A-CDM training pack
A-CDM training pack
A-CDM training pack A-CDM introduction for UltraSIS users March 2015 Version 1.1 2 Scope This training pack is intended for UltraSIS (Basis) users who have little or no knowledge of A-CDM (Airport - Collaborative Decision Making). This pack should enable UltraSIS users to transition over to A-CDM by helping them understand the system and its core principles. Some of the menu options presented in this pack may not be available to you, depending on your level of access. If you believe you are missing functionality that should be available to you, please email LHRACDM@Heathrow.com for assistance. If you are already familiar with A-CDM, you may find the training pack “A-CDM update for current users” to be more appropriate. 3 Contents This pack will cover the following topics: • Accessing A-CDM • What is A-CDM? • Navigating A-CDM • Information display and filtering • Searching for and exporting data • Other functions • Winter operations • Additional resources 4 Accessing A-CDM All personnel with an operational need can request access to A-CDM. There is a form on the A-CDM website (www.heathrow.com/acdm) that you should complete and submit to ITServiceDesk@Heathrow.com. HAL staff: the Airport-CDM icon will appear in your Citrix programmes list once your account has been set up. Non-HAL personnel: you will access A-CDM via https://acdm.baa.com, and input the username and password supplied by IT. You will need a PC with internet access and one of the following internet browsers: • Internet Explorer up to IE9 (IE10 and IE11 are not currently compatible) • Chrome • Firefox You must configure your browser to allow pop-ups (or add acdm.baa.com to your exemptions list) What is A-CDM? 5 6 What is A-CDM? Overview A-CDM is Airport - Collaborative Decision Making; a project at Heathrow Airport Limited (HAL) that is a joint initiative between all airport partners - Aircraft Operators (AO), Ground Handlers (GH), Air Traffic Control (ATC) and HAL. The aim of A-CDM is to facilitate the sharing of operational data to allow better informed decisions to be made. A-CDM is a Eurocontrol lead programme that is expected to deliver greater efficiencies in the use of European airspace, with one of the main benefits being reduced regulation. Key to this are accurate Target Off Blocks Times (TOBT) as provided by the AO/GH. This time reflects the best estimate for completion of all turn-round activities. The TOBT is used to calculate a Target Take Off Time (TTOT), based on aircraft mix, and prevailing airfield or en route conditions. This TTOT is sent to the European Network Manager who uses this information to manage demand on European airspace. 7 What is A-CDM? The system at Heathrow The A-CDM system in use at Heathrow has been designed to provide all airport partners with the information they need to manage their operation and mitigate any off-plan events. At 30 minutes prior to TOBT, the system displays a Target Start-up Approval Time (TSAT). This is the time ATC (NATS) estimate push-back will take place. How this varies from TOBT is an indicator of potential start delay, which could be because of congestion, regulation, or a demand peak due to earlier off-schedule activity. Much of the information displayed is the same as you would see in UltraSIS. The main differences being the acronyms used (see the Glossary) and how you navigate to find the information you need. Whilst the recent A-CDM update has incorporated much of the functionality you have been used to, it is not an identical copy and there will be differences in how and what you can do. Navigating A-CDM 8 9 Navigating A-CDM The Home page When you first log into A-CDM you will see the welcome screen. The majority of the functions you will need on a day-to-day basis will be found under the Flight Information menu. Click here to see the options available to you. Arrivals Flow Rate – if there is a restriction in place, that information will be displayed here You will only see these menu items if your level of access permits it Email IT support Log out button Profile Instrumented Runway Visual Range – this area will indicate visibility conditions 10 Navigating A-CDM Flight Information menu The menu items available to you will depend on your role and level of access The top section contains the key operational screens you will be using The middle section is for use by De-Icing Service Providers and AO/GH staff who use the system to request de-icing The bottom section contains external links to other useful resources When you click on an item, a new tab will open within A-CDM. You can have a maximum of 10 tabs open at a time. If you need to close a tab, select it and click on the Of the external links, all except „Met‟ will open in a new window outside of A-CDM. If the link doesn‟t open first time, press F5 and try again. 11 Navigating A-CDM Flight Information menu options There are four key Flight Information screens providing an overview of the operation: • Arrivals • Departures • Turn-round The Flights Split screen offers a similar view • Flights Split of arrivals and departures that you have been used to in UltraSIS. Some of the columns and functionality are slightly different. The following slides will cover Arrivals and Departures in detail to help you understand how Flights Split works in A-CDM. They all operate in a very similar fashion. Information display and filtering • • • • • Arrivals Departures Flights Split Detailed flight information Turn-round 12 13 Information display and filtering Arrivals display The Arrivals screen has two view options, depending on your level of access. The standard view is: Click on any column heading to sort. Note: you can only sort by one column at a time. The screen displays all flights for the current operational day. You can page through the data using the controls at the bottom of the screen. If you have additional permissions, you will see columns to the right for passenger numbers: total pax, transfer pax, wheelchair, and unaccompanied minors. 14 Information display and filtering Arrivals display > status shading The data are displayed in different colours according to various statuses. The Red-Amber-Green status on the IBT (In-Blocks Time) column indicates the level of variance from the schedule. Green is within 15 minutes, Amber is 16-30 minutes, Red is over 30 minutes. When a flight is Zoning or on Final Approach, the Flight Number will be highlighted in yellow or red When an update is received, the changed field will briefly show a yellow background 15 Information display and filtering Arrivals filtering – part 1 The filter area at the top of the Arrivals screen allows you to tailor the view to your requirements. Help – click this icon to see a glossary of terms and thresholds for the shading used Manual refresh – if Auto-Refresh is off, use this button to refresh the data Auto-Refresh toggle – use this to turn Auto-refresh on/off. When on, data will be updated every 30 seconds - Filters – click here to show/hide the filters section Save Filter – if you are happy with your filter selections, click here to save them. Make sure you see the confirmation pop up: Flights – input one or more IATA flight numbers, separated by a comma, to restrict the view to just those flights. Press Enter to display your selection 16 Information display and filtering Arrivals filtering – part 2 Carriers/Handlers filters – these are multi-select; you can tick one or more options to drill down to the specific items you wish to see. You can also type in key words separated by a comma to help you find the right company. You need to scroll to the bottom and click OK to view your selection/changes Terminals filter – select one or more terminals and click OK to view End Status Time – if you apply no other filters, the display will only show those flights where Last Bag was less than 20 minutes prior to time now. Change this value to see earlier flights. Not applicable if “Hide In-Block” is ticked Hide Landed/In-Block/CX & DV – tick/un-tick these items to show/hide flights (CX & DV = cancelled/diverted) TIP: Click Clear All and then OK to remove the filter 17 Information display and filtering Departures display The Departures screen operates in much the same way as the Arrivals screen. The screen displays all flights for the current operational day. SOBT = Scheduled Off Blocks Time EOBT = Estimated Off Blocks Time (also referred to as the Flight Plan) TOBT = Target Off Blocks Time (best estimate of „Ready‟ time) TSAT = Target Start-up Approval Time (can be used to indicate start delay) Click on any column heading to sort. Note: you can only sort by one column at a time. You can page through the data using the controls at the bottom of the screen. 18 Information display and filtering Departures display > status shading The data are displayed in different colours according to various statuses. The Red-Amber-Green status on the time columns indicates the level of variance from the schedule. Green is within 15 minutes, Amber is 16-30 minutes, Red is over 30 minutes. When an update is received, the changed field will briefly show a yellow background If a flight has an alert, the whole row will be shaded. Amber indicates a warning and Red indicates the flight may not be allowed to depart. 19 Information display and filtering Departures filtering – part 1 The filter area at the top of the Departures screen allows you to tailor the view to your requirements. Help – click this icon to see a glossary of terms and thresholds for the shading used Manual refresh – if Auto-Refresh is off, use this button to refresh the data Auto-Refresh toggle – use this to turn Auto-refresh on/off. When on, data will be updated every 30 seconds - Filters – click here to show/hide the filters section Save Filter – if you are happy with your filter selections, click here to save them. Make sure you see the confirmation pop up: Flights – input one or more IATA flight numbers, separated by a comma, to restrict the view to just those flights. Press Enter to display your selection 20 Information display and filtering Departures filtering – part 2 Carriers/Handlers filters – these are multi-select; you can tick one or more options to drill down to the specific items you wish to see. You can also type in key words separated by a comma to help you find the right company. You need to scroll to the bottom and click OK to view your selection/changes Terminals filter – select one or more terminals and click OK to view End status time – if you apply no other filters, the display will only show those flights where ATOT was less than 20 minutes prior to time now. Change this value to see earlier flights. Not applicable if “Hide Airborne” is ticked Has Alert/Hide Off-Block/Airborne/CX & DV – tick/un-tick these items to show/hide flights (CX & DV = cancelled/diverted) TIP: Click Clear All and then OK to remove the filter 21 Information display and filtering Flights Split display The Flights Split screen is a combination of the Arrivals and Departures screens described over the previous slides. All functions described apply to this view. An example screen shot is on the next slide. Some points to be aware of: • Your filter options will apply to both screens – you cannot, for example, set Arrivals to „Dnata‟ and Departures to „American Airlines‟. If you were to set these options, you will see no results • You can sort the columns independently – e.g. sort Arrivals by IBT and Departures by TOBT • You can navigate through the pages independently – i.e. have Arrivals on rows 1-15 and show rows 61-75 on Departures • You can save your filters and not impact the Arrivals and Departures page filters • You can show/hide the Arrivals or Departures sections by clicking on the section title bar 22 Information display and filtering Flights Split display > screen shot 23 Information display and filtering Viewing flight details If you wish to view more detail about a flight, you can left-click once to display a new tab. The amount of information you see depends on your access level and whether you are viewing an arrival or departure. Departure flight detail Arrival flight detail 24 Information display and filtering Viewing flight details > exporting the flight history You can export additional information from the flight details page. To the top right of the flight details page are three icons. Click on the middle icon to display a new window. This will list the information exchanged about the flight you are viewing. This page is known as the Flight History. Click „Export to Excel‟ to save the data. 25 Information display and filtering Turn-round display The Turn-round screen displays arrivals and their linked departures on one page. This view can be used as an early warning of inbound delays that may impact a subsequent departure. It uses the same filter options as all other pages. The left side of the screen (in brown) is the arriving flight, and the right side (in blue) is the departure. Searching for and exporting data 26 27 Searching for and exporting data Basic (single flight) search There are two main search functions: Basic and Advanced. Both are reached in the same way, via Flight Information > Flight Search. A new tab will open and the Basic search will be displayed by default. Enter the IATA flight number you are interested in and click on the Search button. A new window will open displaying the next scheduled instance of the flight and, at the bottom of the page, a list of all known instances for the past 12-18 months. Click once on the actual flight you wish to view; a new tab will open in A-CDM and will look the same as the example on Slide 23/24. 28 Searching for and exporting data Advanced search IATA flight no Aircraft registration no IATA airport code ICAO / ATC call sign Click on „+ Advanced Search‟ to expand this section. Input your criteria and click Search. A new window will open to display the results. Points to remember: • You must select Inbound/Outbound correctly or you may return no results or the wrong results • The fields Flight No, Reg, Stand, Gate, Dest/Origin, Call Sign will accept only one entry • Handler, Carrier, Terminal filters operate in the same manner as the Arrivals/Departures screen filters • You cannot use wildcards (e.g. *, %) • You can search for historic data and the near future (tomorrow‟s schedule) 29 Searching for and exporting data Advanced search > results After clicking Search, a new window will display your results. In the top right of the screen is the „Export To Excel‟ button that will allow you to export the data displayed. These are the fields exported for Arrivals: Advanced Flight Search Flight No Reg Status BA1473 GEUYH Last Bag Hold Date of Flight ELDT 7 04/03/2015 08:56:00 08:57:00 09:04:00 09:16:00 27L ALDT EIBT AIBT Runway Term Stand Type 5 503 A320 Inbound 09:32:00 09:33:00 GLA SHT7R BA IATA-BA * US728 N274AY Last Bag 15 04/03/2015 11:58:00 11:59:00 12:06:00 12:10:00 27L 3 328 A333 Inbound 12:28:00 12:35:00 PHL AWE728 DN IATA-US VS012 GVNEW Last Bag 7 04/03/2015 11:33:00 11:33:00 11:37:00 11:38:00 27L 3 317 B789 Inbound 11:59:00 12:09:00 BOS VIR12E DN IATA-VS UA942 N659UA Last Bag 9 04/03/2015 10:51:00 10:53:00 11:02:00 11:02:00 27L 2 236 B763 Inbound 11:12:00 11:18:00 EWR UAL942 UA IATA-UA BA114 GCIVF Last Bag 4 04/03/2015 11:02:00 11:05:00 11:12:00 11:11:00 27L 5 535 B744 Inbound 11:35:00 11:55:00 JFK BAW114 BA IATA-BA SK803 LNRRE Last Bag 3 04/03/2015 08:55:00 08:58:00 09:04:00 09:06:00 27L 2 218L B738 Inbound 09:18:00 09:20:00 OSL SAS803 ASG IATA-SK AC860 CFCAF Last Bag 6 04/03/2015 09:28:00 09:28:00 09:37:00 09:36:00 27L 2 241 B763 Inbound 09:46:00 10:03:00 YHZ ACA860 ASG IATA-AC AA050 N755AN Last Bag 3 04/03/2015 08:31:00 08:32:00 08:37:00 08:38:00 27L 3 327 B772 Inbound 09:01:00 09:11:00 DFW AAL50 AA IATA-AA BA1431 GEUUW Last Bag 4 04/03/2015 08:51:00 08:54:00 09:01:00 09:04:00 27L 5 507 A320 Inbound 09:15:00 09:17:00 BHD SHT88J BA IATA-BA * EI154 EICPH Last Bag 0 04/03/2015 08:58:00 08:59:00 09:04:00 09:03:00 27L 2 221R A321 Inbound 09:15:00 09:20:00 DUB EIN154 MA IATA-EI BA811 GEUXJ Last Bag 2 04/03/2015 09:08:00 09:09:00 09:16:00 09:14:00 27L 5 511 Inbound 09:26:00 09:27:00 CPH BAW811 BA IATA-BA * A321 Gate Mvmt Type First Bag Last Bag Dest / Origin Call Sign These are the fields exported for Departures: Advanced Flight Search Flight No Reg Status Date of Flight SOBT EOBT AOBT Runway Term Stand Type Gate Mvmt Type Dest / Origin Call Sign AA087 N786AN Airborne 04/03/2015 09:55:00 09:55:00 09:58:00 27R 3 332 B772 32 SK502 OYKBF Airborne 04/03/2015 09:55:00 09:55:00 09:50:00 27R 2 216 A321 A16 Outbound CPH BA490 GEUYA Airborne 04/03/2015 09:55:00 09:55:00 09:56:00 27R 3 303R A320 3a BA175 GBNLN Airborne 04/03/2015 09:55:00 09:55:00 10:02:00 27R 5 BA1310 GEUPW Airborne 04/03/2015 09:55:00 09:55:00 09:55:00 27R EI031 EIEPR Airborne BA253 Handler Carrier AAL87 AA IATA-AA SAS502 ASG IATA-SK Outbound GIB BAW490 BA IATA-BA 539 B744 B39 Outbound JFK BAW175 BA IATA-BA 5 502 A319 A2 Outbound ABZ SHT18D BA IATA-BA 04/03/2015 09:50:00 09:50:00 09:48:00 27R 2 223 A319 A23 Outbound BHD EIN03W MA IATA-EI GBNWT Airborne 04/03/2015 09:50:00 09:50:00 09:50:00 27R 5 542 B763 B42 Outbound NAS BAW253 BA IATA-BA BA1326 GEUUO Airborne 04/03/2015 09:50:00 09:50:00 09:57:00 27R 5 508 A320 A8 Outbound NCL SHT12H BA IATA-BA 4U461 DAGWP Airborne 04/03/2015 09:45:00 09:45:00 09:42:00 27R 2 225 A319 A25 Outbound CGN GWI37T MA IATA-4U BA554 GEUXG 04/03/2015 09:45:00 09:45:00 09:45:00 27R 5 520 A321 A20 Outbound FCO BAW554 BA IATA-BA Airborne Outbound ORD Handler Carrier Stand Hold * TIPS: The results window may appear under the main A-CDM display. If the results window doesn‟t come up, double-check you have pop ups enabled and try again. Other functions 30 31 Stand Charts The Stand Charts screen is based on the view you had in UltraSIS. It displays the status of each stand and its jetties, the aircraft on it, and in-blocks and off-blocks times. You can filter by one or more terminals. It will become available when development is completed. The following colour coding indicates the Stand status: Serviceable Restricted Closed This colour coding is used to indicate the Jetty status: Restricted Closed 32 Stand+Jetty The Stand+Jetty screen is based on the view you had in UltraSIS. It displays the status of each jetty, the aircraft on it, in-blocks and off-blocks times, and status of FGP and SEGS. It will become available when development is completed. . This screen uses the same Stand and Jetty colour coding as the Stand Charts It is not possible to filter this list by terminal (here, „Save Filter‟ refers to saving your Auto-Refresh preference) 33 Ground Movements The Ground Movements screen is screen is based on the view you had in UltraSIS. It will become available when development is completed. You can filter by one or more Handling agents, sort by clicking on the column headings, and further filter by clicking on the ▼ icon on one or more columns and selecting your criteria 34 SAM (Situational Awareness Map) The SAM displays the location of aircraft and other vehicles on the airfield. All moving aircraft should have their transponder activated, enabling their visibility on the map. You can zoom in to see more information Brown = arrival; Blue = departure Black = a/c reg (may be towing); Red = no flight plan associated TIPS: The SAM will appear in a new window – this may be underneath A-CDM. If the map doesn‟t appear, press F5 and then try again. Also make sure you have pop ups enabled. Winter operations 35 36 Winter operations This aspect of A-CDM is beyond the scope of this introductory pack. However, you do need to know what changes in A-CDM during winter operations. Should weather conditions require the mass de-icing of aircraft, A-CDM can be set to „snow mode‟. This allows the AO/GH to request de-icing/anti-icing and their Deicing Service Provider (DSP) to allocate the necessary equipment. These activities notify ATC and the Network Manager of an amended TTOT, based on when de-icing will finish, allowing both the airfield and European airspace to be managed effectively during a period that can be disruptive. The main change you will see when „snow mode‟ is activated, is a change to the Departures display. This impacts the Departures and Flights Split screens. When this mode is activated, you may need to refresh your browser session (press F5) to see the revised display. 37 Winter operations Display changes Snow will be displayed in red at the top of the screen. Additional columns will be displayed against Departures. These show the de-icing status and activity times There is an additional filter – to filter by De-Icing Service provider. All other functionality remains the same. Additional resources 38 39 Additional resources For more information and to download the latest training materials, visit our A-CDM page on the Heathrow website. HAL staff can also visit the A-CDM at Heathrow page on The Hub. If you have a question, please email LHRACDM@Heathrow.com and a member of the team will be happy to help. If you require technical support, please contact ITServiceDesk@Heathrow.com or call 020 8745 5355. For further information about the A-CDM concept, please visit the official Eurocontrol website at www.euro-cdm.org 40 Glossary Terms/acronyms used in this pack Term Definition Term Definition A-CDM Airport – Collaborative Decision Making IBT In-Blocks Time (A = Actual, E = Estimated) AFR Arrivals Flow Rate IRVR Instrumented Runway Visual Range AOBT Actual Off-Blocks Time LDT Landing Time (A = Actual, E = Estimated) AO Aircraft Operator NMOC Network Manager Operations Centre ATC Air Traffic Control (service is provided by NATS) TOBT Target Off-Blocks Time CFMU Central Flow Management Unit (now called NMOC) TOT Take-off Time (A = Actual, T = Target) CTOT Calculated Take-Off Time (aka a „slot‟) TSAT Target Start-up Approval Time DSP De-icing Service Provider SIBT Scheduled In-Blocks Time EOBT Estimated Off-Blocks Time (aka „flight plan‟) SID Standard Instrument Departure GH Ground Handler SOBT Scheduled Off-Blocks Time HAL Heathrow Airport Limited For a full list of A-CDM acronyms and terms, please see www.euro-cdm.org