Residential Development at Rydens School Hersham, Walton
Residential Development at Rydens School Hersham, Walton
Residential Development at Rydens School Hersham, Walton-on-Thames Design and Access Statement Client: Bewley Homes Plc. Date: 01 May 2015 Ref: 30739-Site at Rydens School-DAS 2 Contents The Site 4 Site Assessment 6 Scheme Concept 10 Design Development 12 Proposed Development 14 Appearance18 Bespoke Typologies 20 Access, Parking and Waste 23 Consultation24 Sustainability25 Landscape Strategy 26 Conclusion29 © Broadway Malyan 3 The Site Introduction The Vision Outline planning permission was granted on 13th February The vision is to create a vibrant development that is integrated for a new secondary school and 296 dwellings on the site of and sympathetic to the site’s unique location. Rydens Enterprise School and Sixth Form College. The Outline consent establishes the principle of the amount of development proposed and the access arrangements into the site. The redevelopment of the former school Campus offers the opportunity to provide a high quality sustainable residential environment set in a mature landscape setting, with well As part of the school development strategy a Reserved planned open spaces that bring people together and Matters Application for the new school has been submitted to provide opportunities for recreation which will help foster an Elmbridge Borough Council. environment that is safe, welcoming and feels looked after. This Design and Access Statement is provided in support of the The vision for the site is based primarily upon the previous Reserved Matters Application for the 296 new dwellings on the outline planning application. The development: site of the former Rydens Enterprise School and Sixth Form • Provides a range of residential dwellings that will benefit the College, which provides part of the funding for the new school development. Site Location The site is located North of Hersham Road in Hersham. The site is bounded to the North by a railway line, to the East by the proposed Rydens Enterprise School, to the South by Hersham Road and to the West by existing residential development. existing and future communities. • Creates value and is economically viable and financially sustainable. • The provision of a distinctive, attractive, desirable and safe • Creates an attractive frontage onto Hersham Road with massing and the positioning of elements carefully considered to create streets with active frontages. The proposed development site is shown within the red line in • Connects to the new school development. the diagram below. The gross site area, as indicated by the • A layout which responds to the key features of the site using red line is 5.25 Hectares (12.9 Acres). This document explains the architectural response to the opportunities and constraints presented by the site and describes the proposed scheme’s characteristics and design quality. Regional location plan place to live. them to maximum advantage. • Housing that meets current environmental standards in a sustainable location. • An appropriate scale and density. • Provision of public access links through the site. Aerial view of site 4 OAD R OTT FELC PROPOSED SCHOOL SITE (RESERVED MATTERS APPLICATION SUBMITTED) APPLICATION SITE (SHOWING OUT LINE APPROVAL LAYOUT) NEW DWELLINGS RECENTLY CONSTRUCTED HE RS HA M RO AD Site location plan with outline consent © Broadway Malyan 5 Site Assessment Site Considerations We have completed an assessment of the site and the surrounding area and have noted the important constraints and opportunities on the diagram opposite. These issues have Existing Site Constraints Existing Site Opportunities • Acoustic: The railway creates an issue related to noise, this • Create a linear green area as a tree lined Avenue from the will be dealt with through construction detailing. been considered within our design response. • The proposed main vehicular access to the site is shown to Phasing is a key issue for the development of the site. The area • An existing drainage easement runs east/west across the of land free of existing buildings to the north of the site will be developed as phase 1 in advance of the remainder of the site. This area is to be accessed via Felcott Road. The remaining site area to the south, (phase 2) will follow the relocation of the school and the demolition of the existing buildings. Within this second phase the new principal pedestrian and vehicular access is provided. This primary access will become the main access for the new school.. A pedestrian and cycle route is to be provided, linking the 2 phases. the southern boundary from Hersham Road. northern end of the site. • Existing drainage ditch runs North/South along the Eastern boundary of the site. • Existing trees have been shown on the opposite plan. A number of these along the eastern and southern boundaries will be main access, forming a formal spine road. • Create a vehicular access to the open land to the south of the proposed site. • Retain as many valuable trees as possible and use their maturity as a setting to the proposed development. • The proposed school creates an opportunity for a cohesive development with strong urban form and a quality residential scheme. • Removal of existing run-down school buildings. retained to establish the site within a mature surrounding. • The western boundary is backed onto by existing residential dwellings. • The eastern boundary will be adjacent to the proposed new school site. • The centre of the scheme will be an area of set down and pick up for the proposed school. Approach to site from Hersham Road 6 North East Boundary from within the site Access from Felcott Road Site considerations diagram © Broadway Malyan 7 Site Assessment – continued Existing Architecture The images on this and the facing page show some examples of the existing architecture in the immediate vicinity to the site. These images illustrate the nature of the surrounding context and help inform the urban design strategy as well as the • Focal squares and key open spaces. Felcott Road is a straight cul-de-sac with a range of 2 and 2.5 storey residences, predominantly 1930’s and late Victorian and The architectural style of the proposed development should Edwardian, semi-detached houses. Materials include various also be informed by the surrounding context. The images to colours of brickwork, smooth painted and textured render, clay the right show a mix of architectural treatments. Key elements tiles to pitched roofs. Houses are set back from the pavement that inform the architectural style of the proposed development. with small front gardens, most houses have off street parking. These are as follows: Felcott Road currently provides a pedestrian entrance to the • Early to mid 20th century semi-detached dwellings north side of the site. • Rendered and / or brick terraces; • Red Brick buildings; Felcott Close is a residential close with detached and semi- Line with suburban residential area beyond. • Terracotta roof tiles; detached 2 storey 1970’s houses with brick and clay tile • Vertical tile cladding; hanging. Their back gardens back onto the site. The southern boundary of the site is formed by a small area of • Focal elements of key buildings at junctions. architectural style for the proposed development. The Western boundary of the site comprises mainly rear gardens of existing homes on Felcott Road and Felcott Close. The Northern boundary of the site is formed by the Railway trees fronting onto Hersham Road with the existing early to mid 20th century buildings of Robins Way and the older existing urban form of Hersham Road. A new development to the South West is of a vernacular Surrey type aesthetic. Urban design features that are apparent in the Walton on Thames area have been used to inform the proposed site layout. These are as follows: • Curved roads with orthogonal buildings that step to accommodate the curve of the roads; • Curved roads with focal buildings placed at the end of vistas; The new development to the south west of the site, along Hersham Road is lined with a variety of residential buildings Hersham Road comprises 2.5 to 3 storey dwellings in a dating from the Victorian period to present day. Buildings are in vernacular style with design cues taken from the urban grain. a variety of materials and range in scale from 2 storey terraced houses to large 3 storey Victorian houses with steeply pitched roofs and more recent flats. Houses are set back from the pavement with small front gardens. There is an area of public open space at the bend on Hersham Road at the entrance to the site. The openness of the green space has the benefit of providing good sight lines for pedestrians and road users entering and • Green verges; exiting to Hersham Road. The existing tarmac entrance to • Frontages onto green spaces; the school is proposed to be removed and replaced with soft • Pedestrian routes linking green spaces and double frontages; • Victorian Terraces; Semi detached dwellings of Robins Way landscape, the net amount of soft landscaped open space remaining approximately the same. Focal elements of key buildings. 8 “Surrey style” new development on Hersham Road. Tile Hanging Well proportioned balanced elevations The use of gables Render used to denote certain dwellings within the street scape. Rendered terraces Using vernacular features with a more contemporary style. Focal - corner turning elements © Broadway Malyan 9 Scheme Concept ZONE 5: POCKET PARK Design Approach and Character We set out the principal items of our design approach on the diagram below: • The site offers the opportunity to create a scheme with varied character. • The centre of the site is focused around the School Square with ZONE 3: SCHOOL SQUARE the scale of the buildings increasing towards the contemporary proposed school. ZONE 5: POCKET PARK • The School Square connects to the apron of the new school, providing a grand amenity space framed between the school entrance and the apartment buildings. The square terminates with the school being the highest built form at 18.3m. • The development will have a clear road hierarchy with the main route through the site as a wide avenue with a clear and legible ZONE 4: TOWN SQUARE ZONE 3: SCHOOL SQUARE entrance to the scheme off Hersham Road. • Focal buildings punctuate the main route through the site highlighting gateways and key junctions. • Secondary routes are interspersed with key green spaces and will have a contrasting surface. • A secondary access is proposed to Felcott Road to the northwest boundary. ZONE 4: TOWN SQUARE ZONE 2: THE AVENUE Zone 1: The Gateway •Focal/feature buildings demarcate the entrance to the site and reflect the appearance of existing houses nearby. •Open green space in front of The Gateway provides apron of The proposed dwellings follow the character, detailing and materials amenity space, which is framed by gateway buildings at the ZONE 2: THE AVENUE of many of the surrounding local buildings. entrance to the site. •The entrance is defined by two feature buildings each with To emphasise the different key areas within the site, five character a corner tower which punctuate the roof line and define the zones are identified on the diagram below. These zones allow a variation in building form, details and materials to help achieve legibility within the site. It is important to maintain a variety in streetscape architecture to achieve vitality and a sense of place. By varying the building line, the ridge heights and the combination entrance. These will form landmarks providing clear legibility ZONE 1: THE GATEWAY to the site’s entrance. This particular feature can be found ZONE 1: THE GATEWAY of materials and building details the new development maintains a distinct character while being sympathetic to the surrounding streetscape and local character. Concept / character area diagram 10 on the nearby building on the corner of Felcott Road and Hersham Road. • Zone 2: The Avenue •The main access spine road forms a wide avenue, providing access to the scheme and leads to school square at the heart of the site. The trees proposed within the central planted corridor creates a distinctive boulevard character defining the main route into the site. •The single carriageway on either side of a landscaped strip ends at the School Square and creates a sense of arrival. Zone 3: School Square •Surrounded by built form creating a destination at the heart of the site. •Terminates the Avenue. •In a more urban form the buildings create enclosure and provide passive overlooking. •The link between the residential scheme and the proposed school. •Provides the setting for the front of the new school building. •Connects to the pedestrian and cycle link to Felcott Road. •The larger buildings surrounding the School Square reflect Zone 4: Town Square •Area of formal public open space with passive overlooking from the adjacent houses. •The Town Square is surrounded by built form creating a sense of an urban square. •The open green area forming the Town Square accommodates a LEAP as requested at the pre-application consultation. Zone 5: Pocket Park •Terminates the Felcott Road cul-de-sac. •Area of formal public open space with passive overlooking from the adjacent houses and apartments. •Pocket Park is surrounded by built form creating a sense of an urban square. •The open green accommodates a LAP as requested at the pre-application consultation. •Surrounded by semi-detached dwellings and terraces. The terraces enclose 2 sides of the public open space creating a mews aesthetic. the greater scale of the public open area. •There is an opportunity to create a central amenity feature within the public open space. © Broadway Malyan 11 Design Development N Initial Development Plan 38 | Rydens Enterprise School | Residential scheme Crescent Boulevard Masterplan 12 Crescent Boulevard Masterplan Option 8 from Scott Brownrigg DAS – 11/12/2013 Initial Pre-Application Site Layout Plan Proposed Site Plan © Broadway Malyan 13 Proposed Development Pocket Park What We’re Building Site Considerations The proposed development consists of 296 houses and apartments. These will compile 1 and 2 bedroom apartments and 2, 3 and 4 bedroom houses. We will also be constructing new roads, car parking, drainage, landscaping and public open space to serve the new dwellings. The design of the proposal has been informed by a number of New dwellings have been positioned to respectfully address the adjacent properties and their existing back gardens integrating the scheme into the existing urban grain. • Good practice design guidance. The new 3 and 4 storey apartment buildings to the northern site boundary screen the train line. The accommodation within these blocks has been arranged with habitable rooms enjoying a southerly aspect, with circulation within the buildings arranged to provide a buffer to the north and shield against the potential noise from the train line. • The local area character appraisal, to determine how the important considerations including: • Dialogue with Elmbridge Borough Council. • Dialogue with Elmbridge Members. Phas e1 Phas e2 Phase 1 Phase 2 • An assessment of the site’s opportunities and constraints. School Square proposal can be successfully integrated with neighbouring properties. Town Square The Avenue The Gateway 3d perspective model of site 14 Proposed site plan Use and Amount The schedule of accommodation shows the composition of the The affordable housing mix follows the percentages agreed 296 dwellings proposed, achieving 43% of affordable housing within the S106, set out below. with 128 of the 296 units being affordable. Affordable (Rented) Dwellings Parking Provision Parking Spaces Private Affordable Shared rented Ownership Minimum gross internal area (sqm) 1 bed flat 41 1 space 41 1 bed flat 17% 16% 50 (22 units) (20 units) 31 1 space + 0.5 visitor space 46.5 (rounded to 47) 2 bed house 5 1 space + 0.5 visitor space 7.5 (rounded to 8) 3 bed house 24 2 spaces 48 4 bed house 7 2 spaces 14 Total 108 Affordable (Shared Ownership) Dwellings 1 bed flat 2 bed flat 2 bed flat 2 bed house 158 3 bed house Parking provision Parking spaces 4 bed house 4 1 space 4 2 bed flat 16 1 space + 0.5 visitor space 24 Total 20 – 28 Private Dwellings 1 bed flat – 24% 14% (31 units) (18 units) 70 (for affordable rent and 61 (for shared ownership/0) 5% _ 83 (two storey house) _ 87 (4 bed spaces) and 96 (5 bed spaces) – for two storeys _ 100 (5 bed spaces) & 107 (6 bed spaces) – for two storeys 106 (5 bed spaces) and 113 (6 bed spaces) – for three storeys (6 units) 19% (24 units) 5% (6 units) The proposed density is 56.4 dwellings per hectare. The diagram below shows the locations of the types of units Parking provision Parking spaces 13 1 space 13 2 bed flat 53 1 space + 0.5 visitor space 79.5 2 bed house 4 1 space + 0.5 visitor space 6 3 bed house 43 2 spaces 86 4 bed house 55 2 spaces 110 2 BED HOUSES Total 168 – 295 3 BED HOUSES SITE TOTALS 296 – 481 proposed. 4 BED HOUSES 1+2 BED FLATS AFFORDABLE: RENTED AFFORDABLE: SHARED OWNERSHIP AFFORDABLE: SHARED OWNERSHIP TO GROUND FLOOR Dwelling distribution plan © Broadway Malyan 15 Scale and Massing The section shown through the new school to the School Square The heights of the units are within the heights set by the Approved Outline Application. shows the scale of the residential development increasing The diagram below shows the storey heights of the buildings transition via the ‘School Square’ towards the greater scale of proposed. The level of the buildings decreases to the south the new school building on the adjacent site to the east. The and west of the site in order to meet the scale of the existing proposed school is of a significantly larger scale and massing. • Plot no. 90 is reduced in height to 2 storey with a hipped roof to step down to the scale of the existing neighbouring property. from the characteristics of the surrounding urban grain to the • Plot no. 101 steps down to the existing neighbouring property on Felcott Road with half hipped roof and set back garage which is also half hipped. • Plots 70 to 75 are 2 storey with hipped roofs to step down to neighbouring developments. the scale of the existing neighbouring property. By the use of rooms within the roofs and the use of hipped roof The long section below shows the journey into the site from structures the roof forms of the proposed buildings step down Hersham Road to arriving at the School Square located at the towards the existing adjacent properties. heart of the development. 8 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 57 56 55 54 Long elevation A 91 92 93 94 95 Block E Block D Block C School Square Long elevation B Elevation B heights diagram 16 School ‘Apron’ 53 52 51 50 Block G Example of half-hipped roof stepping down scale Block F Block E Block D School Square School 1 STOREY 1.5 STOREY 2 STOREY 2.5 STOREY 3 STOREY 4 STOREY Building storey heights plan © Broadway Malyan 17 Appearance Elevational Treatment • The single carriageway on either side of a landscaped strip ends at the School Square and creates a sense of arrival. Feature buildings are identified within the development. Zone 5: Pocket Park • The Pocket Park terminates the Felcott Road cul-de-sac and These help create a local identity, aid legibility around the • provides an area of formal public open space with passive development and contribute to the townscape quality. These Zone 3: School Square overlooking from the adjacent houses and apartments. buildings are differentiated from their surroundings by the • The square provides a formal public open space of urban use of distinct architectural style, materials and detailing and are influenced by similar details on buildings within the local character area. The feature buildings and framework of character areas provide legibility to the site layout and provide visual landmarks at key points in the journey through the site. Zone 1: The Gateway • Open green space in front of The Gateway provides an attractive soft frontage to the development, which is overlooked by the gateway buildings at the entrance to the site. • The entrance is defined by the two focal / feature buildings, each with a corner tower which punctuate the roof line and define the entrance to The Avenue. These buildings form key landmarks providing clear legibility to the site’s entrance. Zone 2: The Avenue • The main access spine road forms a wide avenue, providing access to the scheme and leads to school square at the heart of the site. The trees proposed within the central planted corridor create a distinctive boulevard character defining the main route into the site. The buildings lining the Avenue are arranged symmetrically creating a rhythm which combined with the increase in height and closer front to front distances provides an enhanced sense of arrival upon entering the School Square. • Tables with a change in surface materials punctuate the avenue at junctions. • A feature building half way along the route terminates the vista from the loop road and provides a visual cue. character at the heart of the site surrounded on 3 sides by 4 story apartment buildings, providing passive overlooking. The scale of these are defined by a variety of feature details, balconies, gables. • Corner feature elements punctuate the elevations and form visual stops and focal points marking entry points, These towers echo the smaller towers forming the gateway feature at the front of the site. • The school square extends eastwards, designed to integrate with the apron of the new school building. • The substantial school façade will form a dramatic backdrop to the square with buildings rising to 18.3m. This sets a theatrical scene for the residential buildings and the public realm, which defines the heart of the development as a unique destination. • The Pocket Park is surrounded by built form creating a sense of an urban square. • The open green accommodates a LAP as requested at the pre-application consultation. • The new 3 and 4 storey apartment buildings to the northern site boundary are within the 4-5 story height guidance set within the outline planning consent. They form a backdrop to the development and provide a noise shadow to railway line Proposed elevation of the flats along the end of Felcott Road beyond. The accommodation within these blocks has been arranged with habitable rooms enjoying a southerly aspect, overlooking the Pocket Park and passive surveillance to the surrounding parking spaces. The corner to the apartments on the north of Felcott Road steps down to 3 storeys to acknowledge the 2 and 2.5 storey neighbouring development. • The apartment buildings ‘fold back’ from the regular geometry of the square to connect to the pedestrian and cycle link leading to Felcott Road. Proposed long elevation along Felcott Road Zone 4: Town Square • The Town Square is accessed from the loop road and provides an area of formal public open space, comprising a LEAP with passive overlooking from the adjacent houses. • The town Square punctuates the route with a small cul-desac and focal buildings, which create interest at the principal changes in direction. • The semi-detached and terraced dwellings of 2, 2.5 and 3 storeys surround the public open space providing a distinctive mews style aesthetic. Proposed long elevation along Hersham Road / The Gateway 18 Proposed elevation of the flats along School Square © Broadway Malyan 19 Bespoke Typologies Flat Typologies 20 House Typologies © Broadway Malyan 21 Appearance – continued Typical Materials House Typologies The façades are designed with the use of a variety of Bespoke houses have been designed for this site. These are sustainable, quality materials: detailed in a traditional vernacular style in the Bewley quality • Brickwork and render walls. marque. Examples of the elevational treatment of these houses • Clay and slate effect tiled roofs. are shown below. • Tile hanging is used to emphasise details at gables to key buildings located at the end of vistas. • Reconstituted stone to brickwork façades and brick arch details to rendered façades are introduced to emphasise window and door cills and head details in certain areas. • Protruding / recessed bands are proposed as features at key levels to particular buildings. The photographs included below show examples of developments elsewhere by Bewley Homes. These illustrate the type of architecture that is proposed for the site. A selection of typical materials 22 Focal, corner turning elements Tile hanging The use of gables Well proportioned balanced elevations Access, Parking and Waste Please refer to the transport statement included in the application. These standards have been followed within the design of the site layout. Based on the accommodation for the 296 units on the site the parking standards require a total of 481 car parking spaces to meet the local parking standards. The table in the ‘Use and Vehicular Access The main access route off Hersham Road will provide access to the new residential properties to the southern area of the site. Felcott Road is extended but will remain a cul-de-sac. The new access routes create an opportunity to converge on a central shared surface piazza, The School Square which is bounded to the east by the new school. Three and four storey apartments and villas frame the new access route into the site, which provides access to the school. This arrangement of building forms offers permeability through to smaller public spaces, i.e. the Town Square and Pocket Park. Amount’ section on page 13, sets out the breakdown of these car parking spaces for each unit type within each type of tenure. Car parking has been provided in convenient, visually inconspicuous areas where opportunities for crime are limited by the passive surveillance from the surrounding buildings. Different car parking solutions have been provided to achieve a number of objectives, including: • Allowing safe, convenient and secure parking provision by passive overlooking from dwellings; Pedestrian Access Pavements are provided to the new access route off Hersham Road providing pedestrian access from the south. Pavements are provided into the development from Felcott Road providing pedestrian access from the north-west corner of the site. This utilises the existing pedestrian route into the site. A pedestrian connection is provided • Improving urban character and quality where possible by providing parking in private courts; • Providing more efficient use of land; and • Encouraging more sustainable forms of transport by restricting the number of cars to the local standards. through the site linking the northern and southern phases. • Most of the car parking has been provided on plot with other forms provided as follows: Car and Cycle Parking • Grouped parking within courtyard areas behind the building line with some spaces located within pergolas; Local Parking standards are included with the Elmbridge Development Management Plan document. While this document is not currently adopted, it is expected to be adopted in the very near future and, as such, would be the planning policy on which parking standards would be reviewed. Policy DM7 of the Elmbridge Development Management Plan states that “Provision of car, cycle and disabled parking should accord with the Elmbridge Parking Standards” and these are as follows: 1 bedroom dwellings 1 space per unit 2 bedroom dwellings 1.5 spaces per unit 3 bedroom dwellings 2 spaces per unit 4+ bedroom dwellings 2 spaces per unit. • Off-street spaces and garages within individual plots; • On street parking softened by the use of trees between spaces. Covered and secure cycle parking is proposed within the back gardens to each of the houses and within cycle parking stores at ground floor for each of the apartment blocks. Waste Strategy Waste and recycling is proposed to be located within the back gardens to each of the houses and within the waste and recycling storage areas within the ground floor for each of the apartment blocks meeting current local standards for volumes of recycled waste, landfill waste and bio-degradable waste. Road hierarchy plan (please refer to drawing no.: 30739-A-02-002 for the location of allocated parking referenced to plot numbers) © Broadway Malyan 23 Consultation Parking has been provided in accordance with local The Consultation Process standards. We have broken up areas of parking using the 1st Round table meeting with local councillors and planning case officer – 3rd March 2015 A meeting was held with local councillors and the Elmbridge planning case officer to appraise them of the proposed scheme. 1st Pre-application Meeting – 5 March 2015 th A pre-application meeting was held with Elmbridge planning department to explain the proposed scheme and discuss the required process for the planning application. following parking strategies: • Parking on plot and within garages between dwellings. • Driveway parking • Parking within private, overlooked courtyards concealed behind dwellings • On street parking • Pergolas have been introduced to camouflage some of the areas of parking and to allow for planting to cover the A public consultation event has been held to give the local Privacy between dwellings has been achieved by: community and interested groups the opportunity to consider and • In respect of blocks A1, A2. The buildings are positioned comment on the emerging proposals for the redevelopment of the in a similar relationship to the other existing propertied Rydens School. A summary of the feedback received by Bewley along Felcott Road and this position has enabled the Homes from the public exhibition is included with this application. associated parking to be securely located to the rear, reducing the visual impact of parking to the frontage. A Following comments received at the public consultation we margin of planting is provided to soften the frontage and have made the following amendments: the relationship of the blocks A1 and B1 to the properties 1. Changing the flats from a contemporary design to a more opposite. traditional approach; 2. Adding a LAP to ‘Pocket Park’ and a LEAP to ‘Town Square’. 2nd Round table meeting with local councillors and planning case officer – 26th March 2015 A meeting was held with local councillors and the Elmbridge planning case officer to appraise them of the proposed scheme. 2nd Pre-application Meeting – 26 March 2015 th A pre-application meeting was held with Elmbridge planning department to explain the proposed scheme and to agree the content of the reserved matters planning application. Following receipt of the letter from Elmbridge Borough Council dated 15th April 2015. We have addressed some of the issues as follows: 24 Site Considerations Rydens School, Hersham • Living rooms to apartments within blocks C, D, E, F, G and NOISE We welcome the recognition we have received form others including “Placemaking awards for North West Bicester in the sustainability category”; “NHBC Pride in the Job Awards”; Investors in People, Gold. The story so far Bewley Homes Bewley Homes was founded back in 1991 on the simple principle of building quality homes that people would aspire to own, located in highly desirable locations. OTT FELC Bewley has been designing and building beautiful, high quality, individual homes in some of the most desirable locations across the South East of England for over 20 years including Surrey, Berkshire, Hampshire and Sussex. Outline planning permission was granted on 13th February for a new secondary school and 296 dwellings on the site of Rydens Enterprise School and Sixth Form College. The Outline consent establishes the principle of the amount of development proposed and the access arrangements into the site. ROAD PROPOSED SCHOOL SITE (RESERVED MATTERS APPLICATION SUBMITTED) As part of the school development strategy a Reserved Matters Application for the new school has been submitted to Elmbridge Borough AD Council. APPLICATION SITE (SHOWING OUT LINE APPROVAL LAYOUT) Bewley pride themselves on not being a developer of mass market homes, but rather focus on meeting the demands of people through a combination of classic styling with contemporary features that compliment modern living. RO COTT FEL NEW DWELLINGS RECENTLY CONSTRUCTED PROPOSED SCHOOL SITE An existing drainage easement runs east/ west across the northern end of the site. DITCH Existing drainage ditch runs north/south along the Eastern boundary of the site EXISTING SCHOOL SITE Before we start designing a new scheme, we complete an assessment of the site and the surrounding area. We record important features that we will need to take into account in our design response. All of the relevant considerations, whether they fix the way our scheme will have to be designed or give us a real opportunity to make the most of a particular feature, are shown here. The eastern boundary will be adjacent to the proposed new school site. ROAD COTT FEL SENSITIVE EDGE Site assessment The centre of the scheme will be an area of set down and pick up for the proposed school. The proposed school creates an opportunity for a cohesive development with strong urban form and a quality residential scheme. The western boundary is backed onto by existing residential dwellings. Removal of existing run-down school buildings. A Reserved Matters Application for the residential part of the site will seek approval for the detailed layout, design and landscaping proposals and it is these areas which we are seeking your views on. HE RS HA As we manage the majority of properties we develop, our commitment is a long term one. Our developments are built to last and our property management teams constantly strive to provide excellent customer service to our residents. The proposed development site is shown within the red line in the diagram below. The gross site area, as indicated by the red line is 5.25 Hectares (12.9 Acres). SENSITIVE EDGE RAILWAY LINE DRAINAGE EASEMENT The next steps A2Dominion A2Dominion is a major developer, with over 70 years’ experience and a unique approach to housebuilding, all profits made are invested into projects which benefit communities and create better ways to live. A2Dominion prides itself on our dedication to high quality, sustainable living and exceptional customer service. A selection of typical materials NOISE The purpose of this consultation is to exhibit the proposed plans for the residential development to local residents and to gain feedback on our plans. M RO AD Site location plan NEW DWELLINGS RECENTLY CONSTRUCTED ‘Avalon’ – Douai Abbey, Woolhampton ‘Cadugan Place’ – Reading Parkside Road, Reading NEW DWELLINGS RECENTLY CONSTRUCTED The development should respect the privacy and amenity of existing neighbouring properties. Therefore this public consultation is your opportunity to have your say on our design proposals and we welcome your feedback, which will be used to help inform the overall design of the scheme. HER SH AM SH AM Client: Bewley Homes Date: 10 March 2015 RO AD Existing trees of quality along the eastern and southern boundaries will be retained, where possible, to establish the site within a mature surrounding. The intent is to retain as many valuable trees as possible and use their maturity as a setting to the proposed development. The proposed main vehicular access to the site is shown to the southern boundary from Hersham Road. HER Aerial view of existing site RO AD Ref: 30739-Residential Development at Rydens School-Hersham Site Concept Rydens School, Hersham Proposed Development Rydens School, Hersham Typical hard landscaping treatment THE GREEN Character The Green • The site offers the opportunity to create a scheme with varied character. • The centre of the site focused around the School Square could be a more contemporary character with the edges of the site becoming more traditional. • Area of formal public open space. • Could accommodate a LAP or LEAP. • Town Square and The Green are surrounded by built form creating a sense of an urban square. Road Layout • The development will have a clear road hierarchy with the main route through the site is wide and shows a clear and legible entrance to the scheme. • Focal buildings punctuate the main route through the site highlighting gateways and key junctions. • Secondary routes are interspersed with key green spaces and will have a contrasting surface. • A secondary access is proposed to Felcott Road to the north-west boundary. Town Square • Focal/feature buildings demarcate the entrance to the site and reflect the appearance of existing houses nearby. • Open green space in front of The Gateway frames the elevation. • Area of formal public open space. • Townhouses surrounding an open green. Proposed site layout Client: Bewley Homes Date: 10 March 2015 Ref: 30739-Residential Development at Rydens School-Hersham The design of the proposal has been informed by a number of important considerations including: SCHOOL SQUARE SCHOOL ACCESS School Square TOWN SQUARE • Surrounded by built form creating a destination at the heart of the site. • A more urban form creating enclosure and passive overlooking. • The link between the residential scheme and the proposed school. THE AVENUE The Gateway What we’re building at Rydens School The proposed development consists of 296 houses and apartments. These will compile 1 and 2 bedroom apartments and 2, 3 and 4 bedroom houses. We will also be constructing new roads, car parking, drainage, landscaping and public open space. THE GATEWAY MAIN ACCESS Site concept / character areas diagram The Avenue • The main access spine road will form a wide avenue style access to the scheme leading to school square at the heart of the site. • The single carriageway on either side of a swale/landscaped strip creates a sense of arrival. • Dialogue with Elmbridge Borough Council. • Dialogue with Elmbridge Members. • Good practice design guidance. • An assessment of the site’s opportunities and constraints. • A local area character appraisal to determine how the proposal can be successfully integrated with neighbouring properties. Accommodation schedule Private units 1 bed flat 2 bed flat 2 bed house 3 bed house 4 bed house Private total Layout provision 11 55 4 43 55 168 Parking provision 1 space 1 space + 0.5 visitor space 2 spaces 2 spaces Affordable units 1 bed flat 2 bed flat 2 bed house 3 bed house 4 bed house Affordable total Layout provision 42 50 5 24 7 128 Parking provision 1 space 1 space + 0.5 visitor space 2 spaces 2 spaces Total 296 2 BED HOUSES 3 BED HOUSES 4 BED HOUSES 1+2 BED FLATS 2 STOREY 2.5 STOREY 3 STOREY 4 STOREY Building storey heights plan Client: Bewley Homes Date: 10 March 2015 Client: Bewley Homes Ref: 30739-Residential Development at Rydens School-Hersham Ref: 30739-Residential Development at Rydens School-Hersham Bespoke Houses Rydens School, Hersham Proposed Appearance Rydens School, Hersham Dwelling distribution plan Date: 10 March 2015 House typologies Examples of bespoke houses designed specifically for this site. Proposed elevation of the flats at the end of Felcott Road of defensible space is provided between windows and public footpaths bounded with railings to ensure privacy. Proposed long elevation along Felcott Road • Plots 1-4, 9-16 and 31, 32 are generally arranged with Proposed long elevation along Hersham Road/The Gateway Client: Bewley Homes Date: 10 March 2015 Ref: 30739-Residential Development at Rydens School-Hersham lengths at 11m. Brick walls have been added for improved gardens with direct access to parking via gates within the wall. These units also benefit from an open aspect to their frontage overlooking the green apron to the site and the retained mature landscaping. They also benefit from being located in short cul-de-sacs with no passing traffic. Typical soft landscaping treatment Site considerations Client: Bewley Homes Date: 10 March 2015 Ref: 30739-Residential Development at Rydens School-Hersham towards the School Square, public realm. A planted margin privacy and to provide an enhanced boundary to the rear DRAINAGE EASEMENT DITCH EXISTING SCHOOL SITE Site location The site is located North of Hersham Road in Hersham. The site is bounded to the North by a railway line, to the East by the proposed Rydens Enterprise School, to the South by Hersham Road and to the West by existing residential development. J have been carefully arranged to ensure they enjoy a view their associated parking spaces adjoining and back garden Proposed Site Plan Rydens School, Hersham RAILWAY LINE Acoustic: The railway will create an issue related to noise, this will have to be dealt with through construction details and mitigation measures. PROPOSED SCHOOL SITE Welcome, thank you for coming today The aim of this public consultation is to give you the opportunity to consider and comment upon our emerging proposals for the redevelopment of Rydens School on Hersham Road, Hersham. Other Bewley Homes projects frames and soften the visual appearance. Public consultation - 10th March 2015 Introduction Rydens School, Hersham Consultation boards – 10th March 2015 Client: Bewley Homes Date: 10 March 2015 Ref: 30739-Residential Development at Rydens School-Hersham Proposed elevation of the flats along School Square Sustainability Sustainability The scheme has been designed with sustainability in mind. In The site during the construction phases will be registered with particular the scheme has a defined design strategy for both the considerate contractors scheme and all timber used on walking and cycling. Each unit benefits from cycle parking. site will be FSC approved material. During construction a 90% The road and hard landscaping layout provides an accessible target for recycling of waste will be set. scheme that is legible and accessible for the pedestrian. The development aims to meet the standards for Code for Sustainable Homes Level 3. This will include water saving measures to meet building regulations and will have design elements that promote a secure by design ethos. © Broadway Malyan 25 Landscape Strategy Landscape Design Intent Zone 2: The Avenue The landscape design intent for this site is to maximise the The avenue is defined by a central spine planted with blocks provision of green space with planting employed to aid plot of robust shrubs and central tree planting of semi-mature definition as well as break up elevations and deliver a ‘leafy’ Acer platanoides ‘Columnare’ The spine provides a strong feel to the development. Landscaping Intent linear visual element that clearly defines the route of vehicular movements and reflects a formal ordered approach. As has been highlighted the existing boundaries and associated mature tree planting will be retained to provide a seasoned feeling to the development from day one. Five character zones have been identified within the development to provide a strong strategic structure. The planting approach to each of the character areas uses a different species mix, providing a subtle sense of distinct spatial identity, legibility and strong sense of place throughout the development. The plant mix has been drawn from species that are evident within the local area. Planting around the site is designed to provide year round interest with seasonal variety, scent, movement and winter structure. A palette of shrubs, herbaceous perennials and grasses will provide contrasting foliage, textures and colour. Zone 1: The Gateway The entrance to the site is distinguished by an area of existing mature open parkland character with a diverse variety of large Zone 3: School Square The school square is enclosed by a line of Pleached Acer campestre, emphasising a contained and well defined space. The central area planted with wildflowers and semi mature Platanus x hispanica provides a strong form to the heart of the site and a vibrant seasonal feature. Zone 4: Town square The planting within the town square frames a simple grassed plane, maximising the available space for the incorporation of the LEAP. A large semi mature Platanus x hispanica (London plane) provides a focal point to this key open space. Zone 5: Pocket Park Again strategically located planting and central grass area enables this area of green open space to provide a LAP facility. Tree planting provides a focal visual element and verticality to the space. tree species. This provides a relaxed and informal entrance to the site. Landscaping precedent images 26 Planting Intent Indigenous shrubs for wildlife interest Shrub planting of varied colour, texture and seasonal interest and shade tolerant Grass to provide movement and winter interest Seasonal perennials amongst shrub planting Feature Tree Pleached Tree Avenue Tree Illustrative landscape plan © Broadway Malyan 27 Landscape Strategy – continued Hard Materials Palette The hard materials are designed to be robust but provide a The School Square will be bands of Ulticolour asphalt in Mid pleasing aesthetic, complementing the building materials. The Grey and Light Grey. The banding design picks up on the paving design delineates both utilitarian areas and circulatory banding used on the pedestrian area to the front of the school, paths. Patios and paths are textured paving slabs, parking bays providing a hierarchy of spaces as well as creating a strong are tegula block paving and footpaths and roads are macadam interface between school and housing. surfaced, providing a coherent order to the hard surfaces. Footpaths and roads will be tarmac. The choice of materials will complement those used in the building facades. The relationship will provide a more coherent overall development whilst providing sufficient individual identity to the external spaces. Paths Paving- Slabs Marshalls - Saxon Size: 450x 450 x 80mm Natural 28 Patios Paving- Slabs Marshalls - Saxon Size: 450x 450 x 80mm Buff Parking Paving- Block Tobermore - Tegula Size: 50,60,80 x 80mm Bracken School Square Paving- Ulticolour Lafarge Tarmac Light Gray School Square Paving- Ulticolour Lafarge Tarmac Dark Gray Conclusion Summary This Design & Access statement has presented the design of the Reserved Matters Application for the 296 new dwellings on the site of the former Rydens Enterprise School and Sixth Form College Campus Site. We have followed developed the design based upon the agreed outline planning consent. We have detailed the design following engagement with Elmbridge Council planning department, councillors and the local stakeholders. We have incorporated relevant design guidelines from the Elmbridge Local Plan and the outline planning application design document. Illustrative view of proposed elevation © Broadway Malyan 29