NEWSLETTER Luther H. Foster High School Alumni Association


NEWSLETTER Luther H. Foster High School Alumni Association
Luther H. Foster High School Alumni Association
Fall Edition
We received five (5) Scholarship
applications from graduating seniors who attended Nottoway Senior High School. All of the applicants were prepared for the interview; each student did an excellent
job. As a result, all applicants received the scholarship award.
The following received Luther H.
Foster High School Scholarship
Award: Wendy Clay (University of
Inside this issue:
In the Spotlight
Get Well Wishes
Sick & Bereavement
Wall of Fame (insert)
School Tour
Katherine J. Miller
Memorial Scholarship
Alum Takes a Stroll
1964 Queen Crowned
Did You Know?
President’s Message
The Fun Day celebration was held on Saturday, July 16, 2011. The
day began at 10:00 a.m.
with a tour of the Nottoway Intermediate School
(formerly Luther H. Foster High
School). Before the tour, classmates and guests gathered in the
hallway of the school for prayer.
Everyone was so excited to see
one another. Approximately, fortyfive members toured the school.
The smiles and warm embraces
showed the “love” that was
shared. The event was video taped
and is available for purchase. You
may contact Dick Powers at (434)
292-1155. After the tour everyone
traveled to the Nottoway Civic
North Carolina), Marissa Smith
(Randolph-Macon University),
Trechelle Stith (Old Dominion
University); the Katherine J. Miller
Memorial Scholarship was
awarded to: Vantwon Dodson
(Old Dominion University), Erin
Oliver, (Advanced Technology
League and continued the fellowship which included enjoying a
delicious meal, games and more.
The Athletic Banquet began at
6:00 p.m. at the United Virginia
Methodist Center, Blackstone,
Virginia. The first-half of the
program was presented in the
cafeteria. During the dedication
ceremony, information was
shared about the honored men
and women whose pictures
would be hung in LHF Library.
The pictures dedicated were of
Dr. Luther H. Foster, Sr. and his
family, President Barak Obama,
and Dr. Martin Luther King; and
a beautiful picture donated by
Mrs. Alice Birckhead, former
A warm and loving presentation
was delivered to honor our deceased principals and classmates.
The second-half of the program
was presented in the auditorium.
Fifty-four athletes who played
football, girls‟ and boys‟ basketball,
baseball and track were honored
for their participation in sports.
The Mighty Bulldogs won championships and represented our
school well. Trophies were
awarded to the participants. (see
page 4).
In the Spotlight!
Alumnus Curtis Pritchett -Class of 1964
Curtis Pritchett is a graduate of the
Class of 1964. He and his wife, Geneva have four children and one
According to the The Courier, Savannah, Tennessee, as a young man, Curtis,
who stands at 6 foot, 5 inches, was
drafted by the Philadelphia 76ers professional basketball team. Because of
a basketball contract dispute, Curtis went on to play professional basketball internationally in France, Mexico and
San Paulo, Brazil. Curtis moved to Hardin County two
years ago, spending his first year employed as a teacher at
Harbert Hills Academy. Prior to that, he and his wife
spent seven years working at Oklahoma Academy, where
Curtis was the Dean of Men. Curtis says he also served in
the U.S. Army and the Secret Service.
Purse strap broken? Jacket torn? Shoe buckle fallen off?
Anything made of leather has the potential to be repaired.
Whether cowboy boots, chaps, work boots, shoes of all
kinds, purses, hats, jackets or belts, the local cobbler has
had the opportunity to fix them. “A little over a year ago,
I brought in a couple pair of shoes to be repaired at this
shop,” said Curtis. “When I learned there was a opportunity to purchase the business at a good price, I was interested in learning the trade.”
After three months as a cobbler apprentice at Savannah
Shoe Repair, Curtis was ready to work on his own. There
are no sophisticated machines here, but they get the job
done,” said Curtis Pritchett, 67, manager of Savannah Shoe
Repair and Sales.
“I‟m not afraid to say „no‟ if I cannot do a job,” said Curtis.
“Your work will talk for you. I do my best. If it breaks, there‟s
no charge to replace it. Having return customers speaks for
your skills and customers keep coming back.”
“When Curtis and his wife Geneva
bought into the family-owned business in
April 2010, they wanted it to also be a
ministry to the community. “Right away
we found out about Soles4Souls which
led us to see the spiritual connection,”
said Curtis. “ We became a part of that
Soles4Souls is a shoe charity that collects
gently worn shoes and monies to provide shoes to those in need. “ There‟s wonderful parallels,
God says come as you are, ragged and your sins as filthy
rags,” said Curtis. “Shoes can come in dirty and torn. When
I‟m replacing the soles, I think about God covering sin and
making a person‟s soul fresh and new.” When I recently read
about a missionary in India, William Carey, who cobbled
shoes, it confirmed that this job is for me,” said Curtis. “For
Carey and for me, shoe repair is to earn a livelihood, but the
real business is to preach the gospel.”
By Linda Folkerts
The COURIER, Savannah, Tennessee
If you know someone who should be
on the sick or deceased list, please
contact Lanette Harris, Sick & Bereavement chair, at 434-292-3048 or
We extend heartfelt well
wishes to all of our members
who are working through
health and other issues.
May God continue to bless
We extend heartfelt condolences to the families
of :
Clarence Blackwell „59
James Harris, „62
Hazel Booker Harris, „67
Romans 10:9-10, KJV
2011 Luther H. Foster High School Wall of Fame Athletes
Fifty-Four Inducted
Willliams, John (Football)
Black, Sr., George (Football)
Maxwell, Ilean (Basketball)
Fitzgerald, Samuel (Football)
Ingram, Frankie (Basketball)
Fitzgerald, Geneva (Basketball)
Ludvick, Rebecca (Basketball)
Taylor, Emmitt (Football)
Harris, Lawrence V. (Baseball)
Lewis, Garland (Football)
Williams, Clarence (Baseball)
Branch, Robert (Football)
Boyd, Horace (Football)
Dyson, James (Football)
Allen, Clarence (Football)
Easterling, Christine (Basketball)
Hurt, Willie (Basketball)
Lewis, Thurman (Football)
Smith, Shirley (Basketball)
Carter, Charles (Baseball)
Jones, Irby (Football)
Jefferson, Jr., John (Football)
Lewis, Terry, (Football)
Jennings, Thomas (Football)
Bridgeforth, Allen (Football)
Daniels, Charles (Football)
Eppes, David (Football)
Epps, Lillian (Basketball)
Irby, William (Baseball)
Lewis, Gwendolyn (Basketball)
Lee, James (Football)
Marshall, Stanley (Football)
Oliver, Warren (Football)
Pouncey, Jeanette (Basketball)
Booth, Richard (Football)
Bridgeforth, James (Football)
Cousins, John (Football)
Greenhill, Simon (Track)
Hobbs, Samuel (Football)
Lewis, Thomas (Football)
Ligon, Tyrone (Baseball)
Thomas, Alvin (Baseball)
Carter, William (Football)
Eppes, Jennie (Basketball)
Eppes, Roger (Baseball)
Evans, Meriwether (Basketball)
Greenhill, Harriet (Basketball)
Hawkes, Susan (Basketball)
King, Jessie (Football)
Vaughter, John (Football)
Hobbs, Colonel L. (Basketball)
Johnson, Ronald (Football)
Branch, Sr., Ralph (Baseball)
Pettis, John (Football)
Robertson, Frank (Basketball)
**Several participants were absent when picture was taken.
Pictured above are the members who toured the Nottoway Intermediate School (formerly Luther H. Foster High School . Everyone
enjoyed the tour.
Katherine J. Miller Memorial Scholarship
Alice Lee Branch, Class of ’53
Takes a Stroll
Class of 1964
“The Queen Crowned”
We thank you Rodney Miller, Class of 1963, for
your annual scholarship donation in the memory
of your dear mother, Katherine J. Miller! Your
generosity makes an immediate difference in the
lives of graduating seniors. You continue to make
a difference!
Did You Know?
Elizabeth Duncan Koontz (1919-1989) was an educational leader who devoted her life‟s work to
building a better quality of life for children through
schooling and the support of women, their primary
caregivers. Koontz gain firsthand experience teaching in the classrooms of North Carolina for a number of years before becoming the first black president of the National Education Association in
1965. In later years, she served in the U.S. Department of Labor in the Women‟s Bureau. Her advocacy established a role model that endures today, as
new generations continue to work for the betterment of society through a focus on early education.
Alice Lee Branch wards off the sizzling sunshine as she strolls along
North 2nd Street in Downtown. A
fresh round of baking heat is on the
way. Forecast: Highs around 92 Saturday and Sunday. Temperatures 90
Degrees or higher expected through
next week. Summer officially arrives
Tuesday, June 21.
Jerome Reid, Richmond Free Press
On Saturday, June 11,
2011, the Luther H.
Foster High School,
Class of 1964, presented
its First Annual Prom.
The theme was Memory
Lane. The evening was
marvelous, and everyone
enjoyed the affair. The guests looked like
glamour magazine models, beautiful and elegant. The highlight of the affair was the crowning of Josephine Booth Forrest as our prom
Queen. There was not a dull moment all evening. Our DJ was Hot/HOT. Our 2nd Annual
Prom will be held June 16, 2012.
To everyone who attended, thank you for
making this event a memorable occasion. We
look forward to seeing you next year.
By Florine Shelton
L. H. Foster High School Alumni
P.O. Box 34
Crewe, Virginia 23930
Email address:
Phone: 434-645-7962
Sandra Branch, Editor
Sandra Branch, President
Stanley Marshall, Vice President
Bernice “Bea” Brito-Mayo, Secretary
Maude Lee, Assistant secretary
Jessie King, Treasurer
Ralph Branch, Sr., Asst. Treasurer
Greetings From the President
Dear Friends,
I hope you enjoyed the “hot”
summer days. I did because it is
my kind of weather. ☺
It is our ongoing efforts to
provide enjoyable and
memorable affairs for you, as
well as, to give graduating
seniors an opportunity to
further their education. Thank
you for your dedication and
loyalty to our alma mater.
The Civic League welcomes
your donations and greatly appreciates what you have donated in the past.
Because of the dedication and
commitment of the COMMITTEE
and YOU, our Annual Fun Day
was a huge success. The Athletic
Banquet held on Saturday evening
brought back a lot of memories of
high school days. This was the first
year that we had an evening event
on our (annual) one day affair.
We hope that you will enjoy our
Alumnus of the Quarter in this
newsletter. WHO WILL BE THE
you would like to share, please
send in your information.
As always, we welcome your input
regarding this and all other planned
activities. Tell us what kind of
activities you would like for us to
provide on the Annual Fun Day,
which will be held on Saturday,
July 13, 2012. We would love to
hear from you.
Love, Sandra
Ephesians 1:16, KJV “Cease not
to give thanks for you, making
mention of you in my prayers”