Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization
Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization
Mixedinteger programming methods for supply chain optimization C h r i s t o s T. M a r a v e l i a s Chemical and Biological Engineering University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706, USA July 19-29, 2011, Angra dos Reis, RJ, Brazil Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Outline 1. Supply Chain Management 2. Linear Programming 3. Basic Mixedinteger Linear Programming 4. Advanced Mixedinteger Linear Programming 5. Software Overview 6. Combinatorial Optimization 7. Chemical Production Scheduling 8. Integration of Production Planning and Scheduling Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison The Chemical Supply Chain Supply chain (SC): network of facilities and distribution options for the procurement of materials; transformation of materials into intermediate and finished products; and distribution of these finished products to customers. Suppliers Manufacturing Facilities Warehouses/ dist. centers Retailers Customers Traditional PSE is concerned with the development of methods for the design, operation, and control of chemical systems. Chemical industry changes: New products ⇒ multiproduct (and batch?) processes Holistic view of operations Tayur ‐ FOCAPO 2003: Inventories in SCs: ~ $10 trillion (10% of US GDP) Same customer satisfaction levels with 50% inventory The goal in supply chain management is to coordinate materials, information and financial flows to fulfill customer demands while improving competitiveness of the supply chain as a whole; in coordinating these flows various decisions have to be made. Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Supply Chain Planning Matrix (Meyr et al., 2002) procurement Short‐term distribution sales Strategic Planning Long‐term Medium‐term production Master Planning Purchasing & Material Production Planning Distribution Planning Requirements Planning Scheduling Transport Planning Demand Planning Demand Fulfillment Power Utilities Integration across time scales and functions Many new interesting problems Power – industrial gases – steel SC Oil – industrial gases – chemicals SC under power constraints Refinery Industrial Gases Chemicals Customers Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Supply Chain Planning Matrix (Meyr et al., 2002) procurement Short‐term distribution sales Strategic Planning Long‐term Medium‐term production Master Planning Purchasing & Material Production Planning Distribution Planning Requirements Planning Scheduling Transport Planning Integration across time scales and functions Corn Corn Grain Demand Planning Demand Fulfillment C4 Hydrolysis Fermentation Many new interesting problems Power – industrial gases – steel SC Oil – industrial gases – chemicals SC under power constraints Biomass to fuels and chemicals Succinic acid Fumaric acid Sugarcane Malic acid Sugars C5 Bagasse C6 Corn Stover Switch grass Wood Wood waste Dehydration Furfural Dehydration Levulinic acid FDCA Fractionation ‐ Catalyst ‐ Steam ‐ Acid ‐ Enzymes Fast pyrolysis Liquefaction Bio‐oils (Sugars, Acids) & Lignin Hydrolysis Lignin Demethoxylation Hydrodeoxygenation Zeolite upgrading BTX Phenols &BTX Aromatics Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Supply Chain Planning Matrix (Meyr et al., 2002) procurement Short‐term distribution sales Strategic Planning Long‐term Medium‐term production Master Planning Purchasing & Material Production Planning Distribution Planning Requirements Planning Scheduling Transport Planning Demand Planning Demand Fulfillment Integration across time scales and functions Many new interesting problems Power – industrial gases – steel SC Oil – industrial gases – chemicals SC under power constraints Biomass to fuels and chemicals Integration of production planning and scheduling Exxon Mobil: 2% reduction in operating costs, 20% inventory reduction (Shobrys & White, 2002) DuPont: Capital tied up in inventory reduced from $165 to $90 million (Shobrys & White, 2002) Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Outline 1. Supply Chain Management 2. Linear Programming 3. Basic Mixedinteger Linear Programming 4. Advanced Mixedinteger Linear Programming 5. Software Overview 6. Combinatorial Optimization 7. Chemical Production Scheduling 8. Integration of Production Planning and Scheduling Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Linear Programming Standard optimization problem: max f(x) s.t. g(x) = 0 h(x) ≤ 0 x∈X n - number of variables m - number of equality constraints l – number of inequalities m<n If functions f, g, h are linear and variables x are continuous, we have a Linear Programming (LP) Model. Notes: 1. Free z∈ℜ variables can be replaced by two nonnegative variables x, y ≥ 0: z=x–y 2. Inequalities can be transformed to equalities with slack variables x1 + 2x2 ≤ 10 ⇒ x1 + 2x2 + s1 = 10, s1 ≥ 0 3. Minimization problems can be expressed as maximization problems: min f(x) ⇔ max –f(x) Thus, we can use the standard LP form: (LP) max z = cTx s.t. Ax = b x≥0 where x: (n+l)-vector; A:(m+l)×(n+l) matrix; c: (n+l)-vector; b: (m+l)-vector Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison LP Geometry A process is used for the production of products P1 and P2 from raw materials A and B according to: 2A + B → 3P1 (1) A + 2B → 3P2 (2) If the maximum availability of raw materials A and B is 10 kg/hr, the price of both chemicals is $100/kg, and the demand for products P1 and P2 is 12 and 13 kg/hr, respectively, what is the optimal production mix? The problem can be represented as the following network (the labels refer to the streams, not species): A B SA SB SA1 SA2 SB1 SB2 Reaction 1 Reaction 2 S1 P1 S2 P2 FP2 If FP1 and FP2 are the amounts of products P1 and P2, respectively, the optimization problem (P1) can be stated as follows: max Z = 100 FP1 + 100 FP 2 0 ≤ FP1 ≤ 12, 0 ≤ FP 2 ≤ 13 2FP1 + FP2 ≤ 30 20 st. 2 FP1 + FP 2 ≤ 30 FP1 + 2 FP 2 ≤ 30 30 (P1) FP2 ≤ 13 FP1 ≤ 12 10 FP1 + 2FP2 ≤ 30 10 20 30 FP1 Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison LP Geometry max 10x1+10x2 s.t 2x1 + x2 ≤ 30 x1+2x2 ≤ 30 x1 ≤ 12 x2 ≤ 13 x1 , x2 ≥ 0 Definition: Definition: Definition: max 10x1+10x2 s.t 2x1 + x2 + s1 = 30 x1+2x2 + s2 = 30 x1 + s3 = 12 x2 + s4 = 13 x1, x2, s1, s2, s3, s4 ≥ 0 30 x2 20 A basic solution to an (LP) is determined by fixing (n-m) variables to 0, and solving the (m×m) system to obtain the remaining. • Variables fixed at zero are non-basic variables. • Variables obtained by solving the equalities are basic. A basic feasible solution to an (LP) is a basic solution that satisfies nonnegativity constraints. x2 + s4 =13 10 x∈F is an extreme point iff x = α x1 + (1-α) x2 and α∈(0,1), x1, x2∈F implies x1 = x2. i.e. x can not be obtained by linear combination of x , x ∈ F: x ≠ x . ⇒ The basic feasible points of an LP are the extreme point of its feasible region. 1 2 2x1 + x2 + s1 = 30 1 2 x1 + s3 = 12 x1 + 2x2 + s2 = 30 x1 10 20 30 Basic solution Basic‐feasible solution (extreme point) ⎡x ⎤ Let A = [B | N], x = ⎢ B ⎥ where B: m×m full-rank, N: m×(n-m), xB: m-vector and xN: (n-m)-vector ⎣ xN ⎦ Ax = BxB + NxN = b If xN = 0 ⇒ xB = B-1b - B-1NxN z = cBxB + (-cBT B-1N T + cN )xN Basic point Objective function Theorem 1: A point x in F is an extreme point iff xB = B1b ≥ 0, xN = 0 Theorem 2: The optimal solution x* of (LP) lies at an extreme point of F. Theorem 3: Point x* is optimum if Reduced Cost RC = ‐cBT B1N + cNT ≤ 0 Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Simplex Method Main idea of Simplex: If current basis non‐optimal, swap a non‐basic variable for a basic one until (‐cBTB‐1N + cNT) ≤ 0T we start at x1=x2=0 ⎡2 ⎢1 ⎢ ⎢1 ⎢ ⎣0 N 1M 2M 0M 1M 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0⎤ 0⎥⎥ 0⎥ ⎥ 1⎦ xN = [s2, s1] = [0, 0] xB = [x2, s3, x1, s4] = [10, 2, 10, 3] z = 200 – (10/3)s2 – (10/3)s1 x2 B ‐1 xB = B b z = cBxB + (‐cBTB‐1N + cNT)xN (0,13) (4,13) (10,10) xN = [s3, s1] = [0, 0] xB = [x2, s2, x1, s4] = [6, 6, 12, 7] z = 180 + 10s3 – 10s1 (6,12) xN = [x1, x2] = [0, 0] xB = [s1, s2, s3, s4] = [30, 30, 12, 13] z = 0 + 10x1 + 10x2 max 10x1+10x2 s.t 2x1 + x2 + s1 = 30 + s2 = 30 x1+2x2 + s3 = 12 x1 + s4 = 13 x2 x1, x2, s1, s2, s3, s4 ≥ 0 (0,12) x1 xN = [s3, x2] = [0, 0] xB = [s1, s2, x1, s4] = [6, 18, 12, 13] z = 120 + 10x2 – 10s3 Simplex algorithm developed by G. Dantzig (1947) Very popular due to wide range of applications formulated using LP Considered as one of the most important algorithms in the 20th century Not polynomial but outperforms polynomial algorithms (Ellipsoid, Khachiyan Khachiyan, 1972) Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Simplex Method Remarks Degeneracy A basic solution is degenerate if a basic variable is equal to zero. In this case, the Simplex method may go through many iterations without increasing the value of the objective function, and the same basis is encountered again (Cycling). To avoid cycling, several rules have been developed; e.g. Bland’s rule. Initialization It is not always easy to find an initial basis. For instance, if after adding the slack variable we have some components of b that are negative. Infeasible Æ In this case we apply Simplex in two phases. Phase I: To each equality ∑a j ij x j = bi with bi<0, subtract an artificial variable ui, add constraint ui ≥ 0 and solve: min Σui s.t. Ax = b -u u≥0 The original LP has a feasible solution iff the auxiliary LP has an optimal solution with objective value equal to zero. Phase II: Use the last basis of phase I as a starting basis for Phase II, after you delete artificial variables ui and change objective function. Termination It is not guaranteed that a feasible LP has an optimal solution. The problem can be unbounded. The simplex method detects such programs and returns a “proof” of unboundedness. ⇒ When checking to determine the leaving variable, no constraint becomes binding. Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Duality I Given a primal LP problem: min cT x s.t. Ax = b x≥0 (LP-P) the corresponding dual LP problem is formulated as: (LP-D) min bT y T s.t. A y ≤ c How do we construct (LP-D) from (LP-P)? For each constraint of (LP-P), there is a variable in (LP-D) For each variable of (LP-P), there is a constraint in (LP-D) If (LP-P) is min problem, the dual is max. If the constraints of (LP-P) are equalities (inequalities) the variables of (LP-D) are unconstrained (constrained) If the variables of (LP-P) are free (non-negative), the constraints of (LP-D) are equalities (inequalities) Non-negative variables result in ≤ inequalities in max problems Non-negative variables result in ≥ inequalities in min problems The dual of an LP can be used to better study and even solve faster an LP Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Duality II Let FP and FD be the feasible region of (LP-P) and (LP-D), respectively, we introduce the following convention: T If FP = ∅ infP c x = +∞ T If FD = ∅ supD b y = −∞ x∈F y∈F c T x ≥ sup b T y Theorem 1: For any (LP): xinf D ∈F P [Proof] y∈F c T x = sup b T y Theorem 2: If either FP≠ 0 or FD≠ 0, then xinf P D ∈F y∈F [Proof] c T x = maxD b T y ⇒ if one of these problems is solvable, then so is the other and xmin P ∈F y∈F Primal Optimal Infeasible Unbounded Optimal √ - Dual Infeasible √ √ Unbounded √ - Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Duality III Thus, we can solve (LP-D) instead of (LP-P) if the first is easier. Computationally, the number of constraints is more important than the no of variables If the (m×n) primal (LP-P) has m >> n, then it may be easier to solve the dual (LP-D) Furthermore, the dual solution provides us with sensitivity information The dual variable corresponding to a primal constraint, indicates whether this constraint is active; and by how much Dual values = shadow prices = marginal values Sign of dual variables Why equality constraints, have unrestricted dual variables? What does the sign say about the RHS? Nonnegative variables in (LP-P) result in ≤ inequalities in max problems ≥ inequalities in min problems Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Duality IV Re-optimization Let assume that we have solved to optimality (LP-P) to obtain z* = cT x* = bT y* What happens if we add a new constraint am+1 x = bm+1 to (LP-P)? ⇒ (LP-P) may become infeasible. What happens to (LP-D)? We add a variable; if we set ym+1= 0, we still have a feasible solution ⇒ We can use the existing basis to continue. Dual Simplex Method In general, a feasible non-optimal point of (LP-P) corresponds to an infeasible point of (LP-D) [Why???]. In the simplex algorithm, we try to reduce infeasibility of the dual problem. Dual simplex method Commercial solvers use there three powerful LP algorithms: Primal Simplex Dual Simplex Barrier method Different methods perform better in different problems Commercial solvers detect certain problem structures & automatically choose appropriate method If we know the structure we can also choose the method Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Outline 1. Supply Chain Management 2. Linear Programming 3. Basic Mixedinteger Linear Programming 4. Advanced Mixedinteger Linear Programming 5. Software Overview 6. Combinatorial Optimization 7. Chemical Production Scheduling 8. Integration of Production Planning and Scheduling Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison MIP in Chemical Engineering Many decisions are discrete in nature: Process Design: 9 Selection of equipment units (e.g. distillation vs. extraction) ‐ Superstructure Optimization 9 Selection of equipment sizes 9 Matching in heat exchanger networks (hot ↔ cold pairs) Process operations: 9 Decision to expand/retrofit a process 9 Split of customer orders to batches 9 Assignment of batches to equipment units 9 Sequencing of batches in the same unit Process Control: 9 Selection of linearized model for MPC 9 On/off control action Applications: Systems Biology 9 Gene addition and/or knock‐out Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Discrete Decisions in Process Design Example: What is the best way to produce Vinyl Chloride Monomer? Turkay & Grossmann, 1998 Chlorine Direct Chlorination Low P Purge Ethylene Oxychlorination Flash High P Air Water Hydrogen Chloride Oxygen Hydrogen Chloride Ethylene Dichloride Reactions: Direct chlorination C2H4 + Cl2→ C2H4Cl2 Oxychlorination C2H4 + 2HCl + 1/2O2 → C2H4Cl2 + H2O Pyrolisis C2H4Cl2 → C2H3Cl + HCl Separation: HCl/C2H3Cl/C2H4Cl2 mixture 1. Separate HCl/C2H3Cl – C2H4Cl2 2. Separate HCl – C2H3Cl Vinyl Chloride 1. Separate HCl – C2H3Cl/C2H4Cl2 2. Separate C2H3Cl – C2H4Cl2 Ethylene Dichloride Optimization Decisions: Distillation sequence (discrete), sizing (discrete or continuous), operating conditions (continuous) Discrete variables are also used to: Represent logic conditions Enforce set of constraints (often including only continuous variables) Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Discrete Decisions in Process Operations Example: Scheduling of a multi-product, multi-stage plant Products (Batches) 1st stage Reaction 2nd stage Separation1 3rd stage Separation2 Optimization Decisions: Number of batches Assignment of batches to units Sequencing of batches in a unit Starting time (continuous) Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Basic Integer Programming Problems Knapsack Problem We are given n items to be packed in a knapsack Each item i∈{1, 2, …n} has a value pi and a weight wi The capacity of the knapsack is W The goal is to choose the items that fit in the knapsack with the max value We define: Xi = 1 if item i is chosen Objective: Items 1 Knapsack 2 . . . n max z = ∑ pi X i (K.1) i, j ∑w X i i (K.2) ≤W Capacity constraint i X i ∈ {0,1} ∀i If we had multiple resources j∈{1, 2, ..m} (e.g. weight, volume, etc.) with capacities Wj we would replace (K.2) with (K.3): ∑w X ij i ≤ Wj ∀j (K.3) i Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Basic Integer Programming Problems Assignment Problem We are given n jobs and n machines (classes/instructors, routes/buses) Each job i∈{1, 2, …n} has to be assigned to a machine j∈{1, 2, … n} The cost of assignment is cij The objective is to find the assignment with the minimum total cost We define: Xij = 1 if job i is assigned to machine j Objective: min z = ∑ cij X ij i, j Jobs Machines 1 1 2 2 . . . n . . . n (A.1) ∑X ij = 1 ∀i (A.2) Every job is assigned ∑X ij = 1 ∀j (A.3) Exactly one job per machine j i X ij ∈ {0,1} ∀i, j If solved as LP, there is always an optimal solution with integral values Studied by Carl Gustav Jacobi (1890) Solved effectively by the Hungarian method (Kuhn, 1955) Improved by Munkres (1957) Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Basic Integer Programming Problems Traveling Salesman Problem There are n cities to be visited exactly once by a traveling salesman The distance/cost from city i to city j is cij The objective is to find the sequence of cities that yield the minimum total distance/cost Cities We define: Xij = 1 if we visit city j after city i Objective: min z = ∑ cij X ij i, j (TSP.1) ∑X ij = 1 ∀j (TSP.2) There is an incoming arc for every city j ∑X ij = 1 ∀i (TSP.3) There is an outgoing arc for every city i i j X ij ∈ {0,1} ∀i, j Exercise Are constraints (TSP.2) & (TSP.3) enough? What type of solution can we get? How can we improve our model? Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Basic Integer Programming Problems Set Covering Problem We are given n tasks to be covered by m<n machines (flights/crew) Each machine j∈{1, …m} can carry out a subset of tasks Ij⊂I = {1, 2, …n} The compatibility is represented via parameter: αij = 1 if i∈Ij The cost of a machine is cj The objective is to find the set of machines that covers all tasks and has the minimum cost Jobs Machines 1 1 2 2 . . . n . . . m We define: Xj = 1 if machine j is chosen Objective: min z = ∑ c j X j (SC.1) j ∑a ij X j ≥ 1 ∀i (SC.1) Every task is covered j X j ∈ {0,1} ∀j Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Basic Mixedinteger Programming Problems Facility Location Problem – I Facilities There are n (existing + new) facilities (plants) and m customers We want to decide how to satisfy customer demand What new facilities to build, how much to produce and ship The capacity (cost of setting up) of facility i∈{1, 2, …n} is αi (fi) The cost of shipping material from i to j is cij The demand of customer j∈{1, 2, …m} is dj cij dj 1 1 2 2 . . . . . . n We define: Xi = 1 if we set up (install) facility i Yij = amount shipped from i to j Objective: ai, fi Customers min z = ∑ f i X i + ∑ cijYij m (FLI.1) Minimize set-up and shipping costs (FLI.2) Customer demand satisfaction (FLI.3) Facility capacity constraint i, j i ∑Y ≥ dj ∑Y ≤ ai X i ij ∀j i ij ∀i j X i ∈ {0,1} ∀i, Yij ≥ 0 ∀i, j More realistic problem: 9 There is also production cost pi, transportation set-up cost tij, and transportation capacity sij 9 The problem has to be solved over multiple planning periods 9 The network involves multiple products Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Basic Mixedinteger Programming Problems Facilities Facility Location Problem – II The capacity (cost of setting up) of facility i∈{1, 2, …n} is αi (fi) The production cost in facility i is pi The setup (variable) cost of shipping material from i to j is tij (cij) The capacity of transportation link (i→j) is sij The demand of customer j∈{1, 2, …m} is dj We define: Xi = 1 if we set up (install) facility i Yij = amount shipped from i to j Zij = 1 if transportation link (i→j) is set-up Objective: min z = ai, fi Customers cij dj 1 1 2 2 . . . . . . n sij, tij m ∑ f X + ∑ p ∑Y + ∑ t Z + ∑ c Y (FLII.1) Minimize total cost ∑Y ≥ dj (FLII.2) Customer demand satisfaction ∑Y ≤ ai X i ∀i (FLII.3) Facility capacity constraint ∀i, j (FLII.4) Transportation capacity and set-up i i i i i ij ij j ij i, j ij ij ij i, j ∀j i ij j Yij ≤ sij Z ij X i , Z ij ∈ {0,1} ∀i, j Yij ≥ 0 ∀i, j Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Modeling with 01 Variables 1. Select at least one item from a set j = {1, 2, …, m} OR operator: y1 ∨ y2 ∨…ym ∑y → 2. Select exactly one item Exclusive OR: y1 ∨ y2 ∨ … ym 3. If select k then select l Implication: k ⇒ l → → yl ≥ yk 4. If and only if Equivalence: k ⇔ l → yk = yl 5. Disjunctions j ≥1 j ∑y j =1 j f1(x) ≤ 0 OR f2(x) ≤ 0 y1 + y2 = 1 f1(x) ≤ M1(1 - y1) f2(x) ≤ M2(1 - y2) where M1, M2 are sufficiently large numbers 6. Discontinuous Functions/ Domains ⎧α + bx ⎩0 Cost = ⎨ L ≤ x ≤U x=0 New variable y: If y = 0 ⇒ x = 0 If y = 1 ⇒ L ≤ x ≤ U Formulation: c = αy + bx Ly ≤ x ≤ Uy y∈{0,1} Cost α L U x Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Modeling with Disjunctions We often want to enforce different conditions in different cases Grossmann & co‐workers, 1998 Examples: Selection of reactor type Selection of an additional flash tank CO, CO2, H2 3-A) 4-A) Flash Drum1 Methanol Synthesis Isothermal Reactor 3-B) xj Variables of streams feeding unit k k xOUT Variables of streams leaving unit k wk Operational parameters of unit k x Flash Drum2 Methanol Synthesis Adiabatic Reactor Process stream variables of stream j k IN 4-B) Mathematical model of unit k : Methanol ( ( ) ) k k ⎡ h k wk , xIN , xOUT = 0⎤ ⎢ k k k k ⎥ ⎢ g w , xIN , xOUT ≤ 0⎥ ⎢ C k = f k (S k ) ⎥ ⎣ ⎦ Distillation column Water To find the optimal design we want to be able to handle the following logic constraints: ⎡ ⎤ ⎡ yk ⎤ ¬y k ⎢ k k k k ⎥ ⎢ k ⎥ k ⎢ h w , xIN , xOUT = 0 ⎥ ⎢ w = 0 , C = 0 ⎥ ⎢ g k w k , x k , x k ≤ 0⎥ ∨ ⎢ k k ⎥ IN OUT ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ xIN = 0 , xOUT = 0⎥ ⎢⎣ C k = f k ( S k ) ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ ⎥⎦ ( ( ) ) We have to convert the disjunction into MIP constraints, handled by MIP solvers Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Reformulations BigM reformulation ⎤ ⎡ ⎤ ⎡ y1 y2 ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎢ 1 ≤ x1 ≤ 3 ⎥ ∨ ⎢7 ≤ x1 ≤ 10⎥ ⎢ 2 ≤ x2 ≤ 4 ⎥ ⎢ 6 ≤ x2 ≤ 8 ⎥ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ( ( ) ) ( ( ) ) ( ( ) ) ( ( )⎤ ) ⎥⎥⎦ ( ( ) ) ( ( )⎤ ) ⎥⎥⎦ ⎡ − M ⋅ 1 − y1 + 1 ≤ x1 ≤ 3 + M ⋅ 1 − y1 ⎤ ⎡− M ⋅ 1 − y 2 + 7 ≤ x1 ≤ 10 + M ⋅ 1 − y 2 ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ 1 1 2 2 ⎢⎣− M ⋅ 1 − y + 2 ≤ x2 ≤ 4 + M ⋅ 1 − y ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ − M ⋅ 1 − y + 6 ≤ x2 ≤ 8 + M ⋅ 1 − y y1 + y 2 = 1 x2 ⎡ − M ⋅ y 2 + 1 ≤ x1 ≤ 3 + M ⋅ y 2 ⎤ ⎢ ⎥ 2 2 ⎢⎣− M ⋅ y + 2 ≤ x2 ≤ 4 + M ⋅ y ⎥⎦ ⎡− M ⋅ 1 − y 2 + 7 ≤ x1 ≤ 10 + M ⋅ 1 − y 2 ⎢ 2 2 ⎢⎣ − M ⋅ 1 − y + 6 ≤ x2 ≤ 8 + M ⋅ 1 − y Selecting : M = 7 x1 ⎡ − 7 ⋅ y 2 + 1 ≤ x1 ≤ 3 + 7 ⋅ y 2 ⎤ ⎢ ⎥ 2 2 ⎢⎣− 7 ⋅ y + 2 ≤ x2 ≤ 4 + 7 ⋅ y ⎥⎦ ( ( ) ) ( ( )⎤ ) ⎥⎥⎦ ⎡− 7 ⋅ 1 − y 2 + 7 ≤ x1 ≤ 10 + 7 ⋅ 1 − y 2 ⎢ 2 2 ⎢⎣ − 7 ⋅ 1 − y + 6 ≤ x2 ≤ 8 + 7 ⋅ 1 − y Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Reformulations Convexhull reformulation x2 x1 = x11 + x12 ⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤ y1 y2 ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ 1 ≤ x1 ≤ 3 ⎥ ∨ ⎢7 ≤ x1 ≤ 10⎥ ⎢ 2 ≤ x2 ≤ 4 ⎥ ⎢ 6 ≤ x2 ≤ 8 ⎥ ⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦ x2 = x12 + x22 y1 + y 2 = 1 , x2 = x12 + x22 ( ( x12 ≤ M ⋅ y 2 x12 ≤ M ⋅ y1 x22 ≤ M ⋅ y 2 ⎡ 1 ⋅ y1 ≤ x11 ≤ 3 ⋅ y1 ⎤ ⎡7 ⋅ y 2 ≤ x12 ≤ 10 ⋅ y 2 ⎤ , ⎢ ⎢ 1 1 1⎥ 2 2 2 ⎥ ⎣⎢2 ⋅ y ≤ x2 ≤ 4 ⋅ y ⎦⎥ ⎣⎢ 6 ⋅ y ≤ x2 ≤ 8 ⋅ y ⎦⎥ x1 = x11 + x12 x1 x11 ≤ M ⋅ y1 ) ) , x11 ≤ M ⋅ y1 x12 ≤ M ⋅ y 2 x12 ≤ M ⋅ y1 x22 ≤ M ⋅ y 2 ( ( ) ) ⎡ 1 ⋅ 1 − y 2 ≤ x11 ≤ 3 ⋅ 1 − y 2 ⎤ ⎡7 ⋅ y 2 ≤ x12 ≤ 10 ⋅ y 2 ⎤ ⎢ ⎢ 2 1 2 ⎥ 2 2 2 ⎥ ⎣⎢2 ⋅ 1 − y ≤ x2 ≤ 4 ⋅ 1 − y ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ 6 ⋅ y ≤ x2 ≤ 8 ⋅ y ⎦⎥ Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison General Mixedinteger Programming Model min cT x + dT y s.t. Ax + By ≤ b x ≥ 0, y integer max cT x s.t. Ax ≤ b xj integer, j∈NI = {1...p} or If Ni = ∅ (i.e. there are no y variables) ⇒ Linear Programming (LP) Model If Ni = N (i.e. there are no x variables) ⇒ (Pure) Integer Programming (IP) Model If ∅ ≠ Ni ⊂ N (i.e. we have both x and y) ⇒ Mixed-Integer Programming (MIP or MILP) Model A general integer Y∈{0, 1, 2, 3, …N} can be modeled via k binary variables Yk: Y= ∑ kY k = 0 ,... N k So, the general MIP problem is: or min cT x + dT y s.t. Ax + By ≤ b x ≥ 0, y∈{0, 1} min cT x + dT y s.t. (x, y)∈ X Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison LPrelaxation of a MIP Model General MIP problem (P): min cT x + dT y s.t. Ax + By ≤ b x ≥ 0, y∈{0,1} (P) If we replace the integrality requirement y∈{0,1} with y∈[0,1] we obtain a relaxation (RP) of (P): min cT x + dT y s.t. Ax + By ≤ b x ≥ 0, y∈[0,1] (RP) In general, a relaxation of a problem is obtained by: Either removing constraints (i.e. expanding the feasible region) Decreasing the objective function (e.g. removing a nonegative term) min c1T x + c2T x s.t. A1 x ≤ b1 A2 x ≤ b 2 (P) x∈X where x, c1, c2 ≥ 0 min c1T x + c2T x s.t. A1 x ≤ b1 (RP1) x∈X min c1T x s.t. A1 x ≤ b1 A2 x ≤ b 2 x∈X Larger feasible region z(RP2) ≤ z(P) (RP2) Better obj. value at the same point Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison BranchandBound: Basic Ideas LPbased method: Lang & Doig, 1960 Integrality constraints, y∈{0,1}, are replaced by y∈[0, 1] (P) max cT x + dT y (LRP) max cT x + dT y s.t. Ax + By = b ⇒ s.t. Ax + By = b p x ≥ 0, y∈{0, 1} x ≥ 0, y∈[0, 1]p LP problem P(i) is solved at node i, with feasible region Fi and objective Zi We know how to solve (LRP) effectively using Simplex (vs. other relaxations) Key observations: If a node is infeasible, then all its descendants will also be infeasible A child node will always have a lower (worse) objective function (bounding) Any feasible solution Zi in node i provides a lower bound on the optimal solution Z* Easy to add rows (constraints) to (LRP) (why?) (x1,x2) = (1.75, 1) ZLP = 9.25 max 3x1 + 4x2 4x1+3x2 ≤ 10 x1∈{0,1,2,3}, x2∈{0,1} x2 x1 ≤ 1 x1 ≥ 2 (2, 0.66) ZLP=8.66 (1, 1)-INT ZLP = 7.0 1 (2.5, 0)-INT ZLP = 7.5 0 0 1 2 3 x1 x1 ≤ 2 x2 ≤ 0 x2 ≥ 1 x1 ≥ 3 INFEASIBLE (2,1) ZLP=6 INFEASIBLE Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Branchandbound: Basic Ingredients 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The list L of problems to be solved Relaxation (RP): upper (& lower?) bounding procedure Branching Rule: replace problem P(i) in node i by problems P(i1), P(i2), …, P(iq): FR(i1)∪…∪FR(iq) = FR(i) Node (subproblem) selection rule: how to select a problem from the current subproblem list L Pre-processing and variable fixing procedures (x1,x2) = (0.75, 0.3) ZLP = 9.25 (0, 0.8) ZLP = 8.5 x2 ≤ 0 (0, 0)-INT ZLP = 7 x1 ≤ 0 x2 ≥ 1 (0, 1) -INT ZLP = 8 x1 ≥ 1 On which binary/constraint to branch? (1, 0.7) ZLP=8.75 x2 ≤ 0 x2 ≥ 1 (1, 0) -INT ZLP =7.5 Which active node to evaluate next? INFEASIBLE Method first proposed by Lang and Doig (1960) Around the same time an alternative method was developed (cutting planes) Brute force branch‐and‐bound remained ineffective for many years Cutting planes were not used for many years Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Branchandbound Algorithm 1. Initialization L = {P} ZU := +∞ 2. Termination If L = ∅ then If ZU = +∞, then X = ∅ (infeasible problem); STOP If ZU < +∞, then the solution (x, y)∈X with ZU = cx + dy is optimal; STOP 3. Node Selection and Solution Using SSR select subproblem (node) P(i)∈L and let L := L\{P(i)} Compute the optimal LP-value Zi and LP-solution (xi, yi) for P(i). 4. Pruning If Zi ≥ ZU, then GOTO 2. (P(i) is either infeasible or dominated by the best solution (upper bound) found so far) If Zi < ZU, then If yi is integral (i.e. yji is integral ∀j∈NI), then (a better solution is found) Update upper bound by setting ZU:= Zi Update list L by removing dominated subproblems: for each i’∈L: If Zi’ ≥ ZU, then L := L\{P(i’)} GOTO 2. 5. Branching* Select j∈NI such that yji is fractional; yj is the branching variable Update list L by adding programs with fixed yj values Set L:= L ∪ {P(i0), P(i1)} where P(i0) = P(i) ∩ {(x,y)∈ ℜn+ × ℜl+ | yj ≤ ⎣yji⎦} P(i1) = P(i) ∩ {(x, y)∈ ℜ n+ × ℜl+ | yj ≥ ⎡yji⎤} GOTO 2. min s.t. cT x + dT y (x, y)∈ X * Occurs only when P(i) has not been pruned, i.e. when Zi < ZU and yji is fractional for some j ∈ NI Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Branchandbound Tree 0 1 2 3 7 4 8 9 5 10 11 6 12 13 14 Level 0 Nodes 1 = 20 1 2 = 21 2 4 = 22 3 8 = 23 4 16 = 24 15 16 17 18 … Notes: Level denotes the number of fixed variables Total number of nodes = 1 + 2 + … + 2N = 2N+1-1, where N = no of binary variables [Why?] The goal is to explore much fewer nodes via bounding How do we carry out branching? Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Branching (x1,x2) = (0.75, 0.3) ZLP = 9.25 (0, 0.8) ZLP = 8.5 x2 ≥ 1 x2 ≤ 0 (0, 0)-INT ZLP = 7 x1 ≤ 0 (0, 1) -INT ZLP = 8 x1 ≥ 1 On which binary/constraint to branch? (1, 0.7) ZLP=8.75 x2 ≤ 0 x2 ≥ 1 (1, 0) -INT ZLP =7.5 Which active node to evaluate next? INFEASIBLE Variable Selection Rules 1. Try to find a good solution fast: Obtain a good lower bound ⇒ Prune many nodes fast 2. Choose a variable that results in bad solutions: Prune as many nodes as possible ⇒ Keep the b&b tree small Node selection rules Try to find good feasible solutions as early as possible In general: The number of active nodes increases if the active node is chosen high-up It takes a long time to improve the upper bound if the active node is chosen from down low Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Variable Selection Rules We want balanced branching and tight bounds: choose j∈NI that yields: { max min{Z j x j =0 ,Z x j =1 } } Example INT: Integer feasible INF: Infeasible FRAC: Fractional FRAC ZU=16 FRAC FRAC ZU=18 ZU=14.5 INT ZU=15 INF INF INT ZU=16 FRAC ZU=14 Current best (ZU) Closed (infeas or Zi > ZU) Open (Zi < ZU) Exercise Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Variable Selection Rules We want balanced branching and tight bounds: choose j∈NI that yields: { max min{Z j x j =0 ,Z x j =1 } } Example Current best (ZU) Closed (infeas or Zi > ZU) Open (Zi < ZU) ZU=14 (0,…,0.1, 0.4, 0.95,...1) ZU=15 ZU=14.5 Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Variable Selection Rules We want balanced branching and tight bounds: choose j∈NI that yields: { max min{Z j x j =0 ,Z x j =1 } } Example Current best (ZU) Closed (infeas or Zi > ZU) Open (Zi < ZU) ZU=14 (0,…,0.1, 0.4, 0.95,...1) y=0 ZU=15 ZU=14.5 y=1 ZU=14.1 ZU=16 Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Variable Selection Rules We want balanced branching and tight bounds: choose j∈NI that yields: { max min{Z j x j =0 ,Z x j =1 } } Example Current best (ZU) Closed (infeas or Zi > ZU) Open (Zi < ZU) ZU=14 (0,…,0.1, 0.4, 0.95,...1) ZU=15 ZU=14.5 y=0 y=1 ZU=15 ZU=15.2 Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Node Selection Rules Depth-first Search: Always choose one of the new subproblems just generated; typically the one with the best lower bound Backtrack when node is discarded 0 1 2 12.5 12.8 3 4 12.85 5 z=12 13.3 6 13.2 12.95 7 8 13.4 9 Advantages: 13.5 10 Can potentially find a (good) solution fast Re-optimization involves the addition of a single constraint (???) Requires modest storage Disadvantages: “Hidden” good solutions difficult to find Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Node Selection Rules Breadth-first Search: Expand all nodes at each level before go to the next level 0 z=12 1 2 12.5 12.8 3 4 12.85 5 13.3 7 8 13.2 12.95 9 13.4 13.2 10 11 13.3 6 13.4 13 12 13 13.5 13.5 14 13.1 Disadvantages: Examine many non-promising nodes Feasible solutions are found late Create very large tree (memory requirements) Not used in practice Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Node Selection Rules Best-first Search: Always choose the subproblem with the best lower bound 0 z =12 1 2 12.5 12.8 3 4 7 5 13.3 12.85 8 12.95 13.2 6 13.2 13 11 12 13.5 9 13.4 13.1 10 13.5 Advantages: Examines potentially good nodes Uniformly tighten bounds Disadvantages: Re-optimization is more expensive Tree tends to be larger Modern commercial solvers use a combination of depth-first and best-first. Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Special Branching Schemes Special Ordered Sets 1 (SOS1): AND x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 = 1 AND only one non-zero, xi ≥ 0 (0, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 0) INFEASIBLE x 1 + x2 = 1 x 3 + x4 + x5 = 1 or (0, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 0) INFEASIBLE x1 = 1 x2 = 1 x3 = 1 x4 = 1 x5 = 1 Special Ordered Sets 2 (SOS2): xi ≥ 0 AND x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 = 1 AND at most two non-zeros AND consecutive (0, 0.5, 0, 0.5, 0) INFEASIBLE x1=0, x2=0 x3=0, x4=0 Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Preprocessing Preprocessing applies simple logic to reformulate and tighten the LP relaxation For MIP problems is better to spend extra time initially to reduce the possibility of long runs Probing Temporarily set a 0-1 variable to 0 or 1 and then redo the logical testing. 5x1 + 3x2 ≥ 4 becomes infeasible when x1=0 ⇒ x1=1 in every feasible solution 5x1 + 4x2 + x3 ≤ 8 If x1=1 then x2=0 and vice versa ⇒ x1 + x2 ≤ 1 (0.8, 0) (1, 0.75, 0) 2x1 + x2 + x3 ≥ 1 becomes strictly redundant when x1=1. ⇒ Can be replaced by x1 + x2 + x3 ≥ 1 (0.5, 0, 0) Generate Bounds e.g., If the upper bound of a 0-1 variable is less than 1, then it can be fixed to 0. Detect Infeasibilities and Redundant Constraints If Li ≤ Axi ≤ Ui (for l ≤ x ≤ u) then Axi ≤ bi is redundant if Ui ≤ bi and is infeasible for Li < bi. Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Preprocessing In summary preprocessing: Improves bounds Identifies infeasibility and redundant constraints Fixes variables Generates new valid inequalities Tightens existing inequalities (coefficient improvement) Not possible to perform all operations and save all information Computational Effort for preprocessing: 1. Techniques applied to one row ⇒ Always worth doing 2. Saving and preprocessing implication and clique tables 3. Full probing on the matrix Common strategy: 1. Generate clique and implication inequalities 2. Store them in separate tables 3. Add them to the linear program only when they are violated by the current LP solution Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Heuristics Solution Time proportional to tree size Tree is large when there are many active nodes; i.e. nodes with zi < zbest = ZU How do we keep the size of the tree small? Try to reduce zi as fast as possible ⇒ Variable Selection Rule Try to find large zbest as fast as possible ⇒ Heuristics Also for large scale instances: “good feasible solutions may be all we can hope for” If we know the structure of the problem: Use any known heuristic to provide an initial zbest e.g. use Lin-Kernigham heuristic to get a usually very good solution for the TSP If we do not know a heuristic: Use LP-based heuristics: Enumerate 0-1 vectors in the neighborhood of the current LP solution and check feasibility OCTANE heuristic (Balas et al., 2002) Successive rounding heuristics Fractional variables sequentially rounded until an integral solution or infeasibility is detected Equivalent to “diving” in the b&b tree: branching on a variable and examine only one child Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Motivation for BranchandCut LP Relaxation Feasible Region IP Feasible Region X x2 max 3x1 + 4x2 (M) 4x1+3x2 ≤ 10 x1∈{0,1,2,3}, x2∈{0,1} max 3x1 + 4x2 (M) 4x1+3x2 ≤ 10 x1∈{0,1,2,3}, x2∈{0,1} x2 1 1 0 0 1 2 3 0 x1 0 1 2 3 x1 Convex Hull of IP Feasible Region (M) max 3x1 + 4x2 4x1+3x2 ≤ 10 x1∈{0,1,2,3}, x2∈{0,1} x2 1 0 0 1 2 3 x1 Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Valid Inequalities and Cutting Planes LP Relaxation Feasible Region If we have CH(X) we solve just one LP x2 We need facet defining inequalities Has been done for some problems 1 Valid Inequality 0 0 1 2 3 Facet In general very difficult Try to approximate instead Find cutting planes x1 Cutting Plane 4x1 + 3x2 ≤ 10 ⇒ x1 ≤ 2 x2 1 0 0 1 2 3 x1 Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison GomoryChvatal Inequalities Original inequality (ith row): Σj aij xj ≤ bi (1) If all the variables in (1) are non-negative integers then the GC inequality is given by: Σj ⎣aij⎦ xj ≤ ⎣bi⎦ (2) A GC inequality can be derived by the LP optimal simplex table from a row with a fractional variable Pure IP’s can be solved by successively adding GC inequalities to the optimal LP solution Examples: x1 + x2 ≤ 1.5 x1 + 0.75x2 ≤ 2.5 1.5x1 + x2 ≤2 ⇒ x1 + x2 ≤ 1 Cuts-off (0.75, 0.75) ⇒ x1 ≤ 2.5 Cuts-off (2.5, 0) ⇒ x1 + x2 ≤ 2 Not tighter Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Cover Inequalities Original knapsack inequality: Σj∈J aj xj ≤ b, xj∈{0,1} (1) Let C be a subset of J such that Σj∈C aj > b. Then a valid cover inequality is given by: Σj∈C xj ≤ |C| - 1 xj∈{0,1} (2) We have to separate cover inequalities Cover inequalities can be made tighter by lifting; i.e. including coefficients for j∉C. Example: 5x1 + 5x2 + 4x3 ≤ 8 ⇒ x1 + x2 ≤ 1 ⇒ x2 + x3 ≤ 1 ⇒ x1 + x2 + x3 ≤ 1 Cuts-off (1, 0.5, 0), (0.5, 1, 0) Cuts-off (0, 1, 0.5), (0, 0.5, 1) Lifted tighter inequality: Gives the Convex Hull Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Example Revisited x2 max 3x1 + 4x2 4x1+3x2 ≤ 10 x1∈{0,1,2,3}, x2∈{0,1} 1 0 0 1 2 3 4x1+3x2 ≤ 10 0 ≤ x1 ≤ 3 0 ≤ x2 ≤ 1 ⇒ x1 Gomory-Chvatal Inequality: Cover Inequalities: 4x1 + 3x2 ≤ 10 x1 + 0.75x2 ≤ 2.5 x1 + ⎣0.75⎦ x2 ≤ ⎣2.5⎦ 4x1 + 3x2 ≤ 10 x1 ≤ 2 x1 + x2 ≤ 2 Three units of x1 is a cover: Lifted cover inequality: ⇒ x1 ≤ 2 x2 x2 1 1 0 0 1 2 3 x1 0 0 1 2 3 x1 Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison BranchandCut Algorithm zLP(2) zLP(1) Root Node zLP(3) (1) (2) CP(2) CP(1) (3) CP(3) Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison BranchandCut Algorithm Root Node (1) zLP(4) (2) (3) (5) (4) x1≥2 (6) (7) (8) x1≤1 zLP(5) zLP(6) zLP(7) zLP(8) Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison MIP Computational History: 1950 1998 1954: Dantzig, Fulkerson, S. Johnson: 42 city TSP Solved to optimality using cutting planes and LP 1957: Gomory Cutting plane algorithm: A complete solution 1960: Land, Doig; 1965 Dakin Branch-and-bound (B&B) 1971: MPSX/370, Benichou et al. 1972: UMPIRE, Forrest, Hirst, Tomlin 1972 – 1998: Good B&B remained the state-of-the-art in commercial codes, in spite of • 1973 Padberg • 1974 Balas (disjunctive programming) • 1983 Crowder, Johnson, Padberg: PIPX, pure 0/1 MIP • 1987 Van Roy and Wolsey: MPSARX, mixed 0/1 MIP • Grötschel, Padberg, Rinaldi …TSP (120, 666, 2392 city models solved) Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison MIP Computational History: 1998 Date Linear programming • Stable, robust dual simplex Variable/node selection • Influenced by traveling salesman problem Primal heuristics • 8 different tried at root node; retried based upon success • Construction & improvement heuristics • Relaxation-induced neighbor search Node pre-solve • Fast, incremental bound strengthening (very similar to Constraint Programming) Presolve – numerous small ideas • Probing in constraints: ∑ xj ≤ (∑ uj) y, y = 0/1 Î xj ≤ ujy (for all j) Cutting planes • Cliques, disjunctive, flow covers, Gomory, GUB covers, knapsack covers, implied bounds, mix-integer rounding, path cuts, etc. • Aggregation • … Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Computational Progress • Algorithms Primal simplex in 1988 versus best(primal,dual,barrier) today 2,360x • Machines 800x • Net: Algorithm * Machine ~ 1,900,000x * Bixby, Fenelon, Gu, Rothberg, Wunderling. A New Generation of MIP Codes, IP Conference in Honor of Egon Balas, June 3-5 2002, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Computational Progress California Unit Commitment – 7 Day Model UNITCAL_7: 48939 cons, 25755 vars (2856 binary) Previous attempts (by model formulator): 2 Day model: 8 hours, no progress 7 Day model: 1 hour to solve initial LP CPLEX 8.0 on 2.0 GHz Pentium 4 Running defaults ... Reduced MIP has 38872 rows, 19989 columns, and 105612 nonzeros. MIP emphasis: balance optimality and feasibility Root relaxation solution time = 6.70 sec. Node 0 * * * * * * Nodes Left 0 0+ 150+ 150+ 850+ 930+ 1550+ 0 43 43 294 143 278 Objective 1.9396e+07 1.9472e+07 1.9529e+07 1.9559e+07 1.9566e+07 1.9570e+07 IInf 781 354 358 345 399 363 0 0 0 0 0 0 Best Integer 2.0669e+07 1.9648e+07 1.9646e+07 1.9645e+07 1.9638e+07 1.9636e+07 Cuts/ Best Node 1.9396e+07 Cuts: 1220 Cuts: 1260 Cuts: 555 Cuts: 313 Cuts: 266 1.9570e+07 1.9591e+07 1.9591e+07 1.9618e+07 1.9618e+07 1.9627e+07 ItCnt 19505 21719 25122 27311 28751 30151 30151 47897 47897 98212 102700 127050 Gap 5.32% 0.29% 0.28% 0.14% 0.10% 0.04% GUB cover cuts applied: 2 Clique cuts applied: 27 Cover cuts applied: 4 Implied bound cuts applied: 1038 Flow cuts applied: 1019 Flow path cuts applied: 5 Gomory fractional cuts applied: 152 Integer optimal, tolerance (0.0001/1e-06) : Objective = 1.9635572051e+07 Current MIP best bound = 1.9633624784e+07 (gap = 1947.27, 0.01%) Solution time = 724.41 sec. Iterations = 174362 Nodes = 3575 (1104) Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Computational Progress A customer model: 44 cons, 51 vars, 167 nzs, maximization 51 general integer variables (and no bounds) Branch-and-cut: Initial integer solution -2186.0 Initial upper bound -1379.4 …after 1.4 days, 32,000,000 B&C nodes, 5.5 Gig tree Integer solution and bound: UNCHANGED What’s wrong? Free vars chase each other off to infinity. Maximize x + y + z Subject To 2 x + 2 y ≤ 1 z = 0 x free y free x,y integer This problem can be solved in several ways Euclidean reduction on the constraint [Presolve] Removing z=0, objective is integral [Presolve] Locally valid cuts at the nodes However: Branch-and-bound cannot solve!!! Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Outline 1. Supply Chain Management 2. Linear Programming 3. Basic Mixedinteger Linear Programming 4. Advanced Mixedinteger Linear Programming 5. Software Overview 6. Combinatorial Optimization 7. Chemical Production Scheduling 8. Integration of Production Planning and Scheduling Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison How Can We Solve Hard Problems? Traditional Approaches Better models Better solvers Customized methods • Decomposition algorithms • Problem‐specific algorithms New and emerging trend Exploiting computational power – parallel computing Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Better Models I The “Pigeon Hole” problem: There are n+1 pigeons and n holes. We want to place all pigeons in the holes but in such way that no pair of pigeons is in the same hole. Infeasible, but how is the branch and bound tree ? Let xij=1 if pigeon i is in hole j. Assignment of every pigeon in a hole: No pair of pigeons in the same hole: Σj xij = 1 xij + xkj ≤ 1 ∀i ∀j, ∀i,k | i<k Σj xij = 1 Σi xij ≤ 1 ∀i ∀j • Feasible LP relaxation: xij=1/n • LP rel. feasible after branching • Total enumeration is needed Alternative Formulation Assignment of every pigeon in a hole: At most one pigeon at each hole: • Replace n3 constraints (2 var’s) with n constraints (n+1 var’s) ⇒ INFEASIBLE LP relaxation Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Better Models II The discrete time, finite horizon, economic lot‐sizing problem There is a given demand dt for each period t which can be satisfied by production in any period t’ ≤ t. For each period there is a production cost, a holding cost and a setup cost (if production occurs). yt: production in period t st: inventory in period t xt = 1 if production occurs at t yt ≤ Dt xt = (Σt’=t..T dt’ )xt st = st-1 + yt – dt ∀t ∀t Optimal LP relaxation: fractional: xt = yt /Dt ytt’: production in period t for demand at t’ xt = 1 if production occurs at t Σt=1..t’ ytt’ = dt’ ytt’ ≤ dt’ xt ∀t’ ∀t’, ∀t≤t’ Optimal LP relaxation: ⇒ LP solution is also MIP solution Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Stronger Formulations Using Cutting Planes Ideas x + y ≥ 3.5, x, y ≥ 0, y integral y 4.0 3.0 (0, 3.5) 2.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 x Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Stronger Formulations Using Cutting Planes Ideas x + y ≥ 3.5, x, y ≥ 0, y integral y y ≥ ⎡3.5⎤ 4.0 Mixed-integer Rounding cut: 2x + y ≥ 4 3.0 y ≤ ⎣3.5⎦ 2.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 x Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison How Can We Solve Hard Problems? Traditional Approaches Better models Better solvers Customized methods • Decomposition algorithms • Problem‐specific algorithms New and emerging trend Exploiting computational power – parallel computing Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison How Can We Guide Search? Guess correct branching binary Heuristic: Choose fractional variable closest to 0.5 Does it always work? z 1 0 x2 × Branching on x1 1 x1 Branching on x2 No, try to find the sensitivities for x1 and x2. How??? Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Branching Using Pseudocosts z d1 u1 0 x1* 1 x1 z d2 u2 0 x2* 1 Choose x2 although x1 is closer to 0.5 x2 We want to choose the variable with the maximum min {dj, uj} Degradations dj and uj can be estimated from dual simplex method: = (reduced cost)×change Choose the variable with the maximum estimated degradation Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Strong Branching But the reduced cost (dual value) is valid only for small perturbations Can we do better than this, i.e. can we get a better estimate of the impact of adding xj = 0 and xj = 1? [0.1, 0, 0.5, 0.6, 0.8] 10 x3 12.5 [0.1, 1, 0, 0.5, 0.2] = 0 x 3 = 1 [0.3, 0, 1, 0.4, 0.6] 13.5 Choose a subset of fractional binaries For each chosen binary fix to xj = 0 and xj = 1 and start solving resulting LP’s. Stop after a fixed number of Simplex iterations Choose the binary that led to poor subproblems [0.1, 0, 0.6, 0.4, 0.3] [0.1, 0, 0.6, 0.4, 0.3] 10 10 x1 11 = 0 [0.1, 0, 0.6, 0.4, 0.3] x 1 = 1 x3 14 12 = 0 [0.1, 0, 0.6, 0.4, 0.3] 10 x 3 = 1 x4 13 12.5 = 0 10 x 4 = 1 x5 13 14 = 0 x 5 = 1 11.5 Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison OK, … What Can We Do Realistically? Pseudo-costs, strong branching, all variants of node selection rules (depth-first, best-first, etc.), heuristics and other exotic methods have been implemented in existing software Even if we knew how to implement all of them ourselves, it would be difficult to do it more efficiently than their implementation within CPLEX, Xpress, etc. But …, knowing what these methods do allows us to use them, or know how/when to use them Main point of this subsection: Before you start developing a new method make sure that you are not re-inventing the wheel Understand the problem and which of the existing methods can help Find corresponding solver options Experiment … Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison How Can We Solve Hard Problems? Traditional Approaches Better models Better solvers Customized methods • Decomposition algorithms • Problem-specific algorithms New and emerging trend Exploiting computational power – parallel computing Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Decomposition Basic Decomposition Idea Algebra x1+2x2+2x3 2x1+ x2 + x3 3x2+4x3 x3+3x4+ x5 x4+2x5 Optimization =6 =6 =7 =8 =8 x1=2 x2=1 x3=1 x4=2 x5=3 Underdetermined ⇒ Many solutions ⇒ Solve (M1) & (M2) many times M1 M2 Solution time: 2N (M) → 210 (Μ1) & (Μ2) → 26+26 = 1024 sec = 128 sec Key Issues • How do we decompose? • Which constraints do we keep/remove? • How do we iterate? • What type of information from (M2) can we use to guide the solution of (M1)? • How do we pass this information? • How do we solve models M1 and M2? • Submodels (M1) and (M2) may be different (e.g. MIP vs. LP) • Do we have to use the same algorithm? • If not, how do we make them compatible? Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Lagrangean Relaxation Consider the problem: min z = cTx s.t. Ax ≤ b Dx ≤ d x∈X (P) (1) (2) where constraints in eq. (1) are “nice”, but constraints in eq. (2) are “hard”. Our goal is to develop an easy subproblem that does not violate eq. (2) substantially. min z = cTx + u(Dx-d) s.t. Ax ≤ b (1) x∈X, u ≥ 0 (LR) For every u ≥ 0, (LR) is a relaxation of (P) because a) the feasible region of (LR) is greater, and b) the objective value of (P) is always greater than the one of (LR) for all feasible solutions. Key Idea: Try to find the correct values for penalties u. What do the multipliers u look like? If a constraint in Dx ≤ d is violated, we would like to increase u. If a constraint in Dx ≤ d is violated by a solution of (LR), this constraint would be active in (P). ⇒ u is the dual value of a violated constraint in (P). Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Lagrangean Relaxation Implementation min z = cTx + u(Dx-d) s.t. Ax ≤ b (1) x∈X, u ≥ 0 (LR) Select K, ε, mk Set UB = +∞, LB= - ∞ Start with u0 = 0 k = k+1 Solve (LR) Obtain LB Optional Return UB & Solution YES (LR) feasible? Modify (LR) solution to obtain a feasible solution & UB NO YES |UB-LB|<ε or k=K? NO Update uk: uk+1 = max {uk - mk (Dx-d),0}* mk is the step length * Subgradient optimization Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Lagrangean Relaxation – Choice of Dual Consider the problem: min z = cTx s.t. A1x ≤ b1 A2x ≤ b2 A3x ≤ b3 x∈X x2 (P) (1) (2) (3) x2 Which constraints should be dualized? x2 CHLR1 CH CHLR2 PI P II PI P II P II P P LR 2 P LR1 P III (a) LP-relaxation of (M3): P=PI∩PII∩PIII x1 x1 (b) Dualization of AIIIx = eIII: PLR1 = PI∩PII : feasible regions defined by subsets of constraints; : integer points; : convex hull of feasible integer points; : intersection of constraint subsets. P III x1 (c) Dualization of AIx = eI: PLR1 = PII∩PIII : feasible integer points; Key issues: The strength of the resulting Lagrangian dual bound LB The ease of solution of the Lagrangian problem (LR) Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Lagrangean Relaxation Remarks min z = cTx s.t. Ax ≤ b Dx ≤ d x∈X min z = cTx s.t. Ax ≤ b Dx = d x∈X (P) Hard constraints are inequalities min z = cTx + u(Dx-d) s.t. Ax ≤ b (1) x∈X, u ≥ 0 (LR) (P) Hard constraints are equalities min z = cTx + u(Dx-d) s.t. Ax ≤ b (1) x∈X (LR) (1) (2) (1) (2) ? Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Lagrangean Relaxation Example Structure of original model: Independent blocks with linking constraints Independent unit models + flow constraints Multi-period models with inventory constraints Assignment + sequencing constraints min z = cTx s.t. Ax ≤ b Dtx ≤ dt t=1, …T x∈X (1) (2) Dualize linking constraints min z = cTx + u(Ax-b) s.t. Dtx ≤ dt t=1, …T x∈X, u ≥ 0 (2) Lagrangian relaxation (LR) easy to solve Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Bender’s Decomposition Structure of original model: Independent blocks with linking variables Stochastic programming: here-and-now & wait-and-see decisions Hierarchical decisions How can we decompose the problem? max c0 x + Σk ck xx A0x = b0 (1) Akx + Bkyk = bk, k=1,…,K (2) Benders Decomposition 1. 2. 3. 4. Solve problem master problem (MP): A0x = b0 Fix linking variables x Solve K decomposed problems Bkyk = bk – Akx Generate cuts and add them to (MP) Cuts are generated from dual information 5. Check convergence; if not go to 1 “Bender’s decomposition lends itself well to parallelization” … Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Hybrid Methods x Consider the problem: cTx min z = s.t. Ax ≤e Bx + Dy≤ f x∈X, y∈Y (P) (1) (2) y 1 2 3 4 where constraints in eq. (2) are “hard” for mathematical programming but “easy” if we use a different solution method. Remove Constraints Hybrid Model min cx s.t. Ax ≤ e g(x,y) ≤ 0 x∈X, y∈Y Relaxed Model (RM) min cx Lower s.t. Ax ≤ e Bound x∈X min cx (RM) s.t. Ax ≤ e x∈X x = xk Add Constraints Subproblem (SM) min cx s.t. Ax ≤ e x = xk g(x,y) ≤ 0 x∈X, y∈Y x∉X g(xk, y) ≤ 0 (SM) y∈Y Upper Bound (Feasible ) Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison How Can We Solve Hard Problems? Traditional Approaches Better models Better solvers Customized methods • Decomposition algorithms • Problem-specific algorithms New and emerging trend Exploiting computational power – parallel computing Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison What Is Parallel Computing? Parallel Processing Multiple machines distributed globally Grid Computing Parallel Computing Distributed Computing Multiple CPUs on a machine Cluster Computing Multiple machines located close by Multiple machines distributed globally Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Parallel Integer Programming LP-based branch-and-bound has inherent structure for parallelization • Subproblems associated with each node are independent • Evaluate nodes simultaneously Fundamental issue for parallelizing branch-and-cut: Management of cuts • Minimize cut generation time: do not develop same cuts several times • Maximize useful sharing: pass relevant cuts • Avoid flooding the communication system with cuts Nodes solved at the master computer Information flow: master → slave • Subproblem formulation • Variable bounds × Information flow: slave → master • New feasible solutions • Current lower bound • Global cutting planes Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Condor Project @ UW Madison Started in early 80s at CS Dept. http://www.cs.wisc.edu/condor/ Manages 1000 workstations and delivers 650 CPU days on a day Gained popularity from around the world • Industry, government, academia Matchmaker Problem Solver Agent Resource Shadow Sandbox Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Implementation Challenges* Theoretical foundations well-known and well documented Many algorithmic and implementation issues need to be resolved Example: Cut Management The addition of cuts results in smaller trees BUT Extra time spent in generating cuts (regardless of whether all cuts are used) Extra time spent on solving LP’s at each node Questions: When to generate cuts and how many? Which cuts (if any) to add to the active linear problem? When to delete previously generated cuts? Basic ideas: Generate cuts only every k1 nodes Perform only k2 rounds of cut generation Have only limited number of active cuts; keep inactive cuts in the “cut pool” Basic Management Scheme: 1. Solve the active linear program 2. Identify inactive cuts; delete them from the active LP; add them to the cut pool 3. Search the cut pool for violated cuts; add a subset to the active LP and go to 1 4. Generate violated cuts. Add them to the cut pool and go to 1 * Johnson, E.L. Progress in Linear Programming-Based Algorithms for Integer Programming: An Exposition. INFORMS Journal on Computing, Vol. 12, No 1, Winter 2000 Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Promising Research Areas* Applications Robust models that integrate planning and operations Massively large, multi-period problems Multi-scenario stochastic problems; long solution times may be acceptable Recourse models that correct in real-time planning solutions Have to be solved in minutes Methods Parallel Integer Programming • LP-based branch-and-bound is a natural candidate for parallelization Subproblems associated with each node are independent; evaluate nodes simultaneously • Fundamental issue for parallelizing branch-and-cut: Management of cuts Integration between heuristic and cutting planes Integration with local search and constraint programming * Johnson, E.L. Progress in Linear Programming-Based Algorithms for Integer Programming: An Exposition. INFORMS Journal on Computing, Vol. 12, No 1, Winter 2000 Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Outline 1. Supply Chain Management 2. Linear Programming 3. Basic Mixedinteger Linear Programming 4. Advanced Mixedinteger Linear Programming 5. Software Overview 6. Combinatorial Optimization 7. Chemical Production Scheduling 8. Integration of Production Planning and Scheduling Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Software Overview Papers usually focus on How_to_Solve_a_Problem How_to_solve_a_problem is only a single step of the overall process Modeling life-cycle 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Develop the model Generate instance(s) of the model Solve the instance(s) Verify the results/model Modify the model Ideally, software has to nurture the entire modeling life cycle Two components of this “ideal” environment have received the most attention: • The modeling module: GAMS, AIMMS, Xpress-IVE, OPL Studio • The solver module: CPLEX, XPRESS-MP, OSL The two modules have to communicate with each other ⇒ MPS format • All modeling modules are able to produce an MPS input file and to process an MPS output file • All solver modules are able to process an MPS input file and to produce an MPS output file. Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Modeling Systems Modeling systems provide an interface with a variety of different solvers (algorithms). The user supplies a model (i.e. parameters, variables and constraints) using an easy language. The user-generated input file is compiled to generate a standard optimization file (e.g. .lp, .mps) This file is passed to the appropriate solver The solution found by the solver is communicated back to the modeling system, and reported via an output file. A simple diagram for GAMS is shown below. Input file XXX.gms Output file XXX.lst GAMS User Solvers LP Solver 1 NLP Solver 1 MIP Solver 1 LP Solver 2 NLP Solver 2 MIP Solver 2 MINLP Solver MIP Solver 3 Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Solvers There are many different solvers for each problem (LP, NLP, MINLP, etc.) Different solvers are good for different classes of problems; e.g. MINOS vs. CONOPT for NLPs Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Modeling Systems GAMS: Old language; limited flow control & visualization aids Compatible with many solvers AIMMS: New, user-friendly language; fancy interface Compatible with many solvers (not as many as GAMS) Xpress-IVE: Product of Dash Optimization → Solvers of Dash Optimization Provides tools for algorithm customization OPL Studio: Product of ILOG → Solvers of ILOG Provides tools for algorithm customization Enhancements Advanced users often want to specify branching rules, customize cut generation routines, etc. To support this functionality software developers provide callable library version of the software Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Modeling Levels * Irv Lustig, Embedding CPLEX Algorithms Overview Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Modeling Levels * Irv Lustig, Embedding CPLEX Algorithms Overview Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Modeling Levels * Irv Lustig, Embedding CPLEX Algorithms Overview Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Outline 1. Supply Chain Management 2. Linear Programming 3. Basic Mixedinteger Linear Programming 4. Advanced Mixedinteger Linear Programming 5. Software Overview 6. Combinatorial Optimization 7. Chemical Production Scheduling 8. Integration of Production Planning and Scheduling Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Graph Theory A graph G is a pair (V, E) of a set of vertices V (points) and set of edges E (lines) Undirected graph: undirected edges, (i, j) = (j, i) a u Directed graph: directed edges, (i, j) ≠ (j, i) d Network: directed graph with capacitated edges If i, j∈V, then (i, j)∈E is an edge; i is the tail, j is the head. z v b e c w Graph G1 = (V1, E1) V1 = {u, v, w, z} E1 = {(u, v), (u, w), (v, w), (v, z), (w, z)} E1 = {a, b, c, d, e} Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Graph Theory A graph G is a pair (V, E) of a set of vertices V (points) and set of edges E (lines) Undirected graph: undirected edges, (i, j) = (j, i) Directed graph: directed edges, (i, j) ≠ (j, i) 1 2 4 3 Network: directed graph with capacitated edges If i, j∈V, then (i, j)∈E is an edge; i is the tail, j is the head. Digraph G2 = (V2, E2) V1 = {1, 2, 3, 4} E1 = {(1, 2), (2, 1), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 1), (4, 2)} Representation of Graphs and Networks A vertex i is incident to an edge (i, j) Incidence matrix: Nodes in Rows, edges in columns – 1 if a node is incident to an edge In directed graphs, incident matrix has a ‐1 for the tail and +1 for the head a u d z v b e 1 2 4 3 c w (u, v) (u, w) (v, w) (v, z ) ( w, z ) u ⎡ 1 1 ⎤ ⎢ ⎥ v 1 1 1 ⎢ ⎥ w ⎢ 1 1 1 ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ z ⎣ 1 1 ⎦ 1 2 3 4 (1,2) (2,1) (2,3) (3,4) (4,1) (4,2) +1 ⎡ −1 +1 ⎤ ⎢+ 1 − 1 − 1 + 1⎥ ⎢ ⎥ +1 − 1 ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ + 1 − 1 − 1⎦ ⎣ Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Familiar Combinatorial Optimization Problems Traveling Salesman Problem There are n cities to be visited exactly once by a traveling salesman; the distance/cost from city i to city j is cij. Find the Hamiltonian of minimum total distance/cost Problem appears in 1830s; treated mathematically in 1930s (Menger) One of the most intensively studied problem in optimization No effective algorithm exists It was shown it is NP-hard (Karp, 1972) xij = 1 if we visit city j after city i Integer programming formulation Subtour elimination: for every V1,V2: V = V1∪V2, V1∩V2 = ∅ ensure there is an edge between V1 and V2. Exponential number of subtour elimination constraints IP formulation very hard min ∑ cij xij i, j ∑x ji = 1 ∀i There is an incoming edge ij = 1 ∀i There is an outgoing edge j ∑x j Subtour elimination constraints xij ∈ {0,1} ∀i, j Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Familiar Combinatorial Optimization Problems Matchings Given a graph G = (V, E), a matching M in G is a set of pairwise non-adjacent edges; i.e., no two edges share a common vertex. Find a matching that contains the maximum number of edges. A perfect matching is a matching which matches all vertices Matchings in bipartite graphs are related to the assignment problem Finding a maximum matching in bipartite graphs is easy Finding a maximum matching in general graphs is harder Polynomial algorithm for the general case by Edmonds (1965) Integer programming formulation Formulation for (complete) bipartite graphs solved as LP Equivalent to assignment problem, which was solved effectively before IP formulations Maximum matchings Jobs Machines Perfect matching in bipartite graph: solution to assignment problem xij = 1 if edge (i,j) is selected max ∑ cij xij i, j ∑x ij = 1 ∀i ∈ V1 ∑x ij = 1 ∀j ∈ V2 j∈V2 i∈V1 xij ∈ {0,1} ∀i, j Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Familiar Combinatorial Optimization Problems Matchings Given a graph G = (V, E), a matching M in G is a set of pairwise non-adjacent edges; i.e., no two edges share a common vertex. Find a matching that contains the maximum number of edges. A perfect matching is a matching which matches all vertices Matchings in bipartite graphs are related to the assignment problem Finding a maximum matching in bipartite graphs is easy Finding a maximum matching in general graphs is harder Polynomial algorithm for the general case by Edmonds (1965) Integer programming formulation Formulation for (complete) bipartite graphs solved as LP Equivalent to assignment problem, which was solved effectively before IP formulations Odd-set constraints: for vertex subset U⊂V: |U| > 2 Problem solved as LP if all odd-set constraints are added Maximum matchings Jobs Machines Perfect matching in bipartite graph: solution to assignment problem xe = 1 if edge e is selected max ∑ ce xe e ∑x e∈δ ( i ) e ≤ 1 ∀i | U |⎥ ≤ ⎢⎢ ∀U ⊂ V ⎥ 2 ⎣ ⎦ e∈E (U ) xe ∈ {0,1} ∀e ∑x e Odd‐set constraints Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization Hard combinatorial optimization problems have also hard IP formulations Algorithmically well‐solved combinatorial problems have good IP formulations Network problems are easy also as LP/IP models Have other types of problems similar structures? Can we formulate other problems as network problems? Can we generalize what we learnt from networks to general MIP models? Why network problems are so easy? Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Polytopes and Integrality Definition 1. A polyhedron P is the solution set of a finite system of linear inequalities, i.e. P = {x: Ax ≤ b}. Definition 2. A polyhedron P is a polytope (i.e. a bounded polyhedron) if there exist l, u ∈ Rn such that l ≤ x ≤ u; i.e. P = {x: Ax ≤ b, l ≤ x ≤ u for l, u ∈ Rn}. Definition 3. A nonempty polyhedron is integral if its vertices are integral. Polyhedron Polytope P = {x: Ax = b} Integral Polytope Remarks 1) A set of inequalities can be converted into a set of equalities by introducing slack variables, and a set of equalities Ax = b can be converted into a set of inequalities ([A, ‐A]T x ≤ [b –b]T). 2) A polyhedron can be described by a set of linear equalities, P = {x: Ax = b }, and a polytope can be described by a set of linear equalities and bounding inequalities, P = {x: Ax = b, l ≤ x ≤ u}. 3) A popytope can also be described as the convex hull of a finite number of points. Conversely, the convex hull of a finite number of points is a polytope. 4) A vector v of a polyhedron is a vertex (extreme point) if and only if it cannot be written as a linear combination of points in P\{v}. A polytope P is the convex hull of its vertices. Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Polytopes and Integrality Theorem 1. The polyhedron P(A, b) = {x: Ax ≤ b, x ≥ 0} is integral for all integral vectors b∈Zm if and only if A is totally unimodular (Hoffman & Kruskal, 1956). Proposition 1. If A is TU and vectors b, b’, d and d’ are integral, then P(b, b’, d, d’) = {x∈: b’ ≤ Ax ≤ b, d’≤ x ≤ d} is integral if it is not empty. Definition 4. An integral matrix A is totally unimodular (TU) if the determinant of each square submatrix of A is equal to 0, 1, or ‐1. Proposition 2. For every non‐singular submatrix R of a TU matrix, R‐1 is integral. Proposition 3. A {0, 1} matrix is an interval matrix (or has the consecutive 1’s property) if for all rows with alm = al’m = 1, l < l’, implies al”m = 1 for l < l” < l’. Interval matrices are TU (Fulkerson & Gross, 1965). Proposition 4. If a {0, ±1} matrix has no more than two non zero coefficients in each column, and Σl alm = 0 if column m has two coefficients, then A is TU (from Ghouila‐Houri, 1962). P = {x: Ax = b} A totally unimodular Proposition 3 Proposition 4 . . . Integral Polytope Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Networks and Integrality Proposition 4. If a {0, ±1} matrix has no more than two non zero coefficients in each column, and Σl alm = 0 if column m has two coefficients, then A is TU (from Ghouila‐Houri, 1962). Incidence matrix of networks satisfies this condition Matrix A is used to express flow balance constraints in shortest‐path, max‐flow problems 1 2 4 3 (1,2) (2,1) (2,3) (3,4) (4,1) (4,2) 1 −1 1 1 ⎤ ⎡ 2 ⎢ 1 −1 1 ⎥ −1 A= ⎥ ⎢ 1 −1 3 ⎢ ⎥ 1 1 1 − − ⎦ ⎣ 4 Very few problems can be formulated using constraints that lead to TU matrices Side constraints destroy the structure Can we develop tighter formulations from combinatorial optimization insight? If yes, can we add these constraints in our formulation immediately? Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Outline 1. Supply Chain Management 2. Linear Programming 3. Basic Mixedinteger Linear Programming 4. Advanced Mixedinteger Linear Programming 5. Software Overview 6. Combinatorial Optimization 7. Chemical Production Scheduling 8. Integration of Production Planning and Scheduling Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Supply Chain Planning Matrix (Meyr et al., 2002) procurement Short‐term distribution sales Strategic Planning Long‐term Medium‐term production Master Planning Purchasing & Material Production Planning Distribution Planning Requirements Planning Scheduling Transport Planning Demand Planning Demand Fulfillment Integration across time scales and functions Many new interesting problems Power – industrial gases – steel SC Oil – industrial gases – chemicals SC under power constraints Biomass to fuels and chemicals As chemical engineers, we know the specifics of chemical production Study all problems (time‐scales) of manufacturing function Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Manufacturing Function Strategic Planning • • • • Network of plants/warehouses/markets What new plants/warehouses to build? What are the interconnections? Investment/retrofit costs Production Planning • • • • • Network of existing production facilities Where/when is a product produced? Production and inventory profile of products Transportation/holding costs Aggregate plant capacities Pacific Northwest Rockies Midwest Northeast Southwest South Manufacturing sites Warehouses Markets Southeast Production Profiles Production (tn/month) 1 8 6 4 2 0 0 2 4 6 Pr. A 8 Pr. B 10 12 Pr. C Time (months) Scheduling • • • • Single site/plant How do we optimally use our resources? Batch-sizes, storage policies, sequencing Utility/changeover costs Reactor 1 Reactor 2 Column Heating Reaction 2 Reaction 3 Reaction 1 Reaction 1 Separation Time (days) Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Scheduling Allocation of limited resources to tasks over time - Michael Pinedo Scheduling has been practiced in manufacturing sectors since early 20th century First scheduling publications in the early 1950 – Naval Research Logistics Quarterly Closely related to the growth of computers and algorithms – Research in 1970s – Complexity theory Scheduling has widespread applications – – – – – – – Airlines industry Shipping industry Railways Manufacturing/production/any Industry Government / non-government Organizations Educational/Research Institutions Sports / Recreation Purely multi-disciplinary – Computer Scientists, Operations researchers, mathematicians, business science, etc. Very challenging problem – 8 unsolved problem instances in MIPLIB 2003 – Instance timtab2 (railway timetabling problem) has seen no optimal solution yet 10% gap even after several days, 113 Binaries, 381 Continuous Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Preliminaries Single-Stage Scheduling N jobs to be processed in M machines 9 Assignment of jobs to machines 9 Sequencing of jobs in the same machine pij , cij , sii M1 task1 task3 task4 M2 Resources (e.g. machines) task2 task5 M3 task2 task4 M4 task1 task2 task4 M5 0 10 task5 task2 20 task3 30 40 Time (min/hr/day) Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Classes of Scheduling Problems α/β/γ Processing characteristics • Preemption • Release/due times • Setup times Machine environment • Single machine • Parallel machines • Machines in series Objective • Makespan • Tardiness • Cost jobs dA A B M B D A C C D Single machine tardiness Sequence-dependent Setup time jobs A B C M1 M1 M2 M2 A B C D D Parallel machines makespan Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Chemical Production Scheduling • Jobs ⇒ Batches (sometimes orders) • Operations ⇒ Stages or Tasks • Machines ⇒ Units • Modeling of storage is important (solid, liquid and gas phases) ⇒ Storage vessels & states • Utilities are also important (steam, water, electricity) ⇒ Utilities (or resources) • No Preemption • Variable Processing Times • Changeover times Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Classification of Chemical Production Scheduling Problems Multi-stage processes Orders (batches) 1st stage J1 2nd stage J2 ... ... Sequential structure: Kth stage JK ... Finished Orders ... Orders := batches i∈I Stages k∈K = {1,2, …K} Units j∈J = J1∪J2∪ …JK Special Cases: Single-stage: Flow-shop: K=1 |J1|= …=|JK|=1 Network (multi-purpose) processes Batch splitting/mixing; recycle streams Utility requirements F1 S1 Int1 S3 ADD 5% F2 95% P2 S4 S5 P1 10% Int2 90% 50% S6 50% P3 ⇒ Links between seemingly independent tasks ⇒ Need to account for variable no of batches via common time representation Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Batchbased Approaches Goal: Exploit sequential structure of multi‐stage processes Approach: Predefine number of batches (lot‐sizing, batching, task selection) Solve fixed scheduling problem Scheduling Batching Demand (orders) A Batches A B B C C . . . Batches i∈I Stages k∈K Units j∈J Scheduling Formulations Slotbased Precedencebased Pinto & Grossmann, 1995; Lamba & Karimi, 2002 Xij = 1 if task i is assigned to unit j Yii’j = 1 if batch i precedes batch i’ in unit j Tik = Finish time of batch i in stage kv Xij Tasks (i) Hui & Gupta, 2000; Mendez et al. 2001 Xij = 1 if task i is assigned to unit j Yijm = 1 if batch i is assigned to slot m of j Tik = Finish time of slot m of unit j Ttik = Transfer time k → k+1 Yii’j Units (j) Xij → Yii’j Tasks (i) Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Networkbased Approaches Goal: Model multi-purpose batch processes Account for batch splitting/mixing; recycle streams; utility requirements Approach: Use a common time coordinate Express assignment and balance constraints for every time point/period/event Discrete-time Formulations Kondili et al. (1993); Pantelides (1994) RM Int T1 T2 A T3 B Time points/periods t∈T 2.0 hr Δt = 0.5 hr 1.5 hr 3.0 hr Wijt = 1 if task i starts in unit j at time point t Bijt = Batch-size of task i in unit j at time point t Sst = Amount of state s at time point t Uut = Consumption of utility u at time t T1 T2 T3 0 1 2 Assignment: 3 4 ∑ ∑ i∈I j 5 t − pi +1 tˆ =t 6 7 8 Wijtˆ ≤ 1 ∀j , t t (hr) WijtVijMIN ≤ Bijt ≤ Wijt VijMAX ∀i,t , j ∈ K i Mass Balance: STst = STst −1 + ∑i∈T ρ is ∑ j∈K Bij ,t − pis − ∑i∈T ρ is ∑ j∈K Bijt ≤ S sMAX Utility: U ut = ∑t ∑ j∈K s ∑θ i pi −1 i =0 Tasks i∈I Units j∈J States s∈S Utilities u∈U s (α uiθ Wijt −θ + β uiθ Bijt −θ ) ≤ U uMAX i ∀u, t ∀s, t Variables defined ∀t∈T Constraints expressed ∀t∈T Large MIP models Constant processing times Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Modeling Problems 1 1. Singe-unit problem Find the schedule that yields the minimum total completion time (makespan) A Batches i∈I = {1, 2, …, N} Processing time: τi Release/due times: ri/di B M C D 1.1. Single-unit with release/due times Same as 1, but batches have release/due dates. The objective is the minimization of makespan 1.2. Single-unit and changeover times Same as 1 but there are changeover times between batches The objective is the minimization of makespan 1.3. Single-unit and changeover costs Same as 1.2 but there are changeover costs between batches The objective is the minimization of cost Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Modeling Problems 2 2. Singe-stage (multi-unit) problem N batches have to be processed in a single stage that consists of M parallel units. Find the schedule that yields the minimum total completion time (makespan) A Batches i∈I = {1, 2, …, N} Units j∈J = {1, 2, … , M} Processing time: τij Processing cost: cij Release/due times: ri/di B C M1 M2 D 2.1. Single-stage problem with release/due times Same as 2, but batches have release/due dates The objective is the minimization of lateness/tardiness 2.2. Single-stage problem with changeover costs and times Same as 2.1, but there are changeover costs γii’j and changeover times δii’j between batches The objective is the minimization of cost (subject to meeting the release/due times) Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Modeling Problems 3 3. Multi-stage problem N batches have to be processed in K stages; each stage has parallel units. Find the schedule that yields the minimum total completion time (makespan) Batches i∈I = {1, 2, …, N} Units j∈J = {1, 2, … , M} Stages k∈K; Jk is the set of units in stage k Processing time: τij Processing cost: cij Release/due times: ri/di jobs A B M1 M2 M3 C D 3.1. Multi-stage problem with release/due times and changeover times/costs Same as 3, but batches have release/due dates and changeovers Model the minimization of makespan, tardiness, cost and earliness Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Modeling Problems 4 S1 1h Reaction1 1h Heat 30% 2h 90% Separation 40% 3h 70% Reaction2 S2 10% S3 60% S5 S6 2h Reaction 3 States S4 Tasks S7 Units Reaction 2 Heating Reactor 1 Reaction 3 Reactor 2 Reaction 1 Column Separation Reaction 1 Time (h) Inventory S2 S3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Time (h) Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Scheduling: Modeling Discrete‐time Formulations Kondili et al. (1993); Pantelides (1994) T1 T2 T3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 t (hr) Fixed time points ‐ Constant processing times Continuous‐time Formulations Global grid: Pantelides et al.; Reklaitis et al.; Lee et al.; Barbosa‐Póvoa et al.; Grossmann et al.; Karimi et al. Unit‐specific grid (events): Floudas et al.; Ierapetritou et al.; Giannelos & Georgiadis T1 T2 T3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (periods) Variable time points ‐ Variable processing times Mixed‐time Formulation Maravelias (2006) T1 T2 T3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 t (hr) Fixed time points ‐ Variable processing times Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Scheduling: Modeling Discrete‐time Formulations Kondili et al. (1993); Pantelides (1994) T1 T2 T3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 t (hr) Fixed time points ‐ Constant processing times Continuous‐time Formulations Global grid: Pantelides et al.; Reklaitis et al.; Lee et al.; Barbosa‐Póvoa et al.; Grossmann et al.; Karimi et al. Unit‐specific grid (events): Floudas et al.; Ierapetritou et al.; Giannelos & Georgiadis T1 T2 T3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (periods) Variable time points ‐ Variable processing times Mixed‐time Formulation Maravelias (2006) T1 T2 T3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 t (hr) Fixed time points ‐ Variable processing times Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Are Smaller Formulations Better? RMC RMAB I1 9 9 9 9 9 I2 ABI1 CI1 ABI2 INTABI CI2 INTCI II1 BII1 CII1 INTBII Continuous processing Five products - three stages Time Horizon: 2 weeks Intermediate due dates, shipment dates Backlogged demand INTCII Demand Shipments Backlogs III2 III1 AIII1 BIII1 A CIII1 B1 BIII2 C1 CIII2 B2 C2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Equipment Unit Gantt Chart I1 CI1 ABI1 I2 ABI2 II1 CII1 III1 0 2 BII1 AIII1 BIII2 1 ABI2 CII1 BIII1 III2 CIII2 AB CI2 BII1 AIII1 CI1 3 4 5 CII1 BIII1 CIII2 6 8 B CIII1 BIII2 7 A AIII1 C CIII2 9 10 11 12 13 Idle 1 4 t (d) Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Effect of Strong Valid Inequalities (M0) Basic STN Formulation (M0) (C1) (C2) (C3) (C4) (C5) (C6) # Const. LP-relax Objective CPU-sec LP-gap (%) Nodes 1,907 2,182.8 1,766.7 62.2 23.6 5,689 (M1) +C1 2,043 2,054.4 1,766.7 12.5 16.3 622 (M2) +C2 2,043 2,166.7 1,766.7 12.1 22.6 1,402 (M3) +C3 1,907 2,173.1 1,766.7 15.3 23.0 1,183 (M4) +C4 1,907 2,130.5 1,766.7 10.0 20.6 758 (M5) +C5 1,975 2,176.6 1,766.7 46.2 23.2 3,210 (M6) +C6 2,043 2,060.3 1,766.7 9.5 16.6 1,297 Inequalities (C1), (C2), (C3), (C4) and (C6) appear to be the most effective Combinations of these inequalities are studied further # Const. LP-relax Objective CPU-sec LP-gap (%) Nodes (M10) (M11) (M12) + C1, + C1, + C1, C2, C6 C2, C3 C2, C4 2,315 2,179 2,179 2,037.3 1,964.0 2,003.7 1,766.7 1,766.7 1,766.7 3.8 4.9 2.9 15.3 11.2 13.4 275 277 176 (M13) +C1-4 2,247 1964.0 1,766.7 2.6 11.2 88 (M14) + C3, C4, C6 2,111 2,046.6 1,766.7 8.1 15.8 646 (M16) +C1-4, C6 2,383 1,964.0 1,760.0 3.8 11.2 150 Models (M11), (M12), (M13) & (M16) are studied further using a set of six problems Model (M16) appears to be the most effective Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison BranchandCut Algorithm: Basic Idea Additional improvements needed for practical applications How can we use remaining valid inequalities? ⇒ Branch‐and‐cut algorithm Advantages: 1. Do not load unnecessary constraints ⇒ Smaller incidence matrix ⇒ Each node is solved faster 2. Use a larger pool of constraints Tighter formulation after a few rounds of cut generation Combines effective (LP) solution and tight formulation Disadvantage: Very difficult to compete with CPLEX, XPRESS Do not exploit built‐in cut generation routines Have to write new algorithm to add user cuts Branch on one fractional variable Add violated cuts ⇒ Find new (fractional) solution Pruned node Open node Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Branchandcut Algorithm: Implementation Implementation in XPRESSIVE using XPRESSMosel Do not remove/change pre‐solve and cut‐generation routines Add few cuts (C2, C3 & C5) at the root node to facilitate heuristics Add violated high priority cuts (C1, C4, C6 & C7) at the root node Allow addition of high priority cuts at nodes of intermediate depth Add low priority cuts (C8‐C13) later Add all C2, C3 & C5 constraints in the formulation Add violated C1, C4, C6 and C7 constraints in k1 rounds at the root node Add violated constraints C1, C4, C6 and C7 in nodes of depth k| k2≤k≤k3 Add violated constraints C1, C4, C6, C7 and C8C11 in nodes of depth k| k3≤k≤k4 Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Branchandcut Algorithm: General Remarks Remarks: 1. Parameters k1, k2, k3 and k4 depend on the size of the problem Typical values: 5‐10 iterations at the root node Start adding high priority cuts after 200‐1000 nodes, at depth 20‐200 Start low priority cuts at depth 100‐1,000 2. Algorithm requires fewer number of nodes, but is expensive at each node To reduce overhead: Add cuts every 5‐10 nodes Add first 2‐4 violated cuts 3. On the fly tuning necessary Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Customized Methods Precedencebased Pinto & Grossmann, 1995; Lamba & Karimi, 2002 Xij = 1 if task i is assigned to unit j Yii’j = 1 if batch i precedes batch i’ in unit j Tik = Finish time of batch i in stage kv Xij Tasks (i) Yii’j Units (j) What is the problem? Sequence-based: Ti 'k ≥ Tik + ∑τ ij j∈JA ( i , k ) X ij − M (1 − Yii 'k ) ∀(i, i ') ∈ IL, k ∈ K Slot-based: Tti ,k −1 ≤ Ts jm + M (1 − U ijm ) ∀i, k > 1, j ∈ J k , m ≤ M j Ttik ≥ Ts jm + τ ijU ijm − M (1 − U ijm ) ∀i, k < K , j ∈ J k , m ≤ M j Sequencing is achieved via big-M constraints ⇒ Resulting MILP formulations are not strong Compared to manufacturing problems: 1. Unknown type and number of batches (tasks); unknown assignments of tasks to units 2. Mixing of intermediates; variable batch-size and processing time There are good algorithms for problems with fixed type and number of tasks and fixed assignments Can we combine these algorithms with MILP methods? Decompose problem in two subproblems 1. Determine type and number of tasks and assignments of units to tasks 2. Solve reduced problem with an efficient, problem-specific algorithm Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Constraint Programming Preliminaries New Modeling and Solution Paradigm Developed in early 90’s in AI Very effective for classes of optimization problems • Highly constrained (feasibility) problems • Some scheduling problems Special “constructs” and constraints for classes of problems Constructs: activity X, unary resource Y Constraints: X requires Y (GLOBAL) A → B, A ∨ B (LOGIC) ⇒ Highly Expressive ⇒ Effective local search Search is based on constraint propagation Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Constraint Programming – Basic Idea Problem Find the order at which jobs A, B and C are sequenced on machine M Job A B C Processing Time 2 4 3 Release 0 1 2 Due 5 9 7 Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Constraint Programming – Basic Idea Problem Find the order at which jobs A, B and C are sequenced on machine M Job A B C Processing Time 2 4 3 A∈{1,2,3} B∈{1,2,3} C∈{1,2,3} B→ 1 A→ 1 B→ 2 C→ 1 C→ 3 C→ 2 Release 0 1 2 C→ 3 A→B→C B→ 3 Due 5 9 7 A→ 2 B→ 1 B→ 2 A→ 3 B→ 3 B→ 1 B→ 2 B→ 3 C→ 2 A→C→B Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Constraint Programming – Basic Idea Problem Find the order at which jobs A, B and C are sequenced on machine M Job A B C A∈{1,2,3} B∈{1,2,3} C∈{1,2,3} B→ 2 Processing Time 2 4 3 Release 0 1 2 Due 5 9 7 A must be 1st C must be 2nd A→ 1 B→ 3 C→ 3 C→ 2 A→B→C A→C→B Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Mathematical vs. Constraint Programming Mathematical Programming Intelligent search strategy but computationally expensive for large problems Computationally effective for optimization problems with many feasible solutions Not effective for feasibility problems and machine sequencing problems Constraint Programming Fast algorithms for special problems Computationally effective for highly constrained, feasibility and machine sequencing problems Not effective for optimization problems with complex structure and many feasible solutions MAIN IDEA Decompose problem into two parts 9 Use MP for high‐level optimization decisions 9 Use CP for low‐level sequencing decisions Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Decomposition Strategy • Express problem in an aggregated MP form Solve MIP Master Problem • Use MP to identify potentially good solutions max production s.t. RELAXATION • Fix no/type of tasks, assignment of tasks to units Obtain UB Fix no/type of tasks, assignment to units Add integer cuts • Fix no/type of tasks and assignment decisions Solve CP Subproblem • Problem is highly constrained: suitable for CP max production s.t. ALL CONSTRAINTS w/ fixed no/type of tasks • If feasible, obtain lower bound • Add integer cut and continue until bounds converge Obtain LB Production Z* × × 0 2 4 × × Upper bound × Feasible solution Iterations 6 8 10 Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Example Food (5) Flakes2 T10 Flour Coater (2) T20 T30 Packer (3) Flakes1 Loops T21 T31 Coated Flakes Coated Loops Corn Flakes T12 T22 T32 Frosted Flakes Unlimited Storage Froot Loops Zero Wait Finite Storage Maximize Production Horizon 15 20 25 n 10 12 15 0-1 180 216 270 MILP STN Model Cont. Constr. LP Relax Obj 1,163 2,473 14 12 1395 2965 18 16* 1743 3703 24 22 Hybrid MILP/CP CPU s # iters Obj CPU s 58.5 3 12 0.32 16,749.2 3 16 0.37 523.6 3 22 1.05 Minimize Makespan Demand 4/5/6 5/6/8 5 / 8 / 10 n 12 13 15 0-1 216 234 270 MILP STN Model Cont. Constr. LP Relax Obj 1393 2938 12 19 1509 3220 15 1741 3712 18 - Hybrid MILP/CP CPU s # iters Obj CPU s 32,077 1 19 0.23 >36,000 1 23 21.02 >36,000 1 27 0.64 Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison General Hybrid Algorithm ∑ ∑D Multipurpose Batch Plant 10% S3 Separation Reaction1 Heat S1 i∈I ( j ) c 90% Reaction2 70% 30% 60% S5 Reaction 3 F2 F3 T10 T20 T30 S10 S20 S30 T11 T21 T31 S11 S21 S31 S7 BiMIN Z ic ≤ Bic ≤ BiMAX Z ic S s = S 0 + ∑ ∑ ρ is Bic − ∑ ∑ ρ is Bic T12 T22 T32 P1 P2 P3 I c i Ss ≥ ds ∀s ∈ FP S s ≤ Cs ∀s ∈ INT ∑ ∑D i∈I ( j ) c ic c ∀s ∈ FP i ∀j ∀i, ∀c S s = S 0 + ∑∑1⋅ Bic − ∑∑1⋅ Bic i ∀s c Z ic ≤ MS − ST j − EST j BiMIN Z ic ≤ Bic ≤ BiMAX Z ic ∀j ∀i, ∀c O Ss ≥ ds Single-stage ¾ Drop stage index k Z ic ≤ MS − ST j − EST j i S6 Multi-stage: no utilities unlimited storage F1 S4 40% S2 ic ∀s c X oj ≤ max o∈O {d o }− mino∈O {ro } ∀j ∑Z = 1 ∀o oj oj O ∑ ∑ Bics ≥ d s i j Preprocessing: Better Cover Cuts ∀s ∈ FP c Task[i,c] requires Unit[j] ∀j,∀i∈I(j),∀c Task[i,c] requires Ric Utility[r] ∀i,∀c Task[i,c] consumes ρcisBis State[s] ∀i,∀c,∀s Task[i,c] produces ρpisBics State[s] ∀i,∀c,∀s Task[i,c].end ≤ MS ∀i,∀c BiMIN ≤ Bic ≤ BiMAX ∑ ∑B i∈O ( s ) c ∑D o∈O ( j ) BiMIN ≤ Bic ≤ BiMAX ∀i, ∀c Ric = α i + β i Bic ∀i, ∀c is ≥ ds ∀i, ∀c ∀s ∈ FP Task[i,c] requires Unit[j] ∀j,∀i∈I(j),∀c Task[i,c] precedes Task[i’,c] ∀(i,i’)∈A,∀c ∀i,∀c Task[i,c].end ≤ MS Task[o,j].start ≥ ro ∀o,∀j Task[o,,j].end ≤ do ∀o,∀j Task[o,j] requires Unit[j] ∀o,∀k,∀j|Zok=1 ∀o,∀k,∀j|Zok=1 Task[o,k,j].end ≤ MS Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Integration with Problemspecific Algorithms Example: Minimization of cost of multi-stage problem for orders with release and due times N orders have to be processed sequentially in K stages, where each stage consists of Mk units. Each order i has release ri and due di time, and a processing cost cij and processing time τij. The objective is to minimize the sum of processing costs subject to meeting the release and due times. Master Problem: Assignment Subproblem: Sequencing Subproblem is a traditional OR problem (job-shop problem) ⇒ There are efficient algorithms Use Shifting Bottleneck Procedure (Adams and Balas, 1988) to solve the subproblem Computational Results Obj P2D1 P2D2 P3D1 P3D2 P4D1 P4D2 P5D1 P5D2 153 188 56 1113 149 946 111 704 MIP CPU s 4.4 0.8 446.6 0.4 27.3 1.4 4041.7 2767.8 CP CPU s 0.1 0.3 4.2 1375.0 447.2 359.0 293.0 712.6 MIP/CP: CUT H Iter’s/Cuts CPU s 16/19 0.7 4/3 0.1 29/45 8.7 5/5 0.4 17/22 28.8 20/26 11.0 43/56 318.4 2/2 13.7 MIP/SBP Iter’s/Cuts CPU s 4/4 1.3 1/0 0.2 26/32 16.9 2/2 1.1 12/15 7.8 6/14 9.8 19/25 17.2 2/1 0.4 Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Exploit Parallel Computing Computer manufacturers focus on multi‐core architectures Computational resources become cheap Algorithms that utilize new architectures or exploit parallelization necessary Modeling languages provide tools for parallel algorithm development Parallel Processing Multiple machines distributed globally Grid Computing Parallel Computing Distributed Computing Multiple CPUs on a machine Cluster Computing Multiple machines located close by Multiple machines distributed globally Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Parallel Computing & Integer Programming LP‐based branch‐and‐bound has inherent structure for parallelization Subproblems associated with each node are independent Evaluate nodes simultaneously; share cuts and bounds Nodes solved at the master computer Information flow: master → slave • Subproblem formulation • Variable bounds Information flow: slave → master • New feasible solutions • Current lower bound • Global cutting planes × Fundamental issues for parallelizing branch‐and‐cut Generate good subproblems: not too easy or too hard Minimize subproblem (task) and cut generation time Maximize useful sharing: pass bound information relevant cuts Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison How Can We Use Grid Computing? Master-worker Paradigm Master Master generates and spawns all tasks (subproblems) tasks can be user-defined or generated automatically Workers execute tasks and return results Master collects results Subproblems 1. Independent (e.g. scenarios in stochastic programming) Workers Submission Loop: modelname.solvelink=3; loop(scenario, parameter1 = spara1(scenario); parameter2 = spara2(scenario); solve modelname using mip minimizing objective; h(scenario) = modelname.handle; ); 2. Solver generated Subtrees resulting from strong branching 3. User generated Manually fix binary variables (Bussieck et al., 2007) Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Optimization on the Grid 1. Master creates a separate directory for each subproblem Unique handle for each subproblem “finished” file when task completed “trigger” file when new incumbent 2. Condor ships the subproblems to workers; executed on a Sandbox 3. Master collects results using handlecollect Repeatedly checks for completion; collection time can be adjusted 4. Update on incumbent solution using utility condor_chirp If new global incumbent is found, trigger file is created It also puts the new incumbent to the subproblem’s directory in Master computer. Master “finished” file upon completion of subproblem … “trigger file” is created if new incumbent is found C on do r Separate directory for each subproblem Worker 1 Worker 2 Worker N Sandbox Sandbox Sandbox condor_chirp utility Fetch: copies trigger file Remove: removes trigger file after copying Put: places new incumbent in directory of master Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Dynamic Decomposition 1. Run branch-and-bound on master to generate 400 open nodes 2. Spawn open nodes to servers 3. Communicate bounds and incumbents every 5 min; wait for 1 hr Integer solution Pruned node Fractional (open) node Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Dynamic Decomposition 1. 2. 3. 4. Run branch-and-bound on master to generate 200 open nodes Spawn open nodes to servers Communicate bounds and incumbents; wait for 1 hr Decompose hard problems dynamically again using strong branching Integer solution Pruned node Fractional (open) node Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Results 1 Example 10 orders, 3 stages, 2 units/stage; dissimilar units, forbidden assignments and paths Two instances parameterized via demand Instance 1: ~20 batches Strong Branching to generate 400 subproblems 13 hr of CPU time, 2hr of wall clock time 2,905,742 nodes Instance 2: ~30 batches Strong Branching generated too many subproblems Filled the disk of the submitting machine! Failed in solving this hard problem A better scheme is needed to generate subproblems Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Exploit Problem Structure Hierarchy of decisions: ∑X Zil = 1 if batch l is selected towards order i j∈JA ( i , k ) X(i,l)j = 1 if batch (i,l) is assigned to unit j Y(i,l)(i’,l’)k = 1 if batch (i,l) preecedes batch (i’,l’) in stage k ilj = Z il ∀i ∈ I , l ≤ limax , k ∈ K X ilj + X i 'lj − 1 ≤ Yili 'l 'k + Yi 'l 'ilk ∀(i, l , i ' l ') ∈ IL, k , j Batch Selection Zil Batch assignment Xilj Batch sequencing Yili′l′k Jobshop problem Traditional Multi-stage scheduling Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Domainbased Dynamic Decomposition Master computer Decomposition generates subproblems P Fix Zil Subproblems solved in workers Collect and updates are used P1 P2 P3 PM1 P4 Π1 = {P1, P2,…. PM} Master collects unsolved problems; 2nd-level decomposition by fixing Xilj in one stage P12 P22 PM2 2(2) P32 Π2 = U Π 2m , m = 1,2,….M P14 m Fix Xilj Promising where Π 2m = {P1m , P2m , P3m ,.....} Non-promising Process repeated as necessary 4 P1,1 4 P1,3 4 P1,2 4 P1,M3(4) Π3 = U Π 3sm , m = 1,2,….M m,s Promising Non-promising m m m where, Π3sm = {Ps,1 , Ps,2 , Ps,3 ,.....} Few 1st‐level subproblems are promising (and hard); reasonable batching 2nd‐level decomposition can potentially generate too many subproblems Process can be combined with strong branching Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Results 2 Example 10 orders, 3 stages, 2 units/stage; dissimilar units, forbidden assignments and paths Two instances parameterized via demand Instance 1: ~20 batches Decomposition with strong branching 13 hr of CPU time, 2hr of wall clock time, 2,905,742 nodes 1st‐level decomposition followed by strong branching 7.5 min of wall clock time; 9,601 nodes Instance 2: ~30 batches Decomposition with strong branching Failed to solve the problem 1st‐, 2nd‐, 3rd‐ level decomposition (Zil + 2 stages) followed by strong branching 6 2nd‐level unsolved problems → 56,628 3rd‐level subproblems 26 3rd‐level unsolved subproblems → 31,761 subproblems 17.7 days of CPU time; 9 hr of wall clock time; 222,065,793 nodes Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Outline 1. Supply Chain Management 2. Linear Programming 3. Basic Mixedinteger Linear Programming 4. Advanced Mixedinteger Linear Programming 5. Software Overview 6. Combinatorial Optimization 7. Chemical Production Scheduling 8. Integration of Production Planning and Scheduling Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Supply Chain Planning Matrix (Meyr et al., 2002) procurement Short‐term distribution sales Strategic Planning Long‐term Medium‐term production Master Planning Purchasing & Material Production Planning Distribution Planning Requirements Planning Scheduling Transport Planning Demand Planning Demand Fulfillment Integration across time scales and functions Many new interesting problems Power – industrial gases – steel SC Oil – industrial gases – chemicals SC under power constraints Biomass to fuels and chemicals Integration of production planning and scheduling Exxon Mobil: 2% reduction in operating costs, 20% inventory reduction (Shobrys & White, 2002) DuPont: Capital tied up in inventory reduced from $165 to $90 million (Shobrys & White, 2002) Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Problem Statement Given: Planning horizon divided into T uniform or non‐uniform time periods t∈{1, 2, … T}. Products (items), i∈I = {A, B, … } with demand δit and holding cost θi. Resource constraints: unit and utility capacities, raw material availability, etc. Production costs: these may include variable and fixed costs. Determine Production Pit and inventory levels Iit to minimize cost Manufacturing Facility I i ,0 Pi ,1 δi ,1 P1 P1 P1 P2 P2 P2 I i ,1 Pi , 2 I i,2 Pit I i ,t −1 δi , 2 I it δit Warehouse Distribution Center Production planning provides production targets (set points) for each period t=0 P1 P2 P1 P2 1 2 P1 P2 t-1 P1 P2 t Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Why Integration with Scheduling? 150 ≤ P2 ≤ 200 (kg/d) RM 200 ≤ P1 ≤ 300 (kg/d) U1 INT (ZW) U2 P3 = 150 (kg/d) U3 PB PB 2,000 2,000 AG: PA+PB ≤ 2,100 A U1: PA+PB ≤ 2,100 B PB 2,000 U3: PB ≤ 1,050 1,000 1,000 1,000 2,000 PA (a) Bottleneck constraint U2: PA ≤ 1,400 1,000 1,000 2,000 PA (b) Unit capacity constraints 1,000 2,000 PA (c) True feasible region (via scheduling) Bottleneck and unit capacity (aggregate) constraints insufficient Chemical processes: batch splitting/mixing, recycle streams, utilities, storage constraints Scheduling models needed to provide feasibility and cost information Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization 4 Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison General Production Planning Formulation z = min ∑t (Cpt + Cht ) P1 I it = I i ,t −1 + Pit − δit , ∀i, t P2 Cht = ∑i θi I it , ∀t f (Pit , i ∈ I ) ≤ 0, ∀t Cpt = g (Pit , i ∈ I ), ∀t How much can we produce and at what cost? Satisfy demand? I it At what (inventory) cost? Pit I i ,t −1 Hidden scheduling problem δit Pit , I it ≥ 0 Scheduling Given: A production facility (processing units, storage vessels, utilities) & processing cost (feedstocks, utilities, etc) Production recipes (stoichiometric coefficients, processing times, utility requirements) Production targets Determine the optimal: Number and type of processing tasks (batches and lots) Allocation of resources to processing tasks Sequencing of tasks on processing units Batching Demand (orders) A B C D E Batch‐unit Assignment Batches A1 A2 A3 A3 B1 B2 B1 C1 B2 D1 D2 C1 E1 A2 A1 Sequencing & Timing U1 A1 A2 A3 C1 U2 D1 D2 E1 D1 D2 B1 B2 E1 Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison PlanningScheduling Integration z = min ∑t (Cpt + Cht ) I it = I i ,t −1 + Pit − δit , ∀i, t Cht = ∑i θi I it , ∀t Linking Pkt = S kn , ∀k ∈ K FP , ∀t , n = N n '≤ n ∑ ∑W k∈K j n '> n − τ i kn ' Integrated Formulation ≤ 1 ∀j , ∀n βkMINWkn ≤ Bkn ≤ βkMAX Wkn ∀k , ∀n S in = S i , n −1 + ∑ ρik Bk ,n − τi + ∑ ρik Bkn ≤ ζ iMAX k∈Pi ( ∀k , ∀n Scheduling k∈Ci Cpt = ∑∑ γkWkn + εk Bkn k Optimization Planning ) n Pkt , I kt ≥ 0, Win ∈ {0,1}, Bin , S kt ≥ 0 Planning time grid (big-bucket Ht) Weeks-months Scheduling time grid (small-bucket hn) Hours-days t=0 1 H1 n=0 1 2 … hn 2 Pi ,1 Pi , 2 Si , N Si , 2 N N N+1 … 2N Planning Scheduling Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Challenges in Chemical Production Planning Modeling Different production environments Wide range of processing constraints Integration with multiple planning functions ⇒ Develop general modeling framework Theory Discrete decisions lead to mixed‐integer programming models Existing hardware and software insufficient ⇒ Develop fundamental optimization theory ⇒ Use underlying theory to develop better solution methods Solution Methods Applications: optimize over long horizon optimize multiple systems simultaneously Intractable large‐scale models ⇒ Develop general & computationally effective methods Projectionbased strategy Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison The Modeling Challenge Batch processing No batch mixing Cleaning‐in‐place between batches Cooling utilities Yeast requirements Release time for media Continuous processing Semi‐continuous processing Litro 500 BPM FERMENTACIÓN ¼ STD 700 BPM D. W. DILUTION TANQUES DE GOBIERNO I ½ STD 600 BPM ½ PREMIER 600 BPM TANQUES DE GOBIERNO II ½ T.A., ¼ BOH. 750 BPM Products grouped in families Changeover times & costs between families Orders at due dates Inventory constraints Unit‐product compatibility Storage constraints Litro 350 BPM REPOSO LATA 1200 LPM TANQUES DE GOBIERNO ½ T.A EXP 750 BPM TANQUE REPOSO Fermentation Filtering Storage Bottling Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Modeling Schools of Thought Sequential processing Orders (batches) 1st stage J1 2nd stage J2 ... ... Kth stage JK ... Operations follow a defined sequence The same batch/lot processed in all stages Finished Orders ... No batch mixing (blending) or splitting allowed Common in biotech, specialty chemical, and pharmaceutical industries Batchbased methods Network processing 40% RM1 40% A 60% Int3 ImB 60% Int2 10% Batch splitting/mixing allowed Recycle streams, utility requirements 80% 90% RM2 B 20% Common in bulk chemicals & oil industries Materialbased methods Int1 RM3 Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Implications of Modeling Diversity Network R1 M Feed1 Feed 3 Material‐based 60% T1 40% Separator U6/U7 S3 70% 30% T2 P3 (5 orders) S2 P4 Intermediate 2 Separator U6/U7 (7 orders) Batch‐based S4 S5 U4 U6 S6 U5 U7 Stage 1 Stage 2 {U2, U3} {U2, U3} S2 T3 S1 Intermediate 1 Reactor U4/U5 Reactor U3 {U1} Reactor U4/U5 P2 Feed 2 S1 S1 R4 R2 40% Mixer U1 Traditional process representation P1 Reactor U2 intermediate Sequential 70% 30% 60% R3 {U1} 60% T1 S4 S3 30% 70% S5 T2 {U4,U5} T4 S7 {U6,U7} S8 Network task Network state Hybrid state S10 Sequential task Sequential state T5 {U2, U3} 40% S2 {U2, U3} T3 Sundaramoorthy & Maravelias, 2011 S6 {U4,U5} T6 S9 {U6,U7} T7 Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization 11 Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Industrial Application Processing Stages: Fermentation → Filtering → Storage → Bottling Production Type: Batch, continuous, and semi‐continuous Planning Horizon: 6 weeks Production Environment: Fermentation Bottling Filtering Storage Litro 500 BPM FERMENTACIÓN ¼ STD 700 BPM D. W. DILUTION TANQUES DE GOBIERNO I ½ STD 600 BPM ½ PREMIER 600 BPM TANQUES DE GOBIERNO II ½ T.A., ¼ BOH. 750 BPM Litro 350 BPM REPOSO 8 processing units (lines) 22 products families 25 product subfamilies 162 products LATA 1200 LPM TANQUES DE GOBIERNO ½ T.A EXP 750 BPM TANQUE REPOSO Product families: Products (for bottling) are grouped into families Changeover costs/times between families; setup costs/times between products Products belong to subfamilies major changeover Product family Product (item) Product family minor changeover (sequence independent) Kopanos et al.,, 2011 Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Industrial Application: Executed Schedule Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Industrial Application: Executed Schedule Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Industrial Application: Integrated Appoach No “memory” across planning periods Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Industrial Application: Integrated Approach No “memory” across planning periods Minimize setup time & costs Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Industrial Application: Results Executed Schedule Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Industrial Application: Results Schedule Found Using Integrated Framework Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Industrial Application: Results Comparison with Implemented Solution Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Challenges in Chemical Production Planning Modeling Litro 500 BPM FERMENTACIÓN ¼ STD 700 BPM D. W. DILUTION Different production environments TANQUES DE GOBIERNO I ½ STD 600 BPM ½ PREMIER 600 BPM Wide range of processing constraints TANQUES DE GOBIERNO II Integration with multiple planning functions ½ T.A., ¼ BOH. 750 BPM Litro 350 BPM REPOSO LATA 1200 LPM ⇒ Develop general modeling framework TANQUES DE GOBIERNO ½ T.A EXP TANQUE REPOSO 750 BPM Theory Discrete decisions lead to mixed‐integer programming models Existing hardware and software insufficient ⇒ Develop fundamental optimization theory ⇒ Use underlying theory to develop better solution methods Solution Methods Applications: optimize over long horizon optimize multiple systems simultaneously Intractable large‐scale models ⇒ Develop general & computationally effective methods Projectionbased strategy Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Polyhedral Background Summary Definition 1. A polyhedron P is the solution set of a finite system of linear inequalities, i.e. P = {x: Ax ≤ b}. Definition 2. A polyhedron P is a polytope (i.e. a bounded polyhedron) if there exist l, u ∈ Rn: l ≤ x ≤ u; i.e. P = {x: Ax ≤ b, l ≤ x ≤ u for l, u ∈ Rn}. Remark 1: A set of inequalities Ax ≤ b can be converted into a set of equalities Ax + Is = b, s ≥ 0. A polytope can be described by as P = {x: Ax = b, l ≤ x ≤ u}. Remark 2: A vector v of a polyhedron is a vertex (extreme point) if and only if it cannot be written as a linear combination of points in P\{v}. A polytope P is the convex hull of its vertices. Definition 3. A nonempty polyhedron is integral if its vertices are integral. Definition 4. An integral matrix A is totally unimodular (TU) if the determinant of each square submatrix of A is equal to 0, 1, or ‐1. Theorem 1. If A is TU and vectors b, b’, d and d’ are integral, then P(b, b’, d, d’) = {x∈: b’ ≤ Ax ≤ b, d’≤ x ≤ d} is integral if it is not empty (Hoffman & Kruskal, 1956). Theorem 2. If a {0, ±1} matrix has no more than two non zero coefficients in each column, and Σl alm = 0 if column m has two coefficients, then A is TU (Ghouila‐Houri, 1962). Theorem 3. A {0, 1} matrix is an interval matrix (or has the consecutive 1’s property) if for all rows with alm = al’m = 1, l < l’, implies al”m = 1 for l < l” < l’. Interval matrices are TU (Fulkerson & Gross, 1965). Theorem 1 A totally unimodular Polyhedron P = {x: Ax = b} Polytope P = {x: Ax = b, l ≤ x ≤ u} Integral Polytope P = {x: Ax = b, l ≤ x ≤ u} Theorem 2 Theorem 3 . . . MIP Formulations Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Polyhedral Background Summary Definition 1. A polyhedron P is the solution set of a finite system of linear inequalities, i.e. P = {x: Ax ≤ b}. Definition 2. A polyhedron P is a polytope (i.e. a bounded polyhedron) if there exist l, u ∈ Rn: l ≤ x ≤ u; i.e. P = {x: Ax ≤ b, l ≤ x ≤ u for l, u ∈ Rn}. Remark 1: A set of inequalities Ax ≤ b can be converted into a set of equalities Ax + Is = b, s ≥ 0. A polytope can be described by as P = {x: Ax = b, l ≤ x ≤ u}. Remark 2: A vector v of a polyhedron is a vertex (extreme point) if and only if it cannot be written as a linear combination of points in P\{v}. A polytope P is the convex hull of its vertices. Definition 3. A nonempty polyhedron is integral if its vertices are integral. Definition 5. A rational matrix is κ‐regular if for all its non‐singular square submatrices R, κR‐1 is integral. Theorem 4. If A is an m×n integral matrix, then the polyhedron P(A, b’, b, d’, d) = {x: b’ ≤ Ax ≤ b, d’ ≤ x ≤ d} is integral for all a,b∈κZm and l, u ∈ κZn, iff A is κ‐regular (Appa and Kotnyek, 2004). Proposition 1.Let A be a rational matrix and σ and κ positive integers. Then σ ‐1A is κ‐regular iff A is σκ‐regular. Proposition 2.Let A be κ‐regular. Then the following matrices are also κ‐regular: i) the transpose of A, ii) any submatrix of A, iii) the matrix obtained by multiplying a row or column of A by ‐1, iv) the matrix obtained by interchanging two rows or columns of A, v) the matrix obtained by duplicating a row or column of A, vi) the matrix obtained by dividing a row or column of A by a non‐zero integer. Theorem 4 Polyhedron P = {x: Ax = b} Polytope P = {x: Ax = b, l ≤ x ≤ u} Integral Polytope P = {x: Ax = b, l ≤ x ≤ u} k‐regular Proposition 1 Proposition 2 . . . MIP Formulations Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Discretetime MIP Scheduling Model Given are a set of tasks i∈I, processing units j∈J, chemicals (states) k∈K, and a scheduling horizon η. • A processing unit j can be used to carry out tasks i∈Ij. • The fixed production rate of task i is ρi. • A chemical can be consumed (produced) by multiple tasks i∈Ik- (i∈Ik+). • Each task consumes and produces one chemical. • Chemical k is stored in a dedicated tank with capacity ζk. The time horizon is divided into periods n∈N={1, 2, …, N} of uniform length Δt = η/N, • Win∈{0, 1}; it is equal to 1 if task i is processed during period n. • Bin ≥ 0; extend (amount processed) of task i during period n. • Ssn ≥ 0; inventory of chemical k at time point n. ∑W i∈I j in = 1, S kn = S k,n −1 + ∀j , n ∑B in i∈I k + βi = ρi Δ t , S kn = S k ,n −1 + − ∑B in + γkn ≤ ζ k , ∀k , n i∈I k − ∀i Bin = βi Win , ∀i , n ∑ βiWin − ∑ βi Bin + γkn , ∀k , n i∈I k + { } P A = w ∈ [0,1]I ⋅ N : A A w = 1 { } P MB = x = ( s, w ) ∈ [0, ξ ] × R+K ⋅ N : A MB x = 1 i∈I k − Win ∈ {0,1}, ∀i, n; S kn ∈ [0, ζ k ], ∀k , n w ∈ {0,1} , s ∈ [0, ξ ] i ⋅n Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Polyhedral Results P P = P A I P MB PA { } = {x = ( s, w ) ∈ [0, ξ ] × R P MB P A = w ∈ [0,1] I ⋅ N : A A w = 1 P MB K ⋅N + : A MB x = γ } Proposition 3. Matrix AA is an interval matrix; thus, it is totally unimodular. Corollary 1. Polytope PA is integral. Let lcmβ be the least common multiple of all batchsizes, lcmβ = lcm(βi, i∈I) = lcm(β); Let gcfε be the greatest common factor of deliveries γkn and capacities ζk, gcfε = gcf(γkn, k∈K, n∈N; ζk, k∈K) = gcf(ε). If κ* is the greatest common factor of lcmβ and gcfε, κ* = gcf(lcmβ, gcfε), then lcmβ = κ* ⋅ κβ and gcfε = κ* ⋅ κε Proposition 5. Matrix Α is (κβ κ* κε)‐regular. Proposition 6. Polyhedron PMB is integral if Δt = gcfε/lcmρ, where lcmρ is the least common multiple of production rates ρi, lcmβ = lcm(βi, i∈I) = lcm(β). Proposition 7. If λ is the least common multiple of the denominators of rational parameters γ, ζ and ρ, then the vertices of PMB are w‐integral if Δt = Δt* = gcf(λε)/lcm(λρ). Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Geometric Interpretation 4 ζ = 4, RM S0 4 WT2 WT2 =4 3 U1 T1 ρ=2 3 2 P INT ζ = 2, S0 =0 A P 1 A 0 0 1 P WT1 2 ζ = 2, S0 = 0 2 4 0 1 P 2 3 4 b) Δt = 0.75 hr 2 WT2 gcf(λε) = 2, lcm(λρ) = 2 Δt* = 1 WT1 0 3 a) Δt = 0.5 hr FP MB 1 P ρ=1 P P U2 T2 2 MB WT2 A P 1 A P 1 P MB MB P P WT1 0 0 1 c) Δt = 1.0 hr 0 2 0 1 WT1 2 d) Δt = 1.5 hr Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Example 1 U2 U1 T11 In1: 2‐week horizon; demands in 0.5 increments Proposition 7 ⇒ Δt* = 6 hr T12 INT1 T21 T41 A INT2 T32 INT4 INT3 U4 T22 U3 T31 Model and solution statistics for instances Ex1/In-1/Δt. Δt (hr) 12 8 6 Periods (N) 28 42 56 Constraints 449 673 897 Binary var’s 448 672 896 Continuous var’s 309 463 617 LP-relaxation 198.275 202.161 204.0 Optimal solution 203.675 221.461 204.0 Integrality gap (%)* 2.65 8.71 0.00 CPU time (sec) 56.9 770.0 0.2 Nodes 103,631 874,116 5 Optimality gap (%) * LP * * Integrality gap: IG = (Z - Z )/Z ZLP = LP-relaxation; Z* = Optimal solution RM2 RM1 3 stages; 5 units; 11 tasks; 11 chemicals Three instances T42 B1 U5 T43 C1 T51 B2 T52 C2 4 84 1,345 1,344 925 205.95 207.708 0.85 104.3 82,968 - Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Example 1 RM2 RM1 3 stages; 5 units; 11 tasks; 11 chemicals Three instances U2 U1 T11 In1: 2‐week horizon; demands in 0.5 increments Proposition 7 ⇒ Δt* = 6 hr In2: 2‐week horizon; demands in 0.2 increments Proposition 7 ⇒ Δt* = 2.4 hr T12 INT1 T21 T32 INT4 INT3 T41 A INT2 U3 T31 U4 T22 T42 B1 U5 T43 C1 T51 B2 T52 C2 Model and solution statistics for instances Ex1/In-2/Δt. Δt (hr) 6 4 3 2.4 2 Periods (N) 56 84 112 140 168 Constraints 897 1,345 1,793 2,241 2,689 Binary var’s 896 1,344 1,792 2,240 2,688 Continuous var’s 617 925 1,233 1,541 1,849 LP-relaxation 197.2725 199.143 200.081 200.64 201.028 † † Best/optimal solution 215.7550 209.739 209.619† 200.64 206.473† Integrality gap* (%) 8.0-8.6 3.2-5.1 3.8-4.6 0 1.3-2.6 CPU time (sec) 1,200 1,200 1,200 0.34 1,200 Nodes 985,501 717,501 699,601 0 520,501 Optimality gap (%) 0.65 1.96 0.77 1.36 † Instance not solved to optimality. * If not solved to optimality we calculate a range [IGMIN, IGMAX]. IGMIN = [Z*(1-OG) – ZLP]/ Z*(1-OG); IGMAX = (Z* - ZLP)/Z*. where ZLP = LP-relaxation; Z* = Best solution; OG = Optimality gap. Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison More Polyhedral Results Production planning with backlogged demand { S kn } k=A P A = w ∈ [0,1]I ⋅ N : A A w = 1 { P MB2 = ( s, u, w ) ∈ [0, ξ ] × R +K ⋅ N × R +I ⋅ N : A s s + A u u + A w w = γ } k = RM k = INT Proposition 8. i) Matrix Α2 is (κβ κ*)-regular. ii) Polyhedron PMB2 is integral for Δt+ = gcfε/lcmρ. iii) The vertices of PMB2 are w-integral for Δt* = gcf(λε)/lcm(λρ). k = FP n 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 k=B U kn k=C k=A k=B W in k=C i = T1 i = T2 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 -1 β T1 -1 1 1 -1 β T1 -1 1 1 -1 β T1 1 -1 -β T1 β T2 -1 1 1 -1 -β T1 β T2 -1 1 1 -1 -β T1 β T2 1 -1 -β T2 -1 1 1 -1 -β T2 -1 1 -1 1 -β T2 As Au Aw Production planning with backlogged demand and shipments { } P A = w ∈ [0,1]I ⋅ N : A A w = 1 { S kn P MB3 = x = ( s, w, v , u) ∈ [0, ξ ] × R +I ⋅ N × R +K ⋅ N × R +K ⋅ N : A 3 x = [0, γ ]T 0⎤ ⎡A s A w I where A 3 x = ⎢ 0 − I A u ⎥⎦ ⎣0 } k=A k = RM k = INT k = FP Proposition 9. i) Matrix Α3 is (κβ κ*)-regular. ii) Polyhedron PMB3 is integral if Δt+ = gcfε/lcmρ. iii) The vertices of PMB3 are w-integral if Δt* = gcf(λε)/lcm(λρ). k = RM k = INT k = FP n 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 k=B W in k=C i = T1 V kn i = T2 k=A k=B U kn k=C k=A k=B k=C 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 1 β T1 1 -1 1 β T1 -1 1 β T1 1 1 -β T1 β T2 1 -1 1 -β T1 β T2 1 β T2 1 -1 1 -β T1 1 -β T2 1 -1 1 -β T2 1 -1 1 -β T2 1 -1 -1 -1 1 -1 -1 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 -1 -1 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 -1 -1 1 -1 Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Example 2 RM2 RM1 4 stages; 11 units; 37 tasks; 31 chemicals η = 8 weeks (56 days); U11 T111 T112 T121 U13 T122 IN1A In‐1: Demand must be satisfied on time Proposition 11 ⇒ Δt* = (1/6) d = 4 hr RM3 U12 T131 T123 T132 IN1CD IN1B U22 U21 T211 T212 T213 T211 T214 IN2A T212 U33 U32 T321 T312 IN3A1 IN3B1 T322 IN3A2 T214 IN2D IN2B U31 T311 T213 IN2C T331 IN3B2 T332 IN3C IN3D U43 U41 T434 T411 T412 U42 T413 T414 A11 B11 A21 B21 T432 T421 T422 T423 T424 A12 U44 T433 B12 T441 T442 T443 T444 T431 A22 B22 C1 C2 D1 D2 Model and solution statistics for instances of Example 2: In1/Δt. Δt (hr) 12 8 6 4 3 Periods (N) 112 168 224 336 448 Constraints 4,481 6,721 8,961 13,441 17,921 Binary var’s 5,488 8,232 10,976 16,464 21,952 Continuous var’s 3,137 4,705 6,273 9,409 12,545 LP-relaxation 1,576.5 1,588.9 1,595.0 1,601.1 1,604.2 Best/optimal solution 1,601.1 * Integrality gap (%) n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 CPU time (sec) 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 24.1 Nodes 294,900 177,000 112,800 114 33,400 * Optimality gap (%) n/a n/a n/a 0 n/a * If no integer feasible solution is found, optimality and integrality gaps cannot be calculated. Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Example 2 RM2 RM1 4 stages; 11 units; 37 tasks; 31 chemicals η = 8 weeks (56 days); U11 T111 T112 T121 U13 T122 IN1A In‐1: Demand must be satisfied on time Proposition 11 ⇒ Δt* = (1/6) d = 4 hr In‐2: Shipments/backlogs are introduced Proposition 11 ⇒ Δt* = (1/6) d = 4hr RM3 U12 IN1CD IN1B U22 T211 T212 T213 T211 T214 IN2A T321 T312 IN3B1 T322 IN3A2 T214 IN2D IN2C T331 IN3B2 T332 IN3C IN3D U43 T434 T411 T412 T414 A11 B11 A21 B21 T432 T421 T422 T423 T424 A12 U44 T433 U42 T413 4 360 18,709 17,640 18,709 3,636.7 3,637.1 0.01 234.2 1,350 0 T213 U33 U32 T311 Model and solution statistics for instances Ex2/In-2/Δt. Δt (hr) 12 8 6 Periods (N) 120 180 240 Constraints 6,229 9,349 12,469 Binary var’s 5,880 8,820 11,760 Continuous var’s 6229 9,349 12,469 LP-relaxation 3,652.3 3,644.5 3,640.6 † † Best/optimal solution 3,848.7 3,858.5 3,801.3† 0.04-5.10 0.41-5.55 0.02-4.23 Integrality gap* (%) CPU time (sec) 1,200 1,200 1,200 Nodes 155,762 95,981 67,501 Optimality gap (%) 5.06 5.16 4.21 T212 IN2B U31 U41 * T132 U21 IN3A1 † T131 T123 B12 T441 T442 T443 T444 T431 A22 B22 C1 C2 D1 D2 3 480 24,949 23,520 24,949 3,634.7 3,651.5† 0.01-0.46 1,200 11,251 0.45 Instance not solved to optimality If not solved to optimality we calculate a range [IGMIN, IGMAX]. IGMIN = [Z*(1-OG) – ZLP]/ Z*(1-OG); IGMAX = (Z* - ZLP)/Z*. where ZLP = LP-relaxation; Z* = Best solution; OG = Optimality gap. Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Remarks Integrality of PA and PMB is interesting theoretically It cannot be directly used (e.g. in decomposition methods) Can be proved only for subset of problems Our results are useful in practice: • Starting point for extended results and special cases • Computational performance of commercial solvers is improved Proof of results suggests network structure Study relationship between production facilities and graphtheoretic networks Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Problem Representation MIP Formulation Network Structure of Scheduling MIP Model Theorem 2. If a {0, ±1} matrix has no more than two non zero coefficients in each column, and Σl alm = 0 if column m has two coefficients, then A is TU P = {x: Ax = b} A: totally unimodular (TU) Integral Polytope RM1 RM2 U1 U2 T11 T12 T21 RM1 T11 INT1 U3 INT4 U5 T41 A T42 T43 T51 T52 C1 B2 C2 B1 INT3 Production Facility INT4 T43 T41 T42 A B1 Processing restrictions correspond to known T32 T32 U4 3 T22 INT2 T31 INT3 4 (1,2) (2,1) (2,3) (3,4) (4,1) (4,2) 1 1 ⎤ 2 ⎢ 1 −1 −1 1⎥ ⎥ ⎢ 1 −1 3 ⎥ ⎢ 1 − 1 − 1⎦ 4⎣ 1 ⎡− 1 T21 INT2 T31 2 RM2 T12 T22 INT1 1 T52 problems in graph theory T51 C1 B2 Digraph C2 29 Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Challenges in Chemical Production Planning Modeling Litro 500 BPM FERMENTACIÓN ¼ STD 700 BPM D. W. DILUTION Different production environments TANQUES DE GOBIERNO I ½ STD 600 BPM ½ PREMIER 600 BPM Wide range of processing constraints ½ T.A., ¼ BOH. TANQUES DE GOBIERNO II Integration with multiple planning functions 750 BPM Litro 350 BPM REPOSO LATA 1200 LPM ⇒ Develop general modeling framework TANQUES DE GOBIERNO ½ T.A EXP 750 BPM TANQUE REPOSO Theory P Discrete decisions lead to mixed‐integer programming models PA P MB Existing hardware and software insufficient ⇒ Develop fundamental optimization theory ⇒ Use underlying theory to develop better solution methods Solution Methods Applications: optimize over long horizon optimize multiple systems simultaneously Intractable large‐scale models ⇒ Develop general & computationally effective methods Projectionbased strategy Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Example Revisited 150 ≤ P2 ≤ 200 (kg/d) 200 ≤ P1 ≤ 300 (kg/d) RM U1 INT (ZW) A U2 P3 = 150 (kg/d) B U3 PB 2,000 ∑w P l k k∈K kt ≤Π l Cp = f(PA,PB) l ∈ LF FP PA ≤ PB ∑w P Cpt ≥ γ l + l k k∈K 1,000 1.5PA +0.5PB ≤ 2,100 l ∈ LO PB PB ≥ 0 1,000 kt FP PA 2,000 PA Surrogate cost model Process Attainable Region All necessary production feasibility information in: All necessary production cost information in: Can we systematically develop these constraints? ∑w P l k k∈K kt ≤ Πl l ∈ LF FP Cpt ≥ γ l + ∑w P l k k∈K kt l ∈ LO FP ⇒ We have to analyze the underlying scheduling model Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Projectionbased Method Projectionbased method: Develop feasibility/optimality constraints that involve only planning (x) variables Convergence between overestimation (OE) and underestimation (UE) of true convex hull 1. 2. 3. 4. Choose initial search vectors w = [w1, w2, …wK]T Solve scheduling model (M1) for each vector to obtain a UE vertex and an OE inequality Run Quickhull to convert UE vertices into inequalities Iterate until MPD stops improving: Find maximum perpendicular distance (MPD) and a new search vector Solve (M2) for new search vector; obtain new vertex and new inequality Run Quickhull to update UE 5. Set PAR equal to UECH Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Rollinghorizon Approach P1 (PP) z = min ∑t (Cpt + Cht ) P2 I it = I i ,t −1 + Pit − δit , ∀i, t Cht = ∑i θi I it , ∀t ∑w P l k k∈K kt ≤Π l ∈ LF l Pit I i ,t −1 How much can we produce and at what cost? I it Satisfy demand? At what (inventory) cost? FP Cpt ≥ γ l + ∑w P l k k∈K FP kt l ∈ LO δit Pit , I it ≥ 0 Model (PP) yields a complete production planning solution: Pit and Iit If detailed schedules are required, model (PP) can be used in a rolling horizon algorithm (S‐PP) to provide production targets for (weekly) scheduling models 0) 1) 2) 3) 4) Set θ = 1 Solve (PP) for planning periods t∈{θ, θ +1, …, T} to obtain targets Pkθ, Pkθ+1, …, PkT Solve scheduling model for period t = θ to meet target Pkθ If production target is met exactly (i.e. SkN = Pkθ, ∀k∈KFP), fix Pkθ, , and return to 2 otherwise, fix Pkθ , and re‐solve (PP) to update targets Pkθ+1, Pkθ+2, …, PkT , Set θ =θ+1, and return to 2 Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Example 1 40% HT RI RII RM1 H 40% H Int2 60% 60% R1, R2, R3 Int1 RM2 Sep R2 Kondili et al., 1993 A 10% ImP2 S 80% 90% R3 R1 S B 20% RM3 R216 PB (kg) R120: Ht = 120 hr R168: Ht = 168 hr 4500 R216: Ht = 216 hr R168 3000 R120 1500 0 PA 0 1000 2000 3000 (kg) Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Example 1 40% HT RI RM1 H 40% H Int2 60% ImP2 60% R1, R2, R3 Int1 RII Sep R2 A RM2 S 80% S 90% R3 R1 10% B 20% RM3 PB (kg) R500: SIn2MAX = 500 Kg R1000: SIn2MAX = 1,000 Kg R1500: SIn2MAX = 1,500 Kg 3000 2000 R500 1000 0 R1000 R1500 P A 0 600 1200 1800 (kg) Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Example 2 Production Planning 48 1‐week periods F1 U1 U2 U3 U4 U3 U4 T1, T4 T2 T3 T5, T6 T7, T9 T8, T10 S1 T1 5% F2 95% T7 S2 T2 S5 10% T8 Int1 T3 S4 T4 S3 50% Int2 90% 50% T9 S6 Papageorgiou and Pantelides, 1996 T5 P1 T6 P2 T10 P3 Projection of scheduling feasible region onto Pi 1000 PC 500 0 0 500 500 PB 1000 1500 1500 1000 P A Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Example 2: Results 3000 (kg) Inventory Production 2000 1000 0 0 12 24 36 48 Inventory (Ikt) and production (Pkt) levels for product A 2500 (kg) 1500 500 -500 1 48 Demand Shipments -1500 Backlog Demand (Demkt), shipment (Dkt) and backlog (Ukt) profiles for product A Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Example 2: Results Solutions of (PP) and (S-PP) Holding cost ($) Backlog cost ($) Production cost ($) Total cost ($) CPU secs (kg) Production Targets 2500 Model (PP) 574,756 183,933 408,405 1,167,094 0.162 Algorithm (S-PP) 568,345 210,221 411,910 1,190,475 5406.092 Deviation from Production Targets (kg) 75 2000 50 1500 1000 25 500 0 0 1 Absolute deviation between production targets predicted by (PP) and production amounts obtained by detailed scheduling (SPP) Average total production (PA+PA+PC): Average total absolute deviation (PP)‐(S‐PP): 1,820.0 kg 4.5 kg → 0.25% Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Conclusions General Modeling Framework Litro 500 BPM FERMENTACIÓN ¼ STD 700 BPM D. W. No decoupling into subproblems ⇒ better solutions DILUTION TANQUES DE GOBIERNO I ½ STD 600 BPM ½ PREMIER 600 BPM Unique problem representation ⇒ better IT systems Computational advances for wide range of problems ½ T.A., ¼ BOH. TANQUES DE GOBIERNO II 750 BPM Litro 350 BPM REPOSO LATA 1200 LPM TANQUES DE GOBIERNO ½ T.A EXP 750 BPM TANQUE REPOSO Polyhedral & Graphtheoretic Results P PA P MB Rigorous treatment of MIP tightness Provides insights into formulation of large‐scale problems Integration of combinatorial optimization algorithms Projectionbased Method PB Compact description of production targets and costs Can be combined with any scheduling formulation 2,000 ∑w P l k kt l ∈ LF k∈K FP PA ≤ PB 1.5PA +0.5PB ≤ 2,100 1,000 Generated once off‐line; improved on‐line if necessary Effective production planning approach ≤ Πl PB ≥ 0 1,000 2,000 PA Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison Questions? Mixed-integer programming methods for supply chain optimization Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin - Madison