February - Greater Elkhart Chamber of Commerce
February - Greater Elkhart Chamber of Commerce
LEADING BUSINESS February 2015 Improving our workforce health& education In a world of shovels, you’re a bulldozer. Welcome to the bank that thinks like you do — Lake City Bank. With flexible loans, credit terms, online banking and more, we give your business everything it needs to hit the ground running. After all, we’re the largest bank solely dedicated to Indiana. Drop in. lakecitybank.com INSIDE THIS ISSUE Annual Meeting Preview featuring guest speaker Andrew Berlin page 5 Robert Thatcher & Economic Development page 9 Payroll & Employer Services 4 President’s report 10 Chamber members in the news 13 New Members and Anniversaries 14 Calendar of upcoming events Cover Story Improving our workforce Health and Education Increase efficiency, lower health costs and offering additional training and education. pages 8-9 “Heart & Brain” icon provided by artist Creth Davis In our NEXT Issue: Defining Leadership and Management ELKHART.ORG | LEADING BUSINESS 3 Protect your workforce and protect your business don’t smoke, are you healthy? Diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol and other factors are known as silent killers. Health screenings and wellness plans are great ways for your employees to learn how to keep themselves healthy. Wellness plans can include exercise options, and we have many members who can help your company. You will learn more about health screenings and exercise in this issue. Your company may use a pretty expensive piece of equipment. You may have the fastest computer in Indiana. Your office may have beautiful decorations. But the most important investment in your company is your workforce. This is true, even if (especially if) you are a sole proprietor. In this issue of Leading Business, we highlight some of the ways you can keep your workforce effective through education and health care. Our new motto – Educate, Advocate, Elevate – describes what we do as a Chamber. You’ll notice that Educate is listed first. Many of our seminars and programs are designed to help your workforce learn the latest news about regulations, efficiencies, and techniques. The Leadership Academy helps people become leaders in the community. And on top of all that, our relationship with our higher-educational institutions gives you the opportunity to find the training and skills your workers need to succeed. A few years ago we held a seminar on insurance plan designs and wellness options. The speakers ranged from companies who offered incentives for healthy actions to a company who had built a workout room, attached to the company. The Affordable Care Act, also known as “Obamacare,” has changed the health care market. Whether you like the law or not, it has affected the health care options for our valuable workers. We will continue to try and help you understand the changes created by Obamacare. But the one thing that has always been true about health care is that it is most affordable when it is not necessary. Health screenings and healthy activities are the most effective way to avoid costly debilitating illness. Protect your valuable workers by helping them learn and keeping them healthy. Another way to invest in your valuable employees is to protect them by keeping them healthy. Education about healthy living is vital to avoiding illness and injury. We all know that smoking is bad for people. But even if you “Leading Business” is the monthly magazine published by: Ambassadors Claudia Meenan, ext. 134 February 12, Council meeting, 4 pm Annual Golf Outing Denise Polachek, ext. 132 February 26, Council meeting, 4 pm Business Recognition/ Beautification Denise Polachek, ext. 132 February 17, Council meeting, 8 am Economic Development /Legislative Affairs Denise Polachek, ext. 132 February 20, Council meeting, 8 am Education/Career Development Kathy Cardwell, ext. 122 February 12, Council meeting, 7:30 am Environmental Kay House-Clark, ext. 138 February 27, Council meeting, 8 am Leadership Denise Polachek, ext. 132 February 24, Council meeting, 4 pm OSHA Jim Walsh, ext. 121 February 18, Council Breakfast, 7:30 am Technology Jim Walsh, ext. 121 Transportation Kay House-Clark, ext. 138 Women’s Claudia Meenan, ext. 134 February 3, Council meeting, 9 am Young Professionals Shane Frost, ext. 128 February 5, Council meeting, 4:30 pm 4 GREATER ELKHART CHAMBER 418 S. Main St. | Elkhart, IN 46516 (574) 293-1531 | Elkhart.org All rights reserved 2014 Permission from the Chamber president is required for any reproduction, reprint or reuse of the content of this magazine. A PDF version of “Leading Business” is available at Elkhart.org, and articles are posted on the Greater Elkhart Chamber’s Facebook page. “Leading Business” benefits from contributions by readers and member companies. Please submit news releases, article ideas and inquiries to Shane Frost, Marketing & Communications Manager, at shane@elkhart.org. Frost can also be contacted for information on advertising at 574-293-1531 or marketing@elkhart.org. Open and shut. IN ELKHART: 574-293-0681 Janilyn Brouwer Daub janilyn.daub@btlaw.com When it comes to safeguarding your interests, you can trust the lawyers at Barnes & Thornburg. We combine deep legal experience, practical know-how and keen insight to deliver workable solutions to your toughest challenges. Helping you unlock your business’ true potential. Joel D. Duthie joel.duthie@btlaw.com Andrew G. Helfrich andrew.helfrich@btlaw.com Glenn E. Killoren glenn.killoren@btlaw.com Alice J. Springer alice.springer@btlaw.com J. Scott Troeger scott.troeger@btlaw.com Uncommon Value Timothy A. Weaver timothy.weaver@btlaw.com ATLANTA CHICAGO DELAWARE INDIANA LOS ANGELES MICHIGAN MINNEAPOLIS OHIO WASHINGTON, D.C. btlaw.com ELKHART.ORG | LEADING BUSINESS 5 Robert Thatcher - ‘Engage in the economic discussion’ “I’m privileged to lead the Concord Mall Management Team,” says Robert Thatcher, General Manager & Director of Leasing. “We’re fully engaged in Commercial Property Management, Leasing, Real Estate Development, Marketing/Media & Retail Merchandising. This enclosed Regional Mall and campus hosts 60-plus businesses, employs in excess of 600 people and generates multi-millions in retail sales. With more than 3,000,000 annual visits it is the dominant retail center in Elkhart County and, honestly, represents the crown jewels for economic activity.” Thatcher has Chaired several ICSC committee’s and remains an active Faculty Member of the ICSC School of Professional Development teaching in both the Schools of Management and Marketing. The opportunity to teach and travel allows him to visit many dynamic markets around the country and experience new and exciting trends that his team evaluates and incorporates into their daily real estate management practices. Not only is Thatcher proud of Concord Mall, he has also served as the Chamber’s Economic Development Council Chair. “I was fortunate to spend several years with FM Properties Corp. (now FM Stone Commercial) and FM Construction Company. Ross Miller was one of my great mentors. Ross chaired the Economic Development Council for several years and was kind enough to invite me to attend. Thereafter, Ross asked me to assume his role as Chairman. Ross remains an active member of the council which says a lot about the value proposition of engaging at this grass roots level,” says Thatcher. “In addition to leading our skilled management team we actively engage directly with all of the national and local retail businesses that successfully operate at Concord Mall. My role as GM encompasses the overall P&L of the enterprise, as well as community, government and media relations. Clearly, our involvement in both the Elkhart and Goshen Chambers has provided outstanding opportunities to fulfill these assignments,” he says. “As an active member of the International Council of Shopping Centers (icsc.org) I do travel periodically to attend national leasing and management events. I’m a volunteer lobbyist at both the state and federal level and champion several legislative initiatives including the Main Street Fairness Act (which can be found at www.21stCenturyRetail.org).” 6 GREATER ELKHART CHAMBER “December 2014 marks my 20 years of service at Concord Mall; spanning three different ownership entities. I’m humbled, blessed and excited about the future! It’s a great gig,” he says. “We experienced the onset of The Great Recession together, remained clear eyed & focused. With tremendous cooperation with EDC and many agencies we have all experienced the ‘Elkhart Miracle,’ wherein Elkhart County led the nation in Job Growth for 3.5 years, ranked third nationally in GDP Growth and, while unrelated, witnessed the remarkable $150M gift to the Elkhart County Community Foundation,” says Thatcher. “Importantly, the Economic Development Council with many great partnerships throughout the region and state is taking an active role in securing the future of our community and businesses. Heavy lifting for sure - but many hands make little work!” He continues, “The Economic Development Council is populated by a very broad base of professionals representing many industries. It’s a fun, attentive and creative group that yields tremendous amounts of ‘market intelligence’ in real time on a regular basis. Above all perhaps is the significant impact that the Council has had on several successful initiatives that have enhanced the business climate and quality of life throughout our community and region. All are welcome and encouraged to visit each third Friday at 8 a.m. We conclude promptly at 9:30. An Economic Truth that is not widely discussed is this: Capital flows to where it is respected and treated well. I hold this truth as a guiding light for the direction of the Greater Elkhart Chamber Economic Development Council.” At the beginning of 2015, the Economic Development Council became the Economic Development and Legislative Affairs Council. Also, Lori Snyder of Berkshire Hathaway Homeservices Northern Indiana Real Estate office in Elkhart became co-chair of the Council. For more information about the Economic Development and Legislative Affairs Council, go to www.Elkhart.org or email Council liaison Denise Polachek at dpolachek@elkhart.org. Chamber’s Annual Meeting luncheon is Hottest Ticket in Greater Elkhart On February 19 the Chamber will hold its 2015 Annual Meeting luncheon featuring guest speaker Andrew Berlin, owner of the South Bend Cubs, limited partner of the Chicago White Sox and the CEO and President of Berlin Packaging. The Chamber will recognize a business that has achieved century- plus status and award the not-for-profit organization of the year. A Business of the Year and a Small Business of the Year will each be honored. Other awards include the Business and Education Partnership, the Ambassador of the Year and Woman of the Year. The Young Professionals Council will award a local business the Cheer of the Year for involvement in its Cheers for Charity program. Winners from last year include Days Corporation, Diana Lawson, Five Star, Label Logic, Welch Packaging Group, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Elkhart County, Waste Away Group, and Noah’s Landing Pet Care Clinic. Attendees will also hear from the outgoing chair Blake Unger of Majority Builders as well as the incoming chair Jeff Peat from 1st Source Bank. A few table sponsorship opportunities are still available as well as some individual seats. Those interested in attending should call Denise at the Chamber at (574) 293-1531 to get tickets or go to www.Elkhart.org. Your local business lender Shelley Pulaski (574) 875-0860 When you need a business loan, open new opportunities by turning to Horizon ̶ your hometown bank. Talk To Your Local Business Lender Today! Our trusted loan advisors are more than financial experts. They’re your neighbors ̶ local professionals who have the insight and experience to get you the loan you need to help your business thrive. horizonbank.com/cash1 ELKHART.ORG | LEADING BUSINESS 7 Improving our workforce & health Pre-screening can save more than money “Not one company that I’ve worked with has said there has been no benefit,” says Connie Bryan R.N. and owner of OnSite Health. Bryan says that she provides on-site screenings for companies so that insurance costs are better and to identify employees who may be at high risk for any of a variety of health issues. “Fifty-percent of the people we screen have high cholesterol anymore,” says Bryan. “And we can identify issues that many people might not even be aware of. This allows them to be proactive in taking steps to make improvements, which in turn helps prevent unexpected medical emergencies for themselves and their business later.” One heart attack can cost a company $150,000 plus the overtime for other employees and the lost time off production as well as increasing group insurance costs in the long run - not to mention the difficulty for the employee and their family, she explains. “In fact one case of diabetes can have a $600,000 financial impact on the business and employee.” Bryan says she or her staff will identify someone with diabetes or a serious heart condition at nearly every screening. “It’s very important to do screenings and catch things early, and that’s what we do,” she says. OnSite Health also offers health coaching, lunch and learn seminars, smoking sessation classes, health fairs, hearing tests, CPR classes and other services that can have a positive impact on the health of an organization. One case of diabetes can have a $600,000 financial impact. Exercise is key to healthy & happy staff 8 GREATER ELKHART CHAMBER Studies have shown that healthy and fit employees result in better attendance, higher productivity, and overall positive attitudes – a definite plus for your organization!” says Ty Mishler of All About Fitness. “Unfortunately, the lack of adequate exercise in today’s society has resulted in an obesity epidemic and numerous health issues for all age groups.” To help combat sedentary positions at the office, Ty and wife Christy, a fitness instructor and partner in the business, started selling treadmills with standing desks in addition to other fitness equipment. “We’ve had the opportunity to work with several businesses in the local area to create and improve their physical fitness programs and have seen great results. It is great to see so many companies within Elkhart County take advantage of these programs and gain not only the physical benefits but also - even more so - the mental and emotional benefits,” says Ty. “We hope that, with our help, Elkhart County can continue this trend of promoting health and wellness in the workplace in order to benefit local businesses and workers. A health conscious employer motivates a health minded employee that in turn produces a healthy community and economy.” & education Develop a more qualified & motivated workforce “At Indiana Tech, we find that employers who actively encourage professional development see benefits in many areas,” says Brian Engelhart, Vice President of University Relations. “Employees gain specific skills and knowledge, making them more effective in their jobs. Teamwork, collaboration and communication are also important components of our degree programs, skills which are much needed in every workplace today. And employees gain more self-confidence as they advance their education, which helps them engage further and take ownership of their work.” “Some employers may fear losing better-educated employees to competitors,” says Engelhart. “But we find that employers who support and promote further education for their employees use it as a competitive advantage – they become more desirable to prospective employees, while also developing a more qualified and motivated workforce, both of which help their business.” In recent years, he says, Indiana Tech has had a growing number of employers approach the school about developing partnerships and other programs that will encourage their employees to take the next step in their education and professional development. Employees can help in choosing the types of training to offer Ross Peterson-Veatch, Ph.D., Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs at Goshen College, recalls a cautionary “proverb” of sorts: The CFO asks, “What if we invest in educating our employees and they leave?” The CEO replies, “What if we don’t and they stay?” It just makes sense on a practical level that investing in your staff pays dividends like few other investments. And there is a good deal of research to back up this common sense notion. Most management professionals recommend a systematic approach that includes analysis of: 1. The skills and knowledge – usually called “competencies” – required to do a job. Competencies can be as basic as reading and as complex as process engineering. 2. The organization – Where do we need training or education? Where in the organization will we improve if we get training? 3. The tasks that are accomplished by people in the organizations. What are people in the organization actually doing in their jobs? 4. The people – who needs training and what training do they need? Training and education definitely add value, and in many cases the employee knows what kind of training would help them to do their job better. But thinking through the four factors above will help make the most of your investments. CHAMBERNEWS Operational Excellence Showcase II coming soon! This year’s Showcase will feature different company applications of Lean Six Sigma. A variety of organizations and businesses will describe how they took the basic tools and forged a system that successfully worked in their unique business environment. The keynote speaker is Bill Waddell, the author of Simple Excellence and Rebirth of American Industry. Other key presentations will include Kokomo Toys Processing System featuring Amber Jordan and Tim Martin, Our Lean Journey by Community Health Network, Lean in a Large, Conventional Business with Bill Roper from Chore Time Brock, Lean for Small Business with Ben Hartmann from Clay Bottom Farm and Synergy of a LeanSafety program with Marc Rose from NIBCO. The event will be held Bill Waddell Thursday, March 5, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Matterhorn Conference Center, 2041 Cassopolis Street in Elkhart. The cost is $50 per person and the registration deadline is March 2nd. Sponsorships and exhibition booths are available. Please contact Jim Walsh at the Elkhart Chamber and North Central Indiana Business Assistance Center at jwalsh@elkhart.org or (574) 293-3209. NEWSABOUT OUR MEMBERS H&R BLOCK READY FOR SEASON - H&R Block at 170 Easy Shopping Place welcomes the 2015 tax season. The staff is ready to help clients get the most out of their returns and offers business services, too. www.hrblock.com NEW CORNERSTONE CPA GROUP LAUNCHES - The opening of Cornerstone CPA is being celebrated with a ribbon cutting at 3160 Windsor Court. The firm hosted January’s Biz-Ness After Hours event. www.cornerstonecpagroup.com 1st Source Bank announces the promotion of Todd Bemenderfer to vice president. He is a business development officer with 1st Source Retirement Plan Services. outstanding high school and college golfer, Harris has a remarkable comeback story after a hand injury sidelined her golfing career for nearly a decade. After more than three years of design, planning, and fundraising efforts, the new Oxbow Tower has opened to the public. Elkhart County Parks, Ancon Construction, and approximately 150 people attended the ribbon cutting ceremony for the 34’ tall structure. Matt Schrock is now focusing on Business Development at DJ Construction, including networking, building relationships, and assisting in project presentations, primarily for clients in St. Joseph County, Indiana. Nick Blohm has joined ASA Electronics as in-house videographer. He will oversee both internal and promotional video production for the corporation and its product lines as well as assisting with social media and graphic design. Dicor Corporation will be one of the sponsors of LPGA golfer and South Bend native Katy Harris this year on the LPGA Tour. An 10 GREATER ELKHART CHAMBER Joyce LaDue, CPA, has been promoted to manager at Kruggel Lawton CPAs, a fullservice accounting and business advisory firm with offices in South Bend and Elkhart. She is experienced in providing tax services for corporations, partnerships, and individuals. Bill Pipp has been named general manager of Welch Packaging Group Elkhart operation. He is responsible for all aspects of the Welch Elkhart operation, including sales, design, customer service, manufacturing, traffic and strategy development. James Brotherson, Faegre Baker Daniels partner and leader of the firm’s recreational vehicle team, has been elected chairman of the Lawyers Committee for the Recreational Merry Ewing has been named general Vehicle Industry Association (RVIA). As manager at WSJV, Fox 28. In her 30-year chairman, he will be responsible for leading career in television, she most recently served meetings of the RV industry’s lawyers and as the senior vice president. consulting with RVIA professionals about issues of concern to lawyers who represent the industry. Submit your company’s news and information to marketing@elkhart.org Free Professional Development for Members The Coaching Authority and Growth Institute have joined forces with The Greater Elkhart Chamber to support Chamber members in continuing education. Business leaders and authors such as Tony Hsieh, Malcolm Gladwell, Seth Godin, Pat Lencioni and others teach industry leading strategies for top business needs in these pre-recorded presentations. Individuals from Chamber businesses and organizations can attend one course a month for free from their own computer. In addition, to inspire conversation and offer networking opportunities, the Chamber will host a presentation each quarter in the Board Room. Here are the events scheduled at the Chamber: Thursday, February 12 11:30am-1:00pm The Ultimate Question 2.0 by Fred Reichheld Thursday, May 7 11:30am-1:00pm Who - The A Method for Hiring by Geoff Smart LAKE CITY BANK: BUSINESS AND EDUCATION PARTNERSHIP AWARD From left, Patsy Boehler of ETHOS and the Chamber’s Education and Career Development Council presents Stephanie Leniski, Vice President, North Regional Manager of Lake City Bank, with the council’s 4Q 2014 Business and Education Partnership Award, along with council liaison Kathy Cardwell. Lake City Bank is active in educating both the youth and adults within Elkhart County. Bank employees have contributed 162.5 service hours in Elkhart County directly attributed to financial education as of the end of November. The bank has hosted multiple “Reality” store events, participated in Junior Achievement, JA-In-A-Day, taught financial literacy, and participated at both the high school and adult levels in FDIC money smart programs. In Elkhart County the bank employees have served a total of 387 hours in board positions and in financial literacy. Some of these organizations include YWCA North Central Indiana, Pinewood Elementary, Goshen High School, Boys and Girls Club of Elkhart County, LaCasa, Inc., and Elkhart Child Development Center. Lake City has made 252 financial literacy presentations during 2014, reaching 1,500 adults and 3,696 youth. The Business and Education Partnership award is given to recognize Chamber member businesses that have demonstrated an ongoing relationship with at least one school in the greater Elkhart community through use of time and resources. Nominations are received and evaluated by the Education Council of the Chamber. For more information contact Kathy Cardwell at kcardwell@elkhart.org. Thursday, August 15 11:30am-1:00pm Lean Execution by Guy C. Parsons Thursday, November 5 11:30am-1:00pm Delivering Happiness by Tony Hsieh For more information on the free monthly seminars go to www.growthinstitute.com/landings/ greater-elkhart ELKHART.ORG | LEADING BUSINESS 11 LEADERSHIP ACADEMY UPDATE Since it started in September with an overnight retreat, the 2014-15 Leadership Academy is running at full speed. “And it will continue through May,” says Denise Polachek, who heads up the program. Recently, the group met for in-depth training on conflict resolution, which is designed to help participants in their business and personal life, and teach them about diversity. “It’s helping them see the importance of being an ethical person in your daily life,” says Denise. “We put this panel together, and we try to get several segments in the business world, including financial, insurance, healthcare, retail. We tried to cover all the main basic businesses that go through the Academy.” For more information on the Leadership Academy contact Denise at dpolachek@elkhart.org. Dallas Bergl, Hayley Boling, Matt Leliart and Dzung Nguyen MENTORING MATTERS - Thirteen area high school students are receiving help from 10 mentors, engaged in market research and writing business plans in the Young Entrepreneurs Academy. Find out about this program by contacting Kathy Cardwell at kcardwell@elkhart.org or by going to www.Elkhart.org. Cowboy Ethics with Dwight Moudy Vernita Todd from Heart City Health Center 12 GREATER ELKHART CHAMBER FEBRUARY ANNIVERSARIES 50 YEARS OR MORE Shaum Electric Company, Inc. Warrick & Boyn, LLP Anderson Silver Plating Co., Inc. Elkhart Clinic LLC 1946 1947 1950 1958 25 YEARS OR MORE BABSCO Supply Inc. 1969 Century 21 Landmark Realty Group 1971 Elkhart Steel Service, Inc. 1973 ADEC, Inc. 1978 Sherwin Williams Co. Geocel Products Group 1979 Gibson1980 Baymont Inn & Suites 1985 Chassix1985 Corporate Graphic Solutions, Inc. 1986 Elkhart County Board of Realtors 1988 20 YEARS OR MORE Meridian Title Corporation Teachers Credit Union American Red Cross Elkhart Civic Theatre 1991 1991 1993 1994 CHAMBER members NEW MEMBERS Hatchett & Hauck LLP www.h2lawyers.com 111 Monument Circle, Ste 301 Indianapolis, IN 46204 (317) 464-2620 Fax: (317) 464-2629 Jaime K. Saylor Attorneys Scrapper’s Rescue scrappersrescue.wix.com/silverwolf36 1919 Cassopolis St. Elkhart, IN 46514 (574) 262-9911 Fax: (574) 262-9911 Pat Heiser Retail: Specialty Safety By Design www.sbdcs.com 879 Joliet St, Ste 125 Dyer, IN 46311 (574) 327-3523 David Ward Safety/Health Consultant Victory Construction, Inc. www.victoryconstruction.com 150 Easy Shopping Place Elkhart, IN 46516 (574) 296-9905 Fax: (574) 296-9903 Ed VanderMolen Contractors: General 15 YEARS OR MORE Tenneco1996 CAPS - Child And Parent Services 1997 10 YEARS OR MORE City of Elkhart 2001 Kem Krest 2001 ASL Testing 2003 Enterprise-Rent-A-Car2003 Insight Strategic Concepts, Inc. 2003 Clayborn Enterprises, Inc. Accutax/Homestead Realty 2004 American Cancer Society Northwest Indiana Office 2005 Ribbon of Hope Cancer Support Ministry 2005 5 YEARS OR MORE Teksource2006 Church Community Services 2008 Habitat for Humanity 2008 H & R Block 2009 WBND/ABC 57 2009 Hadley Transit 2010 Lasalle Bristol 2010 Plante Moran, PLLC 2010 1 YEAR First Call Staffing 2014 GDC, Inc. 2014 HealthMarkets Insurance Agency2014 Housand Benefits Group 2014 New Paradigm Brewing Co., LLC 2014 Shoff Security Systems 2014 REACH OVER 2,000 Business and Community leaders throughout the Greater Elkhart Area and Michiana with LEADING BUSINESS. For more information contact Shane Frost at shane@elkhart.org or call 574-293-1531, extension 128. RENEWING MEMBERS Our thanks to members who recently renewed! 5 Star Investment Group, LLC Advanced Imaging Solutions, Inc. Alick’s Home Medical, Inc. Allegra Print & Imaging Allied Waste Services Arnt Asphalt Sealing Barnes & Thornburg LLP Ben’s Soft Pretzels Big Brothers Big Sisters of Elkhart County, Inc. Biomet-Hibbard Brentwood at Elkhart Broderick Chiropractic Center Burston Marketing, Inc. Business Development Corporation (BDC) Buzzi Unicem USA Champion Manufacturing CommunityWide Federal Credit Union Concord Community Schools Conte Equipment Sales Inc. Continental Industries, Inc. Cope’s Carpet Cleaning, Inc. Cornerstone Environmental Health & Safety Inc. Creative Financial Staffing Geneele Crump, LCSW Cutters Foam Fabricating, Inc. Dec-O-Art, Inc. Dermacenter MD Paul D. Eash Attorney at Law PC EFP Corporation Element Materials Technology Elkhart County Government: Board of County Commissioners Excel Electronics Inc. Fasnap Corp. Flags International FM Stone Commercial Friends & Neighbors Real Estate Services G-Diamond Transport, Inc. The Growth Coach Holiday Inn Express Hop’s Quality Detail & Window Tinting Industrial Metal Fab, Inc. INOVA Federal Credit Union Irvine Shade & Door, Inc. JJ Babbitt Co., Inc. KERAMIDA Inc. Kibbechem, Inc. Kruis Mold & Engineering, Inc. Kuert Concrete, Inc. LESEA Broadcasting TV/ Radio Lindahl Photography, Inc. Lithotone, Inc. Mach I Packaging Inc./Dynamic Packaging Solutions Martin’s Pet & Garden Center Michiana Legal Forms Michiana PC Network Solutions, Inc. NIBCO Inc. ObeCo, Inc. ELKHART.ORG | Once Upon a Child Overhead Door Company of Mishawaka PayChoice PNC Bank Premiere Signs Quality Wine & Ale Supply LLC Ranch Fiberglas, Inc. RJ Reese Insurance Agency Rollie Williams Paint Spot, Inc. Royal Excursion SERVPRO of North Elkhart County Talmer West Bank Target Marketing TCU Insurance Agency Terry’s Cleaning & Restoration Tile Redi, Ltd. Trinity United Methodist Church Vista Manufacturing, Inc. Waste-Away Group, Ltd. Welch Packaging Group LEADING BUSINESS 13 Feb.-Mar. 2015 CALENDAR OF EVENTS for more information, check our calendar of events online at Elkhart.org. 6 February Third House Town Hall Forum Elkhart Public Library, 300 S. Second St. Fri. Noon OSHA 10 Hour General Industry Safety & Health Program Tue. Wed. Matterhorn Conference Center, 2041 Cassopolis St. 8 am - 5 pm The Ultimate Question 2.0 Greater Elkhart Chamber, 418 S. Main St. Thu. 11:30 am - 1:00 pm 10-11 12 17 Biz-Ness After Hours Signature Lanes Family Fun Center, 1180 Fremont Ct. 5 - 7 pm 18 Career Day - ECA and The Crossing Elkhart Christian Academy, 25943 County Road 22 9 - 11 am Tue. Wed. 18 Wed. 19 Thu. 19 Thu. 21 Sat. OSHA Council Breakfast: Pedestrian-Vehicle Safety Matterhorn Conference Center, 2041 Cassopolis St. 7:30 - 9 am Greater Elkhart Chamber’s ANNUAL MEETING Crystal Ballroom at the Lerner, 410 South Main St. 11:30 am - 1:30 pm (see page 7) Young Professionals Cheers for Charity: CARES Great Wall Restaurant, 610 North Nappanee St. 5:30 - 7:30 pm Third House Town Hall Forum Greater Elkhart Chamber, 418 S. Main St. 10:00 am March 5 Operational Excellence Through Continuous Improvement Showcase Matterhorn Conference Center, 2041 Cassopolis St. 8 am to 5 pm 6 Third House Town Hall Forum Elkhart Public Library, 300 S. Second St. Noon Thu. Fri. 10-13 Tue.-Thu. 18 Wed. OSHA 20 Hour General Industry Safety & Health Program Matterhorn Conference Center, 2041 Cassopolis St. 8 am - 5 pm OSHA Council Breakfast: Arc Flash Matterhorn Conference Center, 2041 Cassopolis St. 7:30 - 9 am MORE EVENTS ONLINE AT ELKHART.ORG 14 GREATER ELKHART CHAMBER Biz-Ness After Hours Social Networking Event Signature Lanes Family Fun Center invites you to join them in celebrating their renovations! 1180 Fremont Ct. Tuesday February 17 5 - 7 pm Sponsor a 2015 Biz-Ness Event Contact cmeenan@elkhart.org Imagination Pro Media provides the sound system for all Biz-Ness events. With over 500 active volunteers and more than 1,000 business members that represent 42,000 employees, the Chamber is poised to lead the Greater Elkhart area economy through the 21st Century. NETWORK, DEVELOP AND SERVE The Greater Elkhart Young Professionals are career-focused individuals who collectively choose to have a positive impact. As YPs, we choose to: • • • Impact our careers by NETWORKING at CHAMBER and other business functions Impact our professional development and by organizing LUNCH & LEARN programs Impact our communities and improve livability through our CHEERS FOR CHARITY EVENTS ! e r e h t e B www.elkhart.org/councils/young-professionals.cfm GET MORE INFORMATION AT www.ELKHART.org ELKHART.ORG | LEADING BUSINESS 15 www.elkhart.org
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