NYR1 - Greater Yamhill Watershed Council
NYR1 - Greater Yamhill Watershed Council
GYWC Spawning Survey Maps Map Code: NYR1 North Yamhill River, Petch Creek, & Hanna Creek General Location This map covers portions of upper North Yamhill mainstem, and portions of its upper tributaries (Petch Creek and Hanna Creek), which are located in Yamhill County in the northern region of the Yamhill River Watershed. The survey area is mostly timber, agriculture, and rural residence/businesses. These upper watershed survey areas generally have narrower channels and less of a meander than their downstream counterparts. Landownership & Directions The survey areas shown on the map are owned by multiple private landowners, with two key landowners (Mitchell and Bradley families) as described below. North Yamhill River mainstem and Petch Creek Landowners The Mitchell Family, Barb and Bryce Flying M Ranch 23029 NW Flying M Road, Yamhill, OR Phone: 503.662.3222 Directions Google Maps Link from McMinnville: https://goo.gl/maps/RXD7jwHBKpQ2 Est Travel Time and Distance (from McMinnville): 38 minutes, 17miles Heading from McMinnville, take N Baker ST / Westside Road going north out of town. Continue on Westside Rd for ~4.5 miles. Turn left onto Meadowlake Rd/Ln (Carlton Packing will be on the right just before the 4way stop sign where you turn left) Continue on Meadowlake Rd for ~5.4 miles. Turn/veer right onto NW Old Moores Valley Rd. Continue on NW Old Moores Valley Rd for ~2 miles. Turn left onto NW Fairdale Rd and continue for ~2.4 miles. Turn left onto NW Flying M Rd and continue for ~1 mile. Turn left at the (unmarked) Flying M Ranch entrance, just after crossing Petch cross (culvert partial fish passage barrier) and park at the red/white house marked “Office” above the door. Drive slow as you enter, watch for tractors, kids, horses, etc. 2015 11 16 www.gywc.org Greater Yamhill Watershed Council (GYWC) info@gywc.org Office: 503-474-1047 Page 1 of 5 Figure 1 Entrance to Flying M Ranch entrance, just after Petch Creek crosses the road. Park in front of the office building with the two trees shown on the left. Check-in/out at the office. Contact Preferences You do not need to call before surveying this area. Please attempt a day-of checkin/checkout at the office before and after you survey. If you would like assistance conducting your first survey here, please contact us. North Yamhill River mainstem and Hanna Creek Landowners The Bradley Family, Christy and Scott 5 Rock Ranch (formerly Flying M Ranch) 23800 NW Flying M Road, Yamhill, OR Phone: 503.662.5678 X 12 Directions Google Maps Link from Flying M Ranch/Mitchell family Driveway on Flying M Road: https://goo.gl/maps/qnKyDBLbmDP2 2015 11 16 www.gywc.org Greater Yamhill Watershed Council (GYWC) info@gywc.org Office: 503-474-1047 Page 2 of 5 Est Travel Time and Distance (from Mitchell Driveway): 1 minute, 0.3 miles Heading out from the Mitchell’s Driveway, turn left to continue back onto Flying M Road for 0.3 miles. Turn right at the next opportunity to enter the parking lot for the 5 Rock Ranch lodge/office (Formerly the Flying M Ranch lodge). Park and go into the building to checkin on their “Visitor/Guest” log book – usually it’s located in the first room or two after entering. Figure 2 Entrance to 5 Rock Ranch Private Driveway. Note the old airstrip! Maybe you’ll see a plane or helicopter while you are out there. You do not need to call before surveying this area. Please attempt a day-of checkin/checkout before and after you survey. Use the ranch’s “Visitor/Guest” log book near the entrance to document your checkin/checkout. If you would like assistance conducting your first survey here, please contact us. 2015 11 16 www.gywc.org Greater Yamhill Watershed Council (GYWC) info@gywc.org Office: 503-474-1047 Page 3 of 5 Survey Guidance North Yamhill River Mainstem Portions of NYR can be surveyed from the banks, particularly from covered out-building to about 500’ upstream or so. There are locked gates on the roads once you get past 5 Rock Ranch. When you’ve completed the survey of North Yamhill River, you can either walk back in the creek that whole way back or walk back a little bit in the creek while looking north for access to service roads on 5 Rock Ranch’s property that will take you back to the lodge/office (as shown on the maps) You’ll likely want to bring a GPS unit to know when you’ve reached the survey end point. Survey Timing: If NYR is too deep/fast/murky to survey, consider surveying Hanna or Petch Creeks. Survey Gear: At times, NYR can get deep/fast in these upper survey areas. Always bring a life vest, assess the creek conditions before wading, and do not wade if the water is above your hips. Petch Creek Portions of Petch Creek can be surveyed from the banks, particularly from the NYR confluence upstream to Flying M Road. There are two partial fish passage barrier culverts that can delay adult migrations, but do not fully prevent migration. Unfortunately, our mapping software was not displaying these culverts, but we can get them added to our maps later on I’m sure. o One is where Petch Creek crosses under the airstrip by the pond – this culvert has an outlet drop, so if the water level is too low, spawners will be waiting in the outlet pool just waiting for the water levels to rise up to access Petch Creek. o One is where Petch Creek crosses an access road south of Flying M Road. This culvert too has an outlet drop, so if the water level is too low, spawners will be waiting in the outlet pool for the water levels to rise up to access more of Petch Creek. Petch creek rarely requires chest waders or life vests, although chest waders can help you navigate some pools. Hip waders and sometimes calf boots will work just fine here. The survey ends where the rocks become boulders, the gradient becomes steep/cascading, and there is a large out-building with picnic tables called “Bear Camp”. Follow the trail from Bear camp back to the Flying M Ranch office. o May be quite brushy and incised. It’s a relatively small/narrow creek, but certainly may have potential spawning habitat. 2015 11 16 www.gywc.org Greater Yamhill Watershed Council (GYWC) info@gywc.org Office: 503-474-1047 Page 4 of 5 Hanna Creek Portions of Hanna Creek are surveyable from the banks, particularly from the NYR confluence upstream to the first or second partial fish passage barrier culverts. There are two partial fish passage barrier culverts that can delay adult migrations, but do not fully prevent migration. Unfortunately, our mapping software was not displaying these culverts, but we can get them added to our maps later on I’m sure. o Both culverts have an outlet drop, so if the water level is too low, spawners will be waiting in the outlet pool until the water levels to rise up. Hanna Creek rarely requires chest waders or life vests, although chest waders can help you navigate some pools. Hip waders will work just fine for most of the survey. The survey ends where there is a beautiful large beaver dam. Just upstream of the dam the creek suddenly shoots up to the right in a steep/cascading, narrow channel, and the rocks become boulders. You won’t miss it and it’s a rewarding site. Follow the creek/trails to get back to the 5 Rock Ranch office. 2015 11 16 www.gywc.org Greater Yamhill Watershed Council (GYWC) info@gywc.org Office: 503-474-1047 Page 5 of 5 Hanna Creek GYWC SPAWNING SURVEYS Map Code: NYR1 North Yamhill River North Yamhill River, Petch Creek NW Creek & Hanna F AI RC H IL D CR EE KR D NW MITCHELL RD Pe tch Cre ek NW FLYING M RD Legend ! q q ! Survey Start I Survey End Parking Spawning Surveys Access Paths 0 0.25 Survey Miles NYR 1.90 Petch 0.73 Hanna 0.45 TOTAL 3.08 miles ^ 0.5 Miles a nn Ha k ee Cr GYWC SPAWNING SURVEYS Map Code: NYR1 ive r amhill R Y h t r o N Petch Creek Pet ch Cre ek NW FLYING M RD Survey Miles Petch 0.73 TOTAL 0.73 miles Legend ! q q ! Survey Start I Survey End Parking Spawning Surveys Access Paths 0 0.25 ^ 0.5 Miles GYWC SPAWNING SURVEYS Map Code: NYR1 0 0.125 Survey Miles Hanna 0.45 TOTAL 0.45 miles Hanna Creek Hanna Creek I ^ NW FA IRC H IL D CR EE KR D NW MITCHELL RD Legend Survey Start Survey End r ive R ll hi m Ya th r No Parking Spawning Surveys Access Paths NW FLYING M RD Pe tch Cr ee k ! q q ! 0.25 Miles