BJFL Data Portal User Guide


BJFL Data Portal User Guide
BJFL Data Portal User Guide
The new BJFL data portal can now be found at
Initial Logon screen (see below)
After inputting your Userid and password and the pressing <ENTER> you will be prompted for a
PIN number, this number is generated and sent to your registered email address and will happen
immeadiatly, you then need to enter this PIN number into the screen above and press <ENTER>
and you will be taken into the system.
The default screen (below) will be your lowest age group team.
Subsequent logons will always require a newly generated PIN number (this is an added security
feature to stop users sharing their Userid and password with others)
Loggoing onto the system & passwords
Each Club has a unique Userid (see table below)
There is a generic Userid for Managers. Userid=USERS with a common password
(this can be obtained from the Club Secretary)
The System has an option to change your password (see screen below)
System has an option to send you a new password should you forget your current
password (see screen below)
Secretary login
When a Club Secretary logs onto the system they are taken (by default) to the start
page of their own Club Players section (see screen below)
The Secretary can then select their own individual teams or change the Club selector
and navigate to another registered Club (see screen below)
The main difference between the two views is that you are able to see your own
players DOB’s, but are unable to see other Clubs players DOB’s
Teams details
When changing the focus to ‘teams’ you will be presented with a full list of all registered
BJFL teams (see screen below)
By selecting the individual Club (drop down box) you can see all the registered team for
that individual Club, this will enable you to check the individual details of all of your
registered teams, manager, venue etc.
Individual team selected (Hilton Harriers Eagles U9)
Player details
Perhaps by far the most important part of the system as we are now handing over almost
complete control of player data to the individual Club Secretaries. The BJFL registrar will
still ensure that our player registration rules are followed.
Deleting a Player (see screens below)
As soon as a Secretary invokes this function the actual record is not deleted (the status is
changed to ‘pending), but an email is generated and sent to The Registrar’s email address.
This is then a trigger for The Registrar’s to set the status of that player in FullTime to
‘inactive’ with his respective team. As soon as this is done then The Registrar will delete
this player in the new system. The Registrar’s will then email the Secretary confirming that
the player has been ‘deregistered’ from that team as per their request.
Adding a Player (see screens below)
As soon as a Secretary adds a new player to the system (full name & DOB ONLY) and saves
this record, the status is set to ‘pending approval’ and again an email is generated and sent
to The Registrar.
By selecting the NEW button a New Player screen will be presented. Please enter the
players First and Surname & DOB. The system has a DOB checker and will tell you if the
player is either too young or too old to play at this age level. When finished inputting the
data, please press the Update key.
Adding a photograph to a Player (see screens below)
All players MUST have a recent photograph added to their players card. At the
start of the season any player without a photograph will be deregistered.
Select the player that you want to add a photo too. (see below) and click on the
photo space (no photo available)
A second window will open (see below) and then press the ‘choose file’ button and
your windows explorer will open so as you can choose the appropriate photo from
your computer, once selected press the ‘upload’ button and a small uploading window
will open.
If the photo loads OK then the following window will be shown, close this window
and you will be returned to the player record and the record will now have a photo
Don’t forget to press the ‘Update’ button as this saves the changes to the
database. You will then be returned to the main team/player window.
Adding a POA document to a Player (see screens below)
All NEW players MUST have a valid POA document added to their players card. At
the start of the season any player without a valid POA document will be
Select the player that you want to add a POA too. (see below) and click on the POA
A second window will open (see below) and then press the ‘choose file’ button and
your windows explorer will open so as you can choose the appropriate POA from
your computer, once selected press the ‘upload’ button and a small uploading window
will open. (PDF files are the easiest format for us to view, however JPEG’s and
Word documents are acceptable)
If the POA loads OK then the following window will be shown, close this window and
you will be returned to the player record.
On returning to the player record the POA indicator is now showing a valid entry
Before season start date:
o As soon as the Registrar has verified the ‘proof of age’ document that has been added
to the system (see below) the player is added into FullTime and the status of that player in
the new system to ‘active’
After season start date:
o As the Registrar has verified the ‘proof of age’ document that has been added to the
system (see below) and Payment has been received the player is added into FullTime and
the status of that player in the new system to ‘active’
** Please note: that all players NEW MUST have a valid POA & Photo loaded into
the system.
Requesting a player transfer (see screens below)
The new Club Secretary of a player that is requesting a transfer is the person
responsible for initiating the transfer process. The following steps MUST be
Club Secretary locates the said player with his/her existing team (in my example
I am requesting a player from Marlborough Rovers Black U9) and selects the
Press the transfer button
Another window will be displayed asking you to select the team that the player
is to be transferred too (only teams that are valid (as per players age) are
Select the Team and press the transfer button.
At this point a number of emails will be automatically generated and the players
existing Club Secretary and Team Manager informed of the transfer request.
Provided the player is free to leave his/her existing Team then players existing
Club Secretary MUST confirm the transfer with The BJFL Registrar and the
transfer will be approved.
As soon as the transfer is approved a number of automatic emails are sent to
the responsible individuals, informing them of the approval
** Please Note: The BJFL is not responsible for recovering any debts a player may
have and this cannot be used as a reason not to approve a transfer, however if the
player still has Club kit etc in his/her possession then this must be returned before
a transfer can be approved.
Producing team sheets for matchday inspection
As per BJFL rules ALL teams are required, when requested, a team registration
sheet. The Portal system provides a PDF download/print function
On selecting the PDF button a second window will be opened and then the user can
either print or download his/her team sheet. The team sheet provides a date/time
stamp in the top left hand corner of the sheet.
Normal PDF tools are available within the window above.
General points to note
Number of players are limited as per BJFL rules, if you try and add a player
beyond the allowed limit, you will be get a message. You cannot add more
than the allowed number of players.
There is a age verification rule for all age groups as per FA Rules.
When adding U7 & U8 players, these are activated immediately and require
no further action from The Registrar.
There is no limit of the number of U7 & U8 players you can add to each