Sponsorship package - Limestone District Grenadiers Football Club
Sponsorship package - Limestone District Grenadiers Football Club
Limestone District Grenadiers Football Club www.GMen.ca 2016 Season Sponsorship package About us Introduction The Limestone District Grenadiers Football Club offers competitive summer football at both the junior and senior varsity level. These teams travel within the Ontario Varsity Football League (OVFL). The Grenadiers are a not-for-profit association overseen by a volunteer board of directors. Volunteer coaches lead these teams and a dedicated group of parent volunteers’ assist with game-day operations. Volunteers are committed to three objectives: safety; participation over competition; and education over performance. The Grenadiers provide an opportunity for athletes between the ages of 15 and 19 to play a highly competitive level of summer football while progressing through their high school years. In addition to learning, playing and enjoying football, emphasis is placed on sportsmanship, self-discipline, teamwork, academic achievement and community involvement. Many graduating Grenadiers move on to play university football. The Club relies on support from the community and corporate sponsorship to help offset costs to keep local football affordable for players and their families. Costs associated with running the Grenadiers junior and senior varsity teams include field and facility rentals, equipment purchases, travel expenses, the cost of officials, league fees, insurance and so much more. With your help registration fees can be kept as low as possible to encourage these athletes to remain active in football. This sponsorship package introduces opportunities for you to support the Grenadiers. Please take a minute and choose the level of support that best suits your business needs. Your interest and commitment, through your sponsorship, will help build a strong and lasting relationship with our community. } } } } } } 5-Star General 3-Star General Player-of-the-Game sponsor Starting Line-up sponsor Program advertising Other opportunities Vision The Limestone District Grenadiers Football Club has a mission to build and maintain a thriving organization constructed around the communities of Brockville, Kingston and Belleville regions. The most important part of this vision is to provide the essential tools to our players allowing them to develop not only their next stage within the sport of Football but to equip them with self-improvement and team skills important in all other life pursuits. Our organization is invested in innovation, ambitious for improvement, and committed to excellence. We believe that maintaining the Grenadiers as a premier franchise within the OVFL represents a rich investment in our local community spirit and identity. Most importantly though, the Limestone Grenadiers Football Club is an investment in our youth and the future they bring with them. The 2016 season sponsorship package Sponsorship opportunities 5-Star General: $5,000 The 5-Star General is the most prestigious package. Your company will be promoted locally at the home field and online. Your company will have a presence on our website, reaching Grenadier fans for a full year. On the field, your company name/logo will be proudly displayed on banners at the sideline; and your company name and/or logo will appear on team apparel. Not only will game attendees become familiar with your company at the field, fans will also take home a souvenir game-day program that will include your full-page, full colour ad to continue your company’s influence off the field. And there’s more! Your company will be announced at various times throughout all junior and senior varsity home games. This added feature expands on the visual components listed above to create an auditory association between your company and the Grenadiers. The presentation of physical, visual and auditory stimuli will provide an opportunity for fans to familiarize themselves with your company and create quick recall when thinking about the products and services your company provides. This package also includes four season passes for you or your employee to experience OVFL football in action. Your involvement with our association is appreciated. With this package your company will also be included as part of our year-end “thank you” in the Grenadiers Year Book. This will highlight your commitment to the Club and the values it stands for in a way distinctly superior to regular marketing and commercialism. Highlights of the 5-Star General package: } } } } } } } } } Three sideline banners displayed at home games (3’ x 5’) Company name or logo on team apparel Advertisement and link on website (www.GMen.ca) Full-page, full-color advertisement in home game souvenir program (inside front cover, inside back cover or outside back cover) Announcements at home games (average of five times per game) Four seasons passes Grenadiers Club sponsor plaque Two invitations to the Grenadiers annual year-end banquet A thank you in the Grenadiers year book 3-Star General: $3,000 The 3-Star General is the most popular and advantageous advertising package to promote a local business. With this package your company’s logo will be displayed on banners at the sidelines of all junior and senior varsity home games. Not only will your business gain exposure from local fans but also fans of the opposing teams. Your company becomes well known to fans making your company top-of-mind when purchasing your products or services. In addition to the banners, your company receives a full-page, full-color ad in the Grenadiers program for all home games. This will provide your company with access to fans on and off the field with the take home, souvenir program. As a promotional benefit your company will also be announced during home games. These announcements resonate with fans and become an anticipated aspect of the game, similar to how a consumer responds to radio ads. This package also includes two season passes to the 2016 season for you or your employees to experience these teams in action. Your involvement with our association is appreciated. With this package you will also be included as part of our year-end “thank you” in the Grenadiers Year Book. This will highlight your commitment to the Club and the values it stands for in a way distinctly superior to regular marketing and commercialism. Highlights of the 3-Star General package: } } } } } } } } Two sideline banners displayed at home games (3’ x 5’) Company logo and link on website (www.GMen.ca) Full-page, full-color advertisement in home game souvenir program Announcements at home games (average of three times per game) Two season passes Grenadiers Club sponsor plaque Two invitations to the Grenadiers annual year-end banquet A thank you in the Grenadiers year book Player-of-the-Game sponsor: $1,500 The Player-of-the-Game sponsor package provides companies with moderate involvement. At the conclusion of each home game a Grenadiers player will be recognized for their outstanding contribution to that game. This recognition will be announced as: “The Grenadiers player of the game is brought to you by [your company name].” Fans will be attentively listening for this announcement, creating exposure for your company through fan awareness. Your company name/logo will also be displayed on a sideline banner and be promoted in a half-page, full-color ad in the Grenadiers souvenir program for every home game. Being part of the Grenadiers program is more personal than flyers. This package gives your company consistent access to the fans. Your involvement with our association is appreciated. With your sponsorship you will also receive two passes for the 2016 season to experience and watch the teams that you’ve helped make possible. Your company will also be included as part of our yearend “thank you” in the Grenadiers Year Book. This will highlight your commitment to the Club and the values it stands for in a way distinctly superior to regular marketing. Highlights of the Player-of-the-Game package: } } } } } } Sideline banner displayed at home games (3’ x 5’) Player-of-the-Game Sponsor (minimum of four announcements per season) Half-page, full-color ad in home game souvenir program Two season passes Grenadiers Club sponsor plaque A thank you in the Grenadiers year book Starting Line-up sponsor: $750 The Starting Line-up is an entry-level sponsor package. During a minimum of two home games your company’s name with be announced as the provider of the game’s starting line-up. The benefit of this package is introducing your company name to fans at the beginning of the game – when fans are still fresh and attentive. The announcement of the starting line-up is important to fans. It will create a greater emphasis when your company is announced. To compliment the announcement, a quarter-page ad will be included in the Grenadiers souvenir program for every home game, giving your company consistent exposure throughout the season. Your involvement with our association is appreciated. You company will also receive two season passes and a year-end ‘thank you’ in the Grenadiers Year Book. Highlights of the Starting Line-up package: } } } } Starting Line-up announcements (minimum of two games per season) Quarter-page ad in home game souvenir program Two season passes A thank you in the Grenadiers year book Program advertising The Grenadiers souvenir game-day program is the fan’s guide to each home game. The program is available free to all fans and consists of player information, rosters, pictures and the upcoming schedule. Have your company message placed in the Grenadiers program to let the football community know that you are a proud supporter of the Limestone District Grenadiers Football Club. Full-page ad: $500* – Half-page ad: $300* – Quarter-page ad: $200* *Published for all home games Full-page with bleed (back cover and inside covers only) Full-page Half-page Quarter-page Other Opportunities Other opportunities for you to partner with the Limestone District Grenadiers Football Club can be custom tailored to meet your needs. Tell us your innovative ideas to support these athletes. As a not-for-profit organization we are able to provide your company with a receipt for your advertisement. We can also accept online payments by credit card. Please contact us to set up. Artwork and/or logo can be emailed to marketing@gmen.ca Any questions contact: Cindie Ashton at 613-384-9349 or by email at marketing@gmen.ca 2016 Sponsorship and advertising commitment Order form Contact name: Company name: Street address: City: Postal code: Phone: Email: SPONSORSHIP PACKAGE 5-Star General AD SIZE 5.25" x 8.25" PRICE $5,000 5.25" x 8.25" $3,000 5.25" x 4" $1,500 2.75” x 4’’ $750 5.25" x 8.25" 5.25" x 4" 2.75” x 4’’ PRICE $500 $300 $200 QUANTITY TOTAL ($) QUANTITY TOTAL ($) Ad: Inside front or back cover, or back cover (colour) 3-Star General Ad: Full-page (colour) Player-of the-Game Ad: Half-page (colour) Starting Line-up Ad: Quarter-page (colour) PROGRAM ADVERTISING Full-page ad (black and white) Half-page ad (black and white) Quarter-page ad (black and white) PAYMENT: Amount $ ___________ Cash:_______ Cheque:_______ Credit card: ________ Cheques made payable to: Limestone Grenadiers Football Club P.O. Box 475 Station Main Kingston, Ontario K7L 5C7