canada music week
canada music week
Spring 2014 YOUNG ARTIST TOUR 2013 Saturday, July 26 and Sunday, July 27 FINANCIAL REPORTS CANADA MUSIC WEEK PUBLICATION INFORMATION ARTICLES All submissions must be received by the NOTES editor by the following deadlines: June 1 (summer issue), October 1 (fall issue), February 1 (spring issue). The editor prefers that all text be sent by e-mail using Microsoft Word. Reports from the Branches and Special Teacher biographies are limited to 400 words. Written permission must accompany all text where applicable. PHOTOS High resolution colour photos in .jpg format are preferred. Email photos directly to: Contents REPRINT PERMISSION All material in this publication is copyrighted and may not be duplicated or reprinted without advance written permission. DISCLAIMER The views expressed in NOTES are not necessarily those of the Ontario Registered Music Teachers’ Association, neither are the products or services appearing in advertisements and inserts endorsed by that Association. ADVERTISING Ad sizes and rates are available from: Nancy Dale 58 Shakespeare Avenue P.O. Box 1639 Niagara-on-the-Lake; L0S 1J0 Tel: 905-468-5639 E Mail: Advertising must be submitted to Nancy by article “due dates” listed above. All final ad artwork must be saved in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. When preparing ads, use high resolution images and fonts, and set the Acrobat Preferences to embed the fonts and images at their original high resolution quality. NOTES FOR NON-MEMBERS Non-ORMTA members may receive NOTES by submitting an annual fee to Ron Spadafore, Provincial Secretary/Registrar, Box 635, Timmins, ON P4N 7G2. The charge for Canadian residents is $20 per year, $30 for non-residents. Please make the cheque out to ORMTA. NOTES EDITOR Please send material for review to: Patrick McCormick - Notes Editor 158 McRoberts Avenue, Toronto M6E 4P5 Tel: (416) 554 3998 email: Calendar of Events 2 Privacy Policy 2 From the Editor 3 From the President 4 From the Branches 5 Technique, with a Hint of Irony 11 Young Artist Tour 2013 12 Oh! Canada! Convention 2014 14 ORMTA – Canada Music Week Reports 21 ORMTA Member Happenings 27 Financial Reports 28 Membership has its Privileges 32 Annual General Meeting 33 From the Registrar’s Desk 34 Sense 35 Provincial Executive and Zone Representatives 36 The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers NOTES Spring 2014 1 Calendar of Events March 1 Deadline for changes of address and/or membership status to Provincial Registrar March 15 Deadline for Music Writing Competition submissions to CMW Chairperson March 15 Branch concerns to Zone Representative for presentation to Council Meeting April 1 Deadline for OCTA submissions April 12 Provincial Council Executive Meeting April 13 Provincial Council Meeting April 30 Deadline for all professional development requests for 2014-2015 May 15 Nominations for Zone Representatives, to Provincial Secretary May 15 Branch Delegate names re Annual Meeting, to Provincial Secretary May 31 Deadline for Zone entries in the Provincial Student and Young Artist Competitions to Provincial Chairperson June 1 “NOTES” deadline for summer issue July 1 Membership fees are due July 1 Deadline for branch executive lists for 2014-2015 July 1 Branch concerns to Zone Representative for presentation to Council Meeting July 25 Provincial Council Executive Meeting July 25 Provincial Council Meeting July 26-27 2014 Provincial Convention, Annual General Meeting, Awards Luncheon and Competitions The Westin Prince Hotel 900 York Mills Road, Toronto Ontario M3B 3H2 August 1 Requests for Ontario Young Artist Recitals to Chairperson THE ONTARIO REGISTERED MUSIC TEACHERS’ ASSOCIATION PRIVACY POLICY The Ontario Registered Music Teachers’ Association respects your privacy. We protect your personal information and adhere to all legislative requirements with respect to protecting your privacy. We do not rent, sell or trade our mailing lists. The information you provide will be used to deliver services and to keep you informed and up to date on activities of the Ontario Registered Music Teachers’ Association, including workshops, clinics, conventions, recitals, competitions and other special events, funding needs, opportunities to volunteer or give, newsletters, NOTES magazine, membership, brochures, and web-site information. If at any time you wish to be removed from our mailing list or discuss our privacy policy in greater detail, simply contact us through our SecretaryRegistrar at 705-267-1224 or via e-mail at and we will gladly accommodate your request. For more info please visit and click on “Privacy Policy” at the bottom of the page or contact Provincial Secretary-Registrar, Ron Spadafore. 2 NOTES Spring 2014 The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers from your NOTES Editor! The polar vortex that has plagued us seems to have finally gone – thank goodness – and now it’s time for the rites of spring. Recitals, getting set for examinations and looking forward to getting together at the Oh! Canada! Convention. This year, the Convention will be taking place on July 26th and 27th at the Westin Prince Hotel located off the Don Valley parkway. We are delighted to have Dr. Midori Koga, Dr. John Burge and Mr. Kevin McMillan as our competitions adjudicators. Dr. Koga and Mr. McMillan will also be conducting masterclasses; Dr. Burge will be presenting a workshop titled “Piano Teaching Tricks I have Learned Over the Years” and Janet Fothergill will present a workshop titled “Celebrating Canadian Music with our Students”. A complete listing of events are included in this issue along with registration forms for various events. Please note that registration may also be done ONLINE – visit for details. Be sure to check out what ORMTA Branches were up to during Canada Music Week, starting on page 21. Jarred Dunn has written an interesting article on technique – a la Dorothy Taubman – which you can find on page 11. Congratulations to Tabitha Johnson, ORMTA’s 2013 Young Artist Competition Winner. All Branches reported that her performances were outstanding. We wish Tabitha all the best as she pursues post-secondary study in music on the way to a rewarding career. Please make every effort to get out to workshops in your area this Spring. Teacher development is something we all need and professional networking remains invaluable. Happy teaching everyone – I look forward to hearing from you all throughout the year! Patrick McCormick Editor The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers NOTES Spring 2014 3 From the President Greetings everyone! I hope you all managed to stay warm during the “polar vortex” that Mother Nature subjected us to this winter. Luckily, we Canadians are a hardy lot. What’s a little snow and some chilly air?! When you read this, the days will be a bit longer, the air a bit warmer and the snow will be on it’s way – I hope. Spring will be arriving and with it music festivals, exams and recitals. Our new student membership pilot project at the University of Ottawa is off and running thanks to Professor Gilles Comeau and Ottawa Region Branch liaisons Kimberley Sundell and Ann Babin. We have had five members sign up and they have already organized and held master classes and workshops which our Ottawa branch members were invited to attend. We welcome new GTA Zone Representative Jennifer Smele to Provincial Council. Jennifer will be taking over the prizes portfolio and we all look forward to working with her. We wish our Provincial Patron, Stéphane Lemelin, our best as he moves from Ottawa to Montreal. He has been appointed Professor of Piano and Chair of the Department of Performance at the Schulich School of Music at McGill University starting in May 2014. He has given our ORMTA Ottawa students many master classes at the University of Ottawa and I know the students and teachers will miss him greatly. Bon chance, Stéphane! The CFMTA Articles of Continuance and the Bylaws were passed on November 15, 2013 and submitted to the government. They have been accepted and are now the Official CFMTA Bylaws. ORMTA had the only dissenting vote. 4 NOTES Spring 2014 We objected to the lack of representation by population as far as voting privileges are concerned and the fact that non-delegates are allowed to hold chair positions, thus incurring additional expenses to the CFMTA. Since it has been decided that the only members of the Federation are the Provincial/ Territorial Associations themselves, we also asked that all references to “individual members” be removed from the Bylaws – they were not. There was considerable talk at the July meeting of how, with two votes for each provincial/territorial association, we are all ‘equal around the table’. If we are all equal, why are our membership dues calculated based on the number of individual members in our provincial/territorial associations? Why aren’t all (equal) provinces/territories paying the same amount for membership dues? While several provinces and the one territory pay less than $3,000/ year to be members of the CFMTA, ORMTA paid $31,242 this past year. Voting structured on representation by population would recognize the financial contribution made by the larger provinces towards the Federation. I would like to suggest that you reread the article in the Spring 2013 issue of NOTES (pages 26 and 27) ( in NOTES archives) which addressed the concerns prior to last July’s vote - “Important The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers Notice to all ORMTA Members/ Changes at CFMTA”. At some point, I think, we are going to have to seriously and carefully reevaluate our continued relationship with the CFMTA. On a happier note - we very much admire the branches and convention convenors who have put in many hours of volunteer time to provide well-run conventions in the past. This time around, Provincial Council is taking our turn. We have restructured the convention to take place over the weekend of July 26 and 27, something our members told us they wanted when they filled out the post-convention survey in 2012. Look for more information in this issue. Finally, some food for thought ... we, as teachers, hold a special place in the musical lives of our students, young and not-so-young ... “A hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove ... but the world may be different because I was important in the life of a child.” ~ Forest E. Witcraft (1894-1967) Teacher, Scholar Happy teaching. Sue Jones President From the Branches Etobicoke-Mississauga Branch presents: History I: An Overview with Joe Ringhofer August 25-27, 2014 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon BARRIE Christ Church Now that the busy Holiday Season has come to a close, our Barrie Branch ORMTA has been looking forward to the Winter Season of Competitions. Contact: Our last meeting was held in late November and we had a lovely Christmas Social at a local restaurant. We discussed the success of the recent Barrie Branch Exam Awards and Canada Music Week Recital, which took place on Sat. Nov. 23. The concert was well attended even though the weather was not ideal. A large amount of awards were given out to our students, in piano, vocal and theory disciplines. Students and teachers alike should be very proud of the high standards of achievement set in Barrie. Many thanks to the many volunteer teachers who put this exciting event together. Our upcoming Student Scholarship Evaluations Competition will be held on Sat. March 1. We are excited to have Leonard Gilbert as our adjudicator this year. Students who receive A+ and A marks will be awarded with a scholarship to a local music retailer. These students are also asked to participate in an awards recital at the end of March. Our Branch Competition is also coming up in early May. Renowned Adjudicator James Anagnoson will be adjudicating our senior students. As a special note of congratulations, we would like to recognize a former Barrie Branch Student, Thomas Torok, winner of the 2013 RCM Gold Medal (Top Mark in Gr. 10 Piano in all of Ontario and Québec). – Sarah Lawton 1700 Mazo Cres., Mississauga, ON Virginia Taylor 416-742-6429 to register. $160.00 earlybird July 15, 2014 $175.00 late registration & at the door “We are all history teachers. In the first practical lesson we become story tellers as we contextualize the music they are playing. Through our teaching we share with them our personal explorations of history and style – we take them on exciting voyages of discovery. Whether you teach history “formally” or not, you will come away with fresh insights into the music of four eras – Baroque, Classical, Romantic and Modern. Join us for three fun-filled sessions as we unravel the music, magic and mayhem that is music history!” Joe Ronghofer 2014 The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers NOTES Spring 2014 5 From the Branches November 23rd, to celebrate Canada Music Week, we held our Awards Ceremony and Concert, featuring festival scholarship winners and exam students with high marks, who received awards at this event. Performers at the ceremony were chosen from this group. It was a wonderful afternoon of celebration for teachers, students and their families. student of John Burge and former student of Maria Rost, appeared on the ‘Only in Canada’ segment of CBC TV’s The National; a student of Shelagh McKibbon’s won the gold medal for the RCM Preparatory B piano exam; Jodie Compeau won the RCM’s Gold Medal for Elementary Pedagogy; and John Burge received the Queen’s University Excellence in Research and Scholarship Prize. We have had ongoing pedagogy workshops, about every 6 weeks during the regular teaching year. This past year, and continuing this year, we are watching a series of Dorothy Taubmann Technique DVDs, with discussion at various points of interest during each session. The first event in 2013, was in January, with a workshop on repertoire from grades 5 to diploma level, given by Reginald Miller. In February, one of our members, Jen Smele, hosted a very interesting and delightful evening with Vern Edquist, who was one of Glenn Gould’s piano technicians. In March, we held our Celebration of Music Concert in support of the Wellspring Cancer Centre, with performances by some of our teachers as well as other members of the community. We raised more than $500 in donations for Wellspring, and we’re happy to be able to aid in this worthy cause. Early in May we held our annual Music Festival, for students of local ORMTA teachers. This festival is growing every year, with many quality performances. Our branch is growing! We welcome the following new members to our branch: Jenna Burke, Jarred Dunn, Karen Kastner, and Melissa Arkell. We look forward to their ideas and input as we begin this new year. More than two dozen teachers and students also heard several of their spouses and our own members Anne Palmer (flute), Jennifer Tindale (cello) and Lisa Draper (violin) perform with the Kingston Symphony in a concert featuring the young pianist Jan Lisiecki and Beethoven’s Emperor Concerto. Also in the spring we held levels A, B & C branch competitions and 2 students went on to the zone competitions: Cecilia Lee won the zone competition for level B, and Kaitlyn Chou was a zone runner-up for level C. The local branch also sponsored the Brampton Music Society Concert Series (3 concerts), which included performances by some of our members and promising young musicians from our area. On Kingston’s talented ORMTA members and their students have been busy receiving awards this year! Our branch has had an active Fall and Winter session. With the inauguration of a new executive, headed by Paul Coates, we have been inviting, encouraging and inspiring both teachers and students with a variety of special events. Retired member Darryl Irvine became the RCM Distinguished Legacy Examiner; Martha Hill Duncan had the premiere in New York City at the National Opera Association convention of a short version of her first opera Searching the Painted Sky; Leonid Nediak, a composition We hosted the Young Artist Concert in September enjoying a wonderful program by Tabitha Johnson. We were inspired by a Monster Workshop, led by Paul Coates, in September where teachers and students learned how to become engaged in their practicing. Big BRAMPTON-BOLTON-CALEDON We recently reviewed our activities for the year 2013 and realized what a great year we’ve had. We are an active branch and hope to enrich the teachers, their students and our community with workshops, festival and other activities throughout the year. Following, is a summary of this past year’s events. 6 NOTES Spring 2014 2014 is shaping up to be similar to last year. Already there have been two small workshops hosted by members of our branch; one series of 4 held by Jen Smele, and led by Jennifer Knelman, on senior piano literature, and one workshop hosted by Evelyn Nojd and led by chartered accountant Eric East for those in our branch who were in need of income tax advice. We are already preparing for the Wellspring Concert on Saturday, March 8, and our annual festival, which will take place on Saturday, May 3, and eagerly looking forward to all that the rest of the year has to offer. Anne Palmer’s husband John Palmer adjudicated our Canada Music Week festival in November which was greatly enjoyed by all. We are now busy getting students ready for the Kiwanis Music Festival in February as well as preparing for workshops given by Christopher Norton in March. – Meg Freer KITCHENER WATERLOO – Evelyn Nojd KINGSTON The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers From the Branches NEWMARKET & AREA The Newmarket & Area Branch has had a successful year thus far, consisting of meetings, a Branch Workshop, recitals, student auditions, Newmarket Children’s Health Festival and various performance opportunities. We continue to grow as a branch and are becoming more diverse with the instruments that our members teach. It has been so enjoyable to have the students of Maria Jacobbson (Harp) and Svetlana Novikova (Flute) take part in our events. thanks to Paul who donated $500 from the proceeds of the two Monster workshops toward our branch competition fund. we bring gently used jeans to be donated to students between 16 24 years of age through a program offered at Aeropostale. In October, Donna Mak coordinated a very successful Musical Masquerade recital which involved 19 teachers and 47 performances. We discussed potentially expanding the recital further into a day-long unlimited event in a larger venue since we were full to capacity, or adding a second recital because of its popularity. We have hosted both branch and zone level competitions for senior players to advance to the provincial Instrumental, Vocal and Young Artist competitions for many years. Our new initiative is to extend the competition down to RCM/CC grades 4/5 and 6/7 so that our younger students have an opportunity to compete, be adjudicated, have their repertoire workshopped and see by example where the next level of competition can lead - ultimately to a Young Artist competition. This branch competition is taking place on April 26th at Erb St. Mennonite Church in Waterloo. In November, Joanne Bender and Ilva Gierman coordinated a fantastic Canada Music Week day-long session of performances and master classes adjudicated by Laurier Professor of Music, Heather Taves, culminating in a Recital of Canadian Music by student performers. In February, Rachel Sixt is coordinating a “Pops Recital - Jeans for Teens” recital to give our students the opportunity to perform popular music they may not be able to perform in any other ORMTA event. In support of the CFMTA Branching Out initiative, Rachel suggested After the Kiwanis Music Festival in May, Donna Mak will be coordinating an ORMTA Spring Recital on Saturday, May 31 to celebrate a year of music. We also will be handing out the Ritz-Larsen Awards to students who are recommended and nominated by their ORMTA teachers. – Lorrie Tennant I would like to start by saying thank you to the many volunteers who help to make our branch run so efficiently; in particular, Betty Taylor, Sheila Vandikas, Heather Faris, Madeleine Swain and Alessandra Matthews. Your tireless efforts do not go unrecognized! As previously mentioned in the Fall edition of Notes, our branch enjoyed a great start to the year by taking part in two events. The first was the Children’s Health Festival, held outdoors on a beautiful September day. In September, the branch participated in a somewhat different undertaking... a special thank you to Paulette Popp for donating the 300 Newmarket & Area teacher directories that were placed in “loot bags”, and to John Schienke (Grand Piano House) for setting up the tent so early in the morning! Secondly, Debra Wanless’s workshop Understanding Learning Styles in the Studio inspired 22 teachers from our branch and other local branches to apply this new-found knowledge on our individual students. Kudos to ORMTA for contributing to the cost of these semi-annual workshops. In late October, Mary Jeanne Oliver hosted an adult recital at her home. As this was my first time inviting my The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers NOTES Spring 2014 7 From the Branches Adult Recital Performers and Vocal Teacher, Heather Faris. adult students to take part, I must say that the evening was a delight! The recital featured vocal, piano, violin and harp students belonging to nine teachers in the branch. The recital ended with three lovely performances, given by teachers Maria Jacobbson, Heather Faris and Mary Jeanne Oliver. We all celebrated with refreshments and cheese afterwards. Canada Music Week allowed the seventy students who took part in these two recitals to perform many diverse genres of instrumental music. (please see the Canada Music Week section on page 21 of this issue) Music In The Mall is a favourite among our students and teachers. Each year, approximately one hundred students entertain the Christmas shoppers at the Upper Canada Mall in Newmarket. We arrived this year to discover a bright red upright piano that actually had red and white striped “black keys”! The joyous sounds of piano, voice and flute filled the food court amidst the hustle and bustle of the shoppers. Many thanks to Zuzana Gabor and Janis Mitchell for arranging this annual event, and also to John Schienke (Grand Piano House) for providing the branch with the piano. NORTH BAY In honour of Canada Music Week, branch president Nancy Hughes chaired our annual Honour Recital which took place on Saturday, November 23, 2013. It is an event where we recognize the efforts of our students who have achieved an honours standing in their practical examinations. Some cash awards are presented to the most senior grades. Those who receive the highest mark in theoretical subjects also receive certificates. Our teachers and students look forward to the second half of the calendar year …. a second set of auditions and Branch recitals, which, for the first time will include harp and flute; Lions Festival, Awards Festival and finally our end of the year teacher social. Please visit the branch website @ with any queries you may have regarding upcoming events and meetings. – Sheila McLean Our Candy Cane Recital which is a pre-Christmas fun event including some carol singing, took place on Saturday, December 7, 2013 and was chaired by Jessica Wadley. This event was preceded by our informal Adult Student Recital hosted at the home of member Beth Chartrand on the evening of Friday, December 6, 2013. Our final meeting of 2013 was a luncheon meeting at Average Joe’s Restaurant which took place on Friday , November 22, 2013. This is always an enjoyable meeting. A highlight was two draws on prizes provided by president Nancy Hughes. Theory and practical examination took place in December and January as usual. We would also like to welcome new member Catherine Frair-Trenker to our group. – Brian McDowell Performers Jane, Hank, & Jean – Music In The Mall 8 NOTES Spring 2014 The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers From the Branches Please join us on May 24, at 7 PM, at St. Matthew’s United Church in Richmond Hill and listen to some lovely music performed by teachers and alumni on piano, violin, flute, cello and voice. This season we welcomed again new members who are eager to get involved in our activities. They bring their expertise and experience that we are all looking forward to share, and also contribute to the diversity of instruments taught in our group. Other activities that we are engaged in: workshops, master classes, participation in the AGM, meetings to share and discuss different issues in connection with our work. North Bay Honour Recital. NORTH YORK/YORK REGION The members of our branch, North York/York Region, love combining teaching with performing; consequently, our students love learning but also performing. The love of music is passed on from teachers to students and, through our recitals, it is passed on to our audiences. Let’s start with our students. We have two auditions – November and April – leading to two recitals in December and May. The December recital promotes Canadian music; the highest marks received in a performance of music by Canadian composers are recognized with special awards. The performers who receive audition marks of 80 and over perform in an enthusiastic Awards Festival in June. It is fascinating and heartwarming to watch these kids performing with such energy and talent, and to follow them over the years as they grow both in musicality and size, from reaching the pedals to playing like angels. We are very proud of the quality of our recitals where pianists, singers and string players enjoy listening to each other, hearing different pieces of music and sharing their talents with the audience. They also perform together in duets, duos, trios and accompany each other with different musical instruments. They have a good example in their teacher-performers who participate in bi-annual teacher recitals. This year, a new idea came to life: alumni students were invited to take part in this concert to perform and to tell the audience how they keep music in their lives while pursuing further studies or careers. We renamed this recital “Teachers and Alumni Recital”, a nice sounding name, and we are very excited to have our “old” students coming back to the concert stage. We are preparing to choose a clinician for our next workshop in 2015 and to pick a topic of interest for all the members. We will look at different possibilities and decide together the direction we want our next workshop to take. A voice masterclass conducted by Roland Fix will offer adult singers an opportunity to work with an adjudicator and also to listen and to learn from each other. And finally, our thrice a year general meetings are a riot of discussion, participation, opinions, views, laughter, sometimes visiting babies, coffee, finger foods and cookies. As we conduct them in the homes of our members, we feel like belonging to a close knit family, while receiving fresh blood with new members joining in. We are looking forward with anticipation to all this array of events coming our way in the next few months, and we feel fortunate that we can do all this for the love of music. – Myriam Shechter The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers NOTES Spring 2014 9 From the Branches OTTAWA REGION Ottawa Region Branch is delighted that we were chosen to partner with the University of Ottawa’s School of Music on a pilot project that would offer music students at the university the opportunity to become ORMTA Student Members. To date five students have registered and they have come up with their first presentations: 2 sessions with Geneviève Hone on Anxiety and Performance and a workshop with University of Calgary teacher Marilyn Engel. This exciting venture is being headed by faculty liaison Dr. Gilles Comeau, and ORMTA liaisons Kimberley Sundell and Ann Babin. As always, we have been very busy providing our members with a multitude of events to participate in such as our January breakfast meeting; first class honours recitals; adult student workshops, masterclasses and recitals; and a masterclass with Professor Stéphane Lemelin. Sadly for us, he will be leaving Ottawa this spring to begin a new venture at McGill University in Montreal. We wish him luck and bid him a fond farewell. In February Dr. John Burge of Queen’s University will be presenting a workshop titled “The Art of Assessment, a Workshop for Music Teachers” where we will learn what an experienced assessor looks for in a performance. Finally, I want to extend our invitation to come to Ottawa and participate in any of our events. You can find all kinds of information about us at our website: Happy Spring! – Ann Empey 10 NOTES Spring 2014 THUNDER BAY Two teachers of the Thunder Bay branch, Dianne Potts and Kathy Schmidt, hosted two composing workshops during Canada Music Week for children aged 8-14. Each group met for approximately one hour with eight students attending each session. Students had fun with rhythm and beat, call and response, exploring compositional techniques and sharing their own ideas on paper, computer and at the piano. Each workshop ended with a Canadian cupcake. Two young composers provided entry and exit music with their own compositions. Early on in December we hosted a pedagogy workshop with Professor Evgueni Tchougounov of Lakehead Univerisity’s music department. Professor Tchougounov was very inspiring and worked with 8 Grade 8 - Grade 10 piano students. He used their pieces as a springboard to discuss several pedagogical principles and dealt especially with touch and phrasing. He is pictured above with Grade 8 piano student Elizabeth Houlding as they worked through a John Field Nocturne. We hope to have another workshop with him in the spring. The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers This January we said goodbye and gave a special thank you to our current president Mrs. Pam Lewis who had to resign just short of her second term. As a result, our branch members are going through some restructuring of officers and have formed two committees to develop some policies and procedures and to also take a closer look at the ORMTA bylaws. We are very grateful to Mr. Sean Kim and Mr. Derek Oger who agreed to step into officer positions and to Dianne Potts who agreed to sit as president until our general meeting. As a branch we have been looking at ways to inform the community about the benefits of students studying with a registered and qualified teacher. To achieve some of our goals in this area we had the son of one of our affiliate members design a pullup banner which can be used to promote our branch at trade shows, ORMTA recitals and at music festival competitions. We also have entered the digital world with ads on Kijiji and Facebook. – Kathy Schmidt Technique, with a Hint of Irony Jarred Dunn After researching her and observing general opinion, I have noticed that Dorothy Taubman is a controversial figure. Where did she get the technique that rehabilitated so many pianists and made her a name synonymous with the exceptional but also the cultish? repertoire. Therefore, I include three principles below that, if grasped early on, will save others time and many repetitive lessons on technical insecurities: My own teacher told me over lunch once, “Everything I’ve been able to give you technically is from her [Taubman],” – quite a statement, coming from Veda Kaplinsky. After doing a study with my students, I learned how they perceived technique. Prior to studying with me, none of them knew of Mrs. Taubman, and they all shared in three misunderstandings: 1. If you have good technique, you play fast pieces; people with bad technique only play slow ones. 2. Either you have talent and technique, or you don’t: it’s nearly impossible to learn it. 3. Technique means the scales and chords from our method books. In the time I’ve spent explaining the backwardness of these small statements to my students, I could have learned at least ten more concerti for my own 1. Technique allows you to play anything, problem-free (passages or pieces of any difficulty). 2. Technique can be learned, if learned by physical coordination: a student can learn to play any configurations the literature demands. 3. Technique does not mean scales and chords; it means, literally, “the means by which a task is accomplished.” To comment briefly: the understanding Taubman brought to the meaning of ‘technique’ answers the question, ‘How do you do that?’ It is not entirely an intuition we are gifted with (or without). Mrs. Taubman, in many ways, codified Chopin’s method (supple wrist, rotation, arm movements) into verifiable motions that produce optimal coordination for playing. This is the root of piano technique: physiology; and to the chagrin of piano teachers, it can be proven physically that certain kinds of movement do not help to solve technical problems, and certain movements do. Objectivism is the greatest proof of the legitimacy of this technique. Before studying the Taubman Approach I believed the myth that technique is an inherent talent, either possessed or not, almost by magic or luck. While reading an article of Mrs. Taubman’s, I realized that I had spent years believing teachers who said I had ‘bad technique’ yet never had a teacher so much as attempt to teach motions used in playing freely. In some ways, not having a teacher and doing my own research would have been better for me. Incidentally, upon sharing with one professor that I found Taubman’s work, the professor hissed, “She caused so much damage.” Ironically, that very professor would say, a year later, that I had grown exponentially and became a far superior pianist than I had been a year before, not knowing I had just spent one summer learning the Taubman Techniques. This may explain the general controversy associated with Mrs. Taubman: unlike opinion-based pedagogies out there, Taubman’s work works. References Taubman, D. A Teacher’s Perspective on Musician’s Injuries. Roehmann, P. Wilson R. (eds). The Biology of Music Making. Louis: MBB Music Inc. 1988. The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers NOTES Spring 2014 11 YOUNG ARTIST TOUR 2013 The 2013 Ontario Young Artist Tour consisted of nine recitals from September 15 to November 17. The hosting Branches were Kitchener-Waterloo, Etobicoke-Mississauga, Timmins, Ottawa Region, Kingston, Windsor, Sarnia, Niagara Falls and Barrie – the hometown of our Young Artist Tabitha Johnson and her teacher Cheryl Graham. Without exception, all Branches reported that Tabitha Johnson’s performances were outstanding and wellreceived by audiences. Recital attendees were also impressed with Tabitha’s professionalism, stage presence and her ease of speaking to the audience. She also spoke with young members of the audience after each performance. The ORMTA wishes Tabitha all the best as she pursues post-secondary study in music on the way to a rewarding career. YOUNG ARTIST PROGRAMME Partita No. 2 in C minor, BWV 826 Allemande, Sarabande, Capriccio “The Student Music Organizer” by: Darlene Irwin Mus. Bac., A.R.C.T., R.M.T. J.S. Bach Sonata No. 8 in C minor, Op. 13 (Pathetique) L. van Beethoven I Grave – Allegro di molto e con brio Three Pieces for Piano Solo I Prelude II Adagietto Marjan Mozetich It is Well with My Soul P.B. Bliss, arranged by D. Ream Asturias Leyenda Isaac Albéniz Années de pèlerinage, 2 Sposalizio F. Liszt ALSO Prelude in G minor, Op. 23, No. 5 S. Rachmaninoff 12 NOTES Spring 2014 The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers The Student Technique Organizers Simplified practice charts for all grades technical requirements. (See website for sample) For more detail information on all our products and to order see our Website at: Meet Tabitha Johnson – ORMTA’s 2013 Young Artist Competition Winner Su Memorial Award for the most promising student. Adjudicators have recommended her to represent local music festivals at the Ontario Music Festival Provincial Competition where Tabitha has been a finalist and award winner for several years. Tabitha has been awarded many scholarships and prestigious awards at the Barrie Kiwanis Music Festival, the Orillia Kiwanis Music Festival and the South Simcoe Arts Council Festival of the Arts. Tabitha Johnson is a 16-year-old aspiring concert pianist from Barrie, Ontario and has played the piano since the age of four. Since 2004, she has been studying with Cheryl Graham. This past August, Tabitha achieved 93% on her A.R.C.T. Diploma in Piano Performance. Tabitha is preparing for the RCM Elementary Pedagogy practical and written exams in the winter session. Tabitha has given performances at Barrie Concert’s Midday Music with Shigeru, Seniors Serenade, Chamber Music Orillia, the Mady Centre for the Performing Arts, the Canadian Club, Music to Make a Difference, the Credit Valley Hospital’s Music of Healing and Hope, and with the Huronia Symphony. Tabitha has been the recipient of numerous awards over the years, including a Royal Conservatory Silver Medal. In 2012, she was the winner of the ORMTA Provincial Instrumental Competition and awarded the Ester Tabitha enjoys accompanying and playing for weddings. She is the choir accompanist at the Heritage Baptist Church in Barrie, and sings alto in a girls’ ensemble. She is an honour roll student at Bear Creek Secondary School and accompanies the choir there as well. In 2010, Tabitha had the opportunity to travel to Trinidad on a mission trip. She also enjoys teaching several students and loves the music of the Romantic era, especially the music of Chopin and Liszt. Tabitha is honoured to be chosen as ORMTA’s Young Artist! The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers NOTES Spring 2014 13 Saturday, July 26 and Sunday, July 27 Westin Prince Toronto Hotel, 900 York Mills Road, Toronto A warm welcome from Provincial Council! It is our pleasure to be hosting our provincial Convention, Oh! Canada! where we will be celebrating the many musical gifts our country has to offer. We are delighted to have Dr. Midori Koga, Dr. John Burge and Mr. Kevin McMillan as our competitions adjudicators. Dr. Koga and Mr. McMillan will also be conducting masterclasses; Dr. Burge will be presenting a workshop titled “Piano Teaching Tricks I have Learned Over the Years” and Janet Fothergill will present a workshop titled “Celebrating Canadian Music with our Students”. As always, there will be a silent auction, a quilt to win (courtesy of Charline Farrell!), exhibitors and more. The convention will be held in the Westin Prince Hotel located off the Don Valley parkway. The hotel is situated within a 15 acre woodland forest with a heated outdoor pool, walking paths, tennis courts, games room, workout gym, sauna and whirlpool. Those of you staying in the hotel on Friday evening are invited to join us for a Meet and Greet with light refreshments hosted by Provincial Council. What a wonderful way to touch base with friends – old and new. Closing ceremonies will take place at the Young Artist reception immediately following the Young Artist competition on Sunday evening. We look forward to seeing you in July! Sue Jones (President) and Charline Farrell (Past-President) Co-Chairs, Convention 2014 14 NOTES Spring 2014 The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers 2014 ORMTA Convention Schedule Friday, July 25 Don Mills Room 1:00 – 6:00 pm 9:00 – 12 Noon Council Meeting Executive Meeting Saturday, July 26 North Prince Ballroom Crown Room North Prince or Foyer South Prince Ballroom 8:00 – 6:00 pm 8:00 – 9:00 am 9:00 - 9:15 am 9:15 - 10:15 am North Prince or Foyer South Prince Ballroom South Prince Ballroom North Prince or Foyer Crown Room North Prince or Foyer South Prince Ballroom North Prince or Foyer South Prince Ballroom 10:15 - 10:30 am 10:30 - 11:30 am 11:45 – 1:45 pm 11:30 – 12 Noon 12 Noon – 1:30 pm 1:30 - 2:00 pm 2:00 - 4:00 pm 4:00 – 4:30 pm 4:30 - 5:30 pm 5:30 – 7:00 pm 7:00 pm Crown Room Exhibitor’s Hall Open Sponsored Breakfast Presentation Break “Piano Teaching Tricks I have Learned Over the Years” Clinician - Dr. John Burge Coffee Break Pedagogical Town Hall Prov. Competitions Rehearsals (10 min. each) Break Awards Luncheon Break Prov. Instrumental Competition Coffee Break Provincial Vocal Competition Break Gala Banquet Sunday, July 27 North Prince Ballroom Crown Room South Prince Ballroom North Prince or Foyer Crown Room South Prince Ballroom North Prince or Foyer South Prince Ballroom North Prince or Foyer South Prince Ballroom Crown Room Crown Room North Prince or Foyer South Prince Ballroom North Prince or Foyer South Prince Ballroom South Prince Ballroom Ballroom Foyer 8:00 – 6:00 pm 8:00 – 9:00 am 8:00 – 9:00 am 9:00 - 9:15 am 9:15 – 10:15am Exhibitor’s Hall Open Sponsored Breakfast Presentation Masterclass Rehearsals Break Vocal Masterclass for students Grades 3 to 8 Clinician - Kevin McMillan 9:15 - 10:15 am Piano Masterclass for students Grades 3 to 8 Clinician - Dr. Midori Koga 10:15 -10:30 am Coffee Break 10:30 - 11:30 am “Celebrating Canadian Music with our Students” Clinician - Janet Fothergill 11:30 – 12 Noon Break 11:45 – 1:45 pm YA Rehearsals 12 Noon – 12:30 pm AGM Luncheon (members only) 12:30 – 1:30 pm AGM Meeting (members only) 1:30 – 2:00 pm Break 2:00 pm Young Artist Competition 3:30 pm (approx.) Coffee Break 4:00 pm (approx.) During Adjudication – performance 5:30 – 6:00 pm (approx.) Awards Ceremony Reception Schedule Subject to change The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers NOTES Spring 2014 15 JOHN BURGE Dr. John Burge was born in Dryden, Ontario in 1961. He holds degrees in Composition and Theory from the University of Toronto (B.Mus. and M.Mus.) and the University of British Columbia (D.M.A.). He obtained his Associate Diploma of the Royal Conservatory of Music in Piano Performance while still in high school in Calgary, studying with Dorothy Hare, and later continued his piano studies with Andrew Markow in Toronto. Since 1987 he has been teaching at the School of Music, Queen’s University, where he holds the position of Full Professor. John Burge’s composition output covers virtually all genres from opera and orchestral works to solo instrumental, chamber and choral works. Many of his choral compositions have been published by the firm, Boosey and Hawkes. His composition, Angels’ Voices, for SSA choir and orchestra was awarded the 2006 Outstanding New Choral Composition Prize by the Association of Canadian Choral Conductors. The recording of his work, Flanders Fields Reflections, by Sinfonia Toronto on the Marquis Classics label, received the 2009 Juno Award for the Best Canadian Classical Composition. Dr. Burge enjoys working with student musicians and, in addition to teaching at Queen’s University, he regularly adjudicates piano and composition classes at music festivals throughout Canada. He has recently become a member of the Red Leaf Pianoworks composers collective, a group that inspired him to release his first volume of piano pieces for early to intermediate pianists entitled Parking an Octatonic Truck. A passionate advocate for Canadian music, he has served as a member of the Executive Council of the Canadian League of Composers for fourteen years, holding the position of President from 1998-2006. JANET FOTHERGILL Ms. Fothergill is a graduate of Piano Pedagogy and Performance from the Royal Conservatory of Music and Piano Performance from Trinity College of Music (London, England). She also has continued extensive studies in piano pedagogy. As a faculty member of the Royal Conservatory of Music for 40 years, Janet Fothergill teaches piano, pedagogy, theory, and musicianship. She has helped to select and edit the repertoire for the RCME ‘Celebration Series’ graded books and serves on its Board of Examiners and Council of Examiners. In addition, Ms. Fothergill frequently adjudicates at music festivals across Canada and the United States and conducts clinical workshops on a wide range of subjects including Canadian contemporary music, theory and musicianship. Janet has worked for some time with the Alliance for Canadian New Music Projects (ACNMP) because of her great interest in promoting the performance of Canadian contemporary music. To this end, she serves as one of the coordinators for the Toronto Centre Contemporary Showcase Festival each November. She has also been involved with the Student Composer Workshop project. Miss Fothergill is a committee member who has created and coordinates the ‘Royal Diploma Program’ at the Royal Conservatory of Music. Since its inception in 2007, her responsibilities have included devising an integrated curriculum for piano, ear training and history and theory for the Junior, Intermediate and Senior levels. 16 NOTES Spring 2014 The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers MIDORI KOGA Pianist Midori Koga joined the piano and piano pedagogy faculty at the University of Toronto as Associate Professor in the fall of 2004. Previously, she held the position of Associate Professor of Piano, and Director of Piano Pedagogy at Michigan State University. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree from the University of British Columbia, Master of Music and Doctor of Musical Arts degrees from the University of Michigan, and a performance diploma from the Mozarteum Hochschule für Musik in Salzburg, Austria. Koga has been featured as soloist, chamber musician and accompanist in music festivals throughout the world, including the Banff Centre for Fine Arts, Mozarteum Sommerakademie Festspiel in Salzburg Austria , the Al Fresno New Music Festival, the Johannesen International Festival of the Arts in British Columbia , the World Saxophone Congress in Valencia Spain, the International Computer Music Festival. Koga is a prize winner in national competitions including the Concours de Musique du Canada and the National Graduate Artist Competition at St. Mary’s CollegeNotre Dame. Active also as a lecturer, she has presented at the World Pedagogy Conference, the Music Teachers’ National Association National Conference and the National Conference on Piano Pedagogy. She has been published numerous times in the American Music Teacher; the article Music Making and Wellness Project: The Positive Effects of Music-Making on the Health and Well-being of Seniors was recipient of the 2001 National Article of the Year Award presented by the MTNA. KEVIN MCMILLAN Kevin McMillan is a renowned performer and vocal pedagogue. His performing career has spanned 25 years with more than 750 concerts, 15 professional recordings, a Grammy award, a Gramophone award and numerous Juno award nominations. Critics have praised his “elegant lyric baritone voice” and “singularly remarkable interpretive skills” in appearances with virtually every major North American orchestra, including the New York Philharmonic, the Boston Symphony, the Cleveland Orchestra, the Philadelphia Orchestra, the Los Angeles Philharmonic and the San Francisco Symphony. He has also established a presence in Europe, with appearances in London, Berlin, Barcelona, Paris, and Prague. He has worked with conductors Herbert Blomstedt, Pierre Boulez, Raphael Frühbeck de Burgos, Sir Andrew Davis, Charles Dutoit, Neeme Jarvi, Jesus Lopez-Cobos, Kurt Masur, Sir Roger Norrington, Hellmuth Rilling and the late Robert Shaw and Sergiu Commissiona. After preliminary schooling at the Universities of Guelph and Western Ontario in Canada, Mr. McMillan studied at the Britten-Pears School in England, and attained a Master’s Degree at the Juilliard School in New York. Despite an unfortunate farming accident 30 years ago that left him a partial paraplegic, he has had the opportunity to perform a number of operatic roles in concert/semi-staged performances. Mr. McMillan is a pre-eminent recitalist. He has been described as an “outstanding Schubertian” whose “voice of glowing freshness and beauty is at the service of an intelligent, lively and distinctive personality.” Professor McMillan joined the faculty of the James Madison University School of Music in 2009. The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers NOTES Spring 2014 17 THE WESTIN PRINCE, TORONTO Distinctive and tranquil, The Westin Prince, Toronto is the prominent hotel in the region. Exceptional amenities, refreshing décor and a unique, parklike urban setting make it an ideal gathering place. Experience soothing elegance in a natural setting unique to the city of Toronto. Nestled deep within a 15 acre woodland forest, surrounded by manicured landscape, you will immediately find a sense of calm and an uplifting ambiance as you enter the hotel. This CAA/AAA Four-Diamond property is yours to discover. To learn more about the event and to book, modify, or cancel a reservation, please visit https:// ORMTA2014 or call 1-888-6278550 and refer to the “ORMTA 2014 Convention” to receive the group rate. Group rate available until June 24, 2014, subject to availability. Dear Teaching Colleague Do you need advice on overcoming a tricky teaching situation? Have you exhausted all techniques in trying to help that student and nothing seems to work? You’re invited to email your story and question to NOTES editor, Patrick McCormick, and he’ll have a colleague provide suggestions in a future issue of NOTES Magazine. You and your students’ names will remain confidential. 18 NOTES Spring 2014 The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers Convention Registration Form “A” FOR COMPLETE REGISTRATION ONLY: COMPLETE FORM “A” FOR SINGLE TICKET REGISTRATION ONLY: COMPLETE FORM “B FOR COMPLETE REGISTRATION AND EXTRA TICKETS: COMPLETE FORMS “A” & “B” COMPLETE REGISTRATION Complete registration includes: all workshops, demonstrations, competitions, exhibits, reception, luncheons and banquet. The Annual Meeting and luncheon are reserved for members only. COMPLETE YOUTH REGISTRATION COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY SENIOR STUDENT ORMTA NON ORMTA MEMBER MEMBER Paid by May 15, 2014 $75 $125 $125 $150 $175 Paid by June 15, 2014 $100 $150 $150 $175 $200 Paid by July 4, 2014 $125 $175 $175 $200 $225 (by mail) or July 11 (online) Please print or type: NAME: ADDRESS: POSTAL CODE: TELEPHONE: FAX : E-MAIL: BRANCH: TEACHER (if applicable): Vegetarian meal request: (yes) or (no). Make cheques payable to ORMTA. MEAL TICKETS MUST BE PURCHASED BY JUNE 4, 2014 IN ORDER TO MEET HOTEL DEADLINES. ABSOLUTELY NO MEAL TICKETS AVAILABLE AFTER THIS DATE. Only workshop and competition tickets will be available at the door. NO REFUNDS Mail your cheque and registration form to: Nancy Dale, Provincial Treasurer, Box 1639; 58 Shakespeare Ave. Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0 Registration may also be done online. Visit The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers NOTES Spring 2014 19 Convention Registration Form “B” FOR COMPLETE REGISTRATION ONLY: COMPLETE FORM “A” FOR SINGLE TICKET REGISTRATION ONLY: COMPLETE FORM “B FOR COMPLETE REGISTRATION AND EXTRA TICKETS: COMPLETE FORMS “A” & “B” SINGLE TICKET REGISTRATION - PLEASE CHECK OFF YOUR CHOICES WORKSHOPS/EVENT YOUTH COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY SENIOR STUDENT ORMTA NON ORMTA MEMBER MEMBER “Piano Teaching Tricks I have Learned Over the Years” Clinician - Dr. John Burge admission to Pedagogical Town Hall Meeting $15 $20 $20 $25 $30 Piano Master Class for students Grades 3 to 8 Clinician - Dr. Midori Koga $15 $20 $20 $25 $30 Instrumental Competition and Vocal Competition $5 $10 $10 $25 $30 Young Artist Competition $5 $10 $10 $15 $20 Awards Luncheon $30 $35 $35 $40 $45 Annual Meeting Luncheon N/A $35 $35 GALA BANQUET $55 $60 $60 $60 $70 Vocal Master Class for students Grades 3 to 8 Clinician - Kevin McMillan “Celebrating Canadian Music with our Students” Clinician - Janet Fothergill COMPETITIONS LUNCHEONS Please print or type: NAME: ADDRESS: POSTAL CODE: TELEPHONE: BRANCH: FAX : E-MAIL: TEACHER (if applicable): Vegetarian meal request: (yes) or (no). Make cheques payable to ORMTA. MEAL TICKETS MUST BE PURCHASED BY JUNE 4, 2014 IN ORDER TO MEET HOTEL DEADLINES. ABSOLUTELY NO MEAL TICKETS AVAILABLE AFTER THIS DATE. Only workshop and competition tickets will be available at the door. NO REFUNDS Mail your cheque and registration form to: Nancy Dale, Provincial Treasurer, Box 1639; 58 Shakespeare Ave. Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0 Registration may also be done online. Visit 20 NOTES Spring 2014 The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers ORMTA – Canada Music Week Reports Newmarket & Area Branch The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers NOTES Spring 2014 21 ORMTA – Canada Music Week Reports We had a wide variety of ages and levels of performers with 27 different Canadian composers represented, including some original student and teacher works. Past-president, Warren Nicholson played the “Prelude” from Suite Pour Guitare, Op. 40 by Jacques Hétu. Member Philip Corke performed his own piano composition, Goody’s Blues, and affiliate member, Keisha Bell-Kovacs, played Barbara Pentland’s Studies in Line, No. 1 and 2. BELLVILLE some well-deserved refreshments and goodies provided by the The Belleville ORMTA branch teachers hosted its annual Canada Music Week Junior Recital on Sunday, – Shannon O’Rourke November 24th at Emmanuel accompanied two student singers performing her own compositions, Mr. Nobody and Do Not Stand at My Grave and Weep, and she also sang in the United Church in Foxboro. vocal ensemble performing More than thirty young piano students from beginner to grade Also, member, Linda Fletcher, HAMILTON-HALTON 4 Conservatory level entertained a large audience of family On Sunday 24th November 2013 and friends with their musical the Hamilton-Halton Branch performances. The repertoire of ORMTA held a Canadian included piano solos, duets, Composers Recital featuring and trios in a variety of musical 33 pieces performed by solo styles from classical to popular vocalists, pianists, a guitarist and featured many selections and a vocal ensemble. Though by Canadian composers. The normally open to students only, afternoon concluded with an for this recital teachers were informal social gathering and invited to perform as well. her student, Katerina Gimon’s, stunning original piece, called Boundless. Other original student works were The Sun, composed and sung by Mira Meikle, and a remarkable Prelude/Allemande from Baroque Suite in D Minor by student Theo Selemidis. It was a truly enjoyable and fitting Canada Music Week Celebration. – Janice Beninger 22 NOTES Spring 2014 The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers NEWMARKET & AREA was performed on piano. Congratulations to you both! On Sunday, November 24, 2013, the Newmarket & Area As teachers and students, we Branch celebrated Canada are so fortunate to be able Music Week with an afternoon to celebrate this great week of Canadian music. right across the country. It is inspiring to know that Canada Two recitals entitled Canadian is not just about hockey and Composers And Their Music Tim Horton’s. We have a featured the students of wealth of great musicians and eleven teachers. Performances composers with whom we from our piano, violin, flute, celebrate. A special thank you voice, and harp teachers made to the Canadian Music Centre the afternoon so enjoyable. for their continued support in It was a special treat this year preserving and promoting the to hear both harp and flute works of Canadian composers! compositions. Our recitals also debuted Our festivities concluded with the music of two of our own a short reception after each branch teachers. The Plucky recital. Everyone enjoyed Snake, composed by Paulette Canadian cupcakes and Popp was performed on punch! violin, while Dianne Hughes’ composition Spanish Fantasy – Sheila McLean The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers NOTES Spring 2014 23 ORMTA – Canada Music Week Reports OWEN SOUND On November 22nd the Owen Sound Branch hosted a Canada Music Week student recital at the Owen Sound Alliance Church. There were 22 performers ranging in age from 5 to adult, and the program featured works by Canadian composers such as Debra Wanless, Anne Crosby, Clifford Poole, Violet Archer and Oscar Peterson. We also awarded three scholarships to the students who had the NORTH BAY Additional cash awards were also highest practical and theoretical given in memory of past teachers exam results in 2013. All of the The North Bay Branch held from our branch, Lynda Kennedy students did a wonderful job its annual Honour Recital to and Evelyn Bourke as well as an playing and each went home celebrate both Canada Music ORMTA Advanced Theory Award. with a small Canadian souvenir. Week and the students who Our local Elk’s Lodge participated After the recital we continued our participated in Conservatory by presenting a generous award celebration by sharing a gigantic examinations during the previous to our Grade 10 winning student. cake and having some of Mrs. H’s year. Certificates were presented Students who played Canadian famous punch. to those students who received Compositions were highlighted the highest marks in each level of and a special CMW Proclamation practical and theory exams. from the Mayor’s office was read. – Nancy Hughes 24 NOTES Spring 2014 The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers – Jennifer Lanthier OXFORD/WOODSTOCK Canada Music Week was celebrated this year with an amazing recital, featuring Canadian composers. An arrangement of O Canada was featured at the beginning, a composition arranged by Karen Rowell, a native to Woodstock. This arrangement was written for two pianos and eight hands, played by four teachers. Each student performer was given a Canadian pin to commemorate their performance. The ORMTA teachers also recognized the students who received the highest mark in their music discipline for the 2012-2013 year. It was a great night of spectacular music. – Janna Baigent The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers NOTES Spring 2014 25 ORMTA – Canada Music Week Reports THUNDER BAY Two teachers of the Thunder Bay branch, Dianne Potts and Kathy Schmidt hosted two composing workshops during Canada’s Music week for children ages 8-14. Each group met for approximately one hour with 8 students attending each session. Students had fun with rhythm and beat, call and response, exploring compositional techniques and sharing their own ideas on paper, computer and at the piano. Each workshop ended with a Canadian cupcake. Two young composers provided entry and exit music with their own compositions. – Kathy Schmidt Start your musical journey with GLORIA SAARINEN B.Mus. Honours, L.R.S.M., A.R.A.M. R.C.M. (Toronto) Affiliate Musical Studies in London, Munich, Vienna, Italy Recipient ORMTA Special Teacher’s Award All Levels & Ages Welcome Warm, nurturing educational environment focusing on love of music For Personal Growth, RCM, Festival Competition, University Music Program Development, Teacher Coaching Students consistently excel at Festivals, Recitals & RCM testing CONTACT INFO: Toronto: 416.546.9632 Burlington: 905.333.3357 26 NOTES Spring 2014 Acclaimed Performer, Recording Artist, University Professor, Adjudicator & Private Coach Over 40 years experience in solo piano, chamber music, symphony, & multi-disciplinary (spoken word, art & music) performance with International performances in & awards from New Zealand, England, France, Germany, Japan, India, Australasia Teaching Studios in Toronto, North York & Burlington Available for private lessons, master classes, seminars, workshops, & adjudication The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers MEMBER HAPPENINGS Frank Horvat, Central Toronto Branch, released, I Can See You, on January 21st with his band. Vancouver’s The Province says it’s a ‘must hear’ CD. Pop, poetry & modern expression available on iTunes. Flex eExams Music without borders CONSERVATORY CANADA™ has pushed the frontiers of innovation and is employing a unique technology that enables us to reach out to music students all over Canada. Not only can we connect with students across the country, but we are willing to connect with them ANYWHERE, ANYTIME! Photography by Anita Zvonar At CONSERVATORY CANADA™ we will enable students to take exams whenever they are ready with our new Flex eExams. To find out more, contact our office. Music for Life 1-800-461-5367 | 2013 FINAL e-exam + flex exam half page.indd 2 The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers 13/08/2013 10:42:38 AM NOTES Spring 2014 27 Financial Reports 28 NOTES Spring 2014 The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers NOTES Spring 2014 29 Financial Reports 30 NOTES Spring 2014 The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers NOTES Spring 2014 31 MEMBERSHIP HAS ITS PRIVILEGES Don’t let unpaid fees impede opportunities for your students! Every year, ORMTA gives out many prizes to the winners of our Music Writing competition and the Provincial Student/Young Artist competitions. We also give the ORMTA Pedagogy Award to the student who has obtained the highest mark in the written portion of the Associate Pedagogy exam. Only students of ORMTA teachers who are members in good standing (all dues paid in full) will be considered for any awards that are given by ORMTA. It is sad to say, but in the past students have missed out on opportunities to win prizes because their teachers’ dues have been in arrears. Please take this into consideration when it is time to pay your membership dues this coming spring. 32 NOTES Spring 2014 The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers Annual General Meeting Sunday July 27, 2014, 12:30 p.m. Agenda 1. Call to Order 2. Introduction of Council Members 3. Reading of the Minutes from the last Annual Meeting (July 2013) 4. Matters for Voting 5. Election of Zone Representatives 6. President’s Report 7. Open Forum 8. Results of Voting as Presented by Scrutineers 9. Announcements ONTARIO REGISTERED MUSIC TEACHERS’ ASSOCIATION ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING - SUNDAY JULY 27, 2014 Westin Prince Hotel, 900 York Mills Road, Toronto, ON MATTERS FOR VOTING YES NO ABSTAIN BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE COMPANY “BRIDGMAN & DURKSEN” IN NIAGARA-ON-THE-LAKE BE HIRED AS AUDITOR FOR THE YEAR 2013/2014. PREAMBLE: THE EXISTING FIVE YEAR TERM IS DEEMED INSUFFICIENT TIME FOR MANY OF THE AFFILIATE MEMBERS TO COMPLETE ALL THE REQUIREMENTS NECESSARY TO OBTAIN AN ASSOCIATE DIPLOMA. BE IT RESOLVED THAT PART II, SECTION 9, 1.G AND 2 BE AMENDED TO REMOVE ANY TERM LIMITS TO AFFILIATE MEMBERSHIP. PREAMBLE: FOR ZONES LIKE THE GREATER TORONTO AREA ZONE WHICH HAS MORE THAN ONE ZONE REPRESENTATIVE ON COUNCIL AND MORE THAN ONE BRANCH, THE CURRENT BYLAW INHIBITS COUNCIL FROM ACCEPTING NOMINATIONS FROM MORE THAN ONE MEMBER FROM THE SAME BRANCH. WHILE IT IS IMPORTANT TO HAVE REPRESENTATION FROM MORE THAN ONE BRANCH WITHIN A ZONE, COUNCIL SHOULD NOT BE INHIBITED IN HAVING OTHER QUALITY MEMBERS CONTRIBUTE TO ORMTA PROVINCIALLY JUST BECAUSE NO OTHER BRANCH IN A ZONE WILL NOMINATE SOMEONE TO COME FORWARD. BE IT RESOLVED THAT PART IV, SECTION 24-5 HAVE THE FOLLOWING TEXT ADDED “...IN THE EVENT THERE ARE NO NOMINATIONS RECEIVED FROM QUALIFYING BRANCHES, THEN ONE BRANCH COULD HAVE MORE THAN ONE ZONE REPRESENTATIVE. The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers NOTES Spring 2014 33 From the Registrar’s Desk WELCOME TO NEW MEMBERS ACCEPTED SINCE OUR LAST ISSUE OF NOTES SOO-JUNG ZWARICH - MARKHAM-STOUFFVILLE BRANCH ELAINE WONG - ETOBICOKE - MISSISSAUGA; ASSOCIATE BRANCHES - NORTH TORONTO AND CENTRAL TORONTO NATASHA FRID FINLAY - CENTRAL TORONTO BRANCH LAUREN BEARD - BARRIE BRANCH JANINE CERTO - NIAGARA FALLS BRANCH MARIANNE MARUSIC - CENTRAL TORONTO; ASSOCIATE KEEGAN LAZARUS - OTTAWA REGION BRANCH BRANCHES - AJAX-PICKERING AND OSHAWA AND DISTRICT. JERYL-ANNE CHURCHILL - LONDON BRANCH; ASSOCIATE BRANCH - SARNIA BRANCH BRIE-ANNE MEYER - ETOBICOKE-MISSISSAUGA; ASSOCIATE BRANCHES: HAMILTON-HALTON AND GEORGE HOLBORN - THUNDER BAY BRANCH CENTRAL TORONTO BRANCHES STEPHANIE PESANT - NORTH YORK/YORK REGION DOROTHY FRANCIS - HAMILTON-HALTON BRANCH BRANCH; ASSOCIATE BRANCHES: CENTRAL TORONTO BRANCH AND BOLTON, BRAMPTON, CALEDON BRANCH ANNA KNUTEL - OSHAWA & DISTRICT RADMILA FOKAS - ETOBICOKE- MISSISSAUGA BRANCH KRISTIN LINDELL - CENTRAL TORONTO BRANCH; ASSOCIATE BRANCH: OWEN SOUND BRANCH YUANYUAN LU - OTTAWA REGION BRANCH EWA IRENA CYBULSKA - CENTRAL TORONTO BRANCH; CARLY ANN METE - BARRIE BRANCH ASSOCIATE BRANCH: ETOBICOKE-MISSISSAUGA BRANCH CATHERINE FRAIR - NORTH BAY BRANCH 34 NOTES Spring 2014 The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers The 2014-15 membership fees have been prepared. The Ontario Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the year 2013 has been officially confirmed at 1.5 %. This percentage The invoices will be generated on the ORMTA website has been applied to the Provincial and Branch fees. (The ( in April. Traditional paper invoices will 2012 CPI was 0.8 %.) be mailed for those who do not have an email address or access to a computer. The CFMTA 2014-15 fees will remain the same/$26.00 per member (optional for RETIRED and SEMI-RETIRED There are three available methods of payment: email members). transfer, PayPal (debit or credit card) through the new ORMTA website and cheques/money orders sent by mail. Westland Insurance Company rates will also remain the same ($32.40) for the July 1, 2014-June 30, 2015 fiscal year. ORMTA MEMBERSHIP FEES 2014-15/ Increased by Ontario 2013 CPI 1.5% (Provincial & Branch increase in brackets) ***Notes Magazine hard copy subscription/not included in total Status Provincial Insurance Branch Fee CFMTA Special Projects ***NOTES Magazine TOTAL Hard Copy subscription *includes insurance ACTIVE/ Provisional ACTIVE 52.51 (.78) 32.40 (Optional) 20.76 (.31) 26.00 (Mandatory) 2.00 12.00 (Optional) $133.67* (1.09) AFFILIATE 1 62.26 (.92) 32.40 (Optional) 20.76 (.31) 26.00 (Mandatory) 2.00 12.00 (Optional) $143.42* (1.23) AFFILIATE 2 62.26 (.92) 32.40 (Optional) 20.76 (.31) 26.00 (Mandatory) 2.00 12.00 (Optional) $143.42* (1.23) Semi-Retired 47.61 (.70) 32.40 (Optional) 18.18 (.27) 26.00 (Optional) 2.00 12.00 (Optional) $126.19* (.97) RETIRED 26.86 (.40) 26.00 (Optional) 2.00 12.00 (Optional) $54.86* (.40) AUXILIARY 31.76 (.47) 2.00 12.00 (Optional) $33.76 (.47) HONORARY Nancy Dale, Provincial Treasurer 32.40 (Optional) $32.40* (0.00) PO Box 1639 Niagara-on-the-Lake ON L0S 1J0 The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers NOTES Spring 2014 35 ORMTA Provincial Council 2013-2014 Executive PRESIDENT Sue Jones - 259 Crocus Ave., Ottawa, K1H 6E7; Phone: 613-523-5317 E Mail: Grant Applications; Fundraising; CFMTA Delegate FIRST VICE PRESIDENT Frank Horvat - 24 Louisa St., Toronto, M8V 2K6; Phone: 416-354-2633 E Mail: Finance; Special Projects; Communications; CFMTA Delegate SECOND VICE PRESIDENT Elizabeth Tithecott – 34 Gladstone Ave., Chatham, N7L 2C1; Phone: 519-351-6387 E Mail: Affiliate Teacher Liaison PAST PRESIDENT Charline Farrell - 4 Home Place; Chatham; N7L 5P4; Phone: 519-354-4380 E Mail: Professional Development TREASURER Nancy Dale - Box 1639; (58 Shakespeare Ave.); Niagara – on – the - Lake; L0S 1J0 Phone: 905-468-5639 E Mail: NOTES Advertising SECRETARY-REGISTRAR Ron Spadafore - Box 635 Timmins, P4N 7G2; Phone: 705-267-1224 Fax: 705-264-0978 E Mail: Office Hours - Monday - Friday - 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Zone Representatives CENTRAL (year 3) Naomi Morrison - 276 German School Road; Paris; N3L 3E1 Phone: 519-448-1291 E Mail: Canada Music Week & Music Writing Competitions EASTERN (year 1) Judy Home - 14-110 Mary St. West; Whitby; L1N 8M5 Phone: 905-665-8484; 905-903-8484; E Mail: Bylaws GREATER TORONTO AREA (year 6) Frank Horvat - 24 Louisa St., Toronto, M8V 2K6; Phone: 416-354-2633 E Mail: Finance; Special Projects; Communications; CFMTA Delegate (year 1) Jennifer Smele - 17 Archibald Street, Bampton, L6X 1M1; Phone: 905-453-8609 E Mail: Prizes NORTH CENTRAL (year 2) Tracy Lai - 2754 Dempster Ave., Innisfil; L9S 1C1; Phone: 705-436-2236 E Mail: Membership NORTH EAST (year 3) Audrey Jean Wells - 661 Eyre Blvd.; Timmins; P4N 4Z3; Phone: 705-264-0066 E Mail: Young Artist Tour NORTH WEST (year 1) Kathy Schmidt - 588 Riverview Dr.; Thunder Bay; P7C 1R7; Phone: 807-577-6999 E Mail: Professional Development OTTAWA REGION (year 3) Ann Empey - 66 Hawley Cres.; Kanata; K2M 1T6; Phone: 613-592-1252 E Mail: Competitions (year 2) Sandra Menard - 6023 Meadowglen Drive, Ottawa, K1C 5V4; Phone: 613-834-3052 E Mail: ORMTA Pedagogy Award 36 SOUTHERN (year 3) Doranne Minotti - 3529 Yale Crescent; Niagara Falls: L2J 3C4; Phone: 905-354-1842 E Mail: “The ORMTA Contribution to Teaching Award” (formerly Special Teacher Award) WESTERN (year 5) Elizabeth Tithecott - 34 Gladstone Ave., Chatham, N7L 2C1; Phone: 519-351-6387 E Mail: Affiliate Teacher Liaison MEMBER AT LARGE (year 1) Ian Green: - 214 Huxley Ave. South; Hamilton; L8K 2R3; Phone: 905-483-2776 Email: Communications BOARD OF EXAMINERS Nancy Hughes, Derek Oger, Frances Balodis NOTES Spring 2014 The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers EXCITING AND GROWING PROGRAM BAChElOR Of ARTs WITh A CONCENTRATION IN MusIC AlGOMA uNIvERsITy’s DyNAMIC MusIC DEPARTMENT fACulTy: Dr. Edward Turgeon: Piano, Theory, History Dr. Anne louise-Turgeon: Piano, Composition Guy Traficante: Strings Agnes McCarthy and Christine Aceti: Voice frank Deresti: Guitar, Bass, Algoma University Jazz Ensemble Rob Ollikkala: History, Theory, Native Music Paul Dingle: History, Collaborative Piano, Algoma University Choir Rino Zorzi, Ken Piertoniemi, Erin Greenwood: Winds and Brass Duo Turgeon (piano duo): Artists-in-residence sChOlARshIPs AvAIlABlE fOR AuDITIONs CONTACT: Dr. Edward Turgeon, Director of Music P. 705-989-6879 E.