Programme 28th March 2015
Programme 28th March 2015
Celebrating Oxblood's 10th Year Programme 28th March 2015 The Sides: Border: Green Dragon Morris Green Dragon Morris are a mixed border side based in Bury St.Edmunds. We've been together for 22 years now and are a very busy side. With our green faces we're fairly easy to spot Kenninghall Morris Kenninghall Morris was born in 1999 for fun at a village show. Since then we have grown, shrunk and grown again a few times and currently have a membership of about 10 dancers and 6 musicians. Kenninghall Morris dance in the tradition of the Welsh Borders (Herefordshire, Worcestershire and Shropshire) now called Border Morris: a tradition that is reputed to have started in the early 17th Century. Kenninghall Morris though, has only been in existence since the turn of this century! We are proud to have had a number of younger members who are vital to the continuation of quirky English traditions, but would like to add that us older members have been hobbling along quite nicely too, and welcome dancers of all ages. Border Morris dancers traditionally black their faces, historically this was used to provide the dancers with anonymity (a certain amount of ‘persuasion’ may have been used in the collecting of money), and we are no exception but, to create our own identity, use both black and white. Oh … and less ‘persuasion’ when collecting which nowadays, is usually only at charity events. Pretty Grim Pretty Grim Border Morris was formed in 2000. In recent years we have had an influx of new members including several teenagers. We are an energetic and fun side who enjoy a good reputation for our dancing and for entertaining a crowd, whilst not taking ourselves too seriously! Pedant's Revolt Back in 2009, a group of like-minded individuals sat and pondered; Were jelly babies really better than Fox's Dark Glacier mints? Whose turn was it to buy the cake and coffee? Was London Pride really nearly, but not quite, as nice as Adnams Broadside? Where should you put the apostrophe in St James' Hill? Was our favourite colour Magenta 7 or Magenta 8? Thus were born Pedants' Revolt. Inspired by a border team from the dark side of the A14, Pedants' soon had a repertoire of 3 or 4 dances. We now have over a dozen dances, some learnt from other teams, some of our own devising. Cotswolds: Fenstanton Morris Fenstanton Morris are a mixed dance side formed in 1978 in the Huntingdonshire village of Fenstanton. They have also dance as their alter ego Old Hunts Molly on Plough Monday and at the Whittlesea Straw Bear Festival. Hoxon Hundred A Morris dancing side from Hoxon on the Norfolk/Suffolk border. Their wide repertoire includes Cotswold, North West Morris, Garland, Rapper Sword and Step dances. For Halesworth they will have their Cotswold team Leading Lights Morris Leading Lights Morris are a relatively new mixed Cotswold side from Dovercourt, near Harwich, Essex. We took our name from the two leading lights on the seafront in Dovercourt Bay. Our kit consists of white shirts and socks, black breeches, black and yellow baldricks and bell pads and straw boaters. We have been dancing for the last 3 years and are pictured at last year's Jack-in-the-Green Festival at Hastings. Molly: Rapper: Old School Rapper Oxblood Molly Formed in 2005, Oxblood are delighted to be hosting this first ever Day of Dance in Halesworth. We will be performing our very own lighter interpretation of the Fenland tradition of Molly Dancing, and are very pleased that so many other sides are able to join us. We practice from September to March in Peasenhall village hall - come along on Sundays between 2 and 4pm and join in the fun. We are pleased to have Old School Rapper attend to perform their traditional sword dancing from the North East North West: Annie's Fantasies “Annie’s Fantasies” is a clog Morris dance group specialising in the style of dance originating in the Northwest of England. “Annie's” started up in the early 1980s, and were so named because one of the founder members (Annie, of course!) used to have fantastical costume ideas for the side, such as wearing fish costumes and other weird ideas. Someone said “there’s another of Annie’s fantasies!”, and the name stuck! These days our kit is (a bit) more conventional. Our dances are mainly traditional but with some newly devised by us, but all based in the Northwest style. We have a lot of fun, and don’t take ourselves too seriously. Check out our website at or follow us on Facebook “AnniesFantasiesClogColchester”. Bows 'n' Belles Bows 'n' Belles started in 1987 first performing at The Red Lion, Marks Tey in Essex alongside Aldham Morris Men, now disbanded, with only three dances in our repertoire . We are based in Aldham village, a couple of miles from the Roman town of Colchester in Essex and dance the North West tradition in wooden soled clogs, the everyday footwear of the time for the mill workers of Lancashire and Cheshire. Our kit colours are pink, black and white and we dance with decorated sticks, bobbins and garlands in sets of 8 or 12. We have travelled far and wide to dance over the years, the most memorable being outside the White House in Washington but we enjoy dancing wherever we are. Chelmsford Morris Ladies dancing the English tradition of Clog Morris dances from Lancashire & Cheshire in Essex and further afield Danegeld Morris Danegeld - a mixed North West Morris team based in Bredfield, Suffolk. We've enjoyed many years of dance at home and abroad, and are looking forward to more years yet! Lots of our members have been with us aaaaages, but we always welcome new people wanting to help us keep this tradition alive. Haughley Hoofers Haughley Hoofers have come across from the picturesque village of Haughley to perform their North West Morris dances. This woman's side also include in the repertoire their own local dances plus ones from the Isle of Man and the Hebrides. Point Devis Point Devis is a mixed North West team, based in Saxmundham. We dance a range of traditional dances, using bobbins, sticks and garlands. The Venues The Triple Plea Chinney's The Angel The White Hart The White Swan Schedule: 11-12 Market Square Times White Swan 12-1 Kenninghall Hoxon Hundred Danegeld Ox Blood – Broom Dance, North West – Carr Lodge, Cotswold – Vandals, Border – White Ladies Angel White Hart Chinney’s Triple Plea Pedant’s Revolt Point Devis Pretty Grim Green Dragon Leading Lights Haughley Annie's Fantasies Chelmsford Bows & Bells Fenstanton 1-2 Pedants Revolt Chelmsford Danegeld Kenninghall Annie's Fantasies Fenstanton Hoxon Hundred Bows & Bells Green Dragon Haughley Leading Lights Pretty Grim Point Devis 2-3 Pretty Grim Bows & Bells Fenstanton Point Devis Green Dragon Pedants Revolt Annie's Fantasies Kenninghall Leading Lights Chelmsford Hoxon Hundred Haughley Danegeld 3-4 Haughley Hoxon Hundred Green Dragon Pedants Revolt Bows & Bells Leading Chelmsford Kenninghall Point Devis Annie's Fantasies Lights Pretty Grim Fenstanton Danegeld Chinneys All teams an opportunity to perform your show dance to the other teams. 4-5 There will be extra parking for dance sides at Edgar Sewter Primary School (small donation please) Indoor camping (and room for a few outdoor tents) kindly offered by the scout hut on Chediston Street, please ask Zoe for Brian's contact details Camper vans may set up at Triple Plea - breakfast available Discount Breakfast for Dancers at Tillys of Halesworth Barbecues at both White Swan and Chinny's The community bus will run dancers to and from the Triple Plea, don't forget to tip the voluntary drivers There will be a ceilidh/party at the Rifle Hall from 7pm. INDOOR VENUES AVAILABLE IF WET HAVE A FABULOUS DAY OF DANCE!!!!
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