SKC 2016 and beyond
SKC 2016 and beyond
SKC 2016 and beyond Hans Henriksson 8 Oct 2015 SKC today (2014-2016) Swedish NPPs and Fuel manufacturer Research projects Nuclear technology Materials Fuel development Ageing Education Programmes Under-graduate Courses Advanced courses Total budget: 33 MSEK /3 year agreement 2 Hans Henriksson, SKC 2015-10-08 Challenges Over-capacity Low electricity prizes Increased taxes on nuclear power Increased costs for ageing management Decisions to close reactors: Ringhals 1 and 2 within 5 years Oskarshamn 1 and 2 within 2-3 years Weaker interest for nuclear technology among students (in some areas) 3 Hans Henriksson, SKC 2015-10-08 Challenges Over-capacity Low electricity prizes Increased taxes on nuclear power Increased costs for ageing management Decisions to close reactors: Ringhals 1 and 2 within 5 years Oskarshamn 1 and 2 within 2-3 years Weaker interest for nuclear technology among students (in some areas) 4 Hans Henriksson, SKC 2015-10-08 Overview of Swedish NPP capacity (MWe) 5 Hans Henriksson, SKC 2015-10-08 01-01-2015 07-01-2015 13-01-2015 19-01-2015 25-01-2015 31-01-2015 06-02-2015 12-02-2015 18-02-2015 24-02-2015 02-03-2015 08-03-2015 14-03-2015 20-03-2015 26-03-2015 01-04-2015 07-04-2015 13-04-2015 19-04-2015 25-04-2015 01-05-2015 07-05-2015 13-05-2015 19-05-2015 25-05-2015 31-05-2015 06-06-2015 12-06-2015 18-06-2015 24-06-2015 30-06-2015 06-07-2015 12-07-2015 18-07-2015 24-07-2015 30-07-2015 05-08-2015 11-08-2015 17-08-2015 23-08-2015 29-08-2015 04-09-2015 10-09-2015 16-09-2015 22-09-2015 28-09-2015 600000 500000 6 Hans Henriksson, SKC 01-01-2015 07-01-2015 13-01-2015 19-01-2015 25-01-2015 31-01-2015 06-02-2015 12-02-2015 18-02-2015 24-02-2015 02-03-2015 08-03-2015 14-03-2015 20-03-2015 26-03-2015 01-04-2015 07-04-2015 13-04-2015 19-04-2015 25-04-2015 01-05-2015 07-05-2015 13-05-2015 19-05-2015 25-05-2015 31-05-2015 06-06-2015 12-06-2015 18-06-2015 24-06-2015 30-06-2015 06-07-2015 12-07-2015 18-07-2015 24-07-2015 30-07-2015 05-08-2015 11-08-2015 17-08-2015 23-08-2015 29-08-2015 04-09-2015 10-09-2015 16-09-2015 22-09-2015 28-09-2015 04-10-2015 Electricity prizes 2014-2015 Prices (SEK/MWh) 2015 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Consumption (MWh/day), jan-sept 2015 SE2 DK1 400000 300000 200000 100000 0 SE 2015-10-08 Time plan of Swedish NPP decommissioning 7 Hans Henriksson, SKC 2015-10-08 SKC in the future New partners Goal to maintain budget Focus of SKC in line with partners: no major change. Increased collaboration with SSM: observers in research boards SKC SSM Nordic outreach and possible synergies with SAFIR, Halden, Risoe, ESS Research projects Application driven such as ageing management Materials and Fuel development Follow-up and implementation of results Education 8 Broader recruitment Emphasis on independant courses Graduate courses with other universities/research establishments Development of contract education in collaboration with SKC Hans Henriksson, SKC 2015-10-08 SKC communication Participation at UTNARM, ARMADA, CHARM SKC web page updated: Upcoming meetings News from the industry Research activities: theses and publications SKC on LinkedIn Closed group for discussions Open forum for promoting education and research 9 Hans Henriksson, SKC 2015-10-08 New posters for career days 10 Hans Henriksson, SKC 2015-10-08 Programme: day 1 10.15-10.30 Short Break 10.30-11.00 Lotta Nystrand, Studsvik Nuclear AB 11.00-11.30 Jörgen Finne, Westinghouse Electric Sweden AB 11.30-12.30 Lunch 12.30-13.30 KTH Royal Institute of Technology - Overview of the activities 13.30-13.45 Short Break 13.45-14.45 Chalmers University of Technology - Overview of the activities 14.45-15.45 Uppsala University - Overview of the activities including MÅBiL 15.45-16.15 Coffee Break 16.15-17.00 Saida Laârouchi Engström, SKB 19.00 11 Hans Henriksson, SKC Dinner at Restaurant Sigtunahöjden Sigvard Eklund Prize ceremony 2015-10-08 Personal thoughts Challenging times ahead but, Climate change cannot be solved easily with only Solar and Wind… Finland shows another way forward… Strong Swedish tradition of research and good education So, challenges and problems are only there to be solved! Let’s plan for the future of Nuclear through collaboration in SKC Or as Mulle Meck says: Problem är bara möjligheter i arbetskläder (Problems are just possibilities in work wear) 12 Hans Henriksson, SKC 2015-10-08