, Australia; S. The, P. Stewart, Concord Repatriation General Hospital, Sydney, NSW, Australia (Eds) L. K. Chan, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China; W. Pawlina, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA (Eds) Pelvic Floor Ultrasound A Practical Guide Principles, Applications and Case Studies Contents 1. Elements Of Successful Adult Learning.- 2. Characteristics Of Students Of The Millennial Generation.- 3. Students Learning Styles In Anatomy.- 4. Outcome-Based Approach To Student Learning.- 5. Competencies Needed For Teaching Anatomy Effectively And Efficiently.- 6. Using Teaching Assistants In Anatomy.- 7. Engaging Residents And Clinical Faculty In Anatomy Education.- 8. Giving A Lecture.- 9. Engaging Students In Active Learning In The Large Group Setting.- 10. Preparing and Recording Lectures For On-Line Delivery.- 11. Evaluating Your Own Performance In A Lecture.- 12. Choosing Between Lecture and Briefing Session.- 13. Facilitating Small Group Discussion.- 14. Engaging Students With Different Learning Styles And Behavioral Problems.- 15. Promoting The Learning Of Anatomy In PBL Environment.- 16. Promoting The Learning Of Anatomy In CBL Environment.- 17. Promoting The Learning Of Anatomy In TBL Environment.- 18. Giving Feedback To Students.19. Using Body Painting To Teach Anatomy.- 20. Evaluating Your Own Performance In Leading A Small Group Discussion.- 21. Running A Body Donation Program.- 22. Designing Gross Anatomy Laboratory To Meet The Needs Of Today’s Learner.- 23. Preparing Students Emotionally For The Human Dissection Experience.- 24. Promoting Reflection In The Laboratory.- 25. The Pros And Cons Of Dissection And Prosection.- 26. Use Of Fresh Specimens In Anatomy Teaching And Learning.- 27. Instruments For Facilitating Anatomy Learning In The Laboratory.- 28. The Use Of Digital Human Models. There is increasing interest in using ultrasound for assessment of pelvic floor disorders such as voiding dysfunction , pelvic organ prolapse and faecal incontinence. Ultrasound can also be a useful imaging modality for urodynamics and pelvic floor physiotherapy. Features 7 This book will present case studies of common conditions to illustrate the role of pelvic floor imaging so the readers will be able to identify with the type of patients they see 7 There will be simple practice points and practical tips in performing pelvic ultrasonography in table formats to assist the reader in providing hands-on management of patients 7 Short video clips will be available to the reader to see real-time imaging of different pathologies illustrated in the cases Contents 1. Principles of Ultrasound and Instrumentation.2. Functional Anatomy and Approaches to Imaging of the Pelvic Floor.- 3. Essentials for Setting Up Practice in Clinician Performed Ultrasound.- 4. Ultrasound Imaging in Assessment of the Male Contents Patient with Voiding Dysfunction.- 5. The Female Introduction.- Definition and classification of dry Patient 1- Assessment of Female Voiding Dyseye.- Epidemiology of dry eye.- How to choose the function.- 6. The Female Patient 2- Pelvic Organ Prolapse.- 7. Imaging of Gynaecologic Organs.- 8. right artificial tear.- Practical office based screening and diagnostics.- Medical management of dry Ultrasound Assessment of the Patient with Fecal eye.- Procedural / surgical management of dry Incontinence.- 9. 3D Ultrasound Imaging of the eye.- Case studies.- Future directions and research. Pelvis. Field of interest Ophthalmology Fields of interest Ultrasound; Imaging / Radiology; Gynecology Target groups Professional/practitioner Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Contributed volume Product category Professional book Teaching Anatomy Field of interest Anatomy Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Contributed volume Due December 2014 2014. Approx. 150 p. 60 illus., 20 in color. (Essentials in Ophthalmology) Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 106,95 | € (A) 109,95 | sFr 133,50 7 approx.€ 99,95 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-662-44105-3 9<HTOGRC=e bafd> Due November 2014 Due September 2014 2014. Approx. 250 p. 50 illus., 25 in color. Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 149,79 | € (A) 153,99 | sFr 186,50 7 approx.€ 139,99 | £126.00 ISBN 978-3-319-04309-8 2015. XX, 430 p. 38 illus., 33 in color. Softcover 7 *€ (D) 149,79 | € (A) 153,99 | sFr 186,50 7€ 139,99 | £126.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08929-4 9<HTODMJ=aedaji> 9<HTODMJ=aijcje> 5 Medicine & Public Health Q. D. Chu, LSU Health Sciences Center-Shreveport, Shreveport, LA, USA; J. F. Gibbs, Jersey Shore University Medical Center, Neptune, NJ, USA; G. B. Zibari, Willis Knighton Health System, Shreveport, LA, USA (Eds) Surgical Oncology A Practical and Comprehensive Approach This volume provides a comprehensive perspective on surgical oncologic diseases that are relevant to those who have an interest in surgical oncology. Features 7 Written by experts in their field 7 Bolstered with detailed illustrations, diagrams and photographs 7 Includes a set of short questions and answers at the end of each chapter that reinforce the salient points Contents Melanoma.- Non-Melanoma Skin Cancers.- NonInvasive Breast Cancer.- Early Breast Cancer.- Locally Advanced Breast Cancer (LABC).- BRCA1 and BRCA2 in Breast Cancer and Ovarian Cancer.- Breast Cancer during Pregnancy.- Esophageal Cancer.- Gastric Cancer.- Small Bowel Cancer.Gallbladder Cancer.- Cholangiocarcinoma.- Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma.- Adrenal Lesions.- Hepatocellular Carcinoma.- Colon Cancer.- Local Excision of Early Stage Rectal Cancer.- Rectal Cancer.- Management of Liver Metastases from Colorectal Cancer.- Hereditary Colorectal Cancer and Polyposis Syndromes.- Cytoreductive Surgery and Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy.- Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Anal Canal.Thyroid Cancer.- Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors (PNETs).- Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia (MEN) Syndromes.- Carcinoid Tumors.- Soft Tissue Sarcoma.- Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (GIST).- Ovarian and Adnexal Masses. Fields of interest Surgical Oncology; General Surgery Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Professional book springer.com/NEWSonline B. Chughtai, A. E. Te, S. A. Kaplan, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, NY, USA (Eds) D. V. Cokkinos, Biomedical Research Foundation, Athens, Greece (Ed) Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: Modern Alternative to Transurethral Resection of the Prostate Introduction to Translational Cardiovascular Research Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: Modern Techniques is an up-to-date review of modern techniques used to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia. It provides a comprehensive review of both office and operating room based techniques. Both electrosurgical and laser based techniques are covered. Features 7 A comprehensive review of both office and operating-room based techniques 7 Written by experts in the field 7 Bolstered with detailed illustrations, photographs and tables Contents Introduction.- Principles of Electrocautery Based Techniques.- Monopoloar TURP.- Bipolar TURP.Plasmakinetic Vaporization.- Principles of Laser Based Techniques.- 532nm Laser Photoselective Vaporization of Prostate.- 532nm Laser Enucleation/Resection Techniques.- Holmium Ablation of Prostate.- Holmium Enucleation of Prostate.- Thulium Resection of Prostate.- Thulium Enucleation of Prostate.- Diode Laser Resection of Prostate (980nm).- Modern Open Prostatectomy.Laparoscopic/Robotic Simple Prostatectomy.Transurethral Microwave Therapy.- Transurethral Needle Ablation.- Prostatic Tissue Approximation.- Prostatic Stents.- Prostatic Artery Embolization.- Ethanol Injection of Prostate. Fields of interest Urology/Andrology; Primary Care Medicine Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Contributed volume Contents Introduction – What Is Translational Research.Insights into heart development and regeneration.- Basis Of Cell Excitability And Cardiac Conduction System.- The Renin-AngiotensinAldosterone System In Cardiovascular Diseases.Beta adrenergic receptors.- The hypothalamicpituitary-adrenal axis in human health and disease.- Genetic Polymorphisms.- Genetic Polymorphisms and the Vascular Endothelium.The role of microRNAs in Cardiovascular Disease.- Pathways To Myocardial Hypertrophy.- The multiple actions of the insulin-like growth factor-I signaling in the myocardium.- Calcium Cycling Circuits in Cardiac Physiology and Pathophysiology.- Inflammation and atherosclerosis.- Stress proteins and the Adaptive Response of the Heart.The Mechanisms And Modalities Of Cell Death.Repair of the infarcted myocardium.- Pathways to cardiac remodeling.- A Translational Approach to Probe the Arrhythmic Potential of the Heart: Therapeutic Considerations.- Animal Models Of Cardiovascular Disease.- Experimental in vitro assessment of cardiac function.- In vivo experimental assessment of cardiac function.- Non invasive imaging modalities for Cardiovascular Translational Research- Technical Considerations.Cardiovascular Applications of Non-Invasive Imaging in Cardiovascular Diseases: from Bench to Bedside.- Molecular Imaging of Inflammation Using Echoardiography: Advances With the Use of Microbubbles.- Clinical Aspects And Genetics Of Cardiomyopathies.- Cardiorenal Syndrome: What Basic Research Can Contribute. Field of interest Cardiology Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Contributed volume Due September 2014 Due September 2014 Due September 2014 2015. X, 1290 p. 204 illus., 164 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 203,29 | € (A) 208,99 | sFr 253,00 7€ 189,99 | £171.00 ISBN 978-1-4939-1422-7 2015. XIV, 220 p. 47 illus., 43 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 128,39 | € (A) 131,99 | sFr 160,00 7€ 119,99 | £108.00 ISBN 978-1-4939-1586-6 2015. XV, 559 p. 106 illus., 97 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 203,29 | € (A) 208,99 | sFr 253,00 7€ 189,99 | £171.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08797-9 9<HTMEUD=jbec h> 6 9<HTMEUD=jbfig > 9<HTODMJ=aihjhj> News 8/2014 L. Crosby, Georgia Regent’s University, Augusta, GA, USA; R. Neviaser, George Washington University, Washington, DC, USA (Eds) Proximal Humerus Fractures Evaluation and Management Proximal Humerus Fractures includes everything the orthopedic surgeon needs to know about the clinical management of these common shoulder injuries. Features 7 Illustrates current operative and non-operative management strategies for proximal humerus fractures 7 Includes open reduction, percutaneous pinning, locking plate and intramedullary nail fixation techniques 7 Covers humeral head hemiarthroplasty as well as reverse shoulder arthroplasty Contents Anatomy and Classification of Proximal Humerus Fractures.- Non-operative Treatment of Proximal Humerus Fractures.- Closed Reduction and Percutaneous Fixation of Proximal Humerus Fractures.- Tuberosity Fractures.- Intramedullary Locking Nail Fixation of Proximal Humerus Fractures: Rationale and Technique.- Proximal Humeral Locking Plates for Displaced Fractures of the Proximal Humeral Humerus.- Hemiarthroplasty for the Treatment of Proximal Humerus Fractures.- Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty for Proximal Humerus Fractures.- Complications of Treatment of Proximal Humerus Fractures.- Evaluation and Management of Proximal Humerus Nonunions and Malunions. Fields of interest Orthopedics; Sports Medicine Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Contributed volume Medicine & Public Health P. D’Aprile, S. Paolo Hospital, Bari, Italy MRI of Degenerative Disease of the Spine A Case-Based Atlas This richly illustrated case-based atlas thoroughly depicts the role of MR imaging in the assessment of patients presenting with pain due to degenerative disease of the spine and will serve as an excellent guide to differential diagnosis. Importantly, generic radicular compression is the main reason for the painful symptomatology in only a limited number of cases, and this book illustrates and emphasizes how various anatomic elements of the spine can be responsible. The imaging features of a range of disorders involving both the anterior and posterior elements of the spine are described, including active inflammatory osteochondrosis, atypical herniated discs, facet joint disorders, spondylolysis, and degenerative-inflammatory changes of the spinal ligaments and posterior perispinal muscles. Features 7 Describes the distinguishing MR features of a wide range of spinal pathologies 7 Presents images obtained with different MR sequences, including those specifically offering better visualization of the inflammatory status 7 Includes a series of unusual cases in addition to more common presentations Contents PART I Technical aspects.- Biomechanics of the Spine.- Spine Stability.- Spine Instability.- MRI in Degenerative Disease of the Spine.- Disc Degeneration.- Disc Herniation.- Canal Stenosis.- Facet joint changes.- Spondylolysis.- Spinal perispinal ligamentous degenerative-inflammatory changes.Muscular changes.- PART II Clinical Cases. Fields of interest Neuroradiology; Imaging / Radiology; Diagnostic Radiology Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Atlas I. Di Carlo, Cannizzaro Hospital University Hospital, Catania, Italy (Ed) Noncolorectal, Nonneuroendocrine Liver Metastases Diagnosis and Current Therapies This book offers a complete overview on non colorectal non neuroendocrine (NCRNNE) liver metastases and describes in detail the currently available therapies. Each chapter focuses on the treatment of metastases from a particular primary malignancy and also provides valuable information on incidence, natural history and diagnosis. Features 7 First monograph to focus specifically on noncolorectal non neuroendocrine (NCRNNE) liver metastases 7 Offers extensive guidance on treatment of metastases from different primary malignancies 7 Serves as a valuable reference on which to base future studies Contents Foreword.- Preface.- 1 Liver metastases from adrenocortical cancer.- 2 Liver metastases from brain cancer.- 3 Liver metastases from breast cancer.- 4 Liver metastases from kidney cancer.- 5 Liver metastases from larynx cancer.- 6 Liver metastases from lung cancer.- 7 Liver metastases from melanoma cancer.- 8 Liver metastases from ovarian and uterus cancer.- 9 Liver metastases from pancreas cancer.- 10 Liver metastases from salivar glands cancer.- 11 Liver metastases from sarcomas cancer.- 12 Liver metastases from stomach cancer.- 13 Liver metastases from testis cancer.- 14 Liver metastases from thyroid cancer.- 15 Liver metastases from ureteral, bladder and prostate cancer.- 16 Liver Metastases from Brain Cancer. Fields of interest Surgical Oncology; Minimally Invasive Surgery; Surgery Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Monograph Due September 2014 Due November 2014 Due October 2014 2015. XII, 232 p. 153 illus., 65 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 128,39 | € (A) 131,99 | sFr 160,00 7€ 119,99 | £108.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08950-8 2014. Approx. 200 p. 338 illus. in color. Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 128,39 | € (A) 131,99 | sFr 160,00 7 approx.€ 119,99 | £108.00 ISBN 978-3-319-09446-5 2014. XVI, 184 p. 22 illus. in color. Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 128,39 | € (A) 131,99 | sFr 160,00 7 approx.€ 119,99 | £108.00 ISBN 978-3-319-09292-8 9<HTODMJ=aijfai> 9<HTODMJ=aje gf> 9<HTODMJ=ajcjci> 7 Medicine & Public Health W. H. Eaglstein, The University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Miami, FL, USA The FDA for Doctors Many doctors want to know more about the FDA not only so that they might better understand the issues and how they are related to their practice, such as off label-drug usage, but also to enrich their professional lives and allow them to more deeply understand the many FDA related articles written in the popular press. It is further based on the notion that doctors prefer a formal way to learn about FDA. The Agency is a truly vast subject engaging thousands of lawyers, regulators, scientists, physicians, writers, legislators and many others directly and indirectly. This book is an introductory overview written from a physician’s perspective for physicians. It is organized along lines that emphasize issues most interesting to physicians. Features 7 Provides readers with an in-depth understanding of the FDA and those issues related to their practice and to society in general 7 Represents an introductory overview written from a physician’s perspective for physicians 7 Contains detailed explanation of nomenclature and definitions Contents Introduction - The FDA, Doctors and the Practice of Medicine.- Drugs.- Devices.- Biologics.- Combination Products.- Supplements and Neutraceuticals.- Foods.- Cosmetics and Cosmeceuticals.The FDA (history, organization, budgets).- The Approval Process (including Phases 1-4, advisory committees, Guidances and personal medicine).The FDA and Promotion and Advertising.- The FDA and Drug Names.- The FDA , Politics and the Public. Fields of interest Medicine/Public Health, general; Health Administration; Pharmacoeconomics and Health Outcomes Target groups Professional/practitioner springer.com/NEWSonline J. D. Emery, Cleveland Clinic, Willoughby Hills, OH, USA; M. F. Paraiso, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, USA (Eds) Office-Based Gynecologic Surgical Procedures Recent trends in medicine have pushed many gynecologic procedures to the outpatient setting, whether in-office, in small medical ambulatory surgery centers, or in procedure rooms. OfficeBased Gynecologic Surgical Procedures covers both basic and advanced procedures, from biopsy and saline ultrasound to cystoscopy. It answers the “How?”, “What?”, and “When?” of setting up, preparing for, and confidently performing office procedures. Features 7 Covers basic and advanced procedures 7 Includes procedural algorithms and instructions for the office setting 7 Useful for residents, fellows, clinicians, NPs and even family medicine doctors Contents Pre-Procedure Patient Evaluation and Management.- Getting Started in Office Based Gynecologic Procedures: Office Set-up, Procedural Implications and Ensuring Patient Safety.- Informed Consent.- Anesthesia and Analgesia.Basic Gynecologic Procedures.- Saline Infusion Sonohysterography.- Office Diagnostic Hysteroscopy.- Hysteroscopic Tubal Sterilization.- Office Operative Hysteroscopy: Polyp and Sub-mucosal Fibroid Removal.- Office-Based Global Endometrial Ablation.- Cystoscopy.- Urodynamics.- PeriUrethral Injections.- Trigger Point Injections for Pelvic Pain.- Colposcopy.- Loop Electro-Excision Procedure (LEEP).- Vulvar Biopsy and Excision/ Ablation. Fields of interest Gynecology; Surgery; Reproductive Medicine Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Professional book Product category Professional book R. Enzenauer, Childres Hospital of Colorado, Aurora, CO, USA; W. Morris, University ofTennessee Department of Ophthalmology, Memphis, TN, USA; T. O’Donnell, University of Tennessee Department of Ophthalmology, Memphis, TN, USA; J. Montrey, Denver, CO, USA Functional Ophthalmic Disorders Ocular Malingering and Visual Hysteria Features 7 Reviews the historical and contemporary research on functional disorders in general and functional visual disorders in particular 7 Provides a ‘how to’ manual on diagnostic testing for the different types of functional visual disorders 7 Written for ophthalmologists and optometrists 7 Video provided online to illustrate the various tests and possible results conducted on a mock patient to assist in the differential diagnosis 7 Topics covered include history of functional disorders, ophthalmologic examination in malingering and techniques and tests for functional and simulated defects 7 Written and edited by leaders in the field Contents 1. Introduction And Terminology.- 2. History Of Functional Disorders.- 3. Hysterical Ocular Functional Disorders.- 4. Ocular Malingering.5. Differentiating Ocular Functional Disorders: Hysteria Versus Malingering.- 6. Overview Of The Clinician – Patient Interaction.- 7. Techniques And Tests For Functional Ophthalmic Disorders.8. Testing For Functional Total Blindness.- 9. Tests For Simulation Of Monocular Blindness.- 10. Tests For Decreased Vision.- 11. Tests For Miscellaneous Functional Visual Complaints.- 12. Tests Of Historical Interest In Functional Visual Loss. Field of interest Ophthalmology Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Monograph Due August 2014 Due September 2014 Due September 2014 2014. X, 108 p. 9 illus., 7 in color. Softcover 7 *€ (D) 64,19 | € (A) 65,99 | sFr 80,00 7€ 59,99 | £53.99 ISBN 978-3-319-08361-2 2015. X, 244 p. 102 illus., 96 in color. Softcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-1-4939-1413-5 2015. X, 250 p. 89 illus., 58 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08749-8 9<HTODMJ=aidgbc> 8 9<HTMEUD=jbebdf> 9<HTODMJ=aiheji> News 8/2014 Medicine & Public Health R. Escorpizo, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT, USA; S. Brage, Directorate for Labour and Welfare, Oslo, Norway; D. Homa, University of WisconsinStout, Menomonie, WI, USA; G. Stucki, University of Lucerne, Lucerne, Switzerland (Eds) Handbook of Vocational Rehabilitation and Disability Evaluation M. A. Farage, K. W. Miller, Procter & Gamble Co., Cincinnati, OH, USA; N. Fugate Woods, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA; H. I. Maibach, San Francisco, CA, USA (Eds) K. Fattouch, University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy; P. Lancellotti, University of Liège, Liège, Belgium; G. D. Angelini, Imperial College of London, London, UK (Eds) Skin, Mucosa and Menopause Secondary Mitral Valve Regurgitation Management of Clinical Issues Application and Implementation of the ICF Features 7 Fills a gap in applying the WHO's ICF in VR teaching and practice 7 Addresses contemporary and emerging issues in vocational rehabilitation and disability evaluation 7 ICF will play major role in upcoming revision of WHO's International Classification of Diseases Contents Introduction.- Conceptual framework: functioning and disability.- Public health perspective.- Work and employment.- Vocational rehabilitation.- Disability evaluation.- Summary and exercise for chapters 1-5.- State of the Field: VR and DE.- Work disability assessment.- Legal issues.- Job placement.- Musculoskeletal conditions.- Neurological conditions.- Brain injuries.- Mental health and ICF.- Application of ICF to disability evaluation.- Community mental health and ICF.- Occupational disease.Case Study.- Summary and exercise for chapters 7-17.- ICF-Based Measurement.- Patient-reported outcomes.- Clinician-reported outcomes.- Questionnaire development and testing.- ICF and multimodal rehabilitation.- Case study.- Summary and exercise for chapters 20-23. The Way Forward.Challenges and opportunities. An era of global population aging is upon us. By 2030, one in eight people will be over age 65. Since women generally live longer than men, the health and welfare of postmenopausal women will become a significant public health concern. This book offers a comprehensive review of the life changes associated with menopause, both at the dermatological and physiological level (e.g., hormonal, immunological) and at the subcellular level. It critically examines the dermatological, biological, and clinical challenges to postmenopausal health and well-being and the current and emerging therapeutic interventions. Features 7 Detailed review of the direct and indirect dermatological effects of the menopause 7 Evaluation of treatment effectiveness 7 Holistic view of the menopause as a life transition rather than as a series of distinct medical conditions Contents What is Menopause?.- Skin and Menopause.- Effect of Supplementations and Vitamins on Menopause.- Hormonal Change and Therapy.- Menopause and Genital.- Menopause and Autoimmune Disease.- Hotflahes.- Other Therapy for Menopause.- Sexual Decline.- Menopause Tests.- Menopause and Sleep.- Menopause and Mental Effects.Menopause and Quality of Life.- Menopause and cosmetic procedures. Fields of interest Rehabilitation; Health Psychology; Public Health Fields of interest Dermatology; Gynecology Target groups Professional/practitioner Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Handbook Product category Professional book Contents Prevalence and definition of secondary mitral valve regurgitation.- Anatomical changes associated with secondary mitral regurgitation: Difference between ischemic and idiopathic cardiomyopathy.- Clinical prognostic value of secondary mitral valve regurgitation.- Functional classification of the secondary mitral valve regurgitation.- Preoperative echocardiographic evaluation of secondary mitral valve regurgitation.- Three-dimensional echocardiographic imaging of secondary mitral valve regurgitation.- Dynamic stress evaluation of secondary mitral valve regurgitation.- Evaluation of secondary mitral valve regurgitation by cardiac magnetic resonance.- Timing and patients selection for surgical repair of secondary mitral valve regurgitation.- Intraoperative echocardiographic imaging during mitral valve repair.- Surgical approaches of secondary mitral regurgitation: Mitral valve restrictive annuloplasty: the ideal strategy.- The role of the “edge-to-edge” mitral valve repair.- Prosthetic ring choice: impact on clinical outcomes and repair results.- Papillary muscles relocation.- Basal chordal cutting.- The Coapsys Device.- The CorCap device.- Role of cardiac resynchronization therapy.- Percutaneous treatment in secondary mitral valve regurgitation.- 2D and 3D echocardiographic imaging during percutaneous mitral clip procedure.- Impact of tricuspid valve regurgitation in patients with secondary mitral valve regurgitation.- Tricuspid valve repair: when and how.- Predictors of recurrent mitral regurgitation after mitral valve repair surgery.Follow-up after mitral valve repair. Fields of interest Cardiology; Interventional Radiology Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Contributed volume Due September 2014 Due October 2014 2015. VI, 514 p. 30 illus., 11 in color. (Handbooks in Health, Work, and Disability) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 245,03 | € (A) 251,90 | sFr 305,00 7€ 229,00 | £206.50 ISBN 978-3-319-08824-2 9<HTODMJ=ai cec> Due September 2014 2015. XX, 504 p. 91 illus., 68 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 160,49 | € (A) 164,99 | sFr 200,00 7€ 149,99 | £135.00 ISBN 978-3-662-44079-7 9<HTOGRC=e ahjh> 2015. XV, 215 p. 77 illus., 56 in color. With online files/ update. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 128,39 | € (A) 131,99 | sFr 160,00 7€ 119,99 | £108.00 ISBN 978-1-4471-6487-6 9<HTMEPH=bgeihg> 9 Medicine & Public Health springer.com/NEWSonline F. Firoozi, The Smith Institute for Urology Hofstra North Shore-, Lake Success, NY, USA (Ed) Female Pelvic Surgery Female Pelvic Surgery: A Comprehensive Guide provides a comprehensive, state-of-theart surgical review of this field and will serve as a valuable resource for clinicians and surgeons. The text reviews the basic indications for treatment and details the many surgical approaches to the management of all pelvic floor disorders. In addition to step-by-step description in text, the volume provides illustrations/photographs of surgical techniques. Integration of surgical videos demonstrating the major repairs described in each section augment the textbook and serve as the ultimate format for the education of clinicians and surgeons. Contents Anatomy of the Female Genitourinary Tract.- Instrumentation for Female Pelvic Surgery.- Surgical Management of Stress Urinary Incontinence.Sacral Neuromodulation.- Transvaginal Prolapse Repair.- Obliterative Vaginal Procedures.- Open Transabdominal Sacrocolpopexy.- Laparoscopic and Robotic Assisted Laparoscopic Sacrocolpopexy.- Transvaginal Urethrolysis for Urethral Obstruction.- Vaginal Fistula Repairs.- Repair of Urethral Diverticula.- Augmentation Cystoplasty.- Urethroplasty for Female Urethral Stricture.- Excision of Vaginal Cysts.- Transvaginal Closure of Bladder Neck.- Surgical Therapy for Fecal Incontinence.- Botulinum Toxin Therapy for Voiding Dysfunction and the Female Pelvic Floor.Construction of the Neovagina. Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Contributed volume D. Ginat, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA; S. Freitag, Harvard Medical School Massachusetts Eye and Ear, Boston, MA, USA (Eds) Essentials of Vascular Surgery for the General Surgeon Post-treatment Imaging of the Orbit This volume provides a concise and up to date resource that directly addresses the needs of general surgeons who perform vascular surgery by focusing on the diagnosis and clinical management of common vascular conditions. The volume is divided into sections on arterial disease, venous disease, vascular trauma, and vascular access. This book provides a comprehensive review of the imaging features that are seen following the application of a variety of ophthalmic and orbital procedures and therapies in patients with disorders affecting the cornea, retina, lens and ocular adnexa, as well as glaucoma. A wealth of high-quality radiographic images, including CT, MRI and ultrasound, depict expected posttreatment findings and appearances in patients with complications. In addition, correlations are made with clinical photographs and photographs of implanted devices. This reference has been prepared by experts in the field and should serve as a valuable guide to both radiologists and ophthalmologists, facilitating navigation of the intricacies of the treated eye and orbit and optimization of patient management. Features 7 First of its kind to accurately mirror the SCORE curriculum for vascular disease as a patient care topic in general surgery training 7 Provides clear illustrations, well structured algorithms, and a “real world” perspective 7 Written by experts in the field Features 7 Written entirely by experts in the field 7 Provides a step-by-step guide to surgical techniques 7 Richly detailed with illustrations, photographs and video clips Fields of interest Urology/Andrology; Gynecology V. Gahtan, SUNY Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, NY, USA; M. J. Costanza, SUNY Upstate Medical University, Manlius, NY, USA (Eds) Contents Diagnosis and imaging.- Surgical and endovascular technique and tools.- Peripheral arterial thrombosis/emboli.- Compartment syndrome.- Diabetic foot infection.- PAD and claudication.- Critical limb ischemia.- Lower extremity amputations.Deep venous thrombosis.- Superficial thrombophlebitis.- Chronic venous insufficiency.- Varicose veins.- Inferior vena cava filters.- Vascular injuries in the neck.- Vascular injuries in the abdomen.Extremity vascular injuries.- Temporary venous catheters.- Arteriovenous hemodialysis access.Access complications.- Arterial occlusive disease: carotid, mesenteric, renal.- Aortic pathology: AAA, dissection, traumatic transection.- Non-atherosclerotic vascular disease: vasculitis, popliteal entrapment, hypercoaguable.- Surgical and endovascular complications: infection, hemorrhage. Fields of interest General Surgery; Vascular Surgery Target groups Professional/practitioner Features 7 Comprehensive clinical and radiological perspective on what to expect after treatment of a variety of orbital conditions 7 Abundance of high-quality clinical and radiological images 7 Concise text that discusses expected findings and complications Contents Cornea.- Lens.- Retina.- Ocular Adnexa.- Glaucoma.- Intraocular Tumor Treatments. Fields of interest Imaging / Radiology; Ophthalmology; Radiotherapy Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Professional book Product category Contributed volume Due September 2014 Due August 2014 Due September 2014 2015. XXVIII, 346 p. 219 illus., 185 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 149,79 | € (A) 153,99 | sFr 186,50 7€ 139,99 | £126.00 ISBN 978-1-4939-1503-3 2014. XX, 390 p. 190 illus., 90 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 149,79 | € (A) 153,99 | sFr 186,50 7€ 139,99 | £126.00 ISBN 978-1-4939-1325-1 2015. X, 298 p. 260 illus., 64 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-662-44022-3 9<HTMEUD=jbfad > 10 9<HTMEUD=jbdcfb> 9<HTOGRC=e ac d> News 8/2014 D. J. Goldsmith, Guy’s Hospital, London, UK; A. Covic, Gr. T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iasi, Romania; J. Spaak, Karolinska Institutet Danderyd University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden (Eds) Cardio-Renal Clinical Challenges Contents Epicardial coronary heart disease in chronic kidney disease: diagnosis and management.- Small vessel disease in CKD, Diabetes, obesity and Hypertension.- Sudden Cardiac Death and Arrhythmia in Chronic Kidney Disease.- Anticoagulation in Chronic Kidney Disease.- MRA inhibition in CKD: more than salt and water.- Vascular effects of inflammation and oxidative stress in CKD.Uric acid, allopurinol: the cardio-renal silver bullet?.- FGF23 and phosphate: two cardiovascular toxins with distinct toxicity profiles?.- Renal congestion in heart failure.- Effect of Vitamin D on Endothelial Function and Blood Pressure.Vitamin D and its effects on the heart.- Volume overload in chronic kidney disease: Pathophysiology, Assessment techniques, Consequences and Treatment.- Reversing Arterial Stiffening And Calcification - A Pipe Dream?.- Pulmonary Hypertension in Chronic Kidney Disease: a new problem child.- How To Use Inhibitors Of The Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System In Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease And Heart Failure.- Erectile and sex hormone dysfunction and cardiovascular consequences in chronic kidney disease.- Renal Sympathetic Denervation in the Management of Treatment-Resistant Hypertension.- Future Therapeutic Prospects for Treatment of Cardiorenal Syndromes.- Novel combination therapy to target heart and kidney.- Challenging complex diseases.- Is “Me, Me, Me” the new “We, We, We”? : Can we afford (not) to take the plunge into the personalised, stratified medicine era?. Fields of interest Nephrology; Cardiology; Diabetes Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Contributed volume Medicine & Public Health S. J. Goodlin, Patient-Centered Education and Research, Salt Lake City, UT, USA; M. W. Rich, Washington University School of Medicine, St Louis, MO, USA (Eds) End-of-Life Care in Cardiovascular Disease Features 7 Details the practical issues open to cardiovascular physicians and those medical professionals who manage patients reaching the end of their life from a cardiology perspective 7 Details the management options open to physicians to ensure that their practice is in line with the requirements of the patient nearing the end of their life 7 Includes discussion of ethical, cultural and geographical issues that need to be considered when managing these patients Contents Introduction.- Dying from Cardiovascular Disease: An Epidemiologic Perspective.- Decision Making about End of Life Care: Advance Directives, Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare, and Talking with Patients about Dying with Heart Disease.- Palliative Care and Hospice in Patients with Advanced Cardiovascular Disease.- End-ofLife Care in Hospitalized Patients with Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Disease.- End-of-Life Care in the Intensive Care Unit.- End-of-Life Care on the Surgical Services.- Management of Cardiovascular Death in the Emergency Department.- Management of Hospitalized Patients with Unexpected Cardiopulmonary Arrest.- End-ofLife Care in the Nursing Home.- End-of-Life Care in Patients with Congenital and Pediatric Heart Disease.- Psychosocial, Spiritual, and Existential Issues at End of Life.- Management of Implanted Cardiac Devices at End of Life.- Models of End-ofLife Care in the Home Environment. Fields of interest Cardiology; Geriatrics/Gerontology; Aging Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Contributed volume A. M. Greenberg, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA (Ed) Craniomaxillofacial Reconstructive and Corrective Bone Surgery Principles of Internal Fixation Using AO/ASIF Technique This in-depth revision of the successful first edition is one of the only books of its kind to cover the full range of craniomaxillofacial reconstructive and corrective bone surgery. This evolving field has a large number of worldwide clinicians and new developments, especially in technology and new plate designs, and appeals to oral and maxillofacial surgeons, plastic surgeons, ENT/Head and Neck Surgeons, and neurosurgeons alike. Complete with updates on popular topics from the first edition, such as advanced bone healing concepts in craniomaxillofacial reconstructive and corrective bone surgery and the ITI Dental Implant System, this edition specifically addresses the coverage of craniomaxillofacial reconstructive and corrective bone surgery as they pertain to the use of AO/ASIF techniques and instrumentation distributed globally. Features 7 One of the only books to cover the full range of craniomaxillofacial reconstructive and corrective bone surgery 7 Includes topics such as advanced bone healing concepts in craniomaxillofacial reconstructive and corrective bone surgery and the ITI Dental Implant System 7 Addresses the coverage of craniomaxillofacial reconstructive and corrective bone surgery as they pertain to the use of AO/ASIF techniques and instrumentation Fields of interest Plastic Surgery; Otorhinolaryngology; Dentistry Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Professional book Due September 2014 Due September 2014 Due December 2014 2015. X, 270 p. 42 illus., 35 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 128,39 | € (A) 131,99 | sFr 160,00 7€ 119,99 | £108.00 ISBN 978-3-319-09161-7 2015. X, 230 p. 16 illus., 8 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 128,39 | € (A) 131,99 | sFr 160,00 7€ 119,99 | £108.00 ISBN 978-1-4471-6520-0 2nd ed. 2014. XX, 880 p. Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 213,95 | € (A) 219,94 | sFr 265,50 7 approx.€ 199,95 | £179.50 ISBN 978-1-4939-1528-6 9<HTODMJ=ajbgbh> 9<HTMEPH=bgfca > 9<HTMEUD=jbfcig> 11 Medicine & Public Health springer.com/NEWSonline A. M. Greenberg, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA (Ed) L. V. Gulotta, E. V. Craig, Hospital for Special Surgery, New York, NY, USA (Eds) Digital Technologies for Craniomaxillofacial Surgery Massive Rotator Cuff Tears igital technologies are changing the way that surD geons operate. They are revolutionizing the ability of surgeons to visualize, plan, and create rapid prototyped models and patient- specific implants for the broad disciplines of ENT, plastic, oral and maxillofacial surgeons. Presenting a logical, comprehensive approach to the patient with a massive rotator cuff tear, this book begins with the pathoanatomy and diagnostic work-up for this common injury, including imaging. Both non-operative and operative treatment options for massive tears follow, including arthroscopy, the use of biologics and patches, tendon transfers, and hemiarthroplasty and reverse total shoulder arthroplasty. A practical treatment algorithm for clinicians treating patients with massive rotator cuff tears is also included. Each chapter opens with pearls and pitfalls covering the main key points for quick reference. Features 7 Provides information on the latest digital technologies available for craniomaxillofacial surgery 7 Only book of its kind to review the new digital methodologies related to craniomaxillofacial surgery 7 Discusses how this technology is revolutionizing the ability of surgeons to visualize, plan, and create rapid prototyped models and patient specific implants Contents 1. Craniomaxillofacial Surgery Digital Technologies: An overview.- 2. Helical CT and Cone Beam CT: Basis for Digital Navigation and Manufacturing.- 3. Navigation for Sinus Surgery.- 4. Navigation for Craniomaxillofacial Reconstruction.- 5. CT Guided Dental Implant Surgery.- 6. Orthognathic Surgery: Digital Planning.- 7. Craniomaxillofacial Oncological Surgery: Digital Planning.- 8. Craniomaxillofacial Surgery: Custom Bone Plates.- 9. Optical Technologies for Restorative Dentistry.- 10. Rapid Manufacturing Technologies for Craniomaxillofacial Surgery and Dentistry.11. Custom Facial Implants using 3D Modeling.12. Custom Cranial Implants using 3D Modeling.- 13. Future Directions of Craniomaxillofacial Surgery and Digital Technologies. Fields of interest Otorhinolaryngology; Head and Neck Surgery; Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Diagnosis and Management Features 7 Presents a comprehensive discussion of current operative and non-operative treatment options for massive rotator cuff tears, such as arthroscopy, biologics, tendon transfers and reverse shoulder arthroplasty 7 Includes background, indications and contraindications, step-by-step description, pearls and pitfalls and outcomes for all treatment techniques 7 Contains plentiful illustrations and intra-operative photographs Contents Pathophysiology of Rotator Cuff Tears.- History and Physical Exam.- Imaging of the Rotator Cuff.- Non-Operative Management: Natural History, Medications and Injections.- Arthroscopic Treatment.- Biologics and Patches.- Latissimus Dorsi Tendon Transfer.- Pectoralis Major Tendon Transfer.- Hemiarthroplasty.- Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty.- Treatment Algorithm for Patients with Massive Rotator Cuff Tears. Fields of interest Orthopedics; Sports Medicine; Rehabilitation A. L. Halverson, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, USA; D. C. Borgstrom, Mithoefer Center for Rural Surgery, Cooperstown, NY, USA (Eds) Advanced Surgical Techniques for Rural Surgeons Contents Endoscopic Control of Upper GI Bleeding.- Endoscopic and Laparoscopic Techniques for Enteral Access.- Endomucosal Resection of Colon Polyps and Control of Postpolypectomy Bleeding.- Laparoscopic Common Bile Duct Exploration.- Partial Cholecystectomy.- Percutaneous Cholecystostomy.- Laparoscopic Repair of Abdominal Wall Hernias.- Closure Repair of Complex Ventral Hernias - Open with Separation of Parts.- Surgical Management of Skin Neoplasias of the Face.- Defect Closure after Lesion Excision of the Face.Surgical Management of Melanoma of the Trunk and Extremities.- Post-Excisional Wound Closure Chapter for Rural Surgeons.- Breast Ultrasound in Rural Surgical Practice.- Oncoplastic Lumpectomy.- Skin-Sparing Mastectomy.- Epistaxis.- Thyroid Surgery.- Parathyroidectomy.- Central Venous Access for Rural Surgeons.- Pacemakers.- The Vein Stripping Ablation and Phlebectomy.- Decompressive Craniotomy in Trauma.- Tracheostomy and Cricothyroidotomy.- Repair of Soft Tissue Facial Injuries.- Repair of Fingertip Amputations.- Damage Control Laparotomy.- Cesarean Section in a Rural Setting.- Surgical Management of Ectopic Pregnancy.- Ovarian Torsion.- Percutaneous Suprapubic Catheter Placement.- Pre-operative ureteral catheter placement to prevent ureteral injuries.- Surgical Management of Testicular Torsion.- Vasectomy.- Perioperative Management in Infants and Children.- Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis (HPS) in Infancy. Fields of interest General Surgery; Intensive / Critical Care Medicine; Head and Neck Surgery Target groups Professional/practitioner Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Professional book Product category Contributed volume Due April 2015 Due August 2014 Due October 2014 2015. XX, 380 p. 250 illus., 200 in color. Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 171,15 | € (A) 175,94 | sFr 216,00 7 approx.€ 159,95 | £146.50 ISBN 978-1-4939-1531-6 2014. X, 183 p. 82 illus., 48 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 128,39 | € (A) 131,99 | sFr 160,00 7€ 119,99 | £108.00 ISBN 978-1-4899-7493-8 2015. XX, 224 p. 292 illus., 263 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 128,39 | € (A) 131,99 | sFr 160,00 7€ 119,99 | £108.00 ISBN 978-1-4939-1494-4 9<HTMEUD=jbfdbg> 12 9<HTMETJ=jhejdi> Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Contributed volume 9<HTMEUD=jbeje > News 8/2014 Medicine & Public Health V. Hraška, German Pediatric Heart Center, Sankt Augustin, Germany; P. Murín, Asklepios Klinik Sankt Augustin Deutsches Kinderherzzentrum, Sankt Augustin, Germany V. Ilankovan, Poole Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Poole, UK; M. Ethunandan, Southampton General Hospital, Southampton, UK; T. E. Seah, Singapore, Singapore Surgical Management of Congenital Heart Disease II Local Flaps in Facial Reconstruction Single Ventricle and Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome Aortic Arch Anomalies Septal Defects and Anomalies in Pulmonary Venous Return Anomalies of Thoracic Arteries and Veins A Video Manual A Defect Based Approach Approximately 120 different surgical procedures are used to correct congenital heart diseases, and the burden that this places on the surgeon is compounded by the exceptional complexity of the techniques and the rarity of many of the lesions. Training is problematic, not least because of legal issues, and currently available texts, drawings and images are no substitute for real ‘live’ surgery. Against this background, the authors have set out to create an interactive multimedia manual that covers many aspects of congenital heart surgery. Features 7 A manual with DVDs that covers all aspects of congenital heart surgery 7 Presents the surgical approach and technique for each heart defect by means of high-quality, instructive video clips 7 Video clips are accompanied by a clear descriptive narrative, including patient history and diagnostic images 7 A powerful teaching tool for surgeons and surgeons in training Contents From the Contents: Aortic Arch Surgery.- Septal Defects.- Thoracic Arteries and Veins.- Single Ventricle Palliation.- Residuals Surgery. Fields of interest Surgery; Cardiac Surgery; Cardiology Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Monograph Written by three experienced consultants with a large skin cancer practice and international reputations for excellence, this book provides comprehensive practical solutions to defects in the head and neck region that are confronted by the clinician in day-to-day practice. Essential information is first provided on anesthesia, defect assessment and individual flaps, while the core chapters focus on the reconstruction of specific defects at specific sites. The defects and reconstructive solutions are depicted by means of sequential, clinically relevant line drawings that are complemented by clear supporting text highlighting the intricacies and nuances of the procedure and the decision-making process. Helpful algorithms at the end of each chapter summarize the solutions. Features 7 Provides clinicians and trainees with step-bystep descriptions of the reconstructive solutions for specific defects 7 Depicts procedures by means of sequential line drawings 7 Highlights subtleties of the procedures and decision-making process Contents Local anaesthesia.- Aesthetic & reconstructive units.- Decision making process / defect assessment.- Individual flaps.- Reconstruction of specific sites. Fields of interest Plastic Surgery; Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery; Dermatology Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Monograph O. Istre, Fredriksberg, Denmark (Ed) Minimally Invasive Gynecological Surgery In this book, world-renowned experts describe the latest advances in minimally invasive gynecologic surgery and explain why endoscopy is of key importance in so many conditions. Features 7 Presents and discusses the latest advances in minimally invasive gynecologic surgery 7 Considers a wide range of techniques and indications 7 Explains the role of laparoscopy in gynecologic oncology 7 Written by world-renowned experts Contents Imaging before Endoscopic Surgery.- Hysteroscopic Instrumentation.- Uterine Malformation.- Asherman Syndrome.- Hysteroscopic Sterilization.- Endometrial Polyps.- Diagnostic Methods, Risk Factors of Niches, Related Symptoms and Therapies.- Adenomyosis.- Laparoscopic Hysterectomy.- Laparoscopic Subtotal Hysterectomy.- How to Avoid Laparotomy During Hysterectomy.- Robotic Approach to Management of Fibroids.- Uterine Artery Occlusion in Patient with Fibroids, Infertility and Symptomatic Studies.- Barbed Suture Use in Minimally Invasive Gynecology.- Laparoscopic Cerclage.- Laparoscopic Approach to Pelvic Organ Prolapse.- Feasibility of Single Port Hysterectomy.- Learning Curve and Perioperative Outcomes Associated with Laparoendoscopic Single Site Surgery.- Adhesion Prevention in Minimal Invasive Gynecological Surgery.- Complications.- Neurophysiology and Minimal Invasive Laparoscopic Therapy. Fields of interest Gynecology; Minimally Invasive Surgery; Obstetrics/Perinatology Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Professional book Due October 2014 2014. Approx. 220 p. 270 illus., 260 in color. With DVD. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 171,19 | € (A) 175,99 | sFr 213,00 7€ 159,99 | £144.00 ISBN 978-3-662-44069-8 9<HTOGRC=e agji> Due September 2014 Due September 2014 2015. XV, 172 p. 143 illus. Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7 approx.€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08478-7 2015. XX, 210 p. 99 illus., 79 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 85,59 | € (A) 87,99 | sFr 106,50 7€ 79,99 | £72.00 ISBN 978-3-662-44058-2 9<HTODMJ=aiehih> 9<HTOGRC=e afic> 13 Medicine & Public Health springer.com/NEWSonline T. Itakura, Koyo Hospital, Wakayama, Japan (Ed) M. B. Jackson, S. Mookherjee, N. P. Hamlin, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA (Eds) Deep Brain Stimulation for Neurological Disorders The Perioperative Medicine Consult Handbook Theoretical Background and Clinical Application Chronic electrical stimulation of the brain has demonstrated excellent outcomes in patients with Parkinson’s disease and has recently also been applied to various other neurological diseases. This comprehensive, up-to-date textbook will meet the needs of all who wish to learn more about the application of deep brain stimulation and will provide a sound basis for safe and accurate surgery. Features 7 Extensive discussion of the findings of clinical studies 7 Detailed descriptions of surgical technique 7 Essential anatomical and functional background information Contents Basic Background of Brain Stimulation: Anatomy and Physiology.- Basal Ganglia and Neuron Network.- Mechanism of Brain Stimulation.Symptoms and Signs.- Parkinson disease.- Other movement disorders.- Epilepsy. Clinical Studies on Deep Brain Stimulation: Intraoperative Microrecording.- Instrument of Brain Stimulation.- Surgical Technique.- Instrument.- Parkinson disease.- Stimulation of Subthalamic Nucleus.Stimulation of Globus Pallidus.- Stimulation of Thalamus.- Dystonia.- Essential Tremor.- Intractable pain.- Motor Cortex Stimulation.- Spinal Cord Stimulation.- Psychiatric Disorders.- Epilepsy.Complications. Fields of interest Neurosurgery; Neurology Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Contributed volume Contents Introduction.- Styles of Medical Consultation.The Preoperative Evaluation.- Perioperative Medication Management.- Anesthesia Pearls.Cardiovascular Risk Stratification.- Ischemic Heart Disease.- Perioperative Beta-blockers.Atrial Fibrillation.- Hypertension.- Valvular Heart Disease.- Implantable Cardiac Electronic Devices.Diabetes Mellitus.- Stress-Dose Steroids.- Thyroid Disease.- Liver Disease and Perioperative Risk.- Inflammatory Bowel Disease.- Chronic Anticoagulation.- Disorders of .- Thrombocytopenia.- Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia.Anemia.- Sickle Cell Disease.- Cerebrovascular Disease.- Epilepsy and Seizure Disorders.- Parkinson’s Disease.- Pulmonary Risk Assessment and Management.- Asthma and COPD.- Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome.- Pulmonary Hypertension.- Venous Thromboembolic Disease.- Restrictive Lung Disease.- Chronic Kidney Disease.- Acute Kidney Injury.- Rheumatoid Arthritis.- Systemic Lupus Erythematosus.- Gout and Pseudogout.- Bariatric Surgery.- Decision-Making Capacity.- Perioperative Care of Elderly Patients.- Nutrition.- Patients with A Solid Organ Transplant.- Substance Abuse and Dependence.- The Postoperative Evaluation.Postoperative .- Postoperative Delirium.- Postoperative Ileus.- Surgical Procedures Overview. Fields of interest Internal Medicine; Intensive / Critical Care Medicine; Surgery Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Professional book D. A. Jans, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Clayton, VIC, Australia; R. Ghildyal, University of Canberra, Bruce, ACT, Australia (Eds) Rhinoviruses Methods and Protocols Features 7 Includes cutting-edge methods and protocols 7 Provides step-by-step detail essential for reproducible results 7 Contains key notes and implementation advice from the experts Contents Classification and Evolution of Human Rhinoviruses.- Nested-RT-PCR and Multiplex RT-PCR for Diagnosis of Rhinovirus Infection in Clinical Samples.- Molecular Identification and Quantification of Human Rhinoviruses in Respiratory Samples.Molecular Genotyping of Human Rhinovirus by PCR and Sanger Sequencing.- Growth of Human Rhinovirus in H1-Hela Cell Suspension Culture and Purification of Virions.- Propagation of Rhinovirus – C Strains in Differentiated Epithelial Cells of Human Airway at Air-Liquid Interface.Infectivity Assays of Human Rhinovirus-A and –B Serotypes.- Application of FCS in Studies of Rhinovirus Receptor Binding and Uncoating.Capillary Electrophoresis, Gas Phase Electrophoretic Mobility Molecular Analysis, and Electron Microscopy - Effective Tools for Quality Assessment and Basic Rhinovirus Research.- Proteases of Human Rhinovirus – Role in Infection.- A Protocol to Express and Isolate HRV16 3C Protease for Use in In vitro Protease Assays.- Reverse Genetics System for Studying Human Rhinovirus Infections.- Reverse Genetic Engineering of the Human Rhinovirus Serotype 16 Genome to Introduce an Antibody-Detectable Tag.- Mouse Models of Rhinovirus Infection and Airways Disease. Fields of interest Infectious Diseases; Virology Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Contributed volume Due October 2014 Due September 2014 Due October 2014 2015. X, 300 p. 83 illus., 37 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 149,79 | € (A) 153,99 | sFr 186,50 7€ 139,99 | £126.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08475-6 2nd ed. 2015. 275 p. 9 illus., 5 in color. Softcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 48,14 | € (A) 49,49 | sFr 59,50 7 approx.€ 44,99 | £40.99 ISBN 978-3-319-09365-9 9<HTODMJ=aiehfg> 14 9<HTODMJ=ajdgfj> 2015. XII, 202 p. 37 illus., 17 in color. (Methods in Molecular Biology, Volume 1221) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 101,64 | € (A) 104,49 | sFr 126,50 7€ 94,99 | £85.50 ISBN 978-1-4939-1570-5 9<HTMEUD=jbfhaf> News 8/2014 N. Juffermans, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; T. Walsh, University of Edinburgh The Queens Medical Research Institute, Edinburgh, UK (Eds) Transfusion in the Intensive Care Unit Due to a high incidence of anemia, critically ill patients are frequently transfused, with up to 40% of patients receiving a transfusion during their stay in the Intensive Care Unit. Features 7 Offers practical guidelines for transfusion tailored to specific ICU patient populations 7 Summarizes results from clinical trials performed in the past decade which have studied transfusion triggers for red blood cells, plasma, and platelets in the ICU 7 Provides background on the pathophysiology of anemia in the critically ill, the tolerance of specific patient groups to anemia and the purpose of red blood cell transfusion Contents Introduction.- Causes of Anemia in Critically Ill Patients.- Red Blood Cell Transfusion Trigger in Sepsis.- Red Blood Cell Transfusion Trigger in Cardiac Disease.- Red Blood Cell Transfusion Trigger in Cardiac Surgery.- Red Blood Cell Transfusion Trigger in Brain Injury.- Red Blood Cell Transfusion in the Elderly.- ScvO2 as an Alternative Transfusion Trigger.- Alternatives to Red Blood Cell Transfusion.- Blood Sparing Alternatives in the Intensive Care Unit.- Massive Transfusion in Trauma.- Transfusion in Gastrointestinal Bleeding.- Platelet Transfusion Trigger in the Intensive Care Unit.- FFP Transfusion in Intensive Care Medicine.- Transfusion-Related Acute Lung Injury.- Transfusion-Associated Circulatory Overload. Fields of interest Intensive / Critical Care Medicine; Anesthesiology; Cardiac Surgery Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Professional book Medicine & Public Health C. C. Kaeding, J. R. Borchers, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA (Eds) C. P. Karakousis, State University of New York at Buffalo Buffalo General Hospital, Buffalo, NY, USA Hamstring and Quadriceps Injuries in Athletes Atlas of Operative Procedures in Surgical Oncology A Clinical Guide Contents Surgical Technique in Cancer Surgery.- Intraoperative Lymphatic Mapping/Sentinel Lymphadenectomy.- Tumor in the Hand.- Tumor in the Wrist.- Tumor in the Ventral Aspect of the Forearm.- Tumor in the Dorsal Aspect of the Forearm.- Tumor in the Anterior Compartment of the Arm.- Tumor in the Dorsal Aspect of the Arm.- Tumor in the Medial Arm.- Axillary Node Dissection.- In Continuity Axillary and Supraclavicular Node Dissection.- Neck Dissection.- Tumor at the Shoulder Point.- Tumor in the Neck.- Scapulectomy.- Shoulder Disarticulation.Forequarter Amputation.- Tumor in the Back.Chest Wall Tumors.- Tumor in the Lower Chest Wall and Upper Abdomen.- Involvement of the Abdominal Wall by Tumor.- One-Layer Closure of the Abdominal Wall.- Midline Abdominal Wall Gaps and Incisional Hernia.- Regional Chemotherapy Infusion Via the Hepatic Artery.- Peritoneolysis in the Reconstruction of a Roux-en-Y Loop.- Hilar Hepatojejunostomy.- Hepatic Resection.- Pancreaticoduodenectomy.- Distal Pancreatectomy.- Colonic Interposition for Esophageal Replacement.- Ileal Loop Bladder-Interposition Conduit.- Resection of Mesenteric Tumors.- Dissection in the Bowel Mesentery and Its Clinical Applications.- Retroperitoneal Node Dissection.Retroperitoneal Sarcomas.- Tumor in the Lesser Sac.- Tumor in the Right Abdomen.- Tumor in the Left Abdomen.- The T or L Incision in Resection of Tumors of the Pelvis.- Groin Dissection.- Abdominoinguinal Incision in the Resection of Pelvic Tumors and Limb Salvage.- Resection of Pelvic Tumors with Visceral Involvement.- Internal Hemipelvectomy. Injuries to the hamstring and quadriceps muscles can occur in both low- and high-impact sports and as such are among the more common injuries incurred by athletes. Reviewing the relevant physiology, epidemiology, mechanisms, clinical presentation and treatment of these conditions, Hamstring and Quadriceps Injuries in Athletes covers all sports-related injuries of the thigh musculature in one place. Features 7 Reviews physiology, epidemiology, mechanism, clinical presentation and treatment of hamstring and quadriceps injuries in athletes 7 Illustrates management for avulsions, tendinosis, strains, contusions and other athletic injuries 7 Includes chapters on rehabilitation, injury prevention and return to play Contents Functional Anatomy of the Hamstrings and Quadriceps.- Quadriceps and Hamstrings Strength in Athletes.- Epidemiology of Hamstring and Quadriceps Injury.- Midsubstance Hamstring Injuries in the Athlete.- Acute Proximal Hamstring Tendon Avulsions.- Biologic Enhancement of Healing in Hamstring Injuries.- Hamstring Harvest: Rehabilitation and Clinical Outcomes.- Proximal Quadriceps Injuries in Athletes.- Contusions, Myositis Ossificans and Compartment Syndrome of the Thigh.- Quadriceps Tendon Ruptures.- Rehabilitation of Quadriceps Injuries.- Hamstring Injury Rehabilitation and Injury Prevention. Fields of interest Sports Medicine; Orthopedics; Rehabilitation Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Professional book Field of interest Surgical Oncology Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Monograph Due September 2014 Due September 2014 Due October 2014 2015. XV, 188 p. 21 illus., 6 in color. Softcover 7 *€ (D) 85,59 | € (A) 87,99 | sFr 106,50 7€ 79,99 | £72.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08734-4 2015. VI, 340 p. 66 illus., 53 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 85,59 | € (A) 87,99 | sFr 106,50 7€ 79,99 | £72.00 ISBN 978-1-4899-7509-6 2015. 230 p. 522 illus., 495 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 128,39 | € (A) 131,99 | sFr 160,00 7€ 119,99 | £108.00 ISBN 978-1-4939-1633-7 9<HTODMJ=aihde > 9<HTMETJ=jhfajg> 9<HTMEUD=jbgd h> 15 Medicine & Public Health Z. A. Karcioglu, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA (Ed) Orbital Tumors Diagnosis and Treatment Orbital Tumors, 2nd edition discusses advances in orbital disease and their treatment, offering readers an up-to-date, single volume reference for orbital tumors. Divided into two parts, this book covers everything from advances in oncogenesis and its relationship to orbital tumors, to medical genetics and the role of imaging in diagnosis of orbital tumors. Additionally, new information on incidence and behavior of tumors resulting from environmental and social trends is included. Written and edited by leaders in the fields of ophthalmology and oncology, Orbital Tumors, 2nd edition builds upon the first edition, proving to be a useful reference for orbital specialists and of significant interest for everyone dealing with orbital pathology from a clinical and scientific point of view. Features 7 Discusses advances in orbital diseases and their treatment 7 Offers an up-to-date, single-volume reference on orbital tumors 7 Emphasizes improvements in diagnostic and therapeutic measures over the last decade 7 Topics covered include everything from advances in oncogenesis and its relationship to orbital tumors, to medical genetics and the role of imaging in diagnosis of orbital tumors 7 Written for orbital specialists and of significant interest for everyone dealing with orbital pathology from a clinical and scientific point of view springer.com/NEWSonline M. Keuchel, Bethesda Hospital Bergedorf, Hamburg, Germany; F. Hagenmüller, Asklepios Hospital Altona Medizinische Abt. I - Gastroenterologie, Hamburg, Germany; H. Tajiri, Jikei University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan (Eds) Video Capsule Endoscopy A Reference Guide and Atlas This book is simultaneously a superb atlas and a detailed guide to all aspects of video capsule endoscopy. History, technique, performance, reading, indications, contraindications, outcomes, complications and alternative methods are described systematically by a large panel of experts. Features 7 Comprehensive overview of the technique and performance of video capsule endoscopy 7 Systematic description of small bowel diseases 7 Huge collection of typical and rare images 7 Includes colon capsule endoscopy 7 Contributions from a large panel of experts Contents Video Capsule Endoscopy.-Complementary Procedures.-Normal Small Intestine.-Diverticula.Vascular Diseases of the Small Intestine.Inflammatory and Systemic Diseases.-Tumors of the Smal Intestine.-Findings Outside the Small Intestine.-Postoperative and Postinterventional Changes.-Complications:Prevention and Management.-Pediatric Findings.-Influence of VCE on Clinical Outcome.-Esophageal Capsule Endoscopy.- Future Developments of Capsule Endoscopy. W. E. Khalbuss, Clarient Diagnostic Services, Aliso Viejo, CA, USA; Q. K. Li, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA (Eds) Diagnostic Cytopathology Board Review and SelfAssessment Diagnostic Cytopathology Board Review and SelfAssessment provides a comprehensive systemsbased review of non-gynecological cytology including cytomorphology, pitfalls and ancillary studies, presented in a high-yield format with board-type multiple choice questions and detailed answers. Features 7 Over 800 board exam-type questions 7 Over 600 high-quality full-color photomicrographs 7 Concise high-yield review with tables emphasizing key diagnostic points 7 Written by experienced cytopathologists with intensive teaching experience Fields of interest Ophthalmology; Pathology; Oncology Fields of interest Gastroenterology; Imaging / Radiology; Abdominal Surgery Contents Chapter 1. Lung Cytopathology (Bronchial and Aspiration Cytology).- Chapter 2. Serous Fluid Cytopathology.- Chapter 3. Cerebrospinal Fluid Cytology.- Chapter 4. Thyroid Fine-Needle Aspiration.- Chapter 5. Lymph Node Cytopathology.- Chapter 6. Salivary Gland Fine-Needle Aspiration.- Chapter 7. Liver Fine-Needle Aspiration.- Chapter 8. Pancreatic Fine-Needle Aspiration.- Chapter 9. Gastrointestinal and Bile Duct Brushing Cytology.- Chapter 10. Renal and Adrenal Fine-Needle Aspiration.- Chapter 11. Urine Cytopathology.- Chapter 12. Soft Tissue and Bone Fine-Needle Aspiration.- Chapter 13. Application of Molecular Diagnostics to Cytopathology. Target groups Professional/practitioner Target groups Professional/practitioner Field of interest Pathology Product category Professional book Product category Professional book Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Professional book Due October 2014 Due September 2014 2nd ed. 2015. XX, 1026 p. 347 illus., 278 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 128,39 | € (A) 131,99 | sFr 160,00 7€ 119,99 | £108.00 ISBN 978-1-4939-1509-5 2015. XIV, 480 p. 715 illus., 693 in color. With DVD. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 128,39 | € (A) 131,99 | sFr 160,00 7€ 119,99 | £108.00 ISBN 978-3-662-44061-2 9<HTMEUD=jbfajf> 16 9<HTOGRC=e agbc> Due October 2014 2015. XIV, 966 p. 483 illus. in color. Softcover 7 *€ (D) 128,39 | € (A) 131,99 | sFr 160,00 7€ 119,99 | £108.00 ISBN 978-1-4939-1476-0 9<HTMEUD=jbehga> News 8/2014 Medicine & Public Health Z. H. Khan, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran (Ed) R. V. Khanna, G. Bratslavsky, SUNY Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, NY, USA; R. J. Stein, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, USA (Eds) Airway Management Surgical Techniques for Prostate Cancer Because of his international prominence, Professor Khan has been able to gather an enviable list of experts in the field to contribute their experience with airway management in a multitude of clinical settings. The critical appraisal of the airway authored by the editor, Professor Khan, sets the stage for the important preoperative tests that may alert the clinician of the potential for a difficult airway so that appropriate plans can be made. Features 7 A comprehensive book on airway management 7 Covers all aspects of a challenging airway 7 Easy to grasp and up to date management strategies for controversial airway scenarios 7 Highlights and discusses debatable issues in state of art fashion Contents Physiology of the airway.- Airway Assessment-A Critical Appraisal.- Video laryngoscopy & indirect intubating aids in airway management.- Perioperative care of ambulatory anaesthesia.- The pediatric airway: Normal and abnormal.- Intubation of the pediatric patient.- The difficult pediatric airway: Management options.- Perioperative Management of obstructive sleep apnea.- Airway management in traumatic brain injury.- Airway management in cervical spine injured patients.Indigenous devises in difficult airway management.- Cricothyrotomy.- Surgical airway.- Surgical approaches to airway management.- Difficult Airway in Obstetrics.- Ultrasonography: Heralding a new era in airway management. Fields of interest Anesthesiology; Intensive / Critical Care Medicine; Human Physiology This volume provides a comprehensive review and detailed description of surgical techniques for prostate cancer surgery. All aspects are covered, including surgical anatomy and methods of transrectal ultrasound guided prostate biopsies, step-by-step approach techniques for radical prostatectomy, and the latest data on outcomes. Furthermore, limitations as well as tips and tricks are detailed in addition to management of common complications. Lastly, with the increasing use of ablative therapy and brachytherapy, the mechanism of action as well as the keys to obtaining optimal outcomes are illustrated. Surgical Techniques for Prostate Cancer is a concise and valuable resource to surgeons that documents the different approaches to prostate cancer surgery. Features 7 Written entirely by experts in their field 7 The first single, concise reference documenting the different approaches to prostate cancer surgery 7 Provides a step by step approach to techniques Contents Essentials of the Human Prostate.- Transrectal Ultrasound Guided Prostate Biopsy.- Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Prostate Cancer Diagnosis.- Open Radical Retropubic Prostatectomy and Pelvic Lymph Node Dissection.- Laparoscopic Prostatectomy and Pelvic Lymph Node Dissection.- Robotic Prostatectomy.- Perineal Prostatectomy.- Brachytherapy.- Prostate Cryoablation.Focal Ablation for Prostate Cancer. Target groups Research Fields of interest Urology/Andrology; General Surgery; Minimally Invasive Surgery Product category Contributed volume Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Contributed volume H. Knotkova, Metropolitan Jewish Health Systems (MJHS), New York, NY, USA; D. Rasche, Department of Neurosurgery University Hospital of SchleswigHolstein, Lübeck, Germany (Eds) Textbook of Neuromodulation Principles, Methods and Clinical Applications Features 7 Allows readers to understand basic principles and rationale of neuromodulation and critically assess each method and its clinical application 7 Written by leading experts in the field 7 Well-illustrated Contents Principles of Neuromodulation.- Methods and Technologies for Low-Intensity Transcranial Electrical Stimulation: Waveforms, Terminology, and Historical Notes.- Peripheral Nerve Stimulation.- Spinal Cord Stimulation.- Dorsal Root Ganglion Stimulation: A Target for Neuromodulation Therapies.- Deep Brain Stimulation.- Motor Cortex Stimulation.- Physiological Basis of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation.- Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation: Protocols and Physiological Mechanisms of Action.- Customization of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation for Susceptible Populations Including at the Extremes of Age, Obesity, and Stroke.- Cranial Electrical Stimulation.- The Mechanisms and Actions of Motor Imagery Within the Clinical Setting.Neuroprosthesis and Sensory-Motor Training.Clinical Applications of Neuromodulation in Psychiatry.- Applications of Neuromodulation in Pain Management.- Applications of Neuromodulation in Neurology and Neurorehabilitation.Neuromodulation for Addiction.- Enhancement of Sensory and Cognitive Functions in Healthy Subjects.- Conclusive Overview. Fields of interest Neurology; Psychiatry; Pain Medicine Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Contributed volume Due August 2014 Due August 2014 Due September 2014 2015. XII, 323 p. 123 illus., 82 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 128,39 | € (A) 131,99 | sFr 160,00 7€ 119,99 | £108.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08577-7 2014. X, 125 p. 59 illus., 50 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 128,39 | € (A) 131,99 | sFr 160,00 7€ 119,99 | £108.00 ISBN 978-1-4939-1615-3 2015. XIV, 290 p. 77 illus., 48 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 128,39 | € (A) 131,99 | sFr 160,00 7€ 119,99 | £108.00 ISBN 978-1-4939-1407-4 9<HTODMJ=aifh h> 9<HTMEUD=jbgbfd> 9<HTMEUD=jbeahe> 17 Medicine & Public Health S. Kumar, University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis, TN, USA (Ed) Teledentistry Teledentistry is of growing interest to the healthcare world. Over the last few years, momentum is growing in research and service in Teledentistry - mostly carried out by tertiary medical institutes across the world. Features 7 First ever book on Teledentistry 7 Written by experts from around the globe 7 Discusses the most up to date status of technology and service in teledentistry Contents Introduction to Teledentistry.- Teledentistry in practice: Literature review.- Effect of a home tele care program on oral health among adults with tetraplegia.- Comparing potential early caries assessment methods for teledentistry.- Distant diagnosis of oral disease using e-mails.- Factors influencing the adoption and implementation of teledentistry in the UK, with a focus on orthodontics.- Teledentistry for screening new patient orthodontic referrals.- Field testing of remote teledentistry technology.- Remote diagnosis of children dental problems based on non-invasive photographs.- Endodontic-oral surgery teleconsultation.- Role of teledentistry in dental education.- Teledentistry in dental specialist education in Finland.- Ethics and the electronic health record in dental school clinics.- Teledentistry-assisted, affiliated practice for dental hygienists.- Using teledentistry for providing the specialist access to rural Indians.- Application of teledentistry in oral medicine in a Community Dental Service.Teledentistry – way forward. Fields of interest Health Informatics; Dentistry Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Contributed volume springer.com/NEWSonline B. E. Lacy, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, NH, USA; M. D. Crowell, J. K. DiBaise, Mayo Clinic, Scottsdale, AZ, USA (Eds) Functional and Motility Disorders of the Gastrointestinal Tract A Case Study Approach This volume covers the myriad of functional and motility gastrointestinal disorders in a comprehensive manner. The book is divided into seven major sections, with each section beginning with a brief case presentation highlighting the specific disorder to be reviewed. Features 7 A case study approach with an emphasis on diagnosis and treatment 7 Each chapter includes tables of clinical "pearls" and differential diagnosis 7 Written by international experts in the field of motility disorders Contents Globus.- Dysphagia.- Noncardiac Chest Pain.- Functional Gastrointestinal and Motility Disorders: Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease.Aerophagia, Belching, and Rumination.- Dyspepsia.- Chronic nausea.- Gastroparesis.- Cyclical Vomiting Syndrome.- Gas and Bloating.- Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth.- Chronic Intestinal Pseudo-Obstruction.- Functional Gallbladder Disorder.- Right Upper Quadrant Pain after Cholecystectomy.- Chronic Constipation.- Irritable Bowel Syndrome.- Colonic Inertia.- Chronic Diarrhea.- Fecal Incontinence.- Rectal Pain.- Complementary and Alternative Management Strategies in Irritable Bowel Syndrome.- Appendix: Answers to Teaching Questions. Fields of interest Primary Care Medicine; Internal Medicine; Gastroenterology Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Professional book D. R. Laub Jr., University of Vermont, Burlington, VT, USA (Ed) Congenital Anomalies of the Upper Extremity Etiology and Management Contents Part I. General Considerations.- Embryology and Classification of Congenital Upper Limb Anomalies.- Incidence and Syndromes Associated with Congenital Anomalies of the Upper Limb.Anesthesia Concerns in Congenital Anomalies of the Upper Extremity.- Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Management of Children with Congenital Anomalies of the Upper Extremity.Therapy Management of Children with Congenital Anomalies of the Upper Extremity.- Visible Distinctions and Congenital Anomalies of the Upper Extremities: Psychological Considerations.Part II. Failure of Formation/Differentiation.Radial Longitudinal Deficiency: Radius.- Radial Longitudinal Deficiency: Surgical Reconstruction of Congenital Thumb Hypoplasia.- Congenital Radioulnar Synostosis.- Ulnar Longitudinal Deficiency.- Symbrachydactyly.- Dorsal-Ventral Deficiency.- Part III. Failure of Hand Plate Formation/Differentiation.- Syndactyly: A Review of the Current Knowledge on the Genetic Understanding and Management Techniques.- Apert Syndrome.Central Deficiency (Cleft Hand).- Camptodactyly and Clinodactyly.- Synostosis and Coalitions of the Hand and Wrist.- Congenital Clasped Thumb.- Part IV. Duplication.- Radial Polydactyly.- Ulnar Polydactyly and Ulnar Dimelia.- Part V. Overgrowth, Amniotic Band, and Generalized Anomalies.- Macrodactyly.- Amniotic Band Syndrome.- Arthrogryposis.- Madelung Deformity.Epidermolysis Bullosa.- Osteogenesis Imperfecta. Fields of interest Orthopedics; Plastic Surgery; Pediatrics Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Contributed volume Due September 2014 2015. XI, 120 p. 23 illus., 22 in color. (Health Informatics) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08972-0 9<HTODMJ=aijhca> 18 Due September 2014 Due October 2014 2015. X, 290 p. 34 illus., 22 in color. Softcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-1-4939-1497-5 2015. X, 430 p. 274 illus., 207 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 160,49 | € (A) 164,99 | sFr 200,00 7€ 149,99 | £135.00 ISBN 978-1-4899-7503-4 9<HTMEUD=jbejhf> 9<HTMETJ=jhfade> News 8/2014 A. Lenzi, Sapienza University, Rome, Italy; S. Migliaccio, Foro Italico University, Rome, Italy; L. M. Donini, Sapienza University, Rome, Italy (Eds) Multidisciplinary Approach to Obesity From Assessment to Treatment Contents INTRODUCTORY CHAPTERS: Anatomy and physiology of adipose tissue.- Regulation of energy intake.- Obesity: definition and epidemiology.METABOLISM & ENDOCRINOLOGY: Obesity and thyroid function.- Hypothalamic Growth Hormone/IGF-1 Axis.- Adrenal function and obesity.- Ovarian function and obesity: PCOS, menopause.- Obesity and osteoporosis.- Sarcopenic obesity.- Obesity and testicular function.Obesity and Glucose metabolism.- Dyslipidemia and cardiovascular risk in obesity.- Pulmonary complications of obesity.- Sexual distress in obesity.- EVALUATION OF OBESE SUBJECTS: Clinical evaluation.- Nutritional status evaluation: energy balance and body composition.- Psychiatric and psychological evaluation.- Functional evaluation.- Impairment of quality of life in obesity.- THERAPEUTIC APPROACH: Therapeutic education and psychotherapy.- Dietary intervention and nutritional counseling.- Physical activity and training prescription.- Prescription Medications for the Treatment of Obesity.- Bariatric surgery.- Reconstructive plastic surgery.- Nutritional, metabolic and psychological rehabilitation.- Increasing adherence to diet and exercise through cognitive behavioral strategies.- Interdisciplinary approach to obesity. Fields of interest Endocrinology; Metabolic Diseases; Urology/ Andrology Target groups Professional/practitioner Medicine & Public Health M. Lévêque, Hôpital de la Pitié-Salpétrière, Paris, France (Ed) Chirurgie de la douleur De la lésion à la neuromodulation La chirurgie dans le traitement de la douleur a connu ces dernières années un important développement avec l’avènement des techniques de neuromodulation et, aujourd’hui, rares sont les douleurs chroniques rebelles ne pouvant bénéficier de telles interventions. Plusieurs chapitres reviennent, néanmoins, sur les gestes de chirurgies lésionnelles encore couramment pratiquées que ce soient dans le traitement de la névralgie faciale, des douleurs rachidiennes ou plexiques. Les nouvelles techniques de neuromodulation visant à soulager des douleurs irréductibles sont abordées dans le détail qu’ils s’agissent de la stimulation de la médullaire, sous-cutanée, occipitale, corticale ou cérébrale profonde. Les techniques d’infusion de drogues intrathécales, proposées dans les douleurs cancéreuses et les lombalgies rebelles, sont également traitées. Outre les rappels anatomiques nécessaires à la compréhension de ces techniques, le reste de l’ouvrage est consacré aux indications de ces gestes, à la sélection des patients et à leur suivi médical. Features 7 Le seul ouvrage disponible en français sur ce thème 7 De nombreuses illustrations 7 Chaque technique est traitée par un expert 7 Des tableaux récapitulatifs et des encadrés sur les points clés Fields of interest Pain Medicine; Neurosurgery; Surgery Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Contributed volume Product category Professional book Z. Li, Z. Liao, Changhai Hospital, Shanghai, China; M. McAlindon, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield, UK (Eds) Handbook of Capsule Endoscopy Handbook of Capsule Endoscopy is a concise guide to the clinical diagnostic use of capsule endoscopy, a non-invasive imaging technology of the gastrointestinal tract. This book is written by an international team with over 30 authors from 8 countries, mainly China, Britain, Israel, Italy, Germany, Korea, United Arab Emirates and the United States. This book introduces nearly all aspects of capsule endoscopy, including the six devices currently in use, the set up procedures, indications and contraindications, its application in three organs, special use in pediatrics, safety issues and case presentations. This book is an ideal reference work for physicians and surgeons who wish to utilize this helpful imaging technology. Prof. Zhaoshen Li and Associate Prof. Zhuan Liao are doctors in Changhai Hospital, the Second Military Medical University, Shanghai, China. Features 7 Comprehensive guide written by experts in endoscopy 7 Introduce the six devices currently in use 7 Present interesting and typical cases of capsule 7 Great diagnostic value to physicians and surgeons who perform intestinal surgery Contents The history of wireless capsule endoscopy.- The current main types of capsule endoscopy.- Small bowel capsule endoscopy.- Esophageal capsule endoscopy.- Colon capsule endoscopy.- Non-imaging capsule endoscopy.- Capsule endoscopy in pediatrics.- Comparison of capsule endoscopy and device assisted enteroscopy.- Future development of capsule endoscopy.- Case presentations. Fields of interest Gastroenterology; Imaging / Radiology Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Monograph Due October 2014 A paraître November 2014 Due August 2014 2015. X, 376 p. 38 illus., 19 in color. Softcover 7 *€ (D) 85,59 | € (A) 87,99 | sFr 106,50 7€ 79,99 | £72.00 ISBN 978-3-319-09044-3 2014. Ca. 400 p. 60 ill., 30 en couleurs. Relie 7 approx. *€ (D) 30,43 | € (A) 31,28 | sFr 38,00 7 approx.€ 28,44 | £25.99 ISBN 978-2-8178-0508-5 2014. XI, 199 p. 135 illus., 129 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 149,79 | € (A) 153,99 | sFr 186,50 7€ 139,99 | £126.00 ISBN 978-94-017-9228-8 9<HTODMJ=ajae d> 9<HTNIMH=iafaif> 9<HTUELB=hjc i > 19 Medicine & Public Health P. Liang, X. Yu, J. Yu, Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing, China (Eds) Microwave Ablation Treatment of Solid Tumors Contents Microwave ablation principles and techniques.Microwave ablation of hepatocellular carcinoma.Percutaneous Ultrasound-guided Microwave Ablation of Liver Metastasis.- Microwave Ablation of Large (≥5.0cm) Hepatocellular carcinoma.Percutaneous microwave ablation for benign focal liver lesions.- Complications of microwave ablation for liver tumors.- Percutaneous microwave ablation for liver tumors adjacent to large vessels.Microwave Ablation Therapy of Malignant Liver Tumors Adjacent to the Gallbladder.- Microwave ablation of liver tumors adjacent to hepatic hilum.- Percutaneous Microwave Ablation with Temperature MonitorCombined with ethanol ablation for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Abutting the Gastrointestinal Tract.- Artificial ascites in assisting percutaneous microwave ablation for hepatic tumors adjacent to the gastrointestinal tract.- Microwave ablation in the treatment of Hepatocellular Carcinoma near diaphragm.- Application of artificial pleural effusion in microwave ablation of liver tumor.- Microwave ablation combined with cellular immunotherapy for hepatocellular carcinoma.- Traditional Chinese Medicine Combined with Microwave Ablation against Hepatocellular Carcinoma.- Comparison of microwave ablation with resection and with radiofrequency ablation treatment in hepatocellular carcinoma.- Microwave ablation in renal cell carcinoma.- Microwave ablation of Renal Angiomyolipoma.- Microwave Ablation of Benign Thyroid Nodules.- Microwave Ablation of Adrenal Tumors.- microwave ablation for superficial malignant tumors.- Microwave Ablation of spleen.- Microwave ablation for adenomyosis. Fields of interest Interventional Radiology; Ultrasound; Oncology Target groups Professional/practitioner springer.com/NEWSonline J. C. Liao, Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto, CA, USA; L.‑M. Su, University of Florida College of Medicine, Gainesville, FL, USA (Eds) Advances in Image-Guided Urologic Surgery Features 7 Combines advances in biomedical imaging with intraoperative navigation 7 Written by leading experts in this emerging field 7 Covers advances that hold great promise in improving diagnostic and therapeutic urologic interventions Contents Endoscopic Fluorescence Imaging of Bladder Cancer: Photodynamic Diagnosis and Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy.- Narrow Band Imaging for Urothelial Cancer.- Optical Coherence Tomography in Bladder Carcinoma.- Optical Coherence Tomography for Prostate Cancer and Beyond.- Fluorescence Image-Guided Robotic Surgery.- Multiphoton Microscopy in Urologic Surgery.- Hyperspectral Imaging of Renal Oxygenation (Near-Infrared Tissue Oximetry for Renal Ischemia).- Light Reflectance Spectroscopy and Autofluorescence (Kidney and Prostate).- Intraoperative Doppler Ultrasound During Robotic Surgery.- TRUS of the Prostate: State of the Art.- Ultrasound-Guided Prostate Cryotherapy.- Endoluminal Ultrasonography .Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Prostate Cancer.- MR-Guided Prostate Interventions.- CT-Guided Renal Ablation- MR-Guided Renal Ablation.- Augmented Reality for Percutaneous Renal Interventions.- Image Guidance in Robotic Assisted Renal Surgery.- Urologic Surgery Training Using Computer-Assisted Simulators.Molecular Imaging in Urology. Fields of interest Urology/Andrology; Imaging / Radiology; Oncology Target groups Professional/practitioner M. Lima, Policlinico Sant’Orsola Malpighi, Bologna, Italy; G. Manzoni, Policlinico, Milano, Italy (Eds) Pediatric Urology Contemporary Strategies from Fetal Life to Adolescence Contents Foreword By Göran Läckgren.- Preface.- Part I General Aspects.- 1 Prenatal Diagnosis Or Urological Abnormalities.- 2 Antenatal And Perinatal Management Of Urinary Malformations.- 3 Urinary Tract Imaging.- 4 Anesthesia In Pediatric Urology.- 5 Endoscopy Of The Urinary Tract.- 6 Laparoscopy And Retroperitoneoscopy.- 7 Robotics.- Part II Kidney And Upper Urinary Tract.- 8 Uretero-Pelvic Junction Anomalies.- 9 One Trocar Assisted Pyeloplasty.- 10 Uretero-Vesical Junction Anomalies.- 11 Ureteral Duplications And Ureteroceles.- Part III Bladder.- 12 Vescico-Ureteral Reflux.- 13 Exstrophy Complex & Epispadias.- 14 Cloacal & Uro-Genital Sinus Anomalies.- 15 Neurogenic Bladder.- 16 Surgery For Incontinence.- 17 Lower Urinary Tract Nonneurogenic Dysfunction.- Part 4 – Urethra.- 18 Posterior Urethral Valves.- 19 Urethral Anomalies.- Part 5 - Genitalia.- 20 Disorders Of Sex Development: General Aspects.- 21 Disorders Of Sex Development: Surgical Management.- 22 Hypospadias.- 23 Cryptorchidism.- Part 6 - Uro-Genitals Tumors.24 Adrenal Tumors.- 25 Renal Tumors.- 26 Gonadal Tumors.- Part 7 – Nephro-Urology.- 27 Renal Function From Fetus To Adulthood.- 28 Urinary Tract Infections.- 29 Chronic Kidney Disease.- 30 Urolithiasis.- 31 Renal Transplantation. Fields of interest Pediatric Surgery; Urology/Andrology; Surgery Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Contributed volume Product category Contributed volume Product category Contributed volume Due September 2014 Due September 2014 Due September 2014 2015. XI, 360 p. 96 illus., 78 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 149,79 | € (A) 153,99 | sFr 186,50 7€ 139,99 | £126.00 ISBN 978-94-017-9314-8 2015. X, 411 p. 134 illus., 120 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 149,79 | € (A) 153,99 | sFr 186,50 7€ 139,99 | £126.00 ISBN 978-1-4939-1449-4 2015. XV, 414 p. 174 illus., 123 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 160,49 | € (A) 164,99 | sFr 200,00 7€ 149,99 | £135.00 ISBN 978-88-470-5692-3 9<HTUELB=hjdbei> 20 9<HTMEUD=jbe je> 9<HT IPH=afgjcd> News 8/2014 G. Maschmeyer, Klinikum Ernst von Bergmann, Potsdam, Germany; K. V. Rolston, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center University of Texas, Houston, TX, USA (Eds) Infections in Hematology Infections are among the most frequent complications in patients with hematological malignancies and in those undergoing high-dose chemotherapy and autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. A profound knowledge on the epidemiology, diagnostic approaches, treatment modalities and prophylactic strategies is essential for the clinical management of these complications in patients who are often severely immunocompromised owing to their underlying diseases and in particular, the intensive myelosuppressive chemo and immunotherapy. This textbook provides a clinically oriented, compact and up-to-date overview on infections in hematology patients and their management. The typical pathogens to be considered in different subgroups of patients are identified and further aspects of the microbiological background are explored. Clinical, imaging, and laboratory-based diagnostic techniques are discussed and therapeutic strategies appropriate to different situations are then presented, with due attention to the pitfalls, toxicities and interactions that can arise during antimicrobial treatment. Features 7 A clinically oriented, compact, and up-to-date overview on all aspects of infections in hematology patients 7 Identifies the typical pathogens to be considered in different subgroups of patients 7 Presents clinical, imaging and laboratory-based diagnostic techniques, and discusses the therapeutic strategies appropriate to different situations 7 Considers various prophylactic strategies Medicine & Public Health K. P. Mason, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA (Ed) Pediatric Sedation Outside of the Operating Room A Multispecialty International Collaboration Contents Part I. Pediatric Sedation Outside the Operating Room.- 1. The History of Sedation.- 2. Sedation Policies, Recommendations and Guidelines Across the Specialties and Continents.- 3. Procedural Sedation: Let’s Review the Basics.- 4. The Pre-Sedation Assessment and Implications on Management.- 5. Sedation Scales and Discharge Criteria: How Do They Differ? Which One to Choose? Do They Really Apply to Sedation?.- 6. Physiological Monitoring for Procedural Sedation: The Routine and Beyond.- 7. The Pediatric Airway: Anatomy, Challenges and Solutions.- 8. Pediatric Physiology: How Does It Differ from Adults?.- 9. The Pharmacology and Clinical Application of Sedatives, Analgesics, and Adjuncts.- 10. Sedatives: Effects on Memory and Amnesia.- 11. Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics in the Pediatric Population.- 12. Billing and Reimbursement for Sedation Services in the United States.Part II. Sedation Models Delivered by Different Specialties: A Global Voyage.- 13. The Pediatric Hospital Medicine Service: Models, Protocols and Challenges.- 14. The Anesthesia Directed Sedation Service: Models, Protocols and Challenges.- 15. Sedation in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: International Practice.- 16. Sedation in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit: Challenges, Outcomes and Future Strategies in the United States.- 17. Sedation in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit: Current Practice in Europe.- 18. Sedation for Pediatric Gastrointestinal Procedures. Fields of interest Hematology; Oncology; Transplant Surgery Fields of interest Anesthesiology; Intensive / Critical Care Medicine; Diagnostic Radiology Target groups Professional/practitioner Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Contributed volume Product category Professional book V. Miele, Cardiovascular and Emergency Radiology AO S. Camillo-Forlanini, Rome, Italy; M. Trinci, S. Camillo-Forlanini Hospital, Rome, Italy (Eds) Imaging Trauma and Polytrauma in Pediatric Patients This book provides a detailed and comprehensive overview of the role of diagnostic imaging in the assessment and management of trauma and polytrauma in children. The coverage includes imaging of injuries to the head, thorax, abdomen, bone and musculoskeletal system, with careful attention to the newest imaging techniques, imaging during the course of recovery and imaging of complications. A series of illustrative cases underline the prognostic value of imaging. In addition, an individual chapter is devoted to diagnostic imaging in cases of child abuse. Features 7 Offers comprehensive guidance on diagnostic imaging of pediatric injuries 7 Provides up-to-date coverage on the newest diagnostic techniques 7 Includes a wealth of illustrations of value to all physicians involved with pediatric trauma Contents Pediatric polytrauma management.- Pediatric head injuries.- Pediatric thoracic trauma.- Abdominal trauma.- Imaging bone injuries with plain film X-ray.- Ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging of pediatric musculoskeletal injuries.- Diagnostic imaging in child abuse.- Informed consent and medico-legal issues related to the imaging of pediatric traumatic emergencies. Fields of interest Imaging / Radiology; Diagnostic Radiology; Pediatrics Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Contributed volume Due September 2014 Due October 2014 2015. Approx. 200 p. 100 illus., 20 in color. Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 128,39 | € (A) 131,99 | sFr 160,00 7 approx.€ 119,99 | £108.00 ISBN 978-3-662-43999-9 9<HTOGRC=edj j > 2nd ed. 2015. XX, 800 p. 133 illus., 66 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 203,29 | € (A) 208,99 | sFr 253,00 7€ 189,99 | £171.00 ISBN 978-1-4939-1389-3 9<HTMEUD=jbdijd> Due September 2014 2015. XII, 210 p. 127 illus., 65 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 128,39 | € (A) 131,99 | sFr 160,00 7€ 119,99 | £108.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08523-4 9<HTODMJ=aifcde> 21 Medicine & Public Health T. Miller, C. C. Kaeding, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA (Eds) Stress Fractures in Athletes Diagnosis and Management Stress fractures are fatigue failures of bone caused by unusual or repeated stress on bone and are among the more common sports injuries encountered. Often going unreported or occasionally unnoticed, athletes run the risk of a more serious fracture if untreated. Stress Fractures in Athletes focuses on the presentation, evaluation and treatment of these injuries. Features 7 Focuses on the presentation, diagnosis and management of stress fractures in athletes 7 Provides in-depth analysis of the pathophysiology and biomechanics of individual stress fractures 7 Comprehensively covers all body regions affected by stress fractures Contents Part I: Presentation and Diagnosis of Stress Fractures.- Pathophysiology and Epidemiology of Stress Fractures.- General Treatment Concepts for Stress Fractures.- Biomechanics and Gait Analysis for Stress Fractures.- Classification of Stress Fractures.- Imaging of Stress Fractures.- Part II: Management of Stress Fractures.- Stress Fractures of the Lumbar Spine.- Stress Fractures of the Pelvis.Stress Fractures of the Femur.- Stress Fractures of the Patella.- Stress Fractures of the Tibia.- Stress Fractures of the Fifth Metatarsal.- Stress Fractures of the Ankle.- Stress Fractures of the Calcaneus, Sesamoids and Metatarsals.- Stress Fractures of the Ribs and Shoulder Girdle.- Upper Extremity Stress Fractures.- Insufficiency Fractures. Fields of interest Sports Medicine; Orthopedics; Rehabilitation Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Professional book springer.com/NEWSonline A. L. Moreira, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, USA; A. Saqi, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY, USA (Eds) A. Nasir, UNC School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, NC, USA (Ed) Clinical Dermatology Trials 101 Diagnosing Non-small Cell Carcinoma in Small Biopsy and Cytology A Primer for Dermatologists This volume provides a practical yet comprehensive guide to manage the shift in the diagnosis of lung cancer from large resections to small samples, including cytology specimens and core biopsies. Features 7 Provides an up-to-date practical and comprehensive guide 7 Written multidisciplinary experts who are regularly involved in the care of lung cancer patients 7 Richly illustrated with tables, algorithms, and numerous color images Contents Histological Classification and Its Need for Treatment of Lung Cancer.- Advances in Non-surgical Sampling Techniques for the Diagnosis and Staging of Lung Cancer.- Adequacy and Tissue Preservation of Small Biopsy and Cytology Specimens.- Optimization and Triage of Small Specimens.- Ancillary Immunohistochemical Techniques for the Subclassification of Non-small Cell Lung Cancer.- Adequacy and Utilization of Small Biopsy Material for Molecular Diagnosis.Role of Immunohistochemistry in the Detection of Targetable Mutations.- New Discoveries for the Treatment of Lung Cancer and the Role of Small Biopsy Material.- Evaluation of Small Biopsy Material in Patients with Multiple and Secondary Tumors.- Common Benign Mimickers of Lung Carcinoma in Cytology and Small Biopsy Specimens. Fields of interest Pathology; Oncology; Pneumology/Respiratory System Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Contributed volume Clinical Dermatology Trials 101 provides dermatologists with a handbook that allows them to become familiar with all aspects of clinical trials. Everything from obtaining the necessary tools and equipment, complying with local, federal, and international guidelines and regulations, and hiring and training staff for the safe and up-to-date conduct of dermatology clinical trials is covered. Written by leading experts in the field, Clinical Dermatology Trials 101 is the only clinical trial how-to available for dermatologists. Features 7 Provides dermatologists a handbook for conducting clinical trials 7 Educates readers on all aspects of conducting successful clinical trials 7 Written by leaders in the field of dermatology 7 Only clinical trial "how to" available for dermatologists 7 Written for practicing and academic dermatologists, dermatology residents, clinical research fellows, dermatology fellows, and industry dermatologists Contents Preface; 1. History and Background; 2. General Clinical Trials; 3. Dermatologic Clinical Trials: A Practical Approach; 4. Device Clinical Trials; 5. Practical Tips; 6. Budgets and Contracts; 7. Ethical and Legal Issues Related to Human Subjects for Research; 8. Ethics; 9. Clinical Research in Pediatric Dermatology; 10. Statistics; 11. Photography; 12. The Regulatory Landscape; 13. Industry; 14. Societal Perspective; 15. Opportunites in Clinical Research: Take the Initiative; Appendix; Glossary Field of interest Dermatology Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Contributed volume Due September 2014 Due September 2014 Due November 2014 2015. XVI, 530 p. 125 illus., 59 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-09237-9 2015. X, 284 p. 81 illus., 80 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 128,39 | € (A) 131,99 | sFr 160,00 7€ 119,99 | £108.00 ISBN 978-1-4939-1606-1 2014. Approx. 225 p. 63 illus., 35 in color. Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 85,59 | € (A) 87,99 | sFr 107,50 7 approx.€ 79,99 | £73.00 ISBN 978-3-319-09026-9 9<HTODMJ=ajcdhj> 22 9<HTMEUD=jbgagb> 9<HTODMJ=ajacgj> News 8/2014 Medicine & Public Health G. Ottaviani, Università degli Studi di Milano, Milano, Italy E. Özkaya, K. D. Yazganoglu, Istanbul University Istanbul Medical Faculty, Istanbul, Turkey G. Papaliodis, Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Boston, MA, USA (Ed) Crib Death - Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Adverse Cutaneous Drug Reactions to Cardiovascular Drugs Uveitis Sudden Infant and Perinatal Unexplained Death: The Pathologist’s Viewpoint Crib death or sudden infant death syndrome is the most frequent death-causing syndrome during the first year of life, striking one infant in every 700-1,000. Despite a wide spectrum of theories and years of research, crib death remains a great enigma. Features 7 Describes findings in a large number of cases 7 Provides valuable help in recognizing pathological structures 7 Includes a standardized autopsy protocol to be applied in all cases Contents INTRODUCTION.- Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).- Sudden Intrauterine Unexplained Death (SIUD).- MATERIALS AND METHODS.Clinical and pathological information form.- Post mortem regulation on SIDS.- Necropsy procedures.- Cardiac sampling and study of the conduction system.- Brainstem sampling and inherent techniques.- Study of the carotid bifurcation, ganglia and paraganglia.- Lung: evaluation of the development stage.- Immunohistochemistry and other techniques.- RESULTS.- Epidemiological results.- Cardiac Conduction findings.- Central autonomic nervous system findings.- Hypoplasia and agenesis of the arcuate nucleus.- Combined pulmonary and arcuate nucleus hypoplasia.- Peripheral autonomic nervous system findings.DISCUSSION.- Cardiac conduction pathology.Neuropathology.- CONCLUDING REMARKS. Adverse cutaneous drug reactions (ACDR) are among the most frequent events in patients receiving drug therapy. Cardiovascular (CV) drugs are an important group of drugs with potential risk of developing ACDR especially in elderly as marketing of more new drugs and their prescription continue to increase. Features 7 Comprehensive review with color photos on skin side effects of cardiovascular drugs 7 Includes useful tables allowing diagnosis according to drug class and the type of dermatologic reaction at a glance 7 Special emphasis on cross-reactions and the role of patch testing in diagnosis 7 Easy access and common use in dermatology outpatient clinics Contents Introduction (General information on different types of ACDR).- Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors.- Angiotensin II receptor blockers.Alpha-2 adrenergic receptor agonists.- Alphaadrenergic receptor blockers.- Adrenergic neuron blockers.- Class I antiarrhythmic drugs (sodium channel blockers) .- Beta adrenergic receptor blockers (class II antiarrhythmics) .- Class III antiarrhythmics.- Calcium channel blockers (class IV antiarrhythmics) .- Diuretics.- Sympathomimetics.- Vasodilatory drugs.- Lipid lowering drugs.- Platelet inhibitors.- Thrombolytics.- Anticoagulants.- Miscellaneous drugs.- Diagnostic procedure: The role of patch. Fields of interest Pathology; Forensic Medicine; Pediatrics Fields of interest Dermatology; Cardiology Target groups Professional/practitioner Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Monograph Product category Monograph A practical guide for the treatment of ocular inflammation Uveitis is a practical guide for the diagnosis and treatment of uveitis and ocular inflammatory diseases. Features 7 Provides a practical guide for the treatment of uveitis/ocular inflammatory diseases 7 Written and edited by leaders in the field of uveitis 7 Some of the topics discussed include signs and symptoms of uveitis, clinical approaches to the patient, medical and surgical therapies, and neoplastic and infectious diseases masquerading as uveitis 7 Written primarily for practicing ophthalmologists and ophthalmology residents Contents 1. Introduction.- 2. Signs and Symptoms of Uveitis.- 3. Clinical approach to the patient with uveitis.- 4. Laboratory testing.- 5. Medical therapy for uveitis.- 6. Surgical therapy for uveitis.- 7. Traumatic uveitis.- 8. Uveitis associated with viral infections.- 9. Uveitis associated with bacterial infections.- 10. Uveitis associated with fungal infections.- 11. Uveitis associated with protozoal infections.- 12. Uveitis associated with helminthic infections.- 13. Uveitis associated with insect infestation.- 14. Uveitis associated with animal vectors.- 15. Ocular inflammation secondary to type I hypersensitivity.- 16. Ocular inflammation secondary to type II hypersensitivity.- 17. Ocular inflammation secondary to type III hypersensitivity.- 18. Ocular inflammation secondary to type IV hypersensitivity.- 19. Neoplastic and Infectious diseases masquerading as uveitis. Field of interest Ophthalmology Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Contributed volume Due August 2014 2nd ed. 2014. XXIII, 195 p. 46 illus., 44 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 128,39 | € (A) 131,99 | sFr 160,00 7€ 119,99 | £108.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08346-9 9<HTODMJ=aidegj> Due September 2014 Due December 2014 2015. XIV, 260 p. 92 illus. in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 128,39 | € (A) 131,99 | sFr 160,00 7€ 119,99 | £108.00 ISBN 978-1-4471-6535-4 2014. XX, 330 p. 225 illus., 150 in color. Softcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 117,69 | € (A) 120,99 | sFr 148,00 7 approx.€ 109,99 | £100.50 ISBN 978-3-319-09125-9 9<HTMEPH=bgfdfe> 9<HTODMJ=ajbcfj> 23 Medicine & Public Health J.‑Y. Park, Konkuk University Medical Center, Seoul, Korea, Republic of (South Korea) (Ed) Sports Injuries to the Shoulder and Elbow Contents 1. Shoulder anatomy & Biomechanics: Part 1 Anatomy of the Shoulder.- 2. Shoulder anatomy & Biomechanics: Part 2 Biomechanics of the Shoulder (Stability & kinematics of shoulder otion, throwing kinematics).- 3. Diagnostic imaging of shoulder pathology.- 4. Current concept: Surface electromyography.- 5. Epidemiology of Shoulder injuries in throwing & overhead athletes.- 6. Physical examination of the shoulder: A systemic review with meta-analysis of individual tests.- 7. Shoulder Arthroscopic Portals: Ordinary vs. Uncomventional.- 8. Rotator Cuff Tear in Athletes: Part I Pathophysiology.- 9. Rotator Cuff Tear in Athletes: Part II Conservative management.- 10. Rotator Cuff Tear In Athletes: Part III Surgical treatement.- 11. Current concept: Arthroscopic treatment of partial articular-sided rotator cuff tears.- 12. SLAP lesion: Part I Pathophysiology & Diagnosis.- 13. SLAP lesion: Part II Acute lesion vs. Chronic lesion resulted from repetitive motion (or microtrauma).- 14. SLAP lesion: Part III Return to play after SLAP repair.- 15. SLAP lesion: Part IV Management of concomitant rotator cuff tear.- 16. Scapular dyskinesis: Part 1 Clinical implications in shoulder injuries.- 17. Scapular dyskinesis: Part II A new diagnostic modality: 3-dimensional wing CT.- 18. Posterosuperior & anterosuperior impingement in overhead athletes.19. Traumatic Anterior Shoulder Instability: Part I General concepts & proper management.- 20. Traumatic Anterior Shoulder Instability: Part II Bony Bankart lesions: Small vs. large fragment.21. Traumatic anterior shoulder instability: Part III Hill-Sachs lesions. springer.com/NEWSonline P. Pasquali, Pius Hospital de Valls, Valls, Spain (Ed) Cryosurgery S. Patel, LAKE FOREST, IL, USA; S. Y. Nakada, UW Medical Foundation Centennial Buildin, Madison, WI, USA (Eds) A Practical Manual Ureteral Stone Management This book aims to fill the gap created by the lack of formal training in cryosurgery, which leads not only to an underutilization of the technique but also to inappropriate uses with unpleasant consequences for patients. The book covers all practical aspects of cryosurgery and also offers a theoretical foundation for practice. Basic principles, equipment, and techniques are described, and procedures are explained step by step for a range of applications, including common benign lesions, vascular lesions, premalignant conditions, and malignancies. An important feature is the coverage of the latest advances in combination treatments such as topical drugs and cryosurgery, ultrasound and cryosurgery, photography and cryosurgery, cryobiopsy, and immuno cryosurgery. A Practical Approach Features 7 Up-to-date practical manual that also explains the theoretical basis for applications of cryosurgery 7 Step-by-step tutorials for each cryosurgical procedure 7 Descriptions of various combination treatments that can be used to improve results Contents History.- Basic Principles. Cryobiology.- Immunocryosurgery.- Techniques.- Basic Equipments.Cryobiopsy.- Common Benign Lesions.- Vascular Lesions.- Pre Malignant Management. Combination Treatments.- Malignant Lesions.- Bcc and Ultrasound.- Special Areas: Eyelids, Earlobe, Nose.- Cryosurgery and other Imaging Techniques.- Palliative Treatment.- Postoperative Care.- Complications.- Future considerations. With the rising incidence of urolithiasis, the management of ureteral stones continues to become a larger component of urologic practice. Though almost all urologists deal with ureteral stones, there have been many recent improvements in instrumentation and adjunctive equipment as well as improvements in imaging and the data we can obtain from radiologic imaging in order to guide stone management. Features 7 Summaries will be given at the end of each chapter to help the reader assimilate the most important points in each chapter 7 This book will contain algorithms for the management of ureteral stones and how to deal with various complications which will assist the reader in selecting the best treatment option 7 This book will show the reader the limitations and accuracy of new imaging modalities through radiology imaging and radiation exposure to the patient and urologist Contents History of Ureteral Stone Management.- Radiology Imaging for Ureteral Stones.- Radiation Exposure to the Patient and Urologist.- Treatment Algorithms.- Observation and Medical Expulsive Therapy.- Shock Wave Lithotripsy.- Semirigid Ureteroscopy.- Flexible Ureteroscopy.- Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy.- Ureteral Stents.- Adjunctive Equipment.- Tips and Tricks.- Difficult Cases and Scenarios.- Complications. Fields of interest Dermatology; Surgery Fields of interest Urology/Andrology; Imaging / Radiology; Interventional Radiology Target groups Professional/practitioner Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Contributed volume Product category Contributed volume Due December 2014 Due September 2014 Due December 2014 2014. Approx. 400 p. 500 illus. in color. Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 149,79 | € (A) 153,99 | sFr 186,50 7 approx.€ 139,99 | £126.00 ISBN 978-3-642-41794-8 2015. XIV, 370 p. 265 illus., 225 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 149,79 | € (A) 153,99 | sFr 186,50 7€ 139,99 | £126.00 ISBN 978-3-662-43938-8 2014. Approx. 150 p. 90 illus., 60 in color. Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7 approx.€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08791-7 Fields of interest Orthopedics; Sports Medicine; Rehabilitation Medicine Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Contributed volume 9<HTOGPC=ebhjei> 24 9<HTOGRC=edjdi > 9<HTODMJ=aihjbh> News 8/2014 Medicine & Public Health W. C. Peh, Khoo Teck Puat Hospital, Singapore, Singapore (Ed) B. A. Pekarsky, Baker IDI Heart & Diabetes Institut, Adelaide, Australia B. Pradhan, Cooper University Hospital Medical School of Rowan University, Camden, NJ, USA Pitfalls in Diagnostic Radiology The New Drug Reimbursement Game: a Regulator’s Guide to Playing and Winning Yoga and Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy This book addresses two key issues in pharmacoeconomics (the choice of the decision threshold and the relationship between pharmaceutical innovation, price and future health) and also provides a practical introduction to applied game theory to an audience who are likely to be more familiar with non-strategic analysis of drug pricing (decision analytic models). This is the first text that allows experienced health economists to make inroads into the world of applied game theory. This book attempts to bridge the considerable gaps that exist between spiritual philosophies and evidence-based medicine and between the psychotherapeutic models of the East and the West. Based on the insights of both the ancient wisdom and modern medicine, this book presents Yogic science not just as a set of physical exercises or religious rituals but as theories about the mind that have bio-psycho-social implications in relation to health and illness. Features 7 Addresses the choice of the decision threshold and the relationship between pharmaceutical innovation, price and future health 7 Provides a practical introduction to applied game theory 7 Allows experienced health economists to make inroads into the world of applied game theory Features 7 Bridges the gap between spiritual philosophies and evidence-based medicine 7 Describes philosophies and techniques of Yoga and Mindfulness 7 Presents symptom-specific models of Yoga of value in healthcare (both illness and wellness) The practice of diagnostic radiology has become increasingly complex, with the use of numerous imaging modalities and division into many subspecialty areas. It is becoming ever more difficult for subspecialist radiologists, general radiologists, and residents to keep up with the advances that are occurring year on year, and this is particularly true for less familiar topics. Failure to appreciate imaging pitfalls often leads to diagnostic error and misinterpretation, and potential medicolegal problems. Features 7 Only textbook to focus primarily on the topic of pitfalls in diagnostic radiology 7 Highlights the pitfalls in a comprehensive and systematic manner 7 Written by experts in different imaging modalities and subspecialties from reputable centers across the world Contents Part1: Imaging modality and technique pitfalls.Radiography and fluoroscopic and contrast-based techniques.- Ultrasonography.- Computed tomography.- Magnetic resonance imaging.- Nuclear medicine imaging including SPECT-CT and PET.- Interventional radiology techniques.- Bone mineral density and quantitative imaging.- Radiation dose management.- Approach to characterizing radiological errors.- Part 2: System-based imaging pitfalls.- Musculoskeletal system.- Spine.Brain.- Head and neck.- Chest including lungs.Cardiac and vascular system.- Abdomen- solid organs.- Gastrointestinal system.- Genitourinary system.- Reproductive system- female.- Obstetrics.- Breast.- Pediatrics. Fields of interest Imaging / Radiology; Diagnostic Radiology Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Professional book Contents Introduction.- Reframing the political economy of new drugs. - The social rate of return on investment in pharmaceutical R&D. - The value of innovation. - The shadow price. - The health shadow price. - The health shadow price and the economic context. - The `pharmaceutical R&D financing’ game. - The `pharmacotherapy needs a premium’ game. - Conclusion. Fields of interest Pharmacoeconomics and Health Outcomes; Pharmaceutical Sciences/Technology; Medicine/Public Health, general Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Professional book A Clinical Guide Contents PART I: DEMYSTIFICATION: History and Original Concepts on Yoga.- Yoga, Mind and the Psychosomatics.- Brain, Mind and Soul - Bridging the Gap.- PART II: STANDARDIZATION: Methods in Yoga and Mindfulness.- Attempts at Standardization.- PART III: APPLICATION: Yoga, Mindfulness and Metallization.- Yoga and Psychotherapy.- Yoga and Maintenance of Psychophysical Health. Fields of interest Psychiatry; Psychology, general; Complementary & Alternative Medicine Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Professional book Due September 2014 Due August 2014 Due December 2014 2015. XX, 487 p. 542 illus., 78 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 128,39 | € (A) 131,99 | sFr 160,00 7€ 119,99 | £108.00 ISBN 978-3-662-44168-8 2014. XVI, 248 p. 9 illus. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 64,19 | € (A) 65,99 | sFr 80,00 7€ 59,99 | £53.99 ISBN 978-3-319-08902-7 2014. Approx. 200 p. 5 illus. Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 85,59 | € (A) 87,99 | sFr 106,50 7 approx.€ 79,99 | £72.00 ISBN 978-3-319-09104-4 9<HTOGRC=e bgi > 9<HTODMJ=aijach> 9<HTODMJ=ajbae > 25 Medicine & Public Health K. Pritchard-Jones, Royal Marsden NHS Trust Inst. Cancer Research, Sutton, Surrey, UK; J. Dome, Children’s National Medical Center Center for Cancer & Blood Disorders, Washington, DC, USA (Eds) Renal Tumors of Childhood Biology and Therapy This book provides a comprehensive overview of the biological basis of renal tumors in childhood and the clinical approaches to their treatment. Features 7 Integrates state of the art information on biological advances and clinical dilemmas in a format that will be easily understandable for practising clinicians and research scientists 7 Documents the recent explosion in knowledge of molecular changes in the various childhood renal tumours 7 Details the different treatment approaches and discusses the incorporation of biologically targeted agents into front-line therapy Contents Epidemiology of Renal Tumours of Childhood.Genetic Predisposition to Wilms Tumour.- Clinical Presentation.- Pathology.- Treatment of Wilms Tumor in the Children’s Oncology Group.- Treatment of Wilms Tumor – The SIOP approach.Treatment of Rlapsed Wilms Tumor.- Imaging.- Biological prognostic pathways.- Molecular Targeted Therapy for Pediatric Renal Tumors.Surgical Consideration For Wilms Tumours and other Neoplastic Renal Lesions.- Radiotherapy for Wilms’ Tumour and other Childhood Renal Cancers.- Late effects and QOL.- Non-Wilms Pediatrci Renal Tumors.- Wilms Tumor in Low Income Countries. Fields of interest Oncology; Surgical Oncology; Pediatrics Target groups Research Product category Professional book springer.com/NEWSonline N. Rezaei, Tehran University of Medical Sciences Research Center for Immunodeficiencies, Tehran, Iran (Ed) Cancer Immunology A Translational Medicine Context Contents Introduction on cancer immunology and immunotherapy.- Inflammatory and innate immune cells in cancer microenvironment and progression.- Role of innate immunity in cancers and antitumor response.- Role of B cells in anti tumor response.- The role of exhaustion in tumor-induced T cell dysfunction in patients with cancer.Regulatory T cells and Th17 cells in the immunosuppressive tumor network.- Role of cytokines in tumor immunity and immune tolerance to cancers.- Role of chemokines and chemokine receptors in cancers.- The role of Fas and Fas-ligand in cancers.- MHC class I molecules and cancer progression: Lessons learned from preclinical tumor models.- Role of plasmacytoid dendritic cells in cancer.- Cancer immunoediting: immunosurveillance, immuneequilibrium, and immune escape.- Apoptosis, autophagy and necroptosis in Cancer.- Prognostic value of innate and adaptive immunity in cancers.- Epigenetics and Micro RNAs in cancers .- Immunogenetics of cancers.Immunodeficiencies and cancers.- Immunosenescence and cancers.- Nutrition, immunity and cancers.- Allergies and cancers.- Cancer immunology of transmissible cancers.- Systems biology and systems immunology of cancer.- Principles of immunological diagnostic tests for cancers.- Flow cytometry in cancer immunotherapy: applications, analysis, quality control and future.- Immunohistochemistry of cancers.- Immunology and immunotherapy of graft versus host disease. Fields of interest Internal Medicine; Immunology; Oncology D. Rigopoulos, Athens University School of Medicine, Athens, Greece; A. Tosti, University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine, Miami, FL, USA (Eds) Nail Psoriasis From A to Z Nail psoriasis is very common and causes considerable morbidity to patients. With the aid of informative illustrations, this book presents the clinical signs suggestive of nail psoriasis and describes the differential diagnosis of nail abnormalities. Newer methods of diagnosis are considered, and advice is provided on the use of severity evaluation indexes. The available treatments are extensively discussed, with information on the latest options. Selection of the appropriate treatment may be a challenge, so guidance is provided on all factors that should be taken into consideration and on choice of treatment for special categories of patient, such as children and pregnant women. Contributors have been selected from across the world, offering an international perspective on the condition. Features 7 Detailed guidance on diagnostic methods and differential diagnosis 7 Advice on treatment selection, with attention to newer options and special patient categories 7 Numerous informative illustrations 7 Written by experts from across the world Contents Epidemiology.- Genetics.- Arthritis and Comorbidities.- Pathology.- Diagnosis and newer Methods.- Clinical Features for Matrix, Bed, Folds.- Dermoscopy.- Differential Diagnosis.- Severity Evaluation Indexes.- Quality of Life.- Treatment.- Special Populations.- How to Choose my Treatment.- What is the Future? Target groups Professional/practitioner Fields of interest Dermatology; General Practice / Family Medicine; Rheumatology Product category Contributed volume Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Contributed volume Due September 2014 2015. XI, 262 p. 72 illus., 49 in color. (Pediatric Oncology) Hardcover 7approx. * € (D) 149,75 | € (A) 153,95 | sFr 201,00 approx. € 139,95 | £126.00 ISBN 978-3-662-44002-5 9<HTOGRC=e a cf> 26 Due September 2014 Due September 2014 2015. XV, 568 p. 128 illus., 121 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 203,29 | € (A) 208,99 | sFr 253,00 7€ 189,99 | £171.00 ISBN 978-3-662-44005-6 2015. X, 168 p. 82 illus., 76 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 128,39 | € (A) 131,99 | sFr 160,00 7€ 119,99 | £108.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08809-9 9<HTOGRC=e a fg> 9<HTODMJ=ai aj > News 8/2014 Medicine & Public Health H. Ross, Temple University Health System Comprehensive Digestive Disease Cen, Philadelphia, PA, USA; S. Lee, New York Presbyterian Hospital, New York, NY, USA; M. Mutch, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO, USA; D. E. Rivadeneira, Huntington Hospital/North ShoreLIJ, Smithtown, NY, USA; S. R. Steele, Madigan Army Medical Center, Olympia, WA, USA (Eds) H. Ross, Temple University Health System Comprehensive Digestive Disease Center, Philadelphia, PA, USA; S. W. Lee, New York Presbyterian Hospital, New York, NY, USA; D. E. Rivadeneira, Huntington Hospital/North ShoreLIJ, Huntington, NY, USA; S. R. Steele, Madigan Army Medical Center Department of Colon & Rectal Surgery, Olympia, WA, USA (Eds) Minimally Invasive Approaches to Colon and Rectal Disease Robotic Approaches to Colorectal Surgery Technique and Best Practices Contents Perioperative Assessment.- Patient Positioning, Instrumentation, and Trocar Placement.- Surgical Anatomy.- Right Colectomy: Straight Laparoscopic.- Right Colectomy: Hand-Assist.- Laparoscopic Left/Sigmoid Colectomy.- Hand Assisted Left Colectomy.- Total Abdominal Colectomy: Straight Laparoscopic Approach.- Total Abdominal Colectomy: Hand Assisted Approach.- Operative Details of Laparoscopic Rectal Resection for Cancer.- Laparoscopic Hand-Assisted Low Anterior Resection .- Laparoscopic Abdominoperineal Resection .- Laparoscopic Proctocolectomy.- Laparoscopic Rectopexy.- Minimally Invasive Approach for Stoma Creation.- Laparoscopic Stomal Reversal.- Laparoscopic Parastomal Hernia Repair .- Overcoming Technical Challenges: The Abdomen.- Overcoming Technical Challenges: The Pelvis.- Overcoming Technical Challenges: Reoperative Surgery.- Overcoming Technical Challenges: Prevention and Managing Complications.- Single-Incision Laparoscopic Approaches to Colorectal Disease.- Natural Orifice Surgery (NOTES).- Robotic Surgery.- Transanal Minimally Invasive Surgery (TAMIS): Operative Technique, Pitfalls, and Tips.- Combined Endo-Laparoscopic Surgery (CELS).- Emergency Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery.- Laparoscopy in the Elderly Patient. Contents Acknowledgements.- Preface.- Foreword.- Preoperative.- Perioperative Assessment.- Patient Positioning, Instrumentation, and Trocar placement.- Surgical Anatomy.- Right Colectomy: Straight Laparscopic.- Right Colectomy: HandAssist.- Laparoscopic Left/Sigmoid Colectomy.Hand Assisted Left Colectomy.- Total Abdominal Colectomy: Straight Laparoscopic Approach.Total Abdominal Colectomy: Hand Assisted Approach.- Operative Details of Laparoscopic Rectal Resection for Cancer.- Laparoscopic HandAssisted Low Anterior Resection.- Laparopscopic Abdominoperineal Resection.- Laparoscopic Proctocolectomy.- Laparoscopic Rectopexy.- Minimally Invasive Approach for Stoma Creation.Laparoscopic Stomal Reversal.- Laparoscopic Parastomal Hernia Repair.- Overcoming Technical Challenges: The Abdomen.- Overcoming Technical Challenges: The Pelvis.- Overcoming Technical Challenges: Reoperative Surgery.- Overcoming Technical Challenges: Prevention and Managing Complications.- Single-Incision Laparoscopic Approaches to Colorectal Disease.- Natural Orifice Surgery (NOTES).- Robotic Surgery.- Transanal Minimally Invasive Surgery (TAMIS): Operative Technique, Pitfalls, and Tips. Fields of interest Colorectal Surgery; Minimally Invasive Surgery; Surgical Oncology Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Professional book Fields of interest Colorectal Surgery; General Surgery; Surgical Oncology Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Contributed volume R. Roth, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA; E. A. Frost, Icahn Medical Center at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA; C. Gevirtz, LSU Health Sciences Center, New York, NY, USA; C. Atcheson, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA (Eds) The Role of Anesthesiology in Global Health A Comprehensive Guide Contents Part I: Evolution and Development of Missions.Medical Missions: A Short History from There to Here.- The Evolution of Surgical and Humanitarian Missions.- The Global Burden of Surgical Need.- Comparative Economics of Anesthesia Care and the Global Anesthesia Workforce.- Planning a Mission, Fundraising, and Building a Team: The Kybele Experience.- Organizing and Developing Universal Anesthetic Equipment.- Materials Management.- What do Patients and Communities Expect of a Medical Mission?.- Anesthesia in Resource-Poor Settings: The Médecins sans Frontières Experience.- Quality Care: Maintaining Safety Through Minimum Standards.- Legal and Ethical Issues in Global Health: A Trip through the Vagaries of Truth and Culture.- Part II: Specific Case Related Implementation.- Strategies for Patient Assessment and Scheduling.- Postoperative Follow-up and Quality Maintenance.- Women’s Rights and the Right to Pain Relief in Surgery and Labor.- Saving Sight In Developing Countries.- Cardiac Anaesthesthesia in Low Resource Settings.- Anesthesia Considerations for Facial Deformity Repair in Lesser Developed Countries.Implementing a Regional Anesthesiology Service in a Low Resource Setting.- The Management of Pain in Less Developed Countries.- Living the Mission in Serbia and Other Less Affluent Worlds. Fields of interest Anesthesiology; Tropical Medicine Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Professional book Due September 2014 Due May 2015 Due December 2014 2015. X, 526 p. 456 illus., 406 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 128,39 | € (A) 131,99 | sFr 160,00 7€ 119,99 | £108.00 ISBN 978-1-4939-1580-4 2015. 705 p. 456 illus., 406 in color. Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 149,79 | € (A) 153,99 | sFr 186,50 7 approx.€ 139,99 | £126.50 ISBN 978-3-319-09119-8 2014. XVI, 644 p. 30 illus., 20 in color. Softcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 48,14 | € (A) 49,49 | sFr 59,50 7 approx.€ 44,99 | £40.99 ISBN 978-3-319-09422-9 9<HTMEUD=jbfiae> 9<HTODMJ=ajb ji> 9<HTODMJ=ajec j> 27 Medicine & Public Health springer.com/NEWSonline T. J. Saclarides, Loyola University Medical Center Professor of Surgery, Head, Maywood, IL, USA; J. A. Myers, K. W. Millikan, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL, USA (Eds) H. Schatten, University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine, Columbia, MO, USA; A. Eisenstark, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, USA (Eds) Common Surgical Diseases Salmonella An Algorithmic Approach to Problem Solving Methods and Protocols Contents Cardiac Clearance for Non-Cardiac Surgery.Preoperative Evaluation of Bleeding.- Managing Patient’s Medications (Diabetes, Beta Blockers, NSAIDS, Anticoagulants).- The Carotid Bruit.DVT Prophylaxis.- Initial Trauma Assessment and Resuscitation.- Head Trauma.- Management of the Difficult Airway.- Penetrating Neck Trauma.- Penetrating Chest Trauma.- Penetrating Abdominal Trauma.- Blunt Abdominal Trauma.Pelvic Fractures.- Traumatic Hematuria.- Extremity Fractures.- Burns.- Chronic Lower Extremity Ischemia.- Algorithmic Approach to the Acute Cold Leg.- Myocardial Infarction .- Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm.- Dialysis Access.- Thyroid Nodules and Malignancy.- Cushing’s Syndrome.Hyperthyroidism.- Hypercalcemia.- Insulinoma.Gastrinoma.- Surgical Hypertension: Evaluation and Treatment.- Incidentalomas.- Upper Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage.- Dysphagia.- Esophageal Cancer.- Gastroesophageal Reflux.- Acute Pancreatitis.- Chronic Pancreatitis.- Small Bowel Obstruction.- Ulcer Disease and Helicobacter Pylori.- Ischemic Bowel.- Crohn’s Disease.- Ulcerative Colitis.- Acute Appendicitis.- Diverticulitis.Large Bowel Obstruction.- Colon Cancer.- Lower Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage.- Genetic Predisposition to Colorectal Cancer.- Rectal Cancer.- Anal Cancer.- Anorectal Pain- Rectal Bleeding.- Rectal Bleeding.- Jaundice.- Liver Mass.- Portal Hypertension.- Carcinoid Disease.- Inguinal Hernia.Abdominal Wall Defects.- Indications for Renal Transplantation. Contents Luminex® Multiplex Bead Suspension Arrays for the Detection and Serotyping of Salmonella spp..Quantitative Proteomic Identification of Host Factors Involved in the Salmonella typhimurium Infection Cycle.- Determination of Antimicrobial Resistance in Salmonella spp..- Red-mediated Recombineering of Salmonella enterica Genomes.- A Method to Introduce an Internal Tag Sequence into a Salmonella Chromosomal Gene.- Generation and use of Site-directed Chromosomal cyaA’ Translational Fusions in Salmonella enteric.Detection of Antimicrobial (Poly)Peptides with Acid Urea Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis followed by Western Immunoblot.- Detecting non-typhoid Salmonella in Humans by Enzymelinked Immunosorbent Assays (ELISAs): Practical and Epidemiological Aspects.- Study of the Stn Protein in Salmonella; A Regulator of Membrane Composition and Integrity.- Development of a Bacterial Nanoparticle Vaccine.- Direct Attachment of Nanoparticle Cargo to Salmonella typhimurium Membranes Designed for Combination Bacteriotherapy Against Tumors.- Applications of Microscopy in Salmonella Research.- Live Cell Imaging of Intracellular Salmonella enteric.In vitro Modeling of Gallbladder-associated Salmonella spp. Colonization.- Salmonella Phages and Prophages – Genomics, Taxonomy, and Applied Aspects. Fields of interest General Surgery; Abdominal Surgery; Colorectal Surgery Target groups Professional/practitioner Target groups Professional/practitioner Fields of interest Infectious Diseases; Bacteriology Product category Contributed volume K. Scheinemann, McMaster Children’s Hospital, Hamilton, ON, Canada; E. Bouffet, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, ON, Canada (Eds) Pediatric Neuro-oncology Although rare, brain tumors are the most common solid tumor in children. Each year in the United States, nearly 3,500 children and adolescents under the age of 20 are diagnosed with a primary brain tumor. Brain tumors in children are very different from those arising in adults and vary from one another with respect to age at diagnosis, aggressiveness, and location. Features 7 The only up-to-date book on the topic 7 Leading international experts 7 Full range of childhood brain tumors, from diagnosis through after care 7 Succinct reviews of fundamentals, such as developmental neurobiology, and the basic science of pediatric brain tumors Contents 1. Introduction.- 2. Epidemiology of pediatric brain tumors.- 3. Clinical signs and symptoms of pediatric brain tumors.- 4. Neuro-imaging.- 5. Neuro-surgery.- 6. Low grade glioma.- 7. High grade glioma.- 8. Medulloblastoma/ PNET.- 9. Ependymoma.- 10. Germ cell tumors.- 11. ATRT.12. Craniopharyngeoma.- 13. Rare brain tumors (CPP, CPC etc.).- 14. Infant brain tumors.- 15. Radiotherapy.- 16. Chemotherapy.- 17. Targeted treatment.- 18. Long term sequelae.- 19. Neurocognitive outcome.- 20. Quality of life.- 21. Palliative care.- 22. Cancer syndromes.- 23. Brain tumor stem cells.- 24. Pediatric neurooncology in developing countries.- 25. Neuropathology 26. HDCT/ ASCT.- 27. Developmental neurobiology.28. Basic science of pediatric brain tumors. Fields of interest Oncology; Pediatrics; Neurology Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Professional book Product category Contributed volume Due September 2014 Due September 2014 3rd ed. 2015. XXII, 312 p. 93 illus., 2 in color. Softcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 127,50 7 approx.€ 99,99 | £86.50 ISBN 978-1-4939-1564-4 9<HTMEUD=jbfge > 28 2nd ed. 2014. XII, 520 p. 52 illus., 26 in color. (Methods in Molecular Biology, Volume 1225) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 101,64 | € (A) 104,49 | sFr 126,50 7€ 94,99 | £85.50 ISBN 978-1-4939-1624-5 9<HTMEUD=jbgcef> Due December 2014 2014. XX, 480 p. 140 illus., 70 in color. Softcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 80,20 | € (A) 82,45 | sFr 98,00 7 approx.€ 74,95 | £66.99 ISBN 978-1-4939-1540-8 9<HTMEUD=jbfeai> News 8/2014 Advances and Technical Standards in Neurosurgery J. Lobo Antunes, C. Di Rocco, M. Sindou, V. V. Dolenc, Series editor: J. Schramm, J. D. Pickard, N. Akalan, V. Benes, Z. H. Rappaport Volume 42 J. Schramm, Univ.Klinikum Bonn Med. Einrichtungen, Bonn, Germany (Ed) Advances and Technical Standards in Neurosurgery Volume 42 Features 7 Presents important advances and reviews technical standards for difficult procedures in neurosurgery 7 Covers important aspects of the management of pineal lesions, optic pathway gliomas and cavernous sinus meningiomas 7 Discusses surgical treatment of cluster headache, occipital nerve stimulation and the arguments for vascular decompression for hypertension Contents Neurosurgical Treatment of Cluster Headache.Occipital Nerve Stimulation.- State-of-the-Art Endovascular Treatment of Acute Ischemic Stroke.- Is There a Place for Microsurgical Vascular Decompression of Brainstem for Apparent Essential Blood Hypertension? A Review.- Pineal Lesions: A Multidisciplinary Challenge.- Cavernous Sinus Meningiomas: Imaging and Surgical Strategy.- Optic Pathway Gliomas.- Minor and Repetitive Head Injury. Field of interest Neurosurgery Medicine & Public Health S. K. Shah, D. G. Clair, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH, USA (Eds) Cleveland Clinic Manual of Vascular Surgery This book, from the faculty and residents of one of the world’s most respected hospitals, provides a comprehensive and concise approach to vascular disease. Beginning with the foundations of vascular disease and diagnosis, this text moves on to cover critical disease processes. Each section of the book, dedicated to a unique pathology, explains salient pathophysiology, presentation, diagnosis, treatment options, and outcomes. A special emphasis is given to both open and endovascular techniques and their related pitfalls. Additionally, reflecting the growing importance of evidence-based medicine, readers are provided with references to critical publications that underpin diagnostic and therapeutic recommendations. Diagnosis, treatment, and more are provided succinctly, allowing this text to be broad in focus while remaining in a convenient portable format. Features 7 Written by internationally recognized experts at the Cleveland Clinic 7 Provides a broad focus, succinct style, and handbook-style format 7 Integrates endovascular technique with traditional open surgery 7 Provides seminal and current evidence-based research findings Contents Arterial Aneurysms.- Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm.- Acute Lower Limb Ischemia.- Aortoiliac Disease.- Upper Limb Ischemia.- Mesenteric Ischemia.- Renovascular Disease.- Lymphatic.Lymphedema.- Miscellaneous.- Portal Hypertension.- Hemodialysis Access.- Vasculitis. Target groups Professional/practitioner Fields of interest Vascular Surgery; Cardiac Surgery; General Surgery Product category Contributed volume Target groups Professional/practitioner S. F. Shariat, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria; E. Xylinas, Paris Descartes University, Paris, France (Eds) Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma represents the first book of its kind to be dedicated solely to UTUC. It’s aim is to improve understanding and eventually care of a disease that is greatly understudied and underappreciated, yet commonly dealt with by many medical and urologic oncologists. Features 7 Provides contemporary concepts and controversies regarding diagnosis and staging 7 Richly illustrated with images, illustrations and links to video content 7 The first book of its kind to be dedicated solely to UTUC Contents Epidemiology and risk factors for upper urinary urothelial cancers.- Diagnosis and Evaluation of Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma (UTUC).- Upper Urinary Tract Urothelial Carcinoma Pathology.- Prognostics factors, molecular markers and predictive tools in upper tract urothelial carcinoma.- Conservative management of low-risk UTUC.- Surgical Management of High-risk Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma.- The Role of Lymphadenectomy in the Management of Urothelial Carcinoma of the Upper Urinary Tract.- Chemotherapy. Fields of interest Urology/Andrology; Oncology Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Contributed volume Product category Professional book Due September 2014 Due September 2014 Due September 2014 2015. XV, 200 p. 57 illus., 28 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 128,39 | € (A) 131,99 | sFr 160,00 7€ 119,99 | £108.00 ISBN 978-3-319-09065-8 2015. XVII, 110 p. 9 illus., 5 in color. Softcover 7 *€ (D) 85,59 | € (A) 87,99 | sFr 106,50 7€ 79,99 | £72.00 ISBN 978-1-4939-1630-6 2015. XVI, 330 p. 36 illus., 33 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 128,39 | € (A) 131,99 | sFr 160,00 7€ 119,99 | £108.00 ISBN 978-1-4939-1500-2 9<HTODMJ=ajagfi> 9<HTMEUD=jbgdag> 9<HTMEUD=jbfa c> 29 Medicine & Public Health springer.com/NEWSonline C. R. Shea, University of Chicago Medicine, Chicago, IL, USA; J. A. Reed, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, USA; V. G. Prieto, University of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer, Houston, TX, USA (Eds) J. Sieper, Charite University Hospital Campus Benjamin Franklin, Berlin, Germany; J. Braun, Rheumatology Center Ruhrgebiet Campus Benjamin Franklin, Herne, Germany Pathology of Challenging Melanocytic Neoplasms Clinician’s Manual on Axial Spondyloarthritis Diagnosis and Management A thorough guide for readers to quickly gain an update on standard diagnosis and treatment methods for axial spondyloarthritis. Approximately 80 illustrations and images are used throughout the text to exemplify the disease and diagnostic and treatment algorithms. Easily accessible text and tables review the current treatment recommendations and emerging treatment options based on recent clinical trials. Features 7 Illustrative cases are added to each discussion 7 Written by experts in the field 7 Includes clinically relevant, up-to-date references 7 Tables summarize key points Contents Part I: Introductory Chapters.- Chapter 1. Gross Prosection of Melanocytic Lesions.- Chapter 2. Histopathologic Staging and Reporting of Melanocytic Lesions.- Chapter 3. Clinicopathologic Correlation in Melanocytic Lesions.- Chapter 4. Anathema or Useful? Application of Immunohistochemistry to the Diagnosis of Melanocytic Lesions.- Chapter 5. Applications of Additional Techniques to Melanocytic Pathology.- Part 2: Diagnostic Challenges.- Chapter 6. Spitz Nevus versus Spitzoid Melanoma.- Chapter 7. Halo Nevus versus Melanoma with Regression.- Chapter 8. Nevoid Malignant Melanoma versus Melanocytic Nevus.- Chapter 9. Dysplastic Nevi versus Melanoma.- Chapter 10. Blue Nevus versus Pigmented Epithelioid Melanocytoma.- Chapter 11. Recurrent Melanocytic Nevus versus Melanoma.Chapter 12. Neurothekeoma versus Melanoma.Chapter 13. Melanoma in situ versus Paget’s Disease.- Chapter 14. Desmoplastic Nevus versus Desmoplastic Melanoma.- Chapter 15. Cutaneous Metastatic Melanoma versus Primary Cutaneous Melanoma.- Chapter 16. Acral Nevus versus Acral Melanoma.- Chapter 17. Capsular (Nodal) Nevus versus Metastatic Melanoma.- Index. Fields of interest Pathology; Dermatology; Molecular Medicine I. Söderback, Karolinska Institute Associate Professor, Stockholm Sweden, Nacka, Sweden (Ed) International Handbook of Occupational Therapy Interventions Features 7 A thorough guide for readers to quickly gain an update on standard diagnosis and treatment methods for axial spondyloarthritis 7 Approximately 80 illustrations and images are used throughout the text to exemplify the disease and diagnostic and treatment algorithms 7 Easily accessible text and tables review the current treatment recommendations and emerging treatment options based on recent clinical trials Contents Introduction.- Overview of axial spondyloarthritis.- Clinical manifestations of axial spondyloarthritis.- Diagnosis of axial spondyloarthritis.- Imaging in axial spondyloarthritis.- Management of axial spondyloarthritis. Fields of interest Medicine/Public Health, general; Pharmacy Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Handbook Contents Part I. Occupational Therapy: Basic Information.- International Perspective on Occupational Therapy The Past – the Present – the Future.- The Genesis of International Handbook of Occupational Therapy Interventions.- Towards a Taxonomy of Occupational Therapy Interventions. A Comparative Literature Analyse of Scientific Review Articles Published 2008 – 2013.- Occupational Therapy: Emphasis on Clinical Practice.The Clinical Reasoning Process: Cornerstone of Effective Occupational Therapy Practice.-Ethical Considerations and Priority in Occupational Therapy.- Participants in Occupational Therapy Interventions :Needs Assessments – A Necessary Phase in Rehabilitation.- Evidence-Based Occupational Therapy and Basic Elements for Conducting Assessments.- Occupational Science Informing Occupational Therapy Interventions.- Interactive Patient Cases in Occupational Therapy– How to Succeed.- PART II. INTERVENTIONS: THE OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST MANAGES AND FACILITATES THE CLIENT’S ADAPTATIONS.- Interventions: the Occupational Therapist Manages for Adaptations - Overview.Environmental Adaptation for Individuals with Functional Difficulties and Their Families in the Home and Community.- Housing Adaptations and Home Modifications.- Management of 24-Hour-Body-Positioning.- Ergonomic Interventions for Computer Users with Cumulative Trauma Disorders Glenn Goodman.- Wheelchair Seating and Pressure Mapping. Fields of interest Occupational Therapy; Health Psychology; Rehabilitation Target groups Professional/practitioner Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Monograph Product category Contributed volume Due October 2014 Due September 2014 Available 2015. XX, 260 p. 86 illus., 84 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 128,39 | € (A) 131,99 | sFr 160,00 7€ 119,99 | £108.00 ISBN 978-1-4939-1443-2 2014. XI, 96 p. 84 illus., 48 in color. Softcover 7 *€ (D) 42,79 | € (A) 43,99 | sFr 53,50 7€ 39,99 | £35.99 ISBN 978-1-907673-84-9 9<HTMEUD=jbe dc> 30 9<HTMJLH=ghdiej> 2nd ed. 2015. XXIII, 517 p. 119 illus., 91 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 203,29 | € (A) 208,99 | sFr 253,00 7€ 189,99 | £171.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08140-3 9<HTODMJ=aibead> News 8/2014 T. Sonoda, Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York, NY, USA (Ed) Advanced Colonoscopy Principles and Techniques Beyond Simple Polypectomy This book provides surgeons and gastroenterologists with state-of-the-art techniques in terms of advanced colonoscopy. Chapters introduce methods of removing polyps that were not previously amenable to colonoscopic snare polypectomy. Advanced techniques such as closure of perforations and intestinal stenting are extensively covered. The text maintains a strong emphasis on surgical/ endoscopic technique. Extensive discussion on equipment and skill acquisition is also covered. As many readers will never have seen these complex procedures before, extensive photographs and video clips are provided. The authors provide tips, tricks, and pitfalls that will help the reader incorporate these new techniques into their practice. Advanced Colonoscopy: Polypectomy and Beyond will be of great value to any surgeon or gastroenterologist currently performing colonoscopy and interested in advanced techniques. Features 7 Provides tips, tricks, and pitfalls for advanced techniques 7 Written by experts in their fields 7 Extensively illustrated with photographs, illustrations and video clips Contents Endoscopic Instruments.- Difficult Polpys: Conventional methods.- Endoscopic Mucosal Resection (EMR).- Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection (ESD).- Combined Endoscopic and Laparoscopic Surgery (CELS).- Colonic Stenting.- Endoscopic Treatment of Perforations of Fistulas. Fields of interest Colorectal Surgery; Minimally Invasive Surgery; Gastroenterology Medicine & Public Health K. Tabbara, The Eye Center, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; A. M. El-Asrar, King Abdulaziz University Hospital, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; M. Khairallah, Fattouma Bourguiba University Hospital, Monastir, Tunisia (Eds) Ocular Infections Ocular infections remain an important cause of ocular morbidity and loss of vision, yet many are preventable or curable. Early diagnosis and prompt treatment help in the control of such infectious disorders and the prevention of blindness. There are many infectious diseases of the eye and adnexa and knowledge of their diagnosis and management is essential to an optimal therapeutic outcome. This book provides the practitioner with the important information required to ensure appropriate diagnosis and management of ocular infectious diseases. Specific clinical signs and symptoms are outlined, and the role of specific diagnostic tests, including molecular biology techniques, is explained. All of the most common microorganisms are considered and current knowledge on the antimicrobial therapy of ocular infections is clearly summarized. Features 7 Concise guide to diagnosis and management of infectious diseases of the eye 7 Covers the most recent advances in knowledge and new therapeutic modalities 7 Tables on dosages of intraocular antibiotics 7 Advice on use of topical and subconjunctival antibiotics Contents Introduction.- Antimicrobial Agents in Ophthalmology.- Infections of the Eyelids.- Microbial Keratitis.- Microbial Conjunctivitis.- Infections of the Ocular Adnexae: Nasolacrimal System, Lacrimal Glands, Orbit.- Infectious Anterior Uveitis.Infections of the Retina and Posterior Segment.Endophthalmitis.- Emerging Ocular Infections. Field of interest Ophthalmology Target groups Professional/practitioner Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Professional book Product category Contributed volume K.‑Y. Tan, Khoo Teck Puat Hospital, Singapore, Singapore (Ed) Transdisciplinary Perioperative Care in Colorectal Surgery An Integrative Approach The field of colorectal surgery has undergone tremendous developments in recent decades. Surgery has become less invasive, new perspectives and insights have improved perioperative management and novel outcome measures have been defined. At the same time, the limits of surgical technique and perioperative care are being challenged by more complex patients. In order to realize the immense potential for excellent outcomes in colorectal surgery, coordinated multifaceted care must be delivered within a context of limited resources. Features 7 Detailed discussion of the transdisciplinary integration of different components of care in colorectal surgery 7 Wide-ranging coverage of issues associated with surgical and perioperative care 7 Helpful take-home messages in bullet point form Contents Complexity of Current Healthcare and Transdisciplinary Care.- Design Thinking in Care Integration.- Integrative Care for Elderly Patients.- Integrative Perioperative Nutrition.- Transdisciplinary Nursing.- Enhanced Recovery.- Integrative Pharmacology.- Transdisciplinary Prehabilitation and Rehabilitation.- Transdisciplinary Cancer Management.- Marrying Endoscopic and Laparoscopic Treatment for Colorectal Cancer.- Multimodal Approach to Familial Colorectal Cancer.- Transdisciplinary Incontinence Management.- Transdisciplinary Constipation Management.- Innovations in Perianal Care and Surgery.- Transdisciplinary Stoma Care.- Healing and Psychosocial Issues. Fields of interest Oncology; Colorectal Surgery; Nursing Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Professional book Due September 2014 Due September 2014 2015. X, 130 p. 45 illus., 39 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 64,19 | € (A) 65,99 | sFr 80,00 7€ 59,99 | £53.99 ISBN 978-1-4939-1583-5 9<HTMEUD=jbfidf> 2014. XVIII, 240 p. 45 illus., 43 in color. (Essentials in Ophthalmology) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 128,39 | € (A) 131,99 | sFr 160,00 7€ 119,99 | £108.00 ISBN 978-3-662-43980-7 9<HTOGRC=edjiah> Due September 2014 2015. XVII, 260 p. 68 illus., 57 in color. Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 149,79 | € (A) 153,99 | sFr 186,50 7 approx.€ 139,99 | £126.00 ISBN 978-3-662-44019-3 9<HTOGRC=e abjd> 31 Medicine & Public Health G. Tilles, Hôpital Saint-Louis, Paris, France; V. LerouxHugon, Paris, France; A. Martin, AP-HP - DDPCM, Paris, France (Eds) Bibliothèques médicales à l’hôpital Histoires, rôles et perspectives L’accès à la documentation médicale à Paris est né en même temps que la nouvelle Ecole de Santé, issue des préoccupations révolutionnaires. En 1794, en effet, était créée, la bibliothèque médicale qui centralisait alors livres et périodiques proposés aux étudiants et futurs médecins. Dans les premières années de la IIIe République, la remise en question de la forme et du contenu de l’enseignement délivré par la Faculté de Médecine incita les Internes des Hôpitaux de Paris, alors chevilles ouvrières des services hospitaliers, à créer des bibliothèques à leur usage et à proximité de leurs lieux de travail. A l’hôpital Saint-Louis, le climat de création de la dermatologie, permit la fondation d’une bibliothèque spécialisée de référence, la bibliothèque Henri-Feulard. La menace de fermeture de la bibliothèque à la fin des années 1980 incite à lui donner une forme associative qui lui redonne le dynamisme nécessaire à un nouveau développement. Dans les premières années du XXème siècle est crée à l’hôpital de la Salpêtrière une prestigieuse bibliothèque de neurologie. Création originale, cette bibliothèque provient d’un riche fonds privé, celui de la bibliothèque personnelle de Jean-Martin Charcot. Features 7 Premier ouvrage sur ce thème 7 Synthèse historique et contemporaine sur le sujet 7 Riche iconographie Fields of interest History of Medicine; Education (general) Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Contributed volume springer.com/NEWSonline C. Trombetta, University of Trieste Cattinara Hospital, Trieste, Italy; G. Liguori, Urological Clinic, Cattinara Hospital, Trieste, Italy; M. Bertolotto, Cattinara Hospital, Trieste, Italy (Eds) S. Vaidyanathan, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Kochi, India; R. R. Menon, P. Jacob, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Kochi, Kerla, India; B. John, Government Medical College, Kerla, India Management of Gender Dysphoria Chronic Venous Disorders of the Lower Limbs A Multidisciplinary Approach A Surgical Approach Contents Part I General Aspects: Sexual Ambiguity: Development Of Judgement And Evaluation Criteria Over The Centuries.- Gender dysphoria: definition and evolution through the years.- The DSM Diagnostic Criteria For Gender Dysphoria.- Epidemiologic Considerations On Transsexualism.- Etiopathogenetic Hypotheses Of Transsexualism.- Imaging: Examination Technique.- Clinical Management Of Gender Dysphoria In Adolescents.- Part II Management of Male to Female: Psychological Characteristics And Sexuality Of Natal Males With Gender Dysphoria.- Endocrine Treatment Of Transsexual Male To Female Persons.- Surgical Therapy: My Personal Technique.- Surgical Therapy: Vaginoplasty In Male Transsexuals Using Penile Skin And Urethral Flap .- Surgical Therapy: Construction Of The Neovagina Using The Pelvic Peritoneum.- Surgical Therapy: Technical Suggestions For Better And Lasting Functional And Aesthetic Outcomes In Manufacturing The Neoclitoris.- Surgical Therapy: Feminization Laryngoplasty.- Surgical Therapy: Mastoplasty.- Complications Of Male To Female Vaginoplasty.- Surgery In Complications: Colon Vaginoplasty.- Surgery In Complications: Ileal Vaginoplasty.- Surgery In Complications: Management Of Prolapse.- Evaluation Of Lower Urinary Tract Function After Surgery.- Follow Up Of Patients After Male To Female (Mtf) Sex Reassignment Surgery (Srs).- Quality Of Life After Sexual Reassignment Surgery.- Imaging. Contents Section I - Basics Chapter 1 Venous diseases - a historical survey.- Chapter 2 - Lower limb venous anatomy.- Chapter 3 - Venous physiology and haemodynamics of lower limbs.- Chapter 4 - Chronic venous disorders. Classification , severity assessment and nomenclature. Section II - Primary varicose veins -C2 clinical class.Chapter 5 - Epidemiology and risk factors.- Chapter 6 - Primary varicose veins : symptoms and diagnosis.- Chapter 7 - Open surgery for primary varicose veins.- Chapter 8 - Endovenous thermal ablation.- Chapter 9 - Sclerotherapy.- Chapter 10 - Recurrent varicose veins Section III - Chronic venous insufficiency and leg ulcer - C3-C6 clinical class.- Chapter 11 - Chronic venous insufficiency and venous ulcers: pathophysiology.- Chapter 12 - Chronic venous insufficiency - clinical features and investigations.- Chapter 13 - Principles of treatment of chronic venous insufficiency.- Chapter 14 - The post-thrombotic syndrome. Pathophysiology, clinical features and management.Chapter 15 - Care of ulcer and compression therapy.- Chapter 16 - Pharmacotherapy of CVI.Chapter 17 - Strategies for the management of incompetent perforating veins.- Chapter 18 - Deep vein valve reconstruction.- Chapter 19 - Deep vein obstruction - management strategies. Section IV Assorted venous problems.- Chapter 20 - Venous telangiectasia and reticular veins- Clinical class CI.- Chapter 21 - Pelvic venous syndromes. Fields of interest Urology/Andrology; Imaging / Radiology; Surgery Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Monograph Fields of interest General Surgery; Surgery; Vascular Surgery Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Professional book Due October 2014 A paraître October 2014 2014. Ca. 150 p. 25 ill. Broché 7 approx. *€ (D) 35,50 | € (A) 36,49 | sFr 44,50 7 approx.€ 33,18 | £29.99 ISBN 978-2-8178-0538-2 2015. Approx. 350 p. 201 illus., 151 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 149,79 | € (A) 153,99 | sFr 186,50 7€ 139,99 | £126.00 ISBN 978-88-470-5695-4 9<HTNIMH=iafdic> 9<HT IPH=afgjfe> 32 Due October 2014 2015. Approx. 250 p. 64 illus. in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 85,59 | € (A) 87,99 | sFr 106,50 7€ 79,99 | £72.00 ISBN 978-81-322-1990-3 9<HT BOC=cbj ad> News 8/2014 Medicine & Public Health S. K. Venkatesh, R. L. Ehman, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA (Eds) Magnetic Resonance Elastography The first book to cover the groundbreaking development and clinical applications of Magnetic Resonance Elastography, this book is essential for all practitioners interested in this revolutionary diagnostic modality. The book is divided into three sections. The first covers the history of MRE. The second covers technique and clinical applications of MRE in the liver with respect to fibrosis, liver masses, and other diseases. Case descriptions are presented to give the reader a hands-on approach. The final section presents the techniques, sequence and preliminary results of applications in other areas of the body including muscle, brain, lung, heart, and breast. Features 7 The first book to cover this revolutionary diagnostic technique 7 Extensive coverage of current clinical applications of Liver MRE in fibrosis, liver masses, and other diseases 7 Gives an introduction to the applications and preliminary results of MRE in other organs currently under investigation Contents Introduction.- History of Elastography.- Liver MRE Technique.- Clinical Applications of Liver MRE – 1 Liver Fibrosis.- Clinical Applications of Liver MRE – 2 Liver Masses.- Impact of MRE on Liver Diseases.- MRE for Other Applications in the Abdomen.- MRE of Muscle.- MRE of Brain.MRE of Lung and Heart.- MRE of Breast. Fields of interest Diagnostic Radiology; Imaging / Radiology; Gastroenterology T. J. Vogl, Universitätsklinikum Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany; W. Reith, Universitätsklinikum des Saarlandes, Homburg, Germany; E. J. Rummeny, TU München Klinikum rechts der Isar, München, Germany (Eds) L.‑J. Wang, Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taoyuan, Taiwan Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology A Case-Based Guide This exceptional book covers all aspects of diagnostic and interventional radiology within one volume, at a level appropriate for the specialist. From the basics through diagnosis to intervention: the reader will find a complete overview of all areas of radiology. The clear, uniform structure, with chapters organized according to organ system, facilitates the rapid retrieval of information. Features 7 Covers the entire spectrum of radiology in one exceptional volume 7 Provides up-to-date information on diagnosis and interventional techniques 7 Presents more than 2500 images for comparison with the reader’s own findings Contents Part I: General Aspects.- Part II: Neuroradiology.- Part III: Head and Neck.- Part IV: Thorax, Mediastinum, Pleura.- Part V: Mamma.- Part VI: Heart and Vessels.- Part VII: Gastrointestinal Tract.- Part VIII: Genitourinary System.- Part IX: Bones and Joints. Fields of interest Diagnostic Radiology; Orthopedics; Gastroenterology Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Contributed volume Target groups Professional/practitioner Key Diagnostic Features in Uroradiology This book presents a wealth of images of the different diseases and conditions encountered in the field of uroradiology with the aim of enabling the reader to recognize lesions, to interpret them appropriately and to make correct diagnoses. The images have been selected because they depict typical or classic findings and provide a route to lesion recognition that is superior to memorization of descriptions. Features 7 Enables the reader to recognize key imaging features and to make a correct diagnosis 7 Depicts classic imaging findings for a wide range of diseases and conditions 7 Offers guidance on selection of imaging technique in different circumstances 7 Includes images obtained with the full range of modalities Contents Normal variant and congenital anomalies.- Urinary tract infection.- Renal cystic disease.- Renal parenchymal neoplasms.- Lesions of the renal pelvicalyceal system, ureter, bladder and urethra.Vascular diseases.- Retroperitoneum.- Adrenal gland.- Male reproductive system: Prostate , seminal vesicles and testicular lesions.- Female reproductive system: Uterine body, uterine cervix, ovary, vagina.- Nephrological, systemic and nonurinary diseases with urinary tract involvement. Fields of interest Imaging / Radiology; Urology/Andrology; Nephrology Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Contributed volume Product category Professional book Due September 2014 Due February 2015 Due September 2014 2015. X, 150 p. 83 illus., 66 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-1-4939-1574-3 2014. Approx. 950 p. 2000 illus. Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 245,03 | € (A) 251,90 | sFr 305,00 7 approx.€ 229,00 | £206.50 ISBN 978-3-662-44036-0 2015. XIII, 660 p. 723 illus. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 160,49 | € (A) 164,99 | sFr 200,00 7€ 149,99 | £135.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08776-4 9<HTMEUD=jbfhed> 9<HTOGRC=e adga> 9<HTODMJ=aih ge> 33 Medicine & Public Health F. M. Wigley, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA; A. L. Herrick, The University of Manchester, Manchester, UK; N. Flavahan, Johns Hopkins University School of Medic, Baltimore, MD, USA (Eds) Raynaud’s Phenomenon A Guide to Pathogenesis and Treatment Features 7 Renowned experts on Raynaud’s Phenomenon offer comprehensive review and new insights into this disorder 7 Reviews current understanding of pathogenesis, methods of measuring Raynaud’s Phenomenon, and current treatment options 7 Of interest to healthcare providers who deal with Raynaud’s Phenomenon and associated diseases and to scientists interested in this disorder Contents Historical perspective of Raynaud’s phenomenon.definition, nomenclature and diagnostic criteria.Epidemiology of Raynaud’s Phenomenon.- Thermoregulation: The Normal Structure and Function of the Cutaneous Vascular System.- Pathophysiological Regulation of the Cutaneous Vascular System in Raynaud’s Phenomenon.- Primary Raynaud’s Phenomenon.- Raynaud Phenomenon In The Pediatric Age.-Secondary Raynaud’s phenomenon.- Traumatic Vasospastic Disease.- Other Secondary Causes.- Raynaud’s Mimics.- Nailfold Capillaries.-Non-Invasive methods of assessing Raynaud’s phenomenon.- Angiography.- Autoantibodies in Raynaud’s Phenomenon.- Systemic Vasospasm.- Clinical Outcome Measures in Raynaud’s Phenomenon.- Design and reporting of randomised controlled trials for Raynaud’s phenomenon.- Non-drug Approaches to Treating Raynaud’s Phenomenon.- Drug Treatment of Raynaud’s Phenomenon.- Management of digital ischemia.- Surgical Management.- Practical Approaches to Treatment: Case Studies. springer.com/NEWSonline K. W. Wright, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA, USA; Y. N. Strube, Kingston, ON, Canada Color Atlas Of Strabismus Surgery Strategies and Techniques Contents Preface to the Fourth Edition; Preface to the Third Edition; Preface to the Second Edition; Preface to the First Edition; Acknowledgment; Section I: Management Strategies - 1 Amblyopia Treatment - 2 Principles of Strabismus Surgery -3 Infantile Esotropia -4 Acquired Esotropia -5 Exotropia -6 Torticollis, Nystagmus, and Incomitant Strabismus -7 Complex Strabismus -8 Cranial Nerve Palsies Section II: Surgical Techniques - 9 Surgical Anatomy -10 Basic Surgical Techniques (Dos and Don’ts) -11 Rectus Muscle Recession -12 Topical Anesthesia Strabismus Surgery -13 Adjustable Suture Technique -14 Rectus Muscle Tightening Procedures -15 Horizontal Rectus Muscle Offsets and the Y-Splitting Procedure -16 Transposition Surgery for Rectus Muscle Palsy -17 Inferior Oblique Muscle Weakening Procedures -18 Superior Oblique Tendon Tightening Procedures -19 Superior Oblique Tendon Weakening Procedures -20 Faden Operation (Posterior Fixation Suture) -21 Reoperation Techniques - 22 Minimally Invasive Strabismus Surgery; Appendixes Field of interest Ophthalmology Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Atlas S. Wu, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA; S. Kalva, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, USA (Eds) Dialysis Access Management This practical book covers the basic principles and practice of dialysis access management, a crucial part of the care of patients undergoing hemodialysis. Features 7 A practical book covering the basic principles and practice of dialysis access management 7 Facilitates learning and understanding of the procedures by presenting information in a step-by-step approach 7 Contains numerous images and diagrams demonstrating commonly performed dialysis access exams, interventions, procedures and surgeries in an easy-to-read format Contents Angiographic Imaging Equipment.- Endovascular Tools.- Basic Endovascular Skills and Techniques .- Radiation Safety.- Conscious Sedation and Anesthesia Care.- Vascular Anatomy for Hemodialysis Access.- Hemodialysis Access: Types.Hemodialysis Access: Physical Examination and Surveillance.- Hemodialysis Access: Imaging Diagnosis.- Angiogram and Angioplasty.- Declotting of Hemodialysis Arteriovenous Access.- Endovascular Stent Placement.- Minimally Invasive Banding Procedure.- Peripheral Arterial Disease in Hemodialysis Access.- Non-tunneled Hemodialysis Catheter.- Tunneled Hemodialysis Catheter.Surgical Placement of Hemodialysis Vascular Accesses.- Surgical Management of Deep Fistulae Veins.- Preoperative and Postoperative Care for Hemodialysis Vascular Access Surgery. Fields of interest Nephrology; Interventional Radiology; Vascular Surgery Fields of interest Rheumatology; Internal Medicine; Dermatology Target groups Professional/practitioner Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Contributed volume Product category Contributed volume Due October 2014 Due September 2014 2015. X, 430 p. 113 illus., 87 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 203,29 | € (A) 208,99 | sFr 253,00 7€ 189,99 | £171.00 ISBN 978-1-4939-1525-5 9<HTMEUD=jbfcf > 34 4th ed. 2015. XV, 182 p. 253 illus., 149 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 160,49 | € (A) 164,99 | sFr 200,00 7€ 149,99 | £135.00 ISBN 978-1-4939-1479-1 9<HTMEUD=jbehjb> Due September 2014 2015. XV, 245 p. 161 illus., 141 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 128,39 | € (A) 131,99 | sFr 160,00 7€ 119,99 | £108.00 ISBN 978-3-319-09092-4 9<HTODMJ=ajajce> News 8/2014 Medicine & Public Health H. Yazici, Istanbul University, Beyazit, Istanbul, Turkey; Y. Yazici, New York University School of Medicine NYU Hospital for Joint Diseases, New York, NY, USA; E. Lesaffre, Department of Biostatistics, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands (Eds) Understanding Evidence-Based Rheumatology A Guide to Interpreting Criteria, Drugs, Trials, Registries, and Ethics Features 7 Provides useful insight to anyone needing to assess or execute any kind of clinical study 7 Based on trials’ successes and shortcomings and shows how they affected the currently used guideline in rheumatology 7 Offers a multifaceted approach, from interpreting data to trial design, from analysis to presentation and publication of data Contents 1. Evidence in Rheumatology: How Does It Differ from Other Diseases?.- 2. A Review of Statistical Approaches for the Analysis of Data in Rheumatology.- 3. Disease Classification/Diagnosis Criteria.- 4. Biomarkers, Genetic Association and Genomic Studies.- 5. Outcome Measures in Rheumatoid Arthritis.- 6. Issues in Setting Up a Study and Data Collection.- 7. The Randomized Controlled Trial: Methodological Perspectives.- 8. Limitations of Traditional Randomized Controlled Clinical Trials in Rheumatology.- 9. Methodological Issues Relevant to Observational Studies, Registries and Administrative Health Databases in Rheumatology.- 10. Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses in Rheumatology.- 11. Ethical Issues in Study Design and Reporting.- 12. Future Directions. Fields of interest Rheumatology; Internal Medicine; Medicine/Public Health, general Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Contributed volume Due August 2014 2014. IV, 292 p. 32 illus., 20 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 128,39 | € (A) 131,99 | sFr 160,00 7€ 119,99 | £108.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08373-5 9<HTODMJ=aidhdf> 35 Biomedicine R. A. Aguilar-Roblero, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México, Mexico City, Mexico; M. Díaz-Muñoz, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Juriquilla, Qro, Mexico; M. L. Fanjul-Moles, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City, Mexico (Eds) Mechanisms of Circadian Systems in Animals and Their Clinical Relevance Contents 1. Introduction to Circadian Rhythms, Clocks and its Genes.- 2. Oxidative Stress and its Role in the Synchronization of Circadian Rhythms in Crustaceans, an Ecological Perspective.- 3. Control of Rest: Activity Behavior by the Central Clock in Drosophila.- 4. Biological Rhythmicity in Subterranean Animals, a Function Risking Extinction?.5. Avian Circadian Organization.- 6. Functional Organization of Circadian Timing System of Diurnal Primate (Marmoset).- 7. Intracellular Calcium as a Clock Output from Suprachiasmatic Nuclei Neurons.- 8. GABAA Receptor-Mediated Neurotransmission in the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus.- 9. Network Properties in the SCN Function.- 10. Behavioral, Physiological and Neuroendocrine Circadian Rhythms during Lactation.- 11. A Time to Wake, a Time to Sleep.- 12. Chronostasis: The Timing of Physiological Systems.- 13. Circadian rhythm and Food/Nutrition.- 14. Physiopathology of Circadian Rhythms: Understanding the Biochemical Mechanisms of Obesity and Cancer.15. Effects of Circadian Disruption on Physiology and Pathology: from Bench to Clinic (and Back).- 16. Circadian Dysfunction in Huntington’s Disease.- 17. Is it Possible to Modify Clock Genes to Improve Health?. Fields of interest Neurosciences; Human Physiology; Neurology springer.com/NEWSonline M. Andreeff, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA (Ed) R. N. Aravalli, C. J. Steer, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA Targeted Therapy of Acute Myeloid Leukemia Hepatocellular Carcinoma Contents Introduction/Perspective.- Genetics and Classification of Acute Myeloid Leukemia.- Proteomics of AML to guide Selection of Therapy.- Roles of Apoptosis Regulating Bcl-2-Family Genes in AML.- Bcl-2 family: Translational aspects.- IAP Family and Proteins as Therapeutic Targets for Acute Myeloid Leukemia.- TP53 Mutations in Acute Myeloid Leukemia.- Targeting p53 Tumor Suppressor for AML Therapy.- AML-Selective Apoptosis Induction by rationally designed Death Ligand Fusion Protein.- PIM Kinases in AML.Development of Midostaurin as a Tyrosine Kinase Inhabitor.- FLT3 in AML.- FLT3-ITD. Clinical (Sorafenib/AC220).- Nucleophosmin (NPM1).Raf/MEK Pathway.- The Role of Translational Medicine in Optimization of Therapies targeting the RAS-MAP Kinase Pathway.- Clinical Use of Farnesyltransferase Inhititors.- The P13K-AKTmTOR signaling Network in AML.- Targeting the P13 Kinase-mTOR Signaling Pathway in AML.- Aurora kinases.- The Clinical Development of Aurora Kinase Inhibitors in Acute Myeloid Leukemia.- AML-Deacetylases.- Methylation in AML-Clinical Applications.- Topic: RARa/RXR Part: Basic.- Arsenic Trioxide in Untreated APL.Targeting PML-RARα with Retinoids.- NR4A Orphan Receptors as Drug Targets.- Antibody-based Therapeutics Targeting CD33, CD45, and CD66.New Heterogeneity of the Leukemic Stem Cells.Targeting Leukemia Stem Cells.- Regulation of Hematopoiesis by CXCL12/CXCR4 Signaling.CXC4/CXCL12 as a Therapeutic Target.- VLA-4: A Cell’s Consequential Encounter. Target groups Research Fields of interest Cancer Research; Pharmacology/Toxicology; Cell Biology Product category Contributed volume Target groups Research Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms and Novel Therapeutic Strategies This book provides up-to-date information on the development and progression of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) with a review of the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in the disease process. Recent research in HCC has led to significant progress in our understanding of the cellular processes and molecular mechanisms that occur during multi-stage events that lead to hepatocarcinogenesis. The emergence of micro RNAs and molecular targeted therapies have added a new dimension in our efforts to combat this deadly disease, Chapters include discussion and evaluation of current intervention strategies and therapeutic options and a focus on the novel approaches that are being pursued, such as micro-RNA based therapies and personalized medicine to treat liver cancer. This book will be of interest to basic and clinical researchers, as well as to drug developers. Contents Introduction.- Etiology.- Current diagnosis and treatment options for HCC.- Pathophysiology of HCC.- Molecular mechanisms of HCC.- Animal models of liver cancer.- Novel therapeutic strategies to combat HCC.- Conclusions. Fields of interest Cancer Research; Oncology; Target groups Research Product category Brief Product category Professional book Due September 2014 2014. IV, 422 p. 81 illus., 51 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 160,49 | € (A) 164,99 | sFr 200,00 7€ 149,99 | £135.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08944-7 9<HTODMJ=aije h> 36 Due October 2014 Due October 2014 2015. I, 1065 p. 62 illus., 46 in color. (Current Cancer Research) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 192,59 | € (A) 197,99 | sFr 240,00 7€ 179,99 | £162.00 ISBN 978-1-4939-1392-3 2014. Approx. 100 p. 2 illus. in color. (SpringerBriefs in Cancer Research) Softcover 7 *€ (D) 53,49 | € (A) 54,99 | sFr 67,00 7€ 49,99 | £44.99 ISBN 978-3-319-09413-7 9<HTMEUD=jbdjcd> 9<HTODMJ=ajebdh> News 8/2014 J.‑P. Bourguignon, University of Liège, Liège, Belgium; J.‑C. Carel, Hopital Robert Debre, Paris, France; J. Young, Centre Hospitalier de Bicetre, Kremlin Bicetre, France; Y. Christen, Fondation Ipsen, Boulogne-Billancourt, France (Eds) Brain Crosstalk in Puberty and Adolescence Contents Drugs and the adolescent brain by Anne L. Wheeler and Paul W. Frankland.- Gonadal hormones organize the adolescent brain and behavior by Cheryl L. Sisk.- The role of pubertal hormones in the development of gender identity: fMRI studies by S.M. Burke and J. Bakker.- Pubertal timing, exploratory behavior and mental health: a view from a clinician and public health practitioner by Pierre-André Michaud.- Puberty, the brain and mental health in adolescence by Russell Viner.- The Role of Puberty in Human Adolescent Brain Development by Anne Lise Goddings.- The Adolescent Brain: Insights from Neuroimaging by Jay N. Giedd and Alexander H. Denker.- Gene networks, epigenetics and the control of female puberty by Alejandro Lomniczi, Juan Manuel Castellano, Hollis Wright, Basak Selcuk, Kemal Sonmez and Sergio R. Ojeda.- Neuroendocrine and Molecular Mechanisms for the Metabolic Control of Puberty: Recent Developments by Manuel Tena-Sempere.- Prostaglandin E2, gliotransmission and onset of puberty by Vincent Prevot and Jerome Clasadonte.- The gonadotropic axis deficiency: a neurodevelopmental disorder by Lukas Huijbregts, Brooke Tata, Nicolas de Roux.- Changes in pubertal timing: past views, recast issues by Jean-Pierre Bourguignon, Françoise Domine, Fabienne Glowacz, Marie-Christine Lebrethon, Anne-Simone Parent.- Subject Index. Fields of interest Neurosciences; Human Genetics; Endocrinology Target groups Research Product category Contributed volume Biomedicine A. E. Cavanna, National Centre for Mental Health, Birmingham, UK; A. Nani, Torino, Italy A. Dygai, V. Zhdanov, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Tomsk, Russia Consciousness Theory of Hematopoiesis Control Theories in Neuroscience and Philosophy of Mind Contents Part 1. Philosophical theories of consciousness: Chapter 1. Tim Bayne.- Chapter 2. Ned Block.Chapter 3. David Chalmers.- Chapter 4. Paul and Patricia Churchland.- Chapter 5. Tim Crane.Chapter 6. Donald Davidson.- Chapter 7. Daniel Dennett.- Chapter 8. René Descartes.- Chapter 9. Hubert Dreyfus.- Chapter 10. Jerry Fodor.- Chapter 11. Douglas Hofstadter.- Chapter 12. Jaegwon Kim.- Chapter 13. William Lycan.- Chapter 14. Thomas Metzinger.- Chapter 15. Thomas Nagel.Chapter 16. Hilary Putnam.- Chapter 17. David Rosenthal.- Chapter 18. Bertrand Russell.- Chapter 19. John Searle.- Chapter 20. Stephen Stich.Part 2. Scientific theories of consciousness:Chapter 21. Bernard Baars.- Chapter 22. Jean-Pierre Changeux and Stanislas Dehaene.- Chapter 23. Michael Corballis.- Chapter 24. Francis Crick and Christof Koch.- Chapter 25. Antonio Damasio.Chapter 26. Merlin Donald.- Chapter 27. John Eccles and Karl Popper.- Chapter 28. Gerald Edelman.- Chapter 29. Richard Gregory.- Chapter 30. Stuart Hameroff.- Chapter 31. Nicholas Humphrey.- Chapter 32. Julian Jaynes.- Chapter 33. Benjamin Libet.- Chapter 34. Roger Penrose.Chapter 35. Vilayanur Ramachandran.- Chapter 36. Michael Trimble.- Chapter 37. Francisco Varela.- Chapter 38. Max Velmans.- Chapter 39. Adrian Williams.- Chapter 40. Adam Zeman. Fields of interest Neurosciences; Philosophy of Mind; Behavioural Sciences Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Professional book This monograph summarizes the large amount of experimental data accumulated during many years of studying the functions of the blood system and its regulatory mechanisms under the action of diverse morbific factors within the models of pathological processes (e.g. immobilization stress, blood loss, inflammation, cytostatic and radiation myelosuppressions, experimental encephalopathies, neuroses, and spontaneous leucosis). These data are is analyzed with the understanding that hematopoietic tissue is an integrated system that can react to the challenges of both the internal and external environments. Features 7 First short book on the process of production, multiplication and specialization of blood cells 7 Of interest to both active researchers, as well as to a wider non-specialist audience 7 A unique, concise account of Hematopoiesis Contents Introduction.- Abbreviations.- 1 Mechanisms of Hematopoiesis Control.- 2 Alterations in the blood system induced by extreme conditions.- 3 Disturbances in hemopoietic control during neurotic disorders.- 4 Alterations in the blood system during myelosuppression induced by cytostatic and radiation treatments.- 5 Disturbances in hematopoietic control during experimental leucosis.- 6 Disturbances in the control of the blood system during the posthypoxic period.- Conclusions.- References.- Index. Field of interest Biomedicine general Target groups Research Product category Brief Due September 2014 2014. X, 226 p. 23 illus., 17 in color. (Research and Perspectives in Endocrine Interactions, Volume 13) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 149,79 | € (A) 153,99 | sFr 186,50 7€ 139,99 | £126.00 ISBN 978-3-319-09167-9 9<HTODMJ=ajbghj> Due August 2014 Due September 2014 2014. X, 211 p. 41 illus., 31 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 85,59 | € (A) 87,99 | sFr 106,50 7€ 79,99 | £72.00 ISBN 978-3-662-44087-2 9<HTOGRC=e aihc> 2014. X, 105 p. 18 illus., 1 in color. (SpringerBriefs in Cell Biology, Volume 5) Softcover 7 *€ (D) 53,49 | € (A) 54,99 | sFr 67,00 7€ 49,99 | £44.99 ISBN 978-3-319-08583-8 9<HTODMJ=aifidi> 37 Biomedicine A. C. Errington, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK; G. Di Giovanni, University of Malta, Msida MSD, Malta; V. Crunelli, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK (Eds) springer.com/NEWSonline New Series M. B. Evgen’ev, D. Garbuz, O. Zatsepina, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia Healthy Ageing and Longevity Heat Shock Proteins and Whole Extrasynaptic GABAA Receptors Body Adaptation to Extreme GABA is the principal inhibitory neurotransmitEnvironments ter in the CNS and acts via GABAA and GABAB receptors. Recently, a novel form of GABAA receptor-mediated inhibition, termed “tonic” inhibition, has been described. Features 7 First book to describe tonic inhibition 7 Emphasizes the important role of extrasynaptic GABAA receptors 7 Brings together contributions from leading experts in the field Contents A brief introduction to extrasynaptic GABAA receptors and ‘tonic’ GABAA receptor mediated inhibition in physiology and disease.- Extrasynaptic GABAA receptors: subunit composition, distribution, and regulation.- Biophysical properties of recombinant 2- AND δ- subunit containing GABAA receptors.- The pharmacology of extrasynaptic GABAA receptors.- Neurosteroids and extrasynaptic GABAA receptors.- Sources of GABA that activate extrasynaptic GABAA receptors.- Modulation of Extrasynaptic GABAA Receptors by G-protein-coupled Receptors.- Extrasynaptic GABAA receptors and tonic inhibition in spinal cord.- The role of peri-synaptic GABA receptors after stroke.- The role of extrasynaptic GABAA receptors in focal epilepsy.- Gain-ofFunction of Thalamic Extrasynaptic GABA-A Receptors in Typical Absence Seizures.- GABAergic control of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis: role of extrasynaptic GABAA receptors.- Tonic GABAA receptor mediated inhibition in Fragile-X Syndrome: A cause of dysfunction or a pathway for a cure? Fields of interest Neurosciences; Pharmacology/Toxicology; Neurology Target groups Research Series editor: S. I. Rattan Rapidly changing demographics worldwide towards increased proportion of the elderly in the population and increased life-expectancy have brought the issues, such as “why we grow old”, “how we grow old”, “how long can we live”, “how to maintain health”, “how to prevent and treat diseases in old age”, “what are the future perspectives for healthy ageing and longevity” and so on, in the centre stage of scientific, social, political, and economic arena. Although the descriptive aspects of ageing are now well established at the level of species, populations, individuals, and within an individual at the tissue, cell and molecular levels, the implications of such detailed understanding with respect to the aim of achieiving healthy ageing and longevity are ever-changing and challenging issues. This continuing success of gerontology, and especially of biogerontology, is attracting the attention of both the well established academicians and the younger generation of students and researchers in biology, medicine, bioinformatics, bioeconomy, sports science, and nutritional sciences, along with sociologists, psychologists, politicians, public health experts, and health-care industry including cosmeceutical-, food-, and lifestyle-industry. Books in this series will cover the topics related to the issues of healthy ageing and longevity. This series will provide not only the exhaustive reviews of the established body of knowledge, but also will give a critical evaluation of the ongoing research and development with respect to theoretical and evidence-based practical and ethical aspects of interventions towards maintaining, recovering and enhancing health and longevity. For many years, the authors have investigated the adaptive role of heat shock proteins (HSPs) in different animals, including the representatives of homothermic and poikilothermic organisms that inhabit regions with contrasting thermal conditions. Features 7 The book is a unique combination of data obtained in field studies and laboratory investigations of the various types of molecular adaptations to extreme environments 7 The book presents results of data accumulated over almost 30 years of studies of various animals inhabiting highly aggressive niches 7 The book represents the first attempt to investigate the role of stress proteins on whole body adaptations to adverse conditions Contents Introduction.- The discovery of heat shock response system and major groups of heat shock proteins.- Molecular functions of heat shock proteins.- Regulation of heat shock genes expression.Heat shock proteins and adaptation to variable and extreme environments.- Different trends in the evolution of heat shock genes systems.- The role of mobile elements in the evolution and function of Hsps systems.- Fine tuning of the HSR in various organisms.- Experimental modulation of heat shock response.- Glossary. Fields of interest Biomedicine general; Life Sciences, general; Cell Biology Target groups Research Product category Monograph Product category Contributed volume Due September 2014 2014. I, 450 p. 34 illus., 18 in color. (The Receptors, Volume 27) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 160,49 | € (A) 164,99 | sFr 200,00 7€ 149,99 | £135.00 ISBN 978-1-4939-1425-8 9<HTMEUD=jbecfi> 38 Due September 2014 2014. XII, 264 p. 34 illus. in color. Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 139,05 | € (A) 142,94 | sFr 173,00 7 approx.€ 129,95 | £117.00 ISBN 978-94-017-9234-9 9<HTUELB=hjcdej> News 8/2014 K. F. Felsted, S. D. Wright, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, USA Toward Post Ageing Technology in an Ageing Society This book examines the emergent and expanding role of technologies that hold both promise and possible peril for transforming the ageing process in this century. Features 7 Presents a provocative interdisciplinary metaanalysis that contrasts paradigms with inflection points within the field of ageing 7 Offers a detailed examination of the varied roles of technology in an ageing society 7 Examines the promise and challenges of post ageing 7 Addresses the implication of ethics in postponing and possibly ending ageing Contents Preface.- Part I Transcending Disciplinary and Paradigmatic Tensions in Gerontology.- The Use of Inflection Points.- The Definition and Delineation of Each Inflection Point.- Part II Toward Post Ageing: Critical Examination and Provisional Typology for Understanding the Varied Roles of Technology in an Ageing Society.- Post Ageing.Moderate Versions of the Inflection Point and Positive Derivative.- Transition Publications from the Moderate Version of the Inflection Point (and positive derivative) to the Radical Version.- Radical Versions of the Inflection Point.- Viable Criticisms for the Radical Version of Post Ageing.- Part III The Next Inflection Point.- The Promise and Challenges of Post Ageing.- Longevity.- Technology.- Philosophical Antecedents for Post Ageing. Biomedicine C. Foged, T. Rades, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark; Y. Perrie, Aston University Aston Pharmacy School, Birmingham, UK; S. Hook, University of Otago School of Pharmacy, Dunedin, New Zealand (Eds) New Series Subunit Vaccine Delivery Series editor: I. Fong A significant improvement in the safety of modern vaccines has been the development of subunit vaccines, as these are composed of very well-defined and highly pure components, often recombinant proteins. However, since protein-based antigens in general are weakly immunogenic by themselves, co-administration of adjuvants is required to induce potent and persistent specific immune responses. In recent years, there has been substantial progress in the discovery of new efficient adjuvants for subunit vaccines that are often classified into delivery systems and immunopotentiating compounds that constitute pathogen-associated molecular patterns, such as the toll-like receptor ligands. The combination of delivery systems and immunopotentiators has appeared to represent extraordinarily good adjuvants due to concomitant enhanced antigen delivery and potent stimulation of innate immunity. Many of these adjuvants are of a particulate nature and mimic the structure and/ or composition of microbes in a reductionist fashion. Examples are liposomes, polymeric nanoparticles, emulsions and virus-like particles. However, there are a substantial number of pharmaceutical challenges associated with the subunit vaccine development process due to the complex nature of the antigen-adjuvant combinations. Infectious diseases have been the scourge of mankind for centuries with such dreaded pestilence as the Black Death (plaque) between the fourteenth and eighteenth centuries, and cholera epidemics intermittently from the sixteenth to the twentieth century. Previous dreaded diseases such as small pox and poliomyelitis have been and or soon to be eliminated from the world. However, many pathogens of the past are still with us today and are capable of creating havoc and pandemics (such as the Influenza virus). The advent of vaccines and antibiotics in the mid-twentieth century gave false hope to medical professionals and politicians that infectious diseases would be a relic of the past by the end of the twentieth century. Quite the contrary has occurred with new emerging infectious diseases being recognized as we are currently witnessing with the AIDS pandemic, and reemergence of older microbes. The Emerging Infectious Diseases of the 21st Century Series is aimed to address the new challenging infections and surrounding issues facing physicians and mankind in the new century. Old or established pathogens such as Mycobacteria tuberculosis and malaria are now re-emerging or spreading across the globe in a more treatment resistant form. These and other aggressive and difficult pathogens are addressed in the initial volumes of the series “Reemergence of Established Pathogens in the 21st Century” by world renown, leading experts in the field. Among the initial volumes is a review of the exciting area of new concepts of the relationship between microbes and the cardiovascular system in “Infection and the Cardiovascular System: New Perspectives” by a leading researcher in this area. Further volumes of the series will address newly recognized pathogens such as Nipah virus, New variant of Creutzfeld-Jacob disease (mad cow or bovine encephalopathy), emergence of old-world pathogens in the Western World such as West-Nile virus, and many others. Emerging Infectious Diseases of the 21st Century Fields of interest Pharmaceutical Sciences/Technology; Vaccine; Biomedicine general Fields of interest Biomedicine general; Geriatrics/Gerontology; Ethics Target groups Research Target groups Research Product category Contributed volume Product category Monograph Due August 2014 Due November 2014 2014. XVII, 157 p. 1 illus. in color. (Healthy Ageing and Longevity, Volume 1) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-09050-4 2014. X, 430 p. (Advances in Delivery Science and Technology) Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 149,79 | € (A) 153,99 | sFr 186,50 7 approx.€ 139,99 | £126.50 ISBN 978-1-4939-1416-6 9<HTODMJ=ajafae> 9<HTMEUD=jbebg > 39 Biomedicine I. Fong, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada The Role of Microbes in Common Non-Infectious Diseases This new volume in the series Emerging Infectious Diseases of the 21st Century is a novel book on the role of microbes in the pathogenesis of common and disabling non-infectious diseases. New insights have emerged over the past several years suggesting that our commensal microflora of the gut is extremely important in regulating physiological and immune functions of the body. Features 7 Explores the role of microbes in the pathogenesis of common and disabling non-infectious diseases 7 Draws upon increasing evidence that the microflora of the gut plays a key role in the regulation of physiological and immune functions of the body 7 Excellent resource for both physicians and investigators Contents Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Microbial Pathogenesis.- Microbes in Colon Cancer and Inflammatory Bowel Disease.- The Role of Microbes in Obesity.- Microbes in the Pathogenesis of Diabetes Mellitus.- Asthma and Microbes: a New Paradigm.- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Searching for a Microbial Etiology.- Can Microbes Play a Role in the Pathogenesis of Alzheimer Disease?- Multiple Sclerosis and Microbes.- The Role of Infections and Microbes in Atherosclerosis. springer.com/NEWSonline W. Horsnell, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa (Ed) How Helminths Alter Immunity to Infection Helminth infections are common, cause considerable pathology, and alter a host’s immune profile. This can have important consequences not only on the host’s ability to control a helminth infection, but also on their ability to control unrelated infections. In endemic areas, understanding how helminth infection influences the outcome of common infectious diseases and changes the efficacy of childhood vaccination programs is an important public health question. This book reviews how host immunity to helminths alters our ability to respond to the major pathogens that exist in helminth endemic regions. Current understanding of how helminths alter important but relatively neglected contributors to the host’s anti-helminth immune responses are addressed, namely host antibody responses and how maternal infection may alter a child’s immune development. Features 7 Reviews the current understanding of how helminth infections impact the ability to control unrelated infections 7 Covers new evidence about helminth infections controlling allergy and immune mechanisms 7 Examines helminth infections protecting against various auto-immune diseases Target groups Research Contents The Role of Antibody in Parasitic Helminth Infections.- Maternal Helminth Infections.- HelminthM. TB Co-Infection.- Bacterial Infections and Vaccines.- Helpful or a Hindrance: Co-Infections of Helminth During Malaria.- Helminth Infections and HIV: Theories and Facts Regarding HIV and Helminth Interaction. Product category Monograph Fields of interest Immunology; Infectious Diseases; Parasitology Fields of interest Medical Microbiology; Infectious Diseases; Immunology Target groups Research I. Izquierdo, PUC RS, Porto Alegre, Brazil The Art of Forgetting Contents 1 To the reader (Introduction).- 2.1 Why do we forget 2.2 Creation and evocation of memories 2.3 Types of forgetting 2.4 Loss of working memory are inherent to the nature 2.5 Brain areas involved in different kinds of memory 2.6 Rationalizing the manager functions 2.7 The connection between nervous cells 2.8 The forgetting of short and long-term memories 2.9 Memories and emotions 2.10 State-dependent memories 2.21 Two famous example of state dependent memories 2.12 Does state dependence involves forgetting? 2.13 Use and disuse of synapses 2.14 Real forgetting or definitive loss of memories 2.15 The persistence of a memory and its absence 2.16 Exercising memory 2.17 Reading, knowledge, memory, and disease 2.18 The art of forgetting: a first approach 2.19 The art of forgetting: falsifying memories 2.20 When do we falsify memories 2.21 The forgetting of people 2.22 The art of make a whole people loss its memory 2.23 Cellular death as an adaptive mechanism 2.24 When the art of forgetting is not possible: amnesic patients 2.25 H.M. case 2.26 Neuronal ramification/plasticity as an adaptive mechanism 2.27 Suppression of neuronal ramification/plasticity as an adaptive mechanism 2.28 Memory acquisition 2.29 The art of forgetting: habituation 2.30 The art of forgetting: extinction 2.31 The hole of extinction on diseases caused by fear (Phobias) 2.32 Spontaneous and caused extinction 2.33 Funes, the memorious 2.34 Differentiation (discrimination) 2.35 The art of forgetting: forced extinction and reversal learning 2.36 The art of forgetting: repression 2.37 Accessory memories and convenient forgetting.- 3. The art of forgetting.- 4. Final words. Fields of interest Neurosciences; Psychiatry; Aging Target groups Graduate Product category Monograph Product category Contributed volume Due September 2014 Due September 2014 2015. XVI, 162 p. 7 illus. in color. (Emerging Infectious Diseases of the 21st Century, Volume 1) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 149,79 | € (A) 153,99 | sFr 186,50 7€ 139,99 | £126.00 ISBN 978-1-4939-1669-6 9<HTMEUD=jbg jg> 40 2014. I, 230 p. 6 illus. in color. (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, Volume 828) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-1-4939-1488-3 9<HTMEUD=jbei d> Due February 2015 2015. Approx. 125 p. 5 illus. Softcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 53,45 | € (A) 54,95 | sFr 66,50 7 approx.€ 49,95 | £44.99 ISBN 978-3-319-06715-5 9<HTODMJ=aghbf > News 8/2014 S. Kochhar, Nestec SA, Nestlé Research Center, Lausanne, Switzerland; F.‑P. Martin, Nestlé Institute of Health Sciences, Lausanne, Switzerland (Eds) Metabonomics and Gut Microbiota in Nutrition and Disease Contents Introduction to Metabolomics in systems biology research.- Metabolomics in clinical practice.Adopting multivariate non-parametric tools to determine genotype-phenotype interactions in health and disease.- Metabolomics in Translational Research for Personalized Medicine and Nutrition.- Can we use Metabolomics to Understand Changes to Gut Microbiota Populations and Function? A Nutritional Perspective.- Automated annotation of microbial and human flavonoid derived metabolites.- Metabonomics in neonatal and paediatric research: Studying and modulating gut functional ecology for optimal growth and development.- Metabolomics and Milk: the Development of the Microbiota in Breast Fed Infants.- Metabonomics and gut microbial paradigm in healthy ageing.- Roles of herbal medicine in modulating gut microbiota associated with health and diseases.- Gut microbiota and metabolic diseases: from pathogenesis to therapeutic perspective.- Role of microbiota in regulating host lipid metabolism and disease risk.- Role of the Gut Microbiota in Maintaining GI Health: Highlights on Inflammatory Bowel Disease.- Deciphering the gut microbial contribution to the aetiology of autism development.- The Modulation of Drug Efficacy and Toxicity by the Gut Microbiome.Understanding the benefits of bariatric surgery on gut physiology: implications for obesity, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease Biomedicine I. Lukashevich, H. Shirwan, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, USA (Eds) Novel Technologies for Vaccine Development This book presents a detailed overview of the development of new viral vector-based vaccines before discussing two major applications: preventive vaccines for infectious diseases and therapeutic cancer vaccines. Viral vector-based vaccines hold a great potential for development into successful pharmaceutical products and several examples at the advanced pre-clinical or clinical stage are presented. Nevertheless, the most efforts were focused on novel and very innovative technologies for new generation of vector-based vaccines. Furthermore, specific topics such as delivery and adjuvant and protection strategies for cell-mediated-based vaccines are presented. Given its scope, the book is a “must read” for all those involved in vaccine development, both in academia and industrial vaccine development. Features 7 Written by selected experts from academia and industry 7 Gives a broad and translational overview to the topic 7 Comprehensive volume on viral vector vaccines with focus on different cases of vaccine development Fields of interest Vaccine; Pharmaceutical Sciences/Technology; Immunology Target groups Research Product category Contributed volume K. A. Miczek, Tufts University, Medford, MA, USA; A. Meyer-Lindenberg, Central Institute of Mental Health, Mannheim, Germany (Eds) Neuroscience of Aggression This volume assembles the leading aggression researchers both at the preclinical and clinical level. They review the current state of knowledge about neural mechanisms of aggressive behavior and point to the need for innovative methodologies to further our understanding of this greatly understudied set of behaviors. Features 7 Highlights the current developments in the field and places them into an appropriate historical context 7 Outlines higher resolution methods, both at the behavioral and neurobiological level 7 Points to unresolved issues Contents Neurogenetics of Aggressive Behavior – Studies in Rodents.- Neurogenetics of Aggressive Behavior – Studies in Primates.- Glucocorticoids and Escalated Aggressive Behavior.- Models of Female Aggression – Prefrontal Cortex.- Nitric Oxide, Serotonin and Aggression.- Hypothalamus and Aggressive Behavior.- Vasopressin-Serotonin Interactions in Aggressive Behavior.- Dopamineoxytocin: Attachment and Conflict.- Stress and violence.- Gene-environment interactions and violence.- MAO-A and genetic risk for violence.- The development of violent behavior in humans.- Schizophrenia and violence.- Psychopathy.- Violent and callous behavior in children.Aggression in Children and Adolescents- Alcohol and Aggression. Fields of interest Neurosciences; Psychopharmacology; Psychiatry Fields of interest Pharmacology/Toxicology; Medical Microbiology; Food Science Target groups Research Product category Contributed volume Target groups Research Product category Contributed volume Due November 2014 Due October 2014 2014. X, 293 p. 52 illus., 45 in color. (Molecular and Integrative Toxicology) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 160,49 | € (A) 164,99 | sFr 200,00 7€ 149,99 | £135.00 ISBN 978-1-4471-6538-5 9<HTMEPH=bgfdif> Due October 2014 2014. Approx. 300 p. 50 illus. in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 149,79 | € (A) 153,99 | sFr 186,50 7€ 139,99 | £126.00 ISBN 978-3-7091-1817-7 9<HTOHLJ=b ibh > 2014. Approx. 470 p. (Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences, Volume 17) Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 203,29 | € (A) 208,99 | sFr 253,00 7 approx.€ 189,99 | £171.00 ISBN 978-3-662-44280-7 9<HTOGRC=e ciah> 41 Biomedicine G. Mor, A. Alvero, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA (Eds) springer.com/NEWSonline B. Nielsen, Bioneer A/S, Horsholm, Denmark (Ed) E. Pannese, University of Milan, Milano, Italy In Situ Hybridization Protocols Neurocytology Fine Structure of Neurons, Nerve Processes, and Neuroglial Cells 2nd fully revised and updated edition Fields of interest Cancer Research; Apoptosis Contents Fixation/Permeabilization Procedure for mRNA in situ Hybridization of Zebrafish Whole-mount Oocytes, Embryos, and Larvae.- MicroRNA In Situ Hybridization on Whole Mount Preimplantation Embryos.- Whole-mount in situ Hybridization (WISH) Optimized for Gene Expression Analysis in Mouse Embryos and Embryoid Bodies.- Whole Mount in Situ Hybridization using DIG-labeled Probes in Planarian.- In Situ Hybridization on Whole-Mount Zebrafish Embryos and Young Larvae.- LNA-based in Situ Hybridization Detection of mRNAs in Embryos.- Chromogen Detection of microRNA in Frozen Clinical Tissue Samples using LNA™ Probe Technology.- MicroRNA In Situ Hybridisation in Tissue Microarrays.- Fluorescence in situ Hybridization for Detection of Small RNAs on Frozen Tissue Sections.- Sensitive and Specific in situ Hybridisation for Early Drug Discovery.- Zinc Based Fixation for High Sensitivity in situ Hybridization: A Non-Radioactive Colorimetric Method for the Detection of Rare Transcripts on Tissue Sections.- Dual-color Ultrasensitive Bright-field RNA in situ Hybridization with RNAscope.- Fully Automated Fluorescencebased 4-color Multiplex Assay for Co-detection of microRNA and Protein Biomarkers in Clinical Tissue Specimens.- Multiplexed miRNA Fluorescence in situ Hybridization for Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded Tissues.- Simultaneous Detection of Nuclear and Cytoplasmic RNA Variants Utilizing Stellaris® RNA Fluorescence in situ Hybridization in Adherent Cells.- Quantitative Ultrasensitive Bright-field RNA in situ Hybridization with RNAscope.- Identification of Low Expressing Transcripts of the NPY Receptors’ Family in the Murine Lingual Epithelia. Target groups Professional/practitioner Field of interest Human Genetics Fields of interest Neurosciences; Cell Biology; Cell Physiology Product category Contributed volume Target groups Professional/practitioner Target groups Research Product category Contributed volume Product category Monograph Apoptosis and Cancer Methods and Protocols Features 7 Includes cutting-edge methods and protocols 7 Provides step-by-step detail essential for reproducible results 7 Contains key notes and implementation advice from the experts Contents Caspase-3 Activation is a Critical Determinant of Genotoxic Stress-induced Apoptosi.- Flow Cytometry Enumeration Of Apoptotic Cancer Cells By Apoptotic Rate.- “Multiplexed Viability, Cytotoxicity and Caspase Activity Assays”.- A Multiplexed Method for Kinetic Measurements of Apoptosis and Proliferation using Live Content Imaging.Detection of End Stage Apoptosis by ApopTag® TUNEL Technique.- Detection and Quantification of Apoptosis in Primary Cells using Taqman® Protein Assay.- Detection of p53 Protein Aggregation in Cancer Cell Lines and Tumor Samples.- Detection of p53 Protein Transcriptional Activity by Chromatin Immunoprecipitation.- Homogeneous, Bioluminescent Proteasome Assays.- Laser Capture Microdissection for Gene Expression Analysis.- Using the Peggy Simple Western System for Fine Needle Aspirate Analysis.- Analysis of Autophagosome Formation Using Lentiviral Biosensors for Live Fluorescent Cellular Imaging.Optical Imaging of Ovarian Cancer Using HER-2 Affibody Conjugated Nanoparticles.- Measuring Cardiac Autophagic Flux in vitro and in vivo.PET Imaging for Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor (TKI) Bio distribution in Mice. Contents Neurons and Interneuronal Connections: a Historical Overview.- Some Evolutionary Aspects and General Features of Neurons.- Shape and Size of Neurons.- Different Types of Neuron.- The Structure of Neurons.- The Perikaryon.- The Nucleus.Dendrites.- Age-Related Changes.- The Axon.The Plasma Membrane.- Intercellular Junctions Involving Neurons.- Interneuronal Adherent Junctions.- Interneuronal Chemical Synapses.- Autapses.- The Neuromuscular Junction.- Structural Aspects of Synaptic Activity.- Synaptic Structural Plasticity.- Age-Related Changes.- Relationship Between Axons of the Autonomic Nervous System and Effector Cells.- Electrotonic and Mixed Junctions.- Synapse-Like Junctions Involving Neuroglial Cells.- Other Types of Interneuronal Communication.- The Neuroglia of the PNS.- The Satellite Cells of Sensory and Autonomic Ganglia.Schwann Cells and the Myelin Sheath.- Other Neuroglial Cells of the PNS.- Functions of the PNS Neuroglia.- Neuron-Glia Communication.The Neuroglia of the CNS.- Historical Note.- Some Evolutionary Aspects.- The Ependyma.- The Choroid Epithelium.- Astrocytes.- Oligodendrocytes.NG2-Expressing Cells.- Renewal of the Neuroglial Cell Population.- Microglial Cells.- Historical Note.- Resting Microglia.- Neural Macrophages.Age-Related Changes.- The Cellular Organization of the CNS.- The Blood Vessels of the CNS.- Arteries.- Capillaries and the Blood-Brain Barrier.Veins.- Cells Associated with Microvessels.- AgeRelated Changes. Due October 2014 Due September 2014 Due September 2014 2nd ed. 2014. XIV, 222 p. 69 illus., 39 in color. (Methods in Molecular Biology, Volume 1219) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 101,64 | € (A) 104,49 | sFr 126,50 7€ 94,99 | £85.50 ISBN 978-1-4939-1660-3 4th ed. 2014. XIV, 262 p. 56 illus., 52 in color. (Methods in Molecular Biology, Volume 1211) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 101,64 | € (A) 104,49 | sFr 126,50 7€ 94,99 | £85.50 ISBN 978-1-4939-1458-6 9<HTMEUD=jbg ad> 42 9<HTMEUD=jbefig> Originally published by Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, 1994 2nd ed. 2014. XVI, 230 p. 101 illus., 12 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 149,79 | € (A) 153,99 | sFr 186,50 7€ 139,99 | £126.00 ISBN 978-3-319-06855-8 9<HTODMJ=agif i> News 8/2014 V. Parpura, University of Alabama, Birmingham, AL, USA; A. Schousboe, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark; A. Verkhratsky, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK (Eds) Glutamate and ATP at the Interface of Metabolism and Signaling in the Brain Features 7 Suitable for advanced and graduate courses on the roles of glutamate and ATP in metabolism and signaling 7 Only current book on this highly researched topic 7 Contributions from leading experts in cell metabolism, intracellular signaling and neurotransmission Contents 1. Glutamate and ATP: The Crossroads of Signaling and Metabolism in the Brain.- 2. Glutamate Metabolism in the Brain Focusing on Astrocytes.3. Glycogenolysis and Purinergic Signaling.- 4. Purinergic and Glutamatergic Receptors on Astroglia.- 5. Regulated Exocytosis in Astrocytes Is as Slow as the Metabolic Availability of Gliotransmitters: Focus on Glutamate and ATP.- 6. Adenosine and Glutamate in Neuroglial Interaction: Implications for Circadian Disorders and Alcoholism.- 7. Purinergic Receptor Stimulation Decreases Ischemic Brain Damage By Energizing Astrocyte Mitochondria.- 8. Excitotoxicity and Mitochondrial Dysfunction Underlie Age-dependent Ischemic White Matter Injury.- 9. Role of Astrocytes in Delayed Neuronal Death: GLT-1 and its Novel Regulation by MicroRNAs.- 10. Ca2+ Signaling in Astrocytes and its Role in Ischemic Stroke.- 11. Pathological Potential of Astroglial Purinergic Receptors. Fields of interest Neurosciences; Neurobiology Target groups Research Product category Contributed volume Biomedicine L. Y. Poluektova, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE, USA; J. V. Garcia-Martinez, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, USA; Y. Koyanagi, Kyoto University Institute for Virus Research, Sakyo-ku, Japan; M. G. Manz, University Hospital Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland; A. M. Tager, Massachusetts General Hospital Center for Immunology, Charlestown, MA, USA (Eds) Humanized Mice for HIV Research Contents Mamoru Ito’s Vision for the Future of Humanized Mouse Models.- Part I. Mouse genetic background and human hematopoietic stem cells biology.Humanized Mice as Models for Human Disease.Role of mouse innate immunity in immunodeficient mice for xenotransplantation.- Mouse genetic background and human hematopoietic stem cells biology; tips for humanization.- Biology of Human Hematopoietic Stem Cell Xenotransplantation in Mice.- Impact of the mouse IL-2Rg chain on lymphoid tissue development and human reconstitution in immunodeficient mice.- BM hematopoietic niche occupancy defect of HSC in scid mice.- Improvement of human multilineage hematopoietic engraftment by cytokine knockin replacement in human-hemato-lymphoid system mice.- Part II. SECTION 2: Understanding of human immune cells development and function in mouse environment.- Cytokine species-specificity and humanized mice.- Human T cell biology in a mouse environment.- Thymic education of human T cells and regulatory T cell development in humanized mice.- Human B cell development in a mouse environment.- The analysis of the functions of human B and T cells in humanized NOG mice.NK cell development in human immune system (HIS) mice and their role in HIV pathogenesis.Maintenance and function of human CD8+ T cells and NK cells in humanized mice. Fields of interest Medical Microbiology; Immunology; Virology Target groups Research M. Prato, University of Torino, Torino, Italy (Ed) Human and Mosquito Lysozymes Old Molecules for New Approaches Against Malaria Malaria remains an alarming emergency in developing countries. It is thus urgent to identify any parasite or host molecules that can serve as new affordable markers for early diagnosis of disease complications or as new targets for vector control. In this context, human and mosquito lysozymes are good candidate molecules, as their involvement in malaria has been recently reported by several independent groups. This book reviews the grounded knowledge on malaria etiology and physiopathology, as well as the current approaches for diagnosis, therapy, and vector control. Features 7 Covers groundbreaking research into new understandings and uses for older and well-known enzymes 7 Explores both human and mosquito lysozymes and their medical potential 7 Considers the potential role of other antimicrobial peptides, ie TEP-1 in the mosquito, and PF-4 in the human host Contents Etiopathogenesis and pathophysiology of malaria.Malaria diagnosis, therapy, vaccines and vector control.- Lysozymes in the animal kingdom.- Role of lysozymes of Anopheles mosquitoes in Plasmodium development.- Effects of malaria products on human monocyte and neutrophil degranulation and lysozyme release.- Human lysozyme in malaria patients.- Beyond lysozyme. Fields of interest Parasitology; Medical Microbiology; Immunology Target groups Research Product category Contributed volume Product category Contributed volume Due August 2014 2014. VI, 340 p. 58 illus., 37 in color. (Advances in Neurobiology, Volume 11) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 149,79 | € (A) 153,99 | sFr 186,50 7€ 139,99 | £126.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08893-8 9<HTODMJ=ai jdi> Due November 2014 Due October 2014 2014. V, 795 p. 54 illus., 45 in color. Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 149,75 | € (A) 153,94 | sFr 186,50 7 approx.€ 139,95 | £126.50 ISBN 978-1-4939-1654-2 2014. V, 170 p. 21 illus., 15 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 149,79 | € (A) 153,99 | sFr 186,50 7€ 139,99 | £126.00 ISBN 978-3-319-09431-1 9<HTMEUD=jbgfec> 9<HTODMJ=ajedb > 43 Biomedicine N. Shah, Kashiv Pharmaceuticals, Bridgewater, NJ, USA; H. Sandhu, Merck & Co., Inc., Summit, NJ, USA; D. S. Choi, Kashiv Pharmaceuticals, Bridgewater, NJ, USA; H. Chokshi, Roche Innovation Center, New York, NY, USA; A. W. Malick, Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd., Nutley, NJ, USA (Eds) Amorphous Solid Dispersions Theory and Practice Contents 1 Fundamentals of Amorphous Systems: Thermodynamic Aspects.- 2 Theoretical Considerations in Developing Amorphous Solid Dispersions.- 3 Overview of Amorphous Solid Dispersion Technologies.- 4 Excipients for Amorphous Solid Dispersions.- 5 Miniaturized Screening Tools for Polymer and Process Evaluation.- 6 HME for Solid Dispersions: Composition and Design Considerations.- 7 HME for Solid Dispersions: Scale up and Late Stage Development.- 8 Spray Drying: Scale UP and Manufacturing.- 9 Design and Development of HPMCAS based spray dried dispersions.- 10 MBP Technology: Composition and Design Considerations.- 11 MBP Technology: Process Development and Scale up.- 12 Pharmaceutical Development of MBP Solid Dispersions: Case Studies.- 13 Downstream Processing Considerations.- 14 Structural Characterization of Amorphous Solid Dispersions.- 15 Dissolution of Amorphous Solid Dispersions: Theory and Practice.- 16 Stability of Amorphous Solid Dispersion.- 17 Regulatory Considerations in Development of Amorphous Solid Dispersions.- 18 KinetiSol® based Amorphous Solid Dispersions.19 Amorphous Solid Dispersion Using Supercritical Fluid Technology.- 20 Supersolubilization by Using Non-Salt Forming Acid-Base Interaction.- 21 Stabilized Amorphous Solid Dispersions with Small Molecule Excipients.- 22 Mesoporous ASD – Fundamentals.- 23 Mesoporous Silica Drug Delivery Systems. Fields of interest Pharmaceutical Sciences/Technology Target groups Research Product category Contributed volume springer.com/NEWSonline M. Sioud, Oslo University Hospital, Montebello, Norway (Ed) RNA Interference Challenges and Therapeutic Opportunities Contents RNA Interference: Mechanisms, Technical Challenges and Therapeutic Opportunities.- Nanostructured RNAs for RNA Interference.- One Long Oligonucleotide or Two Short Oligonucleotides Based shRNA Construction and Expression.PLGA Microspheres Encapsulating siRNA.- Magnetic Nanoparticle and Magnetic Field Assisted siRNA Delivery In Vitro.- Cytoplasmic Delivery of siRNAs to Monocytes and Dendritic Cells Via Electroporation.- Delivery of siRNAs to Cancer Cells Via Bacteria.- Microwell Array-Mediated Delivery of Lipoplexes Containing Nucleic Acids for Enhanced Therapeutic Efficacy.- Modulating the Tumor Microenvironment with RNA Interference as a Cancer Treatment Strategy.- Targeted In Vivo Delivery of siRNA and an Endosome-Releasing Agent to Hepatocytes.- Cell-Internalization SELEX: Method for Identifying Cell-Internalizing RNA Aptamers for Delivering siRNAs to Target Cells.- Strategies for siRNA Navigation to Desired Cells.- Analysis of RNA Interference-Mediated Hepatic Gene Silencing Following Murine Hydrodynamic Injection of Guanidinopropyl-Modified siRNAs.- Therapy of Respiratory Viral Infections with Intranasal siRNAs.- Engineering Therapeutic Cancer Vaccines that Activate Anti-Tumor Immunity.- Immunosuppressive Factor Blockade in Dendritic Cells Via siRNAs Results in Objective Clinical Responses.- Targeting bcr-abl Transcripts with siRNAs in an Imatinib-Resistant Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Patient: Challenges and Future Directions.- A Facile Method for Interfering with Off-Target Silencing Mediated by the Sense Strand. Fields of interest Pharmacology/Toxicology; Human Genetics Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Contributed volume A. C. Templeton, Pharmaceutical Sciences & Clinical Supply, Merck & Co, Inc., West Point, PA, USA; S. R. Byrn, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA; R. J. Haskell, Discovery Pharmaceutics, BristolMyers Squibb, Wallingford, CT, USA; T. E. Prisinzano, University of Kansas School of Pharmacy, Lawrence, KS, USA (Eds) Discovering and Developing Molecules with Optimal DrugLike Properties Contents 1 Developability Assessment and Risk Management During Drug Discovery.- 2 Discovery Formulations – Approaches and Practices in Early Preclinical Development.- 3 Enabling Discovery Through Leveraging and Miniaturizing Pharmaceutical Principles and Processes.- 4 Diagnosing Biopharmaceutical Limitations.- 5 The Importance of Molecular Design Principles in Delivering High Quality Pharmaceutical Candidates.- 6 Predictive Approaches to Establishing, Understanding, and Communicating Risk with Emphasis on Early Development.- 7 Strategies and Methods for Drug Candidate Phase Optimization in Discovery Space.- 8 Efficient Laboratory Methods to Assess Risk and Design Formulations.- 9 Advanced X-ray Analytical Methods to Understand Structure, Properties and Risk.- 10 Performance and Characterization of Amorphous Solid Dispersions: An Overview.- 11 Hot-Melt Extrusion: The ProcessProduct-Performance Interplay.- 12 Practical Considerations for Spray Dried Formulation and Process Development.- 13 Nanosizing: “End-toEnd” Formulation Strategy for Poorly-WaterSoluble Molecules.- 14 Leveraging Solid State Form and Physiochemical Properties for Early Clinical Formulation Efforts: Opportunities and Challenges during Telcagepant Liquid Capsule Development. Fields of interest Pharmaceutical Sciences/Technology Target groups Research Product category Contributed volume Due September 2014 Due October 2014 Due September 2014 2014. X, 591 p. 206 illus., 141 in color. (Advances in Delivery Science and Technology) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 181,89 | € (A) 186,99 | sFr 226,50 7€ 169,99 | £153.00 ISBN 978-1-4939-1597-2 2014. XIV, 498 p. 108 illus., 58 in color. (Methods in Molecular Biology, Volume 1218) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 117,69 | € (A) 120,99 | sFr 146,50 7€ 109,99 | £99.00 ISBN 978-1-4939-1537-8 9<HTMEUD=jbfjhc> 44 9<HTMEUD=jbfdhi> 2014. XII, 500 p. 184 illus., 132 in color. (AAPS Advances in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Series, Volume 15) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 139,09 | € (A) 142,99 | sFr 173,50 7€ 129,99 | £117.00 ISBN 978-1-4939-1398-5 9<HTMEUD=jbdjif> News 8/2014 P. Timmins, Drug Product Science and Technology, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Moreton, UK; S. Pygall, Commercial Trade Channels, Merck, Sharp and Dohme, Hoddesdon, UK; C. Melia, School of Pharmacy, University of Nottingham, Notthingham, UK (Eds) Hydrophilic Matrix Tablets for Oral Controlled Release Contents 1 Hydrophilic Matrix Dosage Forms: Definitions, General Attributes and the Evolution of Clinical Utilization.- 2 Design and Evaluation of Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose Matrix Tablets for Oral Controlled Release: a Historical Perspective.- 3 An Industrial Perspective on Hydrophilic Matrix Tablets based on Hyproxypropyl Methylcellulose (Hypromellose).- 4 Natural Polysaccharides in Hydrophilic Matrices.- 5 Applications of Polyethylene Oxide (POLYOX) in Hydrophilic Matrices.6 A Formulation Development Perspective on Critical Interactions Affecting the Performance of Hydrophilic Matrix Tablets.- 7 In vitro Physical and Imaging Techniques to Evaluate Drug Release Mechanisms from Hydrophilic Matrix Tablets.- 8 Physiologically-Based Pharmacokinetic Modelling in the Development and Evaluation of Hydrophilic Matrix Tablets.- 9 Approaches to Rapid In Vivo Optimization of Hydrophilic Matrix Tablets.- 10 Extrusion: an Enabling Technology for Controlled Release Hydrophilic Matrix Systems.- 11 Microenvironmental pH Control and Mixed Polymer Approaches to Optimize Drug Delivery with Hydrophilic Matrix Tablets.- 12 Evolving Biopharmaceutics Perspectives for Hydrophilic Matrix Tablets: Dosage Form-Food Interactions and Dosage Form Gastrointestinal Tract Interactions. Biomedicine M.‑È. Tremblay, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA; A. Sierra, University of the Basque Country EHU/UPV, Basque Country, Spain (Eds) Microglia in Health and Disease These past few years have witnessed a revolution in our understanding of microglia, especially since their roles in the healthy central nervous system (CNS) have started to unravel. These cells were shown to actively maintain health, in concert with neurons and other types of CNS cells, providing further insight into their involvement with diseases. Edited by two pioneers in the field, Marie-Ève Tremblay and Amanda Sierra, Microglia in health and disease aims to share with the broader scientific community some of the recent discoveries in microglia research, from a broad perspective, with a collection of 19 chapters from 52 specialists working in 11 countries across 5 continents. Features 7 Only book to cover the role of microglia in the healthy brain as well as in pathological conditions 7 The most up-to-date research in the subject 7 Contributions from leading researchers and emerging experts Fields of interest Pharmaceutical Sciences/Technology Contents Introduction.- Historical Context.- Microglial Physiology.- Lessons from in vivo Imaging.- Roles in Immune Responses.- Neuroprotection Versus Neurotoxicity.- Developmental Neuronal Elimination.- Developmental Angiogenesis, Myelination and Astrogliogenesis.- Developing and Mature Synapses.- Adult Neurogenesis, Learning and Memory.- Neuropathic Pain.- Drug Addiction.Aging.- Neurodevelopmental and Neuropsychiatric Disorders.- Human Immunodeficiency Virus.- Multiple Sclerosis.- Ischemia and Stroke.Neurodegenerative Diseases.- Spinal Cord and Brain Trauma Target groups Research Fields of interest Neurosciences; Neurobiology; Immunology Product category Contributed volume Target groups Research H. Wagner, Ludwig-Maximillians-University Center of Pharma Research, Munich, Germany; R. Bauer, Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Graz, Austria; D. Melchart, Kompetenzzentrum f. Komplementärmedizin Klinikum rechts der Isar, Munich, Germany; P.‑G. Xiao, Beijing Institute of medicinal Plant Dev, Beijing, China; A. Staudinger, TCM-Klinik Bad Kötzting, Bad Kötzting, Germany (Eds) Chromatographic Fingerprint Analysis of Herbal Medicines Vols. 1-3 This package contains vols. I, II, and III and thus constitutes a comprehensive and valuable source on the most commonly used herbal drugs in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Features 7 Description of the 103 mostly used Chinese drugs Detailed thin layer and HPLC analytical data 7 Contains numerous coloured figures Fields of interest Pharmacology/Toxicology; Pharmaceutical Sciences/Technology; Complementary & Alternative Medicine Target groups Research Product category Contributed volume Product category Contributed volume Due September 2014 2014. X, 328 p. 102 illus., 34 in color. (AAPS Advances in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Series, Volume 16) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 149,79 | € (A) 153,99 | sFr 186,50 7€ 139,99 | £126.00 ISBN 978-1-4939-1518-7 9<HTMEUD=jbfbih> Due September 2014 Due September 2014 2014. IV, 556 p. 32 illus., 20 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 181,89 | € (A) 186,99 | sFr 226,50 7€ 169,99 | £153.00 ISBN 978-1-4939-1428-9 2014. 750 p. (2-volume-set) 7 *€ (D) 330,63 | € (A) 339,90 | sFr 411,50 7€ 309,00 | £278.50 ISBN 978-3-319-09298-0 9<HTMEUD=jbecij> 9<HTODMJ=ajcjia> 45 Biomedicine springer.com/NEWSonline A. Yamada, The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Agricultural and Life, Tokyo, Japan; L. H. Kahn, Princeton University, New Jersey, USA; B. Kaplan, Sarasota, FL, USA; T. P. Monath, PaxVax Inc., Townsend, MA, USA; J. Woodall, Federal University Center for Health Sciences, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; L. Conti, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, USA (Eds) Confronting Emerging Zoonoses The One Health Paradigm Features 7 Furnishes a unique resource for everyone interested in the interface of human and veterinary medicine and public health 7 Presents the latest understanding of the origin of human pathogens and disease emergence 7 Includes compelling One Health successes and challenges in areas such as comparative medicine, field epidemiology training and food safety Contents Part I The Importance of a One Health Approach to Emerging Zoonotic Diseases.- 1 The Origin of Human Pathogens.- 2 Drivers of Emerging Zoonotic Infectious Diseases.- 3 Biodiversity and Emerging Zoonoses.- Part II Understanding Zoonotic Diseases Through A One Health Perspective.- 4 Hantaviruses.- 5 Enterohemorrhagic E. Coli Infections.- 6 Bartonellosis: A One Health Perspective.- 7 A One Health Approach to Influenza Pandemics.- Part III The Successes and Challenges of Implementing One Health.- 8 One Health: From Concept to Practice.- 9 Field Epidemiology and One Health: Thailand’s Experience.- 10 One Health and Food Safety.- 11 The Clinical Biomedical Research Advances Achievable Utilizing One Health Principles.- 12 One Health Successes and Challenges Fields of interest Virology; Bacteriology; Infectious Diseases Target groups Research Product category Monograph Due September 2014 2014. Approx. 250 p. 40 illus., 20 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 149,79 | € (A) 153,99 | sFr 186,50 7€ 139,99 | £126.00 ISBN 978-4-431-55119-5 9<HTPEOB=f b jf> 46 News 8/2014 Psychology T. Breyer, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany (Ed) E. Callus, E. Quadri, IRCCS Policlinico San Donato, San Donato Milanese, Italy (Eds) A. M. Culp, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, USA (Ed) Epistemological Dimensions of Evolutionary Psychology Clinical Psychology and Congenital Heart Disease Child and Family Advocacy psychology and philosophy arose as answers As to the eternal question of how the mind works, evolutionary psychology has gained ground over recent years as a link between cognitive-behavioral and natural-science theories of the mind. This provocative field has also gathered a wide range of criticisms, from attributing too much autonomy to the brain to basing itself on faulty assumptions about our prehistoric past. Lifelong Psychological Aspects and Interventions Features 7 Explains the relationship between biological foundations and cognitive processes 7 In depth analysis of the relationship between organisms, brain, and brain modules 7 Critical assessment of philosophical premise of evolutionary psychology Contents Philosophy and Evolution.- The Broad Foundations of Adaptationist-Computational Evolutionary Psychology.- Towards a Cognitive Philosophy of Science.- The ‘Meme’ Meme Revisited.- Evolutionary Psychology, Altruism, and Kin Selection.- Like Me: A Homophily-Based Account of Human Culture.- Evolutionary Media Psychology and its Epistemological Foundation.- Preparedness to Learn about the World: Evidence from Infant Research.- Depression as an Adaptation: The Infection-Defense Hypothesis and Cytokine Mechanisms.- When Misrepresentation Is Successful.- Human Sacrifice and the Evolution of Thinking – A Critical Assessment of Christoph Türcke’s Philosophy of Dreams. Fields of interest Cognitive Psychology; Philosophy of Science; Biological Psychology Target groups Research Product category Contributed volume Contents PART I CHD AND HUMANIZATION OF HEALTH CARE Congenital heart disease: medical overview.- Humanisation of health care context.- PART II FAMILY DYNAMICS, PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS AND NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL FUNCTIONING IN CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS WITH ConHD Adjusting to congenital heart disease in adolescence: the role of patients’ personality and self.- Psychological aspects in children and adolescents with ConHD.Neuropsychological aspects in children and adolescents with ConHD.- PART III PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT, PSYCHOLOGICAL FUNCTIONING, QOL AND TREATMENT PREFERENCES IN ADULTS WITH ConHD Psychological functioning in adults with congenital heart disease.- Quality of life in ConHD.- End of life care and treatment preferences.- PART IV PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PEER TO PEER INTERVENTIONS AND THE IMPORTANCE OF NON PROFIT ASSOCIATIONS Psycho-cardiology and the role of the psychologist in acquired and congenital heart disease.- Medical Art Therapy for patients with congenital heart disease.- Communication and relational issues of the relationship between health care professionals and patients with ConHD.- The importance of associations and peer to peer support.- Peer counselling in congenital heart disease. Fields of interest Psychology, general; Cardiology Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Contributed volume Bridging the Gaps Between Research, Practice, and Policy Contents Preface.- Section I – Introduction.- 1. The WellBeing of Children in the United States: Evidence for a Call for Action.- 2. Advocating For Children, Youth and Families in the Policy Making Process.- Section II – Selected Child Issues in Need of Advocacy Effort.- 3. Promoting Children’s Mental Health: The Importance of Collaboration and Public Understanding.- 4. Health Reform: A Bridge to Health Equity.- 5. Child Maltreatment Prevention.- 6. Strategies for Ending Homelessness among Children and Families.- 7. Lessons Learned about the Impact of Disasters on Children and Families and Post-Disaster Recovery.- 8. Early Childhood Education and Care: Legislative and Advocacy Efforts.- 9. Education Reform Strategies for Student Self-Regulation and Community Engagement.- 10. Media Violence and Children: Applying Research to Advocacy.- 11. Changing Juvenile Justice Practice & Policy: Implementing Evidence-Based Practices in Louisiana.- 12. Advocacy for Child Welfare Reform.- 13. American Indian/Alaska Native Children and Families.Section III. Illustrations of Advocacy Practices.14. A Multi-level Framework for Local Policy Development and Implementation.- 15. When Evidence and Values Collide: Preventing Sexually Transmitted Infections.- 16. Lessons from the Legislative History of Federal Special Education Law: A Vignette for Advocates.- 17. The Promise of Family Engagement: An Action Plan for Systemlevel Policy and Advocacy.- Section IV. Fields of interest Child and School Psychology; Family; Public Health Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Professional book Due August 2014 Due October 2014 Due November 2014 2015. I, 256 p. 14 illus., 6 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-1-4939-1386-2 2014. Approx. 200 p. Softcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 85,59 | € (A) 87,99 | sFr 106,50 7 approx.€ 79,99 | £72.00 ISBN 978-88-470-5698-5 9<HTMEUD=jbdigc> 9<HT IPH=afgjif> 2013. XIX, 303 p. 3 illus. (Issues in Clinical Child Psychology) Softcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 32,09 | € (A) 32,99 | sFr 39,50 7 approx.€ 29,99 | £26.99 ISBN 978-1-4939-1573-6 9<HTMEUD=jbfhdg> 47 Psychology S. Goldstein, University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, UT, USA; D. Princiotta, Neurology, Learning and Behavior Center, Salt Lake City, UT, USA; J. A. Naglieri, University of Virginia Curry School of Education, Charlottesville, VA, USA (Eds) Handbook of Intelligence Evolutionary Theory, Historical Perspective, and Current Concepts Contents Preface.- SECTION 1. BACKGROUND.- The Roots of Human Intelligence: What Were We Before We Were Intelligent?.- Intelligence in Nonprimates.- Intelligence in Primates.- The Evolution of Language.- Intelligence in Humans.- The Origins of Intelligence as a Conceptual Construct: Plato, Pascal and Philosophy.- Modern Foundation: Darwin, Charcot and Dalton.- SECTION 2. THEORIES OF INTELLIGENCE.- Intelligence Defined: James, Wundt, Cattell, Thorndike and Yerkes.- Alfred Binet and the Children of Paris.David Wechsler and the Soldiers of America.Alan Kaufman and Intelligence Redefined as Cognitive Processing.- A.R. Luria and Intelligence Redefined as a Neuropsychological Construct.Daniel Sternberg and Multiple Intelligences in the New Age of Thinking.- Daniel Goleman and Emotional Intelligence and Behavior.- Carol Dweck and Intelligence as a Malleable Construct.- SECTION 3. ASSESSMENT OF INTELLIGENCE.The Connection Between Intelligence Tests and Theory of Intelligence.- Assessing Intellectual Knowledge.- Assessing Intellectual Ability. Fields of interest Developmental Psychology; Assessment, Testing and Evaluation; Sociology, general Target groups Research Product category Contributed volume springer.com/NEWSonline W. K. Halford, The University of Queensland, St. Lucia, QLD, Australia; J. Petch, Relationships Australia, Brisbane, QLD, Australia; D. Creedy, Griffith University, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia Couples Therapy with New Parents This is a practical clinical guide to evidence-based education and support for couples during the progression into parenthood. Addressing issues such as communication, expectations, conflict management skills, self change, infant care principles, and shared parenting, this guide offers exercises and presents strategies to help therapists in assisting couples at this vulnerable stage in life. Features 7 Provides evidence-based couple intervention 7 Offers practical guidance for couple and family therapists as well as health professionals 7 Describes major challenges that confront expectant parents 7 Reviews ways to help couples appraise and improve relationship communication 7 Addresses best practice care principles Contents Supporting Couples Becoming Parents in the 21st century.- Expectant Parents: Developing Realistic and Shared Expectations.- Focusing on the Couple Relationship and Partner Needs During Pregnancy.- Taking Baby Home.- Sharing Infant Care.Caring and Sexuality.- Looking Ahead. Fields of interest Clinical Psychology; Social Work; Psychotherapy Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Monograph B. Hommel, S. B. Brown, University of Leiden, Leiden, The Netherlands; D. Nattkemper, HumboldtUniversität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany Human Action Control: From Intentions to Movements Contents Chapter 1. Introduction and overview * Explains the basic theoretical issues and questions, mentions some historical lines of thought, and ends with a functional model of human action that will help to organize the remaining chapters. Chapter 2. Neurobiological foundations of human action * provides a brief overview of the human nervous system and the major cortical areas involved in action planning and action control. Chapter 3. Intention and action goal * defines how intentions and goals can be conceptualized, what role consciousness could play, where goals and intentions are coming from, how they are acquired and cognitively represented. Chapter 4. Perception and action * Discusses the relationship between perception and action, both dissociations and interactions, as well as models explaining dissociations and the integration of perceptual and action processes. Chapter 5. Selecting an action * Discusses and compares several ways to select an action, ranging from stimulus-triggered selection over rule-based selection to truly intentional action selection, and addresses the role of practice. Chapter 6. Planning an action * Explains the cognitive role of an action plan, discusses how action plans are cognitively represented, how they are structured and specified, and how they are acquired. Chapter 7. Planning an action sequence * Explains the functional problems of sequencing and ways to address them, reviews and compares basic sequencing models, discusses how complex, hierarchical action plans can be constructed and represented. Fields of interest Cognitive Psychology; Psychology, general Target groups Research Product category Monograph Due November 2014 Due October 2014 2015. Approx. 750 p. 40 illus., 5 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 213,99 | € (A) 219,99 | sFr 266,50 7€ 199,99 | £180.00 ISBN 978-1-4939-1561-3 9<HTMEUD=jbfgbd> 48 2014. Approx. 250 p. (Springer Series on Couples and Health) Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 42,79 | € (A) 43,99 | sFr 49,50 7 approx.€ 39,99 | £33.99 ISBN 978-1-4939-1612-2 9<HTMEUD=jbgbc > Due February 2015 2015. Approx. 250 p. 40 illus., 20 in color. Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 127,50 7 approx.€ 99,99 | £86.50 ISBN 978-3-319-09243-0 9<HTODMJ=ajceda> News 8/2014 G. Hornby, University of Canterbury College of Education, Christchurch, New Zealand Inclusive Special Education Evidence-Based Practices for Children with Special Needs and Disabilities Much has been written about special education and about inclusive education, but there have been few attempts to pull these two concepts and approaches together. This book does just that: sets special education within the context of inclusive education. Features 7 Presents an integrated model of inclusive and special education based on scientifically sound theory and research 7 Offers strategies for implementing inclusive special education at the whole-school, classroom, and teacher levels 7 Focuses on international issues, providing examples from several countries 7 Features practical implications for psychologists, teachers, and other professionals who work in schools Contents Chapter 1: Introduction.- Chapter 2: The Wide Range of Special Needs in Schools.- Chapter 3: Review of Theory, Research and Practice in Inclusive Special Education.- Chapter 4: Organization of Education Systems and Schools for Inclusive Special Education.- Chapter 5: Curriculum for Children with Special Needs.- Chapter 6: Effective Classroom Strategies for Teaching Children with Special Needs in Mainstream Schools.- Chapter 7: Effective Teaching Strategies for Children with Different Types of Special Needs.- Chapter 8: Effective Schoolwide Strategies for Teaching Children with Special Needs.- Chapter 9: Implementing and Evaluating a Comprehensive System of Inclusive Special Education. Psychology P. G. Jansen, VU University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; G. Roodt, University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South Africa (Eds) M. K. Mandal, Defence Research & Development Organization, New Delhi, India; A. Awasthi, Defence Institute of Psychological Research, New Delhi, India (Eds) Conceptualising and Measuring Understanding Facial Work Identity Expressions in Communication South-African Perspectives and Findings Contents Chapter 1: Introduction – What This Book is all About; Gert Roodt, Paul G.W. Jansen and Freddie Crous.- PART I: CONCEPT AND THEORY.Chapter 2: Work Identity – Clarifying the Concept; Chris Bothma, Sandra Lloyd and Svetlana Khapova.- Chapter 3: The Process of Identity Work – Negotiating a Work Identity; Anne Crafford, Byron Adams, Tamsen Saayman and Claartje Vinkenburg.- Chapter 4: Personal and Situational Work-based Identity Antecedents; Roslyn de Braine and Gert Roodt.- Chapter 5: Work-based Identity Operationalization; Chris Bothma, Roslyn de Braine, Francois Bester and Mathijs Bal.- PART II: EXPLORATORY ANALYSES.- Chapter 6: Subjective and Objective Work-based Identity Outcomes; Chris Bothma, Gert Roodt and Sylvia van de Bunt-Kokhuis.- PART III: TESTING FOR CAUSALITY.- Chapter 7: Empirical Tests of Work-based Identity Antecedents and Consequences; Roslyn de Braine, Chris Bothma and Francois Bester.- PART IV: CONCLUSIONS, IMPLICATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS.Chapter 8: Conclusions; Roslyn de Braine, Chris Bothma, Francois Bester and Paul G.W. Jansen.- Chapter 9: Moving Forward – Practical and Theoretical Implications; Gert Roodt, Paul G.W. Jansen, Sylvia van de Bunt-Kokhuis. Fields of interest Industrial, Organisational and Economic Psychology; Organizational Studies, Economic Sociology; Human Resource Management Fields of interest Child and School Psychology; Learning and Instruction; Social Work Target groups Research Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Contributed volume Cross-cultural and Multidisciplinary Perspectives Contents Chapter 1. Facial Expressions of Emotions: Research Perspectives.- Chapter 2. Recognition of Facial Expressions: Past, Present, and Future Challenges.- Chapter 3. Evidence for the Universality of Facial Expressions of Emotions.- Chapter 4. In-group advantage and other-group bias in facial emotion recognition.- Chapter 5. Asymmetry of Facial Expressions of Emotion.- Chapter 6. Facial expressions in empathy research.- Chapter 7. The role of social context for the interpretation of emotional facial expressions.- Chapter 8. Automatic Facial Expression Analysis.- Chapter 9. Facial Expressions to Emotions: A Study of Computational Paradigms for Facial Emotion Recognition.- Chapter 10. Evaluation of the Intricacies of Emotional Facial Expression (EFE) of Psychiatric Patients using Computational Models.- Chapter 11. Micro expressions and deception.- Chapter 12. The detection of deception in cross-cultural contexts.- Chapter 13. Study of Facial Microexpressions in Psychology. Fields of interest Biological Psychology; Criminology & Criminal Justice; Computer Appl. in Social and Behavioral Sciences Target groups Research Product category Contributed volume Product category Professional book Due August 2014 Due September 2014 Due September 2014 2014. XVI, 152 p. 5 illus., 4 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 42,75 | € (A) 43,95 | sFr 53,50 7€ 39,95 | £35.99 ISBN 978-1-4939-1482-1 2015. XXX, 410 p. 9 illus., 6 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-94-017-9241-7 2015. X, 556 p. 36 illus., 28 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-81-322-1933-0 9<HTMEUD=jbeicb> 9<HTUELB=hjcebh> 9<HT BOC=cbjd a> 49 Psychology springer.com/NEWSonline I. Manor-Binyamini, University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel L. Miller, Independent Practice, Boca Raton, FL, USA Language and Discourse in Special Education PTSD and Forensic Psychology Understanding Ethnographic Interdisciplinary Team Culture This book is a concise overview of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), focusing on how this psychological diagnosis is dealt with in legal settings. It covers both civil cases (where personal injury claims are put forward) and criminal cases (where lessened penalties may be at stake). The goal of the courts is to decide on compensation in the former and extent of punishment in the latter. Offered here are critical points for forensic psychology evaluators and expert witnesses who must provide relevant scientific information in these situations. However, the issues discussed are useful to professionals in both mental health and law. With a full explanation of the nature of PTSD, as well as practical advice on how the legal system approaches this and other traumatic disability syndromes, this guide is also relevant to military personnel, medical rehabilitation, and criminology researchers. This book examines the words and discourse as well as their meaning and impact on the everyday culture of a multidisciplinary team at a school for students with mental disabilities. The book examines the organizational, social, professional, and emotional experiences of team members from such disciplines as child and school psychology, special education, therapy (e.g., occupational, speech), social work, and pediatric medicine within a special education school. Features 7 Examines the impact of words and discourse on the culture of a special education school 7 Discusses organizational, social, professional, and emotional experiences of multidisciplinary team members 7 Explores how team members describe and interpret daily requirements of working effectively in a special education school 7 Analyzes the influence of language and discourse on outlook, behavior patterns, and coping of team members Contents Chapter 1. Introduction.- Chapter 2. Multidisciplinary Teams in Special Education Schools: Their Language and Discourse.- Chapter 3. An Ethnographic Case Study.- Chapter 4. Words Relating to the Work Done with Students.- Chapter 5. Words Relating to Teamwork.- Chapter 6. Discourse Events in the Multidisciplinary Team.- Chapter 7. Discourse Events in the Administrative Team.Chapter 8. Conclusion. Fields of interest Child and School Psychology; Behavioral Therapy; Social Work Target groups Research Product category Monograph Applications to Civil and Criminal Law Features 7 Scientifically based information 7 Concise and practical coverage of a complex disorder 7 Includes both civil and criminal aspects 7 Useful for mental health and law professionals Contents History and concept of PTSD.- Delineates the main clinical features of the syndrome.- Subtypes and variants of PTSD.- PTSD to make a case for compensable psychological injury.- Applications of PTSD to criminal law.- Describing practical applications of PTSD.- Practical advice and guidelines for forensic psychological examiners. Fields of interest Psychotherapy and Counseling; Law and Psychology Target groups Research Product category Brief M. J. Mills, Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY, USA (Ed) Gender and the Work-Family Experience An Intersection of Two Domains Contents Part I: Societal Influences & Entrenchment: Gender Ideology and Work-Family Plans of the Next Generation.- Beyond the ‘Ideal’ Worker: Including Men in Work-Family Discussions.- Gender, Poverty, and the Work-Family Interface.- Exploring the Double Jeopardy Effect: The Importance of Gender and Race in Work-Family Research.Challenging Heteronormative and Gendered Assumptions in Work-Family Research: An Examination of LGB Identity-Based Work-Family Conflict.- Gender, Gender Role Ideology, and the Work-Family Interface: A Cross-Cultural Analysis.- Part II: Considerations from the Homefront: Feeling Work at Home: A Transactional Model of Women and Men’s Negative Affective Spillover from Work to Family.- The Intersection of Gender and Work-Family Guilt.- Gender, Accuracy about Partners’ Work-Family Conflict, and Relationship Quality.- Work-Family Equality: The Importance of a Level Playing Field at Home.- On-Demand: When Work Intrudes upon Employees’ Personal Time – Does Gender Matter?.- Part III: Career and Organizational Considerations: Family-Friendly Organizational Policies, Practices, and Benefits through the Gender Lens.- Shiftwork as Gendered and its Impact on Work-Family Balance.- Gender Roles in a Masculine Occupation: Military Men and Women’s Differential Negotiation of the Work-Family Interface.- Women in STEM: Family-Related Challenges and Initiatives.- Examining the Work-Family Experience of Female Workaholics.- Family Life on the Fast-Track? Fields of interest Clinical Psychology; Gender Studies; Personality and Social Psychology Target groups Research Product category Contributed volume Due September 2014 Due August 2014 2015. XIII, 142 p. 11 illus. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-09023-8 9<HTODMJ=ajacdi> 50 2014. Approx. 100 p. (SpringerBriefs in Psychology / SpringerBriefs in Behavioral Criminology) Softcover 7 *€ (D) 53,49 | € (A) 54,99 | sFr 67,00 7€ 49,99 | £44.99 ISBN 978-3-319-09080-1 9<HTODMJ=ajaiab> Due September 2014 2015. I, 616 p. 12 illus., 1 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 139,09 | € (A) 142,99 | sFr 173,50 7€ 129,99 | £117.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08890-7 9<HTODMJ=ai jah> News 8/2014 V. Muhlbauer, Academic College of Netanya School of MBA, Netanya, Israel; J. C. Chrisler, Connecticut College, New London, CT, USA; F. L. Denmark, Pace University, New York, NY, USA (Eds) Women and Aging An International, Intersectional Power Perspective These are paradoxical times to be an older woman. As individual older women take the stage as role models in the arts and the public sphere, female elders as a group are marginalized as dependent, declining and unimportant. Women and Aging surveys the evolving sociopolitical landscape in an era still struggling with gender and age discrimination. Features 7 One of the only books that focuses on women over 60 and the recent developments in the many facets of power and the ways in which they affect the lives of older women 7 Elaborates on issues of importance to older women in relation to personal power and status in gendered-age power structures 7 Draws attention to the growing differences in regard to both the meaning of gendered-age identity and the degree of choice that older women have in controlling their lives Contents Introduction.- Older Women, Power and the Body.- Older women, Economic Power and Consumerism.- The Impact of Multiple Roles on the Well-being of Older Women: Strain or Enrichment?.- Older Women, Leadership and Encore Careers.- Sexuality and Older Women: Desirability and Desire.- Lesbians over 60: Newer Every Day.- Clinical Interventions to Empower Older Women. Fields of interest Gender Studies; Cross Cultural Psychology Target groups Research Product category Contributed volume Psychology K. Orth-Gomer, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden; N. Schneiderman, University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL, USA; V. Vaccarino, Rollins School of Public Health Emory University, Atlanta, GA, USA; H.‑C. Deter, und der Humboldt Universität Standort Campus Benjamin Franklin, Berlin, Germany (Eds) I. Palmary, University of Witwatersrand African Centre for Migration and Society, Johannesburg, South Africa; B. Hamber, INCORE, University of Ulster, Londonderry, Ireland; L. N. Carrasco, University of Witswatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa (Eds) Psychosocial Stress and Cardiovascular Disease in Women Healing and Change in the City of Gold Concepts, Findings, and Future Perspectives Contents Epidemiology and Risk Factors.- Prevalence and incidence of cardiovascular disease in women: psychosocial stress, morbidity, and mortality.- Socioeconomic status and women’s health: development over the life span.- Women’s health, work and family life.- Early stress experience: psychosocial risk factors in women with special reference to PTSD.- Mechanisms and Psychobiological Pathways.- Basic psychophysiological stress mechanisms: cortisol and catecholamines.- Female endogenous hormones: the menopausal transition and women’s health.- Psychoneuroimmunological pathways in women.- Psychobiological mechanisms in women.- Neurobiological and genetic pathways in women.- Recovery and restitution: sleep quality and reparatory functions in women.Pst-traumatic stress disorder: early impact on brain function and psychobiological pathways in women.- Breathing patterns and blood pressure regulation in women.- Interventions to Reduce Women’s Stress and Improve Health.- Evaluation of randomized clinical trials in women’s health: impact, methods, and criteria.- Life skills for women: cognitive processes and communicative skills in randomized clinical trials.- Cognitive programs, dynamic concepts: interpersonal interactions in women’s clinical trials. Fields of interest Health Psychology; Cardiology; Gender Studies Target groups Research Case Studies of Coping and Support in Johannesburg Contents Chapter 1: Case studies of precarious life in Johannesburg.- Chapter 2: The Suitcase Project: Working with unaccompanied child refugees in new ways.- Chapter 3: Shaping New Spaces: An alternative approach to healing in current “shelter” interventions for vulnerable women in Johannesburg.- Chapter 4.Violence and Memory in Breaking the Silence of Gukurahundi: A case study of the ZAM in Johannesburg, South Africa.Chapter 5: Between remorse and nostalgia: Haunting memories of war and the search for healing among former Zimbabwean soldiers in exile in South Africa.- Chapter 6: Violence, suffering and support: Congolese forced migrants’ experiences of psychosocial services in Johannesburg.- Chapter 7:Watching each others’ back, coping with precarity in sex work.- Chapter 8:Tormented by Umnyama: An urban cosmology of migration and misfortune in inner-city Johannesburg.- Chapter 9: Faith healing, migration and gendered conversions in Pentecostal churches in Johannesburg.Chapter 10: Healing and deliverance in the city of gold. Fields of interest Community and Environmental Psychology; Clinical Psychology; Political Science, general Target groups Research Product category Contributed volume Product category Contributed volume Due September 2014 Due October 2014 Due September 2014 2015. Approx. 200 p. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-09305-5 2015. XXV, 505 p. 27 illus., 11 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 139,09 | € (A) 142,99 | sFr 173,50 7€ 129,99 | £117.00 ISBN 978-3-319-09240-9 9<HTODMJ=ajdaf > 9<HTODMJ=ajceaj> 2015. XXII, 220 p. (Peace Psychology Book Series, Volume 24) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08767-2 9<HTODMJ=aihghc> 51 Psychology springer.com/NEWSonline T. K. Shackelford, R. D. Hansen, Oakland University, Rochester, MI, USA (Eds) J. D. Sinnott, Towson University, Baltimore, MD, USA (Ed) The Evolution of Sexuality Positive Psychology Attraction, mating, reproduction: it is a given that as a species, human beings are concerned with sex. Advances in Understanding Adult Motivation Features 7 Contributors are leading researchers in the field 7 Focuses on evolution of sex 7 Topics of book came out of one-day conference of "Evolution of Sexuality," where more than a dozen world renowned panelists came together Contents Sexual conflict and evolutionary psychology: towards a unified framework.- Darwinian literary analyses of sexuality.- Assortative mating, class, and caste.- Do men and women perform oral sex as mate retention behavior?.- The French connection: Parent-offspring conflict and the English Revolution.- An evolutionary functional analysis of the hormonal predictors of women’s sexual motivation.- Evolutionary science of female orgasm.The functional design and phylogeny of women’s sexuality.- Transgendered male androphilia in the human ancestral environment.- Two behavioral hypotheses for the evolution of male homosexuality in humans.- The evolution of culturally- variable sex differences: Men and women are not always different, but when they are…it appears not to result from patriarchy or sex role socialization.- Sperm competition and the evolution of human sexuality. variable sex differences: Men and women are not always different, but when they are…it appears not to result from patriarchy or sex role socialization.- Sperm competition and the evolution of human sexuality. Fields of interest Sexual Behavior; Gender Studies; Cross Cultural Psychology Contents Introduction.- Chapter 1. Calling in Child Rearing – Promoting Meaningful, Purposeful Living in Family Life.- Part I Positive Subjective Experiences.- Chapter 2. Mental Health and Illness in Relation to Physical Health Across the Lifespan.- Chapter 3. Flow Theory and the Paradox of Happiness.- Chapter 4. Finding Flow: The History and Future of a Positive Psychology Concept.Chapter 5. Identity, Wisdom, and Critical Life Events in Younger Adulthood.- Chapter 6. Amusing Ourselves to Health: A Selected Review of Lab Findings.- Part II Positive Personality Traits.Chapter 7. Rediscovering Internal Strengths of the Aged: The Beneficial Impact of Wisdom, Mastery, Purpose in Life, and Spirituality on Aging Well.Chapter 8. The Black Survivors: The Courage, Strength, Creativity and Resilience in the Cultural Traditions of Black Caribbean Immigrants.- Chapter 9. The Role of Motivation in Adults’ Reading Comprehension: A Lifespan View.- Chapter 10.Martial Arts as a Pathway to Flourishing.Chapter 11. Creating a More Ethical Workplace.Chapter 12. A Seminar in Positive Psychology.Chapter 13.The Positive Psychology of Adult Generativity: Caring for the Next Generation and Constructing a Redemptive Life.- Chapter 14.The History and Future Directions of Positive Health Psychology.- Part IV Learning to Thrive During Adulthood.- Chapter 15. The Influence of Erik Erikson on Positive Psychology Theory and Research.- Chapter 16.Resilience and Multiple Stigmatized Identities: Lessons from Transgender Persons’ Reflections on Aging.- Chapter 17.Experiential Wisdom and Lifelong Learning. Target groups Research Fields of interest Positive Psychology; Personality and Social Psychology Product category Contributed volume Target groups Professional/practitioner N. M. Szablewska, Southern Cross University School of Law and Justice, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia; S.‑D. Bachmann, University of Lincoln Law School, Lincoln, UK (Eds) Current Issues in Transitional Justice Towards a More Holistic Approach This volume is an inter-disciplinary scholarly resource bringing together contributions from writers, experienced academics and practitioners working in fields such as human rights, humanitarian law, public policy, psychology, cultural and peace studies, and earth jurisprudence. This collection of essays presents the most up to date knowledge and status of the field of transitional justice, and also highlights the emerging debates in this area, which are often overseen and underdeveloped in the literature. The volume provides a wide coverage of the arguments relating to controversial issues emanating from different regions of the world. Features 7 Contains interdisciplinary case studies that bridge academics and practitioners from the field approaching transitional justice issues from a political science perspective 7 Provides a theoretical and conceptual basis with an overview chapter of the current state of transitional justice and concludes with a chapter on the emerging developments and trends of transitional justice 7 Explores the new field of ecological law and environmental jurisprudence Contents Fields of interest Cross Cultural Psychology; Political Science, general; Personality and Social Psychology Target groups Research Product category Contributed volume Product category Professional book Due October 2014 2015. Approx. 400 p. 11 illus., 5 in color. (Evolutionary Psychology) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 139,09 | € (A) 142,99 | sFr 173,50 7€ 129,99 | £117.00 ISBN 978-3-319-09383-3 9<HTODMJ=ajdid > 52 Due September 2014 Due July 2014 2013. XXIII, 353 p. Softcover 7 *€ (D) 48,14 | € (A) 49,49 | sFr 60,00 7€ 44,99 | £40.99 ISBN 978-1-4939-1592-7 9<HTMEUD=jbfjch> 2015. XIV, 300 p. 10 illus., 5 in color. (Springer Series in Transitional Justice, Volume 4) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 139,09 | € (A) 142,99 | sFr 173,50 7€ 129,99 | £117.00 ISBN 978-3-319-09389-5 9<HTODMJ=ajdijf> News 8/2014 M. A. Tompkins, San Francisco Bay Area Center for Cognitive Therapy and University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA Clinician’s Guide to Severe Hoarding A Harm Reduction Approach The cat lady. The couple who won’t let anyone in their apartment. The old man with all that junk in his yard. Their severe hoarding puts them, and often others, at risk for injury, disease, and even death. Features 7 Focus will be specifically on the needs of family members or those close to persons who hoard rather than hoarders themselves 7 Present a unique approach to the problem of compulsive hoarding (harm reduction) which focuses on assisting family members in developing a plan to manage the problem 7 Raise awareness of a unique form of obsessive-compulsive behavior that has not been widely written about 7 Take the focus off discarding and put the focus on problem management leading to a less stressful healing process Contents Part I: Hoarding and Harm Reduction: Hoarding Behavior and Hoarding Disorder.- Harm Reduction.- Part II: The Approach: Harm Reduction Process for Severe Hoarding.- Engaging the Client Who Hoards in the Harm Reduction Approach.Assessing Harm Potential.- Building and Facilitating a Harm Reduction Team.- Creating a Harm Reduction Plan.- Managing the Harm Reduction Plan.- Part III: Other Considerations: Special Populations.- Legal Considerations.- Additional Resources.- Appendix. Fields of interest Clinical Psychology; Social Work; Psychiatry Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Professional book Psychology P. W. Tuerk, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Medical University of South Carolina;Veterans Health Administration, Clinical Sciences Research and Development, Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center, Charleston, SC, USA; P. Shore, Department of Psychiatry, Oregon Health & Science University; VA Northwest Health Network (VISN 20), Department of Veterans Affairs, Portland, OR, USA (Eds) J. Zihl, Universität München Inst. Psychologie, München, Germany; G. Dutton, Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Glasgow, UK Clinical Videoconferencing in Telehealth Cerebral visual disorders have far-reaching consequences for child development. These have profound adverse effects on children’s education and success in school and also in later life, but, unfortunately, cerebral visual disorders often remain undiagnosed and untreated in the pediatric population. This book provides a state-of-the-art account of what is known about the development and disorders of visual perception in children. It covers the development and disorders of visual perception in children, their assessment, early intervention and management in an interdisciplinary context, both from a scientific as well as clinical perspective. Program Development and Practice Contents Part I: Clinic Managers and Administrators: A Sequential Guide to Establishing Sustainable Programming: Technologies and Clinical Videoconferencing Infrastructures: A guide to selecting appropriate systems.- Conducting a Telehealth Needs Assessment.- Common Elements of the Expert Consensus Guidelines or Clinical Videoconferencing.- Policy Development, Procedures and Tools for Navigating Regulations.- Pulling it All Together: Logistics of Program Implementation.Program Evaluation and Modification: Supporting Pragmatic and Data-Driven Clinical Videoconferencing (CV) Services.- Part II: For Clinicians: Clinical Standards and Protocols to Support Effective and Safe Intervention: The Informed Consent Process for Therapeutic Communication in Clinical Videoconferencing.- Patient Safety Planning and Emergency Management.- Clinical Assessment in Clinical Videoconferencing.- Therapeutic Alliance in Clinical Videoconferencing: Optimizing the Communication Context. Fields of interest Clinical Psychology; Computer Appl. in Social and Behavioral Sciences; Psychological Methods/ Evaluation Cerebral Visual Impairment in Children Visuoperceptive and Visuocognitive Disorders Features 7 Practical handbook that shows how to identify, assess and rehabilitate cerebral visual disorders in children 7 Scholarly and comprehensive review of the literature on cerebral visual disorders in children, their assessment and rehabilitation 7 Considers the context of the rapidly evolving field of brain plasticity research Contents Introduction.- Neurobiological foundations and development of visual perception.- Cognitive functions and their development.- Cerebral visual dysfunctions.- Assessment of visual functions and dysfunctions.- Intervention.- Case reports.- References. Target groups Professional/practitioner Fields of interest Neuropsychology; Developmental Psychology; Neurology Product category Contributed volume Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Monograph Due September 2014 Due September 2014 Due September 2014 2015. XVIII, 528 p. 43 illus., 6 in color. Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 37,40 | € (A) 38,45 | sFr 50,50 7 approx.€ 34,95 | £29.99 ISBN 978-1-4939-1431-9 2015. I, 414 p. (Behavioral Telehealth) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08764-1 2015. XVII, 300 p. 49 illus., 15 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-7091-1814-6 9<HTMEUD=jbedbj> 9<HTODMJ=aihgeb> 9<HTOHLJ=b ibeg> 53 Mathematics springer.com/NEWSonline R. Aïd, EDF R&D, Clamart, France M. Brešar, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia Electricity Derivatives Introduction to Noncommutative Algebra Offering a concise but complete survey of the common features of the microstructure of electricity markets, this book describes the state of the art in the different proposed electricity price models for pricing derivatives and in the numerical methods used to price and hedge the most prominent derivatives in electricity markets, namely power plants and swings. The mathematical content of the book has intentionally been made light in order to concentrate on the main subject matter, avoiding fastidious computations. Wherever possible, the models are illustrated by diagrams. The book should allow prospective researchers in the field of electricity derivatives to focus on the actual difficulties associated with the subject. It should also offer a brief but exhaustive overview of the latest techniques used by financial engineers in energy utilities and energy trading desks. Contents Introduction.- Electricity Markets.- Electricity Features.- Markets Microstructure.- Real Derivatives.- Conclusion.- Price Models.- Preliminary Remarks.- HJM Style Forward Curve Models.- One-Factor Spot Models.- Multi-Factor Spot Models.- Structural Models.- Derivatives.Spreads.- Power Plants and Tollings.- Storage and Swings.- Retail Contracts.- Weather Derivatives.Conclusion. Field of interest Quantitative Finance Target groups Research Product category Brief Providing an elementary introduction to noncommutative rings and algebras, this textbook begins with the classical theory of finite dimensional algebras. Only after this, modules, vector spaces over division rings, and tensor products are introduced and studied. This is followed by Jacobson’s structure theory of rings. The final chapters treat free algebras, polynomial identities, and rings of quotients. Many of the results are not presented in their full generality. Rather, the emphasis is on clarity of exposition and simplicity of the proofs, with several being different from those in other texts on the subject. Prerequisites are kept to a minimum, and new concepts are introduced gradually and are carefully motivated. Introduction to Noncommutative Algebra is therefore accessible to a wide mathematical audience. It is, however, primarily intended for beginning graduate and advanced undergraduate students encountering noncommutative algebra for the first time. Features 7 Provides an easy-to-read introduction to noncommutative rings and algebras 7 Makes the theory, usually treated in more advanced texts, accessible to undergraduate students 7 Presents new proofs of some classical theorems Contents Finite Dimensional Division Algebras.- Structure of Finite Dimensional Algebras.- Modules and Vector Spaces.- Tensor Products.- Structure of Rings.- Noncommutative Polynomials.- Rings of Quotients and Structure of PI-Rings. Field of interest Associative Rings and Algebras P. C. Bressloff, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, USA Stochastic Processes in Cell Biology This book develops the theory of continuous and discrete stochastic processes within the context of cell biology. A wide range of biological topics are covered including normal and anomalous diffusion in complex cellular environments, stochastic ion channels and excitable systems, stochastic calcium signaling, molecular motors, intracellular transport, signal transduction, bacterial chemotaxis, robustness in gene networks, genetic switches and oscillators, cell polarization, polymerization, cellular length control, and branching processes. Features 7 First graduate textbook in interdisciplinary applied mathematics that focuses on applications of stochastic processes to cell biology 7 Introduces concepts in stochastic process via motiviating biological applications 7 Solutions to exercises provided as supplementary material 7 Large number of examples and exercises, highly illustrated Contents Introduction.- Diffusion in Cells: Random walks and Brownian Motion.- Stochastic Ion Channels.Polymers and Molecular Motors.- Sensing the Environment: Adaptation and Amplification in Cells.- Stochastic Gene Expression and Regulatory Networks.- Transport Processes in Cells.- SelfOrganization in Cells I: Active Processes.- SelfOrganization in Cells II: Reaction-Diffusion Models.- The WKB Method and Large Deviation Theory.- Probability Theory and Martingales. Target groups Graduate Fields of interest Mathematical and Computational Biology; Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes; Cell Biology Product category Graduate/Advanced undergraduate textbook Target groups Graduate Product category Graduate/Advanced undergraduate textbook Due August 2014 Due November 2014 Due August 2014 2014. Approx. 125 p. (SpringerBriefs in Quantitative Finance) Softcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 53,49 | € (A) 54,99 | sFr 67,00 7 approx.€ 49,99 | £44.99 ISBN 978-3-319-08394-0 2014. XVII, 217 p. (Universitext) Softcover 7 *€ (D) 53,49 | € (A) 54,99 | sFr 67,00 7€ 49,99 | £29.99 ISBN 978-3-319-08692-7 9<HTODMJ=aidjea> 9<HTODMJ=aigjch> 54 2014. XVIII, 670 p. 206 illus., 90 in color. (Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics, Volume 41) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 74,89 | € (A) 76,99 | sFr 93,50 7€ 69,99 | £62.99 ISBN 978-3-319-08487-9 9<HTODMJ=aieihj> News 8/2014 Mathematics L. Bunimovich, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA; B. Webb, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, USA P. de M. Rios, Universidade de São Paulo, São Carlos, Brazil; E. Straume, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway Isospectral Transformations: A New Approach to Analyzing Multidimensional Systems and Networks Symbol Correspondences for Spin Systems This book presents a new approach to the analysis of networks, which emphasizes how one can compress a network while preserving all information relative to the network’s spectrum. Besides these compression techniques, the authors introduce a number of other isospectral transformations and demonstrate how, together, these methods can be applied to gain new results in a number of areas. This includes the stability of time-delayed and non time-delayed dynamical networks, eigenvalue estimation, pseudospectra analysis and the estimation of survival probabilities in open dynamical systems. Features 7 Dynamical networks is a hot topic 7 The first book to highlight the isospectral matrix reduction of networks and put into context of traditional networks literature 7 Static and dynamical properties of networks are covered Contents Isospectral Transformations: A New Approach to Analyzing Multidimensional Systems and Networks.- Isospectral Matrix Reductions.- Dynamical Networks and Isospectral Graph Reductions.Stability of Dynamical Networks.- Improved Eigenvalue Estimates.- Pseudospectra and Inverse Pseudospectra.- Improved Estimates of Survival Probabilities. Fields of interest Dynamical Systems and Ergodic Theory; Mathematical Methods in Physics; Target groups Research Product category Monograph In mathematical physics, the correspondence between quantum and classical mechanics is a central topic, which this book explores in more detail in the particular context of spin systems, that is, SU(2)-symmetric mechanical systems. A detailed presentation of quantum spin-j systems, with emphasis on the SO(3)-invariant decomposition of their operator algebras, is first followed by an introduction to the Poisson algebra of the classical spin system and then by a similarly detailed examination of its SO(3)-invariant decomposition. Features 7 Presents the SO (3)-invariant decomposition of the operator algebra of spin systems and of the Poisson algebra on the two sphere 7 Provides a full classification and detailed systematic presentation of symbol correspondences for spin systems and of general twisted products of symbols on the two sphere 7 High spin number asymptotic limit of symbol correspondence sequences and twisted products Contents Preface.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Preliminaries.- 3 Quantum Spin Systems and Their Operator Algebras.- 4 The Poisson Algebra of the Classical Spin System.- 5 Intermission.- 6 Symbol Correspondences for a Spin-j System.- 7 Multiplications of Symbols on the 2-Sphere.- 8 Beginning Asymptotic Analysis of Twisted Products.- 9 Conclusion.Appendix.- Bibliography.- Index. Fields of interest Non-associative Rings and Algebras; Quantum Physics; Topological Groups, Lie Groups Target groups Research Product category Monograph 9<HTMEUD=jbdhej> SAGA – Advances in ShApes, Geometry, and Algebra Results from the Marie Curie Initial Training Network Contents 1 Introduction to ShApes, Geometry, and Algebra: Tor Dokken and Georg Muntingh.- Part I Change of Representation: 2 Numerical methods for implicitisation and their applications: Oliver J. D. Barrowclough.- 3 Sparse implicitization via interpolation: Ioannis Z. Emiris, Tatjana Kalinka, and Christos Konaxis.- 4 The intersection problems of parametric curves and surfaces by means of matrix-based implicit representations: Thang Luu Ba.- Part II Geometric Computing – Algebraic Tools: 5 Singular Zeros of Polynomial Systems: Angelos Mantzaflaris and Bernard Mourrain.- 6 Plane mixed discriminants and toric jacobians: Alicia Dickenstein, Ioannis Z. Emiris and Anna Karasoulou.- 7 Topology of the intersection of two parameterized surfaces, using computations in 4D space: Stéphane Chau and André Galligo.- 8 Rational Bézier Formulas with Quaternion and Clifford Algebra Weights: Rimvydas Krasauskas and Severinas Zubé.- Part III Algebraic Geometry for CAD Applications: 9 Algebraic spline geometry – some remarks: Ragni Piene.- 10 On the dimension of spline spaces on triangulations: Nelly Villamizar and Bernard Mourrain.- 11 Polynomial Interpolation Problems in Projective Spaces and Products of Projective Lines: Elisa Postinghel.- 12 Rational parametrizations of edge and corner blends for isogeometric analysis: Heidi E. I. Dahl.- Part IV Practical Industrial Problems: 13 Bisectors and Vorono¨ı diagram of a family of parallel half-lines: I. Adamou, M. Fioravanti, L. Gonzalez-Vega, and B. Mourrain. Fields of interest Geometry; Algebra; Mathematics of Computing Target groups Research Product category Contributed volume Due September 2014 2014. XVIII, 138 p. 51 illus., 29 in color. (Springer Monographs in Mathematics) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 90,94 | € (A) 93,49 | sFr 113,50 7€ 84,99 | £76.50 ISBN 978-1-4939-1374-9 T. Dokken, G. Muntingh, SINTEF ICT, Oslo, Norway (Eds) Due September 2014 Due September 2014 2014. VIII, 186 p. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 90,94 | € (A) 93,49 | sFr 113,50 7€ 84,99 | £76.50 ISBN 978-3-319-08197-7 9<HTODMJ=aibjh > 2014. Approx. 315 p. 85 illus., 70 in color. (Geometry and Computing, Volume 10) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 101,64 | € (A) 104,49 | sFr 126,50 7€ 94,99 | £85.50 ISBN 978-3-319-08634-7 9<HTODMJ=aigdeh> 55 Mathematics Ć. B. Dolićanin, State University of Novi Pazar, Novi Pazar, Serbia; A. B. Antonevich, Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus Dynamical Systems Generated by Linear Maps The book deals with dynamical systems, generated by linear mappings of finite dimensional spaces and their applications. These systems have a relatively simple structure from the point of view of the modern dynamical systems theory. However, for the dynamical systems of this sort, it is possible to obtain explicit answers to specific questions being useful in applications. The considered problems are natural and look rather simple, but in reality in the course of investigation, they confront users with plenty of subtle questions and their detailed analysis needs a substantial effort. The problems arising are related to linear algebra and dynamical systems theory, and therefore, the book can be considered as a natural amplification, refinement and supplement to linear algebra and dynamical systems theory textbooks. Features 7 Provides explicit answers to specific questions being useful in applications 7 Investigates dynamical system given by linear mapping 7 Offers a natural amplification, refinement and supplement to linear algebra and dynamical systems theory textbooks Contents From the Contents: Introduction.- Vector trajectory.- The Jordan basis and special subspaces.Representation of the vector trajectory.- The structures related to the principal term of the vector Trajectory.- The asymptotic behavior of vector trajectories and trajectories of one-dimensional subspaces. springer.com/NEWSonline S. Eigen, Department of Mathematics, Boston, MA, USA; A. Hajian, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA; Y. Ito, Keio University, Yokohama, Japan; V. Prasad, University of Massachusetts Lowell, Lowell, MA, USA Weakly Wandering Sequences in Ergodic Theory The appearance of weakly wandering (ww) sets and sequences for ergodic transformations over half a century ago was an unexpected and surprising event. In time it was shown that ww and related sequences reflected significant and deep properties of ergodic transformations that preserve an infinite measure. This monograph studies in a systematic way the role of ww and related sequences in the classification of ergodic transformations preserving an infinite measure. Connections of these sequences to additive number theory and tilings of the integers are also discussed. The material presented is self-contained and accessible to graduate students. Features 7 Provides a full account of the problem of finite invariant measures for measurable transformations with detailed explanation of its history 7 Explains in detail the properties and significance of weakly wandering and other sequences of integers attached to infinite ergodic transformations 7 Shows interesting new connections between ergodic theory and certain number theoretic problems Contents 1. Existence of a finite invariant measure2. Transformations with no Finite Invariant Measure3. Infinite Ergodic Transformations4. Three Basic Examples5. Properties of Various Sequences6. Tilings etc7. Sequences as Isomorphism Invariants Fields of interest Dynamical Systems and Ergodic Theory; Vibration, Dynamical Systems, Control; Complexity Fields of interest Dynamical Systems and Ergodic Theory; Number Theory; Measure and Integration Target groups Research Target groups Research Product category Monograph Product category Monograph E. Fridman, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel Introduction to Time-Delay Systems Analysis and Control The beginning of the 21st century can be characterized as the” time-delay boom” leading to numerous important results. The purpose of this book is two-fold, to familiarize the non-expert reader with time-delay systems and to provide a systematic treatment of modern ideas and techniques for experts. This book is based on the course ”Introduction to time-delay systems” for graduate students in Engineering and Applied Mathematics that the author taught in Tel Aviv University in 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 academic years. The sufficient background to follow most of the material are the undergraduate courses in mathematics and an introduction to control. Features 7 Leads the reader from some basic results on time-delay systems to recent developments on Lyapunov-based methods 7 Covers the comprehensive LMI-based methods, starting from the simple conditions and showing the ideas that essentially improve the results 7 Presents a timedelay approach to the hot topics of sampled-data and networked control systems Contents Introduction.- Linear time-delay systems.Lyapunov-based stability analysis.- Performance analysis of time-delay systems.- Control design for time-delay systems.- Discrete-time delay systems.Sampled-data and networked control systems: a time-delay approach. Fields of interest Systems Theory, Control; Control; Appl.Mathematics/Computational Methods of Engineering Target groups Research Product category Monograph Due July 2014 Originally published by Academska Misao, Belgrade, 2012 No distribution rights for Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia 2nd ed. 2014. XII, 203 p. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 90,94 | € (A) 93,49 | sFr 113,50 7€ 84,99 | £76.50 ISBN 978-3-319-08227-1 9<HTODMJ=aic hb> 56 Due August 2014 Due September 2014 2014. XV, 153 p. 14 illus. (Springer Monographs in Mathematics) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 90,94 | € (A) 93,49 | sFr 113,50 7€ 84,99 | £76.50 ISBN 978-4-431-55107-2 2014. XVI, 346 p. 28 illus., 22 in color. (Systems & Control: Foundations & Applications) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 101,64 | € (A) 104,49 | sFr 126,50 7€ 94,99 | £85.50 ISBN 978-3-319-09392-5 9<HTPEOB=f bahc> 9<HTODMJ=ajdjcf> News 8/2014 Mathematics P. K. Friz, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany; M. Hairer, The University of Warwick, Coventry, UK A Course on Rough Paths With an Introduction to Regularity Structures Lyons’ rough path analysis has provided new insights in the analysis of stochastic differential equations and stochastic partial differential equations, such as the KPZ equation. This textbook presents the first thorough and easily accessible introduction to rough path analysis. L. Godinho, J. Natário, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal An Introduction to Riemannian Geometry With Applications to Mechanics and Relativity R. Gorenflo, Free University Berlin Mathematical Institute, Berlin, Germany; A. A. Kilbas, Belarusian State University Department of Mathematics and Mechanics, Minsk, Belarus; F. Mainardi, University of Bologna Department of Physics, Bologna, Italy; S. V. Rogosin, Belarusian State University Department of Economics, Minsk, Belarus Mittag-Leffler Functions Features 7 Provides a self-contained and easily accessible introduction to rough path analysis with many exercises 7 Focuses on the simplest setting applicable to analysis of stochastic differential equations 7 Includes recent applications to stochastic partial differential equations Unlike many other texts on differential geometry, this textbook also offers interesting applications to geometric mechanics and general relativity. The first part is a concise and self-contained introduction to the basics of manifolds, differential forms, metrics and curvature. The second part studies applications to mechanics and relativity including the proofs of the Hawking and Penrose singularity theorems. It can be independently used for onesemester courses in either of these subjects. The main ideas are illustrated and further developed by numerous examples and over 300 exercises. Contents Introduction.- The space of rough paths.- Brownian motion as a rough path.- Integration against rough paths.- Stochastic integration and Itˆo’s formula.- Doob–Meyer type decomposition for rough paths.- Operations on controlled rough paths.- Solutions to rough differential equations.Stochastic differential equations.- Gaussian rough paths.- Cameron–Martin regularity and applications.- Stochastic partial differential equations.Introduction to regularity structures.- Operations on modelled distributions.- Application to the KPZ equation. Features 7 Presents a self-contained treatment of Riemannian geometry and applications to mechanics and relativity in one book 7 Conveys nontrivial results in general relativity (such as the Hawking and Penrose singularity theorems) which are not usually treated in introductory texts 7 Contains detailed solutions to many of the 300 exercises to help students test and consolidate their understanding 7 Includes a summary of all the main definitions and results from the necessary background material in differential calculus, algebra and topology Fields of interest Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes; Ordinary Differential Equations; Partial Differential Equations Contents Differentiable Manifolds.- Differential Forms.Riemannian Manifolds.- Curvature.- Geometric Mechanics.- Relativity. Contents Preface.- Introduction.- 1.History of MittagLeffler functions.- 2.Classical Mittag-Leffler function.- 3.Mittag-Leffler functions with two or three parameters.- 4.Generalized Mittag-Leffler functions.- 5.Mittag-Leffler functions and solution to fractional order equations.- 6.Applications to deterministic models.- 7.Applications to stochastic models.- Appendices.- A. Euler Gamma and Betafunctions.- B. Entire functions.- C. Integral transforms.- D. Mellin-Barnes integral.- E. Elements of fractional calculus.- F. Higher transcendental functions.- References. Target groups Graduate Fields of interest Differential Geometry; Mathematical Physics; Mechanics, Classical and Quantum Gravitation, Relativity Theory Fields of interest Special Functions; Mathematical Applications in the Physical Sciences; Mathematical Modeling and Industrial Mathematics Target groups Graduate Target groups Research Product category Graduate/Advanced undergraduate textbook Product category Monograph Product category Graduate/Advanced undergraduate textbook Theory and Applications As a result of researchers’ and scientists’ increasing interest in pure as well as applied mathematics in non-conventional models, particularly those using fractional calculus, Mittag-Leffler functions have recently caught the interest of the scientific community. Features 7 Unique project to be realized in the theory of special functions 7 Presents a complete and self-contained description of all aspects of the theory and application of the Mittag-Leffler functions 7 The introduced functions are of great importance for solving differential and integral equations of fractional order Due September 2014 Due October 2014 Due August 2014 2014. Approx. 265 p. (Universitext) Softcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 53,49 | € (A) 54,99 | sFr 67,00 7 approx.€ 49,99 | £44.99 ISBN 978-3-319-08331-5 2014. X, 467 p. 60 illus. (Universitext) Softcover 7 *€ (D) 64,19 | € (A) 65,99 | sFr 80,00 7€ 59,99 | £39.99 ISBN 978-3-319-08665-1 9<HTODMJ=aid bf> 9<HTODMJ=aig fb> 2014. XII, 425 p. 7 illus., 2 in color. (Springer Monographs in Mathematics) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 101,64 | € (A) 104,49 | sFr 126,50 7€ 94,99 | £85.50 ISBN 978-3-662-43929-6 9<HTOGRC=edjcjg> 57 Mathematics springer.com/NEWSonline J.‑C. Hausmann, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland Mod Two Homology and Cohomology Cohomology and homology modulo 2 helps the reader grasp more readily the basics of a major tool in algebraic topology. Compared to a more general approach to (co)homology this refreshing approach has many pedagogical advantages: 1. It leads more quickly to the essentials of the subject, 2. An absence of signs and orientation considerations simplifies the theory, 3. Computations and advanced applications can be presented at an earlier stage, 4. Simple geometrical interpretations of (co)chains. Mod 2 (co)homology was developed in the first quarter of the twentieth century as an alternative to integral homology, before both became particular cases of (co)homology with arbitrary coefficients. Features 7 Presents a simplified version of these important tools of algebraic topology 7 Provides a self-contained introduction to mod 2 (co)homology 7 Begins with basic principles and leads up to advanced topics that are not usually mentioned in an algebraic topology text 7 Includes many interesting applications of mod 2 homology and cohomology theory, both classical and more recent Contents Introduction.- Simplicial (co)homology.- Singular and cellular (co)homologies.- Products.- Poincar´e Duality.- Projective spaces.- Equivariant cohomology.- Steenrod squares.- Stiefel-Whitney classes.Miscellaneous applications and developments.Hints and answers for some exercises. Fields of interest Algebraic Topology; Manifolds and Cell Complexes (incl. Diff.Topology) Target groups Graduate Due September 2014 2014. VIII, 441 p. 9 illus. (Universitext) Softcover 7 *€ (D) 64,19 | € (A) 65,99 | sFr 80,00 7€ 59,99 | £39.99 ISBN 978-3-319-09353-6 58 Symmetry: Representation Theory and Its Applications In Honor of Nolan R. Wallach Features 7 A unique and comprehensive tribute for Nolan R. Contents Preface.- Publications of Nolan R. Wallach.- Unitary Hecke algebra modules with nonzero Dirac cohomology.- On the nilradical of a parabolic subgroup.- Arithmetic invariant theory.- Structure constants of Kac-Moody Lie algebras.- The Gelfand-Zeitlin integrable system and K-orbits on the flag variety.- Diagrams of Hermitian type, highest weight modules, and syzygies of determinantal varieties.- A conjecture of Sakellaridis-Venkatesh on the unitary spectrum of spherical varieties.- Proof of the 2-part compositional shuffle conjecture.- On symmetric SL-invariant polynomials in four qubits.- Finite maximal tori.- Sums of Littlewood–Richardson coefficients and GLnharmonic polynomials.- Polynomial functors and categorifications of Fock space.- Pieri algebras and Hibi algebras in representation theory.- Action of the conformal group on steady state solutions to Maxwell’s equations and background radiation.Representations with a reduced null cone.- Mseries and Kloosterman–Selberg zetafunctions for R-rank one groups.- Ricci flow and manifolds with positive curvature.- Remainder formula and zeta expression for extremal CFT partition functions.Principal series representations of infinite-dimensional Lie groups, I: Minimal parabolic subgroups. F. Jean, ENSTA ParisTech, Palaiseau, France Control of Nonholonomic Systems: from Sub-Riemannian Geometry to Motion Planning Nonholonomic systems are control systems which depend linearly on the control. Their underlying geometry is the sub-Riemannian geometry, which plays for these systems the same role as Euclidean geometry does for linear systems. In particular the usual notions of approximations at the first order, that are essential for control purposes, have to be defined in terms of this geometry. The aim of these notes is to present these notions of approximation and their application to the motion planning problem for nonholonomic systems. Features 7 Provides recent results and state-of-the-art in nonholonomic motion planning 7 Includes the description of a complete algorithm 7 It is a crash course on first-order theory in sub-Riemannian geometry Contents 1 Geometry of nonholonomic systems.- 2 Firstorder theory.- 3 Nonholonomic motion planning.4 Appendix A: Composition of flows of vector fields.- 5 Appendix B: The different systems of privileged coordinates. Fields of interest Systems Theory, Control; Differential Geometry; Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics) Target groups Research Product category Monograph Fields of interest Topological Groups, Lie Groups; Group Theory and Generalizations; Algebraic Geometry Target groups Research Product category Graduate/Advanced undergraduate textbook 9<HTODMJ=ajdfdg> R. E. Howe, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA; M. Hunziker, Baylor University, Waco, TX, USA; J. F. Willenbring, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI, USA (Eds) Product category Contributed volume Due September 2014 Due August 2014 2014. XXX, 550 p. 38 illus., 5 in color. (Progress in Mathematics, Volume 257) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 117,69 | € (A) 120,99 | sFr 146,50 7€ 109,99 | £99.00 ISBN 978-1-4939-1589-7 2014. X, 104 p. 1 illus. in color. (SpringerBriefs in Mathematics) Softcover 7 *€ (D) 53,49 | € (A) 54,99 | sFr 67,00 7€ 49,99 | £44.99 ISBN 978-3-319-08689-7 9<HTMEUD=jbfijh> 9<HTODMJ=aigijh> News 8/2014 Mathematics D. Axelrod, Nelson Biology Labs,Rutgers University, PISCATAWAY, NJ, USA; M. Kimmel, Rice University, Houston, TX, USA A. Lewis, Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada Branching Processes in Biology This brief presents a description of a new modelling framework for nonlinear/geometric control theory. The framework is intended to be—and shown to be—feedback-invariant. As such, Tautological Control Systems provides a platform for understanding fundamental structural problems in geometric control theory. Part of the novelty of the text stems from the variety of regularity classes, e.g., Lipschitz, finitely differentiable, smooth, real analytic, with which it deals in a comprehensive and unified manner. The treatment of the important real analytic class especially reflects recent work on real analytic topologies by the author. Applied mathematicians interested in nonlinear and geometric control theory will find this brief of interest as a starting point for work in which feedback invariance is important. Graduate students working in control theory may also find Tautological Control Systems to be a stimulating starting point for their research. This book provides a theoretical background of branching processes and discusses their biological applications. Branching processes are a welldeveloped and powerful set of tools in the field of applied probability. The range of applications considered includes molecular biology, cellular biology, human evolution and medicine. The branching processes discussed include GaltonWatson, Markov, Bellman-Harris, Multitype, and General Processes. As an aid to understanding specific examples, two introductory chapters, and two glossaries are included that provide background material in mathematics and in biology. Features 7 Intended for mathematicians, statisticians, and biologists, as well as advanced graduate students 7 More material added in the chapter on infinitely-dimensional multitype processes, including the infinitely-dimensional linearfractional case 7 Background material expanded. 7 More than 360 citations, including 100 new citations to recent literature Contents Motivating Examples and Other Preliminaries.- Biological Background.- The Galton-Watson Process.- The Age-Dependent Process: Markov Case.- The Bellman-Harris Process.- Multitype Processes.- Branching Processes with Infinitely Many Types.- Genealogies of Branching Processes and their Applications.- References. Fields of interest Mathematical and Computational Biology; Statistics for Life Sciences, Medicine, Health Sciences; Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes Target groups Graduate Product category Graduate/Advanced undergraduate textbook Tautological Control Systems Features 7 Promises a new methodology of study with fundamentally novel tools leading to a radically different way of understanding system structure 7 Eliminates the need to consider control parameterization and the effects of its variation 7 New approach will inspire further work and discussion Contents 1 Introduction, motivation, and background.- 2 Topologies for spaces of vector fields.- 3 Timevarying vector fields and control systems.- 4 Presheaves and sheaves of sets of vector fields.- 5 Tautological control systems: Definitions and fundamental properties.- 6 Étalé systems.- 7 Ongoing and future work. Fields of interest Systems Theory, Control; Control Alfred Tarski Early Work in Poland—Geometry and Teaching Foreword by: I. Grattan-Guinness, Bengeo, UK Contents 1 Tarski’s first paper.- 1.1 Introduction .- 1.2 Item 1 below (nearing completion).- 2 Papers on equidecomposibility of polygons.- 2.1 Introduction.- 2.2 Item 2 below (nearing completion).- 2.3 Item 6 below (old translation, needs redoing).- 2.4 Item 8 below (old translation, needs redoing).- 2.5 Exercise 31pc in item 11g below.- 3 Papers related to secondary teaching.- 3.1 Introduction.- 3.2 Item 4 below (meeting report).- 3.3 Item 7 below (on circles, nearing completion).- 3.4 Extract from Item 9 below (textbook).- 3.5 Remainder of item 11 below (exercises).- 4 Assorted contributions.- 4.1 Introduction.- 4.2 Item 3 below (on insurance).4.3 Item 5 below (abstract on truth).- 4.4 Item 10 below (Lukasiewicz abstract on definitions).- 4.5 Item 12 below (contributions to discussions).- 5 Bibliography.- 5.1 Introduction .- 5.2 List of Tarski works published since the Collected Works.- 5.3 List of biographical books and articles.- 5.4 List of summaries of Tarski’s scientific work.- 5.5 References for the present book .- Illustrations.- Young Tarski (frontispiece).- From the first paper .- From the 1924 paper.- Something from one of the teachers’ journals .- Index. Fields of interest Mathematical Logic and Foundations; Mathematics Education; History of Mathematical Sciences Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Collection of essays Target groups Research Product category Brief Due November 2014 Due July 2014 2nd ed. 2014. Approx. 345 p. 69 illus., 3 in color. (Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics, Volume 19) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 64,19 | € (A) 65,99 | sFr 80,00 7€ 59,99 | £53.99 ISBN 978-1-4939-1558-3 2014. IX, 118 p. (SpringerBriefs in Electrical and Computer Engineering / SpringerBriefs in Control, Automation and Robotics) Softcover 7 *€ (D) 53,49 | € (A) 54,99 | sFr 67,00 7€ 49,99 | £44.99 ISBN 978-3-319-08637-8 9<HTMEUD=jbf id> A. McFarland, J. McFarland, Plock, Poland; J. Smith, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA, USA (Eds) 9<HTODMJ=aigdhi> Due August 2014 2014. XXV, 480 p. 118 illus., 11 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 117,69 | € (A) 120,99 | sFr 146,50 7€ 109,99 | £99.00 ISBN 978-1-4939-1473-9 9<HTMEUD=jbehdj> 59 Mathematics M. Nisio, Hyogo-ku, Kobe, Japan Lectures on Stochastic Control This book provides an introduction to stochastic controls, via the method of dynamic programming, formulated by nonlinear semigroup. The dynamic programming principle, originated by R. Bellman in 1950s, is known as the two stage optimization procedure and gives a powerful tool to analyze stochastic control problems. Through the dependence of value function on its terminal cost function, we construct a nonlinear two parameter semigroup which formulates the dynamic programming principle and whose generator provides Hamilton--Jacobi--Bellman equation. Here we mainly concerned with finite time horizon stochastic controls. But we also apply the semigroup approach to control-stopping problems and stochastic differential games together with examples in financial market models. This book is organized as follows. Chapters 1--4 deal with completely observable finite dimensional controlled diffusions. Chapters 5 and 6 are concerned with Hilbert space valued stochastic processes, related to partially observable control problems. Features 7 Deals with a quick review of stochastic analysis and stochastic differential equations with random coefficients 7 Deals with viscosity solutions of nonlinear parabolic equation 7 Shows the connection between controlled Zakai equations and control of partially observable diffusions Field of interest Mathematics, general Target groups Research Product category Monograph springer.com/NEWSonline K. D. Pham, The Air Force Research Laboratory, Kirtland Air Force Base, NM, USA Resilient Controls for Ordering Uncertain Prospects Change and Response Providing readers with a detailed examination of resilient controls in risk-averse decision, this monograph is aimed toward researchers and graduate students in applied mathematics and electrical engineering with a systems-theoretic concentration. Features 7 Highlights current advances in resilient controls of bilinear stochastic systems 7 Presents theoretical explorations on several fundamental problems for resilient controlled systems 7 Contains new breakthroughs in network time delays and communication channel constraints Contents 1. Introduction.- 2. Actuator Failure Accommodation in Risk-Averse Feedback Control.- 3. Towards a Risk Sensitivity and Game-Theoretic Approach of Stochastic Fault-Tolerant Systems.- 4. Disturbance Attenuation Problems with Delayed Feedback Measurements.- 5. Performance Risk Management in weakly Coupled Bilinear Stochastic Systems.- 6. Risk-Averse Control of Weakly Coupled Bilinear Stochastic Systems.- 7. Resilient control of A Class of Uncertain Time-Delay Systems.- 8. Networked Control with Time Delay Measurements and Communications Channel Constraints.- 9. Risk-Averse Control of Networked Systems with Compensation of Measurement Delays and Control Rate Constraints.- 10. Epilogue.- Index. Fields of interest Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control; Optimization; Operation Research/Decision Theory; Target groups Research Product category Monograph Due September 2014 2014. Approx. 260 p. Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 90,94 | € (A) 93,49 | sFr 113,50 7 approx.€ 84,99 | £76.50 ISBN 978-4-431-55122-5 9<HTPEOB=f bc f> 60 A. Poznyak, Centro de Investigacion y Estudios Avanzados, México, Mexico; A. Polyakov, INRIA-LNE, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France; V. Azhmyakov, University of Antonio Nariño, Neiva, Colombia Attractive Ellipsoids in Robust Control This monograph introduces a newly developed robust-control design technique for a wide class of continuous-time dynamical systems called the “attractive ellipsoid method.” Along with a coherent introduction to the proposed control design and related topics, the monograph studies nonlinear affine control systems in the presence of uncertainty and presents a constructive and easily implementable control strategy that guarantees certain stability properties. The authors discuss linear-style feedback control synthesis in the context of the above-mentioned systems. Features 7 Presents numerical procedures for designing robust and adaptive-robust feedbacks 7 Covers a wide class of quasi-Lipschitz nonlinear uncertain systems 7 All subclasses of uncertain systems are treated with a unified approach Contents 1. Introduction.- 2. Mathematical Backgrounds.3. Robust State Feedback Control.- 4. Robust Output Feedback Control.- 5. Control with Sample-Data Measurements.- 6. Sample Data and Quantifying Output Control.- 7. Robust Control of Implicit Systems.- 8. Attractive Ellipsoids in Sliding Mode control.- 9. Robust Stabilization of Time-Delay Systems.- 10. Robust Control of Switched Systems.- 11. Bounded Robust Control.12. Attractive Ellipsoid Method with Adaptation. Fields of interest Systems Theory, Control Target groups Research Product category Monograph Due September 2014 Due August 2014 2014. XV, 200 p. 33 illus. (Springer Optimization and Its Applications, Volume 98) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 90,94 | € (A) 93,49 | sFr 113,50 7€ 84,99 | £76.50 ISBN 978-3-319-08704-7 2014. XVIII, 366 p. 65 illus. in color. (Systems & Control: Foundations & Applications) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 101,64 | € (A) 104,49 | sFr 126,50 7€ 94,99 | £85.50 ISBN 978-3-319-09209-6 9<HTODMJ=aihaeh> 9<HTODMJ=ajcajg> News 8/2014 Mathematics R. Schiffler, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, USA Quiver Representations This book is intended to serve as a textbook for a course in Representation Theory of Algebras at the beginning graduate level. The text has two parts. In Part I, the theory is studied in an elementary way using quivers and their representations. This is a very hands-on approach and requires only basic knowledge of linear algebra. The main tool for describing the representation theory of a finitedimensional algebra is its Auslander-Reiten quiver, and the text introduces these quivers as early as possible. Part II then uses the language of algebras and modules to build on the material developed before. The equivalence of the two approaches is proved in the text. The last chapter gives a proof of Gabriel’s Theorem. The language of category theory is developed along the way as needed. Features 7 First textbook on representation theory which uses the quiver representations approach 7 Much shorter than other texts on the subject and is meant as a textbook for a one semester course 7 Explicit constructions of Auslander-Reiten quivers are given Contents Part I: Quivers and their representations.- Representations of quivers.- Projective and injective representations.- Examples of Auslander-Reiten quivers.- Part II: Path algebras.- Algebras and modules.- Bound quiver algebras.- New algebras from old.- Auslander-Reiten theory.- Quadratic forms and Gabriel’s theorem. Fields of interest Algebra; Associative Rings and Algebras; Combinatorics Target groups Graduate Product category Graduate/Advanced undergraduate textbook J. S. Treiman, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI, USA F. Vivaldi, Queen Mary University of London, London, UK Calculus with Vectors Mathematical Writing Calculus with Vectors grew out of a strong need for a beginning calculus textbook for undergraduates who intend to pursue careers in STEM fields. The approach introduces vector-valued functions from the start, emphasizing the connections between one-variable and multi-variable calculus. The text includes early vectors and early transcendentals and includes a rigorous but informal approach to vectors. Examples and focused applications are well presented along with an abundance of motivating exercises. The approaches taken to topics such as the derivation of the derivatives of sine and cosine, the approach to limits and the use of “tables” of integration have been modified from the standards seen in other textbooks in order to maximize the ease with which students may comprehend the material. This book teaches the art of writing mathematics, an essential -and difficult- skill for any mathematics student. The book begins with an informal introduction on basic writing principles and a review of the essential dictionary for mathematics. Writing techniques are developed gradually, from the small to the large: words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs, to end with short compositions. These may represent the introduction of a concept, the abstract of a presentation or the proof of a theorem. Along the way the student will learn how to establish a coherent notation, mix words and symbols effectively, write neat formulae, and structure a definition. Some elements of logic and all common methods of proofs are featured, including various versions of induction and existence proofs. The book concludes with advice on specific aspects of thesis writing (choosing of a title, composing an abstract, compiling a bibliography) illustrated by large number of real-life examples. Many exercises are included; over 150 of them have complete solutions, to facilitate self-study. Features 7 Includes early vectors and early transcendentals to help prepare students for calculus-based physics classes 7 Contains several appendices designed to help fill in necessary background knowledge, including basic trigonometry and algebra review 7 Uses non-standard approaches in order to optimize ease of understanding for students Contents Preface.- 1. Points and Vectors.- 2. Limits and Derivatives.- 3. More on Limits.- 4. Rules for Finding Derivatives.- 5. Applications of Limits and Derivatives.- 6. Integration.- 7. The Cross Product.- 8. More Techniques of Integration.- 9. Applications of Integration.- 10. Series.- Index. Fields of interest Integral Transforms, Operational Calculus; Sequences, Series, Summability; Mathematical Methods in Physics Features 7 Teaches undergraduate students to learn and improve their mathematical writing skills 7 Contains many exercises and solutions for self-learners 7 Tried and tested for many years on courses at Queen Mary, University London Contents Some writing tips.- Essential dictionary I.- Essential dictionary II.- Mathematical sentences.Describing functions.- Writing well.- Forms of argument.- Induction.- Existence and definitions.Writing a thesis. Field of interest Mathematics, general Target groups Lower undergraduate Target groups Lower undergraduate Product category Undergraduate textbook Product category Undergraduate textbook Due September 2014 Due September 2014 2014. XVI, 226 p. 25 illus. (CMS Books in Mathematics) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 53,49 | € (A) 54,99 | sFr 67,00 7€ 49,99 | £44.99 ISBN 978-3-319-09203-4 9<HTODMJ=ajcade> 2014. X, 407 p. 350 illus., 300 in color. (Springer Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics and Technology) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 48,14 | € (A) 49,49 | sFr 60,00 7€ 44,99 | £40.99 ISBN 978-3-319-09437-3 9<HTODMJ=ajedhd> Due August 2014 2014. XVII, 204 p. 16 illus. in color. (Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series) Softcover 7 *€ (D) 37,44 | € (A) 38,49 | sFr 47,00 7€ 34,99 | £24.99 ISBN 978-1-4471-6526-2 9<HTMEPH=bgfcgc> 61 Mathematics springer.com/NEWSonline A. J. Zaslavski, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel A. I. Zayed, DePaul University, Chicago, IL, USA; G. Schmeisser, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany (Eds) Turnpike Phenomenon and Infinite Horizon Optimal Control This book is devoted to the study of the turnpike phenomenon and describes the existence of solutions for a large variety of infinite horizon optimal control classes of problems. Chapter 1 provides introductory material on turnpike properties. Chapter 2 studies the turnpike phenomenon for discrete-time optimal control problems. The turnpike properties of autonomous problems with extended-value integrands are studied in Chapter 3. Chapter 4 focuses on large classes of infinite horizon optimal control problems without convexity (concavity) assumptions. In Chapter 5, the turnpike results for a class of dynamic discretetime two-player zero-sum game are proven. Features 7 Establishes a turnpike property for optimal control problems without convexity (concavity) assumptions 7 Contains optimal solutions for optimal control problems without convexity (concavity) assumptions over infinite horizon 7 Uses a turnpike property of approximate solutions for zero-sum game with two players Contents Preface.- 1. Introduction.- 2. Turnpike Properties of Discrete-Time Problems.- 3. Variational Problems with Extended-Value Integrands.- 4. Infinite Horizon Problems.- 5. Dynamic Discrete Time Zero-Sum Games.- References.- Index. Fields of interest Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control; Optimization; Optimization; Operations Research, Management Science Target groups Research Product category Monograph New Perspectives on Approximation and Sampling Theory Festschrift in Honor of Paul Butzer’s 85th Birthday Contents Abstract Exact and Approximate Sampling Theorems.- Sampling in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space.- Boas-Type Formulas and Sampling in Banach Spaces with Applications to Analysis on Manifolds.- On Window Methods in Generalized Shannon Sampling Operators.- Generalized sampling approximation for multivariate discontinuous signals and applications to image processing.Signal and System Approximation from General Measurements.- Confirmation PROCESS.- Sparse Signal Processing.- Signal Sampling and Testing Under Noise.- Superoscillations.- General Moduli of Smoothness and Approximation by Families of Linear Polynomial Operators.- Variation and approximation in multidimensional setting for Mellin integral operators.- The Lebesgue Constant for Sinc Approximations.- Six (Seven) problems in frame theory.- Five good reasons for complexvalued transforms in image processing.- Frequency Determination Using the Discrete Hermite Transform.- Fractional Operators, Dirichlet Averages and Splines.- A Distributional Approach to Generalized Stochastic Processes on Locally Compact Abelian Groups.- On a discrete Turán problem for l-1 radial functions. Fields of interest Approximations and Expansions; Special Functions; Signal,Image and Speech Processing Target groups Research Product category Contributed volume Due September 2014 Due September 2014 2014. XII, 328 p. (Springer Optimization and Its Applications, Volume 99) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 101,64 | € (A) 104,49 | sFr 126,50 7€ 94,99 | £85.50 ISBN 978-3-319-08827-3 2014. XV, 485 p. 66 illus., 38 in color. (Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 101,64 | € (A) 104,49 | sFr 126,50 7€ 94,99 | £85.50 ISBN 978-3-319-08800-6 9<HTODMJ=ai chd> 62 9<HTODMJ=ai a g> News 8/2014 H. Abdi, D. Beaton, The University of Texas, Dallas, TX, USA Statistics M. Alvo, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada; P. L. Yu, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China A. K. Chattopadhyay, T. Chattopadhyay, University of Calcutta, Calcutta, India This book introduces advanced undergraduate, graduate students and practitioners to statistical methods for ranking data. An important aspect of nonparametric statistics is oriented towards the use of ranking data. Rank correlation is defined through the notion of distance functions and the notion of compatibility is introduced to deal with incomplete data. Ranking data are also modeled using a variety of modern tools such as CART, MCMC, EM algorithm and factor analysis. This book deals with statistical methods used for analyzing such data and provides a novel and unifying approach for hypotheses testing. in its own right with rewarding examples, including work by the authors with galaxy and Gamma Ray Burst data to engage the reader. This includes a comprehensive blending of Astrophysics and Statistics. The first chapter’s coverage of preliminary concepts and terminologies for astronomical phenomenon will appeal to both Statistics and Astrophysics readers as helpful context. Statistics concepts covered in the book provide a methodological framework. A unique feature is the inclusion of different possible sources of astronomical data, as well as software packages for converting the raw data into appropriate forms for data analysis. Principal Component and Statistical Methods for Statistical Methods for Ranking Correspondence Analyses Using Astronomical Data Analysis Data R This book introduces “Astrostatistics” as a subject With the right R packages, R is uniquely suited to perform Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Correspondence Analysis (CA), Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA), and metric multidimensional scaling (MMDS). The analyses depicted in this book use several packages specially developed for theses analyses and include (among others): the ExPosition suite, FactoMiner , ade4, and ca. The authors present each technique with one or several small examples that demonstrate how to enter the data, perform the standard analyses, and obtain professional quality graphics. Through explanations of the major options for how to carry out each method, readers can tailor the content of this book to their particular goals. Explanations include the effects of using particular packages. Features 7 Fills a void in the literature for how to do PCA and CA with R, a wildly popular and open source software 7 All analyses use R packages, including a package created for this book, and examples provide all data and code 7 The "how to" approach used here can be used in courses and self-learning Contents inimum of R.- Notations.- Principal Component M Analysis.- Correspondence Analysis.- Multiple Correspondence Analysis & Alternative.- Appendix: The Singular Value Decomposition (SVD).References.- Index. Features 7 Contains a unified treatment of both inference and modeling for ranking data 7 Contains comprehensive software to enable the practitioner to access the methods 7 Contains illustrative data sets and exercises so that it can be used as a textbook in a graduate course Contents Introduction.- Exploratory Analysis of Ranking Data.- Correlation Analysis of Paired Ranking Data.- Testing for randomness, agreement and interaction.- Block Designs.- General Theory of Hypothesis Testing.- Testing for Ordered Alternatives.- Probability Models for Ranking Data.Probit Models for Ranking Data.- Decision Tree Models for Ranking Data.- Extension of DistanceBased Models for Ranking Data.- Appendix A: Ranking Data Sets.- Appendix B: Limit Theorems.- Appendix C: Review on Decision Trees. Features 7 Provides a concise introduction to statistical astronomy in context of recent discoveries 7 Details various traditional and non-traditional methodologies for analyzing and interpreting large scale data sets in new field 7 Integrates R and provides data sets for readers to learn from Contents Introduction to Astrophysics.- Introduction to Statistics.- Sources of Astronomical Data.- Statistical Inference.- Advanced Regression and its Application with Measurement Error.- Missing Observations and Imputation.- Dimension Reduction and Clustering.- Clustering, Classification and Data Mining.- Time Series Analysis.- Monte Carlo Simulation.- Uses of Softwares.- Appendix. Fields of interest Statistical Theory and Methods; Statistics, general; Statistics and Computing/Statistics Programs Fields of interest Statistics for Engineering, Physics, Computer Science, Chemistry and Earth Sciences; Astrophysics and Astroparticles; Astronomy, Astrophysics and Cosmology Target groups Research Target groups Research Product category Monograph Product category Monograph Due October 2014 Due September 2014 Due August 2014 2014. X, 110 p. 40 illus., 10 in color. (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Softcover 7 *€ (D) 53,49 | € (A) 54,99 | sFr 67,00 7€ 49,99 | £44.99 ISBN 978-3-319-09255-3 2014. X, 270 p. 23 illus., 4 in color. (Frontiers in Probability and the Statistical Sciences) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 90,94 | € (A) 93,49 | sFr 113,50 7€ 84,99 | £76.50 ISBN 978-1-4939-1470-8 2014. XV, 333 p. 62 illus., 45 in color. (Springer Series in Astrostatistics, Volume 3) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 90,94 | € (A) 93,49 | sFr 113,50 7€ 84,99 | £76.50 ISBN 978-1-4939-1506-4 9<HTODMJ=ajcf d> 9<HTMEUD=jbehai> Fields of interest Statistics and Computing/Statistics Programs; Statistics for Life Sciences, Medicine, Health Sciences; Statistical Theory and Methods Target groups Research Product category Brief 9<HTMEUD=jbfage> 63 Statistics D. Haughton, Bentley College Dept. Mathematical Sciences, Waltham, MA, USA; M.‑D. McLaughlin, K. D. Mentzer, Bentley University, Waltham, MA, USA; N. Villa-Vialaneix, INRA, Toulouse, France; C. Zhang, Bentley University, Waltham, MA, USA Movie Analytics A Hollywood Introduction to Big Data Movies will never be the same after you learn how to analyze movie data, including key data mining, text mining and social network analytics concepts. These techniques may then be used in endless other contexts. Features 7 Current introduction to big data issues through an appealing and surprisingly complex subject: movie analytics 7 Delves into text mining techniques through movie reviews, twitter data and social network analysis 7 Includes visualization of the co-starring network, prediction of Oscar winners and analysis of movie attendance data 7 All methods may be applied to myriad other contexts Contents What do we know about analyzing movie data: section on past literature.- What is meant by “big data”; the data scientist point of view.- Visualization of very large networks: the co-starring social network.- Text Mining: twitter movie related data.- Text Mining: movie review data.- Dollars and cents: analysis of financial data (revenue, budget etc.).- Analysis of movie attendance data.- Gold standard: Intradate data and Oscars.- Can one predict Oscars from twitter and review text data. Fields of interest Statistics for Social Science, Behavorial Science, Education, Public Policy, and Law; Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery; Statistics for Business/ Economics/Mathematical Finance/Insurance Target groups Research Product category Brief springer.com/NEWSonline M. Kateri, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany B. Lecoutre, Université de Rouen UMR 6085 CNRS, St Et. du Rouvray CEDEX, France; J. Poitevineau, Université Pierre et Marie Curie CNRS, Paris Cedex 05, France Contingency Table Analysis Methods and Implementation Using R Contingency tables arise in diverse fields, including life sciences, education, social and political sciences, notably market research and opinion surveys. Their analysis plays an essential role in gaining insight into structures of the quantities under consideration and in supporting decision making. Features 7 Presents a variety of new sophisticated models for the analysis of two- and multidimensionalcontingency tables 7 Real-world applications to life sciences, education, social and political sciences, notably market research, and opinion surveys 7 Emphasis is on applications and methods of fitting models using standard statistical packages, such as SPSS, S-PLUS, R, and BUGS, as well as on interpretation of the results 7 Up-to-date supplementary material is available on the author's website 7 For a broad audience of advanced undergraduates, graduate students, and practitioners in statistics, biosciences, social sciences, education, and economics 7 May be used as a textbook for a course on categorical data analysis Contents Preface.- Introduction.- Analysis of Two-Way Tables.- Analysis of Multi-Way Tables.- LogLinear Models.- Generalized Linear Models and Extensions.- Association Models.- More on Association Models and Related Methods.- Response Variable Analysis in Contingency Tables.- Analysis of Square Tables.- Further Topics. Fields of interest Statistical Theory and Methods; Statistics for Social Science, Behavorial Science, Education, Public Policy, and Law; Statistics for Life Sciences, Medicine, Health Sciences Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Graduate/Advanced undergraduate textbook The Significance Test Controversy Revisited The Fiducial Bayesian Alternative The purpose of this book is not only to revisit the “significance test controversy,”but also to provide a conceptually sounder alternative. As such, it presents a Bayesian framework for a new approach to analyzing and interpreting experimental data. It also prepares students and researchers for reporting on experimental results. Normative aspects: The main views of statistical tests are revisited and the philosophies of Fisher, Neyman-Pearson and Jeffrey are discussed in detail. Features 7 Prepares students and researchers for experimental results report 7 Gives a genuine understanding of statistical inference procedures 7 Provides a Bayesian framework for a new approach to experimental data analysis and interpretation Contents Introduction.- Preamble - Frequentist and Bayesian Inference.- The Fisher, Neyman-Pearson and Jeffreys Views of Statistical Tests.- GHOST: An Officially Recommended Practice.- The Significance Test Controversy Revisited.- Reporting Effect Sizes: The New Star System.- Reporting Confidence Intervals: A Paradoxical Situation.- Basic Fiducial Bayesian Procedures for Inference About Means.- Generalizations and Methodological Considerations for ANOVA.- Conclusion.- Index. Fields of interest Statistical Theory and Methods; Statistics and Computing/Statistics Programs Target groups Research Product category Brief Due October 2014 Available Due September 2014 2014. X, 100 p. 25 illus. (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Softcover 7 *€ (D) 53,49 | € (A) 54,99 | sFr 67,00 7€ 49,99 | £44.99 ISBN 978-3-319-09425-0 2014. XVII, 304 p. 21 illus., 8 in color. (Statistics for Industry and Technology) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 64,19 | € (A) 65,99 | sFr 80,00 7€ 59,99 | £95.00 ISBN 978-0-8176-4810-7 2014. VIII, 125 p. 10 illus., 9 in color. (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Softcover 7 *€ (D) 53,49 | € (A) 54,99 | sFr 67,00 7€ 49,99 | £44.99 ISBN 978-3-662-44045-2 9<HTODMJ=ajecfa> 9<HTLIMH=geibah> 64 9<HTOGRC=e aefc> News 8/2014 Statistics F. Willekens, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Rostock, Germany Multistate Analysis of Life Histories with R This book provides an introduction to multistate event history analysis. It is an extension of survival analysis, in which a single terminal event (endpoint) is considered and the time-to-event is studied. Multistate models focus on life histories or trajectories, conceptualized as sequences of states and sequences of transitions between states. Life histories are modeled as realizations of continuous-time Markov processes. Features 7 Presents a step-by-step procedure for investigating life histories using descriptive methods and statistical modeling, as well as the popular software language for statistical computing (R) 7 For educational purposes, a single data set is used throughout the book: a subsample of the German Life History Survey (201 respondents) 7 In the last chapter, a second data set is used: a subsample of the Netherlands Family and Fertility Survey (500 respondents) 7 The appendix details how to start applying Biograph to other major data sets, including the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) and the Demographic and Health Survey 7 Life history data is visualized using ggplot2 Contents Introduction.- Life Histories: Real and Synthetic.- The Biograph Object.- Exploratory Data Analysis.- Visualization of Event Histories and State Sequences.- Statistical Packages for Multistate Event History Analysis.- The Multistate Life Table.- Application to Netherlands Family and Fertility Survey.- Summary.- Annexes. Fields of interest Statistics, general; Statistics and Computing/Statistics Programs; Demography Target groups Research Product category Monograph Due September 2014 2014. X, 297 p. 45 illus., 36 in color. (Use R!) Softcover 7 *€ (D) 53,49 | € (A) 54,99 | sFr 67,00 7€ 49,99 | £39.99 ISBN 978-3-319-08382-7 9<HTODMJ=aidich> 65 Computer Science springer.com/NEWSonline R. A. Aliev, Azerbaijan State Oil Academy, Baku, Azerbaijan; B. G. Guirimov, SOCAR, Baku, Azerbaijan C. Calero, M. Piattini, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Ciudad Real, Spain (Eds) L. Cao, University of Technology, Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia Type-2 Fuzzy Neural Networks and Their Applications Green in Software Engineering Metasynthetic Computing and Engineering of Complex Systems This book deals with the theory, design principles, and application of hybrid intelligent systems using type-2 fuzzy sets in combination with other paradigms of Soft Computing technology such as Neuro-Computing and Evolutionary Computing. It provides a self-contained exposition of the foundation of type-2 fuzzy neural networks and presents a vast compendium of its applications to control, forecasting, decision making, system identification and other real problems. Type-2 Fuzzy Neural Networks and Their Applications is helpful for teachers and students of universities and colleges, for scientists and practitioners from various fields such as control, decision analysis, pattern recognition and similar fields. Features 7 Explores the theory, design principles and applications of hybrid intelligent systems that use type-2 fuzzy sets in combination with other paradigms of Soft Computing technology, such as Neuro-Computing and Evolutionary Computing 7 Provides a comprehensive examination of type-2 fuzzy neural networks and its applications in control, forecasting, decision making and system identification 7 Includes source code in C# for implementing one of the outlined examples of a fuzzy type-2 neural network Contents Fuzzy Sets.- Evolutionary Computing and Type-2 Fuzzy Neural Networks.- Type-1 and Type-2 Fuzzy Neural Networks.- Type-2 Fuzzy Clustering.- Application of Type-2 Fuzzy Neural Networks. Fields of interest Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics); Computational Intelligence; Target groups Research This is the first book that presents a comprehensive overview of sustainability aspects in software engineering. Provides a comprehensive overview and introduction to the concepts, methodologies, analysis, design and applications of metasynthetic computing and engineering. Features 7 First book to present a comprehensive overview of sustainability aspects in software engineering 7 Encompasses topics from requirement elicitation to quality assurance and maintenance 7 Explicitly addresses practical issues like stakeholder participation and decision-making Contents Part I Introduction.- 1 Introduction to Green in Software Engineering.- Part II Environments, Processes and Construction.- 2 Green Software Engineering Environments.- 3 Processes for Green and Sustainable Software Engineering.- 4 Constructing Green Software Services: from Service Models to Cloud-based Architecture.- Part III Economic and Other Qualities.- 5 Economic Aspects of Green ICT.- 6 Green Software Quality Factors.Part IV Software Development Process.- 7 From Requirements Engineering to Green Requirements Engineering.- 8 Towards Green Software Testing.- 9 Green Software Maintenance.- 10 Green Software and Software Quality.- 11 Green Software Measurement.- Part V Practical Issues.- 12 A Decision Making Model for Adopting GreenICT Strategies.- 13 Participation and Open Innovation for Sustainable Software Engineering. Features 7 Provides a comprehensive overview of complex systems and their methodologies for understanding system complexities and ubiquitous intelligence 7 Presents a new methodology and corresponding approaches, namely, metasynthetic computing and engineering, to view, analyse, design and implement problem-solving systems 7 Includes tools for handling open complex systems and problems Contents Preface.- Complex Systems.- Ubiquitous Intelligence. - Systems Methodologies. – Computing Paradigms. –Metasynthesis. – OSOAD Methodology. –Visual Modelling. – Formal Modelling. – Integrative Modelling. – Agent Service- Oriented Architectural Design. – Agent Service-Oriented Detailed Design. – Ontological Engineering. – OSOAD Case Study. – Actionable Knowledge Discovery and Delivery. – Learning Complex Behavioural and Social Data. – Opportunities and Prospects. Index Fields of interest Software Engineering; Management of Computing and Information Systems; Sustainable Development Fields of interest Software Engineering/Programming and Operating Systems; Robotics and Automation; Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics) Target groups Research Target groups Research Product category Monograph Product category Monograph Product category Monograph Due September 2014 Due August 2014 Due October 2014 2014. X, 200 p. 70 illus., 7 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 90,94 | € (A) 93,49 | sFr 113,50 7€ 84,99 | £76.50 ISBN 978-3-319-09071-9 2014. Approx. 350 p. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 101,64 | € (A) 104,49 | sFr 126,50 7€ 94,99 | £85.50 ISBN 978-3-319-08580-7 9<HTODMJ=ajahbj> 66 9<HTODMJ=aifiah> 2014. XVII, 228 p. 87 illus. (Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 90,94 | € (A) 93,49 | sFr 113,50 7€ 84,99 | £59.99 ISBN 978-1-4471-6550-7 9<HTMEPH=bgf ah> News 8/2014 Computer Science J. Cecilio, P. Furtado, University of Coimbra, , Portugal M. Di Luca, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK (Ed) F. Gigengack, X. Jiang, M. Dawood, K. P. Schäfers, University of Münster, Münster, Germany Wireless Sensors in Heterogeneous Networked Systems Multisensory Softness Motion Correction in Thoracic Positron Emission Tomography Configuration and Operation Middleware Offers a unique multidisciplinary overview of how humans interact with soft objects and how multiple sensory signals are used to perceive material properties, with an emphasis on object deformability. This book presents an examination of the middleware that can be used to configure and operate heterogeneous node platforms and sensor networks. The middleware requirements for a range of application scenarios are compared and analysed. The text then defines middleware architecture that has been integrated in an approach demonstrated live in a refinery. Features 7 Describes how to provide interoperability between wireless sensor networks and enterprise systems 7 Explains how to design a wireless sensor network with heterogeneous components 7 Highlights the advantages of using wireless sensor networks as a complement or extension to wired networks Contents Introduction.- Wireless Sensor Networks: Concepts and Components.- Application Scenarios.Existing Middleware Solutions for Wireless Sensor Networks.- Middleware Mechanisms for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks.- Middleware Implementation Details – A Case Study.- Programming Paradigms and Stream Processing for WSN.- Experimental Validation of Middleware: Platforms, Performance and Related Issues.- Communication Driver – Code Example.- User API. Fields of interest Computer Communication Networks; Communications Engineering, Networks; Computer System Implementation Target groups Graduate Product category Monograph Perceived Compliance from Multiple Sources of Information Features 7 Multidisciplinary analysis of how skin pressure, proprioception, tactile vibration, vision and audition lead to the impression of material compliance 7 Provides an overview of experiments, techniques and setups in the perception of softness 7 Explains how sensory signals are used to perceive softness and how to reproduce interaction with soft materials Contents Introduction.- Section 1: Perceptual Softness.Physical Aspects of Softness Perception.- VisualHaptic Softness.- Vibrotactile Sensation and Softness Perception.- Auditory Perception of Material Properties.- Computational Aspects of Softness Perception.- Section 2: Sensorimotor Softness.Exploratory Movement Strategies in Softness Perception.- The Perception of the Centre of Elastic Force Fields: A Model of Integration of the Force and Position Signals.- Dynamic Combination of Movement and Force for Softness Perception.Perception of Stiffness with Delay.- Section 3: Artificial Softness.- Natural and Artificial Motion Feedback in Compliance Perception.- Softness Displays.- Haptic Augmentation in Soft Tissue Interaction. Fields of interest User Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction; Simulation and Modeling; Control, Robotics, Mechatronics Target groups Research Respiratory and cardiac motion leads to image degradation in Positron Emission Tomography (PET), which impairs quantification. In this book, the authors present approaches to motion estimation and motion correction in thoracic PET. The approaches for motion estimation are based on dual gating and mass-preserving image registration (VAMPIRE) and mass-preserving optical flow (MPOF). With mass-preservation, image intensity modulations caused by highly non-rigid cardiac motion are accounted for. Within the image registration framework different data terms, different variants of regularization and parametric and non-parametric motion models are examined. Within the optical flow framework, different data terms and further non-quadratic penalization are also discussed. The approaches for motion correction particularly focus on pipelines in dual gated PET. A quantitative evaluation of the proposed approaches is performed on software phantom data with accompanied ground-truth motion information. Further, clinical applicability is shown on patient data. The book concludes with an outlook of recent developments and potential future advances in the field of PET motion correction. Contents Introduction.- Motion Estimation.- Motion Correction.- Further Developments in PET Motion Correction. Fields of interest Computer Imaging, Vision, Pattern Recognition and Graphics; Imaging / Radiology; Signal,Image and Speech Processing Target groups Research Product category Brief Product category Contributed volume Due September 2014 Due August 2014 Due August 2014 2014. X, 140 p. 55 illus., 18 in color. (Computer Communications and Networks) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 90,94 | € (A) 93,49 | sFr 113,50 7€ 84,99 | £59.99 ISBN 978-3-319-09279-9 2014. XIII, 255 p. 80 illus. (Springer Series on Touch and Haptic Systems) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 90,94 | € (A) 93,49 | sFr 113,50 7€ 84,99 | £75.99 ISBN 978-1-4471-6532-3 2015. XIII, 88 p. 33 illus., 24 in color. (SpringerBriefs in Electrical and Computer Engineering) Softcover 7 *€ (D) 53,49 | € (A) 54,99 | sFr 67,00 7€ 49,99 | £44.99 ISBN 978-3-319-08391-9 9<HTODMJ=ajchj > 9<HTMEPH=bgfdcd> 9<HTODMJ=aidjbj> 67 Computer Science B. Gipp, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA Citation-based Plagiarism Detection Detecting Disguised and Cross-language Plagiarism using Citation Pattern Analysis Plagiarism is a problem with far-reaching consequences for the sciences. However, even today’s best software-based systems can only reliably identify copy & paste plagiarism. Disguised plagiarism forms, including paraphrased text, cross-language plagiarism, as well as structural and idea plagiarism often remain undetected. This weakness of current systems results in a large percentage of scientific plagiarism going undetected. Bela Gipp provides an overview of the state-of-the art in plagiarism detection and an analysis of why these approaches fail to detect disguised plagiarism forms. The author proposes Citation-based Plagiarism Detection to address this shortcoming. Unlike character-based approaches, this approach does not rely on text comparisons alone, but analyzes citation patterns within documents to form a language-independent “semantic fingerprint” for similarity assessment. The practicability of Citation-based Plagiarism Detection was proven by its capability to identify so-far non-machine detectable plagiarism in scientific publications. Feature 7 Publication in the field of technical sciences Contents Current state of plagiarism detection approaches and systems.- Citation-based Plagiarism Detection. Fields of interest Computing Methodologies; Information Systems and Communication Service Target groups Research Product category Monograph springer.com/NEWSonline R. Heinrich, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany Aligning Business Processes and Information Systems New Approaches to Continuous Quality Engineering Business processes and information systems mutually affect each other in non-trivial ways. Frequently, processes are designed without taking the systems’ impact into account, and vice versa. Missing alignment at design-time results in quality problems at run-time. Robert Heinrich gives examples from research and practice for an integrated design of process and system quality. A quality reference-model characterizes process quality and a process notation is extended to operationalize the model. Feature 7 Publication in the field of technical sciences Contents Introduction.- Business Process Quality.- Terms and Definitions.- Business Process Quality.- Quality Modeling within Business Process Models.- Aligning Business Process Design and Information System Design.- Foundations and Definitions.- The Order Picking Process and Involved Information System.- Mutual Performance Impact between Business Processes and Information Systems.- Predicting the Mutual Performance Impact between Business Processes and Information Systems.- Extending Palladio by Business Process Simulation Concepts to Enable an Integrated Simulation.- Validation.- Conclusion.- Summary and Future Work. Fields of interest Software Engineering/Programming and Operating Systems; Information Systems and Communication Service; Business Information Systems D. Hillmann, Thorlabs GmbH, Lübeck, Germany Holoscopy Holoscopy is a new tomographic imaging modality that combines techniques of digital holography with Fourier-domain optical coherence tomography (FD-OCT). Dierck Hillmann gives a theoretical introduction to the mathematics and physics of holoscopy and develops an efficient numerical reconstruction procedure. Compared to FD-OCT, holoscopy provides unique advantages by enabling tomographic imaging without a limited depth of focus, but results in an increased numerical cost for reconstruction. In further chapters, the author introduces techniques for FD-OCT that are relevant to holoscopy as well. He demonstrates and compares numerical reconstruction methods for FD-OCT and shows how motion and dispersion artifacts in FD-OCT can be numerically compensated. Feature 7 Publication in the field of technical sciences Contents Theoretical Introduction to Optical Coherence Tomography and Digital Holography.- FD-OCT Signal Processing Using the Non-Equispaced Fast Fourier Transform.- Motion and Dispersion Correction in FD-OCT.- Holoscopy. Fields of interest Computer Imaging, Vision, Pattern Recognition and Graphics; Biomedical Engineering; Computer Science, general Target groups Research Product category Monograph Target groups Research Product category Ph.D. Thesis Due July 2014 Due July 2014 Due July 2014 2014. XXVI, 350 p. 70 illus. Softcover 7 *€ (D) 79,99 | € (A) 82,24 | sFr 100,00 7€ 74,76 | £67.99 ISBN 978-3-658-06393-1 2014. XXII, 233 p. 36 illus. Softcover 7 *€ (D) 59,99 | € (A) 61,68 | sFr 75,00 7€ 56,07 | £50.99 ISBN 978-3-658-06517-1 2014. XXXVI, 206 p. 58 illus., 1 in color. (Aktuelle Forschung Medizintechnik – Latest Research in Medical Engineering) Softcover 7 *€ (D) 69,99 | € (A) 71,95 | sFr 87,50 7€ 65,41 | £58.99 ISBN 978-3-658-06478-5 9<HTOGQI=agdjdb> 9<HTOGQI=agfbhb> 9<HTOGQI=agehif> 68 News 8/2014 A. Janes, G. Succi, Libera Università di Bolzano, Bolzano, Italy Lean Software Development in Action This book illustrates how goal-oriented, automated measurement can be used to create Lean organizations and to facilitate the development of Lean software, while also demonstrating the practical implementation of Lean software development by combining tried and trusted tools. In order to be successful, a Lean orientation of software development has to go hand in hand with a company’s overall business strategy. To achieve this, two interrelated aspects require special attention: measurement and experience management. Features 7 Illustrates how goal-oriented, automated measurement can be used to create Lean organizations and to facilitate the development of Lean software 7 Proposes an automatic, non-invasive measurement approach that especially appeals to small and medium-sized enterprises 7 Includes lots of practical hints, advanced questions and detailed summaries Contents Part I Motivation for Lean Software Development.- 1 Introduction.- 2 The Lean Revolution.- 3 Towards Lean Thinking In Software Engineering.4 Agile Methods.- 5 Issues in Agile Methods.- 6 Enabling Lean Software Development.- Part II The Pillars of Lean Software Development.- 7 The GQM+Strategies Approach.- 8 The Experience Factory.- 9 Non-Invasive Measurement.- Part III Lean Software Development in Action.- 10 The Integrated Approach.- 11 Lean software development in action.- 12 Conclusion. Fields of interest Software Engineering; Management of Computing and Information Systems; Project Management Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Professional book Computer Science B. Kisačanin, Interphase Corporation, Plano, TX, USA; M. Gelautz, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria (Eds) Advances in Embedded Computer Vision This book presents the very latest Advances in Embedded Computer Vision, updated and expanded from Branislav Kisacanin’s previous work on Embedded Computer Vision with contributions developed from research presented at the 9th IEEE Embedded Vision Workshop. Features 7 Provides historical perspectives and the latest research results in the field of embedded computer vision 7 Contains high-level, state-of-the-art research results 7 Looks ahead, providing a sense of what major applications could be expected in the near future Contents Part I: Success Stories.- The Optical Mouse.- Embedded Computer Vision for Martian Rovers.- Consumer Robotics.- Embedded Vision in Advanced Driver Assistance Systems.- Part II: State of the Art.- Computer Vision for Micro Air Vehicles.- Stereo Vision Algorithms Suited to Constrained FPGA Cameras.- Plane Sweeping in Eye-gaze Corrected, Tele-immersive 3D Video Conferencing.- Vehicle Detection Onboard Small Unmanned Aircraft.- Challenges in Embedded Vision for Augmented Reality.- Vision-based Lane Analysis.- Tic-Tac-Tandroid.- Part III: Future Challenges.- Distributed Smart Cameras in the Age of Cloud Computing and the Internet-ofThings.- Data-driven Stream Mining Systems for Computer Vision.- Designing Vision Systems that See Better. Field of interest Image Processing and Computer Vision B. Langmann, Leibniz University Hannover, Hannover, Germany Wide Area 2D/3D Imaging Development, Analysis and Applications Imaging technology is an important research area and it is widely utilized in a growing number of disciplines ranging from gaming, robotics and automation to medicine. In the last decade 3D imaging became popular mainly driven by the introduction of novel 3D cameras and measuring devices. These cameras are usually limited to indoor scenes with relatively low distances. Benjamin Langmann introduces medium and long-range 2D/3D cameras to overcome these limitations. He reports measurement results for these devices and studies their characteristic behavior. In order to facilitate the application of these cameras, common algorithms are adapted to the 2D/3D data and new approaches for standard computer vision tasks are introduced. Feature 7 Publication in the field of technical sciences Contents Introduction.- Depth Camera Assessment.- PMD Imaging.- Calibration of Depth Cameras.- MultiModal Background Subtraction.- Super-Resolution for Depth Maps.- Multiple Camera 2D/3D Tracking.- Conclusion. Fields of interest Computer Imaging, Vision, Pattern Recognition and Graphics; Control, Robotics, Mechatronics; Industrial and Production Engineering Target groups Research Product category Ph.D. Thesis Target groups Research Product category Contributed volume Due December 2014 Due September 2014 2014. Approx. 420 p. Hardcover 7approx. * € (D) 53,49 | € (A) 54,99 | sFr 67,00 approx. € 49,99 | £44.99 ISBN 978-3-662-44178-7 9<HTOGRC=e bhih> 2014. VI, 272 p. 138 illus. (Advances in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition) Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 90,94 | € (A) 93,49 | sFr 113,50 7 approx.€ 84,99 | £76.50 ISBN 978-3-319-09386-4 9<HTODMJ=ajdige> Due July 2014 2014. XIV, 136 p. 71 illus. Softcover 7 *€ (D) 69,99 | € (A) 71,95 | sFr 87,50 7€ 65,41 | £58.99 ISBN 978-3-658-06456-3 9<HTOGQI=agefgd> 69 Computer Science S. Marcel, Idiap Research Institute, Martigny, Switzerland; M. S. Nixon, University of Southampton, , UK; S. Z. Li, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China (Eds) Handbook of Biometric AntiSpoofing Trusted Biometrics under Spoofing Attacks Presenting the first definitive study of the subject, this Handbook of Biometric Anti-Spoofing reviews the state of the art in covert attacks against biometric systems and in deriving countermeasures to these attacks. Features 7 The first definitive study of biometric anti-spoofing 7 Discusses spoofing methods, vulnerabilities of biometric systems and countermeasures to spoofing attacks 7 Presents novel theoretical methods to evaluate spoofing and anti-spoofing Contents Introduction.- Forgeries of Fingerprints in Forensic Science.- Fingerprint Anti-Spoofing in Biometric Systems.- Face Anti-Spoofing: Visual Approach.- Face Anti-Spoofing: Multi-Spectral Approach.- Iris Anti-Spoofing.- Speaker Recognition Anti-Spoofing.- Gait Anti-Spoofing.- Multimodal Anti-Spoofing in Biometric Recognition Systems.- Evaluation Methodologies.- Related Standards.- Legal Aspects: Biometric Data, Evidence Rules and Trusted Identities.- Ethical Issues in Anti-Spoofing.- Evaluation Databases. Fields of interest System Performance and Evaluation; Image Processing and Computer Vision; Pattern Recognition Target groups Research Product category Contributed volume springer.com/NEWSonline A. Melikov, National Academy of Sciences, Baku, Azerbaijan; L. Ponomarenko, International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies and Systems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine D. Miorandi, CREATE-NET, Trento, Italy; V. Maltese, University of Trento, Trento, Italy; M. Rovatsos, The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK; A. Nijholt, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands; J. Stewart, The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK (Eds) Multidimensional Queueing Models in Telecommunication Networks Social Collective Intelligence The increasing complexity of telecommunication networks requires us to develop adequate mathematical models. We must find their characteristics, optimize them subject to chosen criteria, and develop the corresponding control algorithms. Multidimensional queueing models are used to design and optimize modern and next-generation networks (NGN). The central problem of the related mathematical theory is to apply multidimensional and large-size queueing models to improve efficiency. Features 7 Features a holistic multidisciplinary perspective on social collective intelligence, including foundational approaches, enabling technologies, and applications/case studies 7 Contains a taxonomy of research challenges to be tackled within various disciplines (computer science and social sciences) 7 Includes a number of chapters related to specific applications from experts in the field and description of concrete and tangible case studies 7 Aims at becoming the reference handbook for researchers and practitioners in the emerging field of social collective intelligence Features 7 Includes new models and methods of analysis 7 Contains results of numerical experiments 7 Recommended for researchers engaged with the mathematical theory of telecommunications traffic Contents Multi-dimensional Loss Models of Queueing Systems and Their Applications in Telecommunication Networks.- Analytical Methods for Analysis of Integral Cellular Networks.- Algorithmic Methods for Analysis of Mono-service Cellular Networks.- Algorithmic Methods for Analysis of Integral Cellular Networks.- Priority Schemes in Packet-Switching Networks.- Index. Fields of interest Algorithm Analysis and Problem Complexity; Computer Communication Networks; Communications Engineering, Networks Target groups Research Product category Monograph Due August 2014 2014. XVII, 279 p. 95 illus., 50 in color. (Advances in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 101,64 | € (A) 104,49 | sFr 126,50 7€ 94,99 | £79.99 ISBN 978-1-4471-6523-1 9<HTMEPH=bgfcdb> 70 Combining the Powers of Humans and Machines to Build a Smarter Society Contents From the Contents: Part I Foundations.- Towards the Ethical Governance of Smart Society.- Collective Intelligence and Algorithmic Governance of Socio-Technical Systems.- Part II Technologies.Privacy in Social Collective Intelligence Systems.The Future of Social is Personal: The Potential of the Personal Data Store.- Part III Applications and Case Studies.- Surfacing Collective Intelligence with Implications for Interface Design in Massive Open Online Courses.- Who Were Where When?—On the Use of Social Collective Intelligence in Computational Epidemiology. Fields of interest User Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction; Complex Networks; Game Theory, Economics, Social and Behav. Sciences Target groups Research Product category Monograph Due August 2014 Due August 2014 2014. XXI, 170 p. 70 illus., 13 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 90,94 | € (A) 93,49 | sFr 113,50 7€ 84,99 | £76.50 ISBN 978-3-319-08668-2 9<HTODMJ=aig ic> 2014. X, 290 p. 33 illus., 20 in color. (Computational Social Sciences) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 90,94 | € (A) 93,49 | sFr 113,50 7€ 84,99 | £76.50 ISBN 978-3-319-08680-4 9<HTODMJ=aigiae> News 8/2014 T. B. Moeslund, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark; G. Thomas, BBC R&D, London, UK; A. Hilton, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK (Eds) Computer Vision in Sports The purpose of this book is to present the stateof-the-art as well as current research challenges in applying computer vision to problems in sports. Features 7 The first book on the new and emerging field of computer vision in sports 7 Contains contributions from an international selection of experts in the field 7 The definitive reference on this topic Contents Introduction to the Use of Computer Vision in Sports.- Part I: Where is the Ball?.- Ball Tracking for Tennis Video Annotation.- Plane Approximation-Based Approach for 3D Reconstruction of Ball Trajectory for Performance Analysis in Table Tennis.- On-Field Testing and Evaluation of a Goal-Line Technology System.- Part II: Where Are the Players?.- Occlusion Detection via Structured Sparse Learning for Robust Object Tracking.- Detecting and Tracking Sports Players with Random Forests and Context-Conditioned Motion Models.- Geometry Reconstruction of Players for Novel-View Synthesis of Sports Broadcasts.- Estimating Athlete Pose from Monocular TV Sports Footage.- Part III: What Are They Playing?.- Action Recognition in Realistic Sports Videos.Classification of Sports Types Using Thermal Imagery.- Event-Based Sports Videos Classification Using HMM Framework.- Part IV: What’s Going On?.- Representing Team Behaviours from Noisy Data Using Player Role.- Recognizing Team Formation in American Football.- Real-Time Event Detection in Field Sport Videos. Fields of interest Image Processing and Computer Vision; Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics); Computer Appl. in Social and Behavioral Sciences Target groups Research Product category Contributed volume Computer Science C. Ramisch, Joseph Fourier University, Grenoble, France M. Richter, M. Flückiger, Zühlke Engineering AG, Schlieren, Switzerland Multiword Expressions Acquisition User-Centred Engineering A Generic and Open Framework A new product can be easy or difficult to use, it can be efficient or cumbersome, engaging or dispiriting, it can support the way we work and think - or not. What options are available for systematically addressing such parameters and provide users with an appropriate functionality, usability and experience? In the last decades, several fields have evolved that encompass a user-centred approach to create better products for the people who use them. This book provides a comprehensible introduction to the subject. This book is an excellent introduction to multiword expressions. It provides a unique, comprehensive and up-to-date overview of this exciting topic in computational linguistics. The first part describes the diversity and richness of multiword expressions, including many examples in several languages. These constructions are not only complex and arbitrary, but also much more frequent than one would guess, making them a real nightmare for natural language processing applications. Features 7 A unique, complete and up-to-date overview of research in multiword expressions 7 Concrete experimental results and examples are included 7 A new generic framework for automatic acquisition of multiword expressions from texts is introduced Contents 1.Introduction.- Part I.Multiword Expressions: a Though Nut to Crack.- 2.Definitions and Characteristics.- 3 State of the Art in MWE Processing.Part II.MWE Acquisition.- 4.Evaluation of MWE Acquisition.- 5.A New Framework for MWE Acquisition.- Part III Applications.- 6.Application 1: Lexicography.- 7.Application 2: Machine Translation.- 8.Conclusions.- Appendixes.- A.Extended List of Translation Examples.- B.Resources Used in the Experiments.- C.The mwetoolkit: Documentation.- D.Tagsets for POS and syntax.- E.Detailed Lexicon Descriptions. Fields of interest Document Preparation and Text Processing; Computational Linguistics; Language Translation and Linguistics Target groups Research Creating Products for Humans Features 7 Compact format and comprehensive overview provide a quick but still sound introduction to the topic 7 Integration of user-centred methods into software engineering gives readers important hints on how to apply them in the project practice 7 Possibilities for user-orientation already in early stages of innovation and development 7 Provides a help for planning and controlling user-centred activities 7 Real-life case studies, planning examples, best practices and checklists provide help for practitioners Contents Foreword.- Introduction.- A user-centred process.- The 7±2 most important user-centred techniques.- Getting a handle on UX – planning.- A user-oriented strategy: company-wide UX.- That‘s life – examples from actual practice. Fields of interest User Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction; Software Engineering; Computer Systems Organization and Communication Networks Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Professional book Product category Monograph Due September 2014 Due December 2014 2014. VIII, 320 p. 171 illus., 139 in color. (Advances in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition) Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 101,64 | € (A) 104,49 | sFr 126,50 7 approx.€ 94,99 | £85.50 ISBN 978-3-319-09395-6 9<HTODMJ=ajdjfg> 2014. X, 232 p. 22 illus., 5 in color. (Theory and Applications of Natural Language Processing) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 90,94 | € (A) 93,49 | sFr 113,50 7€ 84,99 | £76.50 ISBN 978-3-319-09206-5 9<HTODMJ=ajcagf> Due October 2014 2014. Approx. 130 p. 44 illus. in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 32,09 | € (A) 32,99 | sFr 40,00 7€ 29,99 | £26.99 ISBN 978-3-662-43988-3 9<HTOGRC=edji d> 71 Computer Science L. Shao, University of Sheffield, , UK; J. Han, Civolution Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands; P. Kohli, Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK; Z. Zhang, Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA, USA (Eds) Computer Vision and Machine Learning with RGB-D Sensors Contents Part I: Surveys.- 3D Depth Cameras in Vision: Benefits and Limitations of the Hardware.- A State-of-the-Art Report on Multiple RGB-D Sensor Research and on Publicly Available RGB-D Datasets.- Part II: Reconstruction, Mapping and Synthesis.- Calibration Between Depth and Color Sensors for Commodity Depth Cameras.- Depth Map Denoising via CDT-Based Joint Bilateral Filter.- Human Performance Capture Using Multiple Handheld Kinects.- Human Centered 3D Home Applications via Low-Cost RGBD Cameras.- Matching of 3D Objects Based on 3D Curves.- Using Sparse Optical Flow for Two-Phase Gas Flow Capturing with Multiple Kinects.- Part III: Detection, Segmentation and Tracking.RGB-D Sensor-Based Computer Vision Assistive Technology for Visually Impaired Persons.- RGBD Human Identification and Tracking in a Smart Environment.- Part IV: Learning-Based Recognition.- Feature Descriptors for Depth-Based Hand Gesture Recognition.- Hand Parsing and Gesture Recognition with a Commodity Depth Camera.Learning Fast Hand Pose Recognition.- Real time Hand-Gesture Recognition Using RGB-D Sensor. Fields of interest Image Processing and Computer Vision; Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics); User Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction springer.com/NEWSonline R. P. Smiraglia, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI, USA The Elements of Knowledge Organization The Elements of Knowledge Organization is a unique and original work introducing the fundamental concepts related to the field of Knowledge Organization (KO). There is no other book like it currently available. The author begins the book with a comprehensive discussion of “knowledge” and its associated theories. He then presents a thorough discussion of the philosophical underpinnings of knowledge organization. The author walks the reader through the Knowledge Organization domain expanding the core topics of ontologies, taxonomies, classification, metadata, thesauri and domain analysis. The author also presents the compelling challenges associated with the organization of knowledge. This is the first book focused on the concepts and theories associated with KO domain. Features 7 Provides broad and cohesive introduction to knowledge organization 7 Serves as launching pad for further research 7 Recognized expert in the field Contents Introduction.- About the Theory of Knowledge Organization.- Philosophy: Underpinnings of Knowledge Organization.- History: From Bibliographic Control to Knowledge Organization.- Ontology.- Taxonomy.- Classification: Bringing Order with Concepts.- Metadata.- Thesauri.- Domain analysis. Target groups Research Fields of interest Information Storage and Retrieval; Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery; Linguistics (General) Product category Contributed volume Target groups Research S. Stalla-Bourdillon, University of Southampton Southampton Law School, Southampton, UK; J. Phillips, M. D. Ryan, University of Birmingham School of Computer Science, Birmingham, UK Privacy vs. Security Securing privacy in the current environment is one of the great challenges of today’s democracies. Privacy vs. Security explores the issues of privacy and security and their complicated interplay, from a legal and a technical point of view. Sophie Stalla-Bourdillon provides a thorough account of the legal underpinnings of the European approach to privacy and examines their implementation through privacy, data protection and data retention laws. Joshua Philips and Mark D. Ryan focus on the technological aspects of privacy, in particular, on today’s attacks on privacy by the simple use of today’s technology, like web services and e-payment technologies and by State-level surveillance activities. Features 7 Helps to ease the dialogue between lawyers and computer scientists via an interdisciplinary approach 7 Incorporates a systematic approach to clarify many of the misconceptions in the field 7 Sheds light upon the relativity of the solutions adopted at national level and the consensus reached at the international level Contents Foreword.- Privacy vs. Security… Are we done yet?.- A Future for Privacy. Fields of interest Legal Aspects of Computing; International IT and Media Law, Intellectual Property Law; Systems and Data Security Target groups Research Product category Brief Product category Monograph Due August 2014 Due July 2014 2014. X, 316 p. 163 illus., 148 in color. (Advances in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 101,64 | € (A) 104,49 | sFr 126,50 7€ 94,99 | £85.50 ISBN 978-3-319-08650-7 9<HTODMJ=aigfah> 72 Due September 2014 2014. IV, 110 p. 28 illus., 18 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 90,94 | € (A) 93,49 | sFr 113,50 7€ 84,99 | £76.50 ISBN 978-3-319-09356-7 9<HTODMJ=ajdfgh> 2014. VIII, 115 p. 7 illus. (SpringerBriefs in Cybersecurity) Softcover 7 *€ (D) 53,49 | € (A) 54,99 | sFr 67,00 7€ 49,99 | £35.99 ISBN 978-1-4471-6529-3 9<HTMEPH=bgfcjd> News 8/2014 Computer Science Y. Sucaet, W. Waelput, Pathomation, Berchem, Belgium F. Tao, L. Zhang, Y. Laili, Beihang University (BUAA), Beijing, China Digital Pathology Configurable Intelligent Optimization Algorithm Digital pathology has experienced exponential growth, in terms of its technology and applications, since its inception just over a decade ago. Though it has yet to be approved for primary diagnostics, its values as a teaching tool, facilitator of second opinions and quality assurance reviews and research are becoming, if not already, undeniable. It also offers the hope of providing pathology consultant and educational services to underserved areas, including regions of the world that could not possibly sustain this level of services otherwise. And this is just the beginning, as its adoption by the also rapidly-emerging fields of medical systems biology and 3D tissue imaging indicate. This work describes how digital pathology not only has the potential to dramatically impact medical education and the delivery of health care, but also to exert an immensely positive influence worldwide, including in countries and regions that normally fail to benefit from such technological advances. Features 7 Reviews the emerging field of digital pathology 7 Describes the visualization, management, evaluation, comparison, archiving and dissemination of 2D and 3D specimens in digital form 7 Discusses the challenges, solutions and benefits of implementing the use of digital pathology for research, education, clinical diagnosis and patient management Contents Digital Pathology’s Past to Present.- Hardware and Software.- Applications.- Image Analysis.- Use Cases.- A Bright Future. Fields of interest Health Informatics; Image Processing and Computer Vision; Pathology Target groups Research Product category Brief Design and Practice in Manufacturing Presenting the concept and design and implementation of configurable intelligent optimization algorithms in manufacturing systems, this book provides a new configuration method to optimize manufacturing processes. It provides a comprehensive elaboration of basic intelligent optimization algorithms, and demonstrates how their improvement, hybridization and parallelization can be applied to manufacturing. Furthermore, various applications of these intelligent optimization algorithms are exemplified in detail, chapter by chapter. Features 7 Introduces novel configuration method for intelligent optimization algorithms to enable increased efficiency in manufacturing 7 Provides flexible, robust and reusable intelligent optimization algorithms to enable the solution of complicated problems in manufacturing systems 7 Accessible to experienced programmers as well as beginners Contents From the Contents: Brief History and Overview of Intelligent Optimization Algorithms.- Recent Advances of intelligent optimization algorithms in manufacturing.- Dynamic Configuration Intelligent Optimization Algorithms.- Improvement and hybridization of Intelligent Optimization Algorithms DC-OIA. Fields of interest Computer-Aided Engineering (CAD, CAE) and Design; Operating Procedures, Materials Treatment; Computational Science and Engineering Target groups Research Product category Monograph F. van Breugel, York University, Toronto, ON, Canada; E. Kashefi, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK; C. Palamidessi, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France; J. Rutten, CWI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (Eds) Horizons of the Mind. A Tribute to Prakash Panangaden Essays Dedicated to Prakash Panangaden on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday Contents Layout Randomization and Nondeterminism.Probabilistic Model Checking of Labelled Markov Processes via Finite Approximate Bisimulations.An Operational Interpretation of Negative Probabilities and No-Signalling Models.- Bisimulation on Markov Processes over Arbitrary Measurable Spaces.- Probabilistic Model Checking for EnergyUtility Analysis.- (Co)Algebraic Characterizations of Signal Flow Graphs.- Fractal Sets as Final Coalgebras Obtained by Completing an Initial Algebra.- Leaving Traces: A Note on a Sound and Complete Trace Logic for Concurrent Constraint Programs.- Privacy from Accelerating Eavesdroppers: The Impact of Losses.- The Complexity of Computing a Bisimilarity Pseudometric on Probabilistic Automata.- From Haar to Lebesgue via Domain Theory.- Word Order Alternation in Sanskrit via Precyclicity in Pregroup Grammars.The Logic of Entanglement.- Free Energy of Petri Nets.- Laudatio for Prakash Panangaden.- Generalized Differential Privacy: Regions of Priors That Admit Robust Optimal Mechanisms.- Bisimulation for Markov Decision Processes through Families of Functional Expressions.- Random Measurable Selections.- A Final Coalgebra for k-regular Sequences.- Automata Learning: A Categorical Perspective.- Optimal Coin Flipping. Fields of interest Logics and Meanings of Programs; Mathematical Logic and Formal Languages; Probability and Statistics in Computer Science Target groups Research Product category Contributed volume Available Due August 2014 Due August 2014 2014. X, 83 p. 10 illus. in color. (SpringerBriefs in Computer Science) Softcover 7 *€ (D) 53,49 | € (A) 54,99 | sFr 67,00 7€ 49,99 | £44.99 ISBN 978-3-319-08779-5 2015. XI, 361 p. 115 illus., 105 in color. (Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 139,09 | € (A) 142,99 | sFr 173,50 7€ 129,99 | £117.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08839-6 9<HTODMJ=aih jf> 9<HTODMJ=ai djg> 2014. XVIII, 499 p. 36 illus. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues, Volume 8464) Softcover 7 *€ (D) 77,04 | € (A) 79,20 | sFr 96,00 7€ 72,00 | £64.99 ISBN 978-3-319-06879-4 9<HTODMJ=agihje> 73 Computer Science S. Wang, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China Cognitive Radio Networks Dynamic Resource Allocation Schemes This SpringerBrief presents a survey of dynamic resource allocation schemes in Cognitive Radio (CR) Systems, focusing on the spectral-efficiency and energy-efficiency in wireless networks. It also introduces a variety of dynamic resource allocation schemes for CR networks and provides a concise introduction of the landscape of CR technology. The author covers in detail the dynamic resource allocation problem for the motivations and challenges in CR systems. The Spectral- and Energy-Efficient resource allocation schemes are comprehensively investigated, including new insights into the trade-offs for operating strategies. Promising research directions on dynamic resource management for CR and the applications in other wireless communication systems are also discussed. Cognitive Radio Networks: Dynamic Resource Allocation Schemes targets computer scientists and engineers working in wireless communications. Advanced-level students in computer science and electrical engineering will also find this brief useful reading about the next generation of wireless communication. Contents Introduction.- Dynamic Resource Allocation.Spectral-Efficient Resource Allocation in CR Systems.- Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation in CR Systems.- Trade-off Between Spectral- and Energy-Efficiency. Fields of interest Computer Communication Networks; Communications Engineering, Networks; Information Systems and Communication Service Target groups Research Product category Brief springer.com/NEWSonline Y. Xu, J. Cui, D. Puett, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA Cancer Bioinformatics This book provides a framework for computational researchers studying the basics of cancer through comparative analyses of omic data. Features 7 Focuses on the understanding of cancer biology from an informatics perspective 7 Provides a unified conceptual framework for studying a variety of cancer related problems by considering cancer a process of cell survival through cell proliferation 7 Teaches hypothesis-driven omic data mining and statistical inference of mechanistic relationships important to cancer initiation, progression, metastasis and post-metastasis development 7 Gives a large collection of examples related to different aspects of cancer study using omic data analyses to answer a wide range of questions Contents Basic cancer biology.- Omic data, information derivable and computational needs.- Cancer classification and molecular signature identification.- Understanding cancer at the genomic level.Elucidation of cancer divers through comparative omic analyses.- Hyaluronic acid: A key facilitator of cancer evolution.- Multiple routes for survival: Understanding how cancer evades apoptosis.Cancer development in competitive and hostile environments.- Cell proliferation from regulated to deregulated state via epigenomic responses.Understanding cancer invasion and metastasis.Cancer after metastasis: The second transformation.- Searching for cancer biomarkers in human body fluids.- In silico investigation of cancer using publicly available data.- Understanding cancer as an evolving complex system: our perspective. Fields of interest Computational Biology/Bioinformatics; Cancer Research; Systems Biology Target groups Research L. Yu, Delta Air Lines, Atlanta, USA A Developer’s Guide to the Semantic Web Features 7 Offers complete coverage of all core standards and technical components of the Semantic Web, including RDF, RDFS, OWL 1 and 2, SPARQL 1.1 and RDB2RDF and related technologies such as Turtle, Microformats, RDFa, GRDDL and SKOS 7 Provides an in-depth description of many well-known applications and projects such as FOAF, DBpedia, Linked Open Data, schema. org by Google, Yahoo! and Bing, Rich Snippets by Google, various Semantic Web applications in social network sites, data. Contents 1 A Web of Data: Towards the Idea of the Semantic Web.- 2 The Building Block for the Semantic Web: RDF.- 3 Other RDF-related Technologies: Microformats, RDFa and GRDDL.- 4 RDFS and Ontology.- 5 OWL: Web Ontology Language.- 6 SPARQL: Querying the Semantic Web.- 7 FOAF: Friend of A Friend.- 8 DBpedia.- 9 Linked Open Data.- 10 Schema.org and Semantic Markup.- 11 Social Network and the Semantic Web.- 12 Other Recent Applications: Data.gov and Wikidata.- 13 Getting Started: Change Your Data into Structured Data.- 14 Building the Foundation for Development on the Semantic Web.- 15 Example: Using Jena For Development on the Semantic Web.- 16 Follow Your Nose: A Basic Semantic Web Agent.17 A Search Engine that Supports Rich Snippets.18 More Application Examples on the Semantic Web. Fields of interest Information Storage and Retrieval; Information Systems Applications (incl.Internet) Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Professional book Product category Monograph Due September 2014 Due August 2014 Due July 2014 2014. I, 86 p. 43 illus. (SpringerBriefs in Computer Science) Softcover 7 *€ (D) 53,49 | € (A) 54,99 | sFr 67,00 7€ 49,99 | £44.99 ISBN 978-3-319-08935-5 2014. X, 380 p. 68 illus. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 101,64 | € (A) 104,49 | sFr 126,50 7€ 94,99 | £85.50 ISBN 978-1-4939-1380-0 9<HTODMJ=aijdf > 9<HTMEUD=jbdia > 74 2nd ed. 2014. X, 754 p. 145 illus., 123 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 74,89 | € (A) 76,99 | sFr 93,50 7€ 69,99 | £62.99 ISBN 978-3-662-43795-7 9<HTOGRC=edhjfh> News 8/2014 S. Amiri, M. A. Semsarzadeh, Tabiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran; S. Amiri, Amir Kabir University Of Technology, Tehran, Iran Silicon Containing Copolymers Silicones have unique properties including thermal oxidative stability, low temperature flow, high compressibility, low surface tension, hydrophobicity and electric properties. These special properties have encouraged the exploration of alternative synthetic routes of well defined controlled microstructures of silicone copolymers, the subject of this Springer Brief. The authors explore the synthesis and characterization of notable block copolymers. Recent advances in controlled radical polymerization techniques leading to the facile synthesis of well-defined silicon based thermo reversible block copolymers are described along with atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP), a technique utilized to develop well-defined functional thermo reversible block copolymers. Chemistry K. Asaka, AIST Kansai, Osaka, Japan; H. Okuzaki, University of Yamanashi, Kofu, Japan (Eds) A. K. Baev, Russian Academy of Sciences, Minsk, Belarus Soft Actuators Specific Intermolecular Interactions of Element-Organic Compounds Materials, Modeling, Applications, and Future Perspectives Contents Introduction.- Polyrotaxane based on inclusion complexes of OH-PDMS-OH and Br-PDMSBr with γ-cyclodextrin without utilizing sonic energy.- Synthesis and Characterization of PDMS based triblock and pentablock Copolymers.- Cobalt mediated radical polymerization of 4-bromo-2,6-dimethyl phenol and its copolymerization with poly(dimethyl siloxane) in the presence of Co(acac)2: DMF catalyst.- Novel Thermoreversible Block Copolymers: Silicone Macroinitiator in Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization. Contents Progress and Current Status of Materials and Properties of Soft Actuators.- Current Status of Applications and Markets of Soft Actuators.Electromagnetic Heating.-Thermo-Responsive Nanofiber Mats Fabricated by Electrospinning.- Self-Oscillating Gels.- Ionic Conductive Polymers.- Conducting Polymers.- HumiditySensitive Conducting Polymer Actuators.- Carbon Nanotube/Ionic Liquid Composites.- Ion Gels for Ionic Polymer Actuators.- Ionic Liquid/ Polyurethane/PEDOT:PSS Composite Actuators.Dielectric Gels.- Dielectric Elastomers.- Development of Actuators Using Slide Ring Materials and Their Various Applications.- Piezoelectric Polymers.- Spiropyran-Functionalized Hydrogel Actuators.- Photomechanical Energy Conversion with Cross-linked Liquid-Crystalline Polymers.Photoredox Reaction.- Magnetic Fluid Composite Gels.- Magnetic Particle Composite Gels.- Molecular Mechanism of Electrically Induced Volume Change of Porous Electrodes.- Material Modeling.- Distributed Parameter System Modeling.Modeling and Feedback Control of Electro-Active Polymer Actuators.- Motion Design - A Gel Robot Approach.- Motion Control.- Application of Nano-Carbon Actuator to Braille Display.Underwater Soft Robots.- IPMC Actuator-Based Multifunctional Underwater Microrobots.- Medical Applications.- Micro Pump Driven by a Pair of Conducting Polymer Soft Actuators.- Elastomer Transducers.- Tissue Engineering Approach to Making Soft Actuators. Fields of interest Polymer Sciences; Organometallic Chemistry; Catalysis Fields of interest Polymer Sciences; Biomaterials; Robotics and Automation Target groups Research Target groups Research Product category Brief Product category Monograph Features 7 New polyrotaxane based on PDMS 7 New method for synthesis of new block copolymers 7 New application for PDMS based copolymers as thermoreversible block copolymers This book extends the development of the thermodynamic theory of specific intermolecular interactions to element-organic and specific organometallic compounds. The fundamentals of an unconventional approach to the theory of Hbonding and specific interactions are formulated, based on a concept of pentacoordinate carbon atoms. Prof. Baev has introduced the theory already in his successful books “Specific Intermolecular Interactions of Organic Compounds” and “Specific Intermolecular Interactions of Nitrogenated and Bioorganic Compounds”. Features 7 Describes the development of the thermodynamic theory of specific intermolecular interactions 7 Describes a wide spectrum of types of intermolecular interactions 7 The topic is relevant to organic, organometallic and synthetic chemistry Contents Hydrogen Bonds of Hydrides and Specific Intermolecular Interactions of Alkyl Compounds of Main Group Elements.- Specific Intermolecular Interactions of Silanes and their Derivatives.- Specific Interactions of Element-Organic Compounds of Germanium Subgroup Elements.- Specific Intermolecular Interactions of Sulphurgenated Organic Compounds.- Specific Intermolecular Interactions of Sulphur, Oxygen and Nitrogenated Organic Compounds. Fields of interest Theoretical and Computational Chemistry; Inorganic Chemistry; Organometallic Chemistry Target groups Research Product category Monograph Due October 2014 2014. 80 p. 40 illus., 8 in color. (SpringerBriefs in Molecular Science) Softcover 7 *€ (D) 53,49 | € (A) 54,99 | sFr 67,00 7€ 49,99 | £44.99 ISBN 978-3-319-09224-9 Due September 2014 Due September 2014 2014. XV, 770 p. 299 illus., 185 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 139,09 | € (A) 142,99 | sFr 173,50 7€ 129,99 | £117.00 ISBN 978-4-431-54766-2 2014. X, 418 p. 666 illus., 29 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08562-3 9<HTODMJ=ajc ej> 9<HTPEOB=fehg c> 9<HTODMJ=aifgcd> 75 Chemistry J. Banoub, St. John’s Memorial University, St. John’s, Canada (Ed) Detection of Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Agents for the Prevention of Terrorism Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics Contents Preface.- Biological agents and bioterrorism.- Immunological Defence Mechanisms against Biological Agents.- Mass spectrometry and tandem mass spectrometry: an overview.- Modern Sample Preparation Techniques for Gas ChromatographyMass Spectrometry. Analysis of Environmental Markers of Chemical Warfare Agents Use.- An Overview of Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/ Ionization (MALDI) mass spectrometry and some of its applications.- Field portable mass spectrometry.- MALDI Imaging Mass Spectrometry.- Bacterial Identification by Mass Spectrometry. Fields of interest Mass Spectrometry; Environmental Engineering/ Biotechnology; Spectroscopy and Microscopy Target groups Graduate Product category Proceedings springer.com/NEWSonline G. Brunazzi, Brunazzi & Associati, Torino, Italy; S. Parisi, Industrial Consultant, Palermo, Italy; A. Pereno, Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy The Importance of Packaging Design for the Chemistry of Food Products This Brief defines reliable correlations between the food packaging design and its chemical features in terms of an ‘integrated food product’ (the synergistic union composed of the edible content and its container). A good design, as described in this Brief, implies the best choices from a series of possibilities, taking into account economical and commercial influences or limitations in the production and processing chain and the chemical interactions that can arise between the food containers and the contained edible material. This Brief highlights how the different requirements can be combined, while avoiding dangerous food risks originating from the chemical interaction between the container and the product. Different designs are critically analysed with relation to the effect on contained foods. Features 7 Written by experts from different disciplines 7 Analyses different food packaging designs and their chemical influence on contained edible materials 7 Discusses possible food packaging typologies under various considerations and from different angles Contents Introduction: The Production of Packaging Materials.- Packaging and Food: A Complex Combination.- The Instrumental Role of Food Packaging.Packaging, a Communicative Medium.- Packaging and Quality. Fields of interest Food Science; Quality of Life Research; Characterization and Evaluation of Materials Target groups Research Due September 2014 Softcover 2014. 280 p. 57 illus. in color. (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series A: Chemistry and Biology) 7 *€ (D) 74,89 | € (A) 76,99 | sFr 93,50 7€ 69,99 | £62.99 ISBN 978-94-017-9247-9 9<HTUELB=hjcehj> Product category Brief Topics in Current Chemistry M. J. Krische, J.‑M. Lehn, J. Thiem, K. N. Houk, C. A. Hunter, M. Venturi, M. Olivucci, H. N. Wong, C.‑H. Wong, Series editor: H. Bayley, R. Luque, K. Ishihara, J. S. Siegel, G. Hughes Volume 354 A. Credi, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy; S. Silvi, University of Bologna, Bologna, Germany; M. Venturi, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy (Eds) Molecular Machines and Motors Recent Advances and Perspectives The series Topics in Current Chemistry presents critical reviews of the present and future trends in modern chemical research. The scope of coverage is all areas of chemical science including the interfaces with related disciplines such as biology, medicine and materials science. The goal of each thematic volume is to give the non-specialist reader, whether in academia or industry, a comprehensive insight into an area where new research is emerging which is of interest to a larger scientific audience. Each review within the volume critically surveys one aspect of that topic and places it within the context of the volume as a whole. Features 7 This series presents critical reviews of the present position and future trends in modern chemical research 7 Short and concise reports on chemistry, each written by the world renowned experts 7 Still valid and useful after 5 or 10 years 7 More information as well as the electronic version of the whole content available at: springerlink.com Field of interest Microengineering Target groups Research Product category Reviews Due July 2014 Hardcover 2014. 280 p. 57 illus. in color. (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series A: Chemistry and Biology) 7 *€ (D) 149,79 | € (A) 153,99 | sFr 186,50 7€ 139,99 | £126.00 ISBN 978-94-017-9237-0 2014. VI, 119 p. 14 illus., 6 in color. (SpringerBriefs in Molecular Science / SpringerBriefs in Chemistry of Foods) Softcover 7 *€ (D) 53,49 | € (A) 54,99 | sFr 67,00 7€ 49,99 | £44.99 ISBN 978-3-319-08451-0 2014. XX, 220 p. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 202,23 | € (A) 207,90 | sFr 252,00 7€ 189,00 | £170.50 ISBN 978-3-319-08677-4 9<HTUELB=hjcdha> 9<HTODMJ=aiefba> 9<HTODMJ=aigh e> 76 Due July 2014 News 8/2014 Advances in Polymer Science U. Wiesner, B. Voit, T. E. Long, Series editor: A. Abe, A.‑C. Albertsson, G. W. Coates, M. Möller, L. Leibler, E. M. Terentjev, S. Kobayashi, K.‑S. Lee, M. J. Vicent, J. Genzer, B. Z. Tang, X. Zhang, O. Okay, V. Percec Volume 264 P. Deepalekshmi, S. Thomas, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, India (Eds) Non-Linear Viscoelasticity of Rubber Composites and Nanocomposites Influence of Filler Geometry and Size in Different Length Scales Contents Origin of Non-Linear Viscoelasticity in Filled Rubbers: Theory and Practice.- Non-Linear Viscoelasticity in Zero Dimensional Filler Reinforced Rubber Composites and Nanocomposites.- NonLinear Viscoelasticity of One Dimensional Filler Einforced Rubber Composites and Nanocomposites.- Non-Linear Viscoelastic Studies in Rubber Composites and Nanocomposites-Effects of two Dimensional Fillers.- Non- Linear Viscoelasticity in Rubber Blend Composites and Nanocomposites.- Effect of Hybrid Fillers in the NonLinear Viscoelasticity of Rubber Composites and Nanocomposites.- Effect of Double Networking on Non-Linear Viscoelasticity of Elastomers.Modeling of Non-Linear Viscoelastic Behavior of Filled Rubbers.- Effects of Aging on Non-Linear Viscoelasticity.- Rheology of Soft Styrene Butadiene Based Semisolid Rubber Composites. Chemistry Topics in Organometallic Chemistry A. Fürstner, F. Glorius, P. H. Dixneuf, Series editor: M. Beller, L. A. Oro, T. Ikariya, Q.‑L. Zhou, J. M. Brown, L. J. Gooßen, J. Dupont, S. Nolan, J. Okuda Volume 48 P. H. Dixneuf, UMR 6226 CNRS-Université Rennes1, Rennes, France; C. Bruneau, UMR 6226-CNRSUniversité de Rennes1, Rennes, France (Eds) Ruthenium in Catalysis The series Topics in Organometallic Chemistry presents critical overviews of research results in organometallic chemistry. Features 7 Each volume of Topics in Organometallic Chemistry provides the broad scientific readership with a comprehensive and critical overview of a specific topic in organometallic chemistry 7 Research in this rapidly developing transdisciplinary field is having profound influence on other areas of scientific investigation, ranging from catalytic organic synthesis to biology, medicine and materials science 7 With contributions by international experts Contents From the contents:Hydrogenation of polar bonds catalyzed by Ruthenium-Pincer complexes.- Ruthenium-catalyzed amide-bond formation.- Hydrogen generation from alcohols and formic acid, with ruthenium catalysts including pincer-type Ru complexes. Topics in Medicinal Chemistry J. A. Lowe, Series editor: P. R. Bernstein, A. Buschauer, G. I. Georg, U. Stilz, C. T. Supuran, A. K. Saxena, G. LIU Volume 9 J. R. Empfield, AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals Central Nervous System Chemistry Dept., Wilmington, DE, USA; M. P Clark, Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Boston, MA, USA (Eds) Reducing Drug Attrition Medicinal chemistry is both science and art. The science of medicinal chemistry offers mankind one of its best hopes for improving the quality of life. The art of medicinal chemistry continues to challenge its practitioners with the need for both intuition and experience to discover new drugs. Hence sharing the experience of drug research is uniquely beneficial to the field of medicinal chemistry. Drug research requires interdisciplinary team-work at the interface between chemistry, biology and medicine. Therefore, the topic-related series Topics in Medicinal Chemistry covers all relevant aspects of drug research, e.g. Features 7 Overview chapters introduce the newcomer to the topic covered 7 Series covers hot topics of frontier research summarized by reputed scientists in the field 7 Volumes are useful and of relevance for a long period of time Fields of interest Medicinal Chemistry; Pharmacology/Toxicology Target groups Research Fields of interest Polymer Sciences; Ceramics, Glass, Composites, Natural Materials; Condensed Matter Physics Fields of interest Organometallic Chemistry; Catalysis; Industrial Chemistry/Chemical Engineering Target groups Research Target groups Research Product category Reviews Product category Reviews Due September 2014 Due August 2014 Due September 2014 2014. X, 317 p. 169 illus., 44 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 203,29 | € (A) 208,99 | sFr 253,00 7€ 189,99 | £171.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08701-6 2014. XX, 230 p. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 203,29 | € (A) 208,99 | sFr 253,00 7€ 189,99 | £171.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08481-7 2014. XX, 230 p. Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 245,03 | € (A) 251,90 | sFr 305,00 7 approx.€ 229,00 | £206.50 ISBN 978-3-662-43913-5 9<HTODMJ=aihabg> 9<HTODMJ=aieibh> Product category Contributed volume 9<HTOGRC=edjbdf> 77 Chemistry J. Farber, Bureau of Microbial Hazards, Ottawa, ON, Canada; J. Crichton, Consultant, Pakenham, ON, Canada; P. Snyder, Jr., HITM, St. Paul, MN, USA (Eds) Retail Food Safety Currently, there is no one book or textbook that covers all aspects of retail food safety. It is becoming apparent that a number of issues relating to retail food safety have come to the forefront in some jurisdictions of late. For example, a recent USDA risk assessment has pointed out that issues occurring at USA retail appear to be critical in terms of contamination of deli-meat. As well, a large listeriosis outbreak in Quebec pointed to retail cross-contamination as a key issue. In terms of sanitation, a number of advances have been made, but these have not all been synthesized together in one chapter, with a focus on retail. Features 7 Discusses the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) 7 Addresses the safety of important food commodities, such as seafood, meat, produce and dairy 7 Discusses the threat and likelihood of food contamination in retail Contents An Introduction to Retail Food Safety.- Control of pathogens at retail.- Retail Food Safety – Total Store by Department.- The applications and uses of GFSI-benchmarked food safety schemes in relation to retail.- Control of Listeria monocytogenes at retail.- Control of viruses at retail.- An overview of Retail Food Hygiene in Europe.- Retail HACCP-based systems.- Sanitation and sanitation issues at retail.- Retail Food Handler Certification and Food Handler Training.- Retail food safety risks for populations of different races, ethnicities and income levels. springer.com/NEWSonline V. Goncharov, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, MA, USA Non-Linear Optical Response in Atoms, Molecules and Clusters An Explicit Time Dependent Density Functional Approach The aim of this brief is to present, in sufficient detail, a non-perturbative technique for calculating optical hyperpolarizabilities. The ability to efficiently compute hyperpolarizabilities, for a variety of different molecular systems, makes this brief invaluable for those engaged in the computational design of new electro-optical materials. The resulting computation is very predictable and suitable for automation, in contrast to perturbative methods that typically rely on iterative methods. The methodology which is wholly applicable to atoms, molecules, clusters (and with some modifications) to condensed matter, is described and illustrated at a level that is accessible to theoreticians and supplemented with details that should be of interest to practitioners. Features 7 Presents new and established techniques 7 For practitioners of theoretical models 7 A good companion to established texts 7 Suitable for automatic high throughput calculations Contents Introduction.- Response functions.- Density Functional Perturbation Theory.- Real Time method.- Response Functions from Real Time TDDFT.- Nonlinear Response in Atoms, Molecules and Clusters.- Extension to Condensed Matter and Outlook. Fields of interest Food Science; Chemistry/Food Science, general; Documentation and Information in Chemistry Fields of interest Theoretical and Computational Chemistry; Optical and Electronic Materials Target groups Professional/practitioner Target groups Research Product category Contributed volume Product category Brief L. Gorb, Laboratory of Computational Structural Biology, Kiev, Ukraine; V. Kuz’min, A.V. Bogatsky Physical-Chemical Institute, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Odessa, Ukraine; E. Muratov, University of North Carolina, Laboratory for Molecular Modeling, Chapel Hill, NC, USA (Eds) Application of Computational Techniques in Pharmacy and Medicine Contents 1 Hybrid QM/MM Methods: Treating Electronic Phenomena in Very Large Molecular Systems.- 2 Structure, Thermodynamics and Energetics of Drug-DNA Interactions: Computer Modeling and Experiment.- 3 Formation of DNA Lesions, Its Prevention and Repair.- 4 DNA dependent DNA Polymerases as Targets for Low-Weight Molecular Inhibitors: State of Art and Prospects of Rational Design.- 5 Molecular structures, relative stability, and proton affinities of nucleotides: Broad view and novel findings.- 6 Quantum Chemical Approaches in Modeling the Structure of Quadruplex DNA and Its Interaction with Metal Ions and Small Molecules.- 7 Density Functional Theory Calculations of Enzyme-Inhibitor Interactions in Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Design.- 8 Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Lipid Bilayers with Incorporated Peptides.- 9 Polyphenol Glycosides as Potential Remedies in Kidney Stones Therapy. Experimental Research Supported by Computational Studies.- 10 Quantum-Chemical Investigation of Epoxidic Compounds Transformation. Application for In Vitro and In Vivo Processes Modeling.- 11 Computational Toxicology in Drug Discovery: opportunities and limitations.- 12 Consensus Drug Design Using it Microcosm.- 13 Continuous Molecular Fields Approach Applied to Structure-Activity Modeling. Fields of interest Theoretical and Computational Chemistry; Medicinal Chemistry; Pharmacy Target groups Research Product category Contributed volume Due August 2014 Due September 2014 2014. VIII, 160 p. 11 illus., 7 in color. (Food Microbiology and Food Safety / Practical Approaches) Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 48,10 | € (A) 49,45 | sFr 59,50 7 approx.€ 44,95 | £39.99 ISBN 978-1-4939-1549-1 9<HTMEUD=jbfejb> 78 2014. XI, 70 p. 11 illus., 8 in color. (SpringerBriefs in Molecular Science / SpringerBriefs in Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Atoms, Molecules, and Clusters) Softcover 7 *€ (D) 53,49 | € (A) 54,99 | sFr 67,00 7€ 49,99 | £44.99 ISBN 978-3-319-08319-3 9<HTODMJ=aidbjd> Due September 2014 2014. I, 593 p. 150 illus., 80 in color. (Challenges and Advances in Computational Chemistry and Physics, Volume 17) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 319,93 | € (A) 328,90 | sFr 398,50 7€ 299,00 | £269.50 ISBN 978-94-017-9256-1 9<HTUELB=hjcfgb> News 8/2014 L. Kovács, D. Csupor, University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary; G. Lente, T. Gunda, University of Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary 100 Chemical Myths Misconceptions, Misunderstandings, Explanations 100 Chemical Myths deals with popular yet largely untrue misconceptions and misunderstandings related to chemistry. It contains lucid and concise explanations cut through fallacies and urban legends that are universally relevant to a global audience. A wide range of chemical myths are explored in these areas; food, medicines, catastrophes, chemicals, and environmental problems. Connections to popular culture, literature, movies, and cultural history hold the reader’s interest whilst key concepts are beautifully annotated with illustrations to facilitate the understanding of unfamiliar material. Features 7 Covers the full gamut of chemical myths relating to consumer products, food, medicines, chemicals, and catastrophes 7 Written in plain English for the laymen and professionals alike 7 Contains a large number of illustrations to explain new concepts 7 Includes a comprehensive glossary and bibliography 7 Foreword by Nobel Laureate George Andrew Olah Contents Foreword (Joe Schwarcz).- Acknowledgements.Preface.- Chapter 1. Misconceptions in general .Chapter 2. Food.- Chapter 3. Medicines.- Chapter 4. Catastrophes, Poisons, Chemicals.- Glossary of terms.- Sources and further reading.- Picture and figure credits.- Subject index. Fields of interest Chemistry/Food Science, general; Popular Science, general Chemistry Y. Li, Universite d’Avignon etdesPaysduVaucluse, INRA, Avignon, France; A.‑S. Fabiano-Tixier, Universite d’Avignon etdesPaysduVaucluse, Avignon, France; F. Chemat, Université d’Avignon et des Pays du Vaucluse, Avignon, France Essential Oils as Reagents in Green Chemistry This brief provides a valuable reference for the contribution of essential oils in the green chemistry, mainly in terms of their characteristics corresponding to their compositions, the development of their extraction technologies including both conventional and green process (e.g. microwave, ultrasound), and their sustainable applications as antioxidants, antimicrobials, insecticides, green solvents and synthons for the green synthesis. Features 7 Explains current green extraction techniques at play in industry 7 Includes applications of interest to those working in cosmetics, fine chemicals, and pharmaceuticals Contents History, localization and chemical composition.Essential oils: from conventional to green extraction.- Essential oils as antioxidants.- Essential oils as antimicrobials.- Essential oils as insecticides.Essential oils as green solvents.- Essential oils as synthons for green chemistry. Fields of interest Industrial Chemistry/Chemical Engineering; Sustainable Development; Organic Chemistry Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Brief X. J. Loh, Institute of Materials Research and Engineering, Singapore, Singapore (Ed) In-Situ Gelling Polymers For Biomedical Applications This book presents the research involving in situ gelling polymers and can be used as a guidebook for academics, industrialists and postgraduates interested in this area. This work summaries the academic contributions from the top authorities in the field and explore the fundamental principles of in situ gelling polymeric networks, along with examples of their major applications. This book aims to provide an up-to-date resource of in situ gelling polymer research. Features 7 First book addressing the fundamental working principles of in-situ gelling polymers 7 Summarizes the latest trends and potential application of in-situ gelling polymers in biomedical engineering 7 Written by an expert in the field Contents 1 Introduction to in-situ forming hydrogels for biomedical applications.- 2 Biodegradable Thermogelling Poly(organophosphazenes) and Their Potential.- 3 Designing Hydrogels by ATRP.- 4 Supramolecular Soft Biomaterials for Biomedical Applications.- 5 Peptidic Hydrogels.- 6 Polymeric Supramolecular Hydrogels as Materials for Medicine.- 7 Hydrogels for Stem Cell Fate Control and Delivery in Regenerative Medicine.- 8 From bench to bedside – An example of an in-situ hydrogel in vivo applications. Fields of interest Polymer Sciences; Biomaterials; Biomedical Engineering Target groups Research Product category Monograph Target groups Popular/general Product category Popular science Due August 2014 Due September 2014 2014. I, 328 p. 175 illus., 75 in color. Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 53,49 | € (A) 54,99 | sFr 67,00 7 approx.€ 49,99 | £44.99 ISBN 978-3-319-08418-3 9<HTODMJ=aiebid> 2014. X, 71 p. 28 illus., 19 in color. (SpringerBriefs in Molecular Science / SpringerBriefs in Green Chemistry for Sustainability) Softcover 7 *€ (D) 53,49 | € (A) 54,99 | sFr 67,00 7€ 49,99 | £44.99 ISBN 978-3-319-08448-0 9<HTODMJ=aie ia> Due December 2014 2014. 300 p. 45 illus., 5 in color. (Series in BioEngineering) Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7 approx.€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-981-287-151-0 9<HTUIMC=ihbfba> 79 Chemistry A. Lund, The Emeritus Academy Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden; M. Shiotani, Hiroshima University, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan (Eds) springer.com/NEWSonline N. O. Lüttschwager, Georg August University, Göttingen, Germany Raman Spectroscopy Applications of EPR in Radiation of Conformational Research Rearrangements at Low Applications of EPR in Radiation Research is a Temperatures multi-author contributed volume presented in eight themes: I. Features 7 The first modern monograph to feature the applications of EPR to radiation research 7 Includes a chapter on fundamental radiation processes for those unfamiliar with this field 7 Applications to liquid-, solid-, bio-, polymer-, and semiconductor materials are presented in dedicated chapters 7 Recent developments in radiation metrology and geological dating are reviewed 7 The use of advanced experimental and theoretical tools is presented by recognized leaders in this field Contents From the Contents: PART I Elementary radiation processes.- PART II Solid state radiation chemistry.- PART III Biochemistry, biophysics, and biology applications.- PART IV Material science.PART V Radiation metrology.- PART VI Geological dating.- EPR dating.- PART VII Advanced EPR techniques.- PART VIII Theoretical tools. Fields of interest Nuclear Chemistry; Characterization and Evaluation of Materials; Effects of Radiation/Radiation Protection Target groups Research Product category Contributed volume Folding and Stretching of Alkanes in Supersonic Jets Food Processing: Strategies for Quality Assessment This thesis identifies the turning point in chain length, after which alkanes self-solvate into a folded structure instead of an extended stretched conformation. After this turning point, London dispersion forces rearrange isolated n-alkanes into a particular hairpin-structure, while for shorter chain lengths, a simple stretched conformation is energetically preferred. Contents Food Processing: Strategies for quality assessment, A broad perspective Abdul Malik, Farhana Masood and Saghir Ahmad.- Fruit Processing Ömer Utku ÇOPUR and Canan Ece TAMER .- Citrus Juices Technology Asiye AKYILDIZ and Erdal AĞÇAM.- Nutritional Quality Assessment in Dairy Products - A Perspective.- A. Adnan Hayaloglu and Mehmet Güven.- Meat products and by-products for value addition.- Saghir Ahmad and Abdul Ghafour Badpa.- Surface Decontamination Treatments for improving the safety of meat and poultry Hakan Benli.- Food quality and safety Saghir Ahmad.- Foodborne Microbial Diseases and Control: Foodborne Infections and Intoxications Sait Aykut Aytac and Birce Mercanoglu Taban.- Microbial Metabolites as Biological Control Agents in Food Safety.- Zerrin Erginkaya, Emel Ünal and Selin Kalkan.- Use of antimicrobial edible films and coatings as packaging materials for food safety.- Zerrin Erginkaya, Selin Kalkan and Emel Ünal.- Recent Approaches in Risk Assessment of Foods Farhana Masood, Samira Umme Aiman, Sana Khan, Showkat Ahmad Lone and Abdul Malik.- Microbiological Quality Systems and Microbial Risk Analysis Birce Mercanoglu Taban and Sait Aykut.- AytacValue addition and preservation by fermentation technology Saghir Ahmad. Features 7 Nominated by the Georg-August-University Göttingen (Germany) as an outstanding PhD thesis 7 Determines the detailed balance between stiffness, conformational flexibility and inter-chain attractions for important model compounds on a molecular level 7 Identifies the turning point in chain length, where alkanes prefer a folded hairpin structure instead of an extended stretched conformation 7 Hence provides an important reference for experimental and theoretical studies and models, for the first time on an interactionfree single-molecule basis Contents Introduction.- Background.- Experimental.- Unbranched n-alkanes.- Perfluorinated alkanes.Modulus of elasticity.- Summary and outlook.Appendix. Fields of interest Physical Chemistry; Atomic/Molecular Structure and Spectra; Spectroscopy/Spectrometry Target groups Research Product category Monograph Due September 2014 2014. I, 820 p. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 181,89 | € (A) 186,99 | sFr 226,50 7€ 169,99 | £153.00 ISBN 978-3-319-09215-7 9<HTODMJ=ajcbfh> 80 A. Malik, Department of Agricultural Microbiology Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India; Z. Erginkaya, Department of Food Engineering Faculty of Agriculture, Adana, Turkey; S. Ahmad, Dept. of Post Harvest Eng. and Technol. Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India; H. Erten, Department of Food Engineering, Adana, Turkey (Eds) Field of interest Food Science Target groups Research Product category Contributed volume Due August 2014 Due September 2014 2014. XII, 183 p. 81 illus., 44 in color. (Springer Theses) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08565-4 2014. X, 534 p. 31 illus., 14 in color. (Food Engineering Series) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 181,89 | € (A) 186,99 | sFr 226,50 7€ 169,99 | £153.00 ISBN 978-1-4939-1377-0 9<HTODMJ=aifgfe> 9<HTMEUD=jbdh a> News 8/2014 Topics in Current Chemistry M. J. Krische, J.‑M. Lehn, J. Thiem, K. N. Houk, C. A. Hunter, M. Venturi, M. Olivucci, H. N. Wong, C.‑H. Wong, Series editor: H. Bayley, R. Luque, K. Ishihara, J. S. Siegel, G. Hughes Chemistry H. Nirschl, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany; K. Keller, Dupont, St. Louis, MO, USA (Eds) Upscaling of Bio-NanoProcesses Volume 353 Selective Bioseparation by Magnetic Particles K. M. Nicholas, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, USA (Ed) Features 7 Presents solutions for large scale bioprocessing of nanoparticles 7 Suggests a new application for magnetic particles for upscaling of protein separation 7 Addresses toxicological aspects related to food, pharmaceutical and feed industry Selective Catalysis for Renewable Feedstocks and Chemicals The series Topics in Current Chemistry presents critical reviews of the present and future trends in modern chemical research. The scope of coverage is all areas of chemical science including the interfaces with related disciplines such as biology, medicine and materials science. Features 7 This series presents critical reviews of the present position and future trends in modern chemical research 7 Short and concise reports on chemistry, each written by the world renowned experts 7 Still valid and useful after 5 or 10 years 7 More information as well as the electronic version of the whole content available at: springerlink.com Contents Selective lignin oxidation.- Selective hydrogenolysis of biomass deoxydehydration of polyols.- Carbohydrate conversion to lactic acid and isosorbide.- Catalytic Approaches to the Production of Levulinates and Substituted Furfurals from Biomass.- Polymerization of biomass-derived monomers. Fields of interest Catalysis; Organic Chemistry; Polymer Sciences Target groups Research Contents Introduction.- Part I: Particle Synthesis and Functionalization.- New Advances in the Production of Iron-Based Nanostructures by Laser Pyrolysis.Chemical Coprecipitation for Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Magnetite Nanoparticles.- Magnetic Microgels: Synthesis and Characterization.- Vesicles and Composite Particles by Rotating Membrane Pore Extrusion.- Synthesis of Functionalized Magnetic Beads Using Spray Drying.- Industrial Production, Surface Modification and Application of Magnetic Particles.- Part II: Magnetic Separation Devices.- Magneticall Enhanced Centrifugation for Industrial Use.- Design and Performance of a Pilot Scale High-Gradient Magnetic Filter using a Mandhala Magnet and its Application for Soy-Whey Protein Purification.- Continuous Magnetic Extraction for Protein Purification.- Part III: Process examples.- In-situ Magnetic Separation of Pilot Scale : A Tool for Process Optimization.- An Industrial Approach to High-Gradient Magnetic Filtration in the Food Industry.- Conclusion. Fields of interest Biotechnology; Biomaterials; Food Science Target groups Research Product category Monograph Topics in Heterocyclic Chemistry A. Padwa, R. Noyori, S. Ley, Editorial board: D. Enders, L. E. Overman, G. Mehta, B. Maes, S. Polanc, S. Polanc, Series editor: J. Cossy, J. Cossy Volume 41 R. Paolesse, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy (Ed) Applications of Porphyrinoids The series Topics in Heterocyclic Chemistry presents critical reviews on present and future trends in the research of heterocyclic compounds. Overall the scope is to cover topics dealing with all areas within heterocyclic chemistry, both experimental and theoretical, of interest to the general heterocyclic chemistry community. The series consists of topic related volumes edited by renowned editors with contributions of experts in the field. All chapters from Topics in Heterocyclic Chemistry are published Online First with an individual DOI. In references, Topics in Heterocyclic Chemistry is abbreviated as Top Heterocycl Chem and cited as a journal. Features 7 Heterocyclic chemistry is the biggest branch of chemistry covering two-third of the chemical literature 7 The series covers hot topics of frontier research summarized by reputed scientists in the field 7 Our review series is topic related Online version available on SpringerLink.com Field of interest Organic Chemistry Target groups Research Product category Reviews Product category Reviews Due August 2014 Due July 2014 2014. XXX, 220 p. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 203,29 | € (A) 208,99 | sFr 253,00 7€ 189,99 | £171.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08653-8 9<HTODMJ=aigfdi> 2015. X, 326 p. 141 illus., 29 in color. (Lecture Notes in Bioengineering) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-662-43898-5 9<HTOGRC=edijif> Due September 2014 2014. XX, 250 p. Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 245,03 | € (A) 251,90 | sFr 305,00 7 approx.€ 229,00 | £206.50 ISBN 978-3-662-43996-8 9<HTOGRC=edj gi> 81 Chemistry springer.com/NEWSonline H. Pasch, University of Stellenbosch, Matieland, South Africa; M. I. Malik, H.E.J. Research Institute of Chemistry University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan Advanced Separation Techniques for Polyolefins This Springer Laboratory volume introduces the reader to advanced techniques for the separation and fractionation of polyolefins. Features 7 First comprehensive textbook on high-temperature fractionation techniques 7 Introduces beginners as well as experienced chromatographers to advanced techniques for the separation and fractionation of polyolefins 7 Describes a great variety in instrumentation, separation procedures and applications 7 Provides a complete toolbox to solve both simple and sophisticated separation tasks for polyolefins - the most widely used class of synthetic polymers Contents Part A Introduction.- Molecular Heterogeneity of Polyolefins.- Analytical Methods for Polyolefins.- Part B Crystallization-Based Fractionation Techniques.- Temperature Rising Elution Fractionation.- Crystallization Analysis Fractionation.- Crystallization Elution Fractionation.- Part C Column-Based Chromatographic Techniques.- Multidetector Size Exclusion Chromatography.- Solvent Gradient Interaction Chromatography.- Temperature Gradient Interaction Chromatography.- Two-Dimensional Liquid Chromatography.- Part D Field-Flow Fractionation.- Fundamentals.- Application of Field-Flow Fractionation of Polyolefins.- Analysis of Polyolefins by Asymmetric Flow FFF.- Conclusions and Future Trends. Topics in Medicinal Chemistry J. A. Lowe, Series editor: P. R. Bernstein, A. Buschauer, G. I. Georg, U. Stilz, C. T. Supuran, A. K. Saxena, G. LIU Volume 16 P. H. Seeberger, C. Rademacher, Max-PlanckInstitute of Colloids and Interfaces, Potsdam, Germany (Eds) Carbohydrates as Drugs Medicinal chemistry is both science and art. The science of medicinal chemistry offers mankind one of its best hopes for improving the quality of life. The art of medicinal chemistry continues to challenge its practitioners with the need for both intuition and experience to discover new drugs. Features 7 Overview chapters introduce the newcomer to the topic covered 7 Series covers hot topics of frontier research summarized by reputed scientists in the field 7 Volumes are useful and of relevance for a long period of time Contents Development and design of anti-influenza virus carbohydrate-based drugs and their potential for future pandemics.- Rational design of carbohydrate-based drugs by means of computational docking.- Novel carbohydrate-based synthetic chemistry in the context of drug design.- Structure-based design and applications of glycosyltransferase inhibitors.- Design, synthesis and applications of galectin modulators in human health.- Discovery and application of FimH antagonists.- Synthesis of iminosugars and their role in todays medicine. Fields of interest Polymer Sciences; Chromatography; Organic Chemistry Fields of interest Medicinal Chemistry; Carbohydrate Chemistry; Molecular Medicine Target groups Graduate Target groups Research Product category Graduate/Advanced undergraduate textbook Product category Reviews Due September 2014 2014. X, 178 p. 121 illus., 44 in color. (Springer Laboratory) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 74,89 | € (A) 76,99 | sFr 93,50 7€ 69,99 | £62.99 ISBN 978-3-319-08631-6 9<HTODMJ=aigdbg> 82 R. Subramanian, University of Nevada, Reno, NV, USA; B. Viswanathan, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India; J. S. Lee, Pohang University of Science & Tech., Pohang, Korea, Republic of (South Korea) (Eds) Materials and Processes for Solar Fuel Production This book features different approaches to nonbiochemical pathways for solar fuel production. Features 7 All options for fuel production using solar energy, excluding those that are biologically mediated, are discussed in this book 7 Modeling and its role in driving catalyst design is covered in this book 7 Photoelectrocatalytic methods are addressed in detail Contents Strategic Design of Heterojunction CdS Photocatalysts for Solar Hydrogen.- Encapsulation for improving the efficiencies of solar cells .- Photocatalytic Solar Hydrogen Production: Current Status and Future Challenges.- Electrochemical and optical characterization of materials band structure.- New p-type Semiconducting Metal Oxides for Solar-to-Fuel Conversion: Investigation and Challenges.- Theoretical modeling of photoelectrochemistry related oxide-photocatalysts.- Photofuel cells. An alternative route for solar energy conversion.- Simultaneous Photodegradation and Hydrogen Production With TiO2/Pt/CdS Using UV-visible Light in the Presence of a Sacrificial Agent and a Pollutant.- Stability of the β-Bi2O3 Nanoporous Photoanodes for Solar Water Splitting.- Passivating the Surface of TiO2 Photoelectrodes with Nb2O5 and Al2O3 for High-efficiency Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells.- Reduction of Carbon dioxide- Photo-catalytic Route to Solar Fuels. Fields of interest Mass Spectrometry; Renewable and Green Energy; Environmental Engineering/Biotechnology Target groups Research Product category Monograph Due September 2014 Due September 2014 2014. XX, 300 p. Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 245,03 | € (A) 251,90 | sFr 305,00 7 approx.€ 229,00 | £206.50 ISBN 978-3-319-08674-3 9<HTODMJ=aighed> 2014. XVI, 242 p. 96 illus., 55 in color. (Nanostructure Science and Technology, Volume 174) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 139,09 | € (A) 142,99 | sFr 173,50 7€ 129,99 | £117.00 ISBN 978-1-4939-1627-6 9<HTMEUD=jbgchg> News 8/2014 Chemistry Topics in Organometallic Chemistry A. Fürstner, F. Glorius, P. H. Dixneuf, Series editor: M. Beller, L. A. Oro, T. Ikariya, Q.‑L. Zhou, J. M. Brown, L. J. Gooßen, J. Dupont, S. Nolan, J. Okuda Volume 47 Z. Xi, Peking University, Beijing, China (Ed) Organo-di-Metallic Compounds (or Reagents) Synergistic Effects and Synthetic Applications Features 7 Each volume of Topics in Organometallic Chemistry provides the broad scientific readership with a comprehensive and critical overview of a specific topic in organometallic chemistry 7 Research in this rapidly developing transdisciplinary field is having profound influence on other areas of scientific investigation, ranging from catalytic organic synthesis to biology, medicine and materials science 7 With contributions by international experts Contents Organo-di-Lithio Reagents: Cooperative Effect and Synthetic Applications.- New Formulas for Zincate Chemistry: Synergistic Effect and Synthetic Applications of Hetero-bimetal Ate Complexes.- FascinATES: Mixed-metal ate compounds that function synergistically.- Transmetallation of Zirconacycles to Other Metals for Organic Synthesis.- [Li,Li]-Mixed Aggregates: Synergy Between Chiral Lithium Amides and Methyllithium or Butyllithium.- Organometallic Chemistry with Dianionic Pincer Ligands.- Geminal Dianions as Precursors of Carbene Complexes. Fields of interest Organometallic Chemistry; Catalysis Target groups Research Product category Reviews Due August 2014 2014. VII, 205 p. 270 illus., 22 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 203,29 | € (A) 208,99 | sFr 253,00 7€ 189,99 | £171.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08427-5 9<HTODMJ=aiechf> 83 Engineering springer.com/NEWSonline H. A. Abbass, University of New South Wales Australia, Canberra, ACT, Australia A. Adamatzky, University of the West of England, Bristol, UK (Ed) J. Crowder, Raytheon, Denver, CO, USA; S. Friess, Englewood, CO, USA Computational Red Teaming Automata, Universality, Computation Agile Project Management: Managing for Success Tribute to Maurice Margenstern Management and enables them to deal with the demands and complexities of modern, agile systems/software/hardware development teams. The book examines the project/program manager beyond the concepts of leadership and aims to connect to employees’ sense of identity. The text examines human psychological concepts such as “locus of control,” which will help the manager understand their team members’ view and how best to manage their “world” contributions. The authors cover new management tools and philosophies for agile systems/software/hardware development teams, with a specific focus on how this relates to engineering and computer science. This book also includes practical case studies. Risk Analytics of Big-Data-to-Decisions Intelligent Systems This book introduces readers to the concepts and methods of Computational Red Teaming (CRT). The author describes the development of an auxiliary artificial brain in-Silico he refers to as the Shadow Thinking Machine, which shadows the operations of an actual system to support decision makers in complex, “big-data” situations in real-time. This is the first treatment of the topic that combines in a unique way how RT can be adopted to any organization, while also presenting advanced computational intelligence and data mining algorithms, models and software architectures to support a Computational Red Teaming environment. The first part of this book introduces readers to the concept of red teaming, how to form a red team, and what makes a red teaming exercise successful. Features 7 Presents first comprehensive treatment of Computational Red Teaming 7 Provides balanced coverage of the topic from the perspectives of risk thinking and computational modeling 7 Includes thorough coverage of the computational approach to the problem 7 Links system thinking with the right set of computational tools to assess risk in complex, "big-data" situations Contents Introducing Red Teaming.- RT for Messy Spaces.Scenarios.- Computational Red Teaming.- Computational Ingredients of CRT.- The Observe-Project-Counteract Agent Architecture.- Case Studies. Fields of interest Computational Intelligence; Communications Engineering, Networks; Data Storage Representation This book is an intellectually stimulating excursion into mathematical machines and structures capable for a universal computation. Features 7 Provides accessible and lively excursions into mathematical machines geared for universal computation 7 Advances broadly interesting topics of universal computation, automata, and theoretical computer science 7 Comprised of unique chapters written by world top experts in theory of mathematical machines and computation 7 Lavishly illustrated with visually attractive examples of mathematical machines, which will appeal not only to scientists but also to artists and general public Contents The common structure of the curves having a same Gauss word.- Logical theory of the additive monoid of subsets of natural integers.- Some reflections on mathematics and its relation to computer Science.- Sampling a Two-way Finite Automaton.- Constructing reversible Turing machines by reversible logic element with memory.The Grossone methodology perspective on Turing machines.- On Parallel Array P Systems.- Computational models based on splicing.- Linear Cellular Automata and Decidability.- Algorithms with Active Cells Modeled by Cellular Automata with Write-Access (CA-w).- Broadcasting automata and patterns on Z2.- Real-Time Prime Generators Implemented on Small-State Cellular Automata.Phyllosilicate Automata. Fields of interest Complexity; Complex Networks; Target groups Research Target groups Research Product category Monograph Product category Monograph Features 7 Discusses management skills needed as they relate to the advances in software development practices 7 Examines how to manage an agile development team that includes teams across geographically, ethnically, and culturally diverse backgrounds 7 Embraces all of the aspects of modern management and leadership Contents Introduction: The Agile Manager.- The Psychology of Agile Team Leadership.- Understanding The Agile Team.- Productivity Tools for the Modern Team.- Measuring Success in an Agile World: Agile EVMS.- Conclusion: Modern Design Methodologies: Information and Knowledge Management Fields of interest Job Careers in Science and Engineering; Innovation/Technology Management; Software Engineering Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Professional book Due August 2014 Due December 2014 2015. 200 p. 100 illus. Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 127,50 7 approx.€ 99,99 | £86.50 ISBN 978-3-319-08280-6 9<HTODMJ=aiciag> 84 2015. XII, 420 p. (Emergence, Complexity and Computation, Volume 12) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 139,09 | € (A) 142,99 | sFr 173,50 7€ 129,99 | £117.00 ISBN 978-3-319-09038-2 9<HTODMJ=ajadic> Due August 2014 2015. X, 110 p. 28 illus., 11 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 96,29 | € (A) 98,99 | sFr 120,00 7€ 89,99 | £81.00 ISBN 978-3-319-09017-7 9<HTODMJ=ajabh > News 8/2014 Atomic Energy Society of Japan, Atomic Energy Society of Japan, Tokyo, Japan (Ed) The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident Engineering A. G. Bagdoev, National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia; V. I. Erofeyev, Russian Academy of Scienses, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia; A. V. Shekoyan, National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia Final Report of the AESJ Investigation Committee Wave Dynamics of Generalized Continua The Magnitude 9 Great East Japan Earthquake on March 11, 2011, followed by a massive tsunami struck TEPCO’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station and triggered an unprecedented core melt/severe accident in Units 1 – 3. The radioactivity release led to the evacuation of local residents, many of whom still have not been able to return to their homes. This monograph is devoted to problems of propagation and stability of linear and nonlinear waves in continuous media with complex structure. It considers the different media, such as solid with cavities, preliminary deformed disperse medium, solid with porosity filled by the electrically conductive and non-conductive liquid, magnetoelastic, piezo-semiconductors, crystals with dislocations, composites with inclusions, an electrically conductive asymmetrical liquid, a mixture of gas with a drop liquid. The book also considers the propagation of a laser beam through a two-level medium. Features 7 Provides an accurate conditions of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant disaster 7 Discusses the radiation contamination of the surrounding environment of the reactor units for the first time 7 Written by leading researchers in the fields of nuclear energy Contents INTRODUCTION.- OVERVIEW OF NUCLEAR POWER STATION.- OVERVIEW OF THE ACCIDENT AT THE FUKUSHIMA DAIICHI NUCLEAR POWER STATION.- Overview of Events Occurring at Power Stations Other than the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station.- OFFSITE RESPONSE.- ACCIDENT ANALYSIS AND ISSUES.- ANALYSIS and Issues on Nuclear Safety System.- ROOT CAUSES OF the ACCIDENT AND ReCOMMENDATIONS.- POST-ACCIDENT MANAGEMENT IN PROGRESS. Fields of interest Nuclear Engineering; Waste Water Technology / Water Pollution Control / Water Management / Aquatic Pollution; Quality Control, Reliability, Safety and Risk Features 7 Covers many material classes and media for wave propagation 7 Discusses the wave propagation and stability in continuous media with complex structure 7 Presents new methods of evolution and modulation equations Contents From the Contents: Waves in a viscous solid with cavities.- Waves in viscous, dispersive, nonlinear, preliminary deformable layer with a free surface.Waves in solids with porosity filled by an electrically non-conducting liquid (Biot medium).Waves in a solid with porosity filled by electrically conducting liquid located in a constant electric field.- Piezoelastic waves. Fields of interest Continuum Mechanics and Mechanics of Materials; Acoustics; Characterization and Evaluation of Materials Target groups Research Target groups Research Product category Monograph Product category Monograph B. Bandyopadhyay, S. Kamal, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India Stabilization and Control of Fractional Order Systems: A Sliding Mode Approach In the last two decades fractional differential equations have been used more frequently in physics, signal processing, fluid mechanics, viscoelasticity, mathematical biology, electro chemistry and many others. It opens a new and more realistic way to capture memory dependent phenomena and irregularities inside the systems by using more sophisticated mathematical analysis. Features 7 Presents original and up-to-date work on stabilization and control design for continuous and discrete fractional order systems 7 Includes a tutorial covering all basic concept of fractional order system and a brief overview of sliding mode control of fractional order system 7 Shows how to solve fractional order differential equations with discontinuities Contents Essence of Fractional Order Calculus, Physical Interpretation and Applications.- Solution, Stability and Realization of Fractional Order Differential Equation.- Sliding Mode Control of Fractional Order Systems.- Finite Time Stabilization of Fractional Order Systems.- A Soft Variable Structure Control of Fractional Order Systems.Robust Cooperative Control of Fractional-Order Multiple Agents.- Discrete Sliding Mode Control of Fractional Order systems.- Disturbance Observer based Robust Control for Fractional Order Systems.- Contraction Analysis by Integer Order and Fractional Order Infinitesimal Variations. Fields of interest Control; Computational Intelligence; Target groups Research Product category Monograph Due November 2014 Original Japanese edition published by Maruzen, Tokyo, 2014 2014. 500 p. 82 illus., 61 in color. Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 181,89 | € (A) 186,99 | sFr 226,50 7 approx.€ 169,99 | £153.00 ISBN 978-4-431-55159-1 9<HTPEOB=f bfjb> Due December 2014 Due August 2014 2014. 400 p. (Advanced Structured Materials, Volume 24) Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 139,05 | € (A) 142,94 | sFr 186,50 7 approx.€ 129,95 | £117.00 ISBN 978-3-642-37266-7 2015. XXXI, 200 p. 46 illus., 40 in color. (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Volume 317) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08620-0 9<HTOGPC=dhcg h> 9<HTODMJ=aigca > 85 Engineering springer.com/NEWSonline A. Benedetto, L. Pajewski, University Roma Tre, Rome, Italy (Eds) Civil Engineering Applications of Ground Penetrating Radar This book, based on Transport and Urban Development COST Action TU1208, presents the most advanced applications of ground penetrating radar (GPR) in a civil engineering context, with documentation of instrumentation, methods and results. It explains clearly how GPR can be employed for the surveying of critical transport infrastructure, such as roads, pavements, bridges and tunnels, and for the sensing and mapping of underground utilities and voids. Detailed attention is also devoted to use of GPR in the inspection of geological structures and of construction materials and structures, including reinforced concrete, steel reinforcing bars and pre/post-tensioned stressing ducts. Advanced methods for solution of electromagnetic scattering problems and new data processing techniques are also presented. Features 7 Describes the most up-to-date applications of ground penetrating radar in civil engineering 7 Enables the reader to gain knowledge quickly and to apply it to specific sectors 7 Identifies the limits and points of weakness of the technology Contents From the Contents: An Introduction to Ground Penetrating Radar.- GPR Equipment for the Monitoring of Critical Transport Infrastructures and Buildings.- Testing, Calibration, Stability Procedures and Protocols for GPR Equipment.Antennas for GPR Systems. Fields of interest Geoengineering, Foundations, Hydraulics; Microwaves, RF and Optical Engineering; Geotechnical Engineering & Applied Earth Sciences Target groups Research Product category Monograph Due December 2014 2015. 500 p. 100 illus. Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 139,09 | € (A) 142,99 | sFr 173,50 7 approx.€ 129,99 | £117.00 ISBN 978-3-319-04812-3 9<HTODMJ=aeibcd> 86 O. Bjontegaard, The Norwegian Public Roads Administration, Trondheim, Norway; T. A. MartiusHammer, SINTEF Building and Infrastructure, Trondheim, Norway; M. Krauss, Federal Office of Radiation Protection, Salzgitter, Germany; H. Budelmann, IBMB, Braunschweig, Germany RILEM Technical Committee 195-DTD Recommendation for Test Methods for AD and TD of Early Age Concrete Round Robin Documentation Report: Program, Test Results and Statistical Evaluation Contents 1.Introduction and background.- 2. RR-participants.- 3. Brief description of the Dilation Rigs.- 4, Round-Robin tests, plan and execution.- 4.1 Materials.- 4.2 Mortar tests.- 4.3 Cement paste tests.- 5 Mortar test results.- 5.1 Fresh properties and 28-days strength.- 5.2 Supporting test results.- 5.3 Dilation Rig results, autogenous deformation.- 6 Statistical evaluation of the Dilation Rig results.6.1 Prerequisites, Objectives and procedure.- 6.2 A concept for the estimation of candidates of outliers from unbiased samples.- 6.3 Analysis of the data - Calculation of outliers.- 6.4 Statistical attributes of AD and AS.- 6.5 Summary and conclusions.- 7 Cement paste test results.- 7.1 Supporting test results.- 7.2 Dilation Rig test results.- 8 Summary and conclusions.- 9 References.- APPENDIX 1 Cement analyses.- APPENDIX 2 Sand grading curve.- APPENDIX 3 Data sheet, superplasticizer.- APPENDIX 4 Description of equipment, made by the participants. Fields of interest Building Materials; Structural Materials; Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Target groups Research Product category Monograph C. Briat, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology-Zurich, Basel, Switzerland Linear Parameter-Varying and Time-Delay Systems Analysis, Observation, Filtering & Control This book provides an introduction to the analysis and control of Linear Parameter-Varying Systems and Time-Delay Systems and their interactions. The purpose is to give the readers some fundamental theoretical background on these topics and to give more insights on the possible applications of these theories. This self-contained monograph is written in an accessible way for readers ranging from undergraduate/PhD students to engineers and researchers willing to know more about the fields of time-delay systems, parameter-varying systems, robust analysis, robust control, gainscheduling techniques in the LPV fashion and LMI based approaches. The only prerequisites are basic knowledge in linear algebra, ordinary differential equations and (linear) dynamical systems. Most of the results are proved unless the proof is too complex or not necessary for a good understanding of the results. In the latter cases, suitable references are systematically provided. Features 7 Recent research on Control and Observation of Linear Parameter Varying Time-delay Systems 7 Presents analysis and design methods accompanied with illustrative examples 7 Self contained book on Linear Parameter Varying Time-Delay Systems Contents Linear parameter-varying systems.- Time-Delay Systems.- Linear parameter-varying time-delay systems. Fields of interest Control; Target groups Research Product category Monograph Due September 2014 Due August 2014 2015. VII, 84 p. 88 illus. (RILEM State-of-the-Art Reports, Volume 16) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-94-017-9265-3 2015. XXV, 396 p. 72 illus. (Advances in Delays and Dynamics, Volume 3) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 139,09 | € (A) 142,99 | sFr 173,50 7€ 129,99 | £117.00 ISBN 978-3-662-44049-0 9<HTUELB=hjcgfd> 9<HTOGRC=e aeja> News 8/2014 Engineering E. Bruner, National Research Center on Human Evolution, Burgos, Spain (Ed) G. Cancellieri, Polytechnic University of Marche, Ancona, Italy Human Paleoneurology Polynomial Theory of ErrorCorrecting Codes The book presents an integrative review of paleoneurology, the study of endocranial morphology in fossil species. The main focus is on showing how computed methods can be used to support advances in evolutionary neuroanatomy, paleoanthropology and archaeology and how they have contributed to creating a completely new perspective in cognitive neuroscience. Moreover, thanks to its multidisciplinary approach, the book addresses students and researchers approaching human paleoneurology from different angles and for different purposes, such as biologists, physicians, anthropologists, archaeologists and computer scientists. The individual chapters, written by international experts, represent authoritative reviews of the most important topics in the field. The book offers an original view on channel coding, based on a unitary approach to block and convolutional codes for error correction. It presents both new concepts and new families of codes. Features 7 Enables the reader gradually to gain a clear understanding of the theory with the aid of more than 100 examples 7 Allows rapid location of information by means of a list of more than 150 indexed definitions 7 Offers technicians a new perspective through a unitary approach to block and convolutional codes B. Candaele, Thales Communications, Colombes, France; D. Soudris, I. Anagnostopoulos, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece (Eds) Trusted Computing for Embedded Systems This book describes the state-of-the-art in trusted computing for embedded systems. It shows how a variety of security and trusted computing problems are addressed currently and what solutions are expected to emerge in the coming years. The discussion focuses on attacks aimed at hardware and software for embedded systems, and the authors describe specific solutions to create security features. Case studies are used to present new techniques designed as industrial security solutions. Coverage includes development of tamper resistant hardware and firmware mechanisms for lightweight embedded devices, as well as those serving as security anchors for embedded platforms required by applications such as smart power grids, smart networked and home appliances, environmental and infrastructure sensor networks, etc. Contents Generator matrix approach to linear block codes.Wide-sense time-invariant block codes in their generator matrix.- Generator matrix approach to s.s. time-invariant convolutional codes.- Widesense time-invariant convolutional codes in their generator matrix.- Parity check matrix approach to linear block codes.- Wide-sense time-invariant block codes in their parity check matrix.- Strictsense time-invariant convolutional codes in their parity check matrix.- Wide-sense time-invariant convolutional codes in their parity check matrix.Turbo codes.- Low density parity check codes.Binomial product generator LDPC block codes.LDPC convolutional codes.- Appendix A. Matrix algebra in a binary finite field.- Appendix B. Polynomial representation of binary sequences.Appendix C. Electronic circuits for multiplication or division in polynomial representation of binary sequences.- Appendix D. Survey on the main performance of error correcting codes. Features 7 Enables readers to address a variety of security threats to embedded hardware and software 7 Describes design of secure wireless sensor networks, to address secure authentication of trusted portable devices for embedded systems 7 Presents secure solutions for the design of smart-grid applications and their deployment in large-scale networked and systems Target groups Research Fields of interest Signal,Image and Speech Processing; Field Theory and Polynomials; Arithmetic and Logic Structures Product category Monograph Product category Monograph Target groups Research Features 7 A comprehensive book dedicated to Human Paleoneurology 7 Describes computer-based methods and concepts recently introduced in the field 7 Presents a multidisciplinary approach to paleoneurology 7 Edited and written by international experts in the fields of neuroscience and anthropology Contents Introduction.- Neuroscience and human brain evolution.- Computed tools for paleoneurology.- Functional craniology and brain evolution.- Human brain evolution: ontogeny and phylogeny.- Paleoneurology and Behaviour.- Neuroarchaeology.- Cognitive archaeology and the cognitive sciences. Fields of interest Computational Intelligence; Neurosciences; Anthropology Fields of interest Circuits and Systems; Processor Architectures; Electronics and Microelectronics, Instrumentation Target groups Research Product category Monograph Due August 2014 Due November 2014 2015. IX, 250 p. 79 illus., 50 in color. (Springer Series in Bio-/Neuroinformatics, Volume 3) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 139,09 | € (A) 142,99 | sFr 173,50 7€ 129,99 | £117.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08499-2 2014. Approx. 600 p. 150 illus. (Signals and Communication Technology) Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 139,09 | € (A) 142,99 | sFr 173,50 7 approx.€ 129,99 | £117.00 ISBN 978-3-319-01726-6 9<HTODMJ=aiej c> 9<HTODMJ=abhcg > Due November 2014 2014. 300 p. 150 illus. Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 127,50 7 approx.€ 99,99 | £86.50 ISBN 978-3-319-09419-9 9<HTODMJ=ajebj > 87 Engineering springer.com/NEWSonline D. Capecchi, Università di Roma “La Sapienza”, Rome, Italy; G. Ruta, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy J. Castillo-León, Sol Voltaics AB, Lund, Sweden; W. E. Svendsen, Technical University of Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark (Eds) Strength of Materials and Theory of Elasticity in 19th Century Italy Lab-on-a-Chip Devices and Micro-Total Analysis Systems A Brief Account of the History of Mechanics of Solids and Structures Features 7 Provides readers with a unique approach and toolset for lab-on-a-chip development in terms of materials, fabrication techniques, and components 7 Discusses novel materials and techniques, such as paper-based devices and synthesis of chemical compounds on-chip 7 Covers the four key aspects of development: basic theory, design, fabrication, and testing 7 Provides readers with a comprehensive list of the most important journals, blogs, forums, and conferences where microfluidics and lab-on-a-chip news, methods, techniques and challenges are presented and discussed, as well as a list of companies providing design and simulation support, components, and/or developing lab-on-a-chip and microfluidic devices A Practical Guide This book examines the theoretical foundations underpinning the field of strength of materials/ theory of elasticity, beginning from the origins of the modern theory of elasticity. While the focus is on the advances made within Italy during the nineteenth century, these achievements are framed within the overall European context. The vital contributions of Italian mathematicians, mathematical physicists and engineers in respect of the theory of elasticity, continuum mechanics, structural mechanics, the principle of least work and graphical methods in engineering are carefully explained and discussed. The book represents a work of historical research that primarily comprises original contributions and summaries of work published in journals. It is directed at those graduates in engineering, but also in architecture, who wish to achieve a more global and critical view of the discipline and will also be invaluable for all scholars of the history of mechanics. Features 7 Provides the first systematic approach to the history of strength of materials and theory of elasticity in Italy 7 Includes numerous quotations in the original language, accompanied by English translations 7 Offers original and in-depth reflections on the methodologies of the past Fields of interest Continuum Mechanics and Mechanics of Materials; Mechanics; History of Mathematical Sciences Target groups Research Product category Monograph Contents Microfluidics and lab-on-a-chip devices: history and challenges.- Basic microfluidics theory.- Design and simulation of lab-on-a-chip devices.- A considered approach to Lab-on-a-chip fabrication.- Fluidic platforms and components of Lab-on-chip devices.- Fluidic platforms and components of Lab-on-Chip devices.- Microfluidic electrochemical biosensors: fabrication and applications.- Applications of paper-based diagnostics.- Microfluidics in planar microchannels: Synthesis of chemical compounds on-chip. Fields of interest Nanotechnology and Microengineering; Engineering Design; Control, Robotics, Mechatronics Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Monograph M. E. Celebi, Louisiana State University Shreveport, Shreveport, LA, USA (Ed) Partitional Clustering Algorithms This book focuses on partitional clustering algorithms, which are commonly used in engineering and computer scientific applications. The goal of this volume is to summarize the state-of-the-art in partitional clustering. Features 7 Examines clustering as it applies to large and/ or high-dimensional data sets commonly encountered in real-world applications 7 Discusses algorithms specifically designed for partitional clustering 7 Covers center-based, competitive learning, density-based, fuzzy, graph-based, grid-based, metaheuristic, and model-based approaches Contents Recent developments in model-based clustering with applications.- Accelerating Lloyd’s algorithm for k-means clustering.- Linear, Deterministic, and Order-Invariant Initialization Methods for the K-Means Clustering Algorithm.- Nonsmooth optimization based algorithms in cluster analysis.Fuzzy Clustering Algorithms and Validity Indices for Distributed Data.- Density Based Clustering: Alternatives to DBSCAN.- Nonnegative matrix factorization for interactive topic modeling and document clustering.- Overview of overlapping partitional clustering methods.- On Semi-Supervised Clustering.- Consensus of Clusterings based on High-order Dissimilarities.- Hubness-Based Clustering of High-Dimensional Data.- Clustering for Monitoring Distributed Data Streams. Fields of interest Communications Engineering, Networks; Information Systems and Communication Service; Signal,Image and Speech Processing Target groups Research Product category Monograph Due December 2014 2015. 450 p. 150 illus. (Advanced Structured Materials, Volume 52) Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7 approx.€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-05523-7 9<HTODMJ=af cdh> 88 Due September 2014 Due August 2014 2015. XVI, 354 p. 93 illus., 62 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 139,09 | € (A) 142,99 | sFr 173,50 7€ 129,99 | £117.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08686-6 2015. XII, 404 p. 78 illus., 45 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 139,09 | € (A) 142,99 | sFr 173,50 7€ 129,99 | £117.00 ISBN 978-3-319-09258-4 9<HTODMJ=aigig > 9<HTODMJ=ajcfie> News 8/2014 M. Celi, Polytechnic University of Milan, Milano, Italy (Ed) Advanced Design Cultures Long-Term Perspective and Continuous Innovation This book describes new thinking and practice in Advanced Design (ADD) – design that is not merely highly developed but anticipates the future by envisioning novel products and processes. The focus is especially on the front end of innovation and the search for solutions in complex pioneering processes using design-related tools and practices. The book opens by describing these tools, the approaches that characterize ADD and its historical dimension. Specific fields in which ADD has flourished are then examined, exploring the dynamics between research and design. Features 7 First specific publication on Advance Design practice 7 Discusses both the theoretical framework (context, history, tools, education) and applications 7 Describes 12 illuminating case histories from five different fields Contents Advance Design Points of View.- Preliminary Studies on Advance Design.- Maps and Tools for Advance Design.- Understanding the Past while Planning the Future: Times and Ambitions Underlying Advance Design.- The Role of Humanistic Disciplines in a Pedagogy of Advance Design.Reading Advance Design Practices.- Advanced Transportation Design.- Advance Design for Product.- Advance Design in Lighting.- Advanced Design in the Reconfiguration of Relationships between Companies.- Advance Design: a Renewed Relationship between Design and Science for the Future. Fields of interest Engineering Design; Innovation/Technology Management; Industrial Design Target groups Research Engineering R. Chaki, University of Calcutta, Kolkata, India; K. Saeed, AGH University of Science and Technology, Cracow, Poland; S. Choudhury, N. Chaki, University of Calcutta, Kolkata, India (Eds) R. Chaki, University of Calcutta, Kolkata, India; K. Saeed, AGH University of Science and Technology, Cracow, Poland; S. Choudhury, N. Chaki, University of Calcutta, Kolkata, India (Eds) Applied Computation and Security Systems Applied Computation and Security Systems Volume One Volume Two Contents Pattern Recognition: An Algorithm for Human Lip Feature Extraction.- Feature Selection using Particle Swarm Optimization for Thermal Face Recognition.- Algorithm for Retina Recognition.- An Algorithm for Human Iris Recognition.- Imaging and Healthcare Applications: An Automatic Non-invasive System for Diagnosis of Tuberculosis.- Automated Vertebra Segmentation from CT Images for Computation of Lumbolumbar Angle.- An Approach for Micro Tomography Obtained Medical Image Segmentation.- Flexible Cloud Architecture for Healthcare Applications.Wireless Sensor Networking: An Overlay Cognitive Radio Model Exploiting the Polarization Diversity and Relay Cooperation.- Effect of Source Selection, Deployment Pattern and Forwarding Technique on Lifetime of Data Aggregating MultiSink Wireless Sensor Network.- Power Optimized Real Time Communication through the Mobile Sink in WSNs.- Performance of Incremental Redundancy based Data Transmission in Randomly Deployed Wireless Sensor Network.- Trust based Routing for Vehicular Ad hoc Network.- Study on Handover Mechanism in Cellular Network: An Experimental Approach. Contents Software Engineering: Non-functional Property Aware Brokerage Approach for Cloud Service Discovery.- A DWT based Digital Watermarking Scheme for Image Tamper Detection, Localization and Restoration.- Service Insurance: A New Approach in Cloud Brokerage.- Using Semiformal and Formal Methods in Software Design: An Integrated Approach for Intelligent Learning Management System.- A Lightweight Implementation of Obstruction Free Software Transactional Memory.- Cryptography: Multiplicative Polynomial Inverse over GF(7^3): Crisis of EEA and Its Solution.- A Novel Biometric Template Encryption Scheme using Sudoku Puzzle.- Computer Aided Design: An ESOP based Reversible Circuit Synthesis Flow using Simulated Annealing.- An Efficient Algorithm for Reducing Wire Length in Three-Layer Channel Routing.- A New Move towards Parallel Assay Operations in a Restricted Sized Chip in Digital Microfluidics.- A 2D Guard Zone Computation Algorithm for Reassignment of Subcircuits to Minimize the Overall Chip Area. Fields of interest Signal,Image and Speech Processing; Computational Intelligence; Communications Engineering, Networks Target groups Research Fields of interest Signal,Image and Speech Processing; Computational Intelligence; Communications Engineering, Networks Target groups Research Product category Monograph Product category Monograph Product category Monograph Due October 2014 2014. X, 140 p. Softcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7 approx.€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08601-9 9<HTODMJ=aigabj> Due August 2014 Due August 2014 2015. IX, 198 p. 155 illus. (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Volume 304) Softcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-81-322-1984-2 2015. IX, 206 p. 93 illus. (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Volume 305) Softcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-81-322-1987-3 9<HT BOC=cbjiec> 9<HT BOC=cbjihd> 89 Engineering springer.com/NEWSonline C. C. Cheah, X. Li, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Singapore W. Chen, University of California--Irvine, Santa Clara, CA, USA Task-Space Sensory Feedback Control of Robot Manipulator Out-of-order Parallel Discrete Event Simulation for Electronic System-level Design The aim of this book is to present recent advances in robot control theory on task space sensory feedback control of robot manipulator. By using sensory feedback information, the robot control systems are robust to various uncertainties in modelling and calibration errors of the sensors. Several sensory task space control methods that do not require exact knowledge of either kinematics or dynamics of robots, are presented. Some useful methods such as approximate Jacobian control, adaptive Jacobian control, region control and multiple task space regional feedback are presented. These formulations and methods give robot a high degree of flexibility in dealing with unforeseen changes and uncertainties in its kinematics and dynamics, which is similar to human reaching movements and tool manipulation. Features 7 Summarizes the latest studies in task-space control of robotic manipulator 7 Introduces many new concepts for robot task-space control 7 Covers different adaptive robot task-space controllers with various uncertainties 7 Includes many examples which make the proposed methods and techniques more understandable and accessible Contents Introduction.- Task-Space Setpoint Control.- Unified Analysis and Duality Property of Task-space Setpoint Control.- Task-Space Tracking Control.Advanced Motion Control.- Region Control.- Regional Feedback Control of Robot. Fields of interest Control; Systems Theory, Control; Vibration, Dynamical Systems, Control Target groups Research Product category Monograph 9<HTUIMC=ihagbc> 90 Stabilization and Regulation of Nonlinear Systems This book offers readers a set of new approaches and tools a set of tools and techniques for facing challenges in parallelization with design of embedded systems. It provides an advanced parallel simulation infrastructure for efficient and effective system-level model validation and development so as to build better products in less time. Features 7 Provides an introduction to electronic systemlevel (ESL) design, along with background on simulation execution semantics for ESL models 7 Discusses discrete event simulation, along with synchronous and out-of-order parallel discrete simulation approaches, including the underlying data structure, the scheduling algorithm, and the predictive static code analysis technique 7 Includes guidelines for choosing among different simulation and diagnosis approaches for models with different features 7 Presents the model analysis approaches to increase the observability for parallel ESL model development Contents Introduction.- The ConcurrenC Model of Computation.- Synchronous Parallel Discrete Event Simulation.- Out-of-order Parallel Discrete Event Simulation.- Optimized Out-of-order Parallel Discrete Event Simulation.- Comparison and Outlook.- Utilizing the Parallel Simulation Infrastructure.- Conclusions. Fields of interest Circuits and Systems; Processor Architectures; Electronic Circuits and Devices Target groups Research Product category Monograph A Robust and Adaptive Approach The core of this textbook is a systematic and self-contained treatment of the nonlinear stabilization and output regulation problems. Its coverage embraces both fundamental concepts and advanced research outcomes and includes many numerical and practical examples. Several classes of important uncertain nonlinear systems are discussed. The state-of-the art solution presented uses robust and adaptive control design ideas in an integrated approach which demonstrates connections between global stabilization and global output regulation allowing both to be treated as stabilization problems. Features 7 Integrated approach to teaching state-of-the-art methods for dealing with central problems of nonlinear control 7 Every design method illustrated in detail not only by worked examples, but also by real systems 7 Many exercises are provided to facilitate study and learning 7 Solutions available for download save the instructor time Contents Introduction.- Fundamentals of Nonlinear Systems.- Classification of Nonlinear Control Systems.- Robust Stabilization.- Adaptive Stabilization.- Universal Adaptive Stabilization.- Robust Output Regulation: A Framework.- Global Robust Output Regulation.- Output Regulation with Uncertain Exosystems.- Attitude Control of a Rigid Spacecraft.- Appendix. Fields of interest Control; Systems Theory, Control Target groups Graduate Product category Graduate/Advanced undergraduate textbook Due August 2014 Due February 2015 2014. 300 p. 100 illus. (Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering, Volume 73) Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7 approx.€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-981-287-061-2 Z. Chen, University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW, Australia; J. Huang, Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, Shatin, China Due August 2014 2015. XIX, 145 p. 51 illus., 41 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08752-8 9<HTODMJ=aihfci> 2015. XIX, 356 p. 84 illus., 4 in color. With online files/ update. (Advanced Textbooks in Control and Signal Processing) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 80,24 | € (A) 82,49 | sFr 100,00 7€ 74,99 | £67.99 ISBN 978-3-319-08833-4 9<HTODMJ=ai d e> News 8/2014 H. Cheng, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China Pose-varied Multi-axis Optical Finishing Systems Theory and Process Validation This book focuses on advanced optical finishing techniques and design for high-performance manufacturing systems. It provides numerous detailed examples of how advanced automation techniques have been applied to optical fabrication processes. The simulations, removal rate and accurate experimental results offer useful resources for engineering practice. Researchers, engineers and graduate students working in optical engineering and precision manufacture engineering will benefit from this book. Features 7 The first book available on different posevaried multi-axis advanced optical finishing systems 7 Illustrates the modeling together with process validations 7 Includes detailed calculation and experiments for different kinds of processing parameters Contents Modeling on the coverage of free-form surfaces.Definition and synthesis on orbit diversity.- Conquering the dynamic limitation of velocity.- Prediction on dwell effects and non-linear pressure distribution.- Correction on data matching and remounting errors. Fields of interest Microwaves, RF and Optical Engineering; Manufacturing, Machines, Tools; Robotics and Automation Target groups Research Product category Professional book Engineering I. Couso, Universidad de Oviedo, Oviedo, Spain; D. Dubois, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse Cedex 09, France; L. Sánchez, Universidad de Oviedo, Oviedo, Spain Random Sets and Random Fuzzy Sets as Ill-Perceived Random Variables An Introduction for Ph.D. Students and Practitioners This short book provides a unified view of the history and theory of random sets and fuzzy random variables, with special emphasis on its use for representing higher-order non-statistical uncertainty about statistical experiments. The authors lay bare the existence of two streams of works using the same mathematical ground, but differing form their use of sets, according to whether they represent objects of interest naturally taking the form of sets, or imprecise knowledge about such objects. Random (fuzzy) sets can be used in many fields ranging from mathematical morphology, economics, artificial intelligence, information processing and statistics per se, especially in areas where the outcomes of random experiments cannot be observed with full precision. Features 7 Provides a concise introduction to Random Sets and Random Fuzzy Sets as Ill-Perceived Random Variables 7 Aiming at Ph.D. Students and Practitioners 7 State-of-Art book Contents Introduction.- Random sets as ill-perceived random variables.- Random fuzzy sets as ill-perceived random variables. Fields of interest Computational Intelligence; Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics); Statistics for Engineering, Physics, Computer Science, Chemistry and Earth Sciences J. P. Davim, University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal (Ed) Machining of Titanium Alloys This book presents a collection of examples illustrating the resent research advances in the machining of titanium alloys. These materials have excellent strength and fracture toughness as well as low density and good corrosion resistance; however, machinability is still poor due to their low thermal conductivity and high chemical reactivity with cutting tool materials. This book presents solutions to enhance machinability in titanium-based alloys and serves as a useful reference to professionals and researchers in aerospace, automotive and biomedical fields. Features 7 Presents advances on machinability of titanium alloys 7 Highlights solutions for enhancing the machinability of titanium alloys 7 Written by a team of international experts in the field Contents Machinability and Machining of Titanium Alloys: A Review.- Cutting Tool Materials and Tool Wear.Mechanics of Titanium Machining.- Analysis of Physical Cutting Mechanisms and Their Effects on the Tool Wear and Chip Formation Process when Machining Aeroneutical Titanium Alloys.- Green Machining of Ti-6Al-4V under Minimum Quality Lubrication (MQL) Condition.- Ultrasonic Assisted Machining of Titanium. Fields of interest Operating Procedures, Materials Treatment; Metallic Materials; Manufacturing, Machines, Tools Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Monograph Target groups Research Product category Brief Due July 2014 2014. 150 p. 100 illus., 50 in color. Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7 approx.€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-662-44181-7 2014. VIII, 97 p. 8 illus. (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology / SpringerBriefs in Computational Intelligence) Softcover 7 *€ (D) 53,49 | € (A) 54,99 | sFr 67,00 7€ 49,99 | £44.99 ISBN 978-3-319-08610-1 9<HTOGRC=e bibh> 9<HTODMJ=aigbab> Due October 2014 Due July 2014 2014. VII, 150 p. 102 illus., 21 in color. (Materials Forming, Machining and Tribology) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-662-43901-2 9<HTOGRC=edjabc> 91 Engineering springer.com/NEWSonline V. De Smedt, ESAT-MICAS, K.U. Leuven, Heverlee, Belgium; G. Gielen, W. Dehaene, University of Leuven, Heverlee, Belgium D. Demarchi, A. Tagliaferro, Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy (Eds) Carbon for Sensing Devices Temperature- and Supply Voltage-Independent Time References for Wireless Sensor Networks Features 7 To provide a comprehensive overview of timing issues and solutions in wireless sensor networks 7 To gain understanding of all underlying mechanisms by starting from the oscillator basics 7 To provide and demonstrate a design strategy by describing the development of 6 state of the art process-, temperature- and supply voltage- independent building blocks and discussing the design trade-offs 7 To demonstrate the reliability and functionality of the developed building blocks by integrating them in a complete, autonomous, flexible wireless tag 7 To be a reference work for beginners as well as more experienced oscillator and ultra-low-power circuit design engineers Contents Introduction.- Part I Theoretical background on Oscillators and Time References.- Oscillators and Time References.- Jitter and Phase Noise in Oscillators.- Long-term Oscillator Stability.- Part II Oscillator Designs for Temperature and Voltage Independence.- Design of two Wien Bridge Oscillators.- The Pulsed Oscillator Topology.- InjectionLocked Oscillators.- Oscillator-Based Sensor Interfaces.- Part III Wireless Sensor Nodes.- Design of a Low-power Wireless RFID tag.- Conclusion. Fields of interest Circuits and Systems; Communications Engineering, Networks; Electronic Circuits and Devices This book reveals why carbon is playing such an increasingly prominent role as a sensing material. The various steps that transform a raw material in a sensing device are thoroughly presented and critically discussed. The authors deal with all aspects of carbon-based sensors, starting from the various hybridization and allotropes of carbon, with specific focus on micro and nano sized carbons (e.g., carbon nanotubes, graphene) and their growth processes. The discussion then moves to the role of functionalization and the different routes to achieve it. Features 7 Provides comprehensive coverage of carbon for sensing devices, from molecular bonding and its modification by functionalization to device application 7 Discusses all forms of carbon for sensing devices, including carbon nanotubes and graphene and explains applications to numerous fields 7 Includes coverage of the most sophisticated and up to date fabrication methodologies Contents Section 1 Carbon Materials and their preparation.Introduction to Carbon materials.- Technologies of Carbon Materials. Syntheses and preparations.Section 2 Functionalization of carbon materials and surfaces.- Enhancing the surface sensitivity and selectivity: functionalization of carbon nanomaterials.- Section 3 Applications and devices.Hybrid and nano-composite carbon sensing platforms.- Carbon nanomaterials for electrochemical and electrochemiluminescent medical sensors.- Silicon Carbide Materials for Biomedical Applications.- PiezoResistance Strain and Pressure sensing using CNT+Polymers.- Diamond sensors. E. H. Dowell, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA A Modern Course in Aeroelasticity Fifth Revised and Enlarged Edition This book cover the basics of aeroelasticity or the dynamics of fluid-structure interaction. While the field began in response to the rapid development of aviation, it has now expanded into many branches of engineering and scientific disciplines and treat physical phenomena from aerospace engineering, bioengineering, civil engineering, and mechanical engineering in addition to drawing the attention of mathematicians and physicists. Features 7 Covers the Basics of Aeroelasticity or the Dynamics of Fluid-Structure Interaction 7 Written by experts in the field 7 This is the most comprehensive text available Contents Preface to the First Edition.- Preface to the Second Edition.- Preface to the Third Edition.- Preface to the Fourth Edition.- Preface to the Fifth Edition.Short Bibliography.- 1. Introduction.- 2. Static Aeroelasticity.- 3. Dynamic Aeroelasticity.- 4. Nonsteady Aerodynamics.- 5. Stall Flutter.- 6. Aeroelasticity in Civil Engineering.- 7. Aeroelastic Response of Rotorcraft.- 8. Aeroelasticity in Turbomachines.- 9. Modeling of Fluid-Structure Interaction.- 10. Experimental Aeroelasticity.11. Nonlinear Aeroelasticity.- 12. Aeroelastic Control.- 13. Modern Analysis for Complex and Nonlinear Unsteady Flows in Turbomachinery.14. Some Recent Advances in Nonlinear Aeroelasticity.- Appendix A: A Primer For Structural Response To Random Pressure Fluctuations.- Appendix B: Some Example Problems. Target groups Research Fields of interest Circuits and Systems; Electronic Circuits and Devices; Nanotechnology and Microengineering Fields of interest Aerospace Technology and Astronautics; Mathematical Modeling and Industrial Mathematics; Engineering Fluid Dynamics Product category Monograph Target groups Research Target groups Research Product category Monograph Product category Monograph Due September 2014 Due August 2014 2015. XXXV, 391 p. 195 illus., 68 in color. (Analog Circuits and Signal Processing, Volume 128) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 139,09 | € (A) 142,99 | sFr 173,50 7€ 129,99 | £117.00 ISBN 978-3-319-09002-3 9<HTODMJ=aja cd> 92 Due September 2014 2015. I, 306 p. 118 illus., 80 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 139,09 | € (A) 142,99 | sFr 173,50 7€ 129,99 | £117.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08647-7 9<HTODMJ=aigeh > 5th ed. 2015. XXVII, 806 p. 331 illus., 30 in color. (Solid Mechanics and Its Applications, Volume 217) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 213,99 | € (A) 219,99 | sFr 266,50 7€ 199,99 | £180.00 ISBN 978-3-319-09452-6 9<HTODMJ=ajefcg> News 8/2014 Engineering R. F. Gans, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, USA T. Grasser, Vienna University of Technology, Wien, Austria (Ed) V. Harik, Nanodesigns Consulting, Wilmington, DE, USA (Ed) Mechanical Systems Hot Carrier Degradation in Semiconductor Devices Trends in Nanoscale Mechanics A Unified Approach to Vibrations and Controls This essential textbook concerns analysis and control of engineering mechanisms, which includes almost any apparatus with moving parts used in daily life, from musical instruments to robots. Features 7 Presents a unified approach to vibrations and controls, including an excellent diagram that simultaneously discusses embedding classical vibrations (mechanical systems) in a discussion of models, inverse models and open and closed loop control 7 Makes a careful connection of the Lagrangian approach and state space 7 Introduces the reader to a formal approach to linearization, something that every engineering student should know, but which is not included in many programs or undergraduate textbooks 7 Emphasizes Includes simulations of nonlinear systems compared with the usual linear approximations 7 Features a concise discussion of DC motors, affording a more realistic approach to controls 7 Includes a final chapter address feedback linearization generally, and in the context of robots with purely revolute joints Contents Overview with Some Definitions and Mathematics.- One Degree of Freedom Systems.- More Than One Degree of Freedom Systems and the Euler-Lagrange Process.- Modal Analysis.- Vibration Measurement.- State Space, Equilibrium, Linearization, and Stability.- Classical Control.- The Basics of State Space Control.- Observers.- Tracking Control.- Introduction to Nonlinear Control. Contents Part I: Beyond Lucky Electrons.- From Atoms to Circuits: Theoretical and Empirical Modeling of Hot Carrier Degradation.- The Energy Driven Hot Carrier Model.- Hot-Carrier Degradation in Decananometer.- Physics-based Modeling of Hot-carrier Degradation.- The Spherical Harmonics Expansion Method for Assessing Hot Carrier Degradation.- Recovery from Hot Carrier Induced Degradation Through Temperature Treatment.Characterization of MOSFET Interface States Using the Charge Pumping Technique.- Part II: CMOS and Beyond.- Channel Hot Carriers in SiGe and Ge pMOSFETs.- Channel Hot Carrier Degradation and Self-Heating Effects in FinFETs.Characterization and Modeling of High-Voltage LDMOS Transistors.- Compact modelling of the Hot-carrier Degradation of Integrated HV MOSFETs.- Hot-Carrier Degradation in SiliconGermanium Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors. Fields of interest Circuits and Systems; Electronic Circuits and Devices; Electronics and Microelectronics, Instrumentation Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Professional book Mechanics of Carbon Nanotubes, Graphene, Nanocomposites and Molecular Dynamics Features 7 Includes a broad coverage of different areas of nanoscale mechanics in one volume 7 Reviews the cutting edge research in nanoscale mechanics and modeling methods 7 Has special editor's notes to help readers to use the material Contents Preface.- Foreword.- I Nanoscale Mechanics and Molecular Dynamics.- Editor’s Notes: New Trends in Nanoscale Mechanics of Carbon Nanotubes; V. M. Harik.- 1 Mechanics of Carbon Nanotubes: A review of basic models and new nanoscale effects; V. M. Harik.- 2 Molecular Modeling and Simulation of Physical Properties and Behavior of Low-dimensional Carbon Allotropes; W.-H. Chen and H.C. Cheng.- 3 Nanomechanics: Physics Between Engineering and Chemistry; B. Yakobson and T. Dumitrica.- II Modeling and Analysis of Graphene, Nanocomposites and Biomedical Problems.- Editor’s Notes: New Trends in Nanoscale Mechanics of Nanostructures, Graphene Sheets and Nanocomposites; V.M. Harik.- 4 Nanomechanics of Graphene Sheets: Registry Matrix Analysis and Interfacial Sliding; V.M. Harik.- 5 Molecular Mechanics of Polymer Nanocomposites: Enhancement of Macroscopic Properties; R.C. Picu.- 6 Carbon Nanotubes and Safety: Classification of Carbon Nanotubes, Size Effects and Potential Toxicity of the High-Aspect Ratio Nanotubes; V.M. Harik.- Editor’s Notes: Trends in Recent Publications on Nanoscale Mechanics; V.M. Harik.- Index. Fields of interest Vibration, Dynamical Systems, Control; Structural Mechanics; Control, Robotics, Mechatronics Fields of interest Continuum Mechanics and Mechanics of Materials; Mechanics; Characterization and Evaluation of Materials Target groups Upper undergraduate Target groups Research Product category Undergraduate textbook Product category Monograph Due August 2014 Due September 2014 Due September 2014 2015. XVI, 400 p. 291 illus., 237 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 74,89 | € (A) 76,99 | sFr 93,50 7€ 69,99 | £62.99 ISBN 978-3-319-08370-4 2015. VI, 516 p. 349 illus., 251 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08993-5 2015. XI, 241 p. 126 illus., 40 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-94-017-9262-2 9<HTODMJ=aidhae> 9<HTODMJ=aij df> 9<HTUELB=hjcgc > 93 Engineering springer.com/NEWSonline K. Helwani, Technical University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany G. R. Hintz, University of Southern California, Altadena, CA, USA Adaptive Identification of Acoustic Multichannel Systems Using Sparse Representations Orbital Mechanics and Astrodynamics This book treats the topic of extending the adaptive filtering theory in the context of massive multichannel systems by taking into account a priori knowledge of the underlying system or signal. The starting point is exploiting the sparseness in acoustic multichannel system in order to solve the non-uniqueness problem with an efficient algorithm for adaptive filtering that does not require any modification of the loudspeaker signals. The book discusses in detail the derivation of general sparse representations of acoustic MIMO systems in signal or system dependent transform domains. This textbook covers fundamental and advanced topics in orbital mechanics and astrodynamics to expose the student to the basic dynamics of space flight. The engineers and graduate students who read this class-tested text will be able to apply their knowledge to mission design and navigation of space missions. Through highlighting basic, analytic and computer-based methods for designing interplanetary and orbital trajectories, this text provides excellent insight into astronautical techniques and tools. This book is ideal for graduate students in Astronautical or Aerospace Engineering and related fields of study, researchers in space industrial and governmental research and development facilities, as well as researchers in astronautics. Human-Computer Systems Interaction: Backgrounds and Applications 3 Features 7 Illustrates all key concepts with examples 7 Includes exercises for each chapter 7 Explains concepts and engineering tools a student or experienced engineer can apply to mission design and navigation of space missions 7 Covers fundamental principles to expose the student to the basic dynamics of space flight Features 7 Latest research on Human – Computer Systems Interaction 7 Presents various examples of the Human- System Interaction problems and solution methods 7 Focuses on general human-system interaction problems; health monitoring and disabled people helping systems and various other information processing systems Contents Fundamentals of Astrodynamics.- Keplerian Motion.- Orbital Maneuvers.- Techniques of Astrodynamics.- Non-Keplerian Motion.- Spacecraft Rendezvous.- Navigation and Mission Design Techniques and Tools.- Further Study. Contents General Human-System Interaction Problems.Health Monitoring and Disabled People Helping Systems.- Various Information Processing Systems. Features 7 Offers adaptive filtering theory in the context of massive multichannel systems 7 Shows that sparse representations can be derived based on prior knowledge about the system or the signal 7 Includes an approach for highly correlated loudspeaker signals of multichannel reproduction systems Contents Introduction.- Fundamentals of Adaptive Filter Theory.- Spatio-Temporal Regularized Recursive Least Squares Algorithm.- Sparse Representation of Multichannel Acoustic Systems.- Unique System Identification from Projections.- Geometrical Constraints.- Acoustic Echo Suppression.- Conclusion. Fields of interest Signal,Image and Speech Processing; Input/Output and Data Communications; Communications Engineering, Networks Target groups Research Product category Monograph Techniques and Tools for Space Missions Fields of interest Aerospace Technology and Astronautics; Extraterrestrial Physics, Space Sciences; Mechanical Engineering Target groups Graduate Product category Graduate/Advanced undergraduate textbook Z. S. Hippe, University of Information Technology and Management, Rzeszów, Poland; J. L. Kulikowski, M. Nalecz Institute of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering, Warsaw, Poland; T. Mroczek, University of Information Technology and Management, Rzeszów, Poland; J. Wtorek, Gdańsk University of Technology, Gdańsk-Wrzeszcz, Poland (Eds) This book contains an interesting and state-of the art collection of papers on the recent progress in Human-Computer System Interaction (H-CSI). It contributes the profound description of the actual status of the H-CSI field and also provides a solid base for further development and research in the discussed area. The contents of the book are divided into the following parts: I. General human-system interaction problems; II. Health monitoring and disabled people helping systems and III. Various information processing systems. Fields of interest Computational Intelligence; Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics); User Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction Target groups Research Product category Monograph Due July 2014 Due August 2014 2015. XIV, 113 p. 39 illus., 10 in color. (T-Labs Series in Telecommunication Services) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08953-9 9<HTODMJ=aijfdj> 94 Due September 2014 2015. XVI, 410 p. 195 illus., 7 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 80,24 | € (A) 82,49 | sFr 100,00 7€ 74,99 | £67.99 ISBN 978-3-319-09443-4 9<HTODMJ=aje de> 2014. X, 373 p. 178 illus., 93 in color. (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Volume 300) Softcover 7 *€ (D) 139,09 | € (A) 142,99 | sFr 173,50 7€ 129,99 | £117.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08490-9 9<HTODMJ=aiejaj> News 8/2014 Engineering J. Hu, Harbin University of Science and Technology, Harbin, China; Z. Wang, Brunel University, Uxbridge, UK; H. Gao, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China E. Ippoliti, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy (Ed) Nonlinear Stochastic Systems with Network-Induced Phenomena How can we advance knowledge? Which methods do we need in order to make new discoveries? How can we rationally evaluate, reconstruct and offer discoveries as a means of improving the ‘method’ of discovery itself? And how can we use findings about scientific discovery to boost funding policies, thus fostering a deeper impact of scientific discovery itself? The respective chapters in this book provide readers with answers to these questions. They focus on a set of issues that are essential to the development of types of reasoning for advancing knowledge, such as models for both revolutionary findings and paradigm shifts; ways of rationally addressing scientific disagreement, e. Recursive Filtering and Sliding-Mode Design This monograph introduces methods for handling filtering and control problems in nonlinear stochastic systems arising from network-induced phenomena consequent on limited communication capacity. Features 7 Synthesizes existing with emerging concepts of sliding modes and recursive filtering to maximize the reader’s ability to deal with network-induce phenomena 7 Research problems in each chapter well motivated by simulation examples reflecting engineering practice 7 Captures the essence of Lyapunov-theory-based nonlinear stochastic control of discrete-time systems Contents Recursive Filtering with Missing Measurements and Quantized Effects.- Recursive Filtering with Fading Measurements, Sensor Delays, and Correlated.- Noises.- Probability-Guaranteed H∞ Finite Horizon Filtering with Sensor Saturations.H∞ Sliding Mode Observer Design for Nonlinear Time-Delay Systems.- Sliding Mode Control with Time-Varying Delays and Randomly Occurring Nonlinearities.- Sliding Mode Control with Randomly Occurring Uncertainties and Mixed Time-Delays. Fields of interest Control; Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes; Communications Engineering, Networks Heuristic Reasoning Features 7 Suggests new frameworks for scientific discovery 7 Presents both methods of discovery as well as procedures for obtaining and evaluating new knowledge 7 Offers a new perspective on logic and methodologies of discovery, and discusses how these can support advancement of knowledge 7 Edited and written by leading experts in the field Contents Reasoning at the frontier of knowledge: Introductory essay.- Why should the logic of discovery be revived? A reappraisal.- Are Heuristics Knowledge-Enhancing?Abduction, Models, and Fictions in Science.- Heuristic Appraisal at the Frontier of Research.- Why do Scientific Revolutions begin?.Withstanding Tensions: Scientific Disagreement and Epistemic Tolerance.- Heuristics as Methods: Validity, Reliability and Velocity.- Dynamic generation of hypotheses: Mandelbrot, Soros and Far-From-Equilibrium. Target groups Research Fields of interest Computational Intelligence; Philosophy of Science; Operation Research/Decision Theory Product category Monograph Target groups Research Product category Monograph T. Ivancevic, Tesla Science Evolution Institute, Adelaide, Australia; H. Greenberg, R. Greenberg, Diamond International Corporation, Adelaide, Australia Enhancing Performance and Reducing Stress in Sports: Technological Advances This book is designed to help athletes and individuals interested in high sports performance in their journey towards the perfection of human sports abilities and achievements. It has two main goals: accelerating the acquisition of motor skills and preparing and vigilantly reducing the recovery time after training and competition. The Diamond Sports Protocol (DSP) presents state-of-the-art techniques for current sport and health technologies, particularly neuromuscular electrical stimulation (Sports Wave), oxygen infusion (Oxy Sports), infrared (Sports Infrared Dome) and lactic acid cleaning (Turbo Sports). The book suggest DSP as an essential part of every future athlete’s training, competition and health maintenance. Features 7 Modern introduction to health and beauty of the future by utilizing nature, science and technology 7 Well-arranged basic knowledge on health and beauty and the mathematical and physiological foundations, as well as recent research 7 Presents the general dynamics of neural systems, the main feedback controllers and coordinators of human body Contents Introduction.- Neuro-Biomechanics of Human Movement.- Modern Technologies for Increasing Performance and Reducing Stress. Fields of interest Vibration, Dynamical Systems, Control; Mechatronics; Machinery and Machine Elements Target groups Research Product category Monograph Due August 2014 Due August 2014 2015. XV, 223 p. 79 illus., 77 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08710-8 9<HTODMJ=aihbai> 2015. V, 196 p. 11 illus., 1 in color. (Studies in Applied Philosophy, Epistemology and Rational Ethics, Volume 16) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-09158-7 9<HTODMJ=ajbfih> Due August 2014 2015. XV, 213 p. 180 illus., 20 in color. (Cognitive Systems Monographs, Volume 24) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 90,94 | € (A) 93,49 | sFr 113,50 7€ 84,99 | £76.50 ISBN 978-3-662-44095-7 9<HTOGRC=e ajfh> 95 Engineering J. Kacprzyk, Polish Academy of Sciences Systems Research Institute, Warsaw, Poland; W. Pedrycz, University of Alberta Dept. Electrical & Computer Engineering, Edmonton, AB, Canada (Eds) Springer Handbook of Computational Intelligence The Springer Handbook for Computational Intelligence is the first book covering the basics, the state-of-the-art and important applications of the dynamic and rapidly expanding discipline of computational intelligence. This comprehensive handbook makes readers familiar with a broad spectrum of approaches to solve various problems in science and technology. Possible approaches include, for example, those being inspired by biology, living organisms, and animate systems. Features 7 Comprehensive, up to date handbook, covering one of the hottest topics in research and application-oriented science and engineering 7 Includes a synergy of various approaches and new qualities to be gained by using hybrid approaches 7 A timely and up-to-date reference, edited by internationally renowned experts Contents Part A: Foundations ed. by Bernard De Baets, Radko Mesiar Part B: Fuzzy Logic ed. by Luis Magdalena, Enrique Herrera-Viedma, Shyi-M. Chen Part C: Rough Sets ed. by Roman Słowinski, Yiyu Yao Part D: Neural Networks ed. by Cesare Alippi, Marios Polycarpou Part E: Evolutionary Computation ed. by Frank Neumann, Carsten Witt, Peter Merz Part F: Swarm Intelligence ed. by Christian Blum, Roderich Gross Part G: Hybrid Systems ed. by Oscar Castillo, Patricia Melin Fields of interest Computational Intelligence; Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics) Target groups Research springer.com/NEWSonline A. Kashyap, BioAxis DNA Research Centre Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad, India; D. Bujamma, Biotech Consortium India Limited, New Delhi, India J. Klingelnberg, Zurich, Switzerland (Ed) Bioinformatics of Non Small Cell Lung Cancer and the Ras Proto-Oncogene Fundamentals and Applications Cancer is initiated by activation of oncogenes or inactivation of tumor suppressor genes. Mutations in the K-ras proto-oncogene are responsible for 10–30% of adenocarcinomas. Clinical Findings point to a wide variety of other cancers contributing to lung cancer incidence. Such a scenario makes identification of lung cancer difficult and thus identifying its mechanisms can contribute to the society. Identifying unique conserved patterns common to contributing proto-oncogenes may further be a boon to Pharmacogenomics and pharmacoinformatics. This calls for ab initio/ de novo drug discovery that in turn will require a comprehensive in silico approach of Sequence, Domain, Phylogenetic and Structural analysis of the receptors, ligand screening and optimization and detailed Docking studies. This brief involves extensive role of the RAS subfamily that includes a set of proteins, which cause an over expression of cancer-causing genes like M-ras and initiate tumour formation in lungs. SNP Studies and Structure based drug discovery will also be undertaken. Contents Introduction.- Review of Literature.- Materials and Methods (Tools and Databases).- Flowchart.Conclusion.-References. Fields of interest Computational Intelligence; Computational Biology/Bioinformatics; Cancer Research Target groups Research Product category Brief Product category Handbook Bevel Gear This is the first book to offer a complete presentation of bevel gears. An expert team of authors highlights the areas of application for these machine elements and presents the geometrical features of bevel gears as well as the various gear cutting processes based on gear cutting theory. The aspect of three-dimensional gearing is assessed in detail in terms of flank design, load capacity and noise behavior. A representation of production processes with the required technologies provides a knowledge base on which sound decisions can be based. The authors offer a thorough introduction to the complex world of bevel gears and present the rapid advances of these machine elements in a detailed, comprehensible manner. This book addresses design engineers in mechanical engineering and vehicle manufacturing, as well as producers of bevel gears and students in mechanical engineering. Features 7 The first book with a complete presentation of bevel gears 7 Design, production process and technologies are discussed 7 Latest advances are included Contents Fields of application for bevel gears.- Fundamentals of bevel gears.- Design of bevel gears.- Load capacity and efficiency.- Noise behavior.- Manufacturing process.- Quality assurance.- Dynamics of machine tools. Fields of interest Machinery and Machine Elements; Engineering Design; Operating Procedures, Materials Treatment Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Professional book Due August 2014 Due November 2014 2015. XL, 1500 p. 550 illus. in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 373,43 | € (A) 383,90 | sFr 465,00 7€ 349,00 | £314.50 ISBN 978-3-662-43504-5 9<HTOGRC=edfaef> 96 2015. V, 76 p. 40 illus., 39 in color. (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology / Forensic and Medical Bioinformatics) Softcover 7 *€ (D) 53,49 | € (A) 54,99 | sFr 67,00 7€ 49,99 | £44.99 ISBN 978-981-4585-07-1 9<HTUIME=fifahb> Due January 2015 2015. 400 p. 200 illus. Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 139,09 | € (A) 142,99 | sFr 173,50 7 approx.€ 129,99 | £117.00 ISBN 978-3-662-43892-3 9<HTOGRC=edijcd> News 8/2014 Engineering K. Z. Ku Shaari, M. Awang, PETRONAS University of Technology, Seri Iskandar, Malaysia (Eds) F. Levinzon, Meggitt Sensing Systems, Irvine, CA, USA Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Dynamics Piezoelectric Accelerometers with Integral Electronics This volume presents the results of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis that can be used for conceptual studies of product design, detail product development, process troubleshooting. It demonstrates the benefit of CFD modeling as a cost saving, timely, safe and easy to scale-up methodology This book provides an invaluable reference to Piezoelectric Accelerometers with Integral Electronics (IEPE). Features 7 Presents the results of CFD analysis that can be used for conceptual studies of product design, detail product development, process troubleshooting 7 Demonstrates the benefit of CFD modeling as a cost saving, timely, safe and easy to scale-up methodology 7 Provides insight and foresight into the understanding of the complex flow pattern Contents From the Contents: Large Eddy Simulation for Steady-state Turbulent Flow Prediction.- Numerical Studies of Fluid Flow Across Multiple Cosmo Ball using Computational Fluid Dynamics.- Determination of Sound Fields within a 3D FLUENT Flow Simulation using LES and Beamforming Code.- CFD Simulation and Best Practice Analysis of a cavitating Orifice Flow. Fields of interest Engineering Fluid Dynamics; Fluid- and Aerodynamics; Numerical and Computational Physics Target groups Research Product category Monograph Contents Introduction to Piezoelectric Accelerometers with Integral Electronics.- Piezoelectric Transducers Used for Piezoelectric Accelerometers with Integral Electronics.- Integral FET Amplifiers Used for IEPE Accelerometers.- Noise of a FET Amplifier.Comparison of 1/f Noise and Thermal Noise in JFETs and MOSFETs.- Fundamental Noise Limit of an IEPE Accelerometer.- Noise of and IEPE Accelerometer.- Ultra-low-noise IEPE Seismic Accelerometers.- High-temperature, up to 175 ºC, Miniature IEPE Accelerometers. Fields of interest Electronics and Microelectronics, Instrumentation; Circuits and Systems; Mechanical Engineering Product category Professional book The integrated and advanced science research topic man-machine-environment system engineering (MMESE) was first established in China by Professor Shengzhao Long in 1981, with direct support from one of the greatest modern Chinese scientists, Xuesen Qian. In a letter to Shengzhao Long from October 22nd, 1993, Xuesen Qian wrote: “You have created a very important modern science and technology in China! Features 7 Man-Machine-Environment System Engineering (MMESE) is an excellent human centered system design principle study 7 These proceedings are interdisciplinary studies on the concepts and methods of physiology, psychology, system engineering, computer science, environment science, management, education and other related disciplines Contents Research on the Man Character.- Research on the Machine Character.- Research on the Environment Character.- Research on the Man-Machine Relationship.- Research on the Man-Environment Relationship.- Research on the Machine-Environment Relationship.- Research on the Overall Performance of Man-Machine-Environment System.- Theory and Application Research Fields of interest Robotics and Automation; Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics); Human Physiology Target groups Research Product category Monograph Due August 2014 Due December 2014 9<HTODMJ=acidfe> Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Man-Machine-Environment System Engineering Features 7 Provides a comprehensive reference to the design and performance of IEPE accelerometers, including low-noise and high temperature IEPE sensors 7 Includes noise analysis of the IEPE accelerometer, which enables estimation of the its noise floor and noise limits 7 Describes recently design of ultra-low-noise (at level of 3 ng/√Hz) IEPE seismic accelerometers and high temperature (up to 175 oC) triaxial and single axis miniature IEPE accelerometers 7 Compares low-frequency noise in different JFETs and MOSFETs including measurement results of ultra-low-noise (at level of 0.6 nV/√Hz) JFET 7 Presents key factors for design of low-noise and high temperature IEPE accelerometer and their electronics Target groups Professional/practitioner 2014. 200 p. (Advanced Structured Materials, Volume 44) Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7 approx.€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-02835-4 S. Long, Astronaut Research and Training Center of China, Beijing, China; B. S. Dhillon, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada (Eds) Due August 2014 2015. XV, 169 p. 99 illus., 37 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 96,29 | € (A) 98,99 | sFr 120,00 7€ 89,99 | £81.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08077-2 9<HTODMJ=aiah c> 2015. XXII, 445 p. 124 illus. (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Volume 318) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 181,89 | € (A) 186,99 | sFr 226,50 7€ 169,99 | £153.00 ISBN 978-3-662-44066-7 9<HTOGRC=e ag h> 97 Engineering Y. Luo, K. Chakrabarty, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA; T.‑Y. Ho, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan City, Taiwan Hardware/Software CoDesign and Optimization for Cyberphysical Integration in Digital Microfluidic Biochips This book describes a comprehensive framework for hardware/software co-design, optimization, and use of robust, low-cost, and cyberphysical digital microfluidic systems. Readers with a background in electronic design automation will find this book to be a valuable reference for leveraging conventional VLSI CAD techniques for emerging technologies, e.g., biochips or bioMEMS. Features 7 Takes a transformative, "cyber physical" approach towards achieving closed-loop and sensor feedback-driven biochip operation under program control 7 Presents a "physically-aware" system reconfiguration technique that uses sensor data at intermediate checkpoints to dynamically reconfigure biochips 7 Enables readers to simplify the structure of biochips, while facilitating the "general-purpose" use of digital microfluidic biochips for a wider range of applications Contents Introduction.- Error-Recovery in Cyberphysical Biochips.- Real-Time Error Recovery Using a Compact Dictionary.- Biochemistry Synthesis under Completion-Time Uncertainties in Fluidic Operations.- Optimization of On-Chip Polymerase Chain Reaction.- Pin-Count Minimization for Application-Independent Chips.- Pro-Limited Cyberphysical Microfluidic Biochip.- Conclusions. Fields of interest Circuits and Systems; Electronic Circuits and Devices; Biomedical Engineering Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Professional book springer.com/NEWSonline S. Madry, International Space University, Chapel Hill, NC, USA Space Systems for Disaster Warning, Response, and Recovery This SpringerBrief provides a general overview of the role of satellite applications for disaster mitigation, warning, planning, recovery and response. It covers both the overall role and perspective of the emergency management community as well as the various space applications that support their work. Feature 7 Presents a complete overview of the role of space technologies in disaster planning and response, and is applicable to emergency matters as well as courses in satellite applications, remote sensing applications and more Contents Introduction.- Disaster Management and the Emergency Management Culture.- Organizing for Disasters.- Space Systems for Disaster Management.- Space Remote Sensing Fundamentals and Disaster Applications.- Precision Navigation and Timing Systems .- Geographic Information Systems.- Major International and Regional Players.The Emerging World of Crowd Sourcing, Social Media, Citizen Science, and Remote Support Operations in Disasters.- International Treaties, Non-Binding Agreements, and Policy and Legal Issues.- Future Directions and the Top Ten Things to Know About Space Systems and Disasters.- Appendix A: Key Terms and Acronyms.- Appendix B: Selected Bibliography.- Appendix C: Selected Websites. Fields of interest Aerospace Technology and Astronautics; Extraterrestrial Physics, Space Sciences; Remote Sensing/ Photogrammetry Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Brief M. Mahmoud, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt Developing Security Tools of WSN and WBAN Networks Applications Contents Introduction.- Wireless Network Overview.Sensing Networks.- WSN Overview.- WBAN Overview.- WSN and Embedding System Relation.- Wireless Sensing Networks Contents..Wireless, Mobile, and Ad-hoc Networks.- .Book Organizing.- . SENSING AND ENVIRONMENT CONCEPTS.- Introduction.- Sensing Definition.Environment Concepts.- WSN and Environment.Environment and Medical Care Concerns.- WSNs and Sensors.- Sensing Examples.- WIRELESS NETWORKS.- Introduction.- Low-Rate Wireless Networks.- Bluetooth Networks Architecture.- Adaptive packets of WPAN technology.- THROUGHPUT STUDY OF LOW-RATE COMMUNICATIONS.- Introduction.- Related Work.- Throughput Definition of WSN and WBAN.- Analysis of PEP.- The Proposed Scenarios.- Simulation Assumptions.- Simulation Results.- Chapter Recommendation.- WSN SECURITY NEEDS.- Introduction.- Security goals.- Fundamentals of Network Security.- Challenges of WSN Security.- WSN Implementation Technologies.- Summary.- LOWER COMPLEXITY OF SECURED WSN NETWORKS.- Power with FEC.- Complexity FEC dependant.- Interleaving Techniques.- Interleavers Investigation.Chaotic Interleaver Structure.- Cryptography using Chaos.- Objective quality Metrics.- Jakes Method.- Mobility Effects.- Cooperative Algorithm of WSN.- Appendixes. Fields of interest Communications Engineering, Networks; Circuits and Systems; Computer Communication Networks Target groups Research Product category Monograph Due September 2014 Due September 2014 Due August 2014 2015. XIV, 200 p. 98 illus., 60 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 96,29 | € (A) 98,99 | sFr 120,00 7€ 89,99 | £81.00 ISBN 978-3-319-09005-4 9<HTODMJ=aja fe> 98 2015. X, 97 p. 86 illus., 79 in color. (SpringerBriefs in Space Development) Softcover 7 *€ (D) 53,49 | € (A) 54,99 | sFr 67,00 7€ 49,99 | £44.99 ISBN 978-1-4939-1512-5 9<HTMEUD=jbfbcf> 2015. XII, 228 p. 145 illus., 101 in color. (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Volume 316) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-4-431-55068-6 9<HTPEOB=f agig> News 8/2014 F. Matía, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid ETSI Industriales, Madrid, Spain; G. N. Marichal, Universidad de La Laguna, La Laguna, Spain; E. Jiménez, Universidad de La Rioja, La Rioja, Spain (Eds) Fuzzy Modeling and Control: Theory and Applications Contents New Concepts for the Estimation of TakagiSugeno Model Based on Extended Kalman Filter.Suboptimal Recursive Methodology for TakagiSugeno Fuzzy Models Identification.- Complexity Reduction in Fuzzy Systems using Functional Principal Component Analysis.- Stable Fuzzy Control System by Design.- Polynomial Fuzzy Systems: Stability and Control.- Robust Fault Tolerant Control Framework using Uncertain TakagiSugeno Fuzzy Models.- Intelligent Tuning of Fuzzy Controllers by Learning and Optimization.- Adaptive Evolutionary Optimization Algorithms for Simple Fuzzy Controller Tuning.- Neuro-Fuzzy Control for Semi-Active Dampers.- Neuro-Fuzzy Modeling and Fuzzy Control of a Fast Ferry.AUTOP´IA Program for Intelligent Control of Vehicles.- Management of a PEM Electrolyzer in Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems.- Hardware Implementation of Embedded Fuzzy Controllers on FPGAs and ASICs.- Genetic Optimization of Fuzzy Adaptive Cruise Control for Urban Traffic. Fields of interest Computational Intelligence; Control; Engineering, general Target groups Research Product category Contributed volume Engineering R. Mauro, University of Trento, Trento, Italy Traffic and Random Processes An Introduction This book deals in a basic and systematic manner with the fundamentals of random function theory and looks at some aspects related to arrival, vehicle headway and operational speed processes at the same time. The work serves as a useful practical and educational tool and aims at providing stimulus and motivation to investigate issues of such a strong applicative interest. It has a clearly discursive and concise structure, in which numerical examples are given to clarify the applications of the suggested theoretical model. Some statistical characterizations are fully developed in order to illustrate the peculiarities of specific modeling approaches; finally, there is a useful bibliography for in-depth thematic analysis. Features 7 Offers the fundamentals of random function theory in a basic and systematic manner 7 Serves as useful practical and educational tool 7 Includes numerical examples to clarify the applications of the theoretical model Contents Introduction to Random and Traffic Processes.Statistical Characterization of Random Function.Some Major Random Processes.- Traffic Flow Stationarity.- The Traffic Counting Process.- The Process of Vehicle Headways.- Speed Processes. Fields of interest Geoengineering, Foundations, Hydraulics; Transportation; Statistical Physics, Dynamical Systems and Complexity Target groups Research Product category Monograph A. K. Mishra, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch, South Africa; D. L. Johnson, Principle Researcher Networks and Media, Rosebank ,Cape Town, South Africa (Eds) White Space Communication Advances, Developments and Engineering Challenges This monograph presents the major developments towards the implementation of whitespace radio. Whitespace communication is a new standard for digital communication technology which based on the existing analog TV bands. The standards have been released introducing cognitive communication. Since the introduction of the standards, this has gathered a lot of research and development efforts. The main reason for the popularity of Whitespace technologies are two fold. First of all it can support much wider cells and hence can be used in sparsely populated areas. Features 7 Includes both theoretical as well as implementation paradigms of the technology 7 Explains the communication technology of choice for sparsely populated countries 7 Presents the major development for implementing of whitespace radio Contents Engineering review of the whitespace radio standards.- Whitespace radio: Lifting the digital divide from Africa.- Measurements of TV bands in Southern Africa.- Channel sounding in TV bands: methodologies and results.- White RHINO: A software defined radio hardware development board to support whitespace communication.Whitespace measurements round the world by Google. Fields of interest Communications Engineering, Networks; Information Storage and Retrieval; R & D/Technology Policy Target groups Research Product category Monograph Due August 2014 Due August 2014 2014. XIX, 306 p. 121 illus., 68 in color. (Atlantis Computational Intelligence Systems, Volume 9) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 139,09 | € (A) 142,99 | sFr 173,50 7€ 129,99 | £117.00 ISBN 978-94-6239-081-2 9<HTUERC=djaibc> Original Italian edition published as “Funzioni aleatorie e processi di traffico”, by Hevelius Edizioni, 2013 2015. IX, 119 p. 51 illus. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-09323-9 9<HTODMJ=ajdcdj> Due August 2014 2015. VIII, 263 p. 149 illus., 117 in color. (Signals and Communication Technology) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08746-7 9<HTODMJ=aihegh> 99 Engineering springer.com/NEWSonline N. Natarajan, Principal Suguna College of Engineering, Coimbatore, India; V. Krishnaraj, PSG College of Technology, Tamil Nadu, India; J. P. Davim, University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal D. NATARAJAN, Bangalore, India Reliable Design of Electronic Equipment T. Nishida, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan; A. Nakazawa, Y. Ohmoto, Y. Mohammad, Kyoto University Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto, Japan Metal Matrix Composites An Engineering Guide Conversational Informatics Synthesis, Wear Characteristics, Machinability Study of MMC Brake Drum A Data-Intensive Approach with Emphasis on Nonverbal Communication Features 7 Concise summary on machinability aspects of metal matrix composites 7 Presents case studies to facilitate the understanding This book explains reliability techniques with examples from electronics design for the benefit of engineers. It presents the application of derating, FMEA, overstress analyses and reliability improvement tests for designing reliable electronic equipment. Adequate information is provided for designing computerized reliability database system to support the application of the techniques by designers. Pedantic terms and the associated mathematics of reliability engineering discipline are excluded for the benefit of comprehensiveness and practical applications. This book offers excellent support for electrical and electronics engineering students and professionals, bridging academic curriculum with industrial expectations. Contents Introduction.- Literature Review.- Synthesis of Metal Matrix Composites.- Fabrication of Experimental Set-up and Testing.- Wear Analysis.Machinability of Metal Matrix Composites.- References. Features 7 Explains how to design reliable electronic equipment 7 A guide for students and professionals in electronic engineering and reliability testing 7 Provides comprehensive presentation with applications and examples Fields of interest Operating Procedures, Materials Treatment; Ceramics, Glass, Composites, Natural Materials; Characterization and Evaluation of Materials Contents Overview on Reliability Design.- Generic Stress Factors and De-rating.- Selection and Application of Components.- Failure Mode and Effects Analysis.- Overstress Analysis.- Reliability Evaluation of Electronic Equipment.- Failure Data Management.- Reliability Database System for Design.- Reliability Mathematics for Analyzing Failure Data. This book is dedicated to composite materials, presenting different synthesis processes, composite properties and their machining behaviour. The book describes also the problems on manufacturing of metal matrix composite components. Among others, it provides procedures for manufacturing of metal matrix composites and case studies. Target groups Research Product category Brief Fields of interest Quality Control, Reliability, Safety and Risk; Electronics and Microelectronics, Instrumentation; Optical and Electronic Materials Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Monograph This book covers an approach to conversational informatics which encompasses science and technology for understanding and augmenting conversation in the network age. A major challenge in engineering is to develop a technology for conveying not just messages but also underlying wisdom. Features 7 Presents an integrated and interdisciplinary approach to conversational systems together with materials from a broad background 7 Gives detailed explanations of original techniques such as 3D conversation capture or an immersive conversation environment, with many intriguing illustrations 7 Presents a clear roadmap of future research and underlying philosophical aspects Contents Artificial Intelligence and Conversational Intelligence.- Conversation: Above and Beneath the Surface.- History of Conversational System Development.- Methodologies for Conversational System Development.- Conversation Quantization.- Smart Conversation Space.- Computer Vision Techniques for Conversational Interaction.- Measurement, Analysis and Modeling.From Observation to Interaction.- Applications of Simulation and Imitation for Interaction Learning.- Cognitive Design for Discussion Support.Discussions.- Conclusion. Fields of interest Signal,Image and Speech Processing; Computer Communication Networks; Computational Intelligence Target groups Research Product category Monograph Due August 2014 2015. XI, 85 p. 65 illus. (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology / SpringerBriefs in Manufacturing and Surface Engineering) Softcover 7 *€ (D) 53,49 | € (A) 54,99 | sFr 67,00 7€ 49,99 | £44.99 ISBN 978-3-319-02984-9 Due August 2014 Due July 2014 2015. XVII, 148 p. 48 illus. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-09110-5 2014. XVII, 344 p. 177 illus., 159 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-4-431-55039-6 9<HTODMJ=acjiej> 9<HTODMJ=ajb af> 100 9<HTPEOB=f adjg> News 8/2014 Engineering J. Nurmi, E. S. Lohan, Tampere University of Technology, Tampere, Finland; S. Sand, German Aerospace Center DLR, Koeln, Germany; H. Hurskainen, Tampere University of technology Department of Computer Systems, Tampere, Finland (Eds) A. Öchsner, Griffith University, Southport, Australia GALILEO Positioning Technology The finite element method is a powerful tool even for non-linear materials’ modeling. But commercial solutions are limited and many novel materials do not follow standard constitutive equations on a macroscopic scale. Thus, is it required that new constitutive equations are implemented into the finite element code. However, it is not sufficient to simply implement only the equations but also an appropriate integration algorithm for the constitutive equation must be provided. This book is restricted to one-dimensional plasticity in order to reduce and facilitate the mathematical formalism and theory and to concentrate on the basic ideas of elasto-plastic finite element procedures. Features 7 Takes a holistic approach to GALILEO and related systems, such as EGNOS and hybrid solutions on mobile phones 7 Provides an invaluable reference to Binary Offset Carrier modulations and related families, which are some of the trademarks of GALILEO; 7 Includes a detailed survey of GALILEO receiver research in Europe and existing software-defined radio (SDR) GALILEO receiver implementations 7 Addresses the multiple challenges in acquisition and tracking of GALILEO signals, including multipaths, ambiguities, and low carrier-to-noise ratios 7 Offers insight into the design of a Software Defined GALILEO receiver 7 Enables readers to have a full image of the processing steps involved in a GALILEO receiver Contents Part 1: Introductory Notions.- Introduction.Overview of Galileo Systems.- Galileo Signals.Part 2: Receiver, the core Galileo Positioning Technology.- Advanced RF Front-End Design Issues.- Advanced acquisition and tracking alogrithsms.- Baseband hardware implementations for Galileo receiver.- PVT Computation Issues in Mixed Galileo/GPS Reception.- Hybridization with Localization Information from Wireless Communications Systems.- Putting It All Together: TUTGNSS Receiver Platform.- Fully software Implementations for GALILEO Receiver. Fields of interest Microwaves, RF and Optical Engineering; Electronic Circuits and Devices; Energy, general Target groups Research Product category Monograph Elasto-Plasticity of Frame Structure Elements Modeling and Simulation of Rods and Beams Features 7 Concentrates on the basic ideas of elasto-plastic finite element procedures 7 Restricts the content to one-dimensional plasticity facilitating the mathematical formalism 7 Makes it much easier to study and understand the advanced theory and the respective text books Provides many solved and supplementary problems Contents Introduction.- Continuum Mechanics of Plasticity.- Axial Loading of Rods.- Bending of Beams.- Review of Linear-Elastic Finite Element Simulations.- Elasto-Plastic Finite Element Simulations.- Alternative Approach: The Finite Difference Method.- Prelude to the General ThreeDimensional Case. T. Ogunfunmi, Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA, USA; R. Togneri, The University of Western Australia, Crawley, WA, Australia; M. (. Narasimha, Qualcomm Inc., Santa Clara, CA, USA (Eds) Speech and Audio Processing for Coding, Enhancement and Recognition Features 7 Offers readers a single-source reference on the significant applications of speech and audio processing to speech coding, speech enhancement and speech/speaker recognition. Contents From ‘Harmonic Telegraph’ to Cellular Phones.Challenges in Speech Coding Research.- Recent Speech Coding Technologies and Standards.- Ensemble Learning Approaches in Speech Recognition.- Dynamic and Deep Networks For Speech Modeling and Recognition.- Speech Based Emotion Recognition.- Speaker Diarization: Challenges and Emerging Research.- Maximum a posteriori spectral estimation with source log-spectral priors for multichannel speech enhancement.Modulation Processing for Speech Enhancement. Fields of interest Signal,Image and Speech Processing; User Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction; Multimedia Information Systems Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Professional book Fields of interest Continuum Mechanics and Mechanics of Materials; Characterization and Evaluation of Materials; Computational Science and Engineering Target groups Research Product category Monograph Due September 2014 2015. XX, 394 p. 180 illus., 107 in color. (Signals and Communication Technology, Volume 182) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 139,09 | € (A) 142,99 | sFr 173,50 7€ 129,99 | £117.00 ISBN 978-94-007-1829-6 9<HTUELA=hbicjg> Due September 2014 Due September 2014 2015. XXI, 655 p. 328 illus. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 181,89 | € (A) 186,99 | sFr 226,50 7€ 169,99 | £153.00 ISBN 978-3-662-44224-1 2015. X, 399 p. 78 illus., 32 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-1-4939-1455-5 9<HTOGRC=e c eb> 9<HTMEUD=jbef f> 101 Engineering A. P. Wierzbicki, National Institute of Telecommunications, Warsaw, Poland Technen: Elements of Recent History of Information Technologies with Epistemological Conclusions The book expresses the conviction that the art of creating tools – Greek techne – changes its character together with the change of civilization epochs and co-determines such changes. This does not mean that tools typical for a civilization epoch determine it completely, but they change our way of perceiving and interpreting the world. There might have been many such epochs in the history of human civilization (much more than the three waves of agricultural, industrial and information civilization). This is expressed by the title Technen of the book, where n denotes a subsequent civilization epoch. During last fifty years we observed a decomposition of the old episteme (understood as a way of creating and interpreting knowledge characteristic for a given civilization epoch) of modernism, which was an episteme typical for industrial civilization. Features 7 Devoted to the art of constructing tools, Greek techne 7 Demonstrates that the art of creating tools changes its character together with the change of civilization epochs and co-determines such changes 7 The main thesis of the book is that information revolution will probably lead to a formation of a new episteme Contents Epistemological Comments.- Elements of Recent History of Information Technologies. Epistemological Conclusions. Fields of interest Computational Intelligence; Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics); History springer.com/NEWSonline F. Pacheco Torgal, University of Minho, Guimarães, Portugal; J. A. Labrincha, CICECO University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal; M. V. Diamanti, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy; C.‑P. Yu, Institute of Urban Environment, Xiamen, China; H. K. Lee, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon, Korea, Republic of (South Korea) (Eds) E. Petzek, R. Bancila, Timişoara, Romania (Eds) Biotechnologies and Biomimetics for Civil Engineering Ecobridge Contents 1.- Introduction to biotechnologies and biomimetics for civil engineering 2.- Basics of construction microbial biotechnology 3.- General aspects of biomimetic materials 4.- Bioinspired design for climate change 5.- Bioinspired building facades 6.- A green building envelope: a crucial contribution to biophilic cities 7.- Architectural bio-photo reactors: harvesting micro-algae on the surface of architecture 8.- Reducing indoor air pollutants through biotechnology 9.- Bio-inspired self-cleaning materials 10.- Bio-Inspired strategy for developing innovative bridges 11.- Bioinspired sensors for structural health monitoring 12.- Bioinspired flexible construction materials 13.- Bioinspired concrete 14.- Production of bacteria for structural concrete 15.- Bacteria for concrete surface treatment 16.- Bacteria for surface treatment of normal and lightweight concrete: A case study 17.Biotechnological aspects of soil decontamination 18.- Microbial fuel cells for water treatment Fields of interest Building Materials; Energy Efficiency (incl. Buildings); Environmental Engineering/Biotechnology Target groups Research Product category Monograph Economical Bridge Solutions based on innovative composite dowels and integrated abutments The bridges are vital structures for the transport infrastructure. It is a fact that, in the last decades, composite bridges became a well-liked solution in many European countries as a cost-effective and aesthetic alternative to concrete bridges. Their competitiveness depends on several circumstances such as site conditions, local costs of material and staff and the contractor’s experience. Features 7 Integral composite bridge structures 7 New efficient composite dowels 7 Practical examples for innovative bridges Contents Demonstration of ECOnomical BRIDGE Solutions Based on Innovative Composite Dowels and Integrated Abutments.- The Right Choice of Steel.Sustainable Bridges / LCA for a Composite and a Concrete Bridge.- Design of Composite Dowels as Shear Connectors According to the German Technical Approval.- Field Measurements at a Composite Bridge with Composite Dowels as Shear Connectors.- Modern Composite Bridges by VFTWIB Method in Poland Realized at New Express Road S7 at Olsztynek-Nidzica Sector.- Bridges by VFT Method in Poland: State-of-the-art.- Renewal of Old Existing Small Road Bridges with Modular System / Case Study Mânărău Bridge.- Integral Bridge Using the VFT-WIB Technology for a Three-spanned Structure.- Innovative Composite Overpasses on the Romanian A1 Motorway. Field of interest Engineering, general Target groups Professional/practitioner Target groups Research Product category Professional book Product category Monograph Due August 2014 2015. X, 320 p. 30 illus. (Intelligent Systems Reference Library, Volume 71) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 139,09 | € (A) 142,99 | sFr 173,50 7€ 129,99 | £117.00 ISBN 978-3-319-09032-0 9<HTODMJ=ajadca> 102 Due August 2014 Due August 2014 2015. X, 451 p. 149 illus., 16 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 139,09 | € (A) 142,99 | sFr 173,50 7€ 129,99 | £117.00 ISBN 978-3-319-09286-7 2015. Approx. 160 p. 120 illus. Hardcover 7 approx.€ (D) 96,29 | € (A) 98,99 | * sFr 120,00 7 approx.€ 89,99 | £81.00 ISBN 978-3-658-06416-7 9<HTODMJ=ajcigh> 9<HTOGQI=agebgh> News 8/2014 S. Qu, Fairchild Semiconductor, San Jose, CA, USA; Y. Liu, Fairchild Semiconductor, South Portland, ME, USA Wafer-Level Chip-Scale Packaging Analog and Power Semiconductor Applications Analog and Power Wafer Level Chip Scale Packaging presents a state-of-art and in-depth overview in analog and power WLCSP design, material characterization, reliability and modeling. Features 7 Covers the development of wafer level power discrete packaging with regular wafer level design concept and directly bumping technology 7 Introduces the development of the analog and power SIP/3D/TSV/stack die packaging technology 7 Presents the wafer level analog IC packaging design through fan-in and fan-out with RDLs Contents Chapter 1. Demand and Challenges for Wafer Level Analog and Power Packaging.- Chapter 2. Fan-In Analog Wafer Level Chip Scale Package.Chapter 3. Fan-Out Analog Wafer Level Chip Scale Package.- Chapter 4. Wafer Level Analog Chip Scale Package Stackable Design.- Chapter 5. Wafer Level Discrete Power MOSFET Package Design.- Chapter 6. Wafer Level Packaging TSV/ Stack die for Integration of Analog and Power Solution.- Chapter 7. Thermal Management, Design, Analysis for WLCSP.- Chapter 8. Electrical and Multi-Physics Simulations for Analog and Power WLCSP.- Chapter 9. WLCSP Typical Assembly Process.- Chapter 10. WLCSP Typical Reliability and Test. Fields of interest Electronics and Microelectronics, Instrumentation; Circuits and Systems; Engineering Thermodynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer Target groups Professional/practitioner Engineering G. Rigatos, Industrial Systems Institute, Rion Patras, Greece S. D. Roy, Betaworks, New York, NY, USA; W. Zeng, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, USA Advanced Models of Neural Networks Social Multimedia Signals Nonlinear Dynamics and Stochasticity in Biological Neurons Features 7 Suitable for researchers engaged with neural networks and dynamical systems theory 7 Introduces advanced models of neural networks 7 Includes introductory chapters for related postgraduate courses in engineering, computer science, mathematics, physics and biology Contents Modelling Biological Neurons in Terms of Electrical Circuits.- Systems Theory for the Analysis of Biological Neuron Dynamics.- Bifurcations and Limit Cycles in Models of Biological Systems.- Oscillatory Dynamics in Biological Neurons.- Synchronization of Circadian Neurons and Protein Synthesis Control.- Wave Dynamics in the Transmission of Neural Signals.- Stochastic Models of Biological Neuron Dynamics.- Synchronization of Stochastic Neural Oscillators Using Lyapunov Methods.- Synchronization of Chaotic and Stochastic Neurons Using Differential Flatness Theory.- Attractors in Associative Memories with Stochastic Weights.- Spectral Analysis of Neural Models with Stochastic Weights.- Neural Networks Based on the Eigenstates of the Quantum Harmonic Oscillator.- Quantum Control and Manipulation of Systems and Processes at Molecular Scale.- References.- Index. Fields of interest Computational Intelligence; Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics) Target groups Research Product category Monograph A Signal Processing Approach to Social Network Phenomena This book provides a comprehensive coverage of the state-of-the-art in understanding media popularity and trends in online social networks through social multimedia signals. With insights from the study of popularity and sharing patterns of online media, trend spread in social media, social network analysis for multimedia and visualizing diffusion of media in online social networks. In particular, the book will address the following important issues: Understanding social network phenomena from a signal processing point of view; The existence and popularity of multimedia as shared and social media, how content or origin of sharing activity can affect its spread and popularity; The network-signal duality principle, i.e. Features 7 Explores how media popularity in one domain is determined by another domain 7 Presents a granular look at social networks: micro, meso and macro 7 Examines finding hidden communities in social networks based on shared multimedia Contents Web 2.x.- Media on the Web.- The World of Signals.- The Network and the Signal.- Detection Needle in a Haystack.- Estimation – The Empirical Judgment.- Following Signal Trajectories.- Capturing Cross-Domain Ripples.- Socially-aware Media Applications.- Revelations from Social Multimedia Data.- Socio-Semantic Analysis.- Data Visualization: Gazing at Ripples. Fields of interest Signal,Image and Speech Processing; Input/Output and Data Communications; Computational Intelligence Target groups Research Product category Monograph Product category Professional book Due August 2014 Due August 2014 Due August 2014 2015. III, 190 p. 308 illus., 250 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 96,29 | € (A) 98,99 | sFr 120,00 7€ 89,99 | £81.00 ISBN 978-1-4939-1555-2 2015. XXIII, 273 p. 135 illus., 91 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-662-43763-6 2015. VII, 185 p. 95 illus., 79 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-09116-7 9<HTMEUD=jbf fc> 9<HTOGRC=edhgdg> 9<HTODMJ=ajb gh> 103 Engineering I. Sadegh Amiri, S. E. Alavi, S. Mahdaliza Idrus, Lightwave Communication Research Group, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM Skudai, Johor, Malaysia Soliton Coding for Secured Optical Communication Link Nonlinear behavior of light such as chaos can be observed during propagation of a laser beam inside the microring resonator (MRR) systems. This Brief highlights the design of a system of MRRs to generate a series of logic codes. An optical soliton is used to generate an entangled photon. The ultra-short soliton pulses provide the required communication signals to generate a pair of polarization entangled photons required for quantum keys. In the frequency domain, MRRs can be used to generate optical millimetre-wave solitons with a broadband frequency of 0–100 GHz. The soliton signals are multiplexed and modulated with the logic codes to transmit the data via a network system. The soliton carriers play critical roles to transmit the data via an optical communication link and provide many applications in secured optical communications. Therefore, transmission of data information can be performed via a communication network using soliton pulse carriers. A system known as optical multiplexer can be used to increase the channel capacity and security of the signals. Contents Introduction of Fiber Waveguide and Soliton Signals Used to Enhance the Communication Security.- Theoretical Background of Microring Resonator (MRR) Systems and Soliton Communication.- Results of Digital Soliton Pulse Generation and Transmission Using Microring Resonators (MRR).- Conclusions. Fields of interest Microwaves, RF and Optical Engineering; Communications Engineering, Networks; Data Encryption Target groups Research Product category Brief springer.com/NEWSonline T. Sadowski, University of Technology, Lublin, Poland; P. Trovalusci, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy (Eds) W. A. Salandro, Greenville, SC, USA; J. J. Jones, C. Bunget, L. Mears, Clemson University, Greenville, SC, USA; J. T. Roth, Penn State Behrend, Erie, PA, USA Multiscale Modeling of Complex Materials Electrically-Assisted Forming Phenomenological, Theoretical and Computational Aspects Features 7 Maximizing reader insights into the latest research findings and applications of ElectricallyAssisted Forming (EAF) – whereby metals are formed under an electric current field – this book explains how such a process produces immediate improved formability of metals beyond the extent of thermal softening, and allows metals to be formed to greater elongation with lower mechanical energy 7 Includes case studies that illustrate and support the theoretical content and to explain real-world applications of the techniques discussed 7 Contains supplementary material on the underlying theories describing electroplastic behaviour The papers in this volume deal with materials science, theoretical mechanics and experimental and computational techniques at multiple scales, providing a sound base and a framework for many applications which are hitherto treated in a phenomenological sense. The basic principles are formulated of multiscale modeling strategies towards modern complex multiphase materials subjected to various types of mechanical, thermal loadings and environmental effects. The focus is on problems where mechanics is highly coupled with other concurrent physical phenomena. Features 7 Compendium of advanced research on basic principles of multiscale modeling strategies for complex multiphase under mechanical and thermal loadings 7 Complex material behavior and microstructure are shown from several points of view: phenomenological, theoretical and computational 7 Multidisciplinary investigation (engineering, continuum mechanics, material science) Contents From the Contents: On the method of virtual power in continuum mechanics.- Higher gradient and micro-polar continua as specific cases.- Integrated multi-scale characterization and modeling of ductile failure in heterogeneous materials.Fractals in mechanics of materials. Fields of interest Continuum Mechanics and Mechanics of Materials; Structural Materials; Mechanical Engineering Target groups Research Modeling and Control Contents Introduction to Electrically-Assisted Forming.Bulk Modeling Methodology for ElectricallyAssisted Manufacturing.- The Electroplastic Effect.- Comprehensive EAF Modeling.- Experimental Findings for EAF.- Contact Effects of EAF.Microstructural Effects on EAF.- Phase distribution Effects on EAF.- Analysis of EAF Modeling Sensitivity and Robustness.- Broader Impacts of EAF.- Tooling design considerations.- Additional Applications of Electrically-Assisted Manufacturing (EAM).- Control design for Electrically-Assisted Forming.- Cost and Energy Analysis. Fields of interest Manufacturing, Machines, Tools; Operating Procedures, Materials Treatment Target groups Research Product category Monograph Product category Monograph Due August 2014 Due September 2014 Due August 2014 2015. IX, 58 p. 33 illus., 29 in color. (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology) Softcover 7 *€ (D) 53,49 | € (A) 54,99 | sFr 67,00 7€ 49,99 | £44.99 ISBN 978-981-287-160-2 2014. 250 p. 77 illus. (CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, Volume 556) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 127,33 | € (A) 130,90 | sFr 158,50 7€ 119,00 | £107.50 ISBN 978-3-7091-1811-5 2015. XXV, 355 p. 337 illus. (Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 181,89 | € (A) 186,99 | sFr 226,50 7€ 169,99 | £153.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08878-5 9<HTUIMC=ihbgac> 9<HTOHLJ=b ib f> 104 9<HTODMJ=ai hif> News 8/2014 Engineering E. Seedhouse, Manned Spaceflight Consultant, Mississauga, ON, Canada R. Senani, Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India; D. R. Bhaskar, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India; A. K. Singh, ITS Engineering College, Greater Noida, India Virgin Galactic The First Ten Years Current Conveyors This book examines the role of Virgin Galactic as a pioneer accessing the suborbital frontier. The trail being blazed is establishing a partnership with governments and the private sector that will eventually permanently integrate the free market’s innovation of commercial suborbital space activities. Until recently, spaceflight had been the providence of a select corps of professional astronauts whose missions were experienced vicariously by the rest of the world via television reports and Internet feeds. Variants, Applications and Hardware Implementations Features 7 Serves as a go-to book and reference guide for suborbital space tourists, space scientists and those who want to know how one maverick company pulled off one of the most remarkable achievements in manned spaceflight 7 Describes the medical and training requirements for those flying on board, the critical roles of the astronaut trainers (of whom the author is one), and the new breed of commercial space pilots 7 Provides an insight into the companies supporting Virgin Galactic, including space training agencies such as NASTAR and rocket companies such as Sierra Nevada Contents Suborbital Flight/: A Primer.- X-Prize.- SpaceShipOne.- Scaled Composites.- Spaceport in New Mexico.- Medical and Training Requirements.- Meet the Passengers.- Missions.- Beyond Suborbital Space. Contents Part I Evolution and hardware implementation of Current Conveyors.- The evolution and the history of Current Conveyors.- Hardware implementations of CCs using off-the-shelf ICs.- Integratable Bipolar CC architectures and commercially available IC CCs.- CMOS implementations of Current Conveyors.- Part II The early (First generation) applications of basic CCI and CCII.- Basic analog circuit building blocks using CCs and application of CCs in impedance synthesis.- First, Second and Higher order filter design using Current Conveyors.- Realization of Sinusoidal Oscillators Using CCs.- Nonlinear Applications of CCs.Fields of interest Circuits and Systems; Electronic Circuits and Devices; Electronics and Microelectronics, Instrumentation Target groups Research Product category Monograph Fields of interest Aerospace Technology and Astronautics; Extraterrestrial Physics, Space Sciences; Popular Science in Astronomy Y. Suzuki, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan; M. Hagiya, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan (Eds) Recent Advances in Natural Computing Selected Results from the IWNC 7 Symposium Features 7 Introduces recent research activities in 'Natural Computing' and shows the future direction of this discipline 7 Presents a novel approach to understanding nature as computing 7 Not limited to natural computing / computer science, it illustrates the emergence and scope of this novel field Contents Recent Developments on Reaction Automata Theory; A Survey.- Comparison of Two Interval Models for Fuzzy-valued Genetic Algorithm.Convergence of asynchronous cellular automata (under null boundary condition) and their application in pattern classification.- Science, So Close and Yet So Far Away; How People View Science, Science Subjects and Scientists.- Towards CyberPhenomenology: Aesthetics and Natural Computing in Multi-Level Information Systems.- Toward Another Possible Visualization of Massaging; The First Short Step from Klee to Scientific Visualization.- The Generation of Emotional Transmission via Medium-Perceiving Drawing System and The Plasticity of Subjects.- Fat as Soft Architecture; The Spontaneous Transformation of Lipids into Organic Geometries with Predefined Biophysical Properties.- Breeding-Back of Goldfish as a Practice that Mediates Between Experimental Biology and Aesthetics. Fields of interest Computational Intelligence; Simulation and Modeling; Computational Science and Engineering Target groups Popular/general Target groups Research Product category Popular science Product category Monograph Due July 2014 Due December 2014 2014. 250 p. 93 illus., 85 in color. (Springer Praxis Books / Space Exploration) Softcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 28,88 | € (A) 29,69 | sFr 34,50 7 approx.€ 26,99 | £23.99 ISBN 978-3-319-09261-4 9<HTODMJ=ajcgbe> Due November 2014 2015. X, 650 p. 427 illus. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 181,89 | € (A) 186,99 | sFr 226,50 7€ 169,99 | £153.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08683-5 9<HTODMJ=aigidf> 2014. VIII, 132 p. 39 illus., 18 in color. (Mathematics for Industry, Volume 9) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-4-431-55104-1 9<HTPEOB=f baeb> 105 Engineering springer.com/NEWSonline T. Tollazzi, University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia L. Toniolo, POLITECNICO DI MILANO, Milano, Italy; M. Boriani, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy; G. Guidi, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Japan (Eds) Alternative Types of Roundabouts Built Heritage: Monitoring Conservation Management An Informational Guide This book presents an introduction to the design of roundabouts, calculations of their capacity and traffic-safety features. It explains the standard roundabouts and their limitations. Alternative types of roundabouts are usually more recent and so far implemented only in certain countries. This book illustrates a large variety of alternative roundabouts and explains the specific needs for them, their advantages and their limitations. Last but not least, the book offers an outlook into roundabouts as a feature in future street traffic. Features 7 Presents an introduction to the design of roundabouts, calculations of their capacity and traffic-safety considerations 7 Put the focus on the design of alternative roundabouts with improved performance 7 Offers an outlook on the future of roundabouts Contents Origins Of Roundabouts.- Development Of Different Roundabout Types.- Modern Layout Design.- Todays Alternative Types Of Roundabouts.Some Directions Of Future Research.- Conclusion. Fields of interest Geoengineering, Foundations, Hydraulics; Urbanism; Landscape/Regional and Urban Planning Target groups Research Product category Monograph This book provides a comprehensive, up-todate overview on the most pressing issues in the conservation and management of archaeological, architectural, and urban landscapes. Multidisciplinary research is presented on a wide range of built heritage sites, from archaeological ruins and historic centers through to twentieth century and industrial architectural heritage. The role of ICT and new technologies, including those used for digital archiving, surveying, modeling, and monitoring, is extensively discussed, in recognition of their importance for professionals working in the field. Detailed attention is also paid to materials and treatments employed in preventive conservation and management. With contributions from leading experts, including university researchers, professionals, and policy makers, the book will be invaluable for all who seek to understand, and solve, the challenges face d in the protection and enhancement of the built heritage. Features 7 Provides a comprehensive overview on conservation and management of archaeological, architectural, and urban landscapes 7 Explains how to overcome the main problems faced in the conservation of built heritage 7 Describes the role of ICT and new technologies in surveying, modeling, and monitoring Fields of interest Building Repair and Maintenance; Cultural Heritage; Archaeology Target groups Research Product category Monograph X. Wang, X.‑Z. Gao, K. Zenger, Aalto University, Espoo, Finland An Introduction to Harmony Search Optimization Method This brief provides a detailed introduction, discussion and bibliographic review of the nature1inspired optimization algorithm called Harmony Search. It uses a large number of simulation results to demonstrate the advantages of Harmony Search and its variants and also their drawbacks. The authors show how weaknesses can be amended by hybridization with other optimization methods. The Harmony Search Method with Applications will be of value to researchers in computational intelligence in demonstrating the state of the art of research on an algorithm of current interest. It also helps researchers and practitioners of electrical and computer engineering more generally in acquainting themselves with this method of vector-based optimization. Features 7 The latest research on emerging optimization method "Harmony Search" 7 Reinforces the power of Harmony Search with hybridization with various other optimization methods 7 Supported by reliable results from numerical simulation Contents Introduction.- The Overview of Harmony Search.Harmony Search in Context with Other Natureinspired Computational Algorithms.- The Variations of Harmony Search and Its Current Research Trends.- The Hybrid Strategies of Harmony Search in Optimization Problem Solving.- Conclusions. Fields of interest Computational Intelligence; Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics); Optimization Target groups Research Product category Brief Due August 2014 Due November 2014 Due November 2014 2014. 250 p. (Springer Tracts on Transportation and Traffic, Volume 6) Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7 approx.€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-09083-2 2014. 450 p. 400 illus., 200 in color. (Research for Development) Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 139,09 | € (A) 142,99 | sFr 173,50 7 approx.€ 129,99 | £117.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08532-6 9<HTODMJ=ajaidc> 106 9<HTODMJ=aifdcg> 2015. VI, 87 p. 46 illus., 5 in color. (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology / SpringerBriefs in Computational Intelligence) Softcover 7 *€ (D) 53,49 | € (A) 54,99 | sFr 67,00 7€ 49,99 | £44.99 ISBN 978-3-319-08355-1 9<HTODMJ=aidf b> News 8/2014 Engineering G. Wang, Liaoning Shihua University, Fushun, China; Q. Zhang, Northeastern University, Shenyang, China; X. Yan, The University of Kent, Canterbury, UK M. Wien, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany Analysis and Design of Singular Markovian Jump Systems Coding Tools and Specification This monograph is an up-to-date presentation of the analysis and design of singular Markovian jump systems (SMJSs) in which the transition rate matrix of the underlying systems is generally uncertain, partially unknown and designed. The problems addressed include stability, stabilization, H∞ control and filtering, observer design, and adaptive control. applications of Markov process are investigated by using Lyapunov theory, linear matrix inequalities (LMIs), S-procedure and the stochastic Barbalat’s Lemma, among other techniques. Features 7 Expands reader understanding of a class of systems important in control of electrical, economic, chemical-process and mechanical systems 7 Gives examples of application in two classes of singular system 7 Suitable for use as instructional material in a one-semester graduate course Contents Introduction.- Stability.- Stabilization.- H-infinity Control.- Observer-based Feedback Stabilization.- Filtering.- Adaptive Control.- Applications of a Markov Process. Fields of interest Control; Systems Theory, Control; Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes Target groups Research Product category Monograph High Efficiency Video Coding The video coding standard High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) targets at improved compression performance for video resolutions of HD and beyond, providing Ultra HD video at similar compressed bit rates as for HD video encoded with the well-established video coding standard H.264/ AVC. Based on known concepts, new coding structures and improved coding tools have been developed and specified in HEVC. The standard is expected to be taken up easily by established industry as well as new endeavors, answering the needs of todays connected and ever-evolving online world. This book presents the High Efficiency Video Coding standard and explains it in a clear and coherent language. It provides a comprehensive and consistently written description, all of a piece. The book targets at both, newbies to video coding as well as experts in the field. Features 7 Provides a self-contained comprehensive description of HEVC 7 Offers a fast access reference for experts as well as introductory information for beginners 7 Presents a comprehensive glossary, decrypting acronyms for easy access to ‘video coding language’ Contents Introduction.- Basics.- Coding Structures and High-Level Syntax.- Inter Prediction.- Intra Prediction.- Transforms and Quantization.- Loop Filtering.- Entropy Coding.- Encoding Tools.Profiles and Levels.- Extensions to HEVC. Fields of interest Signal,Image and Speech Processing; Communications Engineering, Networks; Coding and Information Theory Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Monograph J. C. Wu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China Elements of Vorticity Aerodynamics The book opens with a discussion of the vorticitydynamic formulation of the low Mach number viscous flow problem. Physical aspects of the velocity and the vorticity fields, their instantaneous relationship, and the transport of vorticity in viscous fluids are examined for steady and unsteady flows. Subsequently, the mathematical aspects of vorticity dynamics and issues of initial and boundary conditions for the viscous flow problem are treated rigorously using classical analyses. Coverage includes evolution of the vorticity field which surrounds and trails behind airfoils and wings, generalizations of Helmholtz’ vortex theorems and the Biot-Savart Law. A theorem is introduced that relates the aerodynamic force to the vorticity moment and the applications of the theorem are reviewed. Features 7 Presents a modern viewpoint of vorticity dynamics as the framework for understanding and establishing the fundamental principles of viscous and unsteady aerodynamics 7 Summarizes the theorem that relates the aerodynamic force to the vorticity moment and sets forth applications of this theorem 7 Reviews a zonal method for computing unsteady, two-dimensional, incompressible viscous flows Contents Introduction.- Theorems of Helmholtz and Kelvin.- Vorticity Kinematics.- Vorticity Kinetics.Vorticity-Moment Theorem.- Classical Aerodynamics.- Unsteady Aerodynamics. Fields of interest Vibration, Dynamical Systems, Control; Fluidand Aerodynamics; Engineering Fluid Dynamics Target groups Research Product category Monograph Due September 2014 Jointly published with Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press, Shanghai, China Due August 2014 2015. IX, 283 p. 76 illus., 74 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08722-1 9<HTODMJ=aihc b> Due August 2014 Distribution rights for print copies in China mainland: Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press, Shanghai 2015. XXIV, 316 p. 127 illus., 22 in color. (Signals and Communication Technology) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 139,09 | € (A) 142,99 | sFr 173,50 7€ 129,99 | £117.00 ISBN 978-3-662-44275-3 2015. X, 154 p. 29 illus., 12 in color. (Springer Tracts in Mechanical Engineering) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-662-44039-1 9<HTOGRC=e chfd> 9<HTOGRC=e adjb> 107 Engineering springer.com/NEWSonline Y. Wu, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China S. F. Wu, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, USA Knee Joint Vibroarthrographic Signal Processing and Analysis The Helmholtz Equation Least Squares Theory for Reconstructing and Predicting Acoustic Radiation This book presents the cutting-edge technologies of knee joint vibroarthrographic signal analysis for the screening and diagnosis of osteoarthritis and meniscus injuries. It describes a number of effective computer-aided methods for the analysis of nonlinear and nonstationary biomedical signals generated by the complex physiological mechanics. The book also introduces a number of the latest advances in machine learning and pattern recognition techniques for biomedical signal classification. This book is well-suited for all researchers looking to better understand knee joint biomechanics and advanced technology for knee joint vibroarthrography. Dr. Yunfeng Wu is an Associate Professor at the School of Information Science and Technology, Xiamen University, Xiamen, Fujian, China. Contents Introduction.- Knee Joint Vibroarthrograpic Signal Processing.- Knee Joint Vibroarthrograpic Signal Analysis.- Pattern Classification.- Conclusion and Research Perspective. Fields of interest Biomedical Engineering; Rehabilitation Medicine; Signal,Image and Speech Processing Target groups Research Product category Brief This book represents the HELS (Helmholtz equation least squares) theory and its applications for visualizing acoustic radiation from an arbitrarily shaped vibrating structure in free or confined space. It culminates the most updated research work of the author and his graduate students since 1997. The book contains six chapters. The first serves as a review of the fundamentals in acoustics and the rest cover five specific topics on the HELS theory. Features 7 Covers practical aspects of noise and vibration analysis and control 7 HELS method simplifies the process of reconstructing acoustic fields 7 Explains the differences and interrelationships between the Rayleigh series and the HELS method Contents Chapter 1. Introduction.- Chapter 2. The Spherical Wave Functions.- Chapter 3. The Helmholtz Equation Least Squares (HELS) Method.- Chapter 4. Validity of the HELS Method.- Chapter 5. Implementation of the HELS Method.- Chapter 6. Combined Helmholtz Equation Least Squares (CHELS) Method.- Chapter 7. Hybrid HELS.Chapter 8. Equivalent Sources Using HELS.Chapter 9. Transient HELS.- Chapter 10. Panel Acoustic Contribution Analysis Using HELS.- References.- Index. Fields of interest Engineering Acoustics; Acoustics; Vibration, Dynamical Systems, Control F. Xhafa, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain; L. Barolli, Fukuoka Institute of Technology (FIT), Fukuoka, Japan; A. Barolli, P. Papajorgji, Canadian Institute of Technology, Tirana, Albania (Eds) Modeling and Processing for Next-Generation Big-Data Technologies With Applications and Case Studies Contents Exploring the Hamming distance in distributed infrastructures for similarity search.- Data Modeling for Socially-Based Routing in Opportunistic Networks.- Decision Tree Induction Methods and Their Application to Big Data.- Sensory Data Gathering for Road-Traffic Monitoring: Energy Efficiency, Reliability and Fault-tolerance.- Data aggregation and forwarding route control for efficient data gathering in dense mobile wireless sensor networks.- A socialized system for enabling the extraction of potential values from natural and social sensing.- Leveraging High Performance Computing Infrastructures to Web Data Analytic Applications by means of Message-Passing Interface.- ReHRS: A Hybrid Redundant System for Improving MapReduce Reliability and Availability.- Analysis and Visualization of Large Scale Time Series Network Data.- Parallel Coordinates Version of Time-tunnel (PCTT) and Its Combinatorial Use for Macro to Micro Level Visual Analytics of Multidimensional Data.- Towards a Big Data Analytics Framework for IoT and Smart City Applications.- How the big data is leading the evolution of ICT technologies and processes.- Big Data, Unstructured Data and the Cloud: Perspectives on Internal.- Future Human-Centric Smart Environments. Target groups Research Fields of interest Computational Intelligence; Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery; Communications Engineering, Networks Product category Monograph Target groups Research Product category Monograph Due December 2014 Due September 2014 Due August 2014 2014. 100 p. (SpringerBriefs in Bioengineering) Softcover 7 *€ (D) 53,49 | € (A) 54,99 | sFr 67,00 7€ 49,99 | £44.99 ISBN 978-3-662-44283-8 2015. XX, 290 p. 81 illus., 60 in color. (Modern Acoustics and Signal Processing) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-1-4939-1639-9 2014. 560 p. (Modeling and Optimization in Science and Technologies, Volume 4) Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 181,89 | € (A) 186,99 | sFr 226,50 7 approx.€ 169,99 | £153.00 ISBN 978-3-319-09176-1 9<HTOGRC=e cidi> 9<HTMEUD=jbgdj > 108 9<HTODMJ=ajbhgb> News 8/2014 R. R. Yager, Machine Intelligence Institute, New Rochelle, NY, USA; M. Z. Reformat, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada; N. Alajlan, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (Eds) Intelligent Methods for Cyber Warfare Cyberwarfare has become an important concern for governmental agencies as well businesses of various types. This timely volume, with contributions from some of the internationally recognized, leaders in the field, gives readers a glimpse of the new and emerging ways that Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning methods can be applied to address problems related to cyberwarfare. Features 7 Recent research on Soft Computing in Cyber warfare 7 Presents Soft and Intelligent Computing Technologies for Cyber warfare 7 Written by experts in the field Contents Malware and Machine Learning.- Soft Computing Based Epidemical Crisis Prediction.- An ACP-Based Approach to Intelligence and Security Informatics.- Microfiles as a Potential Source of Confidential Information Leakage.- Decision Support in Open Source Intelligence.- Information Fusion Process Design Issues for Hard and Soft Information: Developing an Initial Prototype.Intrusion Detection with Type-2 Fuzzy Ontologies and Similarity Measures.- A multi-objective genetic algorithm based approach for effective intrusion detection using neural networks.Cyber Insider Mission Detection for Situation Awareness.- A Game Theoretic Engine for Cyber Warfare.- Mission Impact Assessment for Cyber Warfare.- Uncertainty modeling: the Computational Economists’ View on Cyberwarfare. Engineering J. Zhang, Nagoya City University, Nagoya, Japan; M. Ohsaki, Hiroshima University, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan Tensegrity Structures Form, Stability, and Symmetry To help deeper understanding of tensegrity structures, this book focuses on the two key problems in designing a tensegrity structure: self-equilibrium form and stability. In particular, the structures’ symmetry properties are extensively utilized. Features 7 The first book to analytically study self-equilibrium and super-stability of symmetric tensegrity structures, making use of this powerful tool for dealing with symmetry group representation theory 7 Presents the fundamental properties of tensegrity structures , since these basic properties are inevitably involved in the design of any tensegrity structures 7 Comprehensive and detailed with plenty of examples, intended to help readers follow the theories and algorithms more easily Contents Basic Formulations for Equilibrium and Stiffness.Stability Conditions.- Adaptive Force Density Method.- Symmetry-adapted Formulations.Structures with Dihedral Symmetry.- Structures with Polyhedral Symmetries. Fields of interest Structural Mechanics; Manifolds and Cell Complexes (incl. Diff.Topology); Engineering Design Target groups Research Product category Monograph T. I. Zohdi, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA A Finite Element Primer for Beginners The Basics The purpose of this primer is to provide the basics of the Finite Element Method, primarily illustrated through a classical model problem, linearized elasticity. Features 7 Presents absolute essentials of the Finite Element Method 7 Basic introduction to some essential mathematical concepts and to the mechanics of a continuum 7 The author has long years of experience teaching finite element classes 7 Illustrated through the classical model problem of linearized elasticity Contents Weighted residuals and Galerkin’s method for a generic 1-D problem.- A model problem: 1-D elastostatics.- A finite element implementation in one dimension.- Accuracy of the finite element method.- Element by element iterative solutions schemes.- Weak formulations in three dimensions.- A finite element implementation in three dimensions.- Accuracy of the finite element method.- Time-dependent problems.- Summary and advanced topics. Fields of interest Continuum Mechanics and Mechanics of Materials; Engineering Fluid Dynamics; Complexity Target groups Research Product category Brief Fields of interest Computational Intelligence; Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics) Target groups Research Product category Monograph Due August 2014 Due February 2015 Available 2015. IX, 269 p. 58 illus. (Studies in Computational Intelligence, Volume 563) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08623-1 2015. 300 p. 60 illus. (Mathematics for Industry, Volume 6) Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7 approx.€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-4-431-54812-6 2014. 120 p. (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology) Softcover 7 *€ (D) 53,49 | € (A) 54,99 | sFr 67,00 7€ 49,99 | £44.99 ISBN 978-3-319-09035-1 9<HTODMJ=aigcdb> 9<HTPEOB=feibcg> 9<HTODMJ=ajadfb> 109 Energy A. Freni, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto di Tecnologie Avanzate per l’En, Messina, Italy; B. Dawoud, East Bavarian Technical University (OTHRegensburg), Regensburg, Germany; L. Bonaccorsi, Department of Electronic Engineering, Chemistry, University of Messina, Contrada di Dio, Messina, Italy; S. Chmielewski, Viessmann Werke Allendorf GmbH, Viessmannstraße 1, Allendorf (Eder), Germany; A. Frazzica, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto di Tecnologie Avanzate per l’Energia, Messina, Italy; L. Calabrese, Department of Electronic Engineering, Chemistry, University of Messina, Contrada di Dio, Messina, Italy; G. Restuccia, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto di Tecnologie Avanzate per l’Energia, Messina, Italy Characterization of Zeolitebased Coatings for Adsorption Heat Pumps This book proposes a radically new approach for characterizing thermophysical and mechanical properties of zeolite-based adsorbent coatings for Adsorptive Heat Transformers (AHT). It presents a developed standard protocol for the complete characterization of advanced coated adsorbers. Features 7 Illustrates a developed standard protocol for the complete characterization of advanced coated adsorbers 7 Provides a deep analysis of the different procedures necessary for the evaluation of the achievable performance of the adsorber 7 Offers a comprehensive examination of the stability of the adsober against the hydrothermal and mechanical stresses undergone during its entire life cycle Fields of interest Energy Efficiency (incl. Buildings); Engineering Thermodynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer; Surface and Interface Science, Thin Films Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Brief springer.com/NEWSonline S. Girard, Institute of Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN), Fontenay-aux-Roses, France Physical and Statistical Models for Steam Generator Clogging Diagnosis Clogging of steam generators in nuclear power plants is a highly sensitive issue in terms of performance and safety and this book proposes a completely novel methodology for diagnosing this phenomenon. It demonstrates real-life industrial applications of this approach to French steam generators and applies the approach to operational data gathered from French nuclear power plants. The book presents a detailed review of in situ diagnosis techniques and assesses existing methodologies for clogging diagnosis, whilst examining their limitations. Features 7 Proposes a novel methodology for diagnosing clogging of steam generators in nuclear power plants 7 Demonstrates real-life industrial applications of this methodology to French steam generators 7 Presents a detailed review of existing methodologies for clogging diagnosis and examines their limitations Contents 1 Introduction.- 2 Clogging of recirculating nuclear steam generators.- 3 State of the art of clogging diagnosis.- 4 Steam generator physical model.- 5 Sensitivity analysis.- 6 Sliced inverse regression.- 7 Statistical analysis of the physical model.- 8 New diagnosis method.- 9 Synthesis and usage recommendation.- Appendix A Characteristics of the type 51B steam generator. Fields of interest Nuclear Energy; Nuclear Engineering; Numeric Computing Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Brief G. J. Kearly, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, Lucas heights, NSW, Australia; V. K. Peterson, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, Lucas Heights, NSW, Australia (Eds) Neutron Applications in Materials for Energy Neutron Applications in Materials for Energy collects results and conclusions of recent neutron-based investigations of materials that are important in the development of sustainable energy. Chapters are authored by leading scientists with hands-on experience in the field, providing overviews, recent highlights, and case-studies to illustrate the applicability of one or more neutronbased techniques of analysis. Features 7 First book focused on neutron scattering for sustainable energy materials 7 Offers contributions by top specialists in the field 7 Discusses the future prospects of neutron scattering techniques for sustainable energy materials Contents Preface.- Glossary.- 1 Neutron Applications in Energy Materials Research.- Part I Energy Generation.- 2 Catalysis.- 3 CO2 Separation, Capture, and Storage in Porous Materials.- 4 Materials for the Nuclear Energy Sector.- 5 Solar Cells: Chalcopyrite Thin Film Devices.- 6 Solar Cells: Organic Devices.- Part II Energy Storage.- 7 Li-ion Batteries.8 Hydrogen Storage Materials.- Part III Energy Use.- 9 Fuel Cells: Neutron Scattering of ProtonConducting Ceramics.- 10 Fuel Cells: Neutron Techniques as a Probe of Structure, Dynamics and Transport in Polyelectrolyte Membranes. Fields of interest Renewable and Green Energy; Nanotechnology; Measurement Science and Instrumentation Target groups Graduate Product category Monograph Due December 2014 Due August 2014 Due October 2014 2014. 100 p. 40 illus., 10 in color. (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology) Softcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 53,49 | € (A) 54,99 | sFr 67,00 7 approx.€ 49,99 | £44.99 ISBN 978-3-319-09326-0 2014. IX, 97 p. 76 illus., 42 in color. (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology) Softcover 7 *€ (D) 53,49 | € (A) 54,99 | sFr 67,00 7€ 49,99 | £44.99 ISBN 978-3-319-09320-8 2014. XXII, 310 p. 101 illus., 81 in color. (Neutron Scattering Applications and Techniques) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 139,09 | € (A) 142,99 | sFr 173,50 7€ 129,99 | £117.00 ISBN 978-3-319-06655-4 9<HTODMJ=ajdcga> 9<HTODMJ=ajdcai> 9<HTODMJ=ag f e> 110 News 8/2014 Z. Kovacs, Bratislava, Slovakia Energy M. K. Kuzman, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia; A. Kutnar, University of Primorska, Koper, Slovenia M. Lehner, University of Leoben, Leoben, Austria; R. Tichler, H. Steinmüller, M. Koppe, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria Probabilistic Safety Assessment of WWER440 Reactors Contemporary Slovenian Prediction, Quantification and Management Timber Architecture for of the Risk Sustainability The aim of this book is to summarize probabilistic safety assessment (PSA) of nuclear power plants with WWER440 reactors and demonstrate that the plants are safe enough for producing energy even in light of the Fukushima accident. The book examines level 1 and 2 full power, low power and shutdown PSA, and summarizes the author’s experience gained during the last 35 years in this area. It provides useful examples taken from PSA training courses the author has lectured and organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency. Such training courses were organised in Argonne National Laboratory (Chicago, IL, USA), Abdus Salaam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (Trieste, Italy), Malaysia, Vietnam and Jordan to support experts from developing countries. Features 7 Examines level 1 and 2 full power, low power and shutdown probabilistic safety assessment of WWER440 reactors 7 Summarizes the author’s experience gained during the last 35 years 7 Provides useful examples taken from PSA training courses delivered by the author and organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency Contents Introduction.- The nuclear power plant with WWER440 reactors.- Level 1 full power PSA.Level 1 low power and shutdown PSA.- Level 2 PSA.- PSA applications.- Conclusions. Fields of interest Nuclear Energy; Quality Control, Reliability, Safety and Risk; Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes The book presents Slovenia’s contemporary timber architecture. Thanks to its abundant forests, Slovenia has preserved the tradition of wood construction. As much as 60% of its surface is covered by forests. Slovenia is also the third most forested country in Europe. The high share of forest-covered surface allows for a sustainable production of high-quality wood. In the past, wood was used primarily in the construction of farm buildings, but now timber architecture is used for everything from residences and office buildings to public buildings such as community centres and schools. Timber construction is becoming increasingly popular. Apart from larger companies taking this approach, a great number of wooden houses have sprung up, built either on personal initiative or with the support of carpenter workshops. Slovenian timber architecture has taken a new approach to environmental and energy-efficiency problems and received great international recognition. Features 7 Covers a new approach to environmental and energy-efficiency problems 7 Discusses over fifty projects built over a ten-year period 7 Includes descriptions, photographs and plans Contents Preface.- Introduction.- Projects Contemporary Slovenian Timber Architecture 2003-2013.- Public objects.- Conclusions. Fields of interest Energy Efficiency (incl. Buildings); Building Materials; Building Types and Functions Target groups Professional/practitioner Target groups Research Product category Professional book Product category Monograph Due August 2014 2014. XVIII, 306 p. 117 illus., 30 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08547-0 9<HTODMJ=aifeha> Power-to-Gas: Technology and Business Models Increased production of energy from renewable sources leads to a need for both new and enhanced capacities for energy transmission and intermediate storage. The book first compares different available storage options and then introduces the power-to-gas concept in a comprehensive overview of the technology. The state of the art, advancements, and future requirements for both water electrolysis and methanation are described. The integration of renewable hydrogen and methane into the gas grid is discussed in terms of the necessary technological measures to be taken. Because the power-to-gas system is very flexible, providing numerous specific applications for different targets within the energy sector, possible business models are presented on the basis of various process chains taking into account different plant scales and operating scenarios. The influence of the scale and the type of the integration of the technology into the existing energy network is highlighted with an emphasis on economic consequences. Finally, legal aspects of the operation and integration of the power-to-gas system are discussed. Contents Storage options for renewable energy.- The Powerto-gas concept.- Electrolysis.- Methanation.- Integration in the gas grid.- Business models.- Business models. Fields of interest Energy Storage; Energy Technology Target groups Research Product category Brief Due September 2014 Due August 2014 2014. XVII, 160 p. 218 illus. (Green Energy and Technology) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 85,59 | € (A) 87,99 | sFr 106,50 7€ 79,99 | £72.00 ISBN 978-3-319-03634-2 2014. VIII, 93 p. 20 illus., 12 in color. (SpringerBriefs in Energy) Softcover 7 *€ (D) 53,49 | € (A) 54,99 | sFr 67,00 7€ 49,99 | £44.99 ISBN 978-3-319-03994-7 9<HTODMJ=adgdec> 9<HTODMJ=adj eh> 111 Energy N. Luo, University of Girona, Girona, Spain; Y. Vidal, L. Acho, Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain (Eds) Wind Turbine Control and Monitoring Maximizing reader insights into the latest technical developments and trends involving wind turbine control and monitoring, fault diagnosis, and wind power systems, ‘Wind Turbine Control and Monitoring’ presents an accessible and straightforward introduction to wind turbines, but also includes an in-depth analysis incorporating illustrations, tables and examples on how to use wind turbine modeling and simulation software. Featuring analysis from leading experts and researchers in the field, the book provides new understanding, methodologies and algorithms of control and monitoring, computer tools for modeling and simulation, and advances the current state-of-the-art on wind turbine monitoring and fault diagnosis; power converter systems; and cooperative & fault-tolerant control systems for maximizing the wind power generation and reducing the maintenance cost. Features 7 Provides an accessible and straightforward introduction to wind turbines, but also an in-depth analysis through clarity of exposition, illustrations, and tables 7 Presents the most up to date knowledge and latest trends concerning wind turbine control and monitoring, fault diagnosis, and wind power systems 7 Includes intuitive examples on how to use wind turbine modeling and simulation software Fields of interest Renewable and Green Energy; Control; Environmental Engineering/Biotechnology Target groups Research springer.com/NEWSonline J. Morales Pedraza, Vienna, Austria Electrical Energy Generation in Europe The Current and Future Role of Conventional Energy Sources in the Regional Generation of Electricity Maximizing reader insights into the current use of conventional energy sources (such as fossil fuels) in the generation of electricity in the European region, this book addresses several key issues including: potential ways European countries could expand their energy sector in the coming years; the impact on the climate, the level of energy reserves, different efficiency measures that could be adopted to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels in the generation of electricity, and current and future energy production and consumption trends, amongst other topics. Features 7 Describes current and future energy generation programs of selected European countries with an emphasis on the use of fossil fuels for the generation of electricity 7 Includes updated information on the level of conventional energy reserves in the region and discussions on the environmental considerations associated with the use of oil and coal in electricity generation 7 Analyzes how the use of fossil fuels in the generation of electricity can be reduced and the economic issues related to utilizing different types of conventional energy sources for electricity generation Fields of interest Fossil Fuels (incl. Carbon Capture); Energy Economics; Energy Technology G. Nasr, University of Salford, Salford, UK; N. Connor, Colwyn Bay, UK Natural Gas Engineering and Safety Challenges Downstream Process, Analysis, Utilization & Safety Features 7 Provides a critical and extensive compilation of the downstream processes of natural gas that involve the principle of gas processing , transmission and distribution, gas flow and network analysis, instrumentation and measurement systems and its utilisation 7 Enriches understanding of the business and management aspects of natural gas as well as highlighting some of the recent research and innovations in the field 7 Covers the needs of practising engineers from different disciplines, who may include project managers, planning and design engineers – the book is also suitable for the demands of undergraduate and postgraduate students in the field of gas, petroleum and chemical engineering Contents Fundamental and Natural Gas Principles.- Transmission and Distribution Systems and Design.Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG).- Gas Flow and Network Analysis.- Natural Gas Measurement Systems.- Pipeline Failure Modes and Facture Propagation.- Asset and Risk Management.- Fire and Explosion.- Industrial Utilization of Natural Gas.- Project and Business Management of Natural Gas.- Research and Innovation In Natural Gas Engineering. Target groups Research Fields of interest Fossil Fuels (incl. Carbon Capture); Engineering Thermodynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer; Geophysics and Environmental Physics Product category Monograph Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Monograph Product category Professional book Due August 2014 2014. IX, 438 p. 310 illus., 198 in color. (Advances in Industrial Control) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 139,09 | € (A) 142,99 | sFr 173,50 7€ 129,99 | £117.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08412-1 9<HTODMJ=aiebcb> 112 Due October 2014 Due September 2014 2014. 380 p. 40 illus., 20 in color. Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 139,09 | € (A) 142,99 | sFr 173,50 7 approx.€ 129,99 | £117.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08400-8 2014. XVIII, 348 p. 239 illus., 28 in color. Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 181,89 | € (A) 186,99 | sFr 226,50 7 approx.€ 169,99 | £153.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08947-8 9<HTODMJ=aiea i> 9<HTODMJ=aijehi> News 8/2014 Physics T. B. Ake, Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, MA, USA; R. E. Griffin, NRC Dominion Astrophysical Observatory, Victoria, BC, Canada (Eds) I. Antoniadis, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland; D. Ghilencea, National Institute of Physics NIPNE, Bucharest-Magurele, Romania (Eds) Giants of Eclipse: The zeta Aurigae Stars and Other Binary Systems Supersymmetry after the Higgs Strongly Correlated Systems Experimental Techniques Discovery The zeta Aurigae stars are the rare but illustrious sub-group of binary stars that undergo the dramatic phenomenon of “chromospheric eclipse”. This book provides detailed descriptions of the ten known systems, illustrates them richly with examples of new spectra, and places them in the context of stellar structure and evolution. Comprised of a large cool giant plus a small hot dwarf, these key eclipsing binaries reveal fascinating changes in their spectra very close to total eclipse, when the hot star shines through differing heights of the “chromosphere”, or outer atmosphere, of the giant. Features 7 Carefully edited volume reviewing a rare class of eclipsing binary stars 7 Describes historical development of the field as well as modern observational and theoretical results 7 Provides detailed information on the giant binary star epsilon Aurigae Contents The zeta Aurigae Binaries.- Observing and Analyzing the zeta Aurigae Systems.- The Special Case of VV Cephei.- zeta Aurigae – a Two Century Long Dilemma Persists.- Atmospheric Heating and Wind Acceleration in Cool Evolved Stars.Optical Interferometry of Giants and Supergiants.Asteroseismology of Eclipsing Binary Stars.- Index of Keywords. Fields of interest Astronomy, Observations and Techniques; Astrophysics and Astroparticles Target groups Research Product category Monograph Supersymmetry (SUSY) is a new symmetry that relates bosons and fermions, which has strong support at both the mathematical and the physical level. This book offers a comprehensive review, following the development of SUSY from its very early days up to present. The order of the contributions should provide the reader with the historical development as well as the latest theoretical updates and interpretations, and experimental constraints from particle accelerators and dark matter searches. It is a great pleasure to bring together here contributions from authors who initiated or have contributed significantly to the development of this theory over so many years. To present a balanced point of view, the book also includes a closing contribution that attempts to describe the physics beyond the Standard Model in the absence of SUSY. The contributions to this book have been previously published in The European Physical Journal C - Particles and Fields. Contents P. Ramond, SUSY: “the early years (1966–1976)”.- P. Fayet, “The Supersymmetric Standard Model”.- I. Melzer-Pellmann (CMS), P. Pralavorio (ATLAS), “Lessons for SUSY from the LHC after the first run”.- J. Ellis, “Supersymmetric fits after the Higgs discovery and implications for model building”.- A. Djouadi, “Implications of the Higgs discovery for the MSSM”.- G. G. Ross, “SUSY: Quo Vadis?”.R. Catena, L. Covi, “SUSY dark matter(s)”.- H. P. Nilles, “The strings connection: MSSM-like models from strings”.- B. Bellazzini, C. Csáki, J. Serra, “Composite Higgses”. Fields of interest Elementary Particles, Quantum Field Theory; Quantum Field Theories, String Theory Target groups Research Product category Monograph A. Avella, F. Mancini, Università degli Studi di Salerno Dipartimento di Fisica “E.R. Caianiello”, Fisciano (SA), Italy (Eds) The continuous evolution and development of experimental techniques is at the basis of any fundamental achievement in modern physics. Strongly correlated systems (SCS), more than any other, need to be investigated through the greatest variety of experimental techniques in order to unveil and crosscheck the numerous and puzzling anomalous behaviors characterizing them. The study of SCS fostered the improvement of many old experimental techniques, but also the advent of many new ones just invented in order to analyze the complex behaviors of these systems. Many novel materials, with functional properties emerging from macroscopic quantum behaviors at the frontier of modern research in physics, chemistry and materials science, belong to this class of systems. Features 7 Collection of modern experimental methods for strongly correlated systems 7 Didactical presentation of the essential experimental methods in condensed matter physics 7 Gives the experimental basis for the study and characterization of novel materials with functional properties emerging from macroscopic quantum behaviour at the frontier of modern research in physics, chemistry and materials science Contents ARPES.- NMR.- Neutrons.- Muons.- XANES.STM.- EXAFS.- Optical Probes.- STS.- Van Alphen.- Thermal Probes. Fields of interest Solid State Physics; Spectroscopy and Microscopy; Mathematical Methods in Physics Target groups Research Product category Monograph Due September 2014 Due October 2014 2015. 210 p. 100 illus., 50 in color. (Astrophysics and Space Science Library, Volume 408) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-09197-6 9<HTODMJ=ajbjhg> Due August 2014 2014. 170 p. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 90,94 | € (A) 93,49 | sFr 113,50 7€ 84,99 | £76.50 ISBN 978-3-662-44171-8 9<HTOGRC=e bhbi> 2015. XXXII, 313 p. 117 illus., 74 in color. (Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences, Volume 180) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 139,09 | € (A) 142,99 | sFr 173,50 7€ 129,99 | £117.00 ISBN 978-3-662-44132-9 9<HTOGRC=e bdcj> 113 Physics springer.com/NEWSonline M. Beech, Campion Collee The University of Regina, Regina, SK, Canada A. Chapman, Wadham College and Faculty of History, Oxford, UK G. Cicogna, Università Pisa Dipto. Fisica, Enrico Fermi, Pisa, Italy Alpha Centauri Mary Somerville and the World of Science Metodi matematici della Fisica Unveiling the Secrets of Our Nearest Stellar Neighbor In spite of the yawning abyss that is interstellar space, humanity has long dreamed of traveling to the stars – but where to first? Surely, our first steps towards these distant horizons will be via Alpha Centauri, our nearest stellar neighbor. An intriguing system of three stars, Alpha Centauri offers a glimpse of alternative suns and new exoplanet worlds. As a close match to Earth’s Sun and Solar System, study of this region, both the science of it and the math underlying it, can inform our understanding of how planets form. For all of its adjacency, however, Alpha Centauri continues to tantalize astronomers with numerous unresolved questions: how did it emerge, where are and how many planets does it contain, and how might we go there to view its extensive panorama directly? This text addresses these questions and looks to a future where they can be resolved up close and personal by an ambitious space mission to explore all this and more. Features 7 Examines the latest research on the entire Alpha Centauri system, from its three stars to possible exoplanets 7 Sheds light on development of the Sun and Earth's solar system 7 Explains stellar evolution by looking at the Solar System's neighborhood 7 Uses some basic math to give a good grounding in the science of stellar evolution Fields of interest Astronomy, Astrophysics and Cosmology; Popular Science in Astronomy; Extraterrestrial Physics, Space Sciences Mary Somerville (1780-1872), after whom Somerville College Oxford was named, was the first woman scientist to win an international reputation entirely in her own right, rather than through association with a scientific brother or father. She was active in astronomy, one of the most demanding areas of science of the day, and flourished in the unique British tradition of Grand Amateurs, who paid their own way and were not affiliated with any academic institution. Mary Somerville was to science what Jane Austen was to literature and Frances Trollope to travel writing. Allan Chapman’s vivid account brings to light the story of an exceptional woman, whose achievements in a field dominated by men deserve to be very widely known. Features 7 Details the achievements of Mary Somerville and her impact in physics and astronomy 7 Documents Somerville's position as the first woman scientist to win an international reputation in her own right 7 Written by leading and internationally-respected historian of science and astronomy Contents Mary Somerville and Her Influence.- Early Life, Career and Friends: The Social World of Georgian Science.- The Domain of Nature: Astronomy, Optics and Geology.- Mary Somerville the Writer.- A Full, Rich Life.- Conclusion: A Career in Retrospect. Target groups Popular/general Fields of interest History and Philosophical Foundations of Physics; History of Science; Astronomy, Astrophysics and Cosmology Product category Popular science Target groups Research Product category Brief Questo libro trae la sua origine dagli appunti preparati per le lezioni di Metodi Matematici della Fisica tenute al Dipartimento di Fisica dell’Università di Pisa, e via via sistemati, raffinati e aggiornati nel corso di molti anni di insegnamento. L’intento generale è di fornire una presentazione per quanto possibile semplice e diretta dei metodi matematici basilari e rilevanti per la Fisica. Anche allo scopo di mantenere questo testo entro i limiti di un manuale di dimensioni contenute e di agevole consultazione, sono stati spesso sacrificati i dettagli tecnici delle dimostrazioni matematiche (o anzi le dimostrazioni per intero) e anche i formalismi eccessivi, che tendono a nascondere la vera natura dei problemi. Al contrario, si è cercato di evidenziare – per quanto possibile – le idee sottostanti e le motivazioni che conducono ai diversi procedimenti. Features 7 Nuova edizione arricchita dall'inserimento di numerosi esempi (e controesempi) 7 Le prime nozioni della Teoria dei Gruppi, delle Algebre di Lie e delle Simmetrie in Fisica vengono ora proposte in una forma sensibilmente ampliata 7 Due nuovi Capitoli dedicati allo studio delle proprietà di simmetria dell'atomo di idrogeno e dell'oscillatore armonico in Meccanica Quantistica Contents 1 Spazi a dimensione fiita.- 2 Spazi di Hilbert.- 3 Funzioni di una variabile complessa.- 4 Trasformate di Fourier e Laplace.- 5 Elementi di teoria delle distribuzioni.- 6 Introduzione alla teoria dei gruppi e alle proprietà di simmetria.- Riferimenti bibliografici.- Indice Analitico. Fields of interest Mathematical Methods in Physics; Functional Analysis; Functions of a Complex Variable Target groups Lower undergraduate Product category Libro di testo introduttivo Due December 2014 Due September 2014 Pubblicazione prevista per il mese di August 2014 2014. Approx. 250 p. 80 illus., 30 in color. (Astronomers’ Universe) Softcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 28,88 | € (A) 29,69 | sFr 34,50 7 approx.€ 26,99 | £23.99 ISBN 978-3-319-09371-0 2014. X, 70 p. 17 illus. (SpringerBriefs in History of Science and Technology) Softcover 7 *€ (D) 53,49 | € (A) 54,99 | sFr 67,00 7€ 49,99 | £44.99 ISBN 978-3-319-09398-7 2a ed. 2015. X, 258 pagg. 22 figg. (UNITEXT for Physics) Cartonato 7 approx. *€ (D) 32,91 | € (A) 33,84 | sFr 41,00 7 approx.€ 30,76 | £27.99 ISBN 978-88-470-5683-1 9<HTODMJ=ajdhba> 114 9<HTODMJ=ajdjih> 9<HT IPH=afgidb> News 8/2014 S. Cottam, National Astronomical Research Institute of Thailand, , Thailand; W. Orchiston, National Astronomical Research Institute, , Thailand Eclipses, Transits, and Comets of the Nineteenth Century How America’s Perception of the Skies Changed Grabbing the attention of poets, politicians and the general public alike, a series of spectacular astronomical events in the late 1800s galvanized Americans to take a greater interest in astronomy than ever before. Features 7 Explains how astronomical events, such as comets, eclipses and planetary discoveries, in the late nineteenth century made astronomy much more popular with the general public and advancements in the science helped the United States emerge as a scientific power 7 Demonstrates the variety of means by which the non-professional was educated in scientific topics in the pre-technological age 7 Documents the long history of amateur astronomy in the US Contents Introduction.- Historical Overview- The United States and Astronomy Until the 1860S.- Scientific Overview.- Popular Astronomy and the Solar Eclipses of 1868, 1869 and 1878.- Popular Astronomy and the Transits of Venus of 1874 and 1882.- Discussion.- Concluding Remarks.- References. Physics C. Esposito, University of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany M. Esseling, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Münster, Germany Formality Theory Photorefractive Optoelectronic Tweezers and Their Applications From Poisson Structures to Deformation Quantization This book is a survey of the theory of formal deformation quantization of Poisson manifolds, in the formalism developed by Kontsevich. It is intended as an educational introduction for mathematical physicists who are dealing with the subject for the first time. The main topics covered are the theory of Poisson manifolds, star products and their classification, deformations of associative algebras and the formality theorem. Readers will also be familiarized with the relevant physical motivations underlying the purely mathematical construction. Contents Introduction.- Classical mechanics and Poisson structures.- Deformation quantization and formality theory.- Kontsevich’s Formula and Globalization.- Appendix.- Vector bundles.- Cohomology.Index. Fields of interest Quantum Field Theories, String Theory; String Theory Mathematical Physics; Functional Analysis Target groups Research Product category Brief In the never-ending quest for miniaturization, optically controlled particle trapping has opened up new possibilities for handling microscopic matter non-invasively. This thesis presents the application of photorefractive crystals as active substrate materials for optoelectronic tweezers. In these tweezers, flexible optical patterns are transformed into electrical forces by a photoconductive material, making it possible to handle matter with very high forces and high throughput. Potential substrate materials’ properties are investigated and ways to tune their figures-of-merit are demonstrated. Features 7 Nominated as an outstanding Ph.D. thesis by Westfälische Wilhelms University of Münster, Germany 7 Details optofluidic applications of lithium niobate 7 Presents coloured 2D electric field and phase data maps Contents Introduction.- Electrokinetic Forces in Inhomogeneous Fields.- Electric Fields and Their Detection in Photorefractive Crystals.- Investigation of Photorefractive Substrate Materials.- OpticallyInduced Dielectrophoretic Particle Trapping.- Optofluidic Applications for POT.- Summary.- Appendices. Fields of interest Astronomy, Observations and Techniques; History of Science; History and Philosophical Foundations of Physics Fields of interest Soft and Granular Matter, Complex Fluids and Microfluidics; Optics, Optoelectronics, Plasmonics and Optical Devices; Nanotechnology Target groups Research Target groups Research Product category Monograph Product category Monograph Due September 2014 Due September 2014 Due August 2014 2015. XX, 380 p. 238 illus., 83 in color. (Astrophysics and Space Science Library, Volume 406) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08340-7 2015. X, 91 p. 4 illus. (SpringerBriefs in Mathematical Physics, Volume 2) Softcover 7 *€ (D) 53,49 | € (A) 54,99 | sFr 67,00 7€ 49,99 | £44.99 ISBN 978-3-319-09289-8 2015. XI, 125 p. 55 illus., 24 in color. (Springer Theses) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-09317-8 9<HTODMJ=aideah> 9<HTODMJ=ajciji> 9<HTODMJ=ajdbhi> 115 Physics springer.com/NEWSonline B. Falkenburg, TU Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany; M. Morrison, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada (Eds) M. Fischetti, University of Texas at Dallas, Richadson, TX, USA; S. Aboud, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA Why More Is Different Advanced Physics of Semiconductors Philosophical Issues in Condensed Matter Physics and Complex Systems Features 7 A unique look at the surprisingly many philosophical questions pertinent to condensed matter physics 7 Tackles the key issues of reduction, emergence and reversibility as they relate to various condensed matter phenomena 7 Written by experts from both physics and philosophy Contents Introduction (B. Falkenburg, M. Morrison).Reduction: On the Success and Limitations of Reductionism in Physics (H. Meyer-Ortmanns).On the Relation between the Second Law of Thermodynamics and Classical and Quantum Mechanics (B. Drossel).- Dissipation in Quantum Mechanical Systems - Where is the System and Where is the Reservoir? (J. Ankerhold).- Explanation via Microreduction - One the Role of Scale Separation for Quantitative Modelling (R. Hillerbrand).- Emergence: Why is More Different? (M. Morrison).- Autonomy and Scales (R. Battermann).- More is Different...Sometimes: Ising Models, Emergence, and Undecidability (P. Humphreys).- Functional Reduction and Emergence (S. Bangu).- Parts and Wholes:.- Stability, Energence and Part-Whole Reduction (A. Hüttemann, R. Kühm, O. Terzidis).- Between Rigor and Reality: Many-Body Models in Condensed Matter Physics (A. Gelfert).- How Do Quasi-Particles Exist? (B. Falkenburg).- A Mechanistic Reading of Quantum Laser Theory (M. Kuhlmann). Fields of interest Condensed Matter Physics; Philosophy of Science; History and Philosophical Foundations of Physics Target groups Research Product category Monograph Electronic Properties and Transport This textbook is aimed at second-year graduate students in Physics, Electrical Engineering or Materials Science. It presents a rigorous introduction to electronic transport in solids, especially at the nanometer scale. Understanding electronic transport in solids requires some basic knowledge of Hamiltonian Classical Mechanics, Quantum Mechanics, Condensed Matter Theory, and Statistical Mechanics. Features 7 Comprehensive treatment of electronic structure of and transport in solids including nanostructures 7 Includes a historical perspective on the evolution of quantum theory and how it has shaped our knowledge of electrons in crystals 7 Rigorous mathematical development is supplemented by numerical and computational methodologies which convey a practical understanding of the challenges and successes of using quantum mechanics for real world applications 7 Exercises for students, based on homework problems assigned by the authors, and suggested reading will be included Contents Part I A Brief Review of Classical and Quantum Mechanics.- Part II Crystals and Electronic Properties of Solids.- Part III Second Quantization and Elementary Excitations in Solids.- Part IV Electron Scattering in Solids.- Part V Electronic Transport. Fields of interest Semiconductors; Optical and Electronic Materials; Electrical Engineering M. Gasperini, Bari, Italy Relatività Generale e Teoria della Gravitazione Features 7 Presenta e discute aspetti dell'interazione gravitazionale portati alla ribalta dai recenti risultati teorici (modelli di gravita' in spazi multidimensionali) e dalle recentissime osservazioni sperimentali (misure di velocita' dei neutrini e misure della polarizzazione della radiazione cosmica) 7 Contiene argomenti non inclusi nella maggioranza dei testi dedicati alla relativita' generale 7 Contiene anche nuovi, ulteriori esercizi rispetto all'edizione precedente Contents Prefazione alla II edizione.- Prefazione.- Notazioni e convenzioni.- 1 Complementi di relativit`a ristretta.- 2 Verso una teoria relativistica della gravitazione.- 3 Calcolo tensoriale in una variet`a di Riemann.- 4 Equazioni di Maxwell e geometria di Riemann.- 5 Corpi di prova e segnali nello spazio-tempo di Riemann.- 6 Deviazione geodetica e tensore di curvatura.- 7 Equazioni di Einstein per il campo gravitazionale.- 8 Approssimazione di campo debole.- 9 Le onde gravitazionali.- 10 La soluzione di Schwarzschild.- 11 La soluzione di Kasner.- 12 Tetradi e connessione di Lorentz.- 13 Equazione di Dirac in un campo gravitazionale.14 Supersimmetria e supergravità.- Appendice A Il linguaggio delle forme differenziali.- Appendice B Gravità.- Bibliografia.- Indice analitico. Fields of interest Classical and Quantum Gravitation, Relativity Theory; Elementary Particles, Quantum Field Theory; Astrophysics and Astroparticles Target groups Lower undergraduate Product category Libro di testo introduttivo Target groups Graduate Product category Graduate/Advanced undergraduate textbook Due September 2014 Due November 2014 Pubblicazione prevista per il mese di October 2014 2015. 300 p. 40 illus. (The Frontiers Collection) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 74,89 | € (A) 76,99 | sFr 93,50 7€ 69,99 | £62.99 ISBN 978-3-662-43910-4 2015. 600 p. 165 illus., 15 in color. (Graduate Texts in Physics) Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 85,59 | € (A) 87,99 | sFr 107,50 7 approx.€ 79,99 | £73.00 ISBN 978-3-319-01100-4 2a ed. 2014. Approx. 380 pagg. (UNITEXT for Physics) Cartonato 7 approx. *€ (D) 36,01 | € (A) 37,02 | sFr 45,00 7 approx.€ 33,65 | £30.99 ISBN 978-88-470-5689-3 9<HTOGRC=edjbae> 116 9<HTODMJ=ab a e> 9<HT IPH=afgijd> News 8/2014 S. J. Hagen, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA (Ed) The Physical Basis of Bacterial Quorum Communication Features 7 Analyzes bacterial quorum sensing from a physical and mathematical perspective 7 Explores the role of spatiotemporal diffusion, regulatory dynamics, stochasticity and information in quorum communication 7 Includes contributions from leading experimentalists, theoreticians, engineers and modelers 7 Takes a physical science and engineering approach to the subject, but will appeal to anyone with a background in physical biology Contents Chapter 1. Introduction.- Chapter 2. Modeling of Signal Transduction by The Quorum-Sensing Pathway in the Vibrios.- Chapter 3. Stochastic Effects in Quorum Sensing.- Chapter 4. Spatial Structure of Microbes in Nature and the Biophysics of Cell-Cell Communication.- Chapter 5. Functionality of Autoinducer Systems in Complex Environments.- Chapter 6. Localization of Quorum Sensing by Extracellular Polymeric Substances (EPS): Considerations of in Situ Signaling.Chapter 7. Swimming in Information? Physics Limits to Learning by Quorum Sensing.- Chapter 8. Interplay Between Sibling Bacterial Colonies.Chapter 9. Mathematical Insights Into the Role of Feedback in Quorum-Sensing Architectures.Chapter 10. The Role of Biosurfactants in Bacterial Systems.- Chapter 11. Ecology of a Simple Synthetic Biofilm.- Chapter 12. Engineering Cellto-Cell Communication To Explore Fundamental Questions in Ecology and Evolution. Fields of interest Biophysics and Biological Physics; Mathematical and Computational Biology; Bacteriology: Biological Networks, Systems Biology; Gene Expression Target groups Research Product category Monograph Physics T. Hehn, Institut für Mikro- und Informationstech (HSG-IMIT), Freiburg, Germany; Y. Manoli, University of Freiburg IMTEK, Freiburg, Germany J.‑P. Huang, Fudan University, Shanghai, China CMOS Circuits for Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters Properties and Mechanisms of Laboratory Markets Efficient Power Extraction, Interface Modeling and Loss Analysis This book deals with the challenge of exploiting ambient vibrational energy which can be used to power small and low-power electronic devices, e.g. wireless sensor nodes. Generally, particularly for low voltage amplitudes, low-loss rectification is required to achieve high conversion efficiency. Features 7 Includes a guide of how to extract model parameters for given piezoelectric harvester 7 Helps integrated circuit designers to develop their own chips for energy harvesters 7 Presented circuit concepts can be re-used since dimensions of all devices are given 7 Detailed theoretical and analytical analysis of chip losses helps achieving high efficiency 7 Gives hints of how to characterize the fabricated chip in combination with the real harvester Contents 1 Introduction.- 2 Piezoelectricity and Energy Harvester Modelling.- 3 Analysis of Different Interface Circuits.- 4 Theory of the Proposed PSCE Circuit.- 5 Implementation of the PSCE Circuit on Transistor Level.- 6 Performance Analysis of the PSCE Chip.- 7 Conclusions and Outlook. References.- Appendix A Mathematical Calculations.A.1 Solution of the Linear Differential Equation Systems.- A.2 Flux Property.- A.3 Trigonometric Relations.- A.4 Numerical Calculation. Fields of interest Electronic Circuits and Devices; Energy Harvesting; Circuits and Systems Experimental Econophysics Features 7 Covers the basic concepts, experimental methods, and modelling approaches of econophysics 7 Presents the latest progress in the field of econophysics 7 Introduces experimental econophysics with a focus on controlled human experiments 7 Serves as both a reference work for senior researchers and a study text for graduate students Contents Introduction.- Fundamentals.- Stylized facts: Scaling Law and Clustering Behavior.- Fluctuation Phenomena: Leverage Could be Positive and Negative.- Herd Behavior: Beyond the Known Ruinous Role.- Contrarian Behavior: Beyond the Known Helpful Role.- Hedge Behavior: Statistical Equivalence of Different Systems.- Cooperation: Spontaneous Emergence of the Invisible Hand.Business Cycles: Competition between Suppliers and Consumers.- Partial Information: Equivalent to Complete Information.- Risk Management: Unusual Risk-Return Relationship.- Prediction: Pure Technical Analysis Might not Work Satisfactorily.Summary and outlook.- Appendix. Fields of interest Socio- and Econophysics, Population and Evolutionary Models; Game Theory/Mathematical Methods; Game Theory, Economics, Social and Behav. Sciences Target groups Research Product category Monograph Target groups Research Product category Monograph Due September 2014 Due August 2014 Due August 2014 2015. VI, 296 p. 75 illus., 47 in color. (Biological and Medical Physics, Biomedical Engineering) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 139,09 | € (A) 142,99 | sFr 173,50 7€ 129,99 | £117.00 ISBN 978-1-4939-1401-2 2015. XVII, 204 p. 137 illus. (Springer Series in Advanced Microelectronics, Volume 38) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-94-017-9287-5 2015. XV, 192 p. 75 illus., 35 in color. (New Economic Windows) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 90,94 | € (A) 93,49 | sFr 113,50 7€ 84,99 | £76.50 ISBN 978-3-662-44233-3 9<HTMEUD=jbeabc> 9<HTUELB=hjcihf> 9<HTOGRC=e cd d> 117 Physics springer.com/NEWSonline V. Igochine, Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, Garching, Germany (Ed) J. Karschau, Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany Active Control of Magnetohydrodynamic Instabilities in Hot Plasmas Mathematical Modelling of Chromosome Replication and Replicative Stress During the past century, world-wide energy consumption has risen dramatically, which leads to a quest for new energy sources. Fusion of hydrogen atoms in hot plasmas is an attractive approach to solve the energy problem, with abundant fuel, inherent safety and no long-lived radioactivity. However, one of the limits on plasma performance is due to the various classes of magneto-hydrodynamic instabilities that may occur. The physics and control of these instabilities in modern magnetic confinement fusion devices is the subject of this book. Written by foremost experts, the contributions will provide valuable reference and up-to-date research reviews for “old hands” and newcomers alike. DNA replication is arguably the most crucial process at work in living cells. It is the mechanism by which organisms pass their genetic information from one generation to the next and life on Earth would be unthinkable without it. Despite the discovery of DNA structure in the 1950s, the mechanism of its replication remains rather elusive. This work makes important contributions to this line of research. In particular, it addresses two key questions in the area of DNA replication: which evolutionary forces drive the positioning of replication origins in the chromosome and how is the spatial organization of replication factories achieved inside the nucleus of a cell?. A cross-disciplinary approach uniting physics and biology is at the heart of this research. Along with experimental support, statistical physics theory produces optimal origin positions and provides a model for replication fork assembly in yeast. Features 7 Written and edited by leading plasma physics researchers 7 Provides a toolkit for scientists and engineers aiming to optimize plasma performance 7 Comprehensive treatment of different instability modes Contents Operation Space of Tokamaks and Stellarators.Sawtooth Instability.- Edge Localized Modes (ELMs).- Resistive Wall Modes (RWMs).- Neoclassical Tearing Modes (NTM).- Disruptions.- Fast Particle Driven Instabilities.- Integrated Control of the Instabilities in Future Devices. Fields of interest Plasma Physics; Energy Technology; Magnetism, Magnetic Materials Features 7 Nominated as an outstanding Ph.D. thesis by the University of Aberdeen, UK 7 May contribute to resolving the random completion problem in biology 7 Comprehensive introduction on DNA replication as well as DNA replication modelling suitable also for non-biologists Contents Introduction.- Optimal Origin Placement for Minimal Replication Time.- Actively Replicating Domains Randomly Associate into Replication Factories.- Summary and Conclusions. Target groups Research Fields of interest Physics of the Cell; Statistical Physics, Dynamical Systems and Complexity; Nucleic Acid Chemistry Product category Monograph Target groups Research Product category Monograph Due August 2014 Available 2015. XI, 454 p. 153 illus. (Springer Series on Atomic, Optical, and Plasma Physics, Volume 83) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 139,09 | € (A) 142,99 | sFr 173,50 7€ 129,99 | £117.00 ISBN 978-3-662-44221-0 2015. XIII, 76 p. 57 illus., 9 in color. (Springer Theses) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08860-0 9<HTOGRC=e c ba> 118 9<HTODMJ=ai ga > K. Kido, Yokohama-shi, Japan Digital Fourier Analysis This set collects the fundamental and advanced techniques outlined in both volumes. Beginning with the principles of sine/cosine decomposition, the reader walks through the principles of discrete Fourier analysis before reaching the cornerstone of signal processing: the Fast Fourier Transform. The second volume covers advanced topics including the Hilbert transform, cepstrum analysis, and the two-dimensional Fourier transform. Saturated with clear, coherent illustrations, Digital Fourier Analysis includes practice problems and thorough Appendices for the advanced reader. As a special feature, interactive applets (available online) that mirror the illustrations are included. Features 7 Covers the basic theory of the discrete and Fast Fourier transform and shows how they are implemented, using clear explanations and a large number of step-by-step illustrations 7 Interactive animated applets, freely available online, richly illustrate the book and allow the reader to explore the subject dynamically 7 Practice problems are included at the end of each chapter 7 A large number of Appendices provide more detailed derivations and explanations for the interested reader Contents Book 1.- Preface.- Sine and Cosine Waves.- Fourier Series Expansion.- Numerical (sampled) Waveforms.- Discrete Fourier transform (DFT).- Fast Fourier transform (FFT).- DFT and spectrum.- Time window.- Appendices.- Book 2.- Convolution.- Correlation function.- Crossspectrum method.- Cepstrum analysis.- Hilbert transform.- 2-D transform.- Appendices. Fields of interest Mathematical Methods in Physics; Appl.Mathematics/Computational Methods of Engineering; Numeric Computing Target groups Upper undergraduate Product category Graduate/Advanced undergraduate textbook Due October 2014 2014. XXVI, 381 p. (2-volume-set) 7 *€ (D) 80,24 | € (A) 82,49 | sFr 100,00 7€ 74,99 | £67.99 ISBN 978-1-4939-1521-7 9<HTMEUD=jbfcbh> News 8/2014 U. Klein, Argelander-Institut für Astronomie, Bonn, Germany; A. Fletcher, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK Galactic and Intergalactic Magnetic Fields This course-tested textbook conveys the fundamentals of magnetic fields and relativistic plasma in diffuse cosmic media, with a primary focus on phenomena that have been observed at different wavelengths. Theoretical concepts are addressed wherever necessary, with derivations presented in sufficient detail to be generally accessible. In the first few chapters the authors present an introduction to various astrophysical phenomena related to cosmic magnetism, with scales ranging from molecular clouds in star-forming regions and supernova remnants in the Milky Way, to clusters of galaxies. Later chapters address the role of magnetic fields in the evolution of the interstellar medium, galaxies and galaxy clusters. The book is intended for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students in astronomy and physics and will serve as an entry point for those starting their first research projects in the field. Features 7 Conveys the fundamentals of magnetic fields and relativistic plasma in diffuse cosmic media 7 Addresses theoretical concepts wherever necessary 7 Discusses the role of magnetic fields in the evolution of the interstellar medium, galaxies and galaxy clusters Contents Introduction.- Continuum radiation processes.Observational diagnostics.- Magnetic Fields in the Milky Way.- Magnetic fields in external galaxies.The galactic dynamo.- Magnetic fields in AGN.Intergalactic magnetic fields. Fields of interest Astrophysics and Astroparticles; Plasma Physics; Cosmology Target groups Upper undergraduate Product category Monograph Physics D. Maurath, Y. Manoli, University of Freiburg IMTEK, Freiburg, Germany CMOS Circuits for Electromagnetic Vibration Transducers Interfaces for Ultra-Low Voltage Energy Harvesting Chip-integrated power management solutions are a must for ultra-low power systems. This enables not only the optimization of innovative sensor applications. It is also essential for integration and miniaturization of energy harvesting supply strategies of portable and autonomous monitoring systems. Features 7 Three comprehensive parts - the book addresses interfaces for energy harvesting, which are the key element to connect the micro transducers with energy storage 7 The book addresses all aspects from transducer mechanics, fundamental circuit and control design, prototyping and testing, up to sensor system supply and applications. 7 Two special chapters on analog circuit design - it discusses widely analog circuit design with bulk-driven transistors – it studies benefits and obstacles, and examples Contents Foreword.- Part I Introduction.- Self-sustainable sensor supply: Motive / Application Fields / Vision.- Basic Transducer Interfacing Concepts.Part II CMOS Analog Circuit Fundamentals and Functional Blocks.- Low-Voltage CMOS Design Fundamentals.- Part III CMOS Chips and Experiments.- Low-Voltage Rectification of High-resistive Sources. Fields of interest Electronic Circuits and Devices; Energy Harvesting; Circuits and Systems Target groups Research Product category Monograph L. Miroshnichenko, IZMIRAN, Moscow, Russia Solar Cosmic Rays Fundamentals and Applications Presents a comprehensive approach to the open questions in solar cosmic ray research and includes consistent and detailed considerations of conceptual, observational, theoretical, experimental and applied aspects of the field. The results of solar cosmic ray (SCR) investigations from 1942 to the present are summarized in this book. Features 7 Presents a comprehensive approach to the open questions in solar cosmic ray research 7 Includes consistent and detailed considerations of conceptual, observational, theoretical, experimental and applied aspects of the field 7 Second edition provides a large amount of updates with new figures and references, as well as several new sections on GLEs and radiation hazards Contents Solar Cosmic Rays - Object and Tool for Space Research.- Observational Features and Databases of Solar Cosmic Rays.- Energetic Particles and High-Energy Solar Phenomena.- Solar Cosmic Rays at High Energies.- Particle Acceleration at the Sun.- Nuclear Interactions of Accelerated Particles at the Sun.- Acceleration and Release of Energetic Particles from the Corona.- Solar Cosmic Rays in the Interplanetary Space.- Spectrum of Solar Cosmic Rays near the Earth.- Solar Cosmic Rays in the Geosphere.- Energetic Solar Particles and Radiation Hazard in Space.- Summary and Conclusions: Problems and Prospects.References.- Acronyms. Fields of interest Extraterrestrial Physics, Space Sciences; Particle and Nuclear Physics; Effects of Radiation/Radiation Protection Target groups Research Product category Contributed volume Due September 2014 Due September 2014 Due October 2014 2015. 209 p. 60 illus. (Springer Praxis Books) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08941-6 2014. 250 p. 155 illus., 61 in color. (Springer Series in Advanced Microelectronics, Volume 49) Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7 approx.€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-94-017-9271-4 9<HTODMJ=aijebg> 9<HTUELB=hjchbe> 2nd ed. 2015. LXXVIII, 500 p. 162 illus., 16 in color. (Astrophysics and Space Science Library, Volume 405) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 181,89 | € (A) 186,99 | sFr 226,50 7€ 169,99 | £153.00 ISBN 978-3-319-09428-1 9<HTODMJ=ajecib> 119 Physics springer.com/NEWSonline S. J. Murphy, University of Sydney, Redfern, NSW, Australia T. Numai, Ritsumeikan University, Kusatsu, Shigaken, Japan Investigating the A-Type Stars Using Kepler Data Fundamentals of Semiconductor Lasers Simon Murphy’s thesis has significant impact on the wide use of the revolutionary Kepler Mission data, leading to a new understanding in stellar astrophysics. It first provides a deep characterisation and comparison of the Kepler long cadence and short cadence data, with particular insight into the Kepler reduction pipeline. It then brings together modern reviews of rotation and peculiarities in Atype stars, and their relationship with the pulsating delta Scuti stars. This is the first combined review of these subjects since the classic monograph by Sydney Wolff, “The A stars,” was published three decades ago. The thesis presents a novel technique, Super-Nyquist Asteroseismology, that has opened up the asteroseismic study of thousands of Kepler stars. It shows case studies of delta Scuti stars examining amplitude growth, super-Nyquist pulsation, and pulsation in a high-amplitude, population II SX Phoenicis star in a 343-d binary. This work informs our understanding of the relation of rotation to peculiarity, hence has applications to atomic diffusion theory. This is a brilliant thesis written in an elegant and engaging style. This book explains physics under the operating principles of semiconductor lasers in detail based on the experience of the author, dealing with the first manufacturing of phase-shifted DFB-LDs and recent research on transverse modes. The book also bridges a wide gap between journal papers and textbooks, requiring only an undergraduatelevel knowledge of electromagnetism and quantum mechanics, and helps readers to understand journal papers where definitions of some technical terms vary, depending on the paper. Two definitions of the photon density in the rate equations and two definitions of the phase-shift in the phaseshifted DFB-LD are explained, and differences in the calculated results are indicated, depending on the definitions. Features 7 Nominated as an outstanding Ph.D. thesis by the University of Central Lancashire, UK 7 Presents the first comprehensive review of A stars in three decades 7 Demonstrates novel techniques for asteroseismology as applied to the revolutionary Kepler data 7 Guides the reader through various classes of peculiar stars with insightful reviews of the literature 7 Includes the most detailed investigations ever, of a pulsating Am star and of an SX Phe star Features 7 Explains the physics and fundamental characteristics of semiconductor lasers with regard to systems applications 7 Requires only an undergraduate knowledge of electromagnetism and quantum mechanics 7 Explains control of the longitudinal and transverse (lateral) modes of semiconductor lasers 7 Bridges the large gap between journal papers and undergraduate textbooks Contents Band Structures.- Optical Transitions.- Optical Waveguides.- Optical Resonators.- Fundamentals of Semiconductor Lasers.- Dynamic Single-Mode LDs.- Quantum Well LDs.- Control of Spontaneous Emission. K. P. Ghatak, National Institute of Technology, Agartala, India; S. Bhattacharya, Shiv Nagar University, Noida, India Heavily-Doped 2D-Quantized Structures and the Einstein Relation This book presents the Einstein Relation(ER) in two-dimensional (2-D) Heavily Doped (HD) Quantized Structures. The materials considered are quantized structures of HD non-linear optical, III-V, II-VI, Ge, Te, Platinum Antimonide, stressed materials, GaP, Gallium Antimonide, II-V, Bismuth Telluride together with various types of HD superlattices and their Quantized counterparts respectively. The ER in HD opto-electronic materials and their nanostructures is studied in the presence of strong light waves and intense electric fields on the basis of newly formulated electron dispersion laws that control the studies of such quantum effect devices. Features 7 Describes measurements of band gap in optoelectronic nanodevices under intense electric field and strong external photo excitation 7 Presents 100 open research problems 7 Covers a wide range of different technologically important electronic compounds in detail Contents From the Contents: The ER in Quantum Wells (QWs) of Heavily Doped(HD) Non-Parabolic Semiconductors.- The ER in NIPI Structures of HD Non-Parabolic Semiconductors.- The ER in Accumulation Layers of HD Non-Parabolic Semiconductors.- Suggestion for Experimental Determinations of 2D and 3D ERs and few Related Applications.- Conclusion and Scope for Future. Fields of interest Astrophysics and Astroparticles; Astronomy, Observations and Techniques Fields of interest Laser Technology, Photonics; Optical and Electronic Materials; Microwaves, RF and Optical Engineering Target groups Research Target groups Graduate Product category Monograph Product category Monograph Due October 2014 Due August 2014 Due August 2014 2014. 301 p. 121 illus., 73 in color. (Springer Theses) Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7 approx.€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-09416-8 2nd ed. 2015. XIV, 289 p. 193 illus. (Springer Series in Optical Sciences, Volume 93) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 139,09 | € (A) 142,99 | sFr 173,50 7€ 129,99 | £117.00 ISBN 978-4-431-55147-8 2015. XL, 347 p. 58 illus. (Springer Tracts in Modern Physics, Volume 260) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 160,49 | € (A) 164,99 | sFr 200,00 7€ 149,99 | £135.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08379-7 9<HTODMJ=ajebgi> 120 9<HTPEOB=f behi> Fields of interest Solid State Physics; Nanotechnology and Microengineering; Optical and Electronic Materials Target groups Research Product category Monograph 9<HTODMJ=aidhjh> News 8/2014 Physics M. Rieutord, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France A. Romano, A. Marasco, University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy Fluid Dynamics Continuum Mechanics using Mathematica® An Introduction This book is dedicated to readers who want to learn fluid dynamics from the beginning. It assumes a basic level of mathematics knowledge that would correspond to that of most second-year undergraduate physics students and examines fluid dynamics from a physicist’s perspective. As such, the examples used primarily come from our environment on Earth and, where possible, from astrophysics. The text is arranged in a progressive and educational format, aimed at leading readers from the simplest basics to more complex matters like turbulence and magnetohydrodynamics. Exercises at the end of each chapter help readers to test their understanding of the subject (solutions are provided at the end of the book), and a special chapter is devoted to introducing selected aspects of mathematics that beginners may not be familiar with, so as to make the book self-contained. Features 7 Does not assume any previous knowledge in fluid mechanics 7 Provides a step-by-step progression into the subject 7 Offers basic mathematics which is often required for beginners 7 Numerous step-by-step tutorials help the reader to learn quickly 7 Offers problems and solutions 7 Illustrates the text with many examples from astrophysics 7 With an introduction to magnetohydrodynamics and to kinetic gas theory Fields of interest Fluid- and Aerodynamics; Astrophysics and Astroparticles; Engineering Fluid Dynamics I. V. Shadrivov, The Australian National University, Canberra, ACT, Australia; M. Lapine, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia; Y. S. Kivshar, The Australian National University, Canberra, ACT, Australia (Eds) Fundamentals, Methods, and Applications This textbook’s methodological approach familiarizes readers with the mathematical tools required to correctly define and solve problems in continuum mechanics. Features 7 Strikes a balance between fundamentals and applications 7 Requisite mathematical background carefully collected in two introductory chapters and two appendices 7 Readers gain the mathematical tools to effectively solve problems in continuum mechanics 7 Interdisciplinary applications will appeal to a broad range of students and professionals 7 Includes significant applications to areas such as porous media, electromagnetic fields and phase transitions Contents 1. Elements of Linear Algebra.- 2. Vector Analysis.- 3. Finite and Infinitesimal Deformations.- 4. Kinematics.- 5. Balance Equations.- 6. Constitutive Equations.- 7. Symmetry Groups: Solids and Fluids.- Wave Propagation.- 8. Fluid Mechanics.- 9. Linear Elasticity.- 10. Other Approaches to Thermodynamics.- 11. Fluid Dynamics and Meteorology.- 12. Fluid Dynamics and Ship Motion.- Appendix. A Brief Introduction to Weak Solutions.- Index. Fields of interest Mechanics; Continuum Mechanics and Mechanics of Materials; Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Target groups Graduate Target groups Graduate Product category Graduate/Advanced undergraduate textbook Product category Graduate/Advanced undergraduate textbook Nonlinear, Tunable and Active Metamaterials Metamaterials, artificial electromagnetic media achieved by structuring on the subwave-lengthscale were initially suggested for the negative index and superlensing. They became a paradigm for engineering electromagnetic space and controlling propagation of waves. Features 7 Offers a first review of the progress in the emerging field of tunable and nonlinear metamaterials 7 Covers electromagnetic metamaterials, ranging from microwaves and THz, to optics 7 Presents both conceptual advances and experimental demonstrations, making the first step towards metadevices 7 Includes contributions by all major players and groups in the field Contents Nonlinear Metamaterials.- Quantum Metamaterials.- Nonlinear and Tunable Left‐Handed Transmission Line Metamaterials.- Nonlinear Optics with Backward Waves.- Tailoring Nonlinear Interactions in Metamaterials.- Intrinsic Localization, Nonlinear Transmission and Multistability in SQUID‐based Metamaterials- Nonlinear Forward‐ Backward Waves in Artificial Materials.- Optimization Strategies for Secondorder Nonlinear Metamaterials.- Parametric Amplification of Magneto-inductive Waves.- Electro‐optical Tuning of the Electromagnetic Response of Metamaterials.- Micromachined Tunable Metamaterials. Fields of interest Semiconductors; Optical and Electronic Materials; Structural Materials Target groups Research Product category Monograph Due September 2014 Due October 2014 2014. 395 p. 117 illus., 7 in color. (Graduate Texts in Physics) Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 80,24 | € (A) 82,49 | sFr 100,00 7 approx.€ 74,99 | £67.99 ISBN 978-3-319-09350-5 9<HTODMJ=ajdfaf> 2nd ed. 2014. XII, 495 p. 88 illus., 1 in color. (Modeling and Simulation in Science, Engineering and Technology) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 74,89 | € (A) 76,99 | sFr 93,50 7€ 69,99 | £62.99 ISBN 978-1-4939-1603-0 9<HTMEUD=jbgada> Due August 2014 2015. XVIII, 320 p. 158 illus., 126 in color. (Springer Series in Materials Science, Volume 200) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 139,09 | € (A) 142,99 | sFr 173,50 7€ 129,99 | £117.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08385-8 9<HTODMJ=aidifi> 121 Physics springer.com/NEWSonline S. Shiraishi, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA W. Simpson, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel Investigation of Staged LaserPlasma Acceleration Surprises in Theoretical Casimir Physics This thesis establishes an exciting new beginning for Laser Plasma Accelerators (LPAs) to further develop toward the next generation of compact high energy accelerators. Design, installation and commissioning of a new experimental setup at LBNL played an important role and are detailed through three critical components: e-beam production, reflection of laser pulses with a plasma mirror and large wake excitation below electron injection threshold. Pulses from a 40 TW peak power laser system were split into a 25 TW pulse and a 15 TW pulse. The first pulse was used for e-beam production in the first module and the second pulse was used for wake excitation in the second module to post-accelerate the e-beam. As a result, reliable e-beam production and efficient wake excitation necessary for the staged acceleration were independently demonstrated. These experiments have laid the foundation for future staging experiments at the 40 TW peak power level. Quantum Forces in Inhomogeneous Media Despite more than half a century of theoretical work, the Casimir effect is still not as fully understood as some suppose. In this treatise, the author uncovers new puzzles and paradoxes concerning this mysterious phenomenon. In particular, he clearly demonstrates that the most sophisticated theories fail when confronted with dielectrics in which the refractive index is not uniform but gradually changes. Features 7 Nominated as an outstanding Ph.D. thesis by the Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel 7 Presents compelling evidence of unresolved problems in the theory of Casimir forces 7 An interdisciplinary treatise applying techniques from Transformation Optics 7 Opens up new vistas for research in Casimir Physics Features 7 Nominated by the University of Chicago, USA, as an outstanding Ph.D. thesis 7 Establishes the groundwork for the next generation of compact high energy accelerators 7 Presents new research to support future development of Laser Plasma Accelerators Contents General Introduction.- Laser-Plasma Accelerators.- Staged Laser-Plasma Accelerator: Introduction.- Injection Module.- Plasma Mirror.- Acceleration Module.- Summary and Conclusions. Fields of interest Particle Acceleration and Detection, Beam Physics; Quantum Gases and Condensates; Laser Technology, Photonics Target groups Research Contents Part I Foundations of Casimir Theory.- Casimir’s Calculation.- Macroscopic Quantum Electrodynamics.- The Quantum Nature of the Casimir Force.- Part II Surprises in Casimir Theory.- The Cut-off-dependence of the Casimir Force.- The Divergence of the Casimir Stress.- Part III Conundrums in Casimir Theory.- The Casimir Force in a `Compressive’ Medium.- The Casimir Force in Maxwell’s Fish-Eye.- Outlook.- Appendices. Fields of interest Quantum Field Theories, String Theory; Optics and Electrodynamics; Elementary Particles, Quantum Field Theory Y. Tachikawa, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan N=2 Supersymmetric Dynamics for Pedestrians Understanding the dynamics of gauge theories is crucial, given the fact that all known interactions are based on the principle of local gauge symmetry. Beyond the perturbative regime, however, this is a notoriously difficult problem. Requiring invariance under supersymmetry turns out to be a suitable tool for analyzing supersymmetric gauge theories over a larger region of the space of parameters. Supersymmetric quantum field theories in four dimensions with extended N=2 supersymmetry are further constrained and have therefore been a fertile field of research in theoretical physics for quite some time. Features 7 Authored by a leading researcher in the field 7 Modern primer on the subject at the graduate level 7 Course-based, concise and selfcontained Contents Introduction.- Electromagnetic Duality and monopoles.- N=2 Multiplets and Lagrangians.Renormalization and Anomaly.- Seiberg-Witten Solution to Pure SU(2) Theory.- SU(2) Theory With one Flavor.- Curves and 6d N=2;0) theory.Higgs Brances and Hyperkähler Manifolds.- SU (2) Theory With 2 and 3 Flavors.- SU (2) Theory With 4 Flavors and Gaiotto`s Duality.- ArgyresDouglas CFTs.- Theories With Other Simple Gauge Groups.- Argyres-Seiberg-Gaiotto Duality for SU (N) Theory.- Conclusions and Further Directions.- Prepotential and the Instanton Computation.- The Zoo of N=2 Theories. Target groups Research Fields of interest Quantum Field Theories, String Theory; Mathematical Physics; Classical and Quantum Gravitation, Relativity Theory Product category Monograph Target groups Graduate Product category Monograph Product category Monograph Due September 2014 Jointly published with Hindustan Book Agency, New Delhi, India Due July 2014 Due September 2014 No distribution rights for India 2015. XVII, 121 p. 71 illus., 66 in color. (Springer Theses) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08568-5 2015. XVII, 175 p. 28 illus., 23 in color. (Springer Theses) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-09314-7 2015. X, 256 p. 122 illus. (Lecture Notes in Physics, Volume 890) Softcover 7 *€ (D) 48,14 | € (A) 49,49 | sFr 60,00 7€ 44,99 | £40.99 ISBN 978-3-319-08821-1 9<HTODMJ=aifgif> 122 9<HTODMJ=ajdbeh> 9<HTODMJ=ai cb > News 8/2014 Physics S. R. Waitukaitis, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA J. Westfall, Antioch, CA, USA; W. Sheehan, Willmar, MN, USA Impact-Activated Solidification of Cornstarch and Water Suspensions Celestial Shadows This thesis approaches impact resistance in dense suspensions from a new perspective. The most well-known example of dense suspensions, a mixture of cornstarch and water, provides enough impact resistance to allow a person to run across its surface. In the past, this phenomenon had been linked to “shear thickening” under a steady shear state attributed to hydrodynamic interactions or granular dilation. However, neither explanation accounted for the stress scales required for a person to run on the surface. Features 7 Nominated by the University of Chicago, USA, as an outstanding Ph.D. thesis 7 Provides evidence that the impact response of dense suspensions is caused by dynamic jamming fronts 7 Presents a new perspective on impactdriven solidification in dense suspensions through a mixture of cornstarch and water Contents Introduction.- Freely Accelerating Impact into Cornstarch and Water Suspensions.- Dynamic Jamming Fronts in a Model 2D System.- SpeedControlled Impact into Cornstarch and Water Suspensions.- Results and Conclusions.- A: Penetration Regime in Freely Accelerating Impact.- B: Details of X-Ray Experiments.- C: Detailed Discussion of Added Mass.- D: “Viscous” Model for Impact.- E: Cornstarch Particle Modulus.- F: 1D Model of Particles Immersed in a Viscous Liquid. Fields of interest Soft and Granular Matter, Complex Fluids and Microfluidics; Fluid- and Aerodynamics; Spectroscopy and Microscopy Target groups Research Eclipses, Transits, and Occultations Much of what we know about the universe comes from the study of celestial shadows. Features 7 Describes how eclipses, transits and occultations are all interrelated and what we can learn from them 7 Relates the important discoveries made by observers of these events, ranging from evidence of satellites and asteroids, the dimensions of asteroids, unsuspected rings of planets, the structure of planetary atmospheres and the discovery and makeup of extra solar planets 7 Provides vital information about when and where in the sky to observe eclipse events with either the naked eye, telescopes or binoculars. Also gives guidance on how to observe these phenomena Contents Preface.- Part I. The Diversity of Eclipse Events.Eclipse Phenomena.- The Waltz of the Planets.The Performers.- Part II. A Transit Chronicle.- The Beginnings.- Scaling the Heavens.- A Century of Progress and Disappointment - and Completion.- Our Own Venus Transit - The June Flowers of 2004.- Part III. 2012 - Our Last Chance for a Venus Transit.- The 2012 Event.- Observing the 2012 Transit.- Mercury also Transits the Sun.- Transits Galore.- The Splendor of a Solar Eclipse.- The Beauty of a Lunar Eclipse.- Planetary Satellites.- Occultations - When Blocking the View is Helpful.- Appendices.- References.- Index. Fields of interest Astronomy, Astrophysics and Cosmology; Popular Science in Astronomy; Target groups Popular/general Product category Monograph Product category Monograph Due December 2014 Due August 2014 2015. XVIII, 88 p. 53 illus., 20 in color. (Springer Theses) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-09182-2 9<HTODMJ=ajbic > 2014. Approx. 500 p. 238 illus., 11 in color. (Astrophysics and Space Science Library, Volume 410) Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 181,89 | € (A) 186,99 | sFr 226,00 7 approx.€ 169,99 | £153.00 ISBN 978-1-4939-1534-7 9<HTMEUD=jbfdeh> 123 Materials Science P. Baglioni, D. Chelazzi, R. Giorgi, University of Florence, Florence, Italy Compendium of Nanoapplications for Conservators This compendium deals with applications of novel nanotechnology for the preservation of several artistic substrates. Both the principles and practical usage of different innovative nanomaterials are presented and applications are discussed for different classes of common movable and immovable artistic substrates. The compendium contents are structured as follows: first, an overview is provided about the main “nanotools” that have been developed in the last three decades (dispersions of nanoparticles, micellar solutions, microemulsions and gels), explaining their main features and feasibility. Features 7 First book on the applications of nano technologies to conservation of cultural heritage materials 7 Offers conservators a practical guide to get updated with the latest techniques 7 Benefits from a close cooperation between scientists and conservators Contents Innovative nanomaterials: principles, availability and scopes.- Wall paintings and stones: degradation, cleaning and consolidation.- Easel paintings: degradation and cleaning.- Paper and wood: degradation, cleaning and deacidification.- Canvas and textiles: degradation, cleaning and deacidification. Fields of interest Nanotechnology; Archaeology; Measurement Science and Instrumentation Target groups Research springer.com/NEWSonline M. Borzenkov, University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy; O. Hevus, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine J.‑Y. Fan, Southeast University, Nanjing 211189, China; P. K.‑H. Chu, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China Surface Active Monomers Silicon Carbide Nanostructures Synthesis, Properties, and Application Fabrication, Structure, and Properties This brief includes information on the background of and development of synthesis of various types of surface active monomers. The authors explain the importance of utilization of surface active monomers for creation of surface active polymers and the various biomedical applications of such compounds . This brief introduces techniques for the synthesis of novel types of surface active monomers, their colloidal and polymerizable properties and application for needs of medicine and biology. This book brings together the most up-to-date information on the fabrication techniques, properties, and potential applications of low dimensional silicon carbide (SiC) nanostructures such as nanocrystallites, nanowires, nanotubes, and nanostructured films. It also summarizes the tremendous achievements acquired during the past three decades involving structural, electronic, and optical properties of bulk silicon carbide crystals. SiC nanostructures exhibit a range of fascinating and industrially important properties, such as diverse polytypes, stability of interband and defect-related green to blue luminescence, inertness to chemical surroundings, and good biocompatibility. Features 7 Presents novel approaches and techniques for synthesis of surface active monomers 7 Includes up to date information on the chemistry of various types of surface active monomers 7 Explains the importance of utilization of surface active monomer compounds for synthesis of polymers for biomedical application Contents Introduction.- Synthesis of surface active monomers.- Colloidal properties of surface active monomers.- Polymerization behavior of surface active monomers.- Application of surface active monomers and polymers containing links of surface active monomers.- Conclusions. Fields of interest Biomaterials; Polymer Sciences; Molecular Medicine Target groups Research Product category Brief Product category Monograph Due November 2014 2014. XIV, 150 p. 56 illus., 20 in color. Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 74,85 | € (A) 76,95 | sFr 93,50 7 approx.€ 69,95 | £62.99 ISBN 978-94-017-9302-5 9<HTUELB=hjdacf> 124 Features 7 Summarizes recent achievements involving structural, electronic, and optical properties of bulk silicon carbide crystals 7 Brings together the most up-to-date information in the field 7 Provides a unique reference book for researchers and graduate students in this emerging field Contents Introduction.- General Properties of Bulk SiC.Porous SiC.- Separate SiC Nanoparticles.- SiC Nanowires.- SiC Nanotubes.- SiC Nanostructured Films.- Biological Applications Fields of interest Nanotechnology; Continuum Mechanics and Mechanics of Materials; Optical and Electronic Materials Target groups Research Product category Monograph Due July 2014 Due August 2014 2014. XV, 67 p. 39 illus., 1 in color. (SpringerBriefs in Materials) Softcover 7 *€ (D) 53,49 | € (A) 54,99 | sFr 67,00 7€ 49,99 | £44.99 ISBN 978-3-319-08445-9 2014. IX, 328 p. 355 illus. (Engineering Materials and Processes) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 139,09 | € (A) 142,99 | sFr 173,50 7€ 129,99 | £117.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08725-2 9<HTODMJ=aie fj> 9<HTODMJ=aihcfc> News 8/2014 Materials Science S. K. Kulkarni, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune, India Nanotechnology: Principles and Practices Given the rapid advances in the field, this book offers an up-to-date introduction to nanomaterials and nanotechnology. Though condensed into a relatively small volume, it spans the whole range of multidisciplinary topics related to nanotechnology. Features 7 A comprehensive and up-to-date textbook on nanomaterials and nanotechnologies 7 Strikes the right balance in presenting syntheses, materials, analytical techniques and applications 7 Covers the physical, chemical and biological properties of nanomaterials 7 Introduces novel materials, including graphene and metamaterials 7 Enriched with many useful illustrations 7 Includes six useful appendices Contents Dedication.- Preface to the Third Edition.- Preface to the Second Edition.- Preface to the First Edition.- 1 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics.- 2 Structure and Bonding.- 3 Synthesis of Nanomaterials I (Physical Methods).- 4 Synthesis of Nanomaterials II (Chemical Methods).- 5 Synthesis of Nanomaterials III (Biological Methods).- 6 Self Assembly.- 7 Analysis Techniques.- 8 Types of Nanomaterials and Their Properties.- 9 Nanolithography.- 10 Nano electronics.- 11 Some Special Nanomaterials.- 12 Applications.- 13 Nanotechnology and Environment.- 14 Practicals.- Appendix I.- Appendix II.- Appendix III.Appendix IV.- Appendix V.- Appendix VI.- Index. A. Nazarov, Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Kyiv, Ukraine; B. Francis, IMEP-LAHC, Grenoble, France; K. Valeriya, D. Flandre, Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium (Eds) Functional Nanomaterials and Devices for Electronics, Sensors and Energy Harvesting This book contains reviews of recent experimental and theoretical results related to nanomaterials. It focuses on novel functional materials and nanostructures in combination with silicon on insulator (SOI) devices, as well as on the physics of new devices and sensors, nanostructured materials and nano scaled device characterization. Special attention is paid to fabrication and properties of modern low-power, high-performance, miniaturized, portable sensors in a wide range of applications such as telecommunications, radiation control, biomedical instrumentation and chemical analysis. Features 7 Contains review articles written by experts from leading European universities, institutions and industrial companies 7 Presents a complete overview of fabrication of sensors 7 Explores new approaches to fabricate modern microelectronic products M. S. Salit, Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia Tropical Natural Fibre Composites Properties, Manufacture and Applications This book covers the different aspects of tropical natural fibre composites in areas such as properties, design and analysis, manufacturing techniques, material selection of kenaf, oil palm, sugar palm, pineapple leaf, coconut, sugarcane and banana based fibre composites. Important properties such as mechanical and thermal of natural fibres as well their composites are presented. A study on the composite fibre-matrix interface is highlighted together with the design process and analysis of products from natural fibre composites. Features 7 Features tropical natural fibres in composites using kenaf, pineapple leaf, oil palm and sugar palm 7 Contains manufacturing processes for natural fibre composites using pultrusion and filament winding methods 7 Demonstrates computer aided selection for materials in natural fibre composites 7 Focuses on design for sustainability of natural fibre composites Contents Nanoscale CMOS Materials and Devices.- Beyond CMOS Materials, Devices and Their Diagnostic.New Functional Nanomaterials and Nanoscaled Devices for Energy Harvesting, Light Emission, Optoelectronics and THz Range.- NanoSensors and MEMS/NEMS. Contents 1 Introduction.- 2 Tropical Natural Fibres and Their Properties.- 3 Biopolymer.- 4 Mechanical and Other Related Properties of Tropical Natural Fibre Composites.- 5 Design and Materials Selection of Tropical Natural Fibre composites.- 6 Manufacturing Techniques of Tropical Natural Fibre Composites.- 7 Applications of Tropical Natural Fibre Composites. Fields of interest Optical and Electronic Materials; Nanotechnology and Microengineering; Semiconductors Fields of interest Ceramics, Glass, Composites, Natural Materials; Wood Science & Technology; Engineering Design Target groups Research Target groups Research Product category Monograph Product category Professional book No distribution rights for Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka Due August 2014 Due July 2014 3rd ed. 2014. XX, 370 p. 310 illus., 13 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 80,24 | € (A) 82,49 | sFr 100,00 7€ 74,99 | £67.99 ISBN 978-3-319-09170-9 2014. VIII, 462 p. 319 illus., 66 in color. (Engineering Materials) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 139,09 | € (A) 142,99 | sFr 173,50 7€ 129,99 | £117.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08803-7 2014. IX, 124 p. 109 illus., 42 in color. (Engineering Materials) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-981-287-154-1 Fields of interest Nanotechnology; Nanoscale Science and Technology; Nanochemistry Target groups Upper undergraduate Product category Graduate/Advanced undergraduate textbook Due September 2014 Jointly published with Capital Publishing Company, New Delhi, India. 9<HTODMJ=ajbhaj> 9<HTODMJ=ai adh> 9<HTUIMC=ihbfeb> 125 Materials Science S. K. Singh, S. Sundaram, University of Allahabad, Allahabad, India K. Kishor, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Tech, Allahabad, India (Ed) CO2 Sequestration Using Photosynthetic Microorganisms This book provides a cohesive overview of photosynthetic microorganism based carbon sequestration and long-term storage. The authors review current carbon sequestration options and measures for stabilize atmospheric CO2 levels by using microorganisms based carbon sequestration technology. They explain not only the engineering of the metabolic pathways of photosynthetic microorganisms for enhanced CO2 mitigation, but also modeling aspects of mass cultivation systems for CO2 fixation, scale-up, and commercialization. Features 7 Details the basic and applied aspects of CO2 mitigation from photosynthetic microorganisms 7 Explains the different factors affecting the carbon sequestration process 7 Includes a consolidated compilation of current protocols such as estimation of photosynthetically active particles, phycobilisomes, carotenoids, lipids, DNA, RNA, proteins and peptides photochemical activity and CO2 fixation Contents Introduction.- Carbon concentrating mechanism.- Carbon concentrating mechanism of cyanobacteria.- Carbon concentrating mechanism of microalgae.- Photosynthetic microorganisms based mitigation system: Integrated approaches for global sustainability. Fields of interest Biomaterials; Renewable and Green Energy; Engineering Thermodynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer Target groups Research Product category Brief Due November 2014 2014. X, 167 p. 29 illus., 28 in color. (SpringerBriefs in Materials) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 53,49 | € (A) 54,99 | sFr 67,00 7€ 49,99 | £44.99 ISBN 978-3-319-09122-8 9<HTODMJ=ajbc i> 126 springer.com/NEWSonline News 8/2014 Earth Sciences M. R. Bennett, Bournemouth University, Poole, UK; S. A. Morse, University of Liverpool Institute of Aging and Chronic Disease, Liverpool, UK C. Brassard, National University of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore; A. Howitt M., D. Giles W., Harvard Kennedy School, Cambridge, MA, USA (Eds) Human Footprints: Fossilised Locomotion? Natural Disaster Management in the Asia Pacific Human footprints provide some of the most emotive and tangible evidence of our ancestors. They provide evidence of stature, presence, behaviour and in the case of early hominin footprints, evidence with respect to the evolution of human gait and foot anatomy. While human footprint sites are rare in the geological record the number of sites around the World has increased in recent years, along with the analytical tools available for their study. Policy and Governance Features 7 The only current book on the academic study of human footprints (tracks) 7 A unique fusion of geology, archaeology, anthropology and forensic sciences of interest to a wide audience of researchers and students 7 Provides the first review of methods for the study of human footprints 7 Contains a rich resource of unpublished data, examples and illustrations 7 Human footprints provide a unique connection with the past and provide some of the most emotive evidence of our ancestors Contents Fossilisted Locomotion.- Modern Methods of Data Capture.- World Review of Human Track Sites.- Geoconservation of Human Tracks.- The role of substrate in track formation and topology.Inferences from Human Tracks.- Forensic Applications.- Conclusions.- Glossary.- Appendix.Geographical Index. Fields of interest Sedimentology; Archaeology; Physical Geography Target groups Research Product category Monograph The Asia-Pacific region is one of the most vulnerable to a variety of natural and manmade hazards. This edited book productively brings together scholars and senior public officials having direct experience in dealing with or researching on recent major natural disasters in the Asia-Pacific. The chapters focus on disaster preparedness and management, including pre-event planning and mitigation, crisis leadership and emergency response and, and disaster recovery. Specific events discussed in this book include a broad spectrum of disasters such as floods in the Philippines and Bangladesh, earthquakes in China, and landscape-scale disasters in Australia. The book aims to generate discussions about improved risk reduction strategies throughout the region. It seeks to provide a comparative perspective across countries to draw lessons from three perspectives: public policy, humanitarian systems, and community engagement. Features 7 Includes a unique combination of leading practitioners and academics 7 Contains chapters addressing a variety of high profile events, taking place in a diverse mix of countries across the AsiaPacific region 7 Represents a unique collaboration between two of the world’s premier schools of public policy: Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore and Harvard Kennedy School Fields of interest Natural Hazards; Landscape/Regional and Urban Planning; Environmental Management Target groups Research Product category Monograph D. Chen, A. Walther, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden; A. Moberg, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden; P. Jones, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK; J. Jacobeit, University of Augsburg, Augsburg, Germany; D. Lister, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK European Atlas of Extreme Temperatures and Precipitation Records This Atlas presents records of climatic variation in Europe starting before 1901 and focuses especially on extreme temperatures and precipitations. The authors have used extremes indices software developed within EMULATE (European and North Atlantic daily to MULtidecadal climeATE variability). The trend atlas provides an easy way to show spatial patterns for a given time period, region, season, and index. Features 7 Compiles a rich collection of climatic trends and variations of extreme climate change revealed by unique long term instrumental data in Europe 7 Presents climatic records going back more than 100 years 7 The trend atlas provides an easy way to show spatial patterns for a given time period, region, season and extreme climate index 7 Provide a comprehensive picture of observed extreme climate change over Europe which are relevant to many sectors in the society Contents Introduction.- Data and methods.- Atlas of the trend analysis.- Summary of the estimated trends.Summary and conclusions.- Figures.- Tables.- References.- Appendix. Fields of interest Atmospheric Sciences; Climatology; Natural Hazards Target groups Research Product category Atlas Due October 2014 Due August 2014 2014. XII, 224 p. 78 illus., 41 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08571-5 9<HTODMJ=aifhbf> 2014. 250 p. 21 illus., 16 in color. (Disaster Risk Reduction) Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7 approx.€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-4-431-55156-0 9<HTPEOB=f bfga> Due December 2014 2014. 450 p. 2258 illus. in color. Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 139,09 | € (A) 142,99 | sFr 173,50 7 approx.€ 129,99 | £117.00 ISBN 978-94-017-9311-7 9<HTUELB=hjdb h> 127 Earth Sciences D. Chinarro, San Jorge University, Zaragoza, Spain System Engineering Applied to Fuenmayor Karst Aquifer (San Julián de Banzo, Huesca) and Collins Glacier (King George Island, Antarctica) This thesis tackles fundamental questions concerning the discharge of a pre-Pyrenean karst aquifer system and an Antarctic glacier system, utilizing a system engineering methodology and data-driven approach. It presents for the first time a simplified and effective linear transfer function for karst aquifers. The author provides detailed wavelet spectrum results, which reveal certain non-linearities in drought periods. In addition, structures based on Hammerstein-Wiener blocks have yielded a nonlinear model that is substantially more efficient than its linear counterparts. Features 7 Nominated as an Outstanding Ph.D. thesis by the University of Zaragoza, Spain 7 For researchers looking for innovative methods of systems identification for data-driven analysis of a karst aquifer and a polar glacier 7 How to build models for nonlinear natural systems to improve the management, simulate the behavior, predict future states and offer useful help to generate knowledge in subsequent research 7 It shows a progressive identification from linear to nonlinear identification, to get the best of both into a block model, which emulates the dynamics of the natural system with high efficiency Contents Techniques.- Karst and Glacial Hydrology.- Fuenmayor Aquifer.- Collins Glacier.- Conclusions. Fields of interest Hydrogeology; Mathematical Applications in the Physical Sciences; Nonlinear Dynamics Target groups Research Product category Monograph springer.com/NEWSonline U. Cordani, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil; M. Heilbron, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Maracana, Brazil; F. Flecha de Alkmim, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, Ouro Preto, Brazil (Eds) São Francisco Craton, Eastern Brazil Tectonic genealogy of a miniature continent The region of the São Francisco river valley in eastern Brazil encompasses two main components of the geologic framework of the South American continent: the São Francisco craton and its marginal orogenic belts. Cratons, as the oldest, differentiated and relatively stable pieces of the continental lithosphere, preserve a substantial part of the Earth’s memory. Orogenic belts, on the other hand, record collisional processes that occurred during a limited time span. Because of their topographic relief, mountain belts developed along craton margins provide however access to rock successions not exposed in the low lands of the adjacent cratons. Features 7 Examines the tectonic genealogy and development history of the Sao Francisco Craton, a 'miniature continent' located in Eastern Brazil 7 Provides a panorama of the evolutionary history of a piece of continental lithosphere between the Paleoarchean and the Cenozoic eras 7 Contains wide range of information from all fields of geology Contents From the Contents: PART I Overview.- PART II The craton basement.- PART III The intracratonic and marginal basins.- PART IV The intraplate Magmatic Episodes.- PART V The marginal belts.PART VI Tectonic Synthesis.- Tectonic evolution of the São Francisco craton and its margin. Fields of interest Geology; Structural Geology; Historical Geology Target groups Research Product category Monograph Y. Harada, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan Interactions of Earth’s Magnetotail Plasma with the Surface, Plasma, and Magnetic Anomalies of the Moon This thesis describes the essential features of Moon-plasma interactions with a particular emphasis on the Earth’s magnetotail plasma regime from both observational and theoretical standpoints. The Moon lacks a dense atmosphere as well as a strong intrinsic magnetic field. As a result, its interactions with the ambient plasma are drastically different from solar-wind interactions with magnetized planets such as Earth. The Moon encounters a wide range of plasma regime from the relatively dense, cold, supersonic solar-wind plasma to the low-density, hot, subsonic plasma in the geomagnetic tail. Features 7 This is a prize winning thesis, nominated for Springer Theses by Kyoto University 7 Presents new observations from three recent lunar missions that exhibit the essential features of Moon-plasma interactions in the geomagnetic tail 7 Compares physical processes that operate around the Moon in different plasma regimes of the geomagnetic tail and solar wind plasmas 7 The content applicable to plasma interactions with airless bodies throughout the solar system and beyond Contents Introduction.- Electron Gyro-scale Dynamics near the Lunar Surface.- Lunar Dayside Plasma in the Earth’s Magnetotail Lobes.- Hot-Proton Interactions with the Surface and Magnetic Anomalies of the Moon.-Conclusions. Fields of interest Geophysics/Geodesy; Extraterrestrial Physics, Space Sciences; Target groups Research Product category Monograph Due August 2014 Due June 2015 Due March 2015 2014. XX, 161 p. 54 illus., 33 in color. (Springer Theses) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08857-0 2015. 350 p. 100 illus. (Regional Geology Reviews) Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 139,09 | € (A) 142,99 | sFr 173,50 7 approx.€ 129,99 | £117.00 ISBN 978-3-319-01714-3 2014. 120 p. 54 illus., 24 in color. (Springer Theses) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-4-431-55083-9 9<HTODMJ=ai fha> 128 9<HTODMJ=abhbed> 9<HTPEOB=f aidj> News 8/2014 Y. Huang, Z. Dai, Tongji University, Shanghai, China; W. Zhang, Nagoya Insititute of Technology, Nagoya, Japan Geo-disaster Modeling and Analysis: An SPH-based Approach Through application of the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method, this monograph mainly focuses on large deformations and flow failure simulations of geomaterials and movement behavior, which are always involved in geo-disasters. The work covers the theoretical background, numerical techniques, code implementation issues, and many novel and interesting applications. Two-dimensional and three-dimensional SPH models in the framework of both hydrodynamics and solid mechanics are established, with detailed descriptions. Features 7 Detail introduction helps the reader to get a deep understanding of SPH method 7 Step-bystep tutorials help the reader to write code for the SPH method 7 Includes cases demonstrating on how to apply the SPH method to geotechnical engineering and geological disasters Contents Intrduction.- SPH models for geo-disasters.- Computer procedure and visualization software.- Validation of the SPH modules.- SPH modeling for flow slides in landfills.- SPH modeling for flow behavior of liquefied soils.- SPH modeling for propagation of flow-like landslides. Fields of interest Natural Hazards; Geotechnical Engineering & Applied Earth Sciences; Geoengineering, Foundations, Hydraulics Earth Sciences K. Hutter, ETH Zürich Versuchsanstalt Wasserbau, Zürich, Switzerland; Y. Wang, Darmstadt University of Technology, Darmstadt, Germany; I. P. Chubarenko, Kaliningrad, Russia Physics of Lakes Contents Mathematical Prerequisites.- A Brief Review of the Basic Thermomechanical Laws of Classical Physics.- Fundamental Equations of Lake Hydrodynamics.- Conservation of Angular Momentum.Vorticity.- Turbulence Modelling.- Introduction to Linear Waves.- The Role of the Distribution of Mass Within Water Bodies on Earth.- Vertical Structure of Wind-induced Currents in Homogenous and Stratified Waters.- Phenomenological Coefficients of Water.- The Role of the Earth’s Rotation.- Oscillations in Semi-bounded and Bounded Basins of Constant Depth.- Basin-scale Gravity Waves in Circular and Elliptical Containers on the Rotating Earth.- Barotropic and Baroclinic Basin-scale Wave Dynamics.- HigherOrder Baroclinicity.- Barotropic Oscillations in Lake Onega - A Lake of Complex Geometry.- Observation and Analysis of Internal Seiches in the Southern Basin of Lake of Lugano.- Topographic Waves in Enclosed Basins - Fundamentals and Observations.- Topographic Rossby Waves in Basins of Simple Geometry.- Topographic Waves in Basins with Complex Shapes and Complex Bathymetries.- A Class of Chrystal-Type Equations.Barotropic Wind-induced Motions in a Shallow Lake.- Response of a Stratified Alpine Lake to External Wind Fields.– Numerical Prediction and Comparison with Field Observations.- Comparing Numerical Methods for Convectively-Dominated Problems.- Comparing Different Numerical Treatments of Advection Terms for Wind-Induced Circulations in Lakes. Target groups Research Fields of interest Geophysics/Geodesy; Oceanography; Geoecology/ Natural Processes Product category Monograph Target groups Research Product category Monograph H. Kate, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge, Downing Street, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB2 3EQ, United Kingdom, and Department of Earth Sciences, Durham University, Science Labs, Durham, DH1 3LE, UK; S. Crowhurst, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK; P. Stone, British Geological Survey Murchison House, Edinburgh, UK Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) in the Permo-Carboniferous From Icehouse to Greenhouse The proposed book would focus on the sedimentology of the Hells Kitchen Member of the Port Sussex Formation in East Falkland (Las Malvinas). This member comprises deposits documenting the switch from Icehouse to Greenhouse conditions in a fragment of the Gondwana supercontinent during the Permian. Sedimentary logging, X-Ray Fluorescence data and reflectance data measured over this interval will be presented in detail in the book and used both to support a facies evaluation and an investigation into the orbital control of climate at this time. Features 7 Presents the reader an overview of studies in glaciology and the changes in sedimentation that took place in the Falkland Islands (Las Malvinas) during the Permo-Carboniferous period 7 This book characterises and interprets changes in depositional processes and environments documented, revealing the evolution of the palæoenvironment in the region 7 The volume of new information researched and original data collected makes this an interesting read for geologists and paleontologists Fields of interest Sedimentology; Geology; Climate Change/Climate Change Impacts Target groups Research Product category Brief Available Due September 2014 2015. XVII, 221 p. 130 illus., 8 in color. (Springer Natural Hazards) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-662-44210-4 9<HTOGRC=e cbae> 2014. XL, 1685 p. (Advances in Geophysical and Environmental Mechanics and Mathematics) (3-volume-set) 7 *€ (D) 459,03 | € (A) 471,90 | sFr 571,50 7€ 429,00 | £386.50 ISBN 978-3-319-08626-2 9<HTODMJ=aigcgc> Available 2014. 150 p. 72 illus., 65 in color. (SpringerBriefs in Earth System Sciences) Softcover 7 *€ (D) 53,49 | € (A) 54,99 | sFr 67,00 7€ 49,99 | £44.99 ISBN 978-3-319-08707-8 9<HTODMJ=aihahi> 129 Earth Sciences U. Kueppers, University of Munich (LMU), Munich, Germany; C. Beier, University Nürnberg-Erlangen, Erlangen, Germany (Eds) Volcanoes of the Azores The Azores archipelago consists of nine islands that emerge from the Azores Plateau in the Central Northern Atlantic, situated within the triple junction of the American, Eurasian and African lithosphere plates. Features 7 First comprehensive overview of geological features in the Azores from volcanological, geochemical, petrological, paleontological, structural and hydrological perspectives 7 Description of the top three outcrops on each of the nine Azores islands 7 Includes a chapter on "Volcanoes and Society", which is of great use for everyone working in hazard management in a comparable geological setting Contents Geology.- Ages of the Azores volcanoes.- Tectonic Evolution.- Formation of rift zones and calderas of the Azorean islands.- Stratigraphy of the Azores volcanoes.- Azores Eruption styles.- The top three outcrops per island.- Pyroclastic density currents.Paleontology.- “Santa Maria”.- Geochemistry and Petrology.- Petrology of Azorean lavas.- Mantle sources radiogenic isotopes and trace elements.Stable non-traditional isotopes.- Distribution of volatiles.- Peridotites in the Azores.- Geophyics.- Constraining the plate boundaries in the Azores.- Historic earthquakes and present-day activity.- Shallow geophysics.- Deep geophysics.Tomographie.- Biogeochemistry, Fluids, Seeps.Freshwater in the Azores.- Degassing in the Azores (subaerial and submarine).- Biodiversity around active submarine volcanoes.- Volcanoes and Society.- Hazard assessment.- Monitoring techniques. Fields of interest Geology; Geophysics/Geodesy; Geochemistry springer.com/NEWSonline M. Maanan, M. Robin, Géolittomer, LETG UMR 6554CNRS, Nantes Cedex 3, France (Eds) Sediment Fluxes on Coastal Areas Contents Preface.- Part I: Sediment Fluxes Changes Link to Climatic Change during Holocene.- The “Turritella Layer”: a Potentiel Proxy of a Drastic Holocene Environmental Change on the North–east Atlantic Coast.- The Influence of Recent Deglaciation and Associated Sediment Flux on the Functioning of Polar Coastal Zone – Northern Petuniabukta, Svalbard.- Geomorphic Changes in the Rhône Delta during the LIA: Input from the Analysis of Ancient Maps.- Part II: Studies CAS about Sediment Fluxes in Three Different Climatic Zones (Wet tropical, Semi-arid, Temperate) during Anthropocene.- Mud and Sand Flux in a Context of Sediment Heterogeneity on the Mud-dominated Coast of French Guiana.- The Coastal Sediment Provenance and their Distribution in the Mediterranean Beaches of NW Morocco.- The Hydrosedimentary System of the Haute-Normandy Coast: Synthesis.- Part III: The Use of Modelling Approaches of Sediment Fluxes at a Higher Spatial and Temporal Scale.- Sediment Exchange Through the Inlets of the Venice Lagoon.- Tidal Inlet Dynamics and Relocation in Response to Artificial Breaching.- Sediment Transport Formulae for Coastal Morphodynamic Simulation: Calculated Sediment Flux against in situ Data.- Part IV: Extremes Events and Sediment Fluxes: The Case of Tsunamis.- Tsunamis: Impacts on Sediment Flux and Sediment Cells. Fields of interest Coastal Sciences; Physical Geography; Climate Change Target groups Research Product category Monograph S. Mandal, Department of Geography, Raja N. L. Khan Women’s College, Paschim Medinipur 721102, West Bengal, India; R. Maiti, Ramkrishna Maiti, Department of Geography and Environment Management, Vidyasagar University, Paschim Medinipur 721102, West Bengal, India Semi-quantitative Approaches for Landslide Assessment and Prediction This book includes the parameters responsible for landslide events in mountainous areas. It provides knowledge and understanding to the local people, planners and policy makers about the causes and consequences of landslides as well as provides a suitable method to mitigate the landslips. The book deals with the role of land, water and soil in landslide phenomena. These three attributes have been described in terms of critical rainfall, critical slope, critical height and changes and development of drainage network in landslides. Features 7 Discusses case studies to elaborate on the introduced model 7 Elaborates on the role of land, water and soil in landslide phenomena 7 Provides knowledge and understanding about the causes and consequences of landslides, as well as suitable methods to mitigate landslips Contents From the Contents: Introduction.- Geomorphic Attributes and slope Instability.- Hydrologic Attributes and Slope Instability.- Land use and land cover Study.- Estimation of Runoff using SCS Curve NumberTechnique.- Population pressure: An indicator of slope instability. Fields of interest Natural Hazards; Geoengineering, Foundations, Hydraulics; Monitoring/Environmental Analysis Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Monograph Target groups Research Product category Monograph Due January 2015 Due September 2014 Due December 2014 2015. 400 p. 330 illus., 300 in color. (Active Volcanoes of the World) Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 139,05 | € (A) 142,94 | sFr 173,00 7 approx.€ 129,95 | £117.00 ISBN 978-3-642-32225-9 2014. 220 p. 107 illus., 63 in color. (Coastal Research Library, Volume 10) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-94-017-9259-2 2015. 300 p. 100 illus., 20 in color. (Springer Natural Hazards) Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7 approx.€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-981-287-145-9 9<HTOGPC=dc cfj> 130 9<HTUELB=hjcfjc> 9<HTUIMC=ihbefj> News 8/2014 Earth Sciences V. November, CNRS, Paris, France; Y. Leanza, Université Laval, Quebec City, QC, Canada D. Ren, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, WA, Australia Risk, Disaster and Crisis Reduction Storm-triggered Landslides in Warmer Climates Mobilizing, Collecting and Sharing Information Contents Introduction.- Ecosystem of sloping terrain, soil and vegetation.- Landslides are a double-edged sword.- Strain and Stress.- Landslide dynamics.SEGMENT-Landslide and applications on various climatic zones.- Changes in extreme precipitation in a future warming climate.- Landslides impact on sea level rise.- Modeling the debris flows in the aftermath of the 2007 Southern California Wildfires.- Opportunity and challenges in a remote sensing era.- The path forward: Landslides in a future climate.- Mathematical skills required to fully understand SEGMENT-Landslide.- Appendix 1: Pressure fields within a simplest granular media - A comment on a recent Science article on locomotors running over sands.- Appendix 2: Cluster analysis.- Appendix 3: Scarp size distribution, who are the players?.- Appendix 4: Basic tensor (and vector) operations.- Appendix 5: GPD analysis of extreme precipitation.- Appendix C1: Lax-Windoff scheme of various order of accuracy (1D followed by a higher order scheme implemented in SEGMENT-Landslide.- Appendix C2: 1D thermal equation solver (semi-implicit C-N scheme). In the field of risks and crises, both the access to relevant information and its circulation are seen as crucial factors. Based on a new integrated theoretical model focusing on the stakeholder, the book proposes analysis of information reformulation and circulation in risk environments and crisis situations. Simply circulating the information does not mean that it will be picked up by those who could benefit from it. This has been amply demonstrated by the various crises and catastrophes that have shaken the planet in recent years. Features 7 This book provides valuable guidance to health and environmental experts on how to deal with and respond to situations of risk and crises, taking into account how information can be transmitted and gathered in a way that can be understood by the actors involved 7 It analyses the way in which information circulates in situations of risk and crisis 7 The authors take on a new theoretical model based on a wider understanding of risks and their territorial social consequences, instead of focusing mainly on technical aspects and probability 7 Examination of different case studies Contents From the Contents: Risk and Information: for a new Conceptual Framework.- A Contemporary Look at Risks: Risks are Plural and Transcalar.Information as a Process.- Definitions, Classifications and Models.- Reviewing Risk Categories. Fields of interest Natural Hazards; Climate Change/Climate Change Impacts; Structural Geology Target groups Research Product category Monograph Fields of interest Natural Hazards; Health Promotion and Disease Prevention; Methodology of the Social Sciences A. Schettino, University of Camerino, Camerino, Italy Quantitative Plate Tectonics Physics of the Earth - Plate Kinematics – Geodynamics This textbook on plate tectonics is designed for students in geology and geophysics to acquire indepth knowledge of quantitative methods in plate kinematics and dynamics. Quantitative Plate Tectonics can also be used as a reference book by geoscientists who desire to expand their knowledge beyond their own specialization, or by oiland-gas professionals and ore deposit specialists that need to investigate the geodynamic context of formation of geologic resources. Features 7 A unified quantitative description of plate tectonics, combining geological and geophysical perspectives 7 Professional software, manual verification examples and applications are available as additional material 7 Includes detailed calculations, examples and problem sets per chapter 7 Well illustrated Contents Preface.- Part I: Plate Kinematics.- 1 Composition of the Crust and the Mantle.- 2 Plate Motions.- 3 Magnetization and Magnetic Minerals.- 4 The Geomagnetic Field.- 5 Marine Magnetic Anomalies.- 6 Paleomagnetism and Earth History.- Part II: Dynamics of the Lithosphere and the Mantle.- 7 Stress and Strain.- 8 Elasticity of the Earth.- 9 Seismic Rays.- 10 Earthquakes.- 11 Seismic Deformation of the Lithosphere.- 12 Heat Flow and Termodynamics of the Lithosphere.- 13 Flow and Fluid Behaviour of the Mantle.- 14 Gravity Field of the Earth.- Index. Fields of interest Geophysics/Geodesy; Quantitative Geology; Structural Geology Target groups Graduate Target groups Research Product category Graduate/Advanced undergraduate textbook Product category Monograph Due September 2014 Due September 2014 Due September 2014 2015. X, 188 p. 16 illus., 4 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08541-8 2015. X, 340 p. 99 illus., 88 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08517-3 9<HTODMJ=aifebi> 9<HTODMJ=aifbhd> 2015. XIV, 382 p. 284 illus., 119 in color. With online files/update. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 80,24 | € (A) 82,49 | sFr 100,00 7€ 74,99 | £67.99 ISBN 978-3-319-09134-1 9<HTODMJ=ajbdeb> 131 Earth Sciences S. Shanov, K. Kostov, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria Dynamic Tectonics and Karst The karstic caves are favorable sites for tectonic events detecting, representing a conservative medium of three-dimensional framework where the tectonic deformations are well preserved. They also provide an environment conducive to dating and determining the geometrical parameters of past seismotectonic events. During the last three decades the study of dynamic tectonics and recent geodynamics in karst terrains has been subject of numerous publications, but it has not been systematically approached in a comprehensive monograph. This book collects the current state of knowledge on the relationship between karst and dynamic tectonics and presents a new methodology to its study. Features 7 Points out the significant role of tectonic stress fields as an influencing factor on karst processes 7 Exposes a complex methodological approach for paleoseismological studies in karstic caves 7 Demonstrates the importance of the movement of the tectonic block itself during the process of rupturing and displacement along active or capable faults Contents Tectonic control on karst evolution.- Tectonic stress fields and karst.- Recent geodynamics and karst. Fields of interest Structural Geology; Geophysics/Geodesy; Natural Hazards Target groups Research Product category Monograph springer.com/NEWSonline R. Shaw, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan (Ed) R. Shaw, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan (Ed) Recovery from the Indian Ocean Tohoku Recovery Challenges, Potentials and Future Tsunami A Ten-Year Journey During the past 10 years following the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami, invaluable lessons have been learned and great changes have been observed. Immediately after the disaster, the second World Conference on Disaster Reduction was held in Kobe, Japan, and formulated the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA: 2005–2015). HFA provided a platform and framework for changes and innovations, many of which were part of the recovery programs in the different countries affected by the 2004 disaster. Features 7 On the 10th anniversary for the Indian Ocean tsunami, this book is the first compilation of postdisaster learning 7 Contains a unique combination of generic cases, which spread over the affected countries and detailed country-specific case studies 7 Collects diverse perspectives from authors including academicians, practitioners and professionals in the respective field Contents From the contents: Overview of ten years of recovery lessons from Indian Ocean Tsunami.- Institutional and legal arrangements and its impacts on urban issues.- Environmental Recovery and Mangrove Conservation: Post Indian Ocean Tsunami Policy responses in South and Southeast Asia.- Lessons from the Recovery of the Education Sector after the Indian Ocean Tsunami.- Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning System (IOTWS).- Posttsunami Urban Recovery Process and Afterwards in Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Indonesia. Fields of interest Natural Hazards; Environmental Management; Regional and Cultural Studies Contents Tohoku Recovery: Reflections on Some Key Lessons.- Role of International NGO in an unprecedented disaster in Japan.- The Situation and Challenges of Recovery of Fishing Industries in Tohoku region.- Regional Comparison of Temporary Housing Construction Processes after the 20111 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami.- Lessons of Health Sector Recovery on Tohoku disaster.- Temples and Shrines as Contemporary Shelters that Support Evacuees: The Great East Japan Earthquake and Regional Heritage Grounded in the Local Environment.- Sharing lessons from the Great East Japan and Tsunami with the World.- Recovery after Sanriku Tsunamis in 1896 and 1933, and Transition of Housing Location before 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami.- Identifying elements for School Based Recovery and Disaster Resilient Community Building in Japan.- Community Recovery in Tsunami-Affected Area: Lessons from MinamiKesennuma.- Establishment and sustainability of emergency radio in Tohoku: Implications and Key lessons.- Recovery in Fukushima from integrated disasters.- Impacts of East-Japan’s disaster on production of a small-medium cardboard manufacturer in Fukushima Fields of interest Natural Hazards; Landscape/Regional and Urban Planning; Environmental Management Target groups Research Product category Monograph Target groups Research Product category Monograph Due September 2014 Due August 2014 Due September 2014 2014. XII, 138 p. 119 illus., 25 in color. (Cave and Karst Systems of the World) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 139,09 | € (A) 142,99 | sFr 173,50 7€ 129,99 | £117.00 ISBN 978-3-662-43991-3 2014. XI, 475 p. 140 illus., 121 in color. (Disaster Risk Reduction) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 139,09 | € (A) 142,99 | sFr 173,50 7€ 129,99 | £117.00 ISBN 978-4-431-55116-4 2015. VI, 198 p. 52 illus., 36 in color. (Disaster Risk Reduction) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-4-431-55135-5 9<HTOGRC=edj bd> 132 9<HTPEOB=f b ge> 9<HTPEOB=f bdf > News 8/2014 A. Tiwari, State University at New York, Albany, NY, USA The Capacity Crisis in Disaster Risk Management Why disaster management capacity remains low in developing countries and what can be done How can a place be built and managed so that it is safe for people to live? Ironically, many governments and citizens keep on asking the same question after every new disaster. Why, even with high levels of investment in increasing government’s capacity to manage disasters, do the impacts of disasters continue to increase? What can the governments do differently? What is the role of local communities? Where should aid agencies invest? This book looks into these critical questions and highlights how current capacity development efforts might be resulting in the opposite—capacity crisis or capability trap. The book provides a new approach for understanding and developing effective local capacity for reducing and managing future disaster impacts. Features 7 Brings capacity development and disaster management fields together—which has not been done before 7 Presents a framework to understand capacity development for disaster management 7 Summarizes the current theories and practices as well as presents the results from practical field research, making it appealing to both academicians and practitioners Contents Part I: Capacity Crisis.- Part II: Effective Capacity for Managing Disasters. Fields of interest Natural Hazards; Public Administration; Organization/Planning Target groups Research Earth Sciences C. Zhao, Central South University, Changsha, China Physical and Chemical Dissolution Front Instability in Porous Media Theoretical Analyses and Computational Simulations This monograph provides state-of-the-art theoretical and computational findings from investigations on physical and chemical dissolution front instability problems in porous media, based on the author’s own work. Features 7 Highlights advanced theoretical analyses and computational methods regarding physical and chemical dissolution 7 Relevant for a wide range of earth science issues such as ore body formation, gas and oil extraction 7 Special attention on geothermal energy extraction, remediation of contaminated soils, CO2 storage in underground aquifers and nuclear waste storage Contents Introduction.- Fundamental theory for chemical dissolution front instability problems in fluid-saturated porous media.- Effects of particle reactive surface areas on chemical dissolution front instability in fluid-saturated porous media.- Effects of mineral dissolution ratios on chemical-dissolution front instability in fluid-saturated porous media.Effects of medium permeability anisotropy on chemical dissolution front instability in fluidsaturated porous media. Fields of interest Quantitative Geology; Geotechnical Engineering & Applied Earth Sciences; Geoengineering, Foundations, Hydraulics Target groups Research Product category Monograph Product category Monograph Due July 2014 Due November 2014 2014. X, 190 p. (Environmental Hazards) Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 106,95 | € (A) 109,95 | sFr 133,50 7 approx.€ 99,95 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-09404-5 9<HTODMJ=ajeaef> 2014. XVIII, 354 p. 93 illus., 68 in color. (Lecture Notes in Earth System Sciences) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 139,09 | € (A) 142,99 | sFr 173,50 7€ 129,99 | £117.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08460-2 9<HTODMJ=aiegac> 133 Geography springer.com/NEWSonline P. Billi, University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy (Ed) A. Goudie, H. Viles, Oxford University, Oxford, UK B. S. Hakim, Albuquerque, NM, USA Landscapes and Landforms of Ethiopia Landscapes and Landforms of Namibia Mediterranean Urbanism Features 7 The geomorphological information on Ethiopia is very sparse there are only sporadic studies 7 This book will be the only comprehensive source of scientific information on Ethiopia's geomorphological landscapes for quite some time 7 Of interest to anyone interested in the geology, geomorphology as well as environmental issues of Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa The volume will provide an overview of the landforms of Namibia, and will consist of a general introduction to the geology, climate and climate history of the country and then a series of c 20 case studies of particularly intriguing landform sites, followed by a discussion of issues relating to geoheritage and conservation. This book brings together historic urban / building rules and codes for the geographic areas including Greece, Italy and Spain. The author achieved his ambitious goal of finding pertinent rules and codes that were followed in previous societies for the processes that formed the built environment of their towns and cities, including building activities at the neighborhood level and the decisionmaking process that took place between proximate neighbors. The original languages of the texts that were translated into English are Greek, Latin, Italian, Arabic and Spanish. The sources for the chapter on Greece date from the 2nd century B.C.E. to the 19th century C.E. Those for the chapter on Italy date from the 10th to the 14th centuries C.E. and for the chapter on Spain from the 5th to the 18th centuries C.E. Numerous appendices are included to enhance and elaborate on the material that make up the chapters. Contents Geomorphological regions of the Horn of Africa.- General geology.- Long term evolution of the Ethiopian landscape.- Climate.- Quaternary climate changes.- Hydrography.- Geomorphology and Quaternary geology of the Main Ethiopian Rift.- Geomorphology of the Lakes Region in the main Ethiopian Rift.- The Ethiopian Rift Valley Lakes hydrology.- Recent river evolution in the Ethiopian Lakes Region.- Geomorfology of the Gamo Gofa district.- Landslides and geomorphological evolution in the Desse graben.- Geomorphology of ephemeral streams in the Kobo basin.Gully evolution in Tigray.- Geomorphology of the archaeological area of Axum.- Geomorphology of Adwa district.- Volcanic geomorphology.Travertine dams in Mekele outlier.- Caves and karst processes in Southeastern Ethiopia.- Glaciated geomorphology.- Geomorphology of Amba landscape.- Land degradation in the Ethiopian highlands.- Sediment yield in Northern Ethiopia.Rock-hewn churches in Tigray.- Danakil and Afar. Fields of interest Geomorphology; Geographical Information Systems/Cartography; Soil Science & Conservation Target groups Research Features 7 Namibia has some of the most outstanding landforms in the world 7 The book will be illustrated with the authors' own colour photos and also with stunning satellite images 7 No comparable volume exists in the English language Contents From the Contents: Geological and tectonic background.- Climate past and present.- Long-term geomorphological history.- Geomorphological regions.- Brandberg.- Brukkaros Volcano.- Cunene River, the oshanas, bedrock channel and major falls.- Erongo Mountains: Ameib, Bulls Parties, Phillips Cave.- Etendeka Plateau and the Messum Crater.- Etosha Pan.- Gamsberg Plateau.Giant’s Playground dolerite complex.- Gobabeb and the Central Namib inselbergs and weathering phenomena.- Kolmanskop barchans.- Kuiseb Canyon, Gravel Plains, Calcretes and Gramadullas.- Naukluft Tufsa. Fields of interest Geomorphology; Physical Geography; Geoecology/Natural Processes Target groups Research Product category Monograph Contents Introduction.- Greece: Sources from 2nd Century B.C.E. to 19th Century C.E..- Italy: Sources from 10th to 14th Centuries C.E..- Spain: Sources from 5th to 18th Centuries C.E..- Conclusions. Fields of interest Landscape/Regional and Urban Planning; Urbanism; Cities, Countries, Regions Product category Monograph Due December 2014 Due September 2014 2014. Approx. 290 p. 250 illus., 150 in color. (World Geomorphological Landscapes) Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 106,95 | € (A) 109,95 | sFr 133,50 7 approx.€ 99,95 | £90.00 ISBN 978-94-017-8025-4 2014. XI, 221 p. 138 illus., 108 in color. (World Geomorphological Landscapes, Volume 5) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-94-017-8019-3 134 Features 7 Provides information for understanding and learning from the history and theory of traditional urbanism of major cultures around the Mediterranean basin 7 Covers 14 centuries, since antiquity to the early decades of the 20th century 7 Aims to adapt the traditional experience to be compatible with contemporary developements Target groups Research Product category Monograph 9<HTUELB=hiacfe> Historic Urban / Building Rules and Processes 9<HTUELB=hiabjd> Due August 2014 2014. XX, 232 p. 43 illus., 14 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-94-017-9139-7 9<HTUELB=hjbdjh> News 8/2014 D. Loczy, University of Pécs, Pécs, Hungary (Ed) Landscapes and Landforms of Hungary The volume could be the first comprehensive description of the most spectacular landforms in Hungary, with aspects of the conservation of geomorphological heritage. It can be used for undergraduate and graduate courses in Geomorphology, Physical Geography, Hydrogeography - particularly for Erasmus students studying in Hungary. Features 7 Well-illustrated short descriptions of geomorphological sites 7 Useful for field trips for geographers and interested non-professionals 7 Reference book for nature conservation planning Contents From the contents: Introduction.- Part I Geological and tectonic background.- Climate and drainage.- Long-term geomorphological evolution.- Geomorphological regions.- Part II The Hat Rock: solution features in metamorphic mountains.- The basalt-capped Kab Hill, Bakony Mountains.- Features of granite weathering in the Velence Hills.- Caves in the Buda Hills.- Karren on sandstone in the Kál Basin.- Buttes of the Tapolca Basin.- Geyserite cones of the Tihany Peninsula.The Dunaszekcső Castle Hill: landslides along the Danubian loess bluff. Fields of interest Geomorphology; Physical Geography; Geology Target groups Research Product category Monograph Geography E. Marmaras, Technical University of Crete, Athens, Greece Planning London for the PostWar Era 1945 - 1960 This book deals with the formation of the postSecond World War reconstruction and planning machinery in Great Britain, the re-planning efforts undertaken in post-war London, and in particular the redevelopment programme regarding its central area in the form of the comprehensive development projects. Originating from a PhD Thesis, the book recreates the atmosphere following step by step arguments and events at various political, socio-economic and technical levels. Features 7 Presents step by step British post-war urban reconstruction machinery to provide an intelligible source for future students, researchers and policy makers 7 Recounts an example of harmonious collaboration between the private and public sector in the planning of post-war London 7 Extracts research material from original sources, not published before, to make that available to scholars and the general interested public Contents From the Contents: Part I The Reconstruction Question.- The British Town Planning on the eve of the Second World War.- Part II The Preparation of Planning Machinery.- Part III Replanning London.- The Central Government policy for re-planning London.- The Independent Plans for London - The Modern Architects’ Research Society (MARS) plan - Part IV Redeveloping Central London.Fields of interest Landscape/Regional and Urban Planning; Urban Geography / Urbanism (inc. megacities, cities, towns); History Target groups Research Product category Monograph R. Singh, University of Delhi, Delhi, India (Ed) Urban Development Challenges, Risks and Resilience in Asian Mega Cities Contents Introducing Asian Mega City Environment.- Analysing Asia’s mega-cities and mega-urban-region dynamics using Geopolis database.- Future of Asian Mega Cities.- Urban Water Risk in Asian Mega Cities.- Urban Planning, Governance and Management Dealing with Climate Change in Indian Mega Cities.- Japanese Experiences.- Spatial changes in the socioeconomic aspects of the Tokyo metropolitan area after the 1980s.- Urban heat islands in Tokyo.- Osaka as the nation’s second-largest mega city.- distinctive trajectories of industrial, commercial and consumer city.- Indian Experiences.- Chennai: Questioning the sustainability of an emerging mega-city - economy, environment and governance.- Local Action Planning for ProPoor Urban governance in the Southern Mega City of Chennai, India.- Population Dynamics in Calcutta Metropolitan Region: Implications for Planning and Governance.- Changing Environment, Physical Landscape and Emerging Heat Islands in Kolkata Metropolitan Region.- Role of local level relative humidity on the development of urban heat island across the Delhi Metropolitan Region.- Urban Political Ecology in megacities: The case of Delhi’s waste water.- Spatial Correlation of Changing Land Use, Surface Temperature (UHI) and NDVI in Delhi Using Landsat Satellite Images.- Housing in Hyderabad.- Nutritional Status of Men and Women in Mumbai: Is There Any Imbalance across Slums and Non-Slums.- Chinese Experiences.- Spatio-temporal evolution of urban structure in Shanghai”. Fields of interest Landscape/Regional and Urban Planning; Sustainable Development; Climate Change Management and Policy Target groups Research Product category Monograph Due August 2014 Due December 2014 Due September 2014 2014. 350 p. 120 illus., 90 in color. (World Geomorphological Landscapes) Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 139,09 | € (A) 142,99 | sFr 173,50 7 approx.€ 129,99 | £117.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08996-6 2015. XVI, 288 p. 26 illus., 5 in color. (Springer Geography) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 85,59 | € (A) 87,99 | sFr 106,50 7€ 79,99 | £72.00 ISBN 978-3-319-07646-1 9<HTODMJ=aij g > 9<HTODMJ=ahgegb> 2014. XVI, 536 p. 152 illus., 85 in color. (Advances in Geographical and Environmental Sciences) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-4-431-55042-6 9<HTPEOB=f aecg> 135 Geography B. C. Vieira, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil; A. A. Salgado, Minas Gerais Federal University, Belo Horizonte, Brazil; L. J. Santos, Paraná Federal University, Curitiba, Brazil (Eds) Landscapes and Landforms of Brazil Brazil is a country of continental dimensions. Its territory has a large variety of rock types, geological structures and climates. The country has a large variety of landscapes, such as the humid plains of the Amazon River, the dry plateaus of the semi-arid region or the subtropical mountains of the southern region. Features 7 Constitutes the first book describing the greater part of geomorphological sites in Brazil (in either English or Portuguese) 7 Provide details not only Brazilian geomorphological landscapes but also parallel geological processes, climate variations and landscape changes 7 Covers a large proportion of Brazilian landscapes and explains how these have influenced human settlements Contents Salvador e Baía de Todos os santos.- Serra da Capivara “CAPIVARA mountain range”.- Ocean islands: Fernando De Noronha, Penedo De São Pedro, Penedo De São Paulo e Trinidade.- Serra dos Carajás.- Milagres.- Litoral do Descobrimento.- Guanaraba Bay.- Pancas.- Quadrilátero Ferrífero.- Serra do Mar “Serra do Mar Mountain Range”.- Serra do Espinhaço Meridional.- Iguaçu Falls.- Vila Velha - Paraná.- Prudentópolis Canyon.- Santa Catarina Island.- Chapada dos Veadeiros.- Brazilian Pantanal Wetlands.- Chapada dos Guimarães.- Jalapão.- Superagui e Baía de Antonina.- Parque Nacional do Catimbu Fields of interest Geomorphology; Physical Geography; Soil Science & Conservation Target groups Research Product category Monograph springer.com/NEWSonline K. Yamamoto, Kokugakuin University, Tokyo, Japan The Agglomeration of the Animation Industry in East Asia This book will be of interest to scholars and students of Asian studies, cultural industries, economic geography, and related areas of study. It discusses the results of a microscopic survey focusing on topics such as how animation studios form business relationships and how workers gain skills in the industry. The methodology was based on traditional Japanese economic geographical methods. The study also examines macroscopic issues such as why industrial agglomerations are formed in metropolises, why metropolises develop mutual networks, and how a type of cultural product is created in the metropolises. Features 7 Is an empirical study based on traditional Japanese economic geographical methods 7 Focuses on work styles of creative workers in three East Asian metropolises 7 Reveals the cross-border transaction structure among creative agents in these cities Contents Academic Context of the Animation Industry.Agglomeration of the Animation Industry in Tokyo, Japan.- Agglomeration of the Animation Industry in Seoul, South Korea.- Agglomeration of the Animation Industry in the Shanghai-Wuxi Region, China.- Animation Workers and the Studio as a Creative Nexus in Tokyo: Studio M Workers’ Daily Activities.- Promoting the Animation Industry in Local Regions: A Case Study of Working Conditions at an Animation Studio in Okinawa.- Generalities and Regionality Observed in the Agglomeration Structure of the Animation Industry in East Asia. Fields of interest Economic Geography; International Economics; Regional and Cultural Studies Target groups Research Product category Monograph Due December 2014 Due August 2014 2014. Approx. 290 p. 250 illus. in color. (World Geomorphological Landscapes) Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 106,95 | € (A) 109,95 | sFr 133,50 7 approx.€ 99,95 | £90.00 ISBN 978-94-017-8022-3 2014. XII, 150 p. 38 illus., 16 in color. (International Perspectives in Geography, Volume 4) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 149,79 | € (A) 153,99 | sFr 186,50 7€ 139,99 | £126.00 ISBN 978-4-431-55092-1 9<HTUELB=hiac d> 136 9<HTPEOB=f ajcb> News 8/2014 G. T. Farmer, Farmer Enterprises, Las Cruces, NM, USA Modern Climate Change Science An Overview of Today’s Climate Change Science Composed of two extensive sections, this book surveys important work in climate change science, mainly in the United States, and introduces contributions to the body of science that have arrived on the scene between January 2013 and February 2014. The opening section offers a broad examination of contemporary climate change science, with subsections on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC); Earth’s energy imbalance and energy flow; carbon dioxide’s role in the greenhouse effect; climate forcing, and climate feedbacks; Charles David Keeling and the Keeling Curve; the interfaces of atmosphere with oceans and land; paleoclimates and paleoclimatology; rising sea level; melting glaciers; deforestation; desertification; more violent storms, animal and human migration, extinction of species and more. The second section reviews and assesses the newest contributions to the body of research. Features 7 Offers a concise overview of Climate Change science 7 Includes a detailed discussion of current research 7 Provides sources of current climate data Contents Chapter 1: Overview of Climate Change Science.Chapter 2: Status of Climate Change Research.Appendix A: Geologic Time.- Appendix B: The Metric System. Fields of interest Climate Change; Climate, general; Earth Sciences, general Target groups Research Product category Brief Environmental Sciences W. Leal Filho, HAW Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany (Ed) Transformative Approaches to Sustainable Development at Universities Working Across Disciplines Features 7 A highly interesting theme: sustainability in higher education 7 A wide range of authors from 21 countries 7 A strong interdisciplinary focus, raising interest in the social sciences, life sciences and education sectors 7 A balanced combination of research, projects and teaching experiences, of interest to a wide academic audience Contents Part 1 - Integrative Processes and Concepts.- Education for Sustainable Development in Higher Education: Reviewing Needs.- The Matter of Geography in Education for Sustainable Development: The Case of Danish University Geography.James Cook University’s holistic response to the sustainable development challenge.- Triple bottom line: An academic perspective on sustainability practices and accountability.- Part 2 - Integrative Approaches in Teaching and Learning.- eLearning and the Sustainable Campus.- “Every end is a new beginning – a realignment and re-launch of an Environmental Management System at a German university following a 15 years maintaining period”.- Toward temporal conceptions of education assustainability:contributions from complexity and process thinking.- Multicultural Constructive Community learning course for Education in Sustainable Development applying Backcastin. Fields of interest Sustainable Development; Environmental Management; International and Comparative Education Target groups Research H. M. Greschke, Justus Liebig University, Giessen, Germany; J. Tischler, Humboldt-University, Berlin, Germany (Eds) Grounding Global Climate Change Contributions From the Social and Cultural Sciences Contents Introduction: grounding global climate change.Part I: Interdisciplinarity, climate research and the role of the social sciences.- Ecological novelty: towards an interdisciplinary understanding of ecological change in the Anthropocene.- Predicting the past? Integrating climate and culture during historical famines.- Anthropology in the Anthropocene: sustainable development, climate change and interdisciplinary research.- Part II: Searching for the social facts of global climate change: ethnographic perspectives.- Climate and mobility in the West African Sahel: conceptualising the local dimensions of the environment and migration nexus.- Animal belongings: human-non human interactions and climate change in the Canadian Subarctic.- Part III: Spinning global webs of local knowledges: collaborative and comparative ethnographies.- The social facts of climate change: an ethnographic approach.- Comparing climate worlds: theorising across ethnographic fields.Towards imagining the big picture and the finer details: exploring global applications of a local and scientific knowledge exchange methodology.- Part IV: Concluding statement.- You ain’t seen nothing yet: a death-defying look at the future of the climate debate. Fields of interest Environment, general; Social Sciences, general; Humanities, general Target groups Research Product category Contributed volume Product category Monograph Due September 2014 Due August 2014 2015. XVII, 141 p. 38 illus., 37 in color. (SpringerBriefs in Environmental Science) Softcover 7 *€ (D) 53,49 | € (A) 54,99 | sFr 67,00 7€ 49,99 | £44.99 ISBN 978-3-319-09221-8 2014. X, 555 p. 93 illus., 76 in color. (World Sustainability Series) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 213,99 | € (A) 219,99 | sFr 266,50 7€ 199,99 | £180.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08836-5 9<HTODMJ=ajc bi> 9<HTODMJ=ai dgf> Due September 2014 2015. X, 187 p. 7 illus., 6 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-94-017-9321-6 9<HTUELB=hjdcbg> 137 Environmental Sciences K. Grunewald, O. Bastian, Leibniz Inst. of Ecological Urban and Regional Development, Dresden, Germany (Eds) Ecosystem Services – Concept, Methods and Case Studies Nature provides us with many services seemingly for free: recharged groundwater, fertile soil and plant biomass created by photosynthesis. We human beings draw extensive benefits from these “ecosystem services,” or ES – food, water supply, recreation and protection from natural hazards. Major international studies, such as the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, have addressed the enormous role of biodiversity and ecosystems to human well-being, and they draw particular attention to the consequences resulting from the reduction or loss of these services. These very topical issues are being addressed by authors/scientists in a wide variety of disciplines – and their approaches, terminologies and methodological specifics are just as diverse. What, for example, does the efficacy of nature or natural capital mean? Which values of nature are particularly important, how are they distributed in space and time and how can they be assessed and the relevant knowledge promoted? Can all ecosystem services be quantified and even monetarized? Features 7 Easily readable, understandable for a wide readership, but scientifically sophisticated representation of a future-oriented and highly relevant topic 7 Explanation of terms, categories and assessment systems for ecosystem services 7 Conceptual framework and methodological guidelines for the analysis and evaluation of ecosystem services 7 Demonstration of extensive application possibilities of the ecosystem services approach in German cultural landscapes Fields of interest Environment, general; Environmental Management; Environmental Law/Policy/Ecojustice Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Contributed volume springer.com/NEWSonline F.‑K. Holtmeier, Havixbeck, Germany R. Lal, Ohio State University OARDC, Columbus, OH, USA; B. R. Singh, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, As, Norway; D. L. Mwaseba, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzania; D. Kraybill, D. O. Hansen, The Ohio State University, Columbus, USA; L. O. Eik, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Aas, Norway (Eds) Animals’ Influence on the Landscape and Ecological Importance Natives, Newcomers, Homecomers In its first English-language edition, this book introduces the many-faceted interactions of animal populations with their habitats. From soil fauna, ants and termites to small and large herbivores, burrowing mammals and birds, the author presents a comprehensive analysis of animals and ecosystems that is as broad and varied as all nature. Chapter 2 addresses the functional role of animals in landscape ecosystems, emphasizing fluxes of energy and matter within and between ecosystems, and the effects of animals on qualitative and structural habitat change. Features 7 Addresses the functional role of animals in landscape ecosystems and the practical implications for landscape management and nature conservation 7 Assesses the role of animals with special regard to the specific local socio-cultural and economic conditions 7 Includes a section on climate change effects on animal-habitat interactions Contents 1 Introduction.- 2 Animals’ Functional Role in the Landscape.- 3. Selected Landscapes under the Influence of Wild Herbivorous Mammals.- 4 Keystone Species.- 5 Introductions and Re-Introductions of Animals.- 6 Animals in Landscape Management and Nature Conservation.- 7 Potential Effects of Climate Change on Animal-Habitat Interactions.- 8 Epilogue.- 9 References.- 10 Index. Fields of interest Environment, general; Physical Geography; Climate Change/Climate Change Impacts Target groups Research Product category Monograph Sustainable Intensification to Advance Food Security and Enhance Climate Resilience in Africa Contents Introduction.- 1 Sustainable Intensification for Adaptation and Mitigation of Climate Change and Advancement of Food Security in Africa.- Land Use and Farming System.- 2 Geopedological and Landscape Dynamic Controls on Productivity Potentials and Constraints in Selected Spatial Entities in Sub Saharan Africa.- 3 Land Degradation and Soil Carbon Pool in Different Land Uses and their Implication for Food Security in Southern Ethiopia.- 4 Land use Impact on Soil Organic Carbon and Total Nitrogen Storage in a typical Dry Land District in Tigray, Northern Ethiopia.- 5 Climate Risk Management through Sustainable Land Management in Sub-Saharan Africa.- 6 Effects of Land Cover Changes on Soil Organic Carbon and Nitrogen Stocks in Eastern Mau Forest Reserve, Kenya.- Effects of Climate Change and Crop Yield.- 7 Soil Erosion Hazard under the Current and Potential Climate Change Induced Loss of Soil Organic Matter in the Upper Blue Nile (Abay) River Basin, Ethiopia.- 8 Climate Change and Crop Yield in Sub-Saharan Africa.- 9 Factors in Smallholder Farmers’ Vulnerability to Climate Change Impacts in the Uluguru Mountains, Morogoro, Tanzania. Fields of interest Soil Science & Conservation; Climate Change/Climate Change Impacts; Sustainable Development Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Contributed volume Due September 2014 Due September 2014 Original German Edition published by Eugen Ulmer KG, Stuttgart, 2002 Due September 2014 2015. I, 287 p. 14 illus. in color. Hardcover 7€ (D) 99,99 | € (A) 102,79 | * sFr 124,50 7€ 93,45 | £84.50 ISBN 978-3-662-44142-8 2015. XIV, 482 p. 96 illus., 1 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 139,09 | € (A) 142,99 | sFr 173,50 7€ 129,99 | £117.00 ISBN 978-94-017-9293-6 2015. XII, 621 p. 125 illus., 94 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 181,89 | € (A) 186,99 | sFr 226,50 7€ 169,99 | £153.00 ISBN 978-3-319-09359-8 9<HTOGRC=e beci> 138 9<HTUELB=hjcjdg> 9<HTODMJ=ajdfji> News 8/2014 A. J. Masys, Centre for Security Science, Ottawa, ON, Canada (Ed) Environmental Sciences R. Milačič, J. Ščančar, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia; M. Paunović, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia (Eds) Disaster Management: Enabling The Sava River Resilience Contents Part 1.- 1. Resilience Undefined. A Framework for Interdisciplinary Communication and Application for real; World Problems.- 2. Disaster Management, control and resilience.- Part 2. Urban Domain.- 3. Futuristic smart architecture for a rapid disaster response.- 4. Building in resilience. Long-term considerations in the design and production of residential buildings in Israel.- 5. Urban Resilience & Sustainability. The role of a local resilience forum in England.- 6. Wicked Problems Framework. Architectural Lessons from recent urban disasters.- Part 3. Cyber Domain.- 7. Architectures for Cyber-Security Incident Reporting in Safety-Critical Systems.- 8. The Cyber-ecosystem. Enabling resilience through the Comprehensive Approach.- Part 4. Organizational/ Social Domain.- 9. Enabling Resilience. An examination of high reliability organizations and safety culture through the lens of Appreciative Inquiry.10. Unintended consequences. What lessons can risk-managers learn from the use of armed Remotely piloted vehicles for counter-insurgency in Pakistan?.- 11. Extra-fragile in disaster. People with disabilities in a bombarded zone.- 12. The application of quality of life metrics.- 13. Defining and negotiating a shared responsibility for disaster resilience.- Part 5. Socio-ecological Domain.- 14. Wildland Fire Management. Movement towards enabling resiliency?.- 15. Case-Study. Vulnerabilities co-evolutionary dynamics in Morelia Michoacan, Mexico. Fields of interest Environmental Management; Climate Change/ Climate Change Impacts; Natural Hazards This volume provides a comprehensive overview of environmental aspects of the Sava River, which is the greatest tributary to the Danube River and the major drainage river system of South Eastern Europe. Features 7 A comprehensive review 7 Written by experts 7 Richly illustrated Contents Transboundary water cooperation for sustainable development of the Sava River Basin.- Climate change impact on flood hazard in the Sava River Basin.- Climate projections for the Sava River Basin.- Integrated approach to the evaluation of chemical dynamics and anthropogenic pollution sources in the Sava River Basin.- Elements and persistent organic pollutants in the sediments of the Sava River.- Metal bioavailability in the Sava River water.- Potentiometric determination of anionic and nonionic surfactants in surface waters and wastewaters.- Ecotoxicological characterization of the Sava River – biomarker responses and biological assays.-Microbial characterization of the Sava River.- Algal communities along the Sava River.- Aquatic and wetland vegetation along the Sava River.- Zooplankton community along the Sava River.- Aquatic macroinvertebrates of the Sava River.- Ichthyofauna of the River Sava System.- Fauna of the Riparian Ecosystems – Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds and Mammals.- Genotoxicological studies of lower stretch of the Sava River.- Indicative status assessment, biodiversity conservation and protected areas within the Sava River Basin. Target groups Research Fields of interest Environmental Chemistry; Water Quality/Water Pollution; Geochemistry Product category Monograph Target groups Research G. Schmidt, Universität Vechta, Vechta, Germany; S. Schönrock, W. Schroeder, University of Vechta, Vechta, Germany Plant Phenology as a Biomonitor for Climate Change in Germany A Modelling and Mapping Approach The investigations refer to the development of plant phenology since the 1960s in Germany. Spatiotemporal trends were assessed by means of regression kriging. It could be shown that there already is a distinct shift of phenological onset towards the beginning of the year of up to two weeks. In future, a shift of up to one month was calculated till 2080. Moreover, a prolongation of the vegetation period of up to three weeks was found. The findings are relevant for the development of mitigation measures to prevent from environmental, agricultural and economic issues due to climate change. Features 7 Offers a sophisticated risk assessment approach which links phenological and climatological measures 7 Instructs how to apply geostatistical methods for mapping phenological data 7 Explains how to use climate projections to map historical and future plant phenological development Fields of interest Climate Change; Climate Change/Climate Change Impacts; Biogeosciences Target groups Research Product category Brief Product category Reviews Due October 2014 Due September 2014 Due September 2014 2014. 360 p. 36 illus. in color. (Lecture Notes in Social Networks) Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7 approx.€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08818-1 2014. X, 490 p. 127 illus., 107 in color. (The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry, Volume 31) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 245,03 | € (A) 251,90 | sFr 305,00 7€ 229,00 | £206.50 ISBN 978-3-662-44033-9 2015. XI, 64 p. 30 illus. in color. (SpringerBriefs in Environmental Science) Softcover 7 *€ (D) 53,49 | € (A) 54,99 | sFr 67,00 7€ 49,99 | £44.99 ISBN 978-3-319-09089-4 9<HTODMJ=ai bib> 9<HTOGRC=e ad j> 9<HTODMJ=ajaije> 139 Life Sciences M. Agnoletti, DEISTAF, University of Florence, Firenze, Italy; S. Neri Serneri, University of Siena, Siena, Italy (Eds) The Basic World of Environmental History This book is an introductory instrument to the main themes of environmental history, illustrating its development over time, methodological implications, results achieved and those still under discussion. But the overriding aspiration is to show that the doubts, methods and knowledge elaborated by environmental history have a heuristic value that is far from negligible precisely in its attitude to the most consolidated major historiography. Features 7 From energy to waste: the main themes of environmental history at a glance 7 Leading specialists summarizes information and knowledge 7 Not just an introduction: critical approach and updated bibliography introduce to the core of historical debate Contents Foreword; Mauro Agnoletti, Simone Neri Serneri.- Contributors.- 1. Energy in history; Paolo Malanima.- 2. Economic history and the environment: new questions, approaches and methodologies; Enric Tello Aragay, Gabriel Jover Avellà.- 3. Environmental history of soils; Verena Winiwarter.- 4. Environmental history of water resources; Stephane Frioux.- 5. Environmental history of air pollution and protection; Stephen Mosley.- 6. Urban development and environment; Dieter Schott.- 7. History of Waste Management and the Social and Cultural Representations of Waste; Sabine Barles.- 8. History of technological hazards, disasters and accidents; Gianni Silei. Fields of interest Landscape Ecology; History; Environment, general Target groups Research Product category Contributed volume springer.com/NEWSonline D. Armstrong, University of Florida, Gainsville, FL, USA (Ed) Advanced Protocols in Oxidative Stress III Contents Derivatization and Detection of Small Aliphatic and Lipid-Bound Carbonylated Lipid Peroxidation Products by ESI-MS.- Specific Imaging and Tracking of Mitochondria in Live Cells by a Photostable AIE Luminogen.- Analysis of Relationship Between Oxidized Phospholipid Structure and Interaction with the Class B Scavenger Receptors.- A Novel Gas Chromatographic Method for Determination of Malondialdehyde from Oxidized DNA.- Nitric Oxide Availability as a Marker of Oxidative Stress.- Quantification of DNA Repair Capacity Towards Oxidatively Damaged DNA in Subcellular and Cellular Systems by a NonRadioactive Cleavage Assay.- Chiral Phase-HPLC Separation of Hydroperoxyoctadecenoic Acids and Their Biosynthesis by Fatty Acid Dioxygenases.- Selenium as a Versatile Center in Fluorescence Probe for the Redox Cycle Between HClO Oxidative Stress and H2S Repair.- Evaluation of Physical Integrity of Lipid Bilayer Under Oxidative Stress: Application of Fluorescence Microscopy and Digital Image Processing.- Electrochemical Detection of Glutathione S-Transferase: An Important Enzyme in the Cell Protective Mechanism Against Oxidative Stress.- Using Nanosensors for In Situ Monitoring and Measurement of Nitric Oxide and Peroxynitrite in a Single Cell.- Curcuma longa Attenuates Carbon Tetrachloride-Induced Oxidative Stress in T Lymphocyte Subpopulations.- Prolongation of the Lag Time Preceding Peroxidation of Serum Lipids: A Measure of Antioxidant Capacity.- Identification of (Anti-Oxidative) Plants in Herbal Pharmaceutical Preparations and Dietary Supplements. Fields of interest Biochemistry, general; Oxidative Stress Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Contributed volume Due December 2014 Due September 2014 2014. Approx. 120 p. 20 illus., 9 in color. (Environmental History, Volume 4) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-09179-2 2014. XIV, 502 p. 136 illus., 62 in color. (Methods in Molecular Biology, Volume 1208) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 117,69 | € (A) 120,99 | sFr 146,50 7€ 109,99 | £99.00 ISBN 978-1-4939-1440-1 9<HTODMJ=ajbhjc> 140 9<HTMEUD=jbe ab> L. Barton, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, USA; D. Bazylinski, University of Nevada at Las Vegas, Las Vegas, NV, USA; H. Xu, University of Wisconsin - Madison, Madison, WI, USA (Eds) Nanomicrobiology Physiological and Environmental Characteristics This book is devoted to nanomicrobiology and the nanosystems of bacteria. The initial chapter discusses some of the controversies in the geochemical and biomedical fields associated with the reports of nanobacteria in the environment. Current knowledge of several internal and surface structures of bacteria is addressed in this book. Included are chapters discussing carboxysomes, Slayers, gliding motility of bacteria, and aggregation of iron to produce nano-magnetite. Features 7 The first book to review nano-motor systems in bacteria 7 Details the structural features of bacteria with respect to metabolic activity 7 Reveals how nano-structures interact with the physical environment Contents Preface.Nanostructures and nanobacteria.- S-layer structure in bacteria and archaea.- Magnetotactic Bacteria, Magnetosomes and Nanotechnology.Carboxysomes and their structural organization in prokaryotes.- Bacterial organization at the smallest level: Molecular motors, nanowires, and outer membrane vesicles.- The mechanism of bacterial gliding motility: Insights from molecular and cellular studies in the Myxobacteria and Bacteroidetes.- Nanoparticles formed by microbial metabolism of metals and minerals. Fields of interest Bacteriology; Nanotechnology; Applied Microbiology Target groups Research Product category Contributed volume Due October 2014 2014. V, 210 p. 40 illus., 29 in color. Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 149,75 | € (A) 153,94 | sFr 186,50 7 approx.€ 139,95 | £126.50 ISBN 978-1-4939-1666-5 9<HTMEUD=jbg gf> News 8/2014 N. Beaujean, H. Jammes, A. Jouneau, INRA, Jouyen-Josas, France (Eds) Nuclear Reprogramming Methods and Protocols Contents Nuclear Transfer in the Mouse.- Nuclear Transfer in the Rabbit.- Nuclear Transfer in Ruminants.Nuclear Transfer and Transgenesis in the Pig.Embryonic Stem Cell-Somatic Cell Fusion and Post-Fusion Enucleation.- Analysis of Nuclear Reprogramming Following Nuclear Transfer to Xenopus Oocyte.- Assessing the Quality of Donor Cells: Karyotyping Methods.- Treatment of Donor Cell/Embryo with Different Approaches to Improve Development After Nuclear Transfer.- Fluorescent Immunodetection of Epigenetic Modifications on Pre-Implantation Mouse Embryos.- Visualization of Epigenetic Modifications in Preimplantation Embryos.- Live Embryo Imaging to Follow Cell Cycle and Chromosomes Stability After Nuclear Transfer.- Analysis of Nucleolar Morphology and Protein Localization as an Indicator of Nuclear Reprogramming.- Assessment of Cell Lineages and Cell Death in Blastocysts by Immunostaining.- Gene Expression Analysis in Early Embryos through Reverse Transcription Quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR).- Studying Bovine Early Embryo Transcriptome by Microarray.- Methylation of Specific Regions: BisulfiteSequencing at the Single Oocyte or 2-Cell Embryo Level.- Micro Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) from Early Mammalian Embryos.- Assessing Reprogramming by Chimera Formation and Tetraploid Complementation.- Whole-Mount In Situ Hybridization to Assess Advancement of Development and Embryo Morphology.Genome-Wide Analysis of Methylation in Bovine Clones by Methylated DNA Immunoprecipitation (MeDIP). Fields of interest Cell Biology; Genetic Engineering Target groups Professional/practitioner Life Sciences L. O. Björn, Lund University, Lund, Sweden (Ed) Photobiology The Science of Light and Life Features 7 Compact and well-integrated as compared to competition 7 Written by experts, many of whom are well-known 7 Significantly revised and expanded 7 New color photographs Contents The Nature of Light and Its Interaction with Matter.- Principles and Nomenclature for the Quantification of Light.- Generation and Control of Light.- The Measurement of Light.- Light as a Tool for Biologists: Recent Developments.- Terrestrial Daylight.- Underwater Light.- Action Spectroscopy in Biology.- Spectral Tuning in Biology I: Pigments.- Spectral Tuning in Biology II: Structural Color.- Photoactive Proteins.- Molecules and Photochemical Reactions in Biological Light Perception and Regulation.- Photoreceptive Proteins and Their Evolution.- Signaling Crosstalk under the Control of Plant Photoreceptors.- The Diversity of Eye Optics.- The Evolution of Photosynthesis and Its Environmental Impact.- Photosynthetic Light Harvesting.- How Light Resets Circadian Clocks.- Photomorphogenesis and Photoperiodism in Plants.- The Light-Dependent Magnetic Compass.- Phototoxicity.- Ozone Depletion and the Effects of Ultraviolet Radiation.- Vitamin D: Photobiological and Ecological Aspects.- The Photobiology of Human Skin.- Light-Promoted Infection.- Bioluminescence.- Role of Ultraviolet Radiation in the Origin of Life.- Hints for Teaching Experiments and Demonstrations.- The Amateur Scientist’s Spectrophotometer. Fields of interest Plant Sciences; Plant Anatomy/Development; Evolutionary Biology Target groups Research Product category Contributed volume Product category Contributed volume 9<HTMEUD=jbfjde> Animal Models for Stem Cell Therapy Contents Stem Cells--Are We Ready for Therapy?.- Aurigon’s Point of View on the Safety Assessment of Cell Based Therapies – An Experience Based on the Participation in 15 ATMPs Projects.- Pre-Conditioning of the Liver for Efficient Repopulation by Primary Hepatocyte Transplants.- Age-Dependent Hepatocyte Transplantation for Functional Liver Tissue Reconstitution.- Treatment of NASH with Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells in the Immunodeficient Mouse.- The in vivo Evaluation of the Therapeutic Potential of Human Adipose TissueDerived Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Acute Liver Disease.- A Mouse Model of Liver Injury to Evaluate Paracrine and Endocrine Effects of Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells.- Animal Models to Test hiPS-Derived Hepatocytes in the Context of Inherited Metabolic Liver Diseases.- Support of Hepatic Regeneration by Trophic Factors from Liver-Derived Mesenchymal Stromal/Stem Cells.- Assessment of Functional Competence of Endothelial Cells from Human Pluripotent Stem Cells in Zebrafish Embryos.- Stem Cell Therapy for Necrotizing Enterocolitis: Innovative Techniques and Procedures for Pediatric Translational Research.- Exploring Mesenchymal Stem CellDerived Extracellular Vesicles in Acute Kidney Injury.- Angiogenesic Properties of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in a Mouse Model of Limb Ischemia.Methods to Assess Intestinal Stem Cell Activity in Response to Microbes in Drosophila melanogaster.- Muscle Pouch Implantation: An Ectopic Bone Formation Model .- Bone Defect Repair in Mice by Mesenchymal Stem Cells. Fields of interest Cell Biology; Stem Cells Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Contributed volume Due September 2014 Due September 2014 2nd ed. 2014. X, 310 p. 69 illus., 43 in color. (Methods in Molecular Biology, Volume 1222) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 101,64 | € (A) 104,49 | sFr 126,50 7€ 94,99 | £85.50 ISBN 978-1-4939-1593-4 B. Christ, Unviersity of Leipzig, , Germany; J. Oerlecke, P. Stock, University of Leipzig, , Germany (Eds) Due September 2014 3rd ed. 2014. 477 p. 284 illus., 56 in color. Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 165,80 | € (A) 170,44 | sFr 206,50 7 approx.€ 154,95 | £139.50 ISBN 978-1-4939-1467-8 9<HTMEUD=jbeghi> 2014. XII, 420 p. 84 illus., 69 in color. (Methods in Molecular Biology, Volume 1213) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 117,69 | € (A) 120,99 | sFr 146,50 7€ 109,99 | £99.00 ISBN 978-1-4939-1452-4 9<HTMEUD=jbefce> 141 Life Sciences V. M. Cruz, D. A. Dierig, USDA-ARS, Fort Collins, CO, USA (Eds) Industrial Crops Breeding for BioEnergy and Bioproducts The volume on Industrial Crop Breeding will be part of the series, Handbook of Plant Breeding. This volume will focus on the emerging area of plant breeding for sustainable production of transportation fuels and bio based products using the current advances in the field. Features 7 Up-to-date chapters contributed by academic and industry leaders 7 Key technical information and breeding data on industrial crops 7 Comprehensive overviews on bio products as alternative energy sources Contents Sweet Sorghum: Breeding and Bio products.Breeding of Sugarcane.- Miscanthus.- Breeding Willow for Short Rotation Coppice Energy Cropping.- Sugar Beet, Energy Beet, and Industrial Beet.- Native Grasses for Biomass Production at High Elevations.- Canola, Rapeseed and Mustard – For Biofuels and Bio products.- Camelina sativa- for Biofuels and Bio products.- Maize Starch for Industrial Applications.- Cotton Breeding for Fiber Quality Improvement.- Flax and Linseed.- ABACA (Musa textilis Nee) Breeding in the Philippines.- Cuphea Production and Management.- Germplasm Improvement to Develop Commercially Viable Lines of the New Oilseed Crop Lesquerella.- Sisal/Agave.- 100 Years of Breeding Guayule.- Algae Crops: Co-production of Algae Biofuels.- International Policies on Bioenergy and Biofuels.- Partnerships, Future and Emerging Technologies. Fields of interest Plant Breeding/Biotechnology; Plant Sciences; Plant Genetics & Genomics Target groups Research springer.com/NEWSonline R. Dean, North Carolina State University, Center for Integrated Fungal Res, Raleigh, NC, USA; A. LichensPark, United States Department of Agriculture, Nat Inst Food and Agriculture, Washington, WA, USA; C. Kole, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalay, Mohanpur, India (Eds) R. Dean, North Carolina State University Center for Integrated Fungal Res, Raleigh, NC, USA; A. LichensPark, United States Department of Agriculture Nat Inst Food and Agriculture, Washington, WA, USA; C. Kole, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya (BC, Mohanpur, India (Eds) Genomics of Plant-Associated Fungi and Oomycetes: Dicot Pathogens Genomics of Plant-Associated Fungi: Monocot Pathogens This book describes how genomics has revolutionized our understanding of agriculturally important plant-associated fungi and oomycetes. Features 7 Offers an up-to-date insight into the latest results of the genomics of agriculturally significant fungi and oomycetes, with the tremendous progress made over the last decade 7 Describes both theoretical and practical aspects of fighting against crop loss 7 Of particular interest for scientists in industry, academia and government Contents Genomics of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum.- The Genome of Botrytis cinerea, a ubiquitous broad host range necrotroph.- Alternaria Comparative Genomics: The Secret Life of Rots.- Verticillium alfalfae and V. dahliae, agents of Verticillium wilt diseases.- Fusarium oxysporum.- Illuminating the Phytophthora capsici genome.- The Phytophthora sojae genome sequence: foundation for a revolution.- Phytophthora ramorum.- Phytophthora infestans.- Hyaloperonospora arabidopsidis: a model pathogen of Arabidopsis. Fields of interest Microbial Genetics and Genomics; Fungus Genetics; Agriculture This book describes how genomics has revolutionized our understanding of agriculturally important plant-associated fungi. It illustrates some fundamental discoveries about these eukaryotic microbes with regard to the overall structure of their genomes, their lifestyles and the molecular mechanisms that form the basis of their interactions with plants. Features 7 First summary describing the genomes of several distinct groups of agriculturally significant fungi, with the tremendous progress made over the last decade 7 Describes both theoretical and practical aspects of fighting against crop loss 7 Of particular interest for scientists in industry, academia and government Contents Pyrenophora tritici-repentis: a Plant Pathogenic Fungus with Global Impact.- Comparative genomics of cochliobolus phytopathogens.- The genomics of colletotrichum.- Fusarium graminearum Genomics and Beyond.- The genomes of Mycosphaerella graminicola and M. fijiensis.Facilitating the fungus: insights from the genome of the rice blast fungus, Magnaporthe oryzae.- The genomes of the cereal powdery mildew fungi, Blumeria graminis.- Puccinia graminis. Target groups Research Fields of interest Microbial Genetics and Genomics; Fungus Genetics; Agriculture Product category Monograph Target groups Research Product category Monograph Product category Contributed volume Due September 2014 2014. XIV, 418 p. 50 illus., 38 in color. (Handbook of Plant Breeding, Volume 9) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 181,89 | € (A) 186,99 | sFr 226,50 7€ 169,99 | £153.00 ISBN 978-1-4939-1446-3 9<HTMEUD=jbe gd> 142 Due August 2014 Due August 2014 2014. VIII, 359 p. 34 illus., 15 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 149,79 | € (A) 153,99 | sFr 186,50 7€ 139,99 | £126.00 ISBN 978-3-662-44055-1 2014. VIII, 351 p. 34 illus., 18 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 149,79 | € (A) 153,99 | sFr 186,50 7€ 139,99 | £126.00 ISBN 978-3-662-44052-0 9<HTOGRC=e af b> 9<HTOGRC=e afca> News 8/2014 Life Sciences P. A. Dennery, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Division of Neonatology, Philadelphia, PA, USA; G. Buonocore, University of Siena Dept of Peds, Obstetrics & Reprod Med, Siena, Italy; O. D. Saugstad, University of Oslo Faculty of Medicine Rikshospitalit Medical Center, Oslo, Norway (Eds) M. F. Docker, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada (Ed) Perinatal and Prenatal Disorders The book provides the most comprehensive review of lamprey biology since Hardisty and Potter’s five-volume “The Biology of Lampreys” published more than 30 years ago. Published in two volumes, it includes contributions from international lamprey experts, reviewing and providing new insights into the evolution, general biology, and management of lampreys worldwide. This first volume offers up-to-date chapters on the systematics, general biology, conservation status, and conservation needs of lampreys. Contents 1. Impact of oxidative stress on development.- 2. Chorioamnionitis and oxidative stress: New ideas from experimental models.- 3. Oxidative stress in the pathophysiology of gestational diabetes mellitus.- 4. Tobacco smoking and oxidative stress in pregnancy.- 5. Preterm labor and oxidative stress.- 6. Developmental origins of disease: The role of oxidative stress.- 7. Down Syndrome as a special case of oxidatively induced developmental dysregulation.- 8. Retinopathy of prematurity and oxidative signaling.- 9. Necrotizing enterocolitis and oxidative stress.- 10. Oxidative stress and the perinatal circulation.- 11. Use of oxygen in the resuscitation of neonates.- 12. Antioxidant properties of commercial surfactants.- 13. Oxidative stress and Glutathione synthesis rates in postnatal life.- 14. Oxygen vulnerability of the immature brain.- 15. Hyperbilirubinemia and antioxidant defenses in the neonate.- 16. Neonatal pain and oxidative stress.- 17. Ontogeny of antioxidant systems.- 18. Antioxidant therapies in the neonates.- 19. Postnatal stress including nutrition.- 20. Oxidative stress in epilepsy.- 21. The oxidative stress in the fetus and newborn.- 22. New promising antioxidant drugs. Fields of interest Oxidative Stress; Obstetrics/Perinatology; Cell Biology Lampreys: Biology, Conservation and Control Volume 1 Features 7 Offers up-to-date insights on the systematics, general biology, conservation status and –needs of lampreys 7 Among other topics includes chapters on lamprey taxonomy, phylogeny , distribution, metamorphosis, spawning migration and conservation of native lampreys 7 Important reference for researchers working on any aspect of lamprey biology and fishery managers whose mandate is to control or conserve lamprey populations Contents 1. Introduction: A Surfeit of Lampreys.- 2. The Taxonomy, Phylogeny, and Distribution of Lampreys.- 3. The Ecology of Larval and Metamorphosing Lampreys.- 4. Lamprey Metamorphosis.5. Lamprey Spawning Migration.- 6. Reproductive Ecology of Lamprey.- 7. The Reproductive Hypothalamic-Pituitary Axis in Lampreys.- 8. Conservation of Native Lampreys. Target groups Research Fields of interest Fish & Wildlife Biology & Management; Vertebrates; Conservation Biology/Ecology Product category Contributed volume Target groups Research T. Fukada, RIKEN Center for Integrative Medical Sciences, Yokohama, Japan; T. Kambe, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan (Eds) Zinc Signals in Cellular Functions and Disorders Contents Foreword.- Preface.- 1 Introduction - “Zinc Signaling”: The Blossoming Field of Zinc Biology (Taiho Kambe).- 2 Molecular Aspects of Zinc Signals (Wolfgang Maret).- 3 Zinc Transport Proteins and Zinc Signaling (Taiho Kambe, Tokuji Tsuji, and Kazuhisa Fukue).- 4 Oxidative Stress and Neuronal Zinc Signaling (Hirokazu Hara and Elias Aizenman).- 5 Zinc Signaling by “Zinc Wave” (Keigo Nishida and Satoru Yamasaki).- 6 The Zinc Sensing Receptor, ZnR/GPR39: Signaling and Significance (Michal Hershfinkel).- 7 GeneticallyEncoded Fluorescent Probes for Intracellular Zn2+ Imaging (Anne M. Hessels and Maarten Merkx).- 8 Zinc Signal in Brain Functions (Atsushi Takeda).- 9 The Clinical Implications of Impaired Zinc Signalling in the Brain (Sara M. Hancock, Ashley I. Bush, and Paul A. Adlard).- 10 Zinc Signals in Immunology (Lothar Rink and Martina Maywald).- 11 Zinc Signal in Inflammation (Ming-Jie Liu and Daren L. Knoell).- 12 Zinc Signal in Growth Control and Bone Diseases (Toshiyuki Fukada, Shintaro Hojyo, and Bum-Ho Bin).- 13 Zinc and its Role in the Pathogenesis of Type 2 Diabetes (Yoshio Fujitani, Motoyuki Tamaki, Ayako Fukunaka, and Hirotaka Watada).14 Zinc Signalling and Cancer (Thirayost Nimmanon and Kathryn M. Taylor).- 15 Zinc as a Key Meiotic Cell Cycle Regulator in the Mammalian Oocyte (Ru Ya, Emily Que, Thomas V. O’Halloran, and Teresa K. Woodruff).- BM Future Perspectives (Toshiyuki Fukada).- Index. Fields of interest Cell Physiology; Cell Biology; Human Physiology Target groups Research Product category Contributed volume Product category Contributed volume Due September 2014 2014. VI, 696 p. 68 illus., 28 in color. (Oxidative Stress in Applied Basic Research and Clinical Practice) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 160,49 | € (A) 164,99 | sFr 200,00 7€ 149,99 | £135.00 ISBN 978-1-4939-1404-3 9<HTMEUD=jbeaed> Due October 2014 2014. X, 240 p. 51 illus., 15 in color. (Fish & Fisheries Series, Volume 37) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 149,79 | € (A) 153,99 | sFr 186,50 7€ 139,99 | £126.00 ISBN 978-94-017-9305-6 9<HTUELB=hjdafg> Due October 2014 2014. XVI, 406 p. 62 illus., 50 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 160,49 | € (A) 164,99 | sFr 200,00 7€ 149,99 | £135.00 ISBN 978-4-431-55113-3 9<HTPEOB=f b d > 143 Life Sciences springer.com/NEWSonline I. Gerald, I. Gerald, El Colegio de la Frontera Sur, Chetumal, Mexico (Eds) Biodiversity and Conservation of the Yucatan Peninsula This book provides information relevant for the conservation of biodiversity and the sound management of the coastal and forest ecosystems of the Yucatan Peninsula in the face of global change. Various aspects of the biodiversity of the Yucatan Peninsula are analysed in an integrative manner, including phenological, ecophysiological, ecological and conservation aspects of plants and animals and their relationships with humans in coastal and forest ecosystems. Contents 1.Introduction.- 2.Physical Setting and History.3.Distribution of vegetation types.- 4.Ecology (Plant).- 4.1.Phenology.-4.2.Ecophysiology.4.3.Disturbance, Conservation and use.- 5.Ecology (Animal).- 5.1.Plant-insect interaction.- 5.2.Large fauna.- 5.3.Reptiles and amphibians.- 5.4.Birds.5.5.Subsistence hunting & conservation.- 6.Coastal ecosystems and conservation.- 7.Forest ecosystems and conservation.- 8.Integration of conservation measures and policies. Target groups Research M. Hayat, Kean University, Union, NJ, USA (Ed) Genetics of the Mouse Aging, Cancer, and Noncancer Pathologies This book presents the different aspects of the genetics of the laboratory mouse, along with notes on the laboratory rat. It is not just a collection of methods or experimental protocols, but a book outlining the basic body of knowledge on the genetics of these rodent species. Several entirely new aspects in the field (e.g., Quantitative Genetics, Genomics, Epigenetics) are included. Features 7 Discusses the effects of senescence and dormancy in breast cancer, ovarian cancer and leukemia, as well as in cardiovascular diseases 7 Advances the body of knowledge of cancer cell regression, including possible use of pro senescence therapy as an alternative to surgery, chemotherapy or radiation therapy 7 Includes the contributions of some 26 experts representing seven different countries Features 7 First comprehensive and up-to-date overview on mouse genetics since the mid-nineties 7 Complements, for the first time, information on mouse and rat genetics 7 Written by experts in the field Features 7 No book available on this matter for this biologically important area 7 Will provide upto-date information on the state of biodiversity and conservation in the Yucatan Peninsula based on state-of-the-art research, for both coastal and forest ecosystems 7 Will provide a deep understanding of the multi-faceted aspects of the challenges awaiting biodiversity in face of global change in the Yucatan Peninsula Fields of interest Ecology; Biodiversity; Conservation Biology/ Ecology J. L. Guénet, Institut Pasteur, Paris, France; F. Benavides, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Smithville, TX, USA; J.‑J. Panthier, X. Montagutelli, Institut Pasteur, Paris, France Contents 1. Origins of the laboratory mouse and rat 2. Basic of reproduction biology in laboratory rodents 3. Genetics techniques and tools: an overview 4. Mendelian genetics of the mouse 5. The mouse and rat genetic maps 6. Mouse genomics 7. Mutagenesis in the rat and mouse 8. Genomic alterations by transgenesis 9. Breeding strategies and their influence 10. Quantitative genetics 11. Mouse cytogenetics 12. The mouse as an animal model for human pathologies 13. The genetics of transplantations 14. Tables and Addenda Fields of interest Animal Genetics and Genomics; Animal Models; Transgenics Target groups Research Product category Monograph Tumor Dormancy, Quiescence, and Senescence, Vol. 3 Contents Preface. I General Applications.- Active, dormant, or on the path to elimination: what does a senescent cell do?- Hypoxia and tumor dormancy: can the two tango?- Progeriod syndromes: role of accelerated fibroblast senescence and p38 activation.- Induction of cancer cells senescence: role of caffeic acid 3,4-dihydroxy-phenethyl ester.- II Role in breast cancer.- Various factors contributing to tumor dormancy: therapeutic implications in breast cancer.- Progression of hormone-dependent mammary tumors after dormancy: role of wnt pathway.- III Role in ovarian cancer.- Chemoresistance, dormancy and recurrence in platinum drug therapy of ovarian cancers.- The role of angiogenesis, growth arrest and autophagy in human ovarian cancer xenograft models for tumor dormancy.- Role in leukemia.- Regulation of the promyelocytic leukemia protein and its role in premature senescence.- V Role in cardiovascular disease.- Cardiac senescence and autophagy.- Index. Fields of interest Life Sciences, general; Biomedicine general; Medicine/Public Health, general Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Monograph Product category Contributed volume Due September 2014 Due April 2015 Due September 2014 2015. X, 300 p. 50 illus., 10 in color. Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 213,99 | € (A) 219,99 | sFr 266,50 7 approx.€ 199,99 | £180.00 ISBN 978-3-319-06528-1 2014. VII, 436 p. 106 illus., 44 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 160,49 | € (A) 164,99 | sFr 200,00 7€ 149,99 | £135.00 ISBN 978-3-662-44286-9 9<HTODMJ=agfcib> 144 9<HTOGRC=e cigj> 2014. X, 170 p. 19 illus. in color. (Tumor Dormancy and Cellular Quiescence and Senescence, Volume 3) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 160,49 | € (A) 164,99 | sFr 200,00 7€ 149,99 | £135.00 ISBN 978-94-017-9324-7 9<HTUELB=hjdceh> News 8/2014 Life Sciences M. Heinlein, Institut de Biologie Moléculaire des Plantes, Strasbourg, France (Ed) M. R. Hughes, K. M. McNagny, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada (Eds) E. Jendek, Ottawa Plant Laboratory, Ottawa, ON, Canada; J. Polakova, Ottawa, ON, Canada Plasmodesmata Mast Cells Methods and Protocols Methods and Protocols Host plants of world Agrilus (Coleoptera, Buprestidae) Contents Plasmodesmata: Channels for Intercellular Signaling During Plant Growth and Development.- Plasmodesmata: Channels for Viruses on the Move.- Imaging Plasmodesmata with High Resolution Scanning Electron Microscopy.- Preparative Methods for Imaging Plasmodesmata at Super-Resolution.- Isolation of Plasmodesmata from Arabidopsis Suspension Culture Cells.- Immunofluorescence Detection of Callose Deposition around Plasmodesmata Sites.- Imaging Callose at Plasmodesmata Using Aniline Blue: Quantitative Confocal Microscopy.- Localization of Fluorescently-Tagged Protein to Plasmodesmata by Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy.- Quantification of Plant Cell Coupling with Live-Cell Microscopy.- Drop-ANd-See: A Simple, Real-Time, and Non-Invasive Technique for Assaying Plasmodesmal Permeability.- Mapping Symplasmic Fields at the Shoot Apical Meristem Using Iontophoresis and Membrane Potential Measurements.- Analysis of the Conductivity of Plasmodesmata by Microinjection.- Investigating Plasmodesmata Genetics with Virus-Induced Gene Silencing and an Agrobacterium-Mediated GFP Movement Assay.- Probing Plasmodesmata Function with Biochemical Inhibitors.- GAL4 Transactivation-Based Assay for the Detection of Selective Intercellular Protein Movement.- Techniques for Assessing the Effects of Pharmacological Inhibitors on Intercellular Protein Movement.Probing Protein Targeting to Plasmodesmata Using Fluorescence Recovery after Photo-Bleaching.- The Tracking of Intercellular Small RNA Movement.- Analysis of the Role of Myosins in Targeting Proteins to Plasmodesmata. Contents Paul Ehrich’s Mastzellen: A Historical Perspective of Relevant Developments in Mast Cell Biology.The Phylogenetic Profile of Mast Cells.- Mast Cell Development and Function in the Zebrafish.- Human Mast Cell and Basophil/Eosinophil Progenitors.- Methods for the Study of Mast Cell Recruitment and Accumulation in Different Tissues.- Notch2 Signaling in Mast-cell Development & Distribution in the Intestine.- Mast Cells in Human Health and Disease.- The Emerging Prominence of the Cardiac Mast Cell as a Potent Mediator of Adverse Myocardial Remodeling.The Parasympathetic Nervous System as a Regulator of Mast Cell Function.- Growth of Human Mast Cells from Bone Marrow and Peripheral Blood-Derived CD34+ Pluripotent Hematopoietic Cells.- Isolation and Characterization of Human Intestinal Mast Cells.- Human Mast Cell Activation with Viruses and Pathogen Products.- Basic Techniques to Study FceRI Signaling in Mast Cells.- Membrane-cytoskeleton Dynamics in the Course of Mast Cell Activation.- FcεRI Expression and Dynamics on Mast Cells.- Regulation of Mast Cell Survival and Apoptosis.- Protein Tyrosine Phosphatases in Mast Cell Signaling.- MicroRNA Function in Mast Cell Biology:Protocols to Characterize and Modulate microRNA Expression.- Assay of Mast Cell Mediators.- Induction Of Mast Cell Apoptosis By A Novel Secretory Granule-Mediated Pathway.- Measurement of Nitric Oxide in Mast Cells with the Fluorescent Indicator DAF-FM Diacetate.- Real-time Imaging of Ca2+ Mobilization and Degranulation in Mast Cells.- Flow Cytometry-based Monitoring of Mast Cell Activation. Field of interest Plant Sciences Field of interest Cell Biology Fields of interest Entomology; Plant Pathology; Tree Biology Target groups Professional/practitioner Target groups Professional/practitioner Target groups Research Product category Contributed volume Product category Contributed volume Product category Monograph Due September 2014 Due September 2014 2014. XIV, 254 p. 53 illus., 39 in color. With online files/update. (Methods in Molecular Biology, Volume 1217) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 117,69 | € (A) 120,99 | sFr 146,50 7€ 109,99 | £99.00 ISBN 978-1-4939-1522-4 2nd ed. 2014. XIV, 566 p. 64 illus., 46 in color. (Methods in Molecular Biology, Volume 1220) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 133,74 | € (A) 137,49 | sFr 166,50 7€ 124,99 | £112.50 ISBN 978-1-4939-1567-5 9<HTMEUD=jbfc e> 9<HTMEUD=jbfghf> A Critical Review The beetle genus Agrilus has over 3000 species which makes it the most numerous in the Animal Kingdom. Many species are serious pests of plants with high invasive potential. Among them, the notoriously known Agrilus planipennis invaded from Asia to North America where it killed tens of millions of ash trees, caused regulatory agencies to enforce quarantines and cost municipalities, property owners, nursery operators and forest products industries tens of millions of dollars. The monograph provides coherent, comprehensive and critical review on all known host plants for more than 680 Agrilus species. All host plants have assigned the confidence index from 0-3 based on the evaluated reliability which eliminates false records. All original and subsequent references for particular plants are cited at each Agrilus species. Data are organized from both, insect and plant viewpoints. Results are analyzed and illustrated by graphs and diagrams. Features 7 The first book providing a critical analysis of trophic associations of worldwide Agrilus 7 All host plant associations are summarized by Agrilus and by host plant 7 All host plant associations credibility is declared by the numeric confidence index Contents Introduction.- Host plants of Agrilus.- Methods.- Catalog Agrilus - host plants.- Catalog host plant - Agrilus.- Analysis.- References.- Index of Agrilus species-group names.- Index of host plant names.- Tables. Due August 2014 2014. X, 531 p. 18 illus. in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 181,89 | € (A) 186,99 | sFr 226,50 7€ 169,99 | £153.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08409-1 9<HTODMJ=aieajb> 145 Life Sciences springer.com/NEWSonline V. C. Kalia, Microbial Biotechnology and Genomics, New Delhi, India (Ed) R. E. Keane, USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station, Missoula, MT, USA C. Kioussi, Oregon State University College of Pharmacy, Corvallis, OR, USA (Ed) Quorum Sensing vs Quorum Quenching: A Battle with No End in Sight Wildland Fuel Fundamentals and Application Stem Cells and Tissue Repair A new era in wildland fuel sciences is now evolving in such a way that fire scientists and managers need a comprehensive understanding of fuels ecology and science to fully understand fire effects and behavior on diverse ecosystem and landscape characteristics. This is a reference book on wildland fuel science; a book that describes fuels and their application in land management. There has never been a comprehensive book on wildland fuels; most wildland fuel information was put into wildland fire science and management books as separate chapters and sections. This book is the first to highlight wildland fuels and treat them as a natural resource rather than a fire behavior input. Fields of interest Landscape Ecology; Forestry; Environmental Management Contents Culturing and Differentiating Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells.- Neural Stem Cells Transplantation in an Animal Model of Traumatic Brain Injury.Experimental Cell Transplantation for Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury Regeneration: Intramedullar or Intrathecal Administration.- Generation of Murine Xenograft Models of Brain Tumors from Primary Human Tissue for in vivo Analysis of the Brain Tumor Initiating Cell.- Growth of Bone Marrow and Skeletal Muscle Side Population Stem Cells in Suspension Culture.- Isolation, Culture and Immunostaining of Skeletal Muscle Fibers to Study Myogenic Progression in Satellite Cells.- Human Neural Crest Stem Cells Derived from Human Pluripotent Stem Cells.- Dental Pulp Stem Cells (DPSC) Isolation, Characterization and Differentiation.- Dental Pulp Stem Cells Isolation and Osteogenic Differentiation: A Good Promise for Tissue Engineering.- Efficient Hepatic Differentiation of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells in A Three-Dimensional Microscale Culture.- The Generation and Maintenance of Rat Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells.- Protocol for Cutaneous Wound Healing Assay in a Murine Model.- Adipose Derived Stem Cells: Methods for Isolation and Applications for Clinical Use.- In vitro Detection of Residual Undifferentiated Cells in Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells Derived from Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells.- Whole Mount Immunohistochemistry to Study Spermatological Stem Cells and Spermatogenic Lineage in Mice, Monkeys and Humans.- Differentiating the Stem Cell Pool of Human Hair Follicle Outer Root Sheath into Functional Melanocytes. Target groups Research Fields of interest Cell Biology; Stem Cells Product category Monograph Target groups Professional/practitioner Contents 1. Microbes: The Most Friendly beings?.- 2. Evolution of MDRs.- Quorum sensing mediated processes.- 3. Biofilms: Maintenance, Development and Disassembly of Bacterial Communities are determined by QS cascades.- 4. Quorum sensing in pathogenesis and virulence.- 5. Quorum sensing in Nitrogen fixation.- 6. Quorum sensing in competence and sporulation.- 7. How important is the absolute configuration to bacteria quorum sensing and quorum quenching.- Quorum sensing systems in microbes.- 8. Quorum sensing systems in Pseudomonas.- 9. Quorum sensing systems in Escherichia coli: Interkingdom, inter and intra species dialogues, and a suicide inducing peptide.10. Quorum sensing systems in Acinetobacter baumannii.- 11. Quorum sensing systems in Aeromonas spp.- 12. Rhizobial extracellular signaling molecules and their functions in symbiotic interactions with legumes.- 13. Quorum sensing systems in Clostridia.- 14. Quorum sensing systems in Enterococcus.- 15. Quorum sensing systems in Bacillus.- Detectors for Quorum sensing signals.- 16. Quorum sensing biosensors.- 17. Caenorhabditis elegans as an in vivo non-mammalian model system to study quorum sensing in pathogens.- 18. Strategies for silencing bacterial communication.- Natural quorum sensing inhibitors.- 19. Silencing bacterial communication through enzymatic quorum sensing inhibitors.20. Fungal quorum sensing inhibitors.- 21. Marine organisms as source of quorum sensing inhibitors. Fields of interest Life Sciences, general; Bacteriology; Gene Expression Target groups Research Product category Contributed volume Features 7 The first comprehensive volume on wildland fuels in the context of ecology and land management 7 Provides the critical information on the characteristics of wildland fuels that fire management professionals need to design, evaluate, and implement fuel treatments 7 This book has many secondary applications, including for carbon accounting, wildlife habitat assessment, erosion control, and smoke calculation Contents 1. Introduction.- 2. Fuel Fundamentals.- 3. Surface and Ground Fuels.- 4. Canopy fuels.- 5. Fuel Moisture.- 6. Fuel Ecology.- 7. Fuel Classifications.- 8. Fuel Sampling.- 9. Fuel Mapping.- 10. Fuel Concepts.- Methods and Protocols Product category Contributed volume Due August 2014 Due September 2014 Due September 2014 2014. XII, 419 p. 85 illus., 44 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 160,49 | € (A) 164,99 | sFr 200,00 7€ 149,99 | £135.00 ISBN 978-81-322-1981-1 2014. I, 169 p. 26 illus., 13 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-09014-6 9<HT BOC=cbjib > 146 9<HTODMJ=ajabeg> 2014. XII, 272 p. 50 illus., 42 in color. (Methods in Molecular Biology, Volume 1210) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 101,64 | € (A) 104,49 | sFr 126,50 7€ 94,99 | £85.50 ISBN 978-1-4939-1434-0 9<HTMEUD=jbedea> News 8/2014 V. Köhler, University of Basel, , Switzerland (Ed) Life Sciences A. Kukol, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, UK (Ed) Methods and Applications P. M. Kroneck, Univ. Konstanz Fachbereich Biologie, Konstanz, Germany; M. E. Sosa Torres, Departamento de Química Inorganica y Nuclear, México, Mexico (Eds) Protein Design: Method and Applications, Second Edition expands upon the previous editions with current, detailed ideas on how to approach a potential protein design project. The Metal-Driven Biogeochemistry of Gaseous Compounds in the Environment Features 7 Includes cutting-edge methods and protocols involving the molecular modeling of proteins 7 Provides step-by-step detail essential for reproducible results 7 Contains key notes and implementation advice from the experts Protein Design Features 7 Includes ideas on how to approach a potential protein design project 7 Provides step-by-step detail essential for reproducible results 7 Contains key notes and implementation advice from the experts Contents De novo Design of Stable α-helices.- Design of Monomeric Water-soluble b-hairpin and β-sheet Peptides.- Combination of Theoretical and Experimental Approaches for the Design and Study of Fibril-forming Peptides.- Posttranslational Incorporation of Non-canonical Amino Acids in the RNase S System by Semisynthetic Protein Assembly.- Design, Synthesis, and Study of Fluorinated Proteins.- High-Quality Combinatorial Protein Libraries Using the Binary Patterning Approach.- Methods for Library-Scale Computational Protein Design.- Symmetric Protein Architecture in Protein Design: Top-Down Symmetric Deconstruction.- Identification of Protein Scaffolds for Enzyme Design using Scaffold Selection.- Computational Design of Novel Enzymes without Cofactors.- De novo Design of Peptide Scaffolds as Novel Pre-organised Ligands for Metal-ion Coordination.- Computational Design of Metalloproteins.- Incorporation of Modified and Artificial Cofactors into Naturally Occurring Protein Scaffolds.- Computational Redesign of Metalloenzymes for Catalyzing New Reactions. Fields of interest Protein Science; Computer Appl. in Life Sciences; Protein Structure Contents Preface.- The Early Earth Atmosphere and Early Life Catalysts.- Living on Acetylene. A Primordial Energy Source.- Carbon Monoxide. Toxic Gas and Fuel for Anaerobes and Aerobes: Carbon Monoxide Dehydrogenases.- Investigations of the Efficient Electrocatalytic Interconversions of Carbon Dioxide and Carbon Monoxide by NickelContaining Carbon Monoxide Dehydrogenases.Understanding and Harnessing Hydrogenases. Biological Dihydrogen Catalysts.- Biochemistry of Methyl-Coenzyme M Reductase: The Nickel Metalloenzyme that Catalyzes the Final Step in Synthesis and the First Step in Anaerobic Oxidation of the Greenhouse Gas Methane.- Cleaving the N,N Triple Bond: The Transformation of Dinitrogen to Ammonia by Nitrogenases.- No Laughing Matter: The Unmaking of the Greenhouse Gas Dinitrogen Monoxide by Nitrous Oxide Reductase.- The Production of Ammonia by Multiheme Cytochromes c.- Hydrogen Sulfide: A Toxic Gas Produced by Dissimilatory Sulfate Reduction and Consumed by Microbial Oxidation.- Transformations of Dimethylsulfide.- Index. Fields of interest Life Sciences, general; Biomedicine general; Chemistry/Food Science, general Target groups Research Product category Contributed volume Molecular Modeling of Proteins Contents Molecular Dynamics Simulations.- Transition Path Sampling with Quantum/Classical Mechanics for Reaction Rates.- Current Status of Protein Force Fields for Molecular Dynamics Simulations.- Lipid Membranes for Membrane Proteins.Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Membrane Proteins.- Membrane-Associated Proteins and Peptides.- Coarse-Grained Force Fields for Molecular Simulations.- Tackling Sampling Challenges in Biomolecular Simulations.- Calculation of Binding Free Energies.- The Use of Experimental Structures to Model Protein Dynamics.- Computing Ensembles of Transitions with Molecular Dynamics Simulations.- Accelerated Molecular Dynamics and Protein Conformational Change: A Theoretical and Practical Guide Using a Membrane Embedded Model Neurotransmitter Transporter.- Simulations and Experiments in Protein Folding.- Comparative Modeling of Proteins.- De Novo Membrane Protein Structure Prediction.NMR-Based Modeling and Refinement of Protein 3D Structures.- Methods for Predicting Protein Ligand Binding Sites.- Information-Driven Structural Modelling of Protein-Protein Interactions.- Identifying Putative Drug Targets and Potential Drug Leads: Starting Points for Virtual Screening and Docking.- Molecular Docking to Flexible Targets. Fields of interest Protein Science; Computer Appl. in Life Sciences; Protein Structure Target groups Professional/practitioner Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Contributed volume Product category Contributed volume Due September 2014 Due September 2014 Due September 2014 2nd ed. 2014. X, 260 p. 75 illus., 55 in color. (Methods in Molecular Biology, Volume 1216) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 101,64 | € (A) 104,49 | sFr 126,50 7€ 94,99 | £85.50 ISBN 978-1-4939-1485-2 2014. XXXIV, 302 p. 92 illus., 63 in color. (Metal Ions in Life Sciences, Volume 14) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 160,49 | € (A) 164,99 | sFr 200,00 7€ 149,99 | £135.00 ISBN 978-94-017-9268-4 9<HTMEUD=jbeifc> 9<HTUELB=hjcgie> 2nd ed. 2014. XIV, 430 p. 99 illus., 53 in color. With online files/update. (Methods in Molecular Biology, Volume 1215) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 117,69 | € (A) 120,99 | sFr 146,50 7€ 109,99 | £99.00 ISBN 978-1-4939-1464-7 9<HTMEUD=jbegeh> 147 Life Sciences springer.com/NEWSonline E. Lichtfouse, INRA-CMSE-PME, Dijon cedex, France (Ed) Progress in Botany R. Mahalingam, Oklahoma State University Department of Biochemistry, Stillwater, OK, USA (Ed) Sustainable Agriculture Reviews U. Lüttge, Series editor: W. Beyschlag, J. Cushman, M. Weigend Combined Stresses in Plants Volume 15 Sustainable agriculture is a rapidly growing field aiming at producing food and energy in a sustainable way for humans and their children. It is a discipline that addresses current issues: climate change, increasing food and fuel prices, poor-nation starvation, rich-nation obesity, water pollution, soil erosion, fertility loss, pest control and biodiversity depletion. Features 7 The book (and series) is a state of the art on the latest research in sustainable agriculture 7 This book series gathers review articles that analyze current agricultural issues and knowledge, then propose alternative solutions 7 It covers multidisciplinary topics and therefore help all scientists, decision-makers, professors, farmers and politicians who wish to build a safe agriculture, energy and food system for future generations Contents 01 Seed legislation in Europe and crop genetic diversity- 02 Postharvest management of fruits and vegetables storage.- 03 Herbicides: history, classification and genetic manipulation of plants for herbicide resistance.- 04 Nitrogen-fixing plantmicrobe symbioses.- 05 Factors influencing farm profitability.- 06 Soil fertility and crop productivity in African sustainable agriculture.- 07 Drought stress tolerant Horse Gram for sustainable agriculture.- 08.- Essential oils for pest control in Agroecology.- 09 Organic potato farming adoption in Iran.- 10 Crop plant hormones and environmental stress. Fields of interest Agriculture; Sustainable Development; Soil Science & Conservation Target groups Research Product category Reviews Volume 76 U. Lüttge, TH Darmstadt Botanisches Institut, Darmstadt, Germany; W. Beyschlag, Universität Bielefeld W4-105 Lehrstuhl Experimentelle Ökologie, Bielefeld, Germany (Eds) Progress in Botany Vol. 76 Features 7 Up-to-date reviews Written by leading experts 7 All contributions are peer-reviewed Contents Fifty-five years of research on photosynthesis, chloroplasts and stress physiology of plants: 1958 – 2013.- Alfred Russel Wallace: Self-Educated Genius and Polymath.- The role of plasma membrane H+-ATPase in salinity stress of plants.- Selenium in Plants.- Interplay of water and nutrient transport: A whole-plant perspective.- Electrical signaling in plants.- Adaptations of chloroplastic metabolism in halophytic plants.- CAM-like traits in C3 plants: biochemistry and stomatal behavior.- Stability as a Phenomenon Emergent from Plasticity – Complexity – Diversity in Eco-Physiology.- The proposed anti-herbivory roles of white leaf variegation.- Solar UV radiation and plant litter decomposition.- Interspecific competition in Arabidopsis thaliana - a short review on how a knowledge gap is starting to close.- Growth limitation and C-relations in trees under environmental stress.- Consequences of changing precipitation patterns for productivity and diversity in grassland ecosystems.- Do plant responses to tropospheric ozone translate into ecosystem effects?. Field of interest Plant Sciences Target groups Research Physiological, Molecular and Biochemical Aspects Contents O3 + Drought + Heat in Soybeans.- Physiological Aspects of Drought + Heat Bioenergy Crops.Oxidative Stress + Temperature in Rice.- CO2, Cu and Cd, in Rice and Wheat.- Ozone + CO2 in Soybeans.- High Light and High Temperature in Sunflower.- CO2 and Heavy Metal.- O3 and Soybean Mosaic Virus Interactions.- CO2 and Salinity.- Nematode + Drought Interactions.Drought + Heat + Virus in Arabidopsis.- Drought + Heat in Lotus.- Next Generation Sequencing + Comparative Genomics + Combined Stresses. List of Contributors (most confirmed) Lisa Ainsworth, USDA and University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, USA O. Borsani, Universidad de la Republica, Montevideo, Uruguay Evan DeLucia, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, USA Hans Gentzbittel, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA Anil Grover, University of Delhi, India Hongbin Guo, Nanjing University, China Gopal Kakani, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma, USA Maria Klapa, Institute of Chemical Eng. Sci., Patras, Greece John Mundy, Kobenhavns Universitet, Denmark Mani Rajkumar, National Environmental Engineering Research Inst., Chennai, India U. Sonnenwald, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany Ann E. Stapleton, University of North Carolina, Wilmington, NC, USA P.E. Urwin, University of Leeds, England Fields of interest Systems Biology; Plant Genetics & Genomics; Plant Biochemistry Target groups Research Product category Contributed volume Product category Contributed volume Due September 2014 2014. XIV, 396 p. 53 illus., 45 in color. (Sustainable Agriculture Reviews, Volume 15) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 149,79 | € (A) 153,99 | sFr 186,50 7€ 139,99 | £126.00 ISBN 978-3-319-09131-0 9<HTODMJ=ajbdba> 148 Due September 2014 Due December 2014 2014. V, 535 p. 81 illus., 52 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 160,49 | € (A) 164,99 | sFr 200,00 7€ 149,99 | £135.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08806-8 2014. 300 p. 30 illus., 10 in color. Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 149,79 | € (A) 153,99 | sFr 186,50 7 approx.€ 139,99 | £126.50 ISBN 978-3-319-07898-4 9<HTODMJ=ai agi> 9<HTODMJ=ahijie> News 8/2014 Life Sciences R. A. McCleery, University of Florida Department of Wildlife Ecology & Conserv, Gainesville, FL, USA; C. Moorman, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA; M. N. Peterson, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, USA (Eds) Urban Wildlife Theory and Practice Contents 1. Introduction.- 2. History of Urban Wildlife Science.- 3. Urban Wildlife Science in Coupled Human-Natural Systems.- 4. Abiotic Drivers of Ecological Structure and Function in Urban Systems.- 5. Drivers of Vegetation Species Diversity and Composition in Urban Ecosystems.- 6. The Urban Ecosystem: Social Drivers.- 7. Wildlife Responses to Urbanization: Patterns of Diversity and Community Structure in Built Environments.- 8. Wildlife Population Dynamics in Urban Landscapes.- 9. Urban Wildlife Behavior.- 10. Infectious Disease and Contaminants in Urban Wildlife: Unseen and Often Overlooked Threats.11. Urban Wildlife Communication and Negotiation.- 12. Integrating Wildlife Conservation into Urban Planning.- 13. Conservation Development: Designing and Managing Residential Landscapes for Wildlife.- 14. Managing Urban Wildlife Habitat at the Local Scale.- 15. Wildlife Friendly Roads: The Impacts of Roads on Wildlife in Urban Areas and Potential Remedies.- 16. Managing Aquatic Environments for Wildlife in Urban Areas.- 17. Wildlife Damage Management in the Urban Landscape. Fields of interest Urban Ecology; Ecology; Fish & Wildlife Biology & Management Target groups Graduate Product category Graduate/Advanced undergraduate textbook K. Narayanan, Monash University Malaysia, Bandar Sunway, Malaysia (Ed) M. S. Otegui, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, USA (Ed) Bacterial Artificial Chromosomes Plant Endosomes Contents From Selective Full-Length Genes Isolation By TAR Cloning In Yeast To Their Expression From HAC Vectors In Human Cells.- Recombineering Linear BACs.- BAC Sequencing Using Pooled Methods.- Making BAC Transgene Constructs With Lambda-Red Recombineering System For Transgenic Animals Or Cell Lines.- Directing Enhancer-Traps And Itol2 End Sequences To Deleted BAC Ends With Loxp- and Lox511-Tn10 Transposons.- Recombining Overlapping Bacs Into Single Large Bacs.- Generation Of Knockout Alleles By RFLP Based BAC Targeting Of Polymorphic Embryonic Stem Cells.- Herpesvirus Mutagenesis Facilitated By Infectious Bacterial Artificial Chromosomes (Ibacs).- Conversion Of BAC Clones Into Binary BAC (BIBAC) Vectors and Their Delivery Into Basidiomycete Fungal Cells Using Agrobacterium tumefaciens.- Infectious Delivery of Alphaherpesvirus Bacterial Artificial Chromosomes.- A Recombineering-Based Gene Tagging System For Arabidopsis.- BAC Transgenic Zebrafish for Transcriptional Promoter and Enhancer Studies.- Bacs-On-BeadsTM (BobsTM) Assay for the Genetic Evaluation of Prenatal Samples And Products of Conception.- New BAC Probe Set To Narrow Down Chromosomal Breakpoints In Small and Large Derivative Chromosomes, Especially Suited for Mosaic Conditions.- BACProbes Applied For Characterization Of Fragile Sites (FS).- Application Of BAC-Probes To Visualize Copy Number Variants (CNVs).- Site-Specific Integration Of Bacterial Artificial Chromosomes Into Human Cells.- Generation Of BAC Reporter Cell Lines For Drug Discovery. Contents The Use of FM Dyes to Analyze Plant Endocytosis.- Sterol Dynamics During Endocytic Trafficking in Arabidopsis.- Live Microscopy Analysis of Endosomes and Vesicles in Tip-Growing Root Hairs.- Analysis of Fluid Phase Endocytosis in (Intact) Plant Cells.- Immunogold Labeling and Electron Tomography of Plant Endosomes.- Investigating Protein-Protein Interactions in the Plant Endomembrane System Using MultiphotonInduced FRET-FLIM.- Analysis of Rab GTPaseEffector Interactions by Bimolecular Fluorescence Complementation.- In Vivo Imaging of Brassinosteroid Endocytosis in Arabidopsis.- Analysis of Prevacuolar Compartment-Mediated Vacuolar Proteins Transport.- Evaluation of Defective Endosomal Trafficking to the Vacuole by Monitoring Seed Storage Proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana.Trans-Species Complementation Analysis to Study Function Conservation of Plant Endosomal Sorting Complex Required for Transport (ESCRT) Proteins.- A Re-Elicitation Assay to Correlate flg22-Signaling Competency with Ligand-Induced Endocytic Degradation of the FLS2 Receptor.Preparation of Enriched Plant Clathrin-Coated Vesicles by Differential and Density Gradient Centrifugation.- Proteomics of Endosomal Compartments from Plants Case Study: Isolation of trans-Golgi Network Vesicles.- Analysis of Global Ubiquitylation and Ubiquitin-Binding Domains Involved in Endosomal Trafficking.- Analysis of Endocytosis and Ubiquitination of the BOR1 Transporter.- Ubiquitination of Plant Immune Receptors.- Ubiquitylation-Mediated Control of Polar Auxin Transport: Analysis of Arabidopsis PIN2 Auxin Transport Protein. Fields of interest Cell Biology; Gene Function Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Contributed volume Methods and Protocols Fields of interest Plant Sciences; Plant Physiology Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Contributed volume Due September 2014 Due September 2014 2014. I, 525 p. 45 illus., 29 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 80,24 | € (A) 82,49 | sFr 100,00 7€ 74,99 | £67.99 ISBN 978-1-4899-7499-0 9<HTMETJ=jhej a> 2nd ed. 2014. XII, 360 p. 46 illus., 34 in color. (Methods in Molecular Biology, Volume 1227) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 117,69 | € (A) 120,99 | sFr 146,50 7€ 109,99 | £99.00 ISBN 978-1-4939-1651-1 9<HTMEUD=jbgfb > Due September 2014 2014. XII, 304 p. 51 illus., 30 in color. (Methods in Molecular Biology, Volume 1209) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 101,64 | € (A) 104,49 | sFr 126,50 7€ 94,99 | £85.50 ISBN 978-1-4939-1419-7 9<HTMEUD=jbebjh> 149 Life Sciences springer.com/NEWSonline G. K. Pandey, P. Kanwar, A. Pandey, Delhi University South Campus, New Delhi, India A. A. Panyutina, L. P. Korzun, A. N. Kuznetsov, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia C. Peacock, University of Western Australia, Nedlands, WA, Australia (Ed) Global Comparative Analysis of CBL-CIPK Gene Families in Plants Flight of Mammals: From Terrestrial Limbs to Wings Parasite Genomics Protocols Calcium plays pivotal role in regulating the physiological as well as developmental processes in plants. Till now, several calcium sensors have been discovered, which regulate the diverse signaling pathways involved in plant growth and development. One of the major calcium sensors CBL (calcineurin B-like) is decoding the calcium signal during various environmental stresses in plants. Calcium mediated signal is transduced downstream by CBL-interacting protein kinases (CIPKs), which generally phosphorylate the target proteins such as transcription factors or transporters/channel leading to a response. Features 7 Clearly describes signal transduction and crop improvement against multiple stresses 7 Latest research 7 Written by a leading scholar Contents Basic terms and overview of contents.- Genomic Organization.- Distribution and Expression in Plants.- Protein Structure and Localization.- Biochemical Properties of CBLs and CIPKs.- Protein Interations.- Funtional Role of CBL-CIPK in Nutrient Deficiency.- Functional Role of CBL-CIPK in Abiotic Stresses.- Functional Role of CBL-CIPK in Biotic Stress and ROS Signaling.- Fuctional Role of CBL-CIPK in Plant Development.- Application and Future Perspectives of CBL-CIPK Signaling. Fields of interest Plant Genetics & Genomics; Plant Physiology; Plant Anatomy/Development Target groups Research Product category Brief This book offers a new explanation for the development of flight in mammals and offers detailed morphological descriptions of mammals with flapping flight. The skeletomuscular apparatus of the shoulder girdle and forelimbs of tree shrews, flying lemurs and bats is described in detail. Special attention is paid to the recognition of peculiar features of the skeleton and joints. For the basic locomotor patterns of flying lemurs and bats, the kinematic models of the shoulder girdle elements are developed. The most important locomotor postures of these animals are analyzed by means of statics. Features 7 Offers an explanation of the acquisition of flapping flight in mammals 7 Establishes a model of shoulder girdle mobility in flight that differs significantly from previous models 7 Suggests that flight in mammals resulted from a sequence of successive morphofunctional transformations rather than phylogenetic apomorphies Contents Chapter 1: Forelimb Morphology of Tree Shrews.Chapter 2: Forelimb Morphology of Colugos.Chapter 3: Forelimb Morphology of Bats.- Chapter 4: Functional Analysis of the Locomotor Apparatus of Colugos.- Chapter 5: Functional Analysis of the Locomotor Apparatus of Bats.- Chapter 6: Comparative Morphofunctional Analysis.- Chapter 7: Evolutionary Scenario for the Establishment of Flapping Flight. Fields of interest Evolutionary Biology; Animal Physiology; Animal Anatomy / Morphology / Histology Target groups Research Product category Monograph Contents The Eukaryotic Pathogen Databases: A Functional Genomic Resource Integrating Data from of Human and Veterinary Parasites.- From Sequence Mapping to Genome Assemblies.- Sequencing and Annotation of Mitochondrial Genomes from Individual Parasitic Helminths.- A Beginners Guide to Estimating the Non-synonymous to Synonymous Rate Ratio of all Protein-coding Genes in a Genome.- Exploiting Genetic Variation to Discover Genes Involved in Important Disease Phenotypes.- Identification and Analysis of Ingi-Related Retroposons in the Trypanosomatid Genomes.- Approaches for Studying mRNA Decay Mediated by SIDER2 Retroposons in Leishmania.Gene Suppression in Schistosomes using RNAi.Construction of Trypanosoma brucei Illumina RNA-Seq Libraries Enriched for Transcript Ends.Techniques to Study Epigenetic Control and the Epigenome in Parasites.- The Genome-wide Identification of Promoter Regions in Toxoplasma gondii.- RNA-seq Approaches for Determining mRNA Abundance in Leishmania.- Protein Microarrays for Parasite Antigen Discovery.- A Transposon-based Tool for Transformation and Mutagenesis in Trypanosomatid Protozoa.- Separation of Basic Proteins from Leishmania using a combination of Free Flow Electrophoresis (FFE) and 2D Electrophoresis (2-DE) under Basic Conditions.- Proteomic Analysis of Post Translational Modifications using iTRAQ in Leishmania.- Large Scale Differential Proteome Analysis in Plasmodium falciparum under Drug Treatment.- Use of 13C Stable Isotope Labelling for Pathway and Metabolic Flux Analysis in Leishmania Parasites.Molecular Genotyping of Trypanosoma cruzi for Lineage Assignment and Population Genetics. Fields of interest Microbiology; Parasitology Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Contributed volume Due September 2014 Due August 2014 2014. IX, 91 p. 19 illus. in color. (SpringerBriefs in Plant Science) Softcover 7 *€ (D) 53,49 | € (A) 54,99 | sFr 67,00 7€ 49,99 | £44.99 ISBN 978-3-319-09077-1 9<HTODMJ=ajah b> 150 Due September 2014 2014. X, 220 p. 230 illus., 36 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 149,79 | € (A) 153,99 | sFr 186,50 7€ 139,99 | £126.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08755-9 9<HTODMJ=aihf j> 2nd ed. 2014. X, 350 p. 49 illus., 34 in color. With online files/update. (Methods in Molecular Biology, Volume 1201) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 117,69 | € (A) 120,99 | sFr 146,50 7€ 109,99 | £99.00 ISBN 978-1-4939-1437-1 9<HTMEUD=jbedhb> News 8/2014 A. Pieroni, University of Gastronomic Sciences, Pollenzo, Italy; C. L. Quave, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, USA (Eds) Ethnobotany and Biocultural Diversities in the Balkans Perspectives on Sustainable Rural Development and Reconciliation Features 7 First ethnobotany book on one of the most biologically and culturally diverse regions of the world 7 First ethnobotany linked to concrete perspectives in terms of sustainable development 7 First ethnobotany book based upon a broad spectrum of approaches: historical, ethnographic, linguistic, biological, medical, and nutritional Contents Ethnobotany in the Balkans: Quo Vadis?.- Ways the Lukomir Highlanders of Bosnia and Herzegovina Treat Diabetes.- Hungarian Ethnobotanical Studies in Romania.- Bulgarian Medical Ethnobotany: The Power of Plants in Pragmatic and Poetic Frames.- Cross-Cultural Ethnobotany of the Sharr Mountains (North-Western Macedonia).- An Ethnobotanical and Ethnomedicinal Study on the Use of Wild Medicinal Plants in Rural Areas of Serbia.- Medical Ethnobotanical Studies in Kosovo.- Wild Food Plants of Dalmatia (Croatia).- The Use of Wild Plants for Human Nutrition During a War: Eastern Bosnia (Western Balkans).- Wild Food and Medicinal Plants Used in the Mountainous Albanian North, North-East, and East: A Comparison.- Medicinal Plants in Northern Montenegro: Traditional Knowledge, Quality, and Resources.- Ethnobotanical Knowledge and Traditional Use of Plants in Serbia in Relation to Sustainable Rural Development. Life Sciences F. Reboredo, Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Caparica, Portugal (Ed) P. P. Reddy, Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bangalore, India Forest Context and Policies in Portugal Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria for Horticultural Crop Protection Present and Future Challenges Features 7 Offers a full integration of the issues related to forest and landscape dynamics with economic analyses 7 Also the relationships between forest, society and environment are enhanced and discussed 7 Emphasis on the current multifunctional role of Portuguese forest and its intrinsic value, foreseeing the future in a context of a sustainable forest management 7 A comprehensive state of the art, raising important questions about future forest policies in the European Union context and the ongoing climate changes Contents Preface. Foreword. 1. Evolution of Forest Cover in Portugal – from the Miocene to the Present; Fernando Reboredo, João Pais.- 2. The Portuguese Forest Based Chains: Sector Analysis; Graça Louro et al.- 3. Drought Effects on Portuguese Forest Cover; Fernanda Pessoa et al.- 4. Forest Fires in Portugal: Dynamics, Causes and Policies; Paulo Mateus, Paulo M. Fernandes.- 5. Pests and Diseases in Portuguese Forestry – Current and New Threats; Manuela Branco et al.- 6. Forest Planning in Portugal; João Pinho.- 7. Spatial Characterization of Maritime Pine Productivity in Portugal; Cristina Santos, José A. Almeida.- 8. Forest Policies in a Changing International Context; Franciso Rego et al.- Index. Fields of interest Forestry Management; Environmental Management; Plant Ecology Fields of interest Plant Sciences; Biodiversity; Systems Biology Target groups Research Target groups Research Product category Contributed volume Features 7 Specifically deals with bio management of horticultural crop pests using plant antagonistic rhizobacteria 7 Focuses on the paradigmatic and policy dimensions and call for an innovative approach by analyzing the key themes in a complex and interrelated manner 7 Serves as a useful reference to policy makers, researchers, extension workers and students Contents Section I: Importance of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria.- 1. Introduction.- 2. Potential Role of PGPR in Agriculture.- 3. Pest Management.- 4. Mechanism of Biocontrol.- 5. Mass Production, Formulation, Delivery and Commercialization.Section II: Pest Management in Fruit Crops.- 6. Tropical Fruit Crops.- 7. Sub-Tropical and Temperate Fruit Crops.- Section III: Pest Management in Vegetable Crops.- 8. Solanaceous Vegetable Crops.- 9. Bulbous, Crucuferous and Malvaceous Vegetable Crops.- 10. Leguminous Vegetable Crops.- 11. Cucurbitaceous Vegetable Crops.- 12. Leafy and Root and Tuber Vegetable Crops.- Section IV: Pest Management in Plantation and Spice Crops.- 13. Plantation Crops.- 14. Spice Crops.Section V: Pest Management in Ornamental, Medicinal and Aromatic Crops.- 15. Ornamental and Aromatic Crops.- 16. Medicinal Crops.- Section VI: A Road Map Ahead.- 17. Challenges, Future Prospects and Conclusions.- Subject Index. Fields of interest Agriculture; Plant Sciences; Plant Pathology Target groups Research Product category Monograph Product category Contributed volume Due August 2014 Due September 2014 2014. I, 453 p. 43 illus., 23 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 160,49 | € (A) 164,99 | sFr 200,00 7€ 149,99 | £135.00 ISBN 978-1-4939-1491-3 9<HTMEUD=jbejbd> 2014. XX, 208 p. 87 illus., 61 in color. (World Forests, Volume 19) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 149,79 | € (A) 153,99 | sFr 186,50 7€ 139,99 | £126.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08454-1 9<HTODMJ=aiefeb> Due September 2014 2014. VII, 318 p. 219 illus., 210 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 149,79 | € (A) 153,99 | sFr 186,50 7€ 139,99 | £126.00 ISBN 978-81-322-1972-9 9<HT BOC=cbjhcj> 151 Life Sciences springer.com/NEWSonline D. Ribatti, University of Bari Aldo Moro, Bari, Italy (Ed) G. Rodgers, University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, UT, USA (Ed) K. Shivanna, Bengaluru, India; R. Tandon, University of Delhi, New Delhi, India Vascular Morphogenesis ADAMTS-13 Methods and Protocols Biology and Disease Reproductive Ecology of Flowering Plants: A Manual Features 7 Includes cutting-edge methods and protocols in vascular morphogenesis research 7 Provides step-by-step detail essential for reproducible results 7 Contains key notes and implementation advice from the experts This comprehensive volume discusses the protease A13, summarizing the current status of basic and clinical research. Comprised of eight chapters, ADAMTS-13: Biology and Disease begins with an exploration of the biochemistry and structurefunction relationships of A13 as well as its normal function in hemostasis (cleavage of von Willebrand factor). Emerging research themes for A13 are covered, including its potential role in angiogenesis and other aspects of cell biology. Clinical topics include laboratory assays for A13, inherited A13 deficiency, and acquired A13 deficiency. A chapter on related thrombotic microangiopathic (TMA) disorders examines the differences between TMAs associated with A13 deficiency and those not associated with A13 deficiency. Contents The Development of the Vascular System: An Historical Overview.- The Corneal Pocket Assay.- The Mouse Hindbrain: An In Vivo Model to Analyze Developmental Angiogenesis.- Three Dimensional In Vitro Assay of Endothelial Cell Invasion and Capillary Tube Morphogenesis.- Vascular Casting for the Study of Vascular Morphogenesis.- Cell-Based Computational Modeling of Vascular Morphogenesis Using Tissue Simulation Toolkit.- miRNAs Expression Profile in Zebrafish Developing Vessels.- Imaging of Cardiovascular Development in Mammalian Embryos Using Optical Coherence Tomography.- Live Confocal Microscopy of the Developing Mouse Embryonic Yolk Sac Vasculature.- Zebrafish Embryo Intersegmental Vessels: A Tool for Investigating Sprouting Angiogenesis.- Avian Area Vasculosa and CAM as Rapid In Vivo Pro- and Anti-Angiogenic Models.- Investigating In Vitro Angiogenesis by Computer-Assisted Image Analysis and Computational Simulation.- A Chimeric Embryoid Body Model to Study Vascular Morphogenesis.- Avians as a Model System of Vascular Development.- Microfluidic Model of Angiogenic Sprouting.- The Rat Aortic Ring Model of Angiogenesis.- The CoCulture Organotypic Assay of Angiogenesis. Fields of interest Cell Biology; Angiology Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Contributed volume Successful reproduction is the basis not only for the stability of the species in their natural habitat but also for productivity of our crop plants. Therefore, knowledge on reproductive ecology of wild and cultivated plants is important for effective management of our dwindling biodiversity and for the sustainability and improvement of the yield in crop species. Conservation and management of our plant diversity is going to be a major challenge in the coming decades, particularly in the tropical countries which are rich in biodiversity. Reproductive failure is the main driver for pushing a large number of tropical species to vulnerable category. Features 7 Covers the whole spectrum of reproductive ecology in 13 chapters from study sites and plants until seedling survival 7 Explicitly gives enough conceptual background on the topic before describing the protocols 7 Includes over 60 protocols and each gives a brief introduction followed by special requirements needed and step-by-step description of procedures so that the researchers do not find any difficulty in planning and executing the work Features 7 An up-to-date comprehensive overview of ADAMTS-13 basic science, including less-recognized aspects of the protein 7 Covers ADAMTS-13's role in disease, including its potential as a therapeutic agent 7 One of the only books to focus on this specific protein, it fills a gap in the literature and its coverage of both scientific and clinical aspects make it relevant both to researchers and clinicians Contents 1. A13: Structure and function.- 2. A13: The von Willebrand factor cleaving protease.- 3. A13: Angiogenesis and other biologic activities.- 4. A13: Assays.- 5. Inherited A13 deficiency (UpshawSchulman Syndrome).- 6. Acquired A13 deficiency (TTP).- 7. Related thrombotic microangiopathies.8. Future directions. Contents 1. Introduction.- 2. Study Plants and Sites.- 3. Phenology.- 4. Floral Morphology and Sexuality.5. Pollen Biology.- 6. Pistil Biology.- 7. Pollination Ecology.- 8. Pollen-Pistil Interaction.- 9. Breeding Systems.- 10. Fruit and Seed Biology.- 11. Seed Dispersal.- 12. Seedling Recruitment.- 13. Appendices. Fields of interest Proteomics; Hematology; Cell Biology Fields of interest Plant Sciences; Plant Ecology; Plant Breeding/ Biotechnology Target groups Research Target groups Research Product category Contributed volume Product category Monograph Due December 2014 Due September 2014 2014. X, 440 p. 8 illus., 4 in color. Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 165,84 | € (A) 170,49 | sFr 206,50 7 approx.€ 154,99 | £139.50 ISBN 978-3-319-08716-0 2014. XII, 171 p. 19 illus., 16 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 149,79 | € (A) 153,99 | sFr 186,50 7€ 139,99 | £126.00 ISBN 978-81-322-2002-2 Due September 2014 2014. X, 290 p. 61 illus., 40 in color. (Methods in Molecular Biology, Volume 1214) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 101,64 | € (A) 104,49 | sFr 126,50 7€ 94,99 | £85.50 ISBN 978-1-4939-1461-6 9<HTMEUD=jbegbg> 152 9<HTODMJ=aihbga> 9<HT BOC=c a c > News 8/2014 D. Singh, Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Lucknow, India (Ed) Life Sciences M. Singh, I. S. Bisht, M. Dutta, National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, New Delhi, India (Eds) Advances in Plant Biopesticides Broadening the Genetic Base of Grain Legumes Contents 1. Different Plant Families as Bioresource for Pesticides.- 2. Natural Insecticides from the Annonaceae – A Unique Example for Developing Biopesticides.- 3. Exploiting Phytochemicals for Developing Sustainable Crop Protection Strategies to Withstand Climate Change: Example from Africa.- 4. Development of Insect Resistance to Plant Biopesticides: An Overview.- 5. Efficacy of Major Plant Extracts/ Molecules on Field Insect Pests.- 6. Botanical Pesticides for the Management of Plant Nematode and Mite Pests.- 7. Plant Disease Management: Prospects of Pesticides of Plant Origin.-8. The Use of Plant Extracts for Stored Product Protection.- 9. Pesticidal Plants for Stored Product Pests on Small Holder farms in Africa.10. Non-Target Effects of Botanicals on Beneficial Arthropods with Special Reference to Azadirachta Indica.- 11. Progress in the Development of Plant Biopesticides for the Control of Arthropods of Veterinary Importance.- 12. Role of Plant Biopesticides in Managing Vectors of Communicable Diseases.- 13. Management of Mite Pests in Honeybee Colonies through Botanicals.- 14. Nanotechnology and Plant Biopesticides: An Overview.- 15. Phytochemical Pesticides.- 16. Mode of Action of Plant-Derived Natural Insecticides.- 17. Limitation of Plant Biopesticides.-18. Production and Consumption of Biopesticides.- 19. Formulation, Registration and Quality Regulation of Plant Biopesticides. Fields of interest Plant Sciences; Environmental Health; Agriculture Target groups Research Product category Contributed volume S. R. Stowell, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, USA (Ed) Galectins Methods and Protocols Fields of interest Plant Sciences; Plant Genetics & Genomics; Agriculture Contents Evolving Mechanistic Insights into Galectin Functions.- Cloning, Expression and Purification of Galectins for In Vitro Studies.- Alkylation of Galectin-1 with Iodoacetamide and Mass Spectrometric Mapping of the Sites of Incorporation.Evaluation of Galectin Binding by Frontal Affinity Chromatography (FAC).- Probing Lectin-Mucin Interactions by Isothermal Titration Microcalorimetry.- Examination of Whole Cell Galectin Binding by Solid Phase and Flow Cytometric Analysis.- Evaluation of Galectin Binding by Surface Plasmon Resonance.- Examining Galectin Binding Specificity Using Glycan Microarrays.Methods for Assessing the Effects of Galectins on Leukocyte Trafficking.- Examination of the Role of Galectins in Plasma Cell Differentiation.- Examination of Galectin-Induced Lattice Formation on Early B-Cell Development.- Detection of Phosophatidylserine Exposure on Leukocytes Following Treatment with Human Galectins.- Examination of Galectins in Phagocytosis.- Assessing the Roles of Galectins in Regulating Dendritic Cell Migration Through Extracellular Matrix and Across Lymphatic Endothelial Cells.- Examination of the Role of Galectins in Intestinal Inflammation.- Study of Galectins in Tumor Immunity: Strategies and Methods.- Galectins in the Regulation of Platelet Biology.- Examination of the Role of Galectins and Galectin Inhibitors in Endothelial Cell Biology.- Regulation of Galectins by Hypoxia and Their Relevance in Angiogenesis: Strategies and Methods.- Examination of the Role of Galectins During In vivo Angiogenesis Using the Chick Chorioallantoic Membrane Assay.- Examination of the Role of Galectins in Cell Migration and ReEpithelialization of Wounds. Target groups Research Field of interest Protein Science Product category Contributed volume Target groups Professional/practitioner Grain legumes play significant and diverse role in the farming systems and provide nutrition security to the largely vegetarian and relatively poorer people around the world. These are ideal crops for achieving three simultaneous developmental goals viz. reducing poverty, improving human health and nutrition and enhancing ecosystem resilience. Globally, grain legumes are the second most important crop group next only to cereals but a large proportion of area of it is under rainfed-low input systems as compared to cereals contributing to lower yields. The other important factor responsible for reduced yield in grain legumes is the narrow genetic base of the present day pulse varieties. In order to break the yield barriers of these cultivars, new sources of genes/ alleles need to be identified and suitably incorporated into the adapted background. Features 7 An updated and informative contribution to the field of cereal breeding 7 Includes information on all the major cereal crops, from maize to sorghum to rice 7 Comprehensively describes genetic diversity, breeding methods and techniques and integration of new biotechnology applications Contents 1. Introduction.- 2. Common bean.- 3. Chickpea.- 4. Faba bean.- 5. Cowpea.- 6. Lentil.- 7. Pigeonpea.- 8. Groundnut.- 9. Vigna species 10. Horsegram Product category Contributed volume Due September 2014 Due September 2014 Due September 2014 2014. X, 409 p. 60 illus., 41 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 160,49 | € (A) 164,99 | sFr 200,00 7€ 149,99 | £135.00 ISBN 978-81-322-2005-3 2014. VI, 219 p. 4 illus., 3 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 149,79 | € (A) 153,99 | sFr 186,50 7€ 139,99 | £126.00 ISBN 978-81-322-2022-0 9<HT BOC=c a fd> 9<HT BOC=c ac a> 2014. XII, 528 p. 100 illus., 52 in color. (Methods in Molecular Biology, Volume 1207) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 133,74 | € (A) 137,49 | sFr 166,50 7€ 124,99 | £112.50 ISBN 978-1-4939-1395-4 9<HTMEUD=jbdjfe> 153 Life Sciences springer.com/NEWSonline S. Tabata, Kazusa DNA Research Institute, Kisarazu, Japan; J. Stougaard, University of Aarhus, Aarhus, Denmark (Eds) The Lotus japonicus Genome Research focusing on model plants has underpinned the recent growth in plant genomics and genetics and provided a basis for investigations of major crop species. In the legume family Fabaceae, groundbreaking genetic and genomic research has established a significant body of knowledge on Lotus japonicus (birdsfoot trefoil), which was adopted as a model species more than 20 years ago. The diverse nature of legumes means that such research has a wide potential and agricultural impact, for example, on the world’s protein production. This work provides insights into some of the key achievements made in the study of Lotus japonicus, as well as a timely overview of topics that are pertinent for future developments in legume genomics. Key topics covered include endosymbiosis, development, hormone regulation, carbon/nitrogen and secondary metabolism, as well as advances made in high-throughput genomic and genetic approaches. Features 7 First volume of a new series 7 Treats both theoretical and practical aspects of plant breeding 7 Covers the latest results in genome sequencing and genomics research Contents The importance of Lotus as model and crop.- Genomics and functional genomics of Lotus and the microsymbionts.- Metabolic pathways, secondary metabolites and defense responses.- Resources. Fields of interest Plant Genetics & Genomics; Plant Breeding/Biotechnology; Agriculture Target groups Research Product category Monograph V. N. Uversky, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, USA P. Vidhyasekaran, Tamil Nadu Agricultural university, Coimbatore, India Intrinsically Disordered Proteins Plant Hormone Signaling Systems in Plant Innate Immunity In this brief, Vladimir Uversky discusses the paradigm-shifting phenomenon of intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) and hybrid proteins containing ordered domains and functional IDP regions (IDPRs). Beginning with an introduction to the concept of protein intrinsic disorder, Uversky then goes on to describe the peculiar amino acid sequences of IDPs, their structural heterogeneity, typical functions and disorder-based binding modes. In the final sections, Uversky discusses IDPs in human diseases and as potential drug targets. Features 7 Discusses applications of IDPs and IDPRs as potential drug targets 7 Includes an introduction to the concept of protein intrinsic disorder 7 Provides an overview of current literature in the field Contents Introducing the phenomenon of protein intrinsic disorder.- Peculiar amino acid sequences of soluble IDPs.- Natural abundance of IDPs/IDPRs.Wavy evolution of intrinsic disorder: Reinventing the wheel.- Structural heterogeneity of IDPs: When almost everything is possible.- Typical functions of IDPs and IDPRs.- Binding promiscuity and multitude of the disorder-based binding modes.- IDPs/IDPRs in human diseases.- IDPs as potential drug targets.- Concluding remarks: Intrinsic disorder as a universal tool for solving protein mysteries and riddles. Fields of interest Protein Structure; Medicinal Chemistry; Biochemistry, general Target groups Research Product category Brief Plants are endowed with innate immune system, which acts as a surveillance system against possible attack by pathogens. Plant innate immune systems have high potential to fight against viral, bacterial, oomycete and fungal pathogens and protect the crop plants against wide range of diseases. However, the innate immune system is a sleeping system in unstressed healthy plants. Features 7 The book explains the complex plant hormone signalling network with more than 100 flow charts and drawings elucidating the role of various hormone signals in plant innate immune signal transduction 7 The book highlights the different plant hormone biosynthesis pathways and their signal transduction pathways with many drawings 7 The book is unique in deciphering the molecular basis of histone memory, chromatin remodelling, DNA methylation and histone modifications-modulated gene priming in trans generational systemic acquired resistance Contents 1. Introduction.- 2. Salicylic acid Signaling in Plant Innate Immunity.- 3. Jasmonate Signaling System in Plant Innate Immunity.- 4. Ethylene Signaling System in Plant Innate Immunity.- 5. Absicisic Acid Signaling System in Plant Innate Immunity.- 6. Auxin Signaling System in Plant Innate Immunity.- 7. Cytokinin Signaling System in Plant Immunity.- 8. Gibberellin Signaling in Plant Innate Immunity.- 9. Brassinosteroid Signaling in Plant Immune System. Fields of interest Plant Pathology; Plant Physiology; Microbiology Target groups Research Product category Monograph Due August 2014 Due September 2014 2014. X, 402 p. 40 illus., 30 in color. (Compendium of Plant Genomes) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 149,79 | € (A) 153,99 | sFr 186,50 7€ 139,99 | £126.00 ISBN 978-3-662-44269-2 9<HTOGRC=e cgjc> 154 2014. XI, 57 p. 13 illus., 10 in color. (SpringerBriefs in Molecular Science / Protein Folding and Structure) Softcover 7 *€ (D) 53,49 | € (A) 54,99 | sFr 67,00 7€ 49,99 | £44.99 ISBN 978-3-319-08920-1 9<HTODMJ=aijcab> Due September 2014 2014. XIV, 423 p. 102 illus. (Signaling and Communication in Plants, Volume 2) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 160,49 | € (A) 164,99 | sFr 200,00 7€ 149,99 | £135.00 ISBN 978-94-017-9284-4 9<HTUELB=hjcie > News 8/2014 Life Sciences H. Wallander, Lund University, Lund, Sweden K. Wang, Iowa State University Center for Plant Transformation, Ames, IA, USA (Ed) Soil Agrobacterium Protocols Reflections on the Basis of our Existence Håkan Wallander is a professor in Soil Biology and the reader is guided through the fascinating world below ground. The book has a free form and the author mixes scientific facts with personal stories from active research experiences and everyday life. The main focus is to make the reader aware of the vast biodiversity that exists in the soil, and to describe the important processes provided by the soil organisms. Reflections are made on how dependent we are on living soils, and how vulnerable the soil is if managed in a wrong way. The importance of soils as carbon sinks and reflections about the possible influence of soils for taste and quality of food and wine is also covered. The book is illustrated with photographs and every picture has a legend that stands on its own. Features 7 A much more easy way into the world of soil science than other books because of numerous colour photos with independent legends 7 A perfect blend of scientific facts and entertaining stories to keep the reader interested and curious 7 It fills a hole in the garden literature and was elected as the garden book of the year in Sweden, although it is not at all a garden book Contents Foreword.- Our indispensable soil.- How soil is formed.- Floral splendour and shortage of nutrients.- Life in the soil.- The circulation of nutrients.- Biological warfare.- A matter of taste.- Soil and climate.- Epilogue. Fields of interest Life Sciences, general; Popular Science in Nature and Environment; Soil Science & Conservation Target groups Research Product category Monograph Volume 2 Rapid changes and significant progress have been made in the Agrobacterium field, such as genetically transforming plants for both basic research purposes and agricultural development. Features 7 Includes cutting-edge methods and protocols 7 Provides step-by-step detail essential for reproducible results 7 Contains key notes and implementation advice from the experts D. Wei, T. Zhao, Shanghai JiaoTong University, Shanghai, China; H. Dai, Shanghai Jiaotng University, Shanghai, China; Q. Xu, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, China (Eds) Advance in Structural Bioinformatics This text examines in detail mathematical and physical modeling, computational methods and systems for obtaining and analyzing biological structures, using pioneering research cases as examples. As such, it emphasizes programming and problem-solving skills. It provides information on structure bioinformatics at various levels, with individual chapters covering introductory to advanced aspects, from fundamental methods and guidelines on acquiring and analyzing genomics and proteomics sequences, the structures of protein, DNA and RNA, to the basics of physical simulations and methods for conformation searches. This book will be of immense value to researchers and students in the fields of bioinformatics, computational biology and chemistry. Dr. Contents Brassica Rapa.- Cotton (Gossypium Hirsutum L.).- Jatropha (Jatropha Curcas L.).- Sesame (Sesamum Indicum L.).- Sunflower (Helianthus Annuus L.).- Carrot (Daucus Carota L.).- Cassava (Manihot Esculenta Cranz).- Potato (Solanum Tuberosum L.).- Taro (Colocasia Esculenta (L.) Schott).- Apricot (Prunus Armeniaca L.).- Blueberry (Vaccinium Corymbosum L.).- Cherry.Chestnut, American (Castanea Dentata (Marsh.) Borkh.).- Chestnut, European (Castanea Sativa).Grapevine (Vitis Vinifera L.).- Melon (Cucumis Melo).- Peach (Prunus Persica L.).- Strawberry (Fragaria X Ananassa).- Walnut (Juglans).- Citrus Transformation Using Juvenile Tissue Explants.Citrus Transformation Using Mature Tissue Explants.- Coffee (Coffea Arabica L.).- Pineapple [Ananas Comosus (L.) Merr.].- Sugarcane (Saccharum Spp. Hybrids).- Hemp (Cannabis Sativa L.).- Orchids (Cymbidium Spp., Oncidium And Phalaenopsis).- Poinsettia (Euphorbia Pulcherrima Willd. Ex Klotzsch).- Populus Trichocarpa.Tall Fescue (Festuca Arundinacea Schreb.). Features 7 Presents the core algorithms and mathematical models for sequence analysis 7 Provides systematic and detailed methodologies and application 7 Includes the most recent progress in the field Fields of interest Plant Sciences; Plant Genetics & Genomics; Genetic Engineering Fields of interest Bioinformatics; Computational Biology/Bioinformatics; Molecular Medicine Target groups Professional/practitioner Target groups Research Product category Contributed volume Product category Contributed volume Contents Introduction to Structural Bioinformatics.- Modeling and Structure Determination.- The Structure Prediction of Biological Macromolecules.- The Biological Macromolecules in Computational Biology.- The Functional Analysis of Biological Macromolecules.- The Structure-Based Drug Design. Due September 2014 Jointly published with Shanghai Jiaotong University Press, Shanghai, China Distribution right for China: Shanghai Jiaotong University Press Due September 2014 Due September 2014 2014. VI, 143 p. 101 illus., 90 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 149,79 | € (A) 153,99 | sFr 186,50 7€ 139,99 | £126.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08457-2 9<HTODMJ=aiefhc> 3rd ed. 2014. X, 550 p. 47 illus., 41 in color. (Methods in Molecular Biology, Volume 1224) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 117,69 | € (A) 120,99 | sFr 146,50 7€ 109,99 | £99.00 ISBN 978-1-4939-1657-3 9<HTMEUD=jbgfhd> 2014. IX, 470 p. 102 illus., 88 in color. (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, Volume 827) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 160,49 | € (A) 164,99 | sFr 200,00 7€ 149,99 | £135.00 ISBN 978-94-017-9244-8 9<HTUELB=hjce i> 155 Life Sciences A. Wittinghofer, Max-Planck-Institute of Molecular Physiology, Dortmund, Germany (Ed) Ras Superfamily Small G Proteins: Biology and Mechanisms 1+2 Contents Vol. 1 Evolution of the Ras Superfamily of GTPases.- The structure of the G domain of the Ras superfamily.- GEFs and GAPs: Mechanisms and Structures.- Bacterial protein toxins acting on small GTPases.- Posttranslational modifications of small G proteins.- Targeting the Raf-MEK-ERK Mitogen-Activates Protein Kinase Cascade for the Treatment of RAS Mutant Cancers.- RAS Genes and Cancer.- The Spatial Organization of Ras Signaling.- Ras Nanoclusters.- Mouse Models of Ras induced Tumors and Developmental Disorders.- Rap signaling.- The coordinated biology and signaling partners of Ral G-proteins.- Structure and Function of the mTOR Activator Rheb.- Classical Rho proteins: Biochemistry of molecular switch function and regulation.- Atypical Rho family members.- Molecular Structures, Cellular Functions and Physiological Roles of Rho Effectors.- Principles driving the spatial organization of Rho GTPase signaling at synapses.- Rho GTPases in Cancer. Vol. 2 Prenylation of RabGTPases, their delivery to membranes and Rab recycling.- Rab proteins and the organization of organelle membrane domains.- Effectors of Rab GTPases: Rab binding specificity and their role in coordination of Rab function and localization.- A Rab effector called the exocyst and related vesicle tether complexes.- RabGEFs and GAPs – the enigma variations.- Ran in Nucleocytoplasmic Transport.Ran in Mitosis.- Arf proteins and their regulators: at the interface between membrane lipids and the protein trafficking machinery.- Small G Proteins: Arf family GTPases in vesicular transport. springer.com/NEWSonline Q. Xiaoquan, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, Beijing, China; X. Chen, Shanghai Institute for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China, Shanghai, China; Y. Wang, Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathemati Chinese academy of science, Wuhan, China (Eds) Plant Metabolomics Methods and Applications Metabolomics is an important part of systems biology, and it can be argued that metabolite data is most closely linked to phenotypes. Therefore changes in metabolite content or metabolic networks can indicate the gene function more directly than transcript or protein based-approaches. Features 7 Gives a comprehensive account of recent advances in plant metabolomics 7 Includes cutting-edge methods and protocols 7 With many illustrations followed by easy-to-understand explanations Contents Overview.- Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry Coupling Techniques.- LC-MS in Plant Metabolomics.- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Techniques.- Multivariate Analysis of Metabolomics Data.- Metabolomic data processing based on mass spectrometry platforms.- Metabolite Qualitative Methods and the Introduction of Metabolomics Database.- Plant Metabolic Network.- Applications of LC-MS in plant metabolomics.- Application of Metabolomics in the Identification of Chinese Herbal Medicine.- Metabolomics based Studies on Artemisinin Biosynthesis.- NMR-Based Metabolomic Methods and Applications.- Metabolomics research of quantitative disease resistance against barley leaf rust. Fields of interest Cell Biology; Protein Science; Protein Structure Fields of interest Plant Sciences; Plant Genetics & Genomics; Metabolomics Target groups Research Target groups Research Product category Contributed volume Product category Contributed volume Z. Yaniv, Agricultural Research Organisation, Tel Aviv, Israel; N. Dudai, The Unit of Medicinal & Aromatic Plants, Ramat Yishay, Israel (Eds) Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of the Middle-East Contents Forward.- Chapter 1: Medicinal Plants in ancient traditions.- Chapter 2: Wild Edible Plants in Israel Tradition versus Cultivation.- Chapter 3: Ethnobotany among Bedouin tribes in the MiddleEast.- Chapter 4: Selected Aromatic-Medicinal Plants, Endemic to the Middle-East.- Chapter 5: Capparis spinosa, The Plant on the Wall.- Chapter 6: Apharsemon, Myrrh and Olibanum: Ancient Medical Plants.- Chapter 7: Sarcopoterium spinosum.- Chapter 8: Traditional uses of Pistacia lentiscus in Veterinary and Human Medicine.Chapter 9: Farming Amphetamines: Khat (Catha edulis Forsk) a Traditional Plant with Psychoactive and Medicinal Properties.- Chapter 10: Citron Cultivation, Production and Uses in the Mediterranean Region.- Chapter 11: Therapeutic Use of Aleppo Pine (Pinus halepensis Mill.).- Chapter 12: Pomegranate: Aspects Concerning Dynamics of Health Beneficial Phytochemicals and Therapeutic Properties.- Chapter 13: Juniperus phoenicea from Jordan.- Chapter 14: Myrtle (Myrtus communis L.) A Native Mediterranean and Cultured Crop Species.- Chapter 15: Eruca sativa: A Tasty Herb Salad with Health Promoting Properties.- Chapter 16: Rose Oil (Rosa damascena).- Chapter 17: Opium Poppy (papaver somniferum). Fields of interest Plant Sciences; Agriculture; Life Sciences, general Target groups Research Product category Contributed volume Due October 2014 Jointly published with Chemical Industry Press (CIP), Xiaoquan Qi, China Due August 2014 Distribution rights for China: Chemical Industry Press, Xiaoquan Qi, China 2014. 900 p. (2-volume-set) 7 *€ (D) 266,43 | € (A) 273,90 | sFr 331,50 7€ 249,00 | £224.50 ISBN 978-3-319-09282-9 2014. Approx. 320 p. 128 illus., 18 in color. Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 160,45 | € (A) 164,94 | sFr 200,00 7 approx.€ 149,95 | £135.00 ISBN 978-94-017-9290-5 9<HTODMJ=ajcicj> 156 9<HTUELB=hjcjaf> Due September 2014 2014. XV, 418 p. 77 illus., 42 in color. (Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of the World, Volume 2) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 160,49 | € (A) 164,99 | sFr 200,00 7€ 149,99 | £135.00 ISBN 978-94-017-9275-2 9<HTUELB=hjchfc> News 8/2014 Z. Antonijevic, Cytel Inc., Cambridge, MA, USA (Ed) Economics/Management Science K. Das, Gujarat Institute of Development Research (GIDR), Ahmedabad, India (Ed) A. R. Dawoody, Marywood University, Scranton, PA, USA (Ed) Issues and Challenges in Indian Business Public Administration and Policy in the Middle East Optimization of Pharmaceutical Globalization and Standards R&D Programs and Portfolios Design and Investment Strategy Very little has been published on optimization of pharmaceutical portfolios. Features 7 Addresses the impact of study design on maximizing the output at the portfolio level in the pharmaceutical industry 7 Examines portfolio optimization comprehensively by integrating input from multiple stakeholders 7 Provides an integrated approach that considers value proposition earlier in the clinical development process by incorporating marketing, commercial and medical affairs perspectives Contents Need for Optimal Design of Pharmaceutical Programs and Portfolios in Modern Medical Product Development.- Clinical Aspects of Pharmaceutical Portfolio Management.- Drug Development and the Cost of Capital.- Investment Considerations for Pharmaceutical Product Portfolios.- Challenges of Portfolio Management in Pharmaceutical Development.- Impact of Phase 2b Strategies on Optimization of Drug Development Programs.Using Decision Analysis to Support the Design of Clinical Trials at a Program Level.- Indication Sequencing for a New Molecular Entity with Multiple Potential Oncology Indications.- Maximizing Return on Investment in Phase II Proof-of-Concept Trials.- Portfolio Optimization of Therapies and Their Predictive Biomarkers.- Dynamically Optimizing Budget Allocation for Phase 3 Drug Development Portfolios Incorporating Uncertainty in the Pipeline. Fields of interest Operation Research/Decision Theory; Optimization; Statistics for Life Sciences, Medicine, Health Sciences Contents Globalization and Standards: Concerns in a Large Transforming Economy, India.- Standards and Consumer Behaviour of the Rising Middle Class in India.- Impact of the Retail FDI Policy on Indian Consumers and the Way Forward.- Environmentally Sensitive Goods in India’s Trade: Emerging Challenges and Prospects.- Indian Microfinance and Codes of Conduct Regulation: A Critical Examination.- Automotive Industry Response to Its Global QMS Standard ISO/TS16949.- Regulatory Standards in Pharmaceuticals and Consumers: Missing Links.- Medical Consumption and Clinical Practice: India at the Crossroads.- From Reverse Engineering to Reverse Innovation: GPNs and the Emerging Powers.- Institutions and Innovation: A Study of ICT-MSMEs in India.- Promoting Cluster Development Through Decent Work: Case of the Surat Diamond Processing Cluster.- Regulating Industrialization through Public Action and Legal Intervention: Interpreting an On-going Experiment in Tamil Nadu.- Small Industry in India: Are CETPs an Appropriate Response towards Pollution Control?.- Has the Indian Tea Plantation Industry Weathered the Crisis during Reforms?.India’s Organic Guarantee System: Novelty or Facsimile?. Fields of interest Development Economics; Regional/Spatial Science; International Economics Target groups Research Product category Contributed volume Contents Introduction.- II. Part One: Public Policy and Administration in Iran, Turkey and Egypt.- Chapter 1. Public Administration and Policy in Contemporary Iran.- Chapter 2. State and administrative reforms in Turkey and its implications.- Chapter 3. Challenges to governance reform and accountability in Egypt.- Chapter 4. Egypt.- III. Part Two. Public Policy and Administration in Iraq, Sudan, and Saudi Arabia.- Chapter 5. Iraq: Revolutionary cul-de-sacs.- Chapter 6. Federalism and Iraq’s Statehood.- Chapter 7. Iraq’s Pressing Need to Obligatory Unified Conceptual and Procedural Models for Public Policy Making, Implementation, and Evaluation Processes.- Chapter 8. Distributive, Redistributive, Regulatory and Constituent Policies in Sudan.- Chapter 9. Local Governance in Saudi Arabia: The Mirage of Decentralization.- IV. Part Three. Public Policy and Administration in Bangladesh, Lebanon, Israel and Palestine.- Chapter 10. Governance Challenges in Bangladesh.Chapter 11. Dynamic Consistency: The Public Policy Process in the Republic of Lebanon.- Chapter 12. Decentralization in Lebanon.- Chapter 13. Lebanese NGOs: Governance and Management.- Chapter 14. Culture matter: The Influence of Israeli Political Culture on The Public Policy Process.- Chapter 15. Volunteerism in nonprofit sector in Palestine.-V. Conclusion.- VI. Index Fields of interest Public Administration; Comparative Politics; Political Science, general Target groups Research Product category Contributed volume Target groups Research Product category Contributed volume Due September 2014 Due September 2014 Due September 2014 2015. IV, 200 p. 37 illus., 23 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-09074-0 9<HTODMJ=ajahea> 2014. I, 349 p. 14 illus., 9 in color. (India Studies in Business and Economics) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-81-322-1993-4 9<HT BOC=cbj de> 2014. X, 376 p. 26 illus., 18 in color. (Public Administration, Governance and Globalization, Volume 9) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-1-4939-1552-1 9<HTMEUD=jbf cb> 157 Economics/Management Science D. De Tombe, Internation Research Society on Methodologicy of Societal Complexity, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Handling Societal Complexity A Study of the Theory and the Methodology of Social Complexity and the COMPRAM Methodology This handbook for the Methodology of Societal Complexity describes the theoretical development of the field and lays the foundation for the application of the Compram Methodology in the context of addressing complex societal problems. Features 7 Written by the founding father of the COMPRAM methodology 7 Methodology is advised as standard by the OECD to handle global safety 7 Presents applications in real life problems of global safety Contents Introduction.- Design of the Study.- Complex Societal Problems.- Human Problem Handling.Group Decision Support Systems.- Methodological Demands for Handling Complex Societal Problems.- The Compram Methodology: A Methodology for Policy Making on Complex Societal Problems.- Global Safety and Healthcare: The HIV/Aids Problem.- Global Safety and Sustainable Development.- Global Safety and Economy: The Credit Crisis.- Global Safety and Climate Change.- Global Safety, Terrorism and Large City Problems.- Implementation, Ethical Aspects, Validation and Testing of Complex Societal Methodologies.- Policymaking and Summary. Fields of interest Operation Research/Decision Theory; Population Economics; Methodology of the Social Sciences springer.com/NEWSonline G. Einav, TMT Strategic Advisors, New York, NY, USA (Ed) M. C. Fu, Potomac, MD, USA (Ed) Handbook of Simulation Optimization The New World of Transitioned Media The Handbook of Simulation Optimization presents an overview of the state of the art of simulation optimization, providing a survey of the most well-established approaches for optimizing stochastic simulation models and a sampling of recent research advances in theory and methodology. Digital Realignment and Industry Transformation The media industry is undergoing an accelerated pace of change, driven in large part by the proliferation of digital platforms. Features 7 Provides a “behind-the-scenes” look at the media industry’s transition into the digital era and its impact on marketing, advertising, innovation and other economic and social activities 7 Explores current trends and themes such as transformation of space, artificial intelligence in journalism, social media in corporate communications, social cinema, gaming and the future of media industry research 7 Includes contributions from media industry executives, researchers, and academics to provide a blended industry and academic pointof-view Contents Chapter 1 Introduction.- Chapter 2 Digital Media and The Transformation of Space.- Chapter 3 The Companies We Keep.- Chapter 4 Health as a Social Media.- Chapter 5 The New Rules of Engagement.- Chapter 6 The Robot Journalist in The Age of Social Physics.- Chapter 7 The Times They are A’ Changin: From Newspaper to TV, Traditional Go Digital.- Chapter 8 Embracing the Era of Open Source Marketing.- Chapter 9 The Role of Mobile in the Media Environment.- Chapter 10 Next Gen Video Game Consumers.- Chapter 11 Measuring Media Usage Behavior. Target groups Research Fields of interest Media Management; Economic Policy; Innovation/Technology Management Product category Monograph Target groups Research Features 7 The first handbook on simulation optimization 7 One of the hottest research topics and professionally-applied areas in OR 7 Editor is one of the most prominent names in the field Contents Overview of the Handbook.- Discrete Optimization via Simulation.- Ranking and Selection: Efficient Simulation Budget Allocation.- Response Surface Methodology.- Stochastic Gradient Estimation.- An Overview of Stochastic Approximation.- Stochastic Approximation Methods and Their Finite-time Convergence Properties.- A Guide to Sample Average Approximation.- Stochastic Constraints and Variance Reduction Techniques.- A Review of Random Search Methods.Stochastic Adaptive Search Methods: Theory and Implementation.- Model-Based Stochastic Search Methods.- Solving Markov Decision Processes via Simulation. Fields of interest Operation Research/Decision Theory; Simulation and Modeling; Operations Research, Management Science Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Contributed volume Product category Contributed volume Due September 2014 2015. X, 868 p. 37 illus., 11 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 139,09 | € (A) 142,99 | sFr 173,50 7€ 129,99 | £117.00 ISBN 978-3-662-43916-6 9<HTOGRC=edjbg > 158 Due September 2014 Due September 2014 2015. XX, 190 p. 8 illus., 4 in color. (The Economics of Information, Communication, and Entertainment) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-09008-5 2015. XIV, 370 p. 18 illus., 9 in color. (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, Volume 216) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 139,09 | € (A) 142,99 | sFr 173,50 7€ 129,99 | £117.00 ISBN 978-1-4939-1383-1 9<HTODMJ=aja if> 9<HTMEUD=jbdidb> News 8/2014 N. Gaillard, Corbeil-Essonnes, France When Sovereigns Go Bankrupt A Study on Sovereign Risk The public debt crisis that Eurozone countries have experienced since 2010 has been accompanied by a resurgence of sovereign risk. Greece was obliged to restructure its debt in 2012. The credit position of even the wealthy countries is shakier than at any time since the Great Depression. Now more than ever it is essential to understand sovereign risk because the default of a country, or even its lack of credibility, is bound to jeopardize political stability and weaken the credit standing of all other economic actors. This book reviews and analyzes the different means used to forestall and protect against sovereign defaults. In light of the Eurozone’s 2010-2012 sovereign debt crisis, this book also emphasizes the roots of sovereign creditworthiness. Chapter 1 establishes a typology of sovereign defaults. A sovereign “bankruptcy” may take many forms (debt repudiation, moratorium, restructuring, etc.). Chapter 2 presents the different contractual and legal tools used to protect against sovereign defaults. Chapter 3 investigates how some investors have been able to interfere with the debtor’s economic policy by insisting that measures be taken to reduce the risk of default in the short and medium term. Such interference can be direct or may be more subtle. There is a specific focus on the conditionality imposed by the International Monetary Fund. Contents Introduction.- Identifying Sovereign Defaults.Protecting against Sovereign Defaults.- Preventing Sovereign Defaults.- Anticipating Sovereign Debt Crises.- Conclusion. Fields of interest Public Finance & Economics; Economic Policy; Macroeconomics/Monetary Economics Target groups Research Product category Brief Economics/Management Science M. Gavalec, University of Hradec Kralove, Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic; J. Ramík, Silesian University in Opava, Karvina, Czech Republic; K. Zimmermann, Charles University in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic M. Ghosh, Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan (Distt Birbhum), India; D. Sarkar, B. C. Roy, Institute of Agriculture, Visva-Bharati, Sriniketan (Distt Birbhum), India (Eds) Decision Making and Optimization Diversification of Agriculture in Eastern India Special Matrices and Their Applications in Economics and Management Contents Chapter 1. Introduction.- Part I: Rationale and Extent of Agricultural Diversification.- Chapter 2. Green Revolution in Eastern India.- Chapter 3. Diversified Sustainable Agriculture in Eastern India.- Chapter 4. Crop Diversification: An Exploratory Analysis.- Chapter 5. Trend and Pattern of Crop Diversification in Odisha.- Chapter 6. Pattern of Agricultural Diversification in Odisha.- Chapter 7. A Study on the Extent of Crop Diversification in West Bengal.- Chapter 8. A Study of Diversification of Katarni to HYV paddy in Bihar.- Part II: Nature and Problems of Agricultural Diversification.- Chapter 9. Role of Dairying in Diversification of Indian Agriculture.Chapter 10. Crop Diversification through Oilseeds in Eastern India.- Chapter 11. Crop Diversification in North Eastern Plain Zone of India.- Chapter 12. Crop diversification in West Bengal: Nature and Constraints.- Chapter 13. Problems of Crop Diversification in West Bengal.- Chapter 14. Factors Influencing Extent of Diversification in West Bengal.- Chapter 15. Causes of Agricultural Diversification in Bihar and Jharkhand.- Chapter 16. Policy Intervention in West Bengal Agriculture: Role of Diversification.- Part III: Food and Livelihood Security through Agricultural Diversification.- Chapter 17. Diversification and Food Security in the North Eastern States of India.Chapter 18. Impact of Improved Agro-techniques towards Food and Livelihood Security.- Chapter 19. Floriculture in West Bengal in Augmenting Income and Export. The book is a benefit for graduate and postgraduate students in the areas of operations research, decision theory, optimization theory, linear algebra, interval analysis and fuzzy sets. The book will also be useful for the researchers in the respective areas. The first part of the book deals with decision making problems and procedures that have been established to combine opinions about alternatives related to different points of view. Procedures based on pairwise comparisons are thoroughly investigated. Features 7 First book combining decision analysis with max-min algebra in inexact and fuzzy environment 7 Investigates the well-known method of pairwise comparison and reveals surprising properties and interconnections 7 Uses special matrices in max-min algebra in nonstandard applications Contents Special Matrices in Decision Making: Preliminaries.- Pairwise Comparison Matrices in Decision Making.- Preference Matrices with Fuzzy Elements in Decision Making.- Special Matrices in Max-Min Algebra: Optimization Problems under Max-Min Separable Constraints. Fields of interest Operation Research/Decision Theory; Game Theory/Mathematical Methods; Optimization Target groups Graduate Fields of interest Agricultural Economics; Agriculture; Production/ Logistics/Supply Chain Management Product category Graduate/Advanced undergraduate textbook Target groups Research Product category Contributed volume Due August 2014 Due August 2014 2014. XII, 70 p. (SpringerBriefs in Economics) Softcover 7 *€ (D) 53,49 | € (A) 54,99 | sFr 67,00 7€ 49,99 | £44.99 ISBN 978-3-319-08987-4 2015. X, 211 p. 13 illus., 5 in color. (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, Volume 677) Softcover 7 *€ (D) 74,89 | € (A) 76,99 | sFr 93,50 7€ 69,99 | £62.99 ISBN 978-3-319-08322-3 9<HTODMJ=aijihe> 9<HTODMJ=aidc d> Due September 2014 2015. I, 224 p. 4 illus. (India Studies in Business and Economics) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-81-322-1996-5 9<HT BOC=cbj gf> 159 Economics/Management Science G. M. Golinelli, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy (Ed) Cultural Heritage and Value Creation Towards New Pathways Informed by systems thinking, this book explores new perspectives in which culture and management are harmoniously integrated and cultural heritage is interpreted both as an essential part of the social and economic context and as an expression of community identity. The combination of a multidisciplinary approach, methodological rigor and reference to robust empirical findings in the fertile field of analysis of UNESCO’s contribution mean that the book can be considered a reference for the management of cultural heritage. Features 7 Employs a systems approach to provide a new perspective on the study and management of cultural heritage 7 Offers the first comparative analysis of the UNESCO rural cultural landscape 7 Helps in understanding international changes in the concept of cultural landscape and biocultural diversity Contents Cultural value.- Towards a new conception of bene culturale.- From the management of cultural heritage to the governance of the cultural heritage system.- Intangible cultural heritage as defined in the 2003 UNESCO Convention.- The UNESCO World Heritage Convention and the enhancement of rural vine-growing landscapes.- The cultural dimension of the Mediterranean diet as an intangible cultural heritage of humanity. Fields of interest Business/Management Science, general; Cultural Management; Cultural Heritage springer.com/NEWSonline A. Gosavi, Missouri S & T, Rolla, MO, USA S.‑M. Grad, TU Chemnitz, Chemnitz, Germany Simulation-Based Optimization Vector Optimization and Parametric Optimization Techniques and Monotone Operators via Reinforcement Learning Convex Duality Simulation-Based Optimization: Parametric Optimization Techniques and Reinforcement Learning introduce the evolving area of static and dynamic simulation-based optimization. Covered in detail are model-free optimization techniques – especially designed for those discrete-event, stochastic systems which can be simulated but whose analytical models are difficult to find in closed mathematical forms. Features 7 Brings the field completely up to date 7 All computer code brought up to date and now on Springer Extras 7 New material not covered in first edition includes nested partitions, simultaneous perturbation, constrained nonlinear optimization and the stochastic ruler method Contents Background.- Simulation basics.- Simulation optimization: an overview.- Response surfaces and neural nets.- Parametric optimization.- Dynamic programming.- Reinforcement learning.- Stochastic search for controls.- Convergence: background material.- Convergence: parametric optimization.Convergence: control optimization.- Case studies. Fields of interest Operation Research/Decision Theory; Operations Research, Management Science; Simulation and Modeling Target groups Research Product category Graduate/Advanced undergraduate textbook Recent Advances This book investigates several duality approaches for vector optimization problems, while also comparing them. Special attention is paid to duality for linear vector optimization problems, for which a vector dual that avoids the shortcomings of the classical ones is proposed. Moreover, the book addresses different efficiency concepts for vector optimization problems. Among the problems that appear when the framework is generalized by considering set-valued functions, an increasing interest is generated by those involving monotone operators, especially now that new methods for approaching them by means of convex analysis have been developed. Features 7 Presents the first approach to the maximal monotonicity of the diagonal operators by means of representative functions 7 Introduces a framework for vector duality via general scalarizations 7 Investigates the structure of the closedness-type regularity conditions in scalar optimization, showing how one can derive them Contents Introduction and preliminaries.- Duality for scalar optimization problems.- Minimality concepts for sets.- Vector duality via scalarization for vector optimization problems.- General Wolfe and Mond-Weir duality.- Vector duality for linear and semidefinite vector optimization problems.Monotone operators approached via convex Analysis. Target groups Research Fields of interest Operation Research/Decision Theory; Optimization; Product category Contributed volume Target groups Research Product category Monograph Due September 2014 Due August 2014 2015. X, 213 p. 9 illus. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08526-5 9<HTODMJ=aifcgf> 160 2nd ed. 2015. XXIV, 418 p. 42 illus. (Operations Research/Computer Science Interfaces Series, Volume 55) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 80,24 | € (A) 82,49 | sFr 100,00 7€ 74,99 | £67.99 ISBN 978-1-4899-7490-7 9<HTMETJ=jhejah> Due September 2014 2015. X, 259 p. (Vector Optimization) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08899-0 9<HTODMJ=ai j a> News 8/2014 A. Greiner, B. Fincke, Bielefeld University, Bielefeld, Germany Public Debt, Sustainability and Economic Growth Theory and Empirics Public debt has become a severe problem for a great many economies. While the effects of tax policies on the allocation of resources are readily derived, the mechanisms that make public deficits and debt influence the economy are not so easily understood. This book elaborates on the effects of public debt starting from the intertemporal budget constraint of the government. It is shown under which conditions a government can stick to the intertemporal budget constraint and then, demonstrated how public debt affects the growth process and welfare in market economies. The effects are derived for models with complete labor markets as well as taking into account labor market imperfections. Features 7 Studies the effects of public debt on the economy 7 Highlights the role played by the intertemporal budget constraint of the government 7 Presents basic endogenous growth models allowing for public debt 7 Provides the R-codes and the data to replicate some estimation results Contents Introduction.- Sustainable Public Debt: Theory and Empirical Evidence.- Debt and Growth: A Basic Endogenous Growth Model.- Productive Government Spending, Public Debt and Growth.Government Debt and Human Capital Formation.- Debt and Growth: Empirical Evidence.Conclusion. Fields of interest Economic Growth; Macroeconomics/Monetary Economics; Development Economics Target groups Research Economics/Management Science R. Guo, Peking University Regional Science Association of China, Beijing, China; U. E. Bulag, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK; M. A. Crang, Durham University, Durham, UK; T. Heberer, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg, Germany; E.‑G. Hwang, Korea University, Seoul, Korea, Republic of (South Korea); J. A. Millward, Georgetown University, Washington DC, USA; M. Rossabi, Columbia University, New York, USA; G. A. Postiglione, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR; C.‑y. Shih, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan; N. Tapp, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia (Eds) Multicultural China A Statistical Yearbook (2014) Editorial coordination: L. C. Guo, Peking University, Beijing, China Contents Preface.- Notes on the text.- Maps.- A list of China’s ethnic groups (with English and Chinese names).- Multicultural China: A Brief View.- Macroeconomic Conditions.- Population and Labor Force.- Employment and Wages.- People’s Livelihood.- Social Production and Rural Economy.Education and Science and Technology.- Public Health and Social Security.- Culture and Sports.Appendix A. China’s ethnic populations reported in the 2000 and 2010 national censuses.- Appendix B. Administrative and demographic statistics of ethnic minority autonomous areas.- Appendix C. Principal indicators on economic and social development in ethnic minority autonomous areas.- Notes.- Glossary. Fields of interest Regional/Spatial Science; Economic Growth; Population Economics Target groups Research Product category Contributed volume H. Ha, UON Singapore (University of Newcastle, Singapore campus), Singapore, Singapore (Ed) Land and Disaster Management Strategies in Asia Contents Chapter 1. Land Use and Disaster Governance in Asia: An Introduction.- Chapter 2. NAPSIPAG Is Ten Years Old: An Agenda for the Next Decade.Part I: Land Management and Food Security.Chapter 3. Land Reforms in Kerala - An Aid to Ensure Sustainable Development.- Chapter 4. The Indian State and the Unfinished Task of Land Reforms: A Critical Analysis.- Chapter 5. Cacophony to Euphony: Land Tenure System and Food Security in Pakistan.- Chapter 6. Industrialisation and Sustainable Food Security: New Challenges for Malaysia.- Part II: Disaster Management.- Chapter 7. Bangladesh: Natural Disaster Risk Management.- Chapter 8. Administrative Planning and Political Response to Hazard: Issues and Concerns.- Chapter 9. Deficiency of Disability Issue in Disaster Risk Reduction Strategy: Implications on Human Security and Social Cohesion.- Chapter 10. Geo-Politics and Community Vulnerability: A case of Diu Island.- Chapter 11. Lack of Integrity moving the Goals Away.- Chapter 12. Anticipating and Managing an Unwelcome Guest: Climate Smart Approach in Disaster Management.- Part III: Public Education and Other Issues Related to Disaster Management.- Chapter 13. Disaster Risk Management and Public Education in Singapore.Chapter 14. Participatory Environmental Governance and Climate Change Adaptation: Mainstreaming of Tidal River Management (TRM) in South-West Bangladesh.- Chapter 15. Ecology and Culture: Innovative Approaches to the Educational System of Indigenous People of Altai.- Chapter 16. Peacebuilding Model in Diverse Conflict Lines Southern Philippines. Fields of interest Public Administration; Climate Change Management and Policy; Natural Hazards Target groups Research Product category Monograph Product category Contributed volume Due August 2014 Due October 2014 2015. Approx. 270 p. 60 illus., 2 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-09347-5 9<HTODMJ=ajdehf> 2015. X, 194 p. 58 illus. in color. (Current Chinese Economic Report Series) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-662-44112-1 9<HTOGRC=e b cb> Due August 2014 2015. LI, 264 p. 2 illus. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-81-322-1975-0 9<HT BOC=cbjhfa> 161 Economics/Management Science S. Hallegatte, World Bank, Washington, DC, USA Natural Disasters and Climate Change An Economic Perspective This book explores economic concepts related to disaster losses, describes mechanisms that determine the economic consequences of a disaster, and reviews methodologies for making decisions regarding risk management and adaptation. The author addresses the need for better understanding of the consequences of disasters and reviews and analyzes three scientific debates on linkage between disaster risk management and adaptation to climate change. The first involves the existence and magnitude of long-term economic impact of natural disasters on development. The second is the disagreement over whether any development is the proper solution to high vulnerability to disaster risk. Features 7 Explores economic analysis of disaster consequences with decision-making and policy design for risk management 7 Discusses the management of natural risks, taking into account climate change, and the deep uncertainty in climate projections 7 Presents methodologies for assessing disaster costs, including indirect and intangible impacts, and interprets trends in losses Contents 1 Introduction and summary.- 2 What is a disaster? An economic point of view.- 3 Disaster risks: evidence and theory.- 4 Trends in Hazards and the Role of Climate Change.- 5 Climate change impact on natural disaster losses.- 6 Methodologies for disaster risk management in a changing environment.- 7 Decision making for disaster risk management in a changing climate.- 8 References. Fields of interest Environmental Economics; Natural Hazards; Earth Sciences, general Target groups Research Product category Monograph springer.com/NEWSonline G. Heinemann, Niederrhein University, Mönchengladbach, Germany; C. Gaiser, Bonial International GmbH, Bonn, Germany T. Ihori, The University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Japan; K. Terai, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan (Eds) The Political Economy of Fiscal Consolidation in Japan Social, Local, Mobile The Future of Location-based Services n the future, shopping will be greatly influenced by a combination of localization issues, mobile internet at the point of sale, and use of social networks. This book focuses on the ‘SoLoMo synergies’ that arise from this paradigm shift in future shopping, which also promises new and effective marketing options for traditional retailers. It also reflects the current status of research and business practice, analyzing the basic factors of SoLoMo in detail. The importance of Location-based Services (LBS) is elaborated and analyzed in an empirical study using a market based case of kaufDA – a leading German online shopping network. The evidence shows that customers see LBS as an attractive tool and are prepared to change their buying behavior. Features 7 First book on SoLoMo that includes explanation on a sound theoretical basis 7 Presents current best practices with focus on retailing 7 Special insights on next generation retailing prepares readers for the future 7 Includes an empirical study using a market-based case of kaufDA – a leading German online shopping network Contents “Always-on and Always-in-touch” - the New Buying Behavior.- Social Commerce as Base Factor No. 1 for SoLoMo.- Location-based Services as Base Factor No. 2 for SoLoMo.- Mobile Commerce as Base Factor No. 3 for SoLoMo.- Study Status and Potential of Location-based Service. Fields of interest Sales/Distribution/Call Center/Customer Service; e-Commerce/e-business; Business Strategy/Leadership Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Professional book Features 7 Examines reasons for persistent public deficits and delayed fiscal reform in Japan, with a special emphasis on political economy aspects 7 Investigates political and institutional elements inducing expansion of public expenditure in the fields of social security public works, and intergovernmental transfer schemes 7 Provides points of view for public policy and public debate with academic research based on theoretical and numerical approaches Contents Part I. Comprehensive Views of the Political Economy of Japan.- 1 Fiscal Consolidation in the Political Economy of Japan (Toshihiro Ihori; Comment, Keigo Kameda).- 2 The Political Economy of Social Security Funding: Why Social VAT Reform? (Hideki Konishi; Comment, Naomi Miyazato).Part II. Fiscal Problems in Japan.- 3. Female Labor Supply, Social Security, and Fiscal Consolidation (Ryuta Ray Kato and Masumi Kawade; Comment, Masatoshi Jinno).- 4 Fiscal Consolidation and Local Public Finances in Japan: Incentive Problems Associated with Intergovernmental Transfers and Their Political Roles (Nobuo Akai; Comment, Takeshi Miyazaki).- 5 Public Policy and Economic Growth in the Integrating Japanese Economy (Hiroki Kondo; Comment,Takashi Fukushima).Part III. Institutional Reforms Necessary for Fiscal Consolidation.- 6 Tax Policy under the “Generational Election System”(Takero Doi, Comment, Haruo Kondoh).- 7 Budgets under Delegation (Kimiko Terai and Amihai Glazer; Comment, Keisuke Hattori). Fields of interest Public Finance & Economics; Public Administration; Asset Growth/Pension Planning Target groups Research Product category Monograph Due October 2014 Due September 2014 Due September 2014 2015. X, 182 p. 41 illus., 30 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08932-4 9<HTODMJ=aijdce> 162 2015. X, 352 p. 98 illus., 67 in color. (Management for Professionals) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 64,19 | € (A) 65,99 | sFr 80,00 7€ 59,99 | £53.99 ISBN 978-3-662-43963-0 9<HTOGRC=edjgda> 2015. VI, 180 p. 35 illus., 8 in color. (Advances in Japanese Business and Economics, Volume 8) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 85,59 | € (A) 87,99 | sFr 106,50 7€ 79,99 | £72.00 ISBN 978-4-431-55126-3 9<HTPEOB=f bcgd> News 8/2014 S. K. Jain, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India Economic Analysis of Liability Rules This book focuses on the analysis of liability rules of tort law from an efficiency perspective, presenting a comprehensive analysis of these rules in a self-contained and rigorous yet accessible manner. It establishes general results on the efficiency of liability rules, including complete characterizations of efficient liability rules and efficient incremental liability rules. The book also establishes that the untaken precaution approach and decoupled liability are incompatible with efficiency. The economic analysis of tort law has established that for efficiency it is necessary that each party to the interaction must be made to internalize the harm resulting from the interaction. Features 7 Presents a comprehensive analysis of liability rules 7 Contains complete characterizations of efficient liability rules and efficient incremental liability rules 7 Establishes that the untaken precaution approach as well as decoupled liability are incompatible with efficiency Contents Introduction.- Efficiency Criteria.- The Structure of Efficient Liability Rules.- Decoupled Liability and Efficiency.- Negligence as Failure to Take Some Cost-Justified Precaution.- The Structure of Incremental Liability Rules.- The Negligence Rule.- Decomposition of Loss and a Class of Negligence Rules.- Multiple Injurers and Victims.Epilogue. Fields of interest Law and Economics; Civil Procedure Law; Criminal Law Target groups Research Product category Monograph Economics/Management Science S. Kar, Centre for Studies in Social Sciences Calcutta, Kolkata, India; D. Datta, Institute of Management Technology, Ghaziabad, India Industrial and Labor Economics Issues in Developing and Transition Countries This book is an attempt to capture and analyze several idiosyncratic features of industry and labor in the developing world. Available books and graduate-level texts in labor economics largely discuss industrial and labor market situations prevalent in developed countries, where welldefined institutional arrangements and regulations create a very different scope of analysis. The patterns of choice in training and contracts in the labor market more apparent in developing and transition countries are discussed, as are the information-theoretic results. Features 7 Bridges the gap between advanced topics in labor economics and human resource management 7 Discusses those labor and industrial issues that are most pertinent to developing and emerging market economies 7 Gives new directions for further analytical and empirical research, including new perspectives on risk-sharing arrangements between workers and employers Contents Chapter 1. The Dimensions of Labor Market in Developing and Transition Countries.- Chapter 2. Labor Markets in Developing and Transition Countries.- Chapter 3. Asymmetric Information in the Labor Market.- Chapter 4. Risk Sharing and Rent Sharing in the Labor Market.- Chapter 5. Industrial Organization and the Labor Market.Chapter 6. Labor Unions: Concepts, Models and Public Policies. W. W. Lasko, Winners Edge GmbH, Leichlingen, Germany; L. M. Lasko, Bäch, Switzerland International Sales Steering by Result Framing How to ensure your sales results on a global level This book provides sales management with a new steering tool that is oriented toward future revenue and profits while setting new, concise, and directly applicable work frames. These work frames are necessary because many companies feel that their spending on training their sales force is a waste of time and money; they complain about the lack of improvement and continued low performance. Features 7 Offers a unique management tool for international sales teams 7 Shows how to balance weaknesses, ensure standards and increase success rate 7 With examples and typical pitfalls Contents The exigency of a new sales steering by result framing.- The benefits of result frames: orientation, project steering, global usage, no unproductive data flood, action impulses instead of ex-post intelligence.- How result frames replace motivation and why they take hold faster than change processes.- The innovative force of the eight sales steering Instruments: points of difference, potential lines, winning customers, potential matrix, political poster, success platform, negotiation, charisma.- Practical use of sales steering instruments: variable utilization of instruments, implementation in pragmatic action programs, helpful drivers, obstructive snares. Fields of interest Labor Economics; Industrial Organization; Human Resource Management Fields of interest Sales/Distribution/Call Center/Customer Service; Marketing; Management/Business for Professionals Target groups Graduate Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Graduate/Advanced undergraduate textbook Product category Professional book Due October 2014 Due December 2014 2014. Approx. 300 p. Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7 approx.€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-81-322-2028-2 9<HT BOC=c acic> 2015. Approx. 250 p. 30 illus., 16 in color. (India Studies in Business and Economics, Volume 25) Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 74,85 | € (A) 76,95 | sFr 93,50 7 approx.€ 69,95 | £62.99 ISBN 978-81-322-2016-9 9<HT BOC=c abgj> Due November 2014 2014. Approx. 240 p. 64 illus. Softcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 42,79 | € (A) 43,99 | sFr 53,50 7 approx.€ 39,99 | £35.99 ISBN 978-3-658-06351-1 9<HTOGQI=agdfb > 163 Economics/Management Science P. Lienhard, Bern, Switzerland; H. Preuss, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Mainz, Germany Legacy, Sustainability and CSR at Mega Sport Events An Analysis of the UEFA EURO 2008 in Switzerland The UEFA European Football Championship 2008TM (EURO 2008) was the largest sports event ever organized in Switzerland. The host nations Austria and Switzerland emphasized the sustainability of the event. Through their analysis the authors argue that well-known principles of sustainability and policy were not uniformly implemented for the EURO 2008. Nonetheless, this book shows how, in Switzerland, a legacy was created through the implementation of corporate governance and social responsibility policies by UEFA, the Swiss Government and the Swiss Football Association. This book offers an unprecedented resource for sports practitioners and researchers. It provides a wealth of data based on the study of existing scholarly literature, key strategic and conceptual documents as well as exclusive interviews with high-level executives involved in the organization of EURO 2008. Feature 7 Publication in the field of economic sciences Contents Corporate Governance & Corporate Social Responsibility.- Cultural and Societal Sustainability of Mega Events.- The Policy Makers for Mega Sporting Events. Fields of interest Economic Policy; Economics/Management Science, general Target groups Research Product category Monograph springer.com/NEWSonline G. F. Lowe, University of Tampere (UTA) School of Communication,, Tampere, Finland; C. Brown, The University of Westminster Faculty of Media, Arts and Design, London, UK (Eds) Managing Media Firms and Industries What’s So Special About Media Management? This volume provides rich insight into the nature and practice of media management. Contributions assess the degree to which management of media firms requires a unique set of skills, highlighting similarities and differences of media firms compared with other industries in terms of management practices, HR development and operational aspects. Success and limitations of research on media management theory is evaluated, both drawing on management theory and examining insights from other disciplines. Dimensions for future research are considered along with practical implications for media managers and corporate structures. Features 7 Provides a survey of this comparatively new field of research specialization, from diverse perspectives and across key dimensions of management practice 7 Offers an accessible digest of the core literature important for understanding theoretical foundations 7 Highlights practical implications relevant for managers and students Contents Forward.- Introduction.- Part I: Scholarship and Distinction.- Part II: Governance and Accountability.- Part III: Business and Economics.- Part IV: Products and Markets.- Part V: Leadership and Labour. Fields of interest Media Management; Organization/Planning; Industrial Organization Target groups Research D. Maritan, Soave (VR), Italy Practical Manual of Quality Function Deployment Contents 1 History, definition and models of Quality Function Deployment (QFD).- 1.1 The New Product Development (NPD) process.- 1.2 Quality Function Deployment definitions.- 1.3 QFD history.1.4 Four phases and comprehensive models.- 1.5 Strengths and weaknesses of QFD.- 1.6 Creativity and QFD.- 1.7 The proposed framework.- 2 Strategic matrices and customer analysis.- 2.1 The Royal classic bicycle case study.- 2.2 Strategy deployment.- 2.3 Customer analysis. From “gemba” to the Demanded Qualities (DQ).- 2.4 Customer analysis. The questionnaire design and the Preplan matrix.- 3. Technical deployment.- 3.1 Product characteristics, DQ-characteristics matrix (House of Quality), bottlenecks.- 3.2 Functions and mechanism deployment.- 3.3 Innovation and cost analysis.- 3.4 Parts deployment, parts cost, parts bottlenecks, process deployment.- 3.5 Reliability and FMEA.- 4 Fuzzy QFD.- 4.1 Fuzzy sets and fuzzy numbers.- 4.2 Fuzzy QFD questionnaire.- 4.3 Fuzzy QFD matrices.- 4.4 Final rating and crisp ranking order.- 5 Case history.- 5.1 Case study 1) Geotherm: strategy in niche markets a “longitudinal” QFD.- 5.2 Case study 2) We partner: territorial marketing with fuzzy QFD.- 5.3 Case study 3) City move: service design for a public transport.- 5.4 Case study 4) Paint: QFD in a process industry.- 5.5 QFD projects review. Some lessons we could learn?. Fields of interest Production/Logistics/Supply Chain Management; Quality Control, Reliability, Safety and Risk; Organization/Planning Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Professional book Product category Contributed volume Due July 2014 Due December 2014 2014. XX, 255 p. 21 illus. (Event- und Impaktforschung) Softcover 7 *€ (D) 49,99 | € (A) 51,39 | sFr 62,50 7€ 46,72 | £42.99 ISBN 978-3-658-06469-3 2014. Approx. 450 p. (Media Business and Innovation) Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 139,09 | € (A) 142,99 | sFr 173,50 7 approx.€ 129,99 | £117.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08514-2 9<HTOGQI=agegjd> 9<HTODMJ=aifbec> 164 Due December 2014 2014. Approx. 150 p. Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 53,49 | € (A) 54,99 | sFr 67,00 7 approx.€ 49,99 | £44.99 ISBN 978-3-319-08520-3 9<HTODMJ=aifcad> News 8/2014 Economics/Management Science V. Martinho, Viseu, Portugal (Ed) The Agricultural Economics of the 21st Century is publication provides insight into the agriculTh tural sector. Features 7 Offers an insightful analysis of the current tendencies in agricultural economics from various perspectives 7 Helps to support the strategic decisions of the diverse actors that are involved in agricultural economic development, such as farmers, policy makers and researchers 7 Describes and emphasizes the role of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in shaping the international trade of agricultural products Contents Introduction.- An Approach to the Determinants of the Agricultural Output Dynamics in the USA.Cross-Section and Spatial Approaches for the Agricultural Contexts in the Twenty Seven Countries of the European Union.- The Performance of Manufacturing in the European Union in the Context of Agricultural Economics.- The Economic, Social and Environmental Determinants for the Agricultural Output in Some European Union Countries.- The Performance of the Agricultural Economics in BRICS Countries.- Evaluation of Sustainable Economic Growth in Portuguese Agriculture and Other Sectors.- Analysis of the Relationship Between Agriculture, Economic Growth and the Environment Through Keynesian Models.- Agricultural Economics in the Context of Portuguese Rural Development.- The Objectives and Priorities for the Azorean Dairy Farmers’ decisions.- Final Conclusions. Fields of interest Agricultural Economics; Environmental Economics; European Integration Target groups Research Product category Contributed volume Due October 2014 2015. 215 p. 8 illus. in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-09470-0 9<HTODMJ=ajeha > A. Mochón, UNED University, Madrid, Spain; Y. Sáez, University Carlos III of Madrid, Leganés - Madrid, Spain S. Mohapatra, Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar, India; L. Lokhande, ICRA Limited, Pune, India Understanding Auctions Cloud Computing and ROI In recent years, auctions have become an important field and many markets have designed new and sophisticated auction models to assign different types of items. The prime goal of this book is to set an organized classification of the main auction mechanisms in a way that readers can understand the importance of auction design and the advantages and drawbacks of each model. Given the relevance of the subject, there is a great volume of research about this topic. Nevertheless, most of these contributions use complex mathematical language difficult to understand for the average reader. A New Framework for IT Strategy Features 7 Sets an organized classification of the main auction mechanisms 7 Numerous step-by-step examples help the reader to understand each auction model in detail 7 Large number of examples of real-world auction design that engage the reader in the topic 7 A classification of the main auction mechanisms allows readers to identify the pros and cons of each model 7 A glossary helps the reader to find quickly the definition of the concepts exposed along the book This book develops an IT strategy for cloud computing that helps businesses evaluate their readiness for cloud services and calculate the ROI. The framework provided helps reduce risks involved in transitioning from traditional “on site” IT strategy to virtual “cloud computing.” Since the advent of cloud computing, many organizations have made substantial gains implementing this innovation. Cloud computing allows companies to focus more on their core competencies, as IT enablement is taken care of through cloud services. Cloud Computing and ROI includes case studies covering retail, automobile and food processing industries. Each of these case studies have successfully implemented the cloud computing framework and their strategies are explained. Features 7 Offers a framework for cloud computing that helps companies decide readiness for cloud computing 7 Creates a new approach to calculate ROI using the provided IT strategy 7 Includes case studies covering retail, automotive and food process industries Contents Auction Basics.- Standard Single-Unit Auctions.Other Single-Unit Auctions.- Assigning Multiple Homogeneous Items in a Single Auction.- Sequential and Simultaneous Auctions.- Double Auctions.- Introduction to Combinatorial Auctions.- Combinatorial Auction Models.- Online Auctions.- References.- Glossary.- Index. Contents Introduction.- Understanding IT Strategy.- Cloud Computing and Social-Commerce.- Cloud Computing Strategy.- Cloud Computing Strategy Design for Myntra.com.- Case Study: Developing Cloud Computing Strategy for Dabur.- Cloud Computing Strategy for Mahindra Automobiles. Fields of interest Game Theory/Mathematical Methods; Industrial Organization; Business Strategy/Leadership Fields of interest Business Information Systems; Information Systems Applications (incl.Internet); Innovation/ Technology Management Target groups Graduate Product category Monograph Target groups Professional/practitioner Product category Monograph Due September 2014 Due August 2014 2015. X, 169 p. 18 illus. (Springer Texts in Business and Economics) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08812-9 2015. X, 216 p. 42 illus., 30 in color. (Management for Professionals) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 64,19 | € (A) 65,99 | sFr 80,00 7€ 59,99 | £53.99 ISBN 978-3-319-08662-0 9<HTODMJ=ai bcj> 9<HTODMJ=aig ca> 165 Economics/Management Science S. S. Muresan, Bonn, Germany Social Market Economy The Case of Germany The book presents the economic policy model known as “Social Market Economy” in Germany, the country where it originated. Although the model has since been adopted as core objective in the EU Treaty of Lisbon, experts still disagree on its exact nature. The author contributes to this debate by presenting the German economic system from an external perspective and looking at the extent to which it enabled the country increase its weight in international relations.The system´s history, identity, political and economic concepts, including ordoliberalism, are analyzed. Its potential and shortcomings are assessed by comparing it to other forms of capitalism. A brief enquiry is made into whether the “Social Market Economy”, or aspects of it, are applicable to other countries, including in Eastern Europe. Providing both theoretical and practical aspects, the book offers a valuable resource for researchers, public administration professionals, and policymakers. Features 7 Analyzes comprehensively the German model of economic and social policy 7 Takes an outside, objective and interdisciplinary perspective 7 Discusses the applicability to other countries, in particular in Eastern Europe Fields of interest Public Finance & Economics; Political Economy; Methodology and the History of Economic Thought Target groups Research Product category Monograph springer.com/NEWSonline P. M. Pardalos, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA; V. Zamaraev, Higher School of Economics, N.Novgorod, Russia (Eds) Social Networks and the Economics of Sports This book presents recent research developments in social networks, economics, management, marketing and optimization applied to sports. The volume will be of interest to students, researchers, managers from sports, policy makers and as well athletes. Features 7 Presents latest research on applications of optimization and scheduling in sports management 7 Provides an overview of the state of the art in scientific models for addressing complex challenges in sports management and sports administration 7 Presents recent results from studies into the arising field of social networks and their impact on sports Contents The Impact of Social Networks on Sports.- Application of Income Approach for Valuation of Football Club.- The Interesting Case of Portugal in the Economy of Sport.- Senior Sport Tourism in Russia.- Evaluation in Sports Performance.- Pythagoras at the Bat.- Adaptive Systems in Sports.By Sport Predictions Through Socio Economic Factors and Traditions in Summer Olympic Games: the Case of London 2012.- Soccer Analytics Using Touch-by-touch Match Data.- The Golf Director Problem: Forming Teams for Club Golf Competitions. Fields of interest Operation Research/Decision Theory; Optimization; Marketing Target groups Research Product category Contributed volume W. Pearson, Jr., Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA; L. M. Frehill, Energetics Technology Center (ETC), Waldorf, MD, USA; C. L. McNeely, George Mason University, Arlington, VA, USA (Eds) Advancing Women in Science An International Perspective Many countries have implemented policies to increase the number and quality of scientific researchers as a means to foster innovation and spur economic development and progress. Features 7 Examines the position of women in science within national and international labor markets 7 Surveys female participation in the fields of chemical sciences, computer science, mathematics and statistics 7 Features contributions and case vignettes from a diverse spectrum of scholars, analysts and practitioners from around the world Contents Foreword.- Ch 1 Introduction.- Part I Cross Cultural Foundational Issues.- Ch 2 Women’s Enrollments in STEM in Higher Education.- Ch 3 Gender, Science and Occupational Sex Segregation.- Ch 4 Building Knowledge to Narrow the Gender Divide.- Part II Exemplar Disciplines.- Ch 5 Data on Women in the Scientific Workforce.- Ch 6 Women in Mathematics.- Ch 7 Women in Statistics.- Ch 8 Computer Science.- Part III Policies and Programs.- Ch 9 Promising Programs—A Cross-National Exploration of Women in Science, Education and Workforce.- Ch 10 Advancing Women in Science: Policies for Progress.- Postscript. Fields of interest Innovation/Technology Management; Social Policy; Emerging Markets/Globalization Target groups Research Product category Contributed volume Due December 2014 Due August 2014 Due September 2014 2014. Approx. 325 p. Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7 approx.€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-09212-6 2014. X, 169 p. 44 illus. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08439-8 2015. IV, 196 p. 67 illus., 59 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08628-6 9<HTODMJ=ajcbcg> 166 9<HTODMJ=aiedji> 9<HTODMJ=aigcig> News 8/2014 M. Peris-Ortiz, Universitat Politècnica de València, Valencia, Spain; J.‑M. Sahut, Ipag Paris, Paris, France (Eds) New Challenges in Entrepreneurship and Finance Examining the Prospects for Sustainable Business Development, Performance, Innovation, and Economic Growth Contents Export Entrepreneurship and Export Performance. A Resource and Competitive Perspective.- Return Expectations from Venture Capital Deals in Europe: A Comparative Study.- Inter-firm Cross Border Co-opetition: Evidence from a Two-Country Comparison.- Entrepreneurship, Global Competitiveness and Legitimacy.- Providing Empirical Evidence from Forex Autotrading to Contradict the Efficient Market Hypothesis.What Happed to Companies Backed by Venture Capital Following IPO?.- Why do Some Boards of Directors in Family Firms Outperform Others When Strategizing? Analysing the Importance of Entrepreneurial Orientation.- The Effect of Entrepreneurial Orientation on Results: An Application to the Hotel Sector.- The Stock Market as an Alternative to Banks for the Financing of New Business Projects: Business Angels.- Serial Entrepreneurship, Organisational Capital and Access to Venture Capital.- Nations of entrepreneurs: a legitimacy perspective.- Entrepreneurship and Family Business: Does the Organization Culture Affect to Firm Performance?.- The Role of the Galician Institute for Economic Promotion and Financing Facilities for the Galician Entrepreneur (Spain).- The Effect of Systemic Banking Crises on Entrepreneurship.- Bank Financing Constraints: The Effects of Start-Up Characteristics. Economics/Management Science G. C. Pflug, University of Vienna Department of Statistics and, Vienna, Austria; A. Pichler, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Industrial, Trondheim, Norway Multistage Stochastic Optimization Multistage stochastic optimization problems appear in many ways in finance, insurance, energy production and trading, logistics and transportation, among other areas. They describe decision situations under uncertainty and with a longer planning horizon. This book contains a comprehensive treatment of today’s state of the art in multistage stochastic optimization. It covers the mathematical backgrounds of approximation theory as well as numerous practical algorithms and examples for the generation and handling of scenario trees. A special emphasis is put on estimation and bounding of the modeling error using novel distance concepts, on time consistency and the role of model ambiguity in the decision process. Features 7 Provides the first comprehensive treatment of multistage stochastic decision problems 7 Presents a rigorous treatment of scenario generation methods using distance concepts 7 Contains new concepts of time-consistent decision making 7 Showcases the influence of model ambiguity to the decision process Contents Introduction.- The Nested Distance.- Risk and Utility Functionals.- From Data to Models.- Time Consistency.- Approximations and Bounds.- The Problem of Ambiguity in Stochastic Optimization.- Examples. Fields of interest Entrepreneurship; Financial Economics; Finance/ Investment/Banking Fields of interest Operation Research/Decision Theory; Operations Research, Management Science; Optimization Target groups Research Target groups Research Product category Contributed volume Product category Monograph T. Puu, Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden Arts, Sciences, and Economics A Historical Safari This book deals with the economic aspects of changing attitudes in arts and sciences. The effects of the public good character of culture, along with the very long production period and lifetime for its products, are emphasized, since both contribute to the failure of normal market solutions. Embodiment of ideas and the consequences of modern reproduction technology for protection of property rights are closely examined. The evolution within arts and sciences, which often seems to return to previously scrapped ideals, is illustrated by detailed case studies, in which the importance of changing tastes, rather than progress proper, is emphasized. The author attempts an understanding for this using Darwinian evolution in combination with modern mathematical complexity theory, expressed in terms accessible to the general reader. The second edition is extended and updated especially as regards the illustration material. Features 7 Gives a broad panorama of evolution in the arts and sciences 7 Analyses the economic driving forces behind development in science and art using modern dynamics 7 Detailed case studies and many colour illustrations Contents Culture and Civilization.- Public Goods.- Patronage.- Changing Attitudes.- Evolution in Science.Perfection in Art.- Modelling Evolution Through Structural Change. Fields of interest Economics general; Cultural Heritage; Arts Target groups Popular/general Product category Monograph Due September 2014 Due September 2014 2015. X, 262 p. 32 illus., 16 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08887-7 9<HTODMJ=ai ih > 2014. X, 270 p. 81 illus., 32 in color. (Springer Series in Operations Research and Financial Engineering) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08842-6 9<HTODMJ=ai ecg> Due September 2014 2nd ed. 2015. 225 p. 80 illus., 40 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-662-44129-9 9<HTOGRC=e bcj > 167 Economics/Management Science S. Ramos, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTEIUL), Lisboa, Portugal; H. Veiga, University Carlos III/ Madrid, Getafe, Spain (Eds) The Interrelationship Between Financial and Energy Markets In the last decade, energy markets have developed substantially due to the growing activity of financial investors. One consequence of this massive presence of investors is a stronger link between the hitherto segmented energy and financial markets. This book addresses some of the recent developments in the interrelationship between financial and energy markets. It aims to further the understanding of the rich interplay between financial and energy markets by presenting several empirical studies that illustrate and discuss some of the main issues on this agenda. Features 7 Links energy markets with financial markets 7 Examines energy finance and energy policy issues 7 Presents relevant methodologies in energy finance 7 Discusses the effect of oil price risk 7 Presents contributions from scholar worldwide Contents Introduction.- Part I: Oil Industry.- Part II: The Impact of Oil Shocks.- Part III: Electricity Markets. Fields of interest Financial Economics; Energy Policy, Economics and Management; Finance/Investment/Banking Target groups Research Product category Contributed volume springer.com/NEWSonline K. Hüschelrath, Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW), Mannheim, Germany, and WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management, Vallendar, Germany; H. Schweitzer, University of Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany (Eds) Public and Private Enforcement of Competition Law in Europe Legal and Economic Perspectives Contents Public and Private Enforcement of Competition Law in Europe - Introduction and Overview.Public Enforcement of Anti-Cartel Laws - Theory and Empirical Evidence.- Leniency Programmes and the Structure of Cartels - Remarks from an Economic Perspective.- The Role of Fines in the Public Enforcement of Competition Law.The Interaction of Public and Private Antitrust Enforcement - The Calculation of Fines and Damages.- The Interaction of Public and Private Enforcement - The Calculation and Reconciliation of Fines and Damages in Europe and Germany.Disgorgement and Private Enforcement as Mitigating Circumstances for the Determination of Fines in Antitrust Law.- Quantifying Antitrust Damages - Economics and the Law.- Best Practices for Expert Economic Opinions - Key Element of Forensic Economics in Competition Law.- Access to Evidence and Presumptions - Communicating Vessels in Procedural Law.- Economic Evidence in Competition Litigation in Germany.- Private Damage Claims - Recent Developments in the Passing-on Defence.- Competition Law Enforcement in England and Wales. Fields of interest Law and Economics; International Economic Law, Trade Law; Industrial Organization; Private International Law, International & Foreign Law, Comparative Law; European Integration Target groups Research P. Vrat, ITM University, Gurgaon, India Materials Management An Integrated Systems Approach Contents Chapter 1. Introduction to Integrated Systems Approach to Materials Management.- Chapter 2. Basic Concepts in Inventory Management.- Chapter 3. Selective Inventory Management.- Chapter 4. Static Inventory Models – Single Purchase Decisions.- Chapter 5. Dynamic Inventory Models: Aggregate Analysis.- Chapter 6. Deterministic Inventory Models.- Chapter 7. Dynamic Inventory Models with Quantity Discounts.- Chapter 8. Probabilistic Inventory Models.- Chapter 9. Just-In-Time, MRP and Lean Supply Chains.Chapter 10. Inventory Management of Slow Moving Materials.- Chapter 11. Multi-Echelon Inventory Models.- Chapter 12. Material Specification, Codification and Standardization.- Chapter 13. Management of Material Waste.- Chapter 14. Storage & Warehousing.- Chapter 15. Purchasing: Policies and Processes.- Chapter 16. Incoming Material’s Quality Assurance.- Chapter 17. Make or Buy Decisions: Outsourcing Strategy.- Chapter 18. Source Selection, Performance Rating and Development.- Chapter 19. Value Analysis for Material Cost Reduction.- Chapter 20. Systems Approach and Supply Chain Management.Chapter 21. Evaluation of Materials Management Effectiveness. Fields of interest Production/Logistics/Supply Chain Management; Procurement; Industrial and Production Engineering Target groups Graduate Product category Graduate/Advanced undergraduate textbook Product category Contributed volume Due August 2014 Due August 2014 Due August 2014 2014. XIX, 323 p. 41 illus., 2 in color. (Lecture Notes in Energy, Volume 54) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 139,09 | € (A) 142,99 | sFr 173,50 7€ 129,99 | £117.00 ISBN 978-3-642-55381-3 2014. X, 278 p. 19 illus., 1 in color. (ZEW Economic Studies, Volume 48) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-662-43974-6 2015. X, 381 p. 93 illus., 4 in color. (Springer Texts in Business and Economics) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 80,24 | € (A) 82,49 | sFr 100,00 7€ 74,99 | £67.99 ISBN 978-81-322-1969-9 9<HTOGPC=f dibd> 168 9<HTOGRC=edjheg> 9<HT BOC=cbjgj > News 8/2014 M. Wastian, Institut für Organisationspsychologie, München, Germany; L. v. Rosenstiel (+), München, Germany; M. A. West, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK; I. Braumandl, CoBeCe, Regensburg, Germany (Eds) Applied Psychology for Project Managers This book offers an essential manual for project managers, project management offices (PMO’s), trainers and consultants, addressing the psychological side of project management. Written by leading scholars in organizational psychology and by top experts in project management, it covers all major psychological topics that are key to project success. The book features dedicated chapters on leadership and teamwork, including virtual and intercultural cooperation, commitment and motivation of project teams. It adds a psychological perspective to personnel management, decisionmaking, information and knowledge management and communication in project work. Features 7 Provides psychological know-how and scientifically based best practice to solve challenges in project management 7 Serves as an every-day companion for practitioners in project management 7 Includes checklists and highlights key issues in each chapter for quick reference Contents Part A: Managing Processes.- Part B: Managing the Project Environment.- Part C: Managing People.- Part D: Managing Innovation and Creativity.Part E: Managing Special Challenges - Risks and Crises, Diversity and Distance. Fields of interest Project Management; Industrial, Organisational and Economic Psychology; Organization/Planning Target groups Professional/practitioner Economics/Management Science H. Zhou, Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics, Hangzhou, China China’s Monetary Policy Regulation and Financial Risk Prevention The Study of Effectiveness and Appropriateness Features 7 Makes an empirical study on monetary policy effectiveness, provides theoretical basis and empirical demonstration implementation in China 7 Uses GARCH mean value model and MGARCH-BEKK model to build pressure index and gives a three-level pre-warning on currency crisis, bank crisis and asset bubble crisis 7 Systemically introduces the idea of macro-prudential regulation into China financial system Contents Abstract.- Introduction.- Literature Review and Research Framework.- Effectiveness Study of Chinese Monetary Policy Regulation on Economic Growth and Inflation.- Appropriateness Study of Monetary Policy Regulation on Real Estate Price.- Appropriateness Study of Monetary Policy Regulation on Stock Price.- Appropriateness Study of Monetary Policy Regulation on Bond Price.- Appropriateness Study of Monetary Policy Regulation on Futures Market.- Study on Chinese Systemic Risk Prevention.- Study on Building China’s Financial Supervision System.- Reference.Acknowledgement. Fields of interest Financial Economics; Macroeconomics/Monetary Economics; Economic Policy Target groups Research Product category Monograph H. Zhou, Beijing, China Foreign Aid in China Foreign aid has connected China and the international community through many channels, and created new types of strong partnerships throughout the world. As a recipient country, China and donors have engaged in an unprecedentedly deep level of cooperation on development-related issues. China’s development experience has resulted in key changes to the relationships and partnerships between China and donors, from receiving foreign aid to entering into development cooperation. China has provided valuable experiences for other developing countries, experiences that are all the more relevant because they have revealed key factors at work in developing recipient countries. This has also led China to form closer cooperative relationships with other developing countries with regard to development issues. In short, foreign aid has changed China. Features 7 Explores that foreign aid has changed in China, and it has changed the world 7 Analyzes the channels through which foreign aid has connected China to the international community 7 Presents China’s experience with foreign aid Contents Introduction.- Foreign Assistance: Substance and Practice.- Soviet Aid to China.- Multilateral Foreign Aid to China After 1979.- Bilateral Aid to China Since 1979.- Aid in China and NGOs. Fields of interest Economic Policy; International Economics Target groups Research Product category Monograph Product category Professional book Due November 2014 2015. Approx. 210 p. (Management for Professionals) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 64,19 | € (A) 65,99 | sFr 80,00 7€ 59,99 | £53.99 ISBN 978-3-662-44213-5 9<HTOGRC=e cbdf> Due August 2014 Due December 2014 2015. XVII, 182 p. 45 illus., 42 in color. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-662-44092-6 2014. Approx. 280 p. Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7 approx.€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-662-44272-2 9<HTOGRC=e ajcg> 9<HTOGRC=e chc > 169 Economics/Management Science springer.com/NEWSonline G. Chakrabarti, Presidency University, Kolkata, India; C. Sen, BML Munjal University, Gurgaon, India Green Investing The Case of India This book seeks to answer the essential question of the investment-worthiness of green instruments. It is evident that investing in green and energyefficient firms will be the most profitable choice for wise investors in the years to come. Features 7 Elucidates the likelihood of getting a higherthan-expected return based on the percentage of “green” or eco-friendly stocks in the portfolio 7 Presents an in-depth analysis of the intrinsic dynamics and investment-worthiness of the green stocks 7 Provides valuable support for investors and analysts who need to make decisions regarding investments or the makeup of their portfolios Contents Chapter 1. Prologue.- Chapter 2. Greens – the obvious choice over the grays?.- The Green indexes.Greens and Grays in the Indian market.- Green and the gray: a comparative approach in terms of risk and return.- Are the green portfolios inherently unstable? A look into possible non-linearity of portfolio returns.- How shock-proof the green portfolios are: a survival analysis.- Factors affecting Financial stress: Greens versus Grays.- Are the greens obvious choice over the greys? –Some remarks.- Chapter 3. Profits are Forever: A Green Momentum Strategy Perspective.- Beating the market – end of an myth?.- Technical Trading Rules: A Review of the Alternative Methodologies.- Optimal Trading Rules.- Does green really rule the others? A bird’s eye perspective.- Chapter 4. Epilogue. Fields of interest Finance/Investment/Banking; Financial Economics; Sustainable Development Target groups Research Product category Brief Due October 2014 2014. Approx. 125 p. 26 illus. (SpringerBriefs in Finance) Softcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 53,49 | € (A) 54,99 | sFr 67,00 7 approx.€ 49,99 | £44.99 ISBN 978-81-322-2025-1 9<HT BOC=c acfb> 170 News 8/2014 R. Abeyratne, Global Aviation Consultancies Inc., Cote Saint Luc, QC, Canada Aviation and Climate Change In Search of a Global Market Based Measure The book addresses the most critical issue faced by aviation and climate change: namely the development of a market based measure to control aircraft engine emissions. It discusses the current market economic trends as they impact to aviation and suggests steps and measures to be taken in the development of a workable MBM. ICAO has three years to come up with such an MBM on a global scale and this book will spur discussions on how to achieve this objective. Features 7 Provides guidance and direction to global regulators involved in developing a global MBM 7 Gives a succinct and clear analysis of the issue 7 Only work which provides guidance for ICAO's work (and the work of environmentalists and regulators involved in the substantial task ahead) Contents Introduction.- General principles of environmental law and regulation.- Market based measures.The challenge faced by ICAO.- Required initial strategy.- Follow up strategy.- ICAO’s work in developing a global MBM.- Mitigating the environmental impact - The ICAO role.- Conclusion. Fields of interest Law of the Sea, Air and Outer Space; International Environmental Law; Climate Change/Climate Change Impacts; Environmental Law/Policy/ Ecojustice Target groups Research Product category Brief Law M. Araszkiewicz, P. Banas, T. Gizbert-Studnicki, K. Płeszka, Jagiellonian University Faculty of Law, Kraków, Poland (Eds) Problems of Normativity, Rules and Rule Following Contents Part I: Philosophical Problems of Normativity and Rule Following.- 1. Rules, Norms and Principles: A Conceptual Framework; Paul Boghossian.- 2. Separating Rules from Normativity; Jaap Hage.- 3. Communalism, Correction and Nihilist Solitary Rule-Following Arguments; William Knorpp.- 4. Knowing Way Too Much: a Case against Semantic Phenomenology; Krzysztof Posłajko.- 5. The Meaning of Normativity of Meaning; Leopold Hess.- 6. On the Kantian Background of “Kripkenstein” Rule-following Paradox; Przemysław Tacik.- 7. Rules as Patterns Between Normativism and Naturalism; Piotr Kozak.- 8. Normativity and Rationality: Framing the Problem; Joanna Klimczyk.- 9. Rules and Rights; Tomasz Pietrzykowski.Part II: Normativity of Law and Legal Norms.- 10. Rules and Normativity in Law; Brian Bix.- 11. Obligation: A Legal-Theoretical Perspective; Stefano Bertea.- 12. On Obligations, Norms and Rules; Dietmar von der Pfordten.- 13. Philosophy, Neuroscience and Law: The Conceptual and Empirical, Rule-following, Interpretation and Knowledge; Dennis Patterson, Michael S. Pardo.- 14. Gunman Situation, Vicious Circle and Pure Theory of Law; Monika Zalewska.- 15. Rules as Reason-Giving Facts: A Difference-Making-Based Account of the Normativity of Rules; Peng-Hsiang Wang and Linton Wang.- 16. Rules, Conventionalism and Normativity: Some Remarks Starting from Hart; Aldo Schiavello.- 17. Are Fundamental Legal Reasons Internal? A Few Remarks on the Internal Point of View; Adam Dyrda.- Part III: Rules in Legal Interpretation and Argumentation. Fields of interest Theories of Law, Philosophy of Law, Legal History; Philosophy of Law; Fundamentals of Law Target groups Research Product category Contributed volume U. Barten, University of Southern Denmark, Odense M, Denmark Minorities, Minority Rights and Internal Self-Determination The right to self-determination is a right of peoples– not of minorities. This classic idea of self-determination is questioned by examining the content of the right to self-determination and the content of minority rights. Self-determination has four dimensions: the political, the economic, the social and the cultural dimensions. Minorities have minority rights that touch on most aspects of life as a member of a minority. If there is an overlap between minority rights and the different dimensions of self-determination, the concept that the right to self-determination is only applicable to peoples loses credibility. Features 7 Applies the theory of fairness and justice to concrete legal provisions 7 Goes beyond the usual accounts of minority rights and self-determination and their lack of connection; the book offers a way out of the deadlock minorities and states find themselves in regarding self-determination 7 Setting the legal analysis in a politicalscience context makes the book valuable reading for both lawyers and political scientists Contents Part I: Introduction.- The international relations framework.- Classic sources on minority rights and self-determination.- Non-state actors and non-binding instruments.- Legitimacy and justice.- Legitimacy and justice of non-binding instruments.- Part II: Minority rights.- Minority, people, nation.- Understanding self-determination.- Part III: Minority rights and internal selfdetermination.- Putting together the pieces.- Part IV: Conclusion.- Summary. Fields of interest Human Rights; International Relations Target groups Research Product category Monograph Due October 2014 Due July 2014 2014. X, 159 p. (SpringerBriefs in Law) Softcover 7 *€ (D) 53,49 | € (A) 54,99 | sFr 67,00 7€ 49,99 | £44.99 ISBN 978-3-319-08442-8 2015. Approx. 460 p. 8 illus., 2 in color. (Law and Philosophy Library, Volume 111) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 139,09 | € (A) 142,99 | sFr 173,50 7€ 129,99 | £117.00 ISBN 978-3-319-09374-1 9<HTODMJ=aie ci> 9<HTODMJ=ajdheb> Due September 2014 2014. 260 p. 4 illus. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08875-4 9<HTODMJ=ai hfe> 171 Law M. Del Mar, Queen Mary University of London, London, UK; W. Twining, University College London, London, UK (Eds) Legal Fictions in Theory and Practice Contents Preface; William Twining.- Introducing Fictions: Examples, Functions, Definitions and Evaluations; Maksymilian Del Mar.- I. Theories of Fiction, Fictions of Theory.- 1. On the Theory of Juridic Fictions. With special consideration of Vaihinger’s Philosophy of the As-If; Hans Kelsen, translated by Christoph Kletzer.- 2. Kelsen on Vaihinger; Christoph Kletzer.- 3. Is Law a Fiction?; Geoffrey Samuel.- 4. Fuller on Legal Fictions: A Benthamic Perspective; Michael Quinn.- 5. The Pragmatic Value of Legal Fictions; Douglas Lind.II. Community, Language and Literature.- 6. Legal Fictions Revisited; Frederick Schauer.- 7. Legal Fictions and the Limits of Legal Language; Karen Petroski.- 8. Legal Fictions and Exclusionary Rules; Simon Stern.- 9. Law’s Fiction, Legal Fiction and Copyright Law; Burkhard Schafer and Jane Cornwell.- III. Change and the Common Law.- 10. Legal Fictions before the Age of Reform; Michael Lobban.- 11. Legal Fictions and Legal Change in the Common Law Tradition; Maksymilian Del Mar.- 12. Fictions in Tort; James Lee.- 13. Ejectment: Three Births and a Funeral; Peter Sparkes.IV. Fictions in Practice: Past, Present and Future.14. Fact, Fiction, and Social Reality in Roman Law; Clifford Ando.- 15. Rabbinic Legal Fictions; Leib Moscovitz.- 16. Presumptions and Fictions: A Collingwoodian Approach; Raymundo Gama.17. Some Uses of Fictions in Criminal Law; Peter Alldridge.- 18. Fictitious Fraud: Economics and the Presumption of Reliance; Randy D. Gordon.Index. Fields of interest Theories of Law, Philosophy of Law, Legal History; Epistemology Target groups Research Product category Contributed volume springer.com/NEWSonline F. Ferretti, Brunel Unversity London, Uxbridge, UK EU Competition Law, the Consumer Interest and Data Protection The Exchange of Consumer Information in the Retail Financial Sector The legitimacy or illegitimacy of information exchanges between competitors remains a topical debate with regard to EU competition law and policy. This book reexamines the issue in the retail financial services sector, focusing on the peculiar problems that it poses for EU market integration, consumer policy and protection and the intersection with fundamental rights. It analyzes and reflects on the relevant case law and guidelines offered by the corresponding European authorities, providing a critique of the current approach and advancing the proposition that information markets themselves need attention, in addition to the markets that they serve. Features 7 Original research bridging a number of areas of law and policy which makes its content unique 7 New holistic perspective on looking at commercial law (in particular competition and consumer law) in unison with social policy environment 7 Perspective of users of financial services Contents Information exchanges among competitors in EU retail financial markets.- Information exchanges under EU competition law.- The integration of EU retail financial markets and competition law in information markets.- Competition, the consumer interest, and data protection. Fields of interest European Law; Finance/Investment/Banking; International IT and Media Law, Intellectual Property Law M. Joao Guia, Serviço de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras, Coimbra, Portugal (Ed) The Illegal Business of Human Trafficking Features 7 Combines the perspectives of academic researchers with those of highly skilled professionals involved in policymaking in the area of human trafficking 7 Offers a brand-new perspective on human trafficking as an illegal business 7 First step toward a networking paradigm that promotes collaboration in preventing and combating, and in raising awareness of human trafficking crime Contents Trafficking in Human Beings in Time and Space. A Socio-ecological Perspective by Joana DanielWrabetz and Rita Penedo.- The Fragilities of Human Trafficking Victims by Joana Ruivo.- Trafficking in Human Beings for Sexual Exploitation in the Brazilian Criminal Law and the Consent of the Victim by João Paulo Orsini Martinelli.- Women Trafficking for Sexual Purposes – The Brazilian Experience after Law N. 11.106, of March 28th, 2005 by Danilo Fontenele Sampaio Cunha.- An Overview of International Human Trafficking in Brazil by Márcio Anselmo and Guilherme Fernandes.- The Spanish Action Plan against Trafficking in Women: Policies and Outcomes (2008-2011) by Luz María Puente Aba and Agustina Iglesias Skulj.- Victims, Villains, and Valiant Rescuers: Unpacking Socio-Legal Construction of Human Trafficking and Crimmigration in Popular Culture by Edith Kinney.- Victims or Criminals: The Example of Human Trafficking in the United Kingdom by Jessica Elliot.- Forced Sex, Chosen Sex: Risk, Trafficking and Prostitution in Portugal by Jorge Malheiros and Maria João Guia.- Portuguese Good Practices in THB. Fields of interest Human Rights; International Criminal Law; Criminology & Criminal Justice Target groups Research Target groups Research Product category Brief Product category Contributed volume Due August 2014 Due October 2014 2014. XIII, 127 p. (SpringerBriefs in Law) Softcover 7 *€ (D) 53,49 | € (A) 54,99 | sFr 67,00 7€ 49,99 | £44.99 ISBN 978-3-319-08905-8 2014. Approx. 240 p. 5 illus., 3 in color. Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7 approx.€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-09440-3 Due September 2014 2014. I, 704 p. (Law and Philosophy Library, Volume 110) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 139,09 | € (A) 142,99 | sFr 173,50 7€ 129,99 | £117.00 ISBN 978-3-319-09231-7 9<HTODMJ=ajcdbh> 172 9<HTODMJ=aijafi> 9<HTODMJ=aje ad> News 8/2014 Law L. R. Kiestra, District Court Limburg Location Maastricht, Maastricht, The Netherlands E. Ludewig, Institute of Oceanography, Hamburg, Germany M. Megliani, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, Italy The Impact of the European Convention on Human Rights on Private International Law On the Effect of Offshore Wind Farms on the Atmosphere and Ocean Dynamics Sovereign Debt In this book the interaction between the rights guaranteed in the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR) and private international law has been analysed by examining the case law of the European Court of Human Rights (the Court) and selected national courts. In doing so the book focuses on the impact of the ECHR on the three main issues of private international law: jurisdiction, applicable law and the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments. Renewable energy resources now play an essential role in the energy supply debate, and especially a new interest in wind energy has resulted in the intensified construction of wind farms. Thanks to the growing demand for renewable energy, offshore wind farms (OWFs) are increasingly gaining in popularity, since yields over sea are greater and more reliable than over land. Against this background it is becoming particularly urgent to determine whether and if so to what extent such OWF expansion affects our oceans and local climates. OWFs produce a downstream wind speed reduction, the so-called wind-wake effect, which impacts atmospheric boundary layers, alters local wind characteristics and in turn affects ocean dynamics. Features 7 A unique collection and description of relevant case-law of the ECtHR in the area of Private International law (PIL) 7 A thorough examination of the role of Art 1 ECHR in issues of PIL 7 Basic information about both the ECHR and the relevant three topics in PIL Contents Introduction.- Introduction to Private International Law.- Introduction to the European Convention on Human Rights.- Article 1 ECHR and Private International Law.- Jurisdiction in Private International Law.- Applicable Law.- The Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments: The Obligation to Recognize and Enforce Foreign Judgments.- The Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments: The Invocation of the ECHR against Recognition and Enforcement.- Conclusions. Fields of interest Private International Law, International & Foreign Law, Comparative Law; Human Rights Features 7 Determines whether and if so to what extent the OWF expansion due to the energy supply debate affects our oceans and local climates 7 Includes three in-depth analyses: 1. OWF effect on atmosphere, 2. OWF effect on the ocean and 3. a future scenario with two case studies 7 Analyzes model simulations and measurements Contents 1. Introduction.- 2. Renewable Energy Wind.- 3. Models, Data and Methodology.- 4. Analysis 01: OWF Effect on the Atmosphere.- 5. Analysis 02: OWF Effect on the Ocean.- 6. Analysis 03: Future Scenario – OWF development within German EEZ.- 7. Summary, Conclusion and Outlook.- 8. Appendix I.- 9. Appendix II. Target groups Research Fields of interest International Environmental Law; Oceanography; Renewable and Green Energy Product category Monograph Target groups Research Genesis - Restructuring - Litigation This book provides a thorough legal analysis of sovereign indebtedness, examining four typologies of sovereign debt – bilateral debt, multilateral debt, syndicated debt and bonded debt – in relation to three crucial contexts: genesis, restructuring and litigation. Its treatise-style approach makes it possible to capture in a systematic manner a phenomenon characterized by high complexity and unclear boundaries. Features 7 Presents a rigorous and systematic approach to sovereign debt 7 Offers a comprehensive indepth analysis of the phenomenon 7 Combines many sources in a consistent manner Contents SOVEREIGN INDEBTEDNESS: 1. Introduction.2. A historical outline of sovereign indebtedness.GENESIS: 3. General characters.- 4. Bilateral debt.- 5. Multilateral debt.- 6. Syndicated debt.- 7. Bonded debt.- RESTRUCTURING: 8. General characters.- 9. Bilateral debt.- 10. Multilateral debt.- 11. Syndicated debt.- 12. Bonded debt.LITIGATION: 13. General characters.- 14. Bilateral debt.- 15. Multilateral debt.- 16. Syndicated debt.- 17. Bonded debt.- THE WAY FORWARD: 18. Evolving scenarios.- 19. Conclusions. Fields of interest Public International Law; Private International Law, International & Foreign Law, Comparative Law; Public Finance & Economics Target groups Research Product category Monograph Product category Monograph Due November 2014 Due September 2014 2014. VI, 378 p. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 139,09 | € (A) 142,99 | sFr 173,50 7€ 129,99 | £117.00 ISBN 978-94-6265-031-2 9<HTUERC=gfadbc> 2014. 200 p. 94 illus. in color. (Hamburg Studies on Maritime Affairs, Volume 31) Softcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7 approx.€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08640-8 9<HTODMJ=aigeai> Due September 2014 2015. X, 610 p. Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 181,89 | € (A) 186,99 | sFr 226,50 7€ 169,99 | £153.00 ISBN 978-3-319-08463-3 9<HTODMJ=aiegd > 173 Law B. A. Reardon, International Institute on Peace Education, New York, NY, USA; D. T. Snauwaert, The University of Toledo, Toledo, OH, USA Betty A. Reardon: A Pioneer in Education for Peace and Human Rights Betty A. Features 7 Biography of a pioneer in peace education and human rights 7 Provides access to key works of one of the founders of peace education 7 Includes a bibliography of Betty A. Reardon's publications Contents Part I About the Author and the Framework of the Book.- Professional Biography of the Author: A Life in Peace learning.- Reardon’s publications archived in the Canaday Center for Special Collections, The University of Toledo.- Part II Generations of Reardon’s Professional Formation and Practice as Reflected in Selected Essays: First Generation – The Foundations 1963 – 1985.- The World Law Fund: World Approach to International Education.- Transformations into Peace and Survival: Programs for the 1970s.- Part III Generations of Reardon’s Professional Formation and Practice as Reflected in Selected Essays: Second Generation – The Formation 1985 - 2000.- The Fundamental Purposes of a Pedagogy of Peace.Toward a Paradigm of Peace.- Part IV Generations of Reardon’s Professional Formation and Practice as Reflected in Selected Essays: Third Generation – Framing for Futures 2001 – 2014.- Human Rights Learning: Pedagogies and Politics of Peace.- Human Rights and the Renewal of the University. Fields of interest Human Rights; International Relations; Education (general) Target groups Research Product category Brief Due August 2014 2014. XXIII, 221 p. 27 illus., 17 in color. (SpringerBriefs on Pioneers in Science and Practice, Volume 26) Softcover 7 *€ (D) 53,49 | € (A) 54,99 | sFr 67,00 7€ 49,99 | £44.99 ISBN 978-3-319-08966-9 9<HTODMJ=aijg j> 174 springer.com/NEWSonline News 8/2014 Popular Science U. Amaldi, Europ. Organization for Nuclear Research, Genève 23, Switzerland Particle Accelerators: From Big Bang Physics to Hadron Therapy The discovery of the Higgs boson at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider in 2012 and the Physics Nobel Prize 2013 awarded “for the theoretical discovery of a mechanism that contributes to our understanding of the origin of mass of subatomic particles …” has made the LHC, the most massive machine ever built by mankind, known by everybody. But why do physicists build more and more powerful particle accelerators and what do they want to find out? And are those only accelerators to produce knowledge, or do they also have some application in everyday life? Features 7 Presents the history of particle accelerators and of their inventors and promoters 7 Contains personal recollections of fifty years spent in a growing international laboratory, CERN 7 Illustrates the paths leading from X ray discovery to the Higgs boson 7 Presents self-explaining images of the life of the Universe from one millionth of a millionth of a second to 400 000 years after the Big Bang 7 Description by a protagonist of the accelerators application to diagnostics and therapy of cancer Contents Introduction.- The First Fifty Years.- Small Accelerators Get Bigger.- Matter-Particles And Force-Particles.- Searching For The Higgs Field.An Expected Discovery, Susy And Beyond.- Accelerators Which Heal.- Epilogue: CERN Reverts The March Of Time. Fields of interest Popular Science in Physics; Particle and Nuclear Physics; Popular Science in Medicine and Health Target groups Popular/general Product category Popular science Due September 2014 2015. 235 p. 84 illus., 5 in color. Softcover 7 *€ (D) 37,44 | € (A) 38,49 | sFr 47,00 7€ 34,99 | £19.99 ISBN 978-3-319-08869-3 9<HTODMJ=ai gjd> 175 Education A. Arimoto, Kurashiki Sakuyo University, Kurashiki, Okayama, Japan; W. K. Cummings, George Washington University, Washington, DC, USA; F. Huang, Hiroshima University, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan; J. C. Shin, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, Republic of (South Korea) (Eds) The Changing Academic Profession in Japan Contents Preface.- Prologue: The Changing Academic Profession in Japan: its past and present. Akira Arimoto.- 1. Higher Education Policy and Academic Profession. Yoshimasa Kano.- 2. Mobility. Atsunori Yamanoi.- 3. Academic Funding and Allocation of Research Money. Akihiro Asonuma.- 4. Changes in University Teachers’ View towards Students: Impact of Universalization. Naoyuki Ogata.- 5. Gender Bias: what has changed for Female Academics? Naomi Kimoto.- 6. Governance, Administration and Management. Masashi Fujimura.- 7. Labor Conditions. Hirotaka Nanbu and Tomomi Amano. 8. Working Time and Personal Strain. Yusuke Hasegawa.- 9. Research Productivity: Tsukasa Daizen.- 10. Teaching and Research in the Academic Profession: Nexus and Conflict. Hideto Fukudome.- 11. Academic Profession and Evaluation. Masataka Murasawa.- 12. Internationalization. Futao Huang.- 13. Higher Education and Society. Hirotoshi Yamasaki. 14. The Academic Profession: A Comparison between Japan and Germany. Ulrich Teichler.- 15. The Invisible Academy: A U.S. Perspective on The Japanese Academic Profession. William K. Cummings.- 16. Similar but Different Worlds: A Korean Perspective on The Japanese Academic Profession. Jung C. Shin.- Epilogue Perspective of the Academic Profession. Akira Arimoto. Fields of interest International and Comparative Education; Educational Policy and Politics; Higher Education Target groups Research Product category Contributed volume springer.com/NEWSonline S. Billett, Griffith University, Mt Gravatt, QLD, Australia A. Dailey-Hebert, K. S. Dennis, Park University, Parkville, MO, USA (Eds) Mimetic Learning at Work Transformative Perspectives and Processes in Higher Education Learning in the Circumstances of Practice e concept of mimetic learning at work is outTh lined and elaborated in this text. That elaboration consists of an account of how securing occupational capacities has been primary associated with learning processes and an explanation of those processes. Much, and probably most, of the learning and development across individuals working lives occurs outside of circumstances of direct guidance or instruction. Yet, recent considerations of individuals’ epistemologies and developments form anthropology and cognitive science suggest that current explanations about individuals’ contributions to learning at and through work are incomplete. So, there is need for an emphasis on individuals’ processes of learning, both within and outside of situations of guidance by more experienced workers, needs to be more fully understood, and accepted as being person dependent. Features 7 Addresses a topic that is of interest to workplaces, governments, and professional bodies 7 Presents a fresh conception of learning through practice 7 Draws upon extensive empirical work and diverse theoretical contributions Contents Preface.- Chapter 1 – Mimetic learning in and for work.- Chapter 2– Learning through practice across human history.- Chapter 3– Work-life learning as mimetic.- Chapter 4 – Supporting mimetic learning: Curriculum, pedagogic and personal epistemologies.- Chapter 5 – Implications for practice.- References.- Indexes. Fields of interest Professional and Vocational Education; Lifelong Learning/Adult Education; Learning and Instruction Target groups Research Product category Brief Due October 2014 2015. 200 p. 20 illus. (The Changing Academy – The Changing Academic Profession in International Comparative Perspective, Volume 11) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-09467-0 9<HTODMJ=ajegha> 176 Contents 1. Introduction: New Opportunities for Development?; Amber Dailey-Hebert and Kay S. Dennis.- Part I: Higher Education Redefined and Broadened.- 2. The Impetus for Change: Why Entrepreneurial Universities will Transform the Future (While Others Will Cease to Exist); Richard Milter.- 3. Challenging the Status Quo: The Influence of Proprietary Learning Institutions on the Shifting Landscape of Higher Education; B. Jean Mandernach, Hank Radda, Scott Greenberger and Krista Forrest.- 4. Heutagogy, Technology, and Lifelong Learning for Professional and Part-Time Learners; Lisa Marie Blaschke and Stewart Hase.5. What Can Higher Education Learn from the Workplace?; David Boud and Donna Rooney.- 6. From Envisioning to Managing Educational Development and Organizational Innovation; Katerina Bohle-Carbonell and Amber DaileyHebert.- Part II: Curricular Transformations.- 7. Making Students Responsible for Their Learning: Empowering Learners to Build Shared Mental Models; Herco Fonteijn.- 8. Bringing Learning to the Workplace: A Smartphone App for Reflection and Increased Authenticity of Learning; Karen Könings and Wim Gijselaers.- 9. From Challenge to Advantage: Innovating the Curriculum Across Geographic Boundaries; Natalia Timus.- 10. The Potential of Communities of Learning for Dual Career PhD Programs – A Case Study; Martin Rehm and Mindel van de Laar. Fields of interest Higher Education; Educational Technology; Learning and Instruction Target groups Research Product category Contributed volume Due September 2014 Due September 2014 2014. XII, 84 p. (SpringerBriefs in Education) Softcover 7 *€ (D) 53,49 | € (A) 54,99 | sFr 67,00 7€ 49,99 | £44.99 ISBN 978-3-319-09276-8 9<HTODMJ=ajchgi> 2015. XII, 261 p. 12 illus. in color. (Advances in Business Education and Training, Volume 6) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-09246-1 9<HTODMJ=ajcegb> News 8/2014 Education M. Filipenko, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada; J.‑A. Naslund, The University of British columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada (Eds) B. Green, Charles Sturt University, Bathurst, NSW, Australia; N. Hopwood, University of Technology, Sydney, Broadway, NSW, Australia (Eds) T. Hall, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland Problem Based Learning in Teacher Education The Body in Professional Practice, Learning and Education Viktor Frankl on Education This book brings together a collection of writings on problem-based learning (PBL) in elementary teacher education. It enriches our understandings of the why’s and how’ s of PBL in teacher education and demonstrates that PBL is not only dynamic, flexible and intellectually rigorous but fosters critical dispositions essential for the complex realities of teaching in the 21st century. The goals of PBL include the ability to identify critical issues, be self-directed, integrate knowledge from different disciplines, evaluate ideas and research, develop content knowledge and exercise professional judgment. Achievement of these goals is best accomplished in small group tutorials where teacher candidates have opportunities to work together to analyse problem(s) routinely faced in professional, educational practice. Part 1 describes the history, philosophy and underlying assumptions of PBL and outline both rewards and challenges. Features 7 Describes a powerful pedagogical approach for fulfilling the goals of teacher education 7 Provides practical examples that clarify the theoretical and design features that underlie the use of PBL 7 Outlines the roles of all stakeholders including education librarians and subject area resource instructors in PBL teacher education Fields of interest Teaching and Teacher Education; Learning and Instruction Target groups Research Product category Contributed volume Body/Practice The primary focus of this book is on extending existing work on understanding and researching professional practice, within the broader area of research and scholarly concern in professional practice, learning and education. That is, and more specifically: How and in what ways does attending to the body contribute to what is called practice theory and philosophy? The intellectual foundations of such a project are diverse: philosophical works including Aristotle, Wittgenstein, Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty and Schatzki; feminist literature, particularly Butler, Grosz; sociology of the body as per Shilling and Turner, etc. Familiar poststructuralist theorisations from Foucault, Derrida and others are also pertinent, with a distinctive focus here on how bodies and practice are to be thought together. The book is organised in two main sections, framed by an Introduction and a Conclusion. Following an Introduction, the first section ‘Conceptualising the Body/Practice Nexus’ comprises three framing chapters. These pose broader conceptual questions and lay out relevant theoretical terrain with which subsequent chapters will relate. The next section ‘Studying the Body/Practice Nexus’ comprises seven chapters, each specifically focused on a particular kind of professional practice, with particular emphasis effectively on the professional practice fields of Health and Education. Fields of interest Professional and Vocational Education; Learning and Instruction Target groups Research Product category Contributed volume Due December 2014 2015. Approx. 220 p. 15 illus. Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7 approx.€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-02002-0 9<HTODMJ=aca ca> Meaning-Oriented Pedagogy This is the first text to discuss systematically the application of Viktor Frankl’s psychological ideas and theories to education. Born in Vienna in 1905, Viktor Frankl was one of the most eminent and famous psychologists of the 20th Century. During the Second World War, Frankl was imprisoned in several Nazi concentration camps, but he survived and developed a therapy approach based on his experiences before and during the war. As well as the hope and inspiration that his books, ideas and lectures provided in the aftermath of the Second World War, Frankl’s life, his triumph over tragedy, and his profound works continue to move and inspire us. By telling the story of Frankl’s exceptional life and works, this book aims to provide the reader with both a compelling narrative and a useful resource - personal and intellectual – on Frankl’s ideas and how they can be applied to education and pedagogy. Features 7 Provides a concise and comprehensive account of the life and ideas of one of the 20th century's greatest psychologists 7 Applies Viktor Frankl's psychological ideas and theories to provide meaning in education Focuses on Logotherapy, Frankl's approach to finding the meaning in life 7 Explores how Viktor Frankl's ideas can be applied to education in contemporary times Contents Formative Years in Vienna.- Doctor in the Death Camp.- Logotherapy and the ‘Meaning of Life’.Logotherapy and Education.- Frankl’s Educational Legacy: a Pedagogy of Hope. Fields of interest Educational Psychology; Educational Philosophy; Sociology of Education Target groups Research Product category Brief Due December 2014 Due November 2014 2015. Approx. 250 p. 15 illus. (Professional and Practice-based Learning, Volume 14) Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7 approx.€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-319-00139-5 2015. Approx. 85 p. 2 illus. in color. (SpringerBriefs in Education) Softcover 7 *€ (D) 53,49 | € (A) 54,99 | sFr 67,00 7€ 49,99 | £44.99 ISBN 978-3-319-02528-5 9<HTODMJ=a bdjf> 9<HTODMJ=acfcif> 177 Education M. G. Hewson, Madison, WI, USA Embracing Indigenous Knowledge in Science and Medical Teaching The focus of the book is on different ways of knowing: the western scientific way (reductionist, dualistic and materialist) versus the indigenous approach (holistic, non-dualistic, and spiritual). It discusses both science and medicine in the context of the challenges experienced in introducing science and medicine into Africa through imperialism, colonization, and globalization. Features 7 Takes readers along on an amazing journey in exploring and understanding 7 Offers practical suggestions for trans-cultural teaching of science and medicine 7 Presents original viewpoints on western and African knowledge systems Contents Prologue.- Chapter 1: Different Ways of Knowing.SECTION B: SCIENCE EDUCATION.- Chapter 2: History of Science Teaching in Southern Africa.- Chapter 3: Teaching Science in Southern Africa.- SECTION C: MEDICAL EDUCATION AND PRACTICE.- Chapter 4: Challenges of Medicine Across the Cultural Divide.- Chapter 5: African Healing and Traditional Healers.- Chapter 6: Educating Traditional Healers.- SECTION D: IMPLICATIONS FOR SCIENCE AND CLINICAL TEACHING.- Chapter 7: Research on Indigenous Knowledge in South Africa and Lesotho.- Chapter 8: Integrating Indigenous Knowledge with Science Teaching.- Chapter 9: Incorporating Indigenous Knowledge into Clinical Teaching.- SECTION E: FINALE.- Chapter 10: Epilogue.- VIDEO: We Can Teach the Children.- Index. Fields of interest Science Education; Medical Education Target groups Research springer.com/NEWSonline R. Huang, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China; Kinshuk, Athabasca University, Edmonton, AB, Canada; J. K. Price, Intel Corporation Corporate Affairs Grou, Albuquerque, NM, USA (Eds) ICT in Education in Global Context Emerging Trends Report 2013-2014 Contents ICT as a catalyst of innovation: opportunities and critical issues in Italy’s strategy for digital school.Inclusive Education in rural Alberta, Canada: Utilizing ICT to support 21st century learning.- Classroom assessment: a key component to support education transformation.- Case Studies of Russian Educators Transforming Classroom Practices through ICT-rich School Environments.- An Introduction to ICT in Education in China.- Sustaining and scaling research-based ICT in education innovations in Singapore.- ICTs as Transformative Enabling Tools in Education for Sustainable Development.- Pattern-Based Approaches To Introducing new Technologies in Vocational Training.- Imperatives of Access, Equity and Quality in Indian Technical Education System -Role of ICT.- Towards Modeling Teachers’ ICT Competence Profile in Europe.- Changing the business model of a distance teaching university.- Capacity Building Models through Distance Education.- Innovation of higher education in the globalized era.- The Framework for e-Learning2.5 and Its Primary Functions.- ICT in Indian Higher Education Administration and Management. Fields of interest Educational Technology; Education (general); Computers and Education Target groups Research Product category Contributed volume Contents I - Information Systems Development Lifecycle Models.- The Waterfall Lifecycle Model.- The Spiral Lifecycle Model.- Rapid Application Development (RAD).- Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC).- The Star Lifecycle Model.- The Usability Engineering Lifecycle.- II - Information Systems Development Methodologies.- Structured Systems Analysis and Design Methodology (SSADM).Soft Systems Methodology (SSM).- User-Centered Development Methodology.- ETHICS Methodology.- Gane and Sarson (STRADIS).- Information Engineering (IE).- Jackson Systems Development (JSD).- Information Systems Work and Analysis of Changes (ISAC).- Multiview.- Agile Methodology.- III - Web Site Development Methodologies.- Participative Methodology for Developing Websites.- Human Factors Methodology for Designing Websites.- Relationship Management Methodology (RMM).- The W3DT Design Methodology.- Information Development Methodology for the Web.-The Web Site Design Method (WSDM).- Object-Oriented Hypermedia Design Methodology (OOHDM).- IV - Usability Evaluation Models.- Cognitive Walkthrough.Heuristic Evaluation.- Goals, Operators, Methods and Selection Rules (GOMS) Models.- Executive Process-Interactive Control (EPIC) Model.- Adaptive Control of Thought - Rational Model (ACTR).-Adaptive Control of Thought in Information Foraging Modeling (ACT-IF).- V - Quality Evaluation Models. Fields of interest Educational Technology; Information Systems Applications (incl.Internet) Product category Monograph Due September 2014 Due August 2014 2014. 225 p. 6 illus. (Cultural Studies of Science Education, Volume 10) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-94-017-9299-8 2014. XII, 285 p. 59 illus. (Lecture Notes in Educational Technology) Hardcover 7 *€ (D) 106,99 | € (A) 109,99 | sFr 133,50 7€ 99,99 | £90.00 ISBN 978-3-662-43926-5 178 High Level Models and Methodologies for Information Systems Target groups Research Product category Monograph 9<HTUELB=hjcj i> P. Isaias, Universidade Aberta, Lisbon, Portugal; T. Issa, Curtin University School of Information Systems, Perth, WA, Australia 9<HTOGRC=edjcgf> Due December 2014 2014. Approx. 200 p. 60 illus. Hardcover 7 approx. *€ (D) 106,95 | € (A) 109,95 | sFr 127,50 7 approx.€ 99,95 | £86.50 ISBN 978-1-4614-9253-5 9<HTMERB=ejcfdf> News 8/2014 Education S. Ledger, Murdoch University, Perth, Australia; L. Vidovich, The University of Western Australia Graduate School of Education, Crawley, Australia; T. O’Donoghue, University of Western Australia, Nedlands, Australia K. Maguire, Middlesex University, London, UK Margaret Mead Contributions to Contemporary Education This book makes a case for Margaret Mead’s contributions to education discourses, which in retrospect appear visionary and profoundly democratic, non judgemental and transdisciplinary, and for their relevance for education today at primary, secondary and tertiary levels. Global to Local Curriculum Policy Processes The Enactment of the International Baccalaureate in Remote International Schools Features 7 Explains and contextualises Margaret Mead's contribution to educational discourses 7 Demonstrates how knowledge of human kind garnered from social anthropology illuminates contemporary problems in the education of young adults 7 Discusses the controversy around Mead's work on young people and her transdisciplinary approach to research This book explores the dynamics of curriculum policy processes involved in the adoption, production and enactment of the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (IBPYP), accredited by the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO). Features 7 Provides in-depth insights into the dynamics of international education based on extensive review of contemporary literature and first hand experiences 7 Draws together comparative and international education, policy analysis and curriculum theory in an under-researched field 7 Has an excellent balance between the macro-dynamics of globalisation and the micro-level analyses of the IBO in the context of more remote international schools Contents Chapter 1: Introduction.- Chapter 2: The Context.- Chapter 3: Literature.- Chapter 4: The Research Approach.- Chapter 5: Case Study One: Satu International School (SIS).- Chapter 6: Dua International School (DIS).- Chapter 7: Case Study Three: Tiga International School (TIS).- Chapter 8: Discussion.- Chapter 9: Conclusion.- Index. Fields of interest Educational Policy and Politics; International and Comparative Education; Curriculum Studies J. Mongkhonvanit, Siam University, Bangkok, Thailand Coopetition for Regional Competitiveness The Role of Academe in Knowledge-Based Industrial Clustering Features 7 Equips readers with understanding of regional development system along with cooperation among key players 7 Connect education to the private and public sector to enhance economic and social development in the region which cases are discussed 7 Propose applicable models and ways to improve the dynamics of government, tertiary education, national research institutes and firms Contents Part I: Knowledge Economy and Regional Competitiveness.- Chapter 1. Knowledge Economy.Contents Chapter 2. Regional Competitiveness: Key Players Introduction: An Anthropologist on Earth.in Knowledge-Based Industrial Cluster.- Part II: Preparing Children for the Future: Modernity.Academe in Regional Competitiveness.- ChapReconfiguring Relationships with the Young: Supermodernity.- The Epistemology of Ignorance: ter 3. Academe in Improving Knowledge-Based Regional Competitiveness.- Chapter 4. Academes’ Embodied Emancipation.- Education is DemocFunctions Within Innovation System.- Chapter racy: Margaret Mead the American.- Research, 5. Academe to Enhance Industrial Clusters in Transdisciplinarity, Translation: A way to the Different Regions.- Part III: ‘Coopetition’ Towards Future in the Present.- Ethnography as a Research Regional Competitiveness.- Chapter 6. AcademeApproach: ‘Understanding’ and Inclusion.- AnIndustry-Government (A-I-G) Towards Regional thropology Educates.- Educators as Ethnographers.- Purpose and Relevance.-Conclusion: Using Competitiveness.- Chapter 7. Development of Industrial Cluster in Emerging Economies: Case Margaret Mead. Study of Academe-Industry-Government DynamFields of interest ics in Thailand’s Automotive Cluster.- Chapter 8. Sociology of Education; Anthropology U-TECH Framework.- Chapter 9. ‘Coopetition’ of Academe-Industry-Government: A Framework Target groups for Regional Competitiveness.- Chapter 10. AcaResearch deme in Coopetitive System of Value Creation for Regional Competitiveness: Succes