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Page |i Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra (P COIMBRA 02) Coimbra Institute of Engineering - ISEC Civil Engineering Department ECTS CATALOGUE The main language of instruction at Coimbra Institute of Engineering is Portuguese. However, some courses from degree and master degree can be offered in English and/or with a tutorial support in English. The ECTS catalogue includes subject contents in English. The Students can choose subjects from this Catalogue to the study plan proposal (Learning Agreement) to be analyzed carefully by the Departmental Coordinators and to be adjusted if necessary. This ECTS catalogue contains information which is valid for this academic year. ISEC reserves the right to adjust the courses offered during the academic year and is not responsible for typing errors or printing mistakes. Note: Incoming students are able to choose subjects only from the some degree: or Bachelors or Master. Exceptions are accepted if: a) the student is registered in the 4th year of the Bachelor (courses with 4/5 curricular years); b) the student is enrolled in the master degree. Prof. Jorge Barbosa International Relations Office Coordinator Coimbra Institute of Engineering Rua Pedro Nunes Quinta da Nora 3030-199 Coimbra PORTUGAL Ms Dália Pires Contact Person Tel.: (+351) 239 790 206 ri@isec.pt Prof. Eduardo Natividade Civil Engineering Department Coordinator Coimbra Institute of Engineering Rua Pedro Nunes – Quinta da Nora 3030 – 199 Coimbra PORTUGAL Tel.: (+351) 239 790 206 ednativi@isec.pt . Academic Year 2016-2017 P a g e | ii Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra (P COIMBRA 02) Coimbra Institute of Engineering - ISEC Civil Engineering Department ECTS CATALOGUE Bachelor – Civil Engineering Course Code Title - Portuguese 1.º ano / 1st Year 908904 Desenho e Métodos Gráficos 908943 Fisica 908903 908941 908908 908944 908907 908942 908911 908915 908919 908916 Title - English Computer Aided Design Drawing Physics Computer Application in Civil Informática Engineering Matemática I Mathematics I Materiais de Construção I Construction Materials I Mecânica Aplicada Applied Mechanics Desenho de Sistemas Construtivos Technical Drawing Matemática II Mathematics II Materiais de Construção II Construction Materials II Métodos Estatísticos Statistical Methods Resistência dos Materiais I Mechanics of Materials I Topografia Surveying 2.º ano / 2nd Year 908917 Construções Civis I 908925 Hidráulica Geral I ECTS 4 5 5 Term Winter Winter Winter 6 5 5 5 6 5 4 5 5 Winter Winter Winter Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring 5 5 5 Winter Winter Winter 908918 Introdução à Geotecnia Housing I Hydraulics I Geotechincs 908912 908939 908922 908923 908926 908920 908930 908928 908921 Métodos Numéricos Qualidade, Higiene e Segurança Resistência dos Materiais II Análise de Estruturas Betão Armado I Construções Civis II Economia e Gestão Hidráulica Geral II Mecânica dos Solos Numerical Methods Quality, Health and Security Mechanics of Materials II Analysis of Structures Reinforced Concrete Structures I Housing II Economy and Management Hydraulics II Soil Mechanics 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Winter Winter Winter Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Reinforced Concrete Structures II Highway Design and Safety Foundations I Operations Management I Applied Hydraulics I Land Use Planning and Management 5 5 5 5 5 Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Foundations II Operations Management II Applied Hydraulics II Current Structural Design Municipal Roads Geographic Information Systems 5 5 5 5 5 3.º ano / 3rd Year 908929 908932 908924 908935 908931 908933 908927 908938 908934 908936 908937 908940 Betão Armado II Estradas e Segurança Rodoviária Fundações I Gestão de Operações I Hidráulica Aplicada I Planeamento e Gestão Urbanísticos Fundações II Gestão de Operações II Hidráulica Aplicada II Projecto de Estruturas Correntes Rodovias Municipais Sistemas de Informação Geográfica 5 5 Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring P a g e | iii Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra (P COIMBRA 02) Coimbra Institute of Engineering - ISEC Civil Engineering Department ECTS CATALOGUE Master – Civil Engineering Course Code Title - Portuguese 1.º ano / 1st Year 667301 Matemática Aplicada à Engenharia I 667302 Tecnologias da Envolvente dos Edíficios 667306 Betão Estrutural 667303 Contenções Periféricas Construção Prefabricada de Aço, de Betão 667304 e de Madeira 667305 Sustentabilidade e Reabilitação Urbana 667310 Hidráulica Urbana 667312 Conservação de Vias de Comunicação 667308 Projecto em Espaço Urbano 667309 Física dos Edifícios 667311 Avaliação de Projetos na Construção 667307 Matemática Aplicada à Engenharia II Title - English Applied Mathematics for Engineering I Building Envelope Technology Structural Reinforced Concrete Flexible Retaining Strucures Steel, Concrete and Wood Precast Construction Sustainability and Urban Regeneration Urban Hydraulics Highways Planning and Management Urban Space Design Building Physics Constructions Projects Evaluation Applied Mathematics for Engineering II ECTS Term 3.5 5 5.5 5.5 Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter 5.5 5 5.5 5.5 5 5.5 5 3.5 Winter Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring 2.º ano / 2nd Year Rehabilitation and Strengthening of Buildings 667313 Reabilitação e Reforço de Edifícios 667314 667315 667316 667317 667318 Patologias de Inspeção e Diagnóstico Instalações de Tratamento Instalações Hidráulicas em Edifícios Gestão Viária Urbana Dissertação/Projecto/Estágio Treatment Installations Hydraulic Installations in Buildings Urban Road Management Thesis/ Professional Stage Winter 5 5 5 5 5 45 Winter Winter Winter Winter Anual Portuguese Course* At Computer Science Department Code 977048 Title - Portuguese Língua e Cultura Portuguesa Title – English Portuguese Language and Culture ECTS 6 * The level of the Course might change depending on the student’s language knowledge. Academic Year 2016-2017 Term Winter Lic. em Engenharia Civil /Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Ficha de Unidade Curricular/Course Unit Description Coimbra Institute of Engineering __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Title Applied mechanics Scientific Area: Structural mechanics Course: Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Codigo: 908944 Term/Semester: 1st / 1st ECTS: 5,0 Department: Civil Engineering Study plan: 1. Introduction: structural analysis as part of the design process. 2. Centroids and moment of inertia. 3. Statically determinate pin-jointed frameworks (trusses): internal forces. 4. Statically determinate structures: shear force and bending moment diagrams. Language Portuguese / tutorial support in English Type of instruction: Activities Theoretical Learning objectives: Total Hours Hours/week 49,0 3,5 Practical: 0 0 Tutorial guidance 7,0 0,5 Comments Applied mechanics examines the response of bodies (solids and fluids) or systems of bodies to external forces. Statics is the branch of mechanics concerned with the analysis of loads (force, torque/moment) on physical systems in static equilibrium. The students should be able to (i) understand the fundamentals of static equilibrium and (ii) compute the internal forces of a structure subjected to a combination of external loads. Lic. em Engenharia Civil /Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Ficha de Unidade Curricular/Course Unit Description Coimbra Institute of Engineering __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Generic learning outcomes and competences: At the end of this module the student should: • Be familiar with statics, the equilibrium of arbitrary force systems in two and three dimensions, structural support types, and the concept of structural mechanisms. • Understand structural forms and their various characteristics. • Model and solve straightforward problems in structures, including simple trusses, beams and frames. • Determine the internal forces in statically determinate structures. Bibliography: Branco CAGM. Mecânica dos Materiais. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 1985. Beer FP e Johnston Jr ER. Mecânica Vectorial para Engenheiros, Estática. McGraw-Hill, 1998. Beer FP e Johnston Jr ER. Resistência dos Materiais. McGraw-Hill, 1989. Progress assessment: Final exam. Lic. em Engenharia Civil /Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Coimbra Institute of Engineering Ficha de Unidade Curricular/Course Unit Description __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Title Physics Scientific Area: Physics Course: Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Codigo: 908943 Term/Semester: 1st / 1st ECTS: 5,0 Department: DFM Instructor: Study plan: Milton Augusto Morais Sarmento Pato de Macedo 1. Systems of Units. 2. Vectors. 3. Systems of Forces and Moments. 4. Rotational Dynamics of a Rigid-Body. 5. Fluid Mechanics. Language Type of instruction: Portuguese / tutorial support in English Activities Total Hours Hours/week Comments Theoretical Learning objectives: Generic learning outcomes and competences: Bibliography: Progress assessment: Practical: 14 1 Experimental works Tutorial guidance 42 3 Lectures; Illustrative application examples; Problem solving The main aim of this course unit is to acquire competence in the understanding of Nature, in the domain of Physics. Experimental work is expected to complement the theoretical knowledge in the fields of science and engineering. 1. Understanding and ability to manipulate the physical entities and units covered. 2. Ability to perform scientific decisions and judgments associated both with the theoretical and practical (experimental work and problem-solving) knowledge acquired. 3. Practising the interchanging of ideas and the discussion of problems and solutions and developing a professional attitude in his relation to work (from experimental group work). 4. Developing self-knowledge acquisition habits (from individual study and tutorial contacts). - A. Bedford, W. Fowler, Statics, SI Edition, Addison-Wesley, 1997 - A. Bedford, W. Fowler, Dynamics, SI Edition, Addison-Wesley, 1996 - P. Tipler, Física para Cientistas e Engenheiros, 4th Ed., LTC Brasil, 2000. - F. Sears, M. W. Zemansky, H. D. Young, Física, 2nd Ed., LTC Brasil, 1992. - F. J. Bueche, E. Hecht, Física, 9th Ed., McGraw-Hill Portugal, 2001. - R. A. Serway, Física para Cientistas e Engenheiros, 3rd Ed., LTC Brasil, 1992. - Teacher notes (theory, exercises, practical examples). - Three tests during the Semester / Final written exam (80%). - Experimental works (20%). Lic. em Engenharia Civil /Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Ficha de Unidade Curricular/Course Unit Description Coimbra Institute of Engineering __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Title Mathematics II Scientific Area: Mathematics Course: Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Codigo: 908942 Term/Semester: 1st / 2nd ECTS: 6 Department: Study plan: Physics and Mathematics 1. Matrices and Linear Systems Introduction; Matrix operations and their properties; Row echelon form and rank; Classification and geometry of linear systems; Gaussian elimination; Homogeneous systems; Matrix inversion: Gauss-Jordan method; 2. Determinants Definition and properties; Cramer’s rule. 3. Linear Spaces Definition, Examples and Properties; Subspaces; Linear combinations; Linear expansion; Linear independence; Basis and dimension. 4. Eigenvalues Eigenvalues, eigenvectors and their properties; Diagonalization; Cayley-Hamilton Theorem. 5. Linear Differential Equations of order n Basic definitions. Linear homogeneous equations with constant coefficients. Nonhomogeneous equations. 6. First-Order Linear Systems of Differential Equations Basic definitions. Initial condition problems. Superposition principle. Solution of a 1st order linear system using eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Matrix exponential. Nonhomogeneous systems. Language Type of instruction: Portuguese / tutorial support in English Activities Total Hours Hours/week Comments Theoretical Practical: 70 5 Tutorial guidance Learning objectives: Perform basic matrix operations. Compute matrix determinants, eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Solve linear differential equations of order n. Solve 1st order linear differential systems of differential equations. Lic. em Engenharia Civil /Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Ficha de Unidade Curricular/Course Unit Description Coimbra Institute of Engineering __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Understand and apply concepts related to vector spaces. Solve and interpret linear systems using matrix theory. Understand the importance of linear algebra and analytic geometry in engineering. Recognize the importance of the algorithms in linear algebra. Solve real problems which are modelled by matrices and systems. Generic learning outcomes and competences: Bibliography: Develop algorithms using a logical and structured reasoning. Base problem solving on mathematics. Compare, with criticism, the results obtained by analytical means with the ones obtained by computational means. Select appropriately the accessible information (from monographs, textbooks, web, …). Expose, using documents, the problems’ solution in a clear and simple way. Explain the concepts and problems’ solution in an appropriated way. Solve practical problems with autonomy using, not only the subjects treated in the class, but also other related topics. ● ANTON, H. - Elementary Linear Algebra, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2000. ● BOYCE, W. and DIPRIMA, R., Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems, Wiley. ● BRAUN. M., Differential Equations and Their Applications: an introduction to applied mathematics (4th Ed.), Springer, N. Y.. ● CABRAL, I., PERDIGÃO, C. and SANTIAGO, C., Álgebra Linear – Teoria, Exercícios resolvidos e Exercícios propostos com soluções, Escolar Editora, 2009. ● CARREIRA, A. and PINTO, G. – Cálculo Matricial – Teoria Elementar, Ciência e Técnica, 1999. ● FIDALGO, C. - Álgebra Linear, Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Coimbra ● GOUVEIA, M. L. and ROSA, P. M., Apontamentos de Análise Matemática II, Departamento de Física e Matemática, ISEC, 2006. ● GRAHAM, A. - Matrix Theory and Applications for Engineers, Ellis Horwood Limited, 1979. ● JAMES, G. - Modern Engineering Mathematics, Prentice Hall, 2000. ● KREYSZIG, E., Advanced Engineering Mathematics (8th Ed.), Wiley. ● PINTO, G.; MONTEIRO, A.; MARQUES, C. – Álgebra Linear e Geometria Analítica. Problemas e Exercícios, McGraw-Hill, 2001. ISBN-13: 9789728298661 ● NICHOLSON, W. – Elementary Linear Algebra with Applications, PWS Publishing Company, 1986. ISBN13: 9780871509024 ● SANTANA, A.; QUEIRÓ, J. - Álgebra Linear e Geometria Analítica, Departamento de Matemática, Universidade de Coimbra (2003). Available online (Setember, 2009) at www.mat.uc.pt/~jfqueiro/ALGA.pdf ● ZILL, D., A First Course in Differential Equations with Modelling Applications (7th Ed.), Brooks/Cole. Progress assessment: Final written exam (100%). Lic. em Engenharia Civil /Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Ficha de Unidade Curricular/Course Unit Description Coimbra Institute of Engineering __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Title Mathematics I Scientific Area: Mathematics Course: Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Academic Year: 908941 Term/Semester: 1st / 1st ECTS: 5 Department: Study plan: Mathematics and Physics Chapter I: Pre-calculus and calculus introduction Chapter II: Complements of differential calculus Chapter III: Techniques of integration Chapter IV: Applications of integration Language Portuguese / tutorial support in English Type of instruction: Activities Total Hours Hours/week Comments Theoretical Practical: 71,5 5h30 Tutorial guidance Learning objectives: Development of critical spirit, coordination capacity, reflection attitudes and research, seeking the acquisition of indispensable basic knowledge for the group of disciplines of the course of Civil Engineering, namely of differential and integral calculus and their applications. Generic learning outcomes and competences: Capacity of use of mathematical techniques. To acquire basic knowledge of differential and integral calculus and its indispensable applications for the attendance of the disciplines of Civil Engineering. To develop the capacity of concepts’ perception , abstract reasoning, results interpretation and its application to the resolution of problems. Bibliography: o o o o o o o o o o Progress assessment: Final Exam: 100% The approval requests the obtaining of at least 9,5 values. Pré-Cálculo e Introdução ao Cálculo, DFM, ISEC Notas Teóricas de Análise Matemática, Rui Rodrigues, DFM, ISEC M. Fonseca Saraiva, M. Carvalho Silva, “Primitivação”. Edições ASA Ron Larson, Robert Hostetler, Bruce Edwards, “CÁLCULO ”, volume 1. McGraw-Hill Robert Adams, “CALCULUS, A COMPLETE COURSE ”, Addison Wesley Longman Howard Anton, “CÁLCULO – UM NOVO HORIZONTE”, volume 1. Bookman Tom M. Apostol, “CALCULUS”, volume 1. John Wiley & Sons Hamilton Luiz Guidorizzi, “UM CURSO DE CÁLCULO”, volume 1. LTC Editora Erwin Kreyszig, “ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS”. John Wiley & Sons Earl W. Swokowski “CÁLCULO COM GEOMETRIA ANALÍTICA”, volume 1. McGraw-Hill Lic. em Engenharia Civil /Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Ficha de Unidade Curricular/Course Unit Description Coimbra Institute of Engineering __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Lic. em Engenharia Civil /Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Ficha de Unidade Curricular/Course Unit Description Coimbra Institute of Engineering __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Title Quality, health and security Scientific Area: Construction Sciences Course: Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Codigo: 908939 Term/Semester: 2nd/1st ECTS: 5 Department: Department of Civil Engineering Study plan: Introduction: Presentation of the Module and its procedures. Definition od Quality: Presentation of the Quality lexicon and explanation of its diverse frames. Methods for Design Quality Evaluation: QUALITEL, SEL, HQI and FEUP/MC Construction Quality (ISO 9000 standards, implementation of quality management systems in construction) The problem of safety in construction. Safety equipment. Language Type of instruction: Portuguese / tutorial support in English Activities Total Hours Hours/week Comments Theoretical 3.5 3.5 There will be absence control Tutorial : 0.5 0.5 There will not be absence control Tutorial guidance Learning objectives: Generic learning outcomes and competences: To provide to the students the knowledge for the improvement of the quality of the construction based on the ISO 9000 standards. To provide to the students the knowledge for the implementation of Methods for Design Quality Evaluation. To provide to the students the knowledge for the improvement of the occupational safety in construction and the Construction Sites Directive. Continuous evaluation method: 3 exams and several group of students applied work in class environment. A small report prepared by groups of 4 students outside class environment. This report is presented in class environment. Final evaluation method: 1 exam. A small report prepared by groups of 4 students outside class environment. This report is presented in class environment. Lic. em Engenharia Civil /Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Ficha de Unidade Curricular/Course Unit Description Coimbra Institute of Engineering __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Bibliography: Progress assessment: Lic. em Engenharia Civil /Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Ficha de Unidade Curricular/Course Unit Description Coimbra Institute of Engineering __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Title operations management 2 Scientific Area: constructions Course: Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Codigo: 908938 Term/Semester: 3rd / 2nd ECTS: 5.0 Department: Department of Civil Engineering Study plan: Construction site plan elaboration. Subcontratctors selection and management. Planning and scheduling the works to be done. Examine and inspect the works progress. Language Type of instruction: Portuguese / Tutorial support in English Activities Theoretical Total Hours Hours/week 60 4.0 Comments All the developed activities have both a theoretical and a practical component Practical: Tutorial guidance Learning objectives: elaborating a construction site plan. planning all the works, resources and materials. Scheduling tasks using a Gantt or a P.E.R.T. charts and determining the critical path. selecting and managing subcontractors. examining and inspecting the works progress. Generic learning outcomes and competences: Bibliography: Progress assessment: Planning and managing a construction site. Legislation. An exam that is worth 50% and 8 exercises that are worth the remaining 50%. Lic. em Engenharia Civil /Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Ficha de Unidade Curricular/Course Unit Description Coimbra Institute of Engineering __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Title Municipal Roads Scientific Area: Civil Engineering (Territory & Transportation) Course: Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Codigo : 908937 Term/Semester: 3rd / 2nd ECTS: 5 Department: Department of Civil Engineering Study plan: Highway construction and design (earth moving; pavement materials technology; evaluation of materials in laboratory; introduction to structural design of flexible pavements); Maintenance and rehabilitation of pavements’ technology; Hierarchy of Roads; Transportation modes: traffic circulation; pedestrian circulation; collective urban transport; Traffic calming techniques; car parking. Language Portuguese / tutorial support in English Type of instruction: Activities Total Hours Hours/week Theoretical/ Practical 42 3 Laboratorial 7 0.5 Tutorial guidance 7 0.5 Comments Learning objectives: Beginning activities related with planning and management of the road transportation system; Developing students’ skills on infrastructure design, construction and management of the road transportation system. Generic learning outcomes and competences: Bibliography: Understanding; practical use of skills; Judgment and decision making; Communication; Self-learning. Branco, F., Pereira, P. and Picado-Santos, L., Pavimentos Rodoviários, Edições Almedina, Coimbra, 2005 (ISBN 972-40-2648-5). Branco, F., Picado, L., Capitão, S., Vias de Comunicação – Vol II– DEC, FCTUC, Coimbra, 2005. Baptista, A., Vasconcelos, A., Gestão de Espaços de Estacionamento, IPV – EST, Viseu, 2001. Baptista, A., Vasconcelos, A., O Sistema Pedonal, IPV – EST, Viseu, 2001. Marques, J., Engenharia de Segurança Rodoviária em Áreas Urbanas : recomendações e boas práticas, Lic. em Engenharia Civil /Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Ficha de Unidade Curricular/Course Unit Description Coimbra Institute of Engineering __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Prevenção Rodoviária Portuguesa, Lisboa, 2005. Martins, M., Apoio aos Transportes Colectivos, DEC-ISEC, Coimbra, 2002. Ramos, C., Drenagem em Infra-Estruturas de Transportes e Hidráulica de Pontes, Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil, Lisboa, 2006. Seco, A., Pais Antunes, A., et al., Princípios Básicos de Organização Viária, DEC, FCTUC, Coimbra, 2006. Seco, A., Ribeiro, A., Macedo, J., Sistemas de Acalmia de Tráfego, DEC – FCTUC, Coimbra, 2005. Progress assessment: Project activities: project on earth moving; project on design of flexible pavements. Laboratory sessions’ reports. Final examination . Lic. em Engenharia Civil /Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Ficha de Unidade Curricular/Course Unit Description Coimbra Institute of Engineering __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Title operations management 1 Scientific Area: constructions Course: Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Codigo: 908935 Term/Semester: 3rd / 1st ECTS: 5.0 Department: Department of Civil Engineering Study plan: measuring civil construction works; elaborating budgets for construction; existing legislation for public works contracts. Language Type of instruction: Portuguese / Tutorial support in English Activities Theoretical Total Hours Hours/week 60 4.0 Comments All the developed activities have both a theoretical and a practical component Practical: Tutorial guidance Learning objectives: quantify all the works, materials and other resources needed to the construction execution of the project and estimate its cost, respecting the existing legislation. learning how to prepare a bid for a public contract contest. Generic learning outcomes and competences: know how to measure and budget a construction project. know what rules should a prime contractor respect when answering a building solicitation, according to specific national legislation. reviewing a project's plans and specifications to produce a takeoff (a list of item and material quantities needed for the construction execution of the project) Bibliography: As Regras da Medição na Construção, LNEC Informação sobre Custos, Fichas de Rendimento, LNEC Progress assessment: An exam that is worth 50% and 8 exercises that are worth the remanescent 50%. Lic. em Engenharia Civil /Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Coimbra Institute of Engineering Ficha de Unidade Curricular/Course Unit Description __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Title Applied Hydraulics II Scientific Area: Civil Engineering - Hydraulics, Water Resources and Environment Course: Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Codigo: 908934 Term/Semester: 3rd / 2nd ECTS: 5,0 Department: Department of Civil Engineering Study plan: Laws and Regulations Wastewater Systems – Population estimation, Water use, Variations in water use, Design discharges; System conception and design (collection networks and pumping stations). Stormwater Systems – Urban hydrology, Design discharges; System conception and design (collection networks). Vacuum systems (wastewater) and infiltration systems (stormwater). Introduction to wastewater treatment systems. Language Type of instruction: Portuguese / tutorial support in English Activities Theoretical Learning objectives: Generic learning outcomes and competences: Bibliography: Total Hours Hours/week 49 Practical: 4 Tutorial guidance 7 Comments 3,5 0,5 Acquire the required knowledge for interpretation, conception and design of drainage systems (wastewater and stormwater). Conceive and design drainage systems (drainage networks and pumping stations). Understand the hydrological processes involved in the determination of hydrological variables used in the design of stormwater networks. Introduce the main chemical, physical and biological processes involved in water and wastewater treatment. Sá Marques, J.A.A., e Sousa, J.J.O. – Hidráulica Urbana: Sistemas de Abastecimento de Água e de Drenagem de Águas Residuais, Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra. Regulamento Geral dos Sistemas Públicos e Prediais de Abastecimento de Água e de Drenagem de Águas Residuais, Decreto regulamentar nº 23/95, de 23 de Agosto. Paixão, M.A. – Águas e Esgotos em Urbanizações e Instalações Prediais, Edições Orion. Quintela, A.C. – Hidráulica, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. Lencastre, A. – Hidráulica Geral, Hidroprojecto. Novais-Barbosa, J. – Mecânica dos Fluidos e Hidráulica Geral, Vols. 1 e 2, Porto Editora. Oliveira, L.A., e Lopes, A.G. – Mecânica dos Fluidos, Edições Técnicas e Profissionais. Çengel, Y.A., e Cimbala, J.M. – Mecânica dos Fluidos: Fundamentos e Aplicações, McGraw-Hill. Lic. em Engenharia Civil /Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Coimbra Institute of Engineering Ficha de Unidade Curricular/Course Unit Description __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Progress assessment: Continuous assessment (50%): students have to conceive and design a water supply system (10 values). Final examination (50%): written examination with questions of theoretical and practical nature (10 values). A student is passed if: obtained at least 50% of the continuous assessment quote, obtained at least 40% of the final examination quote, and the final note is equal or exceeds 9.5 values. Lic. em Engenharia Civil /Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Coimbra Institute of Engineering Ficha de Unidade Curricular/Course Unit Description __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Title Land Use Planning and Management Scientific Area: Civil Engineering (Territory and Transports) Course: Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Codigo: 908933 Term/Semester: 3rd / 1st ECTS: 5 Department: Department of Civil Engineering Study plan: Theory and concepts of Planning; Land Use Planning and Management in Portugal; Spatial planning and management at municipal level; Main legal framework for Land use Planning and Management Language Type of instruction: Portuguese / tutorial support in English Activities Total Hours Hours/week Comments Theoretical Learning objectives: Practical: 49 3.5 Tutorial guidance 7 0.5 Knowledge of the conceptual framework related to Planning Knowledge of the competences, duties and activities of municipal authorities regarding spatial planning and management and related legal framework Knowledge and use of analysis techniques applied to spatial planning and management Generic learning outcomes and competences: To understand the structures and instruments which entail the spatial planning and management activity To know and apply methodologies, methods and techniques used in spatial planning and management To develop critical thinking related to problems of land use Lic. em Engenharia Civil /Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Coimbra Institute of Engineering Ficha de Unidade Curricular/Course Unit Description __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Bibliography: Antunes, António José, Lições de Planeamento Territorial. DEC_UC, 2004 Costa Lobo, M., Correia, Paulo e Pardal, Sidónio, Normas Urbanísticas, Vol I, II, III, IV, DGOTDU/UTL, 1991-2000 Costa Lobo, M., Administração Urbanística - evolução legal e sua prática, IST press, 2001 Hall, Peter, Urban and Regional Planning, John Wiley & Sons, 1992 DL 48/98, Lei de Bases do Ordenamento do Território e do Urbanismo DL 380/99 – Regime Jurídico dos Instrumentos de Gestão Territorial (and alterations) DL 177/2001 – Regime Jurídico da Urbanização e Edificação (and alterations) Powerpoint presentations from lectures Progress assessment: Working papers – students must do (individually or in groups of 2 persons) 1 or 2 working papers related to practical aspects of spatial planning and management at municipal level (value: up to 40% of the final mark) Exam – written test at the end of the semester (value: between 60% and 80% of the final mark). The marks of the working papers will be added to the mark of the test providing that this one is above 8,5 (in 20) Lic. em Engenharia Civil /Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Coimbra Institute of Engineering Ficha de Unidade Curricular/Course Unit Description __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Title Highway Design and Safety Scientific Area: Civil Engineering Course: Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Codigo: 908932 rd st Term/Semester: 3 / 1 5,0 ECTS: Department: Department of Civil Engineering Study plan: It is intended that the students understand the key features and circumstances of roads as Civil Engineering works, focusing mainly on the study of highway’s geometry, but also road planning and its key elements, traffic analysis and forecasting and level of service evaluation. Language Type of instruction: Learning objectives: Portuguese / tutorial support in English Activities Total Hours Hours/week Theoretical 21,0 1,5 Practical: 28,0 2,0 Tutorial guidance 7,0 0,5 Comments Road design project: Definition of its geometric characteristics as a result of a broad set of criteria commonly found in its design phase. Introduction to safety and road signs: A relationship between driver-vehicle-highway factors and accidents in the perspective of road safety, General principles relating to vertical and horizontal (road marking) signalling Generic learning outcomes and competences: Comprehend the different procedures related to the design and analysis of roads in its various Bibliography: “Vias de Comunicação – Vol I”, F. Branco, L. Picado, S. Capitão – DEC, FCTUC, Ed. 2001 “Norma de Traçado”, Junta Autónoma de Estradas, Almada – JAE, 1994 “Highway Capacity Manual” – Washington, D. C. : TRB, 2000 [7-4-177 (ISEC) - 11934] Progress assessment: components, particularly highway infrastructures. One written exam (12/20) + one practical work (8/20). To pass a student must have 10/20. Lic. em Engenharia Civil /Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Coimbra Institute of Engineering Ficha de Unidade Curricular/Course Unit Description __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Title Applied Hydraulics I Scientific Area: Civil Engineering - Hydraulics, Water Resources and Environment Course: Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Codigo: 908931 Term/Semester: 3rd / 1st ECTS: 5,0 Department: Department of Civil Engineering Study plan: Applied Hydraulics Domain Urban Hydraulics Laws and Regulations Water Supply Systems – Population estimation, Water use, Variations in water use, Fire demand, Design discharges; System conception and design (water treatment, conveyance, pipelines, pumping stations, water hammer analysis, storage and distribution networks). Language Type of instruction: Portuguese / tutorial support in English Activities Theoretical Learning objectives: Generic learning outcomes and competences: Bibliography: Progress Total Hours Hours/week 49 Practical: 4 Tutorial guidance 7 Comments 3,5 0,5 Acquire the required knowledge for interpretation, conception and design of water supply systems. Conceive and design water supply systems (treatment, conveyance, storage and distribution). Understand the hydrological processes and recognize the potential of water use as an economic factor of production and social progress. Introduce the main chemical, physical and biological processes involved in water and wastewater treatment. Sá Marques, J.A.A., e Sousa, J.J.O. – Hidráulica Urbana: Sistemas de Abastecimento de Água e de Drenagem de Águas Residuais, Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra. Regulamento Geral dos Sistemas Públicos e Prediais de Abastecimento de Água e de Drenagem de Águas Residuais, Decreto regulamentar nº 23/95, de 23 de Agosto. Paixão, M.A. – Águas e Esgotos em Urbanizações e Instalações Prediais, Edições Orion. Quintela, A.C. – Hidráulica, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. Lencastre, A. – Hidráulica Geral, Hidroprojecto. Novais-Barbosa, J. – Mecânica dos Fluidos e Hidráulica Geral, Vols. 1 e 2, Porto Editora. Oliveira, L.A., e Lopes, A.G. – Mecânica dos Fluidos, Edições Técnicas e Profissionais. Çengel, Y.A., e Cimbala, J.M. – Mecânica dos Fluidos: Fundamentos e Aplicações, McGraw-Hill. Continuous assessment (50%): students have to conceive and design a water supply system Lic. em Engenharia Civil /Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Coimbra Institute of Engineering Ficha de Unidade Curricular/Course Unit Description __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ assessment: (10 values). Final examination (50%): written examination with questions of theoretical and practical nature (10 values). A student is passed if: obtained at least 50% of the continuous assessment quote, obtained at least 40% of the final examination quote, and the final note is equal or exceeds 9.5 values. Lic. em Engenharia Civil /Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Ficha de Unidade Curricular/Course Unit Description Coimbra Institute of Engineering __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Title Reinforced Concrete Structures II Scientific Area: Structural Mechanics Course: Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Codigo: 908929 Term/Semester: 3rd / 1st ECTS: 5 Department: Department of Civil Engineering Study plan: Torsion in reinforced concrete beams General: review of knowledge about torsion, compatibility and balance torsion; Model of resistance in cracked phase; Torsion moment resistant (torsion associated with bending and shear); Detailing of reinforcement; Comparison of the rules between the REBAP and EC2. Slabs (introduction) Definition of slab; Types and classifications: description of various types of slabs and presentation of several examples. Punching Basic control perimeter; Punching shear resistance of slabs and column bases without shear reinforcement; Punching shear resistance of slabs and column bases with shear reinforcement; Detailing of reinforcement; Comparison of the rules between the REBAP and EC2. Slabs with ceramic elements and pretensioned elements Overview; Checking the safety to the Ultimate limit states (ULS) and to the Serviceability limit states (SLS); Manufacturing this type of slabs. Concrete slabs General; Determination of the distribution of internal forces and moments. Hypotheses of Kirchoff. Lagrange equation. Calculation of maximum moments applied in the slabs using tables; Theory of plasticity in slabs: static method - application examples; cinematic method lines of fracture; Design slabs: slabs of one-way spanning and slabs of two-way spanning; Detailing of reinforcement; Checking the safety to the Ultimate limit states and to the Serviceability limit states Comparison of the rules between the REBAP and EC2; Slabs for stairs. Direct Foundations Column footings (isolated, center and eccentric); Column footing with beams of balance. Lic. em Engenharia Civil /Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Ficha de Unidade Curricular/Course Unit Description Coimbra Institute of Engineering __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Language Type of instruction: Portuguese / tutorial support in English Activities Theoretical and practical Tutorial guidance Learning objectives: Generic learning outcomes and competences: Bibliography: Total Hours Hours/week 49 3,5 7 0,5 Comments know the theory and the practice related with the design and manufactured of reinforced concrete structures (current structures) Recognize, diagnose and prevent structural pathologies in constructions. Generic skills: Application of knowledge; Make judgments / decisions; Self-learning. Specific skills: Acquire knowledge and understanding capacity in the field of reinforced concrete structures, particularly at the level of design and manufacturing; Review the fundamental principles on the behavior of reinforced concrete structures in order to strengthen the knowledge already acquired; Increase the capacity to understand the reinforced concrete structures used in the current buildings; Provide the students with new knowledge to deal with the contemporary situations in the area of reinforced concrete structures (making judgments and developing solutions). REBAP - Regulamento de Estruturas de Betão Armado e Pré-Esforçado (1983), DecretoLei n.º 349-C/83, de 30 de Julho; EC2 - EN 1992-1-1 - “Eurocódigo 2: Projecto de estruturas de betão armado – Parte 1-1: Regras gerais e regras para edifícios”; CEB-FIP MODEL CODE 1990, Comité Euro-International du Béton, Lausanne, Suisse, 1990; Júlio Appleton, João Almeida, José Câmara, Augusto Gomes - “Betão Armado e PréEsforçado II – Volume I, Volume II e Volume III”, Instituto Superior Técnico, 1989; Leonhardt, F. - “Construções de Concreto” (do Volume 1 ao volume 4), Editora Interciência, Lda., Rio de Janeiro, Brasil; Elementos de apoio às aulas elaborados pelos docentes da disciplina – Betão Armado II. Diapositivos apresentados nas aulas. Other elements of study available at: http://www.civil.ist.utl.pt/~cristina/bape1/ http://www.civil.ist.utl.pt/~cristina/bape2/ http://www.qsp.pt/ Elementos de estudo da disciplina Estruturas de Betão I (IST) – Módulo 3 Verificação do comportamento em serviço (Estados Limites de Utilização) – Carla Marchão e Júlio Lic. em Engenharia Civil /Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Ficha de Unidade Curricular/Course Unit Description Coimbra Institute of Engineering __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Appleton; Elementos de estudo da disciplina Estruturas de Betão II (IST) – Módulo 2 Lajes – Carla Marchão e Júlio Appleton; Elementos de estudo da disciplina Estruturas de Betão II (IST) – Módulo 3 Fundações de Edifícios – Carla Marchão e Júlio Appleton; Elementos de estudo da disciplina Estruturas de Betão II (IST) – Execução de Estruturas de Betão – Júlio Appleton; Cálculo prático de estruturas de betão armado – aços SD Progress assessment: Scientific papers available at: http://www.civil.ist.utl.pt/~cristina/GDBAPE/Artigos.htm Júlio Appleton – “Eurocódigo 2 – EN1992-1-1” Júlio Appleton, Paulo França – “Implementação do Eurocódigo 2 – (EN1992-1) em Portugal. Comparação com o REBAP” Júlio Appleton, António Costa, Paulo França – “Efeitos Estruturais da Deterioração em Estruturas de Betão Armado” João Saraiva, Júlio Appleton – “Avaliação da Capacidade Sísmica de Edifícios de Betão Armado de Acordo com o Eurocódigo 8 – Parte 3” Miguel Lourenço, João Almeida - “Campos de Tensões em Zonas de Descontinuidade” João Almeida, Miguel Lourenço – “Stress Field Models for Structural Concrete” 2 exams to be carried out during the period of the lessons (each exam is quoted for 4 points in the range of 0 to 20). 1 final exam to be carried out during the period of the exams (normal exam and last exam) quoted for 12 or 20 on a scale of 0 to 20. The student can choose not to do the tests during the lessons or can do the tests and choose not to account for the final result. In these cases, the final exam will be quoted for 20 points. For the student who chooses to account the tests evaluation for the final result, the final exam will be quoted for 12 points. In this case, the final result will be the sum of the tests results with the final exam result. The approval requires the achievement of at least 9.5 in the final result. Lic. em Engenharia Civil /Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Ficha de Unidade Curricular/Course Unit Description Coimbra Institute of Engineering __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Title Hydraulics II Scientific Area: Civil Engineering (Hydraulics, Water Resources) Course: Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Codigo: 908928 Term/Semester: 2nd / 2nd ECTS: 5 Department: Department of Civil Engineering Study plan: 1. PRESSURE FLOW 1.1. Minor Losses 1.2. Pipe Systems 1.2.1. Pipes in series and parallel 1.2.2.Multiple pipes and multiple reservoirs 1.2.3.Pipe networks 1.3. Cavitation 2. OPEN CHANNEL FLOW 2.1. Classification of open channel flows 2.2. Uniform flow 2.2.1.Simple sections 2.2.2.Velocity distribution 2.2.3.Closed sections 2.2.4.Nonuniform perimeters 2.3. Gradually varied flow 2.3.1.Specific energy 2.3.2.Flow control 2.3.3. Classification of surface profiles 2.3.4.Examples of gradually varied flow 2.4. Rapidly varied flow - hydraulic jump 3. FLOW TROUGH ORIFICES AND WEIRS 4. TURBOMACHINERY 4.1. Turbines 4.1.1.Classification of turbines 4.1.2.Reaction turbines installations 4.1.3.Impulse turbines installations 4.1.4.Specific speed 4.1.5.Runaway speed 4.1.6.Cavitation of the turbine 4.1.7.Turbine performance curves 4.1.8.Selection of turbines 4.1.9.Miniturbines 4.2. Pumps 4.2.1. Classification of pumps 4.2.2.Centrifugal pump installations Lic. em Engenharia Civil /Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Ficha de Unidade Curricular/Course Unit Description Coimbra Institute of Engineering __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.2.3.Axial pump installations 4.2.4.Specific speed 4.2.5.Pump performance curves 4.2.6.Matching a pump to a piping system 4.2.7.Pumps in parallel or series connection 4.2.8.Pump start-up and priming 4.2.9.Suction limitations of pumps Language Type of instruction: Portuguese / tutorial support in English Activities Total Hours Hours/week Theoretical/ Practical 42 3 Laboratorial 7 0.5 Tutorial guidance 7 0.5 Comments Learning objectives: On successful completion of this module, students will have the ability to analyze and solve problems related to; pipe systems; flow in open channels; pumping stations; flow trough orifice and weirs. Generic learning outcomes and competences: On successful completion of this module, students will have developed a range of generic skills spanning: hydraulic analysis; team work; numerical analysis; data analysis. Bibliography: HIDRÁULICA. A. Carvalho Quintela. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian HIDRÁULICA GERAL. Armando Lencastre. Edição do Autor MECÂNICA DOS FLUIDOS. B. S. Massey. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. MECÂNICA DOS FLUIDOS E HIDRÁULICA GERAL. J. Novais Barbosa. Porto editora HIDRÁULICA GERAL. A. Manzanares. Editora AEIST ENGINEERING FLUID MECHANICS. John A. Roberson, Clayton T. Crowe. John Wiley & Sons FUNDAMENTALS OF FLUID MECHANICS. Bruce R. Munson, Donald F. Young, Theo-dore H. Okiishi. John Wiley & Sons EXERCICES DE MÉCANIQUE DES FLUIDES. Michel A. Morel, Jean-Pierre Laborde. Eyrolles Exam: 90%; Number of exams: 2; Exam duration: 3h; Other assessment: laboratorial work; Other assessment: 10% Progress assessment: Lic. em Engenharia Civil /Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Ficha de Unidade Curricular/Course Unit Description Coimbra Institute of Engineering __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Title FOUNDATIONS II Scientific Area: Civil engineering Course: Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Codigo: 908927 Term/Semester: 3rd / 2nd ECTS: 5.0 Department: Department of Civil Engineering Study plan: 1. Two-dimensional seepage in soils Basic principles and theories (Revisions). Permeability and Darcy’s law (Revision). Hydraulic head. Bernoulli theorem. One-dimensional ascending and descending seepage. Influence of seepage in water pressures and soil effective stresses. Equivalent permeability coefficient in stratified soil massifs. Two-dimensional seepage. Flow nets in soil with permeability isotropy. Flow mathematical equation. Flow evaluation. Soil stress state evaluation. Flow nets in soil with permeability anisotropy. Hydraulic instability and collapse. Critical gradient. Piping and hydraulic heaving. 2. Slope stability Types of slopes. Natural, excavation and constructed. Geomorphological evolution of slopes. Erosion. Land movements. Geological influence on slope stability. Lithology. Fractures and joints. Hydro-geological conditions. Causes of slope unstabilization. External and internal causes. Stabilization works. Stability analysis methods. Infinite slopes: dry frictional soil with seepage parallel to ground surface; cohesive soil. Safety evaluation according to Eurocode 7. Circular slipping surfaces. Failure mechanism. Total stress analysis. Partially submerged slopes. Taylor’s stability number. Slices methods. Fellenius. Bishop. Bishop and Morgenstern stability numbers. Stability of embankment and unsupported excavation in clays. Embankments in soft soils. 3. Compaction Compaction energy. Compaction curves. Compaction of non cohesive soils. Compaction of cohesive soils. Compaction test. Proctor. Procedures and results. Types of compaction. Pressure, impact and vibration. Compaction works and equipments. Precautions. Selection of the adequate equipment. Compaction control in the field. Tests. Frequency. 4. Soil reinforcement Reinforced earth. General characteristics. Basic principles and assumed behaviour. Design. Materials. Constructive procedures. Geosynthetics. Main types. Functions and characteristics of the materials. Design properties. Walls and slopes reinforced with geosynthetics. Design and constructive details. 5. Trenches Language Type of instruction: Legal framing. Accidents, risks and preventing measures. Supporting systems. Constructive Procedures. Design. Portuguese / tutorial support in English Activities Total Hours Hours/week Comments Lic. em Engenharia Civil /Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Ficha de Unidade Curricular/Course Unit Description Coimbra Institute of Engineering __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Theoretical Learning objectives: Generic learning outcomes and competences: Bibliography: Progress assessment: 42 3 Theory and problem resolution Practical: 7 Laboratorial and field tests Tutorial guidance 7 Tutorial and software practice Technology and design of geotechnical structures involving earth works, including twodimensional seepage, slope stability, compaction, soil reinforced and geosynthetics. Analyze and design natural and excavation slopes and embankments, compaction situations, soil reinforcement and geosynthetic usage. Recognize, diagnose and prevent pathologies in earth works. Use software programs to evaluate stability and safety of geotechnical structures. ABMS/ABEF editado por Waldemar Hachich et. al. - Fundações, Teoria e Prática Coelho, Silvério, Tecnologia de Fundações, edições E.P.G.E. Day, R. W., Geotechnical and Foundation Engineering, McGraw Hill Jewell, R. A., Soil reinforcement with geotextiles Koerner, Robert M., Designing with geosynthetics Matos Fernandes, M., Mecânica dos Solos II Moreira, C., Percolação Bidimensional da Água nos Solos Moreira, C., Compactação Moreira, C., Estabilidade de Taludes – Método Global Ordem dos Engenheiros, Recomendações na Área da Geotecnia Written evaluation; Laboratorial group tests plus individual slope stability project. Lic. em Engenharia Civil /Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Ficha de Unidade Curricular/Course Unit Description Coimbra Institute of Engineering __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Title Reinforced Concrete Structures I Scientific Area: Structural Mechanics Course: Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Codigo: 908926 Term/Semester: 2nd /2nd ECTS: 5 Department: Department of Civil Engineering Study plan: Principles of structural safety: General principles of limit states. Actions. Classification, calculation/computation and combination of actions. Basis of design. Checking the safety to the ultimate limit states and to the serviceability limit states. Calculation of the design values for forces and bending moments applied in structures. Reinforced concrete: Types and classes of concrete. Reinforcing steel. Mechanical properties. Design stress-strain relations. General rules for structures subject to seismic actions. Determination of the cracking moment in rectangular section. Behavior of reinforced concrete elements in the cracked and uncracked phase. Procedures for determining the resistant efforts in reinforced concrete members with prismatic sections (beams and columns): elements subjected to axial forces, bending moments, shear forces and axial forces with bending moments. Detailing of reinforcement. Axial forces and bending: Conventional failure. Hypotheses. Constitutive relationship. Design reinforced concrete ties and reinforced concrete struts. Design the longitudinal and the transverse reinforcing steel in beams with rectangular sections. Influence of the axial forces. Design the longitudinal and the transverse reinforcing steel in columns subjected to axial forces and bending moments. Check the column safety in relation to the ultimate limit state of buckling. Code procedures. Detailing of reinforcement. Shear force: Resistant model of Morsch truss - quantification of the shear force resistant. Influence of the normal force and bending moment. Design the specific reinforcing steel. Detailing of reinforcement. Language Type of instruction: Portuguese / tutorial support in English Activities Total Hours Hours/week Comments Lic. em Engenharia Civil /Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Ficha de Unidade Curricular/Course Unit Description Coimbra Institute of Engineering __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Theoretical and practical Tutorial guidance Learning objectives: Generic learning outcomes and competences: Bibliography: Progress assessment: 49 3,5 7 0,5 know the theory and the practice related with the design and manufactured of reinforced concrete structures (current structures) Recognize, diagnose and prevent structural pathologies in constructions. Application of knowledge; Make judgments / decisions; Self-learning. Acquire knowledge and understanding capacity in the field of reinforced concrete structures, particularly at the level of design and manufacturing; REBAP - Regulamento de Estruturas de Betão Armado e Pré-Esforçado (1983), DecretoLei n.º 349-C/83, de 30 de Julho; EC2 - EN 1992-1-1 - “Eurocódigo 2: Projecto de estruturas de betão armado – Parte 1-1: Regras gerais e regras para edifícios”; CEB-FIP MODEL CODE 1990, Comité Euro-International du Béton, Lausanne, Suisse, 1990; Leonhardt, F. - “Construções de Concreto” (do Volume 1 ao volume 4), Editora Interciência, Lda., Rio de Janeiro, Brasil; Elementos de apoio às aulas elaborados pelos docentes da disciplina – Betão Armado I. Diapositivos apresentados nas aulas. Other elements of study available at: http://www.civil.ist.utl.pt/~cristina/bape1/ http://www.qsp.pt/ Cálculo prático de estruturas de betão armado – aços SD Scientific papers available at: http://www.civil.ist.utl.pt/~cristina/GDBAPE/Artigos.htm Júlio Appleton – “Eurocódigo 2 – EN1992-1-1” Júlio Appleton, Paulo França – “Implementação do Eurocódigo 2 – (EN1992-1) em Portugal. Comparação com o REBAP” Júlio Appleton, António Costa, Paulo França – “Efeitos Estruturais da Deterioração em Estruturas de Betão Armado” João Saraiva, Júlio Appleton – “Avaliação da Capacidade Sísmica de Edifícios de Betão Armado de Acordo com o Eurocódigo 8 – Parte 3” Continuous assessment: students have to solve minor works proposed by the teacher during the lessons. 1 final exam to be carried out during the period of the exams. The approval requires the achievement of at least 9.5 in the final result. Lic. em Engenharia Civil /Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Ficha de Unidade Curricular/Course Unit Description Coimbra Institute of Engineering __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Title Hydraulics I Scientific Area: Civil Engineering (Hydraulics, Water Resources) Course: Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Codigo: 908925 Term/Semester: 2nd / 1st ECTS: 5 Department: Study plan: Department of Civil Engineering 1. FLUID PROPERTIES 1.1. Basic units 1.2. Properties involving the mass or weight of the fluid 1.3. Viscosity 1.4. Elasticity 1.5. Surface tension 1.6. Vapor pressure 2. FLUID STATICS 2.1. Pressure 2.2. Pressure variation with elevation 2.3. Pressure measurements 2.4. Hydrostatic forces on plane surfaces 2.5. Hydrostatic forces on curved surfaces 2.6. Buoyancy 3. FLUID KINEMATICS 3.1. Velocity and flow visualization 3.2. Rate of flow 3.3. Acceleration 3.4. Continuity equation 3.5. Laminar and turbulent flow 4. FLUID DYNAMICS 4.1. Bernoulli’s equation 4.2. Concept of the hydraulic and energy grade lines 4.3. Application of Bernoulli’s equation 4.4. Hydraulic power. Pumps and turbines 4.5. Rotation and vorticity 4.6. Separation and its effects on pressure variation 4.7. Boundary layer 5. MOMENTUN PRINCIPLE 5.1. The momentum equation 5.2. Applications of the momentum equation 6. DIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS AND SIMILITUDE 6.1. Dimensional analysis Lic. em Engenharia Civil /Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Ficha de Unidade Curricular/Course Unit Description Coimbra Institute of Engineering __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6.2. 6.3. 6.4. 6.5. The Buckingham theorem Determination of terms Common dimensionless numbers in hydraulics Modeling and Similitude 6.5.1.Theory of models 6.5.2.Model scales 6.5.3.Some typical model studies 6.5.4.Distorted models 7. FLOW IN PIPES 7.1. Shear-stress distribution across a pipe section 7.2. Laminar flow in pipes 7.3. Criterion for laminar or turbulent flow in a pipe 7.4. Turbulent flow in pipes Language Type of instruction: Portuguese / tutorial support in English Activities Total Hours Hours/week Theoretical/ Practical 42 3 Laboratorial 7 0.5 Tutorial guidance 7 0.5 Comments Learning objectives: On successful completion of this module, students will have: - The ability to identify a hydraulic problem; - The ability to analyze and valuate hydraulic situations and to solve them by using appropriate tools. Generic learning outcomes and competences: On successful completion of this module, students will have developed a range of generic skills spanning: hydraulic analysis; team work; numerical analysis; data analysis. Bibliography: HIDRÁULICA. A. Carvalho Quintela. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian HIDRÁULICA GERAL. Armando Lencastre. Edição do Autor MECÂNICA DOS FLUIDOS. B. S. Massey. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. MECÂNICA DOS FLUIDOS E HIDRÁULICA GERAL. J. Novais Barbosa. Porto editora HIDRÁULICA GERAL. A. Manzanares. Editora AEIST ENGINEERING FLUID MECHANICS. John A. Roberson, Clayton T. Crowe. John Wiley & Sons FUNDAMENTALS OF FLUID MECHANICS. Bruce R. Munson, Donald F. Young, Theo-dore H. Lic. em Engenharia Civil /Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Ficha de Unidade Curricular/Course Unit Description Coimbra Institute of Engineering __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Progress assessment: Okiishi. John Wiley & Sons EXERCICES DE MÉCANIQUE DES FLUIDES. Michel A. Morel, Jean-Pierre Laborde. Eyrolles Exam: 90%; Number of exams: 2; Exam duration: 3h; Other assessment: laboratorial work; Other assessment: 10% Lic. em Engenharia Civil /Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Ficha de Unidade Curricular/Course Unit Description Coimbra Institute of Engineering __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Title FOUNDATIONS I Scientific Area: Civil engineering Course: Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Codigo: 908924 Term/Semester: 3rd / 1st ECTS: 5.0 Department: Study plan: Department of Civil Engineering 1. Earth forces Introduction. State of stress at rest. Pressure coefficient at rest. Active and passive limit equilibrium states. Rankine’s Method. Hypothesis and general formulation. Surcharges. Stratified formations. Water level. Rankine’s Theory extended to cohesive soils. Rankine’s Theory extended to soils with inclined surface. Consideration of soil-structure friction. Boussinesq’s Theory. Caquot-Kérisel tables. Coulomb’s method. Coulomb’s active force. Culmann’s resolution scheme. Coulomb’s passive force. 2. Earth retaining structures Types of earth retaining structures. Rigid and flexible. Gravity walls. Massive and reinforced construction. Concrete, masonry, gabion and crib walls. Cantilever, buttresses, pre-fabricated and pre-stressed walls. Reinforced soil walls. Nailed soils. Reinforcement with geosynthetic materials. Flexible walls. Steel sheets. Soldier pile walls. Berlin type walls. Diaphragm walls. Pile walls. Hybrid walls. External stability of retaining walls. Safety. Classical methodology. Eurocode 7. Overturning. Base sliding. Foundation collapse. Global slipping. Drainage. Wall holes, perforated pipes, geosynthetic drains, sand filters, pumping. First approach to dimensions. 3. Foundations Definition and classification of foundations. Usual types of shallow foundations. Blocs, isolated and continuous footings, mats. Selection of the adequate foundation. Foundation soil failure. Generalized, localized and punching. Prandtl’s failure mechanism. Plastic failure theories. Terzaghi and Meyerhof. Bearing capacity. Short and long term. Water level influence. Plasticized zone in sands. Generalization of the formulation. Corrections due to shape, deep and inclined forces. Eccentric loads. Safety. Ultimate and service load resistance. Classic methodology. Global safety coefficients. Eurocode 7. Partial safety coefficients. Settlements. Famous examples. Signs that indicate settlements. Methods for settlement prediction. Rational and empirical. Types of settlements. Classification: movement, time and profile. Structural and footing stiffness influence. Settlement evaluation. Immediate and consolidation settlements. Skempton-Bjerrum correction. Creep. Allowable settlements. Laboratorial parameters for settlement prediction. 4. Field tests for bearing capacity evaluation and settlement prediction of foundations Penetration tests. Dynamic, SPT, CPT, CPTU, SCPTU. Load plate tests. Pressumeters of Ménard and Cambridge self-boring. Marchetti dilatometer. Seismic analysis. Corrections. Correlations with mechanical soil parameters. Drillings. Sampling. 5. Deep foundations Objectives. Classification. Usage. Main types. Driven piles. Timber, steel and concrete. Bored and cast in situ piles. Franki, Strauss, continuous auger and injected piles. Bearing capacity of isolated piles. Formulation based on soil parameters. Shaft and end bearing capacities. Terzaghi, Meyerhof, Berezantzev and Vesic. Methods based on SPT and CPT results. Dynamic formulas. Negative skin friction. Design according to Eurocode 7. Horizontal loading. Lic. em Engenharia Civil /Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Ficha de Unidade Curricular/Course Unit Description Coimbra Institute of Engineering __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Language Type of instruction: Portuguese / tutorial support in English Activities Theoretical Learning objectives: Generic learning outcomes and competences: Bibliography: Progress assessment: Total Hours Hours/week 42 3 Comments Theory and problem resolution Practical: 7 Laboratorial and field tests Tutorial guidance 7 Tutorial and software practice Technology and design of earth support structures and foundations. Specific Competence: E18 - Analyse and design structures and geotechnical construction works, namely: foundations, retaining structures, natural and constructed slopes, geosynthetic usage. Specific Competence: E30 - Recognize, diagnose and prevent structural pathologies in constructions. Bowles, J. E., Foundation Analysis and Design, 5th Ed., McGraw Hill Brown, R. W., Practical Foundation Engineering Handbook, McGraw Hill Coduto, D., Foundation Design, Principles and Practices, Prentice Hall Coelho, Silvério, Tecnologia de Fundações, edições E.P.G.E. Day, R. W., Geotechnical and Foundation Engineering, McGraw Hill Matos Fernandes, M., Mecânica dos Solos II Moreira, C., Dimensionamento de Muros de Suporte Moreira, C., Estruturas Flexíveis de Contenção Periférica Ordem dos Engenheiros, Recomendações na Área da Geotecnia Velloso, D. et al., Fundações, volumes 1 e 2, COPPE-UFRJ Written evaluation; Laboratorial and bibliographical research group assignments; oral presentation. Lic. em Engenharia Civil /Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Coimbra Institute of Engineering Ficha de Unidade Curricular/Course Unit Description __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Title Analysis of Structures Scientific Area: Structural Mechanics and Structures Course: Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Codigo: 908923 Term/Semester: 2nd / 2nd ECTS: 5,0 Department: Study plan: Department of Civil Engineering Chapter 1– Introduction to the analysis of structures; Objectives of Structural Analysis Reviews about static, diagrams, and superposition-of-effects principle; General hypothesis of the structure analysis; Relations between tensions-deformations and forces-displacements; Equilibrium relations. Chapter 2– Energy methods Introduction to Energy Theorems Distortion energy and virtual work. Elastic behaviour of structures: Theorem of Clapeyron, Theorem of Castigliano, Theorem of Betti, Maxwell’s reciprocal theorem. Theorem of virtual work Displacements calculation using the theorem of virtual work, with Bonfim Barreiros Method Examples and application Chapter 3 – Calculation of displacements in isostatic structures using the theorem of virtual work . Calculation of tension diagrams and displacement in isostatic truss structures Calculation of tension diagrams and displacement in isostatic continuous structures Relation between displacement section and tension section Examples and application Chapter 4 – Force method of analysis Introduction and interpretation about the force method. Structural hiperestaticity degree. Internal and external hiperestaticity. Flexibility matrix which characterises the member's susceptibility to deform under forces Vector of member's characteristic deformations caused by external effects applied to the isolated Relative importance of the bending part due to transversal moments and efforts. Structures subject to the settlement of support and elastic support. Effect of temperature variations in structures. Final efforts in hyperstatic structures. Examples and application Chapter 5 – Displacement method of analysis. The displacement method as strength method’s dual method. Discussion of the minimum number of unknowns to consider in the base system set up. Determination of the mobility degree of a structure with beams Lic. em Engenharia Civil /Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Coimbra Institute of Engineering Ficha de Unidade Curricular/Course Unit Description __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Stiffness matrix of a beam Vector of fixation forces caused by external effects Direct formulation of the displacement method in the structure analysis. Obtaining of configurations correspondent to null and unit displacement. Obtaining of an equation system. Determination of the final efforts. Application of the displacement method in the case of structures with beams with despicable axial deformability. Matrix formulation of the method, and applications Chapter 6 – Influence lines Physical interpretation and notion of influence line. Example of application this concepts. Determination of influence lines of reactions of support in isostatic structures. Determination of influence lines of transversal efforts and bending moments in isostatic structures. Determination of efforts in structures by influence lines Influence lines in hyperstatic structures. Examples and application Language Type of instruction: Portuguese/ Tutorial support in English Activities Theoretical Total Hours Hours/week 0 0 Practical: 60 4 Tutorial guidance 0 0 Comments 2 session / week Learning objectives: Theoretical-practical classes: Presentation and discussion of all contents in theoretical classes along with simple illustration problems. In theoretical-practical classes a set of application associated to theoretical issues is proposed and discussed. Complementary exercises will be proposed and evaluated. Generic learning outcomes and competences: Study of the behavior’s principles of reticulate structures and development of force and displacement method to calculate them. Study the influence line for statically determinate structures. Improvement of knowledge concerning hyperstatical structures behavior in linear regime. Lic. em Engenharia Civil /Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Coimbra Institute of Engineering Ficha de Unidade Curricular/Course Unit Description __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Bibliography: Progress assessment: [1] AZEVEDO, A. (1987) – Análise estática e dinâmica de estruturas de edifícios. Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil. Lisboa, 1987. [2] FLEMING, Jonh F. (1997) - Analysis of Structural Systems. Ed. Prentice Hall. [3] FREITAS, J. A. Teixeira (1980) – Simetria e anti-simetria, Teoria de Estruturas, Instituto Superior Técnico; Lisboa. [4] FREITAS, J. A. Teixeira (1986) – Introdução ao Métodos dos deslocamentos, Teoria de Estruturas, Instituto Superior Técnico. Lisboa. [5] FREY, F. (1990) – Analyse des structures et milieux continus: Statique Appliqué. Traité de Génie Civil de l´École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, 1990. [6] GHALI, A; NEVILLE A. (1979) – Structural analysis: a unified classical and matrix approach. Second Edition. Chapman and Hall. London. England. 1979. [7] GOUVEIA, J.P. (2007) – Mecânica Estrutural: apontamentos de apoio às aulas teóricas e práticas de Estru-turas I, 06/07. DEC do Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Coimbra, Coimbra, 2007. [8] GUEDES, J.M. (2002) – Método dos deslocamentos, Departamento de Engenharia Civil, Faculdade de Engenharia, Universidade do Porto, Porto. [9] IST (1997) – Tabelas de Análise de Estruturas. Secção de Folhas da Associação de Estudantes do Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa, 1997. [10] LAURSEN, H.I. – Structural Analysis. McGraw-Hill. [11] NEGRÃO, J.H (1992) – Teoria de Estruturas I – Apontamentos práticos. Departamento de Engenharia Civil da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra, 1992. [12] PEREIRA, E.M. (1994) – Análise de Estruturas I – Linhas de Influência. Secção de Folhas da Associação de Estudantes do Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa, 1994. [13] SILVA, V. Dias (1999) – Mecânica e resistência dos materiais. Departamento de Engenharia Civil da Univer-sidade de Coimbra, Coimbra, 1999. [14] TADEU, A.; NEVES, L. e COELHO, P. (1992) – Teoria de Estruturas II. Departamento de Engenharia Civil, FCTUC, Coimbra. [15] TIMOSHENKO, S. e GERE, J. (1983) – Mecânica dos Sólidos. Volumes I e II. Livros Técnicos e Científicos Students’ assessment will be based on a final exam. However, students can also carry out three exercises that will be taken into account on the final mark. These exercises are supposed to be done autonomously. Students can also choose to perform a presentation related to structural analysis: Alternative 1 - Regular, Student Worker (Final) Exercise development - 25% Final Written Exam - 75% Alternative 2 - (Regular, Student Worker) (Supplementary, Special) Final Written Exam - 100% Lic. em Engenharia Civil /Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Ficha de Unidade Curricular/Course Unit Description Coimbra Institute of Engineering __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Title Mechanics of materials II Scientific Area: Structural mechanics Course: Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Codigo: 908922 Term/Semester: 2nd / 1st ECTS: 5,0 Department: Study plan: Civil Engineering 1. Elastic bending in statically determinate structures; evaluation of deformations; composite actions; bending and axial forces. 2. Twisting actions. 3. Shear. Language Portuguese / tutorial support in English Type of instruction: Activities Theoretical Learning objectives: Total Hours Hours/week 49,0 3,5 Practical: 0 0 Tutorial guidance 7,0 0,5 Comments This subject deals with the analysis of stresses and strains in solid deformable bodies subjected to combined axial, bending, shear and twisting actions. The aim of this course is to provide a basic understanding of the physical behaviour of structural elements and to give familiarity with the methods required to analyse them. Lic. em Engenharia Civil /Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Ficha de Unidade Curricular/Course Unit Description Coimbra Institute of Engineering __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Generic learning outcomes and competences: At the end of this half-module the student should be able to calculate the stresses, strains, and displacements of a number of commonly used structural elements which are assumed to deform elastically. Such skills form an essential component of civil engineering design. Bibliography: Frey F. Analyse des strucutres et millieux continus – Statique appliqué. Traité de Génie Civil de l’École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, Vol. 1, Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes, 1994. Frey F. Analyse des strucutres et millieux continus – Mécanique des structures. Traité de Génie Civil de l’École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, Vol. 2, Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes, 1994. Branco CAGM. Mecânica dos materiais. Fundação calouste Gulbenkian, 1985. Beer FP e Johnston Jr ER. Resistência dos materiais. McGraw-Hill, 1989. Massonet C e Cescotto S. Mécanique des matériaux. Biblioteque des Universités – Genie Civil, De Boeck-Wesmael, 1994. Dias da Silva V. Mecânica e resistência dos materiais. Zuari – edição de livros técnicos Lda., 1999. Progress assessment: Final exam. Lic. em Engenharia Civil /Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Ficha de Unidade Curricular/Course Unit Description Coimbra Institute of Engineering __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Title Soil Mechanics Scientific Area: Civil Engineering Course: Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Codigo: 908921 Term/Semester: 2nd / 2nd ECTS: 5,0 Department: Department of Civil Engineering Study plan: Language Type of instruction: 1. Soil water. Pore water pressure (u). Bernoulli´s theorem applied to pore water. Permeability. Darcy´s law. Coefficient of permeability (k). Determination of k (Laboratory methods). 2. In situ stresses due to the self-weigt of soil. Principle of effective stress. Total normal stress ( ), effective normal stress ( ’) and pore water pressure. Coefficient of earth at rest (k0). In situ stresses in due to surface loads. Boussinesq´s theory. Bulb of pressure. 3. Compressibility and consolidation.The oedometer test. Consolitation settlement. Terzaghi´s theory of one-dimensional consolidation. Vertical drains. 4. Shear strength. The Mohr-Coulomb Failure criterion oo and the Tresca Shear strength tests: the Direct shear test, the Triaxial test and the Vane shear test. Shear strength of sands and saturated clays. Pore pressure coefficients Portuguese / tutorial support in English Activities Theoretical Learning objectives: Total Hours Hours/week Comments 42 3 Theoretical concepts and Exercises Practical: 7 0,5 Laboratory tests Tutorial guidance 7 0,5 Knowledge of the concepts related to the soil’s characteristics, its strength and compressibility. Calculation of soil stresses after construction; calculation of consolidation settlements. Use of the suitable design shear strength parameters. To contact with common soil tests: permeability, compressibility and shear strength Generic learning outcomes and competences: Ability for acquisition and application of knowledge, and for solving problems Ability for individual work and for working in groups. To know basic and mechanical characteristics of soils and appropriate tests to characterize them To develop critical thinking related to the appropriate soils in civil engeneering works Bibliography: Cruz, Filomena: “Apontamentos de Mecânica dos Solos”, ISEC, 2007 Lic. em Engenharia Civil /Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Ficha de Unidade Curricular/Course Unit Description Coimbra Institute of Engineering __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Progress assessment: Fernandes, M. Matos: “Mecânica dos Solos, vol 1”, FEUP Craig, R.F. “Soil Mechanics” ed. VNR International Lambe & Whitman:”“Soil Mechanics – SI version” Test reports (Oedometer test and Direct Shear test) and oral discuss by groups of 2 or 3 students (20% of the final mark, ) Optional: written test with practical exercises at the middle of the term (20% of final the final mark) Exam – written test at the end of the term, with theoretical questions and practical exercises (80% or 60% of the final mark). ISEC, Janeiro 2010 Filomena Cruz Degree in Civil Engineering Course Unit Description Coimbra Institute of Engineering __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Title Numerical methods (908912) Scientific Area: Mathematics Course: Civil Engineering Code: 908912 Term/Semester: 2nd year / 1st semester ECTS: 5 Department: Physics and Mathematics Instructor: Study plan: João Ricardo de Oliveira Branco 1. Theory of errors (brief remarks). 2. Roots of nonlinear equations. - Introduction. - Location of roots. Graphical method and Bolzano’s theorem. - Bisection and Newton’s methods. Error. Stopping criteria. - Computational aspects using Matlab. - Applications to Civil Engineering. 3. Polynomial interpolation. - Introduction. - Uniqueness of the interpolating polynomial. - Interpolating polynomial: Lagrange’s and Newton’s forms. Interpolation error. - Inverse polynomial interpolation. - Computational aspects using Matlab. - Applications to Civil Engineering. 4. Numerical integration. - Introduction. - Trapezoidal and Simpson’s rules. Errors. - Computational aspects using Matlab. - Applications to Civil Engineering. 5. Numerical integration of ordinary differential problems of first order initial value. - Introduction. - Euler’s and second order Runge-Kutta’s methods. Errors. - Computational aspects using Matlab. 6. Iterative methods for solving linear systems. - Introduction. - Jacobi’s and Gauss-Seidel’s methods. - Computational aspects using Matlab. Language Type of instruction: Portuguese Activities Total Hours Hours/week Comments Theoretical Practical: 49 3.5 Theoretical and practical classes Tutorial guidance 7 0.5 Laboratory classes (using Matlab) Degree in Civil Engineering Course Unit Description Coimbra Institute of Engineering __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Learning objectives: Perform basic concepts or theory of errors. Understand and apply concepts related to the resolution of nonlinear equations, interpolation estimation, numerical integration, resolution of differential initial value problems and the resolution of linear systems. Generic learning outcomes and competences: Bibliography: Progress assessment: Develop the ability to use numerical methods to solve problems. Develop the ability to analyze problems, to choice of the most effective numerical methods and interpret results. Computational implementation of the studied algorithms using Matlab. Understand the role of numerical methods in Civil Engineering field. - S. C. Chapra, R. P. Canale, Numerical Methods for Engineers, McGraw-Hill, fifth edition, 2006. - J. R. Branco, Numerical Methods – Slides (English version) - Civil Engineering 2014/2015 – DFM/ISEC, 2014. - J. R. Branco, Numerical Methods – Exercise book (English version) - Civil Engineering 2014/2015 – DFM/ISEC, 2014. - J. R. Branco, Numerical Methods – Matlab exercises (English version) - Civil Engineering 2014/2015 – DFM/ISEC, 2014. Assessment can be done in two ways, chosen by the student: Distributed assessment: Three exercises using Matlab, on laboratory classes (10% each exercise) + written exam, in the last class of the semester (70%). Final assessment: - Three exercises using Matlab, on laboratory classes (10% each exercise) + written exam, in regular or appeal season (70%) or - Exam using Matlab (30%) + written exam (70%), both in regular or appeal season. Lic. em Engenharia Civil /Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Coimbra Institute of Engineering Ficha de Unidade Curricular/Course Unit Description __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Title Housing II Scientific Area: Civil Engineering Course: Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Codigo: 908920 Term/Semester: 2nd / 2nd ECTS: 5 Department: Department of Civil Engineering Study plan: 1. Water distribution nets of buildings 2. Domestic residual water draining nets of buildings 3. Formworks 4. Lintels 5. Construction technology Language Portuguese /tutorial support in English Type of instruction: Activities Theoretical/ Pratical: Total Hours Hours/week 49 3,5 7 0,5 Comments Practical: Tutorial guidance Learning objectives: Transmit the knowledge on the main components of the buildings and its construction processes. Generic learning outcomes and competences: Bibliography: Selecting abilities and constructive solutions that assure efficient buildings energy, presenting good conditions acoustics, of illumination, natural ventilation and waterproofing. Regulations and the national norms. Executing buildings nets projects. Ferreira, Rui, “Sebenta da disciplina”, ISEC. Pedroso, Vítor M. R., “Manual dos sistemas prediais de distribuição e drenagem de águas”, LNEC Regulamento geral dos sistemas públicos e prediais de distribuição de águas e de drenagem de águas residuais (RGSPPDADAR) Manual de alvenaria do tijolo, CTCV Alves, Sérgio; Sousa, Hipólito, “Paredes exteriores de edifícios em pano simples”, Lidel Manual de aplicação de telhas cerâmicas, CTCV Paredes de edifícios, LNEC The final result is the result of final examination. Evaluation with continuous evaluation component: Progress assessment: Coimbra Institute of Engineering __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Final result = 0,75 examination result + 0,25 continuous evaluation Continuous evaluation = 0 for all pupil who will have less than 75% of presences in the lessons. Coimbra Institute of Engineering Course Unit Description __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Subject Title: Economics and Management Scientific Area: Industrial Engineering and Management Course: Civil Engineering Code: 908930 Year/Semester: 2/2 ECTS: 5 Department: Civil Engineering Instructor: Study plan: José Luís Ferreira Martinho 1. Introduction to economics: Concepts, problems and basic principles of economics. Axioms, assumptions and models in economics. Microeconomics and macroeconomics. 2. Basics of microeconomics: Demand and buyer behaviour. Supply and seller behaviour. Elasticity. Market structures. Government policies. 3. Basics of macroeconomics: economic activity measurement. Consumption, Saving and Investment. Inflation. International trade. Portugal and worldwide economy. 4. Introduction to management: Organizations and management. Organizational resources. Management cycle and managers roles. 5. Basics of Marketing: basic concepts. Marketing-mix. Marketing positioning and strategy. 6. Basics of Human resource management and organizational behaviour: Motivation and leadership. Communication. 7. Basics of Finance: Financial statements and analysis. Portuguese Language: Type of instruction: Activities Total Hours Hours/week Theoretical 28 2 TheoreticalPractical 28 2 Comments Practical Tutorial guidance Learning objectives: Generic learning outcomes and competences: Bibliography: Understand the basics of economics and management to be able to collect, select and interpret relevant information in the field. Generic competences: Application of knowledge and understanding. Judgment and decision making. Communication. Specific competences: Understand the basics of the economics. Understand and interpret the behavior of demand and supply. Understand the functioning of the economy as a whole. Analyze the environment of businesses and the main marketing options. Understand the importance of human resources in organizations and the main theories of leadership and motivation. Understand and interpret the financial statements of a company and the main financial ratios. Mankiw, N. Gregory. Principles of Economics. Thomson Learning, 2005 Samuelson & Nordhaus. Economia. 14ª Edição, McGraw-Hill, Lisboa, 1998 Teixeira, Sebastião. Gestão das Organizações. Mc Graw Hill, 2001. Dessler, Gary. Management. Prentice Hall, 2000. Coimbra Institute of Engineering Course Unit Description __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Progress assessment: Robbins & Coulter. Management. Prentice Hall, 2001. Dionísio, Lendrevie & Lindon. Mercator 2000 - Teoria e prática do Marketing. Publicações Dom Quixote, 2000. Neves, João Carvalho. Análise Financeira: métodos e técnicas, Texto Editora, 2000. Fernandes, R. F.. Contabilidade para não contabilistas. Almedina, 2ª ed, 2008. Menezes, H. Caldeira. Princípios de gestão financeira, Editorial Presença, 1999. Brealey & Myers. Principles of Corporate Finance. Mc Graw Hill, 1999. Evaluation: Two tests during the semester or a final exam, with a theoretical and a problem solving part. Lic. em Engenharia Civil /Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Ficha de Unidade Curricular/Course Unit Description Coimbra Institute of Engineering __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Title Mechanics of materials I Scientific Area: Structural mechanics Course: Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Codigo: 908919 Term/Semester: 1st / 2nd ECTS: 5,0 Department: Civil Engineering Study plan: 1. Stress and strain: basic notions. Equivalence between internal forces and stresses in solid deformable bodies. 2. Linear elasticity: constitutive laws; fundamental problems in elasticity type problems. 3. Tension and compression in statically determinate structures; evaluation of stresses and deformations; thermal stresses; composite actions. 4. Shear connections. 5. Elastic bending in statically determinate structures; evaluation of stresses; composite actions. Language Portuguese / tutorial support in English Type of instruction: Activities Theoretical Learning objectives: Total Hours Hours/week 49,0 3,5 Practical: 0 0 Tutorial guidance 7,0 0,5 Comments This subject deals with the analysis of stresses and strains in solid deformable bodies subjected to axial forces and bending actions. The aim of this course is to provide the concepts of stress and strain in two and three dimensions, linear elasticity, Hooke’s law and a basic understanding of the physical behaviour of structural elements and to give familiarity with the methods required to analyse them. Lic. em Engenharia Civil /Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Ficha de Unidade Curricular/Course Unit Description Coimbra Institute of Engineering __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Generic learning outcomes and competences: At the end of this half-module the student should be able to calculate the stresses and strains in a number of commonly used structural elements which are assumed to deform elastically. Such skills form an essential component of civil engineering design. Bibliography: Frey F. Analyse des strucutres et millieux continus – Statique appliqué. Traité de Génie Civil de l’École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, Vol. 1, Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes, 1994. Frey F. Analyse des strucutres et millieux continus – Mécanique des structures. Traité de Génie Civil de l’École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, Vol. 2, Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes, 1994. Branco CAGM. Mecânica dos materiais. Fundação calouste Gulbenkian, 1985. Beer FP e Johnston Jr ER. Resistência dos materiais. McGraw-Hill, 1989. Massonet C e Cescotto S. Mécanique des matériaux. Biblioteque des Universités – Genie Civil, De Boeck-Wesmael, 1994. Dias da Silva V. Mecânica e resistência dos materiais. Zuari – edição de livros técnicos Lda., 1999. Progress assessment: Final exam. Lic. em Engenharia Civil /Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Coimbra Institute of Engineering Ficha de Unidade Curricular/Course Unit Description __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Title Geotechnics Scientific Area: Civil Engineering Course: Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Codigo: 908918 Term/Semester: 2nd / 1st ECTS: 5,0 Department: Department of Civil Engineering Study plan: Language Type of instruction: Learning objectives: 1. Rock analysis and classification. Composition of the Earth. Rock- forming minerals. Rock groups: igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. Mechanical and chemical weathering. Geotechnical classification of rock weathering according to ISRM. Geological structures. Dip, strike and other physical properties of geological structures. Rock geomechanical parameters. ISRM Classification and Bieniawski Geotechnical Classification. 2. Soil analysis and classification. Basic characteristics of soils. The nature of soils. Particle size analysis. Plasticity of finegrained soils. Soil description and classification. ASTM D 2487-85 Soil Classification and E-240 “Classificação de solos para fins rodoviários”. 3. In-situ Investigations. Desk study. Field reconnaissance. Excavations and bore-hole drilling. Geophisical surveys: seismic methods, electrical resistivity and conductivity methods, ground penetrating radar method, magnetometry and gravity methods. Sampling . Portuguese / tutorial support in English Activities Total Hours Hours/week Comments Theoretical 35 2,5 Theoretical concepts and Exercises Practical: 14 1 Laboratory tests Tutorial guidance 7 0,5 Knowledge of different types of rocks and soils. To carry out basic soil tests. Knowledge of main methods of in-situ investigations. Generic learning outcomes and competences: Ability for acquisition and application of knowledge and for solving problems. Ability for individual work and for working in groups. To know basic characteristics of soils and appropriate tests to characterize them. Lic. em Engenharia Civil /Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Coimbra Institute of Engineering Ficha de Unidade Curricular/Course Unit Description __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Bibliography: Cruz, F. & Mendes, V.: “Apontamentos de Introdução à Geotecnia”, ISEC, 2007 Costa, J. Botelho - "Estudo e classificação das rochas por exame macroscópico", Fund. C. Gulbenkian Vallejo, L. – “Ingeniería Geológica”, ed. Pearson Blyth,F. - "A Geology for Engineers", ed. Edward Arnold Correia, A. Gomes – “Ensaios para controlo de terraplanagens”, LNEC Fernandes, M. Matos: "Mecânica dos Solos -vol. 1", FEUP Folque, J.: "Introdução à Mecânica dos Solos", LNEC Vargas, M.: "Introdução à Mecânica dos Solos", ed. McGraw-Hill Craig, R. F.: "Soil Mechanics", ed. VNR International Progress assessment: Test reports (Moisture content, specific gravity of solid particles, unit weight of soil, particle size analysis and Atterberg limits) and oral discussion by groups of 2 or 3 students (25% of the final mark ) Optional: written test with practical exercises at the middle of the term (15% of the final mark) Exam – written test at the end of the term, with theoretical questions and practical exercises (75% or 60% of the final mark). ISEC, Janeiro 2010 Vítor Mendes Lic. em Engenharia Civil /Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Coimbra Institute of Engineering Ficha de Unidade Curricular/Course Unit Description __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Title Housing I Scientific Area: Civil Engineering Course: Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Codigo: 908917 Term/Semester: 2nd / 1st ECTS: 5 Department: Department of Civil Engineering Study plan: 1. Functional requirements in buildings; 2. Thermal behaviour in buildings; 3. Acoustic behaviour in buildings Language Portuguese / tutorial support in English Type of instruction: Activities Theoretical/ Pratical: Total Hours Hours/week 49 3,5 7 0,5 Comments Practical: Tutorial guidance Learning objectives: Analysis and study of the thermal and acoustic behavior in buildings. Generic learning outcomes and competences: Bibliography: Selecting abilities and constructive solutions that assure efficient buildings energy, presenting good conditions acoustics, of illumination, natural ventilation and waterproofing. Regulations and the national norms. Executing thermal and acoustics behavior projects. Piedade, A. C. Canha da, “Exigências humanas e funcionais nas edificações”, IST Regulamento geral das edificações urbanas (RGEU) Henriques, Fernando «Humidade em paredes» LNEC, 1994 Viegas, João C. «Ventilação natural de edifícios de habitação» LNEC, 1995. Santos, Carlos e Matias, Luís, “Coeficientes de transmissão térmica de elementos da envolvente dos edifícios”, ITE 50, LNEC Regulamento das características de comportamento térmico dos edifícios (RCCTE) Patrício, Jorge “Acústica nos edifícios”, Verlag Dashofer Regulamento geral do ruído (RGR) Regulamento dos Requisitos Acústicos dos Edifícios (RRAE) Evaluation without continuous evaluation component: The final result is the result of final examination. Progress assessment: Coimbra Institute of Engineering __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Evaluation with continuous evaluation component: Final result = 0,75 examination result + 0,25 continuous evaluation Continuous evaluation = 0 for all pupil who will have less than 75% of presences in the lessons. Lic. em Engenharia Civil /Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Ficha de Unidade Curricular/Course Unit Description Coimbra Institute of Engineering __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Title Surveying Scientific Area: Interdisciplinary Course: Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Codigo: 908916 Term/Semester: 1st / 2nd ECTS: 5 Department: Study plan: Department of Civil Engineering Introduction to geodetic basic definition. Coordinates Systems. Angles measurement, horizontal and vertical angles. Theodolite, sources of errors. Distance measurement-direct and indirect measurements electronic distance measurement, Use of total station. Plane surveying: irradiation, triangulation, traverses. Leveling – trigonometric leveling and direct leveling. Introduction to Global Positioning Systems. Language Type of instruction: Learning objectives: Generic learning outcomes and competences: Bibliography: Progress assessment: Portuguese / tutorial support in English Activities Total Hours Hours/week Comments Theoretical practice: 30 2 Lecture method; troubleshooting Laboratory practice: 22,5 1,5 Experimental work; group learning Tutorial guidance 7,5 0,5 Skills methodology; group learning Knowing the theoretical and practical concepts of cartography and topography Know and use instruments to perform topographic surveys and implementation of points on the ground Gonçalves, José A.; Madeira, Sérgio; Sousa, J. João; Topografia Conceitos e Aplicações; Lidel 2008 Casaca, J.; Matos,J ; Baio, M. - Topografia Geral; Lidel Lisboa 2000 Gaspar, J. A.; Dicionário de Ciências Cartográficas; Lidel 2004 Gaspar, J. A.; Cartas e Projecções Cartográficas; Lidel 2002 75% Exam + 25% Practical work group Lic. em Engenharia Civil /Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Ficha de Unidade Curricular/Course Unit Description Coimbra Institute of Engineering __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Title Technical Drawing Scientific Area: Civil Engineering - Construction Course: Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Codigo: 908907 Term/Semester: 1st / 2nd ECTS: 5,0 Department: Study plan: Civil Engineering Department Language Portuguese / tutorial support in English Type of instruction: Drawing details of construction techniques Activities Comments Theoretical 28 2 Resolution of problems; Practical learning using projects as instrumental purpose. Practical: 28 2 Practical learning using projects as instrumental purpose. 7 0,5 Group Learning; Practical learning using projects as instrumental purpose. Tutorial guidance Learning objectives: Total Hours Hours/week E1: Constructive drill drawing E2: Knowledge of technological and constructive aspects E3: Materials characterization Generic learning outcomes and competences: Detailed scales representation, particularly in the definition of artwork, symbology, construction materials and processes. The themes to develop are as follows: Construction techniques Structural systems: Sub-structure; Super-structure; Spatial approach; operating systems Slabs: floors and ceilings Outside of the building envelope: links and coverage Communication: vertical and horizontal movements Doors and Windows Construction materials General properties Classification and characterisation Possibilities of application. Work methodology The construction and adequacy of constructive solutions. Lic. em Engenharia Civil /Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Ficha de Unidade Curricular/Course Unit Description Coimbra Institute of Engineering __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Formal expression and graphical representation. Written communication elements and drawn. Stops working and communication. Standards and conventions. Expressiveness and correction. Learn the theory and practice concerning production project design of reinforced concrete structures: current structures Learn the practical and theoretical bases on the design of steel structures, wooden masonry post Bibliography: Progress assessment: ARQUITECTURA POPULAR EM PORTUGAL Vol: 1,2,3 – Sindicato Nacional dos Arquitectos CECCARINI , IVO (1993) - A COMPOSIÇÃO DA CASA, Editorial Presença, Lisboa CELARAÍN, JOSÉ SANCHEZ-BLANCO, (1975) – DETALLES ARQUITECTÓNICOS MODERNOS, Ed. Gustavi Gili, Barcelona CUNHA , LUIS VEIGA DA (1991), - DESENHO TÉCNICO, 8ª Ed. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa MANUAL DE APLICAÇÃO DE TELHAS CERÂMICAS, Centro Tecnológico Cerâmica e do Vidro, Instituto da Construção MANUAL DE APLICAÇÃO DE ALVENARIAS DE TIJOLO, Centro Tecnológico Cerâmica e do Vidro, Instituto da Construção MANUAL DE APLICAÇÃO DE REVESTIMENTOS CERÂMICOS, Centro Tecnológico Cerâmica e do Vidro, Instituto da Construção MASCARENHAS, JORGE (2006) - SISTEMAS DE CONSTRUÇÃO, VOLUME I, 5ª Ed., Livros horizonte MASCARENHAS, JORGE (2007) - SISTEMAS DE CONSTRUÇÃO VOLUME II, 5ª Ed., Livros horizonte NETO, PEDRO LEÃO (1999), Autocad 2000, FCA – Editora Informática, Lisboa AUTOCAD MANUAL, Autodesk NEUFERT, ERNEST (1981) - A ARTE DE PROJECTAR EM ARQUITECTURA, Editora Gustavo Gili, São Paulo NORMAS PORTUGUESAS DE DESENHO TÉCNICO, - NP-62, 1961; NP-89, 1963; NP-49, 1968; NP-327, 1964; NP-671, 1973; NP-297, 1963; NP-328, 1964; NP-167, 1966; NP-716, 1968; NP-204, 1968; NP-718, 1968; REGULAMENTO GERAL EDIFICAÇÕES URBANAS,- Imprensa Nacional - Casa da Moeda, Lisboa REGULAMENTO GERAL DAS ESTRUTURAS DE BETÃO ARMADO,- Imprensa Nacional - Casa da Moeda, Lisboa SCHMITT, HEIRICH, - TRATADO DE CONSTRUCCION, Ed. Gustavi Gili, Barcelona TECTONICA, MONOGRAFIAS DE ARQUITECTURA, TECNOLOGIA y CONSTRUCCION, Ed. ATC Ediciones, S.L. TEXTOS E FICHAS DE APOIO, ISEC, (docentes João Fernandes Silva e Paulo Antunes) For practical work evaluation throughout the semester. Lic. em Engenharia Civil /Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Ficha de Unidade Curricular/Course Unit Description Coimbra Institute of Engineering __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Title Computer – Aided Design Drawing Scientific Area: Civil Engineering -Constructions Course: Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Codigo: 908904 Term/Semester: 1st /1ST ECTS: 4,0 Department: Study plan: Civil Engineering Department Concepts and methodology of drawing representation in civil construction project Computer-aided design Language Type of instruction: Learning objectives: Portuguese /Tutorial support in English Activities Total Hours Hours/week Comments Theoretical 21 1,5 Resolution of problems; Practical learning using projects as instrumental purpose. Practical: 14 1 Practical learning using projects as instrumental purpose. Tutorial guidance 7 0,5 Group Learning; Practical learning using projects as instrumental purpose. E1: visualize and interpret tridimensional drawing pieces. E2: knowing the concepts and methodologies of project pieces representation, translate graphical details and constructive materials . E3: using specific technical drawing software, to learn to generate and manipulate bidimensional drawing. Generic learning outcomes and competences: Develop capacities of technical drawing representation, in respect of elementary principals of construction, typologies and dimensions. Matters seeks to develop the following chapters: Chapter_1 – REPRESENTATION OF VIEWS – NP327 Chapter_2 – CUTS AND SECTIONS – NP328 Chapter_3 – IMPERSONATION SCALES – NP717 Chapter_4 – SUBTITLING – NP204 Chapter_5 – DIMENSIONS – NP297 Chapter_6 – FORMATS FILE PAPERS – NP12 Chapter_8 – ORTHOGONAL PROJECTION Chapter_9 – AXONOMÉTRIC REPRESENTATION Introduction and development of concepts and techniques of computer-aided design – CAD. Lic. em Engenharia Civil /Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering Ficha de Unidade Curricular/Course Unit Description Coimbra Institute of Engineering __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Bibliography: Progress assessment: CECCARINI , IVO (1993) - A COMPOSIÇÃO DA CASA, Editorial Presença, Lisboa CUNHA , LUIS VEIGA DA (1991), - DESENHO TÉCNICO, 14ª Ed. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa AUTOCAD MANUAL , Autodesk MORAIS, SIMÕES (1987) - DESENHO DE CONSTRUÇÕES, 1º Vol. Desenho Básico, 19ª Ed., Porto Editora NEUFERT, ERNEST (1981) - A ARTE DE PROJECTAR EM ARQUITECTURA, Editora Gustavo Gili, São Paulo NETO, PEDRO LEÃO (1999), Autocad 2002, FCA – Editora Informática, Lisboa NORMAS PORTUGUESAS DE DESENHO TÉCNICO, - NP-62, 1961; NP-89, 1963; NP-49, 1968; NP-327, 1964; NP-671, 1973; NP-297, 1963; NP-328, 1964; NP-167, 1966; NP-716, 1968; NP-204, 1968; NP-718, 1968; PORTAS, NUNO (1969) – FUNÇÕES E EXIGÊNCIAS DE ÁREAS DA HABITAÇÃO, Lnec, Lisboa REGULAMENTO GERAL EDIFICAÇÕES URBANAS,- Imprensa Nacional - Casa da Moeda, Lisboa REGULAMENTO GERAL DAS ESTRUTURAS DE BETÃO ARMADO,- Imprensa Nacional - Casa da Moeda, Lisboa TEXTOS E FICHAS DE APOIO, ISEC, (docentes: João Fernandes Silva e Paulo Antunes) For practical work evaluation throughout the semester. P a g e | iii Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra (P COIMBRA 02) Coimbra Institute of Engineering - ISEC Civil Engineering Department ECTS CATALOGUE Master – Civil Engineering Course Code Title - Portuguese 1.º ano / 1st Year 667301 Matemática Aplicada à Engenharia I 667302 Tecnologias da Envolvente dos Edíficios 667306 Betão Estrutural 667303 Contenções Periféricas Construção Prefabricada de Aço, de Betão 667304 e de Madeira 667305 Sustentabilidade e Reabilitação Urbana 667310 Hidráulica Urbana 667312 Conservação de Vias de Comunicação 667308 Projecto em Espaço Urbano 667309 Física dos Edifícios 667311 Avaliação de Projetos na Construção 667307 Matemática Aplicada à Engenharia II Title - English Applied Mathematics for Engineering I Building Envelope Technology Structural Reinforced Concrete Flexible Retaining Strucures ECTS Duração 3.5 5 5.5 5.5 1st 1st 1st 1st 5.5 1st Semester 5 5.5 5.5 5 5.5 Constructions Projects Evaluation 5 Applied Mathematics for Engineering II 3.5 1st Semester 2nd Semester 2nd Semestre 2nd Semestre 2nd Semestre 2nd Semestre 2ndSemestre Rehabilitation and Strengthening of Buildings 5 1st Semester 5 5 5 5 45 1st Semester 1st Semester 1st Semester 1st Semester Anual Urban Hydraulics Highways Planning and Management Urban Space Design Semester Semester Semester Semester 2.º ano / 2nd Year 667313* Reabilitação e Reforço de Edifícios 667314* 667315* 667316* 667317* 667318* Patologias de Inspeção e diagnóstico Instalações de Tratamento Instalações Hidráulicas em Edifícios Gestão Viária Urbana Dissertação/Projecto/Estágio Treatment Installations Hydraulic Installations in Buildings Thesis/ Professional Stage Optional Subject s (conditioned to the number of enrolled students) Subjects taught in English (minimum of 4 students required) Portuguese Course* At Computer Science Department Code 977048 Title - Portuguese Língua e Cultura Portuguesa Title – English Portuguese Language and Culture ECTS 6 * The level of the Course might change depending on the student’s language knowledge. Academic Year 2014-2015 Period 1st Semester MSc in Civil Engineering – Urban Construction Course Unit Description Coimbra Institute of Engineering __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Subject Title: Urban Road Management Scientific Area: Civil Engineering – Territory and Transportation Course: Master’s Degree in Civil Engineering Code: 667317 Year/Semester: 2nd year / 1st semester ECTS: 5 Department: Civil Engineering Instructor: Study plan: Mário Martins Management of urban road networks: functions of urban streets, implementation of a road hierarchy and intersections hierarchy, applicability and influence of the spatial organization of cities, implementation problems; Intersections as critical points of a road network. Stop controlled intersections: geometric design, data and capacity evaluation; Roundabouts: applicability, geometric design and capacity evaluation; Signalized isolated intersections: solutions, operational meaning of times, saturation flow rate, capacity, phase choice, conflict treatments, pretimed and actuated solutions; Interventions in the road infrastructure in urban areas as a way to correct of accident prone situations, by means of traffic calming or pedestrian friendly measures. Portuguese Language: Type of instruction: Activities Total Hours Hours/week Comments Theoretical Learning objectives: Generic learning outcomes and competences: Bibliography: TheoreticalPractical 2.5 35 Practical 0.5 7 Tutorial guidance 1 14 To study the performance and geometric design of the most common at-grade road intersections in urban environment: stop controlled, roundabouts and signalized intersections. Analyze several aspects on defining a road hierarchy as well as intersections hierarchy. Address most common issues regarding specific safety problems is urban environment. Being able to analyze the fundamental aspects of urban road management, necessary for the resolution of performance and safety related problems in urban road networks. Competences: Judgment accomplishment; Decision making; Self learning; Seco, A.J.M., Antunes, A.J.P., Costa, A.H.P. e Silva, A.M.B.: “Princípios Básicos de Organização de Redes Viárias” – Manual de Planeamento das Acessibilidades e da Gestão Viária – CCDRN, Dezembro de 2008. Silva, A.M.B., Seco, A.J.M. e Macedo J.M.G.: “C Cruzamentos Prioritários e de Prioridade à Direita” – Manual de Planeamento das Acessibilidades e da Gestão Viária – CCDR-N, Dezembro de 2008. Silva, A.M.B. e Seco, A.J.M.: “Rotundas” – Manual de Planeamento das Acessibilidades e da Gestão Viária – CCDR-N, Dezembro de 2008. Costa, A.H.P., Seco, A.J.M. e Vasconcelos, A.L.P.: “Sinais Luminosos” – Manual de MSc in Civil Engineering – Urban Construction Coimbra Institute of Engineering Course Unit Description __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Planeamento das Acessibilidades e da Gestão Viária – CCDR-N, Dezembro de 2008. Seco, A.J.M., Ferreira, S.M.P., Silva, A.M.B. e Costa, A.H.P.: “Segurança Rodoviária” – Manual de Planeamento das Acessibilidades e da Gestão Viária – CCDR-N, Dezembro de 2008. Marques, J.M.S.: ”Engenharia de Segurança Rodoviária em Áreas Urbanas – Recomendações e Boas Práticas” – Prevenção Rodoviária Portuguesa, 2005 T.R.B.: “Highway Capacity Manual – Special Report 209”, Transportation Research Board, Washington D. C., 2000. Progress assessment: Students are assessed through a Final Exam and a Practical Work. The written Exam covers the subjects from the theoretical-practical classes, and is valued 12/20 of the final grade. The Practical Work is carried out throughout the semester, in groups of 2 students, being supervised during the semester, and is valued 8/20 of the final grade. MSc in Civil Engineering – Urban Construction Coimbra Institute of Engineering Course Unit Description __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Title Hydraulic Installations In Buildings Scientific Area: Civil Engineering Course: Master Degree in Civil Engineering Code: 667316 Term/Semester: 2nd Year/1st Semester ECTS: 5 Department: Department of Civil Engineering Instructor: Pedro Nuno Madeira Afonso Study plan: 1. INTRODUCTION 2. NORMS AND REGULATIONS 3. HOT AND COLD WATER DISTRIBUTION 4. HOT WATER PRODUCTION AND RETURN CIRCUITS 5. WASTEWATER DRAINAGE 6. RAINWATER DRAINAGE 7. WATER AND WASTEWATER PUMPING STATIONS 8. FIRE FIGHT AND EMERGENCY FACILITIES 9. SANITARY EQUIPMENT 10. LOCAL WATER TREATMENT SYSTEMS 11 LOCAL WATEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEMS Language Type of instruction: Portuguese Activities Theoretical/ Practical Tutorial guidance Total Hours Hours/week 42 3 7 0.5 Comments MSc in Civil Engineering – Urban Construction Coimbra Institute of Engineering Course Unit Description __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Learning objectives: The course contents cover the various components of the plumbing in buildings with the following objectives: 1) characterize the structure and operation of each facility; 2) set standards for its design; 3) define best building practices; 4) develop best exploration practices. On successful completion of this module, students will have acquired knowledge about the constitution, the design, sizing, implementation, operation and rehabilitation of water distribution and domestic wastewater and rainwater drainage, in ordinary and special buildings, including complementary facilities. Generic learning outcomes and competences: On successful completion of this module, students will have developed a range of generic skills spanning: the various components of the plumbing in buildings; communication skills required for multi-disciplinary civil engineering objectives. Bibliography: Progress assessment: Creder, Hélio “Instalações Hidráulicas e Sanitárias”, Livros Técnicos e Científicos Editora, 5ª.edição Grundfos Portugal. “Manual de Engenharia Sistemas de Pressurização”. Hall, F. “Manual de Redes de Águas e Esgotos – Instalação e Conservação”, Edições CETOP, 3ª. edição Macintyre, Archibald “Manual de Instalações Hidráulicas e Sanitárias” Editora Guanabara Macintyre, Archibald Joseph. “Bombas e instalações de bombeamento”, Rio de Janeiro, 1987. Pedroso, Victor “Manual dos Sistemas Prediais de Distribuição e Drenagem de Águas”, Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil Pedroso, Victor. “Sistemas de Combate a Incêndio em Edifícios”, Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil, 2010 Paixão, Mário “Águas e Esgotos em Urbanizações e Instalações Prediais” Edições Orion Students have to make two practical works involving the design and dimensioning of a hot water network with a return circuit, and a fire sprinkler system. A final exam (EF) is performed, which consists of a theoretical part (7 points) and a practical part (13 points); The approval requires the mark EF to be greater than or equal to 10 points; The practical work (TP) is worth a total of four points; The final mark will be NF = 0.8EF+ TP. MSc in Civil Engineering – Urban Construction Coimbra Institute of Engineering Course Unit Description __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Title Treatment Installations Scientific Area: Civil Engineering Course: Master Degree in Civil Engineering Code: 667315 Term/Semester: 2nd Year/ 1st Semester ECTS: 5 Department: Department of Civil Engineering Instructor: Pedro Nuno Madeira Afonso Study plan: 1. Wastewater characteristics 1.1. Quality of wastewater 1.2. Wastewater flow 1.3. Unit waste loadings and population equivalents 1.4. Calculation of mass loadings 1.5. Selection of design flowrates and mass loadings 2. Regulations for effluent discharge in Portugal OVERVIEW OF THE DIFERENT TREATMENT METHODS 2.1. Introduction 2.2. Classification of the treatment processes 2.3. Treatment levels 3. Applicability of the different treatment processes PRELIMINARY TREATMENT 3.1. Introduction 3.2. Screening 3.3. Grit removal 3.4. Fat and grease removal 3.5. Flow equalization 4. Compact systems for preliminary treatment PRIMARY SEDIMENTATION 4.1. Introduction 4.2. Particle settling theory 4.3. Types of clarifiers 4.4. Design factors 5. Operation, maintenance and troubleshooting FUNDAMENTALS OF BIOLOGICAL TREATMENT 5.1. Objectives of biological treatment 5.2. Types of biological processes for wastewater treatment 5.3. Classification of microorganisms 5.4. Introduction to microbial metabolism 5.5. Fundamental processes in biological treatment 5.5.1.Biomass growth, substrate utilization and yield 5.5.2. Biomass decay 5.5.3.Hydrolysis 5.5.4.Ammonification 5.5.5.Phosphorus uptake and release 5.6. Introduction to microbial growth kinetics MSc in Civil Engineering – Urban Construction Coimbra Institute of Engineering Course Unit Description __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. THRICKLING FILTERS 6.1. Introduction 6.2. Process description 6.3. Physical facilities description 6.4. Design of physical facilities 7. Operation, maintenance and troubleshooting ROTATING BIOLOGICAL CONTACTORS 7.1. Process and physical facilities description 7.2. Design of physical facilities 7.3. Operation, maintenance and troubleshooting 8. ACTIVATED SLUDGE SYSTEMS 8.1. Introduction 8.2. Reactor types 8.3. Process and physical facilities description 8.4. Design of physical facilities 8.5. Operation, maintenance and troubleshooting 9. LAGOONING 9.1. Introduction 9.2. Process and physical facilities description 9.3. Design of physical facilities 9.4. Operation, maintenance and troubleshooting 10. SLUDGE TREATMENT 10.1. Introduction 10.2. Solids characteristics and quantities 10.3. Thickening 10.4. Stabilization 10.5. Conditioning 11. Dewatering PROCESSES FOR BIOLOGICAL NUTRIENT REMOVAL 11.1. Introduction 11.2. Nitrogen removal processes 11.3. Phosphorus removal processes 11.4. Simultaneous phosphorus and nitrogen removal processes Language Type of instruction: Portuguese Activities Theoretical/ Practical Tutorial guidance Total Hours Hours/week 42 3 7 0.5 Comments MSc in Civil Engineering – Urban Construction Coimbra Institute of Engineering Course Unit Description __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Learning objectives: On successful completion of this module, students will have: - The ability to do a preliminary design of the most widely used wastewater treatment unit operations and how to organize these into a functioning treatment system; - Developed the basic skills for the operation of municipal wastewater treatment plants. Generic learning outcomes and competences: On successful completion of this module, students will have developed a range of generic skills spanning: wastewater treatment plant operation and design; communication skills required for multi-disciplinary civil and environmental engineering objectives. Bibliography: APONTAMENTOS DE INSTALAÇÕES DE TRATAMENTO. Pedro Nuno Afonso. ISEC WASTEWATER ENGINEERING - METCALF & EDDY, 4th ed. INGENIERIA AMBIENTAL – Gerard Kiely. MacGraw-Hill MANUAL DE DEPURACION URALITA. Aurelio Hernández Munoz, Aurelio hernándz Lehmann, Pedro Galán Martínez. Editorial Paraninfo WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANTS. Syed R. Qasim. Technomic Publishing Progress assessment: Exam: 100%; Number of exams: 2; Exam duration: 3h; MSc in Civil Engineering – Urban Construction Coimbra Institute of Engineering Course Unit Description __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Title Highways Maintenance Scientific Area: Civil Engineering (Territory and Transportation) Course: Master Degree in Urban Construction Code: 667312 Term/Semester: 1st Year/2nd Semester ECTS: 5.5 Department: Department of Civil Engineering Instructor: Silvino Dias Capitão Study plan: Pathologies, structure and behaviour of road pavements; Road materials technology; Structural Design of Flexible pavements; Pavement condition survey; Maintenance and rehabilitation of pavements and railway infrastructures; Overlay structural design of flexible pavements; Infrastructures management systems. Language Type of instruction: Portuguese / English Activities Theoretical Learning objectives: Total Hours Hours/week 42 3 Practical: 7+2 0.5 Tutorial guidance 7 0.5 Comments Lecturing method; Problem solving; Learning by project development. Lecturing method; Problem solving; Learning by project development; Laboratory practice. Problem solving; Learning by project development. Complementing the student’s knowledge concerning maintenance and rehabilitation of highways, and more specifically in the area of road pavements and small bridges. Developing skills at intermediate/advanced level regarding construction, maintenance, rehabilitation, design and management of pavements; increasing the students’ understanding of common bridge maintenance and rehabilitation technologies. Generic learning outcomes and competences: Bibliography: Understanding and practical use of skills; Judgment and decision making; Communication; Self-learning. Branco, F., Pereira, P. and Picado-Santos, L., Pavimentos Rodoviários, Edições Almedina, Coimbra, 2005 (ISBN 972-40-2648-5). Several documents and PowerPoint slides shown during lectures and laboratory sessions (some of these documents are in English) MSc in Civil Engineering – Urban Construction Coimbra Institute of Engineering Course Unit Description __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Progress assessment: Project activities: project on Mechanistic-empirical Flexible pavement design [required oral discussion]; project on bearing capacity and overlay design of flexible pavements [required oral discussion]. Laboratory sessions’ reports. Final examination . MSc in Civil Engineering – Urban Construction Coimbra Institute of Engineering Course Unit Description __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Title Constructions Projects Evaluation Scientific Area: Constructions Course: Master Degree in Civil Engineering Code: 667311 Term/Semester: 1st Year/2nd Semester ECTS: 5.0 Department: Department of Civil Engineering Instructor: Nuno Malaquias and Eduardo Natividade Study plan: I. Scope of investment analysis II. The need for methods of economic evaluation in the construction III. Treatment of price changes IV. Fixing of the study period V. Estimation of costs and benefits VI. Taxation in the analysis of decisions and projects VII. Financing a project VIII. Strategic analysis of projects; IX. The marketing and sales forecast in the management of enterprises. X. Financial evaluation: 1. Basic Concepts and Definitions 2. Methods for Financial Evaluation and Selection of Projects a. The Basic Goal: Maximizing the Net Benefits b. Method Net Present Value (NPV) c. Method Internal Rate of Return (IRR) e. Method of Pay-Back f. Method of Ratios Benefit / Cost g. Analysis of Breakeven XI. Property Valuation 1. Cost, Price and Value 2. Evaluation Methodology 3. Homogenization of values 4. Assessment Methods 5. depreciation I. Multidimensional assessment Language Portuguese Type of instruction: Activities Theoretical Practical: Tutorial guidance Total Hours Hours/week Comments 49 3.5 All the developed activities have both a theoretical and a practical component MSc in Civil Engineering – Urban Construction Coimbra Institute of Engineering Course Unit Description __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Learning objectives: The main aim of the course is to introduce students to the field of Economic Engineering, which support the analysis and evaluation of construction projects, a situation that will certainly be faced during their professional practice. The concepts and methodologies used to assess the developments in the construction business, will be introduced, particularly those related to financial mathematics, methods of economic evaluation and risk analysis. The concepts of strategic analysis as well as the influence of the marketing aspects in such projects, will also be present. In order to provide the students with proper assessment tools in a multidimensional perspective of those projects, multiattribute analysis methodologies are also tought. Generic learning outcomes and competences: Bibliography: Progress assessment: Evaluate investment projects Gestão de Empreendimentos – A Componente de Gestão da Engenharia (Management of construction development projects), João Coutinho-Rodrigues, Ediliber, Coimbra. Economia da Construção – Prof. Francisco Loforte Ribeiro - IST Instrumentos Fundamentais de Gestão Financeira – L. Saias; R. Carvalho; M. C. Amaral–Univ. Católica Editora. ISBN 972-9430-79-9 Calculo Financeiro – Teoria e Pratica – Rogério Martins – Escolar Editora – ISBN 972-592- 176-3 ; link www.calculofinanceiro.com Avaliação de Projectos de Investimento na Óptica Empresarial – J. Soares; A V. Fernandes; A A Marvão; J. P. P. Marques – Edições Silano – ISBN 972-618-207-7 Decisores de Investimento – Analise Financeira de Projectos – Isabel Soares; José Moreira; Carlos Pinho; João Couto – Edições Silano. ISBN 978-972-618-446-1 There two methods, the first consists of two tests and two practical works, and the second method consists of one pratical test and one final exam. MSc in Civil Engineering – Urban Construction Coimbra Institute of Engineering Course Unit Description __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Title Urban Hydraulics Scientific Area: Civil Engineering - Hydraulics, Water Resources and Environment Course: Master Degree in Urban Construction Code: 667310 Term/Semester: 1st / 2nd ECTS: 5,5 Department: Department of Civil Engineering Study plan: Water distribution systems modeling. Geographical information systems in the management of water and sewer systems. Urban Stormwater Systems Management (SUDS – Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems). Water loss control in water supply systems. Language Type of instruction: Portuguese / Tutorial Support in English Activities Theoretical Learning objectives: Generic learning outcomes and competences: Bibliography: Total Hours Hours/week 49 Practical: 3 Tutorial guidance 7 Comments 3,5 0,5 Acquire knowledge about planning and management of water supply and drainage systems. Acquire knowledge and capacity of understanding in the area of management of water supply and drainage systems. Sá Marques, J.A.A., e Sousa, J.J.O. – Hidráulica urbana: sistemas de abastecimento de água e de drenagem de águas residuais, Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra. Coelho, S.T., Loureiro, D. e Alegre, H. – Modelação e análise de sistemas de abastecimento de água, IRAR. Sousa, J.J.O. – Métodos de apoio à decisão para o dimensionamento e a operação de sistemas de abastecimento de água. Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Engenharia Civil na especialidade de Hidráulica, Recursos Hídricos e Ambiente. Matias, M.G.B. – Bacias de retenção: estudo de métodos de dimensionamento. Dissertação apresentada à Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil, especialidade de Vias de Comunicação. Walski, T.M., Chase, D.V., Savic, D.A., Grayman, W., Beckwith, S. e Koel, E. – Advanced water distribution modeling and management, Bentley Institute Press. Mays, L.W. – Urban water supply handbook, McGraw-Hill. Alegre, H., Coelho, S.T., Almeida, M.C. e Vieira, P. – Controlo de perdas de água em sistemas públicos de adução e distribuição, IRAR. MSc in Civil Engineering – Urban Construction Coimbra Institute of Engineering Course Unit Description __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Progress assessment: Continuous assessment (20%): a set of group works (4 values). Final examination (80%): written examination with questions of theoretical and practical nature (16 values). A student is passed if: obtained at least 50% of the continuous assessment quote, obtained at least 40% of the final examination quote, and the final note is equal or exceeds 9.5 values. MSc in Civil Engineering – Urban Construction Coimbra Institute of Engineering Course Unit Description __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Subject Title: Urban Space Design Scientific Area: Civil Engineering (Territory and Transports) Course: Code: Master Degree in Urban Construction 667308 Year/Semester: 2nd ECTS: 4.5 Department: Department of Civil Engineering Instructor: Study plan: João Armando Pereira Gonçalves Cities: - concepts, current importance and role; problems and challenges - historic overview, main models and underlying motivations (political, economic, religious…) - internal structures; relation between form and function Urban design: - concepts and patterns; - basic elements of urban space - infrastructures and their impact in the urban space Building in a urban context: - basic rules of urban integration - legal framework in the Portuguese context; - the land market: basic notions and its impact in the building industry Public spaces: - importance - the “do’s and don’ts” in planning and management Portuguese Language: Type of instruction: Activities Total Hours Hours/week Theoretical 2 TheoreticalPractical 42 3 7 0.5 Comments Practical Tutorial guidance Learning objectives: Generic learning outcomes and competences: Knowledge of the urban context and the difference forces (political, religious, economic, social…) that shape its form Knowledge of the challenges and good practices on private and public spaces Knowledge and practice of planning in a urban environment To understand the historic and legal framework to be considered when planning in a urban environment To know the basic components of urban space To develop critical thinking related to problems of land use in a urban context and quality of urban space MSc in Civil Engineering – Urban Construction Coimbra Institute of Engineering Course Unit Description __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Bibliography: Sidónio Pardal, Paulo Correia e M.Costa Lobo, Normas Urbanísticas, DGOT-UTL, 1991 F. Chueca Goitia, Breve História do Urbanismo, Editorial Presença, 1992 Jean Pelletier et Charles Delfante, Cidades e Urbanismo no Mundo, Instituto Piaget, 2000 Políticas de Solos no Planeamento Municipal - Paulo V.D. Correia - Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 1993 João A. P. Gonçalves, Evolução de Coimbra entre 1981 e 1991 – Análise baseada em dados censitários, FCTUC, 1999 DL 380/98 - Regime Jurídico dos Instrumentos de Gestão Territorial DL 177/2001 - Regime Jurídico da Urbanização e Edificação Progress assessment: Powerpoint presentations from lectures Practical assignments – 2 practical assignments will be given to students (to be carried in groups of 2 or 3 persons); one of them will be presented in class. The assignments will contribute up to 40% of the final mark Exam – written test at the end of the semester MSc in Civil Engineering – Urban Construction Course Unit Description Coimbra Institute of Engineering __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Title Applied Mathematics for Engineering II Scientific Area: Mathematics Course: Master in Urban Constructions / Civil Engineering Codigo: 667307 Term/Semester: 1st /2nd ECTS: 3,5 Department: Physics and Mathematics Study plan: Regression. Simple Linear Regression. Least Squares Estimators of the Regression Parameters. Statistical Inference about the regression parameters. The coefficient of determination and the Sample Correlation. Analysis of Residuals: Assessing the Model. Transforming to Linearity. Multiple Linear Regression. Use of statistical software SPSS in Regression. Optimization. Linear Programming. Simplex Algorithm. Examples in Civil Engineering. Use of Solver Supplement of Microsoft Excel. Language Type of instruction: Portuguese / Tutorial support in English Activities Theoretical Practical: Total Hours Hours/week 28 2 7 0,5 Comments Tutorial guidance Learning objectives: Generic learning outcomes and competences: Bibliography: To understand that many engineering problems are concerned with determining a relationship between a set of variables. To know how to choose the convenient regression model in cases of real variables. To learn and use the” Least Squares Method” to obtain the linear regression equation; understanding the meaning of the regression parameters and of Sample correlation and Coefficient of Determination, and be able to make statistical inferences about these parameters. To understand that the need to get the “best” out of a system is a very strong motivation in much of engineering; the importance of obtain the maximum amount of product or to minimize the cost of a process. To learn and know the Linear programming (LP) problem. To use the simplex algorithm to solve practice problems and in particular some related to Civil Engineering. To be able to use the more convenient Regression Models to adjust a set of variables, related to problems of engineering. To know how to use statistical software in regression and software to linear programming. HILLIER, F, LIEBERMAN G. – Introduction to Operations Research McGraw Hill. MONTGOMERY; DOUGLAS C. R; GEORGE C. – Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers, MSc in Civil Engineering – Urban Construction Coimbra Institute of Engineering Course Unit Description __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3rd Edition, 2003 Wiley NETER, KUTNER, NACHTSHEM, WASSERMAN – Applied Linear Statistical Models, McGraw Hill. SECO A., ANTUNES A., CUNHA C. – Técnicas de Programação Matemática e suas Aplicações em Engenharia Civil, DEC, UC. Progress assessment: Assessment can be either continuous or by a final exam during the 1st or 2nd exam´s period. Continuous assessment consists of one practice work, using SPSS (25%) and a final exam (75%). Alternatively, the assessment is made through a final examination (100%). MSc in Civil Engineering – Urban Construction Coimbra Institute of Engineering Course Unit Description __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Title Structural reinforced concrete Scientific Area: Structural Mechanics Course: Master Degree in Civil Engineering Code: 667306 Term/Semester: 1st year; 1st semester ECTS: 5,5 Department: Department of Civil Engineering Instructor: Ricardo Nuno Francisco do Carmo Study plan: Serviceability Limit States General Stress limitation Cracking Crack control General considerations Minimum reinforcement areas Control of cracking without direct calculation Calculation of crack widths Deflection control General considerations Cases where calculations may be omitted Checking deflections by calculation Flat slabs Structural analysis: calculation of the distribution of internal forces and moments. Structural analysis Linear analysis with limited redistribution and plastic analysis for beams and slabs (ductility and plastic rotation capacity) Prestressed Concrete: Structural interest of prestressing; Precast concrete elements Prestress force Immediate losses of prestress for pre-tensioning Immediate losses of prestress for post-tensioning Losses due to the instantaneous deformation of concrete Losses due to friction Losses at anchorage Time dependent losses of prestress Determination of the prestress force Checking the safety to the Ultimate limit states (bending and shear) Anchorage of pre-tensioned tendons Anchorage zones of post-tensioned members MSc in Civil Engineering – Urban Construction Coimbra Institute of Engineering Course Unit Description __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Language Type of instruction: Portuguese (English if there are enough students to create a separate class) Activities Theoretical and practical Tutorial guidance Learning objectives: Generic learning outcomes and competences: Bibliography: Total Hours Hours/week 49 3,5 7 0,5 Comments know the theory and the practice related with the design and manufactured of reinforced concrete structures (current and complex structures) Recognize, diagnose and prevent structural pathologies in constructions. Generic skills: • Application of knowledge; • Make judgments / decisions; • Improve the communication; • Self-learning. Specific skills: Acquire knowledge and understanding capacity in the field of reinforced concrete structures (buildings and bridges usually used in the urban space), particularly at the level of design and manufacturing; Review the fundamental principles on the behavior of reinforced concrete structures in order to strengthen the knowledge already acquired; Increase the capacity to understand the reinforced concrete structures used in the urban space; Provide the students with new knowledge to deal with complex and contemporary situations in the area of reinforced concrete structures (making judgments and developing solutions). REBAP - Regulamento de Estruturas de Betão Armado e Pré-Esforçado (1983), DecretoLei n.º 349-C/83, de 30 de Julho; EC2 - EN 1992-1-1 - “Eurocódigo 2: Projecto de estruturas de betão armado – Parte 1-1: Regras gerais e regras para edifícios”, Abril de 2004; CEB-FIP MODEL CODE 1990, Comité Euro-International du Béton, Lausanne, Suisse, 1990; Júlio Appleton, João Almeida, José Câmara, Augusto Gomes - “Betão Armado e PréEsforçado - Dimensionamento de estruturas de betão armado pré-esforçado”, 1988. Lopes, Sérgio - “Apontamentos de Betão Pré-esforçado”, Departamento de Engenharia Civil da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra, 1995. Burns, Lins - “Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures”, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1982. Gilbert, R. I. - “Design of Prestressed Concrete”, Chapman and Hall, London, 1990. Hurst, M. K. - “Prestressed Concrete Design”, Chapman and Hall, London, 1988. Leonhardt F. - “Construções de Concreto, vol 5 – Concreto Protendido”, Ed. Interciência, MSc in Civil Engineering – Urban Construction Coimbra Institute of Engineering Course Unit Description __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Progress assessment: Lda.; Rio de Janeiro, 1983. Nilson, A. H. – “Design of Prestressed Concrete”, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1987. Pompeu dos Santos, Silvino - “Ligações de Estruturas Pré-fabricadas de Betão”, Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil, Lisboa 1985. Carmo, Ricardo – Elementos de apoio às aulas – Betão Estrutural. Diapositivos apresentados nas aulas. Other elements of study available at: http://www.civil.ist.utl.pt/~cristina/bape1/ http://www.civil.ist.utl.pt/~cristina/bape2/ http://www.qsp.pt/ Elementos de estudo da disciplina Estruturas de Betão I (IST) – Módulo 3 Verificação do comportamento em serviço (Estados Limites de Utilização) – Carla Marchão e Júlio Appleton Elementos de estudo da disciplina Estruturas de Betão II (IST) – Módulo 1 Pré-Esforço – Carla Marchão e Júlio Appleton Elementos de estudo da disciplina Estruturas de Betão II (IST) – Módulo 2 Lajes – Carla Marchão e Júlio Appleton Cálculo prático de estruturas de betão armado – aços SD Scientific papers available at: http://www.civil.ist.utl.pt/~cristina/GDBAPE/Artigos.htm Júlio Appleton – “Eurocódigo 2 – EN1992-1-1” Júlio Appleton, Paulo França – “Implementação do Eurocódigo 2 – (EN1992-1) em Portugal. Comparação com o REBAP” Júlio Appleton, António Costa, Paulo França – “Efeitos Estruturais da Deterioração em Estruturas de Betão Armado” João Saraiva, Júlio Appleton – “Avaliação da Capacidade Sísmica de Edifícios de Betão Armado de Acordo com o Eurocódigo 8 – Parte 3” Júlio Appleton – “Construções Pré-Fabricadas em Zonas Sísmicas” Júlio Appleton – “Interesse e Vantagens da Aplicação de Pré-Esforço em Edifícios” João Almeida, Júlio Appleton, Carlos Martins – “Control of Deflections in Postensioned Slabs” Miguel Lourenço, João Almeida - “Campos de Tensões em Zonas de Descontinuidade” João Almeida, Miguel Lourenço – “Stress Field Models for Structural Concrete” A research work with presentation and discussion (5 points in the range of 0 to 20). This work can be done individually or in group (maximum of 2 students) and must be submitted with the format specified by the teacher. A written exam (15 points in the range of 0 to 20) to be carried out during the period of the exams. The student can choose not to do the research work or can do the research work and choose not to account for the final result. In these cases, the final exam will be quoted for 20 points. For the student who chooses to account research work for the final result, the final exam will be quoted for 15 points. In this case, the final result will be the sum of the research work result with the final exam result. The approval requires the achievement of at least 9.5 in the final result and the minimum of 7 points (in the range of 0 to 15) in the written exam (for the students who choose to consider the evaluation of the research work in the final result). MSc in Civil Engineering – Urban Construction Coimbra Institute of Engineering Course Unit Description __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MSc in Civil Engineering – Urban Construction Coimbra Institute of Engineering Course Unit Description __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Title Flexible Retaining Structures Scientific Area: Civil engineering - geothecnics and foundations Course: Master Degree in Civil Engineering – Specialization in Urban Construction Academic Year: 667303 Term/Semester: 1st Year/ 1st Semester ECTS: 5.0 Department: Department of Civil Engineering Instructor: Carlos Manuel da Cruz Moreira, Prof. Coordenador, PhD Study plan: 1. Flexible retaining structures Definition and types of retaining structures; Legislation and rules to verify in retaining structures design and construction; Types of peripheral supporting; Sheet piles; Larssen and Frodingham types; Soldier pile walls; Berlin and Munich types; Diaphragm walls; Cast in situ and pre-cast; Bored pile walls; Cantilever walls; Walls with one or several additional supports; 2. Design methodology Design classic methods; free earth support and fixed earth support considerations and calculations; Rowe’s method; Fictional soils; Cohesive soils: Rowe’s method extension; Long and short term stability analysis; Supporting types; Struts and anchors; Constructive details; Theoretical earth trust and Terzaghi and Peck diagrams; Design; Pressure diagrams; Strut forces calculation; Evaluation of bending moments and shear forces on the wall; 3. External stability Stability of the bottom of the excavation; Clay soils; Terzaghi hypothesis; Bjerrum and Eide method; Sand soils; Hydraulic collapse; Safety coefficients; Vertical loads stability; Global stability; Kranz method; 4. Ground anchors Generalities; Mechanical behaviour of ground anchors; Pre-tension; Main types; Design; Acceptance tests; 5. Seismic behaviour of retaining structures Introduction; Retaining structures response to ground vibration; Monobe Okabe theory; Application to frictional and cohesive soils; Analytical and graphical solutions; Culmann’s methodology; Location of the seismic thrust; Evaluation of the seismic coefficients; Language Portuguese Type of instruction: Activities Theoretical Total Hours Hours/week 42 3 Comments Theory and problem resolution Practical: 7 Presentation and discussion of group assignments Tutorial guidance 7 Tutorial and software practice MSc in Civil Engineering – Urban Construction Coimbra Institute of Engineering Course Unit Description __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Learning objectives: Generic learning outcomes and competences: Bibliography: Progress assessment: Design and technology of flexible retaining structures in urban deep construction. Generic competence: Knowledge and comprehension of flexible retaining structures. Specific competence: Evaluation methodology, constructive procedures. Specific competence: Design, supervision and direction of works. Cortinas de Estacas Moldadas - Brito, J. e França, P., IST Earth Retention Systems Handbook - Alan Macnab, McGraw-Hill Earth Pressure and Earth-Retaining Structures - C.R.I. Clayton, J. Milititsky and R.I. Woods, Wiley Interscience Estruturas de Suporte de Terras - Matos Fernandes, M. Estruturas Flexíveis de Contenção Periférica - Moreira, C. Ground Anchors and Anchored Structures - Petros Xanthakos, John Willey & Sons, Inc. Paredes Moldadas - Brito, J. e França, P., IST Paredes Tipo Munique e Berlim - Brito, J. e França, P., IST Pregagens - Brito, J. e França, P., IST Recomendações na Área da Geotecnia - Ordem dos Engenheiros Tecnologia de Fundações - Coelho, Silvério, Edições E.P.G.E.Tecnologia de Fundações Coelho, Silvério, Edições E.P.G.E. Written evaluation; Research assignment with oral presentation. MSc in Civil Engineering – Urban Construction Course Unit Description Coimbra Institute of Engineering __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Title: Applied Mathematics to Engineering I Scientific Area: Mathematics Course: Master Degree in Urban Construction Codigo: 667301 Year /Semester: 1st / 1st ECTS: 3.5 Department: Department of Physics and Mathematics Study plan: Analytical Geometry - Short overview on conics, vectors, lines and planes in space; Polar, cylindrical and spherical coordinates; Quadric surfaces. Differential Calculus on IRn - Topology concepts; Real functions of several real variables (domain, limits, partial derivatives, Schwarz theorem, linear approximation and differentials, Chain rule, implicit function, directional derivative, gradient vector and applications); Simple and conditional extremes of a real function on IR2, calculus of conditional extremes by the method of Lagrange multipliers. Integral Calculus on IRn - Double and triple Integrals (definition, geometric interpretation, calculus in Cartesian and polar coordinates, applications); Brief introduction to vector analysis (vector fields; line integrals; conservative fields; Green’s theorem). Language: Portuguese / Tutorial support in English Type of instruction: Activities Total Hours Hours/week Theoretical TheoreticalPractical Practical Tutorial guidance Comments Classroom, lectures 28 2 7 0.5 Classroom, lectures and problem solving Laboratory work and problem solving Students have weekly voluntary support through instructor’s office hours (6 hours availability) Learning objectives: Generic learning outcomes and competences: Comprehension and use of the differential and integral calculus on IRn. Bibliography: J. A. Rogrigues, Curso de Análise Matemática - Cálculo em IRn, Princípia, 2008. H. Anton, I. Bivens e S. Davis, Cálculo - Volume II, 8ª edição, Bookman, 2007. G. James, Advanced Modern Engineering Mathematics, 3ª edição, Prentice Hall, 2004. Solve and interpret real problems with an increasing autonomy. Find and select relevant information from different sources such as textbooks and the web. MSc in Civil Engineering – Urban Construction Coimbra Institute of Engineering Course Unit Description __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ R.A. Adams, Calculus, Several Variables, 5ª edição, Addison Wesley, 2003. Progress assessment: Final written exam.