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The Official Newsletter of the Southern California Military Vehicle Collectors Club
Veterans Day Events 2014
by Saul A. Marquez
November 2014, for me was to be a month long Remembrance Day of our nation's veterans. It began on the 8th of
November, in the city of San Bernardino, California. I left my home wrapped up in my Gortex uniform around 0700hrs.,
to a crisp 52 degree temperature. I have done this before and it is always a joy driving to the sound of 4 cylinders
humming away under the hood of my WWll top less, heater, "Good Time Betty" jeep. Its like riding a motorcycle
except I am on 4 wheels. It took me a little over an hour to travel the 46 miles as I saw the sunrise. By the afternoon we
would be at our normal mid 80s. Sad to realize back east, it is a snow bound frozen world.
The Veteran's Day Parade went very well just like always. This year we had no pin up girl models but as usual,
plenty of veterans from all of our branches. Albert Okura, one of the event's sponsors, always provides us all with a
great "Juan Pollo" rotisserie chicken luncheon with all the trimmings. I recall we had about 18 military vehicles for the
parade. Our Inland Empire Military Vehicle Preservation Association trophy winners were Gary Roberts with his WC-3
Weapons Carrier and Tony Fucci with his M-38 Korean War jeep.
By 1500hrs., I had to leave for the city of Irwindale. I supported our newly elected President, Luther Ritter, from The
Southern California Military Vehicle Collectors Club. The event was a church fund raiser presentation sponsored by
the Technics Car Club for veterans. Our 3 military vehicle presentation with The Technics Car Club was a big hit. Dave
Dunn displayed his British made Pinzgauer. I had my British WWll North Africa jeep and Luther had his Korean war era
jeep. No photos available. By 2000hrs., I made it into my driveway safe and sound. For me that day was a very,
very,....long satisfying,...patriotic day.
Pass & Review by the original Mac Donalds
Staging for the line up
Gortex, the
winter cold
Abel Correa
helps Tony
Fucci unload
his M-38 jeep
Your truly
with Tony's
M-38 Korean
war era jeep
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On 11 November around 0730hrs., my brother Beto and I met up with Luther for a 3 vehicle convoy to Forest Lawn
Cemetery in Hollywood Hills for a Veteran's Day presentation. Our mission was to support the (MTHE) Marching
Thought History Exposition. The 22 mile trip was not as cold as we taught although we were under a red flag warning
(high wind fire danger) which did not effect us at all. My brother Beto drove his M151-A1 Vietnam war era jeep, I drove
my WWll British North Africa jeep and Luther drove his M38-A1 Korean war era jeep. It didn't take very long for us to
arrive at Forest Lawn, perhaps 40 minuets. Tony Fucci with his M-38 Korean war era jeep was already waiting for us at
the gates. Later on that morning, David Wu arrived with his Pinzgauer. The Golden Stars Sky Diving Team jumped for
the event with some unfavorable winds. The landings were a bit hard to the cheers of the many spectators. Soon after,
Tony Fucci and I were honored by a video interviewed. Oliva La Voice did the honors from Annenberg TV News station
from the University of Southern California. That interview can be seen by going to the search bar and typing in
(Veterans Job Fair Turns into Celebration, Reflection ATVN). My spot from a 2:23 video is at 2:04 and those words, my
words, as recorded is my truth that all veterans share. "Once a Soldier, Always a Soldier".
We left Forest Lawn around 1430hrs., and for the 11th of November we still had a second and final mission. Our day
was far from final. My brother Beto, Frank Suarez and yours truly were to provide WWll vehicles for a musical
presentation by Jay C. Munns and the Sentimental Sisters at his home in Pomona. We were able to support the event
just like we did back in February of 2010 at the Covina Performing Arts Center with Edith Shane. For those of us that
need to realize that name, Edith Shane was that nurse that was kissed by an unknown sailor in Times Square, New
York on VJ Day 1945 (End of the War with Japan). Sadly Edith Shane left us at age 93. I will always have that memory
and honor to have met her in person. (See our club's newsletter February 2010).
Route 66, Irwindale to Santa Monica Pier 16 November 2014: Story by Luther Ritter. Photos by Saul A. Marquez.
The ROK (Republic of Korea) Marine Christmas Party on 29 November 2014 was attended by 11 members and
associate members. Our Korean host, Chris Shinn, honored and addressed our military vehicle clubs and our two
Korean war veterans in high regard. Tony Fucci was in the newly established (1947) U.S. Air Force. He flew missions
over North Korea with the 17th bomb wing in B-26 Invaders (The Black Knights 1950/53). John Lopez was with the 24th
Pass & Review, the turn around
Selfie: 72 & 82 years young
The Email
version of this
newsletter has
additional pages
of photos of this
event on page
11 through 16
Parade's end, entering
the display area
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to receive the
email version of
the newsletter
please send me
your Email
Stand by to stand by
Page 3
Infantry Division as an infantry soldier from 1950 to 1953 until wars end. I was privileged to have served The ROK
with the California State National Guard (40th Infantry Division) in 1988/89 and 1992. The annual ROK Marine
Christmas party is a living testimonial in the celebration of freedom and to never forget the price of it. As for our
veterans who continue to serve, Remembrance Day (Veterans Day) is every day.
RT-66 Road Trip to Santa Monica
By Luther Ritter
As part of our club's ongoing preparations for the 2017 route 66 cross country convoy our club has been
conducting convoys from Irwindale to Amboy and conducting a reconnaissance of the convoy route within the state
of California. On Sunday November 16th the club members met at the mobile gas station at Mount Olive and
Huntington Drive for a route 66 convoy to Santa Monica. Ernie Pineda drove from Arizona to Duarte California to
meet with Luther Ritter Leah Ritter and Sal Marquez. The reconnaissance group consisted of Ernie Pineda's World
War II MB Jeep, Saul Marquez’ Ford GP, and Luther Ritter's M–38 A1 Jeep. The group left the gas station at 8 AM in
the morning and the trip took approximately 2 hours ending at the Santa Monica Pier. Ernie Pineda planned the trip
and programmed the waypoints into his GPS so we could navigate route 66 from Duarte to Santa Monica.We
traveled on Huntington Avenue westbound to Colorado Boulevard in Pasadena and then southbound on the 110
freeway. Road conditions on Huntington Drive, Colorado Boulevard were excellent. The surface streets and the city
of Los Angeles where poor conditions with me with numerous potholes hey construction detours the cost delays to
our trip. The poor condition of Los Angeles roads also caused Great discomfort to anybody far riding an old military
vehicle. Santa Monica Blvd. On the other hand was in good condition from Hollywood to the Santa Monica Pier.
Overall the weather was extremely nice for this type of trip and open vehicles and we saw many interesting sites
along the way. We're going to schedule another route 66 trip to Santa Monica sometime in February 2015. Like to
especially thank Ernie Pineda for conducting a solo reconnaissance over route 66 from Arizona to Duarte California
and for his initiative in planning and impromptu Club outing. I would like to strongly encourage all of our club
members to look for activities that all of the club members can do together.
Opps! I believe we took the wrong turn!
The 3 amigos, Ernie Pineda, Luther Ritter & Saul
A. Marquez Mission: Rt. 66 to Santa Monica Pier
The Email
version of this
newsletter has
additional pages
of photos of this
event on page
16 & 17
If you would like
to receive the
email version of
the newsletter
please send me
your Email
Yeh! We made it! Sunset Bl. & Pacific Coast
Highway...Off target, oh well!
Luther and Leah Ritter heading to Santa Monica
Page 4
Deacon Gary Patterson Memorial Car Show
By Luther Ritter
On November 8th 2014 Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in the city of Irwindale hosted the 3rd annual
Deacon Gary Patterson Car Show. Gary was an icon of the community, a veteran of the U.S. Navy, Deacon at the
church, Police Chaplin, many other important things to the community. He was also an avid jeep enthusiast who’s
whole family loved jeep treks in the wilderness. About three years ago he died of cancer and it was a hard loss to
take for the community and for his family. His family decided to honor his memory by having a jeep car show as a
fund raiser for the church’s food bank. The first year of this event had only a few vehicles including my M-38A1
jeep. This year there were over 100 vehicles of all sizes and shapes, from off roading vehicles to vintage cars.
Dave Dunn, Sal Marquez, and I brought our vehicles to this event to represent our club. Dave Dunn drove
his Pinzgauer 6x6 truck, Sal Marquez had his WWII jeep, I brought my M-38A1jeep.
I would like to call attention to the photos of Dave’s informational display explaining his vehicle and its
use by the military. I would like to encourage our members to consider investing the time into making a display
board that gives the history and use of your M.V. I think by doing this we can do a better job of educating the
community about our club and excite interest in preserving military vehicles.
Dave Dunn's MV
Deacon Gary Patterson
Luther Ritter's MV
Saul Marquez' MV
Photos by Luther Ritter
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Veteran’s Day at Forest Lawn Hollywood Hills
byLuther Ritter
11-11-1918 at 1100 hours (AM) World War I or the Great War ended. November 11th was originally called
Armistice Day in honor of the WWI veterans. Later it was changed to Veteran’s Day to honor the veterans of all of
our wars. November 11, 2014 the SCMVCC was invited to take part in the Forest Lawn 55th Annual Veteran’s Day
Ceremony in Hollywood Hills. This event featured an U.S. Air Force honor guard with a firing detail for a 21 gun
salute, a brass band, WWII aircraft fly over, and skydivers jumping into the parking lot.
The honor guard was the Blue Eagles Total Force Honor Guard from March Air Reserve Base in Riverside.
The national anthem was sung by Chelsea Chaves accompanied by the Pasadena City College Lancer Band. The
Condor Squadron over flew the event with about 8 AT-6 (SNJ) WWII advanced training planes in the missing a man
formation. The event that capped the ceremony was skydivers from the Golden Star Skydiving Team jumping into
the parking lot trailing a very large a American flag that landed next to our M.V.’s. Our vehicles were placed next to
re-enactors groups doing a living history display for WWI and WWII.
A large part of this year ceremony was a veteran’s out reach and job fair. I talked to number of veterans and
and non-veterans that are interested in military vehicles. As always our vehicles were magnets to draw in all the
veterans and children to look at. I find it amazing that a WWII jeep is still identified by the public as an “Army Jeep”
even after the fact that these vehicles have not been in service with our military for over 60 years. I talked with a
little boy who made his best effort to make a Vietnam Army uniform to wear to the ceremony to honor his
grandfather a Vietnam vet. (see photo).
In attendance from our club was: Antonio Fucci an USAF Korean War Veteran with his M-38 Jeep, Dave Wu
an USA veteran from the Gulf War with his Penzgauer, Sal Marquez a veteran of the Cold War with his WWII jeep,
and 2 guys that like jeeps Beto Marquez with his M-151 and Luther Ritter with his M-38A1 jeep. Sal and Antonio
were interviewed by the AVN Network and this is the link for the interview. Antonio was able to make a new reporter
friend at the event (see photo).
Veterans Day
by Antonio Fucci
I was at Forest Lawn Memorial Park in the Hollywood Hills with a static display of my Jeep and others. USC had
a school reporter there and interviewed a few of us. She asked several questions and we responded to her
questions. Much of what we said was cut from the published. Click on the http below and view. They had the
whole program included which is on and click on news. I had them email just the interviews of our
group which is below. The interviews were cut so you do not have the total message of what we said.
WWI Salvation Army display
Fly over by WWII AT-6s
Photos by Luther Ritter
WWI display
Future MV collector
Page 6
Structured Meeting Format
Dear Club Members,
At the November 9, 2014 meeting the broad at my request started a new format for meetings that I used at
work and for work related meetings. I found that it is best to be quick and to the point with the business part
of the meeting to give the club more time to discuss important issues. This how the board is going to
organize the “Official Club” meetings.
I. Board Meeting:
1. The board will meet prior to the open club meeting to discuss business issues and create an agenda for
the meeting.
2. Board meetings are closed to non-members.
II. General Meeting:
1. A recap of the minutes for the previous meeting.
A. The Secretary will read the minutes at the meeting and any correction can be made to the minutes.
B. There will be a vote to approve the minutes.
2. A review of the old club business.
A. Board reports, project progress reports, and other old information will be shared in an open forum.
3. A review of any new club business.
A. Discussion any new idea, proposals, activities, for approval by the membership.
4. Open discussion.
A. Discussion of anything of interest to the group.
Note: General meetings are open to the public (Non-Members).
I’m proposing 10 general rules based on Robert’s Rules of Order for the conduct of our meetings.
Please look at this and give your thoughts in the next meeting.
10 Rules For Club Meetings Discussions
1. The Ranking Club officer or a member appointed by the board will act as speaker at an official meeting.
2. Members wanting to speak will raise their hand a wait to be recognized by the speaker before discussing
the topic.
3. The member has 3 mins. to state the issue and the Speaker will let the person speaking know when their
time is up.
4. Members will not interrupt the person that has the floor to speak.
5. After the issue is brought up, it is open to the group for discussion.
6. The Speaker can set a time limit for an item open for discussion and members may only speak once on an
issue until each person has had their time to talk.
7. The Speaker can table items for later discussion.
8. All remarks must be directed to the Chair. Remarks must be courteous in language and deportment avoid all personalities, never allude to others by name or to motives.
9. The agenda and all committee reports are merely recommendations! When presented to the assembly
and the question is stated, debate begins and changes can occur.
10. Persons not following the rules will be warned by the Speaker, and if they persist in violating the rules
that person(s) will be told to leave the meeting.
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ACTIVITIES December 14—SCMVCC Meeting—swap meet—general meeting 10:30AM—
SWAP MEET and SHOW FROM 7am to 1 pm
at AMVETS of Irwindale 14910 Los Angeles St. see map on back page;
Next months meeting January 11, 2015 at AMVETS.
Please contact Richard Snedaker for latest activities additions.
As part of keeping the members informed about up coming events
we will send out "Warning Orders" to give you a heads up on events
in the planning stages. Please make this date on your calendar.
Luther Ritter
***** WARNING ORDER *****
Event: Route 66 Convoy to Santa Monica
Date/Time:Feb. 28, 2014 0700 hour (AM)
Staging Point: To Be Determined (TBD)
MVOC events for December:
12-07 Veteran's Holiday Celebration 1030-1730 hrs VA Hospital 11301 Wilshire Bl L.A.
12-13 Whittier Christmas Parade 0815 hrs
Whittier H.S. Hadley / Whittier Bl
(Bruce is looking for at least one big truck)
12-13 Laguna Niguel Christmas parade 0930 - 1300 hrs
12-14 Glory Days "Spark of Love" toy drive 0800 - 1100 hrs 4132 Woodruff Av LKD (Bring 1
unwrapped toy)
I need a count of who can make the VA event and Bruce needs a count for the Whittier parade Jerry Berry…………. (562) 715-1400
December Vehicle Spotlight
Mighty Mites
Page 8
A Message from the President
I would like to thank all of the club members that have come to the meeting
last month with ideas on growing our club. I believe that we are at a juncture
where we need to reach out to veterans and the public to bring new blood into the
organization. With this in mind the board is going to give recruiting fliers to the
members who would like to pass them out at events.
Our mission going into 2015 is:
1. To promote restoration and preservation of our country’s military vehicle
2. To promote and create actives designed to create camaraderie between our
members veteran’s, and the public.
3. To grow our club by recruiting and out reach to the community.
4. Educate the public on the history of our country.
I look forward to hearing your ideas at the next club meeting.
Luther Ritter
SCMVCC President
President......................Luther Ritter....………………..……..... (626)814-4494
Vice President …….……..Matt Tait…....……………………..….(714)271-6860
Vice President (south)…Richard Johnson……………………(619)425-2962
Secretary.......................…Saul Marquez ………………………..(626)252-6850
Treasurer ......................Richard Snedaker...............................(626)841-2403
Activities for Los Angeles area…………….......
Activities for Santa Barbara….. Herman Pfauter ……………..(805)964-9449
Activities for San Diego area.…Richard Johnson……...........(619)425-2962
Activities Orange County/ South Bay…Jerry Berry…………. (562) 715-1400
Activities for the Inland Empire …..…………...
Sgt at Arms...................….…………………….....
PX Operator......................Richard Snedaker.......................... (626)841-2403
Editor...............................Al Wollonciej..(not yet retired)…......(818) 352-4492
Page 9
FOR SALE: Commemorative D – DAY License
Plates for the 70th Anniversary of the Allied
Landings on the Beaches of Normandy in France.
These plates are the fifth in a series, beginning in
1994 on the 50th anniversary, the start of the
liberation of Europe on June 6, 1944.
Please send check or money order for $25.00
which includes shipping to:
Herman Pfauter
1275 San Antonio Creek Road
Santa Barbara, CA 93111
Telephone 805-964-9449
Low mileage (aprox 3600 miles). Complete engine
with starter, alternator, distributor, carburetor and
attached transmission, clutch, and parking brake.
Was in storage for over 25 years. $650.
Call Al at 818-352-4492 *
We are selling t-shirts for $ 15.00 each in sizes
large through XXX large. (See photo below).
We are also selling 12" diameter magnetic signs
of the club logo for $60 per pair.
We are also selling 1' x 3' banners that contain
the club logo and the name of the club for $50
per pair.
We are also selling 2" x 20' rolls of 2" wide
magnetic material for $20 per roll. This is used
with the 2" wide red and white reflective tape
that is seen on semi trailers to make our military
vehicles more visible without permanent
altering the vehicles.
(above items can be seen and purchased at the
meet or
contact Richard Snedaker at (626)841-2403)
Baseball hats in green and tan with the
club logo on the front and SCMVCC on
the back are available for purchase a
$15 each.
For Sale:
1962 Swiss Unimog 404 gas engine.
Runs good. Original tires, Cargo cover is about 5
yrs old. Cab cover has been converted to German
style. Current cover is a bit torn, have brand new
cover included. Ignition is pertronix and standard
spark plugs. Electric fuel pump has been added.
Carb has been resently rebuilt by Jim at
Goatwerks. Both front windshield glass has
cracks from a loose cover in windstorm. Vehicle
is currently Calif. non-op Asking $7000. For more
info contact Jerry Rotter 310-2912909.*
FOR SALE: 1981 Military Air Force 1/2 ton Ford
Van.(E150) All original, Air Force Blue with all
original markings (not repainted) Has the military
dashboard data plates. Was used by the Air Force
for parachute retrieval and delivery. Very rare
military version of the E150 Ford Van with military
data plates, you can own this historical vehicle for
$1200. Can be a daily driver, for display, or used
for camping and towing your MV. Good running and
good overall condition. Call Al 818-352-4492.***
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P.O. BOX 2335
Note:. Vehicle ownership is not required for membership
TELEPHONE(S) HOME ___________________________
CELL __________________________
MVPA membership number__________
EMAIL _________________________________________
Make checks payable to SCMVCC and mail to:
Richard Snedaker, Treasurer
P.O. Box 2305
Irwindale, California 91706
AMVETS of Irwindale
14910 Los Angeles St.
Page 11
Veterans Day Events 2014
by Saul A. Marquez continue with more photos
Our display area at the Inland Empire Military Museum
End of Mission: Saul's brother-in-law,
Vietnam Veteran Ignacio Zarate
Entering Forest Lawn in support of The Marching
Through History Exposition
At the ready...Brother Beto, yours truly, and Tony Fucci
Tony shows me his award of excellence from The San Bernardino
Veterans Day Parade My thoughts..Rats! I lost again!
"Look up in the sky, its a bird!", "No"! "Its The
Golden Stars Sky Diving Team!"
Page 12
"Here they come!"
Members from the Marching Through History Expo
conduct hands on WWll history
Almost a perfect landing, unfavorable winds!
Beautiful! Hand Salute!
The fly over, WWll vintage aircraft
Our National Anthem and Taps
Page 13
Oliva La Voice, Annenberg TV News
United Nations Veteran...Bosnia/Hercegovina/Somalia
The interview by Oliva La Voice
The brothers two, end of mission
Yours truly, brother Beto, and Frank Suarez
on our 2nd Veterans Day mission
The Sentimental Sisters at the ready for the grand entrance
Page 14
1st song performed, "Sentimental Journey"
Its time! Lets roll!
"Don't Sit Under The Apple Tree" and "Boogie Woogie
Bugle Boy" two of the many songs from WWll
Yours truly with Jay C. Munns and
The Sentimental Sisters
Club members stand for the Korean National Anthem.
Guess Who?
Luther Ritter address the ROK Marine Christmas Party
Page 15
Yours truly with Ray and son Harris Barth
Brian Ann, honorary ROK Marine president,
Yours truly, and Ray Barth
Yours truly with Grant Shinn, America's future
Chris Shinn and Tony Fucci, War Veterans
John Lopez and Chris Shinn, War Veterans
The feast, Mmmmm, so good!...Frank Suarez and
Saul's two brothers, Beto and Juan
Page 16
Brother Beto joins in the fun games
John Lopez and Tony Fucci are honored for their service
in the Korean War 1950/1953
RT-66 Road Trip to Santa Monica
By Luther Ritter continue with more photos
Entering Santa Monica
Mission Accomplished!
Page 17
"Good Time Betty" enters the pier
Yours truly with my "Good Time Betty"
End of Historic Rt. 66
End of Mission! Homeward bound
Selfie: Leaving Santa Monica Pier