JL _ 1 . ^alieoTTUT? M. 7 BARBM SIIOP
JL _ 1 . ^alieoTTUT? M. 7 BARBM SIIOP
4 V 4 JL *■ fr^M VOLUME 14, 0 H E L S E A r M IC H „ T H U R S D A Y , A U G U S T «s*v.;*if^s^*r-'rr:^-p;^4^ - X M 'M tT V H N U H4TKM, . 1 3 , 1886. ...................................................................... . i n i l I ' i W , i j i i i i * MAILS eU>81$. GoiNolSAbr. Gq jn s Webt. 0; Uft A> Mr , Al iHL A^ Hr . N U M B ER m hi im w n j f 49. .i.i / :* ; _ _ m m m h A meeting of the Southern Wt^h G o to (fiufticr’s Ban k X)rug , Htom 4 '"SfHfiC j \ \v \ l m j 3 m JC in | | y -^ " 5f C hireD urandspent lust’ Sabbath enaw Farm ers’ Club- will bo held at for pure Paris Green/ tluHwsidenee *>f Mr-D. IWosser, Man* \ '*• 1"jpW <I.I>■1* d ■<il.'W l -.I'.- . nXJhelmL-i| J t otq 5i‘uof ‘4’boja'bbjlii ob « ' I ft 1VM* fi IOtUS^ a, if.' oil ester, September 4th. Go to Glasier’s Bank D rug Store b{|& JP. M. ............ 9:45 v. W. 1^ iiuiuiiin r.Vl g 3 Qpy *800|^"OOpao'QO M i** Hitchcock,-of— 111 #,is visiting . ~ “ 8rW V. M. . Sharon ’ and Freedom" Singing t o r all kinds of machine oil. 1 friends in this Womity. ;School Ageoeirtttott w i IHi ave a piCTrjtf _______O.IJ/CHOWKU^I^-JU. nvn ■ Save money by buying gasoline a t J M .J. Noyeswusttbsent last week ^:n«mnrPnuF m o rro w n#. a t Uono’s fl* Grove. * /® u ^ /r u Z ^ : ^ — - — -----------. IItfTnree4/,#ilv .. I » / ' ^ %ifTYl | | ^ i «^| .■* GtazierVBank D rug Store, ' r r . huyingitoek for hisfm’ni, Miss Maggie Blossom of Manchester •I « , Q»)S warm and sultry, s will celebrate the tenth anniversary Save money by buying machm ..... ........ ' .....'................ ■ ' t i ! ^ g* '* ^ ^efroit, is vis- of her^irth td-morrow^One hullfttreir s s':.""' \yry solicit, ci ...___ 1--V 7“ ' | :. , . F?F ’ b ils a GluzToys BaiiTc Ih 1ug Store, fnan ult flic* surrounding towns. guests are iiiyited, *w DahcQ atT ow n Hall Friday even E v ery com rm intcm ioh iim st co n tain th e , Mi«s AHce Seargent spent Sunday Gnspline l l ots, per gallon a t Ght- , M bncPster farmers will Isold their lumuMOid a d d re ss o f th e w rite r, n o t iu>e<^« 1 -iti. *!u l{v for pubiicH tlon, hut »s « giiurttitley o f 1 ftmong her u umerous Chelsea irieutls. fourteenth, annual, harvest picnic at zler’s B a n k rto ig Store, ~~ ^ . good faith. „ a ' T h ch o y sliad a game of bull Inst John N, Buik'Vj of the Argus whs Bose’s Grove, on the 00th instant. Save money by buying P aris ' If you have nnv hu*hu>K8 at liin probate Saturday; _ , '' ' ■> ? * * ^' 4 j . flfflft*. «H*ko tlw request ll»aj the notice be in town Saturday,.. He did not call Address -b y Hon. E. P. AlleiL-am l Gwen a t Glazier’s Bank Drug Stored TT ^ h e rg . The GroeeVXFak^-bqnd-nnduf j i kl n^ Ufc^ "' tj j kei-a Mej^nipauLagnin Machine oils 15 ots. per gallon,at - - * :^::rmiv market rvPfirV^wlibiovtuiahlv Ik? Saginaw Valley. MiaaM. K WoHniftn.iefUa.t Mim. SU’e olBt) wl)l music. ^rlrtJtier’s B an k 'B rn g S to rc r ■fomid.cor.msL ni w aiv e d t »mr tw m ti 1 Several of-onr you»g--peuptu aro day- for Copersvilie, tohbgdhe a l'ew Mr. J . Iioehm, uf Dexter;who wow Htienlioti and Hke emit puinMogive cor7 weeks. Save money by buyingall grocer*root qootnlioim.r T h e p rf e e s q u o le d Jgfjg camping at Wolfe tak e, injured by a fall, on the 30th of Ju ly , 4|a^tH)a>drUy dealers.----1.— —j -. ----es, drug 8, medicines, etc., at OJa< 7 Wilt Bacon is,laying' the fminda Hon. J . X Bobison, County Clprk, dit-d Ang Oth, nged Sl years, 5 m o s,, ( We m tt*t not be held re^pom lblefoi* *miJk Bank D rug Store tkny fin’u iine residence on Orchard liuTo us a very pleasant cull last 14 days, Rev. Q, B olw tus attended by w r ttm , / the funeralon Sunday last. A tltU rnivill com .anm lcnlhw s to Street. T hnrsday. 1 THE HRllALI); </olly thpeg are reported at. CaveMi.s Aarflne Woain.ll k f t W ^ . w The atten tion of our reuders is gall* iiMgh U k ^ but we iMvvo iio puv day morning to vieit, friends in S e cry,vm m \ cabdy »tand at Cnvenauglv QHUKOil DIRECTORY. £dbt£k iioulurg, -— =mAmr-------- -— ----------* 5 ittte Of New York. Goode,-shown by the Housekeepers’ -Hw-TiioorsT. — IU*v, J.-A,-Mel) wain, Ted Bacon J uts oompleted liis new ■ Kempf 1ms recently an •W •Galvin ■.; ”•tJ-. ’.»had * Iff'' ?w- ".y.!’’ ,'*Tw ;t»w,f»T'Mf » >fl1•*9fY>IVIJ"VI m /yya ii r_. ■“ me*^iijK To w iny mol #tMoir»d»r~cv<:tVliWy -house tm Uuion-st., and will move abscess o f long- standing - success fully a b w o o ln it B, P a rk e r& ( 7o. (uppyeclar_e the styieiTand prices ub ■aannsifflMtTn) „ vl)«r m o rn in g services. Uhelsea friends advise F, W. Gil- ivltiuh ewi^tlhing In tik ir lin e Dt Tloft^R iid »illy *?-j Fd^ • liA yflVi& O 4new IV If . Sv^f markedfTP’mu k M l«u s i je liasagood ■(rujtowtGA’i ... . ..v,..... ...... i?oe_young m en-bytho “im m e ^ f -Irert^of-Glehn’s FtiM ~ y . ■ jt»y. • He rv i m t n l .1 0 ; 90 a , M.t an d .7 i », M7 vei’tisclue n t Haag's Bazaar is a R«8sciiiJtaJ^.lJbttiiy, N .X r BrevVlU 4-pl f 1ipen " ObllaV. j n the -- newesfc wJien hG goesllsIiing^aiurbjtjyonid Vo,me' people's »jee Ihi gHa bbutI) eventug; 4i^w ith=I,rTi shapesr iiHsTaniBug- liiteffiPnlTojvnSy—r [LT:.idztiuim9es;____iV_.. belter koep awavTmm ii/e water evening,at 7 o’clock. S unday SohooJr h»» - The^waH in r di'r the sidewalk ii ^ id o ts ^ M lr h a n d ^ v ^ w iw Mrs. G. H, K emnf sppnf Hahh w'-y-.X-" V v ; •-••- ^ ••. v- ..-'T: •= •:. tacaliul^ly utter m o rn in g services, 39 ots, buys a oUcu, tforselrwlrtte satin lined string-puff and -sailor fron t of L. D. Loomis’s grocery cavet in Chelsea, but returned to the care T U y T i q 't ^ B e v r v.OiTthrjTr Services, rtt r colored, at B. Parlor-A. a * knot- TNepltties, at oU, urp ,ju s ^ 1 JO.HO A. m . an d 7 v. m . P rn y cr in o e lih ^ ' ti lust Friday. It i^bedng re^amuk pfjierlnother in AThlon i>» MmwL ^ ^ h u i'x d rtv - ev eo iu g r4ti -g-fjIchffikr-A inday-MtvSrA^Bnmner.-of Hpnena Fullfi. about half the prides usually-asked; . to-de Miss Lennio IRroliard roturned^tu ^ . V,, father of Mrs, Ben, Winans, o |.re.Hl China Silk, colored border, heni d-non t.u iimiu ii,~ H i>v. flotair i S t o n n - li,p |, »’1101, r % P°pnl..r » i> her home at Jackson lastlCriday even this place," recently celebrated" hi Stitched Handkei’Ohiefsy warrantedto . Bnrvirex, one Btibballi a t 10:HO A- M., a lte r Chelsea-at on eurly date, -rN otice jng. Miss May Sparks accompanied 80th birthdav, . wash good* a h '35 cts,; all linen Onffs* ii'iie S abbath a t 2 p. h . S unday School a t wilibojgiven. ~ ~ . — : her.________ ‘ ,____ ,____' Oa m. a t %$ cts, a p a fr; and a full lino o f " : ,, L ■ H ouse and lot for salty on South r____ , _______ ,_p. Pui-ker A C p. hWe lUtey-advor• Mrsr Lawrence, Mrsi Crowell. Mr. m th MaiI)-st» Jncpiire of b\ McNunmm Collur -Buttonsy Cnff Buttons, Scarf ^bl t i w n ^ M hia rwcelr, " po not inll to Watkins Bins, a t alyoiftnmH’t h ^ ^ n l tip pptce irA^ -i— 'iul i e l s e u merchants urc wuk> h f ’Dctroi^-made a vislting-trlp to _ .T Iu ^L u lli^o fo u rb (d ls.la8 tS atu y Ho »JsokeepsHhccelebm tod TCngl (si i— |tUi>Urj{ day was heard at Manohester through .leather Braces, something entirely ing up. Next, Sharoir last Thursday, GKF& the telephohoTT new, and specially adapted for stiffi* •ail tin Mrs. Grace Nortorrr~da(ighter o A'tcmperance lecture will he delivmer wear; ’i ’he slik web Sufipcjide^. _ ■•n ity ^ i*tGtiX}.: Wright, andrhiisbaud/Tr ered in the Hew "Cloth s jor^sui tSTTlantsT^ cto^ at 2H uih ots.. »ai pnir, pair, isjt fh a h __ * •. ♦ y-^ -r - ~ y ■ ,__■ ■_ 1 l’i ,...i ri ,n ’i }-V±!: f ;_L _ nt. xn ia a Kavgitin pnrgHin in inn [iimki , 1S O Y IF & SHU A V E R evening, 17th lust.,-by ltev. ifi. 1>. Boonf, spentia few days, i nol u d in g W ^ Beeihum, ^ Rhc, and has never"ix»fo ytr been ePOUt. nun! ....... ....... ............. ................... .-.e Adrmn, a.1 RmiVlfiv tvii I,'lw>tt fnflwk.. Ii, o, tiOMIBB & U0. . orl in fllinifiitn The fimnu lullf* TTrtftu •t, ■.-Two d o o w w est o f W onda & Knapiih* -Sutton, of ed Choisefl. TIm fancy.half Xtosty Sunday, with her father, i.motill Imrdware Work done quickly «m[ at 05 cts> arc worth twice! asimtoh, ' UfmB^imnfmrrBS Samttcl-I-looIt reinrnxnHu:' Detroit tirsbchtWutvJw. ‘ . v"’™ ""Hiive -WFtr village..oidinanue • ivOf Interost to. Ladies ! ■1’r*N BoclegnvUI hold Its. T hirty-So veiitli Bpccttngclusiug phgics of business on -last Monday,. I^TTfc"T^Th^XHa^fami 1 iisitg-n — K .-O t V ^ M '—Ch W a ^ n t d t e | f the Sabbath day?,/■.^Vill Someone fui; enjoy another week at-GJialseii’s-d ei A»iiimUj'»iv-at-K)vli>niiizuor oi)-tl)e ., T» n Clil>"‘tc ^ l w u ^ j j a w » L » ; dor tl l U u ie c r M uVm-JiOLimnMdc Lp. _________ 1 *~18tli v.n 0 -it-isJieceMU’ for the ex281. of the K. O. 'i\ M„ will meet at ’he papj —jT 11f- n)1cV lighifni BunTmernresort, CaWtmvgh HJhrHHh, nisi) us with a copy of it _trenm oL lm t.and cold; and prehaps I 7 Odd Fellows’ Hull the first -undT rtw-0* : ^"jnciW orproxim o— fr .'771-7J7?-7- tho'moat im portant item in the list of Lake, ’ ~ 7 . ..UiiiuLFriday of cnoh montli, lyoXft _\Vheat, stacks in this vicinity wore cjptliingjs to~iavHir a good anpulrttfW m, B acon; R. K . ________ ruul Wife, G, J r hadiy soaked with water^by the fctu^ ir? rol full rains1-fhftt-fell* last-wookv—Wc -Growcil n))d-wi fc, Mrs. .B.Parkai-atu} r j} ...^ !'^!V.,Q/ wvigh t, for -sunnner-wti th —How is a . — asat im yim iigiii QJir.Ciockejy d c ap r ;u v 1 ’gmaFrinTtrio on sumo very T T V J IT 5 * fuu \ 1mv tu siuok 01 vwo up ifif ui*.; oiiiuyvy w . 5. 7 ; 7 7 . lh ^ w iro f s im ro " th T rt^ v F re ^ I: of'.tl'e ___4 i. S. ilQLMES A Gq, ^ n0 g,nl}{o Uudcrvests, th at ‘tb’o ^ D K N T JS T ; rial services at Ann Arbor last Sateninlc down to dry. 7 ztntmTr^wlihrth v i^itIu t c i Giiod-tny 'off on Cioekei'y to o l,w it t.n 8» s ' • B uebiiv : iwvo jimt TUt Hffllj E. E; Shaver h a s had ; some new 'DcPay.&Co’K .l)rug"; 8 l»».r«r _ _ wo olosiug it mu, F i r s t . oomo wmi-kt-d doww ft'orn^O-ots. to 80 ot# fuoili^f X*11k 1.ulca , XIVcir. v n .4 0 7 caclh—-Ihey-ave jwsilivc bargains, na -Rev, At—Mr Boelgborjoir arrived|nrstsm*vedr Intokgrou nils pat nt btl i i r h ia gallei'y many hvcliei, who have already been ne r M 4yed))C8day^nomiug^u<14^he guest II, S, H olmes & Co, ;p K ft. « i. O l V tN , BScn !- They u r e i i i o c s ^ b y lils lielp wtlf mVkniiq in to sec and purchase them, will tes of C, II, Kempf, . Ho will preach at npnh1 IfM OW PJOmc, • v j ( l e n t A I i e l t o n c e r o i l O set off your photo in fine style, Gall tify, We advise onr huly readers to" ;ecs;*r tltc Con^regatiodnl Church next call at once, before the assortment is —yi'ttvq tmd smamtl-lo—unaa-Jo--hud-look at them. • ' Tne Congregatioua). ^Mcthodiat • IB I theHtdtc*. WXJ1I niivtid nil liirni ftules hiuI b rek err^p r ----- Sabbath; A|n tfiej laptist, and Lutheran churches are nlher. iiuclff»n» on bIhuM uotice. tlnh.'is. ifbw is it Abner ? Piij yon actual i t 'l l ] h'l’i at iliiK-o)Uc« wiU rneeive pfntnpl nUen* ly takiL»^party out on Cuvenaugh M. JiehinaUiEsfp left-last Monday imik ing-jm’angemeu ta-tohove-^v -picr^ u ___ A n A c o id e n ta lth F L a k e .— ;— ~ (a work] li'iftt. RvsUU'iicauud V. O,luldres*. Sylvan/ Friday eveitlng, the menrbors o f if ho de*| .Mich, 1 V*IH-A . 7 ^ k e O T ^ l b P b l s 7 f t d t1p rd u m ]v for-East Siigim w lo 1 atten d the an uio next Wednesday, ut 'Oavenmigh C}^nrfXCH\WXuTgtfgot up several boat* extw®®' them into the hiko? If you did, it nual review of 1ho -Great Gamp of Lako, We undevstaiul that Sifuday ing parties; and, in company, had a ami #f*l .For Reiiabiof InHuriineo Against, Maccabees. He wilhuotbohome un Schools at Waterloo, Lima, Sydvan "delightful time ojn the bike. U nder ovolence. \yas very haughty. " IjijR exactlv I til Thursday, North Waterloo, Francisco and North the soothing intluenoe of the slowly S t o r e s a u d o t h e r p la c e s o f b u s in e s j. r^viv l i l p M l p pirt-Rwj -sinking sun and roh'eshihff-evemng^ hcvitlftg .jirtL:aiso-^iim tc d ,_ May they- bFeeae^ the sounds o f laughtew a n J C A U , ON X(m iv ir: ft:w e x c e p t io n s w e re T u lly MVs.:zIJudle\jr efdIatHo'Gh!et ro whini time aniLno.accidents,.. stfuins of-soug-were..vvafted-aorass-'IIucl m B E B T A i ^ O W M in nfthatill ' — on— water,'telling of the happy time the ioivoiue*J cr-in-law, W^ J._K uupp, left last _ House and lot for sale, ,washm)t> a~whit beiund lier neig young people.were having, IJn fortn fch timfrj A nurChasev desired before tb efirs Mondaylpr"Ypsiianti, to agai.iv visit in-doing honor to our Nation’s il* nately, the orew of one of the hugei» pos«rt» >Wo AbsoIb. of September. Also a few householc boafe’ was composed wholly of male her old home, 1 yi;s con-j 1 iomo, »f New York.i r ... .$7,^n_8,48fh lustrions dead. ,.: articles for sale cheap. Inquire of members bf the (Jam)v; and they, of XJbiiiiniM flRi, of Now .York,. . 47450 , 6514 . :ho coffl-T lA lns. M .h74lvLl)w isv Mr. David Webb, of D^nsvill^, ^PlienJx, of New Y«rk,; ji,206,5^ (1 Last Saturday,' Miss Tlatlie Mcu^ j^o/v^r^iqt 1le)qi neymjlyXItdamceft iniRginw Tug!iuhveonnty, formerly of Chelsea,- Carter.stopped npou a . ,needle, and is ritr^ l by having two or three wild spirits. CAliD OP TJIANKS. HiU’ifiud, ot’tJonn., ^ ‘ 4,U(i?,070. Ion?. <w“ .... ^ ........ .... ^ TiiJjiotn,d,.-wlH) tliorndLlit lots of tun .tompfUi'm mlagrccuble-calldust Mon-: fellrust, i t so-deop—urtoHicr7-ft>.oiL.iliat. Jhiiiiajaaitk.tir ----- .— nli - h 1wethtl AiJrA*^tet*-ht>wAm Kdi^rpm g^-wetl regu'l atdav.. Mr.~Webb roads,.T.hr, H kuamv the surgeon’s . Kn i(o was called in to ot.? ♦1 to express their thanks to the kincF ed boat could fltaiul, without turning Aim the) 'jYqlTisiTioiL to extract, it, ** Mn'!!’"8! ™m '"lT ‘V ' T m UVnni* A 011 aua r.iiuwod his . MW , t o1llon., migi> pfi friends mid neigh hors,„.w ho recently o v o rrT h e inftumUaonsequenco \ m iM d( lo.Af. Iitdf w t,ur nlfpi* 2 Niddle-st. last K Sunditv, alter nmnithat they found o u f ' When about' Reader, go thou and do likewise, oilnu in* Glmrles A.'.Gilbert with, wife and presented him with a suit of clothes, ing service, A horse belonging to Hftv feet, from shore, ovcr they went, t the hey if von have not already renewed. ^ duugliter arrived on 'I'uesday evening and have performed various: other. antlu ducking w a s the result. As: pan Arnold Prnddon run at a rapid rate Ll(vntea!i| Almost a serious uccident occur* iV111-. jTtn j|i-»|,i ^ m o n o 6 f-tluuB__lmcLpmv-idexl_.tliouL ^ p - M r d d ie s ^ iv ittr w o of M r, P no selves with a piiir of those excellent v till riwe] - den’^ sdaughters and imothor- -yo«4)g- red lasti Sntiirdny to 0, I L, K ^ u p l spend a few days visjfi ng his brothers ill ness.. Ilcnveiunaver> h\ils to r ^ , (Took oT denim Overalls, th a t the >{,(. onceJ The Chelsea* and neighboring^^cities; ward.such dos-ds,. _ .. Housekee|V'i'8’ Bazaar are selling at lady in.tins road cart. T he horse iu7d Jobnand 0 reifUinmnfugs. '* 4 ♦ _ * 1 •-■ -old liorsc they were driving sti»pppcd nhout ouoftthird the- regular twice, IworVflH was stopped on i ho corner of Muin-st. Maud E. Freer’s 13th birthday was '.We offer now tin? most comploto those who had no friends to provido. . ,«' colony] very suddenly at a watevliolo. in the by some gen t lemen, wlm wero sUimljf to tlirin celebrated limt Tuesday by a surprise line of Jerseys for ladies nnd^misrses tnem with lodging, had to drive homo* road, throwing them fro m jh rfr 7 ,o!J toi^g theiv, and iu) d amage was, pus* ■supktiig wetrtrom th o"'nraist dpwn, irtJMiLA m \ ib tu ir^ F irflp ra n g ltm v ^ iu'Tnthfh'f “‘"Wo trust this will be a lesvson for tuined except an unpleasant fright, . dies thq force, jerking from under them the panious, who loft with her Severn] eduped from 75 cents,; in black cot** future visitors: and t hat they tyiljl The young Indies conducted themprop^V I provide them selves with a change, by om*t in which they were rid[ng, "m \ lVeauTiTul hn“d ” valu:abtc ^presmrtsr' no heir* selvos with unusual .and commend nni r o f tlmsci.iAuhiin^ml ap* m ..... . ■»**'*Ift» BmXwing tb biu aVitlugi'Crtfc- vlblenM :IPIwt>lw»4wi^ToX ., ],n0 ; black braided1,■/cent biuck/ from the Honseke.encrs^ Bazaar, be.* able -bravery.' i'ilt dies~who nsssisted^ in entertain! 11^ $i;i)5 to $2.05* The best Jersey ever ' TiHIrbgrdnnd, ^No bones were b , of renn* tore going on another teteving ..ex^ *Gou.Sheridan imd Gen, Buckner 'the com pituy,M iss^Iatid will spend shown in Chelsea at $3,00 Ca l and peditioh* on, but nil .*li« l’" 1' 1' 08 8niroi:cd 801,10 shook bunds a t tlm funeral of Gen il« H olmes $ L’o. Ia few days visiting .friends iii Lima. see* severe contusion^ v XiVaut, ' . - 7 " C J^O ^I oris ' _ . . ^alieoTTUT?M .7 . .. ' : 'A; • , ■ -.;.. * ^ . BARBM SIIOP - IV * -*’« « ■ v - r - - ........... I V mnrirtt— ^ftii wanraKtm ,1 ^r; --S! i . ; . q * ■?■k>:.. j. __ : t TOCOKttEftFONDENTA * AftwwnmnMnuwi fcum* j*»«i*r»n<Hitd t* *c£*!+ *■■■ 11>«* t ik n if ‘it On* mnUoir. not * ^ M W ) ( n i '♦<>*>Ufa- o t #<)<>A,- « ? » : S S i . r ? / '. W ' - % f JlvlM M ■l I s D i r a ^ ’ K iS s? T t a ' u * * - * in it. ' S K O IX D A URKAT STA TE. tf« v D epartm ent a tto a A g ris u ltc rilte h o o l. T h e Legislature last winter made approprfa' ttaee for the i return ofa mechanical jahorato* n Ana worJiudinp ior t#e newly Ht»»t»hlistuHi i W t n J n t o f hWhauie ,Art# in the Sutc Aanrieultaral College. 'lbe ewqtraet tor the *.•-'11 »n-aiki iuiw tiw walla ate raUrder o f ftttrwy K eith of. RkxiiiilojiJiilei V ta Huron county, b»v© b a n ***r*f*5^4}j ft***} excitement exist# i u . bltK»;uiug<Jitlt • nwt vicinity. motor WAYi iu O T itx iq fc ?i The Detroit annual conference we^t* InFni** In tufoifaznoearly iu Uccetuhcr. ■v r Burglar# relieved Boh*k King Knfitnww® Of $ 0 0 north of Jewelry it tew uijfhu ago* . i- 'A. atate band tournament - will be hew at ( Flint commencing September 8 nudeotl u¥ j two day# -The ft, F. Cowitoek lumber company ha* - U\morg*Wcd In Dig Hapuw wiw » «•»»«* ; $pg5k aL|l£OJ,UX), - . j Fawtte Joutwou baa been »ppoinh^Pp»t,flny>ior at]lUiiitL^>»» X ek^vico i t ******* 'niilgr,' hoi eetituttaueitea.' v. ;•• *: Cheater McDoniUa, who If «^|*ed tog a forged order. tot t^tt.fehrtbyviUo ha* t«*mcaptures! and falfad at Allegan, ■ . /* XUo L a s t S a d H o n o rs P a i d t o ’ “ ' ' O u r h e r o i c U' e a d r In K n dl 111 rirrtaK r. Jt# •« . ^ eu tem id#, carriage Following the carrlimo pf Secretary llavurd ami those of .the tlja n t ii, ■■ ■ Cleveland ' " A G U fM lL iv W ti) ..... | r | i 's New Hampshire, dudlanA v*v.» l0*! C.;itur„li, C o l u r a i t 'r i i c S " 1 Cm ted *Stu11*s senate and house of rejireHi’Uho earriaKC# formed Iu Tw eutvdldrd .. Missouri ‘aud #re* Mvcs.^TIul jjtrrjttgcs fonm-u inj “" hTexan," m * , street three ab««»M>ft flfwnxtmBmif tow«y- "-Vetcraiir-Twgimtrttt*^^uifmclitlSHS^'^ihZ” K h S r u i,.* .ltl..g tUearrlviU ot ,0, ml*- . .J r W B . 10 *«* , ^ . . . . ..... F irst uigaao, (ten. J.^R, outeme, cototutaj. ’‘'i'tfra lfe h 11:05 (i™ ll»m w k»«li«l tbo DeUtlUtt’ A e io tta to ftb e C ereaoaii*. TOtii regiment lIlghAodors, New YoikVAt,,. J S J t S r S A n . vWdi »»» «>™ « tcers, ' ■ ■' ,U1«* l)ii arrlO ugat the head Since that tiieiuoralili? day iu Ju lv w h en th e •cteM*! and Hroadwajv the general issued the order to 8ocbnd Vetcrau Urr (/.ouaves (four^ jj^ t' *wint of th e brave old warrior took It# flight to ‘ the laud that UctU. beyond," until tb« hour march anil the inournfut cortege began to !«« r«>11-Kuiiavcs, when the remain# were committed to motlu r move wending it# way slovdv up Broadway to 03d New York volunteers. earth, the whole nationU a^how u tirevereucO. the aolumu music o f the bands, on route to " iWth vct.'ran corps. for the memory of the heroje dead, aud toltb Hiversldo park. Following was BOth Now York volunteer vet ran aMocum. K X «!™S , wtoh M lrf «» in ■•V‘« “Ttiii oHbitn or thk imooKaaios )»t Now York vftlinth'ftr;,-,vai ^ fljr heart. From the shores of old A U au u iioWe<t«fttorfr<m luive to M ' ^ r t a f Major General Winfield gcotmSffiSKlG Staff ••liablilmeutt of plainly of the anguish th a t yva» rending the * . and a'dra. great heart of tho nation.------- „ - -} *a „m patterv F, f th Unit *d »tat^H artMeryv ^“ From time that theromahK From the th e time the retnaliiu of him JJJt wo [, -8 Capt. Wnllace F, R andolph.. loved s i well wcr«: borne from untain I R-ltaH on orengliicors and hand, JUicut, Col. from the mo m ountain tr.<,«ttnn “ uSw until the collltt Hit *** t^osod forever hattaUonH. h. Abbott, l/. ». cnglnci-re, 10th N e T Y o r k i 09th,New York volunteer Continuuttl guardsof NewYork, Chicago union veteran** club gefignd ^rlgwtt*, Col. Hawkins knaves. _ NI netictU N ew-Y Yoi u nt 2cr 5’ — U nited Astoctatibn; Forri^h^Nw^^YtiilrVai^ o f sorrow* .tand: '•■ gloom displayed. -v iLeverywucro ' *. - -■*. i Capt. Thomason, -r-h c h a n g a ; inariuthne associatlonrporLof Nev Not in tho “Wstory of the motropol's or of the Lcapltoi City.Gifartla, Wuahlugmn, D. C., Capt. | y or^ x«w Y ork mctnl cxchangcy Now York nation has there__ heeh su ch uiilycrsal mourn ing Kelly. - . „ real estate exchange; New York board of Art as uMhfaoccasloii Xioaslon. nor has m ere ucen cxhlbj— rvt. n Firiit.MiTH)csoniguardrt ftDrTieaHr.Li The case of Mrs.-Esther Anderson of Glad*, ited such ^vldefspfcad sympathy for the family First Division-Now Jem*y~Nhfiona1 ghafd, -underwriters,: Third ruImIIvIs Ioii, Cv>).-Chas. G. Otis, com. win; chargod-wlth the murder of ;her infaifk TffTrhii'bthe hero-was beam |_ . Maj,-U‘ei>- W. Flume and staff. . . nation’s ...... ......... ..............th..o fate ...... m anding—RcpubUetui county connnitUei bus been poatponett until Aug. IT, Mrs. Ander* ofwhh. ' ............ Immediately after the close ...of the . ... gate# ^ .fho „ v catafalque. ^»vifaiqu “ rcpumlcan inib cuih of .New « nr, \ J young mcii’a New Ywkj.s Ywltj phyrieal condition Indnu such as to pre- tertdkuj^Ahe vestlbuli^mc-cUy hall^toe oniouoTTfonvUrtfritrautit and ” heeler. 1 young men’s ropubllean opublleah club * of Kiuys county; wiirh^TOChdaneti at- the nreltmtuary cxauib pU sft-w ft^arsar^h4Hsv-ttfaft^m nuto#--MK^|^-. . * m ._ _ p^u----- 1 young TVf>n’g i,i»p<n>ii,vm chib of. Jvr»ev (J.ti; rtqniblinm -iwftigbat afib ^muniMf-had-b^nlo^thiMiiuploy-ot nation. worft in full possession. . gurirding every men’* * ^n*»lilican club of naiilmwc; ibe (iompany for several year# and wa# ft geu- ThosnldforsHiome site commlttoo met in approach and allowing no one but the priv -young i Imuiueprivi* j'Q inilv aud rolatlve.i of Geu. Grant. Lincoln league *, ‘tb IrU-warttolThweln-elub,— veralfavorito. . _ Govr-AlgcrbHjflleo-ln Detroit, Aug. A, a t which ‘K*1 ■M---------- ~*tbo !lfW1*V VUIIW..mil,ill a .......ih -Gtergy F ourth suWtvtsifJUv Col, _J,^W .fJ#e fijWS Oehnru wai present ror for ttlm Osl oni wm na ill nrst time. U ^^nGlng In which tho nation's dead lay. .eiai -----HPhysleian*,-.— — — . Hurrah for Miohigan!_________ Col. dwidi^TimtAio “coiiiinandliig"-AiSoclBt'oir of exempt Ureou-n,' L'fnjvertlre’ground vislfcrt^"-* ■ ■ • • — was (leeuum tmu ue g , The undertaker at^ ouco took charge,- and ‘Ex-cabinet ofilrers. t volunteers, firemen as 'ociatlons; sons of.vtfr For the August cron re|>ort th e secretary bv-the comm’ttee nml ho ready to consider the after tire police,- guards and reporters'had, . (Jen. Grant’s o'(l stuff. eraus; Hfahlaud. guard*; knights o! FyUi’BT■ ■ ' ric- ........ ... * sites with them at tho nextinw ttngrA ugust IT tnkim a last look, the face of the dead was knlgbts of Sherwood Forests; Excelsiori'O.incit .Messrs. A. J. and G. W, Drexjfil. -ftt-O-ftr-mr-ln-Detroit,---------l Hosed from view unless there sliaiT In the fu The president of the United B lu e * / No. 1-K X). U. A. M .; Valley rdfgo ivnmril ^ . w eather in harvest time was vory favorable. The second annual reunion of MlelUgnu Bat- ture come a request to -remove the lid, and q'ho vice president. it O. U. A. M .; Soclrti del JraicrnoAmor,* A t L ansing the total ruinfaU' d u rin g -July- tariou -------------------‘ Iw .held toe dead was left in care o f ' tho llcglment...— ‘ . '■■----------4 Members of the cab.het. : ’ Excelsior association of .Je;s iy (J ty. ■•■*■■■' 1 ■- ’"tier The latt part' at Battle amounted* to ohly ttfo Inebca. until the dawn of too Bept. 1 uud g, Measures have guurds Members of the supremo c o u rt On tbo arrival of the head of the procersloa ho. quite hflon takonCreek, ofthw month the drought began to............ to secure the attendance of Col. last day for the dead upon ■■■earthbefore the I ____ U n i t e d States Senate. At. tt.v.,Y*Uie park th6 Aftriou ) division except ’5W sinwr -August 1 rahtohft* fallen Lewis Mtfirltt and to Obtain the old reghueiUKl. tomb should bo upuned to siio.n r Titmf Senators and momborirbf the Uouse of Dopre- companies dvtalL’d to take part m t ie Bad copiously. W heat am fhay havo been secured color 4. J. C. Lewis, secretary, West Leroy, ufh At six o’clock the different coinmaudorlcs and sentatives. ooremonlesi^dropimd o u t o ' lme, and turnlflf In good condition ju u l are of superior quality. Mleh.rwlll furnish information, ardors Ijcgau to arrive. Muillud drums and The govornor o f New York and staff: Into the b\-streets slowly rctracnl their step* .Estim ates of wheat made A ugust L a tte r JrD. Husselir a young man 84 years o1<IjkM- dfrgofnl t rumpets told of- thole arrival.—A t -to—the—place of disbanding. -An -ln»mou*t -Ex-preside nt* threshiug had commenmi In many parts of Horluusly ............If not fatally Injured-in Towle’s i « > FA VWWOMill, WlMl | faBtcAine thu-urlginal guard of honor .that was ■Foro’gn ministers. -to romTKad g a thered hen11, and Itwawwith too the stater show an average ner acre in tpomilo.hiH'tirofBlierldftnTbyJi.nkce of board ■ '*"*•' *-“ ■-* the pedlcc kept-ft-spat#--IS " t.t, 7M«(lregorT^aiuLwblch; W ‘ * — alone * -- ^iploraatlonnd^eonsidac-ofllcera.-uudorl Gqil. h utinost-(llillqnltv.tbfttr ao u th ern ro u r tie rro f counties of 18>^ hu*heisF---jj^ back over tluTenudllaers, connected with/ on duty atM and c.vle organhsueoi were to lift tbo remains. Filing ’into the corr, Giant. ^ clear for tbc m tlltaryam which Is nearly a bushel ub o v o to e M Y e s tl’ u lath mill. The -imartl-atruckAdm-otHhe„.v........ . . ... ... rklors of the city h>dl. these took their places QwepnarA o f.states according to data of ra tfr l whh'h irnd d ropp^d of' lino, ‘l iio regular# m ate. Thb: A itg u s to e sH im ri^ q fftig ^ g y th ^ the f«ft *ld0-'4ii(l&«r‘the. .tatomacfan tearing aJiohH bosldo-too -retnaioa aud-^resteit-there; ^ m d e r' ‘ * “ flcatlon of tho constitut-on .................* tnujhdatq— * ‘ r —^f i^kirn T jo sltto u B ^b n cadi sldc of-tlvc-ti>mp0’ eniinilnti la ohc-miftrtlAQf ^ J )^ hesdqfigln-hta&itlOt-aud-WiiuuJni-waft-. _ of-cntfydiH odhcUuhm.— —~:^ = ^ 1mr^tnbayMLftwaltol-to(MvrrivftL>rtUcfaa«4l July estimate. .These ngw#»'1n(lt[atca~totKf picked up and Taken to the house his Intestines „ 1L the'easkot. t„„ ^_rn.............................. Heads of bureaus of the war cU*tmrtm_eUt^-L7>Afcheftrlng A ll appixiiLfeot the yiofd in the southern.-countleapt were protruding and found- to ID torn aud.k^wenTnatrowly guarded i^^wLyoJief, Ucn. Sheridan’s staff— , rnsimls, and In-ihiMdiRe of ^ U ^ k lO.bm helfl. mangled lu sUoh a manner that tho physlcta u r - Gap. Schofield and staff______ ^ n n P o t tin, p articipant* Into-? iunerui procee TThis exceed* ihe July edlm ate by L038|B18 have doubts of his recovery. Admiral Jouott,. V. 8. navy. fiioh w eren l.o w ed to en k r. , bushels, ^iier^conL^lmJu ^ f* A* the cortegeapprouched the ineit-ftfsUftritj.ij_ _ - Commaud.*r Chandler. D BTRO ITH A BS 814, 7— ^ ion was waiting, .’•Columns In jioiltitfir, right T re s ld e h io f thtisoldtcrs’-lioine; the rIvefTbnuhune.nl tiring, rt'nl luh ^ -C orn promises in tho southern.fourTiorw of Wheat—No. 1 w h ite .r., . . . . ,»8 94#(c$ iud left,” was U!s“ eomirAud. The veteran booming of the gun’s broke too dcath-Tlku sun* U-ii. district attorney and col rector. . counties j>or cent, and in counties-north of Wboat—No. ii red t t »-h «i -97-fitaTdtothonorwns erect, ^Naval adlccr, Assistant T rc rt rrer, Board ness which provailed on nit sides, “ ... ; the'southern four tiers, 9 i per cent, the com. Four, roller pmcoM, B 00 ---------- ofTmlfairCommlssloners. ' The bodv arrived a t the grave at 4.45, M lM m rtsoF belng with the. v ita» tra© d -g ro w th of Flour,,stone process............. 4 75 I'L lft tUo remains,’’ wits- the next coimnand. 5 00 Mayors of T'/tre v ai-Tjordhig to popula burial rites of .the G. A it. were perronned. .u clear but low topes, Tbc H n u n stooijed average years, ................ L , ' 48 *, ■■»'• • ir ,. i, mi tion, with committees of common Nowmau the© followed with the rvafihigof » Oats are estimated to yield aljoht s r bushels, Corn.. to the silver rails wlih gloved bunds, ' ‘March,’’U » O ats., *•<•««.... i n . «• • ** couuelle of New York, 'Brooklyn, burial services of the Methodist, M *c0^ H was the word. The body moved. Out upon and iwivley il5 bushels per acre 150 Barley .•.■■,... •■• • • •, >r?..--. * • 1 the pnrt'mvweru hm nu thn.rctnntlm f'nmmnnd— . Boajkw, 81. ItoUls, J c rs»y Cit y,— — church, and the ceremonies w th*#™ '?.1?. The vteid of bay per aero was perhaps a trine Byeii per i 190 « v ^ « i n .............. ........... jj-j f AJffL ■ , NvwJJaven.Hartfordjhllsa-______ eluded with a saluto-otal gunai .by tin*jlglk > 5r Jobpson: immediately a t the head. Down th e -4e#frWquautlty tban-ln r— ^ Bran| w►.... 71 . . . . . . . . . . . . < , « . -w to ueio w beUi, limlson, Hotttlery, F rthartillery, and im;lofap* I j W > CloVor sowu tbl# year - is, tmdly injured by Clover Seed/F bu , ,..... * Step*-wJth measured trend, across the open 5Imketi, eU1. spae') to tho steps of tho black and waiting the drought, ■ — Krouse, of B atu rv ; 1L . J*111!11,7.p.^:„ Timothv S eed,................. ■• • l 75 (jh 1 80 K/i rih 8« rvi The committee One Hundred. . , i.utiuum iu uivnium i'ii hi .-.v , ' . " , l. funeral car. The .steps were drawn away from Potatoes promise about n lim -te n tb so r an X n p U w bi .bkl, ’. . i . ! . ; , . . . ....... .»u 60 00 the funeral car. Coinmundcr Johnson took his Second division o f veteran organizations, I G randpapa.” Tho guard of honor bora w average crop on an aercago not quite o v »» to,j Butt lb .................. 11 7(1 V! ------ G enrD aniel K. S cklo-q (tnntnnnticrt------ 1 roniain* w itoinA ho tomb, and- a t-n lace In tlmcvfl . m---8 ):»'• :■r.t «•t.I.f.f -tbe-a^«rag«r . .■ t-- . . .Ti ’ i _ [ Cheese *p.,»•«• *,, ? 1 Apple* promise - about oucdmlf _au_avcrnge Eggsvv r ,. *; > •♦.••••* *•• •**•*• uneraLcar— At h!a left a n d / right m i . either - AIds *-MaJ.*U en-. -Dau.c) lluttcrilcld, ehlot jo LI . pfa^tid them within th e steel case,..the ataff and acpior-aid<rric-camp; llrlg.-Gen. ( both leaden Ruing and steel ease then duus rear corner (if the car were comrades Downing crop, 1 Ch.ckens. H. K. Tretnaui, lirlg.-Gcn. O’Berno, performed ns im licnhd above. , . „ AfiW ’ and:<)rmsllc of Wheeler post, Saratoga. Next Turkovs...,... ................. . •• " A gricultural Collcga. BrIg.*Gen. J. 8. Frazer, Brig. Oen.' aud directly behind these were representatives ios, new, p c r b b l . . . . , , , . S 8. H.-Srliweivk, U. 8. A rnty: _ ___ j aTew inonionis. t.ney ItHHI ruilfllrt' *.MVV -’"VI of .the'• loyal legion, ns follows: Gen, J. J. T h e following program will faf observe dur pa. ...<< v. I . . , . , « ,t. .».«♦ Milhou, 0 . O. urlc>tom^Payma4j-^r G. D. Bni’- Brig,-Gen. Frank Hpinoia, Col. Tho*. Ifafforty, rlage*. and when entering, tbo *ovhu& ‘ in g the week fir tlu' .....nunuul .-..... conimcnccnu'ut -.-■•■.■■■ , cx* ! Onions Vbu — Col. JoelW |lsonfColrH-.-L. Fottcr. i.lunri, Itw S ty -scc o in l iogim enIsin-H im t)« W erciai's ot the Ml hlgjuntgricultural c o l l ^ a^H oneyT T T T r;/;. 7 .7 7 7 /7 ......v r M; Clark nml Cnpt.'K.’ Blunt. ’Tho clergy and - , fired three volleys toward tho r.vcr, a h / " / .- , I 1 »0 .. _^ : i Beans, p i c k e d .,« Litoitngi physicians Imd^-paid inspect to the remains hy Ferfay, MaJ. J. J. I t instock, Brevet - fautcrv F, fifth artillery. flr«Uhrco n oo lay, Aug.- ;;t—pani gluuroato sermoiuJl.jqicans, p n p l c k f i d . ' . . t . . : Bunday, C ^ = ^ f a w n e r ^ a p t . :M ;- ; ------ 1 the knuIlViU'avd the hotel. The fan d b - ^ tth^vriitgJromtocliHAVrlasm*-®^ -H ay.; m u m T|T*' •IfM +f< , , ,7154)5: i s nv.: ^rooIngThenit r om the stops to the liraarse.. They ___ then “ - Sfawar L Capt~.fr 5f; horn ter, Tittges drove ttwuy, Mundav, Aug, fM iw 'le ty BanquejiB'\u m. B f r a w •••••»■.*• 0-00 0 oo entered carriages .'oh either side of the* plaza L ie u t J. A. H. Nickels, Tuesday, Aug, U'~M:1 tary exercises, 0 p. Fork,dressed /p 100.;. ,»»«•«.«, 5 60 . 'fh< .h e naval vessels In tho river U 86 near Broadway, as follows: Hey. Dr^NcwFork, mess n e w , , , , . . m . . . . . *11 00 *___' _ . U. A . Navy; : n ;. -in n elttw* dnv exercise*, 8 pf m, < 18 00. mah, Bishop Harris, Blshop^Porter, Rev, Dr. Private/John Tregaskls; escort detailed from nants a tlm ilm a s t Wednesday, Aug. lii~Commencement oxer- Fork, family,.,...,,*»»>«<•♦• <11 T5 10^ Chambers, Bov. Dr. F eld, Bov, Dr. Bridge, tljeT hird army itornsrveterans. i • 10 the Despatch, Fowhattan, Omalm, \*J. Ga s. 10 a. m .; i'ie»ideut Wllllfab Inaugural | fains i l l , . . . . , ■ 7 man, HaVt Dr. West, B»v. Father Deshon, M«J.*Gen. J. C. ltobinsou, u . 8, army, and th e Alliance. The tlrH mentioned ^ *»■• *...■»• 8 K L nddr.s*, 8 p. m. i presidents rouoj t ’.on, 8 to 10 Shoidders >• 1% Ilobt Collyev, Habbl Browmv and Dr*. Doug retired ofiUers of tho U.. 8. army, La r d . « / , m.i ..,« « . . . » . . . . . . . ... 7 q u ii; m ind JoimU’M llagshi|> Tim J^? i i JlhSiUif I f p - las79bTFn>v~anu Bandsr--------- 1 ------1-------- —* navy and marine corpc. — * WHS dlBptayed-nt htdf ina t- o u tbL-fliv^JlLj Tinir«lftv, Aug, 5 0 -A lu m Il d ay -I.lto rary Dried B e e f *•«.... * *• 19 i^CoUJlcck, in eommaudtof-timwgufars^eo]m~ Mtilta ry -o rd ef « f tim htyab-tegitm of th e tit sunset, Alt the v,asels-had tl —^ A x e rrisF i/ lO^iOnT-WiTbuHi n rss-raeet i ng, 8 p. TailpW-V•VVVf fS Mi f f t T m m u #5' B e e s w a x * ■80 mandod hiseomjmnles to take tKisltlous, Co. gaffs and lower iKiom* c<jck-hli ed. G« t e ^ United State*.' m ,; famquct, 8 p, m. 10 50 Beef extra m ess, .......... ..10 95 on the fight and Co. K on tlm left of the and mlzzmwnasts of each vessd toe ri t ; Society of the army of tho Fotomnc. :W t f ( V t T Pnftflh and M a p le .....j 5 7i I)m »wba t -hearse. ___________ Sociotv.Qt tho army, of to o ; Tcimcgaae.Wi r odMapl e. ■ « 0 95 inastA th ” p< rt yard arms wcftT t-ippcn up. Society of the aviuv o f the Cumke.'land. Colored men were at thr^britV.as^Trf the 94 ' The suit Jn8])ectlon in the state (Hiring tlm .Wood H i c k o r y , „• ■.*<<_0.7fl -7 Q0_ Ifiaek o t m a ^ w a s i.aT iicirih it; ' Gnmd army o f the Bepnblte, Cornrffchr S r S r horses; Sixteen mrn u f M reftcr liortT m onth of July was as follows _ i .. ~ L IV K STOCK. v Burdett.'com m ander In chief. lia<t started the Despotoh fired H Fhlladelphla, of which Gun. Grant was a mem ’ ' : :■Barrel)*. C attlk—Market slow aivl harely steady: ber, were abreast Immodtotrly- In front of the Escort stalf^-Seldon Connor, of Maine, senior ami r s mwii as tho Despatch ? »lo ilcol Vito commander; Roth Stewart of Ohior the Fowlmttnn und other ycs. 8 d |>c,uM fl^rlnaw ( ’o u n t y , •, , , , ■*. . . . . .114,*i 19 shmprnu steers, $4 COW5 P0; atockera and team of black leaders, and tiu? David’s Island chaplain; John Cameron of Wash* them. A : slirmd was r^v m n n Ja.id* jtodiuitlittL S O ; cows, hu 1* aud mixed, 81 7J band preceded fired 31i inimltc guiy. t w h ; g ,yl ^ re Bay C ounty., . tngtrm, - lidjugm t gi«niWfttT “ dorm— s.unsoftTio shTjis Iiauhd dow n iokiik «('v h H uron (,o u n ty ...,’........... ........... ............ 48,PW (/M'tJft j t Ur im g 11 Tex a s cattle Slow, shade lower given and the line of coaches' with elcwv Taylor of Fennsyivmda. Iosco County. , . . . «.■< . • *. 1fiJ NI4 <>n to llrosdwav, nrlnumr M ldfand-Gotmiy f . \ n , . -m , , , % M tU -ftTlfough, of (ouv-w, not Fred Brackett of Manistee County. , > .,.. . *r .. * , , t ?, 41,44 pres^tve as tho funeral jeocesdm* to*. rc<^o' advanced to tho head of Wa«hln;rion, as^ . . -■ alient b u t effective dcmon*tiallo>> to 1■1'10-|/j, v~. f i t ' i i l s k C n u n i y . , . >** id,9 il .. horse* before toe coato. 11’ hr ‘ wlstant adju* -, for the momoTy °f G iant \va* ‘ ^ 0( „ »,Klpir|0M4‘8t). . _ ‘Move on” Hver«nhis wuPts of command with . . . . ,H:15,81T StiKKl’—Market alow: natives, 8 % t 90; tantgen* , tho shipping In the Imrlmr. All a n uplifted sword, The lender* stopped forward Tofal, . eral, crafts participated, and evcn lh ’ « Afntnf. , Thu total Inspection for tbo year up to date Texans, #1 75q$8 75; lambs, per head, lltuii) 60. led hy the colored men and iu an Instant the black lino of horses had straightene l their Fennsylvanla—Geo. U, Meade j>o»t No, l;.dclc* hud oyster penws dlsplaycdG if''' j j J J di*. fa u rt^ s.9 * i arre ts; lo r the currwspoudiug ...... .wool. All-tlm-ferry houses, frelgM andbwfi and' torn wheels lumcsth i h e remains gate* >Irom hV>rd Lust No, ttfiA. a nd ^ .lairiod of 1881, !,*«'■■numarntfa. 4 Eastern advises- say : Wool firm with a good traces wore moving. The hour was (MT. / T h e baud pots, an lo c o at i steamers William Downing post No. 4 j 3T , * ml: Ohio and Fennsylvanla.flcee.es, HOqj) demand -pfayed A dlrgerand Gen. U rniuviM ii jotiftiw NeW York .city In Tour' largo dlrtlfonaT Tlm rivei* fiOTtVhfttthc.r flag* «t ha JI « ^ A B 'iilU i B eiert. ffjcVt irN and X \;W M m c rtv ir X X m X ho vessels a t the ^ NoW Twrk statoixuds, outside of New York tho Igan X thn'ces, 98tf(!9Ue; fineOhio delaine wharves Ulty ............ city, as follows: , Jersey wfS%TioiiiWf®r « 9 p ^ i Mlrhton a.l«tnfc-1 HThe i R ipemb^rs i g q p J of' . gthe* (Jrant - f ™ family, H j . wlto with the tlw Cowlen, commntoltng nine Brooklyn same m arks of respect Hie oheyiHi thft __ _ __ 7....... . . -pBocjm trm . a t .4ha4flf^ river stuunura \\4UluiU. "’*1,.. flfti choice su;a\r» townridp, Mt, Uemv Avenue hotok where umy were staying, At OJUourko ;mst No. 1, Hoclicster. ru lo o f the day, Tbo ? AU* ; f f i n t h e W fnaon township, Uo*t). Lake township, E a d which s ailed for KurtqM*-a M-Aiiu d d y t ..p r^ lsa ly, 10^ e lM k :e apriages drove up to thtr —ir.-O.-Mbrri* post faty s W iw ly ^ o T i W mid Itu n r W Tnlb t (over « r ‘tliartunaK , ^ .. entrance nml the inciutMrrs of toe family took lAwreneoi>o»v!ff8. For with lowered ensigns, #lK| fa* r k?a« uicaW? . . c, .’ort, Chesfer. Dundee, Detroit, Ithaca, M onroe,. Now Unlit* condors. n a n ts - a murk of respect shown to tuo u,w seats In them 0* follows: Col. Grant, aceom* ^Richmond post 594. Mariner's harbor. 'rhore, Sherwood township,-Owosso, Hlchmon 1,1 Boer is heeomlng the fashionable drluk Minlod by Mrs. Sartorls and Mrs, Fred. Grant, of very few* public nmu* ___ . Hamilton post 90, Fougbkeopslo, riouth Haveri, Hay O.ty and Unmeoj. meai’.e * , pflrls, xx)K seat* In the first-carriage; the socouu Howland post 48, Klshklll. _ ___ a t H oughton nml Ka’amawm, and tynlmtd i ^ ornPjt university own* 940 acres Cbtnew are going in heavy a# de«l*wln^ carriage was occupied by Mr.^amlMrs. U, B. Rtngold post 388, Long Island, f (V( t at HumlmUH. Houghton towutolp, Jack-1 3 Brant and t enor Romero; Je*soGrant and wife I n ’Frisco. — . / Huntaman post 60, Flushing. io n , L'Anso tow nship Monroe, Reading, Hart i% They p kntt build temples of human skulls In sutered the third; In the fourth were Mr. and ...Franca fa too; groa V»t x ’onnl ry tor AU|l !V bth po*t451r Colfago Folttk — And lou a. • 'B .. Dshomcy. ^ , C»mW r Tbe nextcarrlsge csrrted Gan. ./ ________ — IL B. Mott post'^697 Freeport. brldgiH, ' " married Ri Clock's post f.0), Newton. H tU ere ouiv ' about 7.003 colored PCOPlela ^reswell and wife, ami. was followed by Fottor ____________I ttiparta Ar r w t s i ____ __ ----iiv-Augu *ttt,3doniu uuu of L*. -rafaic raad -Mr, Hoqore. h i anot her ;ia d la st A ta ld w tn tw n O H ^ n r p s t M d .; M arsh Barker and Wife, suspected of the CudUornla, M m .' ag .rlo lU , —(Urely-aevered -from the body and ground 'to a pulp, both anus were torn o u t of the — 'S o c k e V h p iL o n e w a s^ jU u ^ h iw p lw e S r—the,right foot was cut off at the ankle. The chest — <wai_ literally crushed _ a n a tho larnyx-and , Dtowcnl were entirely drawn out o f the body. -f__T h e unfortniiate inau wah about 85 yfiars Of fu physique^ .ftffo. He was of large and jwwcrful It W& ■■■■ i i t e i i i t e '- m m KM? m d u s t m MarOl jMiHt m , Sing g w . Burnett jxi^t 41M, Tacrviiiwn Cbnnccticut jiwsla, Mu^ai-husclU blit, v ' deiesv i-O'.ts. *V» Department of the Potomac ' atos aud reiWivwntatlvcN from r -»? Thirty*#Ixth New York VolutitceriL i 0^TO^oW7All=thatjeouldNtM* sftf f he# heyu MMVILt VW«-»«y.. mitihy inftllionaof those Vill g; nrttilery j battery II, ^leceyeiMV.SeptiHnbertlprox. . Forty* irty*acbond New York Voltmtcer* ' \* county,*has been chosen secretary pf bonnr the -‘good man gone. AR ih*f could I t is intended to make tola course •<#’>«,lally TravciW the sum tward of agriculture, vice A. ft. Beard So done to 8show to tho workl how sin chrel,v Ham"' Tammany iteglment. -ttrong in natural phUosophy,draughaug.geom* the 51^ L - a . amllc^t. ...QL.*------- - Nlnetiotlh Gbo Ilumlrcd and ThlftMh wa mourn, the low oteur ilUi»lfiiku^ondt ha» . .iitop., t „ *^r^iw&keep!ug aud businew form* and ,ta * w e t ' HuudruU andTblrty-niulhand Fortv>iM r a j K r, iand a n‘ been done, uudor of iwIdlers f c VUtddh» h e mU'im m oofi iilt'numm^ 1 Tboannuhl encampment rhiwv- There will Volunteer Veteran Arsoelafoui -Ministry, and careful atteiitlon will be tP&id sailor* of Central M IM an was held at Xlrecu- iS o tln a-sptrltof-korrovy-do whlOok up tlijs The several associations .of Mexican war wt' event, \ V e J y p « i V ^ t o J ^ 1!2lh u ,g ; mrsuTryt Capt, B row ^ viltc on the oth ■ endt Tth Imb The ©ext onh! to English comjKisltion, while; at lwst ten eraus. * andourhearOT arc full of u holF jpr.de th a t ^ _ ,fta v ld ’xIsUR«UUjUi}h_^_„ „ . . ' hour# per week, wr two yiar#» will t»e devoted campuient will be held In Owosso. Son# ot veterans, department, of Km'Yak such it son was born-' to tho nat|cm> |_ ,v*viii bflsiula For tbn vearspast AB^ap’s death ratobM . r to a graded scries of exercises in sho}H>racUee a thankfulness that having ‘fulfilled pj iUyi^ 0ft x i (>.» N. T ., Maj.-Gon. Shalor Third brigade, Gen. F. B, Splhola,^ w aiffi. under tb^direetfpn of skilled workmen. bccti-ftvcahd o S a l f to JS?*V SV 58liii* and ' ■ *ingr ^ v h ia d at he-hiX 'KbnoK rm otvo the l mvi*um ' Tnunaudlll’ , , . his day be hax'gpno io-........... . - -, J r iw ,___ _ fommaudUi., THiiDon is free. The necessary expenses of habitants, as certified to bylJrs. F. M. Ulkiu#>. HlfiTwho Union veteran association; skid ^ ^ llito n e good and faithful Geo, :W. t stndent per-year, exclusive of travel and W, H. IMfess K- Atuaden and 11. t . Tboas. Old Guard, of New York city, MaJ T lM t1 tfw .iHwayvnbnitmiw, U ...~..~ J o mmandin lOV"Ku»rw'», mi Governor's foo National veteran association of Chicago, ZM from Albany o u T h u ^ MaJ. J. 0. Kinney. education can enter. Those who havecertifl- numucT are e*wv»v« w «» v*vr'r“**. *vr , 1 New Bedford veteran assoeiatlon, , »tes from the public school# are received ratSmay l».obtained through tUe alumni day the Oth lush until 1:20 o’clock on the y^nnssaclatL om , m b N. _ Y. volunteers, Col. H. D7 Ifall. without examination. By addressing any of secretary. , the offleersor pmfeasouH^ the agricultural _Y«m» ■ WhUoW.lMICfw ofSprlngporhw asunlo. face whlle tho body1)ay Iu state ju the city ball "Bhechan; college all necessary informatlomcan be ol w bay an accident to tftc harness caused the In Chester, communllng. New York. At OttTa. m. the remains of. Thirteenth regiment N. Y. volunteer veterans, Twenly^flCpnd rcglihant vetorimri wnUttetrce to flv back suddenly, striking him (leu. G rant were taken from the vestlhum of Ct “* " .. Laird, commanding. ou hall and placed on the the city bail me funeral *unerai car l‘aV1 vifth m rim cn tlJo w ^o rk ^S tcer stouavea, Oround to DHtb# . , the abdomen. He died from the ctfects of wblch F ourtocnth reglment veteran association. lmmcdiatcly took Its place in the funeral Fifth regiment Sydney C. Root, a freight conductor on th r^ e jjlo w Kennedy’s t^year»old dcaMnute N inth regim cnt veteran? ond wddiem,_ana i Centennial thomaa cortege. •>orti,ire.' --Second Company lyashington (’pntcnniaJ Mllhlgan Central road, met Wi death near the daughter, ThAm. at-Mt, Sforrte, was walking on tho The sailors’ uuibn bfUrdokiym i ,„> temporary tomb a t Riverside , waa. guard, Capt. Norniau, station a few ulghts agp. Hp had ISprlnyweUa r a i n i M ............................... Soldadonluu tnatloson union of Brooklyn, ..... ..... ...., 4u»u lust returned from JackwTv imdTefrtiiatrain, T ------7 M. U iohftut, cinnmamUug.------Italian rifle guard; Capt. Bobnnbeuo, settled hi# business at the ofllee and lumped _War veteran association. Gat Ihaldi legion, Capt. Spassary. on a yard train destined for the,ferry ship which Fourteenth regim ent of Brooklyn, Cot. E. B. —Columbia guards.? Capt, Kelly.— ■ — | 1m »mi tfts lunctlou and ion .which US1IfatsnuadFowler. jgnmmaudtPgr7 ■ • f * ^ throe ^bmpanieSr ] Veteran Guards tb ride ’to Eighteenth street, Detroit, TM til <Hvf*(on (ctvfc) Capt. H, B. iiiiams. S ^ f f i S S S & J a a i a ® w where he resided, y He Jumped on after the ^ S bflrtu tho nurnosL* to puna u t , ^ a a a^iiaL J ■Majr>Gep.M W ip ite r 7 Main heulgoC-undiw muBott and wa^ w mjflLig niug^and iBstantiy hillQdi Mr, hoM^ leavct a. Whtcb‘tto 8 ^n i)rap p lk d . "a id rsr hJs way to tbc roar in order to Jump oft when large family ^ _ The closiug day,of the funeral soryicos F irst ju b d lv lslon, Col. plckiuEOn, com.: ' the train roaebed.Eighto#nth street, The The coronerV hiry in - the ca#e «f-Ida Ken* _dawned with a (dear Iky.irw lgnl sun, amb. a . F irst regiment N athm anTuard bf Funiwylv*- m auder—society oT^the Cincinnati, 'chamber or train had gon« but a snort distance when _Ed, nedy, the deaf—umto.—killed at, Mt Morris coolhig-breest1 A more haautlfiil day for the 1 • Col. W'dd m h c lw ^ commerce; N. Y. bbtorlcul so.i.ty; Union <ihn war' brflkcmftu. saw alahtera •to * 3’ w.»uisn Mi averdict- of ftr-YfirdietOI accidental. aecnw nw I oVn t o which ^ ft*™ »in»»rh th e Gra y Invlnd i doa, D m t ' , ■draguftidu b j-committee of cx-comoum soon as possible Tie stop ^ d the tram ^r~ dS&Utresoneratlng^-the— F - i f e A ^ - y ^ ^ r o f t ^ ^ ^ 1 4 t l m t ? n tomliof jft.llth a r h r n m r ta l rift^ t i ^ i u a r d o f W d i i t a ^ G a .. Lieut, vam p. oi-una. it ft 'QoiaMan commGalont- ex-dipti ^ -cow w uy fr»ui al l iiiftiuc... ... . . . ^ y -fiitin w hotutne.nauoiiinm fm i rnnhl not btr- g ^ o h d i^ g lin ciri^Conn.^numj.-NttiioualGuard, m atin and consular. oHIccr*; .(JrariVmonutiitDt "__Fir^i the lantern, the»i aTIiat^jauiLa (UmPPlB wished for. -From tiic Briirg^Hhe suurlseg u u r rnt-lTravcnworth. orsocletlbn ; dttxetts’ and order leaipu*, ofOl rfurther on-o mangled body wenr the boom of the m lnutogva tirstat^U tod Inter -1 .TIrstrregIm?ht-Mas*aehustttt«-voluntecr inui- ‘ o jto n ;c b a m b cr of commerce of New Haven, !t| atrew n along: -.Iona of the body^ wereaounds-lrrbbth the military and naval detail sotin, Col. WcUngiou. Second subdivision, Co!. J , \V, Martini, tbe track for some distance, Coroner leetcd’to pay t ribute to 1110 nation’s dead, w oal yon? companies Virginia state trootxq Lleutr comnmitnUng-~New York stoTircxcliaiige; wn» fte tst Hcerc, a Jury 'aandT U ndertaker nd oeffl' ' -‘to‘ “tke-pebple -' •*that the fast ~ * gpotwoo(L—-“ ‘ 1 heard proefftlmln? -.CoL aolidated-stock and . were taken to the scene on a special car, The against tho encampment... The Iouln county court hbuio Is nearly com' sad rite# were under way. Th,* church bells F irst Co. Union vctcrau cprp* D istrict of solidated cotton atnn had tieeu gathered uo-ftnd taken Into remain# mournful cadence, ; Columbia, C ap t UrmL diicu exchange -the station, Ttmy wew rouiui in a torrioly Dieted find Is dtlV'of ihu-'-baudsomcst. In the began-tolling, ringingcd in ,to t he general feeling L ’ allug addfi Union veteran . cgrx)i, 'i.)Utrlct of t-olum bia. i an(j tranet>ortution jconMlidfttodAicriiflnfileej-: state, -Tho i>u|)dlng Is of Ionia sandstone mutilated condition, The bead had been ew- J® " t o - « « - w w » * ». w ar n .;.v<v-.; . ■ d e n i e d. Michigan dairy men will meet ^hcottvciutioii well u p " and, it is expected theJmiUllog will be aaaudeted and ready for use by November. ■rhftw1. wilt bo two hliojMPooms* one to r wood ftad.ttm other for mefais, a totHbanical laUir•tory, a lecture room to r cla^seslfioieehauu'*, about forfv foot squtu’o, a room lor drawing *©d draughting and two nftU'ts*. I he » h o u are to_be thoroughly f tr o to e d with toow a m i, iW uw *„* v ^ y w z r gUK^dm^ . Temporary shops are f>foy{aed n a g on one of tlie vity (or th e uftcof at^ten ts until thU building U | ^ eoulUrt between striker# aU<l goheemeu aompleted an d iuruW u^l for u se. A tnmwc of 1 q 0 ^H>urfi^ m ***** Saginaw .on the Dth lost., uitw m i-#tiidy two ytw ftiucxtcoi^ w h ^ l th e o p p in'whieh a number pt ibe former were serious!) {\>nr^e, hiW for aoo aod-iwmi oe iiijiirad. tiet*-1# t\mrae, uas «bjen job provided provMew wr _ ___ _ >jffer d t* igudeut# at fee O penthgbt th e n e st Hon,* Henry'O, Ueyuolds of OliTMisslou,. “ d u s t were Mr#. MorUm and Mr. DroaiS ifeafi'd 7 t? 0 % »' m,TredUeiiV Clevviuml api^wb’d g ^ S m JM J’ S I— ^ m. feisfefte and the work lies been done In a thorp.fi" substantial manner,* The court house cost ,\ 1 ^ *>rt***!'i'« .... v \ m m ■r-'-i..,!;!.!;. i . . 11 Vt. 1 ■LAWKS OF LIMA* and it Is French scientist in Lima. has a collec to see tion *of Inca relics for which h e was thirst. ottered $200,000 gold, by the 1 ondoiL , , , - lO T fT W a a r life 3a Wilting 'WvbU m nsm ir Milk U ’peddled about Lima by m jer.aotl n e v e r looks' at a book. women, who sit astride of a horse or a work on the antiquities of Peru, under *j-,t*i «;■*»■«— exmiia^n *^ ^no M Rtantly and w th mule w ith a big can hanging on either,■gthe patronage of the Government, sid e o fth e sa a a le b c h in d them.....W henrfH b re e v u lu m e s o f which have been» i l W ' H«ad« a n a w in n m g W a y rf.. ! b lim rd She!s: affectionthey ride up to a doorway they give a published, and five more are yet to jp Ibe urait'lna-room pad In in J iiJ o mpetU0^ 9 i and strong willed: peculiar shrill scream, which the ser* come. Iiut any o n e c a n dig-up all the the Streets* ' iclics he wants by hiring a couple of vants within recognize. 1S a t° J h ^ Wih ®t she llVe8 ttud *h«d1 mdji™ w^at (^C8 not please lierT IraMost of the embroidery and other men and going o u t ' into the ruins piusivo,ItikU frank generous, 806 she 18 is sim ilar work. In Lima is don'e by the which co v e rjh e whole country along i Aftdllv v and ' j MvIIorOjJSf MUMMIES* EYEBALLS. it/ ,• and tlie Hio Principal principal ob- nuns, who are very expeijlat f t They the coast. ‘ T here are jp.llon# oi 'Tbo ltvJfos of Lfm a nro all life of her mamma is to watch m ake tne finest sort ofwace. erabrokf» graves ) et untouched. They have tho re -------------------p u ta to n of being a *»*« ber aliko a hawk. „At twenty-five iDuv --------------a as“ er hawk. „At twenty-five she iishe is ©red towels, napkins, handkerchiefs, The m ost curious things are “ most beautiful *' class tho in *»,q the Worjd, worjd, | 1110 mother of three or four ch Idren and s k r t fronts for fit esses, on s il k _________ ro es’ eyes^-potritied eyeballs— uricl'meeting4h mass sfti sarunkon or ^ iihw ^ « em <>m4he"wayto ■.y . tonm -----I i A and ^wan, w* »fy a n a velvet; ATgomo of-tho shopsin [ a ve-usuatt, In tliQ mornings or shopping... iMfiJLJnl la te rim ‘ , V, ‘?.n e doc* not se©., Lima you can buy dress patterns, th a t if one is careful in digging. The Incas how they! the day, is, skirt frbtttsV'r8lBev» 8, collar, cuffs, had a way d? preserving the eyes of obta^nit; but knowing them in their beU, et ^ e m b r o id e r e d in the finest tho d ead from decay—some process Hbeumatism. Neuralgia, Sciatica, homes, the opinion changes, and; y< LumbtfiO, Bachacho, HeidHCh*. Tooihatfie, possible style and ready to m ake up, which modern science cannot compreconclude, after calm renoctlon, that i t is one of the ancient customs; hand- Vend; and the eyeballs m ake very they are not so p retty as the women of ed “ , down J “ " “ from ............the “‘days o *f the .......... Vice* pretty settings for pins. They are ARB AU, OTHER BOBILT FI1K8 AKD ACHES, 3#4byDrMit«<MdD*^*ri*»MTwU,w. TUljrQMitAftWA* New York, I t is Urn m anta, .whichT h e nuns lake ..most o f the yeilowy and hold lig h t^^likb an opal* .— —JW mcUku*la IUAIEUMMi .... they w o a r in such a coquettish way, ^ fBK CHAKLES A VWELEK OO. confectionery so ld iu the city, mould '•MMMMtoA. VflnrUKiACO.) ’ ** , f . A, The f i r s t American Aeronaut, that gives them their reputation for ing the. unrefined sugar into artistic Popular Spence Monthly for .'Juljv q conceals every featuro except their colorini it " to ‘ imitate ‘ ' “ ‘ nature, shapes, coloring bewitching eyCs qndTovely o llv e c om* Sent on tb6 6th of June reached Ph:i -plex'on. * .f^ Vh L a« No mi m att dr limit bow, .iim ugly her Some of their “dulces,” as they call %delph|a about the- last of November, {pnnth or her nose 1st no: m atter how them; are very nice. . _ ; r _ , .and the local" newspapers o f L et em t!»tiigh her cheek bpnes o r larg eh o r oars;- The fashionable entertainm ent in ber 24th contained the accounts just Peru is bull-baiting. The bull is not received in regard to Charles*, exper.np matter whether • she is as scrawny ft8a soareorow or as b a ld -a s^ a b a t/a . k lied, as in Spain and Mexico j p d , e n r"o f thc ^Tth -of A u g u st., Layljd “ma.ttt%V will, make any woman with other countries,, and no* horses are rm Hittenhouse, the friend of Franklin, slaughtered in. the ring. The animal ■ and-th e. mo&t—dieti&gulshed . Amoncan pretty caps look handsom e, and; like is~«imply teaged and lo rtn red T o 'ln ak o charity, it covers a m ultitude of sins. a Liman holiday. The young, men of h is profession as a m aker of ph lo« the city,do the, baiting.; and, j i . is j re| _™ « W » ™ * » <» g u rd o ti a S " a r V4iry-^hi g h -to n e d tfopt o f sodhical instruments^ an d especially of UocKs.j u n c 'ot ^fais^mosr inumapedent's, wife to tho laundress who oomoa good looks soera lo go with yontto and athletic sport, like polo at. Newport, associates was Francis Hopkinton, an ■s h o ty « p lln o o , Isa_ 8 o rto l loater.8is-| o ld -m ^d so r^o n k n o w n ^ I fa g itlo a n - The young Indies- take darts m ade ot ominent jur.st, -whoso.-.m terest^ in.} tin; decorate them with ribbonsrlace,' scten cew asalm o stftig reatasT in law * usually of crepe, from China, an a costs jta k e , up with what she ban got. "To andTosetres, an d give-tliem~tTr tbiT r: Both of thesom en wo^e members of lovers to stick into the hide of the.bull. y \ - j die unmarried is worse than any mat Tho great thing is to east these darts the American Philosophical Society ...... 'I m I' f ' --------- 1 rimonial miser y ...... • so a s to -8trike“ the b u ir in the fore which hqd been organized, by Frank<Phte medicine, combining Iren with Ltmre lin. No so o n e r. Was the news from ine_ aa5r and lig light The. h t of Lima are very shoulders or in th e face, and in order 1 favornbie for pliotography, and the to do it, he who throws them m ust France received, than they began to flWL oity has galleries as, fine as any in'New stand before the 'animal1* 'horns. test, the use of hydrogen for balloons. jlOFiC ^rjj|» VAfiOt\H/tn i*hAniifl'rr>AtiH{vtAiitiv; ()h the % th of December an ascertt young fellows^dO^tlii^tTdekyBrv- was m adeljy tfio first- American aro ^ _shbw_windows, and even tho coilings dexterously, but i t . takes .nerve and; naut, the account of which is perhaps are lined with portraits of the belles of best given in the language of ah eyethe town> wbich ateo n sale not only. witnessr-Fvantois Bmionin, jvho.se^ lefc [ here, but a t tho. news stands and ‘prints fer to the ‘‘JoK rnaTdn , shopoi In \H av n n ft-and"Vc ni Uw ,««* ,vv........ ......... pilbl shed May 13, 1784. ,■ In; the “ Genhave the photograph of a young lady Por Intermittent Fevers, Lesdtudor L a tic w -tlemftn^ Magazine1’ of .the following Etferrr. Ac.. lt has no equal.______ ' ■ -w ■.... is equivalent to tho announcement of 4^ 'T lie senumo hat above trade rnarWtnal month^ a translation.:.oj; it appeared, a n engagement, but in Pbru^TT^slgnlrfaUnot on.wrsppen.Jakann CTW-. fwMzWKfcXlhe. “Tttr-r" ‘1 rititten— -ti'ait-ef;y o tti^ honie] and Ppquisno i.Hopkin8Dn] A “MAX'rA’7 wilt, make ■ANY^WOMAN j wlrere i0 ^ ownr and their txipit 1uri ty is" ; began their exper.ments With bladders, with vnBiTif eves LOOK lfANP- ■ estimated by the number fold. They and then with Targor machines;- .they some. ' {make fine fepb-'ccts fo r a photographer. io-ned tveveral togetbcr and fa^tonedanywlicro ffom $10 to $600, according fth e se i ima gu;is. W4«Mhcir great black " ‘ ' * into wh oh they to the duality and tho am ount of-em-1 byes and sbapoly lignros. andstrangerj g S g S fl; T O '; ai 5TS1rtWTcTiT*.)11*Oi»f u » u allriiako hom a-eol lee ti on s o fMhe broidery it bears. T he m anta is al and was drawn down again by a rope heauttesr^TTro-photograpirmd-laTiot-square-Bke1 TIIE FASHIONABLE ENTKKTAIN3IENT. IS The next day, which was yesterday,, ............... ordinary shawl, b u t roct-angular. dealers have ..their portraits put uh in ii CURBS C0N8TIPATIC. a man ottered to get—Into the-cage, ------“BULL-BAITlNOrWealthy peopte w ear them with a | covers rca.ly for tho m orketrlike view s ------__ . ‘tTtiverflna igagtion,___ .w___ k deep »l1k f rih g o r d F a n edge o f-ra re | of N iag ara Fa lsoiuG oneyT sIaudc^: agiUtyrTvnd-atrtirnosfair senwita^havo p rovhtefHhe-topo w n ^n o tu et-^ wheumotlsm. Palpitation of the H eart when rose about filteon foot, and woutd^not' " o t long-ago-Nmro ' point lifco, whilo the poorer classes are | Not wnawrovvHdekod soen th e irlo vers ripped-ppom fndiseatlun or deranged condition sutfer them to le t-h im go higher. ariBtngfrom h e stomach, SlOlc H eadache.or MHrraln,7 satisfied with a little - strip of laoe, i «P l>y n t»mo girl’s^ father^liocauso a Another form of entor,tainraent is. Jam es Wilcox, a carpenter, engagea Female complolnte Tho i however cheap, stitched orLto one edgo] local photographer had not Included w hat is called “ Buone Noche,” or> I.nd nthevrorld.thav to go in it. for a little ;money. flvO rose to fall nvor tho forehead | J e r portrait „1n a coucctioiL oJubelM ^g o o d n jgh t. ' J - Then-thOrL and—pi aysFe»lllTelyCttretUii»tlp»fi>nr -iwehty~fobt or upwaTtl before he-made which ho had nvatle for display at an a signaltp-bfi draw n down. He then P rftM fil «00 per bottle; 6 bott]ef,tS « 0 0 Is put oh, -th m a c e Is adjusted n l o e l y - : ^ u t l e m a ^ © ^ j - g 2 e p l d d o $ | : ; a £ 5 S h = s x p e n s o ^ L t h ( M 3 h o p took'insti'UGtidnsTrom-Me^sicurs^RitT . r .:*»«n ro.» cnwycABs, raxs. ..r“ ~ 86 (ln u irw illjitst reac&Nie cyeloslios, ptaW etThlsIdaughtor as good^iook in gjkeepers and saloonm en, whose-profits noso-and-Opquisnernnd-after several r . J* CHENEY 4t OO., P r o p W and then the long end o f t he m anta is aOfiy^dfrthom, and all her relatives are increased*, ' hucksters surround the repetitions on tho ground consented to KMDlMtwtax Oktairts, . took if-as aninsult_that her face was place with tables, s ?lfing oakes, can throWn-ovor the -left shoulder, and have the rope out for fifty dollars. TOfsEOO*Or dies, loe-cream, and peanuts, and all fastened by tt-pin a t tho sm all of the cm tted from the group, Lh^-J bubo fJonesVl-the-prlncipn tlfd' nomilace, with tneir sisters ~innt back. Thus it does for bop net, wrap ta. come out to gossip nal person-iirthe-olty, attended in case and dress all In one, and it makes very flirt. T in se festivals furnish of aoeidentr-The crowd was moredlittlo difference w hat she has under ft ^ J a b tm l l h a n n ly <nx}XQrtu>^l-v f«Sv V ilk ln a iblo, who ehouted after the English for-in-a m anta the hom eliest womanfattllioU WlleU tBoy huW Wilcox— pST a Wol'd alone with his Dinah; crowded ^ n —the-cqge,-surrounded by looks well; All sho needs I n , addif on for sociaL la,wsr do M t perm tf hLm to“ is a black sk frf whtelrTs seen from the, j bailoons' fastoticur to. At,, seo hef excopt in tho presonco of her forty*sevenknees to tho hefti.___________________ wlthz astonishing-.coolness,—nodding^ "mother On the street tlio women-look fiko a bis head lo express hisafttisfactlpn and . m a rria f. _____ - procession^:of mms, but ifiTlmiFhonTosr composure^ Aftor au> ne qouia nov •oiler hvs-arra-and-promonade-up and when they are dreswod, lifea ~tho~Qncgn~|^j -seven rise a bove dciwr^lio^pte'zapniunuuriug sofLnoth* of Sheba; In olden times, w hen the to the measures taken’ bv' two'othings in her ear, as long as she will eing galleoiminged to como to GaUno “ fromr gentlemen of the -Philosophical hoar thorn, or until the-groat bell of =farOidh^ ,T brlnging sijksrand-^fttin envvr^ Iie wftsratrleast^iive^min* N anl-edro strlkesm idnight, WHenP and jewels in exchange for tho ml vor u fes T h o -a irrb u tr-p e re e l ving - the is a hustlo and a' bustle, and everybody wind jn of Cerro do Pasco and Potosi. tho fnshto blow-from the oast and drive home. . lon.ot woariny fine, clothes was . se t of-intmey. m ' gh t be made by^ him toward the Soonlqudleu JSchuyU, aiid tho poopfo havo never abandoned rjientcrprising Ynnkcos who would oome k illj,:h e —was frightened, and, agree* If you wish to be relleved of those terrlbterW dt it. There is a legond th a t one of tho ably to his instruct ons,,made several down here and buy "up old paintings incisions -Yicoroys rode from tho palace to the with a**kn fe in threo of the H e a d a c h e s and th a t xnUerabta S o u r S to u t* „ TtCB. vrk0 WTT„ and antique silvor plate, of which the catiiedVal and back again, a distanco t h e y follow t h l i it HUSBANDS with p a^ n.shops are fullV, The^^ aristocracy bailoohs. This was not sufficient, a o h . Xt will, when taken according to direc c u r e a n y c a s e o f-d lc te H e a d a c h ® of about two blocks, on a horse, every -^A though we saw him dosoend a little. tions, rB iES sluno ovKit THEin siiot3LPKUS_^-efe-eoinpell^d.to-lM vvc^broad, ovoh— if or S o u r S to m a c h . Xt cleans the lining of Ho plorced three more, and, seeing ■ to m a c h and b o w e l* , promotes healthy. hair of whos<T~niano and tail was -T h e -o n ly d ls a g ro o o b le T.thing n b o p tj, tli oy go without moat or butter, and tho machine did not" come, his fear in;_ "notion aniTlvVeet secretlona. I t iTialiw p o r e i g ir l is hoi* v o ice, T h o tro p ic s a rth e ir incomes'have boon cut off by ereased. Ho cut five more in the b lo o d and gives It fr«*e f lo w , thus sending shod w ith s h o e s . o f s o lid g o ld , and^ I4ma; d pEodiibo a sw e e t s o n s te r ,- if is the wab aiid tho revolution that has. groftfest haste, and, unfortunately, all n u t r t m o n t to every part. It i»»he a a f e a u wli08a s a d d le a n d b r i d l e w e re w o r th a neverr w............. . s p e e d ie s t and s u r e s t V e g e ta b le .Remedy been going on since, they trado_ on king’s ra n s o m ." T h e r o a d w a s p a v e d said, and tho tones of-the women ..are, ..smal 1mar gin 3 with' M rr iBaacs and -Mr r on the same_slde. He was then seen ever invented for all diseases of the s t o m a c * tcrtftek fxbouyMhavircr) ,- and, "as if ho a & d llv e r. w ith .in g o ts o f - s llv o r e « b - th n t- f r o m - th o tvo ' more musical thaiv^those -c F Jacobs, who do not seem to have felt _ubrill J. Mr Moore, nf Farmins’on. Mich., says? My had-slid-down (coule 6u^).,-lie fell on door-of tho- p a la c e to - t h e c a th e d r a l birds; Their; voices are- loud, tho. financial distress, . The rarest Sort s u f r ln g from S ic k H e a d n o li c_an<v S o n * the edgo of a ditoh and a finse [foncoj, S to lb Steps th e g r o u n d w a s n o t to bo seen . and mctailioi painfully distinct, and m a c h won terrible. O ne boifie .ef Hops old plate can bo had for its weight i Mini conw*»— i............ gut as,they call the inolosures, Lr. Jauno , _and-Malt Bitters cured me, -One can bel bvu thls_aofL-of Uilag by^ ofinn p eroing. oven in - -ordinary fibak "Softtv “In^siivcr coin, and gehhlne-old-pamtDo not cst H o p s and M a l t Bitters eoo* ran up; the poor man had spraihed his .*» »---- bo looking into tho paw nshops of to-day, versat on; but they can -‘*8tr v... Helios are«n«o as plenty hs of peas wiUi: inferior prepavatious of . similar Wrist, but received no other‘accident.-I founded and whbpor thoy: low if they- like, and ings Whcro_pcoplo impoverished by t he war _____lowlVif fmme. Foy sale by ail druggists. . the Incas am aUn nhoap. as collocters to-lrcar have tifkoh their pinto and jfeWols to when thovTTo it is chavniing Orange Culture in Florida*) HOPS 4 HALT BITTERS CO^Detroit, Mica operas I no- havo to soll-thom. tolivc. ra so money to buy m eat and brand, them, Atc o u e e r tl ft is still fashionable to ^o on resurthe very T.U* niNCIIMAN ft soxst:Detroit, Mich., ( >v'!?le the Inca reofcibn exped tio n slo dig Trees can be had a t some wild JAMES E. DAVIS & 00 Detroit, Mjcsli., J. g^nti. -beautifully— clmBud, Including— tbo- -^ mFand^dgh no<os., ah'd pass .over tj ic burying aftd- groves lor the getting, At orhers, TBIT lUGftrner vessels of tho bedrbom, which sweet so ft.tonos without oommont. things that wero-placcdJn their graves, tp-tw*aty4lyo cents <*acli -ls'-the. pric.o«_ liMSjhwii Awiwteil WoikSi In h ti] A lialf-dozon. Spanish-Amerioan wo* betoken the luxury and bxtravngnnco The Incas had 'tho same mode or pro6 SawUOii of an ago when tho mines of tlvo Andos men in fam iliar conversation Ci\n serving-tho dead as tho ancient Kgyp* An Ordinary sail-boat will carry thirty .^tiH M hsS ^t’nqnbar’BStandardEcginei gcofl f.tr UlantrjtUx to sevent.-iive treos, avcvaglng two CiiiMopio, Wore pouring out silvor and the giiano make moro nolso tl)gan a - tb r o s h in g ^ ^ "tffins. and in each-grave- Aver<>7 placed indies iiullamcrter, and a round trip of chine. If sewing soolctios were the articles of clooornt'on as well as.uten •Vlibu'ljli'ii1' itlvsd; fashion hero tho towns would, seem sils required by tho spirits to set up twenty to forty m les can bo made " " 'c ^ IM M m with it load in throe-or four days. If hoiVsokcoping iiir the happy ^land. judiciously taken 11p.carefully bandted,T tho Tresidont of Peru is Bings ami othorornamonts of gold and and properly' planted, from .lanuary Address P d. uUldliii... ..^ ^ U o d a ^ i a i f e ^ tttttll M t t r e h f ^ the-swept-1 . - J S w ^ r e l i no mont afid^. rMuyCT-dTmtrrtlitw^dtl“groW“-divaa:i 4 having 'comb^ from tthtanTarott—W ^ or four feet tho sa,ine yehr, and so m e-1 m y] S h i n Fart hf l’eru. thoTilacnwhere wNulsof m w m m i times will boar tho noxt. Noarly a ll Pi/arro strangled Atahuullpa* the last Kiri tad Uelrt nilM, »Vo bin bt«* ndmwill bear the third year,-with p ro p erj UMdf*rtn«U^wt* ef U. S. *ndI*oi*l(p) coa*t,lu f« *f m*n«* m4 ntTentiour nnddho-fiftb wiB reimburse •turn, Om, RKord«nl»ln»91,OWhmu«i. Vtnr fu*iInglesins, is a wealthy hac.ondado, I?im « nty b*tiiM&cthem. 8tsdtot Boobof Nia all expenses. From the proscnLstand* nlantcf, and is universally regarded bywall with 10ctt. looking through the experience W. O. MoCORD A CO.,Das Molnea,Iowa, a man of -strict probity a n d N ^ r ^ ,ya- nwfl tukinir success as mv l I x raro renutation Jn i ^ . m a f c ^ y **/ jrr \ \ guide, a m T eiTor as a "“warning, "a" He was formerly Secretary of war, And strnighter and shorter path, (fast be coming a plain, woll-beatdn highway,) the defense o f . L1fnft ft8 ainst :thQ J can.be taken to .success. Sweet seed* from thtco .to live years old, Cost JdLK-is-iimiHLtei^ABOuT by woMKN.J A Pcruvlausbld’or ___ ff-livo g<»nts to one dollar oaoh.>| eatlcd~a ra tm #r accord’ng to age and size. They are s wife* They ro* hardv, rapid growers, and usually bear vi thoi.soldiors, "but no OKAVE tho seventhTyear. 'The effects of liYidfaithful. andonduFinjA -BALLS* They are t . ding or crftfttngifl thesam e on fc’iepi as who follew jieirlooms ■jttL degraded tho sour tree. Field .CYOl^..,ftro m iiRljy tnarehesi als made in q u ain t'^designs, 'coppot* they know all about Mttataaft made throe or four years, widening nnd in thoir coirs, ns well ns nrtio’os,' strings of beads, woavingand each year the space between the rows Iment. Few do Not to know is* a * 1,0 r,<?bi old faslitoned’ fai ries which t,m'tS o?fl»olr l«iuli and lj out ouo. . cooking apparatus, water jugs, pots and trees. ; • not to h a m | grandihotluu's wore before thorn, i t thorn Imvo mWos shina ov«r tlio r and jars, and all sorts of things wore Tho past has prnsontod no dlfllenlty nmao in the days wfieu when pooplo always placed in the graves, as we 1 in the way of orange culture, which ■■* lU:} intend things to wear ouL as weapons of war and other curiosi , in drawing*room tho Lima lady tbm* lHir^o the wounded and rob the ties th at interest antiquarians nowa* energy and good judgment w ill- not overcome. Llln.0,t ,S(» i'Oautifui. ns in the slreeL lr i • . <ho ncwlt M u g -3Iimta Makes tho Plain* est of LadlesLuzzllng Beauties. 11 f*U.aT elsorpoTdfhatelj BESTTONIC. CHENEY’S ■mu f BETTER^ Men "Think’ Jvuae Uibnmuita eone.'ulv aTl imjuiftcl pns, but hhu is uttvactivo still, \ ; .. ii -v t-' * •■msppK “ffM ; THE HEARED. 'S iT r ' 1 PUBLISHED BY THOMAS HOLMES, rockery and Glassware. victory of the sword was won, a work Cu/eful rueful housekeepers will study requiring far merer delicacy of man■ipulatiou than artillery,.cavajrym cavalry. Jiv thei / best interests hy cent paring prices aud lookingover the handsome faulty practice. new designs irnthis line now Iw T he best com men tupoii fctiiic roww CHELSEA, MtCH» ___ __________ ___ _ Hcbcmption lig sjjjowtt by th e ifofcH^kcejwrs* ihi saup; liefoi'e p u rch asin g else whore, ing virtue of the great man is found |^ t40 P kb Ykau the details of his funeral, when JT *-----P u re Candy. confederate qud Union soldiers D o n 't forget th a t the h o u sekeepers marched side by side in tlie greuteor* ihunia r sells - n o ne h u t. sl nc,t| X - p n ^ Je|e~ ig W fe^^ exchanged cordial greetiugs, cjutlVd^ tutadu JtefuI eil Candy* T h e i r.jni x| ure 0 cts. |oT lb* can n o t bo he,ht. orafe and U nion hands hoi^ his ife* Hosiery and Handkerchiefs mains to their final resting place, and North and South and Hast ana Have you seen the display of Miss* West uuited in doing honor to. Die s funcy Hosiery-in the window of the memory o f the illustrious chieftain Housekeepers* Bazaar, at- 15 uls. a T h e great* d m tn n Js en d eai The, p.iir, Tlieyi ure reduced frvmi 2Sr ots great conqueror of men has himself un^&Octs, A pair surreudered to the greater conqueror TheJersey Waist of alimen. K e q u iim a U f a u ^ U i . ng adds-toMie tinidi of u la« him rest in peace dios toilet a# much u^jj «cll1jttiug U. ■>_; . T his is the Editor’s parlor. In this coin mu, we propose to have a- flluiiL personal interview, each week ,with o u r patrons, and with others who may he W toT tunate as to- get the . n. ,* _ . in i.. •_ _x reading of T uk H erald . T he topics of the comm uni cat ions w ill, usually ho such aa pertain, to the welfare o f Chelsea,, with such reference to 1 other mutters as mfty p r o m p t s to the expression of our opinions coin cerhiug1th e ip r t, in our last, two issues, tlie point ofview from which >ve look o h t upon the work we Nave - r Christians often ask “ W h a tis Hie Jersey] and, like ev«*ry -q*lrer achoh* — -^uidectaketirw e w aui4o say, tb*day, liarm in doingdliisoi’ that ? p When »f ludit-s* ivearing'otmaiH Uiejmyi»y ■ t # j irt : fitltl ,w fllllfc; tltP iv . uavin m uoiug-Ttiisor (.oki., ca_n<ho\v he had.in a b\r^q .jat’ioiy of ■® : 4 - ti*., urn ,» » • « * . ^ ^ »« afvtt ...N rw hiW m to a n w w y m "n am es of so m any o f C helsea's suSbT ^ (pure ^ What ijLthejise Moody* find an.n^nriiq**nf <d\pfj.rtbct a tan tial citizens a n d busin e ss-w e n Miury hfivs who are: examimHl, Iot ng Acrs.-. g,lV.iLt ^pjdo.nsx arc not" found oti o u r ~suhgenption ; 'i'iv*v have-a very ^ ; Tlst: We sadly feariuph persons are, apprentices in tlie imvy are rejected ikeepeiVtill fu n d in g in their own. light. They os lmlde’thTreiil’f disejiscr whioirptlre tin •*qfu’ility''of " **"i ^" iTti iIn medioa) m en-sayns due to itiv-amo ivICHilily have ItuVv kiiCl vvDQlHwivU what nuisv • \ * f ^ t it# i \m * * *■••*-* ^ ' certainly not considered '* I k M i i A t n i h A n / t a x i und what, if well sustained, it is oapa hie oFiloingj to promote , the Happi~uess, thrift Jmtl prosperityofour live* ly business town. Are they satisfied to enjoy and proftt by enterprise ^and ygy > m tm f^fof 7which^tiTey _are indebted to the larger, mqre compre hensive views of their farther seeing. --^Hi ifi . .■■■■;.’ - a ■'■ - i' ■ ■■ , - s-s-^-i------- "* , ^ ■ , • For ladies', misses and children. We have received -fat ■ it « \ trade. The same money than our competitors P , - Because we select -our goods- -from -thorS’$' hest mauufaoturers in the marfcet, and we are willing to sell our shoes with a small pro at; ' f f l ladies'1wear a t MQO. A bettQroneat$2*50tO:$e-7&' turuOVt“Ft W ;Tn^nTB^i--irr-iv^iin _rso kifl, ,w itt Fi’euoh kid fly, and flexible sole, k ing of cigarettes . — U m d ia n l h i 1iLf^okJr, toi’ one —\ P b & - 111C There is little room to doubt the quoiny is add- :u And A ‘huVW<l at $3.50 and $4.00. judgem ent of Gen, O m nt’s physi .?ack^nr ■{ | h m H r n a l p h as done; in th e past, ■. NEW SHOES .... , .-T/‘ r . ‘ 'j • 1 y.‘ :. .<•: cians th a ttk o proxiinate piinse of the: Bazaar^ I t t iiLunLJv a' cancer was exeessiye smoking, A Jiaiidocme Bruntt d d - : r'y^phnn skirt; costly sacrifice was- this to tobacco, or an elabmatH-v-braided bu**lv and b tTirw ilith eTobe^oWsm okcHes^ ,no r frp h F ^ T th r scoilop^l boltf»m’ und one less’cigar smoked? Habit out turnover cuff, that 'they htivsjusf r<_ reasonsjm son, nnd-Qhtweiglis=Iifte^ d M E to n u O L & > » ora p> r h c ilv p»a*n. kudCiill-t daiU)Ai^hj.LUiitidLiLilil {HtrisH&n-JJ/non.——^----^ — =— W e have a lin e oi band turned shoes w hich g iv e com fort and ease Our misses and oliildven’s department is complete. can- give you some x4iy_CuHa.af-fel.li5. rumtim wc dislike exceedaome places, but * t-xMaXqualliyCloth in styh‘> lowprices snJsid^nd goa't shoes for tbe Jfttio LIMA ITEMS. ingly to believe Chelseiv harbors any ilittV lUVjmsjtiViLba I gain?.—U IH- Huj -of them. Selfishness is damaging to Mrs* Winters.ofDetroiMs Visiting nf .T Vry^vs HIVStd^CU-d froUl - tllOfolks. choirc^ljtud tiowiii-t st\b*.> from th(« -—th e entire comnimiity, b u tis rmuous Rev* Mr. Hurzaid and wife. im i»ens^steefcfCmtHe<l=hy-Neauaunb^ P le a s e iiw w ^ o tb e r c u llr J ^ f o r s p u r . to^lts^vTctlmV XJomo, gehtlem eii, nofc 4 Miss Id aG reen ,o f Stock bridge,Is Pjiidioutl^& C’o.y ot l)etroitxaiulTurv “ for onr sake bnt-for your own, sub- sponding a few days with Lizzie Dan otfured to tho 'Ladies ot CIk-Ik - at ebasiug, and see Our flew styles, and prices, soribe for THE H ehald . cer,----- ’—■-----~ Detroit pricvft ^U egront tlmma, the great tragedy ■ J^luKelKigg-and-Mrs.i-Q. Sespeotfully. ^ ended 1 For several mouths, notv_ _ . ___ .Io g g r< > f^ V !llm n isto n ^ p eh V T M £ d f ITAtTiN^eVANTSr -ram ,4 » * II- wttlEstuudlng-fclio polifctcal—agjtiitiouS: Hgtweck here. fcnm«x nf .Their Peculiar Charartprlatloi— —Ticross, the A tlantic- and ncrdira~th^ Their ^enrteiicy to Make Kx«u*o» Two__of, M r. Cov^s wiicat stneka Tbc w ickcdesi port of :an Italian T ac ifiM h u ch a u g es th a t have taken w erotrw ck by Hglitidug, Sumlayivml cbVnicteT is h is lbvo of niaktng ex place in tho politioal situation at burnt up. cuses. Lies are, I fear, cdsnropofito, V . home, and the disturbance h r ^entraiThe Lima Bund- wi»1l play at. the America, the most prominent figure before the American vision has been Town Hall,Saturday niglit, Peter Murray received n dispatch the suffering liero ofa hunclred bat- h h r f o r the im m ediat^faoulty oi dross ing u p a falsehood with all kinds of Imaginary cireumstidicos, I ,think the Italians are suprhmov I t is often as jm uo^fdfA be sake of ptwi&lng~tts“ for ties, the approaching epd of the m ost Monday, stating that one of J u s .sk-. IJbesakpA ^f deceiving, jin u s t explain, tni'^wus deudr honoTcd (co in iti irg however, that they fiimp^o conclusions manifestations^ of meiir O m 'ivKatou a n d wife Aire visi ling jWHh H rapidity ahd-an unreasonable* Iinss which often bears t]W appearance T -;h o >yiiofe hiaior.y o 1 G o iu G r a n t Ju t J o liu ^VneelO cR ^ 'of willful falsehood wnon , It is not 1 ■.... _. . «' ' ^ ko. Thoir mobile. Jidtures- Ami has- beelT extraordinary; his early AVcivould advise n certain youug yiyid imaginations are lo -blnniC1- forJdstory for Jts- uw promt si ng- aspects, m an'to go home earlie r next 'Sunday \bis< Then nations thoir preoepttons nr<? so_ ills later history foiJFa ti’iumplis a ud n ig h t, or, a t least, keep h.is *ye$ ojien quick that a look or a gesture' betrays |o them in. what direction’your incllha* success. Like Wiauy another dis- until he does get there. .tion tends, you ask * * when 1 " * Ahem a ques -tiuguishedcliaroctef, he was created \t1on. and their w'onderlul' eiwiness.anjd I t ’s a tisce L a{ ir]d th a t carries hia p l i a nc y ; of tcropcr eaabtes them to “Joi’ a single^voi'k; ho cam b upon the ladapt^fremselvos to tliolr answers to it. umbrella; oh Sunday afternoou, .Atftg'e a t th e ausfucious m o m e n t; he There little or no fiunkeyisra in Ital* jan servants. They db not like to b ro u g h t m asterly skill to the busiuess 81IARG&. Wnar a livery. Willi thpra ^servitude in h a n d ; and he w o w ^ y e s w rung Threshers have commenced in forfeits no rights, but bestows a claim. n r i u d "eeluctawt sux*- can]est, >aiid" Uicy repori: ajfpod~qmib are grateful1 for acta 6f coin ro u n d in g s pronoitHcect^subotHtttiaf ity or wheat. The wheat is better tesy- and : for_ trilling ’donat^onsf. yhlch , their brothers iji America mi ~ p t w « - -fit Jromuuunwsia ^u d c ndiu’l ug i J uccwses, 3 ¥ r.Tv.- T h e Ja-_; timn-the price: - - - - >piration, th a t, in olden-times, said-of I ’yrus, ^ H e is my sh ep h eiJ, aud s’lmll perform all tny }Jeusnre,” hii$-^de clared to tire p o o p le o f this day, iwid especially of.th-is NaKon. fe s peettog <jeu. Gm.ut, H e is my serv an t, raised, u p f o r t h e occosiou, to p erfo rn u d P m y M —pleusmxv-iu tbc-^ivem«oe-of-niy -- _ ~ J'he Ohio Ledges look-fine $noe riw rain. . Boltem inn oats will yield a large crop in this section of the county. Quite an expensive blast for Wrn Rowe, when lie blasted a stump apportion of ife oaBw down through thereof of bis -wcw house. . m ost favored N atio a from th eir great. ' tr y i n g, heaven •daring i niqthitv. T rue, — Unk-iiiowu-dogsbnve m ode raids bn , he was n o t ttloMc. OtherspaiM iciput- sevend fiocks of slieijp in tlijs jjc in ity ; ^ r d in Jire g^eat u’b rk , aifthslmre iu f Ik* .Ifjtln*Jkrmei!iL_wiII keep-good,watch, H g lo r\;'b u t no one will deny theAcou lljb'doiis will soon bo knoww. spicnousm^s of hts-p^rfy tht* (Jhu^ lCcmdaTI, the manimot h land ’labtff itod o f flk* glory. owner uif Bliarou, who moved on a — I f Geu. (b'ant ivus. rcnmrkttbk' -for iiis success rir:cdhqiu*rliig the greal been hoTe harvesting ii is w heat, lie . Te bell ion—the . greatest history i;e* says h is «rop$ .ai*e fine in Jughum . -,-^ >ordfl,jKUVM-noJcSit:-reniarkahlG for .his treatment of his brave urnl val iaut- foes,Ju the hour of their humil* iation. Great minds arc blessed witli ■a widwt comprehensioiL-iind are ca* pnftfleof rt^rauder magnanimity than, 6Jmrfbw miiTdeJ persons, *\vh^ Hululge i‘u and are influenced by retaliatory mulhr<:r, avitt ni* r o g g r 'emr a ppreo h>to T h e re liavc been several run^iways u ^Baldhpadedlubfi^ttVTTue heavietl hoards as a rule* . _ w ithin the past few ivwks . F or- T h e two new craters ia Mt. VcsutunaTety- ibbm m sJm ve bceai lirbk’cn t Ius, from which lava has issued abund* but a tium bor of-maoIjitmTV^agoTis a 1i ' S S ? 011 the sputhern side and. buggies have bocii dem olished. at a hoight of about two hundrod me. temwbowe tho «tppw station df tho fu. , _________ t1- IH c r c lu m lw whom 1 ^ 1 re r a r u ih r r t h a t th e I I D R <>r umlersiiim l, M any blamed him A J i l l A d v e rtix * *fa; t?'- J roctlon of PompeU ami q^orre ilult ^ f . •o. he »tr<>ara descends in a straight line for -about--half a kilometer, and then, turning sidewise, is directed to.' B e c - ward the crater «£* 1872. Tho new lor this 'chiirtcristic, and called it a •ing: m e d i u m i n t h i s ivo...... ikioWs, It \vn^, however, the great.* i* i \F v r \ ' ' ■■ ' s v - • . ' | 4°....v 4 ’«\-sfc'’ofliTs -virtues. ■ It* lilted him ftu' t l o H . 1 b o iiu lh tc c i r c u l a r die work of reconciliation* whoa the t i o n __jl - Our line of 10 ct! hose, wortlx 15t s very targer^We sell you at 10ctsTrliue"orijuttoua, you will pay 2S ets, for-elsewhere, v . ...V. ■■•"....... ’• -. Just^eceigedraomo uqw v^ry tfiings in HaadkercBleSFJtook at ^>u> five centersr In towels wo have a line at 10, IS 1-a, 15,20 and S5 cts. that surpass anything-of Hie kinHeyer seen in this market. Our line of Chenilles, Silks, Arasenes, Ornaments, Bangles, Bods, Chains,:Tinael, Bradiue^etc, elc. ja_hy far the ^TuilA bftcn scoTn^^d fbfgC t^U it most eomplete and attractive ever shown in their resentmonU8r as baslly excited as ^heir loVe, and often sponges out the Chelsea. We offer some bargains in-Albums, proylpus good will. Vour man servant pecomes ju s t as oonfidonticl and com; Frames, Mirrors, Scrap Albums, Feriumea, municative, after he has dteen some Jewelry; Box Paper. x.tc. Yii ■ Te-those that havo not ooon-our-immsase. pa tience with which they wit,l trv to please, lliom and wait on them is utock of Crockery and Glassware. We ihvM wonderful. Tho undem anding, too, Mtwcon^tho old child and the younger you to como in and look it over. To those who qne is very striking, -These men have _a. suflbeptlbi lity to : impressions and ah elasticit^v of temperament which is want Crockery, Wo are sure to please-you n)08 t childlike ' and apureriiatnd by en. ; I know uo pVettier sight, with goods and prices. Our Atock Ismail new nenvisiting t.ltlfti* $n family Jin.*li.Wm_ ti T I \u was once . than t'b see tno talk stout IVrdi* and of good quality. najid, with jils musfaoh^. and black o.v'jBs and military air (to served in J 8 ). Bespectfuliy s itin g the whole evening with that E.G. Hoag. a »l.lCT.haired littlo bo^.’of .jrtffTniMtpf qiftila lined, wa6 ng Him )augh with Striped Awning. S to rie s o i his own chtldnOod. C o t, Itrooklyn Eagle. ! Uood lo r limi. . HOAG’S B A Z A A R .. A. Walking SKeloum, hfr. i#.- Spi lugor, of Mi*chiii>icsl»urg, Pa., wriifS:. M1 whs atHieU-d with lung lever and HhHCcsA-on Ihu lungo, and reduced to a walking Skrtetou <fnt a Iroe Uinl hottlc o fiir Kma*H New Dineovery lor-lhinsump* tion, which did nie an mocii g<N>d Unit 1 bought n dollar boiHe, Alrtcrutdng times boltitfs, found myself once more a man, completely restored to health, with a healthy appetite, and liguht In flesh iifS4« ]b <,M __.J| ■sss A L ftdy’i Evidence. Mrs. Pearce - was <amptel-ely cut n k °f Kidney complaint by the use of Dr. Keii* nedy’s Fayorlio’ remedy. .-This mulli'ii"1 proves a real blessing to women who »«!• fer from any of the UN |H'CuWitr to lKeavx* A life on th o ccuan w av e an d a homo ° \ H im roliiiig d e e p ,‘Ms nil v eijf w elliu.fl.ng ■aiiiMU in noetic verse, b u t tiie pno^pyH 1’1* meNuifiiCtU»tflecJ»i7mi»*1ailint hi* l,,l<i'fc’i * (5dl nt I t S. ArmstroiiH’s Drug Hum otlilng of, Know nnoiuiKu or, dnoob Ualnu lllt and get tt free iritd holllo of llitM certain, m enI knfov cute for nil Lung Diseases, Luruo holtieh on the U ; 8. S. Boitlnml, wrlti's II.CO. . ■ - • v • b never st i r s on a cruise wiihqui l»>u« . '-h supply o f M isnlci’s H eih fiittcjs. d . lnvalual.de fo ad ian laan .dyHinb'D'i c0‘ cramp, hud Kfl sfintTotf d l u t e s ' f>° “W ’^ronoo o, h KiitoMcrjbv rov TIIU li i;R SSJ.5,thoi side .u!!9of..11H.?? i»» »?v*pw*i id mountiilu. , i... -V-. 'll ii???! ii •L. 1 r:ri \ IN PERSIA* Because tWy um mol, \H'im t ,. cept ns a - They Are Torturert and UobUeiU *i,v ;,al fav<“‘. »»»« «V"H to » »foiubs p ? •* V*tk*r u .^ .1 , 5i!Lir?fr 1 u*».vv »*« #*ue<i Om» ffivot* Hinvr/I,r T*u,;u in. Uiw ,m i^itiPiLQ lJhe,J^w a in „ ry piilulul one. Thoy «•* nmfer T h o J u w . o f 1 w Mr!.1 L' ! W l u . protection. Jnm ction. T h ey Are ttleraly kmir riulcriimi,™ >il(?riniiii>wy to tn 1ti.« mbH Tlioy merely th thee of nm nicking L tomb* t. of A l i o of corno iUbonflrntto officer JjU w r endMordeeaT, w|)0 li,, in iq a„ poo, uflocnl Uwvornor. Th* prlnoiplo Bemad*, V b Z tHB '-’’i.-* :/ t ■i&V\){Using, itOiiai)]-;; j'iDilhi) ^-A+u+.^ry.*-,*>.•>« j.Jw . vs um <;uty l,i v tt.r*- U{. CHANDLER, jrlfrC* ,{ltl Iw i ’*> e-caiv’ iijf* Agowi 'T'lCI-** a.* have >v» IM-.iiow'm ni* i ii ;■'* win, fliv pi-ttolo, iin-rtliv _ I},<i *,< >; f |v><>g, -Miwt ea-r Mini,i,-, GENKJJAL B LA C K SM ITH , a)wm> Uiivliiff ^ -a j e s s e d a t 4 ' W of a oortain Some ono pays tbto am o u n t )row cliorui t1lL. i.tyffl (jovornort to g e th e r wit&A thore thoiO bi byjSuj jiatoly placed ; tliu teaocial [ bis authority U,. ’’.7 ; * ,, -\v " ’.\| Hi,wUiv*» J/Uf,CMHipr"-fc f.^-Fr O A in n A (ig M ANUFAOTUBEIi, ' “ 1 'VsHimjt/rtiih UM. }.L A ium i^ug uusoi Ik Hint Atikio'e KiiglUb toowomn MatTgn. " If tlnme- tiro good, >thr fajp toot red/brioksn • ... bricks# th e wall much Of the, Jeers makes a good ^ -{I Aflil4 % ' v h O' -' ' '‘I J L M h J l l d ( ta i7 u m h ia Dili •in > i* r-T h O w r: lhcf* »w» the gra*g* jHyflflioy^r®bad, ho g a h » ill I'H* Coiwimirlioi** jsj.lii* iiv.st !m<ili.< iiUf Ini’ ffsihom,1. d c ^ n w c in l- g r o a o d a t ^ ^ . S ' * * ' t of may fodto exttaet. ftoiu t l w u ^ b L j ^ ii*J»tgaiimds;»nol^^ , , -W ,!™ nlf,i-',.i m fUnd'.*tid, t.i..Fnirtf'h aa h«^ha» iMrttl oUt o f® Q ck o t« _ /■ no. mounds, no tomfe«.1, .1 1 <• ,■ L t c m wee iXJtiGctboml d>uring *®r w em iraents. A few very eniftll llat - ^ L W lL^v guamniifOa li.— „ i . 1 w stt<*4» u s s o r t a i e u t o f am ! ^ e c o n d 't o n f f j i r r l o r u tile o f B o to I alee) have in CirnnHuhin tt i-T?’. eonaistiu^r of Goi>(! jsttfrw l his rights. N o Persian': M the unfortunates} tliiey w ow v«, ainlse beyond th e pnlo pf pity, ^ Itfa et bdy fftlwa his hand ■ the Wretched llo b ro w t h e; is - ...M 090 i E iE i S i erfmid Higgs,^7 l\t>ppMe Vound\% ■ b e lifiee* fo r Kntorcumment end th e K in d : o f T re a tw e in tfiio«te tVeceTvmi; W):> T he roads turn lead W r f c h l ^ l m ~c. ■ r a t m- n' amonnti?f-protecN on if h e b e-a o t^ the coarseness of tUo~fnre, the - , v »»-nr«» U c iw 'm u m ls , Mrrobbxf of m oney o r JQ odo, d o t bi,cliiesHof th o to p o a n d tliooauriiiM hr. :. wi.y Ira tlToffti’lfnor^ lio n s o e f justice, b u t « f th e reekonm g eould not bo e iju a M : '■ r. huso the com plainant* w ere, U1s wsow here. N ot ono of thorn ung unrctlreBBed, ro lg h tli» e iu n a “ n . ancv save for the m m ibof ;>av his share of the tux* A t every b.Hs posted up; beside lie. festival—even a t the royal the inn was like ovefy other nouso^: ■1 -\ * )'<I*, i’.ltlfl fins) }Vf in 11)1' l|\ uanK- before, the King-s face—thft a lo n g the way. Tlio windows had often > [ ; ' i-r-[r, r«;t.'o!1,;-^i iVrn ■<j <1 ^iVarTifiI- »fiffl coUoeted. and a number of no sHshos.Jhe roofs lot in the riii-n i i dt‘0 Hung in to tile m u z o r iatnc, .hiaiircssos wore unknown,, and ,on the i . King a n d m ob m ay bo am u sed by h o ttest night In sum m or <4ha Twetuw-j- iag them crawl out half i:il. Iv ceremony Jsiy rltn essed when- lacs; dlnhor cost irdetln'r. - ytnrtFlrt'r ■v1 a provindaLOovernor- holds high- lu d ^ tnFWM-jmltits-mitoiiYb ^ - i ^ o k a n ^ llval; thero aro Hroworks and Jew% shoots were demamlodr the pricorwas [every arrival of a new provincial e^pence moro. Suppers woro rarely Wnor tho Jews are oompellcd-to-e& tom - Inh-keopers attributed tljflo siltce'an bx J il J iIs .- honor Upon tlieZ P ili-j^ Ilh eL d U iiB m srd C f^ T aQ d r^ ^ road at some-dIstpneo frora-tbe^ declavod-itlmtr-wWlo-Wayfarers-ffoUnd pi, Tho hoad man pf the Hebrew entertainment -at tirtr houses of tho, iranipity has to run with the blood- • great, tho condition of tho cavern could [head Of tint nniraal, iiuploi’ing ths never bo ijiuiroved," There w ere-of raot^s—countenance and- pruteo- rourso; oxocpiLohft, Here and-there in until ho ia beaten off by W10 /rtr- sthcrlmgc towns worb to bo seen ordlv <ir~No child Is missing i o r a .iwW-^nfti'Ius ■with \yhloh tlitf m o st fastidioiLs |rs hut the Jews arc acmtsed *ot 'codia find little fault. Wo bettor specimen ^ c t ' ,a good Sohtherh" Inn [ling it for saoriflce. amtT>n 8Uoh^oo[ow tliev ttro sham efully bouton a n d e t^ W o T c sp o o t isa^ Jwvid jp a id to exlatod .'fflrhii" Hue Oiigle U ioir Tavern htrgo, flnd-daughtors. Tlioy. a re 4)omto live in .a ‘'G hetto,” orowdod Mhov, where tho houses, resemble iliuis of cnlraals mthojr than the_ Ptations of men, -When a.Jow^mar- --- — 'Fh & j y i t i g v r v r<m — —OOih-'M^f^AN-TJ.UE, — PsoMiwgw 'l«di)S fjii Urn >■>»>>«'toll ' ' OOlXc W.KbT, Moll Traill; Ah^-hoiHrottirJneir# ~~ *»,*♦«f t:t-«.-•0i<i7-At Iff,- S n :s y m fW E n f^ r (VrU'i^.iH ii f.'-HO.if JCkltU^ Ulnl "K nrT fkt tjilie » 1 ' f^i^VVqfFeri.y^Tttf7,^ - - . w y U-if!f,-u - iuuJs sittpfrin/i. t'*h *•I a ;H \ ttin r ifPis thiilv ,.... /e ■ Jbvrlf ir. J b I J m .- . j r..... i i i __p;.Q t NiK lU J 'lK D r^ S T T ;^ liiO A .A ^ GrmiU lbqd».to:Expi‘e«s.,.,,;.9 :5 7 ^a. y. Mail T N ii , ^ . . , , . - . ~~Wm7 Agent. W^nmuiW.iir S# . iR.an euatt matarlal ugi»Uicln» DU; DAVID KENNDDYSJ* he Clio b:U‘k with a 'positive’ FAVORITE REMEDY j; k.nlt-Tilu^ttrTrA ekev’s tiloou UIJ1VHIMW Zt'JEUTUuI‘l r."i:»i,tir"l*>in^^pui,Ii|r itieTirr ^raaaiiiRomiiiyuntiduioiiiiJwiit inoiiiiipaa Uottieof liii’S' o r 4,1h khoh. iuu .rttls nioUk’liio. vl/. y.iiii lure •xpoioil io freoustii ch«nB«* of clImatF, wAUir, Favorite fhmilit ajwny* tie_ ivlilun imrr reach. It oki .Innh,I I'oM ----n 1;’im aiiA, mill U.Uii! b«-at j|,11iw•1 1y-11Lt*tajvIv»?fch7l U >maIi>II.> ofl mini iititliirinl four in me.tvurht It )«caoeelalh' wcUIcfor tliecureof Kiiin«y fei'y. iuw^mnrvromiy viru*tT.vitliy h nwclflc was of brick, and pYovidcd'wlth a long sit U'ivTK-mr l i y e tit tl -enro—rutrv— verandaJn front. For a—sjiiUing ann slxpohco, Virginia currency^ tho truv* or' ’/ liMfim.iIi>tm7 KSfpl.lllis . rviitl i ll .' blood j_ 11. tVcPKthe kUin l’nim t'pots mu! ,olor was shown to-a uoatim rHini wollfurnished room up ono flight of stairs, I v i ' i r . j j | j ' \ i u l u d cnr; A^k-libi1- roremonv. aml. aftcr a scono of that broakfpt coal two shillings", and Three M&tor.s Bead. Fin<[]nToxicntiaii7iiot^^"unfroquohtly (iinnor, with grog or toddy, Was three; — Mr.JDavkl Ciuypool, fornierly (Sergi f tiioir host and his relations and in- that a quart of Unidy was ono.aifti sixt j_L*Aroisoftho N ^ ./J ereey Semite, and now: jthe vvonwn of tho communityionly^thatii bottlc of' porter was fcwo ana SoUry. Public at Ccduryille, Cumiierlwui [iug tho Jwvish quai'tof.when th e y ' 'SixraTd tllat^flrc- best^ Madeira, wine ’Oi, N. J., makes the ioUovying eturtlin^ Iblopt off tin*drink ■♦hnw hava mval. sold for six sliiiliugi a auart, \Vhon lie -yTtrtemcnH^lyfatheiHnetheiYflntl thifft i at—their unwllUng’ hosFs ex- roao. HHbu morning ho washed hfa face, inters all died vlth eonsumptiop, agdmy IluiUiloil togethor as they are, -not in liis room, hut on thoiae^avand inguweiesowcak Xrahakbbiood.v Nobody - 0 the •grave. While in-lhls condition ’ommeuced using Miahler’s Herb Bitters, frid H eaved my lifer Becmiso It tvub so SlfPcult to get It In this'little place, nnd l p !fdaA<,_iw priests to oaoh largo placed to cool. Noar by was a ^ujul so mucli,! stopped taking it | Imunity. Asm rule,‘this man <ftono* case, which held two decanters. TThCi tor aimproved timey and the result is tJiat X Imvo v m»nmr»rt lithe Jows, is not persecuted by called for water, a wonch brought it. ?oimnencea going rapidly down hill again, ThoFountaia of YouthV^ans, though ho is subject to ill {v0™ *h» /P Ti.n?: lftni , ho dr‘l"1k! ■ionieltow, MtehleFs Herb Jiittera rives r Dyspepsia is the puiyuiling nmledy Oi’.ci* Imoiit in the baaaars. , Education is *?«» ft K,ftSS wMoh had longboon cool-( ipjietiteand/gtrengthenaaml builds me up viitoed iUV. A weak, dysp<*piic stomaeb Mutely dunlwl to the Jews. (X . ing i» » bftrr°l wh1®? 8^ 0(! ty * 06 cor,*1 fi'etp tiMiir reUgiohrfKe mimerof-tlnrrobm;1 F or his lodging a n y d o w n ...... .. ...... [colleges of Persia <aro closed to h'S board. If bo ate a .boor slipper aud nbutton aspCuidCasc, nndlt'nnyone wants •kiiKifi of tood, ^HWT^irurrxtrri ei ed,- aehlsiiie formed mhl becoitm a smireo o f pain as aro /the ordinary schools, was content with one mmrt^f ^oddy,. .to be convinced of its truth* let them write’ and■d ncedc“ n tll UtorhaEtfed. ' I'o lq>. dysr [theschool of-thoOlmrch-Misslon. hepaid-tho. landlord of tho Eagle ten mo ahdFl will mako affidavit to if, for I pepticlHease-u is t< » bi'misiiraldejiopvlcss.dapress ™clpt> inJiHfa is S ^ ie ra unavatl- eld lings, Virginia .^"onoy or.em 1wo my life-to-Misbler’e Herb Bitters.” . ed, confused in mind, forgetAil, bn solute*, . Tho secret eft heal meet Invariable relief drowse,y, weak, languid ami nselcss, If fort|my WouM not dare to send, dollar and sixty-s x .uvd ettro of consumption, dysentery, diar- destiovis the Teeilt, (‘omplexion, Strengtb, children there M»y more than «pn«y. oaoh |(l tho Mohammedans, Convorts People oJ ihe Umted States. - ihooa, dyspepsia, indigestion, kidney and Peace of Mind and Bodily-easo, It produ complaints, when Mishlerls Hciy cer Headache, Fain in the ’•Shoulders,. ^'hiimmcdanism from the'Persian A Z lS t c ^ “ ■ “ —T liver Hitters to «»cd, isithat it containeelrnple, Coughs, Tightness ,« of Chest, D zziness, ftrovorvfpw. Generally they arc ^ FABLE* ¥ r“ ' ^ * nA / S w Snnr timiJUlfStBrnmll,ni>44 f,L°‘r KM^vho havoboei^decoyod 4 t*s*keuD-SmaH Msn to O«fc Ahead of • that act on the Wood, kidnoye, nnd liver, In moti i Unions iiitack*, I’atJTitafhm rtmurhomes o r married to Mussul- * ‘ . Woman Mil through thotmstrengthens andinvtoor* 1under threats of violenco.^tlcb^ ^)nce“upon atim o, many-hundred itcs the^whole system, Pttrcly vegetable HearijSnflammicn of faings, m -uipt the region of the IvidneyH.^iHUv hundred'hth !®:® the. y^^g voars affov afifbi Whon V f nri9 °*f little worth, butbut thc whon tho world was not as, or palnfuLs.vmpiouiiL Dyspctwia dnvafT M u ”ow ls' * n4dlvor<!B A j£ to !!U Th«? hnd » . t b lo o m e d MM - M r ^sts! These are four strong ndtois in favor h-looked down on bv rtiio P e£ full beauty and usefulness, ,thoro lived ,f Mishler’s HerbCitters. Mahler’s Hwh 'hut rather favored than o th e rs a naan who had a wife. Now at tinles mtera^ssold by irtldruggists. ^ rioefl.OO ■7 , " the wife was obstreperous,'and^the hjani >cr rarao bottle. C bottles fo rf5.00. * ---------—^ Birrrjis tiauos open »to the Jows are was -wontto oaress her tenderly with, A 9imns Co„ • f W working In the precious (dub. line day site had boon more ag* t ‘ *iLW.iwJLahoy- are very ex p o rt— cmvntlngdhim-usual, ami tho nian, in L'f.--- V^uiotw Htones^ pe<ldlingi- vhiff i cnk ittsvdesiro to -p eifeo t her. In, I , Iwohes, for which there jfobd works, became so vigorous with «—Tlsoro are movo sulHpr brtrs to thq demand; the m aking and *\w dub that she' fell #- n to the door. telephone system in New Vork and its iialio t’ ^ftclgidxwheud iv inrrith tt^whulihr.o i, r, - p ^ r - p tomlsos- of wine and—Fearing t lm In musUv sing) bglug and dancing gun, which, being alroady Joadod to Great Britain, not w thsttvnd ng that the professions ' in.,1 A, , only practised foW Aho niuszlo for tramps, he maced bo- ohargo In Now York is about double [ the lowest of tho nonth his chin, ami, puiling Wmtriegor. what it Is there. Tho number of tr tnsip!!iln,i\m,rfteture apuridus an* all ot the available portion of h-» head missions by telephone In Great ; Britain Lwom ,tt,prw,itlc l oJ midwifery wn^'Mown up against Jtho «riUug, in Inst year was abopt flUOOOJWO, and tho average cost per message ft lUUe over Ln2?'®!,i ftnd ^ d i n i n g ,pf sanguinary freanocs. ■IhO I by themaon (for • roused the^ woman, and she forthwith one cent.—A*. .IV WiV/mHt, l£ L ">olwin or filthy Job ia to bo arose, and observing the dasuage done —Harrison Hahn. oX Wind Gap, Pa., K »t for to do it.) $ a im , cu llin g called for tfho pHtro has a t wo-year ohl daug.htor whose oars was iwnnannntly arc bent-forward an l grbwnTiwt tojhu ii?n!ov*°i!. ' t hat they 'The “ J L man ‘ f t . J owr iiro 'S a T i n t the woman live* to hen l»,al"oon,[I' 4 wl11 " e'w aOTln.-itfeMAatiUVafelor. Ihr.rn. WhonaVoMoamo two montlfa mmi fow of them can otd two dootors wparateil the oars from 60m() —Hostess—*Aro you a ransieian, Isfa thn face.- Bml tlo I H>u.». hiiate to I t o HIm possess a ^Tof-ttabrow 71CIRgl lio rmt' '"BWyf' Mlf. 8 twy (who t a . ^ l"^ ' " ^ *; propov plaoo. but they M uriiM to their tlioy an exhibition of .hi* ft^llityV Wolf. V & V R,t °V«r tli 1) w.nlil, they former tposition and are Mioro to remain * h 14 11 >a*A ***iil. A«*S en in Persia a _ y07 1 think I can lay oleim to some *undisturbed. Both ears. ore without jS '}10t {'x]h1' they may knowhxlgo of music. ^pa-JJ tho orillee, but dwu’nos* ia prevented by, w .tu b le h o u se o f b o n d a g e ? flTicpgMiT p h a t t t i 1 S T E A M D O IfiE U W O B K S, (E a t ibliKhed 1805.) lioughtl-could-Jive, jayLWQraMami^ idtuihglwasveryatrainbig on luewithiny m u ra, >>eakeoasUtm 1 ’ ’ U“a 18 lto lr ml8,or- J b o u t^ p"»yr*nii I wonW So vory 5i,b; "“k«J 'Vl.yilo not U10 Jews Kind ir vonwmiM k!n<Ily i«H> f*18 UR“ , ^ m h t i h M i a times. b is>iiipl#lm*,erm»tlp, «ii.l.|,|»Hr csM iiplaltiiR.CoBMtlpAtfoti Andell dUordeiu ’ ftri«ii»Rfiom ««te_ef theblood,. To nmanlmiBire A_nJmiuire««tfiLti their *. 'y »h° Ul» toeir their f',Ocw»nlySLJhcpnH imU Jypecminr provin« Im «ri mc tiftt fftllMitj frli'ijii-n n‘Al liicKKlny, Ailftrot* the tiroprly. UttTe,( f«c table of rates. ' From this lft> lonruod [ondored at th at tlw Jew s of P ersla^ng-roum s, at a- tablq- adorned with; i pale, fttid-sicidy-nrcof The won- pewter spoons-and-ehina plates, v<S)fl;| ‘rtttier is that thoy exist a t all. a tp n e aide was a tub full «f water pere are supposed to bo nineteen wherein malons ftnd cucumtow. p toh^ [sand Jews in Persia. Thdre is a am W,milk and bottles of wine, wore ttf:- M A LA R I A . Q iT ^ iitr w h n w its fits to n c n a prinTnd iof tho town invito thbmsolvos to ■“ uni Ticket Aunmii Cliii agb; h r 1hiJ ^ hvi riiV ' ■ U[ ,.. .MO i*. H. k,awt.: |JI'i-bV ’i.-1' tiiem-1, iLle rlli* 'bmv u! Vfi TiiH'ftiv'iWi bcitaeil purls. ■ j iknlet*..',' Ft,l* kuIc III $1) ,U.,<S.' ,V» LOS| iOi»y,1" 1 Is --r -.-r. ■. .0:07 V. Mr Evebioff qCxpress. Ih*iivT«^iAV^»t< '-Br,ri;'; m ,'D'I'1,L-\—jfiun-j-iUln[ ± MieWlv cured-f 't ---- 4 |W t r ” ' 1 n v o s t i t . ♦nu iniiiyix? iuhvr iu v^T ’liirngu for now. Hi vets, boiler $C|nl£s and tdllt'r tubes for Halt*. Cor Fptttulry-et. unit- AHcli. CeniM 81 u FACTS TO BE REJSWABEBED«- ■TOBAOCO I» iIh'.223T CBETT. -ihc 0BSATSST 4EL l $F ii h»'d more itand ilum any oilier . FMig hi tin* SUuc,.. P if, nlway^i ({i> poqd n„l. »•O TV FR TOO K-6KI) s j i m u s ; a i / a s 0 0 ^ &&?: .TA.wvCJ,0 ?5f. »n M'-taboN ofii ia t-v.-r 1-*.. NniH<)i> is TH8 fifiOXCB OS' TSiO vOHISWXP*; m'VW* stjeks oil the iuniHs. 'I Ins can Hot lui •■'■said—oP- anv othej'brand of 'Ttdtaceo. For mOm lty l-nrwiltti r.t‘Hth-|H'-- - -- .W. VKN U tlL i: & C O ., ably yields to the vegemidu rimtedies, ip G(j Et)KN- 8EA fr l)m :K m d1If-gr<‘m purith\r of the blood and l espner of heailii. In tlii'se cotuplaiiiiM 11 Im»h 110 .equal, mu one botile-wiil prove u ta^tor giiiiivntne. oi its nierifs thnu 11 )i’ii«ihy iiii\<M,iU(,metn \Vti wan'eut (101.IXKN i*;lCA 1« ill I I h itb Take no 01 hois riidd Ip’ U. rj. Afintsimji^ and CHazier.' DePtvv^' «'J w< iw ’iirkV'ta* # ttK4NO............... IIA111*44V • ItUWKU •• . ■/ . t^OWv . . .-.---— DaiH»-A w x w ^ . ^ Kooh .........•.......... .. a Ah . 75“ <yl 100l (.0 Ftffl <& ltp _;80^(du*JJ0: .I «1.1,*' .8 © J 10 <$ 10 H usks. . . . llol'Mi/.divswed ^ i,AUa». • •» ; lhxr/t?»>«s......... ' ........ SAU'Ji-. . . . . u* *........... 1 mJrUABVWtl and wiiTiti. I iv; j. :v. 5Vj»..I, 0 5 00 <a 8 flu . h • <0 . o _ iia_gk...«°»5. 88 ltd 48 .v® 8 bh 'y trw rjyftT ^viA M . jPampiiieis. Posters, ! I:tmH*i!I'-',CMrcitlttr^ Cards, lbtlTTiekets, l.,iht-ls; Blanks, Bill Heads ami oilier varieties oJ Plain ant II imev Job Print in joxecuipd with prompt- - i«*Dw ■v 1 eat in the World <alo f o r J io r .— A* ,F. 'A mm* ... ■\ .^Ri, - - ft -_r— ‘“ Good!* m M tlio native, *Goodt I t's pine* top whisky* it is! Good!Wby* dog:S - -K- * it'll (ireye up like burnin; ^ f j r i t a c a t l s r Beverage Made bytho Aft- the* hair off a d o g r T w o drm ks- &no tivesot Arkansas. piuo-top is better'd a gallon o ycr v*r «•' H^r. Titov t« H Wvas, IV>. fVniltitcrPftasV count greasy rve rye or Bn isurom. Is pine* i Yem lous KaUroad Nan Traveled KakI« «ct top whisky good? W ail, it’s g o t more MIC H It, bat Found i t Worth the Trouble-lb* tooth nor a cross-cut saw! * " CHELSEA, -1 - —J j ......... Freitie lu Mityera Were touted. ^ ’l 'his nativo by the way, kcDt a sa «*iDid you ever circus around among loon a t Silver City. Wc told him we the suu-kwsed hills of Arkansas!?: liked his diagnosis of pino-top whisky* TIMELY TOPICS. asked a New York ra ilro a d 1m au who and would take a gallon. W e did so, has ctrcused around alm ost every!* and we drank it by degrees. I t left a Gknskal G bant supported e n tta where* d ark brown takte in o u r mouth* tp at siastie&lly all efforts to secure intimate i " “ N ever did.’"replied the reporter, you Could see when we breathed. commercial relations between the! “ Then, of course, you never tarn- When wo got back to H ot Springs ca n 't ahstver for tb c feelings, of U nited States and Mexico. Ho la d ! l p r a d j i t h t i» t ... . — „ . <tipple so d ear to the motive Arkansas others, b u t! was seized w ltlra” wild great faith in the m aterial progress o f , ttnd affectionately known as pine* uosire to either g et up a dog light or our sister Republic, an d wished to soct to~p whi8ky1r '~gatd-thg railroad many set lire to a load, o f bay th a t stood in tlm street. I w asn 't 'drunk, but the American enterprise take full advan* t “ Nevor heard of it. Is it good?** W hen the «*iW ell, it's made p u l of pine tops, _pino-top was w orking. tage ©fits opportunity to control the to take us to Malvern and w hen—-but 1 don’t w a u tt o pass train that'w as , Mexican m arkets. A year ago he said ju d g m ent on the native resources on Junotion Was ready, the steam escap tn an interview: “ I have no doubt that any p a rt , of — beloved country; so ing from the locomotive suggested to my ___ <..............1*11 relate some little incidents tb ato c- me th at life would, henceforth .90 a the developement th at, will take place th ma a few years ago, in which ; burden u nless 1 had a hundred or so in Me x b o w il l be aA^rapid i a th e fu tu pine-top whisky played an im portant of skyrockets to fire off there and then. -*g it wa so n ourow hB acitio O a s t when part* and then y on catr d ra w your own Some 'pno said" l ; couM" g e t'th e m a t we fbst ao q ared iV A n d ~ J w a n fto se e conclusion as to the quality of the. Malvern, and I boarded the train witff m y frionds,, and got off again three . v-‘ ■■-.v the1relations between th a t country and ][)(QV6TA£0» tim es to lick the conductor because he ‘W hen I quartered in S t L ouis o u n th e m ost cordial o ta n y n a tlo tts in j; W o o r three of my friends g o t wind of w S K ^ t a r t tbw train nntil his time th e world. I f they are n o t so it will be a silver mine, down. jn Arkansas, was up, My desire for skyrockets had -ou r-ow a f e u lL ' .We -s bould do .. every*! which was -awakened- a altu ila r d* ~ Chelsea Horflld* :';vv:'^W^:'- m PURR WXK-TOJ? WHISKY. moot, b u t if you go down to , 4 r^ nr Jan I ’d go lig h t on'-pine-top whisky 1C l wore y o u ."^ A ?^^ York v>t<n. t. , , The Buglisb Cabinet, I t is now todd th a t the Queen is en deavoring to tiud some wav out of the m inisterial muddle iufcuglaud w ith o u t an aotual revolution. Of course, her natural instincts, as a m onarch inclfuO- more to the Conservative than the Liberal elew out in politics, but, a t the same time, her family interests on the continent of Kuropo make her fear the consequences th a t m ight ensue if ;tho liory successors of Boaconsileld. were toaehiove power. The one great, leading m a n w f c ^ e T r b f f b l y teste more than Any other Is Mr. Gladstone, wbowraggresalve radioalisnir « outw ard respect jfound out o u tw a rd respect : spite of his profound want for tho Crown as an institution, has has been continually disturbing the peaco of h e r som ewhat somnolent Majesty lo r many years. Mweovnr. G ladstone - aaU lift-suH oundlil*,, „ » « nin<>»«ml his Cham berlains, his J?orsters and bis Brights, smell too m uch of the shop and tlio faotory -to-be- en tiro!vacceptftblo ’to the h eiro sso f all the bluest blood of the Guelph*. And here \t is really curious to note, In naxentheses as it were, how few of the * nobiilty' of England have been hO;Cabinet& TUT 20 Y! U8E. The Ore*test* SY( iib tt ^aader m l T J S W S S ^ 'bw h inm w , Palp ■tffiMK tar e a th |, 1 s a p g g & s a & ffiSfV.'SA'H Heart, Dots before the s . ♦»w t he atm i 4 r « a » , Hlfhly eelerod TBCT’S P U ^ IS ore tsptclAllyVdin^ to such cases, one Ithei (Coil j Grat Glossy this Dye. lotrontanaouily. Sold by DragrinTS e^ b y ornrss* on rSoelnfof fl? -*or O frtco, 4 4 M u rra y 8 t., New York. thing to seoure^Ttbe confidence of the ^wo or tftree^imesn day, ami thoy told, rockets in the othersr-and we asked^^T he Earl of Granville and thcM arqnis^ , people of Mexico , T he more prosper me th a t if Td go along down wlth_ 'em one another how we h a d ever man- of H artin g to aate tiiCmost conspicuous ttrlook the bonnnaa-over -tkey- would cd to get along thus f a r without = these few; 'and In 1880, when <ms the Mcxiean p *o^le’ are, the b e tte r ^ e m . T&e train had hardly stopped lS ^ e S o iT s lf e id Min istvy resi gned, d id n 't have much spare, time, but a t M alvern beforo w e were out o f it. they were both solicited to u u d e rta k e » concluded to go along and give^tbem A boy, innocent and unsuspecting, th e formation of a M inlstry before h e r the benefttrbf my experlenice, as l h ad stood with his maouth open*-gaaing-at Majesty could mako up h er m ind to been le t in on the ground floorPf sev- th e train. SornCtUing _ ., „ satdrto me that calf upon Gladstone oral- bonanza silver minos, and knew this boy knew where there were sky wnen ae a crisis Similarly, when rials seem ed to rockets galore. I grabbed him. hy the threaten the Glatlston© C ablnot a cou* all about them. Well-— 1-" ^^Was th e re m uch^ money in-ihose a rm - and "w hirled him around and pie of months ago, It was common mines of yours?" interrupted the re yelled: * rum or in London th a t ho was to ho * * “ ‘Got the skyreskots, o r 1 11 p o rter ........ th ru st forth and tho Marquis of _Har.v teibttsiuiaE u' ^ “ Ob, yes!" said ;the railro rd man;, slice yon upC 1 tihgtoh to become the recrpicut of the T he boy’was, scared 'h alf to death; royal command to organize a new “ plenty of it. I out the m ost of it in, The r e s t o f t h e p a r t y g o th o ld r o( him M fnistry. an d it's.there yet, if Xrem em ber right. I t j s posslble that a strong^ ii Wa ^ wft w ent dowb lnto Arkansas. ..r- - _________________ ____ _ __ and yelled for skyrockets: ' Pretty effort_wjLUJbe made to carry out this There^w ere three of u8, and 7 as^we^ ^ o o u he^brdko^ a wav audltoro upy^bA n rogramwe noWr^though -H artingtou street like m»d. . Ts h W l y likely to look oti thC project -P ETROIT AND MAOKINAO didn’t" Know whac nugni arulyiikely^,_ . took alang a Jug or two of the bost that Ho ran into a store and we followed with very oheorfal eyes. He is a a a d im y W a k P o nawwa the Blue Grass country could produce him. W hether ho led us there on pnr-- shrewd, earnest, long-headed poll? DETROIT AND 'CLEVELAND We had .to drive from Hot Spriogs poso-or ruerely rou in to^escapo iis I tieian, and though the heir to one of thirty m iles d o n 't know, but I do know th a t J h e th a . greatest titles—am t—revenues WMttIbrm* W h ere lie the bon es of Columb u s ^ storekeeper-kept a iittlo o f every thihi ISilver City. called in Cuba, or fn San Dpmingo? Sevenor or so,lto_a in . Englland, works harder th an ‘•Plotureique Msokinio,” lliuitriHd, a rltie4______ over and had iifty skyrockets. We otr, take ______ I 'd like to havo Q -V his ehosmr"vocation. eight years, ago it was announced that th a t road once, just to satisfy you th a t them 'all.;andLprocoeded at onoo-to set aplow -D oy Ho is born to all th a t titular dignlty the people of San Domingo had dlscov every word I ’m telling you is- gospel them off* There Is one street in Mal- and .wealth can bestow, and has spent Detroit A Cleveland Steam Niv. Cv, O. D. WHITCOMB, OlN. BASS. Air.* ered that the bones supposed to be those truth. 7 The .mud Was so deep th a t if vorn, and it Is built right u ir a hill. his life,“thus far,'in pursuit o f-s u c h DETROIT. MICH. *---we a t ,any time happened to see the a ta f f ij^ a f e ta o r r itT w n - bring hub9 of our wagon come to tbosurface th a t h ill a8 fast as WOCUluu,tOUOnOm n o t utrnl O 1therefore, 11nrHfnrft. fn I®pted by likely, to hft bo to tem to Havana with great pomp< were spur!* w e'd call out to thc-driver W hen we commonced tltcro v ous bones a n d . that the genuine - bones “ HIT Siml Horc' lore's a dalsy^treteh of- “Irorsosr amf-; wag 011s tied -in-4ront anU probably transitory dwtioctioh- to _0 street. * • every store in -fcn< stiil lay in Dominloan soil. W ith the road. L et ’em spin!” discount his splendid futurojprospoots. Baugt' He can afforu -to waitr S nouh^ ho, “ ‘F-s*S-s-s*U*h-h! Whiz! ‘‘Onco iu a NYliilo tlio wheels on one y iew o fsettH D g ^ th isp o in tin d iB 'p u ^would go a rocket, and snap would go hoAvever*^acaopt, tlierenisLno m a irin . ^ .. ... M . . . . . . ____ ______________ ___ ___________ a h a lte r strap or two, and In less than Britain who Can command g re a te r sc^ THE OKIT TRUg &vit«d a targe numper^orsavants to-at' somewhere down in~ the bowels of ■tlnrj-thrBC mlnutes thero^ivafr-nothing-to-bo o ia l-ond political strongth. Tftcrt&te ; zay nor horses na up would go th at side of seen in that town but runaway tern BTumniE earth, and m in-tli io air, and dow nw ouid auiL mules, v l t — was eq u a lto n stam- being tho lim su b itd iafy ^ itle of S i r will open In the capital of that republk the wagon pode of cattle on the p ia in s^ rite more go t ho other side so far that weld ship on the 10 h of September next,--lJb& a hundred weight or so of m ud at they ran the more Wo bombarded* un. Tather. the- Duke of "Devoirs' government will submit to tho judg every dip. Then wo’d have to stop til there was a stretch of tire going up of tho richest and m ost pow erful no bles In England, and If ho lives he ment of this-congressrits proofs that and bail tho wagon out-before wo oould that hill without a break-in break in it H fr< from must, i!i his^turn, become the .h e a d o f . go ; ahead. And hills! G r^at Soott! one ond to the other. People wore , San \ Domingo possesses the only bones Why some of those hills are so stoop shouting and howling from windows* the Cavendishes. W hat chance the -I rish- would have of consideration of, Columbus in existence. th a t passengers th a t travel over the. Storekeepers came out and put up tt fi.A,A « shonld this able W hig suoceed the rad road are tled to one another withf.VS1 T . ® ^ ^eal-L,fborais can bofLi nodfrOm th e . T h e ruins of-a. deserted village may^ ropes, H,n«n duffers th a t- clam ber red»h<>t town it was Malvern about that rother-of-tbat fact-timt he is be seen in southern New Jersey, some around in tho Alps. -ThCn the ropo-is tim er—The traiu-wo woto |6-take-w as Lord Froderloktheicldei Cavendish who Was so B i.M ’alM tir five miles distant from tho coast. Tho tied to tho drivet*, and f rom him to the about due at the junction tlitn, and brutftUy-murdered in Phonix P a rk a yoko at the ondof the tongue. So th e agent of the company, -who know place Was the Utopian dream of Jam es nock few years ago. I t is not likely there you see. _unless the rope breaks or the m e woll, managed to get w ithin spoa volaxatlon ol tho crim es;toV“ D. Allaire, a "wealthy visionary, who neekk yoke slips off. you can't well fall Tng distance of mo and m ade—m e tflHtaiully W ri U o I'A jip^Hlfc l j ............. ....... x------ ll,S H art- tf007 I.huykl of “b u iltit about l810, embodying various out backwaro, but it’s vory trying to nnderstjvndHhat-ithey were organizing? am t poercion legislation, should -------o{r«?uirUItdlitl*, p l a c e - -w ith tranioOlnUj s»J^<>tirti‘ru jiix *u U i, hohm ington actually accept accent the chief place ¬ th a t is to bo f n t t m ', mniotua ftml iu*rves fc v e h Kt'vv forcc( BBUTtM reformatory and socialistic ideas. He the eyes. Our driver told us that once a committee of citizens to take us in Uift'iuiud and »uppllc» B r u i n ^ Intended—th a t it should be a manu- a party of four big, heavy m en were and ride us out of town in a way wo ed. St,Loui$Qlobe-De,viQcraL being “Carried over tcTSilver Qity linked- didn't*caro to go, iuuI -we-^ itthornd np _facturing center, with stores where the with*' the safety guys, as thoy , call our remaining rockets and made for «orp Advantages of P rie st Rnle, ^inhabitants—cotrid buy—a t- low- prices,- them . and in gaing up one of the hills tho depot. .. The trabi^didn’t ebrae a r -The T ho priests, writes an E ouadar cor- HinTKT.YlwiTOi'cM^l'iH and jwith sch ools for the^ higher cduca-^ th eir-w eight wfts too. much for, the minute too soon,for It had barely pull of tlio orlKl«*«l. If yoMe al i dBM ™' tion of all the children. The enterprise team , and they pulled tho ’Whole bus ed out when (he committee came sweep respondent to The lioston Herald, con fty iness right over backward," and there dng down to the depot. " -Thou we fired trolIth e ggovernm o the ent in all its branches, dojiot «porJiueiu^gyltMOyio^ was a quick and total failure. The was the team pIumXT on their baokB rockets a t. them Tf from windows and" dictate itss laws and govern their en ^ q lls of th e f actor iesaretu m b lcd down headed down liul aud the^four^passon “platforms, and left the town inTnTblaze forcem ent, “an d . rulo the country as 0«, HARTin’B IPJ>N TOW0 18 FQR^BBYAU buried unaer under tno the wagon w agon- body, offtlj&ry. absehitcly king. hr as if the pope was its kli Druoomst* AND DCA^CRft everyvwm#* und overgrown, and a cracked bell lies gers mtriea which was pointed up bill, hind wheels “ After the rockots As a result, 75 per bent, of the papulaulfc, were gone .Ht-the foot of the steeple from which it forward.— They m ined- t her fo ur menr th e r e w as om~th1ng-that~+ tion-eon-nreithor read nov-w ritertrver fe lly e a rsa g o . --------— out of tho mud' in ra th e r bad shape, would make mo happv it" would b e to ^ ffp e r pent, of children born are 11 the m ud was nice, and soft and kill centipedes,. atuf as there- were legitimate, there is not a peim itentl^ AH words of Grant will now bo treas but porous, and they on tho train L fully intended to ary^house of correction, reform atory. . , w eren't h u rt much'. none :on ured. The following extra'it from a ^ ‘Wellv we got along with tliOrkiHs--get off at the next statiotrand g o back ' or-bencvolent—institution -outside^ of m o S T n o U id » n d ° E U « s M *fu l L letter fittingly illu tratos t ffe .broad all right until we-came to one that south somewhere and kill" eentipedosr Qtiito and Guayaquil, there is not a (now retired) lor tho euro of £ • • ( H fa n A M N f. and iH ta g . » » « catholicity of the m a n : - 1 Let us all w as crowding so close on to the per I afterward changed my mind and railroad or stage coach in the entire Itip lM n io ftle d c n v e lo p e A **5* nm«glst40M flua that even Sim* the driver, s a id ! would return to StC Lou is first* country, and, until two . years, ago, A d d r e ti DR. W A R D A C O ., L o u til» B i,% labor to add all needful guarantees fpr pendicular shook his head. He stopped the team get my two dogs, and then go to Texas there was not a telegraph wire* Labor* the more perfect security of free thought, a t the foot of .the hill and said: and spond a week or so at centipede , era got from $2 to $10 a m onth, and free spee“"h~ and'free press, pure morals~ “^Ge’inetis, Tdou’ w anter skeer yo^ lrunttng. r^VVhcn I got to St. I^mis “the men are paid $2 25 for cari_ carrying—lOff unfettered religious sentiments and o ’foTdo Lawd, I dori’! But dis h'yah plue top was workiug oft’, for I hadn’t pounds o r merohandise m erchandise on their "backs had a drop for two . days. Still tho over the mountains 285 m ilesr-1T here equal rights and privileges to all men# raise o’ groun' is a leetlo stiff’, an* don’ w antcr take de ’sponsibility o' centipede idea wast strong within mo. isn’t a wagon in the republic outside •irrespective of nationality, color or dem bosses teeterin' back I nte r -dis, I went to my ro o m . at tho Lindell' o ., W Q ro s>«a so ii liea, W a a ytin n ee CCo„ w ^* of Guayaquil, and no^ a road over religion EncOurdge free schools, and h'yah wagon, ge’mens. 'Deed I don1 House, and w ent-to beed. .As I lay which a wagon could pass. The poo* SAVAGE lVAGE A FARN0M, Paoi’siEwairesolve th at not one dollar of money Y e'd best git out an* walk, ,fo' do there with the gas turned very low, fl pie know nothing but w hat the p riests -Raw ono side of tv sloping roof obtrude tell thorn; thoy havo no am usem ents Appropriated to their supportr no m at Lawd yo had!” “ So we uncoupled t ourselves from itself through the window of my room. but eoch-flghti and bull-tights,' no ter how raised, shall be a p p ro p ria te the safety guys and gotjmtE-rSinv tookOnJtilitrooll ay ^ e en ttp a do^ocardvtwo literature, no mail -routes except ifrom to the support of any sectarian school each horse by t he head and backed up feet long—about .four tunes the usual’ Guayaquil to the Capital (Q uito), and bill, keoping the team on their feet by size. I t was w orkings its hundred nothing is common am ong tho masses u TTkpokts from Spain indicate T liat rain force?—Hctviis a powerful’ da_r- hideous legs aio ug, when~ W cmeT)ty it tif(rt“was“not in use ljy tfiem two huu ky, Sim was. I ’ll bet you’re wonder- rolled Trom tlio’ roof amt foil'with a dred years ago. . I f bneTcnth of the thunder storms largely incroase with the raiut.m ortality from pho’era. This phenom sb'doep, to lug a wagon up those hills. aound Hke-a-big sponge fuli—of w atorf money- th a t has been oxpon d o d - itt bn the iloor-in my room. Instantly enon has been noticed many t.inms dur» 'W oll,:that does scour queer before you my two dogs, a black and tan and a building monasteries had been devoted to tho construction of cart-roads, "lug pnwlmiff vlBltTitloiis of chotenn-T te r understa nd— itr—T h e - - lucky-— tiling Skyo ter rier, bneklud Into-the' coritt- Ecuador, which “Ts^haTiTrSirv cooling an d purification of the air by is th a t the hills are.not muddy, X’hey pede'. Tho centipede struck the black would bo one ot <tho. most wealthy are so steep th at the mud all runs thunder, storms no doubt chock the down oft’ of them and spreads along and tan one blow, and he keeled nations in proportion to its area on F. {he noor, and began to .swell I the globe, spread of cholera, and ate benettciah to ,flic ro a d “at the troitom. T h at's one JJ™ until ho looked like a toad(ish with a PfttfWl#Xo. fB9 , aucli patients as survivet but the con- reason Why tho njuiFs so dcoj) on_thc dogshoad. Theeentipode and.Skye had - .IM P O R T E O — How a Woman Enters a Pcw« cushion o H b e air, oP- »ome other un-1 i,o W g o tUnK to it hot and heavy around that room, Speaking of tho freaks which char known cause, prostrates persons wliose j Sllver c iiy , Thote Wa8 no c}ty there, but tno centlpodo was too much for acterize some people, did you ovor sec Alt selected from th® • ^ r,«fgvcre<l ^ " ,0 and.in a minute or So ho was W , Wstock UIPJI1S1, ofl "e»ublt*h#d ropu tatlon Arid x«fi bodies are,already tilled with the go'tns so wo ' sot out to find the- silver. - fnTo swelling up, and ho swelled up so how a woman gets from tho isle into Kfenca Rnd Amorlcftn ru eiud book** -If*—:A _4 A*, mucirtliathe floated up to the-coilmg,— her pow in church? I t is a m ost ridi of th e plrtgtm, artdoaHses- many-to--die - g e tr td of—t^ *9— S - p|4M a4rV tof : MJ ISLAND culous p e rfo fn ia h e b .G o.. to church who are caught ia tjm critioal stage of jjuat say th at the rhino was there, but and wont bobbing along against itllkw early, and wateU if you w ant to see the h beaiitifully rttuftted *t ih?: lomq fo r s< RWftn ten'»ito*- W J , («S.I the disease. , v gone somewhere .else* We tno,nkeyed yott yo scen *boetlo8““un ■a summ er “ Itipplo” danced to a now and extra l» ftcc«s*lhlo by r«llfond f nd night. After the dogs had been settlod ordinary step. The nipipent she gets not familiar with the locfttlon mEy ^ jj, around there for a day or two* and S«C*mpiu Building, »QfUn csf^r*^. free_bs MoHTftMA objCete-to, being pasaed -by- th en w m m n i th a t ottr commissar y ^gjentlpede rose u p on one end of ju a t lusl d tho pa w -s he m a kes a Theffl is ijjcbrnirasolf ana made straight for mo. I a s * , S A V ftG K A F a r n u m , without notice, inasmuch as she liar> departm ent consisted of two o f three didn t ./ait for him, but got out of slight pause, and goes it hipty-hop- Addre**, over 92,000,000 acres within her boun. I em pty tiftsks. Then,- of course, we that bed liko a flash, and cut out of the hop-hop and a skip before she dooitios where to sit, first ono way and then daries, of which 70,(XX),000 are fine j had to forago. I asked a native if we fopm j U8t m quick. the other. I t always makes me think could get any whisky in those parts. s probably noodless to say th a t She has glass heels W hor.slioos and, is lftnds, «Mlt»blofe>r ftgrlcttlturo or grta-1 „ roiKonif yoosn’t Bltnone SB ing NearJyf^OCKlJXX) are monmnln- j 'riiiinirii^W r/ .gld l i a r t l i xt tP liftln’t thero was no coutipedo there a t all. I t afraid to p u t them bn the tio o r.-D cffosUM' was au pine-top whisky. I forgot how troit JPvery RcUnrdmj. noouro ous, but among those 20,000,0(0 acres1 no dog-gono use o' yer totin’ your jug maqy doses of bromide and stuff they option nro located some of the rlchost mining j 4».Y w’ . ti*ea me up with* but It took a good income is,|0 au hopr, or 130 ! " ^ g « P d ? said we many. You can use y o u r own judg- beer# GhicagoUtnu cam psis in tho world. tardy Ytgiutb: Modrilf." .;sr pleased we shall be, and the more it w ilF add to our individi\Jd-interests.14 T o General G rant w as- largely due the credit for the successful, negotiation of a reciprocity treaty, w ith Mexico.,That treaty is a e te M " ltte rrb w in g -to th e faU urepf congress' to give it life by necessary-legislation But there is little reason to doubt that, on the whole, the Grant treaty with Mexico would vastly promote ° n r trade ^ninterests^beyond the Bio Grande. Ah e maUerTwill-im^ doubtedly be brought up for consideration a t the coming session of congress* W mmmJ fe lB N fa p . ■ :-hi p |F iff.' T'1 fkvTmv- { lilliip a Kv i .1 >j kt, )-'v ; V -*. — WmmM T:‘V1 mmms W fp p w SUMMER TOUR TONIC FREE! ‘i-r;■■ ■t-Vys1 *:' • i' > 1’ j p i i i l l '1 « lli lE : I s l a n d H OME Stock Farm, Percheron Horsey, ... ........................................................... ....- I - * V ? . ... ■ — ■'**■ . mm j>/k' | ;V’'!i MAftliAihiLAitfitUiteh \K B ja iiia B a ,11 Spoiling Match „ hints. /J vnii snoUs* W ell, y e s ; a lm o s t a n y * , fcvoryfcody’a Air-Brake. “Ye^sah," said Uncle Each, “ 1’se un?ilMA iCheok* fwc|d ia itot-butter lioty c..S Juttt it meant*. If you can't, u n til a nice brow n-are d ainty m orsels; watched it forty jears an’ its as I sez. ' f k0t)S it on to your next neighbor: N apkin rings a re now m ade with a t. Oe fust of May an’ Christmas day of de «■ allers comes on do,. «jwa»--P^ taoheil stan ds Instead o f t esting loose»’ m£) IT WILL PAY YOU TO GO TO l*ftH»«l«re JH‘wuy. -M»,(' l JUHiiUood, lf»lWAud*U rcnii* t»t iii-blllty,1mMen front e*rijr D E T K O IT - . ANJ> HAVE YOUli the table o i M h . j t ^ olotb. these fiav it out loud, but lu st whig Further conversat’on proved Uncle Jlstlng of leaves and other simple de. ^fn v o u r pretty neighbor’s oar, ‘th a t 11 Aaoh a most .mere <ulous person. er .in Dhice tlmso letters in proper. *i<j**ln metallic colors and chased. •7 J . Chancing to mention Dr Carver’s feat; > , A ! r vm IMV« the world’, greet wojpe foV a pie; The pulp ^ c a k i n g giass balis with a yifle, he A5- _- . m -*./ i?v" pMtn wbteh wiU enrl h lio r IropovorPopped fine with a haft w ?n?aP rai8,as; add two tablespoon* . “ * Ijoerd ’bout dat shootin’. and ® blood. 00 J e,r » l 1< tuls of Hour, ojio cup of sugar and one sno *ed fight off it wasn’t squat’ ; dat EXAMINED AND PITTED W ITH cheek SPEOTACLES OR EYE GLASSES born*’ ^ aalie0 trickv boss’ sho’s you -77.7 0.-.': Oo to ' ' AT . ■ .'■■■■ jario yp«r , H O E H M A* W R IG H T ’S , .F re n c h women, says a closoob* . f,What was the triok?” . _ IMPORTBR8, JEW ELERS AND OP-i TWn - ^ u,r* "___-i _____ . ; • Anrtrl»Br «w»tenant0f artillery has sho’ fervwr, put on their gloves In their • ’’P a r wuz loadstone put into the glass TICIAN8. 140 WOODWARD AYE. iressing rooms,--------- * - • — • w ■- bails, an’ likewise onto de bullets t so. THEY MAKE NO CHARGE FOR « » » i»nt-»c»auen,. , lorupulo ,.4jili)iar.^BpoMsj^fcBS when de bullet fly^outea d e ~ g u n i t an1?- -TESUNG EYES.—AND SELDOM I s ?alfjfco>dFf$tt«<k_______ irojMs. .Englishwomen put their, ou 4® halVJes drawed tergedder, which, in FAIL TO GIVE R E U E R • e s ta irs . , a n d ■ A m A n t M i w . ^ i TMpottsiblo peimy-v lln errecen t, on th , , 8ta*r*i ’ and Americaas-ln the course, brokesde gla s—dats de trick!’.’ ?:1 ffoSffla a New York ITaily nows If - LaterrUnole 25acbr-observed a rope W e W an t 9 ,0 0 0 M ore BooK A g e n ts to Oetl ? 5i% malicious statement that the A beautiful table cover is made of running along the side o( the car. ^ The Pergonal History of: P fe ^ n to Lottery >ld gold silk scrge with a hordor 4‘To apply the. air-brake in .case of conventionaiizhdepuy-sop (anona g S a not U o stly d v a w n a^d paid; ^aifirioataY r i o a t aleaves. ) ; ; ^ Rowers nnri accident/r Then we had further to ,. .____ _yn i..-T , explain how. the force of thb.brake was vw ?.*•*!*j. y «i.vc u« vne star «shaped ' k “» journals unfriendly, to the dowers w * 4fjmreinto and the russet crimson of the obtained, to which Unole Xach re W tQ™:. «rui readers not aware oi irujt being In harmony -with the rioh- sponded: 7*1- * 'a hero boss, you sholy don’t C^ g o ^ l M r t o ~ S ^ g ° c t o d by met-4ate to b 'loeyeCdat-foollshueeaf W s' acid will remove spots i'4 wwithoutponiiutm'-nt ith o u tp o n tiu tm '-n t hy nr i w ® _ — * ,« ! « « * *u,Cur<-4l In A ^ e?i^l!?» S u O rT I5 ‘ XB to cor lie*t IvuiilrcrA, O w tioW *. orourloj |«i«ke»), Un^a lilUHti-fttod work on UmUo.l'rlAMrjr OrtfiiiiA, Uruln «nd [ed,for«oenUlii»tAiii|>i)Ol»f*tertlnionl*Utbvi» AiianiedlOdi r«fm'iK‘e8. Ao.,i!aM*nUa^lo»*Jf t lA lJtA C K M iV . 1T41 fn lto H . S e w Vo R A D W irS READY 1 R E L IE F . A CUUE FOR ALb U. S. GRANT. Ohio co’rwpqndeut clips it from alocal weekly and writes the Company *oa,.tbo.. 6th iust, to ask if there is. any rass that will not yield to oxIt may., b e: applied with a great, care must bo taken of the acid shall, come r ut«(mOT»l8 Be»ureg»td and Early. ui 0011 tact with Olothes or skin, as it is.!; ffTiolraYe^tre-^ntire-eharge of all the fuinous to garments and to cuticje. Company’s Drawing*, answ er not only "4h brick or .rotten stone may be ibia correspondent nut all whose faith ised for. polishing, .the the latter ’ *being; * jho Company has beciLdlatuibcd byi preferable fop_deiloatb work. , ' " this and similar c a l u m S i o u s p a —r aUttoheti s ^ h floor s ' v'is' 'hot ^ of " hard, ' Headthe exact language . o f GeneraU wood_hayo_ it painted. Vedqtiah Ved~ eSr^ard and KiSiy Tn O ll^ schlrejqrlibw^ .sienniLi g ro u n d /in oiL S C M M E B p iflfiatfll f n n ^ .w n a C O M P L A IS T S J & A L A K IA - , J tt I T t ^ ^llin m d raw in g S to« be certaju bihee that all were put in the the monthly they have had chargo of drawings also, the w heel bus been un^ er their bxolusivo control,-and after aeh drawing thsy ^ ^ e _ r g a t e A ^ rawB numbers to tho-wheei, lookedm and sealed it in such m am rer ns to r e t r er it impossible for the nunibers to bo ached or interfered w ith without their •nowledge.—Shey have thus been ul C om m issioners. New Orleans , J u l y 14th. — - Philadelphia U to have a crematory. -The; makeJ>oitlM:Oht of-pape^la France. Y a-clap U ofMthunder mou«can u hear u u niuiiiM iuu« 30 nille»;4k” m m English schools aro r a lly In need o f now and oproved geographlcid toxH iooks. i t r i p u n t il y o u h a v e p e r h a p s fifte e u f» K la ^ t h o n 7 C U t> - t h U a t iip ^ le n g t h w ia a ; t UMBniv.'ir__J&.KTBT&RATNftRiilTi; or parw wnerrmo.pajnor i L u o g » ._ .rr.. onalypUcftlloa n p h r a UlA/i h y a I PRICE, W CENTO u • --- T H E N A T IO N . ?wltlon belies now carry pistois, ind Bwludlors , infest Mi ■ —. .. :---- ——— • . - . . • *-■■.■ an ds o i . lives.—D o p y Used by -permission of American Rural Howe* K -They-are'wwlfr-sp*w4ally . FOR THE CURE OF Cli RONIC UIpU ® ChroatoRUeumatlini. Scrofuln; Olandular Swellfnfc MacWfttf. Dry Couab. Cancerou* Affection*, aypHIltw C o m p la^ ^ W l^ Q S eX u n S ft.D yB P ep gla. Water— — ----------,-----I . ^ Bra* j. W bBf Swetlla«,„TumojE. VnnpjeL Bioiclie#.^. . , ” E JO M ft& N Y M A H r T ir ,IN .O H IC > iS p i L The trip taken’ by~th^^L lberty b c T ’ to the flnt.n_nv: AIA naCQQlSTS. r One Poitar abotttft-^ TOO. W a t® Over24,OCO,OCO "fliKeggs’Uave been p u H o lh e M S S IW S u t S S f i f f i K . . — nfihorcTOf^ttrylan'l-tme rwaters o .f . theeastern Season. scaouu. - - -------1 preparations that have been introduced Into the " • A-^fosaaehnsetts-sexton haa-just -died' -{^ fkf ^ V d 8ir&ttooi lo g in h im f r d u g tho gravea-of-ov^r-B.OOO ,[ 0artioulftrly ‘nylte be attention or phyildan* to T » q p to ^ r = _ — _ u Thompson, Sons. ACo.. Troy, N l After- eacii -nieah__ the., diningroom tllOUiU UU ,i,u»wuB' ,v ........ jaro oxoroisod that no " crumbs or sthor ily bait lurk In corners dr in dishes. Cdt sugar is to be preferred co granulated sugar—in-sum m or-for ;able use, as it does not drop Rom the ipoon uimotiood,' to the subscqUegr lollght of the evervigilaffrfty. -T h is rooipe makes oVbry rich uake; a j j p j O by a w a y beirer"’' - T i s a a s H K R E O U L A T IN O •-•' ."5: V ' '■! - OttiL-PrmV-jmtrdcrerrAtigulo, Is now In 1 -a « l^ n r—Khiihti1e»ae^frioaUdWti^H8i^uentr.-Ug--3 doad of tho sherry. - A useful and pretty wall pooket is mfk4 ^ 0t A large circular piece of;paste- jcurtaatete**! ei«gantty-eo*Ui4. w. surge,, mu - regulatfi « , .. cleaote___jngtnea.. and “♦-4,n‘7t""a »tnj r purify,, cleant" thD care' of flllAlaorder* of 'ir the' CH rw,.----“PrrlladWfty'ftlMilft, for Bladder. lUdne; Bowels, Kidney*, !he Stomacfi, _Liver. rer, Jbuwvi^ v'—.v”" N'crvqui iyVe>L.e^ '“‘“J,' , Atlpatl5n.CopiveneM.Indlgc.t1 imatlon of the DoweJ,, Boweft, -rile*, and all. s neMiFover, Inflammation dearangement* of the Internal v*ce.ra. Purety yegotatic, containing no mercury, mineral*, or delir, W h e n - w a sh in g w ater so tliat both the o u tsF u e^ n d .aside touoff th e w ator a t onco. T he reason glasses b rea k ^ is that, if this precautionijg n o t ta k e n ,^onc s l d e w fvash9 glasaesT u^hot soapV AvatQr and wlipa-flSjjnce on ft. dry linen towel. ? irv S . Knife handles should nnvar iie wet, nor altonld tho bladw W > t . n 7 o l.o? w to r , „ »B«ywiU " ■ S d . oV toklngtto hsndrcK Dining in FerslA : n i\s tt ln 2 o n t h s ilr o im d . A f l a t l o o t 1hr nlttc c d b e fo r e oa a h , JU ftfi?... |ifi'v?Uf>and dystM'ptlc m en and worn ;u, M . l i W a i P '. t o L f ./ Ust tl,° medicine needed by nil persons fn M t m > T * n d ' p l a o o d o n _ t h o L"?m any eauHe. do n o t sleep well, or who; th o c o v o r sa r e ii?Ac*t proper strength from their fixn). o n t h e le a t h e r n s h e e t ; *»Bis»ifiill4h - J . Wl*ak stomach, Indigestion, dyspepsia, rem oved; JiX 'hwulaeho, A e., readily yield Z T ( f th^ L ittle N erve VilU, particularly ( l.lU le K r fFills. f i t w ltb -th rirlh f tO M . y ’^ ' l with Carter’s L ittle Liver kl!»‘9 at Sift cents. tdroUftdrugir ~7 \ Price SScents per box. Soldby all druggisur- READ “ FA LSE AND T R U E ^= Annd a latter ataiDP to DR. RADWAY & c 6 , rjo»3I Wawcn S ^ t , JKew Y oiisr-tirinfonuatloa x»ctl) IiQUMndi wlU be *ont to you. ^ ____ • Merited Praise. LIQUID REW ARD n* H in if «trm.laipr«VMl i«r whksk w# «tl«r ek«»*. Cl«* Ur »u* Frit* L>il b»U*Af>Mt. . Jtiaekdgr E S co'or* T S m eiw t* lo r e s where » S u j p ’A * x j w a j; . u ■EOAN’S IMPERIAL TRUS3 Thl* new truss lias » spiral springan» oBADCATKi>.'»w#stJKK;vkMi#_to every mo tion, retalnmgthelicrnTHUiwftjs, meure*. Worn d a y a u a n i g h t ;wlth comfort. Knuose CONSUMPTION, Lorillard’s Olimaae Flag Kakirtritliant-vmd- i to 4 i cn'O'. O^t *t druggisia* Wo.D, Burlington, Vt. i fa&ik .1 - ItTvirtue*areumverwlly Hn W™ d - i u c « r o i j r e - — t« ay s r r N o w ' .-O T TaU mdr M b. . reporUdon all sider. MinyobHanate-ca.es-have-1 ----------- , ■■ ■'-------------- ----------- — nnfcumbed to It aftet ’.fteyhid besng.vcn up by,the | R r U r A W A RE d.Ktors uod a thorou<h treatment wl 1 oevor Liil U> THAT ■ ■■' .. ■■ cure. S.old bv all dnigWisl*. a ead v’t. ■• i s ~Qii8gS : vv 4 u| s, e I b s t * a p ositive ra tu ed y fo r th o a b o r e d lie a ;* : by U s ' The universal7 prai*e—be>V)\ve<L-,nfOiv Kidney uso th n n ik m l* o f c u e s o t tn * w orat k lm -----lttu d o f-JS fan* ----, • tM d lp s h » v o 1>«cn«uro<I. liu le e tl,*. oBtnmsIamyraUa - * ......... Worl as an invaiu ible r« tii.*dy tor ail disorders of _____ 0 B0T1LK8 PRBr dll Uie ^-”***1041* ■I J_lnU* ino Kidneys, IVtUHCJPft Liver'and iim v i ««•- R V ow - ’ Vclsrly-w I *. HDNY A1*V A *tWaKATISBmtlilj M*AW : lOjrtlllRrW tOS*Wi*rwltn-ft VAT.VAfU.gVai.AT i^ F A ^ fo N G LU E J*«S' f TirUN UUkU IDBUnk, kWIWV [lhn*tt7 Muon a Hamlin Owm and Piui *1*ce C*r O o .iic , - WC.U,nnlj by , ULUVW»»*n, j§Ld dw*8*mpla Tta Can by Mall, 2 6 * -•r ,u«*.tti* mat hf« m »u«fc <tfMr i**H Paieaft-MCNAftOH Crain an* »«vd s*par*t*j In a short tiinc a Paris concern will be able tp cremate dead bodies for $2,50 e a q h .^ _ _ , _ ? --■ttTrvsTT.vg' py.pTOSir.E1> nKKV TOXIC, ttlO Only nreimnitjon ofbeef conwintnaiM kn i'Hie nui'iutioiiii \,nn«RHTivs. it (,'outftlu* 1>1ooi1*tvii.i1c111(T-foreo ^cnornt* fotrn», of’ geiicra^'^HMtv^'ufte.’Vn aYl info diffSliRi whether the rofiutt of; o^!RUfitlonj, nur\V)UB -pro*tratlo», overwork or ^cuj cn*n*o,isC'.Uartluilerjy ; If^ rcnulttng from ■■.pulmonary,.,coil)Pbu,nW, c*fwcn, m ifira *-Co,-.- Proprietor*, New York. Bold^ &y_ -drugglM*.— .------ ----- - P IL L fJ , ’V.-' '•7 I ■ COLLAR PAD $ 5 0 :— :— ^ I Tho Great L iw r m d Bimm c b Remedy? Womltrful Capadr ly worried. . ' ' . ^ I ' Chlvago conttnuea to evow faster, propor- jg'Jj >tiou(ite.y to Its own size, thanjm y other large rf Jdty In the'world. v _ I a'S ® Nearly a m lllionnew testaffients; h ave been | f f a J ___ aol(Tattvvo7 cents a copy, In the past year lu^r A<iirfw.A. b . vAKO^nift, Kngland, __________ _____________ y f n g X’reftldenf-LtntnrfTnappo!flted—flyei^prem C B € l g g ^ — ,. .------ (^nt^Q urflP iyooi twO) Oarnolu court 1two. oneaud T a k o o n e p o u n d TOf b u tte r a n d o irre San Franclece people have at last come down ,O f Z lo o A L e a th e r * a o u n d o f- s u g a r a n d - m ix th e m to a to using tlvc-cont pleac*, and - a resort to penw o m o i i e e o jite s k g ic s , jfo arn . B o at “t h e w h U c s s tn d y o lks^of ulcs is Imminent. -----It will positively prevent chaflng and enw *ore *ig h t e g g s s e p a r a te ly , a d d in g th o m j o African elephants will be all killed off within w ith er* * Hor«eJcan be worked while euro hiwj'feeted, liarne** maker*-w|H rofual mopoy-lrnotdie b u tte r a n d s u g a r ; , th e n a d d o n e another century if the slaughter now goin£ on , ^ * a tl« fl* A ^ x T K ^ O O ltTASrM adUon. W l« .: T io u n d o f raisins,M s to n e d a n d lin e ly - -ia-n olstop p ed .------ --- brio* » loo* lflfttborn eastern watering shoot a n d ^ f t w ^ o t U h ^ m ^ v i ^ i seats around ' Ivor norvous person sh ou ld try Carter’s r.p7lt i - • B lo o d ^ u r lfL e r * can apply: ________ and -thi^ fae^-exphiinarwhyM bearing n rtd ttn tag; that Lorillard1* H«,to I.enf fine out $that Lorillard'* 7 S % 2 5 :. Vtiyy C’llp oiiig* it »b;it Lortllard’s .«*ntafli*,<ut S r' nmt thiit LorilJard’s Richard «on & Ca, to-bc known^ a S io u n a V y , is to tic started iu Eng land. _____ ___________ ... __7 I febymall. Striwril ACo* ItOWBiitiMi _ ••1 n m n A D e s c rip tio n o f P le a s a n t V a lle y C o u n tr y F L u n lU A fr e e . TSHSK! 5 ? ' « bout nu'.l ShDMix ‘ jtmlitvconalriered ,J 8 JR. B U M L K Y , Kcukft, FI* TATTOHT AND SITUATIONS FUIINISHKD. eircuur* frea B llO S ,, ja n a sy lH o i W b . , 1 Cures Dizziness,toss o f A p p e tite , In d ig e s tio n \ -e ia r Ja m d ic e M e e tio n s o a h 6 L ir e r , THE■BiSMOOD■PUBIFIM;IM. Weather iiiidriS^5 -rBluHlKHtf-tha tOOfaFl "uteaUKaaliaj * ltoole A piircbiwcfot real estate in England and N ow s ilv e r, p ro p e r ly , -sh o u ld f h o t m Halford Sau 38 {nVItitilos. TUo^^lfchoftl^s^^. ‘ <*' m the value of $753,000 Is ordered by dCalrn's* will.— —, — ■ ■— w a sh e d m s o a p y wat0/d n i fl8olj 8 i i v e r m o v es n s b rig h tn e s s ; s till, o la s i l v e r a lwa ya ys s o boon hedjBi so&pj i»«SV!UUi1 ON CATABRH..'' . Htb mut th ha sa sa lw ep n wW twM u«« "r * oflor* at once. Comptote care o f: tUJH u a s » to h e n ta k e n o u t 1.................................... ^o h o a t a n d g e tT h to ft ilcm ctTtt ro ti U W u a ^ a a g a r g U felr mpJuhorta.- - s u d s m aV lOOk/POttOr wauni _ u iv ’Iiroat, o*tTF5ui liwath. * Sf h o ts o a o v w a t e r d n d ru h b e d w jtn Slm Tabd w e id lc n * th e 'w h ole sydfortr. ttm s f r M n g there wo ao white servants- at-the-W litto iute, bottle^ Spia hr drasgtota. dirougb/tbe mhldler TaK ^a^ieeoof .^ag savod^^so' many'hundfeds^f thmis- . --------___________________ . ooard and a ' crescent-shaped ^piece. Never n eg lec t a c o n stip ated ,c_Q!L_ i'hq round pi«ce is coyerod- w ith tJon of tho bowols, d r serious re su lts 4 poacock;groen satin snoeting h a s . a bunch _oi urolv follow, - ............................................... ......... su ch a s p ilo s, impure >r sorgo, .a n d oa and many chronic com^w... complaints. joreopsis' p ain ted or -emb^o|dorod • ooa e croscont«n;Buuit^,a-QOV^icross m s s one siue. sfiife: Tmhe is ndook Blood P ittors is the remedy. jred with gold-colored satin or serge,. Colored men serve as pall-bearers for th# in d is securely sow ed to the-circular, id members of o.d St, Louts fam ilies. oioco w i t h over-und-ovor stitches, All Fon Colds, C roup, A sthma, B ron* ike edgos a n covered .w ith cord. tnus^ IJTlsa n d S o re 1 h r o a t u s e D r ; T h o m a s ’ a n n e a lin g the jo ining. T he orescen t Ihouia bo mode doop enough to bold ‘ 01, and gel tho genuine* ■ aowapnpor, .and p # m p h le t9 .^ A n y ^costs «lxmiAY;0004^e?s4<Hfet oao^s-AeU- m aterial, ddsign o r coloring--mayuM*. corated with tho order of the gai ter. jsed. % physician sa l ti 1 c o u ld n o t liv e , ’ liver o u t of o rd e r, f r e q u e n tly v o m ltgroouish im icm i8, s k in y e llo w , s m a ll 7 humors o n fa c e, s to m a c h w o u ld n o t lain, food. B u r d o c k 'B l o o d B itte r s Tt;d mo. M fsT A d o la id o C)’B fle n , 873 ^chango S t., B uffalo, N . Y . • : ACK. CHE^T OK.LIMBS. ob h o p np ed , h a lf a p o uu nndu-- ooft m 7 Health and Education. ; b laa n oc hn e ud Georgla^jLibetter to m p e r a n g n ta t^ th a t llm ^ nd« a n d a q u a r te r of a p o u n d of - ^ T h e ^ S is te r s of th e A o a d e m v o f th e ---- ----------- --------------- :— --------------------C i t ro n , b o th c u ^ m - th in M itrlpaH yiiU io “V is ita tio n , F re d e ric k , M d i r U ^ o m o i a s t Quinsy troubled me for twouty years, ia o e /tw o winoglassos of sherry wino th o se in. charge- of e d u c a tio n a l in s titu luce I startod using Dr. i homas’ ind one pound of sifted Hour. Bake tio n s w h o .u s e <■.Red S ta r C o u g h C u re •electr io O il.h a v e n o th a d a n a tta o k . n a stoady, _ m udorato._pyun--forjan_ - a n d g iv e i t to th eii^p u p ils.^ T h e y w *ito_ h^QiLourfla spra throat at once Mrs. dour and a half. If preferred, one 1- th a t th e y can h e artily : re c o m m e n d i t to tta Conrad, Standlsh, Miek,* Oct., wineglass of brandy may bo uwd in- th e ir frien d s.______________ ___ ___ I. ’83.. ' enreKevenmtlAiiUi&EF A.nico wuy of using odds nnd o n ds , n o , _____ th a t i s 1 ifisuidor?^; N u_____ )f worsted is to knit them into a rug.. true, there is no mistake about it, bbui ut First cast thirteen stiohes on to a Warner"s-8ftf^ cure is really a woader ' Ab.11iw," Aft1.■KU A'M .A*1A ' ...4 s i t i n g needle, Ilion knit a nnanre r e s p o n s ib le f o r t h e i n t e g r i t y jut it will unravel and be crinkled. of the d r a w in g s .1 Every housokeoper can^ avoid tho The in tim a tio n t h a t p e r s o n s h a v e iy-nnlsance—in—the—.kttohen^atnlTdin^ cn paid to al !o w t * e i r n a m e s t o bo ngrboru7 by prbyiding against- the lishutl a s th o w i n n e r s o f - p r iz e s 1-! u }a u 8O8" t h ^ t : T n i^ 6 r tlr o W ^ n n ' 0 y i n g m * ‘ s Lottery is a ls o f a l s e a n d w i t h o u t iects.—Cleanliness -and__darknoB3 are oftHglitcst_ fo u n d a t io n _ l n f a c t , MTT 4he-necessary—weftpons-agaiust ilios. ne4------- GrTrBKAfeBgqAnn, JrTArEAHI.V, ' —“There it not a remedl#L th o u s a n d s tT i..„ niqrrtbilJ „ .^ iblu sftamthft^all th" *— e p rk es w h o se ^ n s r a c s h a v o b o e n _ g iy e n i tno p u b lic .’ JT Q JtU * m ? JM V H A V V H tM & - * hi k 1.1 •riiA. ii iftu yv,m b e d rtid tnngi.T 'tti^ size o u ■tuidliw ish^’iirtilil yonr ru g t o bo, _ th e n b e g in .a n d sow the. lo lv e d g e o f y o u r .w o rsted p ie ce s o n h e > t nrtip e of_ y o u r t i c k in g , ro u n d a n d ‘ Mm ‘M»Trf«me^ria e n tir o ly iho w b e l a t e a c h d r a w i n g , a n d t h e y ____ ___ ________ th e w o rs te d is ions of dollars liavdlacen paid out he Company in irlzos through tho inks snd:express agencies, as can be ertained from tho bank officers in; Tcw Orleans, and the express agents !n Tow York, Washington City, and in his city, as well as,from tho winners of r d B IQ U a F B Y E R AM> A a u x . U n iv e rs ity i f lo tfe D a n e , - • theLoulsiftnaiaottcry,or the integrity of iamar^yarnish ...... .., v _____ - -----;— --------= s=^=l - the acts of tbe Lbttery Company, When will bo no^dhlicultv then—in-keeping astie terms, a remedy that cured him [; .. v ago/ j tlir flR£|T tfutUngs of 7th0 Drill t t Moh the undersigned had charge “only of the iiio rn swQQt_aud ofo ao , a9 s o a p , a n d "of ^ r ig h t’s disease ------r . has the ‘medical profes-1 •IreJka Prtr«p»o wwliur or drUU HOsoi i-aomtal drawiags they oouiitcd the w a te r m a y - b e - a p p lie d w ith o u t show s: » hoie tuHfrr it fto1tet-R.-foil<>wr "sion w ith a ll its p o w e r a n d e x p e r ie n c e o f 1 -n i v without reraorlr* be^e&otaining the numbers^ preylous :n g s t r e a k s . 7te0l»rBttflI^6A8lerthan;anj othor^ --- jjal— AskatIsii—MkiiAn I•! !.».■ p * .^ g l f . ' l l a H V " : r - W i * , , V W , i , l . / . ' , - : y . H V W - . ^ £ Z ; l±~4.\ 77? Wowed couldn’t stop dis train, runnin’ forty milo a hour. An’ you think i gw ineto b’leeve a little pipe full of wind under de kyars oan do it? No, sah-roo!” : ’ ~: ^----- --ny Unefe Zaohs . ^ simply by aphe alr-bralm does not seota to.be a“ very powerful things but power and efficiency, are not necessaii iy^equivalent to biguem a Phillip , fieers. .......... Esa.. a ......imp, the United States Hotel, New York city, and is engagedin raising subscript iioas-ton h e New York; World Bartholdi ^ement. Jo , whi^h thelr natues are ire the best colors. They must be of itandard- make, and it is/w eli to give R e charges, jnslnuations, and inu- ‘.hree coats at the first timejof paint> emToeTcontainod in said publication Thg7 Two coats aro absolutely nec-“ arefa]§o in etory respect, so far as they issary. If the walls are p affect the fairness of the drawings of dioy surely ougb1 ' ’ * * " p o b TBr I MlLDtmW At CO^ grcrprlcters. Bnflblo, H»w TotX. o p p o rlu n lty f o r se ro fu la , satt rh e u m , b o ll* and h u m o M W rSrU * nnd°vTtal1r,e<l by taking Hood’s SarMparllls, which ^nTHp^nimTmTm^sndirive-Wn^a»»d*trc^ 0 M « *' ho whole body. •'I had four ftcrofulou* sore* come on feet. „ htoh-ff"WjmMdJhntJ could pot wear a *h6e. Nothing which I took did me any good. tUTbnoTlSVlf * Hood's SnrMpsrilla ftdvcrtUcd in the paper, ftu ” m 5 ttrtrrtL 1- have ukP.n_tyu_b9ttlcfl^ n ^ 2 S & c I i K W , * MRS,*Atmr*-P S o u th P o U d a m . N , Y . • , . LYOIA I . I»1MKHAM»« . a 7 u tO E T * B ir C O M P O I » N D * ,1 • * • 0 a TOSTTIV* CURE F O R• -y ■ • • v' AI1 those palafttl Complalaw * *nd WesknvR*ea so eonttuOK * * * • e • e to onr heal * ' • • • # • Many * fR N A tE POPULATION. 4 * » m » iit*Ht*Hi fUisv *««•** *»»♦ h * -I tTsyTuacd Hood’* SamparinW wUh^uririKi s*tonl«h my friend*. I havo renewed as to better i t feel like a lUneroht IKjrluh/ Vflfl. a. i. P r o c t o r , M a rb to h e a d , M s s *. ' t c S e e d ' s S S L X B A p a x illS l M V « . 1 , MW « S S ' t hood A CO., Apothecaries, Dowell, Mas*. \ b ^ sM tlfu U a U ^ and nobody, has ever told her how easy it is to put beauty onthe skin. Beauty on the skin fe Magnoliir Balm. 100 D oit* On* Dollar* —; *’»yr t w t ,.v»V» . >-<)»•»»*“ ■*' *, • I'lMfWNIIfl^.,*-(«,pKI-tlh *■'*■1 '■;'*■ . ,-■..■■•■• ■■ :i >(.*T- -!t.V < 3 « h lu W ^ I u* (Kii« |» Mlw Slir*s 1 ■ J*'1 * >«,- < ( .- - if '.'.} f-tirUii* Ui4u^ w « r. There v;as something rerv l«l's \ I."'.l- * . 4 a a aivO't shout tt»H h’al»U of thy WVBl -T H iM tsiu v . a ih »c » t i $.- yasa the f . l.'H i b*i Wi. <pi|W«)»«*A7i,-..TTY-1-------- ---------;. ( p i a W O H W i y ,. « l f ^ l h J3 J away. \ I t w fa»» co t sleep that ovm anje The funeral of Hem. (irau t l;*$i htiivL' ■' •aw i-T.t’trii'M .<“d v r n»0- ‘ Um V rJ ■u-<;.fa « K ' <‘* * " 1 3sa^t\liiy* was observed by. appiopi'!* 1>0\xS...-., tin.- i<h 3he b M f' «i Rio-HtuL hut o:il> 8 om nol«n«i^iwJ 0f J? afoul powers, but 'ttukefin,HJ !), signs o fg rfo fo w r la « 4 lOUCD- who***' V1!'" ud-hm* d Witi* mhnl. The physiologist %J l hooi'« lortk* >u mxHt l-ke br.oU- ysvej o .og'st may svttio tbc j J am i by fo re ig n mUioufc tloHms wore olb-wd for Uit- dttV <b**Vi* - U « coube* (>awirmg •oicntilintily betweon thom if Chff’tm^"hm'd''*vfci) VOt‘dUie U’ld 't',7C*J«$<? of sta n d in g robin o n ' a doorstep tio»‘ whri.t tlm 'W tta- lo w to i« te n . In spite of^ippeavano^to the c«nw in New Y ork, best‘B ntm dity, ami Or in. io tSiO b » K H « ^ lfe { g T y !« te In Mr* Givolev'ww “ ™»oar(;r ni w^r door of the Word.?1 11b , ^ ! 'V ^ ‘W ««fW »« c2n*lii. triM d w . rn.UHl & t r m # » t« t t » * .*!tl »U *-»<•/*.>iibl. . in,!•/j: *i ^. «<• 5 J > •lose., hw givut head' fall ^ Ln rtM.r _ ■ ( liolem is. w g rag ’ - ^ w ^ t f l l y ' “ 4 ^ ■..To it,« , htow* . n>l;»s lil^ ' vr iX JtceoAt^or.,,MsaiyL.i >om stde-fa-J # ^ w 4 n g tlie hotly it.pv^rj - % e h i ,- 't t o i i « w j k ,% iiig j w £ d4i ' ; f m i ,h: " it1: w tte uit*- a ,u* uro. ' ’ ----- -jt— -• ^ -iu » a u a l-e»tm*nr.Liuaicatiow ^ 'J [m liciilkm s are n u t ftiw thirt tlii» ‘J «,w b»vsr‘tch th e.rw m p * i .b u t his mental interior facwhW, Hi.v*.imvrf a:A valb y ir geiiomlly.s»*Soet* somoiime,-* so far awake iliutvyhJ Twtratrv will-’ rucuiwi, auothei iRHinpij ■... i!_*u_... - ■•,■.>.*<»>% •*, -■■:■■- •«♦ft.l /■'■»k•tsv— ji ft»j#lari’s'vrlteiitt gnaw nud wat«i*_ ar« visit tram th e v lre a d fu l scourge* rlEr^v.- Tliorouiid^poN nipa arv moved aerv ce was over Iio comU kwe a ^i of thfrKArmont-b^Hui^ jvorv* inorft'UiTV'tUu 'va^onu and eanu> account another year. . ,N. / subject, pbm and matter, H g» ng a few n><Iw fo rw a rd : tested' thia a d o r n i t:n r s or iiorej ■ > A ro ad eav t of peculiar construe* -wl.ilw im»M of hoy* are ^ aro h m y { neverfoum b thgm wanting, h glide rtnM ol the u>e wfi. j t- Hie guoy«aniw fianfl fe tilroogU T fitnat o n . o-A-h = nw a very cur bus' pbenoin^nour tionJiuntC upbn a Q ildar HTowuHf-nooa tli^.]awing h,ffl.tt h » studied it with deep-interest wha* what after the lniuiner of the old wav be stMJu moving tow ard the new qn opportunityjooeurfed.' I wm fashioned thoroughhm ee, was ex hrai.d ng i>)*<HVwln*r* thy calves and tw o'thuatrat'ojia of this sirr^ulcTi the tdl.er «nVandiM* 8tooh income ac- Harlty from my own clear pcaiW hibited .oh oar streets ju s t Saturday, eiiHhtti'd With tfnur oa-»ww m aras elloction. and struck ns as being a very good ftjr'ofigU tho nitHl urn of hot branding I w ent with hitn to iipar.ad' Irpits T be knifl nltto come^ lnto play I r on) Rev. ST " m l t was mm»uAt^turei| in catting noUflies. slo<§ and other was Sunday moyuing, a«d the by th e Deft Bleyker MuirTg. Co.; m arks w o n ’t bo ears an d wiwlnps, and announced w a s. one in which he fl in alterin'* the mubn, b nt the scorching*, sneefai interest. Mr. Charming i Kalarnazoo. * „ h^ar^luurrow.ng brand ts never forgot* tnch. in-fact,. m5nister‘,Dgte a coni rr^-^vof which Mr. ‘ ^ J o r r e n t ! JTwo_n)«o r o o iiw i u fite ^ j v * »oom We are a t the camp. gatson D ltratid & fb P c b B k)O k,suit One Hundred and. fifty stock-growers a ptrbroiQontTwcigberrnrt • a Hall on the west sidu: T b f o 7 o r = n i i f r m c n ^ d f v ^ - a n a k m g - o i : ^ h d ^ w b o y s of the Powder River Broadway, near Canal law oflice, Im p u re o f Dtijiand or roUndtup are hr a ghh Five thousand where Dr* Dcvvoy had preacher i$ ticad o<- C attie-n re i««U fei^ov_ex_th* time.—On the way'thithor, Mr* Or broad green •loping riverside. Since bogged mo to keep hito awake,, three or four o’clock i s tbe m oruing occupied a settee within rsx fcctbjfj legal: all hand® h ard been |3P»yrb«*t the ok- datform and v>ghfc under ^item oht keep* up. N » o w seenss fcfr Ho prenclier; J F t r i j to-bep „ STATE O ^ MICinOAN, ) ^ tire, and’the larger the roumt-np p arty aw akeby frequent tuggings irthl^lf Count v ov W asiitknvaw.X , • ...... ^ a fho b e^ ^*’ dntbw b o v sseerato en jo y th e a n d playing a by ffo~me»na A(>httt .~-The umbTsigucil-httv-jnj; heeiLiippiUHte:! W d u i P ro b a te C ouH lb r wthUCuuHJy, work. upon his ribs. But it was of net , . •:f ^ THE: HERALD. * M A N S ' B A R G A IN S AUGUST. A LL -■r.'*V-~:-..r— - A T GOST A N D LES S . - - , *- G O IN G O U T O F T H E -ii adiust.aU claims and denmnus or hit per i« r ikmwjm 1 wnoie enscoum v nc -ions nsfuinst tin* csltUo of v, WinaiiH, more front any other, so th a t eacn rot r Cbabning^a annoyat TrnTTTTfyuftt Ch.unly d w n R ‘<l, hereby g<vy. t ipf horses can have good feed. A c i r o f t VT1^ t0f,r<(>,^,ii f,i TtOT^tnhiit six inoU ^is-^ol^duto^ffl^aL‘j i . * i*umtr**»l bor*tffa. oftbn m om . Y .— . *- *■■ A,.HV.T.rl^~)~u> 7,r<n»rr Ot- m ud - IT o b a U L O j U ^ gcldOni Has, aocom pani^ cach outiTt. ^ 0 )41^ t>io4 vum(ariiili f-Y isrrifiturtk' la present iiiHr tdiliOL E a c h b u n c l y o t h o r B e a l a L U j g u i r g g J j j 1 gf \xiv s t o r y . - M r .- p r c c lu v - a n d I, J ~n7?difSt’ftRF" cst nt e-~of-wtkL^ He wrtc *-H--*****- lf wi,angb?' r { h e rd e r)." From ,<tibs ^ ce I .i._ ........ wc:it lback «.>. ..to] the service was'over. ■ttftt they will meet at-ofllce of bnnebes the cow boys "cut out” (se» Uribitm odrccTogethcr. lie siit.do LTirnlliill l»uhe vitlHgo.iil' Cheincu in •«::■ teot) fresh horses twieo a day or to his desk at once, and hmdeaaq Anility, oh Monday the Second., day •- ofteuor, and nbo^t ten horses oan he 16trrtct 0f j,|rt Canning's il;scomj \ ‘«»vcfl>ihw^-hudAwUyjUUjiljj^ -Cr ■foffnd to cach partloipaut In .the_round | ^ - BnTnnwhgt less than-a-colui fjf February next, at o n -o «:ini:k a. m, on M which appeared i n-thc.■Trihitm-$ • . ir*.t (lavs, to ivccive, cxiuiiHie n? Ton o r twelve outfits, w ith th e!’t hm rning.'' Mr. tPhannlnd adjust anid ttiaims. , —wagons and, tents, occupy ope to two I Mmo/cd when ho ^r.wil, D»ucd;“ann?n»tiT mi l e s along the s tre a m . In o - f r 0 [ afterward cwked me..If..iiNyoya^ CllAULKS herd1 th a t has bcon drtVQnHn from tliu VMl>a t*ro^loy . had :. mtVde i W U*.VUL('.S HylvUMH-V ) .' b ttb and taileys Is. held by, twenty or [ w b e n l told him that I s w CESrTHAT OTHEES-WIIsli NOHJMATCH. GOME AND SEE. POPPY iS iS S » iw M s a p ig i mw y.'-*V[ -*”1:L: tJL O S B ___ r .ML'-? 4 B y c p ty -d v e •c o w b o y s, w h o v id e a m o n d | ^ p r e n a t ' i n g It, and could (& n W L c a ^ la re v y J L lo n % , lo o k o u r ^ f o r ;iy f t h u t it ^ u T t o th c « o m p ^i« r.ii |TO>.W.JUigjB»gjr g tftnropade^C ow bo^ B rn tL o a e iro n tn l111 ----- — L1Bonnet duct l* Seoo C u t o u t their ompmyers'cattle, which . . . I had nivs^df' revul the .proof, hef From has V o taken, one lot after another, goner----- . timp immemorial ojgnm 0(J *t.m crewtswa nstonirir 1)000 grown in PorsWi in fhe neighbor^ j nlly, to the branding piece, wlicro citeh l- w b y ,” paid he* “ l rotdd no* head of Yesrtii and enough W.as always calf receives the marks th at arc borne |1{tvu‘ so „nrmirnte jvu aJ’draot p( proitM cil thort) *o supply tKo c!oB)»n*fr J I m t °.wn <} scourse, which, though pm lltl *>f th° naW aT*Ttt*t. ^ 5 U nut nt ^ i f l f ^ ^ i r o B g »Tde not only of tUe-aged in Tewia take from one to ^ 10 ^0yg are re Taiit, but dM$=ttos five - grains’ of tlio d n ig daily ; it ts respective tspecuvo piae piacos on the range* RioMgliil.ftiid renuu’nht r^t Near lfie liros, where™the branding j of D uny ,tVv JftMgiii'go/’ lanan largely used by; the native, physicians, r *W* iw w x irons are beihg heated, a bellowing of hAatihn Juc(finU>\ and a ecrnsidcvflbio oxpork.kiiptL.up to distress is heard, and throughout lhe central Asia, During the cotton, faro- camp a. lowing,, n murm uring, an ON. - A - POSTAL— CAfU>.i ne cttusetl’by the AhyTriban wav, th e unceasing din goes un wliilb the _____ attention of tho Persian ryot was cowboys whoop and yell, kbyb w\d | now 0llf, , >elP0it Y,\n^n>Ynr^no nedrtG-the^cuItivation of cotton ; but- "whistle at tlve animitra~HS~ they -tide t r: yM3r^ v ^ w ^ o r inMnK ro *. Persian cotton soon becam e. hardly am ong thteni, suiting thoir signal or i ^ up and downllia worth growing, gave th(}.jiMlLaniaiutt_^l ret ju ir e d f o r IromFnTamtfactTiwaiTd home of “ fl tho-villagos ■..through.oLitJthe'cihvtor _a_nd w-they-fly through tho air to the ho cm W n inntes before ehe asknlof aw trnsOTi'tlrgradual 1y tiirnwl thelr alientlon g f u feiitr of the animals-that-are-being | who was d-rvoiiagiin rnvvl«|w; % ,to rnnnd and sinH thrown, tbvnwn. ancTtbe bovs . the cultivation .., ,of the . poppy. Year, roped b o y r'. nneeaarr I ♦‘I’lease, a;r, nut would ^ by year this crop has become a more favorite ono ; and the result 1ms been Qy0n forgetting their meals until others imydMif:^twbien. “ Cortainiy, ma’am; whem is H tlM ^ w u i^ im v jn ^ liM bcMinmich nog. hand to toko their plnco,. N Iflctcd, with the client of raising tho less forgetful of their-wovk>are - r the m anrlco in some disU'lcts. In the neigh- fority of tiio r o u n d - u p - p a r ly .------ .♦«To J ohn Boss'ons. nt Ck’vehjj I «oni»lli orhood of Ispahan, ns- far as the eye Space does not perm it the complete ?ut Ksq., nflor his name. ■ ■«r can r<mch, nothing.bntJic]dAof. poppies pi eturing hcre- of t h is very_i n to res ting^ ^ y g o t it, n n d it m a k e s him imul, ■ariLio-bo seen.- With-tt^ m alT im tch h ere seem 5 h e morning call, the falling^our liusband ?'!L . ,. a n d th ere of w heat o r barley, whicIT tents, the •♦wrangling” of “fifteen hun **()f course. - When I F an* ; the, cviltiviitor prodnctis fo r his own use dred cow-horscs, the camp tires, the iard w ritten to a strange nwn. or to give some’ rt^st to his Iam b’ Tho cooks, oyen the ppoi|Hat cognomens of 30, a cold day. Now, than, toff winto^TaiTety of the7 ])0ppy is th e - one the cowboys ami their horses, are each M v D ear Husband. C N . P E fftS tA .. UoirtfcA to W f i M f el_ TL2K1^L4^ p f p l S i l i i v "; fN J&C‘L '/j . th a t is grow n. I t is sow n b ro ad cast suilioientfor entertaining sketches. and very th ic k ly ,. am M vlicn--it—tftst And* now a few words regarding the com es .up resem bles a very . - a, b u n, d a n t 'pirHsM of the cow-camp.- - The cooks Sfop ot. diuijlolionH I hi, ro d n to -u/rnn^■ ■■■TeduceiPiby the ryot, who ™h/' is soon ■ 'With a short, curved knife tm tjtrr away sj 1port) n011 s :p ia n t?—tW t hose that arc left stand ^ome six f Mb m tail 1! 1 Roapectfully. »-l1baA*L H . S . H O L M E S . .& ' • ./r. J CMiieca.tllko.(,i1« g o am L drl,e tho «v«- ....... . »..-'.. mcas-wagon,st with their camp equlpage, from place to place during the round-up periods. Almost invariably the cook* arc professionals, and the cooking is-exctmo’nfc--With delicious, juicy Montana beef, with bread made from Dakota wheat, and with many of vegetables and fruits supplied^ by the vcannrti’S.”—all prepared, tmually,' inchesT.ronLcach other. This reducing process has to bo gone through many times, ami "the ground kept d e a r of wiydfi iintil the plant is six Inches high, ■The tields are also irrjgated once a week u ntil the buds arc aboutto~bur«t; m c rT c rm ^ m v in o s V p a i'tic u lftr into bloom. It irth is irrigation prob tastes,—the meals, whotlKtr spread ably. that, accounts for the inferiority upon the green- grass , or__upon the in Jthe jun‘ eutYfage 6! morphia^ in Pers- tables rrptdo by letting down the doom iau oiunm. And now tiiaU tlie nomdes ^ 4he-ines^ritgoa^ess^bojXQg,ArOi ag . a re in iiowef and tlie petals are about a rule, g reatly relislicddiy nil wdio try to fall, the roots, under the direction of Diimi*iitntLare!far moroLsatisfy in g th an men from, the neighborhood of Vn/.d; Thc-dmunrA-rd -many -a -brst-class ho» whm i'avol ali oyer Persia to superin- \>v\,— Miles City Cor. Chicago Tribune. lend the gathering of the crop and -its . ■.' . *....... -«*♦ ♦ — ——— ■' / Md) seiju’e it% p ivp rtvattoh 3cgTh“ To ~eoR Why They Wore Out. Jhuiklhe. opliimij*onLihcplauL -. TJUsJ a -Mr. Henpcck looked down a t nlmdone by scoring the, seed-vessels-with a smailthrec-bladcd knife, which makes self as lio stood before the stove in his three gashcst an eighth of an inch long, olttce and remarked, partly to himself The operation is performed' in tho af- and partly to his book-keepor: - “ W ell, welb -4-ffues^ F 11’liave -to bo fernoon, From these gashes the opium exudes in tcars,-whicrrare collected at g e ttin g a now p a ir of p a n ts .” ‘•Why, H hasn't; been Any tim e sin ce early dawn by scraping,with a piece of glass or a knife, if, tm fortunatdv, a you g o t 11 p a ir, h as it? ” 're p lie d th e -heavy shower of rain slvmfhl -fall, a econom ical book-keeper, ... “ Not very long,” Fargo proportion o f or even all the "OpHmirmay bo lostr ■T-ldsr-gwehiagTanti d o -you gotr-ftw ay w ith -Uiem so scraping is repeated a second pml eveu so o n ?” a^tlurd time. Tim -poppies, after “ Oh, easily en ough. I ’m n o t v ery lifter the opium is extracted, a've'iised a» fodder. h a rd on thorn m yself, b u t you see m y .......... Therm ............. it often ¥ vims' wifeadvancesHat w ears tho p aheavy n ts w hen l'lp hom o, Interest j made to him ..upon-n‘ upon iila croiy- .^m d-batweernu wb m anago to filvo tbo and iit times the spociilivtor ipociiliVtof Is ‘ bOveVciy ta ilo r a good deal of butlnese ” * 4/e#*» chant Traveler, bitton*—"Cbr* London A'cttat* til rigiytr-and-Jl- huveii-L-1^0 any m ore,” ___ ____ ___ **Thhn yoti41l want T»n1y*twd-dollats lyftvand-aliaiLl lim ’to send luo some-next.m ok.. “ Y o^nu’A — - --- — . “ T hat’ll bo n il, except;tn g four tnio wife to, uny l<0] vml don T. .yend j indlifiby w ^ tg lt^ ig ld ^ 11 jJ™™. ■ Am w e a th e r iis t ilL c e T d . i l l do (is much for you seiu •'/ Veiroh Free Press. : zr~"~v~" '.v.;'..'' — ^jr-jr#1.im11 A P erp etual P an6<Jr* ® i t , u a r JH!n ^ V r i a r f ^ f« s h « L l!e ^ room’ with a “ dancing d«r;e$ its hand. ‘-'I' ve got a u |,nP m this thing and It will mitfc' .tine ?r 11 Don’t SCO much tuid his wife. sus]U('ioushv K ’'klV'Ilf add every where luulgo j^ , t»nd-tl«| ^ “ Yes, I know, 1 koow* ‘ vhcre the nl>.lori Mock work gels out. o f ( l*' ot A ildos it costs money. *'*' J lin„ ,1^ ;o make thd dnrkoy dnnr* J y{j 4iko w ad and it W.ft.U. t 141' Vorks at all.” -jufioliW^1! “ Well, tlint B o u w ljftl} * ^ "1 iras the rather tnolllnvtl 1 J Will VOU do it? '’ ' Am rwom ctor. L:|' l ■ tXiinqr*.y /i>y B<H(Tlj^lW tl‘>C4 i i P ,vv" ■■ .Mi1' ...t>- 1/,,/ ' «ni pint ...■ “ f4im|d« as A, B. loot tlie.darkev with^tH,1' ^ r-v-t *V“-1;:Vv'V\ru'> wl