By Emily Riley - Main Line Today
By Emily Riley - Main Line Today
Healthcare Guide the best Medical and Dental Care plus: an expanded chart of the region’s health systems CHOP and Nemours Go Local Allergies: Nothing to Sneeze at Health cover spring12.indd 2 C o m p l i m e n ta ry c o p y 3/16/12 12:18:30 PM Spokesperson Vince Papale with Premier/Crozer-Keystone orthopaedic surgeons Joints wear down. Our commitment never has. Joints can wear down over time. But you don’t have to live with the pain, especially with a regional joint replacement leader right here in Delaware County—The Premier/Crozer-Keystone Orthopaedics Partnership. In fact, for 35 years, more area residents have turned to us for joint replacement than anyone else. • Custom knee replacement, gender knee replacement, reverse shoulder replacement and hip resurfacing • Preoperative education; post-surgery physical/occupational therapy • Ankle, elbow and wrist reconstruction • Disease-specific certification in hip and knee replacement surgery by The Joint Commission* • Minimally invasive and computer-assisted surgery MORE DOCTORS. MORE LOCATIONS. MORE EXPERIENCE. FOR APPOINTMENTS WITHIN 48 HOURS, CALL 1.877.CK.MOTION OR VISIT CKMOTION.ORG T H E P R E M I E R /C R O Z E R - K E YS T O N E O R T H O PA E D I C S PA R T N E R S H I P THE OFFICIAL ORTHOPAEDIC PROVIDER OF THE PHILADELPHIA UNION *Crozer-Chester Medical Center, Delaware County Memorial Hospital and Taylor Hospital CKPR14061_JointRepl_ad_MLT_012012.indd 1 Crozer_pH2.indd 1 1/20/12 3:01 PM 3/6/12 12:06 PM Healthcare Guide CON T EN T S H16 H34 H12 features H4 well RESTED Two local facilities demystify pediatric sleep disorders while reassuring rattled parents. By Emily Riley H8 something in the air Allergies are more common than ever—and there’s still much to be understood. By Emily Riley H12 special treatment close to home Two of the country’s most respected children’s hospitals come to the suburbs. By Emily Riley also in this issue ... H16 Top Doctors Directory H34 Top Dentists Directory H50 Know Where to Go l Our chart of hospitals and related services. H58 The Big List l A vaccination and screening timeline. Healthcare Guide a division of Today Media 4699 West Chester Pike, Newtown Business Center Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073 Phone (610) 325-4630 Fax (610) 325-4636 Editorial Fax (610) 325-5215 Main Line Today Healthcare Guide: Spring 2012. Copyright © 2012 by Today Media. All Rights Reserved. This magazine or its trademarks may not be reproduced in whole or in part in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying or recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system now known or hereafter invented without written permission from the Publisher. Publisher JB Braun, Editor-in-Chief Hobart Rowland, Creative Director Ingrid Hansen-Lynch, Senior Editor Tara Behan, Associate Editor (Web) Emily Riley, Calendar Editor Katie McCabe, Editorial Interns Agnes Chung, Colleen Ray, Staff Photographer Jared Castaldi, Senior Account Executive Nan Mangine, Account Executives Megan Armor, Mike Bridges, Patti Griffin, Sheila Grubb Tracy Kelly, Larry Singer, Sales Assistant Anne Weisman, Director of Marketing Monica Weber, Event Marketing Director Regina Dodds, Marketing Assistant Anastasia Quinn, Production Director Deana J. Yokimcus, Senior Advertising/Marketing Designer C. Belinda Cimo, Advertising Graphic Designer Marissa Simeone, Imaging Specialist Suzanne Duffy, Chief Technology officer Ethan Fox, New Media Development Director Mike Martinelli, Technologies Manager Rena Watson, Controller Dianne V.A. Green, Staff Accountant Kathryn Stuart, Financial Analyst Casey Ossman, Human Resources Leighona Curry, Collections Supervisor Paulette Tolbert, Collections Coordinator Joan Lawler, Account Receivable Supervisor Deborah Cabassa, Accounts Payable Kathleen Gula, Billing Jennifer Schuele-Lee, Executive Assistant to the President Linda McDonald, Logistics Ken James, Circulation Director Jack Morris, Circulation Marketing Manager Mike Dubb, Audience Development Manager Chris Calloway, Circulation Coordinator Deanna Garrett, Customer Service Maureen Dunford, Kelly Murray Today Media: President Robert F. Martinelli Vice President Ralph A. Martinelli Secretary/Treasurer Richard Martinelli Chairman Angelo Martinelli h&w_contents2 spring12.indd 1 l healthcare guide/spring 2012 H3 3/16/12 12:17:52 PM wel we elll rested ted ted Early to bed and early to rise is terrific in theory. But, as many overworked adults know, sticking to that plan is often difficult. The same goes for kids, who are experiencing an overall rise in sleep disorders due to a large number of factors—some common, others less so. Luckily for parents, the Main Line is home to a wealth of pediatric sleep expertise. Both Crozer-Keystone Health System and Main Line Health (through a partnership with Nemours) have recently opened pediatric sleep centers at Crozer-Chester Medical Center and Bryn Mawr Hospital’s Health Center. The center in Upland accepts children as young as 6 months and as old as 16 years. The facility in Newtown Square sees patients aged 6-17. Both specialize H4 H&W feat sleep spring12.indd 1 l in the treatment of narcolepsy, insomnia, parasomnia, Circadian rhythm changes and other conditions. While sleep medicine is a relatively new field, the conditions that are the subjects of so much research have always been around. “Pediatric sleep medicine has really emerged as its own discipline, and is being recognized more and more—especially by the American Academy of Pediatrics,” says Dr. Vatsala Ramprasad of Crozer-Chester’s sleep center. “They’re pushing to get more of their members to ask about sleep problems so they can do the studies necessary to diagnose their younger patients.” The major issue affecting children may sound surprising: According to the American Sleep Apnea J A R E D C A S TA L D I Two new local facilities aim to demystify pediatric sleep disorders—and reassure rattled parents. By Emily Riley healthcare guide/spring 2012 3/16/12 12:16:40 PM A recent sleep study at Bryn Mawr Hospital Health Center. H&W feat sleep spring12.indd 2 3/16/12 12:16:53 PM Association, it’s estimated that one to four percent of children suffer from sleep apnea, many between the ages of 2 and 8. Although the condition is typically associated with heavier adults, sleep apnea in kids is often attributed to enlarged adenoids—a condition that manifests itself as snoring and restlessness during sleep. “The drop in oxygen interrupts a good quality sleep, and because of that, daytime cognition is affected,” says Ramprasad. “Children who have issues sleeping at night actually become hyperactive during the day, perhaps due to the fact that the interrupted cognition results in frustration and other side effects.” Dr. Siva Ramachandran from the Newtown Square center attributes the alarming upswing in childhood obesity to a correlating swell in apnea cases, along with an additional factor. “We have all these great antibiotics, which leads to fewer tonsillectomies,” he says. “But this also creates problems with enlarged tonsils and adenoids that haven’t been removed and that obstruct the airways,” he says. Aside from apnea, the sleep centers see a large number of patients coping with changes to their Circadian rhythm, or biological clock, which changes as we age. “Sleep evolves as we grow, beginning at 6 months,” Ramprasad says. “Newborns spend 25-50 percent of their day in [rapid eye movement] sleep. Then, at 6 months, we see a change in the pattern and stages of sleep, where they sleep through the night and take naps during the day.” By 5, most children get their rest in the form of consolidated, nighttime sleep. At 13, things really start to change. Aside from the body’s biochemical influences, the presence of technological distractions like Facebook, videogames, iPods and TVs in the bedroom have contributed to an increase in delayedsleep-phase syndrome. “In general, teenagers get a poor quality of sleep, which can lead to delayedsleep-phase syndrome,” Ramachandran says. “Their bodies get in the habit of staying up until 2 or 3 in the morning, and then struggle to wake up completely at 7:30 when they leave for school.” And there are also more dire implications than groggy eyes and a fuzzy brain. Sleep is the time for the body to release growth hormones, so the emphasis on getting a good night’s sleep can be crucial Looking tired? Maybe you need a little “LIFT”! to development. An initial consultation is needed before participating in a sleep study. But the hard part for parents can be finding a reason to make the appointment in the first place. Adults aren’t always privy to their children’s sleeping habits, so the kids themselves are ultimately responsible for reporting anomalies. And once a body gets into a rhythm, as with delayed-sleepphase syndrome, adolescents in particular are more likely to view the issue as more of a habit than a medical condition. “There’s often an issue of too much environmental stimulation when children should be sleeping,” says Ramprasad. “As they become teenagers, they have their own rooms, and their parents won’t usually notice anything until they go on a family vacation.” But, as with any medical condition, awareness greatly increases the chances of a proper and successful treatment. “Because sleep medicine continues to be more sophisticated, we’re more able to find the solutions to their problems now,” Ramachandran says. To learn more, visit and HG Surgical services include: Upper & lower eyelids “LIFTS”: $2000-$2400 (bilateral) Before After Before After Brow or forehead “LIFTS”: price varies - please call • Eyelid surgery takes less than an hour and can take decades off your appearance. • Your eyes are the feature that everyone notices and expresses how you feel. • So trust your most valuable asset to a surgeon who ONLY performs eyelid & brow surgeries. • Dr. Lee performs over 1,000 eyelid & brow surgical procedures annually- making him the expert in this field! Before After Before After Non-surgical services include: - Botox Injections Spring Special! - Extra $50 off,Very Limited (REG. $10 PER UNIT AND $25 OFF EACH INJECTION)* *DR. LEE IS A PLATINUM (TOP 5%) BOTOX INJECTOR INTHE COUNTRY!* John J.W. 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If you are 100 pounds or more overweight, bariatric surgery at Phoenixville Hospital may be able to help you achieve permanent weight loss. Boardcertified bariatric surgeon Christopher Kaczmarski, M.D., has performed more than 2,100 weight loss surgeries, making him one of the most experienced bariatric surgeons in the Philadelphia area. Our team will support you through the process every step of the way with guidance from dieticians, physical therapists and support groups – all in one convenient location close to home. Change. Right Here. For questions, appointments or to register for a free weight loss surgery seminar, call Sharon Thomas, RN, Bariatric Surgery Coordinator, at 610-983-1975 or visit Phoenixville_pH7.indd 1 56016_PHOE_Change_8_25x10_8756c.indd 1 3/6/12 12:09 PM 9/7/11 5:27 PM something in the Allergies are more common than ever—yet there’s still so much we don’t understand. For seasonal allergy sufferers, spring takes on a whole new meaning. Roughly 35 million Americans are saddled with a host of symptoms, leading to 3.4 million missed days of work. For those who do make it to the office, a 25 percent decline in productivity is the norm. Allergies are also behind 2 million days of missed school and $3.4 billion in direct costs for prescriptions, doctor visits and more. “The incidence of allergies in Western society is affecting more and more people, though no one’s quite sure why,” says Joseph Smith, an otolaryngologist with Ear, Nose and Throat Associates of Chester County. Smith cites the so-called “hygiene hypothesis” as a potential cause. Our hyper-sanitized environment— vaccines, less exposure to outdoor pathogens, etc.—hasn’t required the ramped-up immune system of previous generations, who spent more time outdoors. H&W feat allergies spring12.indd 1 The most common cause of seasonal allergy symptoms is tree pollen. It’s found just about everywhere—especially in Pennsylvania, where nearly 60 percent of the state is covered by trees. And the news gets worse from there. As you read this, the pollination process is in full swing. Branches may be bare, but the stuff has been in the air since February—maybe ever earlier—thanks to this year’s unseasonably warm winter. Moving into April and May, mold spores are another concern as temperatures heat up. “Mold does best in humidity, especially when there’s cool evenings and rain,” Smith says. “Then, during the day, when there are leaves on the ground and the temperature gets into the 60s, the spores really break out into the air.” Classic allergy symptoms include runny nose, watery eyes and sneezing. More obscure side effects include chronic sinusitis, worsening asthma and ear infections— 3/9/12 11:16:24 AM air By Emily Riley H&W feat allergies spring12.indd 2 l healthcare guide/spring 2012 H9 3/9/12 11:16:30 AM Like an artist, The Quadrangle resident gets to create...every day! Each day at The Quadrangle is like a blank canvas. You choose how that day will look and feel. Will it be busy and vibrant? Simple and soothing? Random and impulsive? You decide, and if you like, change your mind halfway through. We believe in the individuality of your style and encourage you explore it. In fact, we’ve created an environment that makes it easy for you to create a new masterpiece any time you like. Could The Quadrangle be your next home? Contact us today to begin exploring the possibilities. 610-642-3000 Independent Living, Assisted Living, Rehabilitative Care, Memory Care 3300 Darby Road Haverford, PA 19041 610-642-3000 March is National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month “Things to Do Now That I’m 50” More than 90% of colorectal cancer cases are in people age 50 and older. For this reason, the American Cancer Society recommends you start getting tested for the disease at age 50. While colorectal cancer is often found after symptoms appear, most people with colon or rectal cancer have no symptoms of the disease. Symptoms usually appear with advanced disease. This is why getting the recommended screening test before symptoms develop is so important. Colonoscopy is one form of screening that can be used to look for colorectal polyps and cancer. For more information visit the American Cancer Society: or call 1-800-ACS-2345. Take control: be an informed health consumer, get screened. Call your physician and discuss what option is right for you. Robert R. Atkins, M.D. Robert E. Levitt, M.D. Jack A. Collazzo, M.D. Thomas J. McKenna, M.D. Tom T. Nguyen, M.D. Jeffrey N. Retig, M.D. Bryn Mawr Medical Specialists Endoscopy Center Providing excellent care in a patient friendly environment. 933 Haverford Road Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 (610) 525-9570 H10 H&W feat allergies spring12.indd 3 l symptoms one may not always associate with allergies. Among the different treatment options, the first is simply a modification of one’s daily schedule. “You can’t really live in a bubble, but you can decrease the problem by avoiding outside activity midday, when pollen counts are at their highest,” says Smith. If you must be outside during that time, Smith recommends changing your clothes and washing your hair afterwards, since fabric and hair trap pollen. When medical intervention is needed, the over-the-counter route typically involves antihistamines like Benadryl and Claritin. Smith tells patients to be wary of decongestants and nasal sprays, which may provide temporary relief but don’t treat the allergy itself. The body doesn’t always respond well to constant decongestion. When sprays like Afrin are used frequently, the immune system overreacts, and the rebound effect can be worse than the initial stuffiness, usually with increased swelling. On the other hand, prescriptionbased steroid sprays are perfectly fine to use on a daily basis, says Smith. Often seen as a last resort, allergy shots modulate the immune system by restoring the balance among its response cells. “It essentially presents the allergen protein to the immune system, where the cells can build up a memory,” Smith says. “It modulates the system in a more controlled environment.” Immunotherapy isn’t a cure, but it will reduce sensitivity to certain triggers. The dose and frequency of allergy shots or oral drops (placed under the tongue) vary depending on the severity of the symptoms, but they are quite effective. “They’re very safe,” says Smith. “And even though there’s the risk of anaphylaxis with the shot, it’s less than one percent—even less so with the oral drops.” There’s also the homeopathic route. Anecdotal evidence supports certain methods, though some are less conventional than others. “Eating local pollen doesn’t work,” says Smith, drawing on his beekeeping experience. And while even acupuncture may offer relief to some, it’s best to consult your physician for an allergy test, and then discuss the options from there. “It’s the gold standard,” Smith says. “It gives us the best results, so we can treat the allergy the HG best way we can.” healthcare guide/spring 2012 3/9/12 11:16:36 AM Providence ENT – Skill and Experience Top surgeons from left to right: Kenneth B. Briskin, MD, FACS; Joel R. Perloff, MD; John M. Feehery, MD; Mark A. Ginsburg, DO. At Providence ENT our mission is to provide state-of-the-art skilled care in a warm and compassionate environment. Our “Main Line Today Top Head and Neck Surgeons” are among the most experienced in the region. They lead the way in pioneering innovative procedures which result in reduced post-operative symptoms and a faster recovery time. They provide: ■ Minimally-invasive thyroid and parathyroid surgery ■ Image-guided balloon sinus surgery ■ Reduced-pain tonsillectomy and ear tubes ■ State-of-the-art sleep apnea and snoring surgery ■ Implantable hearing devices ■ Facelift, rhinoplasty, eyelid lift and other facial cosmetic enhancements ■ Non-surgical skin procedures such as botox, facial fillers and skin resurfacing ■ Expert hearing evaluation and aids ■ Office-based procedures with all of our doctors including Dr. Fischer and Dr. Gartner ■ Allergy testing, immunotherapy and subcutaneous allergy drops ■ Evaluation and treatment of headaches ■ Skilled care for balance disorders Call us at 610-874-5366 for an appointment. GLEN MILLS MEDIA CHESTER Crozer Medical Plaza at Brinton Lake 300 Evergreen Drive Suite 150 Riddle Memorial Hospital Outpatient Pavilion Suite 3406 2112 Providence Avenue ■ ProvidenceENT_pH11.indd 1 3/6/12 12:10 PM special treatment H&W feat chop.nemours spring12.indd 1 3/9/12 11:18:04 AM t close to home Two of the country’s most respected children’s hospitals get busy in the ’burbs. By Emily Riley The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia now offers pediatric specialty-care centers in Springfield, King of Prussia (below) and two other locations. Fewer than 30 miles separate The waiting room and exterior (opposite page) of Nemours’ Newtown Square facility. the Children’s Hospital of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia and Wilmington, Del.’s Nemours/Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children. But they might as well be a world away for many suburbanites in need of pediatric specialty care on a regular—or even sporadic—basis. Accurate or not, that perception goes a long way in explaining why these two healthcare powerhouses now have branches in the Main Line area. For Nemours, a partnership with Main Line Health through Bryn Mawr and Paoli hospitals has helped increase local visibility. In 2008, the well-established children’s healthcare network further expanded its reach to the Main Line Health Center in Newtown Square, where it operates an 8,000-square-foot outpatient facility with 13 exam rooms and about 1,000 patient visits per month. Cardiology, neurology and neurosurgery, dermatology, and sports medicine are among the 16 specialtycare areas available to kids and families. H&W feat chop.nemours spring12.indd 2 l healthcare guide/spring 2012 H13 3/9/12 11:18:16 AM “We wanted to take the care you can usually only get in a hospital into the suburbs,” says Chris Manning, senior manager of public and community relations for Nemours. The center sees patients from 44 states and 15 countries annually, and orthopedic specialists like Dr. L. Reid Nichols have experienced the warm embrace from the community. “There’s no limit to what we see,” says Nichols. “The pediatricians in the area are so happy to know we’re here. There seems to be such a high need for specialty care on the Main Line.” The Newtown Square center boasts audiology booths and a staff that works in conjunction with otolaryngologists. There’s also EKG and echocardiography equipment, plus on-site laboratory, imaging and rehabilitation services. The staff ’s goal is to get patients into the exam room in five days or fewer, without the threat of being bumped should a more pressing medical emergency arise. If doctors determine that inpatient treatment is necessary, the Nemours Kids Transport Program maintains a fleet of ambulances that operate as mobile ANNUAL SKIN CARE FAIR WORLD CLASS SKIN CARE RADNOR HOTEL IT’S FREE & FOR A GOOD CAUSE! YOUR SKIN DESERVES OUR EXPERIENCE. SAVE THE DATE: SATURDAY, APRIL 28TH Presentation and Q&A on Non-Surgical Rejuvenation of the Skin by Victoria A. Cirillo-Hyland, M.D. Meet Our Skin Care Therapists, Massage Therapist, PAs & RN, Complimentary Skin Analysis, Free Mini Massages, Food, Shopping, Local Vendors, Music Provided by “Moore Music,” Plus Prizes & Events! Event Location: 591 East Lancaster Avenue, St. Davids, Pa. 19087 | Time: 9 AM – 2 PM This Special Charity Event Benefits the Melanoma Research Foundation Please call 610.525.5029 for details. SERVING THE MAIN LINE SINCE 1968 610.525.5028 610.525.5029 Rosemont Business Campus 919 Conestoga Road Building Two, Suite 105/106 Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 Main Line Health Center 3855 West Chester Pike, Suite 325 Newtown Square, PA 19073 H14 H&W feat chop.nemours spring12.indd 3 l LIKE US ON FACEBOOK intensive-care units, even taking patients from other licensed healthcare facilities to Nemours/Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children. And all patients’ digital records—including images, exam notes and previous medical history—are as readily available in Newtown Square as they are in Wilmington. Elsewhere on the Main Line, the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia offers four outposts for pediatric specialty care in King of Prussia, Exton, Chadds Ford and Springfield. Services include an imaging center in King of Prussia (the largest freestanding pediatric radiology facility in the state) and Exton’s ambulatory surgery center, which offers indispensable expertise in a local setting. “We’re looking to enlarge our outpatient network, and the Main Line is a big part of our plans,” says Dr. Steven M. Altschuler, CHOP’s CEO. “Wherever possible, we want to move care away from overnight hospital stays at our main campus. The goal is to have only the most seriously ill patients treated [there], and all others cared for near home.” The King of Prussia location sees a large number of outpatient oncology patients. “The response we’ve received from being here is just fabulous,” says Dr. Julie Stern, who’s been with CHOP since 1996 and started practicing on the Main Line in 2004. “The ability to get stateof-the-art therapy without driving to the city is a huge bonus, and the familiarity we have here in a smaller atmosphere allows everyone to get to know the child.” Among other things, providing oncology care closer to home means lengthy chemotherapy treatments, spinal taps and other blood work are performed in a setting that’s comfortable and fully equipped with lab and imaging services to measure the results as quickly as possible. A fully integrated digital medical-records system allows for smooth communication between the main hospital and its suburban branches. “We encourage families— especially siblings—to be with the patients on an occasional basis when they’re having a procedure done, so it still feels like a homey environment,” Stern says. And one of the best things about her job? “The fact that I know my patients really well,” she says. “Having this kind of world-class care in the community is just priceless to me, and I take special pride in being able to offer it.” HG healthcare guide/spring 2012 3/9/12 11:18:23 AM “YOU CAN SEE A PERSON’S SOUL IN THEIR EYES... BUT THEIR SPIRIT IS IN THEIR SMILES” - UNKNOWN In today’s economy, you need to get it done right the first time. If your smile is not saying you are Attractive, Assertive and Confident let us help In the right hands, modern dentistry has caught up with your dental problems. Call today to explore your options! ADVANCED RESTORATIVE & COSMETIC DENTISTRY DENTAL IMPLANTS AND SEDATION DENTISTRY Exceptional Dentistry/ Superior Results Dr. James Vito trained at the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine receiving both his dental degree and Certificates in Periodontics and Fixed Prosthodontics. He has two Board Certifications in Dental Implants from the American Board of Oral Implantology and the International Congress of Oral Implantologist. Dr. Vito is a Clinician, in practice since 1987, a teacher, Clinical Professor of Periodontics and Oral Implantology and a national Lecturer in the field of Dental Implants. Recognized as the " BEST" by peers, colleagues and patients since 2000 Healthcare Guide The Best Medical and Dental Care * * Know before you go. PLUS: Our Handy Chart of the Region’s Hospitals and Health Systems Big Changes at Lankenau Medical Center Cutting-Edge Treatment for Eating Disorders in Chester County Going Gluten-Free: Is It Worth It? + Vito_pH15.indd 1 Our vaccination and screening timeline 3/6/12 12:11 PM h&w top docs list NEW spring12.indd 1 3/9/12 11:19:15 AM top doctors A list of the area’s best practitioners. ANESTHESIOLOGY Dr. Boris Aronzon United Anesthesia Services, Lankenau Medical Center, 100 Lancaster Ave., Wynnewood, (484) 476-2141 Dr. Olesh Babiak Associates in Anesthesia, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 30 Medical Center Blvd., POB II, Suite 305, (610) 876-6448 Dr. Philip Bilello Paoli Surgery Center, 1 Industrial Blvd., Paoli, (610) 408-0822 Dr. Louis Boxer West Chester Anesthesiology Associates, Chester County Hospital, 701 E. Marshall St., West Chester, (610) 431-5387 Dr. Michael Eric Cabral United Anesthesia Services, Paoli Hospital, 255 W. Lancaster Ave., Paoli, (484) 565-1087 Dr. Scott Cook-Sather CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Specialty Care Center Exton, Oaklands Corporate Center, 481 John Young Way, Exton, (610) 594-9008 Dr. Robert Day United Anesthesia Services, Bryn Mawr Hospital, 130 S. Bryn Mawr Ave., Bryn Mawr, (484) 337-4947 Dr. Catherine DiGregorio Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., Upland, (610) 447-2000 Dr. Ruth Dombkowski Associates in Anesthesia, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., POB I, Suite 302, Upland, (610) 447-6579; The Surgery Center at Brinton Lake, 300 Evergreen Drive, Suite 130, Glen Mills, (484) 846-5100 Dr. Angus Gillis United Anesthesia Services, Bryn Mawr Hospital, 130 S. Bryn Mawr Ave., Bryn Mawr, (484) 337-4947 Dr. Jeffrey Haiken Drexel Anesthesia Associates, Delaware County Memorial Hospital, 501 N. Lansdowne Ave., Drexel Hill, (610) 284-8430 Dr. Pamela Hale Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., Upland, (610) 619-7360 Dr. Teresa Hayes-O’Flynn United Anesthesia Services, Lankenau Medical Center, 100 Lancaster Ave., Wynnewood, (484) 476-6844 Dr. Kevin Horan United Anesthesia Services, Paoli Hospital, 255 W. Lancaster Ave., Paoli, (484) 565-1087 Dr. Benjamin Jacobs Paoli Surgery Center, 1 Industrial Blvd., Paoli, (610) 408-0822 Dr. Ellen Jantzen CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Specialty Care Center Exton, Oaklands Corporate Center, 481 John Young Way, Exton, (610) 594-9008 Dr. Lee Letwin United Anesthesia Services, Lankenau Medical Center, 100 Lancaster Ave., Wynnewood, (484) 476-3327 Dr. Anne Mahadeviah Society Hill Anesthesia Consultants, Riddle Memorial Hospital, 1068 W. Baltimore Pike, Media, (610) 891-3229 Dr. John McCloskey CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Specialty Care Center Exton, Oaklands Corporate Center, 481 John Young Way, Exton, (610) 594-9008 Dr. Jeffrey Nachman Associates in Anesthesia, 1 Medical Center Blvd., POB 1, Suite 302, Upland, (610) 447-6579 Dr. John Michael Nguyen Bryn Mawr Hospital, 130 S. Bryn Mawr Ave., Bryn Mawr, (610) 526-3000 Dr. Richard O’Flynn Society Hill Anesthesia Consultants, Riddle Memorial Hospital, 1068 W. Baltimore Pike, Media, (610) 891-3229 Dr. David Robinson United Anesthesia Services, Paoli Hospital, 255 W. Lancaster Ave., Paoli, (484) 565-1087 Dr. William Shepard United Anesthesia Services, Lankenau Medical Center, 100 Lancaster Ave., Wynnewood, (484) 476-2132 Dr. Kirby Tirk The Chester County Hospital, 701 E. Marshall St., West Chester, (610) 431-5387 CARDIOLOGY Dr. Michael Adesman Cardiology Consultants of Philadelphia, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., POB II, Suite 224, Upland, (610) 876-2400; Riddle Memorial Hospital, 1088 W. Baltimore Pike, HCC II, Suite 2400, Media, (610) 565-2100; 300 Evergreen Drive, Suite 140, Glen Mills, (610) 579-3579 Dr. David Bernbaum Brandywine Valley Cardiovascular Associates, 3025 C.G. Zinn Road, Thorndale, (610) 384-2211 Dr. William Bonney CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Specialty Care Center Chadds Ford, 1766 Wilmington Pike, Glen Mills, (610) 459-7871 Dr. Robert Bulgarelli McCurdy & Tremblay, Riddle Memorial Hospital, 1088 W. Baltimore Pike, HCC II, Suite 2500, Media, (610) 565-4107 Dr. Kimberly Campbell Cardiology Consultants of Philadelphia, The Medical and Conference Center at Delaware County Memorial Hospital, 2100 Keystone Ave., Suite 200, Drexel Hill, (610) 259-0240; Springfield Hospital, 196 W. Sproul Road, Springfield Healthplex Pavilion I, Suite 106, Springfield, (610) 543-4000 Dr. Sweta Chandela Brandywine Valley Cardiovascular Associates, 3025 C.G. Zinn Road, Thorndale, (610) 384-2211 Dr. Paul Coady MLHC Interventional Cardiology, Lankenau Medical Center, 100 Lancaster Ave., Suite 380, Wynnewood, (610) 649-8599 Dr. Sean Curran Bryn Mawr Medical Specialists, Bryn Mawr Hospital, 830 Old Lancaster Road, MOB North, Suite 305, Bryn Mawr, (610) 525-1202; 3855 West Chester Pike, Suite 250, Newtown Square, (610) 525-1202 Dr. Mark Edelstein Marple Medical Associates, Delaware County Medical Center, 1999 Sproul Road, Broomall, (610) 353-6400 Dr. Stanford Ewing CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Specialty Care Center King of Prussia, 210 Mall Blvd., King of Prussia, (610) 337-3232 Dr. John Fornace PMA Medical Specialists, 410 W. LinfieldTrappe Road, Suite 100, Limerick, (610) 495-2300 Dr. Elliot Gerber Main Line Cardiology Associates, Paoli Hospital, 255 W. Lancaster Ave., MOB II, Suite 328, Paoli, (610) 647-2400 Dr. Aaron Giltner Cardiovascular Healthcare Consultants, Paoli Hospital, MOB III, Suite 234, 255 W. Lancaster Ave., Paoli, (610) 647-4260 Dr. Marie Gleason CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Specialty Care Center Chadds Ford, 1766 Wilmington Pike, Glen Mills, (610) 4597871; CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Specialty Care Center Exton, Oaklands Corporate Center, 481 John Young Way, Exton, (610) 5949008; CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Specialty Care Center King of Prussia, 210 Mall Blvd., King of Prussia, (610) 337-3232 Dr. Karl Grunewald Cardiac and Thoracic Surgeons of Delaware County, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., Ambulatory Care Pavilion, Suite 233, Upland, (610) 619-8477 Dr. Glenn Harper Cardiology Consultants, Bryn Mawr Hospital, 830 Old Lancaster Road, MOB North, Suite 105, Bryn Mawr, (610) 527-1165; 3855 West Chester Pike, Suite 250, Newtown Square, (610) 527-1165 Dr. Hope Helfeld West Chester Cardiology, 531 Maple Ave., West Chester, (610) 692-4382; 701 E. Baltimore Pike, Suite C, Kennett Square, (610) 444-8939; 119 E. Uwchlan Ave., Suite 200, Exton, (610) 692-4382 Dr. Scott Hessen Cardiology Consultants of Philadelphia, CrozerChester Medical Center, 1Medical Center Blvd., Upland, (610) 876-2400 Dr. Arthur Hodess Brandywine Valley Cardiovascular Associates, 3025 C.G. Zinn Road, Thorndale, (610) 384-2211 Dr. Alexa Hogarty CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Specialty Care Center Exton, 481 John Young Way, Oaklands Corporate Center, Exton, (610) 594-9008; CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Specialty Care Center Springfield, 100 W. Sproul Road, Pavilion II, Suite 221, Springfield, (610) 328-1600 Dr. Mian Jan West Chester Cardiology, 531 Maple Ave., West Chester, (610) 692-4382; 701 E. Baltimore Pike, Suite C, Kennett Square, (610) 444-8939; 119 E. Uwchlan Ave., Suite 200, Exton, (610) 692-4382 Dr. Sean Janzer CASEP, 830 Old Lancaster Road, Suite 105, Bryn Mawr, (610) 527-1165 Dr. Ancil Jones Cardiology Consultants of Philadelphia, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., Upland, (610) 876-2400 Dr. David Kleinman Cardiology Consultants of Philadelphia, CrozerChester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., POB II, Suite 224, Upland, (610) 876-2400; Delaware County Memorial Hospital, 2100 Keystone Ave., Suite 200, Drexel Hill, (610) 259-0240 Dr. Walter Kornienko Cardiology Consultants of Philadelphia, Delaware County Memorial Hospital, 2100 Keystone Ave., Suite 200, Drexel Hill, (610) 259-0240; Springfield Hospital, 196 W. Sproul Road, Pavilion I, Suite 106, Springfield, (610) 543-4000 Dr. Howard Kramer Cardiology Consultants, Bryn Mawr Hospital, 830 Old Lancaster Road, MOB North, Suite 105, Bryn Mawr, (610) 527-1165; 233 E. Lancaster Ave., Suite 300, Ardmore, (610) 649-2140; 3855 West Chester Pike, Suite 240, Newtown Square, (610) 527-1165 Dr. Edward Magargee Cardiology Consultants of Philadelphia, 1330 Powell St., Suite 301, Norristown, (610) 272-3253; Lankenau Medical Center, 100 Lancaster Ave., MOB East, Suite 450, Wynnewood, (610) 658-8689 Dr. Richard McCurdy, Jr. McCurdy & Tremblay, Riddle Memorial Hospital, 1088 W. Baltimore Pike, HCC II, Suite 2500, Media, (610) 565-4107 Dr. Frank McGeehin Lankenau Medical Center, 100 E. Lancaster Ave., MOB East, Suite 356, Wynnewood, (610) 649-7625 Dr. Nirav Mehta Main Line Cardiology Associates, Paoli Hospital, 255 W. Lancaster Ave., MOB II, Suite 328, Paoli, (610) 647-2400; Main Line Health Center, 599 Arcola Road, Collegeville, (610) 647-2400 Dr. Roselle Mesmer Cardiology Consultants of Philadelphia, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., POB II, Suite 224, Upland, (610) 876-2400; Riddle Memorial Hospital, 1088 W. Baltimore Pike, Media, (610) 565-2100; 300 Evergreen Drive, Glen Mills, (610) 579-3579 Dr. David Mishalove Cardiology Consultants of Philadelphia, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., POB II, Suite 224, Upland, (610) 876-2400; Riddle Memorial Hospital, 1088 W. Baltimore Pike, HCC II, Suite 2400, Media, (610) 876-2400; 300 Evergreen Drive, Suite 140, Glen Mills, (610) 876-2400 Dr. Herman Movsowitz Cardiovascular Healthcare Consultants, Paoli Hospital, 255 W. Lancaster Ave., MOB III, Suite 234, Paoli, (610) 647-4260; Oaklands Corporate Center, 495 Thomas Jones Way, Suite 306, Exton, (610) 647-4260 Dr. John O’Hara Cardiovascular Healthcare Consultants, Paoli Hospital, 255 W. Lancaster Ave., MOB III, Suite 234, Paoli, (610) 647-4260; Oaklands Corporate Center, 495 Thomas Jones Way, Suite 306, Exton, (610) 647-4260; Main Line Health Center, 599 Arcola Road, Collegeville, (610) 647-4260 Dr. H. Barry Raff Cardiology Consultants of Philadelphia, The Medical Conference Center at Delaware County Memorial Hospital, h&w top docs list NEW spring12.indd 2 l healthcare guide/spring 2012 H17 3/9/12 11:19:23 AM top docTORs in each specialty Anesthesiology Dr. Carol Pasquariello CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Specialty Care Center Exton, Oaklands Corporate Park, 481 John Young Way, Exton; (610) 594-9008, Cardiology Dr. Antonio Chamoun Brandywine Valley Cardiology, 3025 C.G. Zinn Road, Thorndale; (610) 384-2211, Dermatology Dr. Michele Ziskind Paoli Hospital, Medical Office Building II, Suite 224, Paoli; (610) 296-5801, Endocrinology Dr. Albert El-Roeiy HAN IVF, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, Ambulatory Care Pavilion, Suite 531, 1 Medical Center Blvd., Upland; (610) 447-2727, Family Practice Dr. Nadeem Paroya Greater NE Family Practice, 406 W. First Ave., Parkesburg, (610) 857-3445 General Surgery Dr. Holly Hedrick CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Specialty Care Center Exton, Oaklands Corporate Park, 481 John Young Way, Exton; (610) 594-9008, Gastroenterology Dr. Frederic Meyers Brandywine GI Associates, 213 Reeceville Road, Suite 17, Coatesville; (610) 384-6076, Internal Medicine Dr. William Greer 21 Industrial Blvd., Suite 200, Paoli, (610) 651-0370 2100 Keystone Ave., Suite 200, Drexel Hill, (610) 259-0240; Springfield Hospital, 196 W. Sproul Road, Pavilion I, Suite 106, Springfield, (610) 543-4000 Dr. Gregg Reis PMA Medical Specialists, 826 Main St., Suite 100, Phoenixville, (610) 933-8484 Dr. Todd Rudo Main Line Cardiology Associates, Paoli Hospital, 255 W. Lancaster Ave., MOB II, Suite 328, (610) 647-2400 Dr. Michael Sabadish Brandywine Valley Cardiology Associates, 3025 C.G. Zinn Road, Thorndale, (610) 384-2211 Dr. Richard Schott Cardiology Consultants of Philadelphia, Riddle Memorial Hospital, 1088 W. Baltimore Pike, HCC II, Suite 2400, Media, (610) 892-0626 Dr. Kevin Shinal Cardiovascular Healthcare Consultants, Paoli Hospital, 255 W. Lancaster Ave., MOB III, Suite 234, Paoli, (610) 6474260; Oaklands Corporate Center, 495 Thomas Jones Way, Suite 306, Exton, (610) 647-4260 Dr. Neal Skop Main Line Cardiology Associates, Paoli Hospital, 255 W. Lancaster Ave., MOB II, Suite 328, Paoli, (610) 647-2400; 491 John Young Way, Baxter Building II, Suite 206, Exton, (610) 647-2400 H18 h&w top docs list NEW spring12.indd 3 l Dr. Alexander Shpilman Brandywine Valley Cardiovascular, 3025 C.G. Zinn Road, Thorndale, (610) 384-2211 Dr. Kelly Spratt Penn Medicine Radnor, 250 King of Prussia Road, Radnor, (800) 789-7366; Penn Medicine Valley Forge, 1001 Chesterbrook Blvd., Berwyn, (800) 789-7366 Dr. R. Lee Vogel CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Specialty Care Center Chadds Ford, 1766 Wilmington Pike, Glen Mills, (610) 4597871; CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Specialty Care Center Exton, Oaklands Corporate Center, 481 John Young Way, Exton, (610) 5949008; CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Specialty Care Center King of Prussia, 210 Mall Blvd., King of Prussia, (610) 337-3232 Dr. William Clay Warnick Chester County Cardiology Associates, 915 Old Fern Hill Road, Building A, Suite 5, West Chester, (610) 696-7159; Kennett Medical Campus, 404 McFarlan Road, Suite 102, Kennett Square, (610) 696-2850; Commons at Oaklands, 736 W. Lincoln Highway, Exton, (610) 696-7159 Dr. Brian Wilner Cardiovascular Healthcare Consultants, Paoli Hospital, 255 W. Lancaster Ave., MOB III, Suite 234, Paoli, (610) 6474260; 495 Thomas Jones Way, Suite 306, Exton, (610) 647-4260 Dr. Michael Yow Cardiology Consultants of Philadelphia, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., POB II, Suite 224, Upland, (610) 876-2400; Riddle Memorial Hospital, 1088 W. Baltimore Pike, HCC II, Suite 2400, Media, (610) 876-2400; 300 Evergreen Drive, Suite 140, Glen Mills, (610) 876-2400 Dermatology Dr. Jamie Altman Riddle Memorial Hospital, 1088 W. Baltimore Pike, HCC II, Suite 2506, Media, (610) 566-7300; 21 Industrial Blvd., Suite 203, Paoli, (484) 318-7743 Dr. Victoria Cirillo-Hyland Bryn Mawr Skin & Cancer Institute, 919 Conestoga Road, Building 2, Suite 106, Bryn Mawr, (610) 525-5028; Bryn Mawr Health Center, 3855 West Chester Pike, Newtown Square, (610) 525-5028; Cirillo Cosmetic Dermatology Spa, 919 Conestoga Road, Building 2, Suite 105, Bryn Mawr, (610) 525-5029 Dr. Danielle DeHoratius Weiss & Roling Dermatology & Associates, 259 E. Lancaster Ave., Wynnewood, (610) 642-1090; Bryn Mawr Medical Specialists, 933 Haverford Road, Bryn Mawr, (610) 642-1090 Dr. Cherie M. Ditre Penn Medicine Radnor, 250 King of Prussia Road, Section 2B, Radnor, (610) 902-2428 Dr. Christine Egan Dermatology LTD, Chesley Office Campus, 101 Chesley Drive, Media, (610) 566-7111; Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., Suite 341, Upland, (610) 566-7111; 1790 Wilmington Pike, Speakman House, Glen Mills, (610) 459-1900 Dr. Scott Gottlieb Dermatology & Skin Surgery Center, 501 Gordon Drive, Exton, (610) 594-6660 Dr. Matthew Halpern Weiss and Roling Dermatology & Associates, 259 E. Lancaster Ave., Wynnewood, (610) 642-1090 Dr. Erum Ilyas Montgomery Dermatology, 491 Allendale Road, Suite 302, King of Prussia, (610) 265-1166 Dr. John Laskas Dermatology, LTD, Chesley Office Campus, 101 Chesley Drive, Media, (610) 566-7111; 1790 Wilmington Pike, Speakman House, Glen Mills, (610) 459-1900; Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., Upland, (610) 566-7111 Dr. Joseph McFarland Riddle Memorial Hospital, 1078 W. Baltimore Pike, HCC I, Suite 204, Media, (610) 565-6707 Dr. Daniel Roling Weiss & Roling Dermatology, 259 E. Lancaster Ave., Wynnewood, (610) 642-1090; Bryn Mawr Medical Specialists, 933 Haverford Road, Bryn Mawr, (610) 642-1090 Dr. Scott Schafrank Main Line Dermatology, 1450 Boot Road, Suite 700A, West Chester, (610) 696-8615; 995 Old Eagle School Road, Suite 304F, Wayne, (610) 688-3099 Dr. William Sherwin Lankenau Medical Center, 100 Lancaster Ave., Medical Science Building, Suite 370, Wynnewood, (610) 6455260; 1 Bala Plaza, Suite 620, Bala Cynwyd, (610) 664-3300 Dr. John Wildemore Devon Square II, 744 W. Lancaster Ave., Suite 230, Wayne, (610) 688-8750 Dr. Albert Yan CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Specialty Care Center Exton, Oaklands Corporate Center, 481 John Young Way, Exton, (610) 594-9008 Dr. Michelle Ziskind Paoli Hospital, 255 W. Lancaster Ave., MOB II, Suite 224, Paoli, (610) 296-5801 Endocrinology Dr. Somera Ali PMA Medical Specialists, 410 W. Linfield-Trappe Road, Suite 100, Limerick, (610) 495-2300 Dr. Craig Alter CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Specialty Care Center King of Prussia, 210 Mall Blvd., King of Prussia, (610) 337-3232 Dr. Vaneeta Bamba CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Specialty Care Center King of Prussia, 210 Mall Blvd., King of Prussia, (610) 337-3232 Dr. Mariele Briones Gateway Medical Associates, Chester County Hospital, 795 E. Marshall Street, Suite 102C, West Chester, (610) 431-7929 Dr. Scott Bruno Gateway Medical Associates, Chester County Hospital, 795 E. Marshall St., Suite 102C, West Chester, (610) 431-7929; Brandywine Hospital, 217 Reeceville Road, Suite B, Coatesville, (610) 431-7929 Dr. Rita El-Hajj Main Line Endocrinology, Lankenau Medical Center, 100 E. Lancaster Ave., MOB South, Suite 222, Wynnewood, (610) 649-1922 Dr. Ruth Ann Fitzpatrick Endocrinology Associates, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., Upland, (610) 338-1820; Endocrinology Associates at Brinton Lake, 300 Evergreen Drive, Suite 150, Glen Mills, (610) 338-1820 Dr. Adda Grimberg CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Specialty Care Center King of Prussia, 210 Mall Blvd., King of Prussia, (610) 337-3232 Dr. Matthew Kane Gateway Medical Associates, Chester County Hospital, 795 E. Marshall St., Suite 102C, West Chester, (610) 431-7929; Brandywine Hospital, 217 Reeceville Road, Suite B, Coatesville, (610) 431-7929 Dr. Andrea Kelly CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Specialty Care Center Springfield, 100 W. Sproul Road, Pavilion II, Suite 221, Springfield, (610) 328-1600 Dr. Cheryl Koch Bryn Mawr Medical Specialists, 933 Haverford Road, Bryn Mawr, (610) 527-1604 Dr. David Langdon CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Specialty Care Center Exton, 481 John Young Way, Oaklands Corporate Center, Exton, (610) 594-9008; CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Specialty Care Center Springfield, 100 W. Sproul Road, Pavilion II, Suite 221, Springfield, (610) 328-1600 Dr. Margaret Ryan Riddle Endocrinology & Metabolism Associates, 8 W. Brookhaven Road, Brookhaven, (610) 876-2300 Dr. Erika Tapino Endocrinology Associates Springfield, Springfield Hospital, 190 W. Sproul Road, Springfield, (610) 338-1820 Dr. Deebeanne Tavani Lankenau Medical Center, 100 Lancaster Ave., MOB East, Suite 463, Wynnewood, (610) 896-5170 Dr. Lawrence Wallach Endocrinology Associates, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., Upland, (610) 338-1820; Springfield Hospital, 190 W. Sproul Road, Springfield, (610) 3381820, 8 Morton Ave., Suite 103, Ridley Park, (610) 338-1820 Dr. Paul Woolf CKHS Center for Geriatric Medicine/Crozer Medical Associates, 200 E. State St., Suite 100, Media, (610) 499-7180 Dr. Lubna Zuberi Endocrinology Associates Springfield, Springfield Hospital, 190 W. Sproul Road, Springfield, (610) 338-1820; Endocrinology Associates Brinton Lake, 300 Evergreen Drive, Suite 150, Glen Mills, (610) 338-1820 Family Practice Dr. Michael Arbuckle Family Practice of Honey Brook, 471 Pequea Ave., Honey Brook, (610) 273-2429 Dr. Victoria Borgia Center for Family Health Springfield, 1260 E. Woodland Ave., Suite 200, Springfield, (610) 690-4490 Dr. Trina Bradburd Kohutiak & Jamali, Riddle Memorial Hospital, 1098 W. Baltimore Pike, HCC III, Suite 3311, Media, (610) 565-7810 Dr. Robert Braunfield Delaware County Family Practice, 2000 Sproul Road, Suite 100, Broomall, (610) 353-3500 Dr. Michael Bullock Haverford Family Practice, 600 Haverford Road, Suite 205, Haverford, (610) 649-6400 Dr. Geoffrey Burgess Gateway Colonial Family Practice, Brandywine Hospital, 217 Reeceville Road, Suite A, Coatesville, (610) 269-9448 Dr. Michael Carnuccio Ingleside Medical Associates, 200 Municipal Drive, Thorndale, (610) 383-6300 Dr. Marylou Checchia-Romano Upper Providence Family Medicine, Main Line Health Center, 599 Arcola Road, Collegeville, (484) 565-8440 Dr. Amy Crawford-Faucher Center for Family Health Springfield, 1260 E. Woodland Ave., Suite 200, Springfield, (610) 690-4490 Dr. Mary DeCaro DeCaro Family Practice, 100 W. Sproul Road, Pavilion II, Suite 223, Springfield, (610) 690-8225 Dr. Anthony DeSalvo Havertown Family Practice, 850 West Chester Pike, West Chester, (610) 789-5600 Dr. Brian Friedrich Drexel Hill Internal Medicine Associates, 5030 State Road, Suite 2400, Drexel Hill, (610) 394-1350 Dr. Laurie Gallagher 1229 Horseshoe Pike, Downingtown, (610) 873-2700 Dr. Ernest Gillan Paoli Family Medicine, Paoli Hospital, 250 W. Lancaster Ave., suite 120, Paoli, (610) 644-8069 Dr. Steven Ginsburg Kennett Family Practice Associates, Kennett Medical Campus, 402 McFarlan Road, Suite 102, Kennett Square, (610) 444-5678 Dr. Carol Glessner Great Valley Family Medicine, Oaklands Corporate Center, 491 John Young Way, Baxter Building, Suite 200, Exton, (484) 876-3500 Dr. Joseph Greco Bryn Mawr Family Practice, 1991 Sproul Road, Suite 300, Broomall, (610) 325-1390 Dr. Steven Growney Main Line Family Practice, 888 Glenbrook Ave., Bryn Mawr, (610) 525-2990 Dr. Mary Lisa Gunning 21 Turner Lane, Embassy Court, West Chester, (610) 696-6655 Dr. Mitchell Kaminski Family Physicians at Middletown, 176 S. New Middletown Road, Media, (610) 627-3660 Dr. Kay Kerr Bryn Mawr College Health Center, 101 N. Merion Ave., Bryn Mawr, (610) 526-7360 Dr. John Khalifa Gateway Village Family Medicine at Lionville, 93 W. Devon Drive, Suite 100, Exton, (610) 321-0200 Dr. Gerard Klinzing Ashby, Klinzing & Sharma, Bryn Mawr Hospital, 830 Old Lancaster Road, MOB North, Suite 108, Bryn Mawr, (610) 520-5200 Dr. Walter Lewis Lewis Family Practice, Riddle Memorial Hospital, 1088 W. Baltimore Pike, HCC II, Suite 2206, Media, (610) 566-7601 Dr. Antoninus Manos 915 Old Fern Hill Road, Building D, Suite 500, West Chester, (610) 235-4100 Dr. Christie Mousaw Brinton Lake Family Medicine, 300 Evergreen Drive, Suite 310, Glen Mills, (610) 579-3555 Dr. John Munshower Family Care Associates, 1000 Market St., Marcus Hook, (610) 485-2578 Dr. Michael Prime Family Physicians at Media, 200 E. State St., Suite 106, Media, (610) 480-5176 Dr. John Riccardo Milltown Family Medicine, 797 E. Lancaster Ave., Suite 17, Downingtown, (610) 269-8155 healthcare guide/spring 2012 3/9/12 11:20:00 AM Celebrating the legendary wonder of wine with classic and innovative cuisine. The weekend kicks off with a grand Winemakers Dinner on Friday evening, featuring a seven-course, sit-down dinner with exquisite wine pairings. Saturday’s Grand Tasting will feature wines from across the world and food from some of the best restaurants on the Main Line. To learn more visit: September 21 & 22, 2012 A portion of the proceeds benefits PromoFoodWine_pH19.indd 1 For additional information and sponsorship opportunities please contact or 610.325.4630 3/6/12 12:13 PM top docTORs in each specialty Neurology Dr. Chhinder P. Binning 115 John Robert Thomas Drive, Exton, (610) 363-1154 Oncology Dr. Maureen Hewitt Chester County Hematology Oncology Services, 440 E. Marshall St., Suite 201, West Chester, (610) 738-2500; Kennett Medical Campus, 400 McFarlan Road, Suite 300, Kennett Square, (610) 925-0370; Brandywine Hospital, 213 Reeceville Road, Suite 24, Coatesville, (610) 380-3439; Orthopedics Dr. James McGlynn Premier Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Associates, 1 Medical Center Blvd., POB II, Suite 324, Upland, (610) 876-0347; 300 Evergreen Drive, Suite 200, Glen Mills, (610) 579-3450; Media Medical Plaza, 200 E. State St., Media, (610) 566-5723; Obstetrics & Gynecology Dr. Jose Maceda Delaware Valley Urogynecology, 196 W. Sproul Road, Healthplex I, Suite 208, Springfield, (610) 338-1810 Ophthalmology Dr. Brian Forbes CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Specialty Care Center King of Prussia, 210 Mall Blvd., King of Prussia, (610) 337-3232; CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Specialty Care Center Exton, Oaklands Corporate Park, 481 John Young Way, Exton, (610) 594-9008; Pediatrics Dr. Ruth Mooreville Wayne Pediatric Associates, 110. W. Lancaster Ave., Wayne; (610) 293-2229, Dr. Leo Robb 460 Creamery Way, Suite 101, Exton, (610) 524-4106 Dr. Susan Sandler Main Line Family Medicine, 121 Coulter Ave., Suite 102, Ardmore, (610) 649-5033 Dr. Karen Scoles Crozer Medical Associates, 1553 Chester Pike, Ridley Professional Building, Suite 201, Crum Lynne, (610) 499-7180; 200 E. State St., Suite 100, Media, (610) 499-7180; 2700 Chestnut Parkway, Chester, (610) 499-7180 Dr. Armen Sevag Rose Tree Medical Associates, Riddle Memorial Hospital, 1098 W. Baltimore Pike, HCC III, Suite 3101, Media, (610) 891-9277 Dr. Inez Stoltzfus Ingleside Medical Associates, 200 Municipal Drive, Thorndale, (610) 383-6300 Dr. Gene Uhler Gateway Medical Associates, Colonial Family Practice, Brandywine Hospital, 217 Reeceville Road, Suite A, Coatesville, (610) 269-9448 Dr. Mark Hahn Van Dang Family Health Associates, Delaware County Memorial Hospital, 2100 Keystone Ave., Suite 506, Drexel Hill, (610) 394-9414 Dr. Michael Warner Main Line Healthcare Westtown, 1601 McDaniel Drive, Suite 50, West Chester, (484) 905-8000 Dr. William Warning Center for Family Health Springfield, 1260 E. Woodland Ave., Suite 200, Springfield, (610) 690-4490 Gastroenterology Dr. Matthew Astroff Main Line Gastroenterology, 325 Central Ave., Malvern, (610) 644-6755; Oaklands Corporate Center, 495 Thomas Jones Way, Suite 200, Exton, (610) 594-2641 H20 h&w top docs list NEW spring12.indd 4 l Dr. Robert Atkins Bryn Mawr Medical Specialists, 933 Haverford Road, Bryn Mawr, (610) 525-9570 Dr. Stuart Barish Main Line Gastroenterology, Riddle Memorial Hospital, 1098 W. Baltimore Pike, HCC II, Suite 2407, Media, (610) 656-1808 Dr. David Bobman 915 Old Fern Hill Road, Building B, Suite 300, West Chester, (610) 431-3122; 127 W. Street Road, Suite 102, Building 100, Kennett Square, (610) 431-3122; The Commons at Oaklands, 736 W.Lincoln Highway, Exton, (610) 431-3122 Dr. Jonathan Boyle CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Specialty Care Center King of Prussia, 210 Mall Blvd., King of Prussia, (610) 337-3232 Dr. Norman Callahan Main Line Gastroenterology, 325 Central Ave., Malvern, (610) 644-6755; Oaklands Corporate Center, 495 Thomas Jones Way, Suite 200, Exton, (610) 594-2641 Dr. Brian Copeland Crozer Gastroenterology Associates, CrozerChester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., Ambulatory Care Pavilion, Suite 231, Upland, (610) 619-7475; Springfield Hospital, 196 W. Sproul Road, Pavilion II, Suite 210, Springfield, (610) 619-7475 Dr. Jonathan Flick CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Specialty Care Center King of Prussia, 210 Mall Blvd., King of Prussia, (610) 337-3232 Dr. Philip Gilman Delaware County Memorial Hospital, 2100 Keystone Ave., Suite 700, Drexel Hill, (610) 626-2400 Dr. Immanuel Ho Crozer Gastroenterology Associates, CrozerChester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., Ambulatory Care Pavilion, Suite 231, Upland, (610) 619-7475 Dr. Janice Kelly CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Specialty Care Center Exton, Oaklands Corporate Center, 481 John Young Way, Exton, (610) 594-9008; CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Specialty Care Center King of Prussia, 210 Mall Blvd., King of Prussia, (610) 337-3232; CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Specialty Care Center Springfield, 100 W. Sproul Road, Pavilion II, Suite 221, Springfield, (610) 328-1600 Dr. Kellen Kovalovich PMA Gastroenterology Center, 420 W. Linfield-Trappe Road, Suite 100, Limerick, (484) 938-4030 Dr. Alex Kuryan West Chester Gastrointestinal Group, 915 Old Fern Hill Road, Building B, Suite 300, West Chester, (610) 431-3122; 127 W. Street Road, Suite 102, Building 100, Kennett Square, (610) 431-3122; The Commons at Oaklands, 736 W. Lincoln Highway, Exton, (610) 431-3122 Dr. Oscar Laborda Main Line Gastroenterology, Riddle Memorial Hospital, 1088 W. Baltimore Pike, HCC II, Suite 2407, Media, (610) 565-1808 Dr. Keith Laskin Main Line Gastroenterology, 325 W. Central Ave., Malvern, (610) 644-6755; Oaklands Corporate Center, 495 Thomas Jones Way, Suite 200, Exton, (610) 594-2641; Main Line Health Collegeville, 599 Arcola Road, Collegeville, (610) 644-6755 Dr. Christopher Liacouras CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Specialty Care Center Exton, 481 John Young Way, Oaklands Corporate Center, Exton, (610) 594-9008 Dr. Gary Newman Main Line Gastroenterology, Lankenau Medical Center, 100 Lancaster Ave., MOB East, Suite 252, Wynnewood, (610) 896-7360; 2050 West Chester Pike, Suite 200, Havertown, (610) 449-1525 Dr. Steven Nussbaum Suburban Gastroenterology Associates, 1010 West Chester Pike, Suite 202, Havertown, (610) 789-3510; 6800 Market St., Upper Darby, (610) 789-3510 Dr. Jeffrey Retig Bryn Mawr Medical Specialists, 933 Haverford Road, Bryn Mawr, (610) 525-9570 Dr. Alan Sears Delaware County Memorial Hospital, 2100 Keystone Ave., Suite 700, Drexel Hill, (610) 626-2400 Dr. Edisio Semeao CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Specialty Care Center Springfield, 100 W. Sproul Road, Pavilion II, Suite 221, Springfield, (610) 328-1600 Dr. Anil Sharma Main Line Gastroenterology, 325 Central Ave., Malvern, (610) 644-6755; Oaklands Corporate Center, 495 Thomas Jones Way, Baxter Building 2, Suite 200, Exton, (610) 594-2641 Dr. Eva Sum Brandywine GI Associates, Brandywine Hospital, 213 Reeceville Road, Suite 17, Coatesville, (610) 384-6076 Dr. James Thornton Main Line Gastroenterology, Lankenau Medical Center, 100 Lancaster Ave., MOB East, Suite 252, Wynnewood (610) 896-7360; 2050 West Chester Pike, Havertown, (610) 449-1525 Dr. Ronald Waloff Brandywine GI Associates, Brandywine Hospital, 213 Reeceville Road, Suite 17, Coatesville, (610) 384-6076 Dr. Michael Waronker Brandywine GI Associates, Brandywine Hospital, 213 Reeceville Road, Suite 17, Coatesville, (610) 384-6076 Dr. Michael Wolfson Main Line Gastroenterology, 325 W. Central Ave., Second Floor, Malvern, (610) 644-6755; Riddle Memorial Hospital, 1088 W. Baltimore Pike, HCCII, Suite 2407, Media, (610) 565-1808; Main Line Health Collegeville, 599 Arcola Road, Collegeville, (610) 644-6755 Dr. Marc Zitin Main Line Gastroenterology, Lankenau Medical Center, 100 Lancaster Ave., MOB East, Suite 252, Wynnewood, (610) 8967360; 2050 W. Chester Pike, Suite 200, Havertown, (610) 449-1525 General Surgery Dr. Lisa Attebery Surgical Specialists, Paoli Hospital, 255 W. Lancaster Ave., MOB III, Suite 332, Paoli, (610) 647-3077 Dr. Mahin Behbehanian Riddle Memorial Hospital, 1088 W. Baltimore Pike, HCC II, Suite 2203, (610) 565-6625 Dr. Mohammed Budeir Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., Upland, (610) 447-6090 Dr. Ned Carp Main Line Surgeons, Lankenau Medical Center, 100 E. Lancaster Ave., Medical Science Building, Suite 275, Wynnewood, (610) 642-1908 Dr. Charles Dallara Delaware County Surgical Associates, Riddle Memorial Hospital, 1088 W. Baltimore Pike, HCC II, Suite 2507, Media, (610) 627-4427 Dr. Michael Farber Crozer Gastroenterology Associates, CrozerChester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., Ambulatory Care Pavilion, Suite 231, Upland, (610) 619-7475 Dr. Timothy Fox Surgical Specialists, Paoli Hospital, 255 W. Lancaster Ave., MOB III, Suite 332, Paoli, (610) 647-3077 Dr. Thomas Frazier MLHC Breast Surgical Specialists, Susquehanna Bank Building, 101 S. Bryn Mawr Ave., Suite 201, Bryn Mawr, (610) 520-0700 Dr. Robert Fried Surgical Specialists, Paoli Hospital, 255 W. Lancaster Ave., MOB III, Suite 332, Paoli, (610) 647-3077; Main Line Health Center, 599 Arcola Road, Collegeville, (610) 647-3077 Dr. Steven Fukuchi 915 Old Fern Hill Road, Building B, Suite 201, West Chester, (610) 436-6696 Dr. Jonathan Gefen Main Line Surgeons, Lankenau Medical Center, 100 Lancaster Ave., Medical Science Building, Suite 275, Wynnewood, (610) 642-1908 Dr. Robert Guilday Surgical Care Associates, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., Upland, (610) 619-7400; The Surgery Center at Brinton Lake, 300 Evergreen Drive, Suite 130, Glen Mills, (484) 846-5100 Dr. Linwood Haith Surgical Care Associates, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., Upland, (610) 619-7400 Dr. Leon Katz Center for Minimally Invasive and Bariatric Surgery, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., Pollard House Annex, Upland, (610) 619-8450 Dr. Scott Kripke Surgical Specialists, Paoli Hospital, 255 W. Lancaster Ave., MOB III, Suite 332, Paoli, (610) 647-3077 Dr. Peter Mattei CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Specialty Care Center King of Prussia, 210 Mall Blvd., King of Prussia, (610) 337-3232 Dr. Robert McGarrigle Springfield Hospital, 196 W. Sproul Road, Healthplex Pavilion I, Springfield, (610) 328-0367 Dr. Thomas O’Dea General Surgery Associates, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., Upland, (610) 872-2000 Dr. Christopher Olukuga Surgical Associates of Chester County, Brandywine Hospital, 213 Reeceville Road, Suite 23, Coatesville, (610) 383-6550 Dr. Mary Lou Patton Surgical Care Associates, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., Upland, (610) 619-7400 Dr. Donelle Rhoads Surgical Specialists, 915 Old Fern Hill Road, Building B, Suite 201, West Chester, (610) 436-6696; 105 Vineyard Way, Suite 102, West Grove, (610) 436-6696 Dr. David Rose Surgical Specialists, Bryn Mawr Hospital, 830 Old Lancaster Road, MOB North, Suite 306, Bryn Mawr, (610) 527-1185 Dr. Nanito Uy Surgical Associates of Chester County, Brandywine Hospital, 213 Reeceville Road, Suite 23, Coatesville, (610) 384-6550 Dr. Hassan Vakil Riddle Memorial Hospital, 1098 W. Baltimore Pike, Outpatient Pavilion, Suite 3411, Media, (610) 565-4338 Dr. Martin Vinca Valley Forge Surgical Associates, 824 Main St., Suite 302, Phoenixville, (610) 935-7772 Dr. Robert Wenger Penn Cardiac Care at Brandywine Hospital, 213 Reeceville Road, Suite 33, Coatesville, (610) 383-8434 Dr. Kenneth Witterholt Surgical Specialists, 915 Old Fern Hill Road, Building B, Suite 201, West Chester, (610) 436-6696 Internal Medicine Dr. Doug Atlas Gateway Internal Medicine of West Chester, 520 Maple Ave., Suite 4, West Chester, (610) 430-8200 Dr. Bonnie Ashby Ashby, Klinzing & Sharma, Bryn Mawr Hospital, 830 Old Lancaster Road, MOB North, Suite 108, Bryn Mawr, (610) 520-5200 Dr. Vitasta Bamezai Gateway Internal Medicine, Brandywine Hospital, 217 Reeceville Road, Suite C, Coatesville, (610) 384-5110 Dr. Maria Bucco Riddle Memorial Hospital, 1088 W. Baltimore Pike, HCC II, Suite 2104, Media, (610) 744-2980 Dr. Jennifer Claves Silver, Nansteel, Morris Associates, 300 E. Lancaster Ave., Wynnewood House, Suite 304, (610) 642-2002; Main Line Health Center Broomall, 1991 Sproul Road, Suite 625, Broomall, (610) 642-2002 Dr. John Colombo Delaware County Memorial Hospital, 501 N. Lansdowne Ave., Drexel Hill, (610) 284-8100 Dr. Stephen Conrad Bell Conrad, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., POB I, Suite 403, Upland, (610) 872-8040 Dr. Louis DeStefano Penn Medicine Valley Forge, 1001 Chesterbrook Blvd., Berwyn, (610) 576-7500 Dr. Renee Giometti Chester County Critical Care Medical Associates, The Chester County Hospital, 701 E. Marshall St., West Chester, (610) 431-5472 Dr. Kenneth Goldblum Gateway Internal Medicine at Brandywine Hospital, 217 Reeceville Road, Suite C, Coatesville, (610) 384-5110 Dr. Robert Hindman Chester County Pulmonary & Sleep Specialists, Brandywine Hospital, 213 Reeceville Road, Suite 36, Coatesville, (610) 383-6033 Dr. John Hobson Haverford Medical Associates, 937 Haverford Road, Suite 103, Bryn Mawr, (610) 527-8844 Dr. Nancy Horvitz-Rist Internal Medicine Associates, CrozerChester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., Ambulatory Care Pavilion, Suite 532, Upland, (610) 447-6788 Dr. Vera Howland Howland/Trinkley, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., POB I, Suite 300, Upland, (610) 619-8500 Dr. Stephen Humbert Prime Health Network, 2510 W. Township Line Road, Havertown, (484) 450-4500 Dr. Mark Ingerman Delaware Valley ID Associates, Lankenau Medical Center, 100 E. Lancaster Ave., Suite 164, Wynnewood, (610) 896-0210 healthcare guide/spring 2012 3/14/12 1:21:50 PM MLH-139_MLTodayAd_8.25x10.875 2/1/12 2:47 PM Page 1 You’re never far from being well ahead. The Main Line Health community spans four counties and encompasses scores of neighborhoods across southeastern Pennsylvania. From state-of-the-art acute care hospitals, to convenient health centers, to a range of outstanding physician and specialist practices right in your backyard—you’re never far from the highest quality health care. Lankenau Medical Center | Bryn Mawr Hospital | Paoli Hospital | Riddle Hospital | Bryn Mawr Rehab Hospital | Mirmont Treatment Center 1.866.CALL.MLH ML-Health_pH21.indd 1 3/6/12 12:14 PM Dr. David Kalodner Internist and Associates, 100 E. Chester Pike, Professional Arts Building, Ridley Park, (610) 521-3333 Dr. Vinod Kataria 529 Maple Ave., West Chester, (610) 344-7370 Dr. Shabih Khan Hospital Care Specialists, The Chester County Hospital, 701 E. Marshall St., West Chester, (610) 738-2597 Dr. Young Kim Bryn Mawr Medical Specialists, Paoli Hospital, 255 W. Lancaster Ave., MOB II, Suite 121, Paoli, (610) 560-0014 Dr. Kate Lally Radnor Medical Associates, 320 King of Prussia Road, Suite 120, Radnor, (610) 688-8801 Dr. Ralph Lanza Great Valley Medical Associates, Paoli Hospital, 255 W. Lancaster Ave., MOB II, Suite 120, Paoli, (610) 644-9456 Dr. Maria Largoza Medical Associates of Drexel Hill, Llanerch Medical Center, 510 W. Darby Road, Havertown, (610) 789-6320 Dr. Daniel Lazowick Main Line Primary Care, Lankenau Medical Center, 100 Lancaster Ave., MOB West, Suite 330, Wynnewood, (610) 645-6555 Dr. Henry Ling Lankenau Medical Center, 100 Lancaster Ave., MOB West, Suite 140, Wynnewood, (610) 642-6990 Dr. Christopher Martin 414 Paoli Pike, Malvern, (610) 251-5475 Dr. Christine Meyer 103 Arrandale Blvd., Exton, (610) 363-0100 Dr. James Morris Silver, Nansteel, Morris Associates, 300 E. Lancaster Ave., Wynnewood House, Suite 304, Wynnewood, (610) 642-2002; Main Line Health Center Broomall, 1991 Sproul Road, Suite 625, Broomall, (610) 642-2002 Dr. Shearin Murphy-Higgs MLHC Conshohocken, 1100 E. Hector St., Suite 105, Conshohocken, (610) 828-2608 Dr. Ward O’Donnell Lankenau Medical Center, 100 Lancaster Ave., MOB East, Suite 39, (610) 649-1515 Dr. Shripali Patel Medical Inpatient Care Associates of Chester County, The Chester County Hospital, 701 E. Marshall St., West Chester, (610) 738-2580; Hospitalists Dedicated to Care, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., Suite 404, Upland, (610) 619-8590 Dr. Ross Podell Paoli Hospital, 250 W. Lancaster Ave., Suite 200, Paoli, (610) 889-7530 Dr. Thomas Prestel Pulmonary Associates of Drexel Hill, Delaware County Memorial Hospital, 2100 Keystone Ave., MOB 309, Drexel Hill, (610) 394-9860 Dr. Uzma Quraishi Brandywine Internal Medicine, 701 E. Baltimore Pike, Suite C, Kennett Square, (610) 444-4171 Dr. Atif Qureshi Hospital Medical Service, Bryn Mawr Hospital, 130 S. Bryn Mawr Ave., Bryn Mawr, (484) 337-4097; Paoli Hospital, 255 W. Lancaster Ave., Paoli, (484) 565-1510 Dr. Raida Rabah Brandywine Valley Infectious Diseases Associates, Brandywine Hospital, 213 Reeceville Road, Suite 27, Coatesville, (610) 383-9333 Endocrinology Dr. Ashish Rana Crozer Medical Associates, 1553 Chester Pike, Ridley Professional Building, Suite 201, Crum Lynne, (610) 499-7180; 200 E. State St., Suite 100, Media, (610) 499-7180; 2700 Chestnut Parkway, Chester, (610) 499-7180 Dr. Sailajah Rao Apogee Medical Group, Brandywine Hospital, 201 Reeceville Road, Coatesville, (610) 383-8351 Dr. Mark Real PMA Medical Specialists, 410 W. Linfield-Trappe Road, Suite 100, Limerick, (610) 495-2300 Dr. Anne Reilly Reilly Medical Associates, 500 Chesterbrook Blvd., Suite E, Wayne, (610) 296-0222 Dr. Lisa Sardanopoli Silver, Nansteel, Morris Associates, Main Line Health Center Broomall, 1991 Sproul Road, Suite 625, Broomall, (610) 642-2002 Dr. Robert Satriale Chester County Pulmonary & Sleep Specialists, Brandywine Hospital, 213 Reeceville Road, Suite 36, Coatesville, (610) 383-6033 Dr. Robert Schuster Great Valley Medical Associates, Paoli Hospital, 255 W. Lancaster Ave., MOB II, Suite 120, Paoli, (610) 644-9456 Dr. Karl Schwabe Prime Health Network, 301 West Chester Pike, Suite 201, Havertown, (610) 853-2900; 590 Reed Road, Suite 6, Broomall, (610) 353-5200 Dr. Karen Scoles Crozer Medical Associates, 1553 Chester Pike, Ridley Professional Building, Suite 201, Crum Lynne, (610) 499-7180; 200 E. State St., Suite 100, Media, (610) 499-7180; 2700 Chestnut Parkway, Chester, (610) 499-7180 Dr. Amy Smith Lankenau Medical Center, 100 Lancaster Ave., MOB West, Suite 135, Wynnewood, (610) 896-0648 Dr. Kevin Sowti Medical Inpatient Care Associates of Chester County, Chester County Hospital, 701 E. Marshall St., West Chester, (610) 738-258 Dr. Peter Spitzer Bryn Mawr Medical Specialists, 933 Haverford Road, Bryn Mawr, (610) 527-8118 Dr. Sallie Stadlen 21 Industrial Blvd., Suite 101, Paoli, (610) 648-9330 Dr. Roger Stumacher Silver, Nansteel, Morris Associates, Main Line Health Center Broomall, 1991 Sproul Road, Suite 625, Broomall, (610) 642-2002; Wynnewood House, 300 E. Lancaster Ave., Suite 304, Wynnewood, (610) 642-2002 Dr. Edward Theurkauf Bryn Mawr Medical Specialists, 933 Haverford Road, Bryn Mawr, (610) 525-0200 Dr. David Trinkley Springfield Primary Care Associates, 700 S. Chester Road, Swarthmore, (610) 328-5455 Dr. Andrew Ulichney Western Main Line Medical Associates, 460 Creamery Way, Suite 104, Exton, (610) 280-7960 Dr. Uzma Vaince Apogee Medical Group, Brandywine Hospital, 201 Reeceville Road, Coatesville, (610) 383-8351 Family Practice Dr. Marcus Williams Hospital Care Specialists, Chester County Hospital, 701 E. Marshall St., West Chester, (610) 738-2545 Dr. Susan Williams Crozer-Keystone Center for Geriatric Medicine/Crozer Medical Associates, 200 E. State St., Suite 100, Media, (610) 499-7180; 1553 Chester Pike, Suite 201, Second Floor, Crum Lynne, (610) 499-7180; Springfield Hospital, 190 Sproul Road, Pavilion II, Corporate Suite 11, (610) 338-8233 Dr. Irina Yegudkina Hospital Medical Service, Bryn Mawr Hospital, 130 S. Bryn Mawr Ave., Bryn Mawr, (484) 337-4097; Paoli Hospital, 255 W. Lancaster Ave., Paoli, (484) 565-1510 Dr. Alan Zweben Internal Medicine Assoaictes, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., Ambulatory Care Pavilion, Suite 532, Upland, (610) 477-6788 NEUROLOGY Dr. Philip Adelman Neurocare Associates, 824 Main St., Suite 302, Phoenixville, (610) 917-9551 Dr. Pasquale Brancazio Neurological Associates of Delaware Valley, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., Ambulatory Care Pavilion, Suite 533, Upland, (610) 874-1184 Dr. Kelly Brown Sleep Disorder Center at Taylor Hospital, 175 E. Chester Pike, Ridley Park, (610) 595-6272; Neurological Associates of Delaware Valley Sleep Center, Taylor Hospital, 175 E. Chester Pike, Ridley Park, (610) 595-6272; Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., Suite 533, Upland, (610) 874-1184; Delaware County Memorial Hospital Sleep Lab, 2100 Keystone Ave., Suite 703, Drexel Hill, (610) 394-9860 Dr. Lawrence Brown CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Specialty Care Center King of Prussia, 210 Mall Blvd., King of Prussia, (610) 337-3232 Dr. Richard Buonocore HAN Neurosurgical Practice, CrozerChester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., POB II, Suite 428, Upland, (610) 874-4044 Dr. Howard Caplan MLHC Neurology, Lankenau Medical Center, 100 Lancaster Ave., MOB East, Suite 452, Wynnewood, (866) 225-5654 Dr. Andrew Freese Brandywine Hospital, 213 Reeceville Road, Suite 33, Coatesville, (610) 384-0482 Dr. Stephen Gollomp Lankenau Medical Center, 100 Lancaster Ave., MOB East, Suite 161, Wynnewood, (610) 642-5371 Dr. Thomas Graham Graham Neurological Associates, 11 Industrial Blvd., Suite 204, Paoli, (610) 644-6251 Dr. Bradley Grayum Neurological Associates of Delaware Valley, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., Ambulatory Care Pavilion, Suite 533, (610) 874-1184; HAN Neurology, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1Medical Center Blvd., Upland, (610) 447-2688 Dr. Heidar Jahromi Brandywine Hospital, 213 Reeceville Road, Suite 22, Coatesville, (610) 383-1355 Dr. Sigmund Jenssen 2100 Keystone Ave., Drexel Hill, (610) 394-4731 Geriatric Medicine Internal Medicine Our Family Helping Your Family Coatesville Downingtown Lionville Gateway Medical Associates, Chester County’s largest independent physician practice, has been serving our community since 1996. Gateway strives to provide the highest quality primary and specialty care with a focus on our patients wellbeing and health. Newtown/Edgemont Our 35 physicians and nurse practitioners provide quality care from any of our 9 convenient locations throughout the County. West Chester Leader in Quality and Technology to Enhance Your Health Care. NEW patiENts aLWays WELComED! H22 h&w top docs list NEW spring12.indd 5 l 610-423-8181 NCQA Level 3 Certified Patient Centered Medical Home Practice. Meaningful Use Recognized. Follow Us: healthcare guide/spring 2012 3/9/12 11:21:32 AM ENT AND ALLERGY SPECIALISTS Drs. Broker, Cramer, Swanson, Goldberg, Actor and Tai Same Day Appointments Available Voted Best ENT’s on the Main Line The Philadelphia suburbs’ experts in Pediatric and Adult ENT and Allergy care. Specializing in the most up-to-date techniques and innovations; facial plastic surgery, Sublingual immunotherapy, pediatric allergy and immunology evaluations, minimally invasive tonsillectomy, minimally invasive sinus surgery, balloon sinuplasty, advanced and robotic surgery for cancer and sleep apnea, hearing restoration including the new Lyric invisible hearing aids. Dr. Broker and Dr. Actor were picked as the best ENT doctor and best allergist by the first Main Line Today Magazine readers poll, December 2011. Bryn Mawr, Phoenixville, Pottstown, Exton/Lionville, Roxborough 610-415-1100 • DrBroker_pH23.indd 1 3/6/12 12:14 PM Viagra®, Levitra® or Cialis® not working? No help from Viagra®, Levitra® or Cialis®? Tired of injection therapy? Roughly 30% of men will not respond to oral therapies prescribed for Erectile Dysfunction (E.D.), leaving millions of men looking for a solution. “When Viagra and other treatments fail, the best option may be an inflatable penile implant (IPI),” says Dr. Bruce Garber of The Philadelphia Impotence Foundation. An IPI is a saline-filled device, inserted as an outpatient procedure. An IPI is completely internal, and is undetectable by most women. Squeezing the pump results in a rigid erection. Squeezing the release valve allows the penis to return to a non-rigid state. Penile sensation, pleasure, ejaculation and orgasm are maintained. Most importantly, an IPI can restore a man’s sexual confidence. IPI’s are FDA-approved, have excellent reliability and satisfaction rates, and are covered by many insurance plans. To get detailed information, visit our website. Then schedule a confidential consultation with Dr. Garber, Philly’s premiere implant surgeon. This time is reserved especially for you. If you are unable to keep your appointment, please call us promptly so that we may find a more convenient time for you. Thank you for your consideration. To make an appointment or to learn about upcoming seminars, please contact at BRUCE B. GARBER, MD, FACS Board Certified & Recertified in Urology The Philadelphia Impotence Foundation 215-247-3082 | Has a dental appointment on An educational series, sponsored by Coloplast Corp., designed to inform and empower. J a mes A. G od orecc i , J r . D M D Family, Cosmetic and Restorative Dentistry E4D Dentist (Same Day Dentistry • Digital Scans • No Temporaries) Invisalign • Laser Dentistry • Whitening • Dental Implants • TMJ Treatment • Endodontics • Snore Guards Beautiful Smiles Change Lives 12 South Valley Road • Paoli 610.644.2502 H24 h&w top docs list NEW spring12.indd 6 l Dr. James Kenning Chestmont Neurosurgical, Main Line Health Center in Newtown Square, 3855 West Chester Pike, Suite 245, Newtown Square, (610) 325-3880; 15 Industrial Blvd., Suite 102, Paoli, (610) 325-3880; Main Line Health Center in Collegeville, 599 Arcola Road, Collegeville, (610) 325-3880 Dr. Norman Leopold Neurological Associates of Delaware Valley, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1Medical Center Blvd., Lewis House, Upland, (610) 874-1184; Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1Medical Center Blvd., Ambulatory Care Pavilion, Suite 533, (610) 874-1184 Dr. Daniel Licht CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Specialty Care Center Springfield, 100 W. Sproul Road, Pavilion II, Suite 221, Springfield, (610) 328-1600 Dr. Seth Haplea Chester County Neurology, 795 E. Marshall St., Suite 303, West Chester, (610) 345-1080; 689 Unionville Road, Kennett Square, (610) 345-1080; 1 Commerce Blvd., Suite 203, West Grove, (610) 345-1080 Dr. Lucas Margolies Main Line Healthcare Neurology, Lankenau Medical Center, 100 Lancaster Ave., MOB East, Suite 256, Wynnewood, (484) 572-6300; Main Line Health Center Broomall, 1991 Sproul Road, Suite 625, Broomall, (484) 572-6300 Dr. William O’Connor Center for Neuroscience, Riddle Memorial Hospital, 1088 W. Baltimore Pike, HCC II, Suite 2205, Media, (610) 744-2960 Dr. Chris Reid Bryn Mawr Medical Specialists, Bryn Mawr Hospital, 830 Old Lancaster Road, MOB North, Suite 206, Bryn Mawr, (610) 527-8140 Dr. Nicole Ryan CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Specialty Care Center Chadds Ford, 1766 Wilmington Pike, Glen Mills, (610) 459-7871 Dr. Michael Stanley Neurosurgical Practice Associates, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., POB II, Suite 428, Upland, (610) 874-4044 Dr. Donna Stephenson CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Specialty Care Center Chadds Ford, 1766 Wilmington Pike, Glen Mills, (610) 459-7871 Dr. David Thomas Center for Neuroscience, Riddle Memorial Hospital, 1088 W. Baltimore Pike, HCC II, Suite 2205, (610) 744-2960 Dr. Donald Younkin CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Specialty Care Center King of Prussia, 210 Mall Blvd., King of Prussia, (610) 337-3232 OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY Dr. Scott Bailey Women’s Healthcare Group of PA, Lankenau Medical Center, 100 E. Lancaster Ave., MOB South, Suite 216, Wynnewood, (610) 658-5266 Dr. Renee Bender Associates for Women’s Medicine, 728 W. Lincoln Highway, Exton, (610) 903-6200; 600 E. Marshall St., Suite 205, West Chester, (610) 903-6200 Dr. Catherine Bernardini Main Line Women’s Health Care, 1030 E. Lancaster Ave., Radnor House, Rosemont, (610) 525-3225; 100 Deerfield Lane, Suite 225, Malvern, (610) 644-7330; 140 W. Germantown Pike, Suite 260, Plymouth Meeting, (610) 828-1078 Dr. John Burke Physicians for Women, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., Ambulatory Care Pavilion, Suite 333, Upland, (610) 872-4900; 204 E. Chester Pike, Ridley Park, (610) 8724900; 300 Evergreen Drive, Suite 170, Glen Mills, (610) 872-4900 Dr. Amy Jane Cadieux Women’s Healthcare Group of PA, Valley Forge OB/GYN, 799 Gay St., Phoenixville, (610) 933-2440 Dr. Justin Chura Gynecologic Oncology, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., Crozer Regional Cancer Center, Upland, (610) 786-9640; Gynecologic Oncology, Delaware County Regional Cancer Center at Delaware County Memorial Hospital, 501 N. Lansdowne Ave., Drexel Hill, (610) 876-9640 Dr. Jocelyn Craparo 919 Conestoga Road, Building 1, Suite 104, (610) 525-6400 Dr. Kelli Daniels Physicians for Women, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., Ambulatory Care Pavilion, Suite 333, Upland, (610) 872-4900; 300 Evergreen Drive, Suite 170, Glen Mills, (610) 872-4900; 204 E. Chester Pike, Ridley Park, (610) 872-4900 Dr. Marlene Dookhan Suburban OB-GYN, 300 Evergreen Drive, Glen Mills, (610) 521-4311; Springfield Hospital, 196 W. Sproul Road, Pavilion I, Springfield, (610) 521-4311; 100 E. Chester Pike, Professional Arts Building, Ridley Park, (610) 521-4311 Dr. Matthew Fagan Urogynecology Associates of Philadelphia, Riddle Memorial Hospital, 1098 W. Baltimore Pike, Riddle Health Center 3, Suite 3404, Media, (610) 627-4170; Lankenau Medical Center, 100 E. Lancaster Ave, MOB East, Suite 661, Wynnewood, (610) 627-4170 Dr. Joseph Grover OB/GYN Associates of Delaware County Drexel Hill, Delaware County Memorial Hospital, 2100 Keystone Ave., MOB, Suite 707, Drexel Hill, (610) 626-7070; OB/GYN Associates of Delaware County Springfield, 723 Saxer Ave., Springfield, (610) 543-9343; OB/GYN Associates of Delaware County Ardmore, 100 Church Road, Third Floor, Ardmore, (610) 649-3575 Dr. Caroline Hadley Maternal Fetal Medicine Associates, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., Upland, (610) 447-6666; Chester County Hospital, 701 E. Marshall St., West Chester, (610) 447-6666; Delaware County Memorial Hospital, 501 N. Lansdowne Ave., Drexel Hill, (610) 284-8663 Dr. Randolph Heinzel Lawrence Park OB/GYN, Main Line Health Center Broomall, 1991 Sproul Road, Suite 200, Broomall, (610) 325-1350 Dr. George Henry The Women’s Center OB/GYN, 1011 W. Baltimore Pike, Suite 208, West Grove, (610) 869-2220 Dr. Philip Hirshman Women’s Health Care Specialists, 583 Shoemaker Road, Suite 104, King of Prussia, (610) 265-0184; Bryn Mawr Hospital, 875 County Line Road, MOB South, Suite 104, (610) 527-1219 Dr. Anne Honebrink Penn Health for Women, Penn Medicine Radnor, 250 King of Prussia Road, Radnor, (610) 902-2500 healthcare guide/spring 2012 3/12/12 2:09:18 PM SLV_full page ad_1_11:Layout 3 1/4/11 3:23 PM PEACEFUL Page 1 SERENE PRISTINE Springton charms you long before you set foot in one of its homes. ...There’s the half mile of pristine shoreline, the clean air, open skies, and winding walking path that surround this 44-acre community. As you take it all in, you get a feeling that you belong here... that Springton Lake Village is your type of community. Springton Lake Village is an exceptional, 55+ independent retirement living community in suburban Philadelphia. For directions or to schedule a private tour, please call 610-356-7297 or visit our website at Springton Lake Village offers the best of all worlds: • Owner equity in a small, fully developed, maintenance-free neighborhood of just 40 homes • Spectacular seasonal views & a pristine waterfront setting on Springton Lake Reservoir • A vibrant, active senior living community • Accessible location convenient to area attractions, the airport, & the Main line Our array of amenities and luxury services make life easy, enjoyable and fun: • Individualized care coordination through our affiliate Dunwoody Village • Large, light filled homes of up to to 4,000 sf on 2 floors • Generous storage space & oversized, attached two-car garage with inside entrance • Chef-prepared meals four nights per week • Home maintenance including hvac, lawncare, & snow removal • Onsite fitness center & clubhouse Why downsize when you can optimize? Call today. 101 Longview Circle, Media, PA 19063-2075 | (610) 356-7297 | Springton LAke_pH25.indd 1 3/9/12 11:26 AM Dr. Barry Jacobson OB/GYN Associates of Delaware County, 2100 Keystone Ave., MOB, Suite 707, Drexel Hill, (610) 626-7070; 723 Saxer Ave., Springfield, (610) 543-9343; 100 Church Road, Ardmore, (610) 649-3575; Osteoporosis Center of Delaware County, 2100 Keystone Ave., Suite 707, Drexel Hill, (610) 394-4755; 300 Evergreen Drive, Suite 150, Glen Mills, (610) 394-4755 Dr. Rashida Kanchwala Riddle Memorial Hospital, 1098 W. Baltimore Pike, HCC II, Suite 2105, Media, (610) 628-9713; 1501 Lansdowne Ave., Drexel Hill, (610) 534-6308 Dr. E. Lawrence Langan Lankenau Medical Center, 100 Lancaster Ave., MOB East, Suite 551, Wynnewood, (610) 642-4850; Paoli Medical & Executive Commons, 250 W. Lancaster Ave., Suite 325, Paoli, (610) 642-4850 Dr. Rudolf Laveran Lawrence Park OB/GYN, Main Line Health Center Broomall, 1991 Sproul Road, Suite 200, Broomall, (610) 325-1350 Dr. Patricia Lokey Penn Health for Women, Penn Medicine Radnor, 250 King of Prussia Road, Radnor, (610) 902-2500 Dr. Andrew Gerson Main Line Perinatal, Lankenau Hospital, 100 Lancaster Ave., MOB East, Suite 353, Wynnewood, (610) 649-9021 Dr. Jennifer Gilbert Russino & Chasteney Associates, Paoli Hospital, 255 W. Lancaster Ave., MOB II, Suite 227, Paoli, (610) 889-9550; 495 Thomas Jones Way, Baxter Building 2, Suite 206, Exton, (610) 889-9550; Main Line Health Center, 599 Arcola Road, Collegeville, (610) 889-9550 Dr. Joel Noumoff Gynecologic Oncology, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., Crozer Regional Cancer Center, Upland, (610) 786-9640; Gynecologic Oncology, Delaware County Regional Cancer Center at Delaware County Memorial Hospital, 501 N. Lansdowne Ave., Drexel Hill, (610) 876-9640 Dr. Margaret Peden Women’s Healthcare Group of PA, Lankenau Medical Center, 100 Lancaster Ave., MOB East, Suite 158, Wynnewood, (610) 649-2126; 11 Industrial Blvd., Suite 203, Paoli, (610) 648-9222 Dr. Samantha Pfeifer Women’s Health, Penn Medicine Radnor, 250 King of Prussia Road, Radnor, (800) 789-7366 Dr. Jane Porcelan Women’s Healthcare Group of PA, Lankenau Medical Center, 100 Lancaster Ave., MOB West, Suite 433, Wynnewood, (610) 896-8840; 325 W. Central Ave., Suite 100, Malvern, (610) 251-9346 Dr. Susan Roitman Women’s Health Care Group of PA Valley Forge, 420 W. Linfield-Trappe Road, Suite 2100, Limerick, (610) 9332440; 400 N. Gordon Drive, Suite 703, Lionville, (610) 933-2440; 799 Gay St., Phoenixville, (610) 933-2440 Dr. Melanie B. Schatz Main Line OB/GYN Associates, 85 Old Eagle School Road, Strafford, (610) 688-3744; Paoli Hospital, 255 W. Lancaster Ave., MOB III, Suite 331, Paoli, (610) 647-1105; Main Line What do you see? When goals become defined, strategies are necessary to pursue those goals. For intelligent financial strategies you need Qualified advice. Objective advice that is unique to your situation. Advice that offers you the flexibility to make the difficult decisions. Your needs are unique. So are our solutions. Rosenzweig & Associates Wealth Management G Group, LLC is a branch h office ffi of, ff and Securities offered through WFG Investments, Inc., Member FINRA & SIPC 480 E. Swedesford Road, Suite 120, Wayne, PA 19087 610.627.5921 • H26 h&w top docs list NEW spring12.indd 7 l Health Center, 599 Arcola Road, Collegeville, (610) 454-7787 Dr. Karen Simon Simon and Zamostien, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., Ambulatory Care Pavilion, Suite 334, Upland, (610) 872-7660 Dr. Ann L. Steiner Penn Health for Women, Penn Medicine Radnor, 250 King of Prussia Road, Radnor, (610) 902-2500 Dr. Doris Tirado Riddle OB/GYN Associates, Riddle Memorial Hospital, 1098 W. Baltimore Pike, HCC III, Suite 3106, Media, (610) 891-6240; Westtown Medical center, 1601 McDaniel Drive, Suite 50, West Chester, (610) 891-6240 Dr. Marc Toglia Urogynecology Associates of Philadelphia, 1098 W. Baltimore Pike, Riddle Health Center 3, Suite 3404, Media, (610) 627-4170; Paoli Hospital, 255 W Lancaster Ave., MOB III, Suite 231, Paoli, (610) 627-4170 Dr. David Ufberg MLHC OB/GYN Associates, Lankenau Medical Center, 100 E. Lancaster Ave., MOB South, Suite 307, Wynnewood, (484) 572-2444 Dr. Paul Zamostien Simon and Zamostien, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., Ambulatory Care Pavilion, Suite 334, Upland, (610) 872-7660 Oncology Dr. Jennifer Armstong Paoli Hematology Oncology Associates, Paoli Hospital, 209 W. Lancaster Ave., Suite 100, Paoli, (610) 725-0650 Dr. Stephen Arrigo Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., Crozer Vivacqua Pavilion, Upland, (610) 619-7420 Dr. Lee Bogart Hematology Oncology Associates, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., Professional Building 1, Suite 206, Upland, (610) 876-5166; Cancer Center at Riddle Memorial Hospital, 1078 W. Baltimore Pike, HCC I, Suite 1, Media, (610) 5652355; 33 Chester Pike, Parker Building, Ridley Park, (610) 521-2010 Dr. Won Chan Centric Radiation Oncology, PC Comprehensive Cancer Center, 470 John Young Way, Suite 400, Exton, (610) 524-5550 Dr. Et-Tsu Chen Penn Radiation Oncology at Phoenixville Hospital, 824 Main St., Suite 101, Phoenixville, (610) 983-1851 Dr. Christina Clay Hematology Oncology Associates, CrozerChester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., POB I, Suite 206, Upland, (610) 876-5166; 33 Chester Pike, Parker Building, Ridley Park, (610) 521-2010; Riddle Memorial Hospital, 1078 W. Baltimore Pike, HCC I, Suite 1, Media, (610) 565-2355 Dr. Steven Cohen Bryn Mawr Medical Specialists, 933 Haverford Road, Bryn Mawr, (610) 525-4511 Dr. Heather Curry Millennium Oncology Management, Paoli Hospital, 255 W. Lancaster Ave., Paoli, (484) 565-1601 Dr. Michael Dabrow MLHC Hematology/Oncology Associates, Paoli Hospital, 255 W. Lancaster Ave, Paoli, (484) 565-1600; 495 Thomas Jones Way, Suite 300, Exton, (484) 565-1600 Dr. Albert DeNittis Main Line Radiation Oncology, Lankenau Medical Center, 100 Lancaster Ave., Wynnewood, (484) 476-2433 Dr. John Devlin Bryn Mawr Medical Specialists, 933 Haverford Road, Bryn Mawr, (610) 525-4511 Dr. Arezoo Ghaneie Associates in Hematology-Oncology, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1Medical Center Blvd., Upland, (610) 619-7420 Dr. Paul Gilman Lankenau Hospital Cancer Center, 100 Lancaster Ave., Wynnewood, (610) 645-2494 Dr. David Grossman Chester County Hematology/Oncology Services, 440 E. Marshall St., Suite 201, West Chester, (610) 738-2500 Dr. Michel Hoessly Paoli Hematology Oncology Associates, 209 W. Lancaster Ave., Suite 100, Paoli, (610) 725-0650 Dr. Christopher Holroyde Hemotology/Oncology Associates of Phoenixville, 824 Main St., Suite 101, Phoenixville, (610) 983-1800 Dr. Tracey Jubelirer CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Specialty Care Center King of Prussia, 210 Mall Blvd., King of Prussia, (610) 337-3232 Dr. Lisa Kallenbach Paoli Hematology Oncology Associates, 209 W. Lancaster Ave., Suite 100, Paoli, (610) 725-0650 Dr. Rachelle Lanciano Radiation Oncology Associates of Delaware County, Delaware County Memorial Hospital, 501 N. Lansdowne Ave., Drexel Hill, (610) 284-8240; Philadelphia CyberKnife, 2010 West Chester Pike, Suite 115, Havertown, (610) 446-6850 Dr. John Lamond Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., Upland, (610) 447-2740 Dr. Deborah Markiewicz Radiology Oncology Associates of Delaware County, Delaware County Memorial Hospital, 501 N. Lansdowne Ave., Drexel Hill, (610) 284-8240 Dr. Michael Mikhail Consultants in Medical Oncology & Hematology, Delaware County Memorial Hospital, 2100 Keystone Ave., Suite 502, Drexel Hill, (610) 622-3818 Dr. Gregory Ochsner Millennium Oncology Management, Paoli Hospital, 255 W. Lancaster Ave., Paoli, (484) 565-1601 Dr. Robert Roush Consultants in Medical Oncology & Hematology, Delaware County Memorial Hospital, 2100 Keystone Ave., Suite 502, Drexel Hill, (610) 622-3818 Dr. Sandra Schnall Bryn Mawr Medical Specialists, 933 Haverford Road, Bryn Mawr, (610) 525-4511 Dr. Carl Sharer Hematology/Oncology Associates of Phoenixville, 824 Main St., Suite 101, Phoenixville, (610) 983-1800 Dr. Stephen Shore Consultants in Medical Oncology & Hematology, Delaware County Memorial Hospital, 2100 Keystone Ave., Suite 502, Drexel Hill, (610) 622-3818 Dr. Andrew Solan Hematology-Oncology Associates, Riddle Memorial Hospital, 1078 W. Baltimore Pike, HCC I, Suite 1, Media, (610) 565-2355; 33 Chester Pike, Ridley Park, (610) 521-2010 healthcare guide/spring 2012 3/9/12 11:22:13 AM World-class healthcare is right in your neighborhood. Valley Forge 1001 Chesterbrook Boulevard | Berwyn, PA 19312 Radnor 250 King of Prussia Road | Radnor, PA 19087 Bucks County Cherry Hill Media Woodbury Heights UPHS_pH27.indd 1 Throughout the region you can easily access Penn Medicine’s experts in primary and specialty care within your community. Visit your primary care provider, consult with a specialist and get lab and radiology services all in one location. Experience the convenience of Penn Medicine while accessing care from a world-renowned leader in healthcare. As part of that commitment, Penn Medicine has introduced the region’s only patient accessible, on-line health portal available at You can securely access lab results, referrals, refills, make appointments and more for any of your Penn doctors or services regardless of their location. For more information or to make an appointment with a Penn Medicine provider in your neighborhood, call 800.789.PENN (7366) or visit 3/9/12 11:27 AM Dr. Chirag Shah at LasikPlus is committed to helping you achieve 20/20 vision.* Chirag Shah, M.D. If you’re looking for a LASIK surgery provider in Philadelphia, you don’t have to look any further than LasikPlus. Dr. Shah is one of the most experienced and recognized Lasik surgeons in the Philadelphia area. He is Board-Certified by The American Board of Ophthalmology with over ten years of experience having performed over 29,000 procedures. Customized LASIK Treatment You can turn to LasikPlus in Philadelphia for an experience tailored to your needs whether you are nearsighted, farsighted or have astigmatism. At LasikPlus you’ll find a LASIK center equipped with custom technology that allows for a treatment customized to each patient and a friendly vision care team. When you choose Dr. Shah at LasikPlus Vision Centers of Philadelphia, you’re choosing exceptional care from a team that puts your needs and your unique vision solution first. C.S. Shah, M.D. LasikPlus Philadelphia “As a professional pilot I struggled for years with my vision. It was such a hassle having to put my glasses on and take them off again. My results at LasikPlus were outstanding. It has been 7 years and I still can see better than 20/20.” Nolan J., King of Prussia Call today to schedule your FREE LASIK EXAM: 855-721-3937 To learn more, visit Attractive financing plans are available. Most health and vision insurance plans accepted! King of Prussia • 216 Mall Boulevard, Suite 100 ©2012 LCA-Vision Inc. dba LasikPlus. *20/20 vision not guaranteed. Like any medical procedure, there are risks and complications. Visit for information or call 855-573-2020 to learn more. Members of participating medical and vision insurance plans are entitled to 15% off standard price or 5% off promotional prices. H28 h&w top docs list NEW spring12.indd 8 l Dr. John Sprandio Consultants in Medical Oncology & Hematology, Delaware County Memorial Hospital, 2100 Keystone Ave., Suite 502, Drexel Hill, (610) 622-3818 Dr. Julie Stern CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Specialty Care Center King of Prussia, 210 Mall Blvd., King of Prussia, (610) 337-3232 Dr. Molly Stumacher Chester County Hematology Oncology Services, 440 E. Marshall St., Suite 201, West Chester, (610) 7382540; Kennett Medical Campus, 400 McFarlan Road, Suite 300, Kennett Square, (610) 925-4864 Dr. Rajesh Thirumaran Consultants in Medical Oncology & Hematology, Delaware County Memorial Hospital, 2100 Keystone Ave., Suite 502, Drexel Hill, (610) 622-3818 Dr. Erev Tubb Associates in Hemotology/Oncology, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., Upland, (610) 619-7420; Brandywine Hospital, 213 Reeceville Road, Coatesville, (610) 383-6488; Jennersville Regional Hospital, 1011 W. Baltimore Pike, West Grove, (610) 896-1284 Dr. Sandra Urtishak MLHC Hematology Oncology Associates, Paoli Hospital, 255 W. Lancaster Ave., Paoli, (484) 565-1600; 495 Thomas Jones Way, Suite 300, Exton, (484) 565-1600 Dr. Raymond Vivacqua Associates in Hemotology/Oncology, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., Upland, (610) 619-7420; Springfield Hospital, 196 W. Sproul Road, Medical Office Pavilion, Suite 106, Springfield, (610) 328-1258; 1 Bartol Ave., Suite 103, Ridley Park, (610) 521-6885 OPHTHALMOLOGY Dr. William Anninger CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Specialty Care Center King of Prussia, 210 Mall Blvd., King of Prussia, (610) 337-3232 Dr. Edward Bedrossian 4501 State Road, Drexel Hill, (610) 789-6565 Dr. Bari Brandt Negrey-Jahnle Eye Associates, 56 W. Eagle Road, Havertown, (610) 446-8080; Riddle Memorial Hospital, 1098 W. Baltimore Pike, HCC III, Suite 3407, Media, (610) 566-7096 Dr. Jacqueline Carrasco Annesley, Flanagan, & Fischer, Lankenau Medical Center, 100 Lancaster Ave., MOB East, Suite 54, Wynnewood, (610) 649-1970 Dr. James Carty Carty Eye Associates, Bryn Mawr Hospital, 830 Old Lancaster Road, MOB North, Suite 100, Bryn Mawr, (610) 527-0990; South Chester County Medical Center, 1011 W. Baltimore Pike, Suite 211, West Grove, (610) 869-0200 Dr. John DeStafeno Chester County Eye Care Associates, 915 Old Fern Hill Road, Building B, Suite 200, West Chester, (610) 696-1230; The Commons at Oaklands, 740 W. Lincoln Highway, Exton, (610) 6961230; 1011 W. Baltimore Pike, Suite 203, West Grove, (610) 696-1230 Dr. Leonard Ginsburg Moore Eye Institute, 826 Main St., MOB II, Suite 301, Phoenixville, (610) 422-5000 Dr. Peter Gross 958 County Line Road, Suite 106, Bryn Mawr, (610) 525-8282 Dr. Ignatius Hneleski VISTARR Laser & Vision Centers, 845 West Chester Pike, West Chester, (610) 692-8100; 20 Paoli Pike, Paoli, (610) 692-8100; Kennett Medical Campus, 404 McFarlan Road, Suite 202, Kennett Square, (610) 692-8100 Dr. Richard Jahnle Negrey-Jahnle Eye Associates, 56 W. Eagle Road, Havertown, (610) 446-8080; Riddle Hospital, 1098 W. Baltimore Pike, HCC III, Suite 3407, Media, (610) 566-7096 Dr. James Judge Brandywine Hospital, 213 Reeceville Road, Suite 28, Coatesville, (610) 384-1801 Dr. James Katowitz CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Specialty Care Center King of Prussia, 210 Mall Blvd., King of Prussia, (610) 337-3232 Dr. Marlene Moster Ophthalmic Partners, 100 Presidential Blvd., Suite 200, Bala Cynwyd, (484) 434-2700; Lankenau Medical Center, 100 Lancaster Ave., MOB East, Suite 54, Wynnewood, (484) 434-2700 Dr. Ananth Vijay Mudgil Mudgil Eye Associates, Chester County Hospital, North Hills Medical Building, 795 E. Marshall St., Suite 103, West Chester, (610) 429-3004 Dr. Robert Penne Annesley, Flanagan, & Fischer, Lankenau Medical Center, 100 Lancaster Ave., MOB East, Suite 54, Wynnewood, (610) 649-1970 Dr. John Ruffini Starer-Rizzo-Ruffini Ophthalmic Associates, Taylor Hospital Medical Building, 8 Morton Ave., Ridley Park, (610) 521-2111 Dr. Simon Russin Russin Eye, 301 City Ave., Bala Cynwyd, (610) 617-4177 Dr. Louis Santore Lankenau Medical Center, 100 Lancaster Ave., MOB West, Suite 36, Wynnewood, (610) 642-4392 Dr. Christopher Williams Ophthalmic Surgical Associates, CrozerChester Medical Center, 30 Medical Center Blvd., POB I, Suite 104, Upland, (610) 874-5261; Crozer Medical Plaza at Brinton Lake, 300 Evergreen Drive, Glen Mills, (610) 874-5261; 2 Baltimore Pike, Media, (610) 874-5261 Dr. Martin Wilson Pediatric Eye Physicians & Surgeons, 155 W. Lancaster Ave., Paoli, (610) 993-8083 Dr. John Witherell Ophthalmic Surgical Associates, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 30 Medical Center Blvd., POB I, Suite 104, Upland, (610) 874-5261; Crozer Medical Plaza at Brinton Lake, 300 Evergreen Drive, Glen Mills, (610) 874-5261; 2 Baltimore Pike, Media, (610) 874-5261 ORTHOPEDICS Dr. Evan Bash Premier Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Associates, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., POB II, Suite 324, Upland, (610) 874-5257; 300 Evergreen Drive, Suite 200, Glen Mills, (610) 579-3450; Media Medical Plaza, 200 E. State St., Media, (610) 566-5723 Dr. John Benner Chester County Orthopaedic Associates, 915 Old Fern Hill Road, Building A, Suite 1, West Chester, (610) 962-6280; Kennett Medical Campus, 400 McFarlan Road, Suite 100, Kennett Square, (610) 444-1344 healthcare guide/spring 2012 3/9/12 11:23:15 AM Rothman. World class orthopaedic care. Minutes away. Bensalem King of Prussia Bryn Mawr Wynnewood West Chester Media Northeast Philadelphia NJ Center City Philadelphia Cherry Hill South Philadelphia Marlton PA Manahawkin Washington Township Egg Harbor The Most Orthopaedic Top Docs in the Region. The Rothman Institute is proud to serve our 14 communities with unmatched patient care and service. World class care. World class convenience. 1-800-321-9999 Rothman_pH29.indd 1 3/6/12 12:15 PM top docTORs in each specialty Plastic/Reconstructive Surgery Dr. Larry Jonas Lankenau Medical Center, 100 E. Lancaster Ave., MOB East, Suite 456, Wynnewood, (610) 649-9099; Paoli Hospital, 255 W. Lancaster Ave., MOB II, Suite 224, Paoli, (610) 2965804; Podiatry Dr. Vincent Pongia Jr. Brandywine Family Footcare, Brandywine Hospital, 213 Reeceville Road, Suite 13, Coatesville, (610) 383-5220; 93 W. Devon Drive, Downingtown, (610) 383-5220; Brandywine Foot and Ankle Associates, Phoenixville Hospital,Outpatient Complex, 410 W. LinfieldTrappe Road, Suite 120, Limerick, (610) 495-2040; Rheumatology Dr. Michael Rosen Chester County Rheumatology, Chester County Hospital, 795 E. Marshall St., Suite 101, West Chester, (610) 692-4666,; Brandywine Hospital, 213 Reeceville Road, Suite 32, Coatesville, (610) 383-8574, Psychiatry (Adult) Dr. Asim Khurshid Rana 103 John Robert Thomas Drive, Exton; (484) 879-6173, Psychiatry (Pediatric & Adolescent) Dr. Dori Middleman 71 Merbrook Lane, Merion Station; (610) 664-7793, Radiology Dr. Philip Bergey The Chester County Hospital, 701 E. Marshall St., West Chester; (610) 431-5130, Urology (Pediatric & Adolescent) Dr. Douglas A. Canning CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Specialty Care Center King of Prussia, 210 Mall Blvd., King of Prussia; (610) 337-3232, Dr. Pedro Beredjiklian Rothman Institute at Riddle, 1118 W. Baltimore Pike, HCC IV, Media, (800) 321-9999 Dr. Mark Brigham Premier Orthopaedic, The Marple Commons, 2004 Sproul Road, Broomall, (610) 353-0800 Dr. Robert Carrigan CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Specialty Care Center King of Prussia, 210 Mall Blvd., King of Prussia, (610) 337-3232 Dr. Benjamin Chang CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Specialty Care Center King of Prussia, 210 Mall Blvd., King of Prussia, (610) 337-3232 Dr. Jeffrey Citara Chester County Orthopaedic Associates, 915 Old Fern Hill Road, Suite 1, Building A, West Chester, (610) 692-6280; Kennett Medical Campus, 400 McFarlan Road, Suite 100, Kennett Square, (610) 444-1344 Dr. Anne Colton Premier Orthopaedic, The Marple Commons, 2004 Sproul Road, Broomall, (610) 353-0800 Dr. Steven Cohen Rothman Institute at Riddle Memorial Hospital, 1118 W. Baltimore Pike, HCC IV, Media, (800) 321-9999 H30 h&w top docs list NEW spring12.indd 9 l Dr. Richard Davidson CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Specialty Care Center King of Prussia, 210 Mall Blvd., King of Prussia, (610) 337-3232 Dr. Carl Deirmengian Rothman Institute at Lankenau Medical Center, 100 Lancaster Ave., MOB East, Suite 150, Wynnewood, (800) 321-9999 Dr. Nicholas DiNubile Premier Orthopaedics, Llanerch Medical Center, 510 W. Darby Road, Havertown, (610) 449-6499 Dr. Christopher Dodson Rothman Institute at Bryn Mawr Hospital, 830 Old Lancaster Road, MOB North, Suite 201, Bryn Mawr, (800) 321-9999 Dr. Eugene Elia Premier Orthopaedics, Llanerch Medical Center, 510 W. Darby Road, Havertown, (610) 449-6499 Dr. John Flynn CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Specialty Care Center King of Prussia, 210 Mall Blvd., King of Prussia, (610) 337-3232 Dr. Robert Frederick Rothman Institute at Riddle, 1118 W. Baltimore Pike, HCCIV, Media, (800) 321-9999; Rothman Institute of King of Prussia, 170 N. Henderson Road, King of Prussia, (800) 321-9999 Dr. Theodore Ganley CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Specialty Care Center King of Prussia, 210 Mall Blvd., King of Prussia, (610) 337-3232 Dr. Frank Giammattei Premier Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Associates, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., POB II, Suite 324, Upland, (610) 874-5257; 300 Evergreen Drive, Suite 200, Glen Mills, (610) 579-3450; Media Medical Plaza, 200 E. State St., Media, (610) 566-5723 Dr. Robert Good Orthopedic Specialists, 27 S. Bryn Mawr Ave., Bryn Mawr, (610) 527-2727; Devon Manor Building, 235 Lancaster Ave., Suite 100, Devon, (610) 688-6767; Bryn Mawr Hospital Health Center, 3855 West Chester Pike, Suite 340, Newtown Square, (610) 527-2727 Dr. Stuart Gordon Liberty Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine Associates, 1 Bartol Ave., Ridley Park, (610) 521-8970 Dr. Matthew Grady CHOP Specialty Care Center Exton, Oaklands Corporate Center, 481 John Young Way, Exton, (610) 594-9008; CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Specialty Care Center King of Prussia, 210 Mall Blvd., King of Prussia, (610) 337-3232 Dr. Paul Horenstein Premier Orthopaedics, The Marple Commons, 2004 Sproul Road, Broomall, (610) 353-0800 Dr. Charles Hummer Premier Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Associates, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., POB II, Suite 324, Upland, (610) 874-5257; 300 Evergreen Drive, Suite 200, Glen Mills, (610) 579-3450; Media Medical Plaza, 200 E. State St., Media, (610) 566-5723 Dr. Robert Huxster Chester County Orthopaedic Associates, 915 Old Fern Hill Road, Suite 1, Building A, West Chester, (610) 692-6280; Kennett Medical Campus, 400 McFarlan Road, Suite 100, Kennett Square, (610) 444-1344 Dr. Asif Ilyas Rothman Institute King of Prussia, 170 N. Henderson Road, King of Prussia, (800) 321-9999 Dr. Jack Kazanjian Premier Orthopaedics, Llanerch Medical Center, 510 W. Darby Road, Havertown, (610) 449-6499 Dr. Craig Kriza Premier Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Associates, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., POB II, Suite 324, Upland, (610) 874-5257; 300 Evergreen Drive, Suite 200, Glen Mills, (610) 579-3450; Media Medical Plaza, 200 E. State St., Media, (610) 566-5723 Dr. Eric Lake Premier Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Associates, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., POB II, Suite 324, Upland, (610) 874-5257; 300 Evergreen Drive, Suite 200, Glen Mills, (610) 579-3450; Media Medical Plaza, 200 E. State St., Media, (610) 566-5723 Dr. Richard Levenberg Premier Orthopaedic, The Marple Commons, 2004 Sproul Road, Broomall, (610) 353-0800 Dr. Matthew Lewullis Penn Medicine Valley Forge, 1001 Chesterbrook Blvd., Berwyn, (800) 789-7366 Dr. Glenn Lipton Brandywine Institute of Orthopaedics, 600 Creekside Drive, Suite 611, Pottstown, (610) 792-9292 Dr. Frederic Liss Phoenixville Orthopedic Associates, 400 S. Main St., Phoenixville, (610) 935-1120 Dr. Jess Lonner Rothman Institute at Bryn Mawr Hospital, 830 Old Lancaster Road, MOB North, Suite 201, Bryn Mawr, (800) 321-9999 Dr. Matthew Lorei Orthopedic Specialists, 27 S. Bryn Mawr Ave., Bryn Mawr, (610) 527-2727; 235 W. Lancaster Ave., Suite 100, Devon Manor Building, Devon, (610) 688-6767; Bryn Mawr Hospital Health Center, 3855 West Chester Pike, Suite 340, Newtown Square, (610) 527-2727 Dr. R. Bruce Lutz Premier Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Associates, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., POB II, Suite 324, Upland, (610) 874-5257; 300 Evergreen Drive, Suite 200, Glen Mills, (610) 579-3450; Media Medical Plaza, 200 E. State St., Media, (610) 566-5723 Dr. Christopher Lyons Advanced Orthopaedic Associates of PA, 479 Thomas Jones Way, Suite 300, Exton, (610) 280-9999 Dr. Michael Maggitti Core Orthopedic, 460 Creamery Way, Suite 109, Exton, (610) 524-6580 Dr. Jeffrey Malumed Liberty Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine Associates, 1 Bartol Ave., Ridley Park, (610) 521-8970 Dr. John P. Manta Advanced Orthopedic Associates of PA, 479 Thomas Jones Way, Suite 300, Exton, (610) 280-9999 Dr. Donald Mazur Pennsylvania Orthopedic Center, 266 Lancaster Ave., Barr Building, Suite 200, Malvern, (610) 644-6900; Oaklands Corporate Center, 491 John Young Way, Baxter Building, Suite 100, Exton, (610) 280-1559; Main Line Health Center, 599 Arcola Road, Suite 208, Collegeville, (610) 644-6900 Dr. Armando Mendez Liberty Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine Associates, 1 Bartol Ave., Ridley Park, (610) 521-8970; Premier Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine Associates Liberty Division, 525 West Chester Pike, Suite 203, Havertown, (610) 521-8970 Dr. Todd Michener Chester County Orthopaedic Associates, 915 Old Fern Hill Road, Suite 1, Building A, West Chester, (610) 692-6280; Kennett Medical Campus, 400 McFarlan Road, Suite 100, Kennett Square, (610) 444-1344 Dr. Curt Miller Premier Orthopaedic, The Marple Commons, 2004 Sproul Road, Broomall, (610) 353-0800 Dr. Jason Miller Pennsylvania Orthopedic Center, 266 Lancaster Ave., Barr Building, Suite 200, Malvern, (610) 644-6900; Oaklands Corporate Center, 491 John Young Way, Baxter Building, Suite 100, Exton, (610) 280-1559; Main Line Health, 599 Arcola Road, Collegeville, (610) 644-6900 Dr. Charles Odgers Pennsylvania Orthopedic Center, 266 Lancaster Ave., Barr Building, Suite 200, Malvern, (610) 644-6900; 491 John Young Way, Baxter Building, Suite 100, Exton, (610) 280-1559; Main Line Health, 599 Arcola Road, Collegeville, (610) 644-6900 Dr. David Pedowitz Rothman Institute at Lankenau Medical Center, 100 Lancaster Ave., MOB East, Suite 150, Wynnewood, (800) 321-9999; Rothman Institute at Bryn Mawr Hospital, 830 Old Lancaster Road, MOB North, Suite 201, Bryn Mawr, (800) 321-9999; Rothman Institute, 170 N. Henderson Road, King of Prussia, (800) 321-9999 Dr. Adriana Prawak Premier Orthopaedics, 525 West Chester Pike, Suite 203, Havertown, (610) 789-7767 Dr. Richard Rothman Rothman Institute, 170 N. Henderson Road, King of Prussia, (800) 321-9999 Dr. David Rubenstein Main Line Orthopedic & Sports Medicine, Lankenau Medical Center, 100 Lancaster Ave., MOB East, Suite 256, Wynnewood, (610) 649-8055 Dr. Robert Ruggiero Pennsylvania Orthopedic Center, 266 W. Lancaster Ave., Barr Building, Suite 200, Malvern, (610) 644-6900; Oaklands Corporate Center, 491 John Young Way, Baxter Building, Suite 100, Exton, (610) 280-1559; Main Line Health Center, 599 Arcola Road, Suite 208, Collegeville, (610) 644-6900 Dr. Matthew Schaeffer Chester County Orthopaedic Associates, 915 Old Fern Hill Road, Suite 1, Building A, West Chester, (610) 692-6280; Kennet Medical Campus, 400 McFarlan Road, Suite 100, Kennett Square, (610) 444-1344 Dr. Richard Schmidt 15 N. Presidential Blvd., Suite 300, Bala Cynwyd, (610) 667-2663; Lankenau Medical Center, 100 Lancaster Ave., Medical Science Building, Suite 275, Wynnewood, (610) 667-2663 Dr. Peter Sharkey Rothman Institute at Riddle Hospital, 1118 W. Baltimore Pike, HCC IV, Media, (800) 321-9999; Rothman Institute King of Prussia, 170 N. Henderson Road, King of Prussia, (800) 321-9999 Dr. Cheston Simmons Chester County Orthopaedic Associates, 915 Old Fern Hill Road, Suite 1, Building A, West Chester, (610) 6926280; Kennett Medical Campus, 400 McFarlan Road, Suite 100, Kennett Square, (610) 444-1344 Dr. Angela Smith CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Specialty Care Center King of Prussia, 210 Mall Blvd., King of Prussia, (610) 337-3232 Dr. Eric Smith Rothman Institute at Bryn Mawr, Bryn Mawr Hospital, MOB North, Suite 201, Bryn Mawr, (267) 339-3500; Rothman Institute at Riddle Memorial Hospital, 1118 W. Baltimore Pike, HCC IV, Media, (267) 339-3500; Rothman Institute King of Prussia, 170 N. Henderson Road, King of Prussia, (800) 321-9999 Dr. David Spiegel CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Specialty Care Center King of Prussia, 210 Mall Blvd., King of Prussia, (610) 337-3232 Dr. Joseph Stellabotte Liberty Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine Associates, 1 Bartol Ave., Ridley Park, (610) 521-8970; Premier Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine Associates, Media Medical Plaza, 200 E. State St., Media (610) 566-5723; Premier Orthopaedics, Llanerch Medical Center, 510 W. Darby Road, Havertown, (610) 449-6499 Dr. Gregory Tadduni Liberty Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine Associates, 1 Bartol Ave., Ridley Park, (610) 521-8970 Dr. Adrienne Towsen Chester County Orthopaedic Associates, 915 Old Fern Hill Road, Suite 1, Building A, West Chester, (610) 6926280; Kennett Medical Campus, 400 McFarlan Road, Suite 100, Kennett Square, (610) 444-1344 Dr. Dean Trevlyn Premier Orthopaedic, The Marple Commons, 2004 Sproul Road, Broomall, (610) 353-0800 Dr. Alexander Vaccaro 830 Old Lancaster Road, Bryn Mawr, (800) 321-9999 Dr. Joseph Vernace Main Line Orthopaedics, Susquehanna Bank Building, 101 Bryn Mawr Ave., Suite 200, Bryn Mawr, (610) 527-9500 Dr. Kevin Walsh Orthopedic Specialists, 27 S. Bryn Mawr Ave., Bryn Mawr, (610) 527-2727; Devon Manor, 235 W. Lancaster Ave., Suite 100, Devon (610) 688-6767; Bryn Mawr Hospital Health Center, 3855 West Chester Pike, Suite 340, Newtown Square, (610) 527-2727 Dr. David Webner Healthplex Sports Medicine Institute, Springfield Hospital, 196 W. Sproul Road, Suite 110, Springfield, (610) 328-8830 Dr. Lawrence Wells CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Specialty Care Center King of Prussia, 210 Mall Blvd., King of Prussia, (610) 337-3232 Dr. Raymond Wolfe Premier Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine Associates, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., POB II, Suite 324, Upland, (610) 876-0347; 300 Evergreen Drive, Suite 200, Glen Mills, (610) 579-3450; Media Medical Plaza, 200 E. State St., Media, (610) 566-5723 Dr. David Yucha Premier Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine Associates, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., POB II, Suite 324, Upland, (610) 876-0347; 300 Evergreen Drive, Suite 200, Glen Mills, (610) 579-3450; Media Medical Plaza, 200 E. State St., Media, (610) 566-5723 healthcare guide/spring 2012 3/9/12 11:23:57 AM Main Line Fertility & Reproductive Medicine LTD. William H. Pfeffer, M.D. John J. Orris, D.O. Michael J. Glassner, M.D. We are proud to announce, that Main Line Fertility has been selected for multiple national IVF clinical trials. Discounted fertility medications and free lab services for qualified patients. *Please contact Eileen at 484-337-8955 or email her at* Our “Top Docs” at Main Line Fertility and Reproductive Medicine have been serving Philadelphia and its surrounding suburbs for over 20 years. It is our mission to provide state-of-the-art fertility treatment without compromising individualized patient care. Our Main Line Fertility Center is a recognized center of excellence providing cutting-edge assisted reproductive technologies. Comprehensive Fertility Evaluation and Treatment • Ovulation Induction • Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) • Endometriosis • Laparoscopic & Hysteroscopic Surgery • Removal of Uterine Fibroids • Reversal of Female Sterilization • Egg Donation Program • In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) • Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) • Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) • Sperm and Egg Freezing Main Line Fertility offers a successful egg donor program. Women interested in conceiving with donated eggs should contact Amy at 484-337-8959. Main Line Fertility is currently enrolling patients in an Egg Freezing Study to further advance this technology for women who would like to preserve their reproductive potential. Bryn Mawr (610) 527-0800 I Paoli (610) 993-8200 I West Chester (610) 840-1500 ML Fertility pH31.indd 1 3/6/12 12:16 PM Dr. Richard Ziegler Chester County Orthopaedic Associates, 915 Old Fern Hill Road, Suite 1, Building A, West Chester, (610) 692-6280; Kennett Medical Campus, 400 McFarlan Road, Suite 100, Kennett Square, (610) 444-1344 Dr. James Zurbach Premier Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine Associates, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., POB II, Suite 324, (610) 876-0347; Upland Premier Orthopedics/SPM Associates, 300 Evergreen Drive, Suite 200, Glen Mills, (610) 5793450; Premier Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine Associates, Media Medical Plaza, 200 E. State St., Media, (610) 566-5723 PEDIATRICS Dr. Amy Allen CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Care Haverford, 600 Haverford Road, Suite 100, Haverford, (610) 658-0999 Dr. Russel Applegate Riddle Pediatric Associates, Riddle Memorial Hospital, 1098 W. Baltimore Pike, HCC III, Suite 3403, Media, (610) 627-4490 Dr. Kimberly Bay CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Care North Hills, Chester County Hospital, 795 E. Marshall St., Suite 301-307, West Chester, (610) 429-1100 Dr. Anne Callaghan CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Care Springfield, Springfield Hospital, 196 W. Sproul Road, Suite 205, Springfield, (610) 604-0888 Dr. Carol Curley CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Care West Chester, Kennett Medical Campus, 440 E. Marshall St., Suite 300, West Chester, (610) 436-8611 Dr. Michael Devon Advocare Main Line Pediatrics, 701 Montgomery Ave., Suite 18, Narberth, (610) 642-9200; 11 Industrial Blvd., Suite 2, Paoli, (610) 642-9200 Dr. Olivia DiMaggio Providence Pediatric Practice, 100 Granite Drive, Suite 200, Media, (610) 565-1945 Dr. Samir Doshi Crozer Pediatrics, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 30 Medical Center Blvd., POB I, Suite 205, (610) 619-7410 Dr. Robert Duncheskie All Star Pediatrics Inc., 702 Gordon Drive, Exton, (610) 363-1330 Dr. Bradley Dyer All Star Pediatrics, 702 Gordon Drive, Exton, (610) 363-1330 Dr. Bonnie Fass-Offit CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Care Haverford, 600 Haverford Road, Suite 100, Haverford, (610) 658-0999 Dr. Kenneth Gelman CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Care Paoli, 250 W. Lancaster Ave., Suite 340, Paoli, (610) 407-9000 Dr. Carl Giombetti Kids First Haverford, 600 Haverford Road, Suite 100, Haverford, (610) 658-0999 Dr. Harold Gordon Gordon-Klinow Associates, 418 E. Lancaster Ave., Wayne, (610) 687-3600; 950 Haverford Road, Suite 107, Bryn Mawr, (610) 527-4715 Dr. Rima Himelstein Smedley Wellness Center, 1701 Upland St., Wellness Center, Chester, (610) 490-1755 Dr. Sonia Hulman Han Neonataolgy Associates, Delaware County Memorial Hospital, 501 N. Lansdowne Ave., Drexel Hill, (610) 284-8666; Neonatal Associates, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., Upland, (610) 447-6707 Dr. Randy Kienzle Pediatric Associates of Paoli, 17 Industrial Blvd., Suite 204, Paoli, (610) 647-1484 Dr. David Kleiman CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Care Broomall, 2000 Sproul Road, Suite 206, Broomall, (610) 284-0200; CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Care Drexel Hill, Delaware County Memorial Hospital, 2100 Keystone Ave., Suite 404, Drexel Hill, (610) 284-0200; CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Care Media, 176 S. New Middletown Road, Suite 202, Media, (610) 284-0200 Dr. Pei Ann Kong Internal Medicine Associates, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., Ambulatory Care Pavilion, Suite 532, Upland, (610) 447-6788 Dr. Kathleen Long Kids First Haverford, 600 Haverford Road, Suite 100, Haverford, (610) 658-0999 Dr. Susan Magargee CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Care Haverford, 600 Haverford Road, Suite 100, Haverford, (610) 658-0999 Dr. Christopher Meyer Healthy Steps Pediatrics, 103 Arrandale Blvd., Exton, (610) 363-7837 Dr. Karen Pinsky CHOP Connection at Chester County Hospital, 701 E. Marshall St., West Chester, (610) 431-5376 Dr. David Pollack CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Care Broomall, 2000 Sproul Road, Suite 206, Broomall, (610) 284-0200; CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Care Drexel Hill, 2100 Keystone Ave., Suite 404, Drexel Hill, (610) 284-0200; CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Care Media, 176 S. New Middletown Road, Suite 202, Media, (610) 284-0200 Dr. Vara Rao Riddle Pediatric Associates, Riddle Memorial Hospital, 1098 W. Baltimore Pike, HCC III, Suite 3403, Media, (610) 627-4490 Dr. Tigerlily Lee Rubin CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Care Broomall, 2000 Sproul Road, Suite 206, Broomall, (610) 284-0200; CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Care Drexel Hill, 2100 Keystone Ave., Suite 404, Drexel Hill, (610) 284-0200; CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Care Media, 176 S. New Middletown Road, Suite 202, Media, (610) 284-0200 Dr. Renee Sammaritano CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Care Broomall, 2000 Sproul Road, Suite 206, Broomall, (610) 284-0200; CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Care Drexel Hill, 2100 Keystone Ave., Suite 404, Drexel Hill, (610) 284-0200; CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Care Media, 176 S. New Middletown Road, Suite 202, Media, (610) 284-0200 Dr. Anna Schetman CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Care Paoli, 250 W. Lancaster Ave., Suite 340, Paoli, (610) 407-9000 Dr. Erin Schnepp Crozer Pediatrics, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 30 Medical Center Blvd., POB I, Suite 205, Upland, (610) 619-7410 Dr. Christopher Sternberg Crozer Pediatrics, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 30 Medical Center Blvd., POB I, Suite 205, Upland, (610) 619-7410 Dr. Madeline Weiser Weiser & Associates, 23 E. Wynnewood Ave., Rear Building, Wynnewood, (610) 896-8009 Dr. JoAnne Woehling CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Care Haverford, 600 Haverford Road, Suite 100, Haverford, (610) 658-0999 PLASTIC/RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY Dr. Howard Caplan CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Specialty Care Center King of Prussia, 210 Mall Blvd., King of Prussia, (610) 337-3232 Dr. Frank DeLone Associates in Plastic Surgery, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 30 Medical Center Blvd., Suite 200, Upland, (610) 876-6269; Riddle Memorial Hospital, 1088 W. Baltimore Pike, Media, (610) 566-6744 Dr. Eric Fynn-Thompson Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery of Chester County, 460 Creamery Way, Suite 110, Exton, (610) 524-1182 Dr. Albert Harris Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery of Chester County, 460 Creamery Way, Suite 110, Exton, (610) 524-1182 Dr. Ryan Hoffman Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Associates, 888 Glenbrook Ave., Bryn Mawr, (610) 527-4833 Dr. Oksana Jackson CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Specialty Care Center King of Prussia, 210 Mall Blvd., King of Prussia, (610) 337-3232 Dr. Thomas Jacob Associates in Plastic Surgery, 30 Medical Center Blvd., Suite 200, Upland, (610) 876-6269; Riddle Memorial Hospital, 1088 W. Baltimore Pike, Media, (610) 566-6744 Dr. Paul Kim Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery of Chester County, 460 Creamery Way, Suite 110, Exton, (610) 524-1182 Dr. Ron Lohner 919 Conestoga Road, Building 1, Suite 200, Bryn Mawr, (610) 519-0600 Dr. John Louis Plastic Surgery Specialists, 1288 Valley Forge Road, Valley Forge, (610) 935-5600 Dr. Dennis Monteiro Plastic Surgery Specialists, 1288 Valley Forge Road, Suite 64, Valley Forge, (610) 935-5600 Dr. Guy Nardella Associates in Plastic Surgery, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 30 Medical Center Blvd., Suite 200, Upland, (610) 876-6269; Riddle Hospital, 1088 W. Baltimore Pike, Riddle Memorial Hospital, Media, (610) 566-6744 Dr. David Singer Surgical Specialists, Paoli Hospital, 255 W. Lancaster Ave., MOB III, Suite 332, Paoli, (610) 647-3077; 915 Old Fern Hill Road, Building B, Suite 201, West Chester, (610) 436-6696 Dr. Nestor Veitia Surgical Specialists, 915 Old Fern Hill Road, Building B, Suite 201, West Chester, (610) 436-6696; Paoli Hospital, 255 W. Lancaster Ave., MOB III, Suite 332, Paoli, (610) 647-3077 continued on page H40 H32 h&w top docs list NEW spring12.indd 10 l healthcare guide/spring 2012 3/9/12 11:24:51 AM Dr. Scott Smith in King of Prussia has expanded his practice to include TOTAL facial esthetics! Dr. Smith is a member of the American Academy of Facial Esthetics which is dedicated to providing the most advanced minimally invasive techniques for beautiful facial esthetics. A beautiful smile goes well beyond pearly white and healthy teeth. A great smile reflects our inner vitality our self esteem and spirit. Millions of people have used Minimally Invasive Cosmetic Procedures such as Botox, Restylane, and Juvederm to reflect a more refreshed, vibrant and toned facial appearance. At the office of Dr. Scott Smith our mission is to blend the art and science of Smile Dentistry and minimally invasive cosmetic procedures to achieve total facial esthetics. Lip enhancement is one such procedure that can dramatically make a woman more captivating, sexy and appealing at any age. Elimination of smoker’s lines and frown lines is another simple procedure to achieve a more youthful smile. Most treatments take only minutes and are often completed in a few short appointments that do not require any down time. See how you too can enhance your self confidence and bring out your inner spirit and beauty with total facial esthetics. Cheek Lips before Frown Lines before after after before after For a free consultation mention this ad when you call! Where We Create Beautiful Facial Esthetics Every Day. DrScottSmith_H33.indd 1 170 North Henderson Road King of Prussia, PA 610-265-7023 3/9/12 11:28 AM h&w top dentists list NEW spring12.indd 1 3/9/12 11:31:22 AM top dentists A list of the area’s best practitioners. COSMETIC DENTISTRY Dr. Joseph Abrams Abrams Center for Cosmetic Dentistry, 365 Lancaster Ave., Suite 5, Frazer, (610) 993-8770 Dr. David Block 632 Montomery Ave., Narberth, (610) 664-6061 Dr. David Brown 7 Davis Ave., Broomall, (610) 353-5990 Dr. Henry Cluver 7 Davis Ave., Broomall, (610) 353-5990 Dr. Ernest Dellheim 632 Montgomery Ave., Narberth, (610) 664-6061 Dr. Marc Dubner 2050 Butler Pike, Plymouth Meeting, (610) 828-8020 Dr. Howard Fraiman 1800 E. Lancaster Ave., Paoli, (610) 651-5708 Dr. Stephen Gershberg Falcon Center, 525 West Chester Pike, Suite 204, Havertown, (610) 789-1001 Dr. Andrew Goldenberg 2004 Sproul Road, Suite 300, Broomall, (610) 359-1093 Dr. Ronald Goldenberg 2004 Sproul Road, Suite 300, Broomall, (610) 359-1093 Dr. Leslie Green 491 Allendale Road, Suite 322, King of Prussia, (610) 337-0950 Dr. Andrew Halbert 234 S. Bryn Mawr Ave., Suite 200, Bryn Mawr, (610) 527-8900 Dr. Brian Handel 295 Old Eagle School Road, Wayne, (610) 293-1227 Dr. David Kaffey 12 S. Valley Road, Paoli, (610) 644-2502 Dr. Ericka Klein 227 Lancaster Ave., Suite 201, Devon, (610) 688-4100 Dr. Gerald Markowitz 632 Montgomery Ave., Narberth, (610) 664-6061 Dr. Lindsey Marshall 602 The Times Building, Suburban Square, Ardmore, (610) 649-0696 Dr. Hema Nair Star Care Dental, 1101 Baltimore Pike, Suite 203, Glen Mills; (610) 358-5151, Dr. John Radomile Jr. Radomile Family and Cosmetic Dental Care, 4207 State Road, Drexel Hill, (610) 789-4066 Dr. Mitchell Scheier 123 W. Eagle Road, Havertown, (610) 449-4646 Dr. Amy Shoumer Main Line Dental Group, 744 W. Lancaster Ave., Suite 115, Wayne, (610) 971-0717 Dr. Theresa Smith SV Dental, 195 W. Lancaster Ave., Paoli, (610) 296-7797 Dr. Dean Sophocles Providence Dental Associates, 350 S. Providence Road, Media, (610) 566-3326 Dr. Andrew Swenda Jr. 1595 McDaniel Drive, West Chester, (610) 436-4512 Dr. David Taylor 1301 W. Lancaster Ave., Berwyn, (610) 251-9898 Dr. Aaron Ufberg 664 Lancaster Ave., Berwyn, (610) 251-2227 Dr. Sander White 2193 West Chester Pike, Broomall, (610) 353-6161 Dr. R. Craig Williams 744 W. Lancaster Ave., Suite 115, Wayne, (610) 971-0717 ENDODONTICS Dr. Allyson Abbott 2050 Butler Pike, Suite 300, Plymouth Meeting, (610) 834-7770 Dr. Peter Brothman 191 Presidential Blvd., Suite 128, Bala Cynwyd, (610) 668-2442 Dr. Maria Concepcion 250 W. Lancaster Ave., Suite 300, Paoli, (610) 644-8899 Dr. Francine Cwyk 1050 Baltimore Pike, Springfield, (610) 543-2288 Dr. Ronald Garinger 30 S. Valley Road, Suite 209, Paoli, (610) 296-7544 Dr. James Granite Endodontic Associates, 1050 Baltimore Pike, Springfield, (610) 543-2288 Dr. Andrew Greenstein 357 S. Gulph Road, King of Prussia, (610) 337-2325 Dr. Craig Hurtt 1 Aldwyn Lane, Villanova, (610) 525-9845 Dr. Robert Krauss Chester County Endodontics, 404 McFarlan Road, Suite 302, Kennett Square, (610) 925-3440 Dr. Brian Kunz 1 Aldwyn Lane, Villanova, (610) 525-9845 Dr. Kenneth Lee Exton Endodontics, 665 Exton Commons, Exton, (610) 524-1610; Ardmore Endodontics, Suburban Square, 702 The Times Building, Ardmore, (610) 649-5235 Dr. Shannon Neary Main Line Health System, 1991 Sproul Road, Suite 700, Broomall, (610) 325-1690 Dr. Geoffrey Rabie 4750 Township Line Road, Drexel Hill, (610) 446-3990 Dr. Susan Silberg Endodontic Specialists, 85 Old Eagle School Road, Wayne, (610) 995-0109 Dr. Craig Soffin 491 Allendale Road, Suite 206, King of Prussia, (610) 337-0110 Dr. Essam Taha Glen Mills Endodontics, 871 Baltimore Pike, Suite 21, Glen Mills, (610) 558-3505 Dr. Bruce Terry Endodontic Specialists, 85 Old Eagle School Road, Wayne, (610) 995-0109 Dr. Ming-Lung (Allen) Yang 606 E. Marshall St., Suite 204, West Chester, (610) 431-7025 GENERAL DENTISTRY Dr. David Block 632 Montgomery Ave., Narberth, (610) 664-6061 Dr. Brett Boden 564 W. Uwchlan Ave., Exton, (610) 363-7658 Dr. Paul Bookman Bryn Mawr Dental Associates, 945 Haverford Road, Bryn Mawr, (610) 527-2469 Dr. Judith Buxton 234 S. Bryn Mawr Ave., Suite 203, Bryn Mawr, (610) 525-6060 Dr. Dante DeCrescenzo Narberth Professional Building, 145 Narberth Ave., Narberth, (610) 667-6630 Dr. Richard DeForno Thorndale Dental Associates, 3105 C.G. Zinn Road, Thorndale, (610) 384-2541 Dr. David Dillon 1084 E. Lancaster Ave., Rosemont, (610) 525-5497 Dr. Anne Eunson Eunson Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, The Commons at Chadds Ford, 131 Commons Court, Chadds Ford, (610) 558-1977 Dr. Douglas Filidore 600 Town Centre Drive, Suite 22, Glen Mills, (610) 459-3644 Dr. Howard Fraiman 1800 E. Lancaster Ave., Paoli, (610) 651-5708 Dr. Stephen Gershberg Falcon Center, Suite 204, 525 West Chester Pike, Havertown, (610) 789-1001 Dr. Leslie Green, 491 Allendale Road, Suite 322, King of Prussia, (610) 337-0950 Dr. Brent Guenthner Westtown Dental Associates, 1581 McDaniel Drive, West Chester, (610) 436-9736 Dr. Jeffrey Harris 300 Old Forge Lane, Suite 301, Kennett Square, (610) 388-6789 Dr. Frances Hoerz 357 S. Gulph Road, King of Prussia, (610) 337-2325 Dr. Keith Hollander 10111 Valley Forge Circle, King of Prussia, (610) 337-2070 Dr. Stephen Howarth 105 N. Providence Road, Wallingford, (610) 566-7175 Dr. Brad Jacobson King of Prussia Dental Associates, 491 Allendale Road, Suite 306, King of Prussia, (610) 265-4142 Dr. Mark Koup 325 Central Ave., Suite 101, Malvern, (610) 644-0408 Dr. Christopher Krowicki 101 John Robert Thomas Drive, Exton, (610) 363-2300 Dr. Bernadette Logan 72 Paoli Pike, Paoli, (610) 647-1666 Dr. Leigh-Ann Maltz-Dichter 113 N. Essex Ave., Narberth, (610) 667-3632 Dr. Kurt Meyers 1201 W. Swedesford Road, Berwyn, (610) 296-9990 Dr. David Montgomery 795 E. Marshall St., Suite 202, West Chester, (610) 431-0600 Dr. William Munley 7 Davis Ave., Broomall, (610) 353-5990 Dr. Hema Nair Star Care Dental, 1102 Baltimore Pike, Suite 203, Glen Mills, (610) 358-5151 Dr. Richard Nelson 619 S. High St., West Chester, (610) 696-0416 Dr. Glenn Paskow 402 McFarlan Road, Kennett Square, Suite 303, (610) 444-4033 Dr. Mark Radomile 4207 State Road, Drexel Hill, (610) 789-4066 Dr. Robert Rose Devon Dental Associates, 125 E. Swedesford Road, Suite 111, Wayne, (610) 687-0990 h&w top dentists list NEW spring12.indd 2 l healthcare guide/spring 2012 H35 3/9/12 11:31:31 AM Dr. Mitchell Scheier 123 W. Eagle Road, Havertown, (610) 449-4646 Dr. Robert Schwan 606 E. Marshall St., Suite 202, West Chester, (610) 431-0700 Dr. Amy Shoumer Main Line Dental Group, 744 W. Lancaster Ave., Suite 115, Wayne, (610) 971-0717 Dr. Michael Sophocles 21 Industrial Blvd., Suite 202, Paoli, (610) 644-4080 Dr. Jonathan Stone 123 W. Lancaster Ave., Wayne, (610) 687-0505 Dr. Andrew Swenda Jr. 1595 McDaniel Drive, West Chester, (610) 436-4512 Dr. Aaron Ufberg 664 Lancaster Ave., Berwyn, (610) 251-2227 Dr. Douglas Vallinino 301 E. Conestoga Road, Wayne, (610) 688-7718 Dr. David Weinstock 15 N. Presidential Blvd., Suite 201, Bala Cynwyd, (610) 667-2770 Dr. Sander White 2193 West Chester Pike, Broomall, (610) 353-6161 Dr. Michael Wollock 604 The Times Building, Ardmore, (610) 649-0313 top dentists in each specialty Cosmetic Dentistry Dr. Jonathan Scharf Exton Dental Health Group & Pennsylvania Center for Cosmetic Dentistry, 101 John Robert Thomas Drive, Exton; (610) 363-2300, Endodontics Dr. Kara Fraiman Exton Ardmore Endodontics, Suburban Square, The Times Building, Suite 702, Ardmore; (610) 649-5235, General Dentistry Dr. Joseph Rava Exton and Malvern Dental Medicine Associates, 305 N. Pottstown Pike, Exton, (610) 363-6870; 32 W. King St., Malvern, (610) 296-3770; Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Dr. Keith Silverstein Main Line Center for Oral & Facial Surgery, 21 Industrial Blvd., Suite 100, Paoli, (610) 644-6497; 87 Dowlin Forge Road, Exton, (610) 363-0500; Oral Pathology Dr. Martin S. Greenberg Penn Medicine Radnor, 250 King of Prussia Road, Radnor; (610) 902-2000, Orthodontics Dr. LynAnn Mastaj Mastaj Orthodontics, 976 Railroad Ave., Suite 100, Bryn Mawr; (610) 525-2277, Pediatric Dentistry Dr. Jeffrey Melini Chester County Dentistry for Children, 795 E. Marshall St., Suite 100, West Chester, (610) 918-2400; 105 Dowlin Forge Road, Exton, (610) 363-2100; Periodontics Dr. Edward L. Woehling Bryn Mawr Periodontal Associates, 1201 County Line Road, Suite 201, Bryn Mawr; (610) 525-8485, Prosthodontics Dr. James Vito 523 E. Lancaster Ave., Wayne, (610) 971-2590, H36 h&w top dentists list NEW spring12.indd 3 l Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Dr. Keith Silverstein Main Line Center for Oral & Facial Surgery, 21 Industrial Blvd., Suite 100, Paoli, (610) 644-6497, Dr. Michael Bianchi 491 Allendale Road, Suite 215, King of Prussia, (610) 265-2150; 26 S. Bryn Mawr Ave., Bryn Mawr, (610) 527-3110 Dr. Neal Bozentka 700 S. Chester Road, Swarthmore, (610) 328-0773 Dr. Robert Brillman 204 E. Chester Pike, Ridley Park, (610) 521-1111 Dr. Lee Carrasco Penn Medicine at Radnor, 250 King of Prussia Road, Radnor, (610) 902-2100 Dr. Fredrick Disque Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Associates of Chester County, 600 E. Marshall St., Suite 106, West Chester, (610) 431-2161; 630 Cope Road, Kennett Square, (610) 444-2818 Dr. G. Joel Funari Advanced Oral and Facial Surgery of the Main Line, 223 Lancaster Ave., Devon, (610) 688-6682 Dr. James Gustainis Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Associates of Chester County, 600 E. Marshall St., Suite 106, West Chester, (610) 431-2161; 630 Cope Road, Kennett Square, (610) 444-2818 Dr. Brian Haber 660 Valley Forge Road, Phoenixville, (610) 935-0840; 2603 Dekalb Pike, Norristown, (610) 275-0500 Dr. Andrew Kanter 860 First Ave., Suite 3, King of Prussia, (610) 265-2150 Dr. Amin Kazemi Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Associates of Chester County, 600 E. Marshall St., Suite 106, West Chester, (610) 431-2161; 630 Cope Road, Kennett Square, (610) 444-2818 Dr. Lawrence Levin Penn Medicine at Radnor, 250 King of Prussia Road, Radnor, (610) 902-2100 Dr. Louis Manna 119 E. Uwchlan Ave., Suite 101, Exton, (610) 363-4400 Dr. Thomas Nordone 26 S. Bryn Mawr Ave., Bryn Mawr, (610) 527-3110; 491 Allendale Road, King of Prussia, (610) 265-2150 Dr. Robert Paolino 871 Baltimore Pike, Suite 15, Glen Mills; (610) 459-4179 Dr. Henry Rambo 21 Industrial Blvd., Suite 100, Paoli, (610) 644-6497; 87 Dowlin Forge Road, Exton, (610) 363-0500 Dr. James Robbins 200 E. State St., Suite 103, Media, (610) 565-7200 Dr. Harold Romesburg 3501 West Chester Pike, Suite 100, Newtown Square, (610) 353-1404 Dr. Cynthia Trentacosti Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Associates of Chester County, 600 E. Marshall St., Suite 106, West Chester, (610) 431-2161; 630 Cope Road, Kennett Square, (610) 444-2818 Dr. Harvey Wank 525 West Chester Pike, Suite 100, Havertown, (610) 446-3222 Dr. Alfred Wolanin Jr. Suburban Oral Surgery, 2010 West Chester Pike, Suite 128, Havertown, (610) 449-2100 Oral Pathology Dr. G. Joel Funari Advanced Oral and Facial Surgery of the Main Line, 223 Lancaster Ave., Devon, (610) 688-6682 Dr. Amin Kazemi Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Associates of Chester County, 600 E. Marshall St., Suite 106, West Chester, (610) 431-2161; 630 Cope Road, Kennett Square, (610) 444-2818; Orthodontics Dr. Alice Amsterdam 1621 Darby Road, Havertown, (610) 446-8000 Dr. Normand Boucher 333 W. Lancaster Ave., Wayne, (610) 688-3355 Dr. Thomas Brady 80 W. Welsh Pool Road, Suite 203, Exton, (610) 363-2200 healthcare guide/spring 2012 3/14/12 1:23:32 PM CCD_ad7:Layout 1 Mellini_pH37.indd 1 4/19/11 3:01 PM Page 1 3/6/12 12:17 PM Dr. Glenn Burkland 440 E. Marshall St., Suite 301, West Chester, (610) 918-3200 Dr. Raymond Buttenbaum 1460 Russell Road, Suite 101, Paoli, (610) 647-6262 Dr. Robert Cederquist 3475 West Chester Pike, Newtown Square, (610) 356-4288; 609 Gordon Drive, Exton, (610) 524-7202 Dr. Anthony Cook 3007 Garrett Road, Drexel Hill, (610) 622-4400 Dr. Anthony Costa 800 Summit Grove Ave., Bryn Mawr, (610) 525-3008 Dr. Peter Greco Suburban Square, 804 The Times Building, Ardmore, (610) 649-3535 Dr. Jeffrey Hendrix Willowdale Commons, 127 W. Street Road, Building 200, Suite 201, Kennett Square, (610) 444-9952 Dr. Kellyn Hodges 1 Belmont Ave., Suite 414, Bala Cynwyd, (610) 617-0700 Dr. Mary-Beth Kelley Narberth Professional Building, 145 Narberth Ave., Narberth, (610) 667-6630 Dr. Jeffrey Leiss 132 John Robert Thomas Drive, Exton, (610) 363-2900 Dr. David Markowitz Lower Merion Orthodontics, 715 Montgomery Ave., Narberth, (610) 667-6770 Dr. Roger McConnell 32 E. Front St., Media, (610) 565-3974 Dr. Stuart Messinger 1999 Sproul Road, Suite 15, Broomall, (610) 356-8100 Dr. Vincent Mongiovi Mongiovi Orthodontics, 4 Woodland Drive, Glen Mills, (610) 358-5003 Dr. John Pardini Jr. 270 Lancaster Ave., Suite D-1, Frazer, (484) 318-8481; 38 1/2 W. Lancaster Ave., Downingtown, (610) 269-8066 Dr. Adam Weiss 491 Allendale Road, Suite 312, King of Prussia, (610) 265-3034 Pediatric Dentistry Dr. Marc Albano 400 McFarlan Road, Suite 200, Kennett Square, (610) 925-5700; 795 E. Marshall St., West Chester, (610) 918-2400 Dr. Melissa Bergmaier King of Prussia Dental Associates, 491 Allendale Road, Suite 306, King of Prussia, (610) 265-4142 Dr. Sheldon Bernick Broomall Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics, Delaware County Medical Center, 1999 Sproul Road, Suite 14, Broomall, (610) 356-1454 Dr. Kimberly Dondici-Chermol 42 W. Lancaster Ave., Suite 100, Ardmore, (610) 642-3417 Dr. Eric Felix 519 Baltimore Pike, Chadds Ford, (610) 388-2131 Dr. Claire Field 200 Grandview Road, Media, (610) 627-1199 Dr. Jay Goldsleger 170 N. Henderson Road, King of Prussia, (610) 337-2325 Dr. Scott Goldsleger Broomall Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics, Delaware County Medical Center, 1999 Sproul Road, Suite 14, Broomall, (610) 356-1454 Dr. Sandra Grzybicki Pediatric and Adolescent Dentistry, 17 Industrial Blvd., Suite 203, Paoli, (610) 647-6688 Dr. D. Winslow Harshaw 780 W. Lancaster Ave., Suite 100, Bryn Mawr, (610) 527-2434 Dr. Robin Harshaw 780 Lancaster Ave., Suite 100, Bryn Mawr, (610) 527-2434 Dr. Loretta Healy 479 Thomas Jones Way, Suite 400, Exton, (610) 524-9085 Dr. Stanley Horwitz 42 W. Lancaster Ave., Suite 100, Ardmore, (610) 642-3417 Dr. Benjamin McKee 890 Lancaster Ave., Devon, (610) 225-0500 Dr. Micaella Schocker 780 Lancaster Ave., Suite 100, Bryn Mawr, (610) 527-2434 Dr. Steven Solow 990 City Line Ave., Wynnewood, (610) 649-8383 Periodontics Dr. Milita Borguet 110 N. Essex Ave., Narberth, (610) 664-9510 Dr. Ken Bosch 1050 Baltimore Pike, Springfield, (610) 543-5996 Dr. Jay Chiappa 74 Paoli Pike, Paoli, (610) 647-9393 Dr. Cyril Evian 10112 Valley Forge Circle, King of Prussia, (610) 783-7800 Dr. Scott Garrison 422 Manchester Ave., Media, (610) 566-2217 Dr. Howard Gross The Times Building, 32 Parking Plaza, Suite 502, Ardmore, (610) 896-1780 Dr. Andrew Halbert 234 S. Bryn Mawr Ave., Suite 200, Bryn Mawr, (610) 527-8900 Dr. Wendy Halpern 120 W. Germantown Pike, Suite 225, Plymouth Meeting, (610) 825-4334 Dr. Joseph Havrilla 905 W. Sproul Road, Suite 108, Springfield, (610) 328-9608 Dr. Carl Luchetti 795 E. Marshall St., Suite 306, West Chester, (610) 692-8121 Yellow Daffodils Dr. Thomas Seibert Bryn Mawr Periodontics and Implantology, Rosemont Business Campus, 919 Conestoga Road, Building 2, Suite 209, Rosemont, (484) 380-2143 Dr. Steven Sierakowski Brandywine Periodontics, 1786 Wilmington Pike, Suite 202A, Glen Mills, (610) 558-8283 Dr. Scott Smith 170 N. Henderson Road, Suite 308, King of Prussia, (610) 265-7023 Dr. Robert Summers 814 Montgomery Ave., Narberth, (610) 747-0877 Dr. Barry Weinstein 80 W. Welsh Pool Road, Suite 207, Exton, (610) 363-5997 Dr. John Whytosek 2004 Sproul Road, Suite 304, Broomall, (610) 353-8200 Dr. R. Craig Williams 744 W. Lancaster Ave., Suite 115, Wayne, (610) 971-0717 Dr. Susan Zemmel 301 E. City Ave., Bala Cynwyd, (610) 660-0808 Prosthodontics Dr. Harold Baumgarten 1800 E. Lancaster Ave., Paoli, (610) 651-5611 Dr. Rohini Bhatia 1217 West Chester Pike, West Chester, (610) 436-9570 Dr. Ernest Dellheim 632 Montgomery Ave., Narberth, (610) 664-6061 Dr. Howard Fraiman 1800 E. Lancaster Ave., Paoli, (610) 651-5611 Dr. James Gentile 120 E. Baltimore Pike, Media, (610) 565-7222 Dr. Joseph Greenberg 29 Morris Ave., Bryn Mawr, (610) 520-0200 Dr. Andrew Halbert 234 S. Bryn Mawr Ave., Suite 200, Bryn Mawr, (610) 527-8900 Dr. Sadhu Kataria 1217 West Chester Pike, West Chester, (610) 436-9570 Dr. David Reilly 349 Lancaster Ave., Suite 100, Haverford, (610) 642-2669 Dr. David Weinstock 15 N. Presidential Blvd., Suite 201, Bala Cynwyd, (610) 667-2770 Dr. R. Craig Williams 744 W. Lancaster Ave., Suite 115, Wayne, (610) 971-0717 Look for our Top Dentists feature in the June 2012 issue. HG Visit to ... WIG SALON & POST-MASTECTOMY BOUTIQUE • Mastectomy & Lumpectomy Forms • Mastectomy Bras • Swimsuits • Post Surgery Garments • Lymphedema Sleeves Medicare and Most Insurance Plans & HMOs accepted. • Wigs • Large Selection of Headwear Insurance may cover the cost of your wig, call us to check. 961 Downingtown Pike (Rt. 322) West Chester, PA 19380 610-692-7544 HOURS: Tues–Sat 10 am–4 pm Sun & Mon Closed Evening appts. available Featuring Owned & Operated by Cancer Survivors H38 h&w top dentists list NEW spring12.indd 4 Find a Top Doctor or Dentist in the HEALTH section of the Main Line Today website. Don’t miss out. Sign up for Main Line Today magazine’s two e-newsletters HOT TICKETS and MAIN COURSE at: Products l healthcare guide/spring 2012 3/9/12 3:52:15 PM InfinityDental_pH39.indd 1 3/6/12 12:18 PM top doctors continued from page H32 Dr. Daniel Westawski Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, 919 Conestoga Road, Building 2, Suite 208, Bryn Mawr, (610) 527-4050 Dr. Gary Wingate Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery of Chester County, 460 Creamery Way, Suite 110, Exton, (610) 524-1182 Dr. Sean Wright Wright Plastic Surgery, Riddle Memorial Hospital, 1098 W. Baltimore Pike, HCC III, Suite 3306, Media, (610) 565-2848 Podiatry Dr. Lee Cohen 642 E. Chester Pike, Ridley Park, (610) 522-9200; 860 Lancaster Ave., Devon, (610) 522-9200 Dr. Kevin DeAngelis Brandywine Hospital, 213 Reeceville Road, Suite 213, Coatesville, (610) 383-5220 Dr. Michael Drohosky 703 Pothouse Road, Phoenixville, (610) 933-2250 Dr. Michael Grossman Main Line Foot and Ankle Center, 121 Coulter Ave., Suite 109, Ardmore, (610) 645-6314; Lankenau Medical Center, 100 Lancaster Ave., MOB East, Suite 253, Wynnewood, (610) 645-6314; Bryn Mawr Hospital Wound Healing Center, 130 S. Bryn Mawr Ave., E Wing, Bryn Mawr, (484) 337-8820; 3744 West Chester Pike, Newtown Square, (610) 645-6314 Dr. Stephen Monaco A Foot Above Podiatry, 1120 Township Line Road, Havertown, (610) 446-1392 Dr. Michael Newman 2050 Butler Pike, Plymouth Meeting, (610) 941-6009 Dr. David Samuel Foot & Ankle Specialists of Delaware County, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 30 Medical Center Blvd., POB I, Suite 301, Upland, (610) 328-9122; Springfield Hospital, 196 W. Sproul Road, Pavilion I, Springfield, (610) 328-9122 Dr. Julia Siegerman Springfield Podiatry, 648 Childs Ave., Drexel Hill, (484) 521-0233; Accurate Foot & Diabetic Care, 1300 West Chester Pike, West Chester, (610) 436-5883 Dr. Stephen Soondar Brandywine Family Footcare, Brandywine Hospital, 213 Reeceville Road, Suite 13, Coatesville, (610) 383-5220 Dr. Nick Taweel Rothman Institute of King of Prussia, 170 N. Henderson Road, Suite 100, King of Prussia, (267) 339-3500 Dr. Renuka Verma Del-Val Foot & Ankle, Riddle Memorial Hospital, 1068 W. Baltimore Pike, HCC III, Suite 3305, Media, (610) 5665236; 871 Baltimore Pike, Suite 33, Glen Mills, (610) 566-5236 Psychiatry (Adult) Dr. Kevin Caputo Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., POB I, Suite 407, Upland, (610) 874-5257 Dr. Satyendra DiWan 211 N. Monroe St., Media, (610) 565-2754 Dr. Anjum Irfan Mind Body Institute of Chester County, 423 Exton Commons, Exton, (610) 524-2444; 103 S. High St., West Chester, (610) 719-0530 Dr. Barry Jacobs Center for Family Health Springfield, 1260 E. Woodland Ave., Suite 200, Springfield, (610) 690-4490 Dr. Theodore Nam Brandywine Behavioral Health Pavilion, Brandywine Hospital, 219 Reeceville Road, Coatesville, (610) 383-8319 Dr. John Ouligian 121Coulter Ave., Suite 208, Ardmore, (610) 642-6600 Dr. Marc Rothman Brandywine Hospital, Behavioral Health Pavilion, 219 Reeceville Road, Coatesville, (610) 383-4992 Psychiatry (Child & Adolescent) Dr. James Hetznecker Gruenberg & Summers, 950 E. Haverford Road, Suite 302, Bryn Mawr, (610) 527-4642 Dr. Ronald Liebman 1122 Remington Road, Wynnewood, (610) 896-7848 Dr. Dori Middleman 71 Merbrook Lane, Merion Station, (610) 664-7793 Dr. Asim Rana Brandywine Hospital, 219 Reeceville Road, Coatesville, (610) 383-4990 Dr. Brock Roben 110 Park Ave., Swarthmore, (610) 328-3007 Radiology Dr. Marchello Barbarisi Radiology Associates of the Main Line, Bryn Mawr Hospital, 130 S. Bryn Mawr Ave., Bryn Mawr, (484) 337-3530 Dr. Lance Becker MRI of Delaware County, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., Upland, (610) 874-1515; Southeast Radiology, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., Upland, (610) 447-2446; 300 Evergreen Drive, Suite 210, Glen Mills, (610) 579-3515 Dr. Richard Bellah CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Specialty Care Center King of Prussia, 210 Mall Blvd., King of Prussia, (610) 337-3232 Dr. Justin Blum Southeast Radiology, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., Upland, (610) 447-2446; 300 Evergreen Drive, Suite 210, Glen Mills, (610) 579-3515 Dr. Joseph Bonn Radiology Associates, Lankenau Medical Center, 100 Lancaster Ave., Wynnewood, (610) 645-2826 Dr. Steven Borislow Community Radiology Associates of the University of Pennsylvania, 999 Old Eagle School Road, Suite 118, Wayne, (610) 341-9812; Chester County Hospital, 701 E. Marshall St., West Chester, (610) 431-5130 Dr. Chad Brecher Southeast Radiology, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., Upland, (610) 447-2446; 300 Evergreen Drive, Suite 210, Glen Mills, (610) 579-3515 Dr. Ronit Devon Radiology Associates of the Main Line, Lankenau Medical Center, 100 Lancaster Ave., Wynnewood, (484) 476-2802 Dr. Adam Fisher Southeast Radiology, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., Upland, (610) 447-2446; 300 Evergreen Drive, Suite 210, Glen Mills, (610) 579-3515 H40 h&w top docs list NEW spring12.indd 11 l Dr. Andrew Gordon Southeast Radiology, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., Upland, (610) 447-2446; 300 Evergreen Drive, Suite 210, Glen Mills, (610) 579-3515 Dr. Steve Greenberg Community Radiology, Phoenixville Hospital, 140 Nutt Road, Phoenixville, (610) 341-9812 Dr. Atul Gupta Radiology Associates, Paoli Hospital, 255 W. Lancaster Ave., Paoli, (484) 565-1255 Dr. John Hiehle Southeast Radiology, 300 Evergreen Drive, Suite 210, Glen Mills, (610) 579-3515; Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., Upland, (610) 447-2446; Media Medical Imaging, 200 E. State St., Media, (610) 627-4360; Taylor Hospital, 175 E. Chester Pike, Ridley Park, (610) 595-6000 Dr. Jim Holstein Brandywine Hospital, 201 Reeceville Road, Coatesville, (610) 383-8120 Dr. Jeffrey Hung Brandywine Hospital, 201 Reeceville Road, Coatesville, (610) 383-8416 Dr. James Husted Southeast Radiology, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., Upland, (610) 447-2446; 300 Evergreen Drive, Suite 210, Glen Mills, (610) 579-3515 Dr. Diego Jaramillo CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Specialty Care Center King of Prussia, 210 Mall Blvd., King of Prussia, (610) 337-3232 Dr. Ann Johnson CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Specialty Care Center King of Prussia, 210 Mall Blvd., King of Prussia, (610) 337-3232 Dr. Lisa Kanehann Riddle Memorial Hospital, 1068 W. Baltimore Pike, Media, (610) 891-3318 Dr. Jay Kleinman Southeast Radiology, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., Upland, (610) 447-2446; 300 Evergreen Drive, Suite 210, Glen Mills, (610) 579-3515 Dr. Ashima Lall Paoli Hospital, 255 W. Lancaster Ave., Paoli, (610) 648-1000 Dr. David Levy Phoenixville Hospital, 140 Nutt Road, Phoenixville, (610) 983-1122 Dr. David Malamed Phoenixville Hospital Department of Diagnostic Imaging, 140 Nutt Road, Phoenixville (610) 983-1920 Dr. Richard Markowitz CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Specialty Care Center King of Prussia, 210 Mall Blvd., King of Prussia, (610) 337-3232 Dr. Kurt Muetterties Southeast Radiology, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., Upland, (610) 447-2446; 300 Evergreen Drive, Suite 210, Glen Mills, (610) 579-3515 Dr. Robert Pinsk Radiology Associates of the Main Line, Paoli Hospital, 255 W. Lancaster Ave., Paoli, (484) 565-1590 Dr. Eric Rubin Southeast Radiology, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., Upland, (610) 447-2446; 300 Evergreen Drive, Suite 210, Glen Mills, (610) 579-3515 Dr. Nancy Sherwin Radiology Associates of the Main Line, TLH Radiology, Lankenau Medical Center, 100 Lancaster Ave., Wynnewood, (484) 476-2428 Dr. Stefan Skalina Southeast Radiology, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., Upland, (610) 447-2446; MRI of Delaware County, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., Upland, (610) 874-1515; Media Medical Plaza, 200 E. State St., Suite 200, (610) 627-4360 Dr. Frederic Squires Chester County Hospital, 701 E. Marshall St., West Chester, (610) 431-5130 Dr. John Stassi Radiology Associates of the Main Line, Bryn Mawr Hospital, 130 S. Bryn Mawr Ave., Bryn Mawr, (484) 337-3453 Dr. Lisa States CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Specialty Care Center King of Prussia, 210 Mall Blvd., King of Prussia, (610) 337-3232 Dr. Deborah Stein Radiology Associates, Lankenau Medical Center, 100 Lancaster Ave., Wynnewood, (484) 476-2802 Dr. Richard Taxin Southeast Radiology, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., Upland, (610) 447-2446; Media Medical Plaza, 200 E. State St., Suite 200, Media, (610) 627-4360; MRI of Delaware County, 1 Medical Center Blvd., Upland, (610) 874-1515 Dr. Jean Yi Radiology Associates, Paoli Hospital, 255 W. Lancaster Ave, Paoli, (866) 225-5654 Dr. Harry Zegel Radiology Associates of the Main Line, Lankenau Medical Center, 100 Lancaster Ave., Wynnewood, (484) 476-2802 Rheumatology Dr. Ronald Anderson Delaware County Rheumatology, Riddle Memorial Hospital, 1098 W. Baltimore Pike, Outpatient Pavilion, Suite 3408, Media, (610) 565-5082 Dr. Stephanie Flagg Bryn Mawr Medical Specialists, 933 Haverford Road, Bryn Mawr, (610) 525-4463 Dr. Gary Gordon Lankenau Medical Center, 100 Lancaster Ave., MOB West, Suite 137, Wynnewood, (610) 896-8400; Main Line Health Center Broomall, 1991 Sproul Road, Suite 450, Broomall, (610) 896-8400 Dr. Thomas Harder Lankenau Medical Center, 100 Lancaster Ave., MOB West, Suite 137, Wynnewood, (610) 896-8400 Dr. Michael Jaworski Chester County Hospital, 795 E. Marshall St., Suite 101, West Chester, (610) 692-4666; Brandywine Hospital, 213 Reeceville Road, Suite 32, Coatesville, (610) 383-8574 Dr. Sharon Kolasinski Penn Medicine Radnor, 250 King of Prussia Road, Radnor, (800) 789-7366 Dr. Jennifer Kwan-Morley 11 Industrial Blvd., Suite 201, Paoli, (610) 647-2398 Dr. Donald Miller Bryn Mawr Medical Specialists, 933 Haverford Road, Bryn Mawr, (610) 525-4463 Dr. Matthew Naegle PMA Medical Specialists, 826 Main St., Suite 100, Phoenixville, (610) 933-8484 Dr. Frank Passero 2100 Keystone Ave., Suite 306, Drexel Hill, (610) 284-6491 Dr. Kenneth Wolfe Providence Medical Center, 100 W. 6th St., Media, (610) 566-8342 Urology Dr. Donald Andersen Urology Center of Chester County, Brandywine Hospital, 213 Reeceville Road, Suite 21, Coatesville, (610) 383-7663 Dr. Leigh Bergman Bryn Mawr Urology Associates, 919 Conestoga Road, Building 1, Suite 300, Bryn Mawr, (610) 525-6580 Dr. Michael Carr CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Specialty Care Center King of Prussia, 210 Mall Blvd., King of Prussia, (610) 337-3232 Dr. Pasquale Casale CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Specialty Care Center Exton, Oaklands Corporate Center, 481 John Young Way, Exton, (610) 594-9008 Dr. Kenneth Collins Urology Center of Chester County, Brandywine Hospital, 213 Reeceville Road, Suite 21, Coatesville, (610) 383-7663; 915 Old Fern Hill Road, Suite 202, West Chester, (610) 692-4270; 15 Industrial Blvd., Suite 201, Paoli, (610) 647-3660 Dr. George Dakwar Academic Urology of Pennsylvania, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., Ambulatory Care Pavilion, Upland, (610) 874-4870; 23 Chester Pike, Suite 101, Ridley Park, (610) 521-4112; 100 Granite Drive, Suite 104, Media, (610) 565-2776 Dr. Frank D’Elia Academic Urology of Pennsylvania, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., Ambulatory Care Pavilion, Upland, (610) 874-4870; 23 Chester Pike, Suite 101, Ridley Park, (610) 521-4112; 100 Granite Drive, Suite 104, Media, (610) 565-2776 Dr. David Ellis Bryn Mawr Urology, 919 Conestoga Road, Building 1, Suite 100, Bryn Mawr, (610) 525-6580 Dr. Kenneth Fitzpatrick Urology Center of Chester County, 213 Reeceville Road, Suite 21, Coatesville, (610) 383-7663; 915 Old Fern Hill Road, Suite 202, West Chester, (610) 692-4270; 15 Industrial Blvd., Suite 201, Paoli, (610) 647-3660 Dr. Robert Gary Academic Urology of Pennsylvania, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., Ambulatory Care Pavilion, Upland, (610) 874-4870; 23 Chester Pike, Suite 101, Ridley Park, (610) 521-4112; 100 Granite Drive, Suite 104, Media, (610) 565-2776 Dr. Pierre Ghayed Urology Health Specialists, 1088 W. Baltimore Pike, HHC II, Suite 2304, Media, (610) 744-2844; 2100 Keystone Ave., Suite 307, Drexel Hill, (610) 259-3000; Springfield Hospital, 196 W. Sproul Road, Suite 210, Springfield, (610) 359-3000 Dr. Michael Hagg Urology Health Specialists, Lankenau Medical Center, 100 Lancaster Ave., MOB East, Suite 361, Wynnewood, (610) 649-6420 Dr. Pankaj Kalra Tri-County Urological Associates, 824 Main St., Suite 301, Phoenixville, (610) 935-9010 Dr. Thomas Lanchoney Urology Health Specialists, 245 Bryn Mawr Ave., Bryn Mawr, (610) 525-2515; 209 W. Lancaster Ave, Suite 200, Paoli, (610) 525-2515 Dr. Craig Landow Independence Urology, Delaware County Memorial Hospital, 2100 Keystone Ave., Suite 307, Drexel Hill, (610) 259-3000; Riddle Memorial Hospital, 1068 W. Baltimore Pike, HCC II, Suite 2304, Media, (610) 744-2844 Dr. Brett Lebed Urologic Associates of Montgomery County, 325 W. Germantown Pike, Suite 100, East Norriton, (610) 272-1881 Dr. David McGinnis Bryn Mawr Urology Group, 919 Conestoga Road, Building 1, Suite 300, Rosemont, (610) 525-6580 Dr. William McGowan Urology Health Specialists, Delaware County Memorial Hospital, 2100 Keystone Ave., MOB, Suite 307, Drexel Hill, (610) 259-3000; Springfield Hospital, 196 W. Sproul Road, Suite 210, Springfield, (610) 359-3000 Dr. William Merriam Urology Center of Chester County, 15 Industrial Blvd., Suite 201, Paoli, (610) 647-3660 Dr. Michael Mooreville Urology Care Center, 272 N. Lansdowne Ave., Lansdowne, (610) 259-3434 Dr. Carlo Nicolis Academic Urology of Pennsylvania, CrozerChester Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Blvd., Ambulatory Care Pavilion, Upland, (610) 874-4870; 23 Chester Pike, Suite 101, Ridley Park, (610) 521-4112; 100 Granite Drive, Suite 104, Media, (610) 565-2776 Dr. Brian Rosenthal Urologic Associates of Montgomery County, 325 W. Germantown Pike, Suite 100, East Norriton, (610) 272-1881 Dr. Steven Salva Independence Urology, Riddle Memorial Hospital, 1088 W. Baltimore Pike, HCC II, Suite 2304, Media, (610) 744-2844; Delaware County Memorial Hospital, 2100 Keystone Ave., Suite 307, Drexel Hill, (610) 259-3000 Dr. Robert Schnall Urology Health Specialists, Lankenau Medical Center, 100 Lancaster Ave., MOB East, Suite 361, Wynnewood, (610) 649-6420 Dr. Howard Snyder CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Specialty Care Center King of Prussia, 210 Mall Blvd., King of Prussia, (610) 337-3232 Dr. Mehrdad Soroush Bryn Mawr Urology Associates, 919 Conestoga Road, Building 1, Suite 300, Bryn Mawr, (610) 525-6590 Dr. James Squadrito Bryn Mawr Urology Associates, Building 1, Suite 300, 919 Conestoga Road, Bryn Mawr, (610) 525-6580 Dr. Gregory Thompson Western Main Line Urology, Paoli Hospital, 255 W. Lancaster Ave., MOB III, Suite 333, Paoli, (610) 644-9600 Dr. Stephen Walker Academic Urology of Pennsylvania, 23 Chester Pike, Suite 101, Ridley Park, (610) 521-4112 Dr. Ilene Wong 915 Old Fern Hill Road, Building B, Suite 202, West Chester, (610) 692-4270 Dr. Ilia Zeltser Bryn Mawr Urology Associates, Building 1, Suite 300, 919 Conestoga Road, Bryn Mawr, (610) 525-6580 Dr. Stephen Zderic CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Specialty Care Center Exton, Oaklands Corporate Center, 481 John Young Way, Exton, (610) 594-9008 HG healthcare guide/spring 2012 3/9/12 11:24:58 AM Special Advertising Section PROFESSIONAL PROFILES Promo-ProfCover.indd 1 3/12/12 2:22 PM Special Advertising Section PROFESSIONAL Profiles 2012 O On-time appointments...five- star personal service...pain-free, positive care...this is the kind of dentistry you’ll experience with Dr. Christopher Hussin at Innovative Dentistry of Valley Forge. This is dentistry with Christopher J. Hussin, D.D.S. INNOVATIVE DENTISTRY OF VALLEY FORGE Valley Forge Professional Center 1260 Valley Forge Road, Suite 110 Phoenixville, PA 19460 (610) 933-2821 important role that continuing education plays in keeping him is to make every patient feel comfortable and well cared for, and we strive to provide the little touches that can make a big difference in your day. Under the expert care of Dr. your loved ones will experience starts with training. Dr. Hussin University of Maryland Dental School. He understands the elegance of our office. Our goal Hussin and his team, you and a difference, a difference that holds degrees from the Johns Hopkins University and the Bev Michel Photography the personal attention and clinical excellence they deserve. Dr. Hussin is now offering CEREC3 technology, allowing crowns and onlays in just a single visit. Call us or visit up to date on the latest dental techniques and developments. to discover beautiful smiles through Over the past five years he has taken almost 1,000 hours exceptional dentistry. of courses, many at the prestigious Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies in aesthetic smile reconstruction and bite restoration. The quality continues in our unsurpassed care, amazing new dental technologies, pampering comfort, and superb AD PAGE H42.indd 1 3/9/12 3:53 PM Special Advertising Section Profiles 2012 PROFESSIONAL D Do you have episodes of debilitating back discomfort or chronic constant back pain? Do you want to know the cause of the discomfort and what medically proven treatments are available? Do you want the pain to get better without taking another pill or undergoing spine surgery? BEVMICHAELPHOTOGRAPHY Jeffrey Citara, D.O. - Matthew Schaeffer, M.D. CHESTER COUNTY ORTHOPAEDIC ASSOCIATES 915 Old Fern Hill Road, Building A, Suite 1, West Chester (610) 692-6280 400 McFarlan Road, Suite 100, Kennett Square (610) 444-1344 specialize in relieving your back discomfort without surgery. We are we use to relieve back discomfort. Spinal stenosis (narrowing of the spinal canal) and radiculopathy (pain radiating down the leg) are common disorder’s that cause discomfort and limit activity level. Selective nerve root blocks and selective transforaminal epidurals - injecting medication around the As the non-operative division of Chester County Orthopedic Associates Dr. Schaeffer and Dr. Citara of the safe, comfortable procedures “pinched nerves” - can decrease pain and improve function. With over a decade of experience and research driven treatments both Board Certified in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, so we are we are proud to have helped thousands in the community and honored not only interested in reducing your pain but improving your activity to be considered some of the “top doctors” in the region. level and lifestyle. In addition to traditional non-operative treatment programs we You can find us at Chester County Orthopaedic Associates a Premier provider. use minimally invasive spine procedures to determine the cause and ameliorate symptoms. Up to forty percent of chronic low back pain is thought to originate from the small facet joints in your back. A neurotomy procedure uses energy waves similar to radiofrequency to stop these joints from hurting. Radiofrequency neurotomy is just one DrSchaffer_pH43.indd 1 3/6/12 12:23 PM Professional Profiles 2012 T Special Advertising Section Their Care is Nothing to Sneeze At. The premier allergy and asthma specialty practice in the Delaware Valley offering the most advanced and comprehensive care for adults, children and infants with allergies, asthma, recurrent infections, and G eczema. Comprehensive allergy care includes state Giēart Lingerie is a full service lingerie boutique, specializing in ofGiē the Pulmonary every kind of bra, including post surgical, special occasion, preFunction Testing for children pubescent, T-shirt and everything in between. All women coming adults to evaluate for fitting and will decidedly realize that toand Giē Giē experience a custom not only is breast health important, compromised lung capacity. but a women’s psyche’ is just asThe important as the garments she wears. All facets of a woman are only allergy practice in taken into consideration when being fitted at Giē Giē. the region offering sublingual The members of the dedicated team at Gie Gie are trained and immunotherapy (SLIT), the certified, logging in countless hours of class time and working medical term for drops under Seated, left to right: Eva Jakabovics, MD, Robert Anolik, MD, Stanley Forman, MD, William Spiegel, MD, Shashank Sheth, MD experience. Standing, left right:has Sandhya Above and beyond fabulous thetostore an Desai, MD, Mark Posner, MD, Annie Khuntia, MD, Nora Lin, MD, Elizabeth Bailey, MSN, your tongue. This the offers an foundations, extraordinary selection of the most delicious sleepwear, bridal wear, CRNP, Christine Malloy, MD, Matthew Fogg, MD. alternative to injections while chemises, robes, camisoles, bustiers, treating yourself at home. notions, potions and tricks of the trade. Imported fabrics dance among the racks, creating most enchanting Setting thethe Gold Standard visual and tactile encounter. for Allergy & Asthma Care. Just simply put, Giē Giē offers it all. GIE GIE LINGERIE Chestnut Village Shoppes ALLERGY & ASTHMA SPECIALISTS SM 36 Chestnut Road Paoli, 19301 Gina Mastrangelo, King of Prussia, Blue Bell,PA Collegeville, Pottstown, Philadelphia, Lansdale, Jenkintown,CFm Doylestown (610) 296-7626 (800) 86-COUGH G Giē Giē Lingerie is a full service lingerie boutique, specializing in every kind of bra, including post surgical, special occasion, prepubescent, T-shirt and everything in between. All women coming to Giē Giē experience a custom fitting and will decidedly realize that not only is breast health important, but a women’s psyche’ is just as important as the garments she wears. All facets of a woman are taken into consideration when being fitted at Giē Giē. The members of the dedicated team at Gie Gie are trained and certified, logging in countless hours of class time and working experience. Above and beyond the fabulous foundations, the store has an extraordinary selection of the most delicious sleepwear, bridal wear, chemises, robes, camisoles, bustiers, notions, potions and tricks of the trade. Imported fabrics dance among the Chestnut Village Shoppes racks, creating the most enchanting 36 Chestnut Road visual and tactile encounter. Paoli, PA 19301 (610) 296-7626 Just simply put, Giē Giē offers it all. GIE GIE LINGERIE Gina Mastrangelo, CFm AD PAGE H44.indd 1 3/9/12 11:40 AM D Special Advertising Section Profiles 2012 Drs. Whytosek*, Perecman* Professional and Susanin provide comprehensive periodontal and dental implant treatment. Our state of the art office provides digital radiography and 3D cone beam scans of our patient’s maxiofacial anatomy, with minimal radiation. If the patient is a candidate, this technology allows for computer generated treatment planning allowing O immediate dental implant placement with teeth placed Only 30 percent of people with incontinence seek treatment. Today’s the same day. We also offer treatment options in the hands of specialists who take the time to our patients IV Anesthesia solve each woman’s problem mean there’s no reason to suffer with incontinence or pelvic pain. We offer effective, comprehensive, holistic which allows apprehensive treatment by board-certified physicians. We begin with a thorough patients to have a more evaluation that includes really listening to our patients. We develop pleasant dental treatment plansexperience. tailored to each individual. We offer the latest in surgical Our doctor’s professional and nonsurgical options, including minimally invasive and robotic surgery, are and in ourthe team includes a physical therapist, registered dietitian passions regenerative Drs. Whytosek, Susanin and Perecman and sex therapist. Our experts provide support and understanding in a field of dentistry which allows comfortable, convenient location. We treat incontinence and conditions complex planning, that leadtreatment to incontinence including overactive bladder, painful bladder syndrome, recurring tract dental implants, and urinary esthetics infections and pelvic organ prolapse. all while utilizing advanced We also help women with sexual PICTURES BY TODD PHOTOGRAPHY techniques and dysfunction. Youmaterials. don’t have to put up Michelle Persun, MD and Tia Schellato, DO, One Presidential Blvd., Suite 115, Bala Cynwyd (610) 632-4000 *Board Certified with incontinence or pain during sex. board-certified specialists in 29 Morris Avenue Jeanes Hospital, Philadelphia, (215) 745-4130 women’s urology Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 Make an appointment today! of Hahnemann Hospital, Philadelphia, (215) 762-3200 Diplomates of the Academy (610) 527-6061 Periodontology. LINE PERIODONTICS & THE CENTER MAIN FOR CONTINENCE AND PELVIC CAREIMPLANTS, P.C. DENTAL O Only 30 percent of people with incontinence seek treatment. Today’s treatment options in the hands of specialists who take the time to solve each woman’s problem mean there’s no reason to suffer with incontinence or pelvic pain. We offer effective, comprehensive, holistic treatment by board-certified physicians. We begin with a thorough evaluation that includes really listening to our patients. We develop treatment plans tailored to each individual. We offer the latest in surgical and nonsurgical options, including minimally invasive and robotic surgery, and our team includes a physical therapist, registered dietitian and sex therapist. Our experts provide support and understanding in a comfortable, convenient location. We treat incontinence and conditions that lead to incontinence including overactive bladder, painful bladder syndrome, recurring urinary tract infections and pelvic organ prolapse. We also help women with sexual PICTURES BY TODD PHOTOGRAPHY dysfunction. You don’t have to put up Michelle Persun, MD and Tia Schellato, DO, One Presidential Blvd., Suite 115, Bala Cynwyd (610) 632-4000 with incontinence or pain during sex. board-certified specialists in Jeanes Hospital, Philadelphia, (215) 745-4130 women’s urology Make an appointment today! Hahnemann Hospital, Philadelphia, (215) 762-3200 THE CENTER FOR CONTINENCE AND PELVIC CARE AD PAGE H45.indd 1 3/9/12 3:55 PM Special Advertising Section Professional Profiles 2012 A At the office of Dr. Stuart Gutsche, our goal is to provide the highest quality orthodontic care with the personalized service that you expect. Our emphasis is on creating extraordinary smiles in the most efficient manner possible. That means using the most advanced technology available and timing treatment appropriately for each individual. We employ the newest technologies to make your orthodontic experience comfortable and efficient. Dr. Gutsche was among the first orthodontists in the area to exclusively use Damon system technology. Damon® braces use lighter wires and lower friction brackets which results in extraordinary results, greater comfort, fewer office visits, expanders, no headgear, ❑fewer 1st Proof 3/5 and no extractions in most cases. 3/9 ❑ Revision #3 3/9 BEV MICHEL PHOTOGRAPHY Dr. Gutsche PLEASEREADTHIS!Ifwedonotreceivearesponsewithin48hoursofdateon proof,wewillruntheadasshown.TodayMediacannotbeheldresponsibleforany mistakes,andadvertiserwillberesponsibleforpaymentinfullofthisad. Admayappearsmallerthanactualsizeandisnotindicativeofcolor.DesignispropertyofTodayMedia,Inc.andisnot tobeduplicatedorreproducedpriortonewsstandsale. Liability: Alladvertisementsandsupportingimagefilesare acceptedandpublishedbythePublisheruponrepresentationthattheagencyandadvertiserareauthorizedtopublish Dr. Gutsche has practiced orthodontics in Paoli since 1998. theentirecontentsandsubjectmatterthereof.Theagencyandadvertiserassumeliabilityforanyandallclaimsarising therefromagainstthePublisher. He grew up in Paoli graduating from The Haverford School. He STUART GUTSCHE, DMD 159 Lancaster Avenue Paoli, PA 19301 (610) 722-9790 IssueDate: HWSPINGSUMMER2012 PLEASE E-MAIL APPROVAL 3/7 ❑ Revision #2 ContactInfo: AccountExecutive: TRACY AD PROOF FORM ❑ Revision #1 Client: MLADOPTION received his dental degree from the University of Pennsylvania where he graduated with honors. He also received his specialty certificate in orthodontics from Eastman Dental Center in Rochester, NY. Dr. Gutsche is Board Certified and a Diplomate of the American Board of Orthodontics. Please call our office to schedule a no charge consultation. P Parenting an adoptive child and not sure how to help? Struggling to be understood as an adopted person? Seeking support for your child’s adoption plan? Challenged with open adoption relationships? Pregnant and not sure what to do? Coping with infertility? Waiting to adopt? You are not alone! Dawn Connors is an adoption-competent therapist with over 15 years of mental health experience. Dawn effectively treats individuals with a wide range of challenges commonly experienced by birth parents, adoptive parents, and adoptees. Dawn offers individual, family, and group therapy sessions. She is trained in cognitive behavioral, solution-focused, play, and family systems therapies. She has experience with grief and loss, anxiety, depression, behavioral, and attachment disorders. As an adoptive parent and sibling to an adoptee, Dawn understands the lifelong 20 Mystic Lane, Suite A Malvern, PA 19355 journey of adoption and all the joys and (484) 222-0679 challenges it brings. MAIN LINE ADOPTION COUNSELING SERVICES Dawn Connors, MSW, LCSW AD PAGE H46.indd 1 3/12/12 2:12 PM Dr. Sandra Grzybicki has practiced pediatric and adolescent dentistry in her Paoli location since 2002. She is a graduate of the University of Penn and St. Christopher’s Hospital for children. Children as young as 1 year old can find a dental home that is nonthreatening, supportive, and fun. Her practice continues to eliminate metal fillings, aerosols, latex and BPA plastics. Treatment plans are personalized as each patient After practicing in Swarthmore and Springfield for over 25 years, is an individual and requires Dr. Robert W. Guerra has settled his practice in Upper Providence, management skills unique to Media. This beautiful new facility houses a state of the art optical them. She has always allowed boutique with a large selection of eyewear. We feature a variety of parents and care takers to fashion designers as well as simple functional styles to suit every accompany their child though taste and budget. each dental experience. In most that advanced computerized optical Dr. Guerra utilizes the way, they can participate in equipment in the industry allowing his patients to receive the most treatment optionseye andexam dental comprehensive possible. His patience and expertise in education. working with difficult to fit contact lens patients has earned him an As a board certified pediatric excellent reputation. dentist, she realizes that some Our goal is to transform your eye exam and frame selection into a pleasant and stress free experience. The doctor and his friendly staff cordially invite you to visit our office and to entrust your family’s eye care to us. Profiles 2012 Professional D A Special Advertising Section Dr.Grzybicki PAUL FACENDA PHOTOGRAPHY ROSE TREE CROSSROADS children may face significant dental challenges. Therefore, EYE CARE she offers a full range of treatment options from conventional PAUL FACENDA PHOTOGRAPHY 1315 N. Providence Road dental care, in office sedation, nitrous hospital Dr.oxide, Robertand Guerra Media, PA 19063 dentistry. Care is also offered to special needs children and (610) 566-6484 adults. SANDRA E. GRZYBICKI, D.M.D. 17 Industrial Blvd, Ste. 203, Paoli, PA 19301 (610) 647-6688 Since 50% of all children will have dental decay by the age of 5 it is important that you children have a dental exam by age 1. Dental caries is a preventable disease. Educating families to make health choices is the first line of defense. A PAUL FACENDA PHOTOGRAPHY Dr. Robert Guerra AD PAGE H47.indd 1 After practicing in Swarthmore and Springfield for over 25 years, Dr. Robert W. Guerra has settled his practice in Upper Providence, Media. This beautiful new facility houses a state of the art optical boutique with a large selection of eyewear. We feature a variety of fashion designers as well as simple functional styles to suit every taste and budget. Dr. Guerra utilizes the most advanced computerized optical equipment in the industry allowing his patients to receive the most comprehensive eye exam possible. His patience and expertise in working with difficult to fit contact lens patients has earned him an excellent reputation. Our goal is to transform your eye exam and frame selection into a pleasant and stress free experience. The doctor and his friendly staff cordially invite you to visit our office and to entrust your family’s eye care 1315 N. Providence Road to us. Media, PA 19063 (610) 566-6484 ROSE TREE CROSSROADS EYE CARE 3/9/12 11:39 AM A H Special Advertising Section Professional Profiles 2012 Are you unhappy, stressed or depressed at home? At Work? At School? Do you find yourself yet again in another relationship doomed for failure? Is Intimacy or trust lacking in your relationship? I am an experienced and compassionate therapist who helps individuals, couples and families achieve favorable outcomes in different areas of their lives. I am available to clients Hearing Technology Associates, LLC, voted “Best Place to Buy outside of the office for questions, a Hearing Aid” on the Main Line, is a dynamic and progressive support and help. I am also hearing health care provider. Dr. Gail B. Brenner, Dr. Trent Westrick available for office or home visits. I and the experienced and professional staff provide the highest work successfully with clients who quality customer service, specializing in diagnostic hearing testing feel they are not reaching their and customized management of communication difficulties, using full potential, but have become state-of-the-art hearing aid technology. They are a Premier Provider motivated to do so. of Lyric®, the world’s first and only 100% invisible extended wear I ask constructive questions, hearing device. provide non-judgmental Dr. supportive Brenner, Founder and President of HTA, is proud to serve the feedback and insight, andLine helpcommunity for over 30 years. She has Philadelphia and Main you addrecognized meaning and to been forvitality her outstanding work in audiology, as well as a your life. I believe in your personal Tinnitus Treatment Specialist. happiness, to out a why… Call uswhich todayleads to find better life and relationship. Myso good! The future never sounded Matthew W. Gelber MS MFT HEARING TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATES, LLC BEV MICHEL PHOTOGRAPHY Trent Westrick, Au.D. and Gail B. Brenner, Au.D. 143 Bala Avenue, Bala Cynwyd (610) 747-1100 1015 Chestnut Street, Ste. 300, Philadelphia (215) personalized care413-0800 will give you new strength awareness that you Doctorsand of Audiology haven’t felt in a while. COUNSELING AND THERAPY MATTHEW W. GELBER MS MFT 20 Mystic Lane Malvern, PA 19355 (610_ 310-5898 My background includes, Univ. of New York at Stony Brook, Chestnut Hill College, Eagleville Hospital, Main Line Today’s “Top Doc”, published articles and weekly “Your Life” column in Main Line Newspapers. To schedule an appointment, please contact me either by email or phone. We can work together to achieve a common goal-to make your life better.” Just recently named “Readers Choice award- “Top Psychotherapist” 2011 Main Line Today Magazine. H Hearing Technology Associates, LLC, voted “Best Place to Buy a Hearing Aid” on the Main Line, is a dynamic and progressive hearing health care provider. Dr. Gail B. Brenner, Dr. Trent Westrick and the experienced and professional staff provide the highest quality customer service, specializing in diagnostic hearing testing and customized management of communication difficulties, using state-of-the-art hearing aid technology. They are a Premier Provider of Lyric®, the world’s first and only 100% invisible extended wear hearing device. Dr. Brenner, Founder and President of HTA, is proud to serve the Philadelphia and Main Line community for over 30 years. She has been recognized for her outstanding work in audiology, as well as a BEV MICHEL PHOTOGRAPHY Trent Westrick, Au.D. and Gail B. Brenner, Au.D. Doctors of Audiology AD PAGE H48.indd 1 HEARING TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATES, LLC Tinnitus Treatment Specialist. Call us today to find out why…The future never sounded so good! 143 Bala Avenue, Bala Cynwyd (610) 747-1100 1015 Chestnut Street, Ste. 300, Philadelphia (215) 413-0800 3/9/12 11:42 AM July 19 AT PRESENTED BY MUSIC by jellyroll SPONSORS AS OF 2.3.12 BRYN MAWR DERMATOLOGY PromoBOML_pH49.indd 1 3/9/12 11:34 AM Know Where to Go The health systems of Philadelphia and its western suburbs NAME CONTACT ALBERT EINSTEIN HEALTHCARE NETWORK Einstein Medical Center Philadelphia 5501 Old York Road, Philadelphia (215) 456-7890 With 772 licensed beds, Einstein is one of the largest independent medical centers in the Philadelphia region, offering a full range of advanced healthcare services, with more than 900 doctors and dentists on staff. Belmont Behavioral Health 4200 Monument Road, Philadelphia (800) 220-HELP Belmont has been treating patients for almost 75 years. As the region’s largest, most comprehensive behavioral health system, it offers an integrated network of behavioral health services for children, adolescents, adults and seniors, plus teaching programs for psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, nurses, pharmacists, occupational therapists and more. Einstein at Elkins Park 60 Township Line Road, Elkins Park (215) 663-6000 Located on a 30-acre campus in Montgomery County, this 66-bed, general acute-care hospital is committed to providing the community with prompt, personalized, high-quality healthcare in a friendly, comfortable environment. Einstein Center One 9880 Bustleton Ave., Philadelphia (215) 827-1600 Offers easy access to primary-care and specialty doctors. Moss Rehab 1200 W. Tabor Road, Philadelphia, (215) 456-9900; 60 Township Line Road, Elkins Park, (215) 663-6000; BRANDYWINE HOSPITAL 201 Reeceville Road, Coatesville (610) 383-8000 Brandywine Rehabilitation 3955 E. Lincoln Highway, Downingtown, (610) 873-0404 THE CHESTER COUNTY HOSPITAL AND HEALTH SYSTEM 701 E. Marshall St., West Chester (610) 431-5000 The Chester County Hospital has grown from a 10-bed dispensary established in 1982 to a full network of healthcare services, including a 220-bed acute-care hospital, homecare, outpatient radiology and laboratory services, and more. CHESTNUT HILL HOSPITAL 8835 Germantown Ave., Philadelphia (215) 248-8200 Chestnut Hill Health System has 164 licensed beds and serves northwest Philadelphia and eastern Montgomery County. Top-of-the-Hill Physical and Occupational Therapy 35 Bethlehem Pike, Philadelphia, (215) 242-7571 THE CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL OF PHILADELPHIA NETWORK The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia 34th Street and Civic Center Boulevard, Philadelphia, (215) 590-1000 This 516-bed, nonprofit facility provides comprehensive pediatric care to children before birth through age 19. It has one of the largest research budgets among America’s pediatric hospitals. The CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Specialty Care Center in Exton 481 John Young Way, Oaklands Corporate Center, Exton, (610) 594-9008 Offers a wide range of pediatric outpatient specialty medical and surgical services and testing to families in Chester County and beyond. CHOP doctors and nurses provide all care. H50 h&w hospital chart spr12.indd 1 l SUMMARY Brandywine Hospital has been taking care of families for more than 100 years. With excellent physicians and advanced medical technology, the staff provides exceptional care for patients at its 243-bed licensed facility. healthcare guide/spring 2012 3/16/12 12:19:17 PM ers om are consistently ranked among the best in the country. A chart of their facilities and services is provided here. SPECIALTIES SERVICES WHAT’S NEW Cardiology, women’s health, bariatrics, behavioral health, geriatric services, kidney and liver disease/transplantation, neurosurgery, orthopedics, oncology. Level I regional resource trauma center, Level III neonatal intensive care unit, the Victor Center for the Prevention of Jewish Genetic Diseases. New hospital in East Norriton scheduled to open in September 2012; Einstein Medical Center Montgomery. Eating and mood disorders, addictions, child and adolescent services, geriatric services, severe and persistent mental illness, borderline personality disorder. Emergency care, crisis intervention, triage and evaluation, outpatient/intensive outpatient, partial hospital, inpatient, electroconvulsive therapy. Senior recovery track program, interactive computer program for patients with eating disorders, motivational speakers program. Cardiac care, bariatrics, orthopedic and gastrointestinal services, diagnostic imaging, general nuclear medicine services. Full range of general medicine services, outpatient imaging services, laboratory services, 24-hour emergency department, inpatient /outpatient surgical care. Computerized preregistration program in the emergency department. Radiology, gastroenterology, gynecology, orthopedics, ophthalmology, urology, otolaryngology, physical therapy, psychiatry. Rehabilitation services. Outpatient primary care, surgery, radiology and cancer center. Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-9 p.m.; Saturday, Sunday and holidays 11:30 a.m.-8:30 p.m. Cardiology (affiliate of Penn Cardiac Care), neurosurgery, inpatient adult behavioral healthcare, orthopedic surgery, eating disorders. Cardiology, “Fast Track” emergency department, robotic surgery, cancer center affiliated with Jefferson Kimmel Cancer Network, imaging services, inpatient/outpatient surgery. Twenty-bed inpatient Eating Disorders Unit (the first in Chester County), all private rooms, wound care center, 16-bed older adult unit focused on behavioral health, bariatric surgery. Monday and Thursday 8 a.m.-7 p.m.; Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Allergy and immunology, anesthesia, cardiac surgery, cardiology, dermatology, emergency medicine, endocrinology, family practice, gastroenterology, general surgery, gynecologic oncology, infectious disease, internal medicine, ophthalmology, orthopedics, and more. Cancer program, cardiovascular center, orthopedic center, women’s health services, radiology and laboratory services, center for physical rehabilitation and sports medicine, center for cardiac rehabilitation, occupational health center, wound care and hyperbaric medicine center. The Chester County Hospital and Health System has received six Gold Seals of Approval from the Joint Commission in the areas of stroke, heart attack, heart failure, hip replacement, knee replacement and wound care. Primary care, surgery (laparoscopic, robot-assisted), women’s health (imaging, breast health program, gynecology), endocrinology, orthopedics. Minimally invasive and robotic-assisted surgery, digital mammography, metabolic and weight-loss program, continence and pelvic health program, gynecological surgery (oncology, urology, reproductive and general). In-house MRI, da Vinci Si Robotic Surgical System. Newborn/infant intensive care unit, fetal diagnosis and treatment, transplant center, cardiac center and cancer center, airway reconstruction, hyperinsulinism, thoracic insufficiency, orthopedics, sports medicine. Center for inpatient care, emergency care, Level I trauma center, cancer center, cardiac center. Special delivery unit, Colket Translation Research Building, outpatient clinical services, homecare, proton therapy, expanded suburban care in 50 locations in the Philadelphia region. The Exton center provides outpatient surgical services in 20 specialty areas, including endoscopy, ophthalmology, otolaryngology, urology and plastic surgery. The center also offers X-rays, echocardiograms and laboratory services. Audiology, cardiology, dermatology, developmental pediatrics, endocrinology/diabetes, gastroenterology, general surgery, nephrology, neurology, nutrition, occupational therapy, ophthalmology, orthopedics, otolaryngology, physical therapy, psychology, plastic surgery, speech therapy, sports medicine, urology. Allergy services. Monday-Thursday 7 a.m.-7 p.m.; Friday 7 a.m.-4:30 p.m. h&w hospital chart spr12.indd 2 l healthcare guide/spring 2012 H51 3/16/12 12:19:22 PM NAME CONTACT SUMMARY The CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Specialty Care Center in King of Prussia 210 Mall Blvd., King of Prussia (610) 337-3232 Offering a wide range of pediatric outpatient specialty medical and surgical services and ancillary testing to families in Montgomery County and the Main Line area. Members of CHOP staff provide all care. The CHOP Pediatric & Adolescent Specialty Care Center in Springfield 100 W. Sproul Road, Pavilion II, Suite 221, Springfield (610) 328-1600 Providing pediatric outpatient specialty medical services and ancillary testing to children and families in Delaware County. Members of CHOP staff provide all care. CROZER-KEYSTONE HEALTH SYSTEM Community Hospital 2600 W. Ninth St., Chester (610) 494-0700 This nonprofit hospital coordinates a full range of outpatient behavioral and community health services, plus primary care. Crozer Medical Plaza at Brinton Lake 300 Evergreen Drive, Glen Mills, (610) 579-3400 This three-story ambulatory-care facility offers more than 20 medical specialties and an array of diagnostic, surgical and physician services. Crozer-Chester Medical Center 1 Medical Center Blvd., Upland (610) 447-2000 This 343-bed, nonprofit facility admits more than 22,000 patients per year, treating about 53,000 emergency department patients and delivering some 2,000 babies. It was established in 1963, when Chester and Crozer hospitals merged. A teaching hospital, it’s home to allied health schools in radiologic technology, diagnostic ultrasound, neurophysiology, respiratory therapy, emergency medical services and nurse anesthesia. Delaware County Memorial Hospital 501 N. Lansdowne Ave., Drexel Hill (610) 284-8100 Founded in 1927, this 225-bed, nonprofit community hospital offers a broad range of acute and specialized services. DCMH admits 16,000 patients, treats 38,000 emergency department patients, and delivers approximately 1,600 babies each year. DCMH Outpatient Center for Therapy and Sports Medicine 1500 Garrett Road, Upper Darby, (610) 284-8460 Springfield Hospital 190 W. Sproul Road, Springfield (610) 328-8700 This 24-bed, nonprofit community hospital provides comprehensive acute-care services and wellness care, plus preventive care. It admits more than 1,700 patients and receives 11,000-plus emergency department visits per year. Taylor Hospital 175 E. Chester Pike, Ridley Park (610) 595-6000 This 135-bed, nonprofit community hospital offers a range of acute and specialized services. It admits more than 7,600 patients and receives 28,000-plus emergency department visits every year. Taylor Made Outpatient Center for Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine Route 420 and Second Avenue, Folsom, (610) 237-9993 FOX CHASE CANCER CENTER 333 Cottman Ave., Philadelphia (215) 728-6900, Founded in 1904 as one of the nation’s first cancer hospitals, Fox Chase was among the first institutions to become and NCI-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center in 1974. FRIENDS HOSPITAL 4641 Roosevelt Blvd., Philadelphia, (800) 889-0548 Founded by Quakers in 1813, this facility is the nation’s first private psychiatric hospital. It provides inpatient behavioral health services, offering 192 beds and individualized programs for adolescents, adults and seniors. HAHNEMANN UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL 230 N. Broad St., Philadelphia (215) 762-7000 This 540-bed academic medical center and tertiary-care institution is affiliated with the Drexel University College of Medicine and St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children. H52 h&w hospital chart spr12.indd 3 l healthcare guide/spring 2012 3/16/12 12:19:48 PM ong n 1974. SPECIALTIES SERVICES WHAT’S NEW Cancer center, cardiac center, day medicine for outpatient oncology patients, pediatric imaging center, sports medicine and performance center. Adoption health, allergy, audiology, cardiology, developmental pediatrics, dermatology, diagnostic referral center, endocrinology/diabetes, feeding/swallowing, gastroenterology, hematology, nephrology, neurology, neurofibromatosis, nutrition, occupational therapy, oncology, ophthalmology, orthopedics, otolaryngology, pediatric rehabilitation, physical therapy, plastic surgery, psychiatry, pulmonary medicine, speech therapy, urology, general surgery. Pediatric imaging center (Pennsylvania’s largest freestanding pediatric radiology facility), sleep lab, concussion diagnosis and treatment. Center for the Management of ADHD, cardiac center and allergy care. The Springfield center also offers X-rays, breath tests, echocardiograms and various laboratory services. Allergy, cardiology, developmental pediatrics, endocrinology/diabetes, gastroenterology, nephrology, neurology, occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech therapy. Behavioral health services for adults and children, mental health, substance abuse. ChesPenn Center for Family Health, providing adult and pediatric care and dentistry; Crozer-Keystone Wellness Center; Crozer-Keystone Human Motion Institute. Crozer-Keystone Healthy Start recently received a one-year, $166,000 grant from the Health Resources and Services Administration to create a unique medical-legal partnership with Widener University School of Law to help program participants obtain free legal assistance. Ambulatory surgery center. Medical imaging services. The new Dialysis Access Center at Brinton Lake is dedicated to providing state-of-the-art dialysis-access services in a convenient setting. Women’s health; elder care, including an acute-care elders unit; pediatrics; comprehensive inpatient/outpatient surgeries; orthopedics; radiology; neurology, including the Center for Parkinson’s and Movement Disorders; cardiac care; vascular and endovascular care. Nathan Speare Regional Burn Treatment Center; Level II Crozer Regional Trauma Center; Delaware County’s largest emergency department; shock/ trauma unit; Crozer Regional Cancer Center, affiliated with Fox Chase Cancer Center; cardiac care; maternity services, including a Level III intensive-care nursery and the Center for Maternal Fetal Medicine; comprehensive bariatric surgery program; Reproductive Endocrinology and Fertility Center; Temple-Crozer Kidney Transplant Alliance. Launched Multiple Sclerosis Center for Caring; earned Joint Commission Disease-Specific Certification in hip and knee replacement; accredited by the National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers and the American College of Surgeons for Cancer Care; American Stroke Association “Get With the Guidelines” Silver Plus recipient; Crozer Regional Trauma Center celebrating its 25th anniversary. Joint Commission-certified primary stroke center, Delaware County Regional Cancer Center, sleep disorders center, CyberKnife radiosurgery, orthopedics, inpatient physical medicine and rehabilitation unit, Center for Breast Health, home health and hospice care. Full range of maternity, midwife and gynecologic services; Level II-A neonatal intensive-care unit; inpatient/outpatient surgical and imaging services; DCMH Health Pavilion with primary-care offices; cardiac services; full range of emergency services; 14-bed critical intensive-care unit; Center for Wound Healing and Hyperbaric Medicine. Interventional Radiology and Vascular laboratory, certified by the Joint Commision in Hip and Knee Replacement Surgery; first hospital in the state certified in Breast Cancer Care by the Joint Commission, American Stroke Association “Get With the Guidelines” Gold Plus and Target Honor Roll. Healthplex Sports Medicine Institute, Moore Eye Institute, radiology, critical care. Emergency care, comprehensive inpatient/outpatient surgery, da Vinci Robotic Surgical System, Center for Diabetes, Healthplex Sports Club, Center for Occupational Health, physical medicine and rehabilitation, pain management. Crozer-Keystone Center for Dizziness and Balance; two consecutive VHA Leadership Awards for Clinical Excellence. Joint Commission-certified primary stroke center; Joint Commission-certified in hip and knee replacement surgery; sleep disorders center; full range of orthopedic services; inpatient physical medicine and rehabilitation unit; cardiac catheterization laboratory; cardiovascular laboratory. Inpatient/outpatient surgical services; comprehensive inpatient/ outpatient medical imaging services; full range of emergency services, including “Fast Track” area. Accredited by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine; American Stroke Association “Get With the Guidelines” Silver Plus recipient. Monday-Thursday 7 a.m.-8 p.m.; Friday 7 a.m.-3 p.m. Monday-Thursday 7 a.m.-6 p.m.; Friday 7 a.m.-3 p.m.; Saturday 8-10 a.m. Comprehensive cancer care and research. Minimally invasive surgery, radiation oncology, clinical trials, diagnostic imaging, cancer risk assessment and screening. Buckingham facility for radiation technology, featuring CyberKnife technology; Women’s Cancer Center. The Greystone Program serves those with developmental disabilities and autism, offering residential services, employment and more. Inpatient psychiatric services for adolescents, adults and older adults, including individuals with co-occuring substanceabuse disorders; long-term residential services; family resource center. The Center for Professional Development at Friends Hospital provides evaluation services for healthcare and other professionals. Cardiac services, cancer care, emergency medicine, minimally invasive/robotic surgery, obstetrics/gynecology, orthopedics, trauma and critical-care medicine, transplantation, weight-loss surgery. Heart care, cancer center, Center for Transplant Surgery, University Orthopaedic Institute, Center for Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery. Advanced technologies in the department of radiology, including a wide-bore MRI for claustrophobic and obese patients, digital mammography, digital radiography and a digital portable unit; American Nurses Credentialing Center magnet status. h&w hospital chart spr12.indd 4 l healthcare guide/spring 2012 H53 3/16/12 12:19:54 PM NAME CONTACT SUMMARY MAIN LINE HEALTH SYSTEM Bryn Mawr Hospital 130 S. Bryn Mawr Ave. Bryn Mawr (484) 337-3000 Bryn Mawr Rehab Hospital 414 Paoli Pike, Malvern; (484) 596-5400, Lankenau Hospital 100 Lancaster Ave., Wynnewood (484) 476-2000 This 353-bed, nonprofit teaching hospital is located on the Lankenau Medical Center campus with the Annenberg Center for Medical Education and the Lankenau Institute of Medical Research, which specializes in cardiac and cancer research. Lankenau placed in the nation’s top one percent for quality outcomes. Mirmont Treatment Center 100 Yearsley Mill Road, Lima (610) 744-1400 Mirmont provides treatment for alcoholism, drug dependency and other mental health issues to adults 18 and older. Fully accredited, this nonprofit behavioral healthcare facility is located on 32 acres in rural Delaware County, offering both inpatient and outpatient services. Nemours Children’s Clinic, Newtown Square 3855 West Chester Pike, Suite 280, Newtown Square (610) 557-4800 Located in the Main Line Health Center on Ellis Preserve, Nemours Children’s Clinic Newtown Square features a full range of outpatient specialty care for both new patient evaluations and follow-up care. Paoli Hospital 255 W. Lancaster Ave., Paoli (484) 565-1000 One of only 20 community hospitals to recieve the Thomson Reuters 100 Top Hospitals award, this nonprofit Level II trauma center (the only one in Chester County) provides both inpatient and outpatient medical and surgical services, and its Pavilion includes many enhanced safety and comfort features, plus advanced surgical suites. All patients receive room service. Riddle Memorial Hospital 1068 W. Baltimore Pike, Media (610) 566-9400 An acute-care, nonprofit hospital licensed for 231 beds. This 319-bed, licensed, nonprofit, acute-care teaching hospital was named one of Thomson Reuters’ 100 Top Hospitals and Top 50 Cardiovascular Hospitals in 2011. It’s also a National Benchmarks winner in the teaching hospital category and has Joint Commission certifications for orthopedics. Other noteworthy facilities include a stroke and breast center, and a certified chest pain center. MERCY HEALTH SYSTEM OF SOUTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA Mercy Fitzgerald Hospital 1500 Lansdowne Ave., Darby, (610) 237-4000 For more than 76 years, this 213-bed, acute-care teaching hospital has served Delaware County and Southwest Philadelphia. Mercy Rehab and Wellness Services 2010 West Chester Pike, Suite 438, Havertown; (610) 853-7744, Mercy Home Health 1001 Baltimore Pike, Springfield (888) 690-2551 For more than 100 years, MHH has provided comprehensive, quality healthcare to patients in the privacy and comfort of their homes. The compassionate staff touches the lives of more than 30,000 people in the five-county Philadelphia area. The primary goal of MHH is to restore patients to optimal health and help them achieve the highest level of independence at home. Mercy Philadelphia Hospital 501 S. 54th St., Philadelphia (215) 748-9000 This 214-bed, acute-care community teaching hospital has served West and Southwest Philadelphia for more than 90 years. Mercy LIFE 1930 S. Broad St., Philadelphia (215) 339-4747 Mercy LIFE is a nationally recognized progam of all-inclusive care for the elderly. It provides seniors with medical and social services that promote independence at home. Mercy LIFE’s team of doctors, nurses, therapists and social workers evaluate the needs of each program member and develop a program of care customized for each individual. Mercy Suburban Hospital 2701 DeKalb Pike, East Norriton (610) 278-2000 This 130-bed teaching hospital serves the communities of central Montgomery County, offering educational programs and community outreach services. H54 h&w hospital chart spr12.indd 5 l healthcare guide/spring 2012 3/16/12 12:20:17 PM of 11. as de inic es, e. eeds vidual. SPECIALTIES SERVICES WHAT’S NEW Orthopedics, inpatient pediatric unit, separate pediatric emergency department unit, breast center. Cardiovascular care; cancer care; comprehensive breast center; bariatric center; maternity unit, including perinatal testing and a Level III neonatal intensive care unit; wound healing center; behavioral health unit; sleep center; Women’s Heart Initiative; comprehensive outpatient services; 24-hour emergency care; research trials through clinical oncology program. Bryn Mawr Hospital TMS Center for depression; a new 141,000-square-foot medical office building currently being built on the hospital campus by five physician practices, with completion slated for fall 2012. Monday-Friday 4-9 p.m.; Saturday noon-9 p.m.; Sunday 10 a.m.-9 p.m. Heart center, cancer center, maternal-fetal medicine and Level III neonatal intensive care unit, CMS-certified kidney transplant program, Joint Commission-certified stroke center. National leader in minimally invasive robotic-assisted heart surgery; ventricularassisted device destination therapy for patients with end-stage heart failure; Women’s Heart Initiative; clinical care center providing medical services regardless of financial ability; clinical research trials through NCI-designated community clinical oncology program; state-of-the-art diagnostic imaging. Thoracic surgical specialists in esophageal and lung surgery; new equipment and expertise in advanced gastrointestinal procedures; simulation lab for medical team training; emergency department renovations to improve processes and patient safety; new mother/baby center and CT scan/MRI suite. The VIPER (Valor with Integrity Program for Emergency Responders) program offers chemical dependency treatment for law enforcement, firefighters, EMTs, combat military and other first responders. Inpatient detoxification, inpatient rehabilitation and dual diagnosis, intensive outpatient and individual therapy, family program and alumni program. Holistic pain management. Cardiology, dermatology, endocrinology, gastroenterology, neurology, orthopedics, otolaryngology, plastic surgery, pulmonary care, sports medicine, sports nutrition, surgery, urology and weight management Free parking; streamlined check-in and check-out process; patient-focused design; state-of-the-art equipment and quick evaluation tools; onsite audiology services, including full hearing evaluations. Nemours recently renewed its partnership with Main Line Health to provide around-the-clock neonatal care at Bryn Mawr Hospital, Lankenau Medical Center and Paoli Hospital, and inpatient pediatric care, surgical coverage and emergency consultations at Bryn Mawr Hospital. Emergency/trauma care, heart care/surgery, cancer center (partnered with Fox Chase Cancer Center), orthopedics, celiac center, urogynecology, interventional radiology and imaging services. Comprehensive outpatient services, Hattersley Family-Centered Maternity Unit, sleep center, wound center with hyperbaric chambers, Women’s Heart Initiative. Paoli recently renovated its outpatient and electrophysiology laboratories, providing patients access to the latest technologies and added convenience. Paoli was named among U.S. News & World Report ’s Best Hospitals for the Philadelphia metro area, and numerous HealthGrades awards. Orthopedics, cancer center, radiology, Jefferson Radiation Oncology Center, 24-hour emergency care. Inpatient/outpatient clinical programs, cardiovascular care, surgical center, physicians’ offices, wellness center. The 80,000-square-foot Health Care Center 4 includes advanced medical and radiation treatment for all cancers, women’s imaging, a nutrition and weight center, the Riddle Rehabilitation Institute, a “Fast Track” emergency department, and the Women’s Heart Initiative. Cancer care, heart and vascular care, emergency care, orthopedics, bariatrics. Mental and occupational health, hearing and balance center, sleep disorders center, surgery, outpatient and primary care, specialty care, radiology, rehabilitation, wound care. Certified as a Primary Stroke Center. Saturday-Monday 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m.; Tuesday-Thursday 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m.; Friday 7:30 a.m.-2 p.m. Medication management, palliative care, chronic illness care, wound care, Telehealth monitoring, VitalStim Therapy. Skilled nursing services, rehabilitation services, care planning and case management, in-home monitoring, pain management, disease management, patient/caregiver education. VitalStim Therapy for patients with swallowing-related complications; Patient View monitoring system for high-risk patients to reduce the risk of rehospitalization. Cancer care, heart and vascular care, emergency care, orthopedics, wound care, hyperbaric medicine. Radiology, outpatient and primary care, specialty care, surgery, mental health, diabetes program, rehabilitation. Certified as a Primary Stroke Center, endoscopic ultrasound. All-inclusive healthcare, including medical, social and support services. Primary care and physician specialist services; nursing care; rehabilitation services; dental, hearing and foot care; mental health services; meal planning and nutrition; spiritual counseling; social day program; caregiver education; transportation. The brand new 20,000-square-foot day center features a full medical clinic with triage area, a physical and occupational therapy gym, a spacious dining room, a full-service kitchen, several activity rooms, a hairdresser, and more. Breast health, cancer care, cardiac care, orthopedics, emergency care, radiology. Center for Joint Replacement; Mercy Cancer Care; emergency department with Supertrack unit; gynecology; pain management program; diagnostic imaging services; emergency cardiac care; physical, occupational and speech therapy; senior behavioral health; stroke/neuroscience care; surgical services. Direct-access endoscopy, Penn Heart Rescue, Center for Would Healing and Hyperbaric Medicine. h&w hospital chart spr12.indd 6 l healthcare guide/spring 2012 H55 3/16/12 12:20:23 PM NAME CONTACT SUMMARY NAZARETH HOSPITAL 2601 Holme Ave., Philadelphia (866) NAZARETH A member of Mercy Health System, this award-winning, nationally recognized community hospital offers diagnostic, medical, surgical and therapeutic care to Northeast Philadelphia. Nazareth Center for Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation 8131 Roosevelt Blvd., Philadelphia; (215) 335-3954, PHOENIXVILLE HOSPITAL 140 Nutt Road, Phoenixville (610) 983-1000 This acute-care facility serves residents of Chester and Montgomery counties, offering 153 licensed beds. ST. CHRISTOPHER’S HOSPITAL FOR CHILDREN Erie Avenue and Front Street, Philadelphia, (215) 427-5000 This 189-bed facility includes an acute-care hospital, two ambulatory care areas, a medical office building, a teaching and education center, and research laboratories. TEMPLE UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL 3401 N. Broad St., Philadelphia (800) TEMPLE-MED A 746-bed teaching hospital offering comprehensive inpatient and outpatient services to the surrounding community, plus highly specialized tertiary services to the entire Philadelphia region. THOMAS JEFFERSON UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL 111 S. 11th St., Philadelphia (215) 955-6000 An academic medical center offering 957 licensed acute-care beds and major programs in a wide range of clinical specialties. TRIUMPH HOSPITAL PHILADELPHIA 1930 S. Broad St., Philadelphia, (215) This 58-bed, acute-care hospital includes a 10-bed licensed intensive-care 339-4100, unit and a 48-bed private medical surgical unit with private bathrooms. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA HEALTH SYSTEM Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania 3400 Spruce St., Philadelphia (215) 662-4000 This flagship hospital of the University of Pennsylvania Health System is worldrenowned for its clinical and research excellence. It provides highly specialized tertiary and quaternary levels of care in more than 200 specialty programs and clinics. Penn Medicine Radnor 250 King of Prussia Road, Radnor (610) 902-2000 This spacious facility offers patients a wide range of services in more than 40 medical specialties, including educational programs for issues like heart disease and cancer prevention, plus classes in stress management, yoga and more. Pennsylvania Hospital 800 Spruce St., Philadelphia (215) 829-3000 Founded as the nation’s first hospital in 1751, this 515-bed, acute-care facility provides a full range of diagnostic and therapeutic medical services while functioning as a major teaching and clinical research institution. Penn Medicine Valley Forge 1001 Chesterbrook Blvd., Berwyn, (610) 576-7500, Penn Medicine Valley Forge is a 90,000-square-foot outpatient medical building in Chester County, with space for more than 50 primary care and specialty care physicians, electronic medical records, and on-site laboratory and radiology services. Penn Presbyterian Medical Center 51 N. 39th St., Philadelphia (215) 662-8000 This 300-plus-bed, acute-care teaching hospital sits on a 16-acre campus that encompasses an array of medical institutes, specialty centers and research programs. Scheie Eye Institute 51 N. 39th St., Philadelphia (215) 662-8000 With more than 45 physicians and scientists, Scheie has the depth and breadth necessary to care for every type of eye problem, to find treatments for the leading causes of vision loss, and to educate future ophthalmologists and vision scientists. It consistently ranks among the top five ophthalmology departments in the country in funding from the National Eye Institute of the National Institutes of Health. WILLS EYE INSTITUTE 840 Walnut St., Philadelphia (877) 289-4557 The first facility in the country dedicated exclusively to the treatment of eye disorders, this nonprofit specialty institution features an ambulatory surgery center, clinics, physicians’ offices, and a state-of-the-art center for ophthalmic education and research. H56 h&w hospital chart spr12.indd 7 l healthcare guide/spring 2012 3/16/12 12:20:40 PM SPECIALTIES SERVICES WHAT’S NEW Primary stroke center; nationally certified stroke and congestive heart failure care; hip and knee replacement; heart and cancer care affiliated with Penn Cardiac Care and Jefferson Kimmel Cancer Center; affiliated with the Rothman Institute for Orthopaedics. Center for Wound Healing and Hyperbaric Medicine, 20-bed acute rehabilitation unit, 28-bed transitional care unit, orthopedics, inpatient/outpatient rehab services, diagnostic imaging, minimally invasive surgery, vascular care, lab services. Best-in-class MRI; digital mammography; GYN services through Mercy Women’s Health Care; national certification and American Heart Association’s “Get With the Guidelines” award for congestive heart failure; minimally invasive surgery; bariatric program. Monday-Thursday 8 a.m.-8 p.m.; Friday 8 a.m.-5 p.m.; Saturday 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Women’s services, including a Level II neonatal intensive-care unit affiliated with the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia; comprehensive cardiovascular medicine and surgical services, including a cardiothoracic surgery program affiliated with the University of Pennsylvania Health System; cancer center affiliated with the University of Pennsylvania Health System; orthopedics; internal medicine. Advanced robotic surgery, including urologic, cardiac, thoracic, gynecology and gynecology-oncology; neurosurgery; pain management. Cardiology, critical care, ENT, emergency medicine, hematology, neonatal services, orthopedics, plastic surgery, radiology, surgery. Trauma center, transplants, sleep center, burn center, advanced blood conservation program, Ronald McDonald Care mobile dental clinic, regional fetal evaluation center. Abdominal transplants, bariatric surgery, bone marrow transplants, cancer care, digestive disease, heart care, lung care, neurosciences, orthopedics. Burn center, emergency medicine, Level I trauma center, infant intensive care nursery, pediatrics, surgery, physical medicine and rehabilitation, psychiatry and behavioral science, radiology, urology. Kimmel Cancer Center at Jefferson, Rothman Institute at Jefferson for orthopedics, Jefferson Heart and Vascular Center, Jefferson Hospital for Neuroscience, gastroenterology/transplant surgery. Myrna Brind Center of Integrative Medicine, minimally invasive surgery, weight-loss surgery, atrial fibrillation treatment, Jefferson Headache Center. Pulmonary, wound care and rehabilitation services. Long-term acute care for pulmonary, renal, neurologic and infectious diseases; full range of therapy services for stroke patients. Cardiac care, cancer care, neurosurgery, transplants. Allergy and immunology, diabetes, emergency medicine, home infusion therapy, internal medicine, occupational medicine, pediatrics, sleep medicine, travel medicine, women’s health, radiology, fertility care. Cardiology, ophthalmology, women’s health, executive health, travel medicine. Behavioral health sciences, dermatology, geriatric health, health education programs, internal medicine, otorhinolaryngology, physical therapy, renal medicine, sleep medicine, stress and weight management classes, radiology. Orthopedics, women’s cardiovascular center, neurology and neurosurgery, obstetrics, high-risk maternal and fetal medicine services, urology, spine care, gamma knife radiosurgery, behavioral health. Bariatric surgery, integrated breast center, cardiology and cardiac surgery, Ranked among the nation’s best for orthopedic care, emergency medicine, infectious diseases, minimally invasive surgery, Parkinneurology and neurosurgery in U.S. News & World Report. son’s Disease and Movement Disorders Center, robotic surgery, primary care, radiology, crisis response center, Joan Karnell Cancer Center, otorhinolaryngology. A focus on primary care for internal medicine, family practice, OB/GYN, pediatrics and geriatrics. A personalized preventive care plan maximizes patients’ health. Allergy and immunology, bariatric surgery, cardiology, endocrinology, neurosurgery, orthopedics, pulmonary medicine, radiology, rheumatology, sleep medicine, sports medicine. The innovative Personalized Preventive Care Program provides diagnostic care and screenings, physician counseling and comprehensive care. Cancer care, cardiac care, gastroenterology, minimally invasive surgery, orthopedics. Behavioral health, emergency medicine, family medicine, homecare and hospice, physical therapy, radiology, sleep disorders, skilled care services, Scheie Eye Institute, wound care. PPMC received the 2010 Delaware Valley Healthcare Council Patient Safety Award for interventions to prevent surgical site infections following joint replacement surgery; the Penn Heart Rescue program has expanded to provide emergency cardiac care to patients from six regional hospitals. Scheie is a world leader in research on retinal degenerations, especially age-related macular degeneration. General eye care and eye exams, refractive surgery (LASIK), eye movement disorders, cataracts, glaucoma, low vision, dry eyes, oculo-facial and orbital surgery, retina disorders, neuro-ophthalmology. Scheie researchers have discovered groundbreaking gene therapy to treat congenital blindness; Dry Eye Center. Cataract and primary eye care, contact lens service, glaucoma, neuro-ophthalmology, oculoplastics, oncology, pathology, pediatric ophthalmology, cornea/retina services. Refractive surgery unit, Foerderer Center for the Study of Eye Movement Disorders in Children, Center for Sports Vision, low vision service, 24-hour emergency service. Diagnostic center; online knowledge portal; growth and innovation under Dr. Alex V. Levin, new director of pediatric ophthalmology; ocular genetics service. nics. ces. . Patient Tower, which includes an expanded emergency room and new ICU with 24 private rooms each; bedside ER registration to reduce waiting times; bariatric surgery and weight management program; new affiliation with Philadelphia Hand Center at the Limerick campus; parking garage with more than 500 additional spaces. Multidisciplinary adult oncology center for seniors with cancer; live donor liver transplantation program; open, high-field extremity MRI; Jefferson Myrna Brind Center of Integrative Medicine Fitness Center; Jefferson mobile website for smart phones; Jefferson Group Acupuncture; Jefferson Celiac Center. Ranked one of the country’s top 10 hospitals by U.S. News & World Report for the third consecutive year. h. s, arch. h&w hospital chart spr12.indd 8 l healthcare guide/spring 2012 H57 3/16/12 12:20:45 PM health watch The Big List Main Line Today’s vaccination and screening timeline. CHILDREN Men 4 months (first-dose vaccinations) • Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis (Tdap) • Polio (IPV) • Haemophilus influenza (Hib) • Hepatitis B (Hep B) • Pneumococcal (PCV) • Rotavirus (Rota) 4 months (second-dose vaccinations) • Tdap • IPV • Hib • PCV • Hep B • Rota 6 months (third-dose vaccinations) • Tdap • IPV • Hib • PCV • Hep B • Rota 6-18 months (third-dose vaccinations) • IPV 18-39 • Monthly self-exam of testicles, skin, mouth and breasts to check for abnormalities that may indicate cancer • Annual blood pressure check • Annual rectal exam to check for hemorrhoids, colon cancer and prostate cancer • Complete physical examination every three years • Blood test and urinalysis every three years to check for various conditions, such as cholesterol, diabetes, kidney dysfunction or thyroid dysfunction • TB skin test every five years • Tetanus booster every 10 years 40-49 • Monthly self-exam of testicles, skin, mouth and breasts • Annual blood pressure check • Annual rectal exam • Complete physical exam every two years • Blood test and urinalysis every two years • Electrocardiogram (EKG) every four years to screen for heart abnormalities • TB skin test every five years • Tetanus booster every 10 years 12-15 months • Measles-mumps-rubella (MMR-first dose) • Hib (fourth dose) • PCV (fourth dose) • Varicella zoster virus 50 and older 15 months (fourth-dose vaccinations) • Tdap 4-6 years • Tdap (fifth dose) • IPV (fourth dose) • MMR (second dose) • Varicella 11 years and older • Tdap (sixth dose) • Human Papillomavirus (HPV 3 doses) • Meningococcal (MCV4) H58 h&w biglist spring12.indd 1 l • Monthly self-exam of testicles, skin, mouth and breasts • Annual physical exam • Annual blood pressure check • Annual rectal exam • Annual fecal occult blood test for signs of colon cancer or polyps • Annual prostate specific antigen (PSA) blood test to check for enlargement or signs of cancer • Blood test and urinalysis every two years • EKG every three years • TB skin test every five years • Tetanus booster every 10 years • Influenza • Pneumococcal (polysaccharide) woMen 18-39 • Monthly self-exam of breasts, skin and mouth to check for abnormalities that may indicate cancer • Annual blood pressure check • Annual rectal exam to screen for hemorrhoids, colon cancer and lower rectal problems • Pap test pelvic exam every one to three years • Complete physical exam every three years • Blood test and urinalysis every three years to screen for various conditions such as cholesterol, diabetes, kidney dysfunction or thyroid dysfunction • TB skin test every five years • Tetanus booster every 10 years • Human Papillomavirus (HPV) 40-49 • Monthly self-exam of breasts, skin and mouth • Annual blood pressure check • Annual rectal exam • Mammogram every one to two years to screen for breast cancer • Complete physical exam every two years • Blood test and urinalysis every two years • EKG every four years to screen for heart abnormalities • TB skin test every five years • Thyroid test every five years • Tetanus booster every 10 years • Human Papillomavirus (HPV) 50 and older • Monthly self-exam of breasts, skin and mouth • Annual blood pressure check • Annual rectal exam • Annual fecal occult blood test to screen for signs of colon cancer or polyps • Annual physical exam • Annual blood test and urinalysis • Mammogram every one to two years • EKG every three years • TB skin test every five years • Thyroid test every five years • Tetanus booster every 10 years • Influenza • Pneumococcal (polysaccharide) healthcare guide/spring 2012 3/16/12 12:21:23 PM RVG 9496_Woodshop_Ad_8.187x10.875_Layout 1 1/24/12 9:57 AM Page 1 After building a fleet of airplanes, it’s nice to have a place to touch down. Donn Pyle always wanted to be a pilot, but never found the time to take flying lessons. So after he retired, he took up model airplane building. As a Riddle Village resident, Donn has all the time and space he needs to build any aircraft he can imagine. Our woodshop offers residents a place to continue their hobbies — or to start new ones. Riddle Village provides a variety of stimulating activities and dedicated areas for hobbyists. Add to that our spacious floor plans, convenient location and excellent health care services on site, and you’ll understand why for Donn Pyle, Riddle things mean a lot. Take a FREE Riddle Village Test Drive! Our community was developed to meet the retirement and health care needs of active, independent adults age 62 and better. Enjoy a FREE MEAL on us. Meet people like Donn, sample our activities and tour our community. No hype, pressure or obligation. Call us to reserve your test drive or visit Ask us about our new flex meal plan. 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For appointments, please call (800) 416-4441. Learn more at 3/6/12 12:07 PM
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