project - Rideau Vineyard
project - Rideau Vineyard
PriddyBrothersentertainment presents a film/theatre project producedby Jameslecesne&Hillamedalia AftertheStormisanon-profitFilm/theaterprojectdesignedtobringhopeandfinancialaidtochildren and young adults of New orleans. A feature documentary follows a company of young, non-professionalactorsfromtheinnercityastheyattempttostageamusicalplayoneyearaftertheleveesbroke andchangedtheirlives.thefilmwillthenbeusedasaspringboardtolaunchanationwideprogramencouraginghighschooldramaclubsandcommunitytheaterstoraisemoneyfortheestablished501(c)3. “For out of what we live and believe Our lives become the stories that we weave.” PhotoscourtesydonnYoung key components An adaptation of the musical theater piece once on this island, a story set on a mythical caribbeanislandafteradevastatingstorm,withmajorparallelstoNeworleansinthewake ofitsownhurricane Selectionoftwentytalentedyoungpeople(ages12-19)culledfromNeworleans’hard-hitand predominantlyworking-classtremédistrictandthepopulationofnearbyibervilleProjects creationofanall-citychoir,comprisedof25menandwomen,whowillplay“thegods”and functionastheproduction’schorus involvement of a New York-based documentary filmmaker, theater director and producer, all experienced in their fields and eager to collaborate with the New orleans’ creative community thefilmwillnotonlydocumentthecreationofaNeworleanstheaterproductionofthemusical onceonthisisland,butwillalsorecordthestoriesoftheactors,whattheysurvivedandhow theyarerebuildingtheirlivesoneyearlater.thefilmwillalsobeusedasacatalyst,encouraging similarproductionsinhighschooldramaclubsandcommunitytheatersnationwide. Acompassionatelookatacitythathasbarelyrecoveredfromadevastatinghurricaneand whichisonlynow,oneyearlater,beginningtopieceitselftogether theSt.mark’scommunitycenterthathasbeenthehubofthe tremedistrictforalmost100years.FollowingHurricaneKatrina, thecenterwasforcedtocloseitsdoorsduetolackoffunds. thegrandreopeningofthecenterandstartingupprograms suchasAfterSchool,mentoring,Artclasses,Swimmingclasses anddaycare,willbedocumentedandcelebrated. Neworleanshaslongbeendrivenbyitslocalculture.Butinthe summerof2005,naturetookcenterstage,unexpectedlyand dramaticallychanginglivesanddrivingmanylongtimeresidents fromtheirhomes.Survivalandrebuildinghavebeenthefocus over the past year, putting New orleans’ usual emphasis on music,artandperformanceonthebackburner.Bymarshalling resources from the outside, After the Storm will take a small butimportantstepinhelpingtoreconstitutethecity’screative life.thefilmwillfocusontheday-to-daystruggles,concerns andaspirationsofagroupofyoungpeoplewholivedthrough last year’s cataclysm, and are now trying to do something positiveinthemidstofdespairandtrepidation.AftertheStorm can help organize local youth toward a meaningful purpose and will serve as a beacon to neighboring communities that revival,startingonthesmallestscale,onecommunityatatime, isindeedpossible. press kit page 2 the city of new orleans onthemorningofAugust29th,2005, HurricaneKatrinarippedthroughthecityofNeworleans, breaking its levees, leveling miles of neighborhoods and displacing hundreds of thousands of citizens. in addition to the destruction of life and property, the storm ripped familiesapartandscatteredthemacrossthecountry,often with only the clothes on their backs. For the people left behindorwhoarereturning,theprocessofrebuildingthe cityandsimplygoingonwithlifehadtobeginimmediately. oneyearlater,thatprocesscontinues.manyofthehomes thatwerehithardareonlyjustbeginningtobeinhabitable, while others are being bulldozed. it is estimated that over 200,000 people who evacuated inner-city New orleans havenotyetreturned.threeofthecity’sleveeswillnotbe repairedbeforetheendofthisyear.Areaslikethelower Ninth and Slidell still have no streetlights or traffic signals. Wholedistricts,suchastheNinthWard,havebecomemere ghosttowns.Asthemonthspass,itisbecomingapparent thatmanythousandswillneverseetheirhomesagain.For thosewhohavemanagedtostickitout,theyarelivingina changedandunfamiliarNeworleans. press kit page 3 theplan Productionon AftertheStorm issettobegininmid-Januaryof2007,asthecity isgearingupfortheannualmardiGrasfestivities. Award winning documentary filmmaker, Hilla medaliaandasmallfilmcrewwillfollowtheater director Gerry macintyre as he guides the cast towardproduction.medaliawilltravelaroundto thevariousNeworleanswards,visitingchurch groups, schools, summer camps and communitycentersinsearchoftwentyyoungpeople (ages 12-19) who possess not only the talent, butalsothewillingnessandenergy,todevote to this project. they need to sing, move well, andcommitfullytothetwo-month,intensive rehearsalprocess.thetalentsearchwillleadto auditionsdesignedtowinnowthepooltothe finalfifteenperformers. each young actor will have a story to tell about how he or shesurvivedKatrinaoneyearago—storiesofrescues,evacuations, and myriad losses. But we also want to get an idea ofwhothesekidsare,howthey’resurvivinginpresent-day Neworleans,whattheirfuturedreamsareandhowtheyplan torealizethem.thecrewwillfollowtheperformersasthey goabouttheirdailylivesandtrackhowtheydealwithschool, work, family and rehearsal. inevitably, personalities will emergethatwillgiveaudiencesavividsenseofNeworleans today,andcreateinnerdramasandemotionalthrough-lines thatwillstrengthenthedocumentary’sstory.throughtheir eyes,ourrecenthistorybeginstobecomealivingthing. Auditionswillalsobeheldfortheapproximately25singersin theAll-citychoir.culledfromlocalchurchesandcomprised primarilyofadults,thechoirwillrepresent“thegods”inthe stageproductionofonceonthisislandandprovidemusical backupforthecompanyofkids. Given the dire physical and financial straits facing the city of New orleans, not everyone may recognize or support the need for a theater production at this time. macintyre will make it a point to reach out to city officials. His goal is to convince them that a powerful way to encourage and support the youth in any city is to get them involved in a communityeffort.Withnocosttothecity, AftertheStorm is intending to make a sincere contribution to the regeneration of cultural life, and the everyday existence of teens in Neworleans.oncefilmingisunderway,Neworleansitself will become one of the stars of the film — its surviving architecture, its resilient citizens, its time-honored customs. rehearsalsaresettobeginonJanuary15th.thecastwillassembleatSt.mark’storeadthroughthescript,learnsome ofthemusic,andbegintheprocessofbecomingacommunityofplayers.thisisalwaysanexcitingtimeinanyproduction, but with the hurricane season behind them and the upcoming mardi Gras festivities approaching, the cast will feeltheaddedthrillofbeingapartofNeworleans’effort toreviveitself. Aonenightgalaperformanceofonceonthisislandatthe historiclaPetitetheaterintheheartoftheFrenchQuarter for an audience of New orleans society will give the companyanopportunitytoshineinabigwayandgetcity-wide attention.Followingthisbenefitperformance,therewillbe threefreeperformancesforthepeopleofNeworleansat St. marks, allowing everyone a chance to take part in the successandgivingourcrewplentyofopportunitiestofilm theperformance. Finally, we film the actors and the choir as they say their goodbyes to one another and begin the journey back to theirreallives.theyhaveaccomplished,againstgreatodds, somethingextraordinary. Whatdidtheylearnfromtheexperience? Whohavetheybecomeovertheseven-weekperiod? HowhasNeworleanschangedduringthattime? Whatlife-lessonshavetheylearned fromperformingtheplayitself? press kit page 4 thefund AmiSSioNStAtemeNt inadditiontobeingadocumentaryfilm,AftertheStormisa501(c)3non-profitorganizationdedicatedtohelping youngadultsandlocalyouthorganizationsthathavebeenaffectedbyenvironmentalandeconomicdisasterin America.theStormisagrass-rootscatalyst,promotingeventstoraiseanddistributemoney,toincreaseawarenessandtorevitalizethespiritofexistingrelieforganizations.Stormsupportsthefighttoendpovertyinour country,onecityatatime. throughtheStorm’snationalcampaign,highschooldramaclubsandcommunitytheatresacrossthecountrywill havetheopportunitytoproducebenefitperformancesofthemusical,onceonthisisland.moneyraisedfrom thisnationwidecampaignwillgodirectlytothe AftertheStormFund.thisfundwillthenbedispersedtolocal groups,churchesandorganizationswithinthegreaterNeworleansareathatworktohelpchildrenandyoung adults.By2008,ourgoalistohave2008islandbenefitperformancestakingplacethroughouttheu.S.,educatingmillionsofcitizensaboutthedepthofpovertyinourowncountryandallowingeveryoneanopportunityto participateinchangingthatreality. theStormwillalsostagelarge-scalebenefiteventsand produce innovative gatherings, screenings and educational campaigns to help shift social attitudes and aid impoverishedchildrenandyoungadults. cHecKSSHouldBemAdeto: AftertheStorm . ANdmAiledto: AftertheStorm 332BleeckerStreet#431 NewYork,NY10014 . . . FormoreiNFormAtioNcoNtAct: Jameslecesne . . Hillamedalia . press kit page 5 thebios james lecesne hilla medalia Writer/Film Producer Film Director/Producer Now based in NYC, Medalia earned a bachelor’s degree in radio and television from Southern Illinois University (2001) and a master’s degree in Mass Communications: Professional Media Practice (2004). Recently, she was a senior producer of the award-winning documentary 39 Pounds of Love, (2005 Ophir Award, “Israeli Oscar”). The film also won “best documentary” at both The 2005 Palm Beach and Mill Valley film festivals. 39 Pounds of Love was released in U.S. (Landmark) theatres in late 2005 and made it onto the Academy Award short list for best documentary film. Medalia has received numerous honors and recognitions including a 2005 Regional Emmy Award for the documentary project Condition: John Foppe, and the 2004 Angelus Award for directing the short film, Daughters of Abraham. The project also won second place in the documentary category at 2004 BEA, received the 2003 UFVA Carole Fielding Student Grant, and was screened at festivals around the world. She also won a National Association of Television Program Executives (NATPE) Film and Student Award for ALT.LANDSCAPE, a five-minute scripted narrative. Medalia is currently in the post-production of her new HBO feature documentary that she directed and produced. The film is expected to release early 2007. lesley mazzotta Lecesne has created several one-person shows, including the critically acclaimed Word of Mouth. Directed by Eve Ensler and produced by Mike Nichols, Word of Mouth won numerous awards for best solo performance including The NY Drama Desk Award, The Outer Critics Circle Award and The LA Theater Weekly Award. His live action short film, TREVOR, won an Academy Award in 1994, and inspired him to start The Trevor Project, a non profit organization that operates the only 24-hour suicide prevention helpline for GLBT and Questioning teens. Over the past ten years, the Trevor helpline has literally saved thousands of young lives. Working with young people in Cambodia, Tibet and Bosnia, Mr. Lecesne created The Road Home: Stories of Children of War, which premiered at The Asia Society in NYC and was presented at The International Peace Initiative at The Hague. This theatre piece for 8 actors was instrumental in bringing worldwide attention to the plight of children who were living in the midst of war. He also adapted Armistead Maupin’s Further Tales of The City as a mini series for Showtime Network (Emmy Nomination) and is currently in development with a mini series of Michael Cunningham’s Flesh & Blood. Also in development is the feature film Simply Halston, to be directed by Daniel Minahan for Killer Films. Lecesne recently wrote one of the final episodes of the popular TV series, Will & Grace. James’ first Young Adult novel entitled Absolute Brightness will be published by Harper Collins in Fall 2007. Event Producer From 1999-2006, Lesley was Producing Director of Camp Broadway, an award winning theater company, creating special events, themed experiences and educational programs for children, teens and families across the country. While at Camp Broadway, she was responsible for all aspects of their year-round performing arts programs, educational projects, special events and corporate partnerships, tripling the company’s revenue and client base. Top clients include Royal Caribbean International, Bravo Television Network, Macy’s Annual Events, The Johnny Mercer Foundation, and many, many theater productions each season. Today, she serves as a member of Camp Broadway’s advisory board. Prior, she was a marketing director and special events producer, working on such productions as the Tony-nominated Damn Yankees starring Bebe Neuwith and later Jerry Lewis; the national tour of Damn Yankees starring Mr. Lewis; Duke Ellington’s Play On! and the Outer Critics Award-nominated Jam On The Groove. She served as Associate Producer for London’s West End Production of Damn Yankees starring Jerry Lewis and Budd Schulberg’s Broadway production of On The Waterfront starring Penelope Ann Miller and Ron Eldard. Lesley is a member of The League of American Theaters and Producers, where she serves on the education committee. press kit page thebios gerry mcintyre Director/choreographer Off-Broadway, Soon Of A Mornin’ at The Lions Theatre, Regional: Once On This Island at Virginia Stage, Actors Theatre Of Louisville, and La Mirada Center for the Performing Arts (Robby and Dramalogue Award for Best Director, Ovation nomination for Best Choreography and Best Musical). Gerry staged the Island benefit for Broadway Cares Equity Fights Aids on Broadway. Other directing credits include, Sammy & Me, Hanger Theatre; Ain’t Misbehavin’, Actors Theatre Of Louisville; Damn Yankees, Anything Goes and Annie Get Your Gun at the Madrid Theatre, Choreography credits — Laura Comstock Dog Punching Dog (LA Weekly nomination for Best Choreography) Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, San Jose Musical Theatre Center; A Saint She Ain’t, My Fair Lady, and Side By Side at the Berkshire Theatre Festival. TV credits — Rosie O’Donnell Show, Designing Women, Major Dad, Golden Palace. Gerry is a SSDC dance break winner. As a performer: Broadway — Once On This Island, Anything Goes, Joseph...Dreamcoat, Uptown It’s Hot, A Christmas Carol. TV — Law & Order, Whoopi, Nypdblue, Caroline In The City, The Pretender, Murphy Brown, Jamie Foxx. Movies — Broadway Damage, The Kiss The Next Step, and Gerry was one of three americans chosen for the Joseph...Dreamcoat movie. He is a national Irene Ryan winner. randy redd MUSICAL DIRECTOR Credits include the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade (an annual event featuring 600 young performers from all over the U.S.), Animal Farm (Synapse Productions), Smoke On The Mountain, Pump Boys And Dinettes, Buffalo Gals, Broadway Spotlight (Ars Nova), Really Rosie (Atlantic Theater Co.) and A History Of The American Film (Atlantic Theater Co.) Randy also teaches musical theater at NYU/CAP21, The Atlantic Theater Company and is a teaching artist with Camp Broadway, Broadway Classroom, Arts Horizons, DreamYard, the Bravo Network’s On With The Show. An actor as well as a musician, Randy made his Broadway debut in Parade directed by Harold Prince at Lincoln Center. He appeared as “Britt Craig” in the National Tour of Parade and as “Bingo Little” in the American premiere of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s By Jeeves directed by Alan Ayckbourn. He most recently appeared on Broadway in the Johnny Cash musical, Ring Of Fire directed by Richard Maltby. Off-Broadway and regional credits include Ahrens and Flaherty’s Lucky Stiff, Blood Brothers, Smoke On The Mountain, Forever Plaid (Connecticut Critic’s Circle Award), One Man Band with James Lecesne, the 25th Anniversary Production of Pump Boys And Dinettes (Metrolina Theater Award and Charlotte Theater Award) with Jim Wann and Empire. He has worked at such reputable theaters as Manhattan Theater Club, Naked Angels, The Kennedy Center, The Goodspeed Opera House, The Geffen Playhouse, The York Theater Co., Cincinnati Playhouse In The Park, Studio Arena, Pittsburgh CLO, Charlotte Repertory Theater, Coconut Grove Playhouse, Stamford Center For The Arts, The Cape Playhouse, The Actor’s Playhouse and many others. Film and television credits include Kinsey directed by Academy Award winner Bill Condon, The Wright Verdicts (CBS), Fame L.A., Good Morning America, the Today Show (NBC), the Tony Awards (CBS), the 78th, 79th and 80th Annual Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade (NBC). His first play, Mississippi Sugar was developed and produced at The Repertory Theatre of St. Louis. Composer credits include: Monkey Shines (No Pants Theater Co.), Hold (American Living Room Festival at Lincoln Center), Jacob Sterling: For Crying Out Loud (Atlantic Theater Co.) with David Pittu and There’s The Story with Tim McCracken. In concert: Town Hall, Alan Light’s Live From Home, New Voices Collective, Symphony Space, St. John The Divine, Ars Nova, Dominion, The Knitting Factory, Cooper Union and Joe’s Pub. CD: Lucky Stiff (York Theater Co.), Parade (Original Cast Recording), Jason Robert Brown’s Wearing Someone Else’s Clothes, Neo and Ring Of Fire (Original Cast Recording). He will record his first solo CD, Randy Redd/american, in December. press kit page thebios john & ed priddy Executive Producers As co-founders of Priddy Brothers Entertainment, John and Ed develop, produce and distribute independent films that explore with respect, grace and artistry the depth and breadth of the human experience. The company champions high-quality film projects created by self-energized, entrepreneurial filmmakers passionate about their art and its message. Staunch supporters of young filmmakers, the Priddys were instrumental in launching the Windrider Forum which takes place each year during the Sundance Film Festival. The Forum includes lively, creative workshops, and discussions which allow both cutting-edge graduate and undergraduate film students to interact with the year’s top film projects. John and Ed are long-time sponsors of the Angelus Student Film Awards and creators of the Triumph Award. The Priddys are executive producers of award-winning documentaries: 39 Pounds of Love, Doug Block’s critically acclaimed 51 Birch Street and Hilla Medalia’s To Die in Jerusalem. Upcoming projects include Craig Detweiller’s Purple State of Mind. press kit page theplay onceonthisislandisahighlyacclaimedBroadwaymusical,acaribbeanadaptationof thepopularfairytalethelittlemermaid.WrittenbytonyAwardwinningauthors,StevenFlaherty andlynnAhrens,onceonthisislandisamusicalthatsingsanddancesthestoryoftimoune,a blackpeasantgirlonamythicalcaribbeanislandwhosurvivesahurricaneandthenmustdiscover herpurposeinlife.“thegods”whocapriciouslyruletheislanddecidetoguidetimouneona quest,andtotestthestrengthofherloveagainstthepowerfulforcesofprejudice,nature,hatred andfinallydeath.theelementsofthisplaynotonlyallowfortheactorstoshineinastylecloseto theirowncreoleroots,butitalsoallowstheopportunityforthemtodelveintotheirmemoriesof Katrinaandtelltheirpersonalstories.Asthefinallinesoftheplayremindsus… “For out of what we live And believe Our lives become The stories that we weave.” the plot the play begins with the howling sounds of hurricane forcewindsastheislandishithard.Agroupofpeasant storytellersaretrappedwithinahutduringaragingstorm. inordertosootheayoungchild’sdistress,theyrecount anage-oldstory.intheopeningnumber Wedance,the peasants describe their world; their lives are ruled by powerful gods and their island is ruled by the wealthy “grands hommes.” they explain that the peasants and the grands hommes comprise “two different worlds, nevermeanttomeet.Butifthegodsmoveourfeet,we dance.” in one Small Girl they begin the tale of ti moune who fellinlovewithagrandhommeafterbeing“chosenby thegodsforamagicalfate.”theydescribehowshewas savedfromafloodbythegodswhenshewasachildand raisedbylovingadoptiveparents.Attheendofthesong, timounehasturnedintoabeautifulyoungwoman. in Waitingforlife,timoune,whoisnowworkinginthe hotfields,yearnsforanundefinedfuture,whichshefeels she has been promised by the gods. She reminds them thattheyhavesingledheroutandtellsthemnottoforget her.Agrandhommedressedinwhitedrivespastherand shedecidesthathewillsomedaycarryherofftoagrand newlife. in the Gods Heard Her Prayer, the gods of earth, Water, love, and death decide to allow ti moune to have her grandhommetoprovewhetherloveordeathisthemost powerful god. they will each play a part in her journey. Agwe,theGodofWaterstartsbycausinganightof rain. Agwecausestheyounggrandhomme,daniel,tocrashhis caronadarkroadandallowstimounetodiscoverhim.ti mounecradlesdanielinherarms,realizingthatthegods haveansweredherprayer. despitetheobjectionsofthepeasants,timounecaresfor daniel. As her father, tonton Julian, goes off in search of daniel’sfamily,timoune’smother,mamaeuralie,observes thattimounehasbecomeobsessedwithdaniel.tonton Juliandiscoversthatdaniel’sfamilylivesbehindtheguarded gatesofafinehotel.thepeasantsfearthattimoune’sfolly will bring the wrath of the gods down upon them. they Praytowardoffevilasaterriblestormrises. onceinsideherhut,timounepledgesherlovetodanielin thesongForeverYours.Sheimagineshimhandsomeand well, pledging his love in return. Papa Ge, the demon of deathcomestoclaimdaniel.timounepromisestogiveup herownlifeandsoulifPapaGewillonlysparedaniel.He agreestoherbargainwithglee.tontonJulianleadsdaniel’s press kit page 9 family to him and they carry him off in a stretcher. ti mouneinsistsonfollowingdaniel.Althoughherparents pleadwithhertoremainwiththem,theyfinallyallowher toleavewiththeirblessing. ti moune’s journey begins as the storytellers enter dressedasbirds,trees,frogs,andbreezes.theyintroduce Asaka,motheroftheearth,whopromisedtimounethat mamaWillProvideallthethingssheislikelytoneedonher way.timouneentersdaniel’sroomwhereheliesinbed, stillfeverishfromhisinjuries.Aftersheconvinceshimthat she has come to heal him, he agrees to let her stay the night.Astimouneliesdownbesidehim,theGoddessof love,erzulie,appearstopresideoverthemintheHuman Heart. in Pray (reprise) the storytellers become gossips, commentingontheunlikelyunionofagrandhommeand a peasant girl as daniel and ti moune fall deeply in love. thegossipsinsistthattimounemaybedaniel’smistress, butwillneverbecomehiswife. onastarlitevening,timounetellsdanielofherdreams fortheirfuture.HerepliesthatsheisdifferentfromSome Girls he has known and says, “some girls you marry, someyoulove.”Ashesings,anothergirldressesbeforea mirror,herelegantmovementsandclothesincontrastto timoune’ssimplicityandearthiness. AttheHotelBeauxhommes,aballisheldandthegrands hommeseagerlywaitforaglanceoftimoune.Shearrives, dressedbeautifullybutsimply.danielintroducestimoune to Andrea devereaux, the girl we saw dressing for the ball. At Andrea’s request, ti moune dances, enchanting everyone at the ball. As ti moune celebrates her triumphantperformance,Andreaaskshertoperformat herweddingexplainingthatitisshewhowillbemarrying daniel. danieltellstimounethathewaspromisedtoAndreaas achildand“thisishowthingsaredone.”timouneisin shock and daniel bluntly tells her that they could never havemarried.desolateandalone,timounehearscritical voicesfromthepast.PapaGeappearsandremindsher ofherpromisereprisingForeverYours.However,hesays thatinsteadofsurrenderingherownsoul,shecanchoose tokilldanielandhaveherownlifeback.remindingherof daniel’sbetrayal,hegivesheraknife.timouneisthrown outoftheHotelBeauxhommes.Shewaits,noteatingor sleeping,untildanielandAndreapassbyheraftertheir wedding,tossingcoinstothepeasants.Shecallsoutto daniel and he pauses by her side for a moment, then moveson.Shecurlsupindespair,andfromherhandfalls thecoindanielhaspressedintoit. Andthegodsbegantocry—tearsofcompassionforthe orphantimoune,whoprovedthatlove,couldwithstand thestorm,andcrosstheearth,andsurviveeveninthe faceofdeath.mamaeuraliebeginsalamentfortimoune, Partofus.thestorytellersenacttimoune’sdeath.She is passed gently from one god to the next, until at last Asaka takes ti moune to her breast, and lays her to restintheearth.Andthegodsbegantocry—tearsof compassionfortheorphantimoune,whoprovedthat lovecouldwithstandthestorm,andcrosstheearth,and surviveeveninthefaceofdeath. timouneisresurrectedfromtheearthasabeautifultree, onewhichwillshelterpeasantsandgrandhommesalike foryearstocome.thestorytellerstellthelittlegirlhow daniel’syoungsonencounteredabeautifulpeasantgirl inthetreeandthespiritoftimounesetthemfreetolove oneanother.thisis WhyWetelltheStory.theysingto thelittlegirl,“Foroutofwhatweliveandwebelieve,our livesbecomethestoriesthatweweave.” Asthelittlegirlpicksupthethreadofthestoryandbegins totellit,thestorytellersresumetheirplacesaroundthe fireandthestarscomeout,asthelightsfadeonthem. p ress kit page 10