Caserne de Bonne, Grenoble (FR)
Caserne de Bonne, Grenoble (FR)
Caserne de Bonne, Grenoble (FR) press release Project Director Mark Wilson, architect T + 33 1 53 17 96 00 94, avenue Ledru-Rollin 75011 Paris Head of Communications Laurence Guéret-Plard T + 33 1 53 17 96 61 94, avenue Ledru-Rollin 75011 Paris 01 Summary Caserne de Bonne n Project synopsis p. 2 n Introduction p. 3 n A promenade open to the city p. 4 n Illustrations p. 5 n A sustainable commercial centre p. 7 n Heating systems / plans p. 8 n Groupe-6, a team of interdisciplinary architects p. 9 Caserne de Bonne © 2010 02 Project synopsis Caserne de Bonne/ synopsis Operation : requalification of the old Bonne garrison house («caserne»’) in Grenoble, with the construction of a multifunctional commercial centre, a student hall of residence, and a carpark Project type : competition architect/developer (Groupe-6 and APSYS) Winning team : Architects : Groupe-6, represented by Mark Wilson and Bruno Hallé Client : IGC SODERIP Environmental architect : Architecture et Développement Sonia Cortesse Consultants : BETREC (structure VRD); GECC-AICC (fluids) Acoustics engineers : Synesthésie Local authority : SEM SAGES (Grenoble) Surface : 16 653 m² GLA (shopping), 355 parking spaces (underground), students hall of residence (122 rooms) Budget : 50 M€ Calendar : Winners : March 2005 Completion : 15 September 2010 Caserne de Bonne © 2010 03 Introduction French National Eco-Quartier Grand Prix 2009 for the «High Environmental Quality» (HQE) conversion of the old Bonne garrison in Grenoble The city of Grenoble and the Ministry of Defence launched in 2000 a programme for the conversion and development of the old Bonne garrison, located between the city centre and the «Grands Boulevards». The project proposes new housing quarters (family and social housing), a park and a shopping centre as an attractive destination for the newly extended city centre. In 2005, Groupe-6 won the competition for the design and construction of 16 643 m² of shopping space, which should open to the public in 2010. Two objectives in one: expand the city centre of Grenoble through a sustainable and responsible urban redevelopment. The « caserne de Bonne» site was sold to the city in 1990 in order to develop a model green ZAC (concerted development urban area), with high environmental quality (HQE). The project is partialy funded by the European program Concerto (which has already sponsored 45 communities in 18 countries in Europe). This European Commission initiative is working to deliver the highest possible level of self-supply energy. De Bonne is commited to respond to these future challenges. The Caserne de Bonne project was awarded on the 4th of November 2009 the French National Eco-City Grand Prix by the French Ministry of Ecology. With its 8,5 acres, the project will transform a military fortress into a new quarter - dynamic, radiant and open to the city. Caserne de Bonne © 2010 04 An open promenade towards the city Off the beaten tracks, a commercial centre like a city quarter The multifunctional commercial centre of the «ZAC de Bonne» is composed, from East to West, of 5 buildings and an underground carpark of 355 parking spaces open 24 hours : n the «East» building with its main 1st and 2nd levels dedicated to shopping; while the 3rd floor will host offices n the main level of the old garrison’s northern wing will accomodate several boutiques and a restaurant n the «North» building, next to the old garrison, will contain shops on the street level and 1st floor, while the 2nd floor will be dedicated to office spaces n the covered hall «Halle» is a longitudinal mall on 2 floors only n within the same building : the student’s accomodation hall, and a commercial space dedicated to a future Monoprix on the street level, first and the second basement Embrassing the ZAC sustainable regeneration, the centre is designed like a green city quarter. From the material used, the parking, the terrasses by the park, the covered and uncovered streets and squares, the service, to the bioclimatic mechanism, everything belongs together. The mall is a green, fresh and welcoming luminous volume permanently connected to the park and the street. Large glass vitrines, places and restaurant terraces extend these open views while the timber louvers and glass roofs let the natural light infiltrate this shopping promenade. More than a commercial space, the «Caserne» is a place. Caserne de Bonne © 2010 05 Illustrations Multiple scales, varied materials, a park and pedestrian paths, places and cafes : more than a commercial space, the «Caserne» is a place. 1 n 2 n 1 Eastern façade, bd Gambetta n 3 n2 n Retail open streets, between the new buildings and the old garrison aisle © photographs : Luc Boegly, architecture : Groupe-6 Caserne de Bonne © 2010 3 n 06 Illustrations (suite) 1 n 2 n 3 n 2 1 Bioclimatic «halle» n 2 n Wooden structure, detail 3 Backstreet, wooden structure n 4 «Place des Gourmands» café place, between new and old n constructions 3 © photographs : Luc Boegly, architecture : Groupe-6 Caserne de Bonne © 2010 4 n 07 A sustainable and energy efficient centre Recyclable materials and bioclimatic system for the first High Environmental Quality (HQE) commercial centre in France To deliver a truly sustainable project, it is essential to meet the «triple bottom line» of environmental, social and economic considerations. Clients need a partner who can navigate them through the wide array of choices available and push the boundaries of current practice. Good sustainable design comes from utilising a site’s natural properties and involving engineers early in the design process. Moreover, sustainability is closely linked to longevity. Cleary, given the resources invested in a building, the longer that this building remains fit l for its purpose the greater the time before an equivalent amount of resources will be spent on its replacement. As an «eco-quarter» or sustainable quarter, the «Caserne de Bonne» project is dedicated to reduce its impact onto the natural environment, boost economic development and quality of life. Beacon of the HQE objectives for a commercial centre, the project has to comply with a series of criterias for its conception - choice of materials and energy providers; and its performance (subject in fine to its users) : n Choice of a wooden structure for the «Halle», while concrete is used for the superstructure only. The architects have used European tree species only (from France and Austria). This is the first commercial centre of this kind in France n The «Halle» is covered by 1000 m² of solar panels n From the start, the project has opted for a bioclimatic system and the use of collectively generated power : - Heat is produced thanks to the urban heating system («chauffage urbain»), a network heating system allowing a minimum rejection of CO2 (objective of 161g/kwh produced) - The «Halle» itself is naturally ventilated - no heating, no air-conditionning. Its external façades are well insulated while its internal enveloppe encourages thermal exchanges with the shops. South oriented, it is closed in winter, heated by the sun. In summertime, the doors open allowing natural ventilation. This bioclimatic micro-climate reduces the needs for air renewal and cuts heat losses n The air-conditionning system for the rest of the buildings works with the ground water (between 13 and 15 °C) n Half of the pluvial rains are absorbed thanks to an infiltration trench, and the rain drops are regulated thanks to the green roofs (holding of 55mm of water, i.e. 68% of the decennial rains, i.e. 80mm over 24h) Caserne de Bonne © 2010 08 Bioclimatic system summer/winter time Caserne de Bonne © 2010 09 Groupe-6 Company profile For over 30 years Groupe-6 has been developing the skill of reconciling large and complex projects with a rigorous architectural design philosophy. Recognized as one of France’s leading architectural practices in the sectors of healthcare, retail, high-tech laboratories and urban design, Groupe-6 commits to proposing innovative and highly functional solutions to client’s requirements with a strong respect for cost and program objectives. Combining over 200 architects, urban planners, designers and cost consultants, Groupe-6 knows how to integrate the best specialists in related disciplines such as engineering, landscape architecture, interior architecture, set design, lighting, acoustics, etc. Groupe-6 teams look for excellency mindfull of 4 core values: n Consider its clients as true partners through continuous and constructive dialogue. Respect, listening and devotion are attitudes the practice encourages n Choose to commit to ambitious projects, but approach them without vanity n Guarantee a collective behaviour in the spirit of the group practice n Offer architectural solutions offering the best compromise between respect of heritage and search for modernity, essential conditions to guarantee a project durability Groupe-6 is implanted in Paris and Grenoble working throughout France and Europe. Groupe-6 has been closely associated with BDP in the UK for almost 20 years and now share a common professional culture. Paris 94, avenue Ledru-Rollin 75011 Paris T + 33 (0)1 53 17 96 00 F + 33 (0)1 53 17 96 36 Caserne de Bonne © 2010 Grenoble siège social 98 cours de la Libération -BP 2536 38035 Grenoble cedex 2 T +33 (0)4 76 96 45 90 F +33 (0)4 76 21 97 29