September 2006 - Military Order of the Purple Heart Chapter 1919
September 2006 - Military Order of the Purple Heart Chapter 1919
YOUR NEXT PURPLE HEART EVENT DATES VOL 7-2 — SEPTEMBER PATRIOT BULLETIN 2006 13 SEP — EXECUTIVE STAFF MEETING, 12 NOON, CAMP MABRY MUSEUM 16 SEP — 10AM, CHAPTER MEETING, CAMP MABRY MUSEUM 2 OCT — 6:30AM, “BREAKFAST AT JIM’S” HWY 183 AT BURNET RD PATRIOT BULLETIN THE MILITARY ORDER OF THE PURPLE HEART OF THE U.S.A. TEXAS CAPITAL CHAPTER 1919 9 OCT — 6PM, “OUTBACK APPRECIATION NITE,” 713 E HUNTLAND DR SEPTEMBER ...Come To Our Next Meeting… 10AM, SATURDAY, SEPT 16th CAMP MABRY, MUSEUM (Bldg. #6) Summer vacation is over, school is back in session and Chapter 1919 resumes our schedule of regular monthly meetings. Resolve now to be a faithful attendee and start by not missing this first month back. After the meeting agenda is concluded, our Special Guest Speaker will be Lieutenant Colonel Thomas H. Magness, an Army War College fellow at the University of Texas. His presentation is LT COL THOMAS H. MAGNESS titled “The Business of Leaders,” and will include UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS current events and what is going on in the Army AUGUST 2006 today. Come and hear him. After the meeting, all inclined to do so meet for lunch at the Luby’s Cafeteria at MOPAC and Steck. THE ENTRANCE TO CAMP MABRY IS WEST OF MOPAC ON 35TH STREET AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE INSTALLATION. COME PREPARED TO SHOW DRIVER’S LICENSE PICTURE ID AT ENTRANCE GUARD POST. ...This Month’s Feature, See Page 8... CLYDE CARMAN CLYDE WAS THE CAMERA OPERATOR ON A PHOTO RECON B-24 IN THE 15TH AIR FORCE IN WWII, WOUNDED WHEN HIS AIRCRAFT WAS HIT BY FLAK ON JULY 17, 1944 ON A MISSION SUPPORTING THE INVASION OF SOUTHERN FRANCE. TENS OF THOUSANDS OF GI’s WATCHED AS CLYDE’S PLANE DITCHED OFFSHORE IN SPECTACULAR FASHION IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SHIPS OF THE INVASION FLEET. CHAPTER 1919 HAS SEVERAL PATRIOTS THAT PARTICIPATED IN THE INVASION OF SOUTHERN FRANCE. IF YOU SAW CLYDE’S B-24 DITCH IN THE SEA THAT DAY, TELL US ABOUT IT. INSIDE: LEADER BOARD 2-3 NEW MEMBERS 4 ADJUTANTS CALL 5 NEWS / FEATURE / PHOTOS 4 - 12 BIRTHDAYS / BOOSTERS 12 - 13 TRIBUTES / MEMORIALS 14 - 15 CHAPTER CALENDAR 16 Page 2 PATRIOT BULLETIN Chapter Notes WE HAVE JUST HAD ONE OF THE BEST PURPLE HEART DAY CELEBRATIONS EVER, AND HAVE BEEN TO NATIONAL CONVENTION, ALL ABOUT THAT IS IN THIS ISSUE….. COMMANDER’S MESSAGE T chapter 1919’s success in newsletter publication. Sean Carr was our top volunteer at the Coffee Bar with over 1700 hours, Sean, thanks from our volunteer coordinator, Raymond Diaz, and myself. The Department of Texas will be pushing membership this year. California is second in the nation and, if the trend of the recent past continues, California will catch up with and then surpass Texas in the next few years. As a little side note, the price of gas in California was $3.37 a gallon. I will not complain about the price of gas in Texas, or the potholes in the freeways again. he hot days of summer are almost over; I for one would enjoy cooler days. We still need to take Our “Purple Heart Day” observance last month was, care and not let ourselves get overheated. Check on in my opinion, a great meeting. If you missed it, we your friends, especially the elderly, frequently. had a catered BBQ lunch with all trimmings and it was absolutely outstanding. I Elaine and I returned from want to thank Jim Brown, Sean Los Angeles on August 20th. Carr, John Eli, Joe Hartness, We were at the 2006 National and others who helped set up the Purple Heart and LAMOPH room for the meeting and then Convention. There were some stayed after it was over to put changes made to the MOPH’s everything back like we found it. By-Laws, changes that would The meeting was very interesting be considered minor by most because of a new Power Point of us, but; nonetheless, many presentation that has just been improvements were made to put together by Milton and streamline things. Our Chapter Howard. It was a 15-minute 1919 did very well with two “slide show” with pictures of all ribbons awarded for the nearly 70 Patriots that have recruiting, and this year’s appeared as monthly features in award for “Best Purple Heart the chapter newsletter over the Chapter Newsletter in the years. Adjutant Milt would like Nation” the prestigious John even more Patriot pictures, send E. Binnion Award (see Inset), was presented to digital pictures and some information about your Chapter 1919 at the convention. Our newsletter is the military service unit. Call me for more information at result of a lot of hard work by Patriots Milt Carr and 339-8034. Howard McKinney and we have them to thank for THE PATRIOT BULLETIN IS PUBLISHED, NORMALLY MONTHLY, BY THE TEXAS CAPITAL CHAPTER 1919, The MILITARY ORDER of the PURPLE HEART of the U.S.A., Inc., 5701 PAINTED VALLEY DRIVE, AUSTIN, TEXAS, 78759, FOR ITS MEMBERS. TO SUBMIT MATERIAL, OR COMMENTS, OR TO REPORT CHANGES OF ADDRESS, NOTIFY EDITOR, MILT CARR, (512) 343-7940. YOU CAN VIEW OUR NEWSLETTER IN COLOR ON YOUR COMPUTER. GO TO WEBSITE: Yours in Patriotism, Federico Rey P A T R I O T B U L L E T IN Page 3 Unit Notes …. BUT, WHAT’S IMPORTANT NOW IS OUR NEXT MEETING PLEASE COME AND BE WITH US ON SAT. SEPT 16TH ... Region V President. She did a great job at Department and we know she will do equally well at Region V. CHAPTER / UNIT 1919 OFFICERS, MOPH CHAPT 1919 NOTE: ALL AREA CODES ARE ( 512 ) COMMANDER A special thanks goes out to the ladies that helped in making Purple Heart Day a success. Betty Cepeda, Julie Bridgwater, and Valerie Dye helped serve the cake, and Eileen Dieter helped clean up the tables. Thanks PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE also to John Burkhardt, Barbara Hanson and others who donated e have returned from the 2006 towards the purchase of linens for the MOPH and LAMOPH National Family Support Group of our adopted Convention in Los Angles. Our newly unit in Iraq, the 3rd Bn, 16th Artillery. elected National President is Nancy Lee Birschbach. All new officers will The date for the battalion’s return to be listed in Purple Heart Magazine. Fort Hood has not yet been set. But, when they do come home, the President Birschbach announced her officer’s and enlisted men’s wives first initiative is to get new members will help welcome the unit home by from the Chapters to join our Units. Secretary Betty Cepeda and I will start going to the barracks, making up the by sending out applications to join our beds and leaving a “welcome home Unit. If you are the wife of a Patriot in basket” for each of the returning single enlisted soldiers. The basket Chapter 1919, but; are not yourself a on each bed will have personal member of our Ladies Auxiliary Unit 1919, then please consider joining us. comfort items (so that they will not We welcome you to become as deeply have to run out to the PX the first day involved as you wish, but; it is equally they are back), and it will have OK to join even if you must be inactive cookies! “Saint Al’s Gals” from Saint Albert the Great Catholic because of ill health or other reasons. The important thing is that we add new Church plan to bake 300 dozen members. Without continued growth in cookies so that each soldier will have membership, LAMOPH Unit 1919 will a dozen fresh, home-baked cookies cease to exist. Please, when you get the in their basket. Fred and I will take application, I hope you will answer the the cookies up to Fort Hood and assist need by joining. All you have to do is the battalion ladies in setting up the fill out the blank form, add a check for barracks — We could use the help of dues, and return it to us in the enclosed Unit 1919 ladies in doing this, call me if you would like to participate. self-addressed, stamped envelope that you will find included in the letter. W Carolyn Cooper, our Past Dept of Texas President, has been elected COMMAND AND PRINCIPAL STAFF God Bless, Elaine FRED REY 339-8034 SENIOR VICE COMMANDER ARMANDO YBARRA 444-5932 JUNIOR VICE COMMANDER JOE HARTNESS 964-1146 ADJUTANT MILT CARR 343-7940 FINANCE OFFICER RAY DIAZ 444-6342 SERVICE OFFICER TONY MOORE 389-6543 PUBLIC RELATIONS TONY GEISHAUSER 527-8495 JUDGE ADVOCATE MARTIN L. ALLDAY, J.D. 206-0633 SURGEON ROBERT BERNSTEIN,M.D. 345-5988 CHAPLAIN SCOTT JOHNSON 301-7413 WELFARE OFFICER RUFUS DYE 926-5691 SERGEANT AT ARMS LESLIE ALLEN 892-3864 OFFICERS, LAMOPH UNIT 1919 PRESIDENT ELAINE REY 339-8034 SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT DENISE YBARRA 444-5932 JUNIOR VICE PRESIDENT ROSALIE DYE CASTILLO 272-4582 SECRETARY BETTY CEPEDA 388-9083 TREASURER BETTY CEPEDA 388-9083 TRUSTEES, 3-2-1 JULIE BRIDGEWATER (972) 488-9973 ELIZABETH LARSON 418-1342 JENNYNE BILSKY 338-1999 Page 4 PATRIOT BULLETIN NEW MEMBERS National Headquarters has added four new members to the rolls of Chapter 1919 since publication of last month’s PATRIOT BULLETIN. Welcome and Congratulations to all: JAMES P. BRYANT is an Army Korean War veteran. He was wounded on Oct 28, 1950 while serving in Company D, 5th Regimental Combat Team. JOHN S. LOFTON is an Army Vietnam veteran. John was in Company A, 4th Battalion, 31st Infantry, 196th Light Infantry Brigade when wounded, June 7, 1967. MARK W. WOODRUFF is a Marine Corps Vietnam veteran, wounded at Phu Bai on March 17, 1968 while serving in Co F, 2nd Bn, 3rd Marines. LEWIS W. WRIGHT, III is an Army Vietnam veteran. He was assigned to the 200th Assault Support Helicopter Co, 12th Aviation Group, wounded in April 1968 at Hue Phu Bai. At “press-time” we had several additional applications in processing at National Headquarters. JOHN C. BURKHARDT , Army, Vietnam. JOHN E. LAW, Marine Corps, Vietnam. ...Our Next…. OUTBACK APPRECIATION NITE ...Is Monday, October 9th at 6 PM… The Outback Steakhouse at 713 E Huntland Dr. is our most generous corporate “booster,” annually donating all proceeds from a special Purple Santa Benefit Luncheon that funds that program for the entire year (this year’s luncheon will be on Saturday, December 16th, put it on your calendar now). To show Chapter 1919’s appreciation for that support, “Purple Santa” urges our patriots and ladies to join him with everybody coming out and buying their supper and enjoying the meal together. Come after work, about 6PM, Monday, October 9th. For easy identification by the wait staff, wear something purple if you’ve got it, so they can conveniently seat us together in table groups. Come if you can ! ...An Early…. PURPLE SANTA PROJECT An Elementary School that we support has a great need for Books — all types, for children or for grownups — new or used, hardback or paperback, even comic books are welcome (but, no sexually oriented content please). Patriots and Ladies, if you have books that you no longer need, then bring them to our next meeting, September 16th, and deposit them in the “collection barrel” that will be prominently placed in the entrance of the meeting room at the adjutant’s reception station. Your donated books will be put to good purpose by assisting the school and those young students. —Rufus Dye, Purple Santa Program Director P A T R I O T B U L L E T IN Page 5 ADJUTANTS CALL ...Or Everything You Need To Know To Be A Recruiter... A mong all the areas of chapter administration there are few subjects that have not been addressed at some time or other here in Adjutants Call. But, this month, appearing for the first time, is a suggestion that any of our members can assist in recruiting. If you are not serving the chapter as an officer or volunteer worker, but; nonetheless would like to help in some way, then one of the most valuable contributions that you could make would be to sign-up a new member. Being a volunteer recruiter is easy, and it’s something you can take up on your own. Most of us already know one or more veterans in our circle of friends and acquaintances that are purple heart recipients that are not yet MOPH members. Don’t wait for someone else to do so, take on the task of signing them up as your personal challenge. I said it’s easy, your own individual recruiting kit comes in the mail every two months. Take your last issue of Purple Heart Magazine and tear out the Membership Application Blank. Make a point of having it with you when you expect to encounter your prospective recruit. This is important because the probability of success is greatest when you have an application with you and take the initiative by assisting your prospect in filling it out. Your chances are less if you just leave the application and ask them to return it to you later; and the probability of success is lowest when you do not have an application blank available when you make your sales pitch and leave them with a promise to send them one in the mail afterwards. You are a MOPH paperwork expert, even if you do not realize it, because you have already successfully applied yourself, and the rules haven’t changed since you did so. Only three things are required, a completed (and signed) application, documented proof-of-award of the purple heart (preferably the DD214 showing “purple heart” in the awards and decorations block of the form), together with the applicant’s choice of Annual or Life membership dues . Once you have the completed application, within Chapter 1919, please mail that paperwork to me: Adjutant, Milt Carr, Chapter 1919, MOPH, 5701 Painted Valley Drive, Austin, Texas 78759. This will enable us to immediately put the applicant on our newsletter mailing labels list and have the phone callers network invite them to our next meeting without delay. I’ll be looking for an envelope with a new member application in the mail from you soon. As Commander Fred Rey mentioned, we have a Power-Point slide show presentation with a slide for each of our members featured in past newsletters, and will be happy to add one for any other member of Chapter 1919 for whom we have a photo (in uniform sometime during the war in which you were wounded). E-Mail your digital photo as an attachment to, or send by regular mail to the adjutant at the above address and your original photo will be scanned for use and sent back to you by return mail. “Booster” Publications is several months behind in sending booster booklets to those who have made donations recently. We are deliberating an upgrade to the quality and distribution before printing the next updated booklet, so please bear with us a little longer. If you have sent in a contribution recently, you are on the list and you will not be forgotten when the time comes to mail them out. —MILT CARR, Adjutant, (512) 343-7940 NATIONWIDE MEMBERSHIP BY STATE TX CA PA FL NJ MI NY OH VA AZ NC WI CT GA IL WV MN OK TN NM SC LA MO MA KY MD WA MS IN AL AR CO OR NE HI IA KS ID NV MT DE AK RI NH VT UT GU WY SD ND PR 3,412 2,949 2,623 2,543 2,514 2,116 2,015 1,355 1,034 905 881 840 830 819 798 720 678 661 655 649 640 633 587 565 561 551 544 532 531 506 478 439 354 335 285 277 273 227 216 202 197 188 165 141 127 125 86 63 61 26 26 TOTAL = 39,005 Page 6 PATRIOT BULLETIN ...A Report On Chapter 1919’s Last Meeting, Our… PURPLE HEART DAY CELEBRATION ...In The Museum At Camp Mabry… COMMANDER FRED REY OPENS THE MEETING. PHOTO OF THE SERVING LINE IN THE MAIN GALLERY. SNAPSHOT BELOW IS OF THE MEETING HALL WHERE EVERYONE IS BUSY EATING. AS WAS EARLIER REPORTED, OUR LONGTIME CHAPTER MASCOT, “PAPPY,” DIED SEVERAL MONTHS AGO. PATRIOT AND LADY, THE JOHNNIE MATL’S, SURPRISED US BY COMING TO THIS MEETING WITH A YOUNG PUPPY THAT IS “PAPPY’S HEIR APPARENT,” AND HE WAS A BIG HIT WITH EVERYONE. PICTURED BELOW IS LADY ELIZABETH LARSON TAKING HER TURN IN GETTING ACQUAINTED. BEFORE IT WAS CONSUMED AS DESSERT, THE ART WORK ON THE 224th ANNIVERSARY CAKE FOR THE PURPLE HEART WAS ADMIRED BY ALL Page 7 PATRIOT BULLETIN COACH RUDY BAUTISTA (AT THE PODIUM), CAME TO OUR PURPLE HEART DAY GATHERING TO THANK THE CHAPTER FOR SPONSORSHIP OF THIS YEAR’S LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL TEAM, THE “TWINS,” AND TO REPORT ON THE TEAM’S SEASON (THEY WON 22 AND LOST ONLY ONE GAME), AND TO PRESENT THE TEAM’S COMMEMORATIVE PLAQUE (SHOWN HERE) TO COMMANDER FRED REY STEPHANIE DIINA-DEMPSEY, DIRECTOR OF THE ACC FOUNDATION, TOOK THE PODIUM AND REPORTED ON THE PURPLE HEART ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP FUND (FOR ALL VETERANS AND SPOUSES FOR SELECTED COMPUTER SCIENCE COURSES). FOR THIS PAST SCHOOL YEAR, INCLUDING THE SUMMER TERM, $3,143 WAS USED TO PAY 13 VETERANS SCHOLARSHIPS RECENTLY JOINED MEMBERS ATTENDING THEIR FIRST MEETING ARE: (LEFT) PATRIOT DAVID TOSH, AND RIGHT PHOTO (CENTER) IS JOHN BURKHARDT IN CONVERSATION WITH CHAPTER OFFICERS, JOHN ELI, JAMES L. BROWN, AND LES ALLEN Page 8 P A T R I O T B U L L E T IN CLYDE S. CARMAN Air Force, WWII, Europe Patriot, Chapter 1919 Clyde S. Carman was born in Schenectady, New York in 1924. His family lived in Saugerties when he was in grade school, then moved to Poughkeepsie. He was a senior in high school when Pearl Harbor was attacked and he enlisted as soon as he turned eighteen, signing up with the understanding that he would not be called to active duty until after graduation in the Spring of 1942. However, he reported, as ordered, to the induction station in New York City and was sworn in on April 28, 1942, less than two weeks before the rest of his class graduated at Poughkeepsie High School without him. Clyde went through basic and advanced individual training in Miami, Florida. Because of a shortage of military training installations early in WWII, civilian facilities were pressed into service and so Private Carman was billeted in a Miami hotel and trained on what had been a golf course. After that initial course, he was assigned to a Bomb Group in Lakeland, Florida where he flew Sub-Patrol missions off the Florida Coast. When the Bomb Group was ordered to Europe, Clyde was among a small group of the men with insufficient training to qualify for overseas deployment, so he was left behind. He made up for that deficiency in a big way. The University of Alabama; Nashville, Tennessee; Montgomery, Alabama; Decatur, Alabama; and Laredo, Texas are just some of the places that he was sent for various courses. And then, partly because he had prior experience in photography, Clyde Carman was then sent to Denver, Colorado for training in aerial photography. AIRMAN CLYDE CARMAN 1943 15TH AIR FORCE PATCH He was then posted to Sioux Falls Army Airfield in South Dakota, and there, he met and married a local girl, a Miss Lillian Wentz. From there, Clyde was ordered to Colorado Springs, Colorado where B-24 crews were being formed and put through crew training, and Lillian went with him. He was assigned as the Camera Operator of a specially equipped B-24H that had an array of cameras installed in the space normally occupied by the bomb racks. By late May 1944, their training complete, the crew deployed their aircraft to Europe. Following the South Atlantic Ferry Route, they moved in stages, with the first step being a flight down to Florida. Lillian followed from Colorado Springs and it was not until the plane was ready to depart the United States that Clyde sent her back home to South Dakota. Then, from Florida the crew flew to Puerto Rico, and from there, to British Guiana and on down to the eastern-most tip of Brazil. The longest leg of the journey was the flight from Natal across the South Atlantic to Africa arriving in Dakar, Senegal. Then after staging up through North Africa, on June 5, 1944, eleven days after leaving the United States, they flew into Giulia Field near Cerignola, Italy, home base of their new unit, the 759th Bomb Squadron, 459th Bomb Group of the 15th Air Force. AIR FORCES PHOTO OF A FORMATION OF B-24 BOMBERS DURING A MISSION The photo plane “Our Baby” flew 27 combat missions. Normally they would arrive over the target area about 30 minutes after a Page 9 PATRIOT BULLETIN bombing raid, with Camera Operator, Sergeant Clyde Carman, taking pictures for headquarters to use in bomb damage assessment. Clyde says, “Bill Zorb was our aircraft commander, he knew just how to bring the plane in to my best advantage for getting good pictures.” The photo reconnaissance aircraft from outward appearances was a normally configured B-24 bomber and that lone aircraft coming in after a bombing raid, especially one looking just like the planes that had dropped the bombs, naturally attracted a spirited and hostile response from the ground. On July 17, 1944, the B-24 “Our Baby” flew its last mission. Operation “Anvil-Dragoon,” the invasion of Southern France had just been launched and Clyde Carman was photographing the target of an earlier bombing mission in support of that operation when the aircraft was hit with heavy FLAK over the target area. Clyde took a shoulder wound from a shell fragment. Lieutenants Hoff and Slavkin, and Sergeant Peake, were also wounded. The pilot managed to keep the badly damaged B-24 in the air long enough to get out of France, but just barely. They put the plane down in the middle of the ships of the invasion fleet offshore of the Cote d’Azure. “Our Baby” remained afloat long enough for the closest ships to send small boats and take off the plane’s crew before it sank. It took several days for the men to be returned to their unit in Italy and by the time they got back to Giulia Field, Clyde’s shoulder wound had become badly infected. Sergeant Carman was then hospitalized in the Bomb Group’s hospital in Cerignola, a well equipped civilian hospital building that had been taken over by the Air Force’s medical personnel. He was reassigned to 15th Air Force Headquarters in Bari upon his release from the hospital and Clyde Carman’s WWII flying days were over. For the remainder of the war he worked with bomb target maps in the headquarters and he was promoted to Staff Sergeant. After the war ended, Clyde Carman returned to the United States in August 1945. He was discharged at Camp McCoy, Wisconsin in October and went home to Lillian in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. He remained in the reserves for another 6 years after leaving active duty. Clyde was employed by General Electric. In that job he worked a large area of the mid-west while maintaining a home in Sioux Falls. Finally, he says, “I got tired of freezing to death , so we moved to Texas in 1957.” They had family connections in Texas so it was easy to make the transition. Except for a brief stay in Florida while Clyde assisted his parents there during their declining years, Clyde and Lillian had resided in the Austin area for nearly 50 years before Lillian’s death, on Valentine’s Day of this year. Clyde Carman has been a life member of Chapter 1919 for the past seven years. CREW OF THE 759th SQDN B-24 “OUR BABY” CAMERA OPERATOR STAFF SERGEANT CLYDE S. CARMAN 1945 SGT CLYDE S. CARMAN PREPARES TO SERVICE HIS EQUIPMENT BEFORE THE NEXT MISSION -1944 FROM FRONT LEFT: PILOT BILL ZORB, CO-PILOT LT EDWARDS, NAVIGATOR LIEUT HOFF, BOMBARDIER LIEUT MORRIS SLAVKIN STANDING FROM LEFT: CAMERA OPERATOR SGT CLYDE CARMAN, TOP TURRET GUNNER SGT LEROY HOSSLER, WAIST GUNNER SGT WARREN PEAKE, AND THE FLIGHT ENGINEER SGT AL HOLESKO Page 10 P A T R I O T B U L L E T IN DEPARTMENT OF TEXAS NEWS ...For Every MOPH Chapter & LAMOPH Unit… There is one important administrative function that must be accomplished by all Chapters (as well as Dept) prior to October 1st, otherwise it will result in loss of revenue for that chapter and the Department of Texas. The annual “Life Member Verification Report” must be completed by chapter adjutants and the original copy sent in and received by National Headquarters before October 1st. Submit 2nd (yellow page) copy to Department Adjutant, John Footman. If your chapter does not have this blank form (see the image below), then call me or Adjutant, John Footman right away, there isn’t much time left. —Federico Rey, Commander, Department of Texas MOPH PHONE NUMBERS COMMANDER FEDERICO REY (512) 339-8034 SENIOR VICE COMMANDER VIRGIL ALDAG (940) 321-5852 JUNIOR VICE COMMANDER JOSE MORALES (254) 224-6982 ADJUTANT, JOHN FOOTMAN (254) 699-0079 FINANCE OFFICER, RAY DIAZ (512) 444-6342 SERVICE OFFICER ROCKY HERNANDEZ (254) 628-1326 LAMOPH PRESIDENT AND SECRETARY ELAINE REY (512) 339-8034 SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT BETTY CEPEDA (512) 278-0292 JUNIOR VICE PRESIDENT MARTHA CHANEY (254) 575-8762 TREASURER DORIS WARD (817) 556-0091 BIRTHDAYS FOR THE LADIES AUXILIARY Seven of our Unit 1919 ladies will be celebrating this month and very Happy Birthday wishes go all ! SEPTEMBER 2 4 5 16 17 20 26 MARILYN SWAN VELIA CASTRO BARBARA CARR JOHNNIE MATL ELIZABETH LARSON VIRGINIA ROGERS MARY FRANCES COWDEN —ELAINE REY, Unit President READ THIS NEWSLETTER ON THE INTERNET ...It’s There Every Month... This newsletter was posted on the internet about ten days before you received this paper copy in the mail. To see for yourself, just log on at and look through the menu and click on “September 2006 Newsletter.” The photos and graphics are in color and a growing number of our members and friends are helping us save on printing and mailing costs by notifying us to stop sending them the paper copy. You can do so also. Upon your request, chapter 1919 will inform you by e-mail each month as soon PATRIOT BULLETIN is available for viewing and we will suspend mailings to you. To make sure we get your e-mail address correctly, direct your request to: P A T R I O T B U L L E T IN Page 11 TWO CHAPTER 1919 PATRIOTS IN THE NEWS ! Patriots ALAN BABIN, and ARMANDO YBARRA The news is happier now, for Alan and Armando, than it was when they first attracted public attention so we will start off by showing you the “after shot” first and the“before shot” below. In July, Patriot Alan Babin traveled to Anchorage, Alaska to participate in the NATIONAL VETERANS WHEELCHAIR GAMES. He came home a Silver Medal winner. Nearly 600 athletes attended the games. Alan competed in four events, bowling, quad rugby, quad weightlifting and shot put. He won his Silver Medal in his favorite competition, rugby. The Paralyzed Veterans Assn. sponsored Alan’s trip. “MISS ALASKA” WITH ALAN BABIN AND HIS SILVER MEDAL Patriot Babin was wounded in the first few days of combat in Iraq, in March 2003, while serving as a medic in the 82nd Airborne Division and his therapy and recovery are still continuing. Here is the earliest photo that we had of Alan, from Walter Reed Army Medical Center, May 2003, after one of 70 surgeries. On Sunday evening, August 30th, Patriot Armando Ybarra was a guest on the nationwide television program, “War Stories with Ollie North” — that episode of the weekly show on the Fox News Channel focused on the fighting in Lebanon. The host, Lt Col Oliver North traced the origins of the current fighting all the way back to the 1983 terrorist truck bombing of the Marine Barracks in Beirut, and at that point he introduced and conversed with his special guest, Armando, who along with his wife, Denise, had been flown to New York City to make that special appearance. The reason they did so is because the media did not forget. Twenty-three years ago, as the young Marine, Armando Ybarra, was rescued from the rubble of the bombed building the photo below captured that moment in time and this picture in 1983 went on the cover of Time and Newsweek Magazines and TV coverage worldwide. Page 12 PATRIOT BULLETIN PATRIOT BIRTHDAYS Of the TEXAS CAPITAL CHAPTER 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 6 8 8 9 10 10 12 12 14 14 14 15 15 15 16 16 17 17 19 19 21 21 21 21 21 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 24 25 25 25 26 26 27 27 28 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 6 6 7 7 OSCAR R. SEGURA RAMON R. CORONADO SEPTEMBER RUBEN N. MARTINEZ GILBERT R. MONTOYA WILLIAM E. DOOLITTLE RICKI LEE (RICK) GLENN ROBERT McHANEY WILLIAM D. WISCHMEYER ROBERT L. WARD WELDON W. TAYLOR FRED M. (DOC) COX FELIX B. SILVA JR. TED A. BICKERSTAFF EDWARD D. (ED) JONES JAMES G. DRIETH JERRELL W. HUDMAN SAMUEL (SAM) FLORES JACK G. LEDFORD ROBERT H. (BOB) HARWOOD ROBERT A. WHITMAN JAMES S. HUFNALL HERMAN C. HAYDON ROBERT R. JONES RALPH R. RICHARDSON AUGUST J. KADERKA HARRY G. DAVES JR. HARRY W. LINBARGER JOHN E. (JOHNNIE) HOLUB JAY T. KIMBROUGH DENVER K. MORRIS STANLEY M. JANKIEWICZ RODOLFO ALANIZ ALFREDO C. LEYVA JOHN W. THOMAS RAYMOND M. DIAZ JOHN B. (BOB) BEST ROBERT S. HACKNEY BILLY H. HUGHES RALPH W. WATSON SCOTT E. GIDEON FLOYD H. (SONNY) LACKEY ROBERTO MORENO JOE VELASQUEZ HENRY A. PAPKE PAUL R. HOLSTIN JOSEPH W. RUANE, III GREG A. SCOTT JOEL W. LEHMAN ERNESTO G. (ERNIE) JIMENEZ JR. CHARLES E. BONNEY JOSEPH ZORNICK OCTOBER DANA M. BECKER ARMANDO R. GARCIA ARNOLD E. (A.E.) KAUFFMAN FRED E. LORD THOMAS A. LYKE ORMEL I. (JACK) BOYD CARL H. KLEIN JOHNNIE L. MATL ROBERT E. WILSON ALVIN LANGHAMER h a p p y b i r t h d a y ...WILL WE MAKE THE ... PURPLE HEART STAMP “A FOREVER STAMP” Patriot Fletcher Harris, who is Chapter 1919’s most knowledgeable champion of the Purple Heart Stamp, reports that he has had contact with the offices of two congressmen that both tell him the same thing. The Postal Service will soon choose a First-Class Stamp that will be a “Forever Stamp.” Forever meaning that the design will not change, even after the rates go up. It will always be good for mailing a 1st-Class letter no matter when you purchased it. Also, it will never go out of circulation because it will always be available at the rate current at the time of your purchase. Serious consideration is being given to the idea of adoption of the Purple Heart Stamp to be the new “Forever Stamp.” But, Fletcher says, both congressmen warned him that opposition could develop and public pressure will be needed if the Purple Heart Stamp is to be the choice. PATRIOT BULLETIN appeals to everyone in MOPH who has the ability to influence the action, to voice support of adoption of the purple heart stamp design for the forever stamp. VA CLINIC COFFEE BAR VOLUNTEER SERVERS Chapter 1919 welcomes new volunteer workers for our “Coffee Bar” at the clinic which serves coffee, orange juice and snack packets, free of charge, to all comers every day the clinic is open to patients. Those newly signed up are (our new Chapter Chaplain), Scott “Padre” Johnson, also John Wilkins and Joe Trevino. Several others on our volunteer list have had to drop out however, so there is plenty of room for new talent. If you can join us in this worthy endeavor, call me anytime. —Ray Diaz, VA Volunteer Coord., 444-6342 P A T R I O T B U L L E T IN Page 13 BOOSTERS Help support Chapter 1919’s programs by becoming a “Booster” and adding your name to this distinguished list. Send check contribution of $10 or more payable to Chapter 1919, MOPH and designate for “Boosters” to: Adjutant, Milt Carr, 5114 Balcones Woods Drive Suite 307 #175, Austin, TX 78759-5212. INDIVIDUALS BARBARA HANSON 8/06 RICHARD HARGARTEN 4/06 FLETCHER HARRIS 8/06 MARTIN ALLDAY 3/06 LESLIE ALLEN 1/06 JOHN ALVARADO, JR. 8/05 ANNONYMOUS 8/06 LATRELL BELLARD 8/05 ROBERT BERNSTEIN 6/06 JENNYNE BILSKY 4/06 STEPHEN BODNAR 5/06 DON & BETTY BOSSERMAN 2/06 JOHN BRAND 1/06 BILL & KATHRYN BRANT 11/05 JOHN BRATTEN 1/06 JAMES L. BROWN 1/06 JOHN BURKHARDT 8/06 MILT CARR 3/06 SEAN CARR 12/05 JOE CASTRO 10/05 L.C. CASTRO 3/06 BETTY CEPEDA 5/06 JIM & ELAINE CHAMBERS 10/05 BOB HARWOOD 5/06 CARLOS & ANN HAYDEN 9/05 HERMAN HAYDON 5/06 BOB HEFFORD 10/05 MARV & PEG HEIN 11/05 B.H. HUGHES 4/06 CHARLES KELLEY 5/06 MARY ARMSTRONG KELSO 2/06 THE KERR FAMILY 4/06 CARL & BESS KLEIN 11/05 LEW LEDBETTER 6/06 HAROLD & MAUREEN LEWIS 10/05 HAROLD MARBURGER 8/06 ARTHUR MASUR, JR. 6/06 "PAPPY," MASCOT MEMORIAL 11/05 JOHNNIE & JOHNNIE MATL 3/06 RAY MCKEE 7/06 ALICE & JERRY MEEK, WDM, IA 5/06 R. LOUIE SPINELLI 2/06 HARRY & MARILYN SWAN 1/06 GABRIEL TAMAYO 11/05 CHARLES TARVER 7/06 GWEN & ARTHUR TATE 8/06 W.R. TIMMERMANN 3/06 VA OUTPATIENT CLINIC DONATIONS, Daily SERVANDO & MARY VARELA 3/06 WALTER WALDON MEMORIAL 4/06 JACK WARDEN 5/06 ROBERT & JUNE WHITMAN 12/05 MAUREEN YETT 4/06 JOE ZORNICK 3/06 ORGANIZATIONS ACES 2/06 MOPH SERVICE FOUNDATION ODD FELLOWS LODGE 23 12/05 RAV - REGULAR AMERICAN VETERANS 3/06 TEXAS MILITARY FORCES MUSEUM, Monthly VFW POST 3377 1/06 VFW POST 856 1/06 ALL-STAR DONORS SPECIAL RECOGNITION IS DUE TO EACH OF OUR SUPER BOOSTERS, INDIVIDUALS WHOSE GIFTS HAVE TOTALED $100 OR MORE — AND CORPORATE DONORS WHO HAVE GIVEN $1,000 OR MORE DURING THE PAST YEAR. PATRIOT BULLETIN SALUTES — Martin L. Allday, J.D. — John Alvarado, Jr. — Robert Bernstein, M.D. — Don & Betty Bosserman — — John Brand — John Bratten — James L. Brown — John Burkhardt — Jim & Elaine Chambers — — Raymond Diaz — Wallace Downey — Rufus Dye — John Eli — Mr.& Mrs. Elton Goodall — — Jack Hadsell — Fletcher Harris — Robert Harwood — Carlos & Ann Hayden — Carl Klein — — Lew Ledbetter — Harold & Maureen Lewis — Jerry & Alice Meek — Ponciano Morales,III — — Henry & Delores Papke — E.L. Parker — Fred & Elaine Rey — Harold Rose — Walter Waldon Mem.— CORPORATE LEVEL — Odd Fellows Lodge #23 — Olga’s Beauty Spa — Outback Steakhouse — JACK CHAVEZ 4/06 MARCUS COHEN 12/05 BOB COOK 3/06 JOE CRUZ 3/06 HARRY DAVES 8/06 RAYMOND DIAZ 6/06 WALLACE DOWNEY 10/05 PHILIP DREISESZUN 9/05 RUFUS DYE 7/06 JOHN ELI 8/06 VIRGIL L. ELLIS MEMORIAL 1/06 JAMES W. FARMER, SR. MEMORIAL 8/05 VIC FRYSINGER 1/06 GONZALO GARZA 3/06 TONY GONZALES 4/06 MR&MRS ELTON GOODALL 6/05 RANDY & VIOLA GREENE 10/05 JACK HADSELL 3/06 LEE HAGAN 3/06 GEORGE MIGL 12/05 ROY MILLER MEMORIAL 9/05 DONALD MORRISON 5/06 BILL NEWBERRY 3/06 CHAPTER 1919 OFFICERS 10/05 HENRY & DELORES PAPKE 3/06 EDGAR PARKER 11/05 FRANK & KATHY PLUMMER 8/06 FRED & HARRIETTE RETTIG 7/06 FRED & ELAINE REY 7/06 ARTHUR RICE MEMORIAL 4/06 MARLIEN RICE 12/05 MINNIE RICE 12/05 HAROLD ROSE 8/06 JACK SALTER 9/05 ED SCHMALREID 7/06 CLARENCE SEIDL 1/06 JAMES D. SEYMOUR, JR. 5/06 CARLOS SOZA 8/06 BUSINESSES AUSTIN DUCK ADVENTURES 11/05 BAE SYSTEMS 4/06 CAPITOL BEVERAGE 8/05 EL AZTECA RESTAURANT 12/05 HILL'S CAFÉ 5/06 INSTY-PRINTS S [ELLER FAMILY] 4360 S CONG. THE KYLE FAMILY LONE STAR SUPPLIES 2/06 MCKINNEY E-SYSTEMS & ASSOC., INC. 5/06 MIKE'S PRINT SHOP 6448 HWY 290E MORALES & ASSOCIATES, ARCHITECTS, INC 5/06 OLGA'S BEAUTY SPA 10/05 OUTBACK STEAKHOUSE IH-35 N 12/05 RANDALLS FOOD MKTS, INC, QTRLY SOUTHWEST RESEARCH INSTITUTE 4/06 SYSCO FOOD SVC OF AUSTIN, QTRLY Page 14 PATRIOT BULLETIN Tributes For a donation of $25, or more, we will place your message in twelve subsequent publications of the bulletin. Special Note: Your contribution may be tax-deductible to the extent of the law prescribed in the Internal Revenue Code. —MILT CARR, (512) 343-7940 In Honor of our Grandfather And Great-Grandfather CURTIS WASHINGTON This is in Memory and Gratitude For the Many Members of 173rd Airborne Brigade 6-4-69-RVN Who gave their all to their country and will never be forgotten RAYMOND DIAZ 6/06 And in memory of his Tank Crew, 11th Armored Division who fought in the BATTLE OF THE BULGE Who Passed On While They Fought for Our Nation In Memory Of Departed LAMOPH Officers BETTY DYE - ROBERTA HARWOOD SHIRLEY CAVANAUGH -BILLIE ELLIS MARIA ELISA RODRIGUEZ Good Officers & Great Ladies “Thanks for the Memories” In Tribute To Our Sons: MAJOR JACK E. BOWEN, USAF USAF Acad Class ‘68, FAC, Vietnam CHIEF RONALD R. BOWEN, USN Nuclear Sub U.S.S. SAM HOUSTON In Memory and Gratitude CPL BENNY MATIAS, JR. 9th Infantry Division 12-11-68-RVN CPL JOE GARCIA ANN LINGO 4/06 IN MEMORY Of my fellow Aviators of the 4th Air Commando Sqdn AC-47s “Spooky” Those who answered the final call in Vietnam MAJOR/USAF (Ret) JERRY L. MEEK 5/06 In Memory of those pilots of the 367th Fighter Group —WWII Europe That made the supreme sacrifice RUFUS DYE 7/06 All Services 1/06 RICHARD, BETH, ELISE, HALEY, JULIA & PAIGE JACK & LUCILLE BOWEN 3/06 In Memory of the Pilots of the 18th Fighter / Bomber Group Who Lost Their Lives During The KOREAN WAR RUFUS DYE 7/06 IN MEMORY Staff Sgt JOHN J. BROWN A Good Soldier, A Great Father JIM BROWN 1/06 IN MEMORY HANG IN THERE MEN OF MOPH 1919 “HAVE A GREAT YEAR” RAY McKEE 7/06 Of the 27 crew chiefs and pilots Who died in a single plane crash In England during WWII 439th Troop Carrier Group JACK HADSELL 3/06 This is in Memory of In Memory of Members of LtCol, USAF, Retired, M.C. Quillen Ex-POW MACV Advisory Team 79 “With Whom I Flew Many Hundreds of Hours With for the State of Texas” who were killed or wounded, and to those who survived the conflict “GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN” JACK BOWEN, EX-POW, WWII 4/06 In Memory of the pilots of the Vietnam —1964 - 1965 HAL HUTH 9/05 TO ALL OF THE OFFICERS, PAST AND PRESENT, WHOSE EFFORTS AND DEDICATION HAVE MADE MOPH CHAPTER 1919 THE BEST IN THE NATION ! HAROLD [TEX-HOSS-HAL] LEWIS 3/06 TO THOSE WHO SERVED Semper Fidelis WILLIAM NEWBERRY 4/06 IN MEMORY OF JAMES W. FARMER, SR. Lt Col, U.S. Army, Retired CAROLYN FARMER DOUGLAS 7/06 In Memory and Honor of the Heroes of ADVISOR TEAM 1, I CORPS, VIETNAM-1971 And Of The Heroes of Operation Enduring Freedom Thank You For Sacrificing Your All To Ensure Peace and Freedom for all Mankind JOE HARTNESS 9/05 IN HONOR OF THE 36 MEN CO K, 333rd INF, 84th INF DIV Who helped preserve our freedoms by Losing their lives within 6 months time In Belgium, Germany 1944-1945. PFC JOHN E. BRATTEN 1/06 For Fallen Comrades 1st Armored Division (Old Ironsides) 388th Tactical Fighter Wing VIETNAM WAR From FORT KNOX To BRENNER PASS; Via ENGLAND, AFRICA, and That Made the Supreme Sacrifice ITALY’s APENNINES, ANZIO, PO RUFUS DYE 7/06 BOB BERNSTEIN, MD MG USA, RET 3/06 CARLOS HAYDEN 9/05 To those who gave their lives 103rd Infantry Division Europe, 1944-45 JOHN BRAND 1/06 P A T R I O T B U L L E T IN Page 15 More Tributes Chaplain CHARLIE WATTERS K.I.A.— Vietnam, Nov 19, 1967 Died Serving God, and his Fellow “Sky Soldiers” IN MEMORIAM Remembering all of Chapter 1919’s combat wounded patriots that have gone on before us, listed here in the order of reported death: from Aug 1995 through Jun 2006. 173rd AIRBORNE BRIGADE MILT CARR 3/06 In Memory of Patriot ARTHUR RICE JENNYNE BILSKY 5/06 TAPS STANLEY R. STOUT, SR. LEONARD D. JALUFKA LEE R. DAVIS WONLEEY GRAY CATO R. SALAS BILLY J. CLIFTON WILLIAM C. PRATT ROY P. BENAVIDEZ BILLY J. OGAN MAXEL ROGERS CARL E. VOTTI DORMAN A BELDEN JESSE (J.D.) STALLINGS LYSTER “STEVE” CONDITT TONY BUCKLEY WILLIE E. BOLDEN PETER P. CACCAVALLA KIRK KEENEY NORRIS P. ROBBINS JAMES W. SYRELL WAYNE RANDOLPH JAY FRANCIS STEELE ALLEN S. THOMPSON FRANK E. SMITH CLIFFORD (CLIFF) WHITLEY RODNEY R.HENDERSON J.L. VAN DYDE, JR. ROY O. BENNER FARRIS C. RANSOM RICHARD M. (DICK) WEST JAMES E. (PAPPY) HINKLE EDGAR STEWART ROBERT O. VITERNA HERMAN (RAY) WADDELL SAMUEL T. HASTINGS ROBERT HARRIS ERWIN A YOUNGBLOOD ROBERT H. HIBBENS EDMUND J. (ED) SOCHA JOHN A. McCARTY HARRY L. STITH LEON B. ANDERS JOE MONTEZ, JR. FLOYD P. CLEMENT LARRY S. WETTER RAYMOND LEAL HARMS FISCHER MATT O. DELMAS, JR. CLAUDE V. BLACKWELL ODELL D. NIVENS JULIAN M. LARA ALFRED G. MELANCON FRANK G. BRETH JAMES M. (JIM) INKS THOMAS L. BRADFORD JESSE DEWEY SMITH KYLE O. THOMPSON DALE A. HERRITT CURTIS E. SCHATTE FLOYD L. ABEL BILL H. KERR OTHA R. LUMPKINS ROLF O. RICHVOLDSEN BISHOP D. (B.D.) McKENDREE JOHN E. STAVAST AUGUST R. DELUCIA ELMO T. STUDDARD JOHN C. ONTIVEROS TOMMY A. PROVENCE, JR. ROBERT E. McBROOM BLAIR C. SMITH MILFORD R. DAVIS ERNST LINDIG CHARLES W. WARWICK WALTER R. LEWIS DAVID A. HARLEM, SR. LARRY C. SHIPMAN WINSTON L. CAVE JAMES W. (JIM) FARMER, SR. EDMOND G. DEBERRY FRANCIS T. EYRE CHARLES L. FRIZZELL JOE A. LOCKWOOD MELFRED L. FORSMAN VIRGIL L. ELLIS CURTIS O. WASHINGTON WALTER B. WALDON ERIC E. HEBBE, JR. ARTHUR RICE WALTER E. KIZZIA FLOYD E. BENNETT TOM F. PRIDDY The MILITARY ORDER of the PURPLE HEART of the U.S.A. TEXAS CAPITAL CHAPTER 1919 5701 PAINTED VALLEY DR AUSTIN, TEXAS 78759-5527 NONPROFITORGANIZATION U.S.POSTAGE PAID AUSTIN,TX PERMITNO.504 “ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED” EETING NEXT M 16th BER SEPTEM JULY ’06 NO MEETINGS SUMMER BREAK ! JANUARY ’07 1ST, BREAKFAST 17TH —STAFF NOON SAT., 20TH, 10AM MONTHLY MEETING CAMP MABRY MUSEUM Lunch Afterward at Luby’s Cafeteria MOPAC at Steck AUGUST SEPTEMBER 7TH BREAKFAST 4TH BREAKFAST 3RD STAFF NOON 13TH STAFF NOON OCTOBER 2ND BREAKFAST 11TH STAFF NOON SAT, 5TH, 11AM SAT, 16TH, 10AM PURPLE HEART DAY SAT, 14TH, 10AM MONTHLY MEETING MONTHLY MEETING CELEBRATION CAMP MABRY “The 224th Anniversary CAMP MABRY Of the Purple Heart” FOOD AND DRINKS FREE FOR PATRIOTS, FAMILY & GUESTS CAMP MABRY MUSEUM FEBRUARY 5TH BREAKFAST 21ST —STAFF NOON FRI, 23RD, 6PM GEORGE WASHINGTON’S BIRTHDAY DINNER PARTY At “The Austin Club” Great Entertainment, Great Food, and, a Great Time at a Great Party MUSEUM, Bldg # 6 MUSEUM, Bldg # 6 NOVEMBER DECEMBER 6TH BREAKFAST 4TH BREAKFAST 8TH STAFF NOON SUN 10TH -CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS PARTY 3-5PM SAT 16TH-OUTBACK PURPLE SANTA BENEFIT SAT, 11TH, 9AM VETERAN’S DAY PARADE up Congress Ave, then 11:30AM — 1:30PM SUN, 17TH, 1—5 PM CHAPTER / UNIT Lunch Afterward at Luby’s CEREMONY Luby’s Cafeteria MOPAC at Steck FOLLOWS AT 11AM MOPAC at Steck HILL’S CAFÉ SOUTH STEPS OF THE CAPITOL BLDG HOLIDAY PARTY BOTH PARTYS ARE AT ODD FELLOWS LODGE 23 6809 GUADALUPE MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE Lunch Afterward at 5TH BREAKFAST 2ND BREAKFAST 21ST —STAFF NOON 18TH —STAFF NOON SAT, 24TH, 10AM 7TH BREAKFAST 9TH - STAFF NOON SAT, 12TH, 10AM MONTHLY MEETING, AND MONTHLY MEETING CAMP MABRY MUSEUM SAT, 21ST, 10AM MONTHLY MEETING ANNUAL ELECTION OFFICERS INSTALLATION HILL’S CAFÉ CAMP MABRY MUSEUM Lunch Afterward at Lunch Afterward at TBA—MEMORIAL DAY ACTIVITIES LUBY’S CAFETERIA Luby’s Cafeteria MOPAC at Steck MOPAC at Steck 4700 S Congress Ave PFLUGERVILLE COOK-WALDEN CAPITAL PARK 14619 N IH-35 4TH BREAKFAST 14TH—STAFF NOON SAT, 16TH, 11AM Chapter ANNUAL PICNIC FULL COOKOUT MENU CAMP MABRY PICNIC GROUNDS Free For Members, Family, And Guests FY-2007 TEXAS CAPITAL CHAPTER 1919 EVENTS CALENDAR
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