Porpoises in Peril - IUCN SSC – Cetacean Specialist Group


Porpoises in Peril - IUCN SSC – Cetacean Specialist Group
2010 Volume 39, Number 1
Porpoises in Peril
The Vaquita and its Relatives
Vaquita - The little ”desert porpoise,”
sometimes called the “Panda of the Sea”
Photo © Thomas Jefferson
Special Guest Editor
Thomas A. Jefferson
National Board of
Directors &
Kathy Zagzebski
John Calambokidis - Cascadia Research
Mason Weinrich
Vice President
John Ford, Ph.D. - Pacific Biological Station
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Denise Herzing, Ph.D. - Wild Dolphin Project
Cindy Rustanius
Thomas Jefferson, Ph.D. - Southwest Fisheries Science Center
National Marine Fisheries Service
Patty Geary
Robert Kenney, Ph.D. - University of Rhode Island
Graduate School of Oceanography
Jonathan Stern
Conservation Chair
Kit M. Kovacs, Ph.D. - Norwegian Polar Institute
Katherine Sardi
Research Chair
Bernardo Alps
Member at Large, Trips Chair &
L. A. Chapter President
Bruce Mate, Ph.D. - Oregon State University
Marine Mammal Program, Hatfield Marine Science Center
Howard Rosenbaum, Ph.D. - Wildlife Conservation Society
Steven Swartz, Ph.D. - NOAA Fisheries
Office of Science and Technology
Sean Todd, Ph.D. - College of the Atlantic, Allied Whale
Wellington Rogers
Orange County Chapter Delegate &
Randall Wells, Ph.D. - Chicago Zoological Society
Uko Gorter
Puget Sound Chapter Delegate &
Bernd Wursig, Ph.D. - Dept. of Marine Biology
Texas A&M University of Galveston
Diane Glim
Monterey Bay Chapter Delegate &
Mary Kay Pedersen
Los Angeles Chapter Delegate
Diane Allen
Member at Large, Webmaster
Hal Whitehead, Ph.D. - Dept. of Biology
Dalhousie University
ACS has active chapters in:
• Los Angeles, California
• Orange County, California
• San Diego, California
• Monterey Bay, California
• Puget Sound, Washington
You can learn more about these chapters at
www.acsonline.org under “About ACS.”
Barbara Bennett
Member at Large
Jerry Loomis
Member at Large
Kaye Reznick
Business Manager
Cheryl McCormick, Ph.D.
Executive Director
American Cetacean Society National Office
P.O. Box 1391, San Pedro, CA. 90733-1391
(310) 548-6279
Guest Editor, Dr. Thomas A. Jefferson
Photo © C. Johnson/EarthOcean
Dear ACS Member,
Cheryl McCormick
Executive Director, American Cetacean Society
A Focus on the Porpoises - They’re Elusive and Endangered - by Thomas Jefferson..............................................................2
Why We NEED to Save the Vaquita – by Thomas A Jefferson................................................................................................4
Helping the Vaquita to Recover Conservation and Management Actions by Mexico – by L. Rojas-Bracho and L. Fueyo....................................................7
Vaquitas on the Brink - Can We Save Mexico’s Imperiled Porpoise? by A. Jaramillo-Legoretta and B. L. Taylor................................................................................................................................11
Surviving the Nets - Current Status of Harbor Porpoise Populations - by A. J. Read........................................................14
Meet the Family – Illustrations of Porpoises - by Uko Gorter..................................................................................................16
Dall’s Porpoise – Accidental and Intentional Victims – by M. Amano...................................................................................20
The Phocoenid Gallery – Celebrating the Diversity of Porpoises...........................................................................................23
Finless Porpoises - The Forgotten Ones – by J. Y. Wang..........................................................................................................26
Recent Literature on Porpoises...................................................................................................................................................31
Whalewatcher Vol. 39 #1 Editor - Thomas Jefferson, Ph.D., Co-editors - Mason Weinrich, Uko Gorter, Kaye Reznick
Porpoises In Peril Issue: Editor’s Introduction
A Focus on the Porpoises
They’re Elusive and Endangered
by Thomas Jefferson
The six species of porpoises
(comprising the cetacean family
Phocoenidae) are often overshadowed
by their larger relatives, the marine
dolphins (family Delphinidae).
Dolphins occur everywhere in marine
waters of the world, most species
ride bow waves, and have showy
behavior – often performing spectacular
leaps. This group includes such wellknown animals as the killer whale,
dusky dolphin, spinner dolphin, and
the ubiquitous bottlenose dolphin.
Dolphin-watching tours in many parts
of the world attract numerous tourists,
and some people travel the world
specifically to see them.
The porpoises, on the other hand,
tend to remain in the shadows. They
are universally small (less than 2.5 m
long), they don’t often leap out of the
water, most species don’t bow ride, and
they are generally cryptic and hard to
observe. Few, if any, cetacean-watching
cruises target them. Phocoenids (as
Gillnet fisheries threaten
many populations of harbor
porpoises, and one
species – the vaquita – is in
serious danger of extinction
in the next year or two, due
to entanglement in gillnets
in the northern Gulf of
Dr. Jefferson documents rare sightings of the small porpoise so close to extinction in
the northern Gulf of California. Less than 150 vaquitas are thought to be remaining.
Taking the editorial helm of this Whalewatcher issue to gather current science, rare
photos, and educational illustrations and bring them to you is just one of the many
efforts Tom is coordinating to increase awareness and initiate action.
Photo © Thomas Jefferson
porpoises are known) only occur in
specific parts of the world, and are
absent throughout most of the tropics.
Until recently, most porpoise species
were very poorly-known and there
were not even decent photos of most
species alive in the wild. This is
beginning to change, and we now have
good photos of all species in their
natural habitat. We are finally learning
something of the other species besides
just the well-studied harbor porpoise.
Unfortunately, what we are learning
is not very positive. It seems that all
porpoise species have problems with
fishing nets, in particular the passive
fishing nets used in almost every
corner of the world to catch a variety
of fish and shrimp species – gillnets
(driftnets and trammel nets are types
of gillnets). Gillnet fisheries threaten
many populations of harbor porpoises,
and one species – the vaquita – is in
serious danger of extinction in the
next year or two, due to entanglement
in gillnets in the northern Gulf of
The articles in this special issue
cover four of the six species of
porpoises in detail. The spectacled
and Burmeister’s porpoises are not
represented by dedicated articles, not
because of a bias against Southern
Hemisphere species, but because not
much is known about them, and there
Porpoises In Peril Issue: Editor’s Introduction
is not much to say. They are, however,
fully represented in the photo
montage, illustration ‘centerfold’, and
also in text boxes. I sincerely hope
that, as our knowledge improves, we
are able to cover them in detail in a
future such publication.
You may notice that there is a very
strong emphasis on the vaquita in this
special issue, with three of six articles
devoted to this species, and I offer
no apology for this bias. The vaquita
is Critically Endangered, with only
an estimated 125-150 remaining. It
is the smallest of the true porpoises,
and is the only one that lives in warm
waters of the eastern Pacific Ocean. It
is found in a tiny area in the extreme
northern Gulf of California, in Baja
California, Mexico, just a few short
hours drive south of the US/Mexico
In the last few decades, the small
vaquita population has plummeted
as gillnets set for fish and shrimp kill
more porpoises than are born annually.
These nearly-invisible gillnets
trap vaquitas and they drown or
suffocate. The very perilous situation
of the vaquita has been recognized
by the International Union for the
Conservation of Nature (IUCN),
International Whaling Commission,
Mexican Government, and United
States Government, among others.
There is now a major effort underway
to prevent the vaquita from going
the way of the baiji (Yangtze River
dolphin), which was declared probably
extinct after an extensive 2006 survey
of its entire habitat failed to find
any survivors. The Mexican and US
governments have joined forces to
develop a vaquita acoustic monitoring
program, and a gillnet buyout
and alternative gear development
program is underway. New research
is revealing previously-unknown
secrets about these elusive animals,
which will serve to focus conservation
and management programs. Two new
websites, www.vivavaquita.org and
www.vaquita.tv, provide details on
these initiatives.
But the vaquita is not alone in facing
threats from human activities. All six
species of porpoises have problems
with gillnets, and there is even a direct
hunt for Dall’s porpoise in Japan.
Several populations of harbor, Dall’s,
finless, and Burmeister’s porpoises are
also facing local extinction. This issue
contains a full-color photo gallery
showing some of the first-ever highquality photos of these species alive in
the wild, and Uko Gorter has prepared
a set of illustrations showing the
variation and beauty of these amazing
creatures that most people never see!
It is my desire that this special issue
will raise awareness of porpoises
in general, and of the vaquita in
particular. I hope that it may help to
stimulate some to get involved in
porpoise conservation efforts. We
are very quickly nearing the point
of ‘no return’ for the vaquita, and a
better effort must be made to solve the
problems facing it – or it will surely
follow the baiji into the annals of
I would like to take this opportunity
to thank the many people and
organizations that helped make this
issue possible. First and foremost,
the American Cetacean Society
was enthusiastically receptive to
the idea of dedicating an issue of
the Whalewatcher to the neglected
porpoises. I would also like to
thank the private foundation (which
prefers to remain anonymous) that
has funded our education work and
which funded the color printing
of this issue. ACS Monterey Bay
and Save the Whales have been
active partners in our efforts to help
the vaquita, and Tom Kieckhefer
deserves special mention here. Mason
Weinrich, Cheryl McCormick, and
Kaye Reznick helped pave the way
for this issue to move forward. And of
course, I also thank all the authors and
photographers whose work appears
herein, and finally Uko Gorter, whose
beautiful illustrations make up the
centerspread of the issue.
So, enjoy this first-ever issue of
Whalewatcher dedicated to the
porpoise family. Remember to give
our phocoenid phriends the respect
they deserve, and ¡Viva la Vaquita!
How Can You Help?
Donate to the Vaquita Recovery Fund
Send your tax-deductible check to:
Cetos Research Organization/Vaquita
c/o Cetos Atlantic/Ann Zoidis
11 Des Isle Ave.
Bar Harbor, ME 04609
Porpoises In Peril Issue: Why Save the Vaquita?
Why We NEED to Save
the Vaquita
by Thomas Jefferson
Lately, you are probably hearing cries
of “Save the Vaquita” or “¡Viva la
Vaquita!”… But some people may
ask the question: Why should we
bother trying to save this little species
of porpoise that most people will
never see, especially when it involves
disrupting the lives of so many people
in Mexico? Let’s examine this query
and see what answers we can provide.
We Need To Reverse the Precedent
Set by the Baiji
For most of my career as a marine
mammal biologist, the baiji (Lipotes
vexillifer) was considered the most
endangered marine mammal species in
the world. Living only in the Yangtze
River in China, this was one of only
four species of river dolphins. Since
at least the 1970s, it was recognized
by marine mammalogists that the
baiji was in trouble. Pollution,
entanglement in fishing nets and lines,
explosions and electricity used in
fishing and river channel construction,
and the myriad problems associated
with having nearly 10% of the
world’s human population living in
close proximity had taken their toll,
and the baiji population was clearly
In the 1980s and 1990s, the
international community engaged
itself in the plight of the baiji, and
there were numerous meetings and
workshops with experts on cetaceans
and conservation biology from around
the world. Green groups took up the
call and began raising awareness.
China even began brewing “Baiji
The baiji was known for decades as the world’s most endangered cetacean species.
Despite dozens of international meetings and workshops to discuss its conservation,
the Chinese government never took the issue seriously. The baiji population continued
to dwindle, and a 2006 expedition declared it “functionally extinct.” This represents the
first human-caused extinction of a cetacean species. Photo © Wang Ding.
Beer.” Recommendations were made
and a plan emerged to pluck the
species from the brink of extinction.
But being a species that occurred
wholly in China, little could be done
without the support of the Chinese
Government. And while the PRC
Government paid lip service to the
need to save the baiji, ultimately most
conservation recommendations were
ignored and the baiji continued to
decline. I became directly involved
in the issue in 1996, as Co-director
of the Ocean Park Conservation
Foundation. But, by that time it was
becoming quite clear to most of us
close to the issue that the baiji was
probably past the point of no return.
The condition of the Yangtze River
was so bad that it was hard to see
how anything could survive in it. In
2006, a large-scale survey of the entire
known range of the species failed to
find a single shred of evidence that the
species still existed. The researchers
were forced to conclude that the baiji
was “functionally extinct” (i.e., if any
individuals were still alive, they were
so rare as to no longer fulfill their role
in the ecosystem). We had witnessed
the first extinction of a cetacean
species caused by human actions!
This is a horrible precedent, and if we
are not careful the same fate could
await any number of cetacean species
that currently are endangered.
The Vaquita is The Most
Endangered Marine Mammal
There are many species of marine
mammals that are currently vying for
the position of “most endangered.”
The Japanese sea lion (Zalophus
japonicus – considered by most to be
Porpoises In Peril Issue: Why Save the Vaquita?
already extinct), North Atlantic and
North Pacific right whales (Eubalaena
glacialis and E. japonica), and
Hector’s dolphin (Cephalorhynchus
hectori) are but a few examples
of species facing a very uncertain
future. And of course, there are many
subspecies and populations of more
numerous species that are small and
nearing extirpation.
The vaquita (Phocoena sinus),
however, with a tiny range of only
about 4,000 km2, a miniscule
population of about 125-150, and
an apparently precipitous decline in
numbers wins the unenviable “prize”
of the world’s most endangered
marine mammal species (see the
articles in this issue by Rojas-Bracho
& Fueyo and by Taylor & Jaramillo
for more details). But, unlike the baiji,
the vaquita’s habitat is quite clean
and relatively healthy. All indications
are that gillnet entanglement is the
only threat that is endangering them.
Experts agree that if we can just
remove gillnets from the species’s
range, the vaquita population can be
expected to recover and increase in
The Vaquita is Like No Other
There are only six species of
true porpoises (cetacean family
Phocoenidae). Most are inhabitants
of cold waters far from the tropics.
The vaquita is different. It occurs
in waters of the northern Gulf of
California, Mexico where summer
water temperatures may exceed 34°C.
True, the finless porpoise (genus
Neophocaena) also inhabits very
warm waters (e.g., tropical waters of
the Indian Ocean and Southeast Asia),
but the finless porpoise and vaquita
are very different. While the finless
porpoise has no dorsal fin (thus the
name), the vaquita has the largest
dorsal fin of any porpoise species. It
is thought that this large dorsal fin
(along with large flippers) may help
the vaquita to deal with the massive
temperature changes that occur in its
The harbor porpoise (Phocoena
phocoena) of the Northern Hemisphere is the vaquita’s closest geographic relative. Yet it is separated by
a minimum swim of at least 2,500 km
around the tip of the Baja Peninsula.
The harbor porpoise is again very
different from the vaquita, and even
someone not very familiar with cetaceans can easily see the distinctions
between the two.
Taxonomically, the closest living
relative of the vaquita is the
Burmeister’s porpoise (Phocoena
spinipinnis) of the South American
coast. This species is separated from
the vaquita by at least 6,000 km.
While a common ancestor of these
two species is thought to have crossed
the equator during a past cooling
period, the Burmeister’s porpoise and
vaquita are now distant cousins. They
don’t really look much alike – the
Burmeister’s having a small, bananashaped dorsal fin (very different
from the vaquita’s large, dolphin-like
appendage). The fact is the vaquita
has no close relative, and if the single
population dies out, there is nowhere
This photo of a vaquita mother and calf demonstrates two important points. First, vaquitas are still reproducing, and if we
can only bring the number of porpoises killed well below that of the number born each year, then the species should recover.
Second, a significant portion of the adult vaquita population appears to have distinctive markings on their backs and dorsal fins,
which may allow them to be photo-identified in the long-term. Photo-ID can assist us with monitoring the status of the population.
Photo © Thomas A. Jefferson
Porpoises In Peril Issue: Why Save the Vaquita?
to provide individuals to repopulate its range. It will be
gone forever….
Unknown Ecological Benefits?
We don’t really know much about the vaquita’s ecology
and behavior. Exactly what role it plays in its ecosystem is
still not understood. We do know that there are not many
other cetaceans that occur in the range of the vaquita.
The vaquita may very well be the dominant cetacean in
the region (especially before its numbers started to be
decimated by gillnets).
What effect the removal of this top predator will have on
the fragile marine ecosystem of the upper Gulf of California can only be guessed.Will it cause a radical shift in
species composition of its prey species, or set off a cascade
of impacts on species that are linked to it in the food web?
Let’s hope we never have to find out.
Time is Running Out
and www.vaquita.tv regularly to keep up on the latest and
see what you can do to help. With the loss of the baiji, we
now have one less species of cetacean than we did a decade
ago. We failed the baiji. Let’s all make a commitment to not
let this happen again on our watch.
Jaramillo-Legorreta, A., L. Rojas-Bracho, R. L. Brownell Jr., A. J.
Read, R. R. Reeves, K. Ralls and B. L. Taylor. 2007. Saving the
vaquita: Immediate action, not more data. Conservation Biology
Rojas-Bracho, L., R. R. Reeves and A. Jaramillo-Legorreta. 2006.
Conservation of the vaquita Phocoena sinus. Mammal Review
Turvey, S. T., R. L. Pitman, B. L. Taylor, J. Barlow, T. Akamatsu,
L. A. Barett, X. Zhao, R. R. Reeves, B. S. Stewart, K. Wang, Z.
Wei, Z. Zhang, L. T. Pusser, M. Richlen, J. R. Brandon and D.
Wang. 2007. First human-caused extinction of a cetacean species.
Biology Letters 3:537-540.
Turvey, S. 2008. Witness to Extinction: How We Failed to Save the
Yangtze River Dolphin. Oxford University Press, U.K., 234 pp.
We have maybe a year or two to turn the tide for the
vaquita. And while some progress has been made
(remember, we felt we had also made progress with the
baiji), the vaquita still has a date with extinction. The
gillnet buyout plan (see Rojas-Bracho & Fueyo’s article)
needs to be fully implemented immediately. The double
whammy of H1N1 flu and the economic meltdown have
each done their part to throw up roadblocks to vaquita
conservation efforts in Mexico. All the while, gillnets
continue to take their toll on vaquitas.
Not all the news is bad, though. It is commonly believed
that the point of no return for the vaquita has not yet been
reached. So, let us not waste any more time on considering
whether we should try to save the vaquita. Let’s all do our
part to support the Mexican Government’s plan to put the
gillnet ban into place. Tell your friends and family members
about the vaquita. Check the websites www.vivavaquita.org
Vaquitas face an uncertain future. However, if we can ensure
a place for the vaquita in the ecology of the Upper Gulf of
California, it will set a positive precedent that may help to
reverse the negative one set by the recent extinction of the
baiji in China’s Yangtze River. Photo © Paula A.Olson
Thomas A. Jefferson is an independent biologist affiliated with several organizations. His main interests
are the development of marine mammal identification aids, and investigating the systematics and
population ecology of the poorly-known species of dolphins and porpoises. Most of his work has been
related to conservation and management of marine mammals threatened by human activities. He has
a soft spot in his heart for phocoenids, and has conducted extensive research on Dall’s and finless
porpoises and has had an interest in the vaquita since the mid-1980s. Tom is a member of the Cetacean
Specialist Group of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and has contributed
to the development of the IUCN Red List assessments for marine mammals. He also serves on the
Taxonomy Committee of the Society for Marine Mammalogy.
Porpoises In Peril Issue: Helping the Vaquita Recover
Helping the Vaquita to
Conservation and Management Actions By Mexico
by Lorenzo Rojas-Bracho and Luis Fueyo
Vaquitas (Phocoena sinus) have been caught in gillnets for
many decades. This mortality has placed this unique species
of porpoise at the brink of extinction. From the time it was
described in 1958 to the first minimal conservation actions,
several decades passed, and the population declined. In
1994, Mexican authorities finally listed the vaquita as an
endangered species.
Until the early 1990s there were disagreements as to
what were the most significant risk factors for vaquita
survival (by-catch, lack of flow of the Colorado River
and pollution). This controversy hindered management
actions. Some authorities still believe today that by-catch
is not the main threat to the vaquita. Also in those years,
there were disagreements on the vaquita’s population size,
distribution, and therefore population status and how other
anthropogenic activities have affected them (e.g., reduced
flow of the Colorado River, pollution). Let’s take a look at
how these issues have brought us to where we are today
with vaquita conservation.
Conservation and Management: the Early Years
Ironically, one of the key management measures to benefit
vaquita was not directed to its protection, but to prevent the
overexploitation of totoaba (a large, valuable fish that later
became endangered itself). This was the main commercial
gillnet-fishery in the Upper Gulf of California that was
closed in 1975.
From approximately the mid-1930s to the mid-1970s, this
was also the most important fishery in terms of vaquita
by-catch. Though there are no by-catch records from those
years, the impact of the totoaba fishery can be visualized
using data from an experimental fishery, which operated
from 1983-93, to estimate by-catch rate. The estimated bycatch rate in this experimental fishery was 58 vaquitas/year
– a significantly high number. So the banning of the totoaba
fishery turned to be an important step for vaquita survival.
Gillnet panga retrieving a net in the northern Gulf of California.
Photo © Thomas Jefferson
In 1993 the decree creating the Biosphere Reserve of the
Upper Gulf of California and Colorado River Delta was
published. Even though the Reserve has fallen short of its
potential as an instrument for vaquita conservation it has
given an important legal framework to push other specific
Current Actions: The Recovery Team and the Priority
Species Recovery Program
Probably the most influential step for the recovery of the
vaquita was the creation of the International Committee
for the Recovery of the Vaquita (CIRVA). This gave
solid scientific support to the conservation actions. It was
established in 1996 to develop a recovery plan based on the
best scientific evidence. It was expected from the outset that
the plan would be a step-by-step manual for use by current
and future agencies responsible for vaquita conservation.
Importantly, the committee was expected to consider not
only scientific issues, but also socio-economic aspects.
CIRVA meets on an ad hoc basis. Critical to the future
Porpoises In Peril Issue: Helping the Vaquita Recover
Vaquita caught in a gillnet fishery in the northern Gulf of California. Photo © O. Vidal and C. Navarro/Projecto Vaquita
recovery was that CIRVA conducted
analyses of risk factors affecting the
vaquita and concluded in its first
meeting that incidental mortality
in gillnets represents the greatest
immediate threat to the survival of the
species, and that vaquita abundance is
likely in the hundreds (probably the
low hundreds).
At its second meeting, CIRVA
reviewed the results of a new vaquita
abundance estimate and agreed that
567 was the best available estimate
of vaquita population size. After this,
CIRVA recommended that by-catch
of vaquitas must be reduced to zero
as soon as possible, that gillnets and
trawlers should be banned from the
Biosphere Reserve, that research
should start immediately to develop
alternative fishing techniques
to replace gillnets, and that the
international community should be
invited to join the Government of
Mexico and provide assistance to
implement the conservation measures.
At its most recent meeting in 2004,
CIRVA concluded that important
progress has been made on most of
the ten recommendations from the
second meeting. However, two of
the more critical ones related to the
ban on gillnets have lagged behind.
Considering this, the Committee
recommended that immediate action
should be taken to prevent any net
fishing within the core area of vaquita
distribution. In noting that only a
portion of the core area was contained
within the Biosphere Reserve, CIRVA
recommended extending the net ban
to a sizeable area outside the Reserve.
In 2005 the Refuge Area for the
Protection of Vaquita was declared.
However, keeping the refuge as a zone
free of fishing-nets took longer.
The central goal is to
eliminate vaquita by-catch.
Given that fishing is one
of the most important
economic activities in the
Upper Gulf of California,
PACE-Vaquita has designed
mechanisms to remove
the fishing gear that has
threatened the vaquita....
PACE and the Gillnet Buyout Plan
Decisive steps by the Government to
invest resources to protect the vaquita
finally came in 2007. That year,
Mexico’s President announced the
Conservation Program for Endangered
Species (PROCER), which required
specific Species Conservation Action
Programs (PACE) for selected
species. The vaquita topped the list
of only five species. PACE-Vaquita,
the first of its kind to be presented,
is Mexico’s conservation policy
strategy to put into practice CIRVA’s
recommendations. An intense effort
by the Mexican Government is
taking place and this includes a
coordinated program by the Ministry
of Environment and that responsible
for fisheries (SAGARPA) and all
stakeholders, including fishermen
(artisanal and industrial), NGOs,
and NAFTA’s Commission for
Environmental Cooperation (CEC).
The fundamental objective of PACEVaquita is to conserve and recover
the vaquita population. The central
goal is to eliminate vaquita by-catch.
Given that fishing is one of the
Porpoises In Peril Issue: Helping the Vaquita Recover
most-important economic activities in
the Upper Gulf of California, PACEVaquita has designed mechanisms
to remove the fishing gear that has
threatened the vaquita by:
(1) Enforcing the existing bans
on gillnet fishing in the Biosphere
Reserve and Refuge Area, and possibly
expanding the ban to a larger protected
(2) Encouraging alternative methods of
fishing that do not catch vaquitas; and
(3) Providing economic compensation
to fishermen, including a buyout plan
and assistance with starting alternative
The buyout program is voluntary and
invites the artisanal fishing community
to engage in activities other than
fishing (with government support).
Those wishing to continue fishing
have to be involved in an alternative
fishing gear program. Through this
program, the Government provides
financial and technical resources to the
fishing community to find new fishing
methods that do not harm the vaquita.
It regulates the granting of fishing
permits and monitors license holders,
their boats, fishing gear and authorized
landing sites.
Thus, the program seeks the
reduction of fishing effort in two
ways: the removal of fishing boats
for those who have opted to receive
government support for other
ventures, and the removal of illegal
boats that have operated for decades
due to an ineffective fisheries
management process. In addition to
the retirement programs for fisheries
and technological reconversion, the
Vaquita Refuge that covers 80% of
vaquita sightings has been designated
a net-free zone. Though the Refuge
dimensions and form did not follow
CIRVA’s recommendations, it has
given protection to an important
part of the population through the
Government’s designated mechanism
to compensate fishermen to stop
fishing in this important core area of vaquita distribution, as well with an
efficient enforcement and surveillance program.
So what are the results so far with regard to the implementation of PACEVaquita? With the investments made in 2008 the following results have been
(1) The Vaquita Refuge is essentially free of entangling and gillnets and shrimp
(2) 230 artisanal fishing boats have withdrawn from fishing activities; and
(3) 105 artisanal fishing boats are participating in the fishing gear replacement
For 2009, SEMARNAT spent 65 million pesos (US$5 million) to expand and
reinforce the actions taken previously. There is support for those fishermen
who wish to participate in the testing of the prototype fishing gear that will be
substituted for gill and entangling nets. With this support, 602 fewer artisanal
boats will be using nets that kill vaquitas. Enforcement is an important
component of the recovery program. PROFEPA, the environmental watchdog
of SEMARNAT, with the support of the Navy, mounted a huge operation that
involves 48 people, eight boats, one interceptor craft, two motherships and one
helicopter. During this fishing season, aircraft overflights have been conducted
to determine the actual fishing effort applied in the biosphere reserve.
The Mexican Government’s current effort to save the vaquita is the largest
conservation program ever in Mexico. The policy of the government’s Ministry
of the Environment, as expressed in PACE-Vaquita, is the development of an
appropriate policy to avoid further decline and eventual extinction of the vaquita.
However, to achieve full success this will require eliminating vaquita by-catch
completely. This is now clear to the Government. However, it has not yet been
achieved, and the vaquita is still in danger. But SEMARNAT, even in this time of
economic hardship, is keeping its promise to work to eliminate gillnets from all
of the vaquita’s range.
PROFEPA vessel patrolling to enforce fishing restrictions needed to save
the vaquita. Photo © Thomas R. Kieckhefer.
Porpoises In Peril Issue: Helping the Vaquita Recover
Rojas-Bracho, L., R. R. Reeves and A. Jaramillo -Legorreta. 2006. Conservation of the vaquita Phocoena sinus. Mammal
Review 36:179-216.
North American Conservation Action Plan. 2008. North American Conservation Action Plan, Phocoena sinus. North
American Conservation Action Plan, 99 pp.
Sajurjo, E., S. B. Cox and S. Anderson. 2008. Buy-outs and buy-in: Saving the vaquita in the Gulf of California. Pp. 1-5 in A
Private Sector Approach - Conservation Agreements in Support of Marine Protection (Anonymous).
SEMARNAT. 2008. Action program for the conservation of the species: Vaquita (Phocoena sinus). Report of the United
Mexican States Federal Government, 73 pp.
Luís Fueyo has a long, outstanding career in
public service working for the management
and conservation of marine natural resources.
He was responsible for the assessment of
pelagic fishery resources from 1983-1986 and
Director of the Fisheries Research Center
at Mazatlan, Sinaloa, from 1986-1989. In
1997 he transferred to PROFEPA as Director
General of Inspection and Supervision of
Fisheries and Marine Resources. In 2001 he
was appointed PROFEPA’s Director General
of Inspection and Monitoring of Marine and
Coastal Ecosystems. In 2007 the Secretary
of Environment and Natural Resources
appointed him National Coordinator of the
Vaquita Program for the federal government.
Lorenzo Rojas-Bracho is widelyrecognized as the world’s foremost
authority on the vaquita. He is currently
Coordinator of the National Marine
Mammal Program, at the National Institute
of Ecology, in Mexico. In the last several
years, he has concentrated his attention
on research and conservation actions
to prevent the extinction of the vaquita.
Among the conservation actions to recover
the vaquita, he established and chairs
the vaquita recovery team (International
Committee for the Recovery of Vaquita/
Comité Internacional para la Recuperación
de la Vaquita; CIRVA).
All In The Family - Editor’s Note on Burmeister’s Porpoise (Phocoena spinipinnis)
The closest living relative of the vaquita is the Burmeister’s porpoise of South America. This small
porpoise reaches a maximum size of about 2.0 m and 85 kg, although most adults are much smaller. It is
characterized by an all-dark color pattern (except for some light patches on the belly) and a small, “bananashaped” dorsal fin with a concave leading edge. It is found in a narrow coastal ribbon from Peru, south to
the tip of Tierra del Fuego, and thence north to southern Brazil. Recent genetic evidence suggests that there
is a major population division separating Peruvian porpoises from those in Chile and Argentina. Almost
nothing is known of the behavior and ecology of Burmeister’s porpoise, although major conservation
problems are known to result from direct hunting and gillnet by-catch in Peruvian and Chilean waters.
There are no estimates of abundance.
Porpoises In Peril Issue: Vaquitas on the Brink
Vaquitas on the Brink
Can We Save Mexico’s Imperiled Porpoise?
by Armando JaramilloLegoretta and Barbara L.
To answer the question posed in the
title: Yes, we can. We know the main
threat, so we just need to take action.
Steps necessary to save the vaquita
(Phocoena sinus) are being taken and
could provide a critically important
example that could apply to saving
other coastal and riverine cetaceans
from extinction.
totoaba. This “by-catch” is considered
by most scientists and conservationists
to be the greatest threat to the survival
of small cetaceans worldwide. Dr.
Bernardo Villa, a pioneer of marine
mammal research in Mexico,
concluded that the vaquita was already
endangered in the 1970s. By 1975 the
fishery for totoaba was banned due to
a drastic reduction in catches, but other
gillnet fisheries emerged that continued
catching vaquitas. Unfortunately,
vaquitas die in nets of every mesh
size, including the smallest nets used
to catch shrimp, which brings in the
majority of income today for most
Based on a year of interviewing
fishermen, Caterina D´Agrosa
estimated that 78 vaquitas were killed
in 1993. To know whether that was
The Vaquita’s Status
The vaquita has a short history from the
human perspective. The first specimens
were carcasses collected in 1950 on a
beach near San Felipe, the small fishing
village closest to the vaquita habitat.
Comparisons of their skulls indicated
that the vaquita’s closest living relative
is the Burmeister’s porpoise (Phocoena
spinipinnis), found in South America
(which was later corroborated with
genetic analyses). Vaquitas are isolated
from other porpoises in a very special
habitat that supports many other
species found only there (that are
Vaquitas live in the Upper Gulf of
California, in an area roughly onequarter the size of the city of Los
Angeles. This small range makes them
naturally vulnerable. Fishermen settled
the region (San Felipe, Golfo de Santa
Clara and Puerto Peñasco) in the early
1920s and concentrated on fishing for
totoaba (Totoaba macdonaldi), a very
large, tasty and profitable fish that
eventually became endangered itself.
By 1940, vaquitas were already being
accidentally killed in gillnets set for
The estimated history of vaquita abundance, together with the number of vaquitas
killed and the fishing activities through time.
Porpoises In Peril Issue: Vaquitas on the Brink
sustainable, we first needed to know
how many vaquitas there were. A
survey done in 1997 estimated that
only 600 vaquitas remained. Killing
78 out of 600 vaquitas was a decline
of 13% each year, and since porpoises
can only increase by about 4% per
year the number being killed was not
sustainable. To make matters worse,
the number of fishing boats using
gillnets increased from about 500 in
1993 to around 1,000 in 2007. We
used this information to estimate that
only about 150 vaquitas remained in
2007, representing a 75% decline in
only 10 years! Another model used
fishery data to infer that vaquitas once
numbered around 5,000, which means
only 5-10% of the original vaquita
population remains.
With such a small population, tiny
distribution range, low rates of natural
population growth and continuing
kills in gillnets, the vaquita could
become extinct in the very near future.
Can the vaquita recover from such
low numbers? We think so. There
are examples of recovery from low
numbers: the Guadalupe fur seal,
the northern elephant seal, and the
California population of sea otters.
All these species or subspecies
recovered from very small populations
once humans stopped killing them.
Removing gillnets from vaquita habitat
will provide such protection, as there
are currently no other significant
threats to their survival. Although
the lack of flow, and nutrients, from
the Colorado River has been cited
as a threat to the vaquita, none of
the over 60 vaquitas examined after
dying in gillnets appeared emaciated,
something that would be expected if
lack of food due to habitat alteration
were a problem. Also, animals recently
observed in the wild appear fat, and
calves are regularly seen. High levels
of primary productivity in the Upper
Gulf, as shown by the amount of
fishery catches, also indicate that this
ecosystem can sustain a recovered
vaquita population. A lack of prey
is not responsible for the decline in
vaquita population - gillnets are the
A Plan to Monitor the Vaquita
Recognizing the urgency of the
vaquita’s plight, the Mexican
Government has implemented a
recovery plan by creating a Vaquita
Refuge where no fishing is allowed,
enforcing this protected area and
reducing the number of boats permitted
to use gillnets there (see article by
Rojas-Bracho & Fueyo).
Saving the vaquita will be costly, so the
government wants ongoing evidence
of positive results to generate public
support and maintain the vigilance
needed to keep vaquita waters safe.
Monitoring the vaquita is difficult
because the area is remote, the animal
is shy and its numbers are low.
Vaquitas typically avoid motorized
boats so that most fishermen claim
to have never seen a live vaquita. We
asked whether we could effectively
monitor vaquita using traditional
visual methods. The answer is no.
Vaquitas are so hard to see and so rare
that our estimates of numbers are not
precise enough to determine, in a few
years, whether they are recovering or
continuing to decline. A 4% per year
increase means that if we had 100
vaquitas this year we could expect on
average only 104 next year. Estimates
made from ship surveys cannot give
the level of precision necessary to
distinguish between 100 and 104. But,
vaquitas locate their food and each
other in the muddy productive waters
of the Gulf by making high-frequency
sonar clicks. Over the past 10 years
vaquitas have been monitored from an
anchored boat by detecting their clicks.
Although these data were pivotal in
demonstrating to the government that
the vaquita was indeed declining at a
high rate, this method is also not able
to detect the small annual increases
hoped for in a recovery.
To obtain the precision needed to detect
recovery, we need much more and
better data. Fortunately, researchers
have developed autonomous acoustic
detectors, which are sound recorders
that are suspended in the water
and anchored to the bottom. These
instruments store sounds like those
vaquitas produce for up to 5 months,
which can be later analyzed to estimate
abundance and movements of vaquitas.
In 2008, researchers from Mexico,
the USA, United Kingdom, Japan,
Canada, Germany, Switzerland and
Australia collaborated to find the best
method to monitor the vaquita. The
trials tested two types of autonomous
recorders and an acoustic array towed
behind a sailboat that could “stealthily”
survey for vaquitas. Although the
sailboat survey worked well and
located vaquitas outside the reserve,
the researchers estimated it would
take over 3,000 survey days each
year to detect recovery in a five-year
window. Clearly the sailboat could not
be used as a primary monitoring tool.
The science team also estimated that
a network of 62 autonomous detectors
called C-PODs could detect changes in
vaquita numbers.
Inventor Nick Tregenza is holding
the very first C-POD which was
used in Vaquita Expedition 2008.
Photo © G. Saad/WWF-Mexico.
Porpoises In Peril Issue: Vaquitas on the Brink
This vaquita mother and calf, observed in October 2008, appear healthy and fat. There is no evidence from porpoises
observed in the wild, nor from by-catches and strandings, that vaquitas are emaciated or having trouble finding nourishment.
All indications are that gillnets are their only significant threat. Photo © Paula A. Olson.
Why devote so much effort and resources on monitoring
when it is getting the gillnets out of the water that is needed
to save the vaquita? We should remember the last baiji died
alone while the world’s eyes were focused on other matters
(see article by Jefferson). Saving endangered species is a
full-time job and will be for the foreseeable future. It is
hard to maintain focus for long periods, but that is what is
required to prevent the extinction of vaquita. Monitoring
will not only accomplish the government’s goal to reinforce
tough management decisions with feedback on vaquita
status but will also help maintain focus on this critically
endangered porpoise.
The Mexican government has demonstrated the will and
desire to save the vaquita, including spending significant
resources during a severe world economic crisis. Recovery
actions will promote new sustainable economic activities
while developing sustainable fishing methods that will not
kill vaquitas. The time to recover the vaquita to healthy
population numbers will take many years and its future
depends on finding permanent ways for local people to
make a decent living without using gillnets. Death of coastal
porpoise and dolphin species in gillnets is a global problem
destined to rob future generations of many species and
populations of cetaceans unless an economic replacement
for gillnets is found. If Mexico succeeds, not only will
future generations enjoy this unique animal living in a
healthy sustainably-fished environment, but Mexico and
the international community will be able to hold up the first
example of saving a species from local small-type fisheries.
Marine mammal biologists, conservation groups, economists
and governmental agencies (including enforcement) must
work together to solve this problem, not only for the vaquita
but for all coastal species.
D’Agrosa, C., O. Vidal and W. C. Graham. 1995. Mortality
of the vaquita (Phocoena sinus) in gillnet fisheries during
1993-94. Reports of the International Whaling Commission
Special Issue 16:283-294.
Jaramillo-Legorreta, A. M., L. Rojas-Bracho and T.
Gerrodette. 1999. A new abundance estimate for vaquitas:
first step for recovery. Marine Mammal Science 15:957-973.
Jaramillo-Legorreta, A. 2008. Estatus actual de una especie
en peligro de extinción, la vaquita (Phocoena sinus):
Una aproximación poblacional con métodos acústicos y
Bayesianos. Ph.D. thesis, Universidad Autónoma de Baja
California, Ensenada, BCN, Mexico (in Spanish).
Taylor, B. L. and L. Rojas-Bracho.1999. Examining the
risk of inbreeding depression in a naturally rare cetacean,
the vaquita (Phocoena sinus). Marine Mammal Science
Dr. Armando Jaramillo is a marine biologist for
the University of Baja California Sur and he has
a Doctorate in coastal oceanography from the
University of Baja California. He has 22 years
experience studying marine mammals, mainly on
aspects of population ecology and dynamics. He has
been researching the vaquita population for the last
13 years and is in charge of the project to monitor
the species with acoustic methods.
Dr. Barbara L.Taylor leads the marine mammal
genetics group at the Southwest Fisheries Science
Center, NOAA Fisheries. She has 30 years of
marine mammal experience and specializes in
assessing risk for endangered species. She has
worked on the vaquita for 13 years, including
co-leading Expedición Vaquita 2008.
Porpoises In Peril Issue: Surviving The Nets
Surviving The Nets
Current Status of Harbor Porpoise Populations
A harbor porpoise surfaces in the Bay of Fundy, Canada. Photo © Ari Friedlaender.
by Andrew J. Read
The harbor porpoise (Phocoena
phocoena) is abundant throughout most
of its range in coastal waters of the
temperate Northern Hemisphere. The
International Union for Conservation
of Nature and Natural Resources
(IUCN; http://www.iucnredlist.org/)
considers the harbor porpoise to be
of least conservation concern due to
its abundance and extensive range at
the species level. Nevertheless, some
populations of harbor porpoises are at
significant risk due to human activities,
primarily by-catch in gillnet fisheries,
the same risk factor threatening the
Marine mammal scientists currently
recognize four geographically-isolated
sub-species of harbor porpoises
org/) in the North Atlantic, Black Sea,
Eastern Pacific and Western Pacific.
Multiple populations exist within
each of these sub-species except,
perhaps, for the Black Sea. Most
scientists now agree that conservation
and management activities should be
focused at the level of the population,
so definition of population units is a
critical step to assessing conservation
status. Populations can be defined
using genetic markers, morphology,
studies of individual movements or by
identifying geographical features that
could limit the movement of porpoises.
This is an extremely active area of
research and scientists are currently
working to define population units
and refine our understanding of this
North Atlantic
Harbor porpoises range across coastal
waters of the Atlantic from Senegal
to North Carolina. At least fourteen
populations of harbor porpoises have
been described in the North Atlantic.
In some areas, particularly in the
North Sea, the population structure
is complex and poorly understood.
Populations may mix seasonally,
further complicating assessment
of their status. By-catches occur
frequently throughout much of the
North Atlantic; conservation measures,
including the use of acoustic alarms,
or pingers, have been implemented in
some U.S. and European fisheries to
reduce these by-catches to sustainable
levels. Porpoises were hunted
intensively in several areas during the
last century, particularly in Danish
waters. The only current hunt occurs
in western Greenland, where hundreds
of animals are killed each year by
aboriginal peoples. There has been no
Porpoises In Peril Issue: Surviving The Nets
scientific assessment of the effects of this hunt.
The population in the Baltic Seas is at particular risk and is
considered Critically Endangered by the IUCN – the highest
level of conservation risk. This population likely numbers
only 500-600 individuals and is subject to by-catches in
the gillnet fisheries of several countries. The European
Union and member countries of the Agreement on the
Conservation of Small Cetaceans of the Baltic, North East
Atlantic, Irish and North Seas (ASCOBANS; http://www.
ascobans.org/) are implementing conservation measures to
reduce the risk of by-catch in this small population. These
measures include restrictions on some gillnet fisheries and
the use of pingers in some other fisheries. It is not yet clear
whether these measures will be sufficient to ensure the
conservation of this population. In many ways, the Baltic
Sea population of harbor porpoises is similar to the vaquita;
a very small population threatened by small but persistent
by-catches in a variety of gillnet fisheries.
Black Sea
The population of harbor porpoises in the Black Sea is
effectively isolated from their counterparts in the Atlantic
by the Mediterranean Sea, in which the species is absent.
A few individuals have been observed in the Aegean Sea,
but these are likely stragglers from the Black Sea that made
their way through the Turkish Straits. This population is
considered Endangered by the IUCN; there are no estimates
of abundance, although it is believed that several thousand
porpoises exist in this enclosed sea. The population was
hunted intensively in Turkey until recently and is subjected
to large by-catches in the gillnet fisheries of Turkey and the
Ukraine. In addition, the ecology of the Black Sea has been
altered extensively due to over-fishing, the introduction of
exotic species and pollution; the effects of these alterations
on the porpoise population are unknown. There have been
several recent mass die-offs of harbor porpoises in the Black
Sea and Sea of Azov, but the cause of these mortalities is not
fully understood.
Eastern Pacific
In the eastern North Pacific, harbor porpoises range from
central California north to Alaska and into the southern
Beaufort and Chukchi Seas. The structure of populations
along the western coast of North America appears to
be complex and is poorly understood. In some areas,
such as the waters of Puget Sound, small, resident and
geographically-discrete populations of porpoises exist.
In other areas, particularly in Alaskan waters, there is
insufficient information to assess population structure.
Harbor porpoises are taken as by-catch in fisheries
throughout this range; in some areas, fisheries restrictions
(including closures) have been implemented to conserve continued on pg. 18
A harbor porpoise being released from herring weir iin the Bay of Fundy, Canada. Photo © John Wang, Grand Manan Whale
and Seabird Research Station.
Porpoises In Peril Issue: Meet the Family
Porpoises In Peril Issue: Meet the Family
Porpoises In Peril Issue: Surviving The Nets
harbor porpoises and other marine
mammals. There is particular concern
over the by-catch of porpoises in the
gillnet fisheries of southeastern Alaska
– by-catch in these fisheries has not
yet been assessed through the use of
independent observer programs.
Western Pacific
On the western side of the North
Pacific, the species ranges from
northern Honshu, Japan, to the
Bering Strait and into the Chukchi
Sea. It is unclear whether or not the
species occurs in Korean waters.
Relatively little is known about
population structure, abundance, or
the status of harbor porpoises in this
region. By-catch occurs in Japanese
gillnet fisheries and likely also in
Russian waters, but there have been
no scientific assessments of these
Throughout the range of this species,
the major cause for conservation
concern is by-catch in gillnet fisheries.
In North America and Europe a
considerable amount of research has
been conducted into measures that
will reduce the number of animals
killed in this fashion. The results of
this research hold many lessons for
the vaquita. For example, we know
that the use of acoustic alarms can
be effective at reducing, but not
eliminating, by-catches of harbor
porpoises. In addition, pingers are
unpopular with many fishermen due
to their cost, so their use must be
enforced at sea. Several scientific
reviews have concluded that the
use of pingers is not an appropriate
conservation strategy for highly
endangered species, such as the
vaquita, in which mortality must be
eliminated completely. In addition,
it is unrealistic to expect pingers to
be used appropriately in small-scale
artisanal fisheries, such as those that
take vaquitas in the Gulf of California.
In such cases, the only effective
conservation measures are to remove
gillnets from the range of the species
of concern.
Other risk factors for the harbor
porpoise include: anthropogenic noise
and other forms of disturbance; habitat
modification and loss; reduction in
prey populations due to overfishing;
and the accumulation of toxic
chemicals. In general, we do not have
a full understanding of the impact of
these factors on populations of harbor
porpoises, although it is clear that
this species is particularly sensitive to
disturbance and noise. There is also
cause for concern over the unregulated
hunt of porpoises in Greenland. We are
A gillnet fisherman in North Carolina using acoustic alarms, or pingers, to reduce the chance of marine mammal
by-catch. Photo © Danielle Waples.
Porpoises In Peril Issue: Surviving The Nets
fortunate, however, that harbor porpoises are still abundant in many parts of their range and that the species as a whole is not
endangered or threatened by human activities.
Berggren, P. and J. Y. Wang. 2008. The Baltic harbour porpoise and the precautionary principle in conservation: a response to
Palme et al. Oryx 42:489.
Orphanides, C. D. and D. L. Palka. 2008. By-catch of harbor porpoises in three U. S. Gillnet Management Areas: Southern
Mid-Atlantic, Offshore and Western Gulf of Maine. Northeast Fisheries Science Center Reference Document 08 09:8 pp.
Palka, D. L., M. C. Rossman, A. S. Vanatten and C. D. Orphanides. 2008. Effect of pingers on harbour porpoise (Phocoena
phocoena) by-catch in the U.S. Northeast gillnet fishery. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management 10:217-226.
Read, A.J. 1999. Porpoises. World Life Library, 72 pp.
Read, A. J. 1999. Harbour porpoise Phocoena phocoena (Linnaeus, 1758). Pp. 323-356 in Handbook of Marine Mammals,
Volume 6: The second book of dolphins and the porpoises (S. H. Ridgway and R. Harrison). Academic Press.
Andrew Read is the Rachel Carson Associate Professor of Marine Conservation Biology at the Duke
University Marine Laboratory, in Beaufort, NC, USA. Andy was born in Southampton, England and
educated in Canada. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Guelph in 1990 for research conducted
on the life history and by-catches of harbor porpoises in the Bay of Fundy. He is a member of the
Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission and the Cetacean Specialist Group of the
IUCN. He has served on the Editorial Boards of Marine Mammal Science, Endangered Species Research
and the Journal of Cetacean Research and Management. He lives with his wife, Kim Urian, in Gloucester,
NC, with an assortment of cats and chickens.
All In The Family - Editor’s Note on Spectacled Porpoise (Phocoena dioptrica)
One of the world’s most lesser-known species of marine mammals is the spectacled porpoise. Most
everything that we know about it comes from occasional strandings and opportunistic sighting records.
Even the distribution and finer aspects of its external appearance were not well-known until about four
years ago, when a large number of sightings made during International Whaling Commission assessment
cruises were published. We now know that the spectacled porpoise is an oceanic species found in a
circum-global pattern in Antarctic and subantarctic waters. It reaches a maximum size of at least 2.2 m and
115 kg, making it one of the largest of the porpoise species. Adult males are much larger than females,
with a huge (so much as to make it look disproportionately large) dorsal fin. The black and white color
pattern is highly striking. Although there are no abundance estimates available, the spectacled porpoise
is unique among phocoenid species, in that we know of no serious conservation problems affecting the
species anywhere in its range.
Porpoises In Peril Issue: Dall’s Porpoise
Dall’s Porpoise
Accidental and Intentional Victims
by Masao Amano
Basic Biology of Dall’s Porpoise
The most remarkable feature of Dall’s
porpoise (Phocoenoides dalli) is the
large white flank patch in the middle
of the black body. This is the feature
which has long caused controversy
among many scientists. There are two
distinct “forms” recognized; dalli-type
porpoises found throughout most of the
range, have relatively small white flank
patches, extending forward to around
the level of dorsal fin, while truei-type
porpoises inhabit the Pacific coast of
Japan through the central Okhotsk Sea,
and have much larger white patches
that reach the level of the flipper.
The latter form was first described
by Roy Chapman Andrews when
he examined a porpoise taken by a
whaler in Ayukawa, Japan in 1910. He
described this form as a new species,
Phocoenoides truei. He correctly
recognized that the differences
between the two forms were mostly
in the pigmentation and not much in
other traits. Actually, soon after his
description, most of the diagnostic
characteristics he identified were
recognized as sexually dimorphic
characteristics. Because of minor
color variation in the two morphs,
occasional mingling of them in the
same group, and rather small genetic
differences between the two forms,
most scientists have come to consider
that they represent polymorphism in
a single species. However, it is still a
mystery why such a striking difference
in coloration is maintained.
Besides these two populations having
different color patterns, there are
suggested to be nine other populations
or stocks in the North Pacific, Bering
Sea and Okhotsk Sea and porpoises of
all these populations apparently have
the “usual” dalli-type coloration.
Driftnet Entanglements
Dall’s porpoises are considered to
be one of the most numerous (over
two million) small cetaceans, though
there are no reliable recent global
abundance estimates. However, they
have been under serious threat by
human activities. Entanglements by
the Japanese salmon driftnet fishery
that operated in the northern North
Pacific and Bering Sea were once a
considerable threat to this species.
It was estimated that about 7,00010,000 porpoises were incidentally
taken annually from the early 1950s
until 1993, when the fishery closed
under the United Nations ban on
high-seas driftnet fisheries. A squid
driftnet fishery started in 1978 by
Japanese, Korean and Taiwanese
fleets was another threat, and about
3,000 porpoises were taken annually
until 1993. After the moratorium on
the high-seas driftnet fisheries, the
salmon driftnet fishery has still been
conducted in the Japanese EEZ, but
there is no available information on the
entanglement of non-target animals.
There are some Japanese salmon
driftnetters operating in the Russian
EEZ along the coasts of the Kuril
Islands and Kamchatka Peninsula,
under the agreement between Japan
and Russia. About 600-3,000 Dall’s
porpoises have been reported to be
taken incidentally in this fishery during
1993-1999, but recent estimates are not
Harpoon Hunting in Japan
Dall’s porpoises have long been hunted
in northern Japan in a hand harpoon
fishery in which fishermen harpoon
bow-riding porpoises from a platform
A dead Dall’s porpoise being disentangled from a Japanese salmon driftnet in the
northern North Pacific Ocean, 1986. Photo © T.A. Jefferson
Porpoises In Peril Issue: Dall’s Porpoise
Distribution of breeding grounds (dark green) and possible migration route for Dall’s porpoise populations in the western
North Pacific.
that extends forward from the bow. Fishermen in the
Sanriku area on the Pacific coast of Honshu (main) Island
of Japan used to take mainly swordfish in summer and
hunt truei-type Dall’s porpoises in winter. Porpoise meat
was transported to the inland area and was said to be an
important source of protein to get though severe winters.
The porpoise hunt and consumption was seemingly local
and not large until the 1970s. After the collapse of the
striped dolphin population and fishery in the late 1970s
to 1980s in the Izu Peninsula area (where people have
hunted and consumed dolphins since the middle of the
19th century), Dall’s porpoises began to be transported
from the Sanriku to Izu area and this might have resulted
in an expansion of the porpoise fishery. After that, the
moratorium on commercial whaling in 1986 resulted
in an expansion of the demand for porpoise meat as a
substitute for whale meat, and the price rose steeply. The
fishermen explored new fishing grounds and found another
population migrating around Hokkaido Island in summer,
the Sea of Japan/Okhotsk population, and started to operate
throughout the year. The number of porpoises caught
increased from 1986 and it exceeded 40,000 in 1988,
which is about 10% of the estimated abundance for the
two populations off Japan. This encouraged the Japanese
government to instigate management procedures and set
catch quotas for each population. The initial quota did not
change for 14 years (dalli-type, 9,000; truei-type, 8,700),
but was reduced a little in 2007 (dalli-type, 8,708; trueitype, 8,168). The number of captures fluctuated greatly, but
gradually increased overall until around 2000. Recently,
Porpoises In Peril Issue: Dall’s Porpoise
however, it seems to be decreasing. This is attributed to
the decrease in the catch of Sea of Japan/Okhotsk dallitypes, which have not fulfilled the quota in recent years (a
probable sign of depletion).
The other indirect evidence for a decrease in the Sea of
Japan/Okhotsk dalli-type population is the ratio of Dall’s
porpoises in the odontocete strandings along the Japanese
coast. The coverage of stranding reports has improved in
the last 10 years. While it is not possible to make a precise
conclusion, but the proportion of Dall’s porpoise dropped
sharply from 1985 to 1993, which coincides with the period
when Dall’s porpoises were under the most severe hunting
pressure. Although there seems to be some recovery after
2003, the apparent peaks in 1997, 2003, 2004, and 2008
included very unusual serial or mass strandings in similar
locations on the Hokkaido coast where Dall’s porpoise
fishing occurs, which makes one suspect some connection
with hunting operations, possibly from struck-and-lost
porpoises or discards of spoiled carcasses.
I have become concerned about the status of this population
because the fishery operates in the middle of its breeding
area. Formerly, it was said that pregnant females or females
with calves were difficult to catch because they tended to
avoid boats and did not bow ride. Recently, however, some
boats came to be equipped with fast engines and started
to chase porpoises until they were exhausted. In the late
1990s, this change brought an increase in the number of
lactating females in the catches from the Sea of Japan/
Okhotsk population, and I suspect that these mothers were
easier to take because their calves exhaust faster. The
government banned the taking of females with calves, but
I do not know the efficiency of this act because few landed
animals have been examined recently. These changes in
the fishing method make estimating fishing effort and
management more difficult.
Clearly, we have to keep an eye on Dall’s porpoise
populations off Japan and the effects of these fisheries on
them. A recent sophisticated simulation study suggested
that the potential biological removal, or artificial mortality
limit, that can sustain the population at a sound level under
possible uncertainties is about 3,500 individuals for each
population, which is smaller than half of the current quota.
Without sound management and good science, it is possible
that one or more of these populations could be exploited to
the point of local extinction.
Amano, M. and Hayano, A. 2007. Intermingling of dallitype Dall’s porpoises into a witnering truei-type population
off Japan: implication from color patterns. Marine Mammal
Science 23: 1-14.
International Whaling Commission. 2002. Report of the
standing sub-committee on small cetaceans. Journal of the
Cetacean Research and Management 4 (Supplement): 325338.
Jefferson, T. A. 2009. Dall’s porpoise Phocoenoides dalli.
Pages in 296-298, Perrin, W. F., Würsig, B., and Thewissen,
J. G. M. (eds.), Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals, 2nd ed.,
Academic Press, Burlingon, MA, USA.
Okamura, H., Iwasaki, T., and Miyashita, T. 2008. Toward
sustainable management of small cetacean fisheries around
Japan. Fisheries Science 74: 718-729.
Masao Amano is a professor of marine
mammalogy at the Faculty of Fisheries,
Nagasaki University, Nagasaki, Japan. He has
long studied Dall’s porpoise and elucidated
migration patterns and population structure of
Dall’s porpoises around Japan, having lived
in Otsuchi, a capital of the Dall’s porpoise
harpoon fishery. He received his Ph.D. from
Kyoto University in 1993. He is currently
interested in the behavior and social structure
of sperm whales and Indo-Pacific bottlenose
dolphins, and on the biology of finless
porpoises around the Nagasaki area.
Porpoises In Peril Issue: Dall’s Porpoise
The number of Dall’s porpoises taken by the hand harpoon fishery in Japan.
The proportion of Dall’s porpoises in the small odontocete strandings reported on
the coast of Japan, along the distributional range of Sea of Japan/Okhotsk Dall’s
porpoise population.
Porpoises In Peril Issue: Gallery
Phocoenid Gallery
Celebrating the Diversity of Porpoises
Spectacled porpoise
mother and calf. Photo ©
P.A. Olson
Japanese finless porpoise in
an aquarium. Photo © G. Abel
Spectacled porpoise
“bowriding.” Photo © P.A.
Porpoises In Peril Issue: Gallery
Vaquita in the calm. Photo © T.A. Jefferson
Yangtze finless porpoise
mother and calf. Photo ©
Wang Ding
Harbor porpoise in
escape mode. Photo
© T.A. Jefferson
Porpoises In Peril Issue: Gallery
Dall’s porpoise slicing
the surface. Photo © J.
Burmeister’s porpoise
rolling. Photo © S.
Bowriding Dall’s porpoise.
Photo © R.L. Pitman
Porpoises In Peril Issue: Finless Porpoises
Finless Porpoises
by John Y. Wang
To most people (including marine
mammal researchers), finless porpoises
are exotic creatures that are rarely
seen, dead or alive, and usually
only known from images in books.
Although for the most part, this is
true (partly because most marine
mammal researchers reside in western
countries), catching a brief glimpse
of a finless porpoise is not as difficult
as one may think, at least in certain
areas (e.g., the waters of Hong Kong,
Inland Sea of Japan). However, being
intrinsically cryptic in nature (brief
surface period, lacking a dorsal fin and
usually exposing only a tiny part of
their small bodies at the surface, and
avoiding boats), finless porpoises are
arguably the most challenging cetacean
species to observe clearly, photograph
well and thus research in the field.
This may be part of the reason for
the neglect of finless porpoises by
marine mammal researchers, which
is unfortunate, because the few
populations that have been studied
fairly well indicate their numbers
are declining rapidly. With a few
exceptions, almost nothing is known
of finless porpoises (except that they
exist) throughout most of their range.
Even the most fundamental piece of
information, “how many species are
there?” is still unclear.
The Forgotten Ones
Indo-Pacific species are lighter than
adults. They can be long and thin or
short and chunky but all have relatively
large flukes and flippers (usually
ending in a bluntly-rounded tip) and a
bulbous forehead that can overhang the
snout above a small mouth. The most
striking character (and unique among
true porpoises) is the lack of a dorsal
fin, which is instead replaced by a long,
low ridge that can begin anywhere
from above the flippers to about the
General Description
Superficially, finless porpoises
resemble miniature beluga whales.
Adult coloration can vary greatly from
almost white (Japanese porpoises) to
nearly black (the Indo-Pacific species).
In contrast, newborn calves are dark in
Japanese waters whereas calves of the
Dorsal views of Neophocaena phocaenoides (top); N. asiaeorientalis asiaeorrientalis (middle) and N. asiaeorientalis sunameri (bottom). Photos © J.Y. Wang
(top, middle) and S.C. Yang (bottom)/Formosa Cetus research and Conservation
Porpoises In Peril Issue: Finless Porpoises
The presumed global distribution of finless porpoises: Indo-Pacific finless porpoise, Neophocaena phocaenoides (red); Yangtze finless porpoise, N. asiaeorientalis asiaeorientalis (light yellow) and East Asian finless porpoise,
(deep yellow). An area where Indo-Pacific and narrow-ridged finless porpoises are known to coexist is shown in orange.
Note: boundaries of the distribution of all forms of finless porpoises are uncertain and may not be reflected accurately in this
center of the back and runs onto the tailstock. There is a patch of numerous minute, prickly bumps (or tubercles) that run
down the length of the middle of the back. The widest point of the patch can span from 0.2 to 14 cm and have anywhere from
1 to 25 tubercles across. Based on unique combinations of the features of the ridge and tubercle patch, three forms of finless
porpoises have been identified. Maximum adult size also varies tremendously by region from about 150 cm to almost 230 cm
in length and weights of between about 60 and at least 110 kg (the smallest and largest animals are found in the Indian Ocean
and northern China, respectively).
After much scientific debate about finless porpoise taxonomy in the 1970s, an uneasy agreement was reached amongst
marine mammal researchers: one species with three subspecies. However, this widely-accepted consensus appears to
have been wrong. A new approach to analyzing and interpreting DNA and morphology patterns provided strong evidence
that at least two biological species exist and they have not interbred with each other since the last major glaciation period
roughly 18,000 years ago. Although clear differences amongst finless porpoises have been known for decades and DNA
analyses have also been conducted, poor research design with inadequate sampling and analyses led to conclusions that were
conceptually flawed.
The two species that are presently recognized are: the Indo-Pacific finless porpoise (Neophocaena phocaenoides) and the
narrow-ridged finless porpoise (N. asiaeorientalis) with the latter being comprised of two subspecies, the Yangtze finless
porpoise (N. a. asiaeorientalis) and the East Asian finless porpoise (N. a. sunameri); the latter subspecies is also known as
sunameri (a Japanese name). The taxonomy of finless porpoises continues to be far from understood and much more research
is needed.
Porpoises In Peril Issue: Finless Porpoises
Other Interesting Facts
Not only is the taxonomy of finless porpoises an interesting
mystery but also these animals have some unusual
characteristics. For example, the blubber of one of the
two species of finless porpoises, when eaten by humans,
appears to cause the same (infamous) purgative effect that
results from dining on the blubber of beaked whales. Also,
on most, if not all, male finless porpoises, there is a small
blind ‘pocket’ (the preanal pore - located just anterior to,
and superficially resembling, the anus), which houses what
appear to be tiny, vestigial teats/nipples. The purpose, if
any, of these structures is unknown. Another morphological
mystery is the function of the well-innervated tubercles and
the reason(s) for the various configurations exhibited by
different kinds of finless porpoises.
Finless porpoises occur in the Indo-Pacific along a narrow
strip of coastal shallow waters (usually <50m deep) from
the Persian Gulf in the west to as far as Japanese waters
in the northeast, while their southern range extends to the
waters off northern Java (Indonesia). A distinct population
also exists in the Yangtze River (where the now-extinct baiji
once lived) and can be found more than 1,600 km upstream
from the sea. Finless porpoises are most often found in
shallow bays and waters influenced by rivers (sometimes
extending tens of kilometers into some major river systems)
with an apparent preference for a soft seafloor. Although
most porpoises are found within a few kilometers from
shore, they can be found further offshore (e.g., in the Yellow
and East China seas) if their preferred habitat is available.
Seasonal movements have been recorded for some regions
(e.g., in most Chinese waters) but some populations appear
to be more-or-less resident.
Conservation Status and Threats
Because finless porpoises inhabit the waters of nations and
regions with the largest and densest human populations (i.e.,
China, India, Bangledesh, Hong Kong SAR, Taiwan), their
continued survival is a colossal challenge. Paradoxically, the
great concentrations of humans near finless porpoise habitat
have not resulted in a good understanding of these animals.
Important basic biological information for determining
conservation status (e.g., population structure, abundance,
etc.) is still lacking throughout most of the range of finless
porpoises. Where information exists, mortality caused by
fisheries (especially with gillnets but also including trawls,
stow nets, fyke nets, set traps, seines and longlines) appears
to be too high for local populations to sustain. There are
even concerns that some populations may have already been
extirpated, or nearly so, by human activities.
The finless porpoise, as a global species, is considered
“Vulnerable” by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
The Yangtze River population, believed to be isolated to this
By-catches in fishing gear is the greatest immediate threat to the survival of finless porpoise populations throughout their
range. Large catches of porpoises over a few days are not uncommon. These porpoises were entangled in trammel and stow
nets used in western Taiwan Strait. Photo © J.Y. Wang/Formosa Cetus Research and Conservation Group.
Porpoises In Peril Issue: Finless Porpoise
river system (including the connected lakes, tributaries, and the estuary and possibly adjacent coastal marine waters), has been
in rapid decline and is classified as “Endangered’ under the IUCN Red List. There are great concerns that these porpoises
will follow the baiji to extinction because the ever-present threats to cetaceans in the river (i.e., harmful fishing gear, habitat
degradation, pollution, noise, vessel traffic, etc.) continue to worsen.
In Japanese waters, there are five distinct populations of finless porpoises (i.e., Omura Bay, Sendai Bay-Tokyo Bay, Inland
Sea-Hibiki Nada, Ise Bay-Mikawa Bay and Ariake Sound-Tachibana Bay) that vary in abundance from fewer than 200 to
a few thousand. The Inland Sea of Japan population is in sharp decline due mainly to capture in fishing gear and habitat
degradation, but there are other contributing threats such as pollution, noise, vessel traffic and live captures. No formal
assessments have been undertaken for any Japanese populations but some would certainly qualify for one of the IUCN Red
List threat categories (i.e., “Vulnerable”, “Endangered” or “Critically Endangered”).
Mortality due to fisheries is clearly the greatest immediate threat to finless porpoises and must be addressed effectively.
Habitat degradation, pollution, noise, and reduction of freshwater input into estuaries are also contributors, but losses due
to these threats are difficult to quantify and require much more research effort and attention. Continued declines in the
abundance of Yangtze and Japanese finless porpoises are clear warnings that current conservation actions and legal protection
afforded to these populations are insufficient. Continuing to neglect these forgotten porpoises will guarantee that some
populations will disappear before most of the world even knows about the existence of these remarkable and fascinating
Cetacean Specialist Group. 1996. Neophocaena phocaenoides ssp. asiaeorientalis. In: IUCN 2009. IUCN Red List of
Threatened Species. Version 2009.2. <www.iucnredlist.org>.
Jefferson, T.A. and Hung, S.K. 2004. Neophocaena phocaenoides. Mammalian Species 746: 1-12.
Kasuya, T. 1999. Finless porpoise Neophocaena phocaenoides (G. Cuvier, 1829). Pp. 411-412 in Handbook of marine
mammals: the second book of dolphins and the porpoises (S.H. Ridgway and R. Harrison, eds.). Academic Press, London,
United Kingdom. 486 pp.
Reeves, R.R., Wang, J.Y. and Leatherwood, J.S. 1997. The finless porpoise, Neophocaena phocaenoides (G. Cuvier, 1829): a
summary of current knowledge and recommendations for conservation action. Asian Marine Biology 14: 111-143.
Reeves, R.R., Collins, T., Jefferson, T.A., Karczmarski, L., Laidre, K., O’Corry-Crowe, G., Rojas-Bracho, L., Secchi, E.R.,
Slooten, E., Smith, B.D., Wang, J.Y. and Zhou, K. 2008. Neophocaena phocaenoides. In: IUCN 2009. IUCN Red List of
Threatened Species. Version 2009.2. <www.iucnredlist.org>.
Wang, J.Y., Frasier, T.R., Yang, S.C. and White, B.N. 2008. Detecting recent speciation events: the case of the finless
porpoise (genus Neophocaena). Heredity 101:145-155.
John Y. Wang is the principal biologist of the Formosa Cetus Research and Conservation Group and holds
adjunct positions at Trent University (Peterborough, ON, Canada), George Mason University (Fairfax, VA,
USA) and the National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium (Pingtung County, Taiwan). He received
his Ph.D. at McMaster University (Hamilton, ON, Canada) in 1999 and is a leading expert on the biology and
conservation of cetaceans in Asia. His early research focused on population genetics and fisheries by-catch
of harbor porpoises in the Bay of Fundy but his recent interests have been with biology and conservation
of cetaceans in Asia. He has authored key papers on the taxonomy of bottlenose dolphins and finless
porpoises and conservation biology of Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins. He is a member of the Cetacean
Specialist Group of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and has contributed to the
development of the IUCN Red List criteria. He also serves on the Committee of Taxonomy of the Society for
Marine Mammalogy
Porpoises In Peril Issue: Recent Literature
Recent Literature on
Adult male spectacled porpoises have dorsal fins that look disproportionally large. Photo © P. Olson
Harbor Porpoise
WILLIS, P. M., B. J. CRESPI, L. M. DILL, R. W. BAIRD and M. B. HANSON. 2004. Natural hybridization between Dall’s
porpoises (Phocoenoides dalli) and harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena). Canadian Journal of Zoology 82:828-834.
TOLLEY, K. A. and P. E. ROSEL. 2006. Population structure and historical demography of eastern North Atlantic harbour
porpoises inferred through mtDNA sequences. Marine Ecology Progress Series 327:297-308.
SCHEIDAT, M., A. GILLES, K. H. KOCK and U. SIEBERT. 2008. Harbour porpoise Phocoena phocoena abundance in the
southwestern Baltic Sea. Endangered Species Research 5:215-223.
BJORGE, A. and K. A. TOLLEY. 2009. Harbor porpoise Phocoena phocoena. Pp. 530-533 in Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals (Second Edition) (W. F. Perrin, B. Wursig and J. G. M. Thewissen). Academic Press.
JENKINS, R. E., R. D. H. BROWN and M. R. PHILLIPS. 2009. Harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) conservation management: A dimensional approach. Marine Policy 33:744-749.
D’AGROSA, C., C. E. LENNERT-CODY and O. VIDAL. 2000. Vaquita by-catch in Mexico’s artisanal gillnet fisheries: driving a small population to extinction. Conservation Biology 14:1110-1119.
ROJAS-BRACHO, L., R. R. REEVES and A. JARAMILLO-LEGORRETA. 2006. Conservation of the vaquita Phocoena
sinus. Mammal Review 36:179-216.
Porpoises In Peril Issue: Recent Literature
and B. L. TAYLOR. 2007. Saving the vaquita: Immediate action, not more data. Conservation Biology 21:1653-1655.
ROJAS-BRACHO, L. and A. M. JARAMILLO-LEGORRETA. 2009. Vaquita Phocoena sinus. Pp. 1196-1200 in Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals (Second Edition) (W. F. Perrin, B. Wursig and J. G. M. Thewissen). Academic Press.
Burmeister’s Porpoise
GOODALL, R. N. P., K. S. NORRIS, G. HARRIS, J. A. OPORTO and H. P. CASTELLO. 1995. Notes on the biology of the
Burmeister’s porpoise, Phocoena spinipinnis, off southern South America. Reports of the International Whaling Commission Special Issue 16:317-348.
BROWNELL, R. L. and P. J. CLAPHAM. 1999. Burmeister’s porpoise Phocoena spinipinnis Burmeister, 1865. 393-410 in
Handbook of Marine Mammals, Volume 6: The second book of dolphins and the porpoises (S. H. Ridgway and R. Harrison).
Academic Press.
MOLINA-SCHILLER, D., S. A. ROSALES and T. R. O. DE FREITAS. 2005. Oceanographic conditions off coastal South
America in relation to the distribution of Burmeister’s porpoise, Phocoena spinipinnis. Latin American Journal of Aquatic
Mammals 4:141-156.
VAN BRESSEM, R. GOODALL and I. CASSENS. 2005. Population structure of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA variation
among South American Burmeister’s porpoises (Phocoena spinipinnis). Conservation Genetics 6:431-443.
REYES, J. C. 2009. Burmeister’s porpoise Phocoena spinipinnis. Pp. 163-167 in Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals (Second
Edition) (W. F. Perrin, B. Wursig and J. G. M. Thewissen). Academic Press.
Spectacled Porpoise
GOODALL, R. N. P. and A. C. M. SCHIAVINI. 1995. On the biology of the spectacled porpoise, Australophocaena dioptrica. Reports of the International Whaling Commission Special Issue 16:411-453.
EVANS, K., C. KEMPER and M. HILL. 2001. First records of the spectacled porpoise Phocoena dioptrica in continental
Australian waters. Marine Mammal Science 17:161-169.
and U. GORTER. 2006. The spectacled porpoise (Phocoena dioptrica) in Antarctic waters. Journal of Cetacean Research
and Management 8:265-271.
GOODALL, R. N. P. 2009. Spectacled porpoise Phocoena dioptrica. Pp. 1087-1091 in Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals
(Second Edition) (W. F. Perrin, B. Wursig and J. G. M. Thewissen). Academic Press.
Dall’s Porpoise
HAYANO, A., M. AMANO and M. MIYAZAKI. 2003. Phylogeography and population structure of the Dall’s porpoise,
Phocoenoides dalli, in Japanese waters revealed by mitochondrial DNA. Genes and Genetic Systems 78:81-91.
AMANO, M. and A. HAYANO. 2007. Intermingling of dalli-type Dall’s porpoises into a wintering truei-type population off
Japan: Implications from color patterns. Marine Mammal Science 23:1-14.
WILLIS, P. M. and L. M. DILL. 2007. Mate guarding in male Dall’s porpoises (Phocoenoides dalli). Ethology 113:587-597.
JEFFERSON, T. A. 2009. Dall’s porpoise Phocoenoides dalli. Pp. 296-298 in Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals (Second
Edition) (W. F. Perrin, B. Wursig and J. G. M. Thewissen). Academic Press.
Porpoises In Peril Issue: Recent Literature
Finless Porpoise
JEFFERSON, T. A. and S. K. HUNG. 2004. Neophocaena phocaenoides. Mammalian Species 746:12 Pp.
XIA, J. H., J. S. ZHENG and D. WANG. 2005. Ex-situ conservation status of an endangered Yangtze finless porpoise population (Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaeorientalis) as measured from microsatellites and mtDNA diversity. ICES Journal of
Marine Science 62:1711-1716.
SHIRAKIHARA, K., M. SHIRAKIHARA and Y. YAMAMOTO. 2007. Distribution and abundance of finless porpoise in the
Inland Sea of Japan. Marine Biology 150:1025-1032.
WANG, J. Y., T. R. FRASIER, S. C. YANG and B. N. WHITE. 2008. Detecting recent speciation events: The case of the finless porpoise (genus Neophocaena). Heredity 101:145-155.
ZHAO, X., J. BARLOW, B. L. TAYLOR, R. L. PITMAN, K. WANG, Z. WEI, B. S. STEWART, S. T. TURVEY, T. AKAMATSU, R. R. REEVES and D. WANG. 2008. Abundance and conservation status of the Yangtze finless porpoise in the
Yangtze River, China. Biological Conservation 141:3006-3018.
AMANO, M. 2009. Finless porpoise Neophocaena phocaenoides. Pp. 437-439 in Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals (Second
Edition) (W. F. Perrin, B. Wursig and J. G. M. Thewissen). Academic Press.
Artist Randy Puckett - Special Sculpture,
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Vaquitas surfacing in the northern Gulf of California
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