o,r,ML - Kurukshetra University
o,r,ML - Kurukshetra University
$, KURUKSH ETRA U N IVERSITY KU RU KSHETRA {Established by the State Legislature Act Xil of 1956 ("A" Grade NAAC Accredited) SPEED POST Phones: DIRECTORATE OF SPORTS (O) o1744-238074 (R) 01744-z3Bz7L & 238564 (Mob.) +919416334775 FAX: OL744-238277 a ZaSOgS E-mail: kuksports@gmail.com Dr. Dalel Singh Chauhan, Arjuna Awardee (VolleyBall) Director, Physical Education & Sports l.Jni. N,.g?7o - 78o3 ' Website: www.kuk.ac.in Dated 3 .oe. -l ol 6 To The Registrar/Director Sports/Sports Officer/Secretary, Sports Committee/Council of the participating Universities. Subject Alllndia lnter University Kabaddicirclestyle (Men&Women) Championshlps 2015-16 (women ondemonstration basis). Sir/Madam, As already infotmed vide this office letter No. 29-530 dated 4.7.2015 the Association of lndian Universitiet New Delhi has entrusted the responsibility of organizing All hdia lnter University Kabaddi Circle Style (Men & Women) Championships 2015-16 to this University. The Championships witl be organized at Nurukshetra UniveBity sports Complex from 3d to f March, 2016. l, on behalf of the University extend a cordial welcome to your teams to participate in these Championships. Kurukshetra is at a distance of about 160 Kms. from Delhi, on Delhi-Panipat-Karnal Ambala route on the Northern Railway. lt is about 35 Kms. from Ambala towards Karnal. A good number of trains (Mail as well as passenger) run from New Delhi to AmritsarrammuTawi/Ambala, and Kurukshetra is on this route. Journey from Delhi to Kurukshetra by mail train is of two and half hours duration only. Teams cominB by Bus can alight at Pipli Bus Stand, which is iust 8 Kms. from Kurukshetra University. Frequent local 8us seruice and Auto Rickshaws from Pipli are available from early mornin8 till late night. the teams will stay ln ,at Dharamshala/Krishna Dham. GENERAT INSTRUCIIONS: 1. the participating teamswill beheldon2'dMarch,2016 at3:qrP,M.,atthe University Sports Pavilion in which instructions about the organization of the Championship will be briefed. Managers will submiteligibilityproformasoftheiruniversitydulysignedbythecompetentauthority. They will also bring with them tie ldentity Cards of the players for the curr€nt session, copies of D.M.C. of 10+2 (in case of players studying in Undergraduate classes) and that of 10+2 and Graduation (in case of players studying in P.G. classes) duly signed/attested by the competent authority. As per AIU instruction, the competition in Women section will be conducted on demomtration basis. Hence no merit certificate will be issued to the position winning teams. The competition will be conducted as per latest rules of Ametaur Kabaddi Federation of lndia {Ckcle Style}, adopted by AtU. The decision of the Organizing Committee will be final & bindin8. Officiating charges @ Rs. 700/- per match per team will be charged. Participating teams are requested to bring with them their own locks etc. Carpets (Darries) will be provided at the place of lodging. Managers will have to deposit Rs. 1,000/- as security which will be refunded after the return of material Ameetingof theManagersandCoachesof 2. 3. 4. 5 6. issued by this office. 7. WeatheratKurukshetrainthemonthofMarch willbepleasant. Assuch,theparticipantsandofficialsare requested to bring with them light warm clothes and bedding as only unfurnished accommodation will be provided. Teams will brint with them their University Flag for the March Past. Participation of the teams in the March Past ls essential otherwise the teams will not be allowed to participate in the Championship ln case of any difficulty, the undersigned can be contacted on above Phone Numbers or the following on their mobile Nos, Dr. D.S. Kala, Asstt" Director Sports - 9416334543 1. 2. Sh. Rajesh Sobti,, Asstt. Director Sports -9467A54570 8. 9, Thanking You, Yours faithfully, Encl./as above All lndia rnter o,r,ML- ,":,r"j_Ifff"i? c.s" (Men & women) c.c: 1. Registrars of the participafing Universities 2. Dr. Gurdeep Singh, Joint Secretary (Sports), Association of lndian Universities, AIU House, 16 Kotla Mar& New Delhi for kind information. President, Kurukhetra University Sportslouncil. o.s.D. to Vice-Chancellor for kind information. P,s. to vtce-Chancellor/Registrar (for kind information of the Vice-Chancellor/Registrar). Oirector, Public Relationt K.U.K. for kind information and necessary action. Dr. D,5. Kala, Kabaddi Coach, KUK for information and necessary action please. lnternal distribution in the Department. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Organizing Secretary q Directorate of Sports Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra Fixture for All lndia lnter University Circle Style Kabaddi (women) Championship 2OL5-L6 Organised By Kurukshetra University Sports Council : Fixtu res L. Kurukshetra Uni" 2. Osmania, Hyderabad 3. Uni. of Mumbai 4. Satavahana, Ka rimnaga r ) 4.3.16 M-5 ) 4.3.16 M-6 1. CDLU, Sirsa 2. LPU, Phagwara ) 4.3.16 M-3 3. ) 4.3.L6 4. Dr. HSG, Sagar GNDU, Amritsar 1. M DU, Rohtak 2. Annamalai, Chidambram ) 4.3.16 M-1 ) 4.3.16 M-2 5.3 " 16 M-3 ,A, 5.3,16 M-2 ,B' M-4 5.3" 16 M-1 3. JNTU, Hyderabad 4. PU, Chadigarh L. 2. Karunya Uni., Chennai 3. BPSMV, Khanpur Kalan Punjabi Uni., Patiala lrM.7 'c' 4.3.L6 bye I r ) 5.3" 16 M-4 ,D' Note: i) ii) League Matches will be played on 6th & 7th March, 2016. Organising Secretary reserves the right to change the Timings, Court & Venue etc'. in view of iii) the situation. Timing of the matches will be intimated in Manager's meeting. Organising Secretary -#{. Directorate of Sports Kurukshetra Universitv Kurukshetra Fixture for All rndia Organised By : '?;.1#ilLT,s;,Jrrcle style Kabaddi (Men) Kurukshetra University Sports Council Fixtu res GNDU, Amristar L. 2. SGGSWU, Fatehgarh Sahib Godwana Uni.,Gandchiroli l 3.3.16 M-1 ) 3.3.16 M-2 !,,u u-r 4"3" 16 f ) M-2 3. JNTU, Hyderabad 4. CDLU, Sirsa L CBLU, Bhiwani ,A, bye 4"3" 16 Uni. of Mumbai Satavahana, Karimnagar a J 5. Bangalore Uni., BEngalore Annamalai, Chdiambaram bye bye 6. MDU, Rohtak 2. 3. 4. 3.3.16 M-3 M-1" 4.3.16 M-5 3"3. L6 M-8 s.3.16 M-2 ,8, Panjab University, Chandigarh 2. DCRUSI Murthal Osmaina, Hyderabad ) 3. Uni. of Jammu 4. Kurukshetra Uni" ) L. 1. 2. CCSU, Meerut LPU, Phagwara 3. GKU, Talwandi Sabo 4. Karunya Uni", Chennai ) ) 5.3.16 3.3.16 M-4 4"3.16 M-3 M-3 tc' 3.3.16 M-5 3.3. 16 M-6 4.3"L6 M-4 3.3.16 M-7 5.3.16 M-4 ,D' Puniabi University, Patiala Note: ii) League Matches will beplayed on 6'h & 7'h March, 2016. Organising Secretary reserves the right to change the Timings, Court & Venue etc. in view of iii) the situation. Timing of the matches will be intimated in Manager's meeting' i) Organising Secretary