sept newsletter - Alliance for Women in Media
sept newsletter - Alliance for Women in Media
SEPTEMBER CONNECTION MEDIA MILESTONES Kristie Gonzales, President and GM KVUE For the month of September, AWM would like to highlight and welcome KVUE’s new President and General Manager Kristie Gonzales. Kristie began her career in Media at the age of 15 at a Christian radio station in Albuquerque. Her first paying job was at the PBS affiliate in Albuquerque KNME. From there Kristie joined the ABC O&O station group as a Promotions Producer/Writer at WPVI in Philadelphia. Kristie’s first job in station management was in Fresno as the Director of Creative Services and Public Affairs Director at the ABC O&O in Fresno. Prior to moving to Austin, Kristie served as the Promotional and Digital Brand Manager at WABC in New York. In fact, one of Kristie’s biggest accomplishments was transforming WABC to the number one local website and unifying the ABC brand on-air and online. Furthermore, Kristie strongly feels that multi-platforms create opportunities by supporting each other. A message is more powerful when it is displayed across multiple platforms. Kristie also feels that the new media landscape creates more opportunities rather than more challenges. Kristie firmly believes that successful leadership qualities involve collaboration, working as a team, and empowering staff. In fact, ideas are fostered at all levels and everyone should have a chance to participate in an organization’s success. Kristie LOVES being in Austin. She loves paddle boarding along Lady Bird Lake, the great food, and the friendly people. And interestingly enough, Kristie does not think the traffic is that bad here. As for favorite hobbies, Kristie enjoys eating out, hot yoga, traveling and any water activities. Welcome to Austin, Texas Kristie! A.W.M. Austin Publication, Vol. 190 September 2016 Edition CALENDAR OF EVENTS September 7th: Monthly Board Meeting, 12p,LHN 14th: Luncheon, 11:30a-1:00p, NEW LOCATION: Alamo Drafthouse, 1120 South Lamar 22nd – Battle of the Media Stars Happy Hour, Cover 3 Anderson Ln 5:30 pm October 5th: Monthly Board Meeting, 12p, KSM South 20th: Battle of the Media Stars November 2nd: Monthly Board Meeting, 12p, Sanders Wingo 9th: Assistant Luncheon December 8th: Spirits of Texas, Zilker Clubhouse INTRODUCING THE LUNCHEON PANEL PANEL Kristie Gonzales – President and GM, KVUE Belinda Smith – Associate Digital Media Director, McGarrah Jessee Nerissa Brooke – V.P., Operations, Federated Media Ben Van Horn – Digital Sales Manager, Spectrum Reach MODERATOR Wendi Power – Director of Austin/San Antonio, Pandora Radio Please RSVP by Friday, September 9th COB at (Due to increased attendance we have moved to Alamo Drafthouse, 1120 S.Lamar) THANKS TO ALL OUR CORPORATE SPONSORS! September 2016 Edition ANNOUNCEMENTS has renewed their corporate membership. Thank you for your support! AWM Board Member and Director of Media at One Voice Communications, Lonnie Summers needs our help. Her son was recently involved in a terrible accident. A gofundme has been set up to assist with medical bills. Any and all contributions are greatly appreciated. It is with great sadness to announce the passing of Londa Trail at the age of 81. Londa began her career at KTBC where she began as a clerk and was later promoted to Operations Manager. She was a proud member of AWM. Londa fought a long battle with congestive heart failure. Our thoughts and prayers go out to her family. It’s time to start getting your Battle teams together! Earn Early Bird points at The AWM Battle Happy Hour on September 22nd at Cover 3 on Anderson Ln (See pages four and five for details) CAREERS Current job listings on the AWM website*: Board Operator – The Zone, Sales Assistant, Digital Sales Coordinator Media Buying/Planning Supervisor Various Openings For a more extensive list of open advertising jobs in Austin, Visit: Do you have a new employee, promotion or other celebration to share? Send the details to September 2016 Edition AWM Battle of the Media Stars Team Happy Hour It’s time to get your teams organized for this year’s AWM Battle of the Media Stars! . Join us for Happy Hour and submit your Team’s Zombie theme! Thursday, September 22nd at 5:30p Cover 3 located at 2700 W. Anderson Lane HAPPY HOUR BONUS POINT OPPORTUNITIES: EARLY BIRD- Submit all release forms & team roster for 3 points 2 points for Captains attending 1 point for each team member attending 2 points for GM/GSM/VP attending September 2016 Edition 27th Annual AWM Battle of the Media Stars October 20th, 2016 3pm-5:30pm Zilker Park Rugby Fields Registration opens at 2:15pm ALL PROCEEDS BENEFIT THE AWM SCHOLARSHIP This year’s theme is Zombies! Each team will need to base their costumes and décor off the zombie theme and get creative. What sets you apart from other stations, media, agencies, etc.? How will you differentiate your zombie idea/ dress? Minimum of eight players & maximum of ten- $160 per team* At least one active member of AWM must be on each team roster and in attendance on the day of the event. This can be an employee of your company OR a client! At least two team members must be female Payment & forms due by 09/22/16 for 3 Early Bird Bonus Points Sign up a new AWM member on your team for 3 Bonus points All other payment & forms due at Battle on 10/20/16 Raffle tickets & payment due at check in, day of battle 10/20/16 Earn 10 bonus points for selling $250 in raffle tickets! Remember to bring the SPIRIT! 3 teams will receive 5 bonus points or being the most SPIRITED team at Battle. The top team will get the coveted trophy! Direct all questions to Holly Kyle or Kristi Webber or *Corporate Sponsors just need to submit their paperwork, Battle team is included as part of your membership September 2016 Edition TAKING CARE OF OUR NEIGHBORS Spence, McConaughey and other Austinites find a way to help Louisiana flood victims Austin Business Journal Aug 26, 2016, 3:01pm CDT On its quest to help victims of Louisiana's devastating floods, the Ad Council in New York got some helping hands from Austinites. GSD&M cofounder Roy Spence, who was recently inducted into the Advertising Hall of Fame, and his daughter Courtney Spence — founder of digital marketing firm CSpence Group — rallied their networks to help the Ad Council create a 30second public service announcement dubbed "Our Turn." Check it out embedded below. GSD&M Chairman Roy Spence NICK SIMONITE The goal: To get the masses to visit so they can donate to charities helping victims. GSD&M Vice President of Community Relations David Rockwood, Austin-grown band Wiretree and longtime Austin resident and actorMatthew McConaughey were instrumental to the effort. An estimated 60,000 homes in Louisiana have been affected by the devastating flooding that began in late August. More than 106,000 residents and households have registered for assistance with the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The tragedy has been called the worst U.S. natural disaster since Hurricane Sandy in 2012. This is not the first time Roy Spence has stepped up to help during times of disaster. The GSD&M chairman created campaigns for the Ad Council for hurricanes Katrina and Ike, the 2004 tsunami, the Haiti Relief Fund and following the attacks of Sept. 11. “Our Turn” started running on national broadcasts Aug. 25. September 2016 Edition MEMBERSHIP WELCOME TO THE AUSTIN AFFILIATE OF WOMEN IN MEDIA We’d like to welcome the following new members: New Member Julie Kunkle Max Pittman Amy Anderson Bryan Hastings Pam Power Tom Michel Company Austin Monthly Austin Monthly KXAN-TV KXAN-TV KXAN-TV KXAN-TV New Member Lauren Hood Marika Whitehurst Nerissa Brooke Sarah Muesse Savannah Williams Leilani Perry Company LIN Digital LIN Digital LIN Digital LIN Digital University of Texas at Austin YMCA of Austin Help us continue to grow by joining via our website at WIN A FREE YEAR OF MEMBERSHIP Join AWM between June 4 - September 30 to be eligible to win a free year of Individual Membership* Anyone joining Alliance for Women in Media, Austin Affiliate, during our Membership Drive with be entered to win their 2017 annual membership renewal for free . (Membership not transferrable.) * Receive your 2nd year free. ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP OPTIONS Individual $60 for Professional or $30 for Student Corporate* for 8 Includes: • AWM National Membership + Austin Affiliation for 8 employees. • Pre-paid luncheon table for 8 at all monthly luncheons (7 per year). • Name and logo in Austin AWM Affiliate Newsletter. • Name and logo on all luncheon promotional materials. • Corporate member recognition at all AWM Austin Events. • Complimentary access to AWM Job Bank for posting job openings. • One reserved and pre-paid team for Battle of the Media Stars. • Complimentary link from Austin AWM website to your company. Sponsorship Value: $5,440 / Sponsorship Cost: $3,000 Additional corporate memberships available**: • For 6 - Sponsorship Value: $4,820 / Sponsorship Cost: $2,500 • For 3 - Sponsorship Value: $3,890 / Sponsorship Cost: $1,600 * Corporate membership benefits subject to change until purchased ** Same benefits as those listed above, for corresponding number of people. September 2016 Edition SOCIAL CONNECTIONS Connect with us on social media to stay updated on the latest AWM news, activities and fun. awmatx THOUGHT FOR SEPTEMBER September 2016 Edition
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Two types of individual Austin memberships available:
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